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AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides.

2010.02.22 04:31 alban987 AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides.

AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides.

2008.11.27 16:36 r/exjw

The Internet's most comprehensive resource for ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, a community for support, recovery and a few laughs along the way.

2018.04.09 21:58 ClosetedIntellectual r/exjw Design Concept Lab

A test sub to serve as a playground for anyone involved in the redesign work for the exjw sub. Designers can test features, color schemes, graphics, and the like, for the purpose of generating their designer mockups. This also serves as a training area for new mods.

2024.06.02 17:29 Luna_Panda31 What got you into the destiny series?

Pretty much what the title says. I’ve been playing since d1 beta. Destiny is an outlet for me to escape life. I’ve met some amazing friends and people throughout the series. I remember doing my first raid in d1. My first time getting an exotic. I remember pre ordering both games. I remember the red war campaign and the legendary comment the speaker said to ghaul. I remember when crucible was broken during revelry. I’m excited for final shape. It’s time to close the saga. It will be my first expansion playing solo so I’m excited to see how it ends. Cheers and I’m excited to hear everyone’s story. Less than 2 days!
submitted by Luna_Panda31 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 mechanicalgigs fridge trips breaker immediately after plugging in

I have a new house (was built 6 months ago) and and older fridge (got it second hand but i think it’s around 8 years old) on a GFCI protected circuit. This morning I went to the kitchen and realized my fridge was off, I pulled it out plugged and unplugged it. Connected a charger to see if the whole outlet was off (it was). Then I went out and reset the circuit breaker. I plugged it back in and the fridge turned on for a second and then immediately shut off. The fridge is on its own circuit. I plugged the fridge in to a nearby outlet that is also GFCI protected and the same thing happened, turned on and immediately turned off. Went outside and reset both breakers.
This is the first time this happens and I’m not sure what could cause this to happen out of the blue. Any ideas/suggestions would be very appreciated!
submitted by mechanicalgigs to electrical [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 zappaisbest Reverse-seared a Porterhouse for the first time

Reverse-seared a Porterhouse for the first time
It was the best steak I’ve ever had in my entire life.
1.85 lbs Angus grass-fed Porterhouse, reverse-seared. Rested at room temperature, generously covered in Himalayan salt and cracked pepper with olive oil, cooked at 250 degrees for 37 minutes on the oven rack with a stainless steel pan under it preheating. Temped to 47 degrees and then seared on high for 1 minute each side.
submitted by zappaisbest to steak [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 Correct-Art1763 Sonic X team in therapy?

I’m a huge fan of season 1 of Young Justice, especially the episodes Failsafe and Disordered. That was the first time I’ve ever seen heroes in therapy after being realistically traumatized. But upon rewatch, it got me thinking.
What if Team Sonic had their own therapy sessions after season 3 of Sonic X? After the Metarex war, Cosmo’s death, everything, I felt betrayed by seeing so many smiles once they went home. What if they needed their own therapy? What if they needed help?
Tails: Initially refuses to get personal, tells himself that he did what he had to do, but when the therapist keeps trying, he storms out.
Sonic: Ashamed that he was unable to console Tails, his best friend, and just stood there as the poor kid cried his eyes out, blaming him for, for the very first time, not living up to his expectations; not being able to save who meant the most to him. Everyone looks to him to save the day, but it wasn’t enough this time.
Knuckles: I’d like to think that he’s done playing the tough guy for today, and actually lays out all his feelings too. Maybe potential guilt for initially thinking badly of Cosmo, falling for Eggman’s tricks for the 4th time, and letting the Master Emerald shatter itself. He starts to think he’s unfit to be its guardian.
Amy: Guilt for the 2nd thing she ever said to Cosmo being accusations of trying to get with Sonic, her being unfair to Sonic on Marmolim, and sometimes treating her other friends as kind of an afterthought.
Rouge: Not even knowing why she feels so sad too. She didn’t even know the girl and even tried to help kill her. But maybe she’s an example of these feelings not always being that deep or complex. Cosmo was a good kid, and her death simply devastated her friends. Maybe the impact of HER grief would be its simplicity.
Cream: She’s so young; far too young to lose one of her best friends. No one’s ever truly ready for these things, but with her, it’s especially true. This one would probably be pretty simple too.
Vector: He feels like the biggest fool ever. He tried to show gratitude by helping Tails with Cosmo, but now that she’s dead and everyone’s traumatized, what good is that detective brain he always brags about? He’s the oldest by far, and he acts like a buffoon the moment things get complicated. No fun little scheme to make Tails feel better would do anyone any good now.
Tails: He’s ready to talk. His grief goes beyond his love for her. It’s more than him not having the courage to tell her until the end. He promised her he’d protect her, even with someone far more powerful than him after her. He felt like he was his best self when he was captain of the Blue Typhoon, and when he messed up, she was there. But of all things to cause her death, it was him, as far as he’s concerned. He should have done more. Heroes are supposed to find a better way. And the one time the final outcome was on a universal scale, and all in HIS hands, he couldn’t. And now, he knows what it’s like to kill someone. Not just anyone, the love of his life. He knows he did what he had to do, but he refuses to accept that everyone did their best and it wasn’t enough to get everyone home this time. He couldn’t keep the promise he made to her.
What do you think they’d say if a therapist got them to open up?
submitted by Correct-Art1763 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 Glass-Ad-6548 first time solo traveling, nervous about overlay time between transfers

i'm going to europe this summer and when going over my flight tickets for my way home i realized i might be in a pickle.
i'm flying from florence to frankfurt via air dolomiti and the flight is scheduled to land at 4:20. however my next flight is via lufthansa departing at 5:20. i assume i would have to gather my luggage and recheck it but i don't even think i would make the cut off time.
this is my first time solo traveling and first time going to europe. i already know i'll be stressed and overwhelmed. is this flight plan possible or should i try and figure out different plans for my flight home.
submitted by Glass-Ad-6548 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 Mirda76de Starring to play Starfield for the first time on Xbox X- specific advice I need

So, starting next week I will play Starfield game on Xbox One X. And this is my plan: almost certainly there will be a major update in June&July and throughout those two months I want to play progress as slow as possible. So that I can jump in to the main plot and story in August. I wanna take time to build explorescientist character and want to get the coolest weapons and big powerful spaceship. Explore and exploit resources and planets… Following that idea of gameplay I want to avoid in early stage main story line and main story quests and as much as possible main side quests. Following that I idea I will appreciate all ideas, advices, tips and tricks for my playing of this great game for the next two months… so, fellow Starfield players- bring me some cool ideas. Thanks everyone.
submitted by Mirda76de to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 Sad_Breakfast1911 first time traveler to hongkong. what should I know?

hi! will be traveling to hongkong in july. do y’all have recommendations? or tips and tricks? or literally any knowledge I should have as a first time tourist? thanks!
submitted by Sad_Breakfast1911 to TravelHacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 wander__well The Shame of MAH - an Article

This is a great article from about the shame involved in MAH.
Here's an excerpt:
I felt blamed and shamed. I left the appointment frustrated and angry.
Of course, I knew that taking acute meds as frequently as I did could lead to MOH. But what else was I supposed to do? I have a migraine attack every time I eat or drink anything other than water. I can’t not eat (though I have considered it).
Did you feel ashamed when you first thought you might be suffering from MAH?
submitted by wander__well to ReboundMigraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 Fabulous-Move930 Cats and kittens introductions

We have adopted a new kitten - we have had her for a week and is now 10 weeks old. She had her first vaccine last Tuesday.
The vet said she shouldn't meet our other outdoor cats until a week after her next jab (total 3 weeks). We are trying to keep her in the living room but she's a little escape artist and keeps running up the stairs and all sorts. She also cries a lot at the door and really wants to meet the other cats.
Our other cats were vaccinated as kittens and we got them new vaccines at the same time as her to reduce risk. They are also healthy and have not shown signs of anything ever.
I was wondering other people's experiences with cats mixing. PDSA website says it should be fine to mix if the other pets are vaccinated. We obviously don't want to make her ill but feel like the risk must be so low!
submitted by Fabulous-Move930 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 sagejdg So close to winning hattrick for the first time!

Im in the US, user name asherdx. Please help if you can, I'm happy to return the favor. My code is 257698654
submitted by sagejdg to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 pacnwexplore13 Water damage- how bad is it?

Help please- first time homeowner! Recently discovered what seems to be a recent leak coming from master toilet upstairs. Noticed a small water bubble, about 4 inches in diameter, in the kitchen ceiling which is directly below the toilet. Plumber was able to identify the leak coming from the worn wax ring in the toilet upstairs. He said the water damage looked pretty minimal and contained and that we likely caught it early. Leaking is fixed but now we’re wondering how bad is this water damage on those boards? Is it worth having a restoration company call and going through insurance? Will they even cover it? Home is 10yrs old. You can definitely see some black stuff forming right around the pipe but is this something that can be air dried and treated with some spray/bleach? TIA!!
submitted by pacnwexplore13 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 HYDRA2308 Any recommendation on found footage movies?

I just watched REC for the first time and I'm intrigued for more found footage movies that aren't the typical or famous ones, like Blair Witch.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by HYDRA2308 to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 wantedIdSuchIsLife Post Dermaplaning and a peel

Post Dermaplaning and a peel
Had some acne concerns and got a facial done at a medspa yesterday which included dermaplaning and I think a chemical peel for my acne concerns, some red light therapy.
I saw these scars one hour after the treatment. I am using only a mild cleanser, moisturizer (Neutrogena hydroboost + Laroche Posay Cica Plast) and sunscreen and will continue to use only these.
A little sad today because my face looked much clearer before this treatment. I can reach out to my aesthetician only after 2 days.
1) So, until I talk to my aesthetician, is there any thing I can do?
2) It is my first time getting this treatment. So are these marks normal? Do they go away in a few days? I had gotten a peel before at the same place and that had worked great for an acne breakout.
submitted by wantedIdSuchIsLife to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 PheonixGalaxy TIFU by asking my sister to mop the floor

I finally found time to post this story from a while ago. Our mom was upset with us for not mopping the floor enough and told us not to go to bed unless it was clean. I was tired from working on something, so I did the other chores and asked my sister to mop. On average, it takes 1-2 hours for the floor to dry after our mom mops, and it’s roughly the same for me, but I go over the floor twice (after it dries the first time). My sister, on the other hand, takes 5 hours for it to dry, and she only mops it once. We don't know what she’s doing.
I wasn't thinking and thought at worst she wouldn’t mop and I'd get yelled at too, at best it would get cleaned. Well, she mopped, and I waited 5 hours and went downstairs for someseet succulent mid night water. I didn’t turn on the light because I would have to walk on the wet floor to do this. I ended up falling immediately.
Now I’m in the family guy position and the whole house heard it. My mom yelled, asking what happened and if I was okay. I just groaned. I couldn’t think about anything other than my back, it felt like fire because I landed on the carpet part. Before I could put 2 and 2 together, my younger brother (3 at the time) starts screaming and asking if I’m okay. He’s running down the stairs and patting me, and I convince him that I’m okay through groans. I couldn't focus because I had birds flying around my head.
This kind soul asked me if I wanted water and he went to walk and make us some. He slipped, but I grabbed him before he could hit his head, while I was still lying down. Now he’s upset because his socks are wet, and I tell him, “Nah dude, the floor is wet, go upstairs and I’ll make you some water.” He reluctantly goes upstairs, and I play slip and slide to get what we need.
I went upstairs and told the story to my mom, and she said, “This is why I don’t like her mopping, why does it take forever to dry?” I shrugged and started laughing over everything. My mom thought it was cute that my brother came to my rescue. It took all night and a little bit of the morning for it to dry, and she mopped around 11 PM. Ever since, I just mop because if she intended to intentionally do a bad job, she over-achieved it. My back was sore for 2 days, and my sister did not react when I told her what happened. I ended it with “You ain't mopping ever again”
TLDR: I asked my sister to mop the floor, and 5 hours later, I slipped because she can’t mop for anything.
submitted by PheonixGalaxy to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 embarrassingcheese Best shirley temple in the Twin Cities

My husband revealed to me for the first time today that he has never had a shirley temple. I'm on a mission to find the best one to prove to him that they are really good. What places in the Twin Cities have a killer shirley temple?
submitted by embarrassingcheese to TwinCities [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 CherriesAreCool For the first time in months I dont feel empty and hopeless. I actually caught myself smiling in the mirror today 🥹

submitted by CherriesAreCool to happy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 Xxminiman115xX Air Force Veteran Starts to Realize How He Can't Force Things From THE CLEANER

Air Force Veteran Starts to Realize How He Can't Force Things From THE CLEANER LINK TO THE STREAM OF ME KICKING MY DEPRESSIONS ASS
Okay, Hello again I hope nobody minds me putting these little updates but this game is starting to make me realize things about myself and change my perspective on life, and I'd like to share that. When I started this almost a week ago I honestly thought I was going to give up the first day. I have felt pretty numb for awhile and video games, my motivation for college, to go to the doctor etc. was low and I had a whole month where I just slept until 5pm because I wanted to avoid that another day came. I was scared to face tomorrow because I was tired of the hand that life had dealt me and I just wanted to put the littlest amount of effort into everything ,but my dogs regardless of how sad you are you have to take care of your animals. I didn't think I could learn to have that fire again to make me think I could be anything. Then I died against the first boss and said no I almost first tried that I got this. Then I killed that ugly ass pelican ship thing, then 6 hours later I was cutting through Beletrus. I started having the tiniest bit of confidence again, and I got up at 8am. I've gotten up almost everyday this week in the morning and I have been productive. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of tomorrow I am excited to conquer them! I dont think I would be doing this without this game. Dying and not giving in and not giving up in the game is helping me not want to unalive myself anymore and I believe I can start to get better as long as I DONT GIVE UP.
Then the Cleaner happened. It wasn't really a hard fight I might've been stuck for thirty minutes ish but not because of bad game design or the boss was too hard. No, I WAS THE PROBLEM. My buddy turned on the stream and instantly was like
"why are you just hitting him straight on why don't you look for the weak point?"
And Damn did I laugh at myself. I spent the whole fight CHARGING ahead because of 1 overconfidence and 2 I was impatient and trying to force the win so I could end stream and spend time with my Fiance. I WAS TRYING TO FORCE IT. I focused on that in my head because as u/Armored_Souls put it
"How you do one thing is how you do everything."
I can't tell you how many things I have tried to force to work and tortured myself over because I was trying to control things I had No control over. Instead of rushing and trying to force things I NEED TO BE PATIENT AND OBSERVE and make a plan. I can't just rush and buy something I should wait a few days and see if I REALLLLY need it. Don't try to Force a relationship when both people want different things in life. I can go on and on but the TLDR of this is Fighting the Cleaner and realizing I could easily kill him If i had just stopped attacking and looked at him for more then two seconds while I flew ahead firing a mini-gun. I need to be patient and look for more weak points in life so I can make things a bit easier on myself. Get those free reward apps you go to dunkin or your grocer store or whatever and its free stuff you'll eventually get. Shop around online and look for sales. Learn skills that will make life easier even if its boring.
Anyways, I love this game I'm streaming a bit this morning if anyone wants to watch me battle my spicy sad in my armored core.
submitted by Xxminiman115xX to armoredcore [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 _alexithymiac Parent-pleasing : An underrated trauma

My whole life revolved around pleasing my parents. I walked on edge throughout every steps so I wouldn't disappoint them. But lately I've been feeling that satisfying them isn't our job, that's upto that particular individual not other person associated with them.
I'm really grateful towards them. They're constantly struggling throughout life. I can't even imagine how they're facing life everyday. They deserve every bit of happiness in the world for what they are. It's time for me to give them the universe they deserve and it kills me to not being able to do that. I'm constantly failing so many things and my parents are still providing me with everything.
I really want to give them every thing and I can't imagine putting anyone else above. I had this sense of responsibility but I don't feel any necessity to satisfy them anymore. I mean I can only do is try my best and it's upto them how they take it. They gotta celebrate my minor achievements so I could step forward with energy to do more. But if they are displeased with everything then it's not my problem, that's their problem.
How we as child idolise our parents to the point we forgive so many problems on their part because we've seen them forgiving ours. And it's iconic how one day you sit and pile up everything and you analyse not everything were just our fault;our parents play a pivot role in developing the misconception that we are at wrong. IK it's also their first time as human and a parent and they did what they learnt and their best BUT we are different individuals. We have different ideologies, principles,they don't know what we've been facing in everyday life, how we're dealing with generational trauma.
Every time I got this thought in my head, I blocked it because It felt outrageous to have this negative attitude toward your parent, it's our duty to respect then and all but lately I learnt self respect comes above every form of other respects. I might have made mistakes, so do they. They think they gave birth to a talent kid but every academic achievements and diligency were not just talent, it was a hard work and I wish my life wasn't revolved around the academic thing just to make my parents proud. It's not their fault but they do have part in it.
I love them but too tired of their frequent tests and my efforts to satisfy them. Most of things they say are for my good still my life can't revolve around how they want things to be. I will try to consider them step by step but I can't become their iconic daughter or something like that. I'm tired to fearing everyday that my actions and inactions might bring their pride down or disappoint them in any way. I feel sorry for them but I feel sorry for myself more. I wanna be grateful but I wanna focus on myself first.
submitted by _alexithymiac to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 Individual_Test_2472 I’m done with life I have no reason to live anymore I ruined everything

I just turned 22 this year. Don’t know how or why I’ve made it this far in life. I’ve been miserable since I was born. My dad abused me physically, emotionally my mother abused and manipulated me emotionally and spiritually. I have never known peace ever. Sexually assaulted and molested by boys in the 1st grade cousins and my mom’s ex fiancé, constantly bullied or not liked in school every year until I graduated and gained an ED in middle school causing me to gain so much weight and not knowing what to do. Then developed HS which is a skin condition when I was 13 after my body hit a high stress point and puberty so I live in pain every single day. Graduated in 2020 so I lost my prom, senior trip, so many things. Dropped out of college due to depression and truly didn’t know what to do. I have tried to kill myself now 6 times and every single time I feel more miserable and more helpless. I’m homeless haven’t eaten in I don’t know how long at this point and I’ve been in an endless cycle of this since I was 19.
My parents won’t let me back home due to religious differences and mainly because my stepdad doesn’t want me to. My dad died in 2015 when I was 13 and that has really changed so much in my life including my emotional regulation. I developed bpd and my dad was bipolar. Now I struggle with taking shit lightly or even being able to calm down in a frantic state. I’ve cut off and fucked up every relationship I had or I was just tossed out because they didn’t like me. I don’t feel worthy of living anymore because I’m 22 and have nothing to show for it.
I’m actively watching as my middle school bullies aka the girls who ruined my life, have amazing lives and opportunities. Modeling, clothing lines, and even going to great schools. I don’t have anything or anyone but the bitches who made my life a literal living hell have everything they want. There was a time when my mom was still engaged to the man who molested me, I went to school he had given me money for snacks. Well I didn’t get any and planned on stopping for some while I walked home that day. I got on the bus and sat alone as always put my headphones in played my music. Well the girls who always bothered me on the bus started acting strangely kind saying they liked my purse. It was a $5 purse from the thrift store. They asked if they could see it and my dumbass gave it to them no questions asked. Well as I was walking home I dug through my purse to get the money so I could get snacks upon realizing it wasn’t there I freaked out and cried the whole way home. He had specifically told me to bring him back whatever change. When I was in middle school all my siblings were in different schools so I was always home first. He always got off work 10 mins after I got home. I went upstairs to change and still was upset and kinda in shock from what I felt would happen. Well, he came home drunk as he always did after work and came right upstairs asking for the change. I started crying and saying don’t walk in I’m naked because I was still changing he walked in anyway I said they stole the money and this man beat me with his belt while I was naked. 12 years old. Proceed to rub me and kiss me and told me to get dressed and stand downstairs with my arms held up as a punishment. Every day of my life was even more miserable after that and those same girls are living amazing or better than me in general.
I’ve been beat up by men and boys my whole life I’m worthless and not worthy of any love. That’s why I was born. To show people what they don’t want to be. I don’t feel I was born for any other purpose than to be people emotional and physical punching bag.
submitted by Individual_Test_2472 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 bat_man0802 My Girlfriend (24 F) and i (24 M) are in long distance relationship and she is choosing some other guy over me just cause she is alone there and will need some help, what should i do?

My girlfriend and I have been in a long-distance relationship for the last 3-4 months. She's doing her master's degree, and I'm currently working. In the first month, I got a bit insecure because there was a guy her mom had introduced to her who was helping her a lot, and she was spending a lot of time with him. I told her multiple times how I felt, and she promised not to do it again, but she started lying and going out with him without telling me. I caught her lying several times, but she always blamed me.
Recently, she moved to a new place because the guy she was living with before was pressuring her to break up with me. After I asked her to, she found a new place. One day, she told me she was going to the temple with her female roommate, but she actually went out drinking with that guy. I saw a picture on Snapchat of them holding hands with a flower between their hands.
Even after all this, and after I clearly expressed my feelings, she didn't distance herself from him. We kept fighting, and recently she said she needed a break to handle her stuff. The very next day, she went to that guy's place to hang out and told me that he likes her, loves her, and wants to be her boyfriend. She's also hiding our relationship from him and started doing night stays without telling me and lying about it.
The other day, I blocked her and said I wanted to break up. She didn't call or try to stop me. Now she's asking me to wait for a year until she finishes her master's in February 2025. We've broken up, but she wants me to wait. I'm really confused because she has chosen this guy over me many times, but her words make it seem like she loves me and wants to be with me.
I don't know if she has crossed the boundaries of our relationship or if I should wait for her. Is she the right person for me? Please help. She's blocked me everywhere, but when I email her asking to talk, she calls and then blocks me again. I know she is still friends with that guy. Should I wait or move on from this relationship and situation? Should I trust her?
submitted by bat_man0802 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 someoneelse0826 Is there something wrong with the eyes of the stray I’m feeding?

Is there something wrong with the eyes of the stray I’m feeding?
First time feeding an outdoor stray cat that now comes daily (or more) to get fed/ lounge around. Its eyes always look kind of half open like this- anyone know if that indicates anything specific?
I’m trying to gain its trust, but it’s very scared and timid so it’s going slow. Thanks for your kitty help!
submitted by someoneelse0826 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:27 DottedRain Why are half of the dota players just Rizpol enjoyers playing on autopilot without rly playing dota?

Can we get the kids to watch the right youtube videos? Im tired of seeing the same mistakes over and over and over again. Even some Divine players dont get these principles about the game:
1.Crepp Aggro! Jeez, spend 5 min of your life to watch a yt video. Running into the wave to do it as supp is exhausting and can be dangerous af... Yes, it also works vs jgl creeps, yes, it has global cooldown, no matter which enemy hero you click on.
2.You don't have to kill a hero in lane in order to win the lane. Just let the enemy sit at the tower with zero mana/hp/exp. Forcing stupid kills can be a gigantic waste of resources. Yes, supps can help deny creeps.
3.Don't force to defend every fucking tower. Trading towers? Splitting waves? Knowing which fights to take or not take? Hello?
4.Don't keep on forcing fights when you are behind. Know your fucking place. It's a strategy game! Knowing how/when to dodge and how to recover is also a strategy. Pickoffs and isolated fights are your priority, not teamfights. Esp without certain item timings.
5.Sitting mid at t1 with 4 heroes pushing waves back and forth for 5 minutes is not playing dota. Blindly running down mid after every won fight is also bad. Don't get hardstuck on one objective and focus on other things to do on the map if you struggle.
6.Don't be headless chickens once you took down the first line of towers. Play the game. Ward one lane you want push and play on that side of the map. Usually your hardlane where the enemy Pos1 is farming at.
7.Don't force getting T2 mid first! Pushing sidelanes is way easier and usually the right way. And pls don't make me explain this, there are several reasons why mid is more dangerous...
8.Roshan! Yes, Roshan is an objective just like towers! Just fucking take it when you are ahead and can do it relatively fast. ESP!!! When you got all towers and you think about getting to HG. Like wtf? Spend one min on Rosh and secure your push, ez pz.
9.Use smoke. No, not for a random supp you happen to see on the map or for one ward. Be smart. Hunt the carry or a core with a spree.
10.Watch the map. Before every fight, after every fight, check where your waves are, get a sense of where the enemies might be. Make it a habbit. Crying out "no vision" after a death when the enemy has been barbecuing inside your jgl for the past 5 min is just stupid.
11.Stack camps. Keep one eye at the clock and just do it if you have nothing better to do. And yes, you aswell mister CARRY! You are jungling for 30+ min and you could not even stack one single camp? Is this PvE fight to exhausting for you to look at the timer? Are you sure Pos1 is the right role for you?
No particular order and I could go on...
submitted by DottedRain to DotA2 [link] [comments]