Good night poemssx


2023.07.31 12:24 ButterShadowxx GoodNightWorld


2019.05.19 22:12 SatTyler GoodNightMemes

A subreddit dedicated for posting memes and videos go going to sleep. Goodnight.

2019.08.29 02:43 TheJesterTechno Cryptid Dogs

An appreciation for the weird looking lads in our life. So strange you can't help but find them adorable.

2024.06.02 20:01 Revelrem206 question rule 2

question rule 2
Seeing how the recommendations I got last time were quite good, I'll try this thing again. This time, the question is "What's the last album you listened to that was quite ahead of its time?"
I'll start with Index's 1967 debut album. Here, a group of college kids manage to cover both fuzzy heavy psych rock, noise rock ('Feedback', which actually quite reminds me of 'End On End') and stuff that seems to predict the post punk of 1977-1981 especially 'John Riley' and 'You Keep Me Hangin' On'. Hell, 'Rainy, Starless Nights' really reminds me of 1990s Emo for some reason.
submitted by Revelrem206 to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 blueberriesincar6 Roommate(19F) is obsessed with me(20F). How to deal with this?

I am straight. So this girl became my roommate last year around this time, she was fun and cool and we ended up being really good friends in a short time. She even always went out of her way to help me out in various things, I thought she's just really selfless and kind. I've always been very dense in matters like this plus it was a girl this time.
Fast forward I realized that she really really "liked" me and I made it clear that I'm not interested. At a point she started distancing herself from me and I was okay with it. But she one day told me that she's in love with me and yada yada stuff like that. Late night talk, she fr begged me to date her, to give her a chance. I again tried explaining her and said that I literally don't like you in that way. I can't.
I've been in situations where people I am close to get obsessed, but everytime the other person moves on at one point. But my girl here doesn't. She's just really nice okay, I can't be mean to her and I'm doing my best to be normal but I can see that she's really thinking she can change the way I feel and that's what's bothering me. She keeps doing stuff for me, cleaning up, asking if I'm okay, always being there for me, assuring me, kind things but its bothering me so much now I'm losing it.
I'm a uni student and I'm not at a point where I can move out somewhere else. SO this is what I'm having to deal with.
submitted by blueberriesincar6 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 Jaida-Luz Update: my partner's mother lied and my family took his side.

Hi. I don't know where to start. To be honest I completely forgot about updating until I got a notification few days ago from someone asking if I got away (thank you 🙏🏻).
A few days after my last update my brother and a friend of his went with me to pack my belongings. Thank God they did because we found his mother there too. My ex kept asking to talk with me in private but both my brother and his friend told him to say whatever he wanted with them in the room. He apologized and asked me to give him another chance with his mother telling him to man up and stop begging the whole time. I called my friend to thank her again and let her know that I would be staying with my brother for the time being. I stayed with him for 2 weeks. Honestly I didn't expect his MIL to be that kind. Both she and her daughter (my brother's fiancée) were good to me. I tried to help with the baby which helped me keep my mind off things a little and not feel like I was in the way.
I mentioned in my original post that my ex and I were trying for a baby. I also mentioned in my first update how I felt tired all the time. I thought it was because I was going through a tough time but I didn't know I was pregnant until I miscarried. With everything going on I didn't pay attention to my period. I started having period like cramps the night before. I continued to have cramps the next day which turned into bleeding and it was like having a bad period but the bleeding continued to worsen over the course of the day. I probably wouldn't have even thought I was pregnant if my SIL hadn't told me that I might be miscarrying. I was 6 weeks along.
Other than the miscarriage which I'm still a little shaken by, everything has been good with me. I found myself a place 30 minutes from work. I'm adjusting. The last time he showed up at my work was a week ago or so. Two of my coworkers told him to never show up again since he has no reason to be there and he never did since. I'm NC with my mother and younger brother. She tries to reach me through my older brother but he told me it's better if I stay NC at least for a few months.
When I posted. I was more focused on his mother lying to my family but the real issue was him doing that in front of her. If she didn't visit and lie I probably wouldn't have told my family and never posted here. So I would have never known that’s not how things work and that’s not how my partner should treat me. I sometimes think about my ex. I know I seem weak but I've known him for so long and he was my first everything. But now I don't have to worry about a lot of things. I wake up relaxed and don't have to worry about messing something up. By the way my first therapy session is this Tuesday. That's all, thank you 🙏🏻
submitted by Jaida-Luz to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 Conscious-Grocery-88 Friend somewhat pressuring me to go out

So I got sober in October, and around early December one of my friends and I went to a bar, I thought it’d still be nice to meet people. But the friends of my friend we met up with were so preoccupied with the fact that I wasn’t drinking, it became the topic of the night and not in a good way. They basically pretended to be supportive at first and after a while and a few drinks they told me I was boring and other stupid shit and I was livid so I just left with my friend.
Same friend invited me out for new years and it was with some of her friends I know and are great. So I decided to give it another go. Long story short I’m feeling really weird and out of place and honestly just not having much fun. And then once the clock struck midnight (this bar was so fucking crowded u can barely walk) I got squished so bad and almost had a panic attack. I told my friends I was leaving and they’re welcome to leave with me if they wanted a ride and they came with me. I told them both that I’m sorry but I won’t be going to bars anymore because honestly I just don’t have fun when I go and that experience was not good for me. They were super chill about it and I was thankful.
Fast forward to now I’m still sober and my friend is back for the summer as she’s graduated now. On the first hangout in months, one of the first things she suggested we do was go to bars and clubs. It irritated the fuck out of me. She followed it up with well I know you want to meet people and that’s the only place I can think of really. She was basically using the fact that I have told her before I’ve been wanting to meet new people against me I think to try to convince me to go, cause I knowwww she’s dying to go to clubs and shit. Which honestly pissed me off so bad I wanted to tell her to leave right then and there. I let it go though because I didn’t know if I was being dramatic.
Other problem is I’m a pushover and have trouble with confrontation (she knows this as well) and told her yeah I guess I could give it another go. I’m probably just going to send her a text somewhat soon being like hey I’ve been craving alcohol recently I don’t think it’s a good idea I join you for any of ur adventures. Which honestly isn’t even a lie, with summer coming up it’s definitely been on my mind lol.
I’m wondering if I should cut her off for this? Idk I definitely have my guard up all the way up from stuff that’s happened to me the past few years, and I’m wondering if that would just be overkill. My thought process though is that it’s a red flag and there’s been a few other times I’ve raised my eyebrow with shit she’s done. But overall she’s a pretty good friend but I also don’t want to ignore the red flags and regret it.
Sorry for this long ass rant holy shit lol.
submitted by Conscious-Grocery-88 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 Gheauxst Asked for a promotion, boss told me to stay in my place.

I work as a service technician for a multimillion dollar company in the Industrial Mechanics field. Here there are 4 levels of Tech -

I was recommended as a Tech II upon being hired 2 years ago, but I've worked as a Tech I. I've done major repairs upon heavy industrial machinery while enduring absurd levels of disrespect at this job. My first week the shop foreman told me (to my face) that I'm not wanted here. That I don't know my job. That I don't need to be here. I've had people tell me to get the fuck out of their face & to "do you fucking job" when pointing out problems that affect everyone and not just myself. I've had doors slammed in my face & have heard racist remarks in different languages said about me under the assumption that they couldn't be understood.

Still I pushed forward. I've learned to troubleshoot a variety of issues to the point where people now come to *me* for assistance. I'm also at a point where I'm doing these major repairs by *request* of management, rather than of my own volition. I've learned to weld, to use a blowtorch, and many other things. My training transcript/track sheet is 6 pages long. Outside of turning wrenches, I've saved this company roughly $230,000 by combating a fire until the appropriate authorities showed up. I've administered first aid to an injured worker I found on the ground at this job. I've stayed from 5 in the morning to 8 at night helping reorganize the shop and the machinery in preparation for the complete revamp of the workflow we use. The list goes on, but lets just say I've carried far more than my bit of weight.
Why does this matter? Because whenever I would ask my boss why I'm still at entry level, he would dodge the question or give bullshit reasons as to why I'm still stuck here. Nothing said would be a straight answer. 7 people have been hired after me, all of whom started out further than I did. Good for them I guess, but that just means money isn't the problem. It means I'm being deliberately chosen to remain here.
One day I got sick of asking him, so I asked his boss (who also works with him and will occasionally work with us (physically in the shop)). I had just finished a head gasket job and straight up asked him why I'm being stuck as a Tech I doing an engine teardown. Not only am I the only Tech I doing this kind of job, but I'm the only Tech I in the store at all (+20 people).
His immediate response? "How about you worry about that cat (that I recently adopted) so that I can learn some humility and responsibility".
In other words - "Stay in your place".
Fuck this job.
submitted by Gheauxst to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 Adept_Extreme5547 My Opinion on the Denver Show

I’ve been a fan for a long time, but I’ve never been able to see him tour, and last night was my first Buckethead show. I know people are saying mixed things about this tour because of the singer and I didn’t know what to expect with this new addition. All I can say is the show was fantastic. Bucket head was on fire last night. I have watched a lot of live shows and I haven’t seen him play this good in a while. His tone and presence is incredible. The drummer is really tight and really understands how to play with bucket head. The bassist is incredible. He was slapping and jamming the whole time on a fretless bass keeping in perfect tune. Now the big controversy is around the singer, and here’s what I will say about her. I know it varies show by show, but she was able to keep in tune for the majority of the show. Rhiannon was a pretty stark exception, however. her voice isn’t very powerful and they turned her down in the mix, so you really don’t hear much of her anyways. Regardless, I personally enjoyed hearing some vocals along with Buckethead’s playing. She is really only on stage for like four songs, and it is so easy to ignore her and just enjoy bucket if you are not enjoying her performance. Any original song that she plays on and potentially ruins, is already a weak song in the setlist and you’re not missing out. And it is quite entertaining when she’s messing up 🤷‍♂️. War Pigs was a huge highlight and she did sing the shit out of that one.
TLD In Conclusion:
Buckethead looks and sounds as good as he ever has, everything you expect is still there, his live band (the drummer and bassist) brings a lot of talent, nuance and depth to the performance, and the singer barely detracts from the experience, as she is rarely on stage (and honestly not that bad). If you’re thinking about going, you will have a great time if you do.
submitted by Adept_Extreme5547 to Buckethead [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 iperrealistico Peaceful Vanilla Club [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20} {Crossplay} {Java} {Bedrock}

ℹ️ For Java (PC/MAC/Linux) players → [no port]
ℹ️ For Bedrock (PE/Console) players → [port 19132] or add " Nifty Nemesis " as a friend and connect to the server through the multiplayer friends tab, in case neither method works have a look here
ℹ️ Website →
ℹ️ Web maps →
Enjoy a peaceful vanilla experience, with no grief, no pay to win ranks and no PvP outside arenas. Play like you do on single player, but with friends! With no worries. LGBTQ+ Friendly Minecraft Server. The server is based on Java Edition but you can play with Bedrock Edition too! This means you can play with MCPE (Pocket Editon) on iOS and Android smartphones. Of course, you can (and should) play also with the good old Java Edition.Peaceful Vanilla Club is a semi-vanilla virtual reality (VR) friendly server. We officially support the Vivecraft VR mod for Minecraft Java Edition, but the official Minecraft VR version for Oculus works very well too!
âś… No Fast Travel: Wander and Explore!
Say goodbye to teleportation on this semi-vanilla server. No /tp, /tpa, or /warp to shortcut your journey. Discover new and exciting ways to traverse the map, from subways and iceways to railways. Teleportation is off the table, enhancing the exploration experience and preserving the essence of the game.
âś… A Peaceful Place to Unwind
While the server operates on normal/hard mode, it's designed as a tranquil sanctuary. Chill alone or with friends in this peaceful haven. Enjoy the serenity, unless you venture into predefined hard survival areas for an adventurous twist!
âś… A Nostalgic Journey
Relive the golden age of Minecraft on this nostalgic server. A portion of the map harks back to Beta 1.7.3, with darker nights as a nod to the past. Immerse yourself in the nostalgia, complete with a replica of the iconic pack.png. Experience the essence of Minecraft's earlier days.
âś… No PvP Outside Arenas
This is a stress-free server with PvP restricted to designated arenas. Admins define special areas with keep-inventory, ensuring a camper-free environment. Enjoy the game without worrying about unexpected PvP encounters.
âś… Quality of Life Enhancements
Maintaining the vanilla feel, this server incorporates significant improvements without compromising the original gameplay. Experience the best of both worlds with enhanced features that elevate your gaming experience.
âś… No Map Resets: Timeless Terrains
Since its inception in Summer 2019, the server's map remains untouched. Embrace the commitment to a map that evolves with time, providing a stable and continuous world without the need for resets.
âś… Land Claims: Protect Your Territory
Secure your land with a unique block. Claim your space and create a safe haven for your builds. Obtain your first claim block after 30 minutes of playtime, or purchase more at the spawn. Rent, sell, or buy claims to shape the world to your liking.
âś… Player-Managed Economy: Build Your Empire
Engage in a fully functional player-driven economic system. Establish your shop using villagers, rent and sell areas to fellow players. The server encourages entrepreneurial spirit and creative business endeavors.
âś… Playtime Ranks: Rise Through the Ranks
Your playtime matters on this server. Unlock rewards and permissions as you ascend through playtime ranks. The more you play, the higher you rank, adding a rewarding progression system to your Minecraft experience.
âś… Commands and Utilities: Enhancing Gameplay
Enjoy additional utilities to manage your gameplay, including pet management, random teleportation on first join, unstuck features, the ability to sit down, Death Chests, Decorative Heads and more. These command enhancements add convenience to your Minecraft adventures.
âś… Hard Survival Areas: Seek the Challenge
For those seeking a more extreme adventure, enter the Hard Survival Area — an area of severe difficulty. Test your survival skills in this challenging terrain that offers a heightened level of excitement and risk.
submitted by iperrealistico to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 long_live_PINGU I need to find a good camera for personel control at a company

Basically I need to find a good camera to install at a facility thats able to do a roughly good facial detection at day/night at moderate distance(up to 5 meters),
submitted by long_live_PINGU to computervision [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 Proper-Rich-1651 my MA experience, mostly positive!!

I've read most of the stories on here to prepare myself for my own MA and would like to share mine.
First of all, I'd like to preface by saying that I tend to overreact during any kind of medical procedures/sickness but tried my best to stay grounded during this whole process. I do not regret my decision and actually woke up this morning feeling A LOT better than I expected.
Found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks ago, May 20th (?). MA at 5 weeks 4 days. Pills were from AidAccess (great process, relatively inexpensive).
I took the 1st pill, mifepristone, about 30 hours before the misoprostol pills. Mifepristone did nothing except a tiny bit of bleeding! I went to the gym later in the day, and fell asleep just fine.
30 hours following mifepristone, last night around 9pm, I took 800mg of Ibuprofen & placed 4 misoprostol pills under my tounge and sat in bed for 30 mins. I experienced a slight burning/tingling sensation under my tounge and around my mouth but that is apparently normal. Slight tingling sensation in my fingers and toes for roughly 10 minutes, scared me a little bit but I figured it would stop and it did.
Then, the fun began. While the misoprostol pills were STILL in my mouth, cramping was almost instananious. This was different than I expected because most people didnt experience cramping or bleeding for an hour or so after swallowing the pills. I had some discomfort, moving around in the bed with a heating pad to distract myself. Not to mention, I got the chills pretty bad. Full body shakes, teeth chattering, even with the heating pad. Again, wasn't expecting that so it was a little scary but okay. My boyfriend compressed his body on mine and it helped a lot. this lasted for about 30 minutes and then I calmed down. The cramping was manageable for the most part, but the diarrhea came quickly. I had diarrhea the whole time which was so much fun! :)
Its been about an hour later and the pills are swallowed at this point, the shakes are gone, and the ibuprofen has kicked in. The bleeding starts and there was a lloooootttttt. Clumps came out everytime I went to the bathroom. It got to a point where I was like okay.... how much bleeding is too much, ya know?? I stuck through it, hydrated, ate snacks and scrolled through socials.
There was a moment around 11:30-12am where my body was able to completely relax. I was really hoping I could sleep at this point, but no. The shakes came back, butthole cramps left and right, had nothing more to purge but blood, and was getting kind of breathless at this point. I went from toilet to bed, floor to bed, bed to toilet, back to floor and bed. It was a hot mess. The cramps were so bad and I felt like I couldn't really do anything about it because I didn't want to overload my liver with pain pills. I checked my temp intermittently, no fever, but sweating and chills from the stress and anxiety (im assuming). At one point, I felt okay and extremely exhausted, so my boyfriend massaged my lower back as I went in and out of sleep. I found myself waking up by catching my breaths, which was a little concerning. It was almost as if my breathing was manual, rather than automatic. This passed as well and around 2:30am I finally said "fuck it im going to sleep." He made sure I drank a good amount of celtic salt water before sleeping, and I think that helped a lot. I slept a solid 8 hours without interruption and woke up this morning with a normal amount of blood on the pad and no more poops :)))))
I am pleasently surprised with my experience, I wasn't expecting it, but I do not regret it in the slightest and I don't know what I would've done without the help of my SO. Also, I don't reccommend googling things when you're in this painful state because I think it caused my anxiety and stress to increase. Thanks for reading and allowing me to share my story~~
submitted by Proper-Rich-1651 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 staroceanx Need some July Advice

Our family of 5, including 2 adults and 3 young kids (6, 3, 2) are going to Orlando on July 4th week. We are staying at a resort with very good water / pool exposures for 6 nights. Our original plan was to just have one of those relax and chill vacations with no plans. We started thinking if we should consider going to the them parks and I've been checking on the Orlando weather and seeing 90+ degrees in May, which is probably worse in July.
Our original plan was to rent a car so we can get out of the resort to theme parks and outside restaurants, but renting a large car is not cheap by any mean and resort charges for parking. I'm beginning to think we've been naive about visiting theme parks and maybe renting the car and paying parking is a waste of money. Perhaps we should just give that up, stay at resort all 6 nights, enjoy water activities, chill, relax, and order uber eats so we are not limited to resort food. We will be back in Feb 2025 and will venture the theme parks at that time. Am I making the right choice here ?
submitted by staroceanx to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 No_Fishing1850 How would you feel about a Dr. Pepper energy drink?

I work late nights and typically have a sugar-free Red Bull on my break, and I really like the flavor, but it’s always good to switch things up. So it got me thinking of other flavors I like, and there is simply no soda like a Dr. Pepper. In comparison to the other caramel color sodas, Dr. Pepper has a fairly low caffeine amount so it’s not optimal to just pound out 3 or 4 on my break. Would you try a Dr. Pepper energy drink if they made it?
submitted by No_Fishing1850 to DrPepper [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 Melhk031103 The Galactic Gamble 03

First Previous Next
Arjun Singh: EPO Captain
One of the scientists, Sarah, had initially scolded me relentlessly for not being more cautious when capturing the aliens. She pointed out that we had no way of knowing whether they could breathe our air, drink our water, or eat our food. We were apparently incredibly lucky that they didn’t die within minutes after setting foot aboard my ship. Fortunately, once Sarah began interacting with the aliens directly, she quickly forgot about me and shifted her focus entirely to her work.
It took Sarah and her and her more understanding colleague Jack two days to identify which device on the alien ship translated their language into ours. On the third day, the translator was successfully removed from the ship and brought into the interrogation room, where we hoped to finally get the answers we had been waiting for.
A large assembly of generals and admirals alike had formed to watch the questioning unfold. The individual who had identified themselves as Quorin would be up first.
The bald, big-eared alien sat down uncomfortably in a chair, his long arms resting on the table in front of him.
“Where did you come from?” Jack’s voice resonated through the speakers in the observation room.
Quorin’s voice was translated into a clear, but odd sounding English. “We come from a planet orbiting a star very similar to yours, roughly forty-six lightyears away.”
Sarah followed up. “How are you able to breathe our air, and eat our food, it’s almost as if you evolved on earth, considering how similar you are to us.”
“Well I’m no biologist, but it is common knowledge that all live in the galaxy has evolved in very similar ways. I suppose you couldn’t know that if you’ve never encountered other life before. That being said, the gravity on your ships is far more than we are used to, and your food isn’t very well suited to our needs.”
The next few minutes consisted of more general questions about how they functioned, what they ate and how they evolved before Secretary-General Medford decided to interrupt the scientists.
“Enough of this, Sarah. We need to know why they came to us. Ask him what they want from us.”
Sarah processed the request for a second and asked her next question.
“You said you needed help, that your entire civilisation was at risk. At risk from what?”
Quorin was silent for a moment, seemingly trying to formulate an answer in their head. Everyone waited in anticipation of what he would say next.
“The Saruvian empire has been at war with the Coalition of Species, of which my people are a part, for over a thousands of years. No one knows how the war started. But ever since, system after system has fallen to them, uncountable dead, even more enslaved. We are powerless against them. Every time they attack we don’t stand a chance. Every time we try to counterattack, it goes even worse. They are ferocious, they conquer and pillage system after system, seemingly no regard for life. No matter what we throw against them, sooner or later we always lose.”
Quorin seemed dejected as he told his story. But as he continued, a newfound sense of conviction emerged from his voice.
”But we believe, I believe, that with your help we could turn the tide and save both our planets from the fate many others have suffered before us.”
On my left, general Liu scoffed at the alien’s declaration. “So they expect us to fight their wars for them. Is that it? Can you believe it, they ju—”
“Quiet!” Medford’s voice roared through the room. He leaned over to his microphone to instruct the scientists in the interrogation room. “Ask him why he thinks we could succeed, where they failed.”
Sarah relayed the question obediently, though Quorin didn’t seem too eager to answer this time.
When Sarah repeated her question he finally decided to respond.
“Because…. Because you are like them. Violent…. Uncompromising…. Deadly…. These are all traits you share with the Saruvians. But I believe that, if we welcomed you with open arms, you would use them for good.”
Many that were present in the room seemed less happy at being compared to a brutal empire that was pillaging its way throughout the galaxy. Though I could see his point. My mother had told me many stories about how she lived through the war when she barely out of school. Millions died on the frontlines, including my uncle and her only brother. But what happened afterwards was even more devastating. When the nukes started flying a billion people died within days. But that happened almost a century ago now, surely we had progressed beyond that as a society?
“Bring in the next one.” Medford told the scientists.
The questioning went on for at least another hour. The other aliens were asked similar questions in order to corroborate Quorin’s story. And to no one’s surprise their answers matched each perfectly, though some lacked the story-telling abilities their leader possessed.
When the last of the questioning was done the Secretary-General finally stood up out of his chair, and turned around to address us.
“Men, whatever the truth of it may be concerning the threat of these Saruvians and their empire, one thing seems clear to me. Earth is in immense danger. We will need to bolster our defences, expand our fleet, and most importantly, figure out what exactly is happening in the galaxy at large.”
The generals murmured in agreement.
“I propose we send a small contingent of ships on a diplomatic mission to the homeworld of these aliens. Their job will be to assess their true intentions, and gather any information about them, the Coalition of Species, and their enemy, the Saruvians.”
Medford adjusted his gaze to the Chinese general. “General Liu, I want your engineers to work day and night on converting our ships to use the alien warp drives. Allow them to help your engineers, if they really need our help, I’m sure they will gladly do so.”
“We will not sleep until the work is done, sir!” Liu exaggerated.
“Good.” Medford nodded in approval.
“Now then, if you have anything else to say, say it now. Because I have a planet to address.”
I raised my hand.
“Am I really about to do this?” I thought “Why would I want to get dragged into this mess.”
“Go on captain.” The old man urged me on.
“I would like to volunteer myself, and my crew for this mission, Sir.”
Medford smiled, for what seemed like the first time that day. “Good, I hoped you would.”
With that we all followed the Secretary-General out of the room and went our separate ways. Instead of taking the metro to my room, I decided to walk the five kilometre journey, which would give me ample time think about the ramifications of what I had just done.
As I was pondering my poor life choices I could see the discontent among the million or so people on the M.O.S. was still growing.
It had only taken a few hours after our arrival for the news to spread. And when the station got locked down the people got rightfully upset. It was a necessity though, because it allowed us to avoid any unnecessary unrest down on Earth. Or at least that’s what we hoped.
Having arrived in my room I sat down on the small couch, when the screen mounted on the wall suddenly turned on. Medford was standing in front of a microphone, ready to address the people aboard the M.O.S. live, and roughly ten minutes later all of earth would hear it as well.
“Today, march 28th 2146, marks a historical day for humanity. Six days ago, march 22nd at 20:46 UTC, an unidentified spacecraft was detected near Jupiter. The crew on board was captured and taken to mars. But this wasn’t just any crew. They did not come from Earth. We have identified their native star to be Scorpii eighteen, just over forty-six lightyears away. Yes, you heard me right. We have encountered aliens in our very own solar system. And if they are to be believed, there are many more civilisations out there.”
Medford took a look at the screen on the stand in front of him before continuing his address.
“I understand that many of you will be overjoyed by the discovery of alien life. However, their true intentions remain a mystery to us, and war might be on our doorstep. Until we know for a fact that there is no threat to us out there we will not remain defenceless. Starting today we will expand our fleet and improve our planetary defences. The EPO has guarded humanity for these past sixty-seven years. And, with your trust, we will keep doing so, even in these uncertain and dangerous times.”
“I want to leave you all with this message. If any one of these extraterrestrial civilisations thinks they can threaten us, if they think they can catch us off guard, we will make sure they regret it.
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submitted by Melhk031103 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 Active_Treat_9811 ****PROVEN WRONGFUL DOUBLE STANDARDS IN RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2****

1= You lose honor when comiting crimes in free roam Double standard= you don't lose honor when Dutch tells you to..(So is it wrong or not
Lack of choices Your asked if you want to or not want to do something No matter what is picked ITS THE SAME OUTCOME
Example= chapter 5 Dutch kills an old lady over a gold bar Before he does he ask you what to do
If you choose agree he kills her If you choose disagree...He still kills her...
Why give a choice when clearly that choice doesn't exist.. the only form of actually having a choice is a couple random events or random conversations that have nothing to do with the actual outcome of the storyline Example= can i have a dollar.. Yes or no you can... this is their example of choice..smh.. the fact remains the choice was already there!! do you want to give the dollar or is this bs
anyone else feel free to add to this post my whole main goal is to get Rockstar to fix broken aspects of their game and their double standards that are clearly proven and can be proven further if need be...
thanks in advance y'all have a good day and night
submitted by Active_Treat_9811 to u/Active_Treat_9811 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 BookInteresting6717 Is this guy (23M) who is obsessively texting me (22F) for more than just casual sex? Or is this all just a tactic?

TL;DR Guy starts texting me asking for casual sex, I turn him down, he starts begging obsessively. Is he lying about just wanting casual sex?
Hey, just really need some advice on this because I’m really bad with social cues especially in regards to dating/hookup culture. I find it hard to figure out tactics or practices used by weird people on the internet.
So, a week or so ago, I (22F) get a follow request from some guy (23M) on Instagram. We didn’t have mutuals but I figured, why not? He didn’t look like a scammer or something. Once I accepted his request, he DMs me almost instantly claiming that he saw me on Tinder but couldn’t swipe right because he ran out of likes. He then gave me his Snapchat. Now, I kinda knew this was already kinda weird. I’ve heard of people searching for people on other forms of social media when they don’t match with who they want and it always seems a bit creepy. Granted, my i Instagram is linked to my Tinder so he probably didn’t have to look too far but it was definitely ballsy.
Admittedly, I should have just ignored him (like my flatmate advised) but honestly, he wasn’t a bad looking guy and I was kinda flattered that he was that interested (I have big issues with insecurity). I added him on Snapchat and he immediately asks what I’m looking for. I tell him what I tell everyone on dating apps: I just want to see where things go. Not necessarily searching for a serious relationship but don’t want to rush into having casual sex. He tells me that he’s looking for casual sex and wants to get straight into it. He claims that my body is what he’s most sexually attracted to (I’m plus-sized) and that he’s really good in bed.
I tell him that we’re probably not compatible because I like to take things slow. He starts telling me that he can go slow for me. He just keeps emphasising how sexually attracted he is to my body. I tell him that there’s PLENTY of girls with my body type that live in our city and would be down for having casual sex. He legit says, “I don’t want them. I want you.” I was almost swayed by his persistence until he begged to come to my flat that night. I shut that down and told him no. Like he was okay with going to slow but wanted to have sex that same night??? He said okay and unadded me.
The next morning, he added me back, saying “I’m not giving up, I can go as slow as you want”. At this point, I’m incredulous. This is a lot for someone simply wanting casual sex, no? Like what’s so special about me? I tell him no AGAIN and he unadds me one more time. I blocked his Instagram but not his Snapchat since he already unadded me.
Two days ago, he adds me one last time, begging me to give him a chance. He even offers to take me on a date. I had to let him down easy again, even apologising (even though I know I shouldn’t) because I didn’t want this stranger to get mad at me. He sends a “Okay :( “ and I assumed he had unadded me yet again. My question is…why did he do any of that if he just wanted unattached sex? As soon as I said no, why didn’t he just move on to another plus sized girl?? I know I definitely entertained it too much and should have just given him a block. That’s on me but isn’t it all this really weird? To me, casual sex is just about the sex and physical attraction. If you find someone sexually attractive but they’re not interested, you move on, right? You don’t continuously beg and try to ask them out on a date.
What do you guys think?
submitted by BookInteresting6717 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 learningman33 Visiting Phoenix/Scottsdale first time looking for tips

First, I apologize if this is the wrong sub as I have been searching but couldn't find travel one.
We are 3 - mid-late 30's males - single visiting from Canada - looking for a combination of relaxation, good food and maybe 1 night of partying.
Is it too hot to visit first week of July?
Looking a few tips to ask for our trip
-any types of food that are must try while visiting
-will it be too hot to do anything during the day?
-any other must see/visit things to do
-planning on doing 1 pool party and 1 night out of drinking - best spots for this?
submitted by learningman33 to phoenix [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 OneAtPeace A poem for the ladies and girls out there.

Be the very best you can be. Be the best, better than the rest, never give it a rest until you're under arrest.
Feel blest. Give that lady the nice nest. Tell Her she's all set. Give that lass a hug when She's upset. Don't be a gamble, make sure you're the right bet. Then you'll be like Jesus, with a Mary and a nice pet. ;)
Hold her close. Take Her to the sea on a boat. Always lift Her out of a moat. Then she'll shine because you're Her GOAT. Keep your hands off Her throat. In the winter give Her a coat. Don't boast or gloat; sometimes you'll move out and have to drag along, together, the totes.
Be very nice. Help Her get rid of lice. Do all the things that are Right. You'll enjoy a lot of soup and cream in the night. Never fight; make that Lass your utter delight. Pray unto God and Buddha when things aren't alright.
Live in Love. Become in the stinking sea two lovely doves. Never push or hit or shove. That's how you'll find love.
Dear girls and ladies, Spiritual understanding is key to personal growth. These resources helped Me immensely in My youth. Study Mother Ann Lee. to thee in the Realm of Infinity, My Good Brother.
Holy Grail. Holy Girls. They make the world when they spin and twirl. I like ice cream, cinnamon swirl.
May you find True Love, and may you not find boys and men. Namaste and Om Mani Padme Hum!
submitted by OneAtPeace to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 RidiculousHat Checking in on Twist

Hi all - Hat here. Making this post to give you all a quick update on a few concerns around Twist. I'm posting from mobile, so forgive both the brevity of this message and the capital letters.
  1. Cheaters. We have both identified the root issue of how cheaters can use an unauthorized modified client to submit illegal decks as well as which accounts have been exploiting. Our first wave of bans for cheaters just went out and we're going to do multiple bans today and every day this week. In addition, we're working on a server side hotfix that we're going to implement as soon as we can - a bunch of us worked on it late last night and early this morning, so hopefully it should be ready to go soon. Please monitor for further updates.
  2. Balance. Arfus is a good boy but wins too much. Like we said in the twist article, we're going to do weekly changes for starting health totals and we're also going to do regular changes with our normally scheduled balance patches. The intention is to do rapid adjustments to mitigate balance outliers and more thorough changes when we can to make sure the format stays fresh and dynamic. Since the twist decks are pre constructed, we have a wide variety of balance options available to us when we get to those scheduled balance patches down the line, including, possibly passives, decklists, and hero powers. We're currently targeting early this week for the first round of health changes, but we don't have confirmation on an exact date. Also, to clarify, because I've been asked a few times: we'll continue to generally offer dust refunds when cards are changed. We don't intended to expand dust refunds to cover changes to hero health, passives, hero powers, or decklists for the Whizbang's Heroes Twist season.
  3. Bugs. We've got a few bugs identified and I can confirm that Arfus is supposed to see both Paladin and Shaman treasures along with the other excavates he currently sees. Known issues will be the best place to monitor for both checking bugs and updates on their resolution.
Thanks for bearing with us here. We appreciate your patience and I'm sorry for some of the rough edges - I hope that you have still been able to enjoy the mode as it is now, but we're going to keep working to make it better as quickly as we can.
submitted by RidiculousHat to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 BlackHoleEngineer Thoughts results suggest

Hi there I on track. I did some keto for a month and switched to carnivore last two weeks. Can you share your thoughts on what I’ve experience for the moment and tell me if you have same or not? My menu is beef, liver, sometimes chicken hearts , lamb, horse meat (we eat a lot of that here, sorry), some fish, some chicken, a lot of eggs / quail eggs, some “sour cream” (I used translation for that), “cottage cheese” (also translation) Normally I cook on butter , sometimes on ghee
1/ I ate less overall. 2/ I’m not sure about sour cream and cottage cheese, it’s very good and natural, but I see sometimes some carbohydrates there. Is it ok? 3/ I’ve seen many times here about pooping and digestion issues (constipation, etc.). I’m experiencing Less pooping as frequency, and less pooping as volume. And last was “hard” and very clean. Is it ok? Or I need some calibration fat/protein ratio? 4/ how to understand how much salt do I need? 5/ I need much less sleep. Last week it’s been about 5 hours each night. I feel ok, but is it ok for me in long term?
submitted by BlackHoleEngineer to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:54 zaka-daka I just passed my Sec + in about 3 weeks on first try

Good luck guys you can all do it, btw I have a university degree in information systems and knew some concepts beforehand. although most were new stuff
submitted by zaka-daka to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 ThrowRANeedtoVent566 Life not going so great, need a spot to talk

Using a ThrowRA because my GF knows my handle and I don't know if this is a sub she uses. Anyways, realizing I'm in a full on depressive spell and need a spot to I guess, vent or talk or just get this out somewhere that isn't my head.
So have been struggling financially for 2+ years now. I've come to the realization that I'm severely underpaid for the work I do (projects manager at a company that works in publishing, I make $40k a year and I'm discovering I should be making closer to $80k) which wasn't a problem, but a series of financial setbacks has resulted in me now having an extra $10k in credit card debt on top of what I had previously and I can't keep up with day to day expenses anymore. Recently our work (me and GF work at the same company) changed health insurances, which resulted in not only me having to continue paying out of pocket for her doctor, one of the meds she needs isn't covered by the new plan. Resulting in another $100 a month I need to come up with.
I've been at my company for 7+ years, and with a bunch of freelance side work I did while here, I can confidently say my resume is one of somebody who knows my industry super well. But in my hunt for a new job, I have gotten literally 1 human response from somebody who cancelled our interview a day later because "the position was filled over the weekend". I've gotten some pointers and feedback from people on resume/cover letter and nothing I do seems to make a difference. I can't get a clear indication if the job market is THIS bad or if there's just something wrong with me and I need to try something totally new.
Recently, GF had to check into the hospital for about 2 weeks, I was covering her duties at work (I was pulling nonstop 11-12 hour days doing her job, and my job which is also more work than I should be doing). She finally came home which was great, but she met a friend there and I'm not sure if this is a genuine friend or a "I found somebody better than you" situation in the making. I know he's into her that way, I don't know if it's reciprocal. It's close to her time of the month and she gets a little weird emotionally which is exacerbating this feeling. We've been together for 6 1/2 years, so I recognize this. Fortunately I have the self-control to NOT put that insecurity onto her, I realize this is a me thing. But it just feels shitty being the person doing so much to keep our house running and she's out with somebody else. Like I'm just here for as a bank account/chef. We don't have sex that frequently, she's on anti-depressants, so I don't have comfort in that/it's compounding with this feeling of being used. If anyone watches Helluva Boss, I've been relating to Stolas a little more than I should (especially with the last episode)
I dunno, it's just been really hard for a long time now. I need some kind of win or something to feel good about and I don't know if that's coming. Had a bit of a break down last night, a car almost hit me (driver wasn't looking) and I realized I didn't feel anything about it. I want to stress I'm not looking to harm myself, so I don't want anyone reading this to panic about this internet stranger. Not sure how to close this from here, but if anyone does read this, I appreciate the time and effort spent to listen.
submitted by ThrowRANeedtoVent566 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 throwawayscaredsick Sisters both got sick, worried. Vent/advice (tw, not censored)

This Thursday my twin and I had our birthday. That morning she started to feel nauseous, and then threw up once. The night before she had a certain brand of hot dog that my mom avoids because it always makes her throw up, so I rationalized it to be due to that and I managed my anxiety pretty well surrounding the situation. It was helpful that she only threw up once.
Then just this morning my little sister threw up twice. Then my mom drove her home (we are on a little vacation for our birthday) and she was okay all the way home, but now that she is home my mom says she has thrown up multiple times.
Now my little sister wasn’t here yet when my twin threw up (they got down here the day after), and they lysoled the bathroom and everything, so I believe it may be safe to assume that the incidences are not related. My mom says that I should know that my little sister doesn’t wash her hands good, plus she went swimming in a lake so that could have something to do with it.
I am happy to be away from my younger sister for now, but I do have to go home tomorrow and we all will have to share the same bathroom. I am very anxious to go home. Plus the whole thing feels very final destination, but with throwing up instead of dying.
Also, my hair products and face wash were in the bathroom where she got sick. Are they safe to use? I feel like I don’t want to, but money wise I shouldn’t just throw them away and get all new replacements.
Does anyone have any tips? Overall I am truly handling my anxiety amazingly considering my reactions in the past as well as the entire situation. I haven’t thrown up in over 10 years. I really don’t want to be next. Everyone here is telling me it would be good exposure therapy, but obviously I do not want that to happen. My younger sister has thrown up in the same house before and had some kind of bug and no one else got it because of how good my mom is about disinfecting, but she didn’t have time to clean here and right now I’m just laying in my bed terrified.
I have my “shocking” wristband which will help me if I get super anxious. But I gave my sister the alcohol pads that I always pack to help nausea so now I have none of those. Running out of coping methods here lol.
submitted by throwawayscaredsick to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 AlexitaVR25 How do people dress in summer?

Hi! I'll be in Krakow in July and August and I was wondering how people dress there. I come from southern Spain and I'm using full summer clothes already here, but I wonder if I should bring hoodies, jackets and several long trousers to Krakow. Could it be cold at night?
I know I can just see the weather but I'm not good at choosing clothes based on temperature alone, so yeah, wondering what the actual locals wear.
submitted by AlexitaVR25 to krakow [link] [comments]