Ibu ibu hot


2012.09.14 02:43 iBUYPOWER-Michael /r/iBUYPOWER

Presenting customized high-performance gaming PCs and the latest news from iBUYPOWER.

2012.12.03 18:13 GanasbinTagap Sarawak

Ibu Pertiwiku.

2022.03.03 19:05 Pianostar4 iburneddown12orphanag

All 12 of them happened to be on the 21st of March, 1999

2024.05.08 03:14 Just_Scholar_5870 Rally beer at the ready. This is what I was drinking 2 years ago. Hail Satan, go ass.

Rally beer at the ready. This is what I was drinking 2 years ago. Hail Satan, go ass. submitted by Just_Scholar_5870 to ColoradoAvalanche [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:55 DisasterUpdate 07/05/2024 - Ibu, Halmahera, Indonesia - Showing off!

07/05/2024 - Ibu, Halmahera, Indonesia - Showing off! submitted by DisasterUpdate to VolcanoWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 23:40 Sharp_Trust5665 What is this form called in layman's terms?

What is this form called in layman's terms? submitted by Sharp_Trust5665 to werewolves [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:36 NaturalFennel7878 Alright I just made a few changes to my deck any thoughts?

Alright I just made a few changes to my deck any thoughts? submitted by NaturalFennel7878 to OnePieceTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:53 husqofaman Question about regulations

So I’m a life long x-country skier and marksman, but have never had the opportunity to combine the two outside of hunting. I recently found a biathlon club in my region and want to get involved in the sport. All I found on the IBU website was the rules for events and how they are organized. Where can I find regulations about equipment, the rifles specifically?
Ps. I can’t afford an Anschutz so I’m trying to figure out what I can use and be compliant with. If anyone has experience with the Volquartsen Summit please let me know as that’s what I am considering at the moment.
submitted by husqofaman to biathlon [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:51 Gontzal81 Hop Circus. La Txika De La Cerveza. IPA - English. 6% alc. 45 IBU.

Hop Circus. La Txika De La Cerveza. IPA - English. 6% alc. 45 IBU.
It is rich, fruity, silky. Citrus hit with a touch of caramel. The bitterness is very pleasant and is well balanced with the malt. Beer from my city, Bilbao.
submitted by Gontzal81 to In_the_name_of_Beers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:28 SpeakingTheKingss *NEW BEER ALERT* Growls Like a Tiger DIPA [ABV: 8.9% IBU: Unknown]

*NEW BEER ALERT* Growls Like a Tiger DIPA [ABV: 8.9% IBU: Unknown] submitted by SpeakingTheKingss to StoneBrewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:15 Antique-Eggplant-816 Inherited from my dad whose sig appears as cashier.

Inherited from my dad whose sig appears as cashier. submitted by Antique-Eggplant-816 to uspapermoney [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:36 Herodriver Jokowi Sindir Pemda: Kalau Pembangunan Semua Pusat, Bapak-Ibu Ngerjain Apa?

Jokowi Sindir Pemda: Kalau Pembangunan Semua Pusat, Bapak-Ibu Ngerjain Apa? submitted by Herodriver to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:40 Effective-Income4345 Should I defer my admit or even pursue MS -admit to ASU DS

I have got gre score of 306 , working in service based company for 2 years . My undergrad was 7.3/10 tier 2 college from electronics.I have visa slot secured too. Why I am thinking : ASU not a top school ,saw a lot of students narrow minded wanting to be surrounded with ppl of same state and backgrounds . I am thinking if I could get better cllg in spring . This year rejects were TAMU, IBU,WASHU,NYU TANDON,UMICH,UPENN. Can someone evalaute my profile if I get 320 for spring what would be my chances.
I applied at deadline dates to all of them which was wrong tbh & I am not from minority community btw
submitted by Effective-Income4345 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:33 Gontzal81 Dunkelweisse.

Dunkelweisse. submitted by Gontzal81 to In_the_name_of_Beers [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:24 Sure_Platform7686 B12 supplements safe while intoxicated

34F 189lbs Tabacco smoker Taking IBU for headache No known health issues
First and foremost I know meth is bad for you. I honestly don't even know why I did it in the first place I am not a constant user whatsoever we just wanted to have a good time my friends and Myself were partying Friday and Saturday with some people from out of town and we ended up smoking it Friday yesterday and this am. I feel like my body is depleted from vitamins and sleep. I was researching and it states b12 is pretty much depleted from your body while on meth which could be why my circulation is very poor in my arms and legs I have the red circular marks all on my legs. I've already takin a super C vitamin earlier and amm wondering if anything bad will happen if I take a B12 supplement while intoxicated on meth or shall I say a coming down from it. I'm never going to touch the stuff again it hasn't been any fun at all lots of anxiety and lack of sleep I feel so hungry and nauseous and can't eat.
So will I be okay taking a B12 supplement??? Please help a very disappointed in herself women. 😭
submitted by Sure_Platform7686 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 15:52 tersxin Tragedi Malaysia

Banyak tragedi menimpa Malaysia kebelakangan ini,yang agak membimbangkan kerana ia memberi imej yang tidak baik kepada keadaan sesebuah negara pada ketika ini..Ini secara tidak langsung menggugat keselamatan penduduk di dalam negara..Perkara ini berlaku dengan kerap menjadi kita tertanya-tanya adakah ini adalah satu corak hasil daripada masalah yang terdapat di Malaysia yang tidak diselesaikan??Contoh Masalah:Kes ragut beberapa kes sedangkan sebelum ini kurang kes ragut tetapi semakin hari semakin kerap tanpa takut,Pesawat terhempas berulang kali yang telah mengambil nyawa insan yang terkorban,samun khianat seperti yang berlaku kepada akhyar rasyid,faisal halim,kes samun seperti berlaku di Klang dan menggunakan parang boleh membunuh penduduk…Anak Muda hancur dengan penyebaran video lucah bangsa Melayu Islam yang tidak diambil serius oleh pihak berkuasa,hanya mengambil serius bab Poligami…
Ibu bapa yang bodoh tidak menjaga anak-anak yang masih mentah,untuk hidup bebas yang menjadikan 2 remaja perempuan dan ramai lelaki bercampur di dalam hotel dan mereka adalah Melayu Islam..Masyarakat kurang sensitif terhadap tragedi dan masalah,kurang simpati dan hanya membuat semua yang terjadi sebagai bahan jenaka…Lagu Melayu Islam berunsurkan Zina..Kumpulan Muzik melayu Islam tanpa bersalah membuka aurat seperti orang kafir tetapi menyanyikan lagu raya..melakukan dosa dan redha akan dosa yang dilakukan..Cuaca panas melampau.Pihak keselamatan yang mementingkan wang daripada keselamatan negara.Budaya sugar daddy,call girl,kelab malam,dadah,zina berleluasa…Pada zaman dahulu,mungkin yang terlibat orang dewasa,tetapi kini remaja turut serta dalam gejala haram..Ini adalah bala yang diturunkan..Malaysia mungkin tidak mengalami Tsunami atau gempa bumi,tetapi ini adalah salah satu bala yang menyeksa seluruh Malaysia kerana yang jahat tidak insaf dan yang baik tidak menegur..
Bagi aku,ini semua terletak kepada kekuatan agama pada sesebuah negara,sebagai penahan seseorang untuk membuat jenayah meskipun tiada siapa yang tahu..Kemudian,ini adalah kesan polisi negara yang gagal yang telah mendesak ramai orang melakukan jenayah untuk hidup kerana makanan asasi seperti beras tidak dapat diperolehi...Kemudian,pencen yang dimansuhkan kepada penjawat awam menindas lagi golongan miskin...Kemudian adalah sikap pihak penguatkuasa undang-undang yang menerima sogokan dan menjadikan keselamatan Malaysia sebagai taruhan kerana gaji sedikit yang berpunca oleh kegagalan kerajaan..
Ingatlah,tiada erti kekayaan jikalau kita tidak selamat untuk menikmati kekayaan tersebut di rumah kita,apabila kita berisiko untuk dirompak atau dibunuh bila2 masa..Akhirnya adalah sikap rakyat Malaysia yang tidak matang dalam kehidupan…Tidak matang bermaksud tidak mempunyai kewibawaan dan kesiapsediaan untuk mencegah kesalahan dan mendorong kebaikan..Rakyat Malaysia terlalu lembut dan tidak mempunyai tindakan yang berguna mengambarkan kebodohan…Contohnya,apabila kelab bola sepak memberikan prestasi yang hampa,tidak sepadan dengan bajet yang diberikan,pemain neutralisasi diambil,tindakan mestilah diambil tidaklah cukup hanya dengan kata-kata semangat sahaja..Ini punca masalah yang terjadi seperti zina,bahan lucah,jenayah berlaku di siang hari..Kemudian,rakyat Malaysia tidak kompeten dan serius apabila menggalas tugas kerana sikap yang kompeten dan professional dalam rakyat boleh menggerak negara ke hadapan kerana setiap tugas diambil dengan fokus dan tanggungjawab..
Tetapi dengan sikap dengki,penting diri,mencampur urusan peribadi dan kerja,kualiti kerja yang rendah kerana malas,cuai dan malas,sikap Lemah dalam bekerja,masih mengamalkan sikap ‘ekonomi sara diri’ dalam kerja professional menjadikan kerja tidak disiapkan dan pesawat boleh terhempas membunuh warga Malaysia yang lain..Easy time creates weak men..Naratif negara kelas ketiga direka untuk membezakan negara blok komunis dan blok kapitalis..Malaysia negara kelas ketiga kerana dasar berkecuali bukanlah disebabkan warna kulit atau ekonomi..Malaysia tidak lebih rendah berbanding negara USA..Kembalilah kepada agama supaya dirahmati Tuhan dan tingkatkan taraf kerja kita supaya kita dapat hidup aman damai dan sesi akan tempat yang selesa kepada keluarga kita.
Persoalannya Sampai Bila?
submitted by tersxin to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 06:09 theparacite Increasingly Independent Ibuki (Translated) [az] (Ibuki, Iroha, Makoto)

Increasingly Independent Ibuki (Translated) [az] (Ibuki, Iroha, Makoto) submitted by theparacite to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:22 skiljgfz First attempt at a dry Irish stout

First attempt at a dry Irish stout
Caubeen Irish Stout, 4.2% ABV, 40 IBU. It’s not black it’s just very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very dark red.
submitted by skiljgfz to beerporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 02:38 andrecrgoveia Which game should I choose?

Which game should I choose? submitted by andrecrgoveia to MiyooMini [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:59 Doc_Zydrate Fiend Club (Guardian)

Fiend Club (Guardian)
North central Indianas most underrated IPA 8.5% IBU 87
submitted by Doc_Zydrate to indybeer [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 22:23 timlanders1 Dance hall had “Blantons”

Dance hall had “Blantons”
$11 a pour but I’m certain after getting it that they definitely filled the bottle with something else!
submitted by timlanders1 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:30 Gontzal81 Green Fellah. TitoBlas Brewing Co. Belgian Pale Ale. 6% alc. 38 IBU.

Green Fellah. TitoBlas Brewing Co. Belgian Pale Ale. 6% alc. 38 IBU.
Toasted, cookie and caramel flavors with a dry, somewhat spicy and slightly earthy finish. It doesn't stand out but it's not bad either.
submitted by Gontzal81 to In_the_name_of_Beers [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:47 Todsrache How to Brew Asgarnian Ale

How to Brew Asgarnian Ale
So I received the RuneScape cookbook as gift. I was looking at this recipe. For a total novice, how much do you think it would cost and how hard do you think it would be to get the ingredients in the USA.
I know next to nothing about home brewing.
If you have made this, how was it? I'd love to know.
submitted by Todsrache to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:25 Orleegi Weizenbock Recipe Help

I’m looking for some insight on my Weizenbock recipe. Some preliminary question I have: Is ~50% wheat enough, or should I bump it up? Is the grain bill too complex for style? Any tips on using WLP300? Thanks!
4 gallons Expected OG: 1.074 Target ABV: ~7.4% IBU: 25 Yeast: WLP 300
4lb Wheat 31.1%
2lb 6oz Dark Wheat 18.5%
2lb 6oz Munich 18.5%
2lb 6oz Vienna 18.5%
13oz Caramel 60L 6.3%
5oz Honey Malt 2.4%
5oz Caramel 120L 2.4%
5oz Melanoidin 2.4%
submitted by Orleegi to Homebrewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:47 Alert-Common-7774 Ask questions to Erin Prime. To the Erin who was recently freed from Slavery.

Warn: In this part of her life, Erin was much more shy and insecure... Be kind. Edward is here at her request.
submitted by Alert-Common-7774 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]
