Paul jr. weight loss

Sand and Steel Online Workouts and Personal Training

2017.08.30 18:31 sandsteelpaul Sand and Steel Online Workouts and Personal Training

Online Coaching and Workouts Two way communication with your coach including feedback, form checks, and scaling recommendations. Home and Gym versions and commercial gym versions of our online workouts. Full Video demonstrations and infographics.

2024.06.01 13:37 Strict_Citron_6658 My fitness disorder is taking over my life… please help

Okay so I need some serious help and guidance. This is going to be a bit of a story, so i apologize for the length.
Info: 23 yr old male, gay, 5”5, 130 pounds-ish
(Sidenote: I used to be a fat child so I’ve always had body image issues, and in high school I was anorexic/ bulimic for a few years. The issue I’m going to be discussing is separated from these past occurrences, but I thought my past with eating disorders was worth mentioning as it’s related).
My issues began about 3 years ago. I started getting more into fitness for aesthetic reasons. Before this decision I was already very healthy (exercised about 3 times a week, no alcohol, lots of Whole Foods, good sleep, and have been a vegan for many years beforehand). Once I made this decision to get more into fitness, I developed an eating disorder over time and bad body dysmorphia. I over-exercised and under ate, I was not fueling or recovering properly from lifting sessions, which made me lose a lot of weight that I did not need to lose as I was already skinny beforehand. Eventually after about a year and a half i realized my issue and began eating more, which lead to great results both physically and mentally. However it seems that since recovering from the eating disorder, the over exercising has come back. I’m no longer afraid to eat enough, but i just am doing wayyy too much. I’ll put my full current routine below, but to sum it up I’m working out everyday, at least an hour and a half. I have two hardcore leg days (Mon/Fri) along with a lighter leg day that is combined with one of my 2 arm days (Weds), 2 arm days (Weds/ sun), and 3 abs/ core/ full body yoga days (Tues/ Thurs/ sat). I do lifts at home using dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands, as I don’t like working out with others. My current routine gives me the aesthetic goals I want, which is strong legs/ glutes, a toned waist, and toned arms, but this routine is taking away a lot from my life. I don’t want to progressively overload with weights as I already did this going from a 20 to 30 to 40 pound dumbbell I’m currently using, plus I’m ok with my current muscle size. I just want to modify my current routine to give me similar results but not have it take over my life. I wake up between 4:30 and 5AM every day since i workout in the morning, as this is the only time i can do so. I have to wake up so early because the workouts I listed above take so damn long. My 2 hardcore leg days (Monday and Friday) used to only take 2 hours, and now they’re 3 hours. I get results, but the rest of the day I feel weak, exhausted, and like I’m running on stress hormones. This is the major issue I’m having, as my main goal with weightlifting was to have juicy thighs/ glutes, which I’m getting, but at what cost. My remaining lighter leg day (Wednesday) is also combined with arm lifts and a 45 min walk. For 2 of my 3 abb days (Tuesday/ Thursday) I do an hour and 20 mins of stomach vacuums, an intense 25 min core/ full body yoga video, and then a more relaxed 30 min full body yoga video, which ends up being about 2 1/2 hours counting rest and bathroom break. For the remaining 3rd abb day (Saturday), I do the vacuums, the intense core/ full body yoga, and then a 10 min jog ending in a sprint (about two hours total). My remaining day (Sunday) is just arms and a 45 min walk which I have no issue with.
Current Routine: (5:20-8:20)AM LIFT: LEGS Monday-10 x 4 (40) reverse lunges, 12 x 4 (48) squats, 9 x 4 (36) deadlifts, and 20 x 3 (60) glute bridges. ALL USING SINGLE 40 LB DUMBBELL
(5:30-8:00)AM VACUUMS/ABS/YOGA Tuesday- floor vacuums, 25 min core yoga, 30 mins full body yoga.
(5:40-8:10) AM LIFT: ARMS/ LEGS/ WALK Wednesday- arm lifts, 30 glute kickbacks (each leg) with 20 pound, 15 x 4 exercise- band hip abductions, 10 x 4 (40) glute bridges, 45 min walk. ALL USING SINGLE 40 LB DUMBBELL
(5:30-8:00)AM VACUUMS/ABS/YOGA Thursday-floor vacuums, 25 min core yoga, 25 mins full body yoga.
(5:00-8:00)AM LIFT: LEGS Friday-10 x 4 (40) reverse lunges, 12 x 4 (48) squats, 9 x 4 (36) deadlifts, and 20 x 3 (60) glute bridges. ALL USING SINGLE 40 LB DUMBBELL
(5:00-7:00AM) VACUUMS/ABS/JOG Saturday- floor vacuums, 20 min core yoga, 10 min jog with spring at finish.
(5:30-7:00)AM ARMS/ WALK Sunday- arm lifts, 50 min walk.
⚫️I need help in reducing this routine. It is taking over my life. I have to go to bed by 9:30 every night in order to sleep enough for a morning workout everyday, which has drastically killed my social life. This exercise disorder has killed my libido, and I’m almost certain my cortisol levels are too high because I go through days of water retention/ bloating most likely due to constant physical & mental stress. My Goal is to restructure and lessen the entire routine overall to be more sustainable, but my main focus is to reduce the length of time for leg days.
⚫️I need help Specifically with shortening the mon/ fri leg days so they don’t take 3 hours. Theoretically I understand it shouldn’t take 3 hours, but because of the large number of sets & reps, I need to take more rest periods in order to finish the full leg workout. I like the leg exercises (reverse lunges, squats, deadlifts, and glute bridges), but just not the excessive reps. Ive accepted that reducing these leg days may result in some muscle loss. I just need to find a way to still do these 4 leg exercises with similar results I have now, but not taking as long. I’ve heard that excessive reps actually hinders muscle development. Are my rep numbers considered excessive? and would reducing my rep numbers cause muscle loss, even if they’re excessive?
⚫️Is two leg days (instead of 3), enough to maintain my current muscles? I want to cut out the additional 3rd day of leg lifts on my Wednesday arm day, but I’m worried that cutting out these lifts will make glutes smaller.
⚫️ Is 2 abb/ yoga days enough for tone? Would cutting off the 3rd day negate or improve my goal of have a defined but slim torso? I’m worried this 3rd abb day I’m currently doing could eventually overdevelop my core, which I don’t need as my torso is already square shaped. However I’m also worried that only doing 2 abb days a week will make me wide torso less defined. This 3rd abb day is on Saturday, the day after one of my intense leg days, so I always feel depleted and exhausted for this workout.
⚫️LASTLY…. I need outside perspective. I’ve already spoken to my cousin about this as she’s a personal trainer, and she Told me I was really overdoing it. Ive already reduced my Reps for leg days to my current routine, but it still feels like too much. I know I’m overdoing it, I’ve known for a while but I just feel stuck and that I’ll lose my results if I modify my routine to be more sustainable. I love fitness but this is taking a toll on my life. I know that I need to lessen this routine, I just have no idea where to start, and no idea how to restructure it in a way that still gives me similar results to what I have now. Please any help is helpful, I’m desperate.
submitted by Strict_Citron_6658 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:34 blueandgreypretty Before/after of a full face-neck lift and chin lipo

Had dealt with excess skin on my face from major weight loss (~50kg) Finally had it fixed! Had my surgery in Jan 2024 and here’s my most recent changes 😀
What other procedures should I do next?
(Looking to get a smaller face and more v-lined jaw)
submitted by blueandgreypretty to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:32 scott11101 What about plateaus?

I’ve been stuck at 161-164 for a few months and that’s about 10 lbs. short of goal. My weight loss has been slow and safe. Lost 22 lbs over a year through portion reduction. I cannot ramp up activities too much due to back and hip injury.
I’m M, age 64, weight gain over COVID, when I broke my back.
submitted by scott11101 to QsymiaWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:28 Less-Rise-3397 Anyone tried berberine?

I’m consulting with a new naturopathic doctor and she started me on berberine to “reduce LPS toxins, balance TH1 & TH2, and stunt the growth of endometrial tissue.” She’s looking to treat endo as if it’s an autoimmune disease.
Anyone tried this supplement and had any luck? A lot of PCOS patients apparently take it for weight loss as well, so if anything that’s a plus lol
submitted by Less-Rise-3397 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 reversed_hsihs Body fat percentage calculator estimates, need to know what this means:

At the start of my journey, I (22M, 174cm) weighed 104 kgs and my waist was 42-43'. I have been overweight->obese since I was 10 yo. At present, my weight is 80kgs and my waist is 38 at naval position. Online bf% calculators show my bf% to be 25.4% and my initial bf% to be 31.2%. With that in mind, my present lean mass would be 60kgs and my initial lean mass would be 71kgs. This means I lost 11kgs of muscle mass? Even when I have been weight training (although not consistently, and there wasn't any weight loss during the periods I did not train) and have an considerable increased strength in all my exercises. Can someone throw some light on what this means?
submitted by reversed_hsihs to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:23 AntEasy7172 Here's how to loose face fat (1st slide) + A great tip to loose weight (2nd slide)

Here's how to loose face fat (1st slide) + A great tip to loose weight (2nd slide) submitted by AntEasy7172 to OneXIndiaSelfImprove [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:18 Leap-store The Importance of Electrolytes for Hydration and Exercise Performance

Staying adequately hydrated is a fundamental aspect of maintaining overall health and supporting optimal physical performance, especially during exercise. Electrolytes play a crucial role in hydration by helping regulate fluid balance and facilitating various physiological processes in the body. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the significance of electrolytes, their role in hydration, and how they impact exercise performance.
Understanding Electrolytes
Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge and are essential for various physiological functions. The major electrolytes in the body include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and bicarbonate. These minerals are present in bodily fluids, such as blood and urine, and play a pivotal role in maintaining the balance of fluids both inside and outside cells .
The Role of Electrolytes in Hydration
1. Fluid Balance:
Electrolytes help regulate the balance of fluids in and out of cells, tissues, and organs. Sodium and potassium, in particular, play a crucial role in maintaining proper fluid balance .
2. Nerve Function:
Electrolytes are essential for nerve impulse transmission. Sodium and potassium ions contribute to the generation and propagation of nerve signals, influencing muscle contractions and other physiological processes .
3. Muscle Function:
Proper muscle function relies on the balance of electrolytes. Calcium and sodium are involved in muscle contraction, while potassium helps in muscle relaxation .
4. pH Regulation:
Electrolytes contribute to maintaining the body's acid-base balance, which is vital for optimal cellular function. Bicarbonate, for example, helps regulate the pH of bodily fluids .

Electrolytes and Exercise
When you engage in physical activity, especially intense or prolonged exercise, your body loses fluids through sweat. Sweat is not just water; it also contains electrolytes. The loss of these minerals can impact hydration status and potentially hinder performance. Here's how electrolytes influence exercise:
1. Hydration Status:
Electrolytes help the body absorb and retain water. In the absence of sufficient electrolytes, the body may struggle to maintain proper hydration, leading to dehydration .
2. Preventing Hyponatremia:
Hyponatremia is a condition characterized by low blood sodium levels, often associated with excessive fluid intake during prolonged exercise. Adequate sodium intake helps prevent this imbalance .
Ensuring Electrolyte Balance During Exercise
To optimize hydration and performance, consider the following strategies:
1. Stay Hydrated:
Drink fluids before, during, and after exercise to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Water alone may be sufficient for shorter durations, but for prolonged or intense exercise, consider beverages that provide electrolytes .
2. Electrolyte-Rich Foods:
Include foods rich in potassium (e.g., bananas, oranges) and magnesium (e.g., nuts, seeds) in your pre- and post-exercise meals to support electrolyte balance .
3. Sports Drinks:
For prolonged or intense exercise, especially in a hot environment, consider sports drinks that provide a combination of carbohydrates and electrolytes to fuel energy and replace losses .
4. Individual Needs:
Recognize that individual electrolyte needs vary based on factors such as body weight, sweat rate, and environmental conditions. Adjust your intake accordingly .
Electrolytes are essential for hydration and play a pivotal role in supporting various physiological functions, especially during exercise. Maintaining proper electrolyte balance is crucial for preventing dehydration, muscle cramps, and other issues that can compromise performance. Whether through dietary choices, hydration strategies, or sports drinks, prioritizing electrolyte balance is key to unlocking your full potential during physical activity.
Incorporating electrolyte-rich foods and beverages into your routine, understanding individual hydration needs, and staying mindful of electrolyte losses during exercise can contribute to a well-hydrated and high-performing body.
submitted by Leap-store to u/Leap-store [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:12 Ok_Rise7752 Ancient Secret of Fountain of Youth

a month ago stumbled upon this book "Ancient Secret to the Fountain of Youth," which promises to reveal five ancient Tibetan rites(simple exercises) that can supposedly turn back the clock on aging(hair turns black,weight loss,memory enhanced re...)
decided to give a try but every time I attempted extreme nausea took to the point where I couldn't continue.
Have a read! Padhna lai ramailo cha.Has anyone read and tried it?
submitted by Ok_Rise7752 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:11 bipolaroid First fast complete

First time intentionally fasting today, after looking at the info on here. Did 14 hours, aiming for an 8 hour eating window before hopefully pushing tomorrow’s fast to 15 hours.
I’m severely overweight and have tried so many things, I am hoping that this is going to help me lose weight but also regulate my energy levels and just help me have some more discipline generally.
Just wondering, if you’ve used IF to help with weight loss, have you also tracked calories? I’m so sick of scanning food packaging and would rather not rely on calorie counting as much anymore.
submitted by bipolaroid to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:07 Legitimate-Mind-9584 Question about my weight loss

So I've been on a calorie deficit for roughly 2-3 months now and can visibly see a difference in myself. I've had to change all my clothes size and even belt holes multiple times and my face is much much slimmer. However the scale only says I've lost 2kg for reference I'm eating around 1200 calories a day and weigh everything I eat so I don't miscount anything is this normal?. Also what has really bothered me is my double chin leaving and coming back randomly I am on a consistent 1200 calorie a day diet with some leeway of course but never more than a hundred calories. How can my neck be so sporadic in weight on such a drastic deficit I haven't had a single cheat day since I started is it normal for my double chin to fluctuate?
submitted by Legitimate-Mind-9584 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 Saiyankingblack Maybe I’m crazy but idk

My weight loss journey has been a rollercoaster. In the past I’ve lost 100 pounds in 4 months on 2 separate occasions but I never could maintain due to being a truck driver. This time around I’m trying to lose again but find it impossible. March of 2024 I was 315 at 5’7 Now here it’s is May and I’m only 284. I lost the 30 pounds in the 1st month and I’ve been the same since. I’m not doing much weight training but I run a mile everyday non stop then walk 1 mile afterwards. My food consist of mostly chicken eggs some oatmeal plain and fruits. Carbs I keep to a minimum maybe 10g max. Calories are 1000-1500 I eat a big meal once a day around 10am then some fruit later on around 5pm and that’s it. The problem I’m having is even with cardio and healthy eating my weight stays the same even at times gaining weight. Sometimes I’ll fast the whole day and still nothing. What’s driving me crazy is I’ll get discouraged and give up go back to eating junk food and not running and boom I’m losing weight again or my weight stays the same yet I’m eating crazy amount of carbs and calories but as soon as go back on a strict diet nope I’m gaining weight. Nutrition has always been my Achilles. But this is driving me crazy any advice I need the help.
submitted by Saiyankingblack to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 jjdewit Review: Overview of and its Features is a popular online platform that provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for traders, investors, and analysts to analyze and trade financial markets. In this chapter, we will provide an overview of, its features, and its benefits, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the platform's capabilities in subsequent chapters.

What is is a cloud-based platform that enables users to analyze and trade financial markets, including stocks, forex, futures, and cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2011, has grown to become one of the largest and most popular trading communities in the world, with over 10 million registered users.

Key Features of offers a wide range of features that make it an attractive platform for traders and analysts. Some of the key features include:
1. Charting and Technical Analysis: provides a powerful charting platform that allows users to create custom charts with various indicators, drawing tools, and annotations. Users can also access a vast library of pre-built indicators and templates.
2. Backtesting and Paper Trading: allows users to backtest and paper trade their strategies using historical data, enabling them to refine their trading ideas and test their performance.
3. Community and Social Trading: has a large and active community of users who share their ideas, strategies, and insights. Users can follow other traders, participate in discussions, and share their own ideas and insights.
4. Alerts and Notifications: provides a robust alert system that allows users to set custom alerts based on market conditions, technical indicators, and other criteria.
5. Data Feeds: offers a range of data feeds, including real-time and historical data, for various markets and instruments.
6. Scripting and Automation:'s PineScript language allows users to create custom indicators, strategies, and automated trading systems.
7. Mobile Apps: offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling users to access the platform on-the-go.

Benefits of Using offers several benefits to its users, including:
1. Improved Trading Decisions:'s charting and analysis tools enable users to make more informed trading decisions.
2. Access to a Large Community:'s community provides users with access to a vast network of traders, analysts, and experts.
3. Customization and Automation:'s scripting and automation capabilities allow users to create custom strategies and automate their trading.
4. Real-time Data and Alerts:'s real-time data and alert system enable users to stay up-to-date with market movements and react quickly to market changes.
5. Cost-Effective: offers a range of pricing plans, including a free version, making it an accessible platform for traders and analysts.


In this chapter, we have provided an overview of, its features, and its benefits. is a powerful platform that offers a range of tools and resources for traders, analysts, and investors. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out, provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help you analyze and trade financial markets. In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into the charting and technical analysis capabilities of

Chapter 2: Creating an Account and Setting Up Your Profile

As a new user, creating an account and setting up your profile is the first step in exploring the world of [Platform/Service]. In this chapter, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to create an account and set up your profile, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Section 1: Creating an Account

To create an account, follow these steps:
1. Visit the Sign-up Page: Go to the [Platform/Service] website and click on the "Sign Up" or "Create an Account" button. This will take you to the sign-up page.
2. Enter Your Email Address: Enter a valid email address to serve as your login credentials. Make sure to use a unique and memorable email address, as it will be used to reset your password if needed.
3. Choose a Username: Choose a unique and memorable username that will be used to identify you on the platform. This can be your real name, a nickname, or a combination of letters and numbers.
4. Create a Password: Create a strong and unique password for your account. A strong password should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
5. Confirm Your Password: Re-enter your password to confirm it. This ensures that you have entered the correct password.
6. Verify Your Account: Click on the "Create Account" button to create your account. You will receive an email verification link to verify your email address.

Section 2: Setting Up Your Profile

Once you have created your account, it's time to set up your profile. Follow these steps:
1. Fill Out Your Profile Information: Fill out your profile information, including your name, birthday, and location. This information will be used to personalize your experience and connect with other users.
2. Add a Profile Picture: Upload a profile picture that represents you. This can be a photo of yourself, a logo, or an avatar.
3. Add a Bio: Write a brief bio that describes yourself, your interests, or your expertise. This will help others get to know you better and find common ground.
4. Customize Your Profile Settings: Customize your profile settings to control what information is visible to others and what notifications you receive.
5. Connect with Others: Start connecting with other users by sending friend requests or joining groups related to your interests.

Tips and Best Practices

· Use a strong and unique password for your account.
· Keep your profile information up-to-date and accurate.
· Be cautious when sharing personal information or connecting with strangers.
· Use the platform's built-in features to block or report suspicious or inappropriate behavior.
· Respect other users' privacy and boundaries.


Congratulations! You have successfully created an account and set up your profile. You are now ready to explore the world of [Platform/Service] and start connecting with others. Remember to keep your account information secure, be respectful of others, and have fun exploring the platform. In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into the features and functionality of [Platform/Service].

Chapter 3: Navigating the


As a trader or investor, it's essential to understand the interface to get the most out of this powerful platform. In this chapter, we'll take a comprehensive tour of the interface and its various components. By the end of this chapter, you'll be well-versed in navigating the platform and ready to start exploring its features.

Section 1: The


The dashboard is the main hub of the platform, providing an overview of your account, market data, and other essential features. Let's break down the key components of the dashboard:
1. Header Bar: The header bar at the top of the screen displays your username, account balance, and other account information.
2. Navigation Menu: The navigation menu allows you to access various sections of the platform, including your watchlists, charts, and settings.
3. Market Data: The market data section provides real-time quotes for various assets, including stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies.
4. Alerts: The alerts section allows you to set custom alerts for specific market conditions, such as price movements or news events.
5. Watchlists: The watchlists section enables you to create and manage custom lists of symbols, making it easy to track your favorite assets.

Section 2: Charting and Analysis is renowned for its powerful charting capabilities, allowing you to create custom charts with various indicators, studies, and drawing tools. Let's explore the key features of the charting interface:
1. Chart Types: offers a range of chart types, including line charts, candlestick charts, and Renko charts.
2. Indicators: The platform comes with a vast library of built-in indicators, including moving averages, RSI, and Bollinger Bands.
3. Drawing Tools: The drawing tools allow you to annotate your charts with lines, shapes, and text.
4. Studies: Studies are custom indicators created by the community, offering a wide range of trading strategies and techniques.
5. PineScript: PineScript is a programming language used to create custom indicators and strategies.

Section 3: Community and Social Trading is more than just a trading platform – it's a community-driven platform where traders and investors share ideas, strategies, and insights. Let's explore the community features:
1. PineCoders: PineCoders is a community of developers who create custom indicators and strategies using PineScript.
2. Blog: The blog features articles, analysis, and insights from experienced traders and investors.
3. Forum: The forum is a hub for discussion, debate, and learning, where traders and investors share their experiences and ask questions.
4. Watchlists: Watchlists allow you to share your favorite symbols with others, making it easy to collaborate and learn from each other.
5. PineScript Challenges: PineScript challenges are community-driven initiatives where developers create custom indicators and strategies, and the community votes on the best submissions.

Section 4: Customization and Settings

As you become more comfortable with the interface, you'll want to customize your experience to suit your needs. Let's explore the customization options:
1. Theme: offers a range of themes, allowing you to personalize the look and feel of the platform.
2. Layout: The layout options enable you to customize the arrangement of the platform's components, such as the chart, indicators, and alerts.
3. Notifications: The notification settings allow you to customize the types of notifications you receive, including market data updates and alert notifications.
4. Security: The security settings enable you to set up two-factor authentication, password recovery, and other security measures to protect your account.


Navigating the interface is an essential step in unlocking the full potential of this powerful platform. By understanding the various components of the dashboard, charting and analysis tools, community features, and customization options, you'll be well-equipped to start exploring the platform and developing your trading skills. In the next chapter, we'll dive deeper into the world of PineScript, exploring the programming language and its applications in trading and investing.

Chapter 4: Understanding Charts and Time Frames

In this chapter, we will delve into the world of charts and time frames, a fundamental concept in technical analysis. We will explore the different types of charts, time frames, and how to use them effectively on By the end of this chapter, you will have a solid understanding of how to use charts and time frames to analyze and trade the markets.

What are Charts and Time Frames?

Charts and time frames are the foundation of technical analysis. A chart is a graphical representation of a security's price action over a specific period. Time frames, on the other hand, refer to the duration of the data displayed on the chart. In other words, time frames determine how much data is displayed on the chart and how often the data is updated.

Types of Charts

There are several types of charts, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common types of charts are:
1. Line Chart: A line chart connects the closing prices of a security over a specific period, creating a continuous line. This chart is useful for identifying trends and patterns.
2. Candlestick Chart: A candlestick chart displays the high, low, open, and close prices of a security over a specific period. Each candle represents a specific time period, and the color of the candle indicates whether the price closed higher or lower than the previous day's close.
3. Bar Chart: A bar chart is similar to a candlestick chart but does not display the open and close prices. Instead, it shows the high and low prices, as well as the open and close prices.
4. Renko Chart: A Renko chart is a type of chart that uses a unique algorithm to create a chart that is not based on time. Instead, it uses price movements to create a chart that is more focused on the price action.

Time Frames

Time frames determine the duration of the data displayed on the chart. Common time frames include:
1. 1-minute: A 1-minute chart displays the price action over a 1-minute period.
2. 5-minute: A 5-minute chart displays the price action over a 5-minute period.
3. 15-minute A 15-minute chart displays the price action over a 15-minute period.
4. 30-minute: A 30-minute chart displays the price action over a 30-minute period.
5. 1-hour: A 1-hour chart displays the price action over a 1-hour period.
6. 4-hour: A 4-hour chart displays the price action over a 4-hour period.
7. Daily: A daily chart displays the price action over a 1-day period.
8. Weekly: A weekly chart displays the price action over a 1-week period.
9. Monthly: A monthly chart displays the price action over a 1-month period.

Using Charts and Time Frames on is a popular platform for charting and analyzing financial markets. Here's how to use charts and time frames on
1. Creating a Chart: To create a chart on, go to the "Charts" tab and select the security you want to chart. Choose the chart type and time frame you want to use.
2. Customizing the Chart: Once you have created a chart, you can customize it by adding indicators, drawing tools, and other features.
3. Switching Time Frames: To switch time frames on, click on the "Time Frame" dropdown menu and select the desired time frame.
4. Zooming In and Out: To zoom in and out of a chart on, use the mouse wheel or the "Zoom" button.


In this chapter, we have covered the basics of charts and time frames, including the different types of charts and time frames. We have also explored how to use charts and time frames on By mastering charts and time frames, you will be able to analyze and trade the markets more effectively. In the next chapter, we will explore the importance of indicators and how to use them to make informed trading decisions.

Chapter 5: Technical Indicators and Studies

In this chapter, we will delve into the world of technical indicators and studies available on As a trader, it is essential to understand the various indicators and studies that can be used to analyze and predict market movements. This chapter will provide an overview of the different types of technical indicators and studies available on, their uses, and how to apply them in your trading strategy.

What are Technical Indicators and Studies?

Technical indicators and studies are mathematical calculations based on historical price data that help traders identify trends, patterns, and potential trading opportunities. These indicators and studies can be used to analyze and predict market movements, making it easier to make informed trading decisions.

Types of Technical Indicators and Studies

There are numerous types of technical indicators and studies available on, including:
1. Trend Indicators: These indicators help identify trends and potential trading opportunities. Examples include the Moving Average, Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands.
2. Momentum Indicators: These indicators measure the rate of change of an asset's price over a given period. Examples include the RSI, Stochastic Oscillator, and Momentum Indicator.
3. Volatility Indicators: These indicators measure the degree of price movement or volatility. Examples include the Average True Range (ATR) and Bollinger Bands.
4. Pattern Recognition Indicators: These indicators help identify specific chart patterns, such as head and shoulders or triangles. Examples include the Ichimoku Cloud and the Keltner Channel.
5. Statistical Indicators: These indicators use statistical methods to analyze market data. Examples include the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the Simple Moving Average (SMA).

Popular Technical Indicators and Studies on

Some of the most popular technical indicators and studies available on include:
1. Moving Average: A simple moving average calculates the average price of an asset over a given period.
2. Relative Strength Index (RSI): The RSI measures the magnitude of recent price changes to determine overbought or oversold conditions.
3. Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands consist of a moving average and two standard deviations plotted above and below the average.
4. Stochastic Oscillator: The stochastic oscillator compares the closing price of an asset to its price range over a given period.
5. Ichimoku Cloud: The Ichimoku Cloud is a comprehensive technical analysis system that inclues multiple indicators, including the Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, and Senkou Span.
6. Keltner Channel: The Keltner Channel is a volatility-based indicator that plots two lines above and below a moving average.
7. Average True Range (ATR): The ATR measures the average true range of an asset over a given period.
8. Exponential Moving Average (EMA): The EMA is a type of moving average that gives more weight to recent price data.
9. Simple Moving Average (SMA): The SMA is a type of moving average that calculates the average price of an asset over a given period.
10. Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI): The SMI is a momentum indicator that measures the rate of change of an aset's price over a given period.

How to Use Technical Indicators and Studies

To get the most out of technical indicators and studies, it is essential to understand how to use them effectively. Here are some tips:
1. Combine Indicators: Combining multiple indicators can help confirm trading signals and reduce false positives.
2. Use Multiple Time Frames: Analyzing multiple time frames can help identify trends and patterns that may not be visible on a single time frame.
3. Adjust Parameters: Adjusting the parameters of an indicator can help tailor it to your specific trading strategy.
4. Use Indicators in Conjunction with Fundamental Analysis: Combining technical indicators with fundamental analysis can help provide a more comprehensive view of the market.
5. Backtest Indicators: Backtesting indicators can help evaluate their performance and identify potential biases.


Technical indicators and studies are powerful tools that can help traders analyze and predict market movements. By understanding the different types of indicators and studies available on, traders can develop a comprehensive trading strategy that incorporates multiple indicators and studies. Remember to combine indicators, use multiple time frames, adjust parameters, and backtest indicators to get the most out of technical indicators and studies.

Chapter 6: Creating and Customizing Charts

As a trader, having the right tools and information is crucial for making informed decisions. Charts are an essential component of any trading strategy, providing valuable insights into market trends and patterns. In this chapter, we will explore the process of creating and customizing charts on, a popular platform for traders and analysts.

Creating a Chart on

Creating a chart on is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few steps.
1. Log in to Your Account: Start by logging in to your account. If you don't have an account, you can create one by signing up on the website.
2. Select the Symbol: Once logged in, navigate to the "Symbols" tab and select the symbol you want to chart. You can search for symbols by typing in the symbol name or by using the "Search" function.
3. Create a New Chart: Click on the "Create a New Chart" button to create a new chart. You can also create a new chart by clicking on the "New Chart" button in the top-right corner of the window.
4. Select the Chart Type: Choose the type of chart you want to create. offers a variety of chart types, including line charts, candlestick charts, and more.
5. Customize the Chart Settings: Customize the chart settings to suit your needs. You can adjust the chart size, grid lines, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.

Customizing Charts on

Customizing charts on is an essential step in creating a chart that meets your specific needs. Here are some tips for customizing your charts:
1. Add Indicators: Add indicators to your chart to gain insights into market trends and patterns. offers a wide range of indicators, including moving averages, RSI, and more.
2. Add Drawings: Add drawings to your chart to highlight specific patterns or trends. You can add lines, shapes, and other drawings to your chart to create a visual representation of your analysis.
3. Add Alerts: Set up alerts on your chart to notify you of specific market events or price movements. You can set up alerts based on price movements, volume, and other market indicators.
4. Customize the Chart Grid: Customize the chart grid to suit your needs. You can adjust the grid lines, grid spacing, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.
5. Save and Share Your Chart: Save and share your chart with others. You can save your chart as a template or share it with other traders and analysts.

Advanced Chart Customization

In addition to the basic customization options, offers advanced customization options that allow you to create complex charts and indicators. Here are some tips for advanced chart customization:
1. Create Custom Indicators: Create custom indicators using the PineScript programming language. You can create custom indicators that meet your specific needs.
2. Use Custom Drawings: Use custom drawings to create complex patterns and shapes on your chart. You can create custom drawings using the drawing tools.
3. Customize the Chart Layout: Customize the chart layout to suit your needs. You can adjust the chart size, grid lines, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.
4. Use Advanced Chart Settings: Use advanced chart settings to customize your chart further. You can adjust the chart settings to suit your specific needs.


Creating and customizing charts on is a powerful way to gain insights into market trends and patterns. By following the steps outlined in this chapter, you can create complex charts and indicators that meet your specific needs. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a beginner, offers a range of tools and features that can help you create charts that meet your specific needs.
Chapter 7:

Introduction to Trading Strategies

As a trader, having a solid understanding of various trading strategies is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing profits. In this chapter, we will explore popular trading strategies, their underlying principles, and how to implement them on By the end of this chapter, you will have a comprehensive understanding of various trading strategies and how to apply them using's powerful platform.

Introduction to Trading Strategies

Trading strategies are pre-defined rules or methods used to make trading decisions. These strategies are designed to help traders navigate the markets, identify profitable opportunities, and minimize losses. Trading strategies can be categorized into several types, including:
· Trend following strategies: These strategies aim to identify and ride the trend, whether it's an uptrend or a downtrend.
· Range trading strategies: These strategies focus on identifying and trading within a specific price range.
· Mean reversion strategies: These strategies rely on the idea that prices will revert to their historical means.
· Statistical arbitrage strategies: These strategies involve identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.

Popular Trading Strategies

2.1 Trend Following Strategies
Trend following strategies are designed to identify and ride the trend. These strategies involve identifying the direction of the market and trading in that direction. Some popular trend following strategies include:
· Moving Average Crossover (MAC): This strategy involves identifying the crossover of two moving averages to determine the direction of the trend.
· Relative Strength Index (RSI): This strategy involves identifying overbought or oversold conditions using the RSI indicator.
· Bollinger Bands: This strategy involves identifying breakouts above or below the bands to determine the direction of the trend.
2.2 Range Trading Strategies
Range trading strategies focus on identifying and trading within a specific price range. These strategies involve identifying support and resistance levels and trading within the range. Some popular range trading strategies include:
· Support and Resistance Trading: This strategy involves identifying key support and resistance levels and trading within the range.
· Channel Trading: This strategy involves identifying and trading within a specific price channel.
2.3 Mean Reversion Strategies
Mean reversion strategies rely on the idea that prices will revert to their historical means. These strategies involve identifying overbought or oversold conditions and trading in the opposite direction. Some popular mean reversion strategies include:
· Mean Reversion Trading: This strategy involves identifying overbought or oversold conditions and trading in the opposite direction.
· Statistical Arbitrage: This strategy involves identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.
2.4 Statistical Arbitrage Strategies
Statistical arbitrage strategies involve identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them. These strategies involve analyzing historical data and identifying statistical anomalies. Some popular statistical arbitrage strategies include:
· Statistical Arbitrage: This strategy involves identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.
· Event-Driven Trading: This strategy involves identifying and trading on specific events, such as earnings announcements or mergers and acquisitions.


Implementing Trading Strategies on is a powerful platform that allows traders to implement and backtest various trading strategies. Here are some steps to follow when implementing trading strategies on
1. Create a new chart: Open a new chart on and select the asset you want to trade.
2. Add indicators: Add the indicators you want to use for your trading strategy. For example, you may want to add a moving average crossover indicator.
3. Set parameters: Set the parameters for your indicators. For example, you may want to set the period for your moving average crossover indicator.
4. Backtest the strategy: Backtest your strategy by running a backtest on This will allow you to evaluate the performance of your strategy.
5. Refine the strategy: Refine your strategy by adjusting the parameters and testing different scenarios.


In this chapter, we have explored popular trading strategies and how to implement them on By understanding various trading strategies and how to apply them using, you can make informed trading decisions and maximize your profits. Remember to always backtest and refine your strategies to ensure optimal performance. In the next chapter, we will explore advanced trading strategies and how to use them to improve your trading performance.

Chapter 8:

Backtesting and Evaluating Trading Ideas

As a trader, it's essential to test and refine your trading ideas before implementing them in live markets. Backtesting and evaluating your trading ideas can help you identify potential flaws, optimize your strategy, and increase your chances of success. In this chapter, we'll explore the process of backtesting and evaluating trading ideas using, a popular platform for charting and backtesting trading strategies.

What is Backtesting?

Backtesting is the process of applying a trading strategy to historical market data to evaluate its performance. It allows you to test your trading idea on past data to see how it would have performed in real-time. By backtesting your strategy, you can:
1. Identify potential flaws in your strategy
2. Optimize your strategy for better performance
3. Refine your strategy to improve its accuracy
4. Evaluate the strategy's risk-reward ratio

Why Backtest?

Backtesting is crucial for several reasons:
1. Risk management: Backtesting helps you identify potential risks associated with your trading strategy.
2. Strategy optimization: Backtesting allows you to refine your strategy to improve its performance.
3. Performance evaluation: Backtesting enables you to evaluate the performance of your strategy and make data-driven decisions.
4. Confidence booster: Backtesting gives you confidence in your strategy, reducing the risk of emotional trading decisions.

How to Backtest on offers a range of tools and features for backtesting trading ideas. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Create a new chart: Open and create a new chart for the asset you want to backtest.
2. Select the data range: Choose the time period for which you want to backtest your strategy. You can select a specific date range or use the default settings.
3. Add the strategy: Click on the "Indicators" tab and add the strategy you want to backtest. You can use built-in indicators or create your own custom indicators.
4. Set the parameters: Configure the strategy's parameters, such as the number of bars to look back, the number of trades to take, and the stop-loss levels.
5. Run the backtest: Click the "Run" button to start the backtest. will apply your strategy to the selected data range and provide performance metrics.
6. Analyze the results: Review the backtest results, including the strategy's profit/loss, drawdown, and other performance metrics.

Evaluating Trading Ideas

Evaluating your trading idea is a crucial step in the backtesting process. Here are some key metrics to consider:
1. Profit/Loss: Calculate the total profit or loss generated by your strategy.
2. Drawdown: Measure the maximum loss experienced by your strategy.
3. Sharpe Ratio: Calculate the Sharpe Ratio to evaluate the strategy's risk-adjusted performance.
4. Sortino Ratio: Use the Sortino Ratio to evaluate the strategy's risk-adjusted performance, focusing on the maximum drawdown.
5. Information Coefficient: Calculate the Information Coefficient to evaluate the strategy's ability to generate profits.

Best Practices for Backtesting

To get the most out of backtesting, follow these best practices:
1. Use a robust data set: Ensure your data is accurate and free from errors.
2. Test multiple scenarios: Test your strategy on different time frames, assets, and market conditions.
3. Monitor performance metrics: Keep track of your strategy's performance metrics and adjust as needed.
4. Refine your strategy: Continuously refine your strategy to improve its performance.
5. Avoid overfitting: Be cautious of overfitting, where your strategy performs well on the training data but poorly on new data.


Backtesting and evaluating trading ideas is a crucial step in the trading process. By using and following best practices, you can refine your trading strategy, optimize its performance, and increase your chances of success. Remember to evaluate your strategy's performance using relevant metrics and refine it continuously to improve its performance. With practice and patience, you'll develop a robust trading strategy that can withstand the challenges of the markets.
submitted by jjdewit to beststockbrokers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 Different-Mix7634 Skenes, Chourio trade

Traded my Chourio, Caminero, Royce Lewis, James Woods for Skenes, Evan Carter, Carson Williams, Colson Montgomery.
Lost Strider and Eury and needed an ace to go with Snell, Cease, Bibee, King, Woo.
Already have Soto, Harris, Carroll, Bellinger in OF and Elly, Witt Jr., Gunnar, Kim in my 2B, SS, 3B, IF slots so no room for Junior or Royce and Ohtani in Util.
Also have J Walker, R Anthony, E Rodriquez in my minors slots.
10 team dynasty, keep 14 forever.
I feel I overpaid for Skenes to pry him away from his LSU loving owner but with the talent I already had and the talent I got back it wasn’t too bad, especially a year from now, despite the huge names leaving my team. Chourio was the toughest loss.
Not sure the point of this post. Emotional venting perhaps but also to put it out there that these trades are happening as Skenes’ value soars.
submitted by Different-Mix7634 to DynastyBaseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 medical_news_mod Journalists Talk Cost of Weight Loss Drugs and Lack of Obesity Doctors to Manage Their Use

Journalists Talk Cost of Weight Loss Drugs and Lack of Obesity Doctors to Manage Their Use submitted by medical_news_mod to medical_news [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 medical_news_mod Compounding pharmacies are making their own versions of blockbuster weight loss drugs

Compounding pharmacies are making their own versions of blockbuster weight loss drugs submitted by medical_news_mod to medical_news [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 No_Camp1497 Prime spreadsheet for Market Flipping

Prime spreadsheet for Market Flipping
Hey hey, Albion Economists!
I made a market flipping spreadsheet that accounts for all the problems we deal with on market flipping.
The problems we have as market flippers can be:
  • Overwhelmed by the amount of items we have on the market with sell orders and buy orders
  • Sometimes an item can be left to rot because we forget about them and how much profit we could be making if the items are flipped
  • Undercuts or overcuts might takes away profits but we don't know how much
  • Sometimes the numbers are too big and we as humans can't calculate quickly how much the margins are on an item.
  • When overcutting or undercutting, we don't know the percentage we are increasing or decreasing by and how it affects profits.
  • Over time, we don't know how much profits or losses we made.
  • Market flip long enough and start to only hone in on a couple of items instead of diversifying.
  • Amount of silver you have on the market is unknown or how much profits are being cooked up
These are some of the problems we market flipper face. So with that in mind, I made a spreadsheet to absolutely decimate these problems.
Here are all the functionalities of the spreadsheet. Don't read if you don't want to.
Calculator Tracker Trade Rankings General Flipping Activity Logs
Sell Order & Buy Order (%) modification. (ie. 150, 000*(1+x%) or 150, 000*(1-x%)). Placing bids will be precise Tracks all the item values from the calculator Ranks your trades Meant for bulk item flipping (ie. buy bulk cheaply on one city, then transport it to another for profit.) Tracks your activities
Accounts for: Premium status, TXN costs, BO fees, Break even point( ie. the thresh hold your sell order should not go below to in order to not make a loss) , Profits, Priority, Competition, City, Date, ROI "Edit Row" function. Meant for quickly changing the values on any rows specified with a given percentage. Input Goal function and a progression bar Accounts for carry total carry weight based on gear and consumables Can track a metric of before and after
"Tracking" function. It will track all the values on the Calculator and paste them on the "Tracker" spreadsheet. Accounts for: Total profits, Total losses, Silver in Market, Earnest silver Different modes: Dates, City, Priority, Competition, Item Name, TXN Cost, QTY, ROI, Profits. Accounts for travel time, gallop speed, burden, overload based on inventory weight and city distance Accounts for: Date, Activities, Gear Est, Repair cost, TP back cost, kills, duration, enjoyment level, notes.
"Clear" function clears everything in the Calculator for the next item in line. Quick info on either all the items, specific item(s), Date, City, Priority, Competition. Search function Has "Teleport" mode. Takes away profits based on weight and distance Calculates losses when killed
Infographics for QTY, ROI, Profits. Infographics for QTY, ROI, Profits. Infographics for QTY, ROI, Profits. Infographics for QTY, ROI, Profits. Calculates profits and profits per hour
API "fetchPrices" for a given item "Archive" function to archive sold or cancelled items. "Doomer" mode to simulate profits if undercutted to death. -25% in profits Override function for profits.
API "findBestItems" for an item type ( ie. T8_MOUNTS, T8_2H, T4_HEAD, UNIQUE_MOUNT, etc) Search function that highlights the given criteria on the tracking range Can archive profits, or deaths
Holds 10 item values. Infographic on what mount can handle weight
Why bother?
I think spreadsheets are cool. Market flipping is pretty nice, it made me 140mil+ in 1 month and a half, playing only 30minutes average a day. Could've made more, but I started only with 50mil.
u/mikeyykk's flip on the Adept's crystal shard.
Can you snag the spreadsheet?
Yes, if you are interested. You can get access by DM'ing me on discord "starsong99_"
If you want to see the spreadsheet up close:
submitted by No_Camp1497 to AlbionEconomist [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:58 stephweeb Loose skin after weight loss

Hi all,
I'm a 22 yo male. 171cm (5,6 feet) and used to weight 102kg (224 pounds) at the start of this year. Currently I'm doing everything to better myself and 5 months later I'm now 86kg (189 pounds). Currently I have lost around 16kg's, aiming for much more during this year.
As I am aiming for much more, I'm soon to reach to 20-25kg mark where it is said you will start to get 'Loose Skin'. I wanted to ask all of you if there a preventatory things I can do to prevent loose skin (though if it gets really bad and its not that easy to prevent it, I'm down to just get surgery as well).
submitted by stephweeb to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:56 lifesucks011 Rapid weight loss and aches and pains

Ok so I won't go into my whole health anxiety because I've done previous posts but I've been struggling with health anxiety for the last 8 weeks and I mean to an extreme level. My mind has thought of nothing else but my health!
Anyway I've basically stopped eating and lost 2 stone in those 8 weeks! Anxiety will not let me eat so this isn't unexplained weight loss.
I'm getting very achy legs and aches up my sides ( between my ribs and hips) my vision seems blurred sometimes and feeling very dizzy.
I'm having a sigmoidoscopy next Friday because of bowel problems although this is probably also down to my anxiety.
I have started taking mirtazapine, diazepam and zopiclone in the last week.
Very dark foul smelling urine in the morning but no infection present
I'm also not moving around very much because I have no energy or motivation to do anything until I believe I am not dying of some horrible disease 🙄 I've had blood tests which have all come back normal which is surprising since most days I dont eat anything and if I do I manage about 500cals
My question is can rapid weight loss cause these symptoms? I'm pretty sure I know the answer but my health anxiety is telling me differently 🙄
submitted by lifesucks011 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:55 YuuuNsss Stalled Weight Loss on OMAD + Keto: Need Advice

Age: 21 Height: 192 cm Weight: 115 kg
Goal: Very lean and defined, aiming for 13% body fat
I'm doing OMAD (23:1) and keto. I walk 10k steps a day. At the start, I could feel the ketosis kicking in—I even felt my thyroid getting warm, and my whole body felt hot, with no more cold extremities. I've been on this for a month now, but for the past 2-3 weeks, my progress seems to have stalled.
I do 5 street workout sessions a week, and I can now do full pull-ups, which I couldn't do before. I'm gaining muscle, but I'm confused about my fat loss. Sometimes my shirts feel looser, but other times they feel tighter.
I’ve increased my carbs a bit; initially, I was at a max of 15g/day, but now I’m at around 30g or more. My focus has wavered because I’m not seeing results. Three years ago, I did a rice, tuna, and broccoli diet (no OMAD), and I lost 25 kg quickly.
I need help. What am I doing wrong?
PS: My keto macros are between 30g and 70g of protein per day (limited by finances). I don't strictly count fats, but I consume them when I can (sugar-free peanut butter, almonds occasionally). I compensate for my budget with dairy products like cottage cheese for protein.
submitted by YuuuNsss to keto [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:51 GooseEasy7709 Diet to lose weight and gain muscle?

Hi, I am an amateur at this. I have been training for around a year and have made some progress, though not extensive due to poor training equipment in my gym.
One thing I want to sort out is my diet. My bmi is about 27 so I need to lose weight (about 20 pounds/9KG).
I have made a conscious effort to incorporate more protein into my diet over the last while, though unfortunately I find it difficult to incorporate amounts during the week. I think during the week I would average maybe 120-130g, and in the weekend maybe 180g per day. (I weigh 180g).
What I struggle with is knowing what types of foods to eat in terms of losing weight. I think part of problem is not knowing what is healthy (aside from low sugar and fat) for me to eat. If I could work out what sort of foods to eat that would help to some extent.
I have started to log my foods and have noticed that a lot of the protein foods I eat, such as protein yoghurts and bars are high in sugar.
For example, my protein yoghurt has 17g of sugar in it, the app says I should only be eating 50g.
In terms of eating, what sorts of foods should I be eating to encourage weight loss AND muscle growth?
submitted by GooseEasy7709 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:50 Sortthingsout Getting Married This Summer and Nervous About My Weight: Looking for Advice and Confidence Boosts

I (M) am getting married this summer and we both come from a conservative culture so haven’t done anything before marriage. I’ve been going through a weight loss journey since I got engaged, and lost a bit of weight but in the past several weeks I’ve been negligent and gained a bit back tbh.
I’m committed to losing weight until I get to a healthy weight, but I have accepted that I’m not going to be at a lean healthy weight in time for my wedding, for reference I am a 6’4 male and currently weigh 320 lb, goal weight is 220 lb.
Of course she knows I’m fat because she’s seen me? But she’s never seen me naked. And idk how many fat men experience this and probably tmi but when my pp is flaccid it’s either like an inch long because the fat pad or sometimes it’s all the way in if it’s cold/just came out the showeI’m crouching 😅 - idk why I’m nervous about it but my doctor said it’s fine and that it’s common in overweight men
Really appreciate if anyone with a similar experience/anyone can give my advice, what to think about, and be more confident etc.
I’ve accepted that I’m not going to be anywhere near my goal weight in time for this summer so I should stop with the extreme dieting etc. and just focus on healthy sustainable weight loss
submitted by Sortthingsout to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 l0st_in_my_head Losing weight too slowly ?

Hi guys first time macrofacter user here. The app set my calories to 2660 for 0.5 lbs weight loss a week. Im at a good 12 % bodyfat at 152.8 lbs at 5'6. I have a six pack but not super defined and veins showing in arms and legs.
I want to get shredded for this summer. Ive been at it for 2 weeks now but it seems like im losing so slow the app say says ill be 152.7 in 30 days. That looks like im maintaining instead.
Should I create a new goal and make the rate of fat loss faster or just wait for the next check in in 2 days ?
Thank you
submitted by l0st_in_my_head to MacroFactor [link] [comments]