Definition of short story

Share your short works of literature.

2009.01.14 04:29 Share your short works of literature.

Welcome to the Reddit short story hub. Write your short stories - flash fiction, microfiction, Twitterature, etc - and get user cheers and productive criticism. No external links allowed, this is for Redditors by Redditors on Reddit. No adult-themed material, this isn't the subreddit for that.

2014.03.06 00:54 selfabortion Two-Sentence Horror Stories: Bite-sized scares.

Give us your scariest story in two sentences (or less)!

2011.12.05 01:17 redglare Short Scary Stories - Bite-Sized Horror

We enjoy our horror short and sweet. 500 words or less.

2024.06.01 16:08 Monarch357 Ficnapped: A Warm Gift

Memory transcription subject: Sare, Yotul Rebuilder Date [standardized human time]: January 31st, 2136
I pulled the hoodie tighter around myself. It had only gotten colder over the past few days; I’d taken multiple chances to thank Gavin for his gift. Every time I passed the human, I saw a grin spread across his face, and I felt something flutter in my stomach. I managed to keep myself composed enough as he joined me in the vegan line once again.
“You actually like this stuff?” I asked. I gestured to the rest of the extraterrestrials in the line. “I don’t think any of us do.”
He shrugged. “It’s different, at least. Two months of ham and cheese sandwiches does something to a man.”
I stared at him for a moment. He looked at me with a soft gaze and a slight smile, and I found myself admiring his eyes and the way his beanie-formed hair draped over them. His expression morphed to confusion, however, and he waved his hand at me.
“Earth to Sare? Are you… looking for something?”
I realized I’d just been standing there staring for a solid twenty seconds and I flushed deep green, pulling my scarf over my face. “I- uh, I’m alright, yeah! I’m just-” I wove my paws around futilely as if I could speak with them. I gestured for Gavin to move ahead of me in the line, and he let out a small laugh as he walked past to pick up his meal. I followed shortly behind him, my face burning.
Today’s meal was some emulation of venlil cuisine. It was… alright, for something made by non-venlil chefs, but I’d had better in Earth’s vegan food. Gavin, however, seemed pretty excited by it.
“As long as I’ve worked here, I haven’t had much alien food.” He took a bite from his meal and continued speaking as he chewed. “Not bad. I think I prefer yotul food, though,” he said, musing as he looked off into the distance.
I piped up excitedly at that. “I could make you something!”
“You can?” he asked, genuine intrigue in his voice. “What could you do?”
There really wasn’t a lot of even human food available to cook with, let alone imports from Leirn that I was familiar with, but I felt like I needed to repay Gavin with something, at least.
“Uh-, well, there’s a type of salad back home I might be able to make with stuff here. Um… I don’t think it’d be very good, but-”
“Ah, don’t worry about that. Anything handmade is great if you put your heart into it,” he said, his tone reassuring and a smile on his face. I absentmindedly fiddled with the drawstrings of my hoodie as he took a few more bites from his lunch; a few moments passed before he looked at me and flushed a bit, then quickly finished his meal. I stared off into the distance, nothing in particular on my mind as I ate, but I saw Gavin hurry off to the administrator’s office. I downed my food and followed him with a brisk walk.
“What’s the rush?”
He looked me over for a moment before letting out a breath I couldn’t tell he was holding. “There’s still a lot of work to do today, y’know? It’s going to be cold tonight, and besides, it’s New Year’s Eve. I gotta get my work done quick so I have tonight free.”
We both paused for a moment. “What do humans do for the new year?” I asked.
“Normally, the tradition is to set off a bunch of fireworks- oh, those are like little explosive things-”
“There’s some great firework shows on Leirn,” I explained. “We’ve got ‘em too.” I could show you some hung on the tip of my tongue, something I deeply wanted to say but held myself back on.
“Oh, sweet! Anyway, yeah, that’s the usual thing, plus some typical family gathering and partying, but, uh… I don’t think anybody here could handle fireworks right now,” he continued, his expression trailing into something morose I couldn’t quite read. “But really, first and foremost, it’s about spending time with people you care about.”
“Guess we got that in common, then,” I added. “Where I’m from, it’s summer during the new year, so during the day, we spend time at beaches, usually, sometimes going on trips to somewhere cooler the day before. I’m not religious myself, but followers of Ralchi have a sort of traditional bonfire past sundown for the new year that most people recreate.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Yeah…” I mused. “Haven’t done anything like it in a while, and it’d be nice to spend a night around people I care about again…”
Gavin just looked at me.
“Nothing,” he said, quickly perking up. “C’mon. We’ve got stuff to do today.”
I nodded, and he led us off down the road to the suburbia we’d been cleaning up the past few weeks. Some other workers from the camp had tagged along; from chats between them, the peacekeepers in charge had directed anyone wanting a lighter day for the new year down this road.
I jogged a bit forward to catch up to Gavin ahead, only slowing my pace as I stepped to his side. He glanced at me for only a moment before offering a hand to hold, which I took. I felt my tail beat against the asphalt below us a few times before I got my heart under control.
“What’re we doing today?” I asked after a comfortable silence.
“Cleanup, mostly. UN wants this place cleared of debris for rebuilding.”
“That sounds… impossible, honestly. There’s just so much wreckage,” I said, a sense of exhaustion already creeping into my voice before we even got to work. I sighed. “I’m not sure I can do this.”
He shrugged. “Even if it’s impossible, why not? Maybe we won’t clean out everything, but we’re still cleaning out something, and that’s better than nothing.”
“I just… I don’t know. How’s it better than nothing if we can barely make a dent in all the garbage?”
“Well, look at it this way. A hundred thousand people used to live here-” he waved his hand in a wide arc over the townscape around us- “-and maybe we’ll never see more than ten grand again. But so what? Even if we only get five thousand people back in these houses, that’s still infinitely better than zero. You know?”
“...Yeah. Yeah, I guess I know.”
Gavin smiled. It was a warm grin, an expression I never wanted to see end, and a smile spread across my own face. “You feeling better?”
He put his arm around my shoulder in a quick hug that I reciprocated. “Let’s get going, then.”
Some of the group hung back to direct the debris-moving vehicles down into the deeper wreckage, but most of us, Gavin and myself included, focused on the smaller things; as inconsequential as it was, the light labor and simple repetition of shoveling up garbage felt rather therapeutic.
It didn’t take too long before a sort of pessimism started again. By the time a few hours had passed, my arms ached, my legs felt sore, and while seeing what we’d cleaned was encouraging, it felt dwarfed in the face of the mountains of concrete dust and shattered debris that still coated the town. I sighed, taking a seat on some of the more solid debris, feeling my tail sweep up loose dust. Gavin glanced back at me before setting down his own tools and taking a seat as well.
“This sucks,” he said after a few seconds of odd, semi-comfortable-semi-awkward silence.
The human nodded as if we’d just made some as yet unknown revelation, then let out a short laugh. I did, too, my laugh lasting perhaps a bit too long before I felt something crumple and a few tears slipped out of my eyes.
“Still gotta do it, though, y’know?”
I glanced back at him. Afternoon light glinted off the tears forming in his own eyes as he looked at me with a small smile of his own; despite the wetness accumulating on his cheeks, he took the chance to wipe my eyes with warm, gentle hands. I pressed at the tears on his own face and he flinched back, muttering watch the fur under his breath. I snickered a bit at his reaction.
“Still gotta do it,” I said. He nodded in response.
“But you don’t gotta do everything.”
“Yeah. Something’s enough,” he said, his voice trailing off as he looked over the areas we’d cleaned from a tiny portion of the city sprawl. The sound of machinery and the occasional working song echoed off the concrete and asphalt as we watched our comrades work in silence.
Even under the cold of the late day, the something had kept me warm, and before long, we’d reconvened at the headquarters for dinner. Unlike the morning, however, Gavin went for the human food line, and I opted to follow him.
“...Can you even eat this stuff?” he asked, pointing at the (at this point, comedically predictable) ham-and-cheese sandwiches that the cooks were handing out. One of them mirrored his sentiment, cocking their head and looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
“I… think? We weren’t cured, so it won’t kill me. Probably.”
He shrugged. Two sandwiches came, and he rifled through the bag at his side for an anti-allergy injector. “Don’t be stupid,” he said, tucking it into his pocket for quick access.
“This whole idea is pretty stupid,” I commented.
“Be… only a little bit stupid.”
We laughed as we sat down. I set my sandwich down and watched Gavin pick up his and take a bite, staring at him in fascination before realizing that this probably wasn’t something to be particularly fascinated by. Still, it was a pretty novel experience, nonetheless; I didn’t eat meat, and for the majority of my time on Earth, any meal time was separated between those who did and those who didn’t.
I took a tentative bite of the sandwich, which, thinking about it in a vacuum, is a rather strange way to think about one’s dinner, but I was certainly nervous in the moment.
“It’s… interesting,” I said, both meat and dairy decidedly unfamiliar tastes to me. The most familiar part was the saltiness, but this felt less like the mild flavor of roasted root vegetables and more like shoving seawater into my mouth. The texture was perhaps the most familiar part, albeit still strange; it reminded me most of Rinsan fiberfruit, but its taste made it surprisingly hard to swallow.
“‘Interesting’ as in… ‘good’?” Gavin asked. “‘Interesting’ as in ‘you’re not experiencing anaphylactic shock right now’?”
“I wouldn’t say good, but I don’t think I’d say bad or trying to kill me either,” I commented after forcing down another bite.
“You don’t have to finish that, you know.”
“I’m committed," I retorted. It wasn’t inedible, at least, and the newness of the experience alone made it worth it.
After washing the flavor down with a copious amount of water, Gavin and I decided to get some rest a bit early; the winter sun had already crept low to the horizon and the work of the day set in. We could squeeze in a few hours of rest before seeing whatever festivities had been set up for the new year. My quarters weren’t too far from the canteen; if nothing else, the UN at least had the resources for all of us to get individual rooms, albeit small ones. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Some indistinct time passed before a small snore woke me up. This wasn’t uncommon, given the thin walls of the pre-fab shacks we slept in, but I craned my head up to a lump on the floor, rather than a particularly loud sleeper elsewhere waking me. It took me a second to resolve it in the dark, but their large stature and ruffled hair meant they were a human, and the guess came naturally: Gavin.
He’d brought his own blankets and made himself a nest on my floor. My half-asleep head thought it wouldn’t be too bad; I bundled up the pillows and blankets from my own bed and tossed them on the floor in a disorganized heap, even worse than Gavin’s pile, and dropped onto it. He shuffled, grunted a bit, and turned over on his side, putting a reassuring arm over my shoulders. We both fell back asleep in that comfort almost instantly.
What finally woke us was the sound outside. A general din of activity grew loud enough to make it into my room, and Gavin rose before me, shaking my shoulder to wake me up in turn.
“Think it’s almost time,” he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stretched, standing on his feet and reaching the ceiling before offering his hand to pick me up. I took it and he led me by that hand forward, out to the people gathered.
The gathering wasn’t too big, but it was a hearty one, nonetheless. It was a mixture of humans, venlil, yotul, and the occasional other species assisting in the city, gathered in circles around campfires dotting the street and camp we lived in. I pointed one of the fires out; it was ringed by predominantly yotul, and I recognized the new year flame structure familiar to Leirn. One of the yotul there noticed us and waved us over to take seats with them.
Gavin sat near the fire, and I laid over him, my head resting in his lap as the small campfire burned in front of us. A quick glance around showed that we weren’t the only ones inching this close to the fire; my mind flashed back to memories of Leirn, of watching ceremonial bonfires burn and singing songs of home and history, even after the Federation arrived, and I felt myself start to tear up.
I don’t know if Gavin saw, or felt, or even knew at all, but I felt a strong hand rub the side of my head, scratch a bit behind my ears. I flinched a bit on instinct.
Gavin stammered a bit. “Uh- you- um, that alright?”
He resumed, and I felt my eyes gradually flutter closed to the sound of the fire crackling and a breeze blowing, his other arm wrapping around me. The night should’ve been freezing, but I felt the warmth of something stronger than cold wind and a dark night.
There was a brief bit of pressure on the top of my head. I picked myself up and planted a kiss in return on his cheek, laying back in his lap, his arm tightening closer around me. Three short words were all that remained.
“I love you.”
submitted by Monarch357 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 SwimmingAd2237 10.300 subscribers. I was demonetized for reused content, long story. This is the second run, and now i make my own content (in a way of filming myself). I am almost in the end. This time, it took forever. I do both long-form and shorts video. I upload everday (i also mention it on the banner).

10.300 subscribers. I was demonetized for reused content, long story. This is the second run, and now i make my own content (in a way of filming myself). I am almost in the end. This time, it took forever. I do both long-form and shorts video. I upload everday (i also mention it on the banner). submitted by SwimmingAd2237 to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Main-Blacksmith-671 How to get a Refund from a fraudulent seller as a customer

Long story short I ordered perfume off of this shopify shop I saw on TikTok. I ordered on the 28th May and I wanted to check if it’s been shipped or not, but for some reason I couldn’t access the site, confirmation or order email gone somehow, so I thought I should try find the tiktok account to access the website, blocked, so I switched accounts got access to the website logged in to see my order “you haven’t placed any orders yet” all traces of the transaction GONE including my money. So what do I do? can someone provide me with like a shopify customer support the help page was no help at all since I’m a buyer not a seller.
submitted by Main-Blacksmith-671 to shopify [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 difdif21234 How do I know for sure if I'm trans?

(repost with a better title)
I know this question has been asked a million times before, but I have to be sure for myself.
So long story short, I've crossdressed in the past, and things didn't end up well with my partner (my fault). So I stopped and I managed to convince us both it was just a fetish. 5 years later, and I see someone who at the time was also crossdressing, now fully transitioned.The biggest kicker is that people used to think we were the same person a few times and I've done a double take before too.
I would say the biggest argument towards being trans is that for the first time in my life I was so intensely jealous of her that it made me question everything again. I also consume a lot porn, not as much nowadays. It's usually exclusively bimbo/bimbofication or femboy/sissy stuff. It also makes me question if these feelings are sexually motivated.
But the biggest argument against it is that I don't have dysphoria. I really don't mind my body and honestly since I've been going to the gym I've been proud of how muscular I've gotten. But I'm not sure if I would've been so motivated if my partner didn't say they liked that. But then again I'm a bit lazy. I also wouldn't say that imagining myself doing regular things as a woman is particularly exciting either. I would say it's probably on the same level as it is now?
And I put on makeup for the first time in 5 years and I have to say I like my smile a lot better. But I know men wear makeup all the time and it doesn't make them trans.
I'm scared that I'm convincing myself I'm trans and I know that sometimes I'm too good at rationalizing things for myself. I've also read the "is it just a fetish?" article. It helped a lot, but it just makes me question even more. I'm not really sure I can say I'm wholeheartedly a woman at heart. I not sure what that really feels like. I just feel like me.
submitted by difdif21234 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 Excellent-Garage8232 Has any other tall girls had problems getting boys’ attention in high school?

I’m F19, graduated highschool last year. I can strongly say that I think my height somewhat affected my attractiveness in high school. Not that I care much anymore but back then, it was a huge confidence breaker. Barely anyone in my school showed me any attention, I would get looks every now and then from guys at my school and could tell they were somewhat attracted to me, very few have ever initiated though.
I guess I can also connect this to the fact that I’m a minority (Native American), my school was 99% white. So I think that factor also played a big factor in how people viewed my attractiveness.
I’m not ugly, so it’s not like people didn’t find me attractive because of that. I definitely think my ethnicity was a big reason barely anyone initiated me, and to top it off I’m 5’11 living in a world where short girls dominate everyone’s preferences.
I’ve had very few flirtatious experiences with guys from my school, most of my experiences were from guys from different schools, and still they never went far (Never was too sad about it). I had a short thing with one guy who was from a different school who was 6’5, we never took anything serious because we were young. But I remember he would jokingly tell me that we should get married so we can have NFL/NBA babies, so I think he found my height attractive for that aspect which was nice confidence booster.
I started dating my current bf who also went to a different school when I was 16, he was the first person ever to really put in a true effort with me, and first person I was truly 100% interested in. Mind you he’s a couple inches shorter than me and from what information I had gathered about his ex girlfriends, they were relatively short. For both of this reasons I really surprised that he found me attractive and wanted a relationship. First thing he said when he saw me was “damn you’re tall”. He always tells me that my height is sexy to him and that when his first time seeing me all he could think about was how good I looked wearing my short shorts and how my long legs looked hot in them. He tells me that if we ever broke up he could never go back to short girls lmao. I’m glad I have him as a boyfriend and feel way better about my height now thanks to him.
submitted by Excellent-Garage8232 to tall [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:06 adulting4kids Obscure Literary Devices Writing Class Assignments

  1. Device Identification Exercise:
  1. Creative Writing Prompts:
  1. Literary Analysis Essays:
  1. Collaborative Storytelling:
  1. Speech Writing and Delivery:
  1. Literary Device Showcase:
  1. Rewriting Exercises:
  1. Debate on Stylistic Choices:
    • Organize a debate where students defend or critique an author's use of a specific literary device in a given text.
  1. Literary Device Scavenger Hunt:
  1. Themed Poetry Slam:
- Task students with creating a thematic poetry slam where each participant focuses on a different literary device. - Host a class poetry slam event where students perform their pieces and discuss their choices. 
  1. Interactive Online Quizzes:
- Curate online quizzes or interactive activities that allow students to self-assess their understanding of literary devices. - Provide instant feedback to reinforce learning. 
  1. Peer Review and Feedback:
- Implement peer review sessions where students exchange their creative writing assignments and provide constructive feedback on the integration of literary devices. - Encourage discussions on the effectiveness of different approaches. 
  1. Literary Device Journal:
- Assign students a literary device to track in their personal reading over a set period. - Have them maintain a journal documenting instances of the device, their interpretations, and reflections on its impact. 
  1. Literary Device Bingo:
- Create bingo cards with different literary devices - As students encounter instances of these devices in class readings or discussions, they mark off the corresponding squares on their bingo cards. 
  1. Real-world Application Project:
- Challenge students to find examples of literary devices in advertisements, speeches, or news articles. - Present their findings, discussing how the devices are employed for persuasive or artistic purposes in the real world. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:04 jaysonland88 Cheating nurses are real

To start this story I’d just like to say I don’t want to upset or offend anybody this is just my personal opinion based off Of things that I have seen in the healthcare field.
This particular night I remember working in a hospital that was on the verge of being closed down. Often times there was one or two patients and 2-3 nurses with a lot of down time. I was working overnight myself but with my job alot of times people didn’t even know I was in the building. So I’m sitting in an empty room which is split by a wall that slides back and forth. I had little to no work because like I said the hospital was closing down so I decided to go in there and take a quick nap. As I’m sitting in there this married nurse very sexy about 5’2 120 lbs curves and a beautiful ass. The kind you can see the curves through her scrubs comes into the room and starts changing the sheets in the room. Where I’m sitting I can see her in the reflection of a mirror but she can’t see me. I don’t think nothing of it and just wait for her to change the sheets and move on. Next thing I know another nurse enters the room. This 5’10 Indian male who is also Married. Now I would never expect these two to hook up but surprise surprise. He walked up behind her reach around grabbed her neck with one hand and pulled her hair lightly with the other and started to kiss her neck. I couldn’t believe it!! She started moaning saying I was hoping you would come in here. As he switched his hand off her neck to start rubbing her breast he said you know I’ve been wanting to fuck you. They made out for awhile and you could feel the passion in the room. Definitely wasn’t the first time. Her pants now down to her knees and him rubbing her pussy over her brown panties I was so hard but so scared to move. He pushed her on the bed and she got on all fours. He pulled her thong down and slowly slide a finger inside of her and you could hear how wet she was. She let out a brief moan and he bent down and started to lick her ass. This went on for about two minutes and she came very hard. The dirty talk was spot on also. Him asking her whose pussy is this? Telling her how he loves how wet she gets. She then turned around sat on the bed and pulled his pants down. From my angle I couldn’t see his cock but as soon as she got her hands on it she looked up and said she loved how big it was and started to suck his cock. She was going crazy on it!! Spitting on it, gagging!! She turned back around on all four and told him to fuck her. He slide right in bare and started to fuck her. He was telling her how much he loves her pussy and all you could hear was her cumming over and over. He pulled out and she grabbed his cock and jerked him off getting every drop of cum out onto the floor. They kissed and returned back to work…..
submitted by jaysonland88 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:03 adamzissou We're skipping/protesting the audition episodes this season.

My wife & I are not fans of the extensive audtions.
They were more palatable (pun definitely intended) in the past when it was two episodes, but now that it takes a full month before the actual competition begins...we feel like we're being force-fed filler right out of the gate.
This year we decided just to tune in later and forego the fake "didn't-get-an-apron-sad-face-psych-out" or sob story about how this is everything to them & they sold a kidney to get here.
I just want to see them put themselves on a plate in the REAL competition, IMO that would be a better way to showcase who we want to root for & who might make a quality "master chef".
TL;DR The apron audition episodes are stale, drawn out, and unnecessary, so my wife & I are skipping them.
submitted by adamzissou to Masterchef [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:03 hypocritical_nerd Wattpad stories

My Wattpad: zooweemia22
My profile is pink :)
Hey can y’all please check out my new Wattpad stories. I would really appreciate it. I’m constantly adding new chapters almost everyday. I have 2 more stories in my drafts too. If you write stories too I’ll read them. Writers support writers :) —————————
1: Milton Academy
Mia joins an elite boarding school. She meets new people who put her through a rollercoaster of emotions and help her gain lifelong friendships.
————————————————————————- 2. Mastermind
Two best friends, Emily and Dung go to a party, one that ends in murder. How will this affect their friendship? And who becomes a victim?
submitted by hypocritical_nerd to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:03 ZealousLlama05 UFO, Alien, Paranormal podcasts that don't take themselves too seriously.

So, there is an older podcast that I LOVE called 'The Unbelievable Podcast' that covered all manner of paranormal topics. The important factor there is that they didn't take themselves too seriously, weren't trying to force conspiracies on anyone, they just found and explored various topics with both accuracy and humour.. If you know of the Art Bell radio show from yesteryear it was very much in the same vain.
Unfortunately much of the earlier episodes are lost, and they stopped producing episodes in 2018.
I absolutely loved their stuff, and have listened to nearly all of what they produced numerous times as I fall asleep. It's a seemingly safe and fun topic to fall asleep to.
Problematically I've been unable to find a podcast similair. There's a couple I've tried, however they're often taking themselves too seriously, trying to 'prove' their conspiracies, or far too casual, actively taking the piss when they can actually manage to stay on topic. Just tell me and discuss a paranormal story, not your personal life podcast stranger or try to make me a 'believer'!
Does anyone have suggestions for paranormal/UFO podcasts that have fun stories and engagement without any of the above?
Podcasts I've tried...
The Brohio podcast Do go on One strange thing The paranormal life On Wednesday's we talk weird. (Ugh)
Any suggestions greatly appreciated, will definitely check them out!
Thanks so much for reading this far!
submitted by ZealousLlama05 to podcasts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:02 Kt33333na My take on Workin’ Moms in its entirety

Man…. Jenny was so hard to like, through every single season. That’s my kind way of putting it lol. I hate that I am saying this, but I am happy how the writers left us a tiny bit of hope for her (even if it felt like an afterthought…). It took five/six whole years for her to evolve, to realize that being good is more fulfilling than being a brat. I’m glad that she gave Gina that introduction to the headmaster at the school. Small, yet huge step for Jenny. I think that Jenny watching Gina turn into that mom that she never got to be (and Gina calling her terrible), despite being in a mom group, made Jenny realize that she actually really fricken sucked.
Side note for Jenny’s storyline: I HATE that Ian got written off. I would have loved to see his storyline play out, but I understand the writers POV, it’s Workin’ MOMS, a show about women, even if the women are or act icky at some points in time. This is a woman-forward show so I think that’s why the storyline got shifted back to Jenny. His story was still cool.
Kate was my favorite of all time, through every season. Personally, I couldn’t have done what she did, with her trials and tribulations, but she did ALL THE THINGS!! A lot of people talked about Charlie and Ella being “ignored” in the last two seasons, did we really care about watching her juggle play dates and childcare?? Personally I didn’t, it was more entertaining watching Kate juggle being a successful PR professional, going through an altering chapter in her marriage (Nathan and mean nanny), finding out she was pregnant with Ella AFTER finding out she had premature menopause, and wait, accepting a teenage stepchild into her life, AND starting and becoming successful in her own agency??! Badass.
I wish Frankie wasn’t written off the show. She was an amazing example of what a mid-life crisis looks like. I also feel like her problems got overshadowed by the problems of the other original main characters. She was the eclectic one of the group, so it probably would have helped viewers that did not relate to the other characters feel validated with their feelings and life events. This also could have been a great opportunity to open a discussion about mental health, in a serious manor, which we saw when she went to the rehab/mental health center, but I feel like it was more about sex than addressing the issues she was facing that caused her divorce.
Anne… Alice was a trip. I also know what it’s like to be a teenage girl. I think Anne’s character and her entire storyline was meant to teach us what generational trauma looks like, even if it’s not seen as abuse. At the end, when Seamus tells Anne, “you know, she’s got a good thing going,” (Anne devoutly caring about her daughter), it helped her finally forgive her own maternal relationship and let Alice go. Idk. Still trying to figure Anne out. Our girl needs a therapist lol!!
Sloan: mixed feelings. I wish we got to see flashbacks from her experience of becoming a mother to her “niece” (??). I do, however, love her evolution in the short period of time she was on the show. I absolutely love that she let her guard down with her s/o, but it would have been interesting seeing her manage life as a single mother who chose a different path in becoming a mother.
OVERALL: this is definitely going to be a show that is going to be in my “comfort show” rotation. Not every season was meant to be dramatic. This show, to me, was a wonderful and realistic homage to womanhood, and all of the annoying, gruesome, stupid, yet calm, growing and happy moments that happen in between. 12/10!
submitted by Kt33333na to Workinmoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 AmanyWishes [Multiple Games] May platinum

[Multiple Games] May platinum
usually I mix long games with shorts games , but for May I found my shelf jump from one short games to onther
some though of games
ADR1FT. the trophy Inquisitive have misleading requirement .
VTM swansong . a big improve form big bad wolf last games The Council I like the fact you can skip dialog so you can try different path easy a solid 7/10 game
Paradise Killer. a danganronpa-like game I did really enjoy the games. recommend to any danganronpa fan.9/10
get even . low budget horror game without jump scare .that unreliable narrator of the story element left me think about the games a lot.7/10
disaster report 4 . start strong but fail because the game start throw crazy story line one after other . worst i played this month 5/10
submitted by AmanyWishes to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 captainmagictrousers Share your favorite fantasy, science fiction, and horror stories at r/ShortSF!

If you like to read speculative fiction then come share your favorite reads at ShortSF! Be part of a growing subreddit!
Speculative Fiction includes genres like science fiction, fantasy, superhero fiction, horror, utopian and dystopian fiction, steampunk, and supernatural fiction.
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submitted by captainmagictrousers to ShortSF [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 messygarance AITAH for ruining my step-sister's evening by arguing with her friends ?

This story takes place almost a year ago. I (18, non binary) have known my step-sister (17 F) for around five years. My mom and her dad are in a long distance relationship and we often spend weekends or holidays at eachother's houses, so that our parents can be together. We have very different personalities, but we always got along. For the sake of this post we will call her Stacy.
Our parents have this sort of tradition to go on holidays for one or two weeks during the summer with a bunch of friends and their kids. Each year, more people come, and this year we were almost 30 people. It's not a very fancy holiday, we go camping in little french villages (we are all french) but it's nice to hang out with the same people every year. The parents go on activities, the kids play together, and us teens hang out.
We are a little group of 5 teenagers; A (20M); E (15M); P(17M); Stacy and me. I've never been really close to E and P, i hang out more with A but im friendly with everyone.
This year, E and P became friend with 2 boys from the place we are camping at. They all looked very immature to me but again, I did not speak to them very much. I heard them make quite misogynistic comments, so I made a joke about "that's why I hate men". They all started trying to debate with me but as soon as i tried making the conversation "serious" (explaining the roots of misandry, the fact that it is more of a reaction to misogyny than true hatred) I realised they did not want to learn at all and just wanted to annoy me. Also, they were clearly less educated than i thought on the subject (they didn't know what patriarchy was, and seemed truly baffled when i told them rape was a real issue for women and not isolated incidents). I soon ran away from the debate, and left thinking they were idiots and wondering why my friends/acquaintances would hang out with them.
The next day, we were hanging out outside after dinner as usual. We passed by a big wooden structure (made for kids to play) and realised the two dumb boys were at the top of it. When they saw us (and, particularly, me) they started screaming "nique les femmes" ("fuck women") to annoy me. I didn't react at all. So they kept on screaming various insults and laughing, until they said "nique les pds" ("fuck f@ggots", although i feel like the french word is even more hurtful but i don't have an english equivalent). I am a lesbian, and even before coming out i have always been proudly defending LGBTQ+ rights. E and P are not outright homophobic but they are a bit uncomfortable around the subject, which is why A asked me to keep the secret about him being pansexual around them so that it would not be awkward. Stacy always acted like an "ally" to me ; she's a bit of a stereotypical straight girl who loves her gay best friend, but i thought : "at least she has the right spirit !".
Anyway, when I hear the homophobic slur i react very seriously : it is not childish provocation now, but serious slurs that i do not tolerate. As i felt like they were a little bit scared of me, i asked them to come down, implying if they did not, there would be consequences. Scaring them worked, but they did not come down, and tried justifying their words by even more homophobic sentences. It has been over a year so i don't remember exactly what they said, but it was along the lines of "im not homophobic, i just hate f@gs" ; "lgbt are unnatural, it's not my fault it's just true" ; "be glad you're alive because you should'nt" ; "i have no issues with gays and their life choices"... etc It felt very violent to me but i did not let it show. At some point, what they said was so illogical it was funny (one of them said "im not homophobic, i just say homophobic things !" And his friend answered "wait, homophobic is hating lgbt people right ? So we are homophobic !"). I looked at A in disbelief and he thought the situation was comic too, but did not intervene as he wanted to stay closeted there (which i fully understand).
So i turned to Stacy, E and P, thinking they would also see how comical this whole situation is. P and E said coldly they "did not want to enter the debate" and Stacy ignored me completely. It came as a shock to me : how could they see it as a debate ?? It was just two guys screaming slurs at me and telling me I should die ??? I felt on the verge of breaking down and i walked away, still hearing them screaming after me and laughing.
I had a big panic attack after, slowly realising what just happened, and i called a friend to calm down. Nobody from the group checked up on me. After around an hour,I walked back to our mobil-home in the shared room of stacy and I. The next morning, we did not speak. I was still very angry and disappointed. At lunch, i talked about the literal hatecrime that happened (not mentioning my step-sisters lack of reaction) but she intervened and said angrily "C'est pas à moi de mener tes combats" ("i dont have to fight your battles"). I was again, shocked, and did not say anything so that the situation didn't escalate.
In the afternoon, I asked to talk to her and told her what i thought about what happened, and how hurt i was. Her explanation was that she was annoyed i "debated with her friends and ruined the soiree" and that the evening sucked because of me. I told her that it made no sense because she always says she "accepts everyone" but when something happens right in front of her, she is quiet. She said that her definition of accepting everybody was accepting "people like me" and "people like them". Finally she admitted her reaction (or lack thereof) was wrong. I told her i did not forgive her, and the conversation ended there. We did not talk for the rest of the holidays, i have unfollowed all (except A, of course) of them and i feel a lot better. Also, i already have my own flat and study away from my parents, so i wont have to see Stacy anymore. So, AITA for ruining the soiree and making a big deal out of it ?
submitted by messygarance to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 TheEccentricBlonde SUV pulling 32ft TT

I would really appreciate if someone could explain in very simple terms the negatives of trying to pull a 32ft TT with a 2010 Ford Expedition, equivalent to a Chevy Suburban.
Back story. We have a 32ft TT. We pull ours with my husband’s F350. My SIL went and bought a camper almost exactly like ours but several years older. 2019 vs. 2011. Long story short she got a divorce and now only has her Ford Expedition to pull it with. Which she plans on doing for our 4th of July trip. She will be traveling about 5 hours. Her expedition does not have the towing package, she does not have trailer brakes or any upgraded suspension. She has also never driven with a trailer before. My husband says she’s stupid and that her vehicle won’t pull it. He says he won’t go rescue her when something happens because he has warned her not to pull it with that vehicle. My FIL says she will be fine and plans to give her a few driving lessons with pulling a camper before the 4th.
I’m personally torn when she talks to me about it. I’ve only ever pulled our camper with the F350. I grew up on a farm and have been pulling trailers my whole life, but only with trucks. I’ve never pulled a trailer with an SUV. I tried asking my husband and he just gets pissed off saying she’s going to hurt herself or someone else. I want to be able to explain to my SIL in very simple terms why this probably isn’t a good idea but so far, I’m failing at getting it to a level she can understand. I tried explaining that her SUV doesn’t have the tow package and isn’t rated for pulling something that big. All she says is “Well dad says I’ll be fine.” How can I dumb this down so she gets it?
submitted by TheEccentricBlonde to traveltrailers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 hallofo Mayhem on Meridia

(Note: This is a reply from a post requesting Meridia war stories. I felt it might deserve its own post. Edited lightly for grammar and details.)
So, there we were: a squad of random Helldivers who had never met before and had exactly 1 previous mission together. We all decided to switch things up and leave Botsville for Meridia. More bug issues needing a good stomping, nothing we haven't done before. Besides, we were all solid bot-deleting spreaders of Democracy. How hard could a few extra bugs be?
Oh Pride, which came before our fall (or Democracy Dive in this case). Things started off easy enough. We had no clue how the mission progressed, so we just puttered about until we figured out the need to call down the drill and fill it up. Spawns were thick, but nothing we hadn’t dealt with before. We discovered the joy that is the Dark Liquid backpack right before the first drill landed and wasted yet more time jumping like fools. Then we started the first drill, and were introduced to Meridia’s dark, bug-filled heart. Or “Bugevelon Creek” as I call it now.
The first breach was tough, but manageable. Then the next… and the next… and the next. They just didn’t stop. At first, we held strong – my autocannon put in work and Eagle-1 racked up absurd kills with napalm strikes. But still, they kept coming! My Autocannon ran out of ammunition, exposing a flank. Then our other turrets fell to the oncoming horde. Cooldowns began and ammo ran low. Despite this, we held. Then suddenly, a bug breach ON the Dark Liquid Drill! We did our best, but the drill was destroyed.
The drill was broken, but not our resolve. Again, we called in the drill and started the long process of holding against the insectoid tide. At long last, we met with success and completed the drill. But what’s this? TWO MORE TO GO?! Sweet Liberty this was going to be a long mission! We fought on, bravely carving a path of Freedom through the never-ending horde of non-democratic filth. One Helldiver brough a Patriot Exosuit and used its weaponry to good effect, clearing the way to our last 2 drill objectives. Eventually though, he ran out of ammunition and bravely added himself to the Wall of Martyrs by baiting a bile titan into a 500kg Eagle strike.
Around this time, one of our squad members began acting.... weird. He would walk, then suddenly snap back a few meters, then run in place for several seconds. I tried to reach him over the radio and received no response - so I made the only available choice and informed my ship's Democracy Officer that we had a slacker in our midst. This was a hard call to make, as this Helldiver had been doing very well and working as a solid teammate. Shortly after that, he was removed from battle and our quartet became a trio.
Finally, the end of the mission. All 3 drills complete. A minor earthquake, but nothing we hadn’t seen before on countless other battlefields. Oh, how wrong we were. We stood in shock and awe (for our designated 2.7 seconds of “scenery enjoyment” time) as the skies darkened and the air filled with the foul flapping of uncountable shriekers. We ­barely made it to the extract point. More names were added to the Wall of Martyrs as we fell, one by one and were replaced by fresh Helldivers. Life expectancy for a new Helldiver could be comfortably measured in seconds. Milliseconds, if you wanted a double-digit number.
I managed to reach the extract beacon first. I was knocked off over and over again by the relentless beat of chitinous wings. Eventually, I was able to complete the extract code by chain-stimming my tattered body and performed my best Democracy Dive into a small depression to escape the shriekers. I rolled in all directions, shooting until my primary dry. My trusty flamethrower had long since ran out of Spicy Juice. Our reinforcements were completely gone. My squamates had all honorably completed their final, gravest service and it was down to me. As I crawled to a sheer rock face to make my final defiant stand, a beacon of hope came from the heavens: a fourth Helldiver had joined our team and brought with him fresh reinforcements and stratagems. The squad was quickly brought down and we formed a coherent unit around extract - clearing the way for our savior bird, Pelican 1. As the pelican landed, we all sprinted toward our only path out of this foul, bug-infested hell. Diving, shooting, throwing grenades and in the end, PUNCHING our way to the boarding ramp. By some miracle of pure Democracy, we all made it in time, with undemocratic mandibles snapping at our heels.
We all learned a lot that first day. We learned that the bug menace cannot be underestimated, as fierce are the foes of Managed Democracy. We also learned that there is still no task too hard, dangerous or brutal that it can't be done by the Helldivers.
submitted by hallofo to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 Available-Listen3652 How would you rank the eliminated contestants in DCAS on how likely they are to return?

So, we know that the next episode will be the comeback challenge, and I wanted to rank the eliminated contestants from least likely to most likely to return:
Ashley - Not only was she eliminated last episode, making it redundant if she comes back, but it would also interfere with Jake's development that is being set up. Plus, she doesn't have any significant story to tell.
Tess - Similarly to Ashley, Tess was eliminated very recently, and she didn't have any story to tell. I feel like other characters have more to offer.
Miriam - Again, she had no arc this season and was used as elimination fodder. Bringing her back would also disrupt Jake's development.
Lake - Sorry, Lake fans, but I don't see any reason for her to come back. Her arc ended in season 2, and like Miriam, she was used as cannon fodder.
James - Now, talking about characters who at least have some chance of returning: James could contribute to the Jake-Aiden-Tom plotline, but I feel like he wouldn't add much to it other than maybe a rivalry with Jake, which seems pointless, as Jake already has a conflict with both Ally and Aiden.
Ellie - Initially, I thought Ellie had no chance of returning because it would interfere with Gabby's villain arc. However, based on the trailer, not only is she getting a lot of focus compared to all the other eliminated contestants, but if she comes back, they could set up a redemption arc for her. Once she sees that Gabby doesn't like being evil and is only doing it for Ellie, it could push Ellie to stop playing dirty. Also, her elimination felt too early, and her arc seemed like it was cut short. So, I can actually see her coming back.
Fiore - Similar to Ellie, not only does she have unfinished storylines with Alec, but based on the trailer, it's clear that the writer still wants her and Alec to reconcile. The only reason she isn't higher is that I feel her arc could simply be resolved in the actual episode, as she and Alec seem to be interacting a lot with each other.
Hunter - Now, for the most likely ones to come back, not only could Hunter help the heroes work together once again, but his story with Ally wasn't finished. Unlike Fiore, I don't feel like his story could simply be resolved in one episode.
And finally, Connor - I think Connor has the most likely chance to return. First of all, he is the only character who didn't merge in their first season and also didn't merge in AS (the other two being Ashley and Yul). Also, similar to Hunter, not only could he help the heroes work together, but his story with Riya also felt unfinished. Based on the trailer, she still treats him badly, so they could clearly have Riya realize her error and set up a redemption story for her. Additionally, they can further develop his dynamic with Alec.
submitted by Available-Listen3652 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 french-toasts Recent scam victim/question about provisional credit

Hello, I recently was scammed on social media. Long story short was that someone threatened I’d be reported and further banned and I wasn’t thinking. Said scammer had me transfer money to my CashApp and then buy Bitcoin (I know, please don’t tell me it was dumb in the comments. I’m fairly new at this). I already contacted my bank on the phone and they gave me provisional credit while they looked into the dispute. I have called Cashapp too and they were not much of a help.
I read several stories of the bank believing it was legit because it was through CashApp and taking the credit back. I’m unemployed and a student, and have no idea what to do if that’s the case. Would the bank take the provisional credit back and make me pay it back? Is it likely they would see the claim as illegitimate?
All I ask is no judgment. Please and thank you.
submitted by french-toasts to Banking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 Humble_Horror_3333 I need to vent.

I have a beautiful baby girl (9mo). Right now I am up with her when I should be sleeping. Reason being- her father. We didn’t know each other for long before I got pregnant. During the pregnancy things took a turn, and being in the relationship became very stressful. So I ended things. I could go on and on about why, but at the end of the day I just feel rather dumb for even putting myself in this position, or trusting someone like this, so i’ll spare the details. for the past three months, he has made an “effort” to have her on the weekends. I put quotations because almost every weekend he adjusts agreements, expects me to supply his house, shows up few minutes late (45min..), asked to bring her back early, it’s all bad. it all breaks my heart. Especially for my daughter. Right now, he is 2 hours late… not answering his phone, messages won’t go thru, i’m seemingly blocked out. i’m also burnt out. I have no real help. My parents say they are willing to help but only when it’s most convenient for them, and the most they will watch her for is about 4 hours max. I appreciate any time alone to clean or get a small nap in still so i try to just be appreciative. i am just so overwhelmed. I am so pissed off at myself for trusting a man like this. He comes across as put together and well rounded. He seemed to appreciate his family a lot and get along with them but by the time i was 7 months pregnant i realized that wasn’t the case. None of them really know him. I asked his dad how to really get him to open up and his dad didn’t even know. long story short… i’m having an existential crisis with the realization that i’m going to have to deal with this dudes short-comings for the rest of my life. i want to curl up in a ball and cry for hours-but it’s now time for mom mode.
submitted by Humble_Horror_3333 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 SneakyHusk Got a new PC case and BeQuiet fans but they're incompatible with the motherboard.

Got a new PC case and BeQuiet fans but they're incompatible with the motherboard.
Hi there. I'm here to share the unfortunate situation that I found myself in, hoping to find a solution.
I wanted to make my first dream desk setup and for that I needed a fancy case and some colorful lights. So here I am, with a brand new NZXT H9 Flow case and a set of 3 BeQuiet LightWings.
Everything went well, spent almost all night putting in the components and dealing with the cables but as the title suggests, this didn't last long.
Quick note: prior to ordering the products, I was aware that the case comes with 4 stock fans which are independent from one another (no daisy-system) and each of them would require their own fan port on the motherboard. To have this resolved, I also got the BeQuiet 3-pack fans which included a fan hub (the savior that would need just one fan port to make everything work).
Well, long story short, not only does the BQ fan hub requires a 5V ARGB connector (3pins) which my motherboard DOES NOT have (so there's no way for me to connect it), neither are the stock fans (TKG 2510) compatible with the hub.
So here I am with no colorful lights, nor air flow in my life.
Any suggestions on that? Could there be any adaptors fit for this situation?
If you've read until here, thank you for the interest that you've shown and for your time.
submitted by SneakyHusk to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:55 Celestial_Nighthawk9 Could slayers survive even after awakening their mark?

Ok now hear me out, before anyone starts jumping on me this is just my theory(and a little bit of cope) and is based on the assumption that a slayers death by 25 y/o and the mark is not a proven case of cause and effect but rather an observation(This will become relevant a little later). For this theory we must first consider 3 things
1) We know that the slayer mark pushes a persons body well past their limits.
2) My theory as to why it kills them at 25 is because that is when the body stops growing and starts deteriorating. Hence it can't keep up with the heavy stress.
3) It is safe to assume that all slayers that awakened their mark in the past continually fought demons until the age of 25 meaning they must have used their mark over and over again. (This is where that cause and effect point comes in)
Now consider the remaining pillars who survived the end of the story. Both of them awakened their marks during the fight with their respective upper moons. This means that they only used them for one night if not less than that. Could their body not heal over time?
Now the argument may be that the mark probably already screwed up their body in that short time since it significantly increases their strength and speed past anything humanly possible. However, we could assume that the mark's effect is multiplicative i.e a stronger person will gain more benefit out of it than a weaker person. And because the pillars are far superior to any human due to their breathing technique, this strength increase seems viable for a biological process.
In conclusion Giyuu and sanemi could possibly survive after 25 and live long lives.
(Yeah, I know I may be coping and some guy is just gonna come and utterly wreck this entire argument but for anyone who wants to have a reason to make their favourite pillars live long lives in their own head canon, I hope this helped)
submitted by Celestial_Nighthawk9 to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:54 _pixels_2 AITAH for not giving money to my boyfriend when he needs it the most after years of it and wanting to leave?

Reposting This from AITA sub. Hi Mark I see your videos on YT, maybe one of these days I'll see my own story in your video.😆 This is going to be a long one so bear with me please. I am also giving a lot of backstory and past issues bcz I feel they are relevant to the matter and also I feel like ranting. Also this is in India so the currency is Rupees. Before we start I just want to say that I am not perfect in any way or form and I have done any fair share of mistakes.
I(20F) have been in a relationship with my bf Jake(22M)(fake name) for roughly 5.5 yrs now. My family is not rich but we do have a lot of money bcz both my parents are doctors but I did not realise we have this much money until 2yrs ago. (Am not very street smart as U will see in this post). Since after abt 1.5 years of relationship (May 2020)when lockdown started his family fell on hardtimes as his family owns a shop and bcz of the Pandemic they weren't able to run it.
At first it was bcz one of his friend got into an accident so he needs money and he told me he will give it back etc (i don't remember if he ever did as it was yrs ago). At the time I had money saved up so I helped out the first few times with my own money. Then when I ran out of money then he said to ask my dad or mom, or steal from my house and give him some. A lil back story here, my mom and dad are separated so they did not used to talk about finances so I would take extra money from my dad than what was actually required and give the rest to jake. For e.g I required 3k for a parcel or smrg then I would ask for 5k, give my mother the 3k(I live with her, my father lives separately) and give the 2k to jake. I also gave him cash many times by essentially stealing from my mother's closet. When I used to say NO he hurled abuses at me and called me every name in the book which a person can imagine, guilt tripped me and pushed me very hard and I gave in almost every time. He told me he will give me back eventually, he has made an investment,etc. Basically all stupid lies to have more time, then one day during an arguement I pressed on when he is gonna return the money and after a lot of time he told me there is no investment and he used the money in his family's shop.
After 2.5 year of this in October-Nov of 2022 we both got admissions in universities which were around 2 hours away from each other. Till then this pattern continued and his family was still struggling bcz of his father's brother divided the joint business or something else.
Before this when we were at out respective homes he told me he got some operation done for smtg in his abdomen. I gave him 10k from my mother's closet for that and even when I went to meet he had an area bandaged (was very unprofessionally done my dumb self should have understood that it was also fake) one of his friend also confirmed that he had operation done and I was coordinating with him on the said dates when he was supposedly admitted. He also used to frequently tell me that he has suicidal thoughts and he will end himself etc .
After we went to our respective colleges once we had a big fight and next day he told me that he tried to end himself by jumping of the balcony but his friend (who he was staying with at the time),Luke, stopped him worrying for him I called Luke later and told him I was worried for Jake and to pls take care of him. He was confused by this and asked me why what happened. I asked him abt last night's attempt, he told me nothing of that sort happened. This opened a can of worms where it was revealed that he was making a fool out of me, guy owned a fucking Iphone and was telling me that his family was on hard times and taking money from me. This is also when I found out that their was no operation. I don't remember what else I found out that night but felt like a huge betrayal and I talked to 3 of his friends that night for quite a few hours where a lot of lies were revealed.
I broke it off with him, at this point I had lent a total of Rs.75-80k. He begged me for weeks for forgiveness, at first I laughed in his face but as weeks went by I started to miss us. He came to meet and win me back a few times at my uni. Eventually, a month later I forgave him on some conditions like he wont lie and share everything with me, won't tell me who or who not to be friends with (he did that before a lot).
Few months later the cycle started again, I was back to giving him money from the monthly spending amount I used to get(it was a lot at first bcz I was just settling in,now my monthy allowance is wayyy less). He did not like the friend group I was in so I stopped talking to them (bcz they knew abt our situation as I broke down crying in front of them when I found out abt all this so he felt like he lost respect and They didn't respect me etc, admittedly they weren't good and I would have distanced myself eventually anyways maybe cuz the vibe didn't match but that should have been my call I feel) and he still (>1 year later) yells at me if he suspects that I am casually talking to them.
My college is in a much smaller city so I go to meet him once to twice a month as he shares a flat with few ppl and the city has more activities to do. Other than the first few times (when we got back together) I pay almost if not all bills like gas (for his 2 wheeler) and food. It's very frustrating at times but I understand that he does not has enough money as his father does not send him enough to cover rent, food and expenses or so he says ( sighs IDK anymore guys what's true and what's not). Jake says his family is still struggling bcz his sister went to UK last year to study and that took a huge chunk of money and they have loans to pay, etc. I can believe this is true. Also he says they have virtually almost no savings left bcz business isn't doing great hence his father sends him rent t food expenses andsays to manage The rest on his own (he does not has a job so guess where the money comes from 🤡). In the Past few months admittedly he has not asked for money frequently but when he does its like a huge chunk. He has also taken loans (with interest) from some of his friends without telling me. He has done this multiple times before after I have repeatedly asked him to stop. (Embarrassingly I admit there are more instances when he has acted like a red curtain but I think I can write a book at this point if I list them all out so let's move on to the latest problem).
Onto The current issue Almost 3 days ago now, Jake called me (we already have been fighting for I don't even remember how many days at that point a week maybe?) and we told me that he was told by his dad that they have been unable to make payments for the loan they took from a person keeping their shop as collateral, they have to pay half the amount (Total amount was 5 lakhs) and interest which was 64k tomorrow to that person, they have arranged most of the money but are short by abt 30k. He asked me can I do something (steal or ask my dad). I refused as there is no money in my mother's closet anyway and I haven't talked to my dad in abt 3 months now. (ofcourse I did not outright refuse and just gave him my reas oning buz I'm a doormat 🥰🤡🤡).
He pressed me to pls talk to my father about money and tell him I need it for my tablet (I bought one just a few days prior). I refused and said he won't give me money anyway. He asked what about my mother's bank account, it must have something. One account is linked to UPI ( It's for making online payments in India) and one is not. The one that is linked does not have much money bCz my mother's salary has not been credited in 4 months. The other account has money but as it does not has UPI activated online payments cannot be done.I told him all of this. He asked can I activate the UPI if my mother's asleep and plz transfer him the money (also said to transfer it first to my own account so if she finds out then I can say my friend needed it so I have lent some for a month or two🙂 ) I mean maybe I could if I really wanted to but I have had enough, I do not want to steal. Now his family is potentially loosing the shop and he is blaming me for it. I have repeatedly tried to reason with him and told him that if I had the money in my account I would have given him (My account had 1k and I transferred him that😔). He says his blood relatives (his father's siblings refused to pay even a dime, I mean they and their children all are grown ups and have jobs and if They didn't pay how does he expect me, who does not has never had a job give him money, probably it's my fault I have enabled him enough every down time by giving him money so how he just expects everytime that I'll help bcz I am family).
He is still pressing me to give like 5k now bcz now he wants to go to another city and talk to the lender's brother to pls provide them with some Time. But I do not have the money 😕. He says that 'if I would have really wanted then I could but I did not think of his family as mine ', " U will understand my pain when U will loose something of yours for lesser value Than it really is " (The shop's market valve is 4O lakhs and they lost it for 5 lakhs) Also has called me quite a few names since then. He arranged 1K and said " I'm going today there I'll see what to do after reaching there." Says he wants to breakup ( it's pretty normal to say it's over after fights so I don't really know if he is even serious) for 2 reasons - 1. I did not give him money 2. When he will go to uni he won't have any spending money so he'll expect are to help out, and he knows I won't and he does not want that disappointment.
I mean TBH I wouldn't care if it were a few hundred rupees but it won't be, additionally I will be The one covering The costs as usual when I go to meet him. I won't have any money left for my own. And I really want to start saving up again. I have spent outrageous amounts of money in The past year (go figure the reason) and saved up nothing. Today he was still begging (he used the word) me to pls arrange the money. He said I leave for uni in 2 days after summer vacations so I'll get my allowance, technically I can ask for it in advance and give him. But I don't want to after he has treated me. Everytime I tell myself that this is the last time, I'll leave the next time he does this but I just stay.
I know I'm not responsible for him and his family but I still feel really guilty about not giving him the money. I know I should end things but it's just difficult to leave something which you have been attached to for so long, it just feels natural to you. Rn he owes me I don't even know how much but it's maybe around 1 lakh something. Not counting The amount of gifts (some he guilt tripped me into buying 🙄 ) I have bought him and the money I have spent on my trips to visit him. IDK if I'll ever see that money again probably not. Please also give me advice on how should I proceed with the breakup, I don't want him to do anything drastic like come to my house or call my mom to tell him abt our relationship (frowned upon in India).
I know the answer but still need the answer should I give him some money from my allowance and WIBTA if I don't ? (Sorry for any errors in writing, I'm writing on tablet with a stylus)
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