Prairie violet invasive

We cultivate land where we're not supposed to.

2010.12.27 20:42 permaculturemedia We cultivate land where we're not supposed to.

Guerrilla gardening is gardening on another person's land without permission, making your city more beautiful to live in. We cultivate land, where we're not supposed to.

2024.05.30 21:27 Ms_Eryn Advice Needed - Native Gardening Under Pines (north IL)

Hi! I'm hoping for some advice from you guys. I have a large area of newly-cleared ground, and I want to seed it with natives, but 1) I can't hand-plant everything in this area, it's too big, and 2) it's under pine trees.
Context. We moved to an area with a lot of yard, and it was both neglected and previously-traditionally maintained. Each year, I overseed with native or eco lawns, pull a crapton of invasive vines and thistle, and I've removed most landscaping to replace it with wildflowers+milkweed. This year, our big job was removing a ton of adolescent trees and underbrush that was invasive (verified by our county). This was all from neglect, and it had been growing under some massive pines (at least 70 years old) for 15+ years. It was full of invasive buckthorn, raspberry, and hawthorn, so we had root systems ripped out, and I'm going to till every week or so for a month until I can make sure I've pulled as much of the raspberry root systems as possible. (Side note: if I ever find anyone willingly spreading raspberry to grow wild, I will cry.) We are located north of Chicago in IL, for what that's worth. More context: this is pretty residential stuff. I'm allowed to do what I like because my neighbors are great, but if I start planting 6 ft prairie grasses, someone is going to get mad at me. I'm also happy to do some maintenance (mowing? trimming? pulling invaders?) on this stuff, I already do for the wild grasses and wildflower areas in the lawn.
Now, I have a problem: what the heck do I do with all this space? I'd prefer stuff that's walkable, but I'm sure that's a nasty ask for something under pines. The pines don't drop a ton of needles, and they're trimmed to stay far off the ground (> 6 ft clearance), so there's a lot of light under there. But I know for sure my exo lawn isn't going to work under pine trees (we tried it so hard with my neighbors' under-pine area), and I'm not sure if wildflowers will, either.
Anyone have experience with this? Or success with native landscaping under something like this? Recommended seed companies? Ideas for who the heck I can ask about this?
I've tried our county, too, for what that's worth. Their answer is essentially "for the love of everything just keep pulling the raspberries".
submitted by Ms_Eryn to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:58 SinovarST Savvarah world Big description

Savvarah world Big description
Since 2014, I have been working on my own universe. Back then, I started sketching out the outlines of the world and writing the first stories in it, but all of this was kept somewhere in a drawer.
Since 2019, all of this has begun to take shape. My world is the world of Savvarah, for which I create text-based games, videos, and possibly other content in the future (links in the comments).
I sketched out very schematic maps of two continents and two geographical objects. Hopefully (I hope) we will make the maps look presentable, but for now, we have what we have.
The continents and objects may change their shapes in the final versions, but the peoples and entities mentioned here will remain.
The world of Savvarah is full of different races. How did they all end up together and so close to each other? There is an explanation for this, and, in fact, there’s a hint at the answer in the first part of "Gods of Savvarah."
There are also plenty of half-breeds in the world, especially considering that many states and clans include a variety of different races.
All of this is relevant to the world of Savvarah before the invasion of Dadar.
The invasion of Dadar will significantly change the world.

The continent of Tekis.
№ 1.
This territory is called "Gordania." This is a common designation worldwide, although the locals do not use it.
Three ethnic groups inhabit this territory: the Gordlins (also known as Gordinians), the Nardins, and the Hordings.
The Gordlins and Nardins are Northmen.
The Hordings are tall humanoids (average height 2.4 meters, with white, durable skin and bright eyes, often with bright hair – red or golden). They tolerate low temperatures well. Almost all Hordings have an innate tendency towards magic, though they rarely possess outstanding abilities. Their skin poorly tolerates ultraviolet light, which often makes them – despite their cold tolerance – wrap themselves in clothing like desert dwellers.
Gordania itself is divided into various entities, within which all these ethnic groups are intermingled.
Most of the inhabitants of Gordania are united by common myths and beliefs. The central deity is a certain Guldar the Conqueror.
Notable entities include:
  • The Kingdom of Alga – a predominantly Gordlin coastal state.
  • The Far Ut – an entity ruled by the Nanhur clan of Hordings. In the Far Ut, they worship Dadar.
№ 2.
This is Savvarah : )
You can see it in the game "Gods of Savvarah" and read more about its inhabitants here:
№ 3.
The Free Cities.
Soon they will become free principalities, but for now, they are cities where even small settlements near major cities are more or less independent (like Kaluta).
There are many different ethnic groups. In Kaluta and Monard, there are Altins, but there are others as well (Elions, Kohars, Norins, and so on).
The largest cities in these areas are: Monard, Eliona, Lacastion, Kograd, Brugga, Estion, Gerigrad, and Nevrin.
Monard is perhaps the largest and oldest among them.
At the time of the events in "Gods of Savvarah," the following is happening:
  • The principalities and all the cities often feud with each other, sometimes forming alliances.
  • Uzurhat has influence over many cities, but has almost completely retreated due to internal problems and pressure from neighboring major powers.
You can read about altinians here:
№ 4.
Uzurhat Domains.
Uzurhat consists of Uzurs, Yasars, Tharts, Gorts, and Totuns.
The titular and most numerous (and most related) ethnic groups are the Uzurs and Yasars.
Uzurs are tall, black-skinned humanoids with pointed ears and sharp fangs.
You can read about them here:
Yasars are smaller than Uzurs and have brown or red skin (Dorr from the comic "When the Storm is Born" is a Yasar).
Gorts are short, broad-shouldered, and pale creatures with flat, toothy faces.
You can read about them here:
Totuns are tall, with pointed ears, powerful jaws, elongated limbs, and elongated faces.
You can read about them here:
Tharts are basically humans. They are distinguished by slightly pointed ears, bright eyes (including violet and other strange colors), and Asian features.
Uzurhat has been around for a long time but has always suffered from internal contradictions:
  • Strong Yasar clans
  • Constant feuds between Gorts and Totuns
  • Infighting within Uzur clans
At the time of the events in "Gods of Savvarah," the following is happening:
  • The ruling Uzur clan is preparing to swear allegiance to Chazir and adopt the faith of Dadar.
  • Yasar clans are secretly negotiating with the desert dwellers.
In short, a civil war is looming, if that term can be applied to such an entity.
№ 5.
The Spine of the World and the mountain range.
Inhabited by three ethnic groups: the Kmers, the Savinians, and the Tuguls.
The Savinians are essentially the same Altins who once went to the mountains (so, roughly speaking, they are fantasy Slavs living in the mountains).
The Kmers are also humans but culturally different (inspired by something close to the indigenous peoples of America).
The Tuguls are a race that lives in mountain caves. Pale, winged, blood-sucking humanoids (they are not quite vampires in the usual sense: they do not turn others into their kind, they are not undead). They are intelligent but generally avoid contact and are extremely aggressive towards outsiders.
The Tuguls kidnap members of other ethnic groups not only for sustenance (one could even say this is a last resort, as they have plenty of animals) but also for sacrifices to their dark deity.
You can read about them here:
The mountain range is divided among clans, but the Kmers and Savinians are in a state of constant conflict with the Tuguls (and with each other as well).
№ 6.
The kingdom of Dadar’s worshippers. It is home to the largest city in the world, the capital of Chazir – Dai-Gra.
The titular ethnicity is the Chesses (also known as Chazirites). They are tailed, sharp-eared humanoids.
Some Chazir's images:
№ 7.
It is under the rule of Chazir but is a sort of autonomous coastal region.
It consists of Skogg clans.
The Skoggs are medium-height humanoids with hard, almost armor-like skin and head growths – sort of spikes.
They are not particularly numerous. Scortia itself is a kind of reservation where the Skoggs mine resources for Chazir.
№ 8.
The Fiery Desert of Shassarat.
Shassarat is a confederation. It is indeed ruled by dragons. Shassarat itself is divided into dragon territories.
The dragons have a council that decides important matters.
The following ethnic groups can be distinguished: the Shassars, Drogons, Salves, and Nals.
The Shassars are the titular ethnic group. Humans.
The Drogons are not quite an ethnicity. This term refers to a special caste of beings who have received dragon blood and changed as a result (like Nikaria and other altered servants of Dadar).
The Salves are also humans.
The Nals are considered to be a people related to the Ertheons. They have animal features (tails, claws, fangs, ears, and slightly elongated faces), but otherwise, they resemble humans more closely (facial features are more human-like, and hair does not cover the entire body and face).
You can read about them here:

№ 9.
The Dominion.
The titular ethnicity is the Horned Ones. They call themselves Julians.
Essentially a militarized monarchical magocracy.
Despite all the horrors that many tell about, the Horned Ones do not engage in genocide and are willing to accept beastfolk and other strange ethnicities "into the fold of the empire."
They have their own pantheon, headed by the First Dominata Ren.
You can read about them here:
№ 10.
It is part of the Dominion. The name "Arachnum" is used by the Horned Ones, while the people living there are called Arachnids.
The Arachnids themselves call the area Gatako.
Arachnids are several varieties of insectoids that live in underground cities. Much has been written about them in notes, but it is premature to include descriptions here, considering that they will not appear in upcoming projects.
You can read more here:
№ 11.
Takur Mountains.
This area is officially part of the Dominion.
The Takurs live there. They are short, tailed, and toothed creatures that were once almost destroyed by the beastfolk.
Takurs are fast (they run quickly, sleep little, and talk fast), numerous, not particularly resilient, and resourceful. They have a good sense of smell, decent night vision, and excellent hearing. It's not surprising that the Yulians sometimes take members of this people as scouts.
Some clans voluntarily swore allegiance to the Dominion, after which the Dominion ensured that the loyal clans would rule this region on behalf of the Yulians.
The Dominion accepted them, but at present, the Takur Mountains are a sort of reservation because the Yulians do not understand what to do with the Takurs.
You can read more here:
12, 13, 14 - These form the united kingdom of Kradjan, but Kradjan consists of essentially autonomous states, so each will be described separately.
№ 12.
A beastfolk state. The titular ethnicity is the Rakka (wolves).
It is an aristocratic republic that suffered the most from the war with the Horned Ones.
Rahana is perhaps the best place for minority peoples. Partly this is a consequence of the war with the Horned Ones, when more soldiers were needed, and the likelihood of betrayal by minority peoples needed to be reduced.
№ 13.
A beastfolk state. The titular ethnicity is the Sighi (lions).
It is a religious despotism. If you were to make a ranking, Sahir would be the worst place for minority peoples, where the Sighi are considered a sort of higher caste. In any place – from the army to merchant guilds – a Sighi is automatically ranked above members of other ethnicities.
In Sahir, unlike other kingdoms, there are slave markets. In Sahir, many noble Sighi have large harems, which can be filled without the consent of the girls' families. This is the reason why the outskirts of Sahir are often plagued by uprisings, as the Horned Ones do not engage in the genocide of beastfolk but allow them to integrate into the Dominion.
№ 14.
A beastfolk state. The titular ethnicity is the Tigins (tigers).
A despotic monarchy with strong aristocratic clans. It is considered the flagship of Kradjan because Tigonia suffered the least from the war.
Tigonia also owns the island of Tirkir (also known as Water Tigonia).

Other objects in the Ocean.

№ 15. Ankar Archipelago.
Many islands where the Ankarians have settled. They don't call themselves that, although they do refer to this place as the Ankar Archipelago.
The Ankarians are divided into five ethnic groups (but they are all one race):
  • Bondi-Vai
  • Nvalamo
  • Solilusam
  • Lispiri
  • Zichva
The Ankarians are tall humanoids with colorful skin (the color varies greatly). They have large, vertical pupils, though wider than those of snakes. They have strong skeletons, sharp teeth, slightly pointed ears, and nails that are slightly pointed, resembling claws. Their feet have long, grasping toes. Their vertebrae protrude, resembling rudimentary spikes. From a distance, their scales resemble human skin, but to the touch, they feel like beads, resembling tegu scales. Sometimes the scales have patterns that are mistaken for tattoos.
All Ankarians possess magic. They are known for their ability to influence physiology with energy, enhancing physical capabilities, and even transforming into real monsters.
They engage in piracy.
The Solilusam and Nvalamo have contact with outsiders. The others are extremely aggressive.
You can read more here:
№ 16. Dead Waters and the island of Sandoria.
The island is almost completely submerged. Now it is overgrown with viscous swamps that gradually merge into the endless ocean. There are all sorts of structures. Legends say that Sandoria is full of treasures, but there is no evidence to support this.
All sorts of creatures live there, commonly called fishfolk (in reality, there are many different creatures, but the general name is fishfolk). These are wild ethnic groups that rarely show themselves outside the Dead Waters.
Standing apart are the so-called Alpha Mermaids, who are considered the rulers of these places. These are also legendary creatures, whose very existence is questionable.
submitted by SinovarST to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:47 Ashamed-Treacle-1958 H:Offers W:Q/E/Dur Railway &/or Responders Fireman's Uniform

H:Offers W:Q/E/Dur Railway &/or Responders Fireman's Uniform
H: Apparel/Caps/VioletF/Plans/Guns/ArmoJunk/Ammo/Chems/Serums
Forest Asylum
Plans include All alien invasion All mothman Most of Grahm including Weenie Wagon, pepper shaker, meat tenderizer and megalonyx.
submitted by Ashamed-Treacle-1958 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:59 SinovarST Savvarah world Big description

Savvarah world Big description
I sketched out very schematic maps of two continents and two geographical objects. Hopefully (I hope) we will make the maps look presentable, but for now, we have what we have.
The continents and objects may change their shapes in the final versions, but the peoples and entities mentioned here will remain.
The world of Savvarah is full of different races. How did they all end up together and so close to each other? There is an explanation for this, and, in fact, there’s a hint at the answer in the first part of "Gods of Savvarah."
There are also plenty of half-breeds in the world, especially considering that many states and clans include a variety of different races.
All of this is relevant to the world of Savvarah before the invasion of Dadar.
The invasion of Dadar will significantly change the world.

The continent of Tekis.
№ 1.
This territory is called "Gordania." This is a common designation worldwide, although the locals do not use it.
Three ethnic groups inhabit this territory: the Gordlins (also known as Gordinians), the Nardins, and the Hordings.
The Gordlins and Nardins are Northmen.
The Hordings are tall humanoids (average height 2.4 meters, with white, durable skin and bright eyes, often with bright hair – red or golden). They tolerate low temperatures well. Almost all Hordings have an innate tendency towards magic, though they rarely possess outstanding abilities. Their skin poorly tolerates ultraviolet light, which often makes them – despite their cold tolerance – wrap themselves in clothing like desert dwellers.
Gordania itself is divided into various entities, within which all these ethnic groups are intermingled.
Most of the inhabitants of Gordania are united by common myths and beliefs. The central deity is a certain Guldar the Conqueror.
Notable entities include:
  • The Kingdom of Alga – a predominantly Gordlin coastal state.
  • The Far Ut – an entity ruled by the Nanhur clan of Hordings. In the Far Ut, they worship Dadar.
№ 2.
This is Savvarah : )
You can see it in the game "Gods of Savvarah" and read more about its inhabitants here:
№ 3.
The Free Cities.
Soon they will become free principalities, but for now, they are cities where even small settlements near major cities are more or less independent (like Kaluta).
There are many different ethnic groups. In Kaluta and Monard, there are Altins, but there are others as well (Elions, Kohars, Norins, and so on).
The largest cities in these areas are: Monard, Eliona, Lacastion, Kograd, Brugga, Estion, Gerigrad, and Nevrin.
Monard is perhaps the largest and oldest among them.
At the time of the events in "Gods of Savvarah," the following is happening:
  • The principalities and all the cities often feud with each other, sometimes forming alliances.
  • Uzurhat has influence over many cities, but has almost completely retreated due to internal problems and pressure from neighboring major powers.
You can read about altinians here:
№ 4.
Uzurhat Domains.
Uzurhat consists of Uzurs, Yasars, Tharts, Gorts, and Totuns.
The titular and most numerous (and most related) ethnic groups are the Uzurs and Yasars.
Uzurs are tall, black-skinned humanoids with pointed ears and sharp fangs.
You can read about them here:
Yasars are smaller than Uzurs and have brown or red skin (Dorr from the comic "When the Storm is Born" is a Yasar).
Gorts are short, broad-shouldered, and pale creatures with flat, toothy faces.
You can read about them here:
Totuns are tall, with pointed ears, powerful jaws, elongated limbs, and elongated faces.
You can read about them here:
Tharts are basically humans. They are distinguished by slightly pointed ears, bright eyes (including violet and other strange colors), and Asian features.
Uzurhat has been around for a long time but has always suffered from internal contradictions:
  • Strong Yasar clans
  • Constant feuds between Gorts and Totuns
  • Infighting within Uzur clans
At the time of the events in "Gods of Savvarah," the following is happening:
  • The ruling Uzur clan is preparing to swear allegiance to Chazir and adopt the faith of Dadar.
  • Yasar clans are secretly negotiating with the desert dwellers.
In short, a civil war is looming, if that term can be applied to such an entity.
№ 5.
The Spine of the World and the mountain range.
Inhabited by three ethnic groups: the Kmers, the Savinians, and the Tuguls.
The Savinians are essentially the same Altins who once went to the mountains (so, roughly speaking, they are fantasy Slavs living in the mountains).
The Kmers are also humans but culturally different (inspired by something close to the indigenous peoples of America).
The Tuguls are a race that lives in mountain caves. Pale, winged, blood-sucking humanoids (they are not quite vampires in the usual sense: they do not turn others into their kind, they are not undead). They are intelligent but generally avoid contact and are extremely aggressive towards outsiders.
The Tuguls kidnap members of other ethnic groups not only for sustenance (one could even say this is a last resort, as they have plenty of animals) but also for sacrifices to their dark deity.
You can read about them here:
The mountain range is divided among clans, but the Kmers and Savinians are in a state of constant conflict with the Tuguls (and with each other as well).
№ 6.
The kingdom of Dadar’s worshippers. It is home to the largest city in the world, the capital of Chazir – Dai-Gra.
The titular ethnicity is the Chesses (also known as Chazirites). They are tailed, sharp-eared humanoids.
Some Chazir's images:
№ 7.
It is under the rule of Chazir but is a sort of autonomous coastal region.
It consists of Skogg clans.
The Skoggs are medium-height humanoids with hard, almost armor-like skin and head growths – sort of spikes.
They are not particularly numerous. Scortia itself is a kind of reservation where the Skoggs mine resources for Chazir.
№ 8.
The Fiery Desert of Shassarat.
Shassarat is a confederation. It is indeed ruled by dragons. Shassarat itself is divided into dragon territories.
The dragons have a council that decides important matters.
The following ethnic groups can be distinguished: the Shassars, Drogons, Salves, and Nals.
The Shassars are the titular ethnic group. Humans.
The Drogons are not quite an ethnicity. This term refers to a special caste of beings who have received dragon blood and changed as a result (like Nikaria and other altered servants of Dadar).
The Salves are also humans.
The Nals are considered to be a people related to the Ertheons. They have animal features (tails, claws, fangs, ears, and slightly elongated faces), but otherwise, they resemble humans more closely (facial features are more human-like, and hair does not cover the entire body and face).
You can read about them here:

№ 9.
The Dominion.
The titular ethnicity is the Horned Ones. They call themselves Julians.
Essentially a militarized monarchical magocracy.
Despite all the horrors that many tell about, the Horned Ones do not engage in genocide and are willing to accept beastfolk and other strange ethnicities "into the fold of the empire."
They have their own pantheon, headed by the First Dominata Ren.
You can read about them here:
№ 10.
It is part of the Dominion. The name "Arachnum" is used by the Horned Ones, while the people living there are called Arachnids.
The Arachnids themselves call the area Gatako.
Arachnids are several varieties of insectoids that live in underground cities. Much has been written about them in notes, but it is premature to include descriptions here, considering that they will not appear in upcoming projects.
You can read more here:
№ 11.
Takur Mountains.
This area is officially part of the Dominion.
The Takurs live there. They are short, tailed, and toothed creatures that were once almost destroyed by the beastfolk.
Takurs are fast (they run quickly, sleep little, and talk fast), numerous, not particularly resilient, and resourceful. They have a good sense of smell, decent night vision, and excellent hearing. It's not surprising that the Yulians sometimes take members of this people as scouts.
Some clans voluntarily swore allegiance to the Dominion, after which the Dominion ensured that the loyal clans would rule this region on behalf of the Yulians.
The Dominion accepted them, but at present, the Takur Mountains are a sort of reservation because the Yulians do not understand what to do with the Takurs.
You can read more here:
12, 13, 14 - These form the united kingdom of Kradjan, but Kradjan consists of essentially autonomous states, so each will be described separately.
№ 12.
A beastfolk state. The titular ethnicity is the Rakka (wolves).
It is an aristocratic republic that suffered the most from the war with the Horned Ones.
Rahana is perhaps the best place for minority peoples. Partly this is a consequence of the war with the Horned Ones, when more soldiers were needed, and the likelihood of betrayal by minority peoples needed to be reduced.
№ 13.
A beastfolk state. The titular ethnicity is the Sighi (lions).
It is a religious despotism. If you were to make a ranking, Sahir would be the worst place for minority peoples, where the Sighi are considered a sort of higher caste. In any place – from the army to merchant guilds – a Sighi is automatically ranked above members of other ethnicities.
In Sahir, unlike other kingdoms, there are slave markets. In Sahir, many noble Sighi have large harems, which can be filled without the consent of the girls' families. This is the reason why the outskirts of Sahir are often plagued by uprisings, as the Horned Ones do not engage in the genocide of beastfolk but allow them to integrate into the Dominion.
№ 14.
A beastfolk state. The titular ethnicity is the Tigins (tigers).
A despotic monarchy with strong aristocratic clans. It is considered the flagship of Kradjan because Tigonia suffered the least from the war.
Tigonia also owns the island of Tirkir (also known as Water Tigonia).

Other objects in the Ocean.

№ 15. Ankar Archipelago.
Many islands where the Ankarians have settled. They don't call themselves that, although they do refer to this place as the Ankar Archipelago.
The Ankarians are divided into five ethnic groups (but they are all one race):
  • Bondi-Vai
  • Nvalamo
  • Solilusam
  • Lispiri
  • Zichva
The Ankarians are tall humanoids with colorful skin (the color varies greatly). They have large, vertical pupils, though wider than those of snakes. They have strong skeletons, sharp teeth, slightly pointed ears, and nails that are slightly pointed, resembling claws. Their feet have long, grasping toes. Their vertebrae protrude, resembling rudimentary spikes. From a distance, their scales resemble human skin, but to the touch, they feel like beads, resembling tegu scales. Sometimes the scales have patterns that are mistaken for tattoos.
All Ankarians possess magic. They are known for their ability to influence physiology with energy, enhancing physical capabilities, and even transforming into real monsters.
They engage in piracy.
The Solilusam and Nvalamo have contact with outsiders. The others are extremely aggressive.
You can read more here:
№ 16. Dead Waters and the island of Sandoria.
The island is almost completely submerged. Now it is overgrown with viscous swamps that gradually merge into the endless ocean. There are all sorts of structures. Legends say that Sandoria is full of treasures, but there is no evidence to support this.
All sorts of creatures live there, commonly called fishfolk (in reality, there are many different creatures, but the general name is fishfolk). These are wild ethnic groups that rarely show themselves outside the Dead Waters.
Standing apart are the so-called Alpha Mermaids, who are considered the rulers of these places. These are also legendary creatures, whose very existence is questionable.
submitted by SinovarST to legendsofsavvarah [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:59 the_other_paul Growing from seed is going badly: what to do next? (Michigan)

Growing from seed is going badly: what to do next? (Michigan)
I’ve just been getting into gardening over the last year; starting last fall, I tried doing some native plantings (from seed) but they seem to be doing badly. Am I correct in thinking that the seeds have failed to start growing? If so, what did I do wrong and what can I do to fix it? If it’s actually too early to tell, when should I know whether or not the seedlings are getting established?
In the semicircular strip, I took the sod off in March and sowed little blue stem, and a couple of other natives; so far the main thing that has grown seems to be on of the invasive Persicaria aka smartweed. In the strip next to the sidewalk, last fall, I took the sod off and sowed Prairie Moon’s beginner’s mix. I think I missed some chunks of grass, which have now spread back over the rest of the strip. In the third strip, I sowed some butterfly weed and Black Eyed Susans last fall.
submitted by the_other_paul to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:20 residentbelmont Brawl Deck Feedback

Brawl Deck Feedback
Hello everyone. I typically play just Brawl, since I find it to be the more fun format, though I do play Timeless on occasion. Anyway, this is the deck I have been using the most and was looking into some feedback on how to make it better. It does... fine, but it really does lack consistency because I struggle with theming. I picked that [[Sigarda, Host of Herons]] specifically because it has hexproof and the sacrifice protection usually comes in handy. I am open to pretty much any feedback on what would be good to change, cause I honestly don't know any better.
submitted by residentbelmont to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:49 Parking_Low248 What are your recent native gardening wins?

I feel like it's a great time of year for people who are trying to encourage natives. Seeds sowed in the winter are germinating and some of the plants are starting to be identifiable; plant sales are all over the place; and trees and shrubs are blooming.
I'll go first and I have three:
  1. The patches I solarized last year and seeded are coming along really nicely, even the one where we should have left the tarp on longer. I tried to salvage it by dumping a bunch of random native grass seeds on it and they appear to be taking off and outnumbered the invasives that moved in.
  2. I bought an Eastern Redbud tree, already leafy and a few feet tall, for $12 over the weekend Someone was selling plants by the roadside and this was one of them. Can't wait to get it in the ground.
  3. I talked to a random person at Home Depot and convinced them to go on prairie moon and check out native plants! And she was really excited about it!
submitted by Parking_Low248 to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:40 Lady_Squids Hypocrites With A Cause

Word count: 4,639
_______ Chapter 1 _______
The trek back home from Staten Island was long. Every inch of Leo’s body hurt, it felt like fire. The open wound on his side mixed with the unbearable pain in his arm in the forefront of his mind. The group slowly made their way past the debris of New York and towards the subway entrance. The blue brother could feel all eyes on him, the silent concern heavy in the air. They repeatedly asked if he was okay. Sure, it hurt, but he’s put them through enough already. Leo thinks to himself, that the pain he’s feeling is nothing compared to the pain he just put his family through. So he smiles.
Leo has never been so happy to see their subway tunnel home. The graffitied trains and walls are lined with the memories of their new home. The turtles, their father, April, and Casey enter the makeshift home, He can tell they are as relieved as he is. God, it’s good to be back, he just wants to lay down and sleep until- wait. Donnie isn’t here with the rest of the group, did he run off once they got back?
His thoughts are interrupted by a sharp pain in his side causing him to stumble, Casey catches him and hoists his sensei's arm over his shoulder as a hiss of pain escapes the ninja's lips. A sad smile forced itself into the human’s face, not quite reaching his eyes. Leo can’t figure out why but a sudden feeling of Deja Vu washes over him.
“Leo take it easy, can you go three minutes without hurting yourself?” Oh, Donnie’s back. He quips from behind like he has been there the whole time. “Where’s the fun in that Dee?” The purple teen rolls his eyes, Leading the two to the living room. Leo notices Donnie's usual annoyed expression after one of his jokes is nowhere to be found, instead replaced by poorly masked unease. Dread began pooling the slider’s stomach, something was not right. He’s seen Donnie worried or upset sure, but this was different.
“Don, you ok?” The soft shell’s eyes grow wide with disbelief, seeming to have struck a cord. “Am I- Leo how could you be asking if I’m ok?!” Donnie raised his voice, is he shaking? “You’re the one who almost-” He stopped himself, all fight leaving his body. Sighing he runs a three-fingered hand down his face. “I’m fine Nardo, just focus on getting better, ok?” The purple brother doesn’t wait for an answer before walking ahead of him and Casey to the living room.
The group behind them seems too caught up in the moment to worry too much about the interaction. From anyone else's perspective, Donnie would just seem annoyed by Leo, but unlike the rest of the group, Leo notices something shift in Raph’s expression, His worry seeming to drift between Leo and Donnie.
The team follows. Worried for their friend, their son, their brother. Leo assumed he looked like shit judging by everyone’s concerned gazes. He isn’t surprised if he does, the Krang really did a number on him in the short time he was trapped in the prison, it’s his own fault really. He didn’t fight back. He didn’t think he was coming back, so what would have been the point?
Being as gentle as he can Casey lowers the teen onto the couch, careful not to further distress his master. Leo tries hard not to show the amount of pain he’s in, to not further worry his family. Blood from his side starts to stain the couch a crimson red. But he’s fine, really.
“You’re all being dermatic!” Leo attempts to smile, waving his hand dismissively as he speaks. “I’m fi-” A white-hot shock of pain moves through his arm like lightning, fuck that hurt. Judging by everyone's faces, he did a poor job hiding the pain. “Like hell, you’re fine!” Raph retaliates, clearly distressed, as Donnie kneels beside the couch holding his twin's arm and gently inspecting it. Raph continues flinging his hand in the air in exasperation. “You could have died, Leonardo! Do you not understand that?” The blue ninja flinches at Raph’s sudden movement, seeing this the turtle’s arms and expression drop. Damit, he didn’t mean to flinch.
Mikey places a firm hand on the distressed leader's shoulder, his eyes silently comforting Raph. The snapping turtle sighs, running his large hand over his face. “Sorry, sorry. I-” He looks away, unable to look Leo in the eyes anymore. “I didn’t mean to yell…” The following silence was excruciating. Leo never liked the quiet. Always opted for music when alone in the layer because the silence of his brothers not being there always unnerved him. It made him feel alone. Despite the number of people in the small living room, his brothers, Casey, April, Dad. He felt alone
That’s all the teen could feel when he was in the prison, alone. The emptiness of the dimension seeped into his poors, his skin. Alone, hollow, and empty. Forever. He had accepted the concept of being alone forever, accepted it as his reality, it was worth it to save his family.
“God- Leo.” Donnie finally cut the silence. Judging by his focus on him, Leo wasn’t even sure Donnie realized there was an awkward silence. “It’s broken.” He states matter of fact standing and ordering Raph to grab a first aid case in his lab to wrap it. Much to Leo’s displeasure, Donnie insisted on checking him over completely, The others sticking close trying (but failing) to not hover.
It isn’t anything that time and a lot of bandages couldn’t fix, He’ll be fine, he always is, but god everything was sore. Leo doesn’t think he’s ever been this tired in his life. Sometime during Donnie’s agonizingly long inspection, a Lou Jitsu movie was turned on, a distraction Leo was very thankful for. Everyone sat around only half watching the film, looking after each other's injuries, while April tried and failed to explain to Casey what the hell a movie was. Leo couldn’t focus on the film though, his concern being taken over by Donnie.
Something was wrong, he was rigid and stiff, so unlike his usual lax expression. He doesn’t look so good. Of course, he isn’t ok, they all aren’t super hot right now. But this is different. He looks like he’s in pain. He looks scared. Leo knows he should say something, he’s about to interject when his purple brother froze. Just staring ahead, the bandage he was in the middle of wrapping around his arm still loose in his hands. It’s like his soul had been sucked from his body. It unnerved Leo to no end.
“Don?” Nothing, like he didn’t even know he was there. Worry for his twin started to take over, is he hurt? Why is he helping him if he’s clearly not ok? “Donnie?” He tried again, this time grabbing his attention. He finally looked up to meet the slider’s eyes. He looked out of it, lost in his own world. “Donnie, Can you hear me?” It’s like he is seeing right through him, does he even know he’s there? “I’m fine, Leo.” the younger twin attempts a reassuring smile, hoping to ease Leo’s distress, but it wavers. He is not fine. Why does he always push others away when he’s hurt? He hates that his twin never takes care of himself, that he is worrying about other's needs when he clearly isn’t ok.
Leo takes a deep breath, readying himself for the inevitable conversation, only to get his breath cut off by pain radiating in his side. Hearing footsteps coming their direction Leo looks up only to lock eyes with Raph. “Hey, Leo take it easy!” Raph takes his place behind the kneeling Donnie. “I’m fine.” Raph looks like he’s about to argue before Leo cuts him off. “Donnie however, isn’t.” That seemed to throw the leader off, Looking down at said kneeling turtle before him. “Wha- Donnie?” The soft shell doesn’t move, only continuing to stare into nothing.
The crimson ninja seems unsure of what to do, his Raph Cason™ Bigger than ever. “Donnie?” No answer. Before Leo can tell him it’s a bad idea, Raph puts a hand on his shoulder. “Donnie are-” His body was moving the second Raphs hand came in contact, as if it shocked the life back into him, Grabbing the leader's wrist that rested on his shoulder. “Don’t.” He spoke desperately but quietly like anything louder might break him. He sounded so… scared. Donnie’s scared and probably in pain and he’s worried about him? Said turtle seemed to realize who Raph was, releasing his hand and turning back to finish bandaging the injured blue turtle's arm.
“S-Sorry…” Sorry? Why is he sorry? The purple twin quickly wraps his arm, seeming uncomfortable with the attention. “Why-” Leo doesn’t even get to finish a word before Donnie stands quickly, backing away from the chair. “I’m done.” With Donnie’s confirmation, the rest of his family crowded around him, asking question after question. “How are you feeling now, my son?” Splinter asked, cupping his face with his rat palm. “Does your arm hurt? Oh! I know!” Mikey beamed at Leo, bouncing on his heels. “I could draw on your bandages if you’d like!”
He felt a hand resting on his shoulder, belonging to Casey. “How’s your head, master?” He thinks April said something too, but his mind was preoccupied. The Slider turtle looked between the bodies surrounding him, looking for Donnie. His eyes landed on a shaking purple form in the corner. He is not alright. Leo’s twin needs him. He tries to stand from the old blood-stained couch only to be forced down by a hand on his plastron.
“Not happening Leo, you need to rest.” April quipped, trying to smile for the turtle. No, no she doesn’t understand he needs to get to Donnie, he needs to make sure he’s ok, he- “Leo.” Red comes into his vision, a hand gently grabbing his arm, giving Leo a reassuring squeeze. “I got him.” Raph let go, walking towards the softshell on the other side of the room. He’ll be ok, Leo tries to reassure himself. We’ll be ok.
_______ Chapter 2 _______
POV Donnie
Donnie was glad to finally be home, the old brick walls of his subway tunnel sanctuary providing a small peace the invasion had not allowed throughout the day. The turtles, their father, April, and Casey made it to the makeshift home after the traumatizing day, As much as he wants them all here he feels a bit claustrophobic. The genius doesn’t think there's ever been this many people in the tunnel home at once and it’s making him anxious. The group seemed as relieved as he was entering the subway station, a small weight lifted from their shoulders. they didn’t have time to feel relieved though. Everyone’s worried and focused on Leo.
Donnie’s shell throbbed in pain from the Technodrome. He can still see Mikey’s concerned face upon removing his outer armor, not fully trusting the idea. He knew he was right, the thought of removing his battle shell outside of his home felt wrong let alone in the technodrome. But it was the only way he could think of to connect with the ship.
Falling shell first into the Krang was pure agony, the slimy tendrils wrapping around him and crushing his soft shell. In the flesh of the ship, he truly thought there was no way the body could take any more pain than he was in. He was quickly proven wrong. The Krang forcefully pulling him from the ship was so, so, much worse. The force of snapping tendrils ripping and lacerating his shell was like white-hot fire.
The teen knows he’s going to have nightmares for years. Luckily the others hadn’t gotten a good look at his shell with all the action. As soon as the group got home the purple ninja sneaked back to his lab, retrieving another battle shell, trying hard to ignore the agony that placing the heavy metal on his fresh wounds caused. His family needed to focus on Leo. He couldn’t let himself become a distraction, so he hid behind his purple shell. His purple walls.
It doesn’t matter that he is in pain, it doesn’t matter how much he wants to scream till his voice is raw and destroyed. Leo needs him, Donnie is the second-best medic they have after Leo. The blue brother has always helped him, even when he was hurting. The least Donnie can do is push through some pain to help him.
Donnie sneaks back to the group from behind, hoping no one noticed his absence. He sees his injured twin falter, Casey catching him before he can stumble. Only ensuring the idea in Donnie’s head that he needs to hide his shell further. Casey swings Leo’s arm over his shoulder holding him up. God the kid’s a godsent. Creeping behind his family, trying hard to ignore the pain of his battle shell rubbing against his soft shell, he makes a mental note to properly thank Casey later for all he’s done.
“Leo take it easy, can you go three minutes without hurting yourself?” Donnie quips from behind like he has been there the whole time. “Where’s the fun in that Dee?” The purple teen rolls his eyes, Leading the two to the living room. His twin will be the death of him, his destructive and rebelling nature has already gotten him hurt, and next time… he might not be so lucky. The idea of living without his twin is scarier than anything the Krang could throw at him, and it almost happened. “Don, you ok?” He almost stops in his tracks. Is he ok? His brother, who was just trapped in a space prison with a psycho alien trying to beat him to death, was asking if he was ok. “Am I-Leo how could you be asking if I’m ok?!” Donnie raised his voice as a tremor ran through his body. He could not believe his twin right now, why is he concerned about him? “You’re the one who almost-” He stops himself, all fight leaving his body. No, not now. Sighing he runs a three-fingered hand down his face. “I’m fine Nardo, just focus on getting better, ok?”
The whole team followed closely behind as Donnie led Leo to the living room. Donnie knows they care, that they are just as worried about Leo as he is, but the hovering of his warm-colored brothers, April, and Dad only makes him more anxious. They're close, too close, too close to his shell. Casey carefully lowers her sensei onto the chair. Leo tried but failed to suppress the pain it caused.
“You’re all being dermatic!” Leo attempts to smile, waving his hand dismissively as he speaks. “I’m fi-” His face scrunches in pain as a hiss escapes his lips making Donnie's soul ache. Or is that ache coming from his back? He isn’t sure. “Like hell, you’re fine!” Ralph's distress snaps the genius from his thoughts. Kneeling in front of the teen he carefully takes Leo’s arm to inspect it. The younger twin is as gentle as he can while looking over his brother's arm, he notices how tense he is. I guess we have that in common, Donnie thinks. The discomfort of others looking after them, he knows what he’s feeling, it’s like a twin thing. They have more in common than Donnie would like to admit. The abnormal bend of Leo’s arm along with the intense red swelling told Donnie everything he needed to know.
“God- Leo.” Donnie stands, gently placing Leo’s arm on the chair armrest. “It’s broken.” The soft shell tells Raph to fetch a first aid case he keeps in his lab, then gets to bandaging up Leo. The rest of the family stay close, not wanting to leave till they know Leo’s alright. Donnie hates kneeling beside his hurt twin and having all these people hover above him. He feels like they can see through his battle shell, that all eyes are on him. It’s worse than the throbbing pain.
As the teen genius looked over Leo the rest of the crew checked each other. He noted Casey wrapping Mikey’s hands. Ah, right. The mystic magic had cracked his hands open causing them to bleed. From what he saw they aren't too bad, just dried and chapped, though he wouldn’t be surprised if they give him difficulty in the future. Splinter and April seem to be making sure Raph is well taken care of, looking after his eye. Donnie trusts the pair and Casey so he mentally checks making sure his other brothers are ok off his list.
God Leo looks like hell, well, He just got back from hell. He double-checked his twin, he couldn’t miss anything. He had to do this right. He already failed him once today, Leo wouldn’t be hurt if he had flown the Technodrome into the portal faster, Leo wouldn’t be in pain if he had pulled through the agony of his shell faster, Leo would be ok if he was stronger. “Donnie?” Leo’s voice was quiet, not wanting the others around them to hear. He hadn’t realized he'd been staring at Leo's arm, not working. He looks… Worried? Why does Leo look worried? Is he hurt somewhere he hasn’t found yet? Is he-
“Donnie, Can you hear me?” Oh, it’s him. He’s the problem. Leo is hurt, Leo is in pain, and he’s thinking about him. The blue teen has a look in his eyes like he knows Donnie is hiding something. “I’m fine, Leo.” He attempts a reassuring smile, hoping to ease Leo’s distress, but it wavers. Leo’s tired eyes can see right through him. Of course they do, they always do. He hears talking around him, but the people’s voices are far away from his mind, like echoing at the end of a cave. Leo is ridiculous, he shouldn’t be worried about him when he’s clearly hurt. Not when it’s Donnie’s fault he’s hurt in the first place. Suddenly there's a firm hand on his shoulder. “Don’t.” He wheezes pathetically, his voice is raspy and quiet, grabbing the intruder's wrist. They're going to hurt him, they're going to touch his shell, they’re going-... It’s raph.
Raph is safe. Raph wouldn’t hurt him… anymore. “S-Sorry…” It’s quiet and timed, so unlike his usual confident voice. He lets the leader go, turning back to Leo finishing wrapping the last bandage. Raph hasn’t moved from his spot behind him. He can’t bring himself to turn and look at him, he already knows the look the red teen is giving him. Worry, worry he doesn’t need let alone deserve. damn it why can’t he see that he’s busy? The purple brother sat back, admiring his handy work. “I’m done.” Their father, Casey, April, and Mikey take that as their cure. Standing quickly from their spots on the floor to crowd Leo.
Donnie backed away, giving the others the space, avoiding eye contact with Leo. He needs to stop thinking about everyone else when he’s clearly hurt. He is far too selfless. Donnie hadn’t noticed someone put on a Lou Jitsu movie in the background. It’s Leo’s favorite. The film is suddenly too loud for him despite not even knowing it was on mere seconds ago, the group of people beside him was loud, his own heart was loud, the throbbing in his shell was loud, everything was loud, loud, loud.
There’s a voice, it’s louder than the others. Closer? That would make the most sense. “Don-... you ne-...” The voice is muffled and hard to hear like it’s underwater, only being able to make out small bits of what it’s saying. A hand hesitantly holds his own. He recognizes those hands, they are big and rough but oh so gentle. “Raph.” It came out pathetic, almost inaudible. “Yeah Don, It’s me-... you… lab?” Lab, he recognizes that word. Lab is safe, lab is quiet. The distressed teen nods. Raph gently guides him out of the room and down the hall, away from the constant loud noises. Donnie’s eyes are downcast, his head suddenly becoming heavier. He can feal the adrenalin wearing off, giving way to exhaustion. The feel of concrete to metal on his feet tells him they made it to his lab.
Donnie is led to his office chair where he not so gracefully plops, the sudden contact of shell with the back of the chair sending a bolt of pain through his body. “What’s wrong?” Shit, he forgot Raph was there. He didn’t even try to hide the pain his chair caused. “Are you hurt?” No, no he’s fine. It’s Leo they should be worried about, not him. “Don you gotta breathe.” Breath? Oh. He hasn’t been breathing. The soft shell tries to take a deep breath but is caught in a coughing fit, the movement making his shell hurt more than it already did. “Hey, hey it’s ok. Just take it slow.”
The mutant teen tries again, this time more successful. It takes a couple of minutes for Donnie to regain control of his breathing, Raph whispering praises the whole time, aware that if he talks any louder his little brother will break. This is ridiculous, Donnie thinks to himself. Leo is hurt and he’s making this all about himself. He’s acting like a child. “Stop.”
The teen looks up to his older brother kneeling before the chair, confused. “Stop using that big brain of yours for five minutes and just breathe.” It’s like the leader could read his mind, he knows his brother well. Knows the dangers of his overactive brain. “Tell me Dee, what’s going on?” He’s fine, Donnie’s fine.
“Why aren’t you with Leo?” The question earns him a sad smile from the red turtle. “Because I'm worried about you Donnie.” He’s taking up his time, he’s pulling him from Leo. “I-I’m fine Raph.” The older brother is not amused. “Raph isn’t as much of a dum dum as you think Don, you just had a panic attack for Pete's sake.” Dam it. This won’t be easy to get out of. But that won’t stop him from trying. “Leo is hurt badly Raph, you should save your worry for him, not me.” Donnie starts to stand, attempting to put an end to this uncomfortable conversation, only for Raph to grab his arm and not so gently pull him back down.
Donnie couldn’t help the hiss of pain that left his lips as his shell hit his chair again. Ralph's face turned from frustration to concern. “Stop deflecting Donatello, you're clearly hurt!” Full name, he’s serious. There’s no convincing him now. The snapping turtle let out a sigh, running his hand over his face. “You are so much like Leo, both pains in my ass…” He mumbled into his palm before removing it to make eye contact with his brother. “You are the only one that hasn’t gotten checked for injuries Don, just let me make sure you are ok. Ok?” He knew there was nothing he could say to change the mutant's mind, so he let him. Raph may not be their best medic, but he knew enough to take care of Donnie.
The older ninja left to grab another first aid kit before returning by Donnie’s side. Raph went over his body, making sure not to miss any scrapes. Gently cleaning cuts and applying bandages where needed. He finished with the soft shell's skin, turning to him with a concerned and unsure expression. “Donnie… You asked me to get a med kit from your lab for Leo…” He faltered trying to make eye contact with Donnie, but he just couldn’t. Couldn’t look at his older brother's face without breaking, already teetering on the edge. “One of your battle shells was missing…”
Shit. “You came here and put it on when we first got home… Didn't you? You weren't wearing it before.” He places his hand on the soft shell's shoulder, making sure he can see him before he does so he can pull back if he doesn't want the touch. “Why are you hiding your shell, Donatello?”
Donnie froze, breath catching in his throat. Logically he knows it needs to be looked after, that what he was doing was dumb, but putting his family through even more distress, taking attention from his dying brother, seemed so much worse than the physical pain and the possibility of infection. The red leader’s eyes were searching his own, hoping for some confirmation, before they went wide.
“Shell. off. Now.” The change was instant, His lax shoulders turning rigid as he glared holes into Donnie’s armor. Raph’s sudden change made the purple teen flinch away from the hand on his shoulder. Panicking his thoughts raced, Was Raph mad at him? Had he finally gotten sick of his shit? His eyes followed Raphs line of sight to his battle shell. Oh. He hadn’t noticed the blood that began to escape from under the shell's armor, steadily dripping onto the now-ruined office chair.
“Donnie, please.” He couldn’t handle it anymore. The fear and desperation in Raph’s voice, the eyes on his shell's armor, the pain coursing through his body. He cried. Raph startled, his concern only rising. Donnie never cries. Gripping his skull with his nails Donnie curled in on himself, his breath getting faster. “Ok, ok, you’re ok.” Donnie isn’t sure who he’s reassuring anymore. “Raph’s got you, Raph’s gonna make sure you're ok.” He held out his hands for Donnie to take, seeming surprised by how fast he sought out his comfort. “C-Can’t” He wheezed out, hands grasping at his larger brother’s plastron. “Can’t br- breath.” Is he having a panic attack? He isn’t sure, his chest hurts. His breaths got caught in his lungs which burned like fire. The plastron under his hand began rising and falling dramatically. “Deep breaths Don, come one with me.”
Following his brother's example, the soft shell tries to slow his breathing. They sit like that till Raph seems to deem that they’ve made progress, Donnie’s breaths are no longer desperate but still not entirely steady either. Coxing the younger brother to sit on the floor, Raph positioned himself behind Donnie. Continuing to take deep exaggerated breaths for him to follow. The tech enthusiast can feel Raphs finger hovering over the button on his shoulder that releases the battle shell, hesitation evident. “D-Do it.” The soft shell's voice shakes. “Just do it.” Taking a deep breath himself,Raph removes the shell from his brother's back.
Pain, holy hell all he feels is pain. Pieces of his sliced shell peeled with the armor, reminding him too much of the tentacles that were ripped from his back. A gasp escaped Raph, hands hovering over his mess of a shell. Donnie can’t see him, see his face, but he doesn’t need to to know it’s bad. He feels fuzzy and weightless, that's probably not good. “Alright, Don you with me?” Said mutant only nodded, not trusting his voice. “Ok, Ok, good. I’m gonna get Dad ok?” No, no, not ok, don’t leave him here, don’t leave him in the ship don’t-
“Don ,Don your ok. Shhh.” Rough hands from behind gently but firmly held his shoulders, grounding him. “I’ll be right back, ok? I promise.” He is scared, He doesn’t want to be alone again. Alone in the flesh interior of the Technodrome. But he isn’t, He’s home, Donnie knows he’s never truly alone at home. So he nods. Raph will get Dad, and he will be ok. Leo will be ok. Maybe not now, maybe not for a while, but someday, they’ll be ok.
Roses are red, 🥀 Violets are blue, 🔵 The twins are a disaster, 🧑🤝🧑 What else is new,💀
submitted by Lady_Squids to Rottmnt [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 23:24 dawncoffee Native or potentially invasive violet species? Eastern Ontario, Canada

Native or potentially invasive violet species? Eastern Ontario, Canada
This is a white violet from my parent’s garden. My mom has been complaining that it’s invading the lawn. I’m wondering if it’s a native species from Eastern Ontario, Canada, or an imported and potentially invasive species?
I was using these two websites to figure out if it is a native violet:
It doesn’t seem to match any one the native ones, but honestly not sure what I’m doing. Help??
submitted by dawncoffee to whatsthisplant [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:41 browneorum Offspring. Chapter 40: The old road to Avalon.

Rylett, Champion of The Protectorate.
Date [standardised human time]: March 17th, 2124.
(12 years, 6 months before the invasion of the radji Cradle).
Voices beyond number rang and echoed in the long marble hall, the hubbub rising and falling as people milled about. The summons had been total; most of The Protectorate were here, arriving for this summit from across the world.
Rylett was trying not to look as weary as she felt, having found a quiet bench at a less crowded table toward the back of the hall. The days had dragged on and on without end, and little good had come from the discussions. The summit was called to form a consensus and to hear all points of view, but had only made enemies and generated more discord. These godly men and women were far better in the pulpit; she had seen children give more nuanced debates.
The Alderbeth was the oldest church in Bendara, which wasn’t saying much. The cathedral that Rylett had knelt in as a girl in the little village of Myrreltot was several centuries or more older, with its simple, small idols, and narrow passageways that smelt of mould and ochre. The grand temples in Caiyu befit so ancient and holy a city—a millennia old, at the least. Stone once quarried from the rocky shores to build parapets had turned from pale sparkling white to beige, then cream, and at last a dull orange, running like watercolour across the old stone.
Bendara, being so far south, had been late to welcome the Triumvirate of Kay-ut, but the Alderbeth was trying to emulate the old work of Caiyu in its construction. Modesty had clearly not hampered the mind of the architect. It was, perhaps, a mere six stories tall, although half that height was from the vast cavern that formed the interior of the main hall. The roof above her tiled marble floors was made of many pictograms, small carvings of faces and scenes, too numerous and distant to make out. Great, gothic pillars jutted out from the walls, ornate and gaudy, helping to support the mosaic ceiling.
Half raised along the eastern and western walls were smaller pulpits, accessible from stairways carved into the narrow halls that criss-crossed through the outer structure. Tall narrow windows of misted glass pierced the outer walls, sending soft spears of dancing daylight across the space. Tapestries were draped down from these higher levels, ornately woven with scenes from scripture. From one wall hung the image of the great Prophet Augentine, of whom all knew, standing proud upon the bulwark. Drooping across another was Euwen fleeing Oromaad across the strait that would one day bear her name, washing ashore to find the Lillith amid wreck and ruin. A complementary tapestry on the opposite wall showed her boarding the second ship Vohirrm and heading east with her disciples into the Ocean of the Dawn. There was even a small effigy to the Good King Myr, sitting on his throne of sticks in the Walking Wood.
A large but simple mural on the northern wall overhung a great dais splashed with azure and violet, the colours of Ki-ra and the Protector, inset before a bisected circle of black and white for Kay-ut Herself.
And no sign of the Godling Ki-yu. His absence from the pantheon had only become more conspicuous to the Priestess of late. What good did it do to hide away the Goddess’ mistakes, or those of the Son himself? If even gods can sin, should that not make us kinder?
Still, for all its grandeur, the Alderbeth failed to contain so many priests and champions, most spilling out into the parks and gardens outside. Clergy of various walks and flavours mingled about the space. The young and awkward acolytes stuck to the outskirts, with the safety of the walls at their backs. The brash up-and-comers strutted and jostled about the middle starting the epistemological equivalents of brawls, whilst those with more years at their backs poked holes in their arguments with the poise and brutal effect of a surgeon replacing their spleen with a grenade.
The oldest, and wisest, usually joined the timid youths along the walls.
The priestess was considering the likelihood of her absence being noticed when a man sat himself down beside her, a hearty tea in one paw. Rylett fought not to roll her eyes as she saw whom.
[Cover] - Autumn Evening, Eyvind Earle.
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submitted by browneorum to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:46 Spare-Signal-9784 anime suggestions?

so lately i been watching every type of anime, im like a newbie but im open to any genre and want to get into the world of anime! here are some that i have watched/watching and loved;
-death note -jujutsu kaisen -demon slayer -my happy marriage -a silent voice -black clover -high rise invasion -a bit of naruto -record of ragnarok -violet evergarden -a bit of attack on titan -a sign of affection
there are other more but those are the main ones i have finished or currently watching. my favorite genres are fighting, gory, romance, fantasy, and adventure as well. i have watched some weird ones too and i love weird. any suggestions?
submitted by Spare-Signal-9784 to u/Spare-Signal-9784 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 02:05 One_Kaleidoscope_198 Point peelee national park, Ontario Canada, some of the remaining Carolina forest belt and many beautiful rare native plants and trees including swamp white oak, tulip tree and butternut tree

Point peelee national park, Ontario Canada, some of the remaining Carolina forest belt and many beautiful rare native plants and trees including swamp white oak, tulip tree and butternut tree
This is a bird sentuary and also home to many animals, if you could take a chance come and visit , it is a very beautiful place to see many native plants growing in the wild .
submitted by One_Kaleidoscope_198 to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:09 TrainingDrop9283 Are the Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon the same thing???

Are the Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon the same thing???
With the realise of the Indigo Disk we learned that the paradox pokemons are pulled from their world in to ours by Terapagos’ power. Likewise the UBs are creatures that reach our world thanks to the power of the Cosmog line, allowing them to travel between worlds. The main difference between them is that the Paradoxes are based off present pokemons while the UBs are not.

This is due to the fact that the professor was the one who brought the creatures in to our world, based off what was written in the Scarlet/Violet book, which in turn was written by the explorers who imagined the monsters of Area 0 like scarry version of the pokemon that they knew. Technically speaking Solgaleo and Lunala could reach the worlds of the paradoxes but unlike Terapagos, who can pull from the multiverse directly, the light duo needs to physically travel the distance between worlds. For this reason, they either need to know where they need to go or stumble in to the right world by chance.

The only difference between these two groups of Pokemon are their shared ability. Which it’s already kinda weird that multidimensional pokemons would share their same ability, but it makes sense when you consider that they are in an unfamiliar universe. The Paradoxes probably come from worlds with more Sun/electricity so when those condition are replicated, they get back some of their original vitality. While the UBs have *canonically* arrived only in Alola, a region vulnerable to invasive species, so it makes sense that invasive pokemon with legendary stats would not bother using their special skills when they can just rampage on the local wildlife and get cocky from it. (Ofc in between games Beast Boost is kept as an ability even in other regions for game design’s sake)

Who knows maybe in Gen 10 will get pokemon which are meant to be “our world equivalent” of the ultra-beats??

What do you think? Any thoughts?
While putting this picture togeter I've realzied that these are quite the strange family reunions
submitted by TrainingDrop9283 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:34 ArcAngel98 Humans Don't Make Good Familiars Book 3- Part 32

Dracula: World of War --- The Violet Reaper ---- Humans Don’t Make Good Familiars Book 1 ---- The Lonely World --- Discord ---- YouTube --- My Patreon --- My Author's Page --- ArcAngel98 Wiki ---- The Next Best Hero ---- HDMGF Book 2 ---- Jess and Blinx: The Wizard ---- The Questing Parties ---- Zombies ---- Previous
Jake POV
Arriving at the tree-castle, the wolf familiar led us through the entrance. I expected us to get stopped like last time, but despite a few of the guards glancing our way, they left all of us alone. Unlike last time, no one met us to guide us in, rather, we just kept following the wolf. We went straight past the meeting room that we’d used last time we met with her, and went down a long, tall hallway.
“Is this what happened the last time you were summoned to the castle?” Luna asked, sounding nervous.
“No, this is very different. During out previous visit, we attended a formal audience with her Majesty, Queen Ompera, in the room we just passed. The time after that, I believe the meeting was in her personal chambers.” Suma said.
“I’ve met with her quite a few times, usually in her room, since we discussed private matters.” I said.
“Wait… are we about to meet the Queen?” Luna asked, suddenly very aware of what was happening.
“I think so.” I said.
“Most likely.” Suma agreed. Both of them were still perched on each of my shoulders, but Luna was starting to shift around worriedly.
“You nervous?” I asked Luna.
“Are you not?”
“Not as much as I was the first few times, but a little. She is a queen after all. But I’ve met with her five or six times now, so I’m getting used to it at least. What about you, Suma?”
“… Is it too late to ask to go and relieve myself before meeting her Majesty?” She said, half joking. I snorted, trying to stifle a laugh, and Luna shook her head.
Getting close to a wall, the wolf stopped without warning, and pawed at it with its claws. The sounds of creaking and splintering, the wooden wall split apart wide enough for us to crawl and fly through. Inside, three Neame, one of which was Queen Ompera, were perched on a stone table.
“Oh, Suma, Sentinel, and you must be Luna, welcome.” The Queen said. Suma and Luna flew down to the floor and bowed. I got down on one knee as well.
“It is good to see you once more, Queen Ompera.” Suma said.
“And you as well. Please, rise. This is an informal meeting. I received your request to see me, and sent for you immediately. I am told you wish to leave the army, is that so?” Queen Ompera asked.
“Yes, my Queen. Sentinel and I have discussed it, and if your offer to leave the military is still available, we would like to accept it.” Suma said, speaking as formally and respectfully in tone as she could manage.
The Queen turned to me, “Is this true, Sentinel?”
“It is, Queen Ompera. When we last met, I was so angry about what…” I stopped talking and looked to the other two Neame and Luna, who had been quiet so far. Queen Ompera noticed my hesitation.
“Ah, of course.” She turned to the two Neame. “Leave us for a moment. Lady Luna, would you please follow my attendants? They will see that you receive food and water while I speak with your daughter and Sentinel.”
“Yes, of course, your Majesty!” Luna said, still bowing. She quickly followed the other two Neame as they flew out of the room in a hurry.
“Please continue, Sentinel.” She said.
“When we met last time, I was so angry, all I could think about was revenge. And I do still want that, but…” I sighed, “I’m not a warrior. I’ve never been one. And being on that battlefield, it just reminded me of that. I got my butt kicked by another person, not even a dragon. I wouldn’t stand a chance of ever beating Deyja.”
“What will you do, then? Suma, you are a healing mage, you have a future ahead of you once you leave, but you Sentinel? Do you have any plans?” She asked, her tone neutral, and her sparkling glow was unwavering.
“I am going to start working with a runic researcher named Sela-Car.”
“Have you given up on retuning to your home then?”
“No, your Majesty. I think, perhaps if I find a way to improve my runes and my magic, I can find another way home; without having to risk fighting Deyja.” I explained.
“I see.” She looked away from us, and to her stone table. “I will accept your request to retire from the military.”
“Thank you, your-” Suma said, but was cut off.
“On one condition.” The Queen’s eyes did not break from the table as the stone shifted and molded itself. “Come, look at this.” I stood up, and Suma flew and perched on the table, opposite of the Queen.
“What is it?” I asked, and the table settled into a series of shapes, then parts of it began to change colors. It shifted from stone gray, to blue, and green. Forming Islands and oceans.
“The Eastern Isles of Taldre. A coalition of island nations directly south of Sangu-Dragon.”
“Your Majesty, may I ask what your condition was?” Suma asked.
“One of our spies was on the main island, Taldre itself, when a large force from the Southern Union invaded. He sent word beforehand that he had found important information, and that he needed to deliver it to me personally.”
“So, you want us to find him, I guess?” I asked, annoyed and nervous.
“No, I assume he died during the invasion. The Union does not tend to take survivors, and while he may have been excellent at infiltration, he was unequipped to be a warrior.”
“Then, you want us to find the information he had?” Suma asked.
“No, he had an assistant, a guardian. She may have survived. Find her, she might also have known the information.”
“Why didn’t he just send it with someone else? Someone trusted. I know he was behind enemy lines, but he was still able to get a message to you, right? What could it have been?” I asked.
“His message was encoded. It was meant to resemble a decorative statue, but the inside was engraved with runic symbols. We received messages this way at regular intervals, but complex communication was nearly impossible. His message was just four symbols. Urgent, return, danger, and dragon.” She said. A chill immediately ran down my body as a cold sweat dripped down my back.
“No,” Suma whispered.
“It may not be what you believe. ‘Dragon’ was a code word that meant a level of danger. He was saying that there was a threat to the country.” Queen Ompera explained. I breathed a sigh of relief. “However, due to recent events,” she glanced at me for a moment before returning her gaze back to the islands, “the possibility cannot be ruled out. Go to the island on one last mission with the Drakes, find the guardian named Völundra.”
“What if she is dead too?” I asked. “Should we try to find the information?”
“That, and all other options, have already been explored. If we cannot find Völundra, we must consider the information lost, and hope that we can find rest in the eye of whatever storm may be coming.”
(Awesome, I ask to get out of the army, and her response is “sure, but go on this mission behind enemy lines first. Oh, and our whole nation may depend on it.”) I thought. “No pressure.”
“Actually, a fair amount of pressure. Our whole nation could depend on your success.” She said, and I sighed.
“If we do this, you will let us leave the army?” I asked.
“If you do this, I will personally ensure that you are retired with honors, and if you do manage to locate the information, I will give special assurances to the researcher you wanted to begin working with.”
Using our private connection, Suma asked, “Well Jake, what do you think?”
“Sounds like we don’t really have much of a choice.” I responded, also through the connection.
“We accept.” Suma said. “When do we leave?”
“Preparations will take three days. Word has already been sent to the Drakes. Your team is on the way here as we speak.” The Queen said, her sparkling glow getting slightly brighter, and the feather around her neck puffed slightly. She knew we would agree, and was smug about it.
submitted by ArcAngel98 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:34 ArcAngel98 Humans Don't Make Good Familiars Book 3- Part 32

Dracula: World of War --- The Violet Reaper ---- Humans Don’t Make Good Familiars Book 1 ---- The Lonely World --- Discord ---- YouTube --- My Patreon --- My Author's Page --- ArcAngel98 Wiki ---- The Next Best Hero ---- HDMGF Book 2 ---- Jess and Blinx: The Wizard ---- The Questing Parties ---- Zombies ---- Previous
Jake POV
Arriving at the tree-castle, the wolf familiar led us through the entrance. I expected us to get stopped like last time, but despite a few of the guards glancing our way, they left all of us alone. Unlike last time, no one met us to guide us in, rather, we just kept following the wolf. We went straight past the meeting room that we’d used last time we met with her, and went down a long, tall hallway.
“Is this what happened the last time you were summoned to the castle?” Luna asked, sounding nervous.
“No, this is very different. During out previous visit, we attended a formal audience with her Majesty, Queen Ompera, in the room we just passed. The time after that, I believe the meeting was in her personal chambers.” Suma said.
“I’ve met with her quite a few times, usually in her room, since we discussed private matters.” I said.
“Wait… are we about to meet the Queen?” Luna asked, suddenly very aware of what was happening.
“I think so.” I said.
“Most likely.” Suma agreed. Both of them were still perched on each of my shoulders, but Luna was starting to shift around worriedly.
“You nervous?” I asked Luna.
“Are you not?”
“Not as much as I was the first few times, but a little. She is a queen after all. But I’ve met with her five or six times now, so I’m getting used to it at least. What about you, Suma?”
“… Is it too late to ask to go and relieve myself before meeting her Majesty?” She said, half joking. I snorted, trying to stifle a laugh, and Luna shook her head.
Getting close to a wall, the wolf stopped without warning, and pawed at it with its claws. The sounds of creaking and splintering, the wooden wall split apart wide enough for us to crawl and fly through. Inside, three Neame, one of which was Queen Ompera, were perched on a stone table.
“Oh, Suma, Sentinel, and you must be Luna, welcome.” The Queen said. Suma and Luna flew down to the floor and bowed. I got down on one knee as well.
“It is good to see you once more, Queen Ompera.” Suma said.
“And you as well. Please, rise. This is an informal meeting. I received your request to see me, and sent for you immediately. I am told you wish to leave the army, is that so?” Queen Ompera asked.
“Yes, my Queen. Sentinel and I have discussed it, and if your offer to leave the military is still available, we would like to accept it.” Suma said, speaking as formally and respectfully in tone as she could manage.
The Queen turned to me, “Is this true, Sentinel?”
“It is, Queen Ompera. When we last met, I was so angry about what…” I stopped talking and looked to the other two Neame and Luna, who had been quiet so far. Queen Ompera noticed my hesitation.
“Ah, of course.” She turned to the two Neame. “Leave us for a moment. Lady Luna, would you please follow my attendants? They will see that you receive food and water while I speak with your daughter and Sentinel.”
“Yes, of course, your Majesty!” Luna said, still bowing. She quickly followed the other two Neame as they flew out of the room in a hurry.
“Please continue, Sentinel.” She said.
“When we met last time, I was so angry, all I could think about was revenge. And I do still want that, but…” I sighed, “I’m not a warrior. I’ve never been one. And being on that battlefield, it just reminded me of that. I got my butt kicked by another person, not even a dragon. I wouldn’t stand a chance of ever beating Deyja.”
“What will you do, then? Suma, you are a healing mage, you have a future ahead of you once you leave, but you Sentinel? Do you have any plans?” She asked, her tone neutral, and her sparkling glow was unwavering.
“I am going to start working with a runic researcher named Sela-Car.”
“Have you given up on retuning to your home then?”
“No, your Majesty. I think, perhaps if I find a way to improve my runes and my magic, I can find another way home; without having to risk fighting Deyja.” I explained.
“I see.” She looked away from us, and to her stone table. “I will accept your request to retire from the military.”
“Thank you, your-” Suma said, but was cut off.
“On one condition.” The Queen’s eyes did not break from the table as the stone shifted and molded itself. “Come, look at this.” I stood up, and Suma flew and perched on the table, opposite of the Queen.
“What is it?” I asked, and the table settled into a series of shapes, then parts of it began to change colors. It shifted from stone gray, to blue, and green. Forming Islands and oceans.
“The Eastern Isles of Taldre. A coalition of island nations directly south of Sangu-Dragon.”
“Your Majesty, may I ask what your condition was?” Suma asked.
“One of our spies was on the main island, Taldre itself, when a large force from the Southern Union invaded. He sent word beforehand that he had found important information, and that he needed to deliver it to me personally.”
“So, you want us to find him, I guess?” I asked, annoyed and nervous.
“No, I assume he died during the invasion. The Union does not tend to take survivors, and while he may have been excellent at infiltration, he was unequipped to be a warrior.”
“Then, you want us to find the information he had?” Suma asked.
“No, he had an assistant, a guardian. She may have survived. Find her, she might also have known the information.”
“Why didn’t he just send it with someone else? Someone trusted. I know he was behind enemy lines, but he was still able to get a message to you, right? What could it have been?” I asked.
“His message was encoded. It was meant to resemble a decorative statue, but the inside was engraved with runic symbols. We received messages this way at regular intervals, but complex communication was nearly impossible. His message was just four symbols. Urgent, return, danger, and dragon.” She said. A chill immediately ran down my body as a cold sweat dripped down my back.
“No,” Suma whispered.
“It may not be what you believe. ‘Dragon’ was a code word that meant a level of danger. He was saying that there was a threat to the country.” Queen Ompera explained. I breathed a sigh of relief. “However, due to recent events,” she glanced at me for a moment before returning her gaze back to the islands, “the possibility cannot be ruled out. Go to the island on one last mission with the Drakes, find the guardian named Völundra.”
“What if she is dead too?” I asked. “Should we try to find the information?”
“That, and all other options, have already been explored. If we cannot find Völundra, we must consider the information lost, and hope that we can find rest in the eye of whatever storm may be coming.”
(Awesome, I ask to get out of the army, and her response is “sure, but go on this mission behind enemy lines first. Oh, and our whole nation may depend on it.”) I thought. “No pressure.”
“Actually, a fair amount of pressure. Our whole nation could depend on your success.” She said, and I sighed.
“If we do this, you will let us leave the army?” I asked.
“If you do this, I will personally ensure that you are retired with honors, and if you do manage to locate the information, I will give special assurances to the researcher you wanted to begin working with.”
Using our private connection, Suma asked, “Well Jake, what do you think?”
“Sounds like we don’t really have much of a choice.” I responded, also through the connection.
“We accept.” Suma said. “When do we leave?”
“Preparations will take three days. Word has already been sent to the Drakes. Your team is on the way here as we speak.” The Queen said, her sparkling glow getting slightly brighter, and the feather around her neck puffed slightly. She knew we would agree, and was smug about it.
submitted by ArcAngel98 to SyFyandFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:57 wilddouglascounty Kaw valley almanac: on hackberry butterfly caterpillars, spittlebugs, prairie wildflowers and so much more

submitted by wilddouglascounty to Lawrence [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:55 wilddouglascounty Hackberry butterfly caterpillars in the trees means the hackberry butterflies can't be more than a few weeks away....and more

Hackberry butterfly caterpillars in the trees means the hackberry butterflies can't be more than a few weeks away....and more submitted by wilddouglascounty to kansas [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:02 JayReddt How would you develop this garden? NY Zone 6

It is beneath a red maple in a somewhat long lying spot in clay. The backside near fence does get sun but lining that with service berry so will end up being more shady. The moisture is pretty good despite the maple. This is NY, zone 6.
Forgot pictures!
I introduced or let spread the following natives:
There is a lack of structure here and trying to solve for that. Maybe some more woody plants? Shrubs with a bit of height?
There are invasives, mainly creeping charlie and oriental bittersweet and various grasses.
The creeping charlie I'm considering keeping as is until I figure out a replacement and the time to do so? It seems tame enough and keeps worse invasives down?
Insight appreciated.
submitted by JayReddt to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:45 toxicodendron_gyp Shrub needed for burning bush replacement

Shrub needed for burning bush replacement
When we moved into this house, there was an existing burning bush in a chipped-rock border with poured edging. Now that we have put in this patio and two native garden beds surrounding it, I’d like to make this invasive burning bush go away.
I’m looking for some suggestions for a replacement. It is partial shade now and when the adjacent junipers are full grown, it will likely be even more shaded. I’d love something that flowers; I have three red osier dogwoods in the native beds, along with a tree form serviceberry basically behind where I was standing for this photo. Our SE MN ecoregion is basically right on the edge of tallgrass prairie to the west and woodland to the east, so I can get away with either. I know there are a bunch of fellow Minnnesotans on this sub and would love to hear what grows well for you that might fit. I can get a lot of options at a discount through our county soil and water division, so am feeling good about sourcing a new shrub.
Second pic is an understory tree I saw yesterday at a local state park that would be cool to use if it works.
submitted by toxicodendron_gyp to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:47 PollinatorEnabler 2-year-old pollinator garden is finally blooming and attracting residents!

2-year-old pollinator garden is finally blooming and attracting residents!
We've had many learning moments and scares that we screwed it all up, but after 27 months of collecting seeds, rescuing clearance section plants on death's doorstep, and convincing my mother-in-law that the pollinator garden is meant for wildlife, not to look pretty for people, we finally have a TON of blooms erupting and the bugs, birds, and frogs have had fun touring the facilities.
The biggest garden is 20ft (6m) circle and the plants scattered throughout are a mix of purposeful plants with wild plants that we just leave alone to do their own thing. Wild lettuce, flowering dill, fennel, white clover, red clover, wild ground violets, Venus's looking glass, milkweed, butterfly weed, butterfly bush, pansies, petunias, blazing star, bee balm, sweet alyssum, verbenas, prickly sowthistle, mallow, dead nettle, tickseed, field madder, prairie blue-eyed grass, American black nightshade, wild asters, black-eyed susans, sunflowers, rush, Carolina elephant's foot, wood sorrel, and wild Carolina geranium!
submitted by PollinatorEnabler to Pollinatorgardens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:49 Marc_wastheone Comprehensive Overview of Grass

Grass, belonging to the Poaceae family (also known as Gramineae), is one of the most widespread and ecologically significant plant families on Earth. This family includes a vast array of species, ranging from those that make up our lawns and pastures to the staple food crops that sustain much of the world's population, such as wheat, rice, and corn. Grasses are crucial for various reasons, encompassing their unique botanical characteristics, their ecological roles, their evolutionary history, their cultivation and uses, and the challenges they face. This comprehensive overview aims to provide an in-depth understanding of these aspects.
Grasses exhibit a distinct growth habit and structural anatomy that set them apart from other plant families. The root systems of grasses are typically fibrous, forming a dense network of roots that are excellent at stabilizing soil and accessing water and nutrients from the upper soil layers. This characteristic is especially vital in preventing soil erosion and promoting soil health.
The stems of grasses, known as culms, are generally hollow and segmented by nodes. The internodes, or the spaces between these nodes, can vary in length and are crucial for species identification. The leaves of grasses are usually slender and elongated with parallel veins. They emerge from the nodes and are sheathed around the stem. At the base of the leaf, there is often a ligule, a small membranous or hairy appendage that helps in differentiating between various grass species.
The reproductive structures of grasses are also unique. Grass flowers, or florets, are typically small and inconspicuous, grouped into spikelets. These spikelets are arranged in different types of inflorescences such as spikes, racemes, or panicles. The flowers of grasses are generally adapted for wind pollination, a characteristic that is reflected in their structure, which lacks large, colorful petals. Instead, they have specialized structures that facilitate the dispersal of pollen by the wind.
Most grasses reproduce sexually through seeds. The flowers produce pollen that is carried by the wind to fertilize other plants, resulting in seed formation. Many grasses can also reproduce vegetatively through rhizomes (underground stems) or stolons (above-ground runners). This method of asexual reproduction allows grasses to spread and colonize large areas efficiently, contributing to their dominance in many ecosystems.
Grasses play an indispensable role in soil conservation. Their dense root systems are incredibly effective at binding the soil, reducing the risk of erosion caused by wind and water. This is particularly important in regions prone to desertification or where the soil has been exposed due to deforestation or agricultural activities. By stabilizing the soil, grasses help maintain soil health and prevent the loss of fertile topsoil.
In terms of climate regulation, grasslands serve as significant carbon sinks. Through the process of photosynthesis, grasses absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their biomass and soil. This carbon sequestration process helps mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Additionally, grasslands influence local and regional climates by affecting evapotranspiration rates, which is the combined process of evaporation from the soil and transpiration from plants.
Grasslands support a remarkable diversity of life, providing habitat and food for numerous animal species, including insects, birds, and mammals. The structure of grassland ecosystems supports a variety of plant species, creating a complex web of interactions and dependencies. This biodiversity is crucial for the resilience of these ecosystems, enabling them to withstand and recover from environmental changes and disturbances.
Grasses also play a vital role in the water cycle. They help in the infiltration of rainwater into the soil, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge. By slowing down water movement, grasses help prevent flooding and maintain the moisture levels in the soil, which is essential for the health of the ecosystem and for agricultural productivity.
The evolutionary history of grasses is relatively recent compared to other plant families. Grasses evolved around 66 million years ago during the late Cretaceous period. Their rise to dominance is closely linked to the cooling and drying of the Earth's climate, which favored the spread of grasslands over forests. The diversification of grasses has been driven by their ability to adapt to a wide range of environments, from tropical savannas and temperate prairies to arid steppes and alpine meadows.
In agriculture, grasses are indispensable. They include some of the world's most important food crops, such as wheat, rice, maize (corn), barley, and oats. These cereal grains provide a significant portion of the global caloric intake and are fundamental to the diets of billions of people. The cultivation of these crops has shaped human civilization and continues to be a cornerstone of global food security.
Many grass species are also cultivated as forage for livestock. Species like alfalfa, ryegrass, and clover are commonly grown for grazing, hay, and silage. These forage grasses are essential for the livestock industry, providing the necessary nutrition for animals and supporting dairy and meat production.
Beyond food and forage, grasses are being explored as sources of bioenergy. Species like switchgrass and miscanthus are considered promising candidates for biofuel production due to their high biomass yield. These grasses can be converted into biofuels, providing a renewable energy source that can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
In landscaping, grasses are widely used for creating lawns, parks, golf courses, and sports fields. Turf grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, Bermuda grass, and fescue are selected for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and ability to withstand foot traffic and mowing. These grasses play a significant role in urban and suburban environments, contributing to the aesthetic and recreational value of these areas.
Grasses are also used in erosion control and land rehabilitation. They are often planted to stabilize soil and restore degraded lands. For example, vetiver grass is used for its deep root system, which can prevent landslides and rehabilitate mining sites and other disturbed areas. By stabilizing the soil and improving its structure, grasses help restore the ecological balance and promote the recovery of degraded landscapes.
Despite their many benefits, grasses face several challenges. Some grass species can become invasive, outcompeting native species and disrupting local ecosystems. For instance, kudzu and cogongrass have spread aggressively in some regions, requiring significant management efforts to control their growth and prevent ecological damage.
Grasses are also susceptible to pests and diseases. Fungal diseases like rusts and smuts, as well as pests such as armyworms and grasshoppers, can cause significant damage to grass crops and turf. Effective pest and disease management strategies are essential to protect these valuable resources.
Climate change poses additional challenges for grassland ecosystems and agricultural practices. Shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns can affect the growth and distribution of grass species, impacting food security and ecosystem stability. Droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events can stress grasslands, reducing their productivity and resilience.
Adopting sustainable management practices is crucial for maintaining healthy grasslands and ensuring the long-term viability of grass-based agriculture. Practices such as rotational grazing, integrated pest management, conservation tillage, and the use of drought-resistant grass varieties can help mitigate the impacts of environmental stressors and promote the sustainability of grasslands.
Grasses are an indispensable component of Earth's ecosystems and human agriculture. Their diverse roles range from stabilizing soils and sequestering carbon to providing food and forage. Understanding the complexities of grass biology, ecology, and management is essential for harnessing their benefits while addressing the challenges they face in a changing world. By promoting sustainable practices and responsible stewardship, we can ensure that grasslands continue to thrive and support both natural ecosystems and human livelihoods.
submitted by Marc_wastheone to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:42 Aromatic-Buy-2567 Mowing question

Mowing question
Last fall, we pulled a ton of invasive stuff out (we still have 162 million years worth of work to do) and haven’t mowed at all this year. Now that everything had a tiny bit more breathing room, I wanted to really see what was growing here before chopping it all down.
The yard is full of quack grass and other weedy grasses that are getting particularly tall, but also chock full of violets, primrose, and wild strawberries. I’m at a loss on how to mow it to control the tall grasses (we’ve got a little dog and the ticks seem to love this yard) and how to not eliminate the violets and strawberries.
Also, where do we stand on loosestrife and oxeye daisies? I’m getting mixed advice.
Wisconsin, zone 4
submitted by Aromatic-Buy-2567 to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]