Drooling and chin acne

Fakeup is a sub to show-off your best makeup face and your AFTER, once you've removed it all!

2015.02.21 17:27 aubra_cadabra Fakeup is a sub to show-off your best makeup face and your AFTER, once you've removed it all!

So you have acne. A big chin. A crooked nose. Your eyebrows are thin. Cheekbones aren't defined. You have oily skin. No, you have dry skin. Wait, you have combination skin. Your eyes are hooded. Eyelashes are too light. Small eyes. Big eyes. A big forehead. Fuck. What's wrong with you? Nothing. Makeup can be a masterpiece but lets face it, it's fake. Embrace the excitement and artistry of makeup application while also showing where it all started, it's base foundation... YOU.

2024.06.01 10:08 Ok_Cartographer_4000 Cystic acne imerging, Can tretinoin be the cause?

I, a 30-year-old female, started my tretinoin journey last August.My main concerns are hyperpigmentation on my nose and anti-aging.I use a 0.025% cream-based tretinoin. My routine is simple: I wash my face with Dot & Key Barrier Repairing Hydrating Gentle Face Wash, pat my skin dry, wait for it to dry completely, and then apply Dot & Key Ceramide Moisturizer followed by the tretinoin. I started using it once or twice a week and have gradually increased to every other day.I never had acne, so when I started purging, I considered it a normal tretinoin purge. However, I've noticed that the scars from the purging have not gone away. Moreover, I am now experiencing painful cystic acne in my chin area. Should I stop using tretinoin or change something in my routine?
submitted by Ok_Cartographer_4000 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:00 Betty3000 What is going on with my skin

I have rosacea acne, with a low dosage of accutane I was able to achieve clear skin with wonderful results (shown in the last pic) I went on vacation and after those plane rides my skin broke out like never before, I had little bumps appear only around my mouth/chin, nose and forehead. They felt like scabs and were extremely irritating when touched. Derm prescribed me doxycycline and it went away in a week, my skin was back to clear. I was looking for a permanent solution and since I got great results with accutane I decided to go for a second round. Being off doxycycline my skin flared up again. These small bumps are starting to appear on my whole face, derm told me that a patch of my skin seemed to be eczema. Not knowing much about it, I did some research and my symptoms seem like dermatitis. Can this be a mixture of rosacea and dermatitis ? what products or remedies would anyone recommend?
submitted by Betty3000 to Rosacea [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:21 oniichansbathtub Terrified of getting off the pill? What to do?

Hey everyone!
I need to get this off my chest, and hopefully ask for your experiences and advice. I am 20, and have been taking the birth control pill (21 days on, 7 days off) since shortly after turning 17. Last year, I switched providers (after moving countries) to the same pill, in a different country. I'm not sure how and why what happened happened, but I went from weighing about 50kg with perfectly clear skin to weighing 60kg with a bunch of acne.
You might assume it isn't hormonal, but I've fully switched up my lifestyle. I eat healthy, avoid overly processed foods and I do 3 hours of bouldering 3-4 times a week. I have never been this healthy. However I still have a bunch of painful, giant chin acne and about 10kg too much to feel good about myself. So now my question - I am thinking it might have something to do with the pill. So I want to get off it (my partner is okay with it and very supportive) and rebuild my natural body and mind, little by little. I have heard that a lot of women get terrible side effects and even more acne after getting off the pill. So I am scared to try getting off it. I am speaking with my OB GYN about it soon and we shall see.
Have you gotten off the pill? How was the experience for you? What made it easier?
Thank you in advance for your answers. :-)
submitted by oniichansbathtub to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:48 Thin-Principle-5256 Acne & Pregnancy

Hi everyone! I need some help and opinions on this topic! So me and my husband plan to stop preventing pregnancy starting next year and see what happens. Right now I am on birth control, Spironolactone, and Tretinoin. Once I get off birth control and will have to stop using the spiro and Tretinoin since they are not safe in pregnancy. Has anyone had experience with this? Switching to pregnancy- safe acne products before getting pregnant. Or experience using pregnancy-safe acne products that actually work?
Just a little back story… I have STRUGGLED with acne for years. I have done 2 rounds of accutane… acne came back both times after stopping. I have tried all the products I could think of including prescription medications. Spiro and tretinoin have been the only things that have worked long term. I have been terrified to stop because I know acne will return. Just recently I have tried stopping the spiro and after 2 weeks I started getting deep cystic acne on my chin… like I had before, so I have started taking it again.
Anything helps!!
submitted by Thin-Principle-5256 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:24 Forward-Lock5415 Need some advice on IUD *Liletta

Hi ladies, so I've currently had an IUD for about 8 months. I've noticed that for the past couple of months of had a consistent period (in the sense of getting it at the same time) well today I started spotting (two weeks before "normal" period) and I'm not sure if it's just a side effect or not.. also, I've had horrible acne on my shoulders, and chin/neck area. I haven't broken out this bad since puberty tbh. I've enjoyed the iud so far but I just wanted to know how you guys felt on yours. Thank you!
submitted by Forward-Lock5415 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:55 sweetbluekitty Skincare Routine Help!

Hello! I am looking to revamp my skincare routine, as it is not quite getting the job done. I have acne-prone, oily, sensitive skin. I am currently using COSRX Good Morning facewash(AM, PM), The Ordinary niacinamide(AM) and the hyaluronic acid(PM), COSRX snail mucin(AM, PM), and their all-in-one cream(PM), COSRX original clear pads (AM, once every 2 days), and CeraVe daily moisturizer with SPF(AM).
This routine has managed my breakouts pretty well, but my skin still seems very irritated by something. My face gets red and I get tiny little whiteheads across my cheeks and nose, and patchy red spots all over my face. My chin is my main area of concern when it comes to breakouts. My oil control was managed pretty well for a long time, but recently it has come back. Most recent product I added was the COSRX all-in-one cream.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Right now I am temporarily only using my face wash and moisturizers to try and identify the cause of my irritation.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by sweetbluekitty to kbeauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:11 Texas22554 BBL + Moxi damage- HELP

BBL + Moxi damage- HELP
Moxi+BBL laser
Recently had my second round of Moxi+BBL laser. I originally went for some discoloration due to old acne scars. I loved my results from the first round and went to the same provider for my second round. The provider even said she used the same settings. However, two issues happened. 1. I was slightly tan and she said it was fine. But I noticed immediately my MENDS were much darkeintense this time. It’s been 3 weeks and I’m now noticing almost dent like scars all over my cheeks and chin. I cannot tell if this is scarring or just the skin healing. I’m devastated. Anyone have a similar experience? Then, 2 She didn’t get around my eyes and so I had horrible darker skin there. I have since gotten a BBL laser spot treatment and it’s improved so I’m trying not to worry for now on that issue.
First pic is day after procedure. Last four pics are today (3 weeks post procedure).
submitted by Texas22554 to LaserDamageSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:05 Odd_Potential_2936 Acne during ovulation?

I’ve been on spiro for about 5 weeks now and I’ve already seen an improvement. I’ve noticed the last few months that I get cystic acne on my chin during the ovulation phase of my cycle . It’s like clockwork every month. I feel like normally people break out more before or during their period so I’m just curious if this happens to anyone else. And if there is anything I can do to help it other than spiro.
submitted by Odd_Potential_2936 to Spironolactone [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:57 tomatoshrimp Am I doing too much? HeLp Me

AM: CeraVe foaming cleanser, Beauty Bay niacinamide & vit c toner, Simple hyaluronic acid serum, Skin Proud sorbet jelly moisturiser, Beauty Bay SPF 50 (likely to change this to Eucerin oil control).
PM: CeraVe foaming cleanser, Beauty Bay niacinamide & vit c toner, Simple hyaluronic acid serum, Bubble salicylic acid serum, Skin Proud sorbet jelly moisturiser.
Extras: Glow Hub purify & brighten cleanser if double cleansing, CeraVe blemish control cleanser 1-2 x week, Simple skin quench sleeping cream if skin feels it needs it.
Skin type: Sensitive (but absolutely fine with salicylic acid), combi/oily but can easily feel stripped and dry, super closed-comedones prone, acne prone.
I am obsessed with skincare and trying new products, to a fault. I want to add in maybe a niacinamide serum/stronger toner as my skin keeps getting oily at the minute, and I'm also considering changing my SPF to an oil control one. But I also want to simply my routine. I feel like I have too much hyaluronic acid going on my face. Retinol also does not suit my skin well. I rarely wear make up and skincare is my favourite self-care thing :)
My skin has closed comedones and milia in my t-section, especially my chin.
Any help on what to do would be so gratefully appreciated! I am so lost.
submitted by tomatoshrimp to SkincareAddictionUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:02 gingerbitchen Bad skin after SSRI?

So, I have always had quite good skin. Barely any pimples and the ones I've had been minor.
I took SSRI for 3 years and stopped taking them about 1,5 year ago. Since quitting my medication, the outbreaks started. It's mostly on my chin, I get pimples but also acne. I have noticed that I'm more aware of my menstrual cycle and hormones since quitting SSRI and can see a connection to the two. Stress makes it worse as well.
I've never been affected by this before and not during the medication. Anyone else who got experience about this?
submitted by gingerbitchen to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:47 Less_Fix_4800 Please help what is this started accutane ten days ago!

I started accutane ten days ago. The past few days I noticed this redness and texture. Ive always used cerve cream and have continued to use it. I’ve never had acne on this area of my face it’s always been reoccurring on my chin area and located on chin. I’ve been taking zyzal with it but decided to take a Benadryl a few hours ago. Can anyone help me!
submitted by Less_Fix_4800 to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:31 Tall-Inevitable7441 Teething?

Do you guys see any signs of teething? Baby has pink cheeks, a light rash on chin/cheeks, very irritable, biting and chewing on everything, and drooling x1000.
Everything says teething - but I see nothing?
submitted by Tall-Inevitable7441 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:28 Tall-Inevitable7441 Teething???

Do you guys see any signs of teething? Baby has pink cheeks, a light rash on chin/cheeks, very irritable, biting and chewing on everything, and drooling x1000.
Everything says teething - but I see nothing?
submitted by Tall-Inevitable7441 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:21 agonizingpapaya Please help I literally don't know what to do anymore

Please help I literally don't know what to do anymore
Okay so I've had these acne scars (images included) for as long as I can remember and when I say I have tried everything to get rid of them, I have tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them. The only things I have not tried and have been sceptical of are tretinoin and retinol. I've heard that they can help but it can also come with purging or irritation which is why I have never tried it. I've used mandelic acid, brightening serums, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, almost anything you can think of to try and fade them, but now I need reddit's help. Also little side note, the rest of my skin is pretty much clear, it has always been around my chin area. I've never been to a dermatologist and probably won't because of how expensive it can be so any tips would be appreciated at this point.
I have reduced my skincare routine a lot but right now all I do is:
AM: rinse face with water, micellar water, cosrx snail mucin, cerave moisturizer, SPF everyday
PM: cerave cleanser, micellar water, the ordinary mandelic acid, cerave moisturizer
Any tips are welcome, thanks <3
submitted by agonizingpapaya to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:05 Amazing-Cicada-131 Using Tret Once a Week - Could it still help?

I have sensitive skin and live in a dry climate. I've been great about moisturizing and hydrating.
I have some cystic acne on my cheeks and chin, so I'm using tret from Apostrophe but am starting off suuuuuper slow once a week with 0.018%. On other nights I'm using a topical spironolactone/clindamycin.
  1. Do you think this will still help or is this too infrequent and too low a concentration? OR
  2. Is this possibly too much given that I'm using a topical spironolactone/clindamycin combo other nights?
submitted by Amazing-Cicada-131 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:35 onionravioli Can birth control mask PCOS symptoms?

Hi, I’m 26 years old and have been on birth control since I was 15. I was a petite kid and didn’t get my first period until I was 14, which was light. I didn’t get my period for months afterwards, and it turned into a VERY heavy, 2 week long period. That issue, coupled with teenage acne, caused me to go on the pill.
I worry about PCOS due to my experiences with my menstrual cycle as a teenager, especially since I have only had two “natural” periods, but am not ready to get off the pill as it is working well for me, both in terms of acne and my relationship.
Maybe this is an odd question and I don’t mean to be insensitive if I don’t, but is it possible I have PCOS and don’t realize because of the birth control? I’ve never really struggled with weight, but my hair definitely grows fast and I for sure have a few on my chin. If so, is there anything I can do to know before getting off the pill?
submitted by onionravioli to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:56 rockyarch777 Becoming frustrated

I recently was diagnosed with PCOS through an ultrasound.
All my doctor will do is give me a birth control prescription which I have refused to fill. This just seems like an easy way out on their end, and I’ve told them as well I had very negative side effects on birth control.
When I first came into their office before going for blood work, and the ultrasound, they said that she would give me Metformin to treat the PCOS. however, after going for the blood work she is now refusing to give me Metformin and is still they birth control is the best option for me.
To me, is more complicated than just simply going on birth control as a fix. I will also be looking at getting pregnant in the next 3 years.
This is because they said my insulin is normal and I don’t need Metformin. They have now referred me to an endocrinologist, but who knows how long that will take for them to be able to see me.
I can’t live like this anymore, I feel horrible about myself and body and it is just becoming increasingly frustrating. When I complained about my weight gain despite having an active life style and doing all the things I’m suppose to (diet, exercise, supplements) I was advised that flattering clothes can help. I have chin hair, moustache, grey armpits and uncontrollable cystic acne.
Does anyone have any advice for me? I made an appointment with my doctor for Tuesday. I have seen all the success stories on Metformin and it’s frustrating that they refuses to give it to me.
I have also advised my doctor of all the success stories of getting rid of the symptoms just like mine.
Can someone potentially give me advice on how to have this conversation as I am not the most educated on the science part (e.g insulin levels) and when they challenge me I am not sure what to say. (This is all because of my insulin levels being normal)
submitted by rockyarch777 to PCOSloseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:34 rockyarch777 Becoming frustrated

I recently was diagnosed with PCOS through an ultrasound.
All my doctor will do is give me a birth control prescription which I have refused to fill. This just seems like an easy way out on their end, and I’ve told them as well I had very negative side effects on birth control.
When I first came into their office before going for blood work, and the ultrasound, they said that she would give me Metformin to treat the PCOS. however, after going for the blood work she is now refusing to give me Metformin and is still they birth control is the best option for me.
To me, is more complicated than just simply going on birth control as a fix. I will also be looking at getting pregnant in the next 3 years.
This is because they said my insulin is normal and I don’t need Metformin. They have now referred me to an endocrinologist, but who knows how long that will take for them to be able to see me.
I can’t live like this anymore, I feel horrible about myself and body and it is just becoming increasingly frustrating. When I complained about my weight gain despite having an active life style and doing all the things I’m suppose to (diet, exercise, supplements) I was advised that flattering clothes can help. I have chin hair, moustache, grey armpits and uncontrollable cystic acne.
Does anyone have any advice for me? I made an appointment with my doctor for Tuesday. I have seen all the success stories on Metformin and it’s frustrating that they refuses to give it to me.
I have also advised my doctor of all the success stories of getting rid of the symptoms just like mine.
Can someone potentially give me advice on how to have this conversation as I am not the most educated on the science part (e.g insulin levels) and when they challenge me I am not sure what to say. (This is all because of my insulin levels being normal)
submitted by rockyarch777 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:51 chiarassu [Routine Help] Are my AM and PM routines simply incompatible?

I think I broke my skin barrier... AGAIN. I can't figure out if I went wrong with the execution or if the routines are wrong to begin with.
My derma suggested the ff. routine for me; she didn't specify brands for the steps with a specific product in parentheses so those ones I just picked out myself.
AM - Cosrx Salicylic Acid Cleanser - any vitamin C serum (Melano CC) - a moisturizer (Melano CC gel cream) - a sunscreen (Canmake Mermaid Skin CICA Mint)
PM - Cosrx Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser - Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion - Epiduo Forte - a moisturizer (Hada Labo Koi-Gokujyun Hydrating Jelly) - [this is just a step I added, she didn't recommend this, but I also put a face mask, the pink Lululun one]
I struggle with maintaining consistency with my skincare routine and I fell off a month ago or so because my skin was becoming so dry especially on the nose even though I use hydrating products. Letting my skin rest helped it go back to normal.
I also admit I'm not super religious with the SPF because there are mornings when I feel too lazy to wash my face. I'm also scared of overdoing it again by cleansing too often.
I just got back to my skincare last week because I had a cystic acne flareup on my chin. My dermatologist also prescribed me a week's worth of tetralysal.
I work from home so I don't really have makeup to think about on most days, so when I started again, I was only doing the PM routine for a week. I was confident I've already built up a tolerance to the Epiduo so I was putting it on every day. Everything felt fine for that week, my face felt hydrated and moisturized.
Then yesterday, I went out and had makeup on so for the PM routine I added the Banila Co Clean It Zero to the start of my routine. So I cleansed my face twice during the PM routine.
The following morning, I decided to resume my AM routine as well with the Melano CC products because I want these dark spots to fade away so bad.
Tonight, I did my PM routine again, but holy shit, my face hurts so much. It's as if my skin was scrubbed raw. There's no peeling, just a stinging sensation around the top of my cheeks (around the eye socket) and on my chin, which felt worse after I put the Hada Labo Hydrating Jelly.
Is it possible I broke my skin barrier in a day alone? Am I not supposed to use both the Melano CC products and the Epiduo even though they're separate routines? My doctor said I can use a vitamin C but maybe the Melano CC concentration is too high? Or am I cleansing my face too much with 2 different kinds of cleansers in my routine?
I'm sorry for all the questions; there's no need to answer them but I guess I'm just at a loss right now and it's really upsetting me because it feels like I'm back to square one all over again. It doesn't help that I have this blind pimple that won't go away even after the round of meds and the Epiduo.
I just want to know what wrong and if I really did screw myself over with the vitamin C. I thought breaking your skin barrier was something that gradually happens but what happened today felt like it was all because of the AM routine I tried to reincorporate.
submitted by chiarassu to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:19 antishadoe My endocrinologist wants me to stop using testosterone

For background, I am 38 and have been on HRT for over a decade due to a genetic disorder that prevents my body from making its own hormones.
In the last couple of years I’ve noticed a significant increase in body hair where it shouldn’t be, trouble losing weight, acne and now thinning hair at my hairline. So I went to an endocrinologist to see if my HRT levels are still good (my prescribing doc has retired) and even though I haven’t completed my bloodwork yet, he was adamant that women should not be taking T except in very specific/extreme cases. We’re waiting to rule out other causes for these symptoms but he was aghast that I’m taking a .5ml cream daily and said that if he were to prescribe it for me, it would be a minuscule amount administered via shot because cream dosages can vary so wildly due to them being compounded (human error at pharmacy, clicker inconsistency, etc). Why would he be so adamant that women shouldn’t take this and yet I’ve had 3-4 different doctors over the years have no issue prescribing it?
The main reason I was ever on T to begin with was because I had no libido, energy, or any real will to live just being on Estrogen/progesterone alone. It really seemed to help at first, so I’m nervous to stop taking it, even though the only real benefit to it at this point is a good libido. As far as I can tell, the other positive effects have waned and now I’m left with a pre-teen looking mustache, happy trail, chin whiskers and more hair on my nipples than my SO!
submitted by antishadoe to TRT_females [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:48 Important_Service_82 Dry red patches and acne?

Dry red patches and acne?
[Acne] & Dry Red patches
I’ve had these dry red patches around my nose and under my lip/chin and they won’t go away. My skin was actually good but now I’m breaking out and have these weird red patches. The only thing I’ve done differently was “dermaplaning” and that was over a month ago.
submitted by Important_Service_82 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:44 Weak_Weakness_1254 [Routine Help] First time using a Retinoid

I’m 18F and just got prescribed Tazarotene 0.1% cream. I’ve never had bad acne, just closed commedones and typical blackheads along my forehead, chin, and nose. Worse on my chin. Recently the skin colored bumps really increased in number and nothing was taking them away.
I don’t exactly know have an established solid skincare routine because all I’ve ever really needed was cleanser, moisturizer, eye cream, and SPF. Right now I’m using the Mario B gentle foaming cleanser, Vanicream moisturizer, and Supergoop unseen for SPF. I’m not in love with my cleanser, don’t know what a barrier cream is, and just need advice on products and where to start/what to avoid while on Tazarotene. Thanks!
submitted by Weak_Weakness_1254 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]
