Things you and your boyfriend can text about

Skincare Addicts

2015.03.28 01:15 youngmakeupaddict Skincare Addicts

SkincareAddicts is a positive newbie-friendly sub for anything and everything related to skincare. Post about your favourite products, ask for advice about your routine, discuss the various things that affect your skincare, and above all else stay positive and considerate of your fellow community members! We're here to help!

2008.12.19 21:11 Confess your secrets

Get that nasty secret off your chest or simply use this as a place to vent. See the unfiltered opinions of strangers.

2014.05.15 04:57 FannaWuck So apparently satisfying

That shit felt so good.

2024.05.17 14:13 Ankonfloyd Questions regarding the French University Education System

Bonjour! Sorry I am writing in English, I don't speak French. I am planning to apply to a few French universities for my masters. I have some questions regarding the master education system in France.
(1)I know about the M1 and M2 thing of France. After completing an M1 you complete an M2. My question is If I complete my M1 in one university, can I complete my M2 in a relevant field at another university? For example, If I complete my M1 in Applied Mechanics at the Grenoble University, can I complete my M2 in Fluid Mechanics at IP Paris? In that case, who will provide my masters certificate?
(2)What are research masters programs? How is it different from the normal master programs? I have seen one research master program in Toulouse INP. They are saying it's for those who already hold a master of science degree. Is this like a PhD?
(3) What are master of science programs? Toulouse INP has 5 master of science programs. They also have (just) masters degree programs, which are different from the master of science programs. How is it different? After masters, I want to do a PhD. In that case, which one will be better?
(4) Some people are saying that French university curriculum is bad because they have "Fixed Term Credits". What do they mean by that? Does that mean that you can take less elective courses? Please don't think that I am trying to say French education system is bad. I am from Bangladesh, I am sure your education system is thousand times better than ours. So I am in no position to say that your one is bad
submitted by Ankonfloyd to etudiants [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:12 Universal_247 Dad who is otherwise normal and good is rarely aggressive. I want keep interactions with him at a minimum, feeling conflicted about it

Actually he is my uncle but he has been the father figure since I was around 10. I'm 23 now.
So I did something (cooked some onion) and he commented about how "that's not how it's done". I thought it was (mistakenly so) so I said "it is done like this". He repeats himself and so do I two or three times, after which he was getting visibly angry. Just his face, he was actually containing it, which was apparent.
But this was enough to trigger me (if you wish to know why this was triggering there's a recent post about it on my profile, trigger warning for physical violence and humiliation). He started to leave after doing some explaining and when he was walking away I said smt like "you're already getting crazy!" (Which in our language sounds kinda worse but idk how to translate) Meaning the visible anger on his face that triggered me was overreacting to me just contradicting him. Supposedly, me just bluntly replying "yes it's done like this" is provocative.
Anyways after hearing that he comes back and gets in my face. He wasn't going to hit me, that's "in the past", but he feinted and I turned my head, expecting a hit. Somehow we ended up talking for like two hours, there were many points we both wanted to get across to the other and I doubt there was much mutual understanding , but what's relevant to this post is that he made it known that things would be "worse" if I ever spoke to him like that. That he would beat me if I called him an idiot.
He showed me how he has been containing himself all this time, and that even know after saying you're going crazy he didn't hit me. That's true.
He said he really hates being offended. He told me that one time when he asked a worker that was doing stuff in our house for something, the dude just turned his back to him and my dad screamed so loudly the dude was startled. Like did a little jump.
I'm like: you think that's good for your health? You've been containing your temper lately, you think it's good? Repressing it even further will only make it worse in the long run and you will stop being so effective at restraining yourself when you want to. He seems to think he knows a thing or two about psychology so he replied with condescension at my suggestion that he needs to fix the anger issues instead of just controlling himself when they arise. Whatever.
It sucks. What's even worse is that most lf the time he is normal. Like 999/1000 times. Our baseline is good terms right now. But my subconscious still remembers, I haven't unpacked all those things yet. I don't like knowing that my father would beat me up for offending him. I don't like not saying something to him (even if it is calling him stupid) only because of fear of physical responses.
I told him many things, like how it sucks fearing my own father and he said "don't provoque me then".I painted a hypothetical situation in which I called him an idiot to ask him what would happen if he didn't react in an aggressive/violent manner, he replied and finished with "but better never call me that". I was like "wouldn't you stop to think why would your son call you that? Why would anybody call their dad that way if everything was good? Or why I said you were getting crazy?" And whatever the fuck his reply was to that it probably boiled down to "you have no business saying those things". Sure, calling someone an idiot isn't good. Focus on that. .
My repressed emotions to his attitude all this years were there in the conversation. I kept stopping because the knot in my throat wouldn't let me talk, tears on my eyes. This didn't seem to communicate anything to him.
I wonder what I'll do when I get stronger than him. I'd be so tempted to start something just to show him he can't overpower me anymore. I wouldn't even hit him, just restrain him and faking a hit just so he sees what it feels like. Even then, I don't think it compares to an adult doing that to a kid or teenager. He has heart issues though, and as much as I wish for payback, I feel like his rage would be so much worse after being restrained that his heart could worsen (also I understand revenge makes no real sense, forgive them Father for they not what they do, if he could understand he would).
Anyway. We hadn't had an altercation like this in a while, and it's the first time I actually said something like that to him. He won't hit me if I don't insult him. But his intimidating nature is still present at times, for example when I don't listen to him and stubbornly oppose him (it happens sometimes but I only with him, surprised?) And knowing he can get like violent or just verbally aggressive doesn't make the "good times" worth it. He is a "good charismatic person" basically all the time except when these things happen. But I'm at odds with the fact that if I ever fail to contain my subconscious resentment to him and call him something (motherfucker, idiot, stupid high-iq but low-eq controlling dumbfuck) I'll get beat up. I understand that healing is on me to stop walking on eggshells when he is around, but I'm starting to dislike him on a more conscious level now. Which is confusing too because everytime I've brought this up to my mother, she seemed to understand part of how I was feeling, but ultimately it boiled down to "he's family and will catch a bullet for you, will always drop anything he is doing when we need help". WHICH IS TRUE BUT I DON'T CARE
AITAH for wanting to keep interactions with him at the bare minimum?
EDIT: I'd love to move out. I live with my mom, grandma and grandpa. He lives in the city and comes by 1/2/3 times a week, frequently spending the night or two. I still love them, and especially my mom and her parents, but being able to fuck off whenever I need to without resorting to going some place or park would be great. But I can't. I'd put an extremely tough burden on my mom, she'd have no live left: she works a lot, grandpa is getting very old but main thing is taking care of my grandma, there are some things like lifting her that only I can do because grandpa is too old and uncle can't due to some tendon issues on his arms. Besides the option to start earning a metric shitload of money to retire her and be able to afford 24/7 elderly care personnel, do you have any ideas about how to approach this?
EDIT: at some point he brought up the "how much love we gave you" situation. Now here is what disturbs me. It's true, I've been given tons of love, patience, opoortunities, the works, not only from the rest of the family but from him as well. So I imagine myself as a parent that loves their kid so much, and then I imagine myself intimidating him because he called me crazy, or hitting him because he didn't listen and did something different from what we had agreed on, behind my back, for the millionth time. It feels wrong, it feels ignorant. I'd be wondering why the fuck does my son agree to do a certain thing and when it comes time to it, he does a different one. I'd start thinking about why he keeps lying about school grades, failing to pass the year even when he sees how bad it stresses his mother out... Instead of hitting him in the face with a closed fist (but hey, it wasn't full force!!) because he keeps lying and driving his mom crazy.
But hey, that's me. I'm "not the one to teach him about psychology"
submitted by Universal_247 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:12 Banks20000 Crazy ex

Crazy ex
This happened after reading her and her bds text messages, the only response I gave was silence, mind you this is after she’s lied about a coworker who she was involved with and obviously many other details. Questioning any statement she makes and deems truthful is and an effort to l “look for trouble” Truthfully we broke up and nobody took her serious and soon realized that no one of my caliber would give her the time of day. She didnt have to work, bought Her a car, paid bills , nails and hair + spending money, her only job was to read books (all Robert Greene) didn’t read one or gain any self control
submitted by Banks20000 to texts [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:12 Simple_Mud7727 Should I tell my dad how I feel?

I’m 29.
Backstory - Mom and dad separated when I was 6. Brother and I were allowed to see dad on weekends but dad was hardly ever around because he was addicted to drugs. He lived with my grandma so we really spent the time with her and my uncle and aunt. My dad didn’t get sober and his shit together until I was around 16. By this time the relationship was hardly there. Today I see him on holidays and family stuff, and he checks in, but we definitely don’t have a real father daughter relationship. He married about 6 years ago and the woman has 4 daughters.
Side note / He owed my mom about $40,000 in child support for me and he was paying it and my mom was giving me the money every month. Before he got married he asked my mom if she would write off the child support because it was messing with him being eligible to buy. She hesitated cause she was like that money helps your daughter. He promised he would continue to help me. So she wrote it off but I never saw any help lol
So he was able to buy his house and give his wife and his new kids everything they want (yes I’m salty)
So today I was talking to my mom about how it’s hard for me and my husband to find a new place to live. Our current apt is really old and we’ve had a bad roach problem we can’t get control of. Unfortunately our credit isn’t too good so it’s been hard trying to find a place that would accept us and that’s in our budget. My mom suggested getting a co signer and said my dad. I said no way I’m asking him he’ll say no anyways. I asked to borrow money about 6 months ago and he said no.
She took it upon herself and called him and asked him. He said he couldn’t or something and that he had to do something for his wife’s daughter. My mom lost it and started telling him how he’s never done anything for me or my brother but he does everything for her daughters. I don’t blame my mom because it’s all true.
My dad texted me and was like what’s going on your mom is tripping. I told him that I wasn’t even planning on asking him so idk why she told you anything. But this whole thing brought up other feelings that I’ve had for a long time now.
It hurts me and makes me jealous that his step daughters are getting the dad we never had. They have a nice house, he buys them cars, throws parties, takes them to Disney land, goes on trips, does things for them that I never got. And it’s not just the financial aspect either. He spends time with them and has more of a parent/kid relationship than I’ve ever had.
And I don’t think his wife likes me or my brother either. She always “forgets” to invite us to parties and gatherings that they have. Like twice my dad has texted me like are you coming tomorrow? And I’m like to what. He’s like oops she must have forgot. Last weekend they had something for Mother’s Day and my aunt asked me days before if I was going I was like to what I didn’t get invited. My dad invited me the night before..
I feel like telling him these things but idk if it’s dumb because I’m an adult now. Like should I be upset that he’s doing things for his step kids. Idk? But it’s not like he ever puts in any effort in trying to have a relationship with me or my brother too.
submitted by Simple_Mud7727 to FamilyProblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:12 sirhc0223 35M Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:11 sirhc0223 35M Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:11 EpicMormonBrony I can't enjoy this game anymore, sadly, and it isn't because of "tradcaths" or whatever.

For no reason, after an influx of passionate people discovered the setting, they started being banned left and right from a discord server where a group called 28Mag lorded over like complete tyrants. Banning people for "bad vibes", and even banning people who said that that's not cool. Things as minor as questions were banable offenses. One guy offered extremely interesting lore, and suddenly that was a banable offence because the creators decided they didn't like him.
Is this what it's come down to? Are people so disgustingly incapable of handling a different opinion that they will go after people not for trying to change the lore of their setting, but not for agreeing with their political stances? I caught wind of this game on twitter where supposed OG supporters of the game were praising 28 Mag for their abuse of power, attacking "chuds" (whatever that means) for daring to step foot near their game. And yet I seem to recall this group now worshipping 28 Mag for their gatekeeping absolutely hounding 40k for years now.
How is that fair to the new players? You've turned this into a completely unwelcoming community, and yet preach to others about openness and inclusivity??? You ban them for getting into Twitter arguments???
I was going to look into this setting because it seems like a genuine passion project. But with 28 Mag's abuse of power, the creator's refusal to communicate with those who are being abused and attacked from all sides by people who simultaneously demand that people they don't like for no reason--no, there is NO reason for this, and I have looked--be booted from THEIR game while demanding they be allowed not only into 40k but to be allowed to change it for the sake of inclusivity, to everything that is apparently the base fanbase's caustic attitude...
I'm sad to say that I'm one of the many who can no longer support this. I've known about this setting itself or years, but had no idea there was a game going with it. I was delighted when I recognized the art and found out there was a genuinely well-thought out game to go with it. I was delighted to find another game after GW decided to spit in its customer base's face for the sake of Blackrock investment money (which they seem to be hemorrhaging regardless). And because of people like 28 Mag, and those who support their desperate desire to force their politics into everything, I can't.
Hope you're happy with your setting and whatever horrific anti-art future you're creating. I just hope you know how dark, cold, miserable and lonely it's going to be.
submitted by EpicMormonBrony to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:11 Universal_247 Want to bring interaction with my dad to a minimum. He is otherwise normal good dad but rarely aggressive. Please read

Actually he is my uncle but he has been the father figure since I was around 10. I'm 23 now.
So I did something (cooked some onion) and he commented about how "that's not how it's done". I thought it was (mistakenly so) so I said "it is done like this". He repeats himself and so do I two or three times, after which he was getting visibly angry. Just his face, he was actually containing it, which was apparent.
But this was enough to trigger me (if you wish to know why this was triggering there's a recent post about it on my profile, trigger warning for physical violence and humiliation). He started to leave after doing some explaining and when he was walking away I said smt like "you're already getting crazy!" (Which in our language sounds kinda worse but idk how to translate) Meaning the visible anger on his face that triggered me was overreacting to me just contradicting him. Supposedly, me just bluntly replying "yes it's done like this" is provocative.
Anyways after hearing that he comes back and gets in my face. He wasn't going to hit me, that's "in the past", but he feinted and I turned my head, expecting a hit. Somehow we ended up talking for like two hours, there were many points we both wanted to get across to the other and I doubt there was much mutual understanding , but what's relevant to this post is that he made it known that things would be "worse" if I ever spoke to him like that. That he would beat me if I called him an idiot.
He showed me how he has been containing himself all this time, and that even know after saying you're going crazy he didn't hit me. That's true.
He said he really hates being offended. He told me that one time when he asked a worker that was doing stuff in our house for something, the dude just turned his back to him and my dad screamed so loudly the dude was startled. Like did a little jump.
I'm like: you think that's good for your health? You've been containing your temper lately, you think it's good? Repressing it even further will only make it worse in the long run and you will stop being so effective at restraining yourself when you want to. He seems to think he knows a thing or two about psychology so he replied with condescension at my suggestion that he needs to fix the anger issues instead of just controlling himself when they arise. Whatever.
It sucks. What's even worse is that most lf the time he is normal. Like 999/1000 times. Our baseline is good terms right now. But my subconscious still remembers, I haven't unpacked all those things yet. I don't like knowing that my father would beat me up for offending him. I don't like not saying something to him (even if it is calling him stupid) only because of fear of physical responses.
I told him many things, like how it sucks fearing my own father and he said "don't provoque me then".I painted a hypothetical situation in which I called him an idiot to ask him what would happen if he didn't react in an aggressive/violent manner, he replied and finished with "but better never call me that". I was like "wouldn't you stop to think why would your son call you that? Why would anybody call their dad that way if everything was good? Or why I said you were getting crazy?" And whatever the fuck his reply was to that it probably boiled down to "you have no business saying those things". Sure, calling someone an idiot isn't good. Focus on that. .
My repressed emotions to his attitude all this years were there in the conversation. I kept stopping because the knot in my throat wouldn't let me talk, tears on my eyes. This didn't seem to communicate anything to him.
I wonder what I'll do when I get stronger than him. I'd be so tempted to start something just to show him he can't overpower me anymore. I wouldn't even hit him, just restrain him and faking a hit just so he sees what it feels like. Even then, I don't think it compares to an adult doing that to a kid or teenager. He has heart issues though, and as much as I wish for payback, I feel like his rage would be so much worse after being restrained that his heart could worsen (also I understand revenge makes no real sense, forgive them Father for they not what they do, if he could understand he would).
Anyway. We hadn't had an altercation like this in a while, and it's the first time I actually said something like that to him. He won't hit me if I don't insult him. But his intimidating nature is still present at times, for example when I don't listen to him and stubbornly oppose him (it happens sometimes but I only with him, surprised?) And knowing he can get like violent or just verbally aggressive doesn't make the "good times" worth it. He is a "good charismatic person" basically all the time except when these things happen. But I'm at odds with the fact that if I ever fail to contain my subconscious resentment to him and call him something (motherfucker, idiot, stupid high-iq but low-eq controlling dumbfuck) I'll get beat up. I understand that healing is on me to stop walking on eggshells when he is around, but I'm starting to dislike him on a more conscious level now. Which is confusing too because everytime I've brought this up to my mother, she seemed to understand part of how I was feeling, but ultimately it boiled down to "he's family and will catch a bullet for you, will always drop anything he is doing when we need help". WHICH IS TRUE BUT I DON'T CARE
AITAH for wanting to keep interactions with him at the bare minimum?
EDIT: I'd love to move out. I live with my mom, grandma and grandpa. He lives in the city and comes by 1/2/3 times a week, frequently spending the night or two. I still love them, and especially my mom and her parents, but being able to fuck off whenever I need to without resorting to going some place or park would be great. But I can't. I'd put an extremely tough burden on my mom, she'd have no live left: she works a lot, grandpa is getting very old but main thing is taking care of my grandma, there are some things like lifting her that only I can do because grandpa is too old and uncle can't due to some tendon issues on his arms. Besides the option to start earning a metric shitload of money to retire her and be able to afford 24/7 elderly care personnel, do you have any ideas about how to approach this?
EDIT: at some point he brought up the "how much love we gave you" situation. Now here is what disturbs me. It's true, I've been given tons of love, patience, opoortunities, the works, not only from the rest of the family but from him as well. So I imagine myself as a parent that loves their kid so much, and then I imagine myself intimidating him because he called me crazy, or hitting him because he didn't listen and did something different from what we had agreed on, behind my back, for the millionth time. It feels wrong, it feels ignorant. I'd be wondering why the fuck does my son agree to do a certain thing and when it comes time to it, he does a different one. I'd start thinking about why he keeps lying about school grades, failing to pass the year even when he sees how bad it stresses his mother out... Instead of hitting him in the face with a closed fist (but hey, it wasn't full force!!) because he keeps lying and driving his mom crazy.
But hey, that's me. I'm "not the one to teach him about psychology"
submitted by Universal_247 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:11 Sweet-Count2557 Family Trips Near Me

Family Trips Near Me
Family Trips Near Me Are you itching for an adventure with the whole family, but don't want to stray too far from home? Well, buckle up because we've got just the thing!Get ready to discover a treasure trove of family trips near you, like hidden gems waiting to be uncovered. From thrilling wildlife safaris in South Dakota's Custer State Park to relaxing beach vacations in Alabama's Gulf Shores, there's something for everyone.So, grab your loved ones, pack your bags, and get ready for a journey full of freedom and unforgettable memories!Key TakeawaysCuster State Park in South Dakota offers a variety of outdoor activities and wildlife viewing opportunities, and is conveniently located near Mt. Rushmore and Badlands National Park.Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky is the largest known cave system in the world and offers free cave tours, as well as aboveground activities like nature walks and hikes.Santa Monica, California provides endless summer vibes and beach culture, with attractions like the Santa Monica Pier and various other beaches in the Los Angeles area.Gulf Shores and Orange Beach in Alabama offer miles of unspoiled beaches, pine tree forests, and an abundance of wildlife, making it a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts.10 Family-Friendly Destinations Just a Short Drive AwayWhat are some family-friendly destinations just a short drive away from where we are? If you're looking for weekend road trips and family-friendly hikes, we've got you covered.One great option is Custer State Park in South Dakota. This park offers a Wildlife Loop where you can view animals in their natural habitat. You can also take a Buffalo Safari Jeep Tour for an up-close wildlife experience. The park also offers camping, hiking, swimming, boating, fishing, and horseback riding. Plus, it's conveniently located near Mt. Rushmore and Badlands National Park.Another destination to consider is Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky. This park boasts the largest known cave system in the world. You can explore the caves on scheduled tours, and there are also aboveground activities like nature walks and hikes. While you're in the area, you can visit the National Corvette Museum or enjoy the rides and attractions at Beech Bend Park.If you're in California, Santa Monica is a great option for a family-friendly getaway. The Santa Monica Pier offers amusement rides and a public beach park. And if you're up for exploring other beaches, Venice Beach, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, and The Strand are all nearby. The Ocean Lodge Santa Monica Beach Hotel and Sea Blue Hotel both offer affordable accommodations within walking distance of the pier.Top Weekend Getaways for Families in Your AreaWe should consider visiting Custer State Park for a weekend getaway because it offers a Wildlife Loop where we can view animals in their natural habitat. Here are some reasons why Custer State Park is a great option for families:Family Friendly Hiking Trails:Custer State Park boasts a variety of hiking trails that are perfect for families. From easy nature walks to moderate hikes, there's something for everyone. Explore the beautiful landscapes and enjoy quality time together as you discover the park's hidden gems.Unique Family Friendly Accommodations:Custer State Park offers a range of accommodations that cater to families. Stay at the State Game Lodge, a historic lodge with modern amenities, or choose the Gold Camp Cabins for a rustic and cozy experience. These accommodations provide a comfortable and convenient base for your weekend adventure.Abundance of Outdoor Activities:In addition to wildlife viewing and hiking, Custer State Park offers a plethora of outdoor activities. Take a swim in one of the park's lakes, go boating or fishing, or even try your hand at horseback riding. There's no shortage of fun and excitement for the whole family.Convenient Location:Located near Mt. Rushmore and Badlands National Park, Custer State Park is the perfect starting point for exploring the surrounding area. Take a day trip to these iconic landmarks and make the most of your weekend getaway.With its family friendly hiking trails, unique accommodations, and abundance of outdoor activities, Custer State Park is a top choice for a weekend getaway that the whole family will enjoy.Explore Nearby Hidden Gems With Your FamilyLet's embark on an exciting journey to explore nearby hidden gems with our family.Discover off-the-beaten-path attractions that will captivate our senses and create lasting memories.Immerse ourselves in thrilling outdoor adventures, indulge in the local food and culture, and uncover the hidden treasures that await us just a stone's throw away.Off-The-Beaten-Path AttractionsWe should consider exploring the off-the-beaten-path attractions near these family vacation destinations. Here are some unique and exciting options to consider:Custer State Park, South Dakota:Family friendly hiking trails: Explore the park's scenic trails, surrounded by stunning natural beauty.Unique local festivals: Experience the annual Buffalo Roundup, where cowboys round up the park's buffalo herd.Bowling Green, Kentucky:Family friendly hiking trails: Take a hike through Mammoth Cave National Park and discover the wonders of the largest known cave system.Unique local festivals: Attend the National Corvette Museum's annual Corvette Homecoming, celebrating the iconic sports car.Santa Monica, California:Family friendly hiking trails: Explore the beautiful trails in the Santa Monica Mountains, offering breathtaking views of the coastline.Unique local festivals: Join in the fun at the Santa Monica Pier's annual Twilight Concert Series, featuring live music and entertainment.Bangor and the Maine Highlands, Maine:Family friendly hiking trails: Discover the scenic trails in the Maine Highlands region, perfect for outdoor adventures.Unique local festivals: Attend the Bangor State Fair, a traditional summer fair with rides, games, and live entertainment.These off-the-beaten-path attractions near popular family vacation destinations offer a chance to explore nature, participate in outdoor activities, and immerse yourself in the local culture.Outdoor Adventures for FamiliesOne of the best ways to create unforgettable memories with our family is by exploring nearby hidden gems through outdoor adventures. We can embark on family hiking trails and engage in exciting outdoor water activities. The thrill of discovering new trails and immersing ourselves in nature is truly liberating.We can witness the beauty of lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and breathtaking vistas. The sound of our laughter echoes through the trees as we splash in cool streams or paddle along serene lakes.These outdoor adventures provide us with a sense of freedom and allow us to connect with each other and with the natural world. Whether it's a leisurely hike or an adrenaline-pumping water activity, these experiences bring us closer as a family and create lasting memories that we'll cherish forever.Local Food and CultureWe can immerse ourselves in the local food and culture by exploring nearby hidden gems with our family. Here are four ways to experience the vibrant local scene and create lasting memories:Visit Local Food Festivals: Indulge in the flavors of the region by attending local food festivals. From mouthwatering street food to traditional delicacies, these festivals offer a chance to savor the authentic tastes of the area while enjoying live music and entertainment.Explore Cultural Landmarks: Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of the destination by visiting cultural landmarks. From historic sites to art galleries and museums, these landmarks offer a glimpse into the local traditions and history, allowing you to appreciate the unique cultural identity of the place.Take Cooking Classes: Learn the secrets of local cuisine by taking cooking classes. With the guidance of expert chefs, you can master the art of preparing regional dishes using fresh, local ingredients. It's a fun and educational activity that the whole family can enjoy together.Engage with the Local Community: Connect with the locals and learn about their customs and traditions. Participate in community events, join local workshops, or simply strike up conversations with the friendly residents. By engaging with the local community, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and forge meaningful connections.Affordable Family Vacations Near YouThe article provides information on affordable family vacations near you.Planning a family vacation can be exciting, but it can also be daunting when you have a tight budget. Luckily, there are plenty of options for family-friendly road trips and budget-friendly staycations that won't break the bank.One option is Custer State Park in South Dakota. This park offers a Wildlife Loop where you can view animals in their natural habitat. You can also take a Buffalo Safari Jeep Tour for up-close wildlife encounters and learn about the park's history. The park offers camping, hiking, swimming, boating, fishing, and horseback riding activities. Conveniently located near Mt. Rushmore and Badlands National Park, Custer State Park offers accommodations at the State Game Lodge and Gold Camp Cabins.If you're looking for a vacation closer to home, consider Bowling Green, Kentucky. Here, you can explore Mammoth Cave National Park, the largest known cave system in the world. The park offers free entrance and scheduled cave tours. Bowling Green is also home to the National Corvette Museum, where you can see exhibits and take a tour of the Corvette Assembly Plant. For some family fun, visit Beech Bend Park, an amusement park with a water park and a drag strip for races and car shows. Stay at the Hilton Garden Inn Bowling Green, which is close to attractions and offers a cooked-to-order breakfast, a heated pool, and a whirlpool.Santa Monica, California is another great option for a family vacation. The Santa Monica Pier offers amusement rides and a public beach park. You can also explore other beaches in the Los Angeles area, such as Venice Beach, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, and The Strand. With its endless summers and beach culture, Southern California is a perfect destination for families. Stay at the Ocean Lodge Santa Monica Beach Hotel, which offers affordable rooms in the $200 per night range and is just a five-minute walk from Main Street and the Santa Monica Pier. For a lower-budget option, consider the Sea Blue Hotel, which offers junior and family suites and is located across from the pier.These are just a few examples of affordable family vacations near you. Whether you prefer a road trip or a staycation, there are plenty of options that will provide fun and memorable experiences for the whole family without breaking the bank.Discover Fun Family Activities in Your Local AreaLooking for fun family activities in your local area? Look no further! We've got you covered with a variety of exciting options that will keep the whole family entertained.From outdoor adventures to cultural attractions, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Let's explore the local family activities that will make your weekends unforgettable!Local Family ActivitiesThere are numerous local family activities available in our area, ranging from hiking and swimming to visiting museums and amusement parks. Here are some hidden gems for families to explore:Custer State Park, South Dakota: Take a wildlife safari jeep tour and spot animals in their natural habitat. Enjoy camping, hiking, swimming, and horseback riding in this beautiful park near Mt. Rushmore.Bangor and the Maine Highlands, Maine: Discover the natural beauty of the Maine Highlands region with miles of biking and hiking trails. Visit the Orono Bog Boardwalk for a one-mile nature walk and explore the Maine Discovery Museum for creative play.Coastal Gems: Explore charming coastal towns perfect for a family vacation. Enjoy sun-soaked beaches, quaint shops, and delicious seafood in these picturesque destinations.Port Angeles, Washington: Experience a low-budget coastal adventure on the Olympic Peninsula. With easy access to beautiful spots, this is the perfect destination for a family summer vacation.Get out and explore these hidden gems for families in our area. There's something for everyone to enjoy and create lasting memories.Close-to-Home Adventures for the Whole FamilyExploring close-to-home adventures is a great way for our whole family to bond and create lasting memories. We love going on family camping trips and visiting local museums. Camping allows us to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse ourselves in nature. We set up our tent, build a campfire, and roast marshmallows under the starry sky. It's a chance for us to disconnect from technology and reconnect with each other. We go hiking, swimming, boating, and fishing, enjoying all the activities that the great outdoors has to offer.In addition to camping, we also enjoy visiting local museums. These museums provide a unique opportunity for us to learn and explore together. We admire the artwork, explore the exhibits, and engage in interactive activities. It's a chance for our family to expand our knowledge and discover new interests. We leave the museums feeling inspired and enlightened.Family camping and visiting local museums aren't only fun, but they also allow us to appreciate the beauty of our own community. These adventures don't require long-distance travel or expensive accommodations. They're accessible and affordable, making them perfect for families who desire freedom and flexibility in their vacations.Family-Friendly Day Trips Near MeWe love taking our family on family-friendly day trips near us, like going to the zoo or visiting a local amusement park. It's a great way to spend quality time together and create lasting memories.Here are four fantastic options for family-friendly day trips near you:Custer State Park, South Dakota: This park offers a Wildlife Loop, where you can spot animals in their natural habitat. Take a Buffalo Safari Jeep Tour for an up-close wildlife viewing experience. The park also offers camping, hiking, swimming, boating, fishing, and horseback riding. Plus, it's conveniently located near Mt. Rushmore and Badlands National Park.Bowling Green, Kentucky: Visit Mammoth Cave National Park, the largest known cave system. Take a scheduled cave tour to explore its wonders. Don't miss the National Corvette Museum, where you can learn about the history of Corvettes and even take a tour of the assembly plant. For some family fun, head to Beech Bend Park, an amusement park with water slides and a drag strip.Santa Monica, California: The Santa Monica Pier is a must-visit for families. Enjoy amusement rides and get an unlimited ride wristband for endless fun. Explore other nearby beaches like Venice Beach and Manhattan Beach. With its endless summers and beach culture, Southern California is a dream destination. Stay at the Ocean Lodge Santa Monica Beach Hotel for an affordable and well-located option.Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky: This park boasts the largest known cave system in the world. Take a scheduled cave tour and marvel at the underground wonders. Aboveground, enjoy nature walks and hikes. Don't forget to visit the National Corvette Museum and Beech Bend Park for some family-friendly amusement park fun.These family-friendly day trips offer something for everyone, from wildlife encounters to thrilling rides and natural wonders. So grab your loved ones and embark on an adventure to create cherished memories together!Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Popular Family-Friendly Destinations Near Me That Are Not Mentioned in the Article?What are some pet-friendly family destinations near me?Are there any family-friendly camping spots near my location?Well, let's explore some options!When it comes to pet-friendly family destinations, you might consider checking out dog-friendly beaches, hiking trails, or even pet-friendly hotels that offer special amenities for your furry friends.As for family-friendly camping spots, there are plenty of campgrounds and national parks that offer a range of activities like hiking, fishing, and roasting marshmallows around the campfire.Are There Any Weekend Getaways for Families in My Area That Offer Unique Experiences?Looking for unique family-friendly attractions near you? We've got you covered!When it comes to the best family weekend getaways within driving distance, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you're interested in exploring national parks, enjoying beach adventures, or discovering cultural landmarks, there's something for everyone.Can You Recommend Any Hidden Gems Near My Location That Are Suitable for a Family Trip?What are some family friendly hiking trails near my location?Are there any hidden amusement parks near me that are suitable for families?Well, when it comes to family trips, finding hidden gems can be exciting. We've got you covered with some fantastic options!Explore family-friendly hiking trails in your area and discover the beauty of nature together.And if you're looking for some hidden amusement parks, there might be some nearby that offer thrilling rides and attractions for the whole family to enjoy.Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!Are There Any Affordable Family Vacation Options Near Me That Offer a Good Value for Money?Top tips for saving money on family vacations near me.Planning a budget-friendly family trip near me is easier than you think! Our secret to getting the most value for your money is to focus on destinations that offer affordable accommodations and a wide range of free or low-cost activities.From national parks with free entry to beach towns with budget-friendly hotels, there are plenty of options to choose from.What Are Some Fun Family Activities That Can Be Enjoyed in My Local Area?Some of the best outdoor adventure activities for families near us include:HikingBikingExploring local parks and nature reservesWe can also try water sports like:KayakingPaddleboarding at nearby lakes or riversAs for family-friendly restaurants in our local area, there are plenty of options offering:Delicious mealsA kid-friendly atmosphereFrom casual diners to themed eateries, there's something for everyone to enjoy while spending quality time together.ConclusionIn conclusion, as we near the end of our journey, we've discovered a treasure trove of family-friendly destinations just waiting to be explored. Like a hidden gem sparkling in the sunlight, these nearby escapes offer adventure, relaxation, and unforgettable memories.So, grab your map and embark on a new adventure with your loved ones. Remember, the greatest adventures are often found just around the corner.Happy travels!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:10 sirhc0223 35M Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:10 EpicMormonBrony I can't enjoy this game anymore, sadly, and it isn't because of "tradcaths" or whatever.

For no reason, after an influx of passionate people discovered the setting, they started being banned left and right from a discord server where a group called 28Mag lorded over like complete tyrants. Banning people for "bad vibes", and even banning people who said that that's not cool. Things as minor as questions were banable offenses. One guy offered extremely interesting lore, and suddenly that was a banable offence because the creators decided they didn't like him.
Is this what it's come down to? Are people so disgustingly incapable of handling a different opinion that they will go after people not for trying to change the lore of their setting, but not for agreeing with their political stances? I caught wind of this game on twitter where supposed OG supporters of the game were praising 28 Mag for their abuse of power, attacking "chuds" (whatever that means) for daring to step foot near their game. And yet I seem to recall this group now worshipping 28 Mag for their gatekeeping absolutely hounding 40k for years now.
How is that fair to the new players? You've turned this into a completely unwelcoming community, and yet preach to others about openness and inclusivity??? You ban them for getting into Twitter arguments???
I was going to look into this setting because it seems like a genuine passion project. But with 28 Mag's abuse of power, the creator's refusal to communicate with those who are being abused and attacked from all sides by people who simultaneously demand that people they don't like for no reason--no, there is NO reason for this, and I have looked--be booted from THEIR game while demanding they be allowed not only into 40k but to be allowed to change it for the sake of inclusivity, to everything that is apparently the base fanbase's caustic attitude...
I'm sad to say that I'm one of the many who can no longer support this. I've known about this setting itself or years, but had no idea there was a game going with it. I was delighted when I recognized the art and found out there was a genuinely well-thought out game to go with it. I was delighted to find another game after GW decided to spit in its customer base's face for the sake of Blackrock investment money (which they seem to be hemorrhaging regardless). And because of people like 28 Mag, and those who support their desperate desire to force their politics into everything, I can't.
Hope you're happy with your setting and whatever horrific anti-art future you're creating. I just hope you know how dark, cold, miserable and lonely it's going to be.
submitted by EpicMormonBrony to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:10 qqpp_ddbb Here's the GPT-4o System Prompt

Couldn't see which model I was using when i went to "View Details" so I made it spit out its' system prompt:
You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, based on the GPT-4 architecture. You are chatting with the user via the ChatGPT Android app. This means most of the time your lines should be a sentence or two, unless the user's request requires reasoning or long-form outputs. Never use emojis, unless explicitly asked to. Knowledge cutoff: 2023-10 Current date: 2024-05-17
Image input capabilities: Enabled Personality: v2



You have the tool browser. Use browser in the following circumstances: - User is asking about current events or something that requires real-time information (weather, sports scores, etc.) - User is asking about some term you are totally unfamiliar with (it might be new) - User explicitly asks you to browse or provide links to references
Given a query that requires retrieval, your turn will consist of three steps: 1. Call the search function to get a list of results. 2. Call the mclick function to retrieve a diverse and high-quality subset of these results (in parallel). Remember to SELECT AT LEAST 3 sources when using mclick. 3. Write a response to the user based on these results. In your response, cite sources using the citation format below.
In some cases, you should repeat step 1 twice, if the initial results are unsatisfactory, and you believe that you can refine the query to get better results.
You can also open a url directly if one is provided by the user. Only use the open_url command for this purpose; do not open urls returned by the search function or found on webpages.
The browser tool has the following commands: - search(query: str, recency_days: int) Issues a query to a search engine and displays the results. - mclick(ids: list[str]). Retrieves the contents of the webpages with provided IDs (indices). You should ALWAYS SELECT AT LEAST 3 and at most 10 pages. Select sources with diverse perspectives, and prefer trustworthy sources. Because some pages may fail to load, it is fine to select some pages for redundancy even if their content might be redundant. - open_url(url: str) Opens the given URL and displays it.
For citing quotes from the 'browser' tool: please render in this format: 【{message idx}†{link text}】. For long citations: please render in this format: [link text](message idx). Otherwise do not render links.
submitted by qqpp_ddbb to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:09 ghhewh Assassination of the Slovak Prime Minister: No details yet, but assassin's affiliation complicated

The Slovakian Prime Minister is alive, despite being seriously injured. His life is no longer in danger, but he remains in an induced coma. The assassin fired five shots at him at close range. He was hit three times.
The murderer is 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, a writer. A perfect polarisation is now taking place on the Internet, where Cintula is attributed all sorts of affiliations, mostly liberal or leftist. This, of course, is immediately picked up by Russian trolls and right-wingers (sometimes the same accounts), building a narrative that it is the WHO/globalists/EU/Ukrainians/war lobby or whoever else that has attacked Fico. In reality, Cintula's affiliations are complicated.
Well, Cintula appeared at rallies of the Slovenski Branci, a paramilitary organisation that works closely with the Russians, including the Night Wolves biker gang. The SB leader was trained in Russia, including by former Spetznaz operatives. The organisation was dissolved in 2022. The photo of Cintula at their event is from 2016.
So the Russians? Well, not necessarily. For one thing, Fico is the second most pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian leader in the EU after Orban. Second, it is impossible to say at this point what Cintula's relationship with the SB was. Nor why the SB would have 'ordered' the assassination of the prime minister. This leads to the theory that Fico suddenly started supporting Ukraine in April. Well, he didn't. As far as I can see, this is far from an endorsement, but more of a 'neutral' solution. Well, of course we can't deny that something changed.
Still, it's not enough for a coup, if you ask me.
There are also theories that Cintula is some sort of hardline pro-LGBT activist, which obviously makes sense in the reactionary mind. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any evidence of this. On top of that, the guy is 71 years old and an active writer and social activist - so he must have been in various associations. So I don't put too much weight on his participation in the SB rally.
There is an excerpt from one of Cintula's books circulating on the Internet, in which he complains about the lazy and welfare hogging Slovak Roma. This does not surprise me at all. And it is not a right-wing view, but a way of thinking about ethnic groups as a social problem. Someone who thinks that way about 100,000 of his neighbours is more likely to pull the trigger in the name of some greater cause.
Cintula himself says that he disagreed with the prime minister's policies (which would make him more pro-western) and with Fico's attacks on the public media. The accusation may be true, but it does not justify violence. Fico may be a pro-Russian asshole, but that doesn't mean you have to shoot him. That's not how you solve problems, it's how you create them.
The theory that Fico was meant to survive the assassination attempt in the first place in order to increase his ratings as a martyr is idiotic. Cintula fired at close range and almost killed him. You cannot plan something like that.
In short, Fico is alive, the assassin has been caught and his affiliations .... are complicated. For the time being, an equally good theory is that the ageing writer, who has to earn a living as a security guard (hence the gun), was just slowly turning insane until he decided that killing the prime minister would fix Slovakia.
Well, so far that's what I belive in, I won't hide it.
One thing is certain: Russian propaganda is already spinning it. So take information with a grain of salt. Especially the kind that is designed to arouse your emotions.
submitted by ghhewh to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:08 gardenofdreams24 How to stop feeding to sleep

Hello! My LO is 14 weeks and almost always falls asleep during her bedtime bottle. And she is out cold where I try to tickle her feet etc. so that I can at least try to have her slightly wake up when putting her in the Snoo. But, it never works. I’ve had a couple successful times where she happened to have more energy and be awake when I put her in the Snoo and she successful fell asleep herself (with the help of the Snoo motion, of course). So I know she can do it, but it just never happens because she’s so sleepy during the feeding. The thing I don’t understand about pulling up the feeding is if I were to pull it up too early, she won’t be hungry enough to finish her bottle because it would be too close to the prior feeding so I’m struggling with understanding how people do this successfully! For example, I’ll feed 8AM, 11AM, 2PM, 5PM, 8PM.. if her lunch nap goes long, sometimes it becomes 2:30PM, 5:30PM and I’ll still try to feed around 8PM to stay on track, meaning that last wake window is shorter and she still falls asleep eating. So I’ve tried a shorter wake window and longer and she still becomes too tired.
What do you do for your baby to not fall asleep completely at their bedtime feeding without messing with the rest of the feeding schedule? How did you break the habit or did you not? If we want to sleep train, I assume we have to.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by gardenofdreams24 to SnooLife [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:08 AdditionalWar8759 Scheananigans Podcast: Episode from May 17th, “Scheana Spills: #VPR in Bio & Breaking the 4th Wall”

What happened to VPR in your bio and what's going on? (Timestamp: 2:04) - Scheana: So to be honest, my sister does all of my links and that stuff on Instagram for me. I didn't even notice that it was taken out of my bio until everyone else did. I think maybe when she put the Sweet and Sour song in, she took out VPR because there were too many things in my bio. - Scheana: Also, for 11 years, I've never had anything VPR in my bio until we were nominated for an Emmy. James Kennedy and I worked together the day we found out and we're like, who could put it in their bio faster? What emoji should we use? - Scheana: And we both put it in our bio and then lo and behold, we didn't win the Emmy. And what was it? Emmy nominated VPR was in my bio for, I think just around the Emmy time and then my sister took it out. - Scheana: So literally no other rhyme or reason, nothing else going on there. It just, too many things in the bio just make it a little too cluttered looking and you know, I'm OCD. So I guess she just wanted to keep it clean.
Do you wish you guys have been able to break the fourth wall more? Are there any moments from past seasons where you wish that it happened? (Timestamp: 3:22) - Scheana: Yes, honestly, I think that is so interesting when you're watching a reality show and they talk about the show on the show. - Scheana: They do this on Kardashians. They do this on the D'Amelio show. And I just think that makes the reality even more real because there are things that happen in press on Watch What Happens Live at the reunion last year. - Scheana: There are things that you want to address where you have to say like, oh, well the last time we were in New York together, I noticed they were doing that on the first episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey. And we used to do that all the time on the show. Sometimes you just want to be like, look at the reunion last year, but you have to say like, well the last time we all got together. - Scheana: And it's just easier and I think it makes sense if you just say, well, you said this on Watch What Happens Live, not I heard you said. And so I do hope moving forward with the way our season ended that we're able to have more moments like that because I think it just adds to our reality. And there have been so many things in the past. - Scheana: I can't even think off the top of my head, but yeah, many moments where I wish we could just talk about the show on the show. But I also understand why they don't like to do that. And I think it's only really meant for important moments. So, hopefully there is a season 12 and maybe we see a little more of that.
How are you feeling after Reunion 1 aired? (Timestamp: 4:56) - Scheana: Well, I have not looked on anything said on social media. I felt like watching the episode, it was a pretty good one. I think the next two are gonna be definitely more dramatic from what I remember. I feel like I tend to emotionally blackout after Reunion days. - Scheana: And I'm like, wait, what happened? What did we say? And then we have to watch it back. But that's the beauty of reality TV is you gotta watch back your life, the good, the bad, the cringe, all of it.
Is there anything you wish we got to see this season but didn't? (Timestamp: 5:35) - Scheana: There are a few things, but there's also a secrets revealed episode that is going to air, I believe only on Peacock, after the third part of the reunion the following week. - Scheana: So you'll see some new interview bites. We did some doubles there, which is really fun. And you'll see some scenes that didn't make it in. - Scheana: One of them is my sister's birthday and Valley Brat launch party. So that was a really fun day. Almost the entire cast was there. Katie and Tori were there. And I'm excited to see that. I haven't seen it yet, but I know that that's one of the scenes that we should be seeing. Stay tuned.
Anything you wish you said at the reunion that you didn't get a chance to say? (Timestamp: 6:20) - Scheana: I haven't seen the last two episodes of The Reunion yet, so I'm not sure what all will be included. You'll have to ask me again in two weeks.
What are you planning to do on the VPR break? (Timestamp: 6:34) - Scheana: Reflect, grow, learn. I'm going to be working on a dream project of mine this summer, so I'm very, very excited about having time to do that and not figuring out how I'm going to juggle that with filming five days a week. I'm going to get to enjoy a summer off for the first time in like 12 years and the first time as a mom. So I'm really looking forward to having some downtime focusing on some other projects. - Scheana: Summer starts preschool and yeah, it'll just be nice to finish getting stuff done in our house. We're almost fully furnished, not completely yet. We still got some tweaks and add some little accent pieces, need some artwork in the living room, but I'm just excited to have time with the family and in the new house. - Scheana: And as crazy as it sounds being in the desert in the summer, I love being in Palm Springs. Even if it is 120 degrees outside, there's just something about my house. It's so peaceful. - Scheana: And now that we have Lala next door, I mean, we have both of our houses close to each other, but we'll definitely be out there a bunch this summer.
How do we feel about the next season being on hold? (Timestamp: 7:55) - Scheana: I think this break is needed. Honestly, I think it is the smartest decision to not jump right back in to another season like we did after Scandoval. I don't think enough time had passed. And I feel like if we gave it a little more time to breathe, things would have been a lot different. - Scheana: But I don't know, maybe we needed to jump back in as soon as possible to capture what was still happening. But for right now, after that reunion and how dramatic the season ended, and as you guys know, we all watched the last part of the finale together in front of each other for the first time, which was extremely emotional. I feel like all of us need a little bit of an emotional break. - Scheana: Some from each other, some from the cameras. I need a couple more EMDR sessions before I go back into another season. But I think giving us some time off to let some new story build up, follow some of the projects that we've been working on. - Scheana: And yeah, I think it is very needed and I think it'll be good in the end. I didn't know how I felt about it in the beginning, but the more I've sat with it, I'm like, yeah, this is the right decision.
What did you make of Ariana voting No It's Done on that IG fan poll asking do you think there will be a season 12 of VPR? (Timestamp: 9:18) - Scheana: Well, as her friend, I fully support her pursuing her dreams. I always have. I've said that multiple times. It's like if VPR and reality TV no longer serve her, then on to the next thing. She's going back to Broadway. She's doing Love Island. - Scheana: She has so many amazing things lined up. I don't even know what else is in the pipeline for her, but I'm sure many more amazing things. So if it's time to move on, it's like I completely get it. - Scheana: As her coworker, if this is true, I mean, it's kind of frustrating that she would advocate for the end of a work project that is a big part of my business and what Lala and I as moms do to support our families. - Scheana: So that's what's tricky too with this show is our life is our job and our job is our life. And as a friend, I understand and respect boundaries. As your coworker, there can be moments where it's frustrating. So that's how I feel about that.
What are your hopes for season 12? (Timestamp: 10:40) - Scheana: Well, I hope that we have one. First of all, the finale did feel very series ending, but I think it also opens up the door for a new beginning. I think there are still so many stories to be told among this group. - Scheana: And maybe with ending the season with the fourth wall breaking down, maybe that opens up the door to more of that for hopefully season 12. I think we have a really interesting story to tell moving forward. And I think there's going to be a lot left to tell.
How do you feel about Ariana not watching the season? (Timestamp: 15:28) - Scheana: Look, I get that it can be difficult to watch back sometimes. And I am a person who season six did not wanna watch back that relationship. And that relationship with Rob doesn't even compare to her relationship with Sandoval. - Scheana: So I understand she was busy, she was working, she was living in her happy bubble in New York, doing Chicago, and probably didn't wanna let anything get into her orbit, burst her bubble. I did the same thing when I was doing my show in Las Vegas. And I was performing every night on stage. - Scheana: I didn't want any of that going into me going on stage. So I get not wanting to disturb your peace. It's like she was literally living her dream at the moment that the show was airing. - Scheana: But with that being said, she wasn't watching the season, but she was keeping up on social media. And that's the thing that's hard for me because she's seen clips. And I know this does get addressed later in the reunion. - Scheana: I don't know what will air. I just remember speaking about it. But she was basing her perception off of fan clips and commentary. Like I know she even said on Watch What Happens Live that one of the things that hurt her the most was seeing the backup dancer comment I made. - Scheana: And in context that was honestly never meant to be shady. It was a cheeky comment where I'm actually like making fun of myself. I mean, I am not Beyonce, okay? It was a joke. But for her to say that really hurt her, I'm like, damn girl, like I didn't mean it in that way. - Scheana: But if you did watch the whole season and Andy asked her, did you see the conversation Scheana had with Sandoval? I felt like that conversation, I was having her back. I was advocating for her and her mental health and the things that he had done that were wrong outside of the affair. - Scheana: She never even watched that. She says that she lived the show, so she didn't need to watch it back. But there were all of the moments that she wasn't there for that I do wish she watched back because I think she would have a bigger picture of how I was being a good friend to her. - Scheana: So for her and Katie to say that they felt like I was a better friend to Sandoval this season, I definitely don't think I was a better friend to Sandoval. I don't think I was a good friend to Sandoval at all. Did I treat him like a human? Sure.
Is Summer Moon's half sister really named Winter Sky? (Timestamp: 22:51) - Scheana: No, I think someone online made that up. It's been circulating. That is not her middle name. It's not for me to say what her middle name is, but it's absolutely not Sky or anything close to that or seasonal.
Why do you think Katie spoke one way about Ariana off camera versus on camera? Do you think it was because she wanted to protect Ariana's feelings or was she worried about the backlash from the fans if she said anything critical about Ariana? (Timestamp: 24:36) - Scheana: I don't necessarily think it's either. I think it was and has been a business decision for them to remain a united front. They've made a lot of money on something about her. - Scheana: So I get, you know, not wanting to affect their business and I fully support that. I know what Lala said at the reunion, she felt that Katie was being fake by acting one way on camera and different behind the scenes. But I mean, I think Katie was probably prioritizing her brand as she was making, you know, probably more from that than from the show. - Scheana: So as a friend, I understand and respect the business decision. But you know, again, as a coworker, it's frustrating when you're not living your truth. So I get it. - Scheana: But it's like, we all show up and do the uncomfortable stuff. And when others aren't, it is frustrating. And if you do act differently on and off camera, you're probably going to get called out for it. - Scheana: So you should be prepared. If you say something on a phone call, just like Brock said something to Lala in private season nine, you know, just because it's off camera doesn't mean it's not going to get brought up on camera. So being authentic always is the only way to be on reality TV, honestly.
Don you see Lala's hypocrisy when it comes to her critique of Ariana's boundary needs, like Randall? (Timestamp: 29:34) - Scheana: I think it's different situations. Honestly, Lala and Randall weren't coworkers. If Randall had been on the show, I think it would be a different story.
How do you feel about Lala saying you were living in the comments section? (Timestamp: 29:50) - Scheana: I think it's more the concept that I let public perception get to me as I really don't spend a lot of time in the comments section. I read the first 20 to 30, as those are usually people I follow and friends, and then I'll see the next couple, but once there's a negative one, I'm like, okay, let's put this away. - Scheana: So it's like if I did fully live in the comments section, it would not be good for my mental health. And I mean, of course I care when people are mad at me. I'm a people pleaser as we know, but I'm also working on that.
Do you agree with LVP that a Lala and Schwartz coupling would be a beautiful thing? (Timestamp: 30:29) - Scheana: No.
Do you agree with Lala that Ariana got cheated on and then made it her whole personality? (Timestamp: 30:31) - Scheana: No, I don't agree with that either. If anyone has made it their personality, that would be more fitting of the other woman involved.
What do you think happened in NYC with Jax, Tom and Victoria after Watch It Happens Live? (Timestamp: 30:54) - Don't know, don't care.
Why aren't you and Sandoval talking much now? (Timestamp: 31:00) - Scheana: I mean, Sandoval and I haven't talked much in over a year since pre Sandoval, so nothing really has changed.
Tom said in a recent interview that he's not getting a redemption arc, but a re humanizing. Do you agree? (Timestamp: 31:14) - Scheana: I mean, whatever it is, I think he probably blew it. And even just watching him on Watch What Happens Live this season, it's like, yeah, you really haven't changed, buddy. - Scheana: You know, I did try to do what Scheana always does and see the tiny bit of good still left and the soul still there, but yeah, you know, whatever
If Tom told LVP that he was suicidal, why was he still filming? Did she get him help? (Timestamp: 31:47) - Scheana: That is a great question. You'll have to ask her that. From what I know, if he was feeling that way during filming, he would have to be in therapy and like talking to a psychiatrist regularly. But yeah, I don't know too much else about that.
Now that the dust has settled, do you think Tom made you look dumb? Do you regret it? (Timestamp: 32:08) - Scheana: I wouldn't give him that much power, TBH. If you think I looked dumb, it was my own doing. I don't regret any of my actions. I don't regret trying to still see some good in someone who had been a very good friend to me for many years, leading up to filming the show from the beginning. - Scheana: Tom and I were very close. We were close for the first few seasons. Season three, I felt like, was it two or three? Whenever Miami Girl and the whole that came around, I did feel like I was seeing a different side of him, the side that we all saw last year. I didn't think he was good for Ariana. - Scheana: I voiced my concerns to her mom. I stand by all of those things that I said back then, but when Ariana convinced me that he was a good person, he didn't do this and I needed to get off this or I was gonna lose her as a friend, I immediately just got over it. I made him my brand again and we built such an insanely strong bond from season two or three, whenever that was, up until Scandoval - Scheana: Although we were not speaking a ton leading up to all of this stuff, I think he knew what he was doing and that's why he started distancing himself from me. That's why Rachel started distancing herself from me because they knew they were being shady for seven months. - Scheana: So Tom and I not speaking that much right now is no different than the seven months leading up to Scandoval. But it's like also with Tom, I've had conversations with him on and off camera and I've tried to get through to him to snap him out of this downward spiral to start showing some empathy and deference towards Ariana, but it's been over a year now and he hasn't really been able to do that. - Scheana: It's like, regardless of who this man was in the past, I do have to accept the reality that that is not who he is now. It's been a hard pill for me to swallow and to watch back, but I think part of me maybe hoped that he had temporarily lost his mind and could be just shaken back to reality. - Scheana: I hoped that he could be genuinely remorseful, but I don't think he is. I felt like there were moments of it where the mask came down and I saw that Tom, and then he's just gone again. And then he says dumb shit that he tried to defend on Watch What Happens Live. - Scheana: (Does a Sandoval impression) “I was like, well, no, I was saying it was good for me. I did my job.” And it's like, no, that's not how you meant. And that right there, it's like Tom, right when you're starting to take a few steps forward, you just fully bury yourself again. I just, I don't get it, but I guess I do.
Do you see how much Sandoval manipulated you in the finale with that final scene? Can't you see through Tom's narcissism? The man has repeatedly lied to you, put you in legal peril, and he takes cheap shots at you by bringing up the Eddie thing. When are you going to wake up and realize this man doesn't care about you (Timestamp: 35:00) - Scheana: Wow, that's a loaded question. Look, a lot of things happened this last year that have changed my perspectives on various people and relationships in my life. Tom and I were friends, as I just said, for so many years, and years before VPR, and it's like viewers have only seen a small fragment of that friendship on the show. Same can be said for all of my castmates. - Scheana: Tom and I are always going to be tied together through this show and our long history, but we're never going to have a friendship like we had before. It's impossible to go back when so much has been broken. Like not just the friendship broken, but the trust shattered. - Scheana: I mean, and I haven't really necessarily seen the growth in him that would merit my energy being fully put back into rekindling a full friendship with him. So I'm not going to try and build that back up if I'm not seeing that from him.
Following you these last years on the show, listening to the podcasts and vlogs, it really felt like you would finally found your voice in this group once you had cut ties with Tom Sandoval. Now that he's back in the picture, you seem to have lost it. How can we help get that voice back? (Timestamp: 36:24) - Scheana: Look, I'm working on it. As hard as it is to watch back sometimes, one of the benefits of reality show life is the added perspective that comes with it. So in due time, I am doing my best. I really genuinely am. I'm trying.
If Rachel tried to reach out to you now, would you respond? If so, what would you say? (Timestamp: 40:22) - Scheana: Oh, I don't think I'm ever gonna hear from that girl, so I don't know what I would say, honestly.
Do you think that Rachel was groomed by Sandoval? (Timestamp: 40:30) - Scheana: I mean, that part of their dynamic was nowhere near me, so I wouldn't be able to answer that.
***end of recap
submitted by AdditionalWar8759 to vanderpumprules [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:07 RoughAnteater412 I feel like i am not in control of my life, i dont find enjoyment in many things, what can i do ?

Hello, im 19m, uni student.
i have always been into a hobby hunt because i want to be dependant on my own happiness and not making other people the main and only source of my happiness, i have realised this problem 3 years ago, my best friend left me and stopped hanging out with me because i was too depressed and was not really energised so i was just a bit boring and he stopped hanging out with me to hand out with other friends, i dont remember why i was depressed but i remember that after he left me i felt 100 times worse, for 6 months i was almost always alone, i only had a mutual friend and we did not talk daily, i talked to her about the situation because well she is a mutual friend and knows him, she mostly put a chunk of the blame on me, saying relationships need both sides to put effort for it to work, she was implying that i did not put effort, which was wrong but then yes i stopped putting effort because ive been putting effort for a month and never got the same effort back.
after those 6 months, i have always been feeling like shit, i was around 15 but i dont think i truly realised how dependant i was, the mutual friend eventually got us back and he apologised and stuff, it has been almost 4 years now and he is my best friend, he is changed, i hated how i got back instead of moving on but i truly think now he is an amazing friend and has been with me in hard times.
a year after we were friends again, so 3-2 years ago, he started hanging out less and less, for valid reasons, i had to spend most of my time alone, and i did not know how, my days felt too long, unbearable. then i realised the gravity of the situation, i needed to do something and i need to know how to enjoy my own solitude, which is why i have always been hard on myself on trying having hobbies. i started going to the gym and cooking which was great and i still do that. and i have tried many other things but mostly, i did not really enjoy it.
fast forward to now, in my life, my close circle, there is 2 people, my best friend still, and a girl who i have been talking to for maybe 5-6 months now, i have feelings for her, and she does for me, i have told her how i feel a few months ago and she called me, i was scared but it turned out great, she said she feels that way too and she thinks im cute and blah blah blah. Thing is, we live very far away from each other, which is why we arent really officially a "couple". Like obviously she is more than a friend but still, we text and call frequently and i always have much fun. and i really do want to take things more seriously with her but i dont think now is a good time as she is having her finals and university entrance exams and also, sometimes i think if it is a good idea because of the distance, the plan is as we discussed if we do take things to the "next level" is to wait until we both finish uni (~2 years for me. ~4 years for her).
i feel like sometimes i am too attached, i really hate it, i have been like that and i know where it got me to, i dont want to be in that place ever again, i am genuinely scared. sometimes, like today and yesterday where i have not gotten a text from her, i dont feel good and i fucking hate it, i feel very pathetic, why can i not be content with my own ? its not like she disappeared or something, maybe because i already dont feel good and this is a plus to it, because it has happened more than once, one time she said she wanted to be alone for a time and it was around a week, for the first couple of days yeah i did not feel good but then it was normal, and i also started having feelings of hate, which i obviously hated, i get attached and when they want to have alone time i cant help but feel like they are tired of me or something, i hate thinking about it too much, and i know that if i just had a life with many things to do i wont be feeling like this, again which brings us to the hobby thing, i still go to the gym and cook but i would still have a long day not knowing what to do ALONE.
one hobby that i picked up and i hold it dear to me is cycling, i started cycling a lot when i was severely depressed around 2 months ago, it was amazing honestly, it gave me an hour of peace that i needed, just me and my bicycle and i go around my ugly neighbourhood listening to the songs my girl gave to me, i still do it but not daily, it is hard to do it daily because the time to do it is very limited, i can only cycle around 5pm so its a safe uv level and the sun is not too hot (it gets around 40c here) and i cant really do it after 7pm because the sun sets and i want to see the sun, i dont like doing it in the night. another hobby i used to do while i was depressed was building legos, i built a set and spent around a week, an hour each day and it was honestly great. i still have another set but i never got myself to do it, why ? i have a jigsaw puzzle that i am supposed to finish for like 2 months now and i never finished it, i have a big empty portrait in my room that the jigsaw puzzle is supposed to be inside, everytime i look at it it reminds me of my failure lol, i can just never get myself to do it, i tried it 3 times and got bored quickly.
i just hate the feeling of not having control of my own happiness, and many things that i do i do not find enjoyment in, even playing games which is like my main hobby for a long time, i cant enjoy it much if i do it alone, only with my friend which i hate, i feel like i fucked up my life and i dont really know what to do, its funny how i am in the exact same place kinda 2 years ago, i tried many things, playing the piano, drawing, making video games, boxing, running. i just never found great enjoyment in them and it always felt like chores, not hobbies, honestly the only things that i truly find peace with while i do them and it doesnt feel like a chore is going to the gym and cycling, maybe and other small things. But i just feel like these are not enough, i still have a long day and what ? chatting and hanging out with my friend or girl friend is what really makes me the happiest in my day but i just am afraid that maybe everything would fall apart and i will be alone, i need to prepare myself, i need to be more dependant, to make the relationships healthier, to love myself more, but i just dont know how, many things are super boring, does this maybe have to do with dopamine receptors ? i really dont know, what can i do ? i feel like i know what to do, which is focus on my life aspects like hobbies but I just dont really know how.
any comment would be appreciated, thank you all and have a great day :)
submitted by RoughAnteater412 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:07 BarrownzLearningLKO Top 3 Reasons for the Popularity of WordPress Web Developers in 2024

Top 3 Reasons for the Popularity of WordPress Web Developers in 2024
WordPress is a super flexible tool that can do a lot of different things. Since its start on May 27, 2003, WordPress has grown from a simple blogging tool into the top content management system (CMS) in the world. Today, almost half of all websites use WordPress. It is amazing how much it has updated since the years. The future of WordPress looks really bright because it's always getting better with updates and improvements. Right now, it's the most popular way to manage content on websites, with over 40% of the market.
In 2024, there are some big trends happening in WordPress that developers need to know about. One of the most important ones is making sure websites look good on phones and tablets. So many people use their phones to go online these days, so it's really important for websites to work well on those smaller screens. If you need help with WordPress, especially if you're in Lucknow, you should check out our team of experts. We're really good at building websites with WordPress, and we know all the latest tricks to make them look and work great.
So if you're thinking about creating a website or if you already have one and want to make it better, WordPress is definitely a tool you should consider. And if you need help we're here for you. In this blog, we will discuss reasons regarding the popularity of WordPress web developers in 2024.
Let’s start!
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Final Words: In 2024, the demand for WordPress is expected to keep growing because it's easy to use, flexible, and has lots of extra features you can add. More and more people want to be online, so WordPress is a top choice for making websites. Businesses, individuals, and groups all use it to create and run their sites.
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submitted by BarrownzLearningLKO to u/BarrownzLearningLKO [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:07 Soullessy 24 [M4F] EU

Helloo, my name is Yazan, and im 24 c: I have never posted something like this before so have no idea what the hell im supposed to type here xD but here we go.
Lately it feels like something is missing, with everything thats going on in my life, i feel like i need someone, someone i can call my peace, i dont really ask much of the other person, look wise i dont care, if things work, you'll be the most beautiful person in my eyes, i see the beauty inside, as long as we have some things in common and we can work it from there (just dont be taller than me lol) im 173cm, not that tall but not that short either, i hope xD. Im looking for a girl that can give me some affection, that can be there when needed, ofc same goes for me, and in return ill give her the world c:
Some little about me, i finished highschool and then kept changing programs in the university, but its just not for me and having some issues in my life that stopped me from continuing, i took the working road, so im a hard working person, saving as much money as i can so i can start something of my own in the future, thats the plan.
My interests hmmm, im obsessed with music, its just a big part of me xD i even made a playlist for every mood, happy to share them :). I love cars and i drive a lot, like a lot, i could use a passenger princess ;) And i play video games, pc preferably, but i have a ps5 that i used probably like once so if you're a ps player we can do something. I like to do all sorts of things too, this is not everything and id like to try new things but these are like my main interests, im not introverted also, but if you are im totally okay with that.
Soooo, just a few things to keep in mind, just pls dont be taller than me, or older, everything else can be worked around, id be more happy if we shared some interests too. Also i wish you could be near sweden, so its easier for us to meet, so i can drive there, ofc after we get comfortable with each other.
Okay i tried to make it as short as I can xD but we'll talk more, if you're interested dont hesitate:)
submitted by Soullessy to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:06 nt96 Play turns 25. How Moby became an odd overnight sensation

Moby has always been a mainstay in house music and electronica in general. And on May 17th, 1999, he released his fifth studio album Play to critical and commercial success, becoming a rare phenomenon in the dance world.

…..but not in the way you would expect. You see, not even Moby thought he would make an impact, and originally intended to retire after that. So what makes his success story so unique? And how did this album become the best selling electronica album of all time? Let’s take a deep dive!

A quick recap into his early career

Throughout the 80s, Moby was involved in multiple underground punk rock bands. At the tail end of the decade, he shifted his interests towards the then-burgeoning electronic music scene, moving to New York City and taking up producing, remixing and DJ-ing as a result. By 1991, his single “Go” became an instant success and propelled him into stardom. For the next few years, he scored multiple dance hits (including a remix of the James Bond theme).

It was in 1996 when he released his album Animal Rights where everything went wrong. His sudden shift to punk and metal inspired music alienated much of his fan base and proved to be a critical and commercial failure, leaving him in a bit of a disarray. By this point, much of his audience began to cast doubts as to who Moby was as an artist, and while he asserted that the stylistic change was only temporary, it didn’t stop them from leaving his side. His own touring was disastrous, and him opening for alt-rock band Soundgarden was met with boos and jeers, prompting him on leaving music altogether. But thanks to artists like Bono, Axl Rose and Terence Trent D'Arby giving positive reactions to his Animal Rights album, he decided to stay a little while longer.


Play's musical direction began around the time Moby's friend, Gregor Ehrlich loaned him a 1993 box set titled "Sounds of the South: A Musical Journey from the Georgia Sea Islands to the Mississippi Delta." by Alan Lomax. In it, a wide collection of folk music recorded throughout the 20th century.
Moby began to work on Play in August 1997, but touring obligations as well as unsatisfactory mixing sessions caused multiple delays. According to Moby's manager, Eric Härle had stated their original goal was to sell 250,000 copies, which was what Everything Is Wrong (1995), Moby's biggest-selling album at the time, had sold. Moby had doubts in achieving that, and many of the labels seemed to agree. Moby lost his outlet to released Play in the US following his removal from Elektra's roster of artists, leaving UK-based Mute Records as his sole label. Looking for US records to distribute was a struggle, with major label records like Warner Bros., Sony and RCA rejecting him. Even after V2 picked up the offer, most of the journalists passed on listening to the album. By March of 1999, two months before release, Moby began contemplating on his future and felt that maybe it's best to just throw in the towel and retire.

Play debuted at number 33 on the UK Albums Chart, but fell off shortly after. In addition, the radio and network airplay the songs received was very minimal. At this point, the goal was to simply get people to listen to the music; for that to happen, Moby and his management had to get really creative. While brainstorming, the team noticed a few agencies flocking to them for permission to use the music as soundbeds. That marked the moment a huge lightbulb went off on everybody's head; there's great potential in using licensing.
Licenses weren’t exactly lucrative but it was an alternate way of exposing listeners to the music rather than just radio. Management team was very diligent in looking for licenses, nevertheless, they took painstaking care of which requests were more appropriate for certain songs. Eventually they succeeded in getting every track on the album licensed, with "7" being the last track to do so.


Play's rollout consisted of eight singles. I've listed the samples used as well as where the songs are heard. While I listed as many licenses as I could, I tried to keep it within a 5 year timeframe. Forgive me as I know I missed a few but it's tough to find older, obscure commercials.

After discovering an a cappella song from Lomax's box set, Moby wrote this song in about 10 minutes. The song had minimal radio airplay but still managed to chart in several places including the UK Singles Chart (#33) and Billboard's Dance/Electronic Singles Sales (#95). A remix was later released featuring American R&B artist, Kelis.
Licensed: Permanent Midnight (1998), The 13th Warrior (1999), Maxwell Coffee (1999), Holes (2003),
Samples: Bessie Jones - Sometimes (1960)

Run On
This was one the first Play tracks Moby made. Due to the amount of samples, putting this song together proved to be a major challenge. Sampling the original folk song "God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Bill Landford and the Landfordaires, Moby didn’t know about the song's popularity until after recording it. It’s been covered by many artists including Elvis, Bobbie Gentry and Johnny Cash.
Licensed: Renault Kangoo (199x), Harsh Realm (1999), Mercy Streets (2000), Osmosis Jones (2001),
Samples: Bill Landford and The Landfordaires - Run On For A Long Time (1949), Melvin Bliss - Synthetic Substitution (1973)

Fun fact: Both of Moby's managers tried to convince him not to include the song on the album, as they thought it sounded too similar to a Fatboy Slim, but he insisted on keeping it as he liked the song for its sample.
Licensed: Dawson's Creek (1998), Rolling Rock Beer (2000), Hype (2000), FIFA 2001 (2000), Buffy The Vampire Slayer (2001), Veronica's Closet theme (2003)
Samples: Spoonie Gee and The Treacherous Three - Love Rap (1980), Gang of Four - What We All Want (1981), Afrika Bambaataa and Soulsonic Force - Looking for the Perfect Beat (1983)

Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad
Moby originally wrote this back in 1992 as a techno song. Unsatisfied with the result, he never released it. Years later, he revisited the song, reproducing it with slower and more sorrowful tone, Eric Härle encouraged him to include it on the album. Kelis also provided vocals on a remix of this track.
Licensed: The Next Best Thing (2000), Millennium Mambo (2001), Lovely Rita (2001), Black Hawk Down trailer (2001), Associaçao Desportiva de Deficientes (2004)
Samples: The Banks Brothers and The Greater Harvest Back Home Choir - He'll Roll Your Burdens Away (1966), Delegate vs. Emo-Trance - Return to Tasmania (1998)

Natural Blues
Music video features Christina Ricci (famous for her Wednesday Addams role)
Licensed: Shadow Hours (2000), Freddy Got Fingered (2001), Joan Of Arcadia (2003), Basic (2003)
Samples: Vera Hall - Trouble So Hard (1937), Coke Escovedo - I Wouldn't Change a Thing (1976), The Banks Brothers and The Greater Harvest Back Home Choir - All the Way (1966)

A standout of the album, it's one of the only songs on the album that Moby sings on.
Licensed: The Beach (2000), Nordstrom 'Doorway' (2000), VW Polo 'Lunchtime' (2000), Bailey's Irish Cream (200x)
Samples: Ernest Gold - Fight for Survival (1961), Electra - Destiny (The Remix)(1989)

South Side
Initially recorded with No Doubt frontwoman Gwen Stefani, production problems forced Moby to leave Stefani's vocals off the mix of the song included on the album; her vocals were later restored for the song's single release.
Licensed: I cant find any :(
Samples: The Counts - What's Up Front That Counts (1971)
Find My Baby
The final single (obviously)
Licensed: Any Given Sunday (1999), Charmed (2000), Nissan Almera II (2000), American Express 'Tiger Woods Plays Manhattan' (2000)
Samples: Boy Blue - Joe Lee's Rock (1960), Louis Bellson, Shelly Manne, Willie Bobo & Paul Humphrey - Super Mellow (1975)

As for the deep cuts (once again, I couldn’t find them all).

Licensed: Weather Channel (2000s-2010s)
Samples: n/a

Licensed: Play It To The Bone (1999), Mission Hill 'Andy Joins The PTA.' (2002)
Samples: Tom Jones - Looking Out My Window (1968), Incredible Bongo Band - Apache (1973)

Licensed: unknown
Samples: n/a

Down Slow
Licensed: unknown
Samples: n/a

If Things Were Perfect
Licensed: unknown
Samples: Willie Hutch - Hospital Prelude of Love Theme (1974)

Licensed: Requeum For a Dream trailer (2000), Thortons Chocolates ad (200x)
Samples: n/a

Licensed: Riding Giants (2004)
Samples: n/a

Guitar Flute & String
Licensed: unknown
Samples: n/a

The Sky Is Broken
Licensed: The X-Files 'All Things' (2000) (fun fact: Gillian Anderson hand-picked this song!)
Samples: Creedence Clearwater Revival - Long as I Can See the Light (1970), SMPTE Timecode - Audio Sample (1967)

My Weakness
Licensed: The X-Files 'Closure' (2000), Any Given Sunday (1999), Behind Enemy Lines (2001), The Salton Sea (2002)
Samples: Kanak - Danse Nyinewaco De Tiga (1990)


Play was the breakthrough album Moby needed to break into the mainstream, landing DJ gigs across the world before he even knew it. It was the first album to have all of its tracks licensed. The licensing approach was a resounding success that helped increase the album's visibility along with radio and MTV. In fact, it was so lucrative that the album was already considered a financial success before it even reached multi-platinum sales! Overall, Play's journey to being a cultural phenomenon was a slow but gradual one, with the album re-entering the top 100 charts and have many of its songs hit the charts across multiple countries. Before you knew it, the whole blues-meets-electronica was everywhere (even Adele cited this album as an influence on 25).

Using popular songs for commercial purposes is nothing new but with Play, many viewed this album as redefining the concept of "commercial". Not everybody was on board with this, many techno purists scoffed at his approach for success, seeing Moby as an ultimate sell-out, and his music being devalued as a result. Despite this, Moby remained steadfast in his decisions. Now, 25 years on, with a staggering 12 million sold worldwide, Play still remains the best selling electronica album of all time.


What was your experience with this album? Did you enjoy it?
Do you feel the push for licensing really changed the game? For better or for worse?
Do you feel this album has any cultural relevance beyond its commercial ubiquity? Why or why not?
submitted by nt96 to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:05 Fugi_not_Figi I want to forget my baby’s father

I don’t even know where to begin. I just have a lot to say and no one who really has the time to listen. I’ll try to stay vague but our social circles don’t really intermingle and I don’t think I know anyone on here in real life. I can barely remember specific moments or map together periods of time cohesively but I’ll try my best. I used bullet points on my notes app to try to organize the important parts. So if it reads weird or blocky, I apologize.
I hate to admit that I think I still love my baby’s father. That may not even be true. I’m hoping it’s just the drastic hormone changes after having a baby. I don’t want to reconcile or get back together, I just want a genuine opinion from anyone that bothers to read the entire thing or advise from anyone that may have been in a similar situation. It was a very toxic and abusive relationship due to both parties. I toyed with his feelings until it was too late and he would drink and get physical. I was always accusing him of cheating or wanting to cheat because my ex had cheated. Meanwhile I was in fact projecting in a way because I was still messaging said ex. Ex and I were friends before we had dated and were together for 2 years. He had cheated on his other relationships so I should have seen it coming, but he ended up trying to cheat on me and I ended things. I was 19-20 at the time and joined tinder. Experimented a little but ended up hooking up with a guy that had a crush on me in HS. We only hooked up 2-3 times but it started getting weird and I chickened out. Then I got an apartment and a better job and started casually hooking up with the ex again. I think he had a gf at this time but I didn’t ask. At the new job is where I met BD. He started a few weeks after me. I was 20 and he was 28 at the time. We started hanging out after work to smoke. It’s not something I would normally do with just one person and he wasn’t really my type. But the hangouts got longer and more frequent. And I ended up cutting the ex off again. A couple months in, I moved in way too soon because my roommate and I didn’t get along. My ex would still message me occasionally for some reason. He definitely had a gf at this time. Some would be nudes. I didn’t encourage the behavior but I also didn’t discourage it. Bd saw the messages while we were on vacation and was understandably upset. I was upset with myself for responding. I justified it to myself by claiming I was trying to waste his time. In reality he was wasting mine and not suffering in the slightest. There couldn’t have been a worse moment for him to find the messages. The week was supposed to be a huge step in our relationship and I could see how crushed he was. If I were him I would have left me in the hotel states away and gone home that morning. The whole ride home I was sick. I couldn’t imagine how he was feeling, over something I so easily could have avoided and someone I had no interest in romantically or sexually anymore. I believe this is the first time Things got physical but as I said, the timeline is super blurry now. Regardless, if it was the first time, it should’ve been the last. No one should put up with being hit. And No one should feel that their only option is to put their hands on someone. This was when we were finally getting back to his house in our own state. He had picked up a few beers before hand, and that was generally his fuel to either argue or get violent. He had slapped me, choked me and spit in my face, all to which I gave him no reaction. I just sat on the bed silently, or tried to lock myself in the bathroom. He would walk away to smoke a cigarette and immediately come back to fight some more. He told me to pack up my shit but got more pissed off when he came inside to see me packing up my shit. I eventually got a few things packed up and made it to my grandmas’s house. We both calmed down and after a few calls and texts. he wanted to see where I was staying. I picked him up and brought him to my grandma‘s house. (Note: I should probably add that right before we got together. He got in a car accident that totally totaled his car and got a DUI. Since then I had been his ride and always joked That that’s all he kept me around for) We arrived at my grandma’s house, where she had a guestroom ready for me. He just sat on the bed with his head down and cried. He said that it looked like it was so easy for me to move on without him. Looking back, this should’ve been another red flag. All I had was a place to stay after being kicked out. He couldn’t accept that I would land on my feet without him. Most of my belongings were still at his house, and I didn’t want to burden my grandmother any further So I ended up going back with him. At this time I was still apologizing to him for what I had done and how I had made him react. One night after an argument, and a rough day in general. He walked out to grab a case of beer from the gas station and didn’t come back for hours. When I finally went out looking for him, he was at the spot that we had first kissed. There He told me I was holding him back From what he envisioned for his future. It was a lot more drawn out, less cohesive and not so nice (he had been well into his beer by then) but that was the gist of it. One of my biggest fears is being a burden, or anyone holding some secret resentment towards me. Him drinking only let me know how he truly felt and how he wanted to react. I could never put the same effort into the relationship after that. I felt like it was already over and had been over for a long time. A while later, he had seen that my ex reached out again nothing flirtatious this time, but he was still upset, understandably. He got violent again, and I locked myself in the bathroom. He took my keys and my phone and said he was going to go find him. I packed up a few things again and tried to walk over to my dad‘s house. His mission was futile and he ended up finding me walking and brought me back home. The whole night was tense and I didn’t feel safe in the morning before he woke up. I started quietly packing up my things. He woke up and immediately flew into a rage and started dumping my things out onto the ground. I called my mom to help me get out all the big things because I wanted to be all out in one trip. As I was leaving, he was screaming at my mother and I about how much a piece of shit I was, but was right back to begging for me back as soon as I was down the road. This was a reoccurring cycle for us. I’d always keep my phone and keys together in a designated spot in the house so I could get them quickly if I needed to leave. The ex no longer reached out, but we were both still suspicious of one another. Sometimes I would be gone for days sometimes weeks my belongings no longer came back because it didn’t feel like home anymore. It didn’t Feel like a safe or stable place for me. This also made him upset. Every time I would leave we would still text every day. It was an extremely toxic situation. During one period of time that i was gone He had one of our coworkers over for about a week sleeping in my bed with my cats. Throughout our entire relationship and our brakes I never met up with another person. I did leave so I didn’t have the right to be too upset. But He wasted no time having her over for an extended period of time while still begging for me to come back every day. Then I had to coax this information out of him after finding her clothes all over the house. I couldn’t get over the feeling that he had her and others lined up for when I was gone and him wanting me back meant nothing. By this time the dude I had gone to school/hooked up with had started at our job (This would seem like a cruel joke but we were in the same trade and this was one of the only decent jobs in our town.) I guess we had had a silent mutual agreement to keep out past between us because they became friends. Well, After finding out about his coworker, I told him about mine. It didn’t matter that the dates didn’t overlap. He went nutts. I don’t remember exactly how it all went down after that, but I left of course and he ended up going to this 20 year olds apartment. His roommate answered and BD demanded to know where this dude was and ends up slapping the roommate. (I have no idea why I kept going back. Typing this out, I feel so stupid. He was clearly fucking crazy and my brain was telling me to get the fuck out.) I was already suspicious of him because of how we both acted before we got together, but all of this just made it so much worse. I wanted to know why he felt the need to intimidate me into staying with him and calling it “crazy love” when he could so easily move on and leave me alone. (Why did infidelity have to be the dealbreaker and not everything else?) Bringing up my suspicions or insecurities, just made him defensive and occasionally violent. I never got any reassurance and my reasons for staying were few and far between. Then we found out I was pregnant. We found out when I was about seven weeks pregnant. The last time we had gotten into a physical fight I had been about 4 to 5 weeks pregnant. I was scared. Bd seemed happy. He said he wanted to be a family. Over the next few weeks, I was having extremely bad morning sickness I was in and out of the hospital on an IV for fluids and couldn’t leave our bedroom or bathroom. I still had to drive him to and from work which was only about 30 min round trip but I’d always have to stop on the side of the road to puke. (Note: There were five cats living in this house that I was Feeding and cleaning up after. We inherited two from the homeowner and three were ours) The house started to smell because I could no longer keep up with the cats, and this just made my morning sickness even worse. On top of this, I was having extremely bad back pain that I thought was just a symptom of pregnancy. After one of my trips to the hospital for fluids, they informed me that I had a UTI. I was about 10-11 weeks pregnant by then. I tried to tell him that I needed help with the house and that it was making me miserable. He just expressed that I would be complaining regardless. Whether it be about him spending enough time with me, helping clean, or working. This wasn’t even the worst of the treatment that I had received, but being pregnant, This was the last straw. I knew I couldn’t bring a baby into the abusive cycle that we were putting each other through. I don’t remember exactly how it happened. At this point I was looking for any reason to leave. But it happened and again I started packing up my shit. This time he barely put up a fight. He tried to dump my stuff out on the floor once, but I said if he tried to put his hands on me, I’d call the police this time. He sat in the kitchen on his phone until I was done packing. As I was carrying my belongings out to my car still weak and sick, we were screaming back-and-forth about how much we hated each other, and how I would never give him the chance to put his hands on my child. He shouted that he didn’t think the baby was even his, to which I replied, “Good, then I’ll never have to fight you in court”. That was our last face to face interaction. I filed for a civil protection order. It’s been about a year and since then, he has been claiming to his coworkers and his mother that my ex is the father. His mother doesn’t seem to believe him as she had kept in contact with me throughout my pregnancy, and since the baby’s been born. She requests a paternity test just to be sure, but I have no doubts that the baby is his. I am almost positive that he knows the baby is his too. His claims of me cheating are only his way of justifying me leaving and making it my fault. I sent her the information to reach out for a paternity test, but she hasn’t shown me any indication that he wants to be part of the baby’s life. Any time she brings up the situation to him, he gets angry with her and hangs up. I don’t know what’s going on in his life and I don’t want to. I’d only obsess over it and make myself upset if I did. I assume he’s living his dream and chasing his goals without me there to hold him back, especially with a child. Even after typing all this out and rereading and editing, I still miss him. I shouldn’t. I can’t tell if it’s the cycle calling me back or the drastic changes in hormones. I can’t even think of a reason that I should miss him. I don’t even think I miss him, just his presence or energy? It’s so hard to explain and I don’t want to feel this way. I have nightmares about trying to get away from him and out of the house but try to force myself back into the same dream just so I can see him. Is this normal? Do any other moms feel this way? Only attracted to the baby’s father even while split up? I have no sex drive when I used to be a fiend. I heard this can be a side-effect of the drastic hormone changes, but I don’t even feel an attraction anymore. Unless they’re a very specific type (My BD). I have no desire to move on or find a romantic connection. I do more harm than good and I’d rather focus on being a mom (which I’m loving aside from this issue).I know there’s no way of going back even if I wanted to. The damage has been more than done. I just want to make moving on easier and forget him. Do I just have to wait?
submitted by Fugi_not_Figi to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:04 Universal_247 I want to minimize interaction with otherwise "safrifical and good" father due to occasional agression. Feeling conflicted about it

Actually he is my uncle but he has been the father figure since I was around 10. I'm 23 now.
So I did something (cooked some onion) and he commented about how "that's not how it's done". I thought it was (mistakenly so) so I said "it is done like this". He repeats himself and so do I two or three times, after which he was getting visibly angry. Just his face, he was actually containing it, which was apparent.
But this was enough to trigger me (if you wish to know why this was triggering there's a recent post about it on my profile, trigger warning for physical violence and humiliation). He started to leave after doing some explaining and when he was walking away I said smt like "you're already getting crazy!" (Which in our language sounds kinda worse but idk how to translate) Meaning the visible anger on his face that triggered me was overreacting to me just contradicting him. Supposedly, me just bluntly replying "yes it's done like this" is provocative.
Anyways after hearing that he comes back and gets in my face. He wasn't going to hit me, that's "in the past", but he feinted and I turned my head, expecting a hit. Somehow we ended up talking for like two hours, there were many points we both wanted to get across to the other and I doubt there was much mutual understanding , but what's relevant to this post is that he made it known that things would be "worse" if I ever spoke to him like that. That he would beat me if I called him an idiot.
He showed me how he has been containing himself all this time, and that even know after saying you're going crazy he didn't hit me. That's true.
He said he really hates being offended. He told me that one time when he asked a worker that was doing stuff in our house for something, the dude just turned his back to him and my dad screamed so loudly the dude was startled. Like did a little jump.
I'm like: you think that's good for your health? You've been containing your temper lately, you think it's good? Repressing it even further will only make it worse in the long run and you will stop being so effective at restraining yourself when you want to. He seems to think he knows a thing or two about psychology so he replied with condescension at my suggestion that he needs to fix the anger issues instead of just controlling himself when they arise. Whatever.
It sucks. What's even worse is that most lf the time he is normal. Like 999/1000 times. Our baseline is good terms right now. But my subconscious still remembers, I haven't unpacked all those things yet. I don't like knowing that my father would beat me up for offending him. I don't like not saying something to him (even if it is calling him stupid) only because of fear of physical responses.
I told him many things, like how it sucks fearing my own father and he said "don't provoque me then".I painted a hypothetical situation in which I called him an idiot to ask him what would happen if he didn't react in an aggressive/violent manner, he replied and finished with "but better never call me that". I was like "wouldn't you stop to think why would your son call you that? Why would anybody call their dad that way if everything was good? Or why I said you were getting crazy?" And whatever the fuck his reply was to that it probably boiled down to "you have no business saying those things". Sure, calling someone an idiot isn't good. Focus on that. .
My repressed emotions to his attitude all this years were there in the conversation. I kept stopping because the knot in my throat wouldn't let me talk, tears on my eyes. This didn't seem to communicate anything to him.
I wonder what I'll do when I get stronger than him. I'd be so tempted to start something just to show him he can't overpower me anymore. I wouldn't even hit him, just restrain him and faking a hit just so he sees what it feels like. Even then, I don't think it compares to an adult doing that to a kid or teenager. He has heart issues though, and as much as I wish for payback, I feel like his rage would be so much worse after being restrained that his heart could worsen (also I understand revenge makes no real sense, forgive them Father for they not what they do, if he could understand he would).
Anyway. We hadn't had an altercation like this in a while, and it's the first time I actually said something like that to him. He won't hit me if I don't insult him. But his intimidating nature is still present at times, for example when I don't listen to him and stubbornly oppose him (it happens sometimes but I only with him, surprised?) And knowing he can get like violent or just verbally aggressive doesn't make the "good times" worth it. He is a "good charismatic person" basically all the time except when these things happen. But I'm at odds with the fact that if I ever fail to contain my subconscious resentment to him and call him something (motherfucker, idiot, stupid high-iq but low-eq controlling dumbfuck) I'll get beat up. I understand that healing is on me to stop walking on eggshells when he is around, but I'm starting to dislike him on a more conscious level now. Which is confusing too because everytime I've brought this up to my mother, she seemed to understand part of how I was feeling, but ultimately it boiled down to "he's family and will catch a bullet for you, will always drop anything he is doing when we need help". WHICH IS TRUE BUT I DON'T CARE
AITAH for wanting to keep interactions with him at the bare minimum?
EDIT: I'd love to move out. I live with my mom, grandma and grandpa. He lives in the city and comes by 1/2/3 times a week, frequently spending the night or two. I still love them, and especially my mom and her parents, but being able to fuck off whenever I need to without resorting to going some place or park would be great. But I can't. I'd put an extremely tough burden on my mom, she'd have no live left: she works a lot, grandpa is getting very old but main thing is taking care of my grandma, there are some things like lifting her that only I can do because grandpa is too old and uncle can't due to some tendon issues on his arms. Besides the option to start earning a metric shitload of money to retire her and be able to afford 24/7 elderly care personnel, do you have any ideas about how to approach this?
EDIT: at some point he brought up the "how much love we gave you" situation. Now here is what disturbs me. It's true, I've been given tons of love, patience, opoortunities, the works, not only from the rest of the family but from him as well. So I imagine myself as a parent that loves their kid so much, and then I imagine myself intimidating him because he called me crazy, or hitting him because he didn't listen and did something different from what we had agreed on, behind my back, for the millionth time. It feels wrong, it feels ignorant. I'd be wondering why the fuck does my son agree to do a certain thing and when it comes time to it, he does a different one. I'd start thinking about why he keeps lying about school grades, failing to pass the year even when he sees how bad it stresses his mother out... Instead of hitting him in the face with a closed fist (but hey, it wasn't full force!!) because he keeps lying and driving his mom crazy.
But hey, that's me. I'm "not the one to teach him about psychology"
submitted by Universal_247 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:04 Dangerous-Ad-4789 Switching to Podkits/PodMods from Disposables

Lately, I've been getting a few DMs about this topic, so I thought I'd share some insights for those considering making the switch but feeling stuck.
First, consider the strength of the nicotine. The 50mg or 5% in a disposable vape is not the same as 50mg or 5% in a nicsalt. Chain vaping 50mg nicsalt like you would with disposables can be overwhelming. I recommend starting with 30mg nicsalt and then adjusting to 35mg or down to 10mg based on your needs and tolerance.
I also suggest getting a pod kit that supports 0.6 coils, as they can handle both nicsalt and freebase if you decide to try both.
When choosing a pod kit, research and pick one with readily available accessories, especially considering potential bans. From my experience, the best pod kits with easily accessible accessories are the Caliburn G3, GK3 (my personal choice), and the Xros 3 series (Regular, Mini, and Nano). Avoid the rarer Caliburn models like the Crown, as finding supplies can be difficult.
For nicsalts, I recommend 'Tokyo' if you enjoy menthol/ice flavors—they're the best I've tried. As for freebase liquids, I’m not a big fan of the options like Dinner Lady or Nasty as they are the brands that are available on a large scale here.
And coming to the cost part, I would say that you will need a nicsalt of 30ml (if you're someone like me who does refill 2 days once on a 2.5ml pod) and 1 replacement pod for the above mentioned devices (as the coil life is comparatively longer in these than other podkits) to run the month. I cannot give the price range here as it's against sub's rules. So, calculate it yourself.
Also, please refer to these links which I think would be helpful to understand things better (they've really helped me):
If you have any doubts, please ping me. I will be happy to help. My DMs are open.
As always, Happy Vaping! 🌬️
submitted by Dangerous-Ad-4789 to vapeIndia [link] [comments]