Douche bag dave


2015.02.15 09:32 DoucheBagIdeas

Ideas that only a douchebag would come up with.

2012.10.17 22:39 boudreaux234 Bike Race

The player official subreddit of Bike Race, Bike Race Pro, and Super Biker by Top Free Games

2013.09.09 22:53 ironmaidenfan92 Criss Angel

Criss Angel is a douche bag.

2024.06.02 14:07 Visible_Economics_79 How does the experience keep getting worse?

I’ve posted a similar question before but, every single time I play there’s a problem. 99% of my play time is early morning on weekends 5am-7am because life. Without fail though I either get kicked because I’m not up to the standards of the people with no life, the game freezes or 20 minutes into a game it glitches out. With the exception of douche bags this game should run fine by now especially that early in the morning.
submitted by Visible_Economics_79 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:26 kballs OFAH - alphabet - Letter Z

OFAH - Letter Z
The last day. It’s been great doing it, hope you enjoyed it!
Saw this being done on a few other subs over the years, might be fun to give it a bash here.
Rules are simple, new letter each day, and we try to come up with the OFAH alphabet.
Most upvoted comment wins.
New post every day around lunchtime with a new letter, and we go until we reach the end.
How’s about it me old son?
Yesterday’s winner was “You know it makes sense”
So sling yer ‘ook into letter Z
Just to clarify since some didn’t get it. It’s a new letter every day, so Z only.
A= alright’ Dave?
B= Bonnet De Douche
C= Cushty
D= Dave
E= Emperor Burger
F= Four Aces
G= Groovy Gang
H= He who dares wins
J= Jolly boys outing
K= knock knock knocked him out
L= Lovely Jubbly
M= Mum said to me on her deathbed
N= Nags Head
O= Oh shut up you tart
P= Plonker
Q= Queen Anne Cabinet
R= Rooney
S= Shut up you tart
T= Trotters Independent Traders
U= Uncle Albert
V= Vot is your name?
W= who’s Rachel
X= (Danger U) XD
Y= You know it makes sense
submitted by kballs to OnlyFoolsAndHorses [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:44 scum_to_the_bag fireworks by steamboat

To the douche bag who set off a series of fireworks by steamboat about 10-15 min ago I hope you burn in hell. I was walking my dog and the fireworks scared him so much he tried to run away and almost broke through his harness I had to do everything possible to restrain him from running onto the road.
submitted by scum_to_the_bag to Reno [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:22 ConcentrateKings Just one and a half steps away from final form…

Just one and a half steps away from final form…
So, I still need to get the 509t color matched with smoked bronze Cerakote on the 3.9 build and I’m considering redoing the red “A” with either black, an FDE shade, or ______ color, but other than that, this one is pretty much done.
The 3.6 just needs the slide, optic, and tlr7x ODG to match. I am sending those off Monday. For this pic I just swapped the FCU that was already assembled, but I have an Armory Craft sport 2 TDL, and flat face dual adjustable trigger that should be here on Monday or Tuesday. I actually have an Icarus module for this too that I will be getting ODG w/black grip panel accent too, kinda similar to how the grips are on the Arid build. That being said, I also have an Xfull module that is factory white that I plan to send off for ODG Cerakote with black stipple grip area, similar to the xcompact module pictured, and I have a Herrington comp for this configuration that is also getting sprayed ODG..
Which one do you guys think turned out best, or will be best once they are actually complete? Any recommendations for the color of the agency “A” ? Now that these are done… what’s next? I’m thinking maybe a 365x.. Show me some of your builds.. I still have 2 more 320 FCU’s to house, so I need ideas for those..
Comments and critiques are welcome - unless it’s that one douche bag who has rainbow colored grip panels but finds it acceptable to hate on everyone else’s shit.
submitted by ConcentrateKings to P320 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:12 HeartsPlayer721 More characters like Professor Umbridge: charming/snobby and evil

I'm looking for characters like Professor Umbridge. Including men.
Polite, upper class, snobs that at first glance come across as charming, but annoyingly charming and end up being terrible people.
I don't particularly care if they are the main bad guy or not; don't mind if they have good intentions or are out to do bad things.
I'm not really looking for characters like Cal in Titanic... He's technically upper class and snobbish, but he's clearly a douche bag from the minute we meet him. Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't hesitate losing him temper... There's something and Umbridge's calmness that makes her disturbing. Cal's only scene like this, for me, was the temporary pause in the slap scene.
submitted by HeartsPlayer721 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:35 vr_2312 Tea about Hansal Mehta

Hansal Mehta, this guy is such a big douchebag. He used his power and privilege to steal one of my friend's dog (his neighbour) and then post it on the internet(his Instagram) as if he rescued the dog.
More than that, this douche bag did not even accept the mistake he did when he was confronted and sent out goons to silence the pawrents of the dog.
He still lies about rescuing the dog and treats the people around him as shit.
So, Hansal Mehta, if you are reading this, you will Rot in hell MF !
Edit : For people saying this is baseless or a Ballaya PR. I didn't even know who Ballaya was until the last few days. Also check his Instagram. You can see the dog making an appearance in the posts as I had mentioned. As a dog owner for life, this is heartbreaking for me to hear about the insensitive feedback people have posted. But what was I expecting anyways 🤷🏻
submitted by vr_2312 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:31 Tulpah maybe Im paranoid but it feel like some ET shit is going on,

maybe Im paranoid but it feel like some ET shit is going on,
won this little ET off a plastic gacha-bag claw machine at Dave & Buster.
Then saw this ET post on my reddit an hour after while randomly scrolling.
submitted by Tulpah to bobbystock [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:25 Vast-Amphibian-4027 Let’s avoid actively cursing at your children in public.

Ross in the mall.
The minute your voice raises to a yell as you verbally CUSS out your young children for behaving like kids, that’s when YOU need to leave the store. Because YOU are now acting like the child, YOU need quiet time, you have now granted others shopping around you and listening to you drop F-bombs every five seconds and threatening violence for five minutes the ability to step in and be apart of TEA you are spilling.
I didn’t hear her kids saying anything, but I heard her whining like a toddler not getting her way: “You get on my fucking nerves.” “You do this all the fucking time, ruining my days.” “If you don’t stop I’m going to beat your fucking ass and that will teach you for ruining my day.” Yes, I spoke up after I whispered chatted with another lady about the situation. We loitered. I intervened at threat of violence. I asked nicely that she refrain for cussing at her children, that if she wanted respect that respect must be given. Learning by example. She told me to mind my fucking business and I informed her she was being so loud that it was NOW my business.
She even came around to mean mug me in what I assumed was an attempt to intimidate. Even slid the clothes aside to look at me when I called her out. I know I’m right for asking her to stop acting like a child and asking her to better respect her children enough not to curse at them loudly in public and maybe they would in turn respect her.
Folks, don’t be assholes to your kids in public. I understand kids can be douche bags sometimes (I’ve dealt with kids enough to have seen that) but you’re the one raising them so 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe not stoop to the level you might have helped hand craft? Or just don’t have kids if you’re going to create next years criminals? I don’t know, just DO BETTER, I guess. It’s a big responsibility, child rearing, it’s not something to have a “fuck these kids” mentality toward.
UPDATE: - Stop with the “fuck them kids”, if you push them out take care of them and not create little monsters because you needed something to love you and now they’re a chore and have opinions.
submitted by Vast-Amphibian-4027 to Pensacola [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:23 ChainEnvironmental63 I've been my ex's back up for the past year, since ive changed and become a better man? is it stupid to believe that she would put in the same effort?

So to give a little back story my ex and i met during highschool, i was at the time going through severe social anxiety since covid, so i was skipping class and walking around about to leave, she was sitting around the corner also skipping. when i realized she was there she scared me and it was weird but we just got straight into talking. fast forward another year or two she was in a very abusive relationship and i felt as though she was such a beautiful soul and she didn't deserve that at all. So one thing led to another and she ended up breaking up with that scum bag, and we began talking.
Even though we started dating i just had this overwhelming fear of letting people in, to trust someone else with my heart as it just always seemed once i truly love someone i love them hard, and ill fight for that until the last grain is gone. but i was scared that she would end up doing the same thing to her ex to me. so i never took her serious or allowed her in. Now with that in mind i in turn became a douche canoe. I was actually flirting with other girls, paying for onlyfans, and i would snap at her for finding out about my flirtatious conversations with other women. i was a cheating asshole. Now i know that it doesn't make a difference at all, but i never once touched or got physical with another woman if that does mean anything.
Anyways last year of july on a shit anniversary for her, she just got fed up with my bullshit ways and she broke up with me. Now here's the kicker. Even though she wasted absolutely no time with getting with someone else, and then telling me that she wants to see if im able to still say i love her when im the one that's hurting, and she wants to see what's out there for her. i being a dumbass said i understand and i would wait for her. July-September of 2023 i did absolutely everything i could to try and get her to not give up on our relationship, but she was into the other guy where the truth of them actually talking is unknown tbh.
Anyways halloween and the beginning of november was when we actual began talking again, and later began the flirting, sending pictures to each other, talking about how much we still love each other and how much we missed each other. but the obstacle? she told me she wasnt ready yet and said that she doesn't know if i really truly changed, or if she wasn't as important to me as i was proclaiming considering all the lies and bullshit i would spew. Whenever she needed help or wanted to talk shit about her bf i was there, she was angry and got pissed off on me i apologized countless times. trying to show her that i did in fact kept my promises that i made her.
then the end of january she broke up with him and immediately came back to my house, my mother and my sister was so happy to see her again, and ive finally gotten hope. that things will be okay, that all the time of throwing myself in the fire, all the time i spent taking in shit, was all worth something cause i had my second chance of doing things right. i had the love of my life back again.
then not even 4-5 days later she told me that she sees that ive changed and any girl would be lucky to have me, but she couldn't move forward with me. that she wasn't ready to give me the love that she gave me the first time around. which we had talked about, but i was frantic. i was so upset because i did change for her love.
she ended up leaving and she played with my head, as that guy wasn't totally out of the picture. it broke my heart and it ran my head up the wall and it wasn't even the last time we spoke or hanged out with each other. but then in march she ended up getting back w him even though she made promises to me back in febuary.
then in april, she told me that she's pregnant.
that completely shattered my heart and just the other day they got their first apartment together. i feel unconsolable and at this point i know i need to move on but i really loved her and i had so much faith that we could make it. she told me that she's sorry for the pain i went through over this year. can't even apologize for the hoops she made me jump through and making me into a backup just in case things went wrong with her first choice. the thing that really hurts is that the only group of people that know about what was going on was only my people. everyone that is a part of her life still think of me as a piece of shit cheater, or even (what he thinks) a stalker. no one knows that she has been stringing me along and cheated on her bf the entire time they've been together. i hurts me so much that all of this happened behind the scenes and even still she's giving me false hope that she MIGHT come back if her trying to hold the family she is creating falls apart. then she'll reach out and she'll give me the girl i fell in love with 10x.
I feel so conflicted because one hand i believe people can change, because i was able to. and do i even want a future with her anymore? we both had a year where we have done nothing but break the other's heart so would it be unfair for me to cling onto the pain that she caused, when I was trying to get her to see our relationship still had worth? if for whatever reason she does absolutely everything I ask for and God brings her back in my life, can i even say no? how would I even respond if she ever does reach out. I know I need to move on and move forward in my life but holy macaroni I'm broken from this. I'm scared that if i move on then that hope that i believed in with my full heart and in my soul that we are meant to be together dies with it.
I'm scared to even trust someone again or even love again. i really loved her and even though everything makes me so angry and hurt, isn't it a good thing i had self-control? isn't it a good thing that I'm not shedding light on things? am i not handling things in the best possible way? does she even regret the pain she caused me, the games she played that messed with my heart and my head?
was it my fault for believing in this considering everything? for hanging onto hope? i know it was too late, but the way she just strung me along for a year, it made me feel like there was at least something acknowledged.
Am i stupid?
submitted by ChainEnvironmental63 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:06 kballs OFAH - Alphabet - Letter Y

OFAH - Letter Y
Saw this being done on a few other subs over the years, might be fun to give it a bash here.
Rules are simple, new letter each day, and we try to come up with the OFAH alphabet.
Most upvoted comment wins.
New post every day around lunchtime with a new letter, and we go until we reach the end.
How’s about it me old son?
Yesterday’s winner was Danger (U)XD To be fair yesterday was a difficult one.
So sling yer ‘ook into letter Y
Just to clarify since some didn’t get it. It’s a new letter every day, so Y only for today, Z tomorrow etc.
A= alright’ Dave?
B= Bonnet De Douche
C= Cushty
D= Dave
E= Emperor Burger
F= Four Aces
G= Groovy Gang
H= He who dares wins
J= Jolly boys outing
K= knock knock knocked him out
L= Lovely Jubbly
M= Mum said to me on her deathbed
N= Nags Head
O= Oh shut up you tart
P= Plonker
Q= Queen Anne Cabinet
R= Rooney
S= Shut up you tart
T= Trotters Independent Traders
U= Uncle Albert
V= Vot is your name?
W= who’s Rachel
X= (Danger U) XD
submitted by kballs to OnlyFoolsAndHorses [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:18 blessed6933 watched it for the animation, stayed for tears

watched it for the animation, stayed for tears
I just completed the whole series and all the movies in 3 days , I am somebody who rarely cries or gets emotional, I am numb and disassociated , could relate with violet very much although her case is different, but we both know about emotions but it's something else to fell them, It was in my watchlist since a year but didn't felt like watching it as it was recommended to me to watch If you want to cry, I have tried others in the same category like the silent voice, I want to eat your pancreas, etc but no I didn't cry watching them. So i wasn't expecting much and didn't watch it. Recently re-watched fruit basket and after it ended was missing the fruba universe , so to distract myself I watched this show,
And damn I was struck at once with the animation quality and style, this was literally the style i was craving to watch from so long, my first anime was garden of words, nd Ghibli movies hence I love such pretty style! So i continued watching without expecting much from the show coz I was already in love with the animation. And ofcourse any normal human would be hooked to the plot too , so was I. and no surprise, (surprise for me tho) I cried twice in the whole story, very hard, once in the series >! When she tried to unalive herself!< Second in the final movie before they were finally gonna meet And I hadn't cried since ages , the only time I have cried in last 5years was when I watched Interstellar. So this was therapeutic to say the least and very intense. I am here to tell anybody who still haven't watched , please do!
The only thing I didn't liked about the story was the age gap between Gilbert and her, I mean atleast they could have reduced It to 10 like the prince and the princess, coz that was weird , I get their love was open ended but It was still pretty much implied towards romantic side, and and in the time period of the movie it was normal I get it , but comeon. 🫠. Or else it would have been better >! If They never met again, looking at the age thing and also looking at violet's growth as a person, it would have been so better if we had got clarity on her romantic life ,like if she could have dated somebody like that blue haired starry space guy lol I forgot his name , or somebody similar uk, nd the way she stopped traveling, like she had became so independent nd had so much of growth, that it felt pointless for her to only stay at the island. It was weird and nd in character to probably violet's abandonment issue but destroys the character development but I get it , the eternal love between them , I get that and I'm not complaining!<
Also I absolutely love how fatherly hodgins is to violet I was so happy to see somebody care about her that much other than major obv!! It's so cute lol. Nd why tf is gilbert's elder brother so fking hot like damn he looks so good for a douche bag he was, for me he is more good looking than the major!
Fin! Thank you for reading nd please rec if you know some other such anime! Also abt this art image, idk if it's AI or not , and idk the creator either , please message or comment for credit , coz I found it on Pinterest!
submitted by blessed6933 to VioletEvergarden [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:22 TristanIsAwesome Does reporting dickhead drivers make me a Karen?

Saw a douche bag throw a cigarette butt out the window. Think he'll get a ticket if I send in a video to the infringement people? Do they even care?
I feel like a Karen but I also fucking hate litterbugs, especially people who throw burning things.
submitted by TristanIsAwesome to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:09 como365 Fourth invasive northern snakehead caught in Missouri

Fourth invasive northern snakehead caught in Missouri
A fourth invasive northern snakehead has been recorded in the state, the Missouri Department of Conservation confirmed Friday. The fish was caught on May 25 below the Wappapello Lake Spillway in Wayne County, according to a report by the MDC.
The northern snakehead fish is a long bodied, predatory fish that is native to Asia. This fish's head resembles a snake, granting its name. Its body can grow up to three feet long with coloring and pattern that is similar to a python's.
“The angler recognized they had something different and researched the fish’s characteristics, and realized it was indeed a snakehead,” MDC Fisheries Biologist Dave Knuth said in a news release. “The angler left it on the pavement for several hours thinking it would die, and it never did.”
Once caught, the snakehead was then transported to the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office. A conservation agent recovered the bag at 11 p.m. on May 25, nearly four hours after the fish was left in the bag.
Unlike most fish, the northern snakehead can breathe air, which allows survival in poorly oxygenated water or out of water for several days if their skin stays moist. They can also slither across land to return to water.
MDC reminds the public that it is illegal to import, export, sell, purchase, or possess a live northern snakehead in Missouri. MDC says it will continue to monitor its spread in the state.
The first northern snakehead recorded in Missouri was caught in Dunklin County in 2019. MDC confirmed there were two more northern snakehead captures in 2023.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:40 No-Goat607 I’m sorry

I’m sorry
But they look like fucking douche bags. Who dresses like this?!??
submitted by No-Goat607 to amandaivanelli3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:33 kballs OFAH Alphabet - Letter X

OFAH - Letter X
Saw this being done on a few other subs over the years, might be fun to give it a bash here.
Rules are simple, new letter each day, and we try to come up with the OFAH alphabet.
Most upvoted comment wins.
New post every day around lunchtime with a new letter, and we go until we reach the end.
How’s about it me old son?
Yesterday’s winner was “who’s Rachel?” - another great Albert quote
So sling yer ‘ook into letter X
Just to clarify since some didn’t get it. It’s a new letter every day, so X only for today, Y tomorrow etc.
A= alright’ Dave?
B= Bonnet De Douche
C= Cushty
D= Dave
E= Emperor Burger
F= Four Aces
G= Groovy Gang
H= He who dares wins
J= Jolly boys outing
K= knock knock knocked him out
L= Lovely Jubbly
M= Mum said to me on her deathbed
N= Nags Head
O= Oh shut up you tart
P= Plonker
Q= Queen Anne Cabinet
R= Rooney
S= Shut up you tart
T= Trotters Independent Traders
U= Uncle Albert
V= Vot is your name?
W= who’s Rachel
submitted by kballs to OnlyFoolsAndHorses [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:10 Konradleijon if the shards/entities find a place big enough to for them to fit would they fuck off and leave people alone?

from what I heard from the wikis the Entities need have a issue where they're is not enough space/energy for them to live/feed. so they continue doing cycles to find a solution like to expand the multiverses infinitely to keep up with the Entitles Exponential growth/energy they need.
I have a fixfic/jumpchain character whose whole goal is to help fix shit by giving people what they want without harming people
so if they found a way to create their own omiverse that would Exponential grow and keep up with them. would they pack their bags and move their stopping the cycles.
like say Kanaya, Porrim, Jade, Calliope, Dave, Aradia, and Damara from Homestuck use their classpect powers to create a massive genesis frog expanding omiverse so the Entities can live there.
also I had the crack idea where Scion falls in love with Calliope.
submitted by Konradleijon to WormFanfic [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:34 Statefan02 Boy friend Girl friend Conflict

So my gf (20) always calls me after work. A couple nights ago I got no call or text after work even after trying calling myself. She works with a guy who she was with in the past and has explicitly told me how she hates him while even explaining how much of a douche bag he is. She’s told me everything from the sexual acts he’s put on her even though she wasn’t really into it, the misogynistic behaviors he’s exempt, how he’s outright racist, etc… after getting no texts or answers from my calls I see her ping on life 360 right where she works. It was almost 40 minutes that there was no answer but I could see her ping still at work. To give a little back story there’s a homeless camp behind where she works where many homeless people come into work making foul comments towards her which got me very worried. After not getting a response back I decide to drive over making sure everything is ok. When I get there she is in the parking lot having a conversation with said coworker who she was in a relationship before. She’s told me this man has made her feel at her at her lowest. Asked her if she’d leave me for him months into our relationship. When I get to where she works I see her and him talking in the parking lot at 11 o’clock. I drive off as she sees me and she immediately calls me (I don’t pick up) and she drives over to where I’m getting gas. I feel very uncomfortable seeing them talk to each other and would hope she feels the same. She’s told me she hates him and never wants to even look him in the eyes ever again. But being so worried that she hasn’t contacted me after work I drive over and see them talking. Her defense was “It was just surface level conversation and I was never gonna see him after (as he put his 2 weeks in) so I wanted to end on a good note. I act very weary and think about this overnight while she schedules a therapist appointment the next day which ends up with me being interrogated on how I don’t trust her and why I overreacted so much. AMTIA for reacting in the way I did. I was very quiet and confused in the moment which led her to schedule a therapist appointment that led to pretty much an integration on why I reacted the way I did.
submitted by Statefan02 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:12 the-butter_man Slice of the old life

Slice of the old life
Rin woke up early as normal. Still where she was, she looked around. Some dingy house loft with a poor excuse for a window lock. She'd gotten in the night before and slept here again this night. All around was loose and empty boxes with cobwebs strewn about by the true occupants. Otherwise this was an entirely empty corridor of an attic decorated in dingy browns at best.
Around her was the still-snooring bodies of her group all of them were wearing what she was. Suspenders and shirts they all agreed it looked good. She stood up, cracking her head three times both ways as she moved to the window to watch the sunrise. It was bright. Nice even. The soft rays of amber glow floating down and ligthing up the impossibly high clouds that hid the true skyline of the city as a thousand pillars of decorated stone city supported the sky and drew shadows far beyond the horizon. It also hurt to look at the sun so she quickly turned away to face back into the room.
Stretching a bit, she waited. Then waited some more until she gave up on the waiting and left to find food. As if turning on a little alarm bell in his brain, the window got another to rise up.
"Whu- oh- heeyyy Ron- Rin, so damn bright today.."
"Sup sleepy shit. Wh- when's the last time you awoke without co- complaining?" She offered him a hand up which he took, bringing him up beyond her height and donking his dome on the ceiling. He was an actual elf about 6ft tall and with arms wide enough to wrestle an elephant. Shame they hadn't met any.
"Tall dumbass. Just be shorter" She walked over to the window and leant against it.
"Sure it's all sooooo easy for you huh? Changer?" They spoke with bantered insults and jesting. Poking at agreed upon spots and healing non-physical wounds.
"Sh- shall we wake the re- re- re- fucking- res-"
"Haha. Illiterate numbnuts" He walked past his stuttering superior and leant down to one of them. A tiefling nb without a tail. He delivered a furious series of very light pats to the side of their face. Eventually it woke them up.
"Hey doofus."
No words were said in response only feelings. They looked down for a half second then gave a glace of sheer discontent.
"Yeahh i know. C'mon I'll get you up" he picked them up and placed them back down politely. Stepping back he hit his head again. Rousing an agreed laugh from everyone awake and the last "sleeper"
Rin spared no pleasantries and simply poked his stomach hard with her tail before bringing him up. A human with slicked hair and a pointed chin. It was considered normal to point out his elvish features. Something that was done like a travel game alongside eye-spy.
"Dracula, you think you'll be g- good in this sun?" The human in question peered to look at the sun, his eyes adjusting and his brain focusing. He reached into a pocket and pulled out some gloves and a full face helmet.
"Gimmie some time, by the impaler you al-"
"Almost k- killed you, yeah i- i know i know." Rin leant against the window again and waited. Eventually a now helmeted vampire walked out and the group was ready.
.... Lunchtime ....
The three of them watched from a stony above as the Tiefling walked into a bar. Note that this bar was also very high up pathways and bridges led between skyscrapers connecting communities and people who refused to stay upon the ground for whatever reasons.
The group kept their Spyglasses trained on their movements. A hand reached down and traced the tiniest of glyphs. Then darkness appeared for around two minutes. Afterwards their companion walked out with a bag of food and a rather accomplished look. They drew an airpistol and shot it towards the group. The BB flew past them and into the wall behind. A half second later and she was teleported up.
"I- i still owe her for those BBs they're su- su- such a lifesaver y'know?"
The group moved to meet her and they all picked out their stuff and teleported even higher up into the rooftop of an outcropping.
The human asked, confusion tainted with the lightest fear in his words. "How... do i eat in the light?"
"Turn away from it? Numbnuts?"
"N- no he's ri- right, we'll find shade" Rin stepped up, looking around for a few seconds before spotting a thinner tower in the shade of the current one.
Rin and the group sat overlooking the financial building. An endless mall of a thousand lights and vices alone. They agreed to never stay in there, however. They sat opposite it, sitting on the edge of an old balcony. Rin was looking with a little more curiosity however. Sitting on the very edge while devouring her fouth Cinnamon bun.
"Do you ever- ever wonder what's... over there?" Rin leaned in a bit more
"Food, mostly" the Vampire said almost dismissively.
"No! Like... on the other side of the law. Think about it when was the last time we ever looked at a bolt bucket with anything but ire?"
"There is dave" the muffled voice of the Vampire kept up, poking at an IV bag of blood
The elf interjected "yeah- well..."
Immediately the Tiefling whacked the elf. As if defending themselves instead of another. They got up and walked over to Rin, noodle cup in hand. They tried to speak bit failed, their mouth moved where a tongue did not exist. Rin sat her pastry horde down and patted their head.
"C'mon guys. L- let's get some shelter, eh?"
"Aye sure."
"Why not, blood's dry anyway"
A soft nod later and they were practically flying away with their movements.
/uw fukk it wholesome slice of life with what Rin was doing before she came to earth
submitted by the-butter_man to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:24 generalpao Things to do in Houston this weekend - May 30th - June 2nd

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Have a good weekend! Go check out the Polo


Ongoing - Happy Hour @ MFAH @ 5PM Meet your friends at the MFAH for the best night of the week. Explore the campus, visit the galleries, and get a drink at the bar. General admission is free.
Michael Palascak Stand Up @ Houston Improv @ 7:30PM
Leo Skepi Live Show @ White Oak Music Hall @ 6PM Viral Internet personality Leo Skepi brings his honest and inspirational opinions to a live stage!
‘Moana’ Screening @ Trebly Park @ 8PM
P.O.D. @ House of Blues @ 6PM
Roar @ House of Blues @ 7PM With Norma Jean, Bad Wolves, & Blind Channel
Vision Video @ White Oak Music Hall @ 7PM With Missing Delores Galore
Summer’24 Concert Party @ Warehouse Live @ 5:30PM Featuring Emma Ogier, Midnight Beverage, April Company, & more!


Astros vs Twins @ Minute Maid Park @ 7:10PM Promotion: Alvarez 00s Black Replica Jersey, Friday Night Fireworks, Pregame Happy Hour
Dave Matthews Band @ Woodlands Pavilion @ 7:30PM
Brit Floyd Concert Experience @ Bayou Music Center @ 8PM The world's premier Pink Floyd tribute act Brit Floyd is celebrating the 50th anniversary of ‘The Dark Side of the Moon.’
Samara Joy @ Miller Outdoor Theatre @ 8:30PM
Treaty Oak Revival @ 713 Music Hall @ 8PM
Strangelove: The Depeche Mode Experience @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Josh Abbott Band @ White Oak Music Hall @ 6PM
TX2 @ Last Concert Cafe @ 8PM
Bresh @ Warehouse Live @ 10PM
Sapphic Factory Party @ White Oak Music Hall @ 8:30PM
Emo Forever Party @ Scout Bar @ 8PM


Astros vs Twins @ Minute Maid Park @ 3:10PM Promotion: Girls Night Out, Mauricio Dubon Gold Glove Bobblehead
Ongoing - Saturday Stargazing @ George Observatory in Needville Water Lantern Festival @ North Houston @ 5:30PM Experience the magic of the Water Lantern Festival where you’ll enjoy tasty food trucks, fun music, and an incredible sight of thousands of floating lanterns reflecting unique messages.
Artisan Market @ Grand Central Park @ 9AM Come stroll through a unique selection of handcrafted treasures and discover locally made foods, flowers, arts, and crafts.
Coffee and Cars @ POST @ 8AM Come out and enjoy an amazing display of machines at POST!
‘The Sinatra Experience’ Concert @ Crighton Theatre @ 7:30PM Don’t miss this unforgettable evening of music, laughter, and a zesty lineup of Frank Sinatra’s most popular songs starring Dave Halston.
Accordion Kings and Queens Concert @ Miller Outdoor Theatre @ 7PM Enjoy a night dedicated to the enchanting sounds of accordion music, shining a spotlight on Texas’s rich musical heritage.
Maggie Rogers @ Woodlands Pavilion @ 7:30PM With Japanese House
Olga Tañón @ Smart Financial Centre @ 8PM
Teezo Touchdown @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Azizi Gibson @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Bleachers @ White Oak Music Hall @ 6:30PM With Samia
Alejandro Escovedo @ The Heights Theater @ 8PM
Borgeous @ Stereo Live @ 10PM
Sabai @ Warehouse Live @ 10PM With Julienne By


Astros vs Twins @ Minute Maid Park @ 12:05PM Promotion: Yoga Day, Astros Belt Bag, Kids Run the Bases, Family Sunday
Livingston Memorial Cup @ Houston Polo Club @ 5:30PM Experience a world class polo match, player parade, live music, expert announcing, traditional champagne divot stomp at halftime and special trophy presentation.
Blackwood Farmers Market @ POST @ 2PM Shop, taste, and support fellow Texan makers and organizations working towards the city’s green future.
Family Day @ MFAH Bayou Bend @ 1PM Visit Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens for an afternoon of family-friendly fun.
‘Dial M for Murder’ Screening @ MFAH @ 5PM See this Hitchcock classic on the big screen for its 70th anniversary revival.
Jazzy Sundays @ Discovery Green @ 5PM Featuring Melvin Johnson and the Electro-Akoustics
Hunxho @ House of Blues @ 7PM
AJ McQueen @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Dreamer Boy @ White Oak Music Hall @ 7PM
Trixter @ Warehouse Live @ 6PM
The Last Ten Seconds of Life @ Scout Bar @ 6:30PM

All Weekend

SATURDAY & SUNDAY - Strauss Festival Concert @ Jones Hall Music Director Juraj Valčuha leads one of the natural wonders of the music world, Strauss’s ‘An Alpine Symphony’ in an epic concert together with world renowned soprano Rachel Willis-Sørensen.
All weekend - Nimesh Patel Stand Up @ Houston Improv
All weekend - Houston Tattoo Arts Festival @ NRG Center The world’s largest tattoo convention tour returns to Houston!
All weekend - ‘Taking Venice’ Screening @ MFAH Enjoy the Texas premiere of this hit documentary making waves in the art world.
All weekend - ‘Mayerling’ Ballet @ Wortham Center LAST CHANCE - An epic triumph in classical story-telling, this titillating three-act ballet tells the dark tale from Sir Kenneth MacMillan’s psychological thriller of the same name.
All weekend - Disney’s ‘Newsies’ Musical @ The Hobby Center LAST CHANCE - Inspired by real-life events, this smash-hit musical is an extraordinary story about fighting for what’s right... and staying true to who you are.
All weekend - ‘Murder Ballad’ Musical @ Art Factory Following a married couple in a break-up, this addicting rock-opera is an exciting theatrical experience that explores the decadence and dangers of desire.
All weekend - ‘Othello: The Remix’ Musical @ Stages Repertory Theatre This production takes ‘The Tragedy of Othello’ to a whole new level in this lit Hip Hop remix as an onstage DJ spins Shakespeare’s legendary masterpiece of jealousy, revenge and passion.
All weekend - ‘A Case for the Existence of God’ Play @ Stages Repertory Theatre Told with humor, empathy, and wrenching honesty, this award-winning play follows an unlikely pair of men as their lives entangle in a story that is both small and big at the same time.
All weekend - ‘The Emporium’ Play @ Alley Theatre LAST CHANCE - Thornton Wilder’s unfinished masterpiece comes to life for the first time, and the audience gets to be an active participant in the very fabric of the play!
All weekend - ‘Dial M for Murder’ Play @ Alley Theatre Greed, fear, jealousy… protecting someone you love. All motives for murder, all here in this sharp new adaptation of Hitchcock’s classic thriller.
All weekend - ‘On Midnight, Friday the Thirteenth’ Play @ Ensemble Theatre LAST CHANCE - Help investigate a murder mystery in this intriguing and exciting dark comedy.
All weekend - ‘Appropriate’ Play @ MATCH This haunting thriller play follows the Lafayette family as they return to their late father’s crumbling estate and discover a new disturbing truth about their own family.

Ongoing Special Events and Museum Exhibitions

Ongoing - AAPI Restaurant Weeks Enjoy special fine & casual dining menus at participating restaurants in celebration of Asian & Pacific Islander heritage month!
Ongoing - ‘Space Explorers: The Infinite’ Immersive Experience @ Silver Street Studios NEW - Embark on an immersive excursion through new breathtaking videos that reveal the many wonders of space exploration.
Ongoing - ‘Jurassic World’ Exhibition @ Katy Mills The limited-time globally sold-out exhibition immerses audiences of all ages in scenes inspired by the beloved film. Discover the science of jurassic world and walk in the land of jurassic giants, closer than ever before!
Ongoing - Dinosaurs @ Houston Zoo Trek through a lush forest trail to see life-sized animatronic creatures, including the fan favorite T-rex, Brachiosaurus, Edmontonia, and more!
Ongoing - Sloomoo Exhibition @ Marq E Entertainment Center Immerse yourself in the joy of sensory play with Sloomoo Institute’s colorful world of never-ending, hand-crafted slime, yummy scents, and soothing ASMR delights.
Ongoing - ‘Jacolby Satterwhite: A Metta Prayer’ Exhibition @ MFAH NEW- Artist Jacolby Satterwhite’s expansive multimedia installation fuses choreography, video, animation, lighting, and music to reimagine a kaleidoscopic, computer-generated world.
Ongoing - ‘Eye on Houston: High School Documentary Photography’ Exhibition @ MFAH The annual exhibition documents and celebrates Houston’s diverse neighborhoods through student photography that captures daily life in our communities, identity, and future.
Ongoing - ‘Ruth Asawa Through Line’ Exhibition @ Menil The exhibition presents drawings, collages, watercolors, and sketchbooks showing the breadth of Ruth Asawa’s innovative and profound practice.
Ongoing - ‘Janet Sobel: All-Over’ Exhibition @ Menil See the pioneering work of Janet Sobel and her ‘All-Over’ abstract expressionist painting technique which inspired generations of artists, including Jackson Pollock.
Ongoing - ‘Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow’ Exhibition @ CAMH Across an installation, a video, and a series of commissioned sculptures, artist Olivia Erlanger continues her decade-long investigation into what it means to call a planet home.
Ongoing - ‘Resonant Earth: Contemporary Perspectives on Land and Body’ Exhibition @ Moody Center for the Arts NEW - ‘Resonant Earth’ explores the connections between the human body and the land through the practices of six contemporary artists, each contributing a personal perspective and unique approach.
submitted by generalpao to houston [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:16 cumbatboobs I absolutely hate that everyone is trying to harvest my emotions.

I can't help but noticed that in this life, we all feed off each other emotionally, and some play fair and do it symbiotically but alot of people are emotional parasites. I've been so depressed for the last 19 years of my life, I'm 29 and can only remember being truly happy back when I was 10. I genuinely feel like I'm on the autistic spectrum and that my mom and family have ignored it possibly out of embarrassment. I have mostly all of the signs and my mom even has a bunch of signs too but Is Indenial. Everytime I exibited behaviors that autistic people do I've noticed reflecting back in my life that she would try to hide me, or discipline me to cover it up and it sucks when you find out these things on your OWN. I have had "disciplinary issues" every since I was 10 and would have outburst and raging fits just like I see autistic people doing in the videos I watched, but they're caregiver or parent, doesn't just spank them or lock them in a room or send them off to another family members home, my mom tho, she wasnt having any of those "excuses" even when i was recommended an evaluation at school. I have been trying to live a regular life and have always struggled with fitting in, expressing my emotions, keeping jobs, concentration, and of course depression as a result of these things. I fucking hate any parent who ignores their childs mental issues! Now that I'm an adult she has no problem acknowledging that I "may" be on the spectrum, I've never had health insurance! I stopped getting health insurance at 12 years old and honestly just feel like a lot of my issues in life could have been managed if my mom did something about it when I was under her responsibility. But the moment I became an adult she treated me as if she doesn't understand why I'm struggling In life. She brushes off any trauma stories I confided in her with and has always tried to one up me. For example I told her about something that had happened to me when I was 8 and she told me I was "so brave, and that she was too scared when something happened to her. She told me I'm tougher than her and proceeded to tell me about her experience with what I went through and made it sound so much worse than mine, she's told me this story multiple times btw so it wasn't like she was trying to comfort me with her story. All I could do was cry and didn't want to talk to her after that anymore and regretted ever even saying anything. Sure she was trying to make me feel better saying how I'm strong and whatnot but she kept saying like "dang, you're a whole lot stronger than I was" as if she wanted me to validate her or something. I recently had to move back in with her and my stepdad and it's been emotional hell! My mom manipulates him with classing narcissistic tactics and constantly complains to me about how much of a narcissist he is, and just dumps all her negativity onto me, and my stepdad pretty much takes his frustrations on me by giving me the cold shoulder most of the time. He knows my mom vents to me about him so he thinks it's me and her vs him which is stupid AF. I never really liked my stepdad as he never made an effort to connect with me growing however, I do respect him as he takes care of my mom and has helped her even through battling cancer. I honestly think she would be poor and struggling if it weren't for him yet she's constantly complaining to me about wanting to divorce him and whenever she has her "moods" she will threaten him like she wants to leave him until she gets whatever it is she wants, money, hair done, a new couch? Yea. I'm honestly sick of her complaining about a guy who seems to be a better man than I am. He's not the richest, not the smartest but seeing her complaining about him being a cheap steak, or dumb when he clearly has more money than me, and seems smarter than me, so she doesn't even realize that she's making me feel even more inadequate. I only had 1 gf and she had the nerve to suggest it was my fault that it didn't work out, even though I told her about being cheated on. I'm just completely fed up with life, I haven't even talk to any woman in 3 years, and ok it's because I'm emotionally scarred. I fear that most women will think just like my mom, and while I'm working a 12hr shift, the thought of her complaining about non sense behind my back is enough to not even want a relationship. I don't feel like I'll ever be self sufficient and never had a real dad growing up, so I really have always felt destine for failure. Nothing motivates me anymore, I avoid talking to women even when they show interest because I have a fear they will toy with my emotional immaturity and use it to manipulate me like my first gf, I actually get triggered when women in public give me open signs because in my mind I'm just thinking of how selfish their thoughts probably are. I feel I'm just a possible "cute guy" to them and they may never care about me on the inside. The thought of women just out here having casual sex disgusts me. And anytime I feel like a women is trying to just use me as a tool I sabotage the connection ASAP. I also feel like my sister who's still friends with my ex, will think I'm gay or something because non of the guys shes into would be like me. So she thinks all guys should want sex or else they might be gay, she doesn't outright say this but ik that's her mentality. I don't really care because ok I'm not gay and never thought of that, but it does trigger me that she could think that and that my ex and her share similar mentalities. So I just get angry, I get angry at women for always complaining about not finding a loyal partner, or a guy that treats them nice yet they are attracted to the literal opposite. My ex left me for an abusive partner and when they didn't work out she went to another abusive partner. I allowed her to complain to me the first time but I caught on pretty quickly that she just wanted to feel better about her shitty mistakes. I do t have tattoos, I'm 5'8, and am very caring in a relationship yet the women I find attractive will ignore me for guys who fit every bill of someone who will use her. It's like beauty and the beast but I'm not beast. I want a kind hearted, spiritually attuned, empathetic partner just like I am, but most of these type are trying to fix some douche bag or get them to see their worth. Their value to me quickly diminishes and I no longer see them as this "amazing women" due to her flawed preferences. These same women usually never take accountability either for their relationship choices. Stop freaking telling me that you don't like when a guy does xyz, when that's the only guys you let in your life. Of course no one choose to be cheated on but when she chooses Chad with the mustang and tattoos, no job, over bill with a Nissan and no tats and 90k job. It gets kind of annoying to hear them complain and sounds like a broken record. I just don't think I can keep waking up with the goal of getting through this day without offing myself.
submitted by cumbatboobs to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:07 StockYou3751 AITAH for blaming my family

So recently my family accused me of dishonesty and said I've broken their trust because I went on a date with a guy without telling them. See one of the many reasons I even dated him was because I was lonely. My family didn't give me much attention and they were all busy with their own lives. I mean I get it they're all busy living their lives and I just had my summer vacation and I felt left out because no one talked to me and I felt alone. I understand that have got jobs and all but wouldn't it be good if they'd stop for a second and ask me how my day went? But they all lived their happy lives. My dad and I are always fighting and my mom and I had our issues. So I didn't have another option and went into the dating world. Where I finally found a guy who would listen to me. I didn't like him in a boyfriend kinda way but I liked his attention and how he showed that he actually cared about me. He'd always remember to call me and apologize and text if he couldn't. So I gave him a little more importance than my family later dude turned out to be a douche bag and I told my brother about what happened. He told my mom and the whole family including cousins. I lastly blamed them all for making me feel lonely and now they say we have given you time. So am I the asshole.
submitted by StockYou3751 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:12 No1leftB3HIND_ I have two tickets, 4 day GA w/merch. Best offer

I had originally bought 3 tickets on black Friday sales, but my best friend turned out to be a douche bag and my other friend has to go to australia during the event, so I'm left sitting on 2 extra tickets.
I can ship (you pay) or meet you near the event on Thursday morning.
I'd like to get at least $250 a ticket, but will take best offer. The two wristbands come with the merch bundles ($35/ea).
I'd prefer western union for the money, but I'd be open to other payment options.
submitted by No1leftB3HIND_ to bonnarootickets [link] [comments]