Advanced pretty friendship bracelet patterns

Need help with settings for Dual Extruder XL using Soluble PVA

2024.06.02 17:02 btoliver311 Need help with settings for Dual Extruder XL using Soluble PVA

Need help with settings for Dual Extruder XL using Soluble PVA submitted by btoliver311 to prusa3d [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:01 AdamLuyan 11.4.5 Sense Node

11.4.5 Sense Node
Sense is heart, has three significances: clear discernment is named as sense; mean and measurement are named as intention; Aggregate Arousal is named as heart. Aggregate Arousal has three significances again: first, heart can aggregate and storage juristic seeds; second, heart is those juristic seeds being aggregated; thirdly, juristic seeds grow by fumigation, and heart can arouse ripened seeds into performances, has them become bodily orally and intentionally behaviors currently. See section 14.1 for more explanation of Aggregate Arousal.
Among Buddhist 100 laws, there are eight positions of sense laws totally, namely, (1) eye-sense, (2) ear-sense, (3) nose-sense, (4) tongue-sense, (5) body-sense, (6) intent-sense, (7) preconscious-ness, and (8) unconsciousness. The seventh pre-consciousness is the mobile working platform of the former six senses. The eighth unconsciousness is the total root of the former seven senses, also known as the fundamental sense. The sixth Intent-sense, i.e., consciousness, in daily life usually includes the preconscious and the unconscious. The Sense Node is the sum of the karmic accumulations of the former six senses.

11.4.5-1 Differentiations of the Eight Senses

(1) eye-sense, which is the seeing of seeing colors. (2) ear-sense, which is the hearing of hearing sounds. (3) nose-sense, which is the smelling of smelling fragrances. (4) tongue-sense, which is the tasting of tasting tastes. (5) body-sense, that is, the feeling of feeling touches. (6) intent-sense, which is the know of knowing laws. The six senses are exactly seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and knowing; and they also have the name of six feelings.
(7) preconscious-ness, is called Mana-sense in Buddhism, and Eve-sense in Godly religions. Ancients said that it is subtle and difficult to distinguish, so they use its major companion "Intent" to represent it. Therefore, we call Preconscious-ness as Intent in Buddhism. Preconscious-ness is root for six former senses, is ever updating work platform of heart (i.e., mind), which is constantly updating itself with the change of intention.
Ancient people often used "measuring worm" (see fig. to describe the behavioral characteristics of preconscious-ness. When the measuring worm moves, the back feet are always grasping something; the front feet are looking for a place to land, as if pondering. After the front feet have grasped something, the back feet follow. The behavior of preconscious-ness is very similar to that, preconscious-ness is also always grasping something, and looking around, pondering. When it discovers and moves to a new target, it renews its attachment, and then searches for a new target to move on to. The preconscious attachment, which has the function of internal along-thoughts ego, was called Abel by the ancient Egyptians, and Quetzalcoatl by ancient Mexicans. The attachment that Eve-sense's hold is the precedingly faded thoughts, and that belongs to Adam-sense (i.e., the contaminated part of the unconscious).
Because of the above characteristics of Eve-sense, the ancient Egyptians used the breastfeeding of Abel to indicate that the woman is Eve (see Figure Eve's neatly arranged pattern (motif) hair in the figure represents “500 majesties 108,000 charms” (cf. section 16.2), which is the woman's skin that God coated on Eve. Figure 3 shows the ancient Mexican Eve, Chalchiuhtlicue, who also signaled her status as Eve by breastfeeding Quetzalcoatl. The tree she is facing is her Enlightenment Tree that grows from her Ollin Heart (i.e., bodhicitta, the oath she took when she was child).
In addition, preconsciousness has a promoting effect on the formation of language, so the ancients also call it as Escalatory Language Feeler, meaning that preconsciousness has escalatory function on language.
(8) The greatest characteristic of the unconscious is mutably mature. Mutable matureness means that the seeds in the unconscious are ripened by fumigation and mutation. Mutation is ripening because mutation is capable of holding karma. Here is a brief description of the unconscious in the words of a poem by Tang Tripitaka, “Receiving the fumigation, holding the seeds, it is the root, the body, and the vessel world (i.e., the material world); leaving later, coming first, being the non-lord executive.”

11.4.5-2 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Nine Heartlands

Nose-sense and tongue-sense exist only in Desire Boundary (Fig 11.4.5-2-23). Eye-sense, ear-sense, and body-sense exist in the Five Interests Mixed Dwell Land (Fig. 23) and the Leave Producing Laugh Land (Figure 24). The former five senses are absent in the third land (Fig. 25) and above. The sixth and seventh sense are prevalent in all the three boundaries nine lands, except for the Thoughtless Retribution and the Longevity Sky. The eighth sense, unconsciousness, prevails in all the three boundaries nine heartlands.

11.4.5-3 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Environments

The 8 senses have 3 kinds of objective environments, namely, nature environment, solitary head environment, and qualitative environment.
I) Nature Environment, which environment has its own nature, has factual function, is what the aggregative heart manifests after gain of the objective nature, has the following five significances. A) It is obtained from the present quantity. B) It has media qualities, such as a sound must have hearable media qualities. C) It is born from its own seed, cannot be produced directly by the aggregative heart. D) It has factual function and usage. E) Its nature and boundary category do not change along heart’s change.
II) Solitary Head Environment, which is projected by the aggregative heart itself alone, its presentation is projected and held on by the internal thoughts, has no other nature. There are four states of mind studied in Buddhism, namely: A) the wakeful state of mind; B) the still state, i.e., hallucinational state, such as the phenomena talked in Chapter 12 Meditation; C) the state of dream; and D) the state of loose mind, such as the occasionally popping up thought by the mind on its own. The last three of these four states are all Solitary Head Environments.
III) Qualitative Environment, that the objective environment has it own based on quality, the subjective viewer cannot get its real natural phenomenon. The kind of environment has following two types. A) Truly Qualitative Environment, means that heart aggregates heart, i.e., the sixth sense is to aggregate all other hearts and heartland laws, and the seventh sense alone aggregates view-quadrant of the eighth sense. B) Similar Qualitative Environment means that heart aggregates color (color means matter in Buddhism), the saying is that the projected objectives have similar quality to its own, such as according to sutra’s teaching to make view, which view is not the present environment aggregated by the former five senses.
The former five senses and the eighth sense only aggregate Nature Environments. The sixth sense can aggregate all the three types of environments. The seventh sense only aggregates Qualitative Environments.

11.4.5-4 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Three Quantities

The quantities processed by eight senses have three types, namely Present Quantity, Metaphysical Quantity, and Non-Quantity.
I) Present Quantity is the environment being aggregated by the capable measuring heart, when the heart aggregates the objective phenomena, not having distinguishments and cognitions. Present Quantity has the three significances. A) It is the present time, not past or future. B) The object of cognition must be manifesting, i.e., it must be a law in the present position; seeds cannot be Present Quantity. C) Presently have, the able heart and the being measured environment, both must be clearly presenting at front, mutually combined.
II) Metaphysical Quantity is measurement fruit obtained through speculative comparison and conjecture. For example, if you see smoke on a mountain, you know that there must be a fire there; if you see two horns outside your courtyard wall, you know that there is a cow outside the wall.
III) Non-Quantity is a collective term for “similar present quantity” and “similar metaphysical quantity”. Similar present-quantity is that there is distinguishing intelligence that takes measurements on environmental differentiations, such as a wise man who knows that vases and clothes, etc., which are born from treatment and discrimination, because of those significances not based on their self-phenomena. Similar metaphysical quantity, which arises in accordance with the similar causing intelligence at first, such as in the case of mistaking fog for smoke in a mountain and deducing that there is fire there. Another example is to see a vivid stone lion and be afraid, not thinking it is just a stone. The inability to understand correctly that it is a stream of the true but not the true is called the similar metaphysical quantity.
The former five senses and the eighth sense only aggregate present quantities. The sixth sense can aggregate all the three kinds of quantities. The seventh sense only aggregates non-quantities.

11.4.5-5 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Morality

Morality can be simplified to the three kinds: benevolence, memoryless-ness, and ferocity.
I) Benevolence means the behavior that can benefit this and other generations. Eye-sense, ear-sense, etc., the former six senses have benevolent nature.
II) Ferocity means the behaviors can cause damages in this and other generations. The eye-sense, ear-sense, etc., former six senses have ferocious nature.
III) Memoryless nature, morally neutral, neither good nor evil behavior leaves behind unrecorded karma, i.e., karma without memory or immaculate karma. There are two kinds of memoryless nature, namely, Convertible Memoryless-ness and Nonconvertible Memoryless-ness.
A) Convertible Memoryless-ness is saying of the seventh sense, preconscious-ness, its behaviors are contaminations, but it does not produce good or evil karma, which is called Convertible Memoryless-ness. Preconscious memory is like the memory of a computer, updating all the time, which means that preconscious-ness is Convertible.
B) Nonconvertible Memoryless-ness is talking about the eighth sense, unconsciousness. Many unconscious natures remain unchanged throughout life, and it does not distinguish good and evil, its nature can’t be contaminated, nor good and evil, hence name of Memoryless-ness. The Nonconvertible Memoryless-ness means that everything is remembered unconsciously from the time a person is born to the time of death, and the memory of its past experiences comes into play whether the person's consciousness remembers it or not.
Among the eight senses, eighth sense, unconsciousness, aka God-sense, is only nonconvertible memoryless nature; seventh sense, preconscious-ness, aka Eve-sense, is convertible memoryless nature. Eye-sense, ear-sense etc. former six senses have all the three ethical natures, which is saying that they appear as good nature when they are among good laws; when they are among evil laws, they show as evil nature.

11.4.5-6 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Heartland Laws

The former five senses correspond to the 34 heartland laws (cf. section, which are the 5 Omnipresent Heartland Laws, namely, attention, touch, acceptance, think, and mean; the 5 Particular Environment Heartland Laws, namely, desire, resolution, spell, stillness, and gnosis; the 11 Benevolent Heartland Laws, namely, belief, shame, sin, greedless-ness, non-irritability, non-ignorance, diligently advance, light ease, non-indulgence, acting renunciation, harmlessness; the Fundamental Annoyances, namely, greed, irritability, ignorance; the 2 Medium Following Annoyances, namely, shamelessness and sinlessness; and the eight Large Following Annoyances, namely, drowsiness, depression, unbelief, slackness, indulgence, lost spell, agitation, incorrect know.
The sixth sense, intent-sense, corresponds to all the 51 heartland laws (cf. section
The seventh sense, preconsciousness, corresponds to the eighteen heartland laws, which are the 5 Omnipresent Heartland Laws, namely, attention, touch, acceptance, think, and mean; the 1 Particular Environment Heartland Law, gnosis; the 4 Fundamental Annoyances, greed, ignorance, arrogance, and Seth view; and the 8 Large Following Annoyances, drowsiness, depression, unbelief, slackness, indulgence, lost spell, agitation, incorrect know.
The eighth sense, unconsciousness, corresponds only to the 5 Omnipresent Heartland Laws: attention, touch, acceptation, think, and mean.
↪️Back to Catalog of Chapter 11🎄Tree of Life
submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:01 RoyShivCo Complicated intersection of money and sex, self-esteem rocky Af

Long story short, I had a business startup funded by a older (late 70s, older now) gay millionaire for a few years. I endured constant advances at that time in my life from all sorts men (I had modeled, was young and muscular etc) so it wasn’t unexpected that he’d make some, including inviting me to threesomes/orgies with the boys that actually were sex workers, but I always found a way to dodge it, and somehow was continually given more and more money.
These chapter eventually closed. There were some unsavory manipulation things going on (I was occasionally restricted in terms of living where I wanted etc due to commitments to the business, funny stuff with delaying parts of the money etc) but in the end so much money passed through my hands, and I was admittedly not the most careful with it (I as I experienced/untrained business wise but just had a really good product), that I really wouldn’t say I got the short end of the stick, especially since there was no sex, and ultimately I was mostly very free.
Eventually we reconnected years later and the prospect of another business came up (the prior one ran into roadblocks). I met up and another extremely hot guy, assuming sex worker, was there and in the years since the first go around I had reflected on all the hot guys I passed on because the investor was around and played with the idea of maybe once letting my guard down and just going for it and not overthinking it.
Well, that was a mistake. I joined their session, mainly interacting with this irresistible guy, basically detaching mentally from the other person / potential investor / former investor, who eventually proceeds to give me oral.
I’m technically having fun, but I know I ultimately don’t like this. I back out after a few minutes and excuse myself, rejoin later when the hot guy is physically separated from the older guy, just sort of laying with the hot guy and chatting and touching, no more actual sex (there was never any penetrative sex) while the older one is lying nearby and talking to us.
It’s awkward but I know I went beyond my limit of comfort allowing oral performed on me and wouldn’t go further.
I have had regrettable sexual situations before, but they were either younger, or more my choice. This felt like a consequence of another choice, or not a direct choice, and the truth is this person has touched me and made advances before against my will and I extremely regret having given in after all those years of holding up at least a last line of defense boundary.
I’m not looking to excuse my own role here. I feel gross and different than I ever have regarding my autonomy / self esteem in relation to sex. Somehow my worst moments seem to always happen in group settings, where I’m with one super hot person but someone else I really don’t want to be involved with physically. But because I know this man has so much money, HAS displayed using it as manipulation, has manipulated me (not in major ways but in major ways) and now has essentially got to experience me sexually, even if for a few minutes, I’m pretty annoyed, let down with myself, blah blah blah.
A very serious amount of money is on he table for a very valid and profitable and unique endeavor. It’s the type of thing that needs an angel investor and those are hard to find, or rather, my life is different now than when I was younger and I don’t exactly have the time to go schmoozing up investors that this investment would give me.
I’m borderline considering just telling him I’m no longer interested and preparing for a long saga of trying to get over this. I know it’s not the worst incident (or is it?) compared to getting raped, dozens of manipulative sex exchanges or more. But even though it was a couple of minutes it is sitting on me majorly. I even think I may have experienced getting oral from people I’m not super attracted to once or twice before in orgies or clubs and not really caring lol, but it’s fucking bothering me. I’m not even sure it’s the age thing.. it very well may be, but I’ve seen older men I actually find attractive in some way. I’m just confused.
So I’m just curious if anyone has been in similar situations, and mainly, has it caused a hit to your self esteem and how you worked on that, if you were able to. Perhaps in someway I was vainly proud that I never gave into this person sexually and held onto my values etc, and feel like in a mater of unplanned minutes I compromise a part of myself I never knew would feel so heavy to compromise.
submitted by RoyShivCo to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:59 Radiant_Stranger5418 19 [F4A] #east coast/online - looking for a friend with common interests!

a lot of my friends just don’t loooove the same things i do, so i’m looking for someone that does! what i mean by this is movies, music, and shows, as well as subjects of interest and of course, humor. lots of this comes from being around the same age, so if you’re on the older side, please keep that in mind and only reach out if the rest of this resonates with you.
so, here’s a bit about me:
i look forward to meeting you all!
submitted by Radiant_Stranger5418 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:58 NovaSuperStar22 Wire wrapped Crystals

Wire wrapped Crystals
So I have a small business wire wrapping crystals and making pretty bracelets. Here’s some things that I’ve made recently
submitted by NovaSuperStar22 to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:57 popogeist Can't Enjoy A BJ or Topping

I'm a little embarrassed on this one, but I need some peer advice. When I go to get a BJ or top someone, I can get really excited about it, but when it's occurring, I can't feel anything. It could be hours in the act and I'd never finish. Almost no sensation at all. No problems with man to hand combat myself or if they use their hands. Wonder if it could be a pressure thing. It's pretty much turned me off from seeking out partners. Anyone else run into this, or anything I can try? Really concerned about this one. It's been this way for 15 years and I hoped it would resolve on its own with time. FYI, no issues with impotence. Thanks in advance.
submitted by popogeist to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:56 EatMoreHoagies Kayakers and Anglers

How do you all like your Mavericks? Has the bed been pretty useful with transporting your kayaks & fishing gear?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by EatMoreHoagies to FordMaverickTruck [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:55 Atlas-Kairis Friendship Drama - Advice Needed

Allow me to set the stage. Since last year, me and someone else had been pretty good friends and everything looked and seemed normal for months, we were best friends and talked and hung out all the time, everything was perfect.
Then, I’d say about 9 months later, we get into an argument about a writing team when they cut me from the team, and not meaning to sound arrogant, but I am a great writer and I write all the time, so of course, I was pissed off. Me and said friend shared everything and for the sake of this post not being put down, I mean everything, the darkest stuff with each other. So I thought, ok, she’ll listen to me.
Basically, she made up a stupid lie about how my parents sabotaged me which was the dumbest lie ever, and I told her they didn’t. She told me to shut up and said that was what happened when it wasn’t. So from that point on, I actually left the writing team as a whole, fed up with it, and I had better things to do.
Back on track though, so we argued and didn’t talk for a while. In the meantime, I was going back and then I realized just how toxic the friendship was. Whenever I told her stuff, she would never take me seriously, and being the leader of the friendgroup, I have to stay composed about all the time, and she treated my emotions like a joke which makes me feel pathetic now. AND THEN after that, there’s more. Going back, I realized I always invited her out to do stuff and then she would never invite me back and I thought at first it was because her parents were busy, but they weren’t, she just didn’t care enough about me and would invite someone else out to do stuff but never me.
Then she‘s also have the audacity to text me about it. And whenever I did go to her house it was always my idea, and then, she would force her interests on me and get mad when I didn’t think the same as her, I would watch everything that she suggested and she never listened to my suggestions ever at all. Then, whenever we made plans, she would fall asleep till 11 and not even apologize, on the topic of not apologizing, whenever she got mad at me and told me to shut up I would always be the one saying sorry.
And then, there’s more. She stole more than half of her personality off of me, things I say, how I say them, how I act, my expressions, and said friend was also a spoiled brat. She thought her problems were bad one time when her dad got slightly annoyed, and she has no idea what a bad problem really is. Ok, and then this EX friend all of the time would only go to me when she needed help with homework and then she got sick all the time, didn’t finish work and was complaining about it like a dumbass because she was well enough to watch anime while she was sick, but she couldn’t finish assignments and then was acting all pissy and in a bad mood around me.
Recently, another small thing is that she takes stuff that I am specifically like the only one in the friendgroup who’s actually into said thing, and then she‘s talking to everyone about it when it’s my thing, it’s hard to explain but just mildly irritating.
Ok, and then this is what’s really annoying. I recently went to a sleepover with the friend group just because I was told she wasn’t going to be there, and then downstairs, there she was, and nobody bothered to shoot me a text about it, so it sucked and I suffered.
My parents when I was telling them about it said for me to just smile and act like I’m happy, and just pretend like there‘s not an issue when there is a huge issue which is a terrible thing to go by in life and can lead to major issues which I learned last year at the end of the year (long story)
So then I told my parents that it was like if we were dating and she cheated on me, but to the level of middle school because of course I’m not an adult yet and my dad rolled his eyes at me. Neither of my parents get it, and now they’re getting mad at me, calling me arrogant, and saying I’m the one who‘s going to break the friendgroup and that everyone hates me now. (Which is not helpful because only recently did I get over some pretty bad paranoia/anxiety
Side Note : I’m leaving some stuff out because I really don’t wanna put super sensitive information on this site.
Anyways, does anyone have advice as to how to fix this?
submitted by Atlas-Kairis to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 Automatic_Echo_7029 I made this redisign of my oc on PonyTown and I wonder if anyone would like to draw him for me c:

I made this redisign of my oc on PonyTown and I wonder if anyone would like to draw him for me c:
Thanks in advance ! And since its pixelated, feel free to ask me questions. I'm aware its making things pretty difficult so I apologize
submitted by Automatic_Echo_7029 to ICanDrawThatFurry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 Chamaellow I (21f) have feelings for my friend (20m) but I have a boyfriend. How to maintain my relationship with these two People?

I've been feeling tormented for the past few months. I have no one to talk to about this issue, as it involves the only two people I'm close with, so I'd really like to get an outside perspective.
I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend (22m) for almost two years now. Things are going well at the moment. We've had some problems in the past, which we managed to more or less resolve through communication, including a major one: a year ago, I crossed some boundaries concerning fidelity. I was lacking a lot of affection in my relationship at the time (we were having frequent arguments due to his lack of effort), and I met a guy at a party who I found very attractive. He started flirting with me, and I let myself enjoy the attention while setting boundaries when he wanted me to be explicit about my attraction (for example, I avoided his invitations to meet up or when he asked me for a kiss). I felt very guilty afterward, cut off contact with the other guy, and told my boyfriend what had happened two or three months later. He forgave me, but now he has a lot of concerns whenever I talk to a guy, which I completely understand.
After that, our relationship was pretty calm. I stopped going out with friends as much—it was mostly just acquaintances from university—so my life revolved around my studies, my hobbies, and my boyfriend. But towards the end of 2023, a new guy joined my program at university. I was the first person to welcome him as he seemed lost. Our interactions were limited to greeting each other in class until Valentine's Day, when I was sitting alone at university, and he came over to join me. He started getting to know me, asking about my hobbies, and suggested we hang out together outside of classes. I was really happy because I missed going out with friends.
The next day, we started sitting next to each other in class, and we got to know each other better. He asked me a lot of questions about my life, my interests, the music I listen to, the books I read, etc. I was thrilled to share these things with someone since few people are interested in these topics when I try to talk about them. But what struck me the most was what he had to say—he has a fascinating world of his own, he's very elegant and romantic, and he has very refined tastes. We had a lot in common, too; we're both passionate about rock music, we both left a science prep school for university for the same reasons, and we're both highly gifted (so we share the same challenges). I started developing feelings as we talked—he's really the type of person I like. I also told him about my love life with my boyfriend, and he told me he was in a relationship too, so I didn't think it was mutual at the time. (Another detail: our respective partners know each other and were friends in high school, which was a funny coincidence for us. Both are studying abroad, so we're in long-distance relationships.)
However, I was very surprised when he asked for my Instagram account that day. He handed me his phone to look up my account, and I saw that his search history was filled with accounts with my name (there must have been about twenty). I didn't say anything but started to wonder if he liked me. I told my boyfriend about this encounter with the guy (omitting the fact that I liked him because I had no intention of crossing any boundaries this time—I wanted to keep it to a friendship, hoping my feelings would fade over time). My boyfriend immediately concluded that the guy was interested in me based on his Instagram searches, the fact that he suggested hanging out together during our first conversation, all his questions about my interests, etc. So, he's very wary of this guy. He said he would tell the guy's girlfriend if he found out he was cheating with me.
For my part, I wanted to check if he was really interested in me or not because I didn't want to ruin a potentially great friendship based on possibly false assumptions. This guy and I have grown very close. We often eat together, go out just the two of us outside of classes, help each other with homework and studying, share a lot about our lives, and do sports together. He's very attentive to me (for example, once I told him I liked a certain kind of compote, and the following days, he started bringing two of them—one for him and one for me; he buys me drinks before meeting up with me; once we went out at 5:30 PM, my mom was supposed to pick me up but had an emergency and he waited with me until 8:30 PM; he gave me a flower made out of origami). I found his behavior quite ambiguous because usually, only guys who are interested in me treat me this way, but he seems genuinely happy for me whenever I talk about my love life with my boyfriend, unlike other guys. Also, he only has close female friends, so I don't know how to interpret his actions.
Recently, I met one of his best friends for the first time when we ran into each other at the university cafeteria. The three of us ate together. When I introduced myself to his friend with my name, she immediately said, "Oh, so you're THE [my name]," which threw me off. I asked her what she meant by "THE [my name]," and the guy jokingly said, "Do you think we talk bad about you?" I played along, saying yes. The girl laughed and said, "Oh, don't worry, he just told me you have a boyfriend studying in [name of city]." I found it strange that they talked about that, as I didn't know this girl at all, and I looked at my friend who seemed quite embarrassed. At one point, I was alone with her, and she said, "[Guy's name] told me you deleted Instagram! Why?" (I was taking a break from social media to focus on my exams, so the guy couldn't message me for a while, which I hadn't thought about—it created some distance between us for a week). I told my boyfriend all this, and it made him very concerned.
In short, my situation is complicated. I really wanted everything to remain purely friendly with this guy because I have real future plans with my boyfriend and I love him sincerely. But when I'm around this other guy, I can't shake off this attraction, and it's becoming quite frustrating because I'm used to being quite assertive and moving things forward quickly when I like a guy, but now I'm holding back despite my desires. Also, my friendship with him really bothers my boyfriend, who thinks the guy has bad intentions and has many concerns about me due to my past actions. But at the same time, I really enjoy this guy's company—I've never had such a pleasant friendship, so I don't want to lose it. I don't know if I should be as wary of him as my boyfriend is. Usually, the guys who like me are much more explicit about it. To my boyfriend, it's obvious that he's interested in me, but personally, I don't know. I'm lost.
submitted by Chamaellow to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 mystrawberrycandle 20 F - looking for a long-term, genuine friendship/connection!

hey y'all, my name's lilly - im 20 years old, afab(female at birth)/fem nonbinary, i use they/them pronouns, and im looking for long-term, genuine friendships. i have a variety of interests and i love rambling and talking about them to other people ! honestly if you let me I could talk all day, but im also a good listener and love taking in other people's interests as well. i tend to put in a lot of effort and energy towards getting to know others, so id expect the same energy back - im not a dry texter in the slightest. ask questions, and actually engage in the conversation with me - that's the best way to get to know me (:
like I mentioned I have many many hobbies and interests. i love music, kpop, kdramas, art/drawing, writing, reading, dancing, journaling, watching youtube, watching movies/tv shows, anime/manga, and video games ! i don't mind what gender you are, but im open to anyone that is 18+, and i also don't mind older people messaging me. im pretty introverted and enjoy getting to know people on a slow and deep level, but with time i do open up more. sometimes it is difficult for me to reply promptly because my energy can be low, but please be patient with me and ill get back to you asap ! and please don't just say hey ! give me an intro about yourself as well. if we have any common interests, dm me ! let's get to know each other (:
submitted by mystrawberrycandle to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 Anybodyhaveacat What are some ways neurodiversity advocacy should expand to be more supportive of HSN autistics?

I’m level 1 autistic, and although I am very much disabled as an autistic person, I recognize that my experience is often very different from level 2 and 3 autistics. As someone who is passionate about neurodiversity advocacy and the neurodiversity paradigm, I want to hear your thoughts on this perspective.
Just in case you may be unfamiliar, the neurodiversity paradigm boils down to: just like other forms of human diversity (race, sexuality, etc), neurodiversity is another facet of this and should be respected and accommodated for in society. It differs from the pathology paradigm / medical model which sees autism and other types of neurodivergence as mental illnesses or disorders rather than natural aspects of human diversity.
Some of my questions for you are: (feel free to answer some or all of them! I know they’re pretty abstract..)
1) How does this paradigm feel to you?
2) Do you agree that autism, regardless of level and support needs, should be viewed not as a disorder but as an aspect of diversity?
3) How should the autistics who are advocating for neurodiversity acceptance expand our advocacy to be more inclusive to HSN individuals?
4) What are some societal changes you’d like to see implemented that would make society more accepting and accommodating for HSN individuals? (Dream big!)
5) How can mental health professionals be more accommodating to HSN individuals?
Thank you all in advance! I look forward to hearing your thoughts! 😊😊
submitted by Anybodyhaveacat to SpicyAutism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 Altruistic-Skill8667 Useless for experts. GPT-4 got every single fact wrong

Useless for experts. GPT-4 got every single fact wrong
  • green: true and useful info
  • white: useless info (too generic or true by definition)
  • red: false info
Recently I got interested in butterflies (a pretty common interest). I know that venation patterns on butterfly wings are somewhat useful for identification (a well known fact).
A few weeks ago I asked GPT-4o how to tell them apart based on that. It sounded really useful. Now, with more reading and more curiosity, I asked again, and shockingly I realized that it’s all total and utter garbage.
I assessed every fact using Google, including papers and my book with 2000 international species. (few hours of work)
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submitted by Altruistic-Skill8667 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 iskaloh Firefly overall building tips

Hey there! I have recently started playing Honkai Star Rail. I already have Yanqing, but I would like to replace him very soon. So I thought about Firefly. Well, I have some questions about her and I believe that if there is anyone who could answer them, then it must be y'all:
  1. Do I need her signature light cone? I understood that a character which appeared last patch named Acheron does not really have any good LCs except her signature, and I hope Firefly is not in the same boat as her;
  2. Is it necessary to include Gallagher in her team? I do not have him;
  3. Is Ruan Mei a must pull? I read online that she is amplifies her damage potential by a lot and that she might have her rerun right in tandem with Firefly's banner. On top of that, I do not really like her considering what experiments she conducted after finishing the quest When the Stars of Ingenuity Shine;
  4. This is question more directed to those who have access to beta testing or emulators: how fun and satisfying is her playstyle to you?
  5. Do I need both a healer and a shielder in her team? I understood that she sacrifices her own HP for dealing damage;
  6. I read that she needs 360% Break Effect in order to benefit entirely from her own traces. How hard is it to achieve that without her signature, considering that it grants her 60% BE and that there almost no other destruction light cones which grant this effect;
  7. Which is a good team for her that does not need to include any other limited 5 stars?;
  8. Should I farm Thief of Shooting Meteor or wait until the new relics will be out in V2.3?;
  9. How would you compare her to Boothill? I am aware that Boothill is single target and she deals Blast DMG. Well, I am curious if even with her Blast DMG she can clear a boss domain with such ease as Boothill can;
  10. Will she be like Boothill in terms of crit stats? Does she need Crit whatsoever?.
These are the characters I have at the moment: TB(only physical yet), Gepard, Yanqing, March, DH, Asta, Herta, Serval, Natasha & Pela. I have 2 limited 5 stars because I got Gepard accidentally on Fu Xuan's banner, which means that my next limited 5 star is guaranteed. One of my main questions is if she needs her signature. I can save up enough for her LC as well, I have only level 12 on this account, but if it is not mandatory, I'd rather save those 65-80 warps for a new upcoming character. On top of that, I can easily get 80 pulls then wait for her banner to drop. On the other hand, 160 pulls to ensure that I MIGHT get her light cone(in case I lose the 75/25) would be really time consuming.
Thanks for reading this far! I hope I managed to describe my questions pretty clearly, because English is not my mother language. If you feel like I expressed any questions in a bad manner, let me know and I will edit the post. Thanks in advance! <3
submitted by iskaloh to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 ThrowRA1268392 How do I (19M) let my gf (19F) know that I am gaining feelings for someone else?

Hi all, as the title states, i am starting to develop feelings for someone else while being with my gf. We have been dating for about a year and a half by now and she is the greatest thing that has happened to me in my entire life. I truely love her with all my heart and am so thankful for everything she has done for me. Our relationship has had our ups and downs but after being with her for so long, it seems like nothing was able to pull us apart. Even other people told us they envy our bond and relationship.
About 2 months ago, at work, a new female coworker had joined. For the sake of the story lets call her Rose. Through work Rose and I instantly connected as we shared similar interests and was rostered together every week. At first, I thought of her as just a friend. She was a bit pretty to me as well. And throughout the start of our friendship I have mentioned that I had a gf and have told my gf about Rose a few times as well.
Last week, after work, I wanted to send Rose some bands that I liked that I wanted her to check out and we decided to exchange instagrams. By now, we both had a stronger connection as well so it didnt seem desperate or awkward. Keep in mind that I never lost any interest to my gf as well and always loved her to the fullest. After getting her instagram, we have been texting daily. At this point, she had gotten more attractive to me as her personality was very similar to mine.
Now, I catch myself getting excited to Roses notifications, and have been checking her profile alot, and getting jealous when she wouldnt reply back to me.
I know that this is so wrong because of my relationship and have openly admitted to myself that this should stop because this is so disrespectful to my gf. But I cant find myself wanting to stop, even though I know i need to stop. And my girlfriend deserves the world. I know that I need to tell my girlfriend because I cant keep lying to her but i know this would break her heart and i want to stop this as well.
I know how much of a bad of l am being so I expect alot of comments to be saying this but I just wanted to know how I should let my gf know about this. She doesnt deserve a bf that disrespects a relationship like this. Or even how I can stop having feelings for Rose.
TLDR: I have a crush in my coworker and need to tell my gf but i dont want her feelings to be hurt because she deserves the world
EDIT: just wanted to mention that I have no intention in leaving my gf for Rose or choose to be Rose over my gf, its just feelings have developed
submitted by ThrowRA1268392 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 qbit_55 Implementing Login with htmx

I have a rather trivial question, but I'm not a web dev by trade.
All the tutorials I've seen online do not show an application with a user login capability. Do I understand correctly that if I want to have that, then pretty much all endpoints must be able to dispatch on a user ID? Is there a design pattern that helps ensure that a page of one user isn't accidentally shown to another due to a bug in the endpoint?
submitted by qbit_55 to htmx [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:39 Misunderstood_Pupil Exploring Iloilo: Looking for Bookstores, Vintage Electronics, Vinyls and Batchoy

Hello everyone,
I'm heading to Iloilo in September for a wedding, and I'll be exploring the city while I'm there. Pretty stoked about it! As I'm not from the Philippines, I could use some local expertise.
I'm looking for a bookstore in Iloilo that sells Filipino books (novels, reference books, etc.), as well as shops that have vintage electronics (cassette players, vinyl players, music gear) and old Filipino vinyl records.
Lastly, I'm wondering if there are any stores that sell good beef or vegetarian batchoy.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Misunderstood_Pupil to Iloilo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:39 MasterpieceOk7578 Making friends in M2 year

Thought I [23M] was in a friend group in M1 year, but it seems like l'm being cut out. Not getting invited to stuff, others always being too "busy" to hang out, and I always have to text first b/c no one ever texts me first.
I've been trying to do some self reflection (I'm pretty reserved and kinda quiet), but I feel like it's too late for me to change people's perceptions of me. Do you think that friendship groups are pretty solidified at this point in medical school? M1 year has been over for a few weeks, and this has still been on my mind...
submitted by MasterpieceOk7578 to medicalschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:38 mystrawberrycandle 20 [F4A] #online - looking for a long-term, genuine friendship/connection!

hey y'all, my name's lilly - im 20 years old, afab(female at birth)/fem nonbinary, i use they/them pronouns, and im looking for long-term, genuine friendships. i have a variety of interests and i love rambling and talking about them to other people ! honestly if you let me I could talk all day, but im also a good listener and love taking in other people's interests as well. i tend to put in a lot of effort and energy towards getting to know others, so id expect the same energy back - im not a dry texter in the slightest. ask questions, and actually engage in the conversation with me - that's the best way to get to know me (:
like I mentioned I have many many hobbies and interests. i love music, kpop, kdramas, art/drawing, writing, reading, dancing, journaling, watching youtube, watching movies/tv shows, anime/manga, and video games ! i don't mind what gender you are, but im open to anyone that is 18+, and i also don't mind older people messaging me. im pretty introverted and enjoy getting to know people on a slow and deep level, but with time i do open up more. sometimes it is difficult for me to reply promptly because my energy can be low, but please be patient with me and ill get back to you asap ! and please don't just say hey ! give me an intro about yourself as well. if we have any common interests, dm me ! let's get to know each other (:
submitted by mystrawberrycandle to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:37 Last-Act-8561 upd Im failing an easy degree and my body is working against me

This might become an end-of-semester ritual for me until I finally step up or if I get kicked out, so hello again.
To get things straight, I know that no degree is truly "easy" but when I compare my workload/effort to grade ratio with more science/math centered courses it's honestly funny how I'm always the one complaining and whining among my friends.
This isn't to say that I would be much better in their courses either, I don't say this to be humble but I'm pretty fucking stupid. I barely made it through Math 10 last semester and I was trying my hardest(crammed the finals). The first year is supposed to be the adjustment period sure, pero di naman ako nagbago kahit masuka na ko para lang maclutch yung tres.
It's not that I HATE what I'm learning either, the topics are so interesting, nagbabasa naman ako ng readings, and I love hearing the ideas my actually knowledgeable classmates have. The problem really is with me. I have to step up, but I set myself up so bad that now it just seems like failing/disappearing is a more favorable option.
Recitations, yes I know its practice for participation "in the real world", but my whole life I've been taught that more knowledgeable people should have the spotlight. Now it feels like whenever I talk I'm the dumbest in the room or just poorly parroting what someone else said
Relearning the basics. True, kailangan mo muna ma-master yung basics bago mag advance but I have already forgotten them, all of it. That or naspoil lang ako sa mga kagaguhan na pinapasa ko during hs. While I know it's possible to just pick up a few lessons online and relearn them, it's either my ego or my brain stopping me from absorbing the information.
Struggle is a common factor in college, but I apparently have the soul of a frail victorian monarch that if I encounter ANY amount of struggle, my body reacts like I'm dying. My family literally jokes how I did I survive natural selection. I wanted to change for the better so badly, but that didn't work out. Sasakit ulo ko when I need to focus, I triggered dormant asthma when I decided I needed to start exercising(por da mental health), and my body literally starts triggering weeping eczema whenever I feel the TINIEST amount of stress. It's gross and I feel so fucking helpless, I want to commit to something. I want to finish this degree, but I can't even commit to going through with my guidance visits. I know that I'm the problem but I'm just so used to throwing my problems away that I don't know what to do now that I'm the main reason.
submitted by Last-Act-8561 to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:37 ledgeon 27[M4F] Belgium/Anywhere - Can we skip to the good part?

I've been single for several years now and i still feel like a noob at dating hahah. Can't we just skip to the late night cuddles, the bullying as an act of love? Playing videogames together, sharing weird memes and visiting new places?
Anyway, my name is Jordy, i'm 27 years old, 1.79m tall with a dad bod, from Belgium. I've been working as a technician for a telecommunications company for the past 6 years. My career is going well and i enjoy my job however, my dream would be to open up my own nerd/geek café where people can play videogames, boardgames/D&D, read comics, manga, have LAN parties, host movie nights? Etc. But as a smart person once said:"In this economy?!".
Most of my hobbies include the things mentioned above hahah, you can also add anime, playing guitar and hikes on to the list though.
I'm a big time music addict. I love pop, rock, punk, edm and will listen to most things. My favorite artists are currently Lewis Capaldi and Jake Scott. You will hear me sing most of the day, every day - i'm sorry in advance (not).
Personality wise i'm an introvert. During my job hours i'm mostly outside and talking to strangers but it does empty my social battery. A party is the last place i wanna be basically hahah, it's not my cup of tea. I do however enjoy going to museums, concerts, cinemas, bowling alleys, etc. I'm also not a very serious person, i love dark humor and enjoy making people laugh. I consider myself to be a hopeless romantic who's love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I wanna emphasise that i'm looking for a serious long term relationship but once we are comfortable with eachother, you will notice i have a pretty high libido. I know that's not everyone's cup of tea and that's ok.
I'm hoping to find someone with similar interests and who's looking for the same thing. Hopefully if we hit it off, we can close the distance! I'm not looking for just an online thing. When you message me, please introduce yourself. Ohh, and here's me:
submitted by ledgeon to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:37 Ok-Kick2161 AIW for keeping my social circle small?

I just woke up from one of weird ass dreams that felt so real that it left me analyzing my life choices LMAO. I need to come on here and see if I am the odd one out or if I am valid in my decisions so here it goes:
I have a very small circle of my own friends (maybe 2-3 reliable people that actually know me and I will always trust). I have been through a lot of shit throughout my life and have a hard time forming friendships because I hate having to re-explain my life to people. I am not introverted and I am a social person, but when it comes to forming long-term friendships I always go ghost before it can get that far because I find forming new friendships to honestly be pretty exhausting. I used to not always be this way and was in the so-called “popular crowd” in high school. Once I hit college I kinda just focused on school and my partner. I drifted away from my high school friendships and/or they drifted from me, and I didnt make time to form new ones. I am now in my mid-20’s and am thinking about getting engaged soon, but I realize I don’t have enough friends to even fill my side of the wedding party, let alone invite to my wedding. I know its important to have friends, but it takes a lot for me to trust others and I have the tendency to keep people at arms length as a way to protect myself. My career, which I love, also involves me talking to people everyday and by the time i get home, I don’t feel like communicating (specifically with friends or people I am trying to form friendships with). Should I put more effort in this area of my life? I am happy and content with where I am at now, but a small part of me also feels like a loser and it would be nice to have people that aren’t family or my partners friends that would be there to support me through the milestones of my life. End of Rant. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Ok-Kick2161 to amiwrong [link] [comments]