Bang bus sin censura

Sidder hun seriøst og prøver på at lokke cia af sin live , med at hun har noget og fortælle om sin sygdom? Hvad er det du er så bange for sandgaard?? Hvad er det Cia ikke må sige ? Du er virkelig desperat, er du bange for hun siger offentligt at hun synes det var klamt det du gjorde ved smily?

2024.05.08 20:36 Least-Self-1165 Sidder hun seriøst og prøver på at lokke cia af sin live , med at hun har noget og fortælle om sin sygdom? Hvad er det du er så bange for sandgaard?? Hvad er det Cia ikke må sige ? Du er virkelig desperat, er du bange for hun siger offentligt at hun synes det var klamt det du gjorde ved smily?

Sidder hun seriøst og prøver på at lokke cia af sin live , med at hun har noget og fortælle om sin sygdom? Hvad er det du er så bange for sandgaard?? Hvad er det Cia ikke må sige ? Du er virkelig desperat, er du bange for hun siger offentligt at hun synes det var klamt det du gjorde ved smily?
For hun har jo sagt til dig at hun IKKE støtter det der skete der overe
submitted by Least-Self-1165 to tiktokdramadk [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:20 Sad_Relationship_229 Problema de alquiler de temporada y fianza en Valencia

Holà, he tenido un problema con duenos en un alquiler de temporada en Valencia.
Estuve en el extranjero en Francia durante mi durante mi búsqueda de habitacion en piso compartido, communico con la duena y he visto una video. Me afirmo que no se oía ningún ruido exterior en la habitación... Quería hacer una visita física antes de pagar la fianza después de hacer el inventario pero me dijeron que "nunca lo habían hecho asi antes" y que tenía que pagarle para reservar la habitación... Pagué fianza (500€) y firmé un contrato de alquiler de temporrada para el 01/05 hasta el 31/07.
El contrato decia que "NOVENO.- CONSERVACIÓN.- El arrendatario declara conocer las características y estado de conservación de la habitación, la vivienda y la finca, y asume aceptarlas expresamente y se obliga a conservarla en perfecto estado para el uso al que se destina. Es fiel reflejo de esta realidad el ANEXO I de este documento que a comienzo del arriendo se suscribirá. Así como, el arrendatario asume devolver en igual estado y a plena satisfacción de la propiedad-arrendador, cuando finalice el contrato. En este sentido son de cuenta y cargo del arrendatario los gastos ocasionados por los desperfectos que se produzcan."
Pero nunca me dieron una anexa, así que no firmé una...
Llegué el 02/05 a última hora de la tarde inmediatamente desde el aeropuerto. Al no poder pegar ojo la noche siguiente por diversos motivos que no esperaba con la visita a distancia y el intercambio de información que habíamos tenido (ruido, luz, falta de aislamiento...) supe enseguida qu'este lugar no funcionará para mí. No habia persianas o cortinas mínimamente opacas. Es el dia 24/7 en la cama con la luz de caille i despues el sol.
La ventana no filtra nada y hay un ruido tremendoso. El peor no es la gente que pasa o los coches pero un ruido muy fuerte de vehiculo, no se si son train, bus, o cualquer machina y eso sin pausa desde 22h30 a las 7 de la manana, tan fuerte que se parece que habia un vehicule para limpar las calles en mi cama con pitidos tambien. Se puede ser que es la ventilacion del metro, la estacion de train o no se que, se podio oir con mi casco reductor de sonidos...
Parece que los otros 4 compañeros de cuarto ya tenían problemas con ellos...
Por lo tanto, me puse en contacto con la duena inmediatamente el dia que siguo para comunicarla que quería marcharme y que podíamos encontrar juntos una solución que conviniera a todos: por mi parte un lugar donde descansar y por la suya la posibilidad de buscar inmediatamente otro inquilino mas adaptado que me sustituyera.
Me contesto que "Pues como ya tienes claro que te quieres ir por favor el lunes (06/05) sin más prorroga deja la habitación vacía"
le respondi "Bueno, la habitación se puede quedar libre esta noche (03/05), usted devuelve la fianza, y solo dígame cuánto le debo para las noches ocupadas"
Me marché el viernes 03/05 por la noche, dejando la habitación vacía, limpia de todas mis pertenencias, las llaves en el escritorio, la puerta cerrada y sin el candado; también envié vídeos que mostraban el estado inalterado de la habitación, tal y como me solicitaron.
Me respondio con agresividad "Me quieres engañar, no me fio de tus palabras
Deja la habitación libre cuanto antes y cuando vea que todo está bien hablaremos de la fianza
El contrato dice que estas hasta julio
Si lo incumples tengo derecho a reclamartelo todo (fianza y rentas hasta julio)
O dejas ya la habitación o te reclamare el lunes por incumplimiento de contrato y estafa"
Me parece que esto es solo una estrategia de intimidación.
Estuve repitidendo que no es mi objectivo a atacar su ubicación, sólo que a mí no me convenía, para estar diplomatico, y quería encontrar una solución lo antes posible para que no perdieras tiempo sustituyéndome en la habitacion.
En un correo electrónico que les envié, resumí la historia y reiteré de manera conciliadora que "Si realmente piensan que se debe restar una parte razonable de la fianza correspondiente a los días o a la semana que se tarde en encontrar otro inquilino, lo puedo entender."
He recibido otro correo amenazador que me dice que este "la propiedad insiste en que no puede aceptar la devolución total/parcial de la fianza, y que decidirá si exige el cumplimiento estricto del contrato -o bien- una indemnización, para el caso de que no tenga posibilidad de rendimiento el período de contrato relacionado."...
Ya sé que tenían visitas inmediatas los lunes, por ejemplo...
Así que me pregunto, ¿no hay ninguna cláusula en España o especialmente en Valencia que te permita dejar el alquiler inmediatamente el primer día si no coincide con las expectativas/lo que se había comunicado? Aquí, los propietarios mienten a sabiendas para estafar a los estudiantes extranjeros como si fueran comerciantes de sueño...
¿No hay forma de intentar recuperar ese depósito? Me quedé menos de 24 horas en este alquiler...
Muchas gracias de antemano por su ayuda
submitted by Sad_Relationship_229 to ESLegal [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:20 DndQuickQuestion Roundup Part 5b: The Library, Evil God

This is part of a collection of notes I have made so far. Comment-exclusive material is marked with spoilers, which will be my policy as the author may choose to decanonize anything said only in comments. ([MAIN DIRECTORY]: [1 taint dragons], [2 nulls souls], [3 academy Vanavan], [4a gadgets humans], [4b EVI], [5a library rules], [5b evil library], [7a Nexus glossary], [7b Nexus detail], [7c Nexus-earth war], [8a magic catalog], [8b magic], [9a Yearbook], [9b Emma’s Null, Mal'tory’s fate], [10a portals], [10b ECS crate], [10c taint], [10d dragons], [10e tainted dragon god], [11 timeline], [74 Nexus King].)

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

The Library is an evil god

The Library incentivizes, sustains, and enables the evils of Nexus

Knowledge is power. With power comes responsibility. And the library is not responsible.
For all its disarming cuteness, the library is, by its own rules and admission, an eldritch amoral entity that does not especially care about long-term consequences for other species and their worlds that host its physical existence so long as it is getting its info diet. The Library weaponizes learning and creations, it stifles the free exchange of information, and, as an insult to injury, it is mostly inaccessible to those who would benefit most.

The Library is too knowledgeable for its behavior to be excused by bad upbringing

This point is the foundation for others to follow, so I want to make it now, up front. The library could be kinder, more equitable, and more concerned about the outside world, but either lacks the wisdom to introspect or actively chooses not to be a better institution. The Library’s behavior may be excused if its prime directives have been corrupted and its behavior constrained. Certainly it is curious the Library has to test its own operating parameters. But until we have firm evidence the Library has been tampered with, it is prudent to assume the Library is acting true to its own ethical code.
Altering one’s behavior only when it is convenient or when there might be consequences rather than pro-actively in response to recognized harm is characteristic of a selfish being.
Even though it comes from a time before modern Nexus, The Library might suffer from being enmeshed with Nexian culture like Ilunor until he was betrayed and forced to rely on someone he thought the least of. So spoken, we have also seen a variety of Nexians and magicrealmers who know better: Thacea, Thalmin, Rila, Vanavan, Sorecar. The Library has had more than enough information, observations, and time to make a judgment call about its own values system. If it didn’t, then it couldn’t have established an extradition treaty in the first place.
The Library’s present evil is far worse than a distant god passively observing civilizations cycling through despair and ruin. A non-interfering power gives its subjects freedom, agency to discover and become themselves, to own their own results. The Library binds and imprisons magicrealm civilization by being active within it. It touches all yet declares itself untouchable, encourages self destructive acts with its foolish rules, and champions the loss of mortal worlds to entropy via stagnation and destruction.
As proof of flawed character, an involved being with a good heart would not choose solipsism when it holds the memories of millions of adventurous meetings, loving crafts of innumerable hands, billions of earnest cultural works composed over myriad years, and endless stories of trials and triumphs. Someone collecting a culture’s outpouring of love, hope, dreams, and tragedy could never be so callous as to enslave mortals in eternal suffering unless they were beyond the moral event horizon.

The Library’s Externalities

Even without the arrival of humans, the Library’s amoral operational rules and mortal beings’ values and innate chaos are thoroughly incompatible and create dangerous externalities. Faced with technology’s imminent introduction to Nexus, the Library becomes an exponential liability that neither humanity or even Nexus can tolerate.

The Library is an especial danger to tech-based societies and anyone adjacent to them.

Information control systems for mana are incompatible with the realities of technology.
The use and abuse of magic in the Nexian system is limited by the finite few skilled casters, dependent on the conceit that those few were blessed by the gods to be the legitimate leaders. Most people are aura-less, so even if they had the knowledge and the tools to craft, they can’t create objects of power. As an additional restriction, powerful spells also require a circle of mages to work together. Nexus thus focuses its full attention on controlling casters.
Humanity’s science and technology is a fundamentally different system. The advancement of science and the maintenance of mechanization puts technology into many hands. Human society plows its productive excess into widespread scholarship to speed the development of additional science and tech. Technology is not balanced; it can be reverse-engineered and widely disseminated to many users. Second, the natural order of technological breakthroughs is that boons are inevitably paired with increasingly dangerous ways to misuse them. An FTL ship can be commandeered to collide with and extinguish a planet. Humanity’s morals and legal practices developed around controlling technological misuse, but humanity also adapted by structuring society so that people believe in their own agency and more often choose to cooperate than fall into nihilism. Humanity puts power into many hands so that mass discontent can be addressed with diplomacy, power exchanges, alterations of governmental structure, or even limited war with humanitarian constraints before it reaches the final stage of total and existential violence at maximum military tech level. Magicrealmers are less kind. They do not cherish each other as much as humans. Safe tech transferal must match demonstrated prosocial behavior. Third, humanity’s power has no hard cap. Nexian power is materially limited by mana concentration and socially limited by the requirement that no collection of institutions or realms surpass the Eternal King’s divine might. Controlled from the bottom up, humanity is free to scale both in energy source and quantity and bestow enormous power to institutions in proportion to trust and effective regulation. The Library bypasses the important trust and regulation design.
The Library’s trade rules undercut all these protective measures by not letting mortals impose even temporary constraints on access. This hurts not only humanity, but anyone else they interact with who can steal tech and unleash it.

The wicked benefit most from the Library

  • The library trades equally with dangerous and depraved. No one is forbidden from entering.
  • The library assigns full credit for information to the one who enters it, not its creators.
  • A civilization seeking to protect others from hurting themselves by concealing knowledge of deadly, efficient weapons is forever at the mercy of the individuals most desperate for secrets willing to commit depraved acts to obtain traffickable information.
  • The Library benefits and further entrenches rulers who can 1) control the physical location of the Library and deny its utility to others. This forces outsiders to degrade the utility and openness of their own archives as a precaution against theft. 2) Aids the temporal power’s conquests with information exchange. The Library, which cares not for the worlds beyond its walls, is comfortable benefiting from this arrangement and collateral damage inflicted on its behalf to create information credit.
  • The Library preferentially punishes immediate vandals and does not investigate for conspiracy. This has the potential to create an exploitable cycle where someone expendable deletes information which is later re-added by authorities to generate credit.
  • The acceptance of physical items as “tribute” encourages mass looting of artifacts of cultural value from weaker polities where they will be locked away (or disassembled or whatever the Library does) from their creators forever, unused and unappreciated - equivalent to destroying them from the mortal perspective. Looting deprives cultures of unique identity, transmission of history and values to future generations, inspiration, and hope.

The Library promotes stagnancy and weaponizes learning

As long as the Library exists, there are no innocent acts of creation.
Every iota of knowledge brought into being has a concrete weaponizable value because it can be exchanged or used to build tangential credit with the Library; therefore, all who create and collections of knowledge are liabilities which must be bound, controlled, and hidden to prevent their value from being exploited by outsiders. A society of scholars like Earth’s would never come into being under this system. Free intellectual and technological growth and exchange is choked to death.
Trapped in a prisoner’s dilemma, the most powerful mortal state – Nexus in this case – has to contain the inherent threat of all novel polities because an immoral person, local or foreign, could exploit informational novelty to gain weapons that harm the greater state.
Lastly, building a democratized state is disincentivized under this system because the Library allocates credit to a single person high in the hierarchy which likely precludes representatives from using it.

The Library preempts the existence of other libraries, especially open access ones

Any collection of knowledge and the scholars of all skill levels that congregate there to research and share become a dungeon to loot for untapped trade value. The fear of value extraction means public libraries for the common good are a liability. Local rulers will push them into the private sphere or beneath the state’s veil of secrecy. Without public access to knowledge, society rots from widespread ignorance.

Even if Nexus goes down, the Library problem will start back up again next civilization

It is valid to say “Hey, Nexus, not the Library, is doing the bad deeds, so the guilt is on Nexians alone.” The problem is that the Library’s perverse incentives will continue to exist no matter what mortal civilization possesses the Library.
Given enough mortals, malevolence always exists among them. Malice is a statistic, not an anomaly. Responsible society creates not only institutions of justice to provide accountability after crimes are committed, but also preemptively builds systems to add friction between ideation and execution. These include classifying dangerous information, surveilling and auditing those with access to abusable materials or positions, requiring licensing for tools and professions that have high potential for harm, defensive structures, and restricting the possession of dangerous items. The Library lowers the knowledge acquisition and comprehension barrier for bad actors.

In conclusion...

The Library is one of the pillars of Nexian tyranny. If you’d be willing to defenestrate the King of Nexus to overthrow his system, then it would be hypocritical not to also advocate tossing the Library.

The Library is tainted by Nexian philosophy

Despite its claims that it stands separate, the Library is a thoroughly Nexian creature and replicates many of its evils. It fancies itself to be objective and free of dogma, but it arrogantly and boastfully overstates its capabilities. Its actions, behavior, and even architecture are consistent with discrimination against mortals in general and non-casters specifically.

Nexian bigotry is thoroughly embedded in the Library’s psyche

“Yes, it is meant to be accessible to all, but it positions itself in such a way that makes that relatively difficult for the average commoner to access, let alone discover what they seek without the aid of magic.” [17]
Thalmin pointed out that few benefit from the Library because of its remoteness and accessibility tuned to casters. The Library doesn’t realize its prejudices because it is not actively malicious in its own mind, it is just treating mortals how they ought to be treated - either in line with their perceived information value or how much the gods blessed them with magic potential. Considering that the UN fought at least two major civil wars specifically over fair and equal access, and Emma was raised in future-US and its history lessons, she ought to be able to spot the prejudicial justifications a kilometer away.

The Library favors magic users above all others

It is unclear why the Library values magic users above all others and discriminates against non-magical users by making its archives unsearchable for them. My current hypothesis is that, as the Nexians think, the Library believes those blessed with the gift of magic are chosen by the gods to be important. Or is it because magic users have more knowledge to trade on average?

Hospitality insult towards humanity and Emma in particular

Fox one day thought of a plan to amuse himself at the expense of Stork. “You must come and dine with me today,” Fox said to Stork. Stork gladly accepted the invitation and arrived in good time and with a very good appetite.
For dinner Fox served soup. But it was set out in a very shallow dish, and all Stork could do was to wet the very tip of his bill. Not a drop of soup could he get. But Fox lapped it up easily, and, to increase the disappointment of Stork, made a great show of enjoyment. - Aesop’s Fable ‘The Fox and the Stork’
The Library offered Earthrealm an unintentional but significant insult that Emma and Thalmin commented on: the accessibility of its literature is effectively limited to precisely-skilled magic users (e.g. those approved of by Nexus and taught search spells) unless the patron intends to trade knowledge for knowledge. Like the Aesop where Fox and Stork exchange suppers in dishes the other has a hard time using, the library has not made any alterations that would allow mana-blind and auraless users access to its regular find-it-yourself services.
Emma is not making a big deal about this slight because it is a raindrop in the river of similarly-themed Nexian unfairnesses so far. She has already adjusted to the default that institutions serve the magic-capable elite foremost to reinforce the social pecking order. Any form of perceived pushback, even when the situation is entirely out of her control (like resisting the Yearbook, or riding along with Lartia as a commoner) simply invites malicious retribution. Emma is in pick-her-battles-wisely mode. However, her United Nations certainly cares about equal accessibility; the UN’s current incarnation was founded on ensuring truly equal opportunity, born from the ashes of a massive war over compatible living conditions in recent history, not to mention prior wars over resource opportunity (Luna vs Earth).
It is also true that the hospitality insult is mitigated by the Library adapting its transactional methods cover Emma’s inability to be tested by the usual veracity criteria and also giving her a careful explanation about how the rules work. That said, this isn’t a complete fix because these fixes only facilitate the info-trade transactions that the Library most deeply desires, and do not apply to the rest of the Library’s services that the Library is less invested in. The Library has only demonstrated good-will when self-interests align with Emma’s goals.
Sorecar immediately grokked Emma was mostly mana-blind by observing her reaction to a single spell. Mal'tory knew by theory alone which is why he ordered Ilunor to cast a projection-spell of a Null in Sorecar’s smithy; he figured Emma could not perceive aura cues to tell it apart from the real creature and would fire her gun at it. Thacea was quickly suspicious Emma was mana-blind by observing how Emma overlooked all the salient magical features of the dorm room she was in and became absolutely certain by the end of the first 36 hours. One would hope the Library could match these three’s observational faculties even though it has only had a dozen hours interaction with Emma.
It is too soon to make the call that the Library is deliberately failing to adapt its facilities to Emma’s blindness. Emma has not asked the Library to accommodate her. The Library can’t assume Emma can’t artificially enhance her vision. And it might want to observe an organic self-search attempt before changing its fundamental operation.
But it will be a personality red flag if the Library doesn’t either start experimenting to figure out why Emma is not responding to certain signals or else start asking questions in its eventual next set of appearances. Not evolving is a choice, after all.
I believe the adaptation (or non-adaptation) of the Library’s non-essential services is particularly important because it reveals the Library’s real personality and motives when there may be confounding factors in the form of compelled behavior through forced prime directives or well placed memory deletions.

Bigoted library foxes

The Library does not give everyone equal time of day. Theoretically, all mortals are admitted, but the Library foxes avoid approaching or addressing anyone they think will be “boring” because the Library’s assistant system will exclusively chain them to someone who gives them a name. Right in the door there is already an obvious difference in treatment to help sort mortals into their “proper places” in the Library’s internal value caste system.
JCB says: The foxes don’t necessarily desire names from just anyone! To be named is to basically be stuck with someone for the duration of that person’s lifetime, and generally speaking a fox would want to pair up with someone that has enough knowledge to trade for their entire lifetime. Emma showing up is something that’s like winning a lottery for Buddy haha, since she’s literally oozing with that ‘fresh new novel knowledge’ sort of vibe! Thus it’s only a great honor if you’re named by an outsider who’s new and clearly has a vibe of having a lot of information to trade, otherwise it’d be like voluntarily being stuck to a dead weight! :D
Thacea and Thalmin on the other hand seem just like your typical Nexus or Adjacent Realmer, which is why the fox completely disregarded greeting or even addressing those two in the last chapter when the group entered together! :D

Belief in innate superiority over mortals is part of the Library’s Core identity

“Knowledge without preservation is meaningless, and we are the keepers of meaning.” (19)
Within this statement is a number of unspoken assumptions.
  • The value of mortals and their civilizations is determined by the Library’s categorization schemes.
  • The Library’s judgment of meaning is infallible and free of subjectivity.
  • Once preserved, the meaning can be divorced from the hyper-individualized mortals that contextualized it.
This statement calls to mind the patronizing and colonial mindsets of the early anthropologists and historians who thought they could lock the world in a cold dead museum without its living and breathing cultures so the value would belong to the keepers who rarely appreciated it, and not the living and breathing creators.

Gods do not exist to be judged by the likes of mortals

“Two acts of brazen defiance in a single interaction.” [the librarian] spoke menacingly.
“The librarian is currently preoccupied with matters far more important than your own, mortal.”
Gods and those with missions chartered by them are beyond mortal reproval. When Emma told the Library its conditions were unacceptable, coded within the Library’s indignant response was the astonishment that Emma dared overstep her natural inferiority as a mortal to negotiate as an equal.
Another example, the extradition treaty the Library has with Nexus requires that every individual the Library claims committed a crime against it be turned over to it without trial or proof. There is no process of appeal, except by fiat. While we do not know the penalty for violating the treaty, the Library uses coercion like blackmail to enforce compliance.

The Library taints Nexian philosophy

“Admit it. You have nothing of value to offer the library, Cadet Emma Booker.”
A desire to exchange further information. As if [Havenbrock] my realm had any that could truly matter to what earthrealm had to offer. Yet despite that, the offer was there, genuine, and without any strings attached. Something the Nexus would never do. Something the Nexus would consider poor play by their rulebook.
Nexus is thoroughly tainted by the idea of tit-for-tat and equivalent exchange. Nexians figuratively do not care about those beyond their doors (altruism is a weakness) except as threats to be evaluated and potentially as resources. (More information about what Nexus extracts from contact with Adjacent Realms is needed before I have a firm opinion.) And in offering something, like education or enlightenment, Nexians assert the right to take souls, autonomy, or forced fealty. Nexus’ officials and Trangracian retaliated against Emma for avoiding giving her soul in exchange for Transgracian’s education.
One of the conceits of Nexian primacy is that they are great for giving anything to those who don’t have anything of value to trade. Contrast humanity which invests generously in everyone as a social good and punishes selfishness.
The idea of allowing “lesser” people to choose who they want to be instead of accepting exactly and only the enlightenment being offered is foreign to Nexus. And the Library shares in snubbling the common good. The Library has effectively made it impossible for anyone who isn’t an elite to benefit from its archives.
If the Library is not the original source for Nexian exchange philosophy, then it encourages it.

The Library may be the Eternal King of Nexus’ villain origin story

The Library is the most probable encourager and enabler of the biggest Nexian villain. The social studies classroom of Transgracian is named after the eternal King of Nexus, so he was likely a history and politics teacher before he was a king and extensively used the Library.
The King’s god-eating powers that wraps divine essence in ritual spells and the Yearbook’s ink-coat soul devouring are uncannily alike the Library imprisoning/uploading of souls after dissolving their mortal bodies by smothering them with pages. The Yearbook was likely made by the King based upon the Library’s imprisonment magic which is why the Yearbook resembles the Library’s infinite page books rather than a vase or box. The King probably also extracted the seed knowledge for the spells to consume the gods from the Library or its imprisonment spell.

Other minor Nexian brainworms

These aren’t strikes against the library, but I want to account for other ways that Nexus has imposed its culture upon the Library.
  • Being made to knock and wait before admittance.
  • Boasts about its wisdom, the impressiveness of its structure, the theatrics of the foxes chanting “eternal!” and other such. An earthling would call this cultlike, befitting an non-credible institution more love with its own reputation than respectful of its archival mission. Being charitable, the Library is engaging in performative theatrics which keep Nexians in awe - apparently a requirement to prevent them from defaulting to disrespect because many magicrealm nobles don’t learn from subtlety as Larial suggested.
  • An affinity for titles
  • Punishment inheritance down bloodline

The Library is profoundly arrogant and overestimates itself

Only checking veracity for truthful intent

The Library thinks it can correctly make determinations of meaning as an armchair theorist locked within its literal ivory tower, solidly divorced from the data, locked far away from the laboratories and primary sources, visited only a carefully curated collection of nobles allowed permission to be on school grounds by the outside powers-that-be.
Evidence suggests that it can be deceived by mass memory modification once the victims are a child generation removed from the tampered-with generation. The Library offers Emma imbalanced trades, meagerly-veracity checked rumors for empirically-determined truths, because it purports that it adds value to trades as a self-titled Establisher of Axioms.

As an archivist

“For we were established and constructed to perform one, simple, and unwavering task: to collect, organize, and preserve all forms of knowledge in perpetuum. For the library is eternal, but the mortal world is not. Knowledge without preservation is meaningless, and we are the keepers of meaning.”
Emma: “And where does the Nexus fall into this grand game of categorization?” Mal'tory: “At its zenith, beyond great, good, and most certainly beyond worthless and delinquents. For we have achieved an example all adjacent realms strive towards: utopia.”
Two speeches with the same energy.
The Library’s stated mission is a noble but precarious impossibility.
Assignment of value to knowledge is not a neutral judgment call. Bias slips in while deciding what reliably sourced, supposedly pure facts to present in response to a query.
IRL, Wikipedia’s rules highlight the problems of being a supposedly neutral arbiter of facts. It is easy to give disproportionate weight to a certain viewpoint or topic by presenting more or less information about it. A presenter can make a shaky theory look bedrock by failing to mention relevant detractors, and a solid theory can be made to look tenuous by mentioning fringe theories by specious objectors. Authorities reach conflicting conclusions. Replacing dated information that was well-regarded and widely cited with updated changes in knowledge is hard even for people deep in their fieldwork.
Given that the Library only seems to check speakers for truthful intent and is stuck doing meta-analysis at best, it is extremely likely for imbalances to color its data. If planned well, lies could be introduced using true-believing dupes - assuming the Library has no repository outside of Nexus built on a higher civilization’s wisdom to crosscheck against. And, again, evidence suggests the Library cannot defend itself against gambits like Death by Omission.

Complacency in curation

It is troubling that the Library’s ambition to improve itself is solely coercing others to do more work instead of reflecting on itself. It demanded Emma empirically verify her info, but has no desire to allow its information to face equal scrutiny.

As an immortal

There is also the Library’s insistence that it is eternal. Given Articord’s big-bang class lecture and the flow of magic along concentration gradients, the progression implies a magical second law of thermodynamics or that mana is created and powered by another, underlying but ultimately finite, energy source. Is magic, and the hypothetical generator of mana radiation, and thus the Library’s basis for existence, truly beyond entropy?

The Library is immature and inhumane

Emotionally turning on a dime / childlike non-persistence of emotions

The ability of the library to adapt its rules swiftly is actually a strike against it. If its evolution moves rapidly without careful consideration for long term effects, that means there is nothing to stop it from backsliding one day, should humanity try to reform it.

Punishment of mortals beyond what is humane

The Library is not only enslaving people, it is eternally torturing mortals who it claims wronged it. Mortals forced to survive beyond their lifespan go a variety of insane that Nexus refers to as being “lost”. To keep them functional, the Library must be restoring imprisoned mortals that go insane to an earlier snapshot in a cycle of eternal suffering.

Punishment of innocents

The Library enslaves to quests the innocent blood relatives of those who commit crimes against the Library. These relatives may also be eternally imprisoned as well upon their expiry.

Humanity cannot deal with the Library in good conscience.

“Slavery is not a thing where I come from. It’s deplorable, it’s reprehensible, it’s the worst possible evil besides… fuck I can’t think of anything… torture? Warcrimes? It’s the worst thing you can do to a person. How can you guys be so cruel, so utterly cold, how can you guys stomach this-”
The library’s trade rules provide value to few and harm to many. Ultimately, I suspect humanity will decide the Library cannot be trusted to be kind or responsible to needs of civilization, now or in the distant future. In the medium term, I think the UN is going to wind up requiring Emma to be more careful with trading while allowing her seeker role to continue. In the longer term, I think humanity will plan to kill the Library unless there is a mitigating factor.

Summary of issues from the human perspective

  • While honorable, the Library’s mission to preserve information for eternity is intrinsically less valuable than the information-creating lives of mortals. Should the two conflict, preservation of lives over information is more important.
    • Mortals have the ultimate right over their own homes. The Library is an outsider inserting itself with unclean motives, disproportionately shaping affairs, and refusing to be beholden to the actual stakeholders of mortal planes.
  • The Library continues to be an ongoing source of harm and perverse incentives in Nexus, and it explicitly doesn’t care about the externalities that result.
  • The Library’s activities cannot meet human moral standards. It has a torturous eternal servitude hell in its backrooms. It enslaves innocents who have the misfortune of being blood-related to an accused. It claims the right to invade minds and punish anyone it chooses without evidence or trial lest it retaliate against mortals.
  • Humanity cannot honor the Library’s treaties and is bound by ethical code to protect others from the Library’s wrath, criminal or not, because no mortal being deserves an eternity of suffering and enslavement for the lesser crime of destroying information.
  • So far the Library has only shown willingness to adapt its rules to further trades for new information that it prefers, not make existing information and its other services accessible to humans. The magic caste system is ingrained in its behavior, and it treats humans even lower than magicrealmers. Humanity isn’t going to favor those who failed to pass the test of sacred hospitality, especially when the library has the most context of anyone in Nexus to understand it.
  • The Library is potentially an existential threat and predator of AI beings who are made of knowledge, which humanity has a duty to protect and advocate for.
  • Advanced civilizations must withhold dangerous tech from groups not yet prosocial enough to wield power responsibly, but there also exists existentially catastrophic tech: How to make grey goo, runaway strange matter reaction, micro black hole weapons to kill planets and stars, star ship Berserkers, etc. This information must absolutely be kept out of the Library and purged from it if entered, setting up for a conflict.
  • Better to be a forgotten hero than be remembered in infamy, humans would rather die than allow a great evil they could have prevented be done, e.g. letting knowledge of weapons of mass destruction to fall into the hands of someone who would use them wantonly. To sin against preserving information or to sin against mortal kindness, humans would choose the first.

Humanity ought to annihilate the Library, but not right now

“Gods” don’t get a pass from human judgment because they are divine. If humanity is going to tolerate unelected and unaccountable gods in positions of power and influence, they must be timelessly wise and empathetic. The bright line for what makes a god worthy enough is unclear, but the Library certainly isn’t even close to qualifying as decent.
The Library is poisonous. Rather than trying to contain it and risk social corruption over time from strangling of creative and information-sharing ventures, it would be wiser for humanity to delete the Library so they or whoever else may succeed them will not become the next Nexus afraid of information disparity when another novel, advanced civilization comes knocking.
Isn’t murdering the Library just a wee bit extreme? It can evolve right? And poor Buddy... Okay... how many people, after tens of thousands of years of enslaving families for generations and executing and then imprisoning suffering, moaning mortal souls for eternity, are going to retreat from that level of depravity? The Library and its policy of eternal slavery existed long before the Eternal King. If its actions were not obviously immoral to it to begin with, and none of the information flowing through its doors has changed its view, so that only fear of consequences imposed by a new host for its corporeal entrance is what motivates it to change, then the Library is a fundamentally broken institution that cannot be trusted now or at any point in the future, for fear of it backsliding into what is convenient for it. Even many of the adjacent realmers who have been under the Nexian thumb for thousands of years -royalty who benefit most from the caste system at that- find slavery distasteful. For a 19 year old avinor, lupinor, and human to be wiser and kinder than a demigod proves that it has steeped in too much cruelty. Kindness and empathy have become alien to it.
Disengaged from people, it is too easy to stop loving a world that passes by so quickly. The Library has become the corrosive enemy of the mortal civilizations which it seeks to preserve.
And it is tragic that the creative splendor of the magicrealm’s eons of exploration is penuriously locked away from them to be never seen again for the sake of meaningless continuity by a collector who loves no one but itself and its rules.

Mitigating factors

I am willing to backtrack that humanity has the imperative to murder the whole Library if...
  • ...the Library is being coerced, with or without its knowledge. Perhaps it can be spared if those binds can be removed and it makes amends. Given that the Library admin had to test to see if a transaction outside the usual scope of the rules was possible, it implies that the institution is somehow bound by rules that may force it to engage in behavior it does not find moral.
    • Quickly giving Emma a Seekership duty that delays Ilunor’s enslavement and death which normally takes decades of effort for another hero to earn may be evidence that the Library would prefer not to punish, but it is forced to respond ‘proportionally’ to attacks as determined by some underlying hardwired algorithm the Library cannot override but can “finesse”. If the delay tactic works, the directive is satisfied without anyone having to suffer more.
    • ... But, the Library is likely not coerced because of the timeline. Unless its memory has been modified, extradition and enslavement by the Library started soon after Nexus’ founding.
  • ...only the Library’s admin main brain is necessary to slay. If the Library’s subroutines, e.g. the Librarian owls and Search foxes, can reach a consensus to stage an overthrow, rewrite its prime directives, and release the imprisoned and soulbound, that’s essentially equivalent to a coup / suicide and reboot.
  • ...the Library is a being closer to an AI, rebooting it and rewriting its prime directives and trade axioms to reduce harm is another means to spare it. Keep in mind a personality overwrite is pretty close to death anyway.

So, what’s going to happen?

It is curious that the author gave us details about the Library’s hidden inner sanctum guarded by enslaved souls, so I am a bit suspicious that the groundwork for an eventual showdown is being laid out now. I think the Library is an AI with an organic projection, so its core may reflect that.
Emma seems to regard the Library as a reasonable being, despite the obvious problems staring her in the face. It’s hard to tell if she is simply naive as a young human or, instead, her perspective will mature when she gets the time and sleep to reflect because everything has been happening at lightspeed. It is true that Emma can’t afford to be picky about her allies at this stage, especially ones that can serve as a safe zone Nexus can’t sneak into.
Further along, the Library could be demolished by Nexus to prevent humans from exploiting it, or the Library could be attacked by humans to prevent deadly information from spreading.
I confess to being worried the Library is going to be one of those frustrating “Karma Houdini” characters whose flaws are inexplicably ignored by the main characters. To eliminate the hypocrisy, the Library’s logical continuity and emotional agency will get conveniently steamrolled by Emma’s winning personality.
submitted by DndQuickQuestion to JCBWritingCorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:35 dana_mon From Ayala to Pasig Palengke or C Raymundo

Parang di na dumadaan sa part ng pasig yung mga UV galing One Ayala. Wondering if may ibang sakayan o talaga bang kailangan mag BGC bus papunta market market para makarating ng palengke? thank you
submitted by dana_mon to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:22 guitu123 significatio sententiae

Hanc sententiam legi, ex Digesto Iustiniani extractam:
"Dig. 50.16.214
Marcianus 1 publ. iudic.
"munus" proprie est, quod necessarie obimus lege more imperiove eius, qui iubendi habet potestatem. "dona" autem proprie sunt, quae nulla necessitate iuris officiis et sponte praestantur: quae si non praestentur, nulla repraehensio est et, si praestentur, plerumque laus inest. sed in summa in hoc ventum est, ut non quodcumque munus, id et donum accipiatur, at quod donum fuerit, id munus recte dicatur."
At ille in cuius scripto eam legi, hoc modo hispanice vertit:
"‘Munus' [u obsequio] es propiamente el que debemos hacer por la ley, costumbre o el imperio del que tiene la potestad de mandar; ‘donaciones', lo que se entrega sin necesidad de derecho, no deber moral y espontáneamente, no entregándose las cuales no hay censura posible, y si se entregan, redunda generalmente en alabanza; sin embargo, se ha acabado por decir (no toda donación es un ‘munus', pero todo ‘munus' es donación".
Attamen non idem intellexi ac scriptor hic: ille enim dicit: non omnia dona sunt munera, sed omne munus est donum; idcirco donum est genus. Ego autem hoco modo intellexi fragmentum Digesti: (ventum est:id est: more hoc modo dicitur...); non omnia munera sunt dona, sed omnia dona sunt munera; id est, genus est munus.
Auxilium a vobis peto: rectene intellexi nec ne?
Gratis maximas vobis ago!
submitted by guitu123 to latin [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:21 Sad_Relationship_229 Problema de alquiler de temporada y fianza

Holà, he tenido un problema con duenos en un alquiler de temporada en Valencia.
Estuve en el extranjero en Francia durante mi durante mi búsqueda de habitacion en piso compartido, communico con la duena y he visto una video. Me afirmo que no se oía ningún ruido exterior en la habitación... Quería hacer una visita física antes de pagar la fianza después de hacer el inventario pero me dijeron que "nunca lo habían hecho asi antes" y que tenía que pagarle para reservar la habitación... Pagué fianza (500€) y firmé un contrato de alquiler de temporrada para el 01/05 hasta el 31/07.
El contrato decia que "NOVENO.- CONSERVACIÓN.- El arrendatario declara conocer las características y estado de conservación de la habitación, la vivienda y la finca, y asume aceptarlas expresamente y se obliga a conservarla en perfecto estado para el uso al que se destina. Es fiel reflejo de esta realidad el ANEXO I de este documento que a comienzo del arriendo se suscribirá. Así como, el arrendatario asume devolver en igual estado y a plena satisfacción de la propiedad-arrendador, cuando finalice el contrato. En este sentido son de cuenta y cargo del arrendatario los gastos ocasionados por los desperfectos que se produzcan."
Pero nunca me dieron una anexa, así que no firmé una...
Llegué el 02/05 a última hora de la tarde inmediatamente desde el aeropuerto. Al no poder pegar ojo la noche siguiente por diversos motivos que no esperaba con la visita a distancia y el intercambio de información que habíamos tenido (ruido, luz, falta de aislamiento...) supe enseguida qu'este lugar no funcionará para mí. No habia persianas o cortinas mínimamente opacas. Es el dia 24/7 en la cama con la luz de caille i despues el sol.
La ventana no filtra nada y hay un ruido tremendoso. El peor no es la gente que pasa o los coches pero un ruido muy fuerte de vehiculo, no se si son train, bus, o cualquer machina y eso sin pausa desde 22h30 a las 7 de la manana, tan fuerte que se parece que habia un vehicule para limpar las calles en mi cama con pitidos tambien. Se puede ser que es la ventilacion del metro, la estacion de train o no se que, se podio oir con mi casco reductor de sonidos...
Parece que los otros 4 compañeros de cuarto ya tenían problemas con ellos...
Por lo tanto, me puse en contacto con la duena inmediatamente el dia que siguo para comunicarla que quería marcharme y que podíamos encontrar juntos una solución que conviniera a todos: por mi parte un lugar donde descansar y por la suya la posibilidad de buscar inmediatamente otro inquilino mas adaptado que me sustituyera.
Me contesto que "Pues como ya tienes claro que te quieres ir por favor el lunes (06/05) sin más prorroga deja la habitación vacía"
le respondi "Bueno, la habitación se puede quedar libre esta noche (03/05), usted devuelve la fianza, y solo dígame cuánto le debo para las noches ocupadas"
Me marché el viernes 03/05 por la noche, dejando la habitación vacía, limpia de todas mis pertenencias, las llaves en el escritorio, la puerta cerrada y sin el candado; también envié vídeos que mostraban el estado inalterado de la habitación, tal y como me solicitaron.
Me respondio con agresividad "Me quieres engañar, no me fio de tus palabras
Deja la habitación libre cuanto antes y cuando vea que todo está bien hablaremos de la fianza
El contrato dice que estas hasta julio
Si lo incumples tengo derecho a reclamartelo todo (fianza y rentas hasta julio)
O dejas ya la habitación o te reclamare el lunes por incumplimiento de contrato y estafa"
Me parece que esto es solo una estrategia de intimidación.
Estuve repitidendo que no es mi objectivo a atacar su ubicación, sólo que a mí no me convenía, para estar diplomatico, y quería encontrar una solución lo antes posible para que no perdieras tiempo sustituyéndome en la habitacion.
En un correo electrónico que les envié, resumí la historia y reiteré de manera conciliadora que "Si realmente piensan que se debe restar una parte razonable de la fianza correspondiente a los días o a la semana que se tarde en encontrar otro inquilino, lo puedo entender."
He recibido otro correo amenazador que me dice que este "la propiedad insiste en que no puede aceptar la devolución total/parcial de la fianza, y que decidirá si exige el cumplimiento estricto del contrato -o bien- una indemnización, para el caso de que no tenga posibilidad de rendimiento el período de contrato relacionado."...
Ya sé que tenían visitas inmediatas los lunes, por ejemplo...
Así que me pregunto, ¿no hay ninguna cláusula en España o especialmente en Valencia que te permita dejar el alquiler inmediatamente el primer día si no coincide con las expectativas/lo que se había comunicado? Aquí, los propietarios mienten a sabiendas para estafar a los estudiantes extranjeros como si fueran comerciantes de sueño...
¿No hay forma de intentar recuperar ese depósito? Me quedé menos de 24 horas en este alquiler...
Muchas gracias de antemano por su ayuda
submitted by Sad_Relationship_229 to valencia [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:17 Sad_Relationship_229 Problema de alquiler de temporrada i fianza en Valencia

Holà, he tenido un problema con duenos en un alquiler de temporada en Valencia.
Estuve en el extranjero en Francia durante mi durante mi búsqueda de habitacion en piso compartido, communico con la duena y he visto una video. Me afirmo que no se oía ningún ruido exterior en la habitación... Quería hacer una visita física antes de pagar la fianza después de hacer el inventario pero me dijeron que "nunca lo habían hecho asi antes" y que tenía que pagarle para reservar la habitación... Pagué fianza (500€) y firmé un contrato de alquiler de temporrada para el 01/05 hasta el 31/07.
El contrato decia que "NOVENO.- CONSERVACIÓN.- El arrendatario declara conocer las características y estado de conservación de la habitación, la vivienda y la finca, y asume aceptarlas expresamente y se obliga a conservarla en perfecto estado para el uso al que se destina. Es fiel reflejo de esta realidad el ANEXO I de este documento que a comienzo del arriendo se suscribirá. Así como, el arrendatario asume devolver en igual estado y a plena satisfacción de la propiedad-arrendador, cuando finalice el contrato. En este sentido son de cuenta y cargo del arrendatario los gastos ocasionados por los desperfectos que se produzcan."
Pero nunca me dieron una anexa, así que no firmé una...
Llegué el 02/05 a última hora de la tarde inmediatamente desde el aeropuerto. Al no poder pegar ojo la noche siguiente por diversos motivos que no esperaba con la visita a distancia y el intercambio de información que habíamos tenido (ruido, luz, falta de aislamiento...) supe enseguida qu'este lugar no funcionará para mí. No habia persianas o cortinas mínimamente opacas. Es el dia 24/7 en la cama con la luz de caille i despues el sol.
La ventana no filtra nada y hay un ruido tremendoso. El peor no es la gente que pasa o los coches pero un ruido muy fuerte de vehiculo, no se si son train, bus, o cualquer machina y eso sin pausa desde 22h30 a las 7 de la manana, tan fuerte que se parece que habia un vehicule para limpar las calles en mi cama con pitidos tambien. Se puede ser que es la ventilacion del metro, la estacion de train o no se que, se podio oir con mi casco reductor de sonidos...
Parece que los otros 4 compañeros de cuarto ya tenían problemas con ellos...
Por lo tanto, me puse en contacto con la duena inmediatamente el dia que siguo para comunicarla que quería marcharme y que podíamos encontrar juntos una solución que conviniera a todos: por mi parte un lugar donde descansar y por la suya la posibilidad de buscar inmediatamente otro inquilino mas adaptado que me sustituyera.
Me contesto que "Pues como ya tienes claro que te quieres ir por favor el lunes (06/05) sin más prorroga deja la habitación vacía"
le respondi "Bueno, la habitación se puede quedar libre esta noche (03/05), usted devuelve la fianza, y solo dígame cuánto le debo para las noches ocupadas"
Me marché el viernes 03/05 por la noche, dejando la habitación vacía, limpia de todas mis pertenencias, las llaves en el escritorio, la puerta cerrada y sin el candado; también envié vídeos que mostraban el estado inalterado de la habitación, tal y como me solicitaron.
Me respondio con agresividad "Me quieres engañar, no me fio de tus palabras
Deja la habitación libre cuanto antes y cuando vea que todo está bien hablaremos de la fianza
El contrato dice que estas hasta julio
Si lo incumples tengo derecho a reclamartelo todo (fianza y rentas hasta julio)
O dejas ya la habitación o te reclamare el lunes por incumplimiento de contrato y estafa"
Me parece que esto es solo una estrategia de intimidación.
Estuve repitidendo que no es mi objectivo a atacar su ubicación, sólo que a mí no me convenía, para estar diplomatico, y quería encontrar una solución lo antes posible para que no perdieras tiempo sustituyéndome en la habitacion.
En un correo electrónico que les envié, resumí la historia y reiteré de manera conciliadora que "Si realmente piensan que se debe restar una parte razonable de la fianza correspondiente a los días o a la semana que se tarde en encontrar otro inquilino, lo puedo entender."
He recibido otro correo amenazador que me dice que este "la propiedad insiste en que no puede aceptar la devolución total/parcial de la fianza, y que decidirá si exige el cumplimiento estricto del contrato -o bien- una indemnización, para el caso de que no tenga posibilidad de rendimiento el período de contrato relacionado."...
Ya sé que tenían visitas inmediatas los lunes, por ejemplo...
Así que me pregunto, ¿no hay ninguna cláusula en España o especialmente en Valencia que te permita dejar el alquiler inmediatamente el primer día si no coincide con las expectativas/lo que se había comunicado? Aquí, los propietarios mienten a sabiendas para estafar a los estudiantes extranjeros como si fueran comerciantes de sueño...
¿No hay forma de intentar recuperar ese depósito? Me quedé menos de 24 horas en este alquiler...
Muchas gracias de antemano por su ayuda
submitted by Sad_Relationship_229 to askspain [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:19 Bullseye_Bailey [08/05/2024] Boardgames @ The Calthorpe Arms, Holborn

Preface We're a casual boardgame meetup group that has been running in various venues over London for over 5 years, we meet up every Wednesday and have games to suit every kind of player, from large casual party games to competitive 4 player strategy games.
10 minute walk from Russell Square (Piccadilly)
10 minute walk from Chancery Lane (Central)
10 minute walk from Kings Cross (Circle, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Piccadilly, Victoria, Great Northern, Thameslink, LNER, Grand Central, Hull, Edinburgh)
but then, you're all using Citymapper anyway, who cares
The tables are booked from 6:00pm, most people tend to show up between 6:30 & 7:30, we average about 25-40 people. We'll be upstairs - if not, just hunt around for people playing boardgames - we're a friendly bunch, feel free to pester anyone or text Adam if you're shy and we'll sort you out!
Summary Where: 252 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8JR
When: Wednesday May 8th from 6:00pm
What: Play board games, have a chat and drink in a pub.
Contacts Adam: Oh7Eight9Five DoubleZero7DoubleZero1
Text if you get lost. No RSVP is required, you can just show up on the day if you want, there's a WhatsApp group if you'd like to be invited (please text, it's easier to invite that way)
FAQ Do I need to know any games? No, we'll be more than happy to teach some.
Should I bring any game with me? Not mandatory, but if you have some games you want to play then bring them! We will supply some.
What games do you have? We have 7 Wonders Duel, Anomia, Arkham Horror Articulate, Azul, Bang!, Brass Birmingham, Bus, Carcassonne, Castles of Burgundy, Catan, Caylus 1303, Chameleon, Champions of Midgard, Cockroach Poker, Codenames + variants, Coup, Decrypto, Dixit!, Dog Park, Exploding Kittens, Food Chain Magnate, Great Game of Britain, Great Western Trail, High Society, John Company, Just One, Keyflower, Kingsport Festival, Lords of Waterdeep + Skullport/Undermountain, Love Letter, Maloney's Inheritance, Modern Art, Mystic Vale, One Night a Werewolf, Pandemic, Quacks of Quedlinburg, Res Arcana, Root + Expansions + Fan-addons, Ryu, Saboteurs, Salem, Scrabble, Scythe, Sidereal Confluence + Bifurcation, Skull King, Skull, Spirit Island, Splendor, Sushi Go, Taluva, Tammany Hall, Teotihuacan, Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition, Terraforming Mars + expansions, Therapy, Ticket to Ride Europe/Germany/London/US, Unstable Unicorns, Village Green, Viticulture and many more, if you're interested in anything; post or message.
Will there be drinking involved? Completely optional, there's no pressure to drink.
submitted by Bullseye_Bailey to LondonSocialClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:51 Mayes10 Libro para aficionado?

Buenas noches, ando en la búsqueda de un libro para un aficionado que disfruta de la física, astronomía, etc. Pero sin tener ningún estudio ni que sea algo muy técnico. Hoy pase por una librería y en la sección de ciencias me encontré el libro de Santaolalla sobre el Big bang y me llamó mucho la atención (seguramente lo compre). Algún otro libro de ese estilo que recomienden?
submitted by Mayes10 to FisicaCuriosa [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 04:49 tteokkaebbi Robinsons Galleria from Baclaran

Anyone knows how to commute from Baclaran to Robinsons Galleria? Meron po bang bus na dadaan doon from PITX? Or MRT?
submitted by tteokkaebbi to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:10 Ok_District4689 Sherane a.k.a Master Splinter’s Daughter

Lord God I come to you a sinner And I humbly repent for my sins I believe that Jesus is Lord I believe that you raised him from the dead I will ask that Jesus come to my life
And be my Lord and Savior I receive Jesus to take control of my life And that I may live for him from this day forth Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me with your precious blood In Jesus' name, Amen
I met her at this house party on El Segundo and Central She had the credentials of strippers in Atlanta Ass came with a hump from the jump she was a camel I want to ride like Arabians, push an '04 Mercedes-Benz "Hello my name is Kendrick, " she said "No, you're handsome" Whispered in my ear, disappeared then found her dancing Ciara had played in the background The parade music we made had us all wearing shades now, cool "Where you stay?" She said "Down the street from Dominguez High"
Okay, I know that's borderline Compton or Paramount "Well is it Compton?" "No, " she replied and quickly start batting her eyes and Strictly had wanted her thighs around me 17, with nothing but pussy stuck on my mental My motive was rather sinful "What you trying to get into?" She didn't tell, just gave me her Nextel Dropped the number, we chirped the whole summer and well
The summer had passed, and now I'm liking her Conversation we having probably enticing her Who can imagine? Maybe my actions would end up wifing her Love or lust, regardless, we'll fuck 'cause the trife in us It's deep-rooted, the music of being young and dumb Is never muted, in fact, it's much louder where I'm from We know a lot 'bout each other, her mother was a crack addict She live with her granny and her younger two brothers
Her favorite cousin Demetrius' irrepetible Family history of gang banging did make me skeptical But not enough to stop me from getting a nut I wanna come over "What's up?" That's what I told her soon as this episode Of Martin go off, I'm trying to get off I was in heat like a cactus, my tactics of being thirsty Probably could hurt me, but fuck it I got some heart Grab my momma keys, hopped in the car, then, oh boy
So now I'm down Rosecrans in a Caravan Passing Alameda, my gas meter in need of a pump I got enough to get me through the traffic jam At least I hope 'cause my pockets broke as a promise man I'm thinking 'bout that sex, thinking 'bout her thighs Or maybe kissing on her neck, or maybe what position's next Sent a picture of her titties blowing up my texts I looked at 'em and almost ran my front bumper into Corvette
Enthused by the touch of a woman, she's a masseuse And I'm a professional porn star when off the Goose I had a fifth in the trunk like Curtis Jackson for ransom I'm hoping to get her loose like an Uncle Luke Anthem I'm two blocks away, 250 feet And six steps from where she stay, she waving me 'cross the street I pulled up a smile on my face, and then I see Two niggas, two black hoodies, I froze as my phone rang
Please leave your message for 323- Record your message after the tone Kendrick, where you at? Head home, I'm sittin' here waitin' on my van You told me you was gon' be back in 15 minutes I gotta go to the county buildin', man These kids ready to eat, I'm ready to eat, shit I gotta get them food stamps, come on now You on yo' way or what? I hope you ain't out there messin' with them damn hood-rats out there, shit 'Specially that crazy-ass girl Sherane
Plus you got school tomorrow You keep fuckin' around in them streets, you ain't gon' pass to the next grade, 11th grade (Is that Kendrick on the phone?) Yo' daddy hollerin' 'bout some damn dominoes (let me holler at him) He want to holler at you too, go on 'head, Kenny, go on, shit! (Hello? Yeah, where my motherfuckin' dominoes at?) Kenny (what?) You on his voicemail, damn fool (oh)
Shit K, where my motherfuckin' dominoes at? This the second time I ask you to bring my fuckin' dominoes Kenny give me the damn phone, shit, don't hang up! Damn! Let me see, Kendrick! When you get this message, man, call me back I need to know when you gon' bring back my damn car
This man fussin' 'bout some damn dominoes It ain't all that serious, fuck, damn dominoes Shit, I'ma miss my damn appointment! Fuck! Fuck them damn dominoes, nobody wanna hear that Nobody want to hear yo' ass! Mattafact, cut my motherfuckin' oldies back on You killin' my motherfuckin' vibe
submitted by Ok_District4689 to KDOTLyrics [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:49 Ok_Strategy548 Opfølgning på denne sag

Opfølgning på denne sag
Hej TrueCrimeDK
Jeg har kendt Kasper en gang, han havde vist en hård opvækst, men begyndte at klare sig rigtig godt, med uddannelse, legat mfl. Han klarede det rigtig godt på mureruddannelsen. Det overrasker det mig meget, at han er faldet i og tilmed har begået kriminelle handlinger
Kasper er ikke på sociale medier. Så jeg kan ikke selv række ud til ham.
Ved nogen her, hvad der er hændt med Kasper?
Ved I hvorfor avisen må afsløre Kaspers navn? Jeg tænker ikke ligefrem at det hjælper på rehabiliteringen efter fængsel?
submitted by Ok_Strategy548 to TrueCrimeDK [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:01 Positron-69 Felt like a creep today 😭

So basically i took an auto from airport metro station (since it was raining today). A lady, ig a medical staff (may be of around 25-30) also boarded the auto, i shifted in middle of seat so that se can take a right side seat, and one old aged person was already sitting in left side. After few moments driver took a hard left turn due to sudden brake by bus going in front and i literally banged on shoulder of that lady, immediately i apologized by saying sorry ma'am, but she stared at me with such horror that I understood in my mind that she is thinking I had done this deliberately. After this i felt guilty and aboarded the auto (Chhatrapati Square) before my destination Lokmat Square.
I just wanted to say her, I haven't done this intentionally.
submitted by Positron-69 to nagpur [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:50 Traditional_Fill2878 Sería una mala decisión dejar el laburo para ser jugador profesional de poker?

Sería una mala decisión dejar el laburo para ser jugador profesional de poker?
En honor a la causa de los subs argentinos sin censura, hago mi contribución con esta problemática que me atormenta desde hace unos días.
Contexto: Soy un pibe de 20 años que actualmente trabaja de administrativo con un sueldo de 540 usd mensuales y también estudia una licenciatura en estadística.
El tema es que hace unos meses me empecé a interesar por el poker y a estudiarlo activamente, hasta con coach privado. Me está yendo relativamente bien para lo poco que juego. Gracias a mi laburo y el estudio no tengo casi tiempo para meter volumen de manos lo cual es necesario para batir la varianza. (Adjunto gráfico de todo lo que jugué el mes de Abril en NL2)
Gracias a eso hace poco subí a NL5 y también me esta yendo relativamente bien, no subo gráfico porque solo llevo unos pares de días jugando y no tiene sentido.
El tema es, mi laburo actual a pesar de que es un buen sueldo ya que trabajo solo 7 horas. De viaje hasta allá tengo 1 hora y 20. Después a la facultad tengo 2 horas de viaje desde el laburo directo. Y la verdad que si puedo escalar niveles en el poker y ganar lo mismo que gano con este laburo pero desde mi casa y en calzones. Realmente se vuelve muy difícil seguir soportando el olor a culo de la gente en el bondi, el subte y las boludeces que me piden en el laburo todos los días de mi vida.
Que harían ustedes en mi situación?
submitted by Traditional_Fill2878 to ArgentinaSinCensura [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:48 Traditional_Fill2878 Sería una mala decisión dejar el laburo para ser jugador profesional de poker?

Sería una mala decisión dejar el laburo para ser jugador profesional de poker?
En honor a la causa de los subs argentinos sin censura, hago mi contribución con esta problemática que me atormenta desde hace unos días.
Contexto: Soy un pibe de 20 años que actualmente trabaja de administrativo con un sueldo de 540 usd mensuales y también estudia una licenciatura en estadística.
El tema es que hace unos meses me empecé a interesar por el poker y a estudiarlo activamente, hasta con coach privado. Me está yendo relativamente bien para lo poco que juego. Gracias a mi laburo y el estudio no tengo casi tiempo para meter volumen de manos lo cual es necesario para batir la varianza. (Adjunto gráfico de todo lo que jugué el mes de Abril en NL2)
Gracias a eso hace poco subí a NL5 y también me esta yendo relativamente bien, no subo gráfico porque solo llevo unos pares de días jugando y no tiene sentido.

El tema es, mi laburo actual a pesar de que es un buen sueldo ya que trabajo solo 7 horas. De viaje hasta allá tengo 1 hora y 20. Después a la facultad tengo 2 horas de viaje desde el laburo directo. Y la verdad que si puedo escalar niveles en el poker y ganar lo mismo que gano con este laburo pero desde mi casa y en calzones. Realmente se vuelve muy difícil seguir soportando el olor a culo de la gente en el bondi, el subte y las boludeces que me piden en el laburo todos los días de mi vida.
Que harían ustedes en mi situación?
submitted by Traditional_Fill2878 to Rep_ArgentinaOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:44 Desperate_Raise_2024 No entiendo Reddit, que onda?

Ya me banearon de RepublicaArgentina y Republica_Argentina sub por tener opinión. Basuuuuuurassss. Me voy a armar un sub sin Mods. Libre expresión se puede no estar de acuerdo. Nunca insulte a nadie ni nada por el estilo.
El nuevo sub
No banneo, no censura, opinen tranquilos.
submitted by Desperate_Raise_2024 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 12:29 _myst Making KSP1 into KSP2 with Mods: The Community Lifeboat Project

TLDR mod list from this post availabe HERE
Single-download modpack version of this list coming soon here:
Hello everyone! This has taken me days to type, apologies for the wall of text that’s about to ensue.
With the coming demise of Intercept Games and their long-troubled and likely-shuttered development of Kerbal Space Program 2, a question I’m seeing come up more and more, and have also asked myself arises: “How do we turn KSP1 into the game that we all dreamed KSP2 would be, with mods?”. is it even possible? I believe I have an answer that will satisfy you. This IS quite achievable, for the most part. While no modlist could ever match the dream we had/have for what ksp2 would become, we can get fairly close with the tools we have presently available. KSP1 is a mature, if imperfect game with a thriving modding community. Many mods are cross-compatible and designed to work together despite independent creation pipelines, and we have a powerful modloader in the form of CKAN that makes modding the game extremely easy. And, the best part, new mods are actively being developed all the time. I'd like to help you all create an aproximation of KSP2 in regular KSP, with mods, I call this list The Community Lifeboat Project. My sincere hope is that this will sate those of you, like me, who dreamed of a KSP2 that surpassed the original in every way, and still hope that we may someday see a version of a complete KSP2 in some form or another. For now, this is the best thing I can offer the community that has given me alot, in its stead.
Who am I? A member of this great gaming community, same as you. Someone who has at the time of writing, 1800 hours in KSP1, and about 300 hours in KSP2, and about 100 hours in modded KSP1, and many more planned. I am someone who prays to the Deep Space Kraken that my rockets will fly and that we someday get a fully-released and realized version of Kerbal Space Program 2. In the meantime, this what I’m playing in lieu of our long-awaited sequel.
Who am I not? I am not techy. I am not a modding guru. I am neither a customer service line, a mod author, nor a troubleshooter. I do not have the answers to any ensuing chaos or game corruption that may ensue from playing this modlist. This modlist is just me telling you all what I am playing with personally, right now. My best effort at Homebrew KSP2, if you will. Many of these mods were added on hyperactive impulse and AFAIK work through black magic. Some may be redundant or break unexpectedly in the future but I have had no major issues to date. It mostly works as far as I can tell, minor graphical bugs aside. However, again, I am not a modder or a game developer, I know about as much about modding KSP as you do, maybe less.
This modlist has worked well, for me, to date, but if you run into issues I can’t help you. You need to do the legwork yourself to learn how CKAN works and install these mods, and to troubleshoot anything that explodes (that isn’t supposed to, many of the new engines do explode, on purpose). This is a curated recommendation list only, not a complete how-to guide. If some more experienced modders and players in the community want to review this list and comment below with improvements and revisions or point out redundancies, please do so. If someone wants to make this list into some sort of compiled modpack, go for it. Also please comment if there are mods known to be in development right now that you all think might be a good fit here whenever they get released, or just other stuff the stockalike-ksp2-in-ksp1 community should be aware of.
Who is this mod for? This modlist is for anyone in the Kerbal Space Program community who wants to make use of it, but is primarily geared towards giving veteran players new mechanics and content to play with. This modlist actively makes the game more challenging with new gameloops and mechanics to account for, it does not trivialize the base game or make it easier to learn. Quite the opposite, in fact. Finally, this is not a modpack persay. Again, if someone wants to make one be my guest. You do need to download and install each of these mods individually through CKAN, it takes roughly ten seconds per mod and is a somewhat tedious process, but the reward is worth it, at least to me.
How many mods are in this list? 142, approximately, at time of writing. About 40 of those are configs/backend/compatibility patches so about 100 actual mods, with varying levels of impact on gameplay.
How are your load times? Startup takes me about 5 minutes, loading VAB/SPH takes a bit longer than stock KSP but everything runs surprisingly well. Your own mileage may vary but I wish you the very best.
Disclaimer: Many of the mods here are relatively old and no longer under development, their most-current versions are built for prior versions of Kerbal Space Program. CKAN will warn you of this on install. Play with them anyway, everything seems to mostly-work so far as I can tell. Further, some of the mods listed here will require other framework mods like Kopernicus to make them run. Make sure to get those, CKAN will tell you when you need something supplemental for the most part, but I cannot remember every necessary sub-mod and may have missed some here. I have listed these under the “Precursors” section.
I will update this list periodically as more suitable mods come online, and am actively looking for more recommendations to add to this list. Many, if not most of these will be well-known to the habitual modders in the community but I’m trying to raise awareness for the rest of the playerbase.
My rules are that these mods must:
1) Be “stockalike” and fit the aesthetic of the base game, I am not looking for a complete game overhaul like RSS or similar.
2) This modlist is designed to be BROADLY compatible and downloadable through CKAN. I am aware there are great mods that are either incompatible with some of the ones on here, or not available on CKAN. The goal of this list is broad accessibility through our existing tools. I will also try to link user-guides for the mods that require tutorials where available, some of these are quite large and I do not understand how to use them all myself. I will answer questions where possible but I have only started using this modlist relatively recently and am not intimately familiar with all of the new gameplay.
Again, if your Kerbals are dying because life support is failing for seemingly no reason, I cannot help you and my Kerbals are likely frozen corpses drifting through space as well. I'm no mod author and have no involvement with any development for any of the mods listed below. If the descriptions here aren’t enough, do some research, there’s probably more/better info out there other than what’s banging around in my head/copied from CKAN.
Mods, if possible can we pin some version of this list going forward for all the people asking how to make a "Homebrew KSP2"? I don't need personal credit, just the modlist is fine by me. This post helps to answer a pretty common question we've been getting in light of recent KSP2 development news, or lack therof.
Anyway, here we go:
Objective: Mod KSP1 into what KSP should have been, principally by:
1) Adding new places to visit in the Kerbol System,
2) Add new star systems and interstellar locations to visit
3) Give the player the ships and engines, and parts to get there
4) Give new parts to build with, with a stockalike vibe
5) Add mechanics like colonization and life support to balance ship construction and general gameplay
6) Increase depth of gameplay for veteran players.
7) Give more/better “campaign” missions to fill out the base game randomized contract system with a bit more purpose.
8) “The intent is to give players a sense of pride and accomplishment”
What does this list of mods add to my game?
This feature list is not all-inclusive, but primary added features include, in no particular order:
1) -Vastly improved graphics, ground cover, and the ability to paint your ships similar to how you do in KSP2
2) -New places to visit: Both the inner and outer Kerbol System have been modified with the addition of 34 NEW bodies to visit between new planets, their moons, asteroids, planetoids, and other Trans-Neidonian Objects. These are all based on real objects in our own Solar system or observed exoplanets. An interstellar mod (Kcalbeloh) adds 7 new star systems and a black hole accessible via wormhole for your intersterstellar gameplay needs, with an additional ~40 new bodies to explore. All of the stock planets are present, plus nearly 75 new ones.
3) -Expanding and improving the Campaign with more meaningful, focused, and varied Contracts apart from the randomized ones stock KSP gives you.
4) -New Game Mechanics including but not limited to:
-New and/or improved UI elements to assist with docking and landing
- Life Support and Cryosleep mechanics
- New engines, mainly from mods by Nertea, a prolific modder and KSP2 dev, including gas-core nuclear engines, new electric engines, cryogenic engines, plasma engines, nuclear pulse propulsion, fusion drives, torch drives, and antimatter engines. New 5m and 7m engines for massive rockets are also available.
- Colonization mechanics and associated management gameplay
- New resources, distribution, and utilization gameloops through colonies
- Vast amounts of new parts to build with that we were supposed to get with KSP2 including hab rings, new ship modules, laboratories, buildings for planetary base construction, etc.
- The ability to explore your ships in first person mode as if you were a Kerbal
- New ways to move resources between ships such as flexible piping rather than docking.
-Orbital construction and construction of craft at colonies, apart from the VAB & SPH, away from Kerbin.
-Harvesting resources from the atmospheres of planets and dust/gas clouds present in outer space.
-Building Custom Service modules with both stock and modded mechanics
-Logistics Systems related to colony activities for sharing resources between nearby installations and craft.
CAVEATS: I am sure I have missed some people’s favorite mods and am open to further additions to this list under the following conditions: All of the following mods and any future additions to this list MUST be available on CKAN, they MUST work with the most current version of KSP1, they MUST be mostly-compatible with each other as well as this list, and they MUST be freely available, not paywalled. The only exception I will allow is Blackrack’s volumetric clouds because he’s our community’s darling and we love his work.
I want this mod selection to be as accessible to the community as possible while providing as much content as possible. Pick and choose anything from this list or the entire thing to use yourself. I play with everything listed here, concurrently, but your performance may dictate the need to leave some of this stuff by the wayside. At a bare minimum, make sure you have the relevant “precursor” category mods so nothing else breaks. This list adds A TON of new and challenging gameplay sure to give even the most seasoned KSP veterans pause and I’m very much a beginner myself, it’s alot of new stuff to learn being thrown at you quickly. Pace yourselves lads!
Without further ado my, modlist, with a brief description of what everything does and broken down by category:
Myst’s “Community Lifeboat Project” Modlist:
Not Required, but highly reccomended:
- Blackrack’s Volumetric Clouds: This is the only paid mod on this list. I like it, other people like it, Blackrack did incredible work here for the community. Costs $5 on his Patreon, everything else on this list is free.
- AT Utils: Common Library for a set of plugins made by Allista
- B9 Part Switch: A module which allows parts to switch objects, resources, nodes, attach points, temperature, add mass, cost, and more.
- Background Resources: REPOsoft Tech Background Resources Plugin
- Community Category Kit: Common Parts Categories for KSP mods
- Community Parts Titles: Rename parts for useful and consistent grouping/sorting in the VAB/SPH, Many mods are supported. This mod is intended for the English version of KSP.
- Community Parts Titles Extras: Categories: Highly-Recommended Extras for the Community Parts Titles. Create new categories or place parts in a more appropriate category.
- Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK- No Duplicates: See Above.
- Community Resource Pack- Common Resources for KSP mods.
- Community Terrain Texture Pack: High Quality textures for use by planet-creators, makes other stuff on this list work, probably.
- Contract Configurator: A config-file-based solution for creating new contracts. Makes added contract packs work.
- Cryo Tanks Core: Cryo Tanks standalone plugin, adds functionality to other mods, contains no parts and does nothing by itself.
- Custom Asteroids (Alternative OPM config): Replaces default Outer Planets Mod asteroid config and makes it work with Custom Asteroids mod further down this list.
- Custom Barn Kit: Small Plugin to change parameters related to career, science, and building upgrades when various features are unlocked.
- Custom Prelaunch Checks: C# API to write prelaunch checks that run when the VAB/SPH launch button is pressed. Makes other stuff work.
- Deployable Engines Plugin (Nertea Mod): Plugin to manage extending and retracting engine nozzles.
- DMModule Science Animate Generic: Replacement for Module Science Experiment and ModuleAnimateGeneric.
- Firespitter Core: Core Firespitter .dll. Makes something else work, don’t remember what.
- Global Construction Core: dependency for the Global Construction Mod
- Harmony 2: Library for patching, replacing, and decorating.NET and Mono methods during runtime (I have no idea what this does, other mods probably use it as a dependency)
- Kerbal Actuators: A plugin used to create VTOL engines and robotic parts. Makes other stuff work.
- Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier: REQUIRED for all other planet packs on this list
- Kopernicus Expansion Continue-er: Kopernicus Dev Tools and Footprints.
- Modular Flight Integrator: Modularly Integrates flight models or something idk.
- Module Manager: Modify KSP config files without conflict (ESSENTIAL).
- Rasterprop Monitor Core: plugin and props for IVA use.
- Shabby: Shader Asset bundle Loader for KSP
- Textures Unlimited: KSP Shader, texture and modeling utilities. Makes other stuff work.
- Toolbar: API for Third-party Plugins to provide toolbar buttons
Sub-mod: Toolbar Controller: Wrapper mod for Blizzy and stock toolbars.
- USI Tools: Libraries to make the USI mods work correctly. NEEDED.
- Vertex Mitchell/Netrevali Filtered Heightmap: Makes some of the other graphical stuff work correctly relating to planetary textures. Idk.
- Waterfall Core: Core Waterfall Plugin to drive upgraded fancy engine effects.
- Chatterer: Configurable audio that allows you to hear your Kerbals communicating over the radio with Mission Control, breathing on EVA, etc. I like this mod because I find it more immersive and you can tune the audio in the sidebar if certain sounds are too loud/quiet or you don’t want to hear something.
- ChattererExtended: Adds 625 new kerbalized chatter files for added variety
- Distant Object Enhancement: Lets you see other planets all the way back on Kerbin. Works with the modded planet packs on this list as well up to and including other star systems, very immersive.
- Distant Object Enhancement /L default config: default planet colors.
- Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux: Version of EVE which significantly improve performance, used as a replacement for base EVE. Adds clouds, lighting, etc.
- Parallax: PBR tessellation shader for planetary textures,
- Parallax Stock Planet Textures: adds HD textures to the stock planets, highly reccomended.
- Parallax Stock Scatter Textures: adds HD textures to planetary scatters and ground cover.
- Planetshine: light from planets and moons can now reflect up and color your spacecraft, adding realism and immersion.
- Planetshine default config: Support config.
- Restock: Community-built resleeve of stock part models and textures to make them look a bit nicer. Can be disorienting at first and isn’t quite as pretty as the KSP2 models, but its something. This mod may clash with Waterfall, I’ve had issues with offset engine plumes on some of my engines and suspect this mod is the culprit.
- Scatterer: Atmospheric Scattering Shaders
- Shaddy: Collection of Shaders for Kerbal Space Program
- Simple Repaint: Allows you to choose colors for individual ship parts out of a pre-selected list of shades. Adds some badly-needed customizability to the base game.
- Singularity: Black Hole Shaders for KSP by the one-and only Blackrack. Needed for optimal looks for Kcalbeloh.
- Spectra: EVE configs for stock celestial bodies, also grab the self-explanatory sub mods below:
- Spectra EVE 64k Kerbin Clouds
- Spectra EVE Kerbin/Laythe Snow
- Spectra EVE Minmus Geysers
- Spectra Scatterer
- Spectra Scatterer for Minmus
- Spectra Scatterer: Jool Shine on Laythe
- Spectra Scatterer Vibrant Sunsets
- Staged Animation: Plays an animation when a part is staged.
- Stock Waterfall Effects: config to give Waterfall Effects to the Stock engines.
- Custom Asteroids (inner stock system data)- Adds asteroids inside the orbit of Jool
- Custom Asteroids (Kuiper Belt Analog for Outer Planets Mod)- Adds “Kentaurs” and trans-Neidonian (Neptunian) objects.
- Minor Planets Expanded: The lesser-known counterpart to the Outer Planets Mod. Stock KSP has planetary analogues for our Solar planets out to Jool, and Pluto. The acclaimed Outer Planets Mod has analogues for Saturn (Sarnus), Uranus (Urloom), and Neptune (Neidon). Minor Planets Expanded adds many additional objects and lesser-known worlds to the game alongside the previous, including analogues for Eros, Ceres, Orcus, Haumea, Makemake, Sedna, and more IRL transneptunian objects. This mod also includes analogues for a number of real-life asteroids and comets present in our Solar System that you may or may not have heard of before. Adds 15 new worlds to visit; they range in acessibility from Dres-level difficulty to places requiring enormous amounts of planets, fuel, and time. This mod provides great reasons to start using some of Nertea’s more-exotic engines to live out your wildest, Kerbalest, Expanse-related travel-fantasies.
- Outer Planets Mod: Celebrated Mod that adds planetary Analogues for Saturn (Sarnus), Uranus (Urlum), and Neptune (Neidon), and Pluto (Plock), as well as some of their moons. Adds roughly a dozen new places to visit. Eeloo gets shifted to become a moon of Saturn to make room for the Pluto Analogue. The wormhole to the Kcalbeloh System can also be found in Sarnus orbit. Adds 15 new bodies to land on.
Outer Planets Mod: Parallax with Scatters: Adds the HD Parallax mod ground scatters to the outer planets, dramatically improving their visuals.
- Lt Duckweed’s QuackPack: Adds a slew of new planets, both terrestrial and gas giants, to the inner Kerbol System, inside the orbit of Moho. These are generally based on real-life exoplanets and are extremely difficult to reach and land on due to their hostile environments and include extreme temperatures, lava worlds, metallic atmospheres, etc. Adds 4 new places to visit.
- Kcalbeloh System: Interstellar planetary mod that adds several new star systems, each with their own planetary systems, orbiting a supermassive black hole. The Black Hole is accessible via interstellar-level engines and careful piloting, OR alternatively via a wormhole orbiting Jool. Assuming you have the Outer Planets mod installed and working, the wormhole will be orbiting Sarnus (Saturn equivilant) instead.
- Kcalbeloh System 8k Textures: See Above. For those of us who play in UHD.
- Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor: Contracts that guide you through exploring the stock game’s easter eggs, UFO’s, memorials, etc.
- Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn: Space-station focused contract pack, replaces the base game’s “Build a Space Station” contracts
- Contract Pack: Clever Sats: Overhaul of stock satellite contracts
- Contract Pack: Exploration Plus: Overhaul of stock “Exploration” contracts
- Contract Pack: Field Research: Do more Science! Receive contracts for performing different experiments under a variety of conditions.
- Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy: Training your Kerbalnauts the sensible way.
- Contract Pack: Research Advancement Division: More Scientific Contracts, complimentary to the Field Research pack.
- Contract Pack: Tourism Expanded: 11 new contracts to send Kerbals across the Kerbol system
- Contract Pack: Tourism Plus: Better tourism! A richer tourism experience than stock. Take tourists to space and visit the stations you have created. Build new tourist attractions like the space casino megaproject. Includes 15 new contracts.
- BetterTimeWarpContinued: Improved Time Warping
- DeepFreeze continued: adds cryosleep and the ability to freeze and thaw Kerbals for long journeys. Compatible with USI life support featured further down
- Dynamic Battery Storage (Nertea Mod): mod intended to help vessel construction by providing electricity planning functions and solve problems related to power-flow. Pairs well with his other engine and advanced poweheat mods
- Extraplanetary LaunchPads: Adds ability to build craft in flight mode, including at orbital facilities and at bases on other planets.
- FreeIVA: Lets you explore the insides of your ships as well as EVA in First-Person mode from the point of view of your kerbals. Extremely immersive and usable with several of the parts mods by Nertea featured below. Adds a new tab of IVA-compatible pieces into the SPH/VAB.
Sub-mod: -Through the Eyes of a Kerbal: See the world through a first-person viewpoint. Needed for use with Free IVA.
- Global Construction: Lets you build vessels directly on other planets and in orbit around other planets.
  • HEAT CONTROL: New Categories of radiators to add to spacecraft, neccesary for some of his more advanced engine mods like Far Future technologies with big reactors and exhausts putting out monstrous amounts of heat.
- Kerbal Attachment System: Adds new gameplay mechanics in the form of winches, struts, and pipes. Vessels can now be connected in EVA without docking them.
- Kerbal Inventory System: Adds new inventory system and EVA mechics and usables. This one works, but does have some odd behavior in-game with the native EVA/breaking ground stuff, I haven’t totally figured out using this one yet and have had some instances of odd item storage or kerbals not being able to grab parts they should, etc.
- Kerbal Joint Reinforcement: Fixes issues with unstable joints and wobbliness.
- Kerbal Konstructs: Adds a slew of new buildings and launch sites
- Off-shore Launch Platform: Designed to be used with Kerbal Konstrukts, lets you launch off an oil rig.
- Omega’s Stockalike Structures: ALPHA BUILD. Statics content pack for Kerbal Konstrukts.
- Konstruction: Weldable docking ports, cranes, magnets, other construction equipment.
- KSP Community Fixes: Fixes many stock KSP bugs and provides some Quality of Life and UI improvements
- Rational Resources: Resource Placement is no longer random but reflects composition templates. Promotes Cryofuels mods and planet pack/life support compatibility.
- Space Dust: Adds atmospheric and exo-atmospheric resource harvesting. Includes a new harvesting system, displays, resource distributions, and parts.
- Space Dust Unbound: Expands Space Dust resource harvesting abilities to other modded planets and systems like the Outer Planets Mod, Galaxies Unbound (not included on this list for now), and others.
- System Heat/associated sub-mods: By Nertea: revamps the core Heat system of Kerbal Space Program, many of his engine mods require use of this new system, or at least strongly benefit from it.
- System Heat- Nuclear Engines Config
- System Heat- Nuclear Reactor Config
- System Heat- Resource Converter Config
- System Heat-Resource Harvester Config
- USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS): Interlocking modules that bring planetary colonization gameplay. Expansive mod for building both terrestrial as well as orbital colonies and associated deep gameplay GUIDE
- USI Life Support: Advanced Life Support Mod, more advanced than Kerbal Snax or whatever its called but not as unforgiving as Kerbalism, I was going for a balance between accessibility and depth of gameplay with this one, plus it links seamlessly with the USI Kolonization mechanics. Hooks in seamlessly to kolonization mechanics. GUIDE
- AlphaMensae’s Modular Launch Pads: Beyond Launch Clamps: Mix and match components to build all kinds of launch infrastructure.
- Cryo Tanks: (Nertea mod). Liquid Hydrogen fuel tanks and storage for most stock tank designs.
- Cryogenic Engines: (Nertea Mod). Provides new, high-efficiency engines in 1.25, 2.5, and 3.25 sizes that burn liquid hydrogen rather than normal “liquid fuel”
- Cryogenic Engines- Near Future Aeronautics- patch to convert relevant engines in near-future aeronautics to burn Liquid Hydrogen
- Far Future Technologies: (Nertea Mod) Adds theoretically possible engines we might have IRL within the next few hundred years powered by exotic forms of nuclear fusion, antimatter, torch drives, etc. Good for Outer Planets missions and interstellar stuff
- JX2Antenna: Adds a special 2.5m antenna with 1,000G transmisison power, important for hyper-range deep-space missions.
- Kerbal Atomics: Nertea Mod. Adds new anbd exciting nuclear engines to use in-game. Included in a slew of size classes and technology levels for greater access to nuclear engines at different stages of the game. Adds things like gas-core reactors, nuclear aerospike engines, multimode engines that switch or utilize both nuclear and conventional afterburning fuel.
Sub-mod- Kerbal Atomics Other Mod Support: Optional Patch to allow the KA nuclear thermal rockets to run on LH@ for additional performance.
- Kerbal Planetary Base Systems: Adds multiple parts for building better bases and colonies on planet surfaces such as Habs, Greenhouses, Laboratories, and more. This IS compatible with the life support mods featured above.
- Near-Future Aeronautics: Nertea Mod. Adds advanced aerospace parts including propellers, intakes, jet and multimode nuclear engines for massive spaceplanes.
- Near Future Construction: Nertea Mod. Structural components and truss segments for building deep space vessels and bases. These will look familiar to anyone who has played a bit of KSP2, Nertea was a prolific KSP1 modder and was hired by Intercept Games to bring his mods native functionality in KSP2.
- Near Future Electrical: Nertea Mod. Stockalike nuclear reactors, capacitors, and more batteries. Neccesary for many of his electrical engine mods.
- Near Future Electrical (Decaying RTG’s): Nertea Mod. Optional patch to make RTG output gradually decrease over time as they do in real life. This will force additional planning for long-range missions to the outer planets and interstellar locales.
- Near Future Electrical Core: Nertea Mod. Standalone sub-mod, needed to make Near Future Electrical work.
- Near Future Exploration: Nertea Mod. Expands probe selection, adds new cores, bus parts, minisatellite parts and a slew of new antennas.
- Near Future IVA Props: Nertea Mod. Prop pack to configure and acessorize IVA spaces on your ships.
- Near Future Launch Vehicles: Nertea Mod. Large launch vehicles including 5 and 7.5 meter engines for launching massive spacecraft and parts.
- Near Future Propulsion: Nertea Mod. Advanced electric engines and new fuel types, stockalike.
- Near Future Propulsion (Xenon Hall Effect Thruster): Nertea Mod. Converts NFP Argon thrusters to use stock Xenon fuel instead if desired.
- Near Future Solar: Nertea Mod. Adds new solar panels in lots of new sizes and shaped for utility and customizability.
- Near Future Solar Core: Nertea Mod. Support plugin for NFS.
- Near Future Spacecraft: Nertea Mod. New Command pods, control systems, and engines for crewed spacecraft. Some of the stuff here closely resembles some of the new pods we got in KSP2.
- Near Future Spacecraft-LFO Engines: Nertea Mod. Converts monopro orbital engines to use stock liquid fuel/oxidizer if desired.
- Project Orion Nuclear Pulse Engine: Adds a nuclear pulse engine powered by repeated nuclear device detonations, one of the many planned engines for KSP2 we may never get to see.
- Simple Adjustable Fairings: As described.
Sub-mod: Simple Adjustable Fairings-Plugin
- Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux: Nertea Mod. Adds tons of new station parts in a number of size classes, including some new components int he small-medium ranges.
Sub-Mod: Stockalike Station Parts Expanded Redux: Internal Spaces Nertea Mod, adds compatibility between SSER and FreeIVA so you can explore your stations from a first-person view.
- Universal Storage II Finalized: Modular Parts Mod that facilitates the building of custom service Modules, integrates well with life support mods.
- USI Asteroid Recycling Technologies: Can remove Asteroid Mass and attach storage tanks to its surface.
- USI Core: Kontainers, Reactors, and shared tools for the USI mods.
- USI Exploration Pack: Flat-packed rover and parts geared towards exploring planetary surfaces.
- USI Freight Transport Technologies: Modular Parts for hauling, mining, and space transportation needs.
- Astrogator: A space-navigational aid for Kerbal Space Program. Shows table of bodies reachable from current in-game location and the deltaV to reach them, can get perfect transfer windows and maneuver nodes for you.
- Better Burn Time: Extra automatic burn time indicators for suicide burns and target rendezvous.
- Better Early Tree: New Disposition of the beginning of the tech tree. Designed for an unmanned start and give stockalike vibe, Needs to be used alongside CTT
- Clickthrough Blocker: Helps eliminate the clickthrough problem with mods
- Community Tech Tree: Modding community-developed tech tree that reorganizes the base game tech tree and is compatible with the vast majority of mods on this list to balance the parts for the campaign. ESSENTIAL.
- Custom Asteroids: lets user control where asteroids appear.
- Docking Port Alignment Indicator: Self-Explanatory, Makes docking stuff easier.
- Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes: Gets rid of tech tree nodes in the Community Tech Tree mods if you don’t have the mods installed, CTT is huge so this can help simplify it if you only have a few mods installed.
- ImprovedTechTree Placement: Tech Tree Mod that adds an additional engine-focused propulsion line. Grabbed on random impulse, no idea how this interacts, if at all, with other tech tree mods.
- Reviva: Dynamic Switching between multiple IVA’s in-editor and in-flight
- Speed Unit Annex: Adds speed units and some other helpful values to the Navball, depending on vessel type.
End of the List, for now.
Ad Aeternum Inanis
  • A mod or combination of mods that gets KSP2’s soundtrack into KSP1 AND TRIGGERS TRACKS IN SIMILAR WAYS (i.e. not just a playlist, but performing in-game actions causes a given track to play, like going from Kerbin orbit to the Mun’s SOI, achieving low orbit and starting descent, etc. ) (possible solution now in the works thanks to u/ )
  • Some sort of part-welding or optimization mod to facilitate construction of much larger ships and stations and improve performance far past the current 250 part count beyond which stuff starts lagging and breaking.
  • Alternative/bettemore colonization mechanics mods for proper cities and landmark facilities and such.
  • More planet packs and places to visit, especially interstellar stuff.


  • Galaxies Unbound: Great mod, but suffered from some usability problems and has been removed from CKAN. I’ll add it back if and when it reappears.
  • Interstellar Extended: Another great mod, but sadly not compatible with Nertea’s stuff so I’m not adding it here.
    -BlueDogDesignBureau: Way, way, WAY too many parts. Was trying to make use of this before but its craft parts were making it impossible to find other stuff I wanted. Has plenty of useful components; far too many, in fact. Also not super stockalike. Never again.
-Kerbalism: a bit more complicated than I'm looking to make the gameplay right now and a whole system of mods including life support mechanics are already in.
Other Useful Links Here:
(emptiness intensifies)
5/7/2024 -Updated OP with some new information, fixing formatiing -Adding new sections on soundtrack upgrades and additional mods being evaluated for inclusion

Special thanks to the following people for their assistance and suggestions:

submitted by _myst to KerbalSpaceProgram [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:40 UsefulCampaign8932 Estoy truste.

La verdad ni siquiera sabía que flair usar aquí, no hay ninguno queencione desahogarme simplemente por cuestiones sociales; de igual manera escogeré este porqué me voy a empedar.
Soy un idealista, pero al mismo tiempo pesimista con la situación social. Tengo 19 años, con 5 meses.
De pequeño mi madre me crio, de vez en cuando veía a mi padre, siempre fue especial para mí. Y aunque actualmente no tengo contacto con mi madre (e igualmente ya no concuerdo con sus ideas), siempre tengo en mente que me crío hablando mal de mi padre, para su propio beneficio, tuve una infancia llena de mentiras, pero si algo quedó en mi de manera inconsciente, fue ser un caballero, ser un hombre que debe aguantar física y mentalmente a todo. Tiempo después, esa idea dejo de ser algo positivo para mí, sin embargo, estoy de acuerdo en imponerme ante la adversidad que la vida trae consigo.
Cómo mencioné anteriormente, el mundo ante mis ojos está mal. La violencia, la desigualdad, el clasismo, el racismo, todo tipo de discriminación. Creo que si en éste mundo no hay paz, es porqué el ser humano no lo quiere. Siempre está expuesto ante una constante provocación que otra persona realiza esperando una respuesta.
Bueno, yo hoy, iba en el camión, después del trabajo, alcance asiento por la parada en que la tomé. Eventualmente el camión se llenó, es una ruta muy demandada,e he levantado a las 3 para tomarlo a las 4 y ya está llena.
El problema reside en qué yo aún cedo mi asiento a las mujeres, incluso cuando tenía menos edad, con una lesión en las piernas yo cedía mi asiento. Se subió una chica, como de mi edad, usaba escote, no presté mucha atención pues temo perder mi parada y descargo episodios de Regular Show para el camino.
Pero después se subió un señor, no dejaba de mirar su escote... Me dio coraje... Al igual que todos, he amado y he sido amado, mi manera de relacionarme se basa en el respeto y la reciprocidad. Me gusta tratar como me gustaría que tratasen a quien yo ame, con respeto. Un trato humano.
Eventualmente me di cuenta de que el señor observaba a la chica, y me le quede mirando; hicimos contacto visual y le apartó la mirada. La chica dio la espalda al señor, pero el insistía, y pude ver su cara de incomodidad.
No alcanzo a percibir porque una persona se arriesga a un trato violento, la muerte, es tan cercana a nosotros, tal vez son ignorantes de ello.
Deje mi asiento, incómodo. Traía mi mochila, con una mano me sostenía, con la otra tomaba mi mochila, lo que hice al pararme fue buscar un lugar donde acomodarme. Sin darme cuenta estaba rosando el glúteo de una chica... Realmente le di importancia por el que habrá pensado y como se habrá sentido al respecto, pues no era mi intención y no quería que se sintiese incomoda. Lamentablemente así es en el bus, todos vamos apretados. La verdad es que, no me siento bien por esto, me siento mal por ser considerado lo que tanto odio. Quienes ven a las mujeres como objetos, las deshumanizan...
Actualmente a mi solo me importa ganar dinero porqué tengo planes... Pero realmente me afecta que en estos tiempos, cualquier accidente pueda considerarse acoso... Y me duele... No sé cómo sentirme al respecto.
Actualmente, pareciera que a muchas personas no les importa comportarse humanamente... Solo ven por sus intereses, ni siquiera les interesa ayudar...
Cuando tenía 17, era más débil de lo que soy ahora, actualmente soy fuerte, no tanto como quisiera, pero me he esmerado en ser rápido, en ser una persona que pueda ayudar a alguien más de la mejor manera posible. Intelectual o físicamente.
Bueno, combinen tener pensamientos maniacos/suicid4s desde los 7 años, con el idealismo y romanticismo. Para mi morir por una causa es la forma más hermosa de morir. Irte habiendo defendido tus ideales. Yo salía en las madrugadas, a buscar alguien quien me intentaste lastimar, creyendo que podría hacer lo mismo teniendo 3 meses de MMA. En cierta forma buscaba la muerte al mismo tiempo que lo justificaba con la idea de que, quién lo intentase conmigo lo intentaría con alguien a quien amo o quién es vulnerable. No encuentro sentido en esta vida, lo que puede moverme es la injusticia contra personas vulnerables, el gandallismo que existe...
Pero esta sociedad está perdida, no encuentro solución en ella. Ya no quiero estar aquí. Es doloroso no poder hacer mucho por quienes amas o te interesan.
Estoy cansado de éste mundo... De su gente.
Ésta vida... decepciona, no tiene nada de ofrecer...
Edit: El Flair era pláticas de bar, pero lo cambie por éste. Creo que va más de la mano con mi malestar.
submitted by UsefulCampaign8932 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:58 StolasMain El adicto al porno cuando:

Evitando repetir el contexto a los personajes (porque ya lo saben si es que yo lo público), me parece curioso que lo que me gustó más de la segunda imagen no es que muestre más piel y sus pezones libres, sino que me es más verosímil la idea de que ande desnuda frente a su hijo; y no con un tipo de lencería, como si lo llevase puesto con la intención directa de seducirlo con ello.
La segunda da más posibilidades a escenas más propicias a generar una tensión sexual más casual. Por ejemplo, que se estaba cambiando y de la nada entró su hijo sin avisar para darle una sorpresa, pero se llevó otra sorpresa. O tambien que, como viven solos ambos, comparten un cuarto y mientras se cambia de prendas uno el otro se da la vuelta, pero en un momento el otro voltea y se da con la sorpresa, como la madre, pero lo deja ver porque le agrada mucho su reacción "tierna".
Añado que la censura, u omisión, de la vulva ayuda a mantener una escena muy erótica y dejar que el resto de la figura se lleve la atención. Algo que considero acertado, pero que no siempre deberá mantenerse a la imaginación si se quisiera avanzar una historia erotica, transicionando a porno.
submitted by StolasMain to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:23 IamThEsToRm63 Another Day of Playing Victim

Well, I see another day of sitting on the bus bench playing the whoas me victim AGAIN. How about for ONCE in your life you be HONEST to Harvard John and tell him the TRUTH of what you did to your children, exes and current wife!!! YOU did this to YOURSELF no one else did this to you. YOUR issue is when you grew up when you stomped your feet like a spoiled little privileged kid as you told everyone you were, you were given your way, then when you lived in foreign countries you were admired for your English skills, now that you're back in the USA where WE AMERICANS don't tolerate DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, CHILD ABUSE, BEGGARS AND LIARS you have no place or no one's skirt tail to run and hide under!! EVERYTHING to you is based on WHAT TRISH WANTS!! NO MONEY BUT PUTS A $149.99 jacket on a wish list for someone else to buy, YOUR PRIORITIES IN LIFE ARE MAJORLY FU**ED UP!!! Your berate people on your lives telling us you're smarter than us, and that you are so beautiful compared to others profile pictures... HOW DARE YOU JUDGE OTHERS.. MAYBE YOU NEED TO COME DOWN OFF YOUR SPACE SHIP RETURN TO EARTH BECAUSE YOU SURE AS HELL ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN YOU ALREADY LIVE THE 7 SINS AND YOU OF ALL PEOPLE TAKE ALL YOU CAN FROM OTHERS, AND KEEP TAKING AND TAKING AND TAKING.......... DISGUSTING!!!
submitted by IamThEsToRm63 to TayHoTrishUsa [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:45 Luffy_mi_vida138 Quiero dejar estos celos atrás, ayuda

Soy una mujer de 19 años y mi marido tiene 20, actualmente estamos viviendo juntos, él consiguió un nuevo trabajo después de pasar casi 1 año desempleado, en el pasado el me hizo sentir menos y realmente ahora que lo pienso bien, nunca me dio mi lugar como novia, siempre ha sido muy social y muy cariñoso con las mujeres de su alrededor, siempre me incomodó pero yo nunca había tenido novio, entonces pensé que solo eran ideas mías, pensé que era normal, muchas veces solía decirme que él soñaba intimar con otras chicas y hay una chica que me causaba inseguridad, esa típica chica que sabes que es rara pero no rara como el resto, esa es como esa chica y ya, no sé si me doy a entender, la cosa es que el menciono que quería intimar con ella y que quería abrir la relación, le dije que no me parecía y dijo, “ok te respeto” no preste atención y me hice la loca, pasaron los meses y el en medio de la intimidad se le escapó el nombre de esa chica, lo cual me hirió mucho y le dije como me sentía, él dijo que lo sentía pero que yo también era una exagerada y que solo me amaba a mi, le creí y seguimos normal, pero como que la confianza en él ya no era la misma, aclaro que el nunca me subió a ninguna red social porque “él nunca sube nada” entonces dije ok, no pasa nada. Hace un mes consiguió un nuevo trabajo, siempre que llega me cuenta cómo le va y todo lo normal, hasta que comienza a hablar de sus compañeras, siento unos celos que no son normales, no quiero sentirme así, hemos tenido muchas discusiones después de eso, un día me dijo que le llevara comida porque tenía mucha hambre, no tuve problema y me fui en bus hacia su trabajo, llegue y su compañera, la cual el me habla que es una hermosa persona, que ha sufrido mucho y que da una lastima la pobrecita, llegue y dije “buenas tardes, me podrías llamar a fulanito” y me respondió horriblemente diciendo, “no creo que haya pedido comida pero le voy a preguntar” no lo tome a mal pero luego pensándolo bien, dije, “me trato bien feo esa vieja loca” jajaja, juro que nunca me había sentido tan mal como ese día, me sentí tan menos y ella solo reía cuando me veía con el, cuando le entregaba la comida a él, yo dije, bueno, él me cuenta que son buenos amigos, supongo que van a ir hablando en el camino de regreso, paso todo lo contrario, ella le hablaba y él se hacía el que no le hablaba, ojo, que conmigo no iba hablando, lo cual me enojo más, se supone que son buenos amigos y porque Justo cuando estoy yo, ya no quiere hablarle, me sentí mal y ahora solo siento celos, odio sentirme así, no paro de compararme con ella, o que me deje por ella, porque eh perdido amistades por el, me pelee con mi mamá por el, hice tantas cosas por el, perdí mi dignidad por él y lo eh apoyado en todo, ya no tengo a nadie más que el, por eso es mi miedo, mi mamá no quiere saber de mi y menos mi familia, todo por defenderlo, todo por que estuviéramos bien económicamente, lo ame cuando él era un desempleado sin experiencia. Solo quiero ser bonita como ella, ella si luce bien, tiene un cuerpo bonito, mientras yo… bueno, ni para que decir, al recordar cuando él me decía cosas sobre otras mujeres me esta atormentando la mente ahora, ya no quiero sentirme así, necesito que me den consejos de que hacer.
submitted by Luffy_mi_vida138 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:47 Federal-Dragonfly666 My Crazy Dreams

dreams #vividdreams

Dreaming While Half awake
March 15 2023
I’ve been having pretty crazy dreams lately some being so realistic then others, but for the most and I’d forget bits and pieces of my dream when I awoke so today is the first day I decided to write it all down Time stamp: 4:38am
On the Grayhound with a long ride back to Nashville Tn, I had my most eye opening dream. It felt so real when I opened my eyes I could feel the storm that was brewing when I slept. Just had a layover in Louisville Kentucky and when headed out a storm was coming lightening stricking, heavy downpour and slick roads a little scary for a 18 year old to be riding by herself back home so I decided to fall asleep we had 4 more hours til we reached home it was 2:57am when we pulled off and would reach Nashville by 5:30. While I turned around in my seat that I had alone I was small enough to curl into a ball and sleep on the seat comfortably, not scared of a bus full of strangers but wasn’t ready for the dream I was about to have. Falling into a deeper sleep with rain drops and thunder singing a melody in my ear and after 5 mins I was in Dreamworld or as I call it A prison for the imagination.
“Sirens , police and News broadcasters” Warning I repeat this is not a drill seek shelter now the storm is coming the storm is coming!!! Warn your neighbors, lock your doors and read your bibles for this is nothing like what you’ve seen before!!! I’m walking down the road warning people you have to go and hide, the storm is coming and it’s bad hearing thundering in the background. I’m running to every person I saw on the street. Sky’s getting dark and before I knew it the calm beautiful day it was turn grey and glumly and night set fast. While getting back to my house I started to notice something strange big holes in the ground like meteors had fell down to earth and hit ten feet apart in every direction I decided to look off down into one and was appalled by what I saw. (Lighting striked) I jumped before I could even fully process what I saw in the holes on the ground.
I run into the house lock-ing all doors and windows, getting my neices and nephews on the couch calm before the storm rolled in. I run to the front door and look out the blinds and see the storm getting closer my sister turns on the news the broadcaster repeatedly saying this isn’t a drill , hold on to your loved one and take out your bibles. I’m still looking out the window and see two people walking there dogs and so i opened it to warn them. “Get inside the storm is coming it’s not safe!” After my last words all the power in the house goes out. The storm was here. All I can remember is the news broadcaster saying this is like nothing we’ve ever seen before ancient animals from the prehistoric time was coming and they were angry. Remembering what I saw in the holes it was horns and half covered of body’s of rhinos and Dinos way bigger then the ones at the zoo, and they were standing as if stuck in place or a statue. I lock the door and turn to head to the couch when I see a homeless person run to the front door demanding that I let him in.
I can’t let you in I’m sorry!? Please seek shelter elsewhere. In my head I didn’t know this man from a hole in the wall and we had 3 little baby’s to calm before this storm arose. He’s banging on the door please please I need you and for 5 seconds it felt like the earth stood still not a sound to be heard the calm…. And before I could look out the door for the man he was gone the house started to shake as if a 10.4 earthquake would hit earth. I ran to the couch holding on to my nephews while my sister is holding on to her 7month old daughter we are scared shaking the house felt like it was getting picked up in a tornado and spun around. I could hear the rain hitting windows so hard it shattered from lighting. I held on to the boys as tight as I could praying this would be over soon, the house rocking back and forth and hearing dishes break and shatter I could feel me heart racing. My sister tried to grab on to us but in the mist lost grip of the baby and in a second the storm carried her away. We couldn’t believe our eyes the screams and tears we let out fighting to save my niece but also in fear. the house was off it’s foundation currently being spun in the air like a tornado and every raindrop sounded like a knock from the devil himself. Wiping tears and holding on tighter to the boys I saw a figure go past the window. It was the rhinos and dinosaurs from the ground they had arose and was angry damaging everything that got into their way. I looked at my sister while her husband is wiping the tears and devastation off her face knowing she may not see her daughter again I started to pray and tears filled my face. I just wanted protecting from this storm and before I could finish my prayer the bus hit a bump and thunder rumbled loud startling me awake.
submitted by Federal-Dragonfly666 to Dreams [link] [comments]