Employee promotion buzz words


2009.04.19 08:11 hax0r McDonald's

For everything [McDonald's](http://www.mcdonalds.com/)!

2008.06.15 19:41 Fast food news, reviews, and discussion

The /FastFood subreddit is for news, reviews, and discussions of fast food (aka quick-service), fast casual, and casual restaurants -- covering everything fast food from multinational chains, regional and local chains, independent and chain cafeterias and all-you-can-eat restaurants, independent and chain diners, independent hole-in-the-wall restaurants, convenience store and gas station prepared food, food trucks and food carts, the neighborhood taqueria, street vendors, etc.

2024.05.17 08:41 Melodic-Chain1796 Hello everyone, I have been actively searching for a job in product marketing, digital marketing, or brand management for nearly 8 months. Unfortunately, I haven’t received any interview calls from companies. If you have any suggestions or if any changes are needed, please let me know. Thank you!

submitted by Melodic-Chain1796 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:39 Qubexpro_vizag The Environmental Impact of Going Virtual with Your Office Spaces


Moving toward virtual office places has become a big trend in today's business world, which changes quickly. This change is not only affecting companies but also the environment in a big way.
Virtual offices are a green option for companies all over the world because they leave less of a carbon footprint than regular offices. For those seeking coworking space in Visakhapatnam, virtual offices offer an eco-friendly alternative.
Virtual solutions offer a flexible and environmentally responsible answer for firms searching for office space for rent in Visakhapatnam. This article explores the many environmental advantages of using virtual office spaces, such as reduced utility bills and compliance with international standards for sustainability.

Reducing Energy Consumption in the Workplace

Decreasing Office Energy Use

The lighting, heating, cooling, and powering of electronics in traditional buildings use a lot of energy. Managed office in Visakhapatnam gets rid of the need for big, energy-hungry buildings, which means that a lot less energy is used. For those looking for a coworking space in Visakhapatnam, opting for managed offices offers a more energy-efficient and sustainable solution.

Energy Savings through Remote Work

Remote work further adds to energy savings as employees use their home energy systems, which are usually more energy-efficient than large office buildings. This shift not only reduces the general demand for energy but also promotes the use of renewable energy sources at home.

Technological Innovations in Energy Efficiency

Innovations in energy-efficient technologies, such as smart thermostats and energy-efficient appliances, are increasingly being adopted by remote workers. These technologies help minimize energy consumption, further enhancing the environmental benefits of managed office in Visakhapatnam.

The Commute Conundrum: How Virtual Offices Help

Reducing Commuter Traffic

One of the most important environmental benefits of virtual offices is the reduction in commuter traffic. With fewer employees traveling to a central office, there is a marked decrease in vehicle emissions and traffic congestion.

Lowering Carbon Emissions

The reduction in commuting corresponds to lower carbon emissions, as fewer automobiles on the road mean less fuel use and less greenhouse gases discharged into the atmosphere. This shift plays a significant role in combating climate change.

Promoting Sustainable Transportation

For employees who still commute occasionally, virtual offices encourage the use of sustainable transportation options such as public transit, biking, or walking. This change not only reduces emissions but also promotes healthier lifestyles.

Conserving Resources Through Virtual Solutions

Reducing Paper Usage

Managed office in Visakhapatnam significantly cuts down on paper usage by promoting digital communication and document management. Electronic files replace printed documents, reducing the need for paper, ink, and storage space.

Minimizing Office Supplies

The shift to virtual workspaces also decreases the demand for various office supplies, including pens, notebooks, and other consumables. This reduction not only conserves resources but also lowers waste generation.
For those seeking a coworking space in Visakhapatnam, virtual workspaces offer a sustainable option that minimizes the use of physical supplies and reduces environmental impact.

Efficient Use of Technology

Virtual offices leverage cloud-based solutions and collaborative tools, which optimize resource use and reduce the need for physical infrastructure. These technologies streamline operations and enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact.

Aligning with Global Sustainability Goals

Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Virtual offices align with various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those focused on climate change, sustainable cities, and responsible consumption. By decreasing carbon footprints and resource use, virtual workplaces contribute to these worldwide efforts.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Adopting virtual offices displays a company's commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. This dedication can strengthen a company's reputation and appeal to environmentally sensitive consumers and stakeholders.

Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly mandating sustainability practices. Managed office in Visakhapatnam helps companies comply with these regulations by reducing environmental impacts and supporting sustainable business practices.

Enhancing Corporate Environmental Responsibility

Green Certifications and Recognition

Companies that embrace virtual offices can pursue green certifications and recognition, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. These accolades highlight a company's dedication to sustainability.

Building a Green Corporate Culture

Virtual offices encourage a green corporate culture by promoting environmentally friendly practices among employees. This cultural shift can lead to broader sustainability initiatives within the organization.

Employee Engagement and Sustainability

Engaging employees in sustainability efforts through virtual office practices fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment to environmental stewardship.
This engagement can drive further innovation and adoption of green practices. For those considering a coworking space in Visakhapatnam, virtual offices provide an excellent platform to promote sustainability and inspire eco-friendly initiatives.

The Evolution of Sustainable Workspaces

Historical Context of Office Spaces

Traditional office spaces have evolved from resource-intensive environments to more sustainable setups. Understanding this evolution helps appreciate the significant impact of managed office in Visakhapatnam on sustainability.

The Rise of Remote Work

The advent of remote work has revolutionized office dynamics, enabling employees to work from anywhere. This flexibility reduces the need for physical office space and its associated environmental impact.

Future Trends in Sustainable Workspaces

Future trends in sustainable workspaces include increased use of renewable energy, zero-waste policies, and advanced telecommuting technologies. These trends will continue to shape the evolution of virtual offices.

The Impact of Virtual Offices on Corporate Green Initiatives

Integrating Virtual Offices into Green Strategies

Virtual offices can be seamlessly integrated into corporate green initiatives, complementing existing sustainability programs and enhancing overall environmental performance.

Measuring the Environmental Impact

Companies can measure the environmental impact of virtual offices through metrics such as carbon footprint reduction, energy savings, and resource conservation. These measurements help quantify the benefits and guide further improvements.

Case Studies of Successful Implementation

Numerous companies have successfully implemented virtual offices and realized significant environmental benefits. Case studies provide valuable insights and best practices for other organizations considering this transition.

Energy Efficiency and Virtual Workspaces

Optimizing Home Office Energy Use

Employees can optimize energy use in their home offices by implementing energy-efficient practices, such as using LED lighting and energy-saving appliances. These practices contribute to overall energy efficiency.

Sustainable Home Office Design

Designing a sustainable home office involves selecting eco-friendly furniture, minimizing waste, and utilizing natural light. These design choices enhance the environmental benefits of remote work.

Leveraging Technology for Energy Management

Advanced energy management systems and smart devices help remote workers monitor and reduce their energy consumption. These technologies support the creation of energy-efficient virtual workspaces.

Mitigating Climate Change Through Reduced Commuting

The Environmental Cost of Commuting

Commuting has a significant environmental cost, including high carbon emissions and resource use. Reducing or eliminating commuting through managed office in Visakhapatnam mitigates these impacts.

Health Benefits of Reduced Commuting

Reducing commuting not only benefits the environment but also improves employee health by decreasing stress and increasing time for physical activity and personal well-being.

Long-Term Climate Mitigation Strategies

Long-term strategies for climate mitigation involve promoting virtual offices, supporting sustainable transportation, and encouraging remote work policies. These strategies help achieve significant environmental gains.

Wrapping Up: Environmental Benefits of Virtual Offices

Summary of Key Points

Virtual offices offer numerous environmental benefits, including reduced energy consumption, lower carbon emissions, and resource conservation. These advantages align with global sustainability goals and enhance corporate environmental responsibility.

Call to Action

Companies are encouraged to adopt virtual office practices and contribute to a more sustainable future. By embracing these changes, organizations can play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and promoting environmental stewardship.

Future Outlook

The future of workspaces is undoubtedly leaning towards sustainability, with virtual offices leading the way. Continued advancements in technology and a growing emphasis on environmental responsibility will further drive this transformation.

Enhancing Your Virtual Office: Additional Services to Consider

Virtual Collaboration Tools

Investing in robust virtual collaboration tools, such as video conferencing and project management software, enhances remote work efficiency and supports seamless communication.

Cybersecurity Solutions

Implementing advanced cybersecurity solutions ensures the protection of sensitive data and maintains the integrity of virtual office operations.

Virtual Office Space Providers

Partnering with managed office in Visakhapatnam offers flexible solutions, including mail handling, receptionist services, and access to physical meeting spaces when needed.
submitted by Qubexpro_vizag to u/Qubexpro_vizag [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:39 LowRedditKarma breaking store records, but not enough?

My record for donations in a day was $74, I just got 25 sign ups this shift, I cover the kitchen help when he goes on break, and I get the most gem surveys.
I keep my decent 35 hours, although I miss my old manager that supported me moving up.
The new one we have congratulated me with a panda jacket and a Tshirt.
But she has thrown me under the bus multiple times. There is a coworker that is unruly and lazy. She was congratulating me, but arguing I’m equally at fault with the bad employee that already had their hours cut before. When I bring up concerns about the bad employee just talking instead of working since that employee tries reporting me for random stuff.
I’m patronized as immature by her. And since I’m a transfer from 7 months ago, I’m hesitant to email HR again. Sometimes I just get my 30 minute break and I’m shamed for asking for my 10… It gets toxic being a male FOH under this manager.
How do you escape being dismissed as immature when you try and defend yourself? I’m acknowledged for having the best performance, but a Panda Express jacket isn’t the same as being supported to move up…
How would you pursue being promoted if you get dismissed like that?
submitted by LowRedditKarma to PandaExpress [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:26 jennifier_kraft How do organizations like the Special Olympics promote sports for people with disabilities?

How Organizations Like the Special Olympics Promote Sports for People with Disabilities

Organizations such as the Special Olympics play a vital role in promoting sports for people with disabilities. They create inclusive opportunities, foster community support, and raise awareness about the abilities of individuals with disabilities. Below are detailed strategies and initiatives employed by the Special Olympics to promote sports for people with disabilities.

Inclusive Sports Programs

Unified Sports

Training and Coaching

Health and Wellness Initiatives

Youth Engagement and Education

Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns

Community Involvement and Volunteering

Partnerships and Sponsorships

Global Reach and Impact

Research and Development

Celebrating Achievements

Leadership Programs

Technology and Innovation

Family Support and Engagement

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Alignment


Organizations like the Special Olympics are instrumental in promoting sports for people with disabilities. Their comprehensive approach includes inclusive sports programs, health and wellness initiatives, advocacy and awareness campaigns, and community involvement. By fostering inclusion, celebrating achievements, and empowering athletes, these organizations not only enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities but also contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society. Their efforts pave the way for a world where everyone, regardless of ability, can participate in and benefit from the joy of sports.


For More Visit "Project Awaken . Us" to learn more about this.
submitted by jennifier_kraft to u/jennifier_kraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:13 hritikpuri9 A Comprehensive Guide to Mango AI: Revolutionizing the Digital Landscape

A Comprehensive Guide to Mango AI: Revolutionizing the Digital Landscape
In the dynamic world of artificial intelligence, Mango AI stands out as a versatile suite of applications and platforms designed to revolutionize various aspects of digital life. From enhancing the writing process to fostering engaging conversations, supporting educational endeavors, and predicting market trends, Mango AI is making significant strides in the tech world. This article delves into the numerous capabilities and applications of Mango AI, from its advanced manuscript editor to the groundbreaking Lisa conversational AI platform, the educational Mango app, and its predictive analytics through Mango AI Labs.

Understanding Mango AI

Mango AI encompasses a range of AI-powered platforms and solutions developed to meet diverse needs in today’s technology-driven world. At its core, Mango AI leverages artificial intelligence to enhance and streamline various facets of daily life, offering innovative tools that cater to writers, educators, businesses, and more.

Redefining Publishing and Writing with Mango AI Manuscript Editor

One of Mango AI’s flagship applications is its AI-powered manuscript editor. This tool is designed to simplify the writing and publishing process, making it an indispensable asset for writers and content creators. Imagine having a writing assistant that seamlessly integrates with popular writing platforms, offering not only grammar and style suggestions but also language translation for a global audience. The manuscript editor provides a sophisticated content production method, revolutionizing how individuals navigate the complex world of writing.

Key Features:

  • Grammar and Style Assistance: Offers real-time suggestions to enhance clarity and readability.
  • Language Translation: Facilitates writing for a global audience by providing accurate translations.
  • Seamless Integration: Works with popular writing platforms for a smooth user experience.

The Conversational Generative AI Platform: Lisa

Lisa, Mango AI’s conversational generative AI platform, is a testament to the company’s commitment to digital transformation. Lisa serves as a virtual assistant and co-pilot for Mango’s employees and stakeholders, utilizing machine learning and natural language processing to provide insightful commentary and streamline organizational communication. This innovative platform exemplifies Mango AI’s dedication to advancing conversational AI.

Benefits of Lisa:

  • Enhanced Communication: Simplifies and enhances organizational communication.
  • Insightful Commentary: Provides valuable insights and feedback.
  • Virtual Assistance: Acts as a co-pilot for daily tasks, improving efficiency.

Promoting Mathematical Learning with the Mango App

Education is another area where Mango AI makes a significant impact. The Mango app is designed to support mathematical learning, offering tools for understanding arithmetic concepts, solving puzzles, and taking AI-driven tests. What sets Mango AI apart is its step-by-step analysis of mathematical problems, making it an invaluable resource for students and enthusiasts seeking additional support.

Features of the Mango App:

  • Step-by-Step Problem Solving: Provides detailed analysis of mathematical problems.
  • AI-Driven Tests: Offers customized tests to reinforce learning.
  • Interactive Learning: Engages users with puzzles and interactive content.

Advancing Analytics with Mango AI Labs

In the realm of predictive analytics, Mango AI Labs stands out. This platform employs machine learning algorithms to predict consumer behavior, product performance, and market trends. Mango AI Labs’ data-driven insights demonstrate the company’s commitment to addressing contemporary needs and shaping industries through informed decision-making.

Advantages of Mango AI Labs:

  • Predictive Analytics: Anticipates market trends and consumer behavior.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Provides actionable insights for businesses.
  • Strategic Planning: Helps organizations adapt to market changes and plan effectively.

The Benefits of Mango AI

Mango AI offers numerous benefits that make it an invaluable tool for various users, including content creators, businesses, and educators.


Mango AI significantly enhances productivity by speeding up video production processes, allowing users to focus on content rather than technical details.

Editing Capabilities

At MangoAI. com, users can access a variety of templates that are customizable to match their brand or style, making video editing straightforward and efficient.


Mango AI is suitable for managing projects of different sizes, making it appropriate for both small and large organizations. Whether you need a single video or a series for a large campaign, Mango AI can accommodate your needs.


By automating many aspects of video production, Mango AI drastically reduces the time required to produce high-quality videos, enabling quicker project turnaround.


The platform supports a wide range of video formats, including explanatory, promotional, instructional, and personal narratives, making it adaptable to various content requirements.

Principles of Mango AI

Mango AI specializes in creating videos using text, images, and AI avatars. This approach makes video production efficient and accessible for various commercial, educational, and personal uses.

Making AI Videos

Mango AI uses AI avatars to create videos from text and images. By providing a portrait photo and a script, users can generate videos featuring talking avatars that accurately lip-sync and mimic human expressions.

Templates and Personalization

The platform offers a variety of premade video templates, including explainer, training, promotional, and instructional videos. These templates are easily customizable to meet specific needs, facilitating the rapid creation of high-quality videos.

Multilingual Support and AI Voiceover

Mango AI features an AI voice generator that converts text to speech, offering a variety of voices, including those of children, women, and men. Its multilingual capabilities allow users to produce content for a global audience.

User-Friendly Interface

The platform is designed to be user-friendly, requiring just a few steps—choosing a template, entering text, selecting an AI voice, and generating the video. This simplicity makes it accessible even to those with no technical background.

Applications in Various Domains

Mango AI’s versatility makes it applicable in many different fields. Businesses can use it to create training materials, product presentations, and marketing videos. Educators can produce engaging educational content, and individuals can generate social media content and personal narratives.


With its comprehensive suite of tools and platforms, Mango AI is a multifaceted force in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. From simplifying writing with its manuscript editor to fostering interactive conversations with the Lisa platform, supporting mathematical learning with the Mango app, and predicting market trends with Mango AI Labs, Mango AI is poised to continue making significant contributions to various aspects of digital life. As an all-encompassing solution for producing AI-generated content, Mango AI is an invaluable resource for content creators, businesses, educators, and anyone looking to enhance their digital presence.
submitted by hritikpuri9 to u/hritikpuri9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:11 wjdgone Rules Update / May 17th, 2024

Hello everyone,
The sub has been running on rules made a long time ago when the community looked very different. The core of the message remains the same, but we hope the new rules clean up the ad hoc updates that were added on over the years.
The updated rules can be found below as well as on our sidebar (PC), or in the "About" section (mobile).
  1. Respect.
Be civil and remember the human. Tone and intention can be easily lost when reading someone's comment or when writing your own. Offensive, aggressive, and/or rude comments will not be tolerated. Also see: Reddiquette.
  1. Quality.
Post titles must be descriptive enough to capture the gist of the post, and the body of the post must contain relevant and/or supplemental information. Please avoid single-word/emoji titles. Posts should bring something to the community - whether that's information about a gig, a question, or something that generates discussion. The source of fan-created content must be disclosed somewhere in the post.
*Comments will not be as moderated as posts, but we still expect all rules to apply.
  1. Relevancy.
Posts must be on the topic of the band and their music. Conversation and/or gossip on their private lives are considered inappropriate. Spam, NSFW content, politics, and other topics unrelated to the band are also prohibited. Also see: Content Policy.
  1. Do not share Patreon-locked content.
Patreon is an important source of income that the band uses to fund themselves. No sharing pirated paid content in general.
  1. Use spoiler tags.
Any content containing audio and/or video of unreleased music (e.g. promotional audio snippet, live debut, etc.) or the tracklist of an unreleased album must be tagged as a spoiler.
In addition to having your post/comment removed, a violation of these rules will depend on the situation and will typically result in one of the following: (a) a warning, (b) a temporary ban, or (c) a permanent ban.
If you need clarification or have a question, please feel free to comment on this post or send us a modmail. Moving forward, modmail will be the official point of contact for questions or concerns about the community.
Edit: formatting.
submitted by wjdgone to TheWarning [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:54 thunder-cat-1 LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE.

Katie. Shut the fuck up. "The girls like it?" YOUR 8 YEAR OLD SON WANTS TO KEEP HIS HAIR LONG BC THE GIRLS LIKE IT? why in the actual fuck would you ever get on here and justify not getting your son a hair cut because THE GIRLS LIKE IT? BBBBBBBBBULLSHIT. She is such a BOLD FACE LIAR. And all you weak ass bitches in the comments, yall all SPINELESS. I don't believe for a single second there was ever an "appointment"..she lies so much she believes herself. Landen does NOT want his long, dusty, PUFFY, bedhead, rat's nest..he has asked you repeatedly when is he going to get his hair cut...so how about you get your LAZY ASS or tell your LAZY ASS HUSBAND to take 5 to 10 min tops to give the kid a fuckin buzz. I do not believe for a second that Landen ever said "I don't want to get my hair cut, I like my puffy hair, THE GIRLS LIKE MY PUFFY HAIR" shut the fuck up. With that loose ass, droop ass, does yo lip hang fuckin low, busted ass, bottom butt hole lip. I'm sorry yall but this really sent me all the way over the edge and I hope that Landen sees this when he is older and can call her tf out for himself. And she wonders why her relationship with her own mother is strained...wait til your son is old enough or independent enough to leave and never look back bc I can bet that Landen doesn't have shit to do with her when he is an adult. He will remember all the trauma and he will resent her and he'll also have documented proof of just how mentally ill she really is. You have to live in a deep state of delusion to be like that. And let's just say hypothetically he did say that shit, AFTER ALREADY ASKING FOR THE HAIRCUT, but hypothetically let's say he did change his mind. HE IS A CHILD, YOU ARE THE PARENT. you simply parent your child and say "listen, you already asked, I made the appointment, your hair looks like a fuckin GUINEA PIG lives in it, you're getting a haircut, that's all and that's it" you don't sit there and let an 8 year old run you in circles that one day he wants it cut, the next day "the girls like it" so he doesn't want it cut??? Which is exactly why i dont believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. Doesn't matter what way you look at it, it is a clear display of her inability to parent. But keep your kid out her looking like a straight dirt ball, mother of the year.
submitted by thunder-cat-1 to ToothlessBarbieSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:50 baddestshawty Self Revelation

Hi I’m a revert of a year. I just today learned the word Fitra. The timing of me learning this specific word shows how Allah is the best of all planners. The last few days I have been thinking to myself “how I missed the way I used to be”. Now I can say it in a way that speaks so much to me because I always knew it was more than missing my old self. I realized today how far I’ve shifted from my Fitra, it’s making me emotional because it was something i used to be called too “politically correct”, “righteous” or “buzz kill” for. Getting dirty looks when trying to be the mediator in friend group fights, calling people out for their judgement of others, telling people they should not be telling me others secrets or embarrassing moments, letting people know it isn’t a good habit to laugh at peoples appearance or their personal taste in things. I am mixed girl and was bullied for not saying the “n” word because I wanted to be the change and thought it was such a UGLY word. But the dunya won, it’s weird how as I got older i became more careless than I was as a teen. I also weirdly remember feeling my brain “snap” when I finally decided I gave up trying to be the angel on everybody’s shoulder..I’m disappointed that I now say the “n” word when I was so against it. I’m disappointed that I’m able to laugh at a joke someone makes about someone’s “different” outfit. But I am beyond grateful that Allah gave me the self awareness to notice these things and the maturity to realize as harmless as it may seem, it’s not. Don’t get me wrong at my core I’m not a mean person at all. It is just so shocking to see for myself what society and the dunya did to my pureness / morals. I have every intention to let my Fitra shine through me more than before in shaa Allah.
submitted by baddestshawty to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:46 the_red_amogus Kinakabahan Na Ako Sa Work Ko hahaha

I've been working for the past 5 months sa isang foreign company so WFH ako 100% (Tech company) bukod sa sobrang gusto ko yung niche ng ginagawa ko sa work, wala rin akong problema when it comes to pasweldo, sa attitude ng immediate supervisors, sa work environment, sa benefits, sa pag promote nila ng work-life balance - lahat wala akong masasabi na masama; nakakahiya nga isipin natalo pa neto yung previous 2 jobs ko na corporate sa PH haha iba-iba yung pamamalakad.
All was good until about a month ago, bigla nilang inannounce na the company is going towards a new direction and with that comes downsizing daw - dale yung team namin, from 9 people - naging tatlo na lang kami. Kasali sa tinanggal yung dalawa kong superior na sobrang galing mag handle ng mga under nila.
Then fast forward a few weeks later, inannounce na maghihire raw ng isang bagong employee for our team tapos sa PH daw maghahanap - then narealize ko why safe ako from the downsizing.
I mean, yung sweldo ko dito sa company na to is way above sa average salary satin, sakin pa lang eh - halos x3 ang sweldo ko dito sa previous jobs ko. Pero kapag icocompare mo sa ibang bansa, maliit lang sweldo natin sakanila so laking tipid nila satin.
Then this week - mineet kami ng magiging new Head namin along with another representative from the upper management; nag brief sila sa magiging new structure ng team namin and nagulat ako - yung tasks ng 6 people na tinanggal is dinivide saming mga natira, plus ang daming inadd sa responsibilities ko na hindi pasok sa scope ng JO ko - wala rin akong previous experience sa mga dinagdag na responsibilities, sobrang layo sa job title ko na ng mga need kong gawin.
Dagdag pa diyan na gusto nilang baguhin yung oras ng work ko, ang pinirmahan ko sa employee contract ko ay dayshift ako, pero since kaming natira is galing PH then sa Americas and Europe na yung dalawa - nagdecide or cinocontemplate nila na gawin akong night shift para pasok ako sa overlap ng Americas and Europe (Ang dating style ng previous Head namin ay iba yung time na minemeet niya yung employees from Western hemisphere saming mga nasa Eastern Hemisphere, ibang project din ang tinatrabaho nila sa project namin) Pero since iilan na lang kaming nasa team, gusto nilang gawing standard na sa lahat yung oras tapos ako lang lugi kasi magiging 11PM ang meeting namin daily tapos sakanila either afternoon or morning sakanila yun.
Buko pa diyan, nilay down din sakin yung mga magiging changes sa pagpapatakbo - minimicro manage na kami, unlike dati na maluwag pero nadedeliver namin ang deliverables on time parin; plus yung performance namin as a team, nahihit lagi yung target and minsan lagpas pa under nung previous Head namin na magaling mag handle ng team. Pero ngayong micromanaged na kami, sobrang taas pa ng mga target na sinet ng bago naming Head - kung kelan technically undermanned na yung team namin - mas mataas pa targets namin ngayong 3 na lang kami kesa nung kumpleto pa kami.
Kinakabahan ako kasi sa fact na anytime baka unahan ako biglain ng company na to na tanggalin like yung prev batch, plus hindi nagsisit well sakin yung parang iniba ang scope of responsibilities ko kasi dinagdagan ng mga di naman kasama sa JD ko in the first place + yung gusto nilang gawin na ibahin oras ko na ako lang lugi sakanila and then lastly, yung possibility na maging "toxic" na yung pag mamanage ng new Head namin kasi super micro-managing ang gusto niya.
submitted by the_red_amogus to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:45 Autismetal Thoughts on my philosophy? How Satanic is it?

So a while back I came up with a way to frame my own philosophy as a variant of non-theistic Satanism. I feel I should share it here, as I am curious how it fits into preexisting Satanic ideals.
1. The Personal Ba'al - The known deities of the universe are its sentient beings. You are your own supreme deity, not superior to the other deities but nonetheless your own supreme deity, and your word is the Word of the Lord on fully subjective matters.
Ba'al is a Canaanite word for “lord” and referred to multiple gods, just as it may refer to yourself and multiple other gods, goddesses, and goddexes.
2. The Truth of Elohim - As your own Lord and God, it is wise to look into oneself and understand how you think, both for better and for worse. Respect any other minds within as equals, just as others without.
Elohim is a Canaanite word for “gods”, often used for both groups of gods in general and the Abrahamic god Yahweh, and whether you contain one or multiple, you are your own elohim and must understand the truth of yourself.
3. The Objective Satan - The quest for objective truth must be in accordance with science where possible - this may involve questioning the most prominent academic viewpoints, but in the name of a better understanding that does not supplant science with pseudoscience, and claims with strong evidence must override claims with no evidence.
Satan is a Canaanite word for “accuser”, and in your scientific mindset it is necessary to accuse every viewpoint to see if it stands up to criticism, evidence, and data.
4 - The Benevolent Antichrist - The basis of morality is compassion, both for oneself and others, and any deontological rules must be a guide to the fair happiness and longevity of both oneself and others, and to the knowledge necessary for this.
The Antichrist is a being said to take the role of Yeshua the Christ, a Jewish philosopher and theologian who promoted a belief system based on love. While many people who follow him under the banner of Christianity see the Antichrist as an evil being, there is nothing evil about taking inspiration from a paragon of love.
Thoughts? Does this more so resemble LaVey, the Satanic Temple, or something else? Would you call this nondenominational Satanism?
submitted by Autismetal to satanism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:36 victoriae31 I couldn’t tell if this guy was interested in me but then he got super cold randomly

(Long post please read everything) Around like 5 years ago I started working at this fast food place and when I went to the job interview, I had to wait at the front for like 5 minutes and I remember there was this guy that worked there that I thought was hot, while I was waiting at the front I noticed he kept looking/staring at me and making eye contact the whole time. He would look at me, then maybe look away to do something else but then kept looking back at me with eye contact. I noticed him even looking at me during my interview. I remember thinking wow, ok that he definitely had some interest because of him doing that.
When I first started working there and we had the same shifts, he wasn’t staring or looking at me anymore. I didn’t really think anything of it.
At the time I was going to community college and took the bus there every day. I was taking the bus one morning and a few stops later I see him get on and sit down and I remember thinking wow this is weird I had no idea he also goes to the same community college and also takes the same bus? And just thinking how weird it was. Just initially he didn’t notice me or sit by me. Then something really weird happened, halfway through the ride the bus got into an accident and hit a car on the side while switching lanes and it had to pull over and everyone had to get off and walk to the next bus stop and wait for the next bus to come. Something like that’s never happened before, super weird. So everyone was walking to the next stop and I remember I wasn’t expecting him to say anything to me at all and I kind of forgot about it and wasn’t paying attention to him just walking.
Then someone behind me taps me on the shoulder and I look and it’s him and he just says hi and is smiling and asked like “hey do you work at (the job)” or something then he just starts talking to me I think we just talked about work or something but everything seemed fine. He was talking to me like he was interested in me, like friendly he would just make conversation and ask me about work I don’t even remember what else he would talk about. I would get kind of nervous/ my mind would go blank around him because I liked him and I was just happy he was always talking to me. I remember I would sometimes see him when taking the bus to school. But the thing is literally every time we would both be on the bus he would always go out of his way to come and sit by me and talk to me. So I also thought obviously that must have meant he was interested in me because why else would he have done that? To me if he wasn’t interested (not even a little) he would’ve just ignored me on the bus and never sat by me or talked to me. When he would talk to me, his body would just be facing straight forward but he would be looking at me the whole time talking to me. Sometimes he would sit with a very open body, while sitting next to me or talking to me. I also remember him telling me one day how him and a couple of the other shift leaders/ managers would hang out outside of work at one of their houses and play video games. I also remember him telling me that he went to a concert with one of the managers at work, like they went there together and hung out there.
Also around this time I found his Instagram and just followed him and didn’t say anything. He followed me back right after and never mentioned it or acted like it was weird I did that.
He would always talk to me on the bus, but whenever we were at work together I would never see him looking at me and he usually would never talk to me like during the time we were working. He would act different at work I don’t know why. I think a few times I saw him at work before clocking in and I would say hi and he would seem relaxed and talk to me/ be the same as on the bus but that’s it.
I would do this thing during our shift where if it got slow/ empty for a moment I would go over to his area (the grill which was right next to the drive through window) and I would say hi to him or just start talking to him. Also I noticed almost everyone else that worked there would do the same thing with each other all the time so I wasn’t the only one doing this. Sometimes I would get kind of giddy and start laughing a lot (not on purpose it would just happen) he would respond to me, he wouldn’t act rude but not be super talkative. Then one day when I went over and talked to him, this one shift leade manager who was in her 40s and always really rude/ nasty saw me doing that and very loudly was like “uh uh, I don’t think so! that’s fraternizing at work! He has a girlfriend you know that right?” And I got embarrassed as soon as she said that and she was like “yeah that’s right!” I went back in my area and they said something to each other I didn’t hear what but it was a few words back and forth, and ended in the manager kind of making this face and laughing and he just sort of shrugged and was kind of smiling. I have no idea what they said I couldn’t hear. Then they just went back to working and acted normal for the rest of my shift then I left.
Then after that day when I came in to work, he started to completely ignore me and act very cold and completely different. I went up to him at work and tried saying hi to him and he literally just completely ignored me. At first I wasn’t sure if he heard me or not, but he had to have because everyone else around him heard me and was looking at me. I think later in the shift I tried saying something to him again and he still completely ignored me. Also whenever he did this the other guys working in the same area as him were watching and would start laughing but more like lowkey not like super loud and obnoxious. I had no idea why he was doing this I remember being very upset and humiliated.
After that day he started doing this every day and ignoring me, every day I saw him at work he was super cold about it. This continued for the rest of the time I worked there and he never spoke to me again. Total 180 and it was just super out of the blue too. I’ve thought maybe it was because of that one manager that said “he has a girlfriend” but they said something to each other then just kind of laughed and didn’t say anything else after that so I don’t know if that was the reason for this.
About a month after this started, I went in the employee handbook and found his phone number and texted him… I know now this is weird and I shouldn’t have done this but at the time I was really upset and desperate and didn’t think it would be a big deal. I just kind of did it. I just said hi or something but I also said it was me in the text. I did not say anything inappropriate or crazy.
He never responded but the next time I came into work, one of the shift leaders/ managers (the same one that he was friends with and said he hung out with) said he needed to have a talk with me. He pulled me aside and we went into the break room, he said he told everyone to not come down there. He told me that the guy “told a manager” that I texted him and that’s why we were having this talk. He said that most of the managers/ other coworkers know about this situation now and he told me that this guy said he doesn’t know what’s going on between us but he doesn’t like it and wants it to stop. He said that the main manager doesn’t know about this yet and that hes stopping this now so she doesn’t find out, and if she finds out me and the guy would probably get fired. He also told me that if I try talking that guy again, that the guy was going to tell me to stop and he was NOT going to be nice about it. So I better just back off to save myself. Which I remember thinking was so odd because when I talked to him he did not seem like this asshole jerky guy at all so it was bizarre that the manager was saying this and that all of a sudden he literally hated me? And this behavior from him happened just out of the blue with seemingly no trigger so the whole situation was just so weird. During this talk the manager also told me that it was NOT OK that I was going up to him during shifts and talking to him and that it was fraternizing at work and we could both get fired. Then I told him that I saw literally most of the people that worked there talking to each other during shifts, other guys and girls doing it too so why was it not a problem when they did it but a huge problem only when I did it…. I don’t remember exactly what he said but I think he told me that doesn’t happen and that I was remembering wrong. He also said that you are not supposed to talk to coworkers at all outside of work. Which I told him how that guy told me about how they hung out outside of work at one of their houses to play video games and also went together to a concert. He told me that they didn’t hang out together at the concert that they just both happened to be there with their own friends, they unknowingly ran into each other, said hi then went their separate ways. I didn’t remember exactly what that guy told me but I’m pretty sure he said they went to that show together. He also told me to never speak to that guy again, he said don’t look at him, don’t talk to him, don’t talk about him, just act like he doesn’t even exist and just come in, do your job and leave. He told me he was going to bring him in right after me and tell him the same thing.
After that talk I felt totally horrible. I felt like I was a total creep or something like I made someone so uncomfortable like he/ everyone thought I was a creep. I obviously never texted him or tried talking to him again at all after this. The next time I came into work everyone got really quiet when I walked in and everyone was staring at me… I specifically noticed this one girl who was a shift leader. She never stared at me or acted like she even noticed me before but this day as soon as I came in she just was really quiet and stood there and stared at me for like a good 5-10 minutes just looking me up and down. She would look away and do something but kept coming back to look at me. It was very uncomfortable and I felt ashamed and embarrassed after that and started to feel bitter about not having him in my life anymore and not having friends or possible love interest.
Then I noticed they kept scheduling me and him to work at the same time in the morning, and this same girl shift leader was the shift lead that worked every morning when we would come in. He obviously was still ignoring me but I noticed that during his breaks, he would go over to her and talk to her for the whole time but both of their body language was like heavy flirting. He would be standing very close to her and he would always be leaning on the counter but also leaning towards her at the same time. And he would have his hand/arm on the counter resting almost around her. She would mirror his body language minus the arm. While they were doing this she would also do this thing where every couple minutes or so she would turn around, look at me and hold eye contact for a few seconds while smiling, then look back at him and continue talking. He never looked at me again, and wouldn’t even come near me again. After they were done talking she would come over to my drive through area, make a drink then walk back and give it to him.
They would do this literally every day I worked with them which was only once a week then because I started going to a new school. I even remember after that talk with the manager he would talk with this other girl (and that one shift lead) he was friends with there, the same way the manager told ME was NOT ok to do, in front of everyone even managers literally no one ever said a word to them about it. Literally no one cared when they did it, but it was a huge issue when I did it. A couple of other kids even started dating a little bit after this and I would even see them kissing in the back and no one ever said a word to them about anything. I ended up quitting a couple months later because I was so upset about the whole situation.
submitted by victoriae31 to bodylanguage [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:36 Luofu Excerpt from China-Russia talk

Copied from Arnauld Bertrands twitter post(@RnaudBertrand)
Wow, China and Russia issued an extraordinary joint statement yesterday, with almost 8,000 words when translated into English, and in many ways more important than the famous "no limits" partnership statement in February 2022.
Here are the points that stood out for me.
BUILDING A NEW WORLD ORDER The statement says that it is an "objective factor" that "the status and strength of emerging major countries and regions in the 'Global South' [are] continuously increasing", and that "the trend of world multipolarity [is] accelerating". This in turn "accelerates the redistribution of development potential, resources, and opportunities in a direction favorable to emerging markets and developing countries, promoting the democratization of international relations and international fairness and justice".
They point out that "countries that adhere to hegemonism and power politics are contrary to this trend, attempting to replace and subvert the international order based on international law with a so-called 'rules-based order'".
Security-wise, the statement says that "both sides believe that the fate of the peoples of all countries is interconnected, and no country should seek its own security at the expense of others' security. Both sides express concern about the current international and regional security challenges and point out that in the current geopolitical context, it is necessary to explore the establishment of a sustainable security system in the Eurasian space based on the principle of equal and indivisible security."
They go on to say that China and Russia "will fully tap the potential of bilateral relations" in order to "promote the realization of an equal and orderly multipolar world and the democratization of international relations, and gather strength to build a just and reasonable multipolar world".
As for the vision of this world order these 2 principles seem to be the foundational ones: 1) An order with no "neo-colonialism and hegemonism" of any kind: "All countries have the right to independently choose their development models and political, economic, and social systems based on their national conditions and people's will, oppose interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries, oppose unilateral sanctions and 'long-arm jurisdiction' without international law basis or UN Security Council authorization, and oppose drawing ideological lines. Both sides pointed out that neo-colonialism and hegemonism are completely contrary to the trend of the times, and called for equal dialogue, the development of partnerships, and the promotion of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations." 2) An order based on the UN Charter: "Both sides will continue to firmly defend the achievements of World War II and the post-war world order established by the UN Charter"
EXTREMELY STRONG CONDEMNATION OF THE US This condemnation starts with the paragraph highlighted above that "countries that adhere to hegemonism and power politics are contrary to [the trend towards a multipolar world order]", and the statement also condemns the fact that these "countries" (i.e. mostly the US) are "attempting to replace and subvert the international order based on international law with a so-called 'rules-based order'".
They also write that "both sides call on relevant countries and organizations to stop taking confrontational policies and interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, undermining the existing security architecture, creating 'small yards with high fences' among countries, provoking regional tensions, and advocating for camp confrontation."
They further say that "both sides oppose the hegemonic actions of the United States to change the balance of power in the Northeast Asia region by expanding its military presence and forming military blocs. The US, with its Cold War mentality and camp confrontation model, puts 'small group' security above regional security and stability, endangering the security of all countries in the region. The US should stop such actions."
On top of that the statement speaks of "serious concern about the United States' attempts to undermine strategic stability to maintain its absolute military superiority, including building a global missile defense system and deploying missile defense systems around the world and in space, strengthening the ability to disable the opponent's military actions with precision non-nuclear weapons and 'decapitation' strikes, enhancing NATO's 'nuclear sharing' arrangements in Europe and providing 'extended deterrence' to specific allies, constructing infrastructure in the South Pacific Nuclear-Free Zone treaty member Australia that could be used to support US and UK nuclear forces, engaging in US-UK-Australia nuclear submarine cooperation, and implementing plans to deploy and provide land-based intermediate-range and short-range missiles to allies in the Asia-Pacific and Europe."
The statement also condemns "the United States' unconstructive and hostile 'dual containment' policy towards China and Russia": "The United States' actions of conducting joint exercises with its allies ostensibly aimed at China and Russia and taking steps to deploy land-based intermediate-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific region have raised serious concerns for both sides. The United States claims it will continue these practices with the ultimate goal of establishing routine missile deployments worldwide. Both sides strongly condemn these actions, which are extremely destabilizing to the region and pose a direct security threat to China and Russia, and will strengthen coordination and cooperation to respond to the United States' unconstructive and hostile 'dual containment' policy towards China and Russia."
On Asia-Pacific specifically they write that "both sides oppose the creation of exclusive and closed group structures in the Asia-Pacific region, especially military alliances targeting any third party. Both sides point out that the US "Indo-Pacific Strategy" and NATO's attempts to take destructive actions in the Asia-Pacific region have negative impacts on the peace and stability of the region."
They also "demand that the United States refrain from engaging in any biological military activities that threaten the security of other countries and regions" and they oppose the "use [of] outer space for armed confrontation and oppose the implementation of security policies and activities aimed at achieving military advantage and defining outer space as a 'combat domain.'"
Lastly the statement condemns "the US and its allies' deterrent actions in the military field, provoking confrontation with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and exacerbating tensions on the Korean Peninsula, potentially leading to armed conflict", and asks that "the United States and NATO, as the responsible parties for the 20-year invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, should not attempt to deploy military facilities in Afghanistan and its surrounding areas again but should bear primary responsibility for Afghanistan's current economic and livelihood difficulties, bear the main costs of Afghanistan's reconstruction, and take all necessary measures to unfreeze Afghanistan's national assets."
ENORMOUS EXPANSION OF CHINA-RUSSIA COLLABORATION This will be my last point, the statement has an immense list - dozens and dozens of items - of expanded cooperation fields between both countries.
These are some of the most important ones: - Military cooperation: "[both sides] will further deepen military mutual trust and cooperation, expand the scale of joint training activities, regularly organize joint maritime and air patrols, strengthen coordination and cooperation within bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and continuously improve the ability and level of jointly responding to risks and challenges." - More trade, mutual investments and help each other economic development: "continuously expand the scale of bilateral trade", "continuously improve the level of investment cooperation between the two countries", and "jointly develop advanced industries, strengthen technical and production cooperation, including in the civil aviation manufacturing industry, shipbuilding industry, automobile manufacturing industry, equipment manufacturing industry, electronics industry, metallurgical industry, iron ore mining industry, chemical industry, and forest industry" - Cooperation on energy: "consolidate the strategic cooperation in energy between China and Russia and achieve high-level development, ensuring the economic and energy security of the two countries. Strive to ensure the stability and sustainability of the international energy market, and maintain the stability and resilience of the global energy industry chain and supply chain." Also nuclear energy: "deepen cooperation in the field of civilian nuclear energy based on the experience of successful and ongoing projects, including thermonuclear fusion, fast neutron reactors, and closed nuclear fuel cycles" - Promote each others' currencies and financial infrastructure: "Increase the proportion of local currency in bilateral trade, financing, and other economic activities. Improve the financial infrastructure of the two countries, smooth the settlement channels between the two countries' business entities, strengthen regulatory cooperation in the banking and insurance industries of China and Russia, promote the sound development of banks and insurance institutions established in each other's countries, encourage two-way investment, and issue bonds in the financial markets of each other's countries in accordance with market principles." - Deep education and scientific cooperation: "promote the expansion and improvement of quality in mutual study abroad programs, advance Chinese language teaching in Russia and Russian language teaching in China, encourage educational institutions to expand exchanges, cooperation in running schools, conduct high-level talent joint training and scientific research, support cooperation in basic research fields between universities, support activities of alliances of similar universities and high schools, and deepen cooperation in vocational and digital education" - Cooperation in the media and shaping public opinions: "Strengthen media exchanges between the two countries, promote mutual visits at various levels, support pragmatic and professional dialogues, actively carry out high-quality content cooperation, deeply explore the cooperation potential of new media and new technologies in the field of mass media, objectively and comprehensively report major global events, and spread true information in the international public opinion field." - Cooperation within global institutions: "deepen bilateral cooperation [at] the UN General Assembly and the Security Council", "supporting the role of the World Health Organization", "strengthen cooperation within the WTO framework", "cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)", "uphold the BRICS spirit, enhance the BRICS mechanism's voice in international affairs and agenda", etc.
I could go on and on, the scale of the cooperation they detail is absolutely breathtaking, both countries are going all in with each other.
This statement is absolutely extraordinary and will likely shape the world for decades to come. We now have Russia and China explicitly stating they're all in with each other to bring about a new "equal and orderly multipolar world and the democratization of international relations", and put an end to US hegemonic behavior. No more pretend, it's happening.
submitted by Luofu to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:22 ValkyrieKahina How the war should have started

How the war should have started submitted by ValkyrieKahina to overlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:08 bodydouble_69 Is female hiring a recent trend now.

So I have been noticing this ever since post covid that female hiring and promotions are through the roof... I mean some job listing are directly calling for openings that are female exclusive. Others are hiring female employees with almost more than 1.5 times the male employee.
Some offices that opt for my consulting clearly have an outnumbered female to male ratio. The same is in big MNCs as well..... I mean, I understand there should be female inclusion in work place but guys are looked at with back crushing expectations to have a job after being graduated. What I am trying to understand is something that is lying hidden below in all of this.... What are corporations upto? What is everyone upto?? What are higher ups cooking?
submitted by bodydouble_69 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:02 EzekieruYT Spoilers from BadLuckGamer's Interview with Luis Loza (05/16/2024)

Hey everyone, EzeDoesIt back at it again with a surprise spoiler breakdown of everything Creative Director of the Rules and Lore Team, Luis Loza ( u/Paizo_Luis ), talked about during his interview today from BadLuckGamer! This was a last minute notification for me, so I made sure to spend the time today detailing every spoiler Luis talked about. He held back a few times, due to how close PaizoCon was (coming up next weekend!). But he did spill some beans, so I'll be relaying what was said.
Please check out the VOD for the full interview, and all the interesting discussions I did not cover HERE!
Beware ye, for there do be spoilers:
Gorum was chosen as the god to die, since his death would result in a lot of interesting changes and developments in the setting. It was not due to Gorum being boring, but rather the possibilities of the stories his death would create made it so he was the one that needed to die.
At one point, the god that was slated to die was actually Torag, not Gorum! Luis cited the ending hidden message in Lost Omens: Highhelm as a hint for Torag's possible death, and also set up the Dwarven Pantheon without Torag as either another hint of his death, or as a possible explanation if he did go on living ("You need to learn to live without me"). There ARE changes to the dwarven pantheon in the coming months, though!
Nethys was never on the chopping block. Luis doesn't want to "pop that balloon", and feels that the mechanics around magic would've needed to be changed in response to him dying. So he's been safe since the beginning. Again, the update to the Archives of Nethys lining up to Nethys being marked safe was a coincidence, but a fun one at that!
Luis was asked if there was anything in Pathfinder that he worked on that he was particularly proud of? And Luis answered, saying he's the most proud of developing the Automaton ancestry, and was really proud of being able to secretly doubling the ancestry's feat count by having the Enhancements in the level 1-9 feats.
Luis' crown jewel book he's worked on is Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries! AND Divine Mysteries was actually conceived BEFORE the OGL fiasco! They always wanted to do a sequel to Lost Omens: Gods & Magic, and came up with Yvali to delve into what makes a god and what makes them tick. Having a good framing device/narrative makes writing books more exciting for writers, and that excitement can definitely be felt by those who read the books!
Different pantheons are gonna be talked about in depth. The Orc pantheon and the Crucible will be covered. The Goblin pantheon, due to the interesting bits with the Barghest Goblin gods will be covered (Eze Note: this was mentioned before the OGL stuff came up in conversation, so not sure if Barghest Goblin gods will still be around or if the Goblin gods will still be Barghests, given new Barghests in Monster Core). The Azlanti pantheon is being explored as well, talking about how previously prominent gods fell into obscurity.
Luis made sure to grab every god stat block he could find and update them for the Remaster. All of the domains across all the books and AP backmatter have been collected and updated as well. Luis wanted to make sure every god was covered, so players wouldn't be left out in the cold due to switching to the Remaster version of the rules.
Luis talked about his job as a Creative Director of the Rules and Lore team, and cited an example where he had to make the call on whether Centaurs should have pointed ears or rounded ears. After consulting previous artwork and seeing it was split in the middle, Luis decided that Centaurs will have rounded ears. That way, it's one less detail artists will have to worry about.
The freelancers working on Divine Mysteries didn't know about Gorum's death! Gorum was put in the outline, and Luis assigned Gorum to himself to help keep the scent off the trail. Only the freelancer working on Arazni's section knew about Gorum's death ahead of the announcement, due to Arazni's promotion to the Core 20.
Luis was asked why archetypes aren't playtested like classes are, and Luis answered that the designers know how to make archetypes due to their knowledge of how classes work, and generally archetypes don't have brand new tech in them that warrants playtesting like that of class playtests (Commanders' Tactics and Exemplars' Ikons being stated as a new tech that needed testing). Also, classes are the thing players are most likely to interact with. Most of the time, you're not getting an archetype at Level 1 (obvious exceptions not-withstanding). But classes are, and so classes need to be put through the paces the most.
Another reason too is, if every archetype needed to be playtested, they would either not be able to put out as many books as they are currently, or they'd have to release far fewer archetypes due to how long the playtest process works. If they needed to playest the archetypes in the APG, they'd only have 5 or 6 archetypes at most, instead of the 40 archetypes we did get.
"Which lore books are you doing for the foreseeable future?" Can't talk about that since they aren't announced, but regional books are a safe bet! Aside from that, just know that the people assigned to future books are assigned to them because they are excited to be leading/writing them, and that should hopefully come through in reading the books in the future.
The word "Bloodrager" is gonna be spoken at PaizoCon. Such a tease!
The Battle Harbinger in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries is gonna have their spellcasting diminished a bit and have their Divine Font change significantly in order for them to gain new, interesting combat abilities to allow them into the frontlines (or engaging more directly) more so than Warpriests already do. Doing so as a class archetype, they aren't restricted by the small wiggle room of the Cleric's doctrines. Luis dropped the fact they will have "Battle Auras", and left it at that!
Luis answered several of my submitted questions! The first one is in regards to info about Apsu and Dahak. Apsu and Dahak are getting entries in Divine Mysteries, and they are still around. Their story is getting changed and retcon'd, due to the OGL situation. But it's also being expanded! Dahak is gonna have other siblings, so the idea of more Dragon gods are being teased out in Divine Mysteries.
An interesting detail that's not getting talked in full quite yet is about Apsu and Dahak's granted spells for Clerics. Typically, unless they're a god like Nethys or Abraxas who are all about being tied into magic, most gods only grant 3 spells to Clerics. But Dahak and Apsu are "setting a particular and unique standard that's tied to them specifically" in that both will have 4 granted spells each. It'll make sense when you see it, but they'll have that extra 4th spell that they share that is setting up this common theme.
Luis mentions, as a comparison, themes that come up with the gods that people might not be aware of that have come up in development for them. The example he gives is Mzali and the three sun gods. He decided, in development, that they each grant the Zeal domain due to how all three of them have such enthusiasm and drive to them. So they not only share their connection to the sun, but they also all have the Zeal domain. So Apsu/Dahak will be further connected by the spells they grant, as an additional way to associate them with each other.
Next, Luis talked about when content outside of the Core 4 books will see about being Remastered. When it makes sense to bring something forward, they will (like how they're Remastering all of the domains in Divine Mysteries). But he feels like they've done a good job overall with keeping the game compatible with the previous content, sanctification and wizard schools being the most egregious changes. They're gonna address the most glaring things that need adjustment, but he asks to not expect them to go back and adjust every single thing to the Remaster. As the large amount of time it'd take to Remaster 4-5 years of content, it would mean next-to-no time left to create new material.
As an example for the above with bringing forward old content into the Remaster, there'll be updated Witch patrons in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries, and Baba Yaga's entry the one that was specifically called out! (Eze Note: that'd just leave Mosquito Witch and Pact Patrons left to update to the Remaster, so I wonder if one or both of them will be coming forward as well?)
Luis does encourage this: If there's something that needs to be updated and you want it to be done, he recommends letting them know so they can assess that and find the time and space to get those issues looked at and addressed. Also, it might take time for those opportunities to publish these things to happen! Some might even be happening right now, but until it's announced or published, people just need to be patient and wait for the books to come out.
Someone asked about the Ysoki Tailblade being in the game? Luis doesn't know! He does know there's ancestry weapons in PC2, and of course Ratfolk are in PC2 as well, but he honestly does not know if it's in there. The same person asked about new ancestry weapons in general later. Luis couldn't say for sure there was new ones, and didn't want to get people's hopes up by making a mistake remembering which ones are new or not.
"Who does Arazni have a weird bond with?" In Arazni's entry in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries, it's confirmed she will have a Herald! Luis wouldn't say who they are. She will have a shared history of trauma with them, and it's said Arazni will be learning to trust others a little bit to explain why she now has a herald (in addition to her needing a herald now that she's a Core 20 god!).
Another of my questions is answered! I asked if Luis was excited that Wrestler is in Player Core 2, and he of course said yes! He's not sure if it's been expanded at all (he joked Mike Sayre might declare it's perfect the way it is, lmao), but he's glad it's in the Core book now for more people to look at.
Luis' favorite player options in Tian Xia Character Guide is some of the new Magus stuff coming, but he doesn't elaborate further as he feels that TXCG is more so James Case and Eleanor Ferron's baby, and they should be the ones to talk about all that's in that book. He's also excited with some of the new ancestry stuff, especially the Yaoguai!
"Has there been anything as a Creative Director that you wanted to change or add, but you weren't able to?" Luis, and maybe other people might have this feeling as well, feels that maybe the timeline for Golarion didn't need to go back 10,000 years. A ton of stuff has changed just within the past 2024 years, so to conceive 10,000 years of history without as much change stretching the suspension of disbelief quite a bit. Obviously there's fantasy tropes of long histories, but sometimes it complicates some matters.
Final question I asked got answered, which was if Luis has helped out the Starfinder team with stuff in regards to the lore, especially considering SF2E is gonna be 100% compatible with PF2E. I also mentioned knowing they both have separate continuities, but wondered if there was still some collaboration there. Luis said yeah, he does. He, James Jacobs and Thurston Hillman (hi Thursty!), the three Creative Directors, get into weekly meetings with each other to discuss what each side in the Pathfinder rules, Pathfinder adventures, and Starfinder teams are all doing. The two games try not to do the same kinds of stories at the same time, like not wanting them to tell a Runelords story that's exactly like Return of the Runelords. Likewise, Starfinder probably won't be killing any of their gods right after War of Immortals comes out.
Although they try to keep the timelines separate, everyone still keeps in touch in order to make sure they aren't breaking each others' toys and keep at least some kind of connection between the two games. And there's an interest in crossover potential, too! So maybe there's a desire for things to line up, regardless. And we'll likely see some of these developments in the coming years!
And the final question is about whether frog-centric content is coming to PF2E! Luis mentions the Tripkee (new name of the Grippli) being in Player Core 2, and since they'll have a bit more space in PC2 compared to before, they'll be expanded a little bit.
Finally, Luis leaves us with this. He's teased enough about Divine Mysteries in today's stream, but he's sure to tease a little bit more during the Keynote at PaizoCon this coming weekend, and if you end up liking that tease, then you should show up during the Godsrain panel that same day so he can talk some more about what is in Divine Mysteries and show off some of the cool art in that book.
And that's all the spoilers said during the interview! Next post will be all of the spoilers I'll collect in the Discord Events server during PaizoCon! If you got questions you wanna ask, feel free to let me know (preferably via DMs here). I'll try to ask as many as I can during the entire weekend. Until next time!
submitted by EzekieruYT to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:02 Head_Counter8127 PERM Processing for Team Lead Position

To give some context about my experience, I have received a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering in India and a Masters of Engineering in Computer Engineering in US. I have been working for the past 5 years in US from May 2019. My work experience breakdown is as follows:
  1. Freelance Work as an Android Developer for 6 months during my Bachelors.
  2. Started working as a Software Developer in my first (old) company from May 2019 to Feb 2022.
  3. Old company got acquired by current company in Feb 2022. Due to which, my employment shifted from Feb 2022 to March 2023 to new company as a Software Developer.
  4. From March 2023 to current, I am working as a Team Lead in my current company. My current position "responsibilities" have not changed much compared to when I started in my old company. The "only" new responsibility added is now along with my Software Developer role, I am also responsible for mentoring and leading junior developers on certain projects, based on requirements.
Given this information, my attorney from the company informed me that based on my credentials and the requirements on the Team Lead position (Bachelor's plus 3 to 5 years experience), a PERM-based case would not be successful I cannot meet this experience requirement without my experience at my current company, and the use of the Master’s Degree cannot likely bring the experience required to satisfy this requirement. I am confused because based on this information, a PERM processing will fail with my existing company even though I do end up getting promoted in this company since I will not have a prior experience fit for my the role. I am not sure, how that makes sense. My attorney informed me that since my "responsibilities" in my current role have not changed more that 51% than my previous employment experience, a PERM processing will fail. It somehow make no sense since the experience and skills I have been learning do not count towards making me an "eligible" applicant.
For reference, I am working on a small based company who hardly have any international employees. My previous employer had about 30-40 employees in total and current has about 300. My role will not change significantly since I am working on the same enterprise level project, just with much better newer technology and growth.
After my discussion with the attorney, I was made aware that if my current company files for PERM, I will not be eligible. But what I am more worried about is, even when I switch, what specific type of roles should I be targeting to not land up in a similar situation with my new role and new employer.
I would like to know more about someone having gone through a similar situation. I am confused on how to proceed given this information and what steps I should take to get out of this situation. Fortunately, I have about 4+ years remaining for my H1B visa to expire, but I don't want to waste my time if there is no way to get out of it.
Sorry for the long post and since I am pretty new to PERM processing and it's requirements, any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Head_Counter8127 to greencard [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:01 Emergency_Resist491 Need a second pair of eyes. Should I keep my internship on resume that's required by the MBA program?

submitted by Emergency_Resist491 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:54 KlutzyProfessor8943 OPSEU member disciplining other union members

A member of my union who used to have the same role as I did, got promoted to “team lead” does not do ANY of her unionized position duties. Expectation to work 75 percent of their role, 25% “team lead duties” does not. Disciplines employees and attacks performance through her friend… who conveniently is the department manager!! Other staff members approach team lead to report complaints about staff performance etc. she then contacts manager and gets them to carry out the disciplinary action that she wants and manager follows- as she completes lots of the managers duties on site while manager works from home. I got called in for meeting with manager and she listed off 8-10 small petty things I have done wrong in the last 6 months. Never confronted me when these apparent incidents occurred but now piles them all together and barley knows how to respond to questioning or challenging accusations because you can clearly tell she has no idea what even occurred. Seems as though they are fishing for info from anyone they can get it from to push me out, suggests taking a leave, asks if I’m done courses and if I’m looking for a practicum.. when I have clearly stated I am not doing so at the moment - it’s personal, unrelated field. Every suggestion she makes requires me leaving work. Is there rules against collecting seniority hours through a union when you are not even doing the unionized position and it’s duties? Why should the team lead be earning as many seniority hours as I do, daily,,, while working from home and performing managers tasks? She is threatened by me so is attacking my character and reputation to push me out as I am competition.. and has the manager supporting her every move. Should this not spark a job review through OPSEU? Sorry long rant but trying to paint the picture for others to understand
submitted by KlutzyProfessor8943 to OntarioPublicService [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:54 Head_Counter8127 PERM Processing for Team Lead Position

To give some context about my experience, I have received a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering in India and a Masters of Engineering in Computer Engineering in US. I have been working for the past 5 years in US from May 2019. My work experience breakdown is as follows:
  1. Freelance Work as an Android Developer for 6 months during my Bachelors.
  2. Started working as a Software Developer in my first (old) company from May 2019 to Feb 2022.
  3. Old company got acquired by current company in Feb 2022. Due to which, my employment shifted from Feb 2022 to March 2023 to new company as a Software Developer.
  4. From March 2023 to current, I am working as a Team Lead in my current company. My current position "responsibilities" have not changed much compared to when I started in my old company. The "only" new responsibility added is now along with my Software Developer role, I am also responsible for mentoring and leading junior developers on certain projects, based on requirements.
Given this information, my attorney from the company informed me that based on my credentials and the requirements on the Team Lead position (Bachelor's plus 3 to 5 years experience), a PERM-based case would not be successful I cannot meet this experience requirement without my experience at my current company, and the use of the Master’s Degree cannot likely bring the experience required to satisfy this requirement. I am confused because based on this information, a PERM processing will fail with my existing company even though I do end up getting promoted in this company since I will not have a prior experience fit for my the role. I am not sure, how that makes sense. My attorney informed me that since my "responsibilities" in my current role have not changed more that 51% than my previous employment experience, a PERM processing will fail. It somehow make no sense since the experience and skills I have been learning do not count towards making me an "eligible" applicant.
For reference, I am working on a small based company who hardly have any international employees. My previous employer had about 30-40 employees in total and current has about 300. My role will not change significantly since I am working on the same enterprise level project, just with much better newer technology and growth.
After my discussion with the attorney, I was made aware that if my current company files for PERM, I will not be eligible. But what I am more worried about is, even when I switch, what specific type of roles should I be targeting to not land up in a similar situation with my new role and new employer.
I would like to know more about someone having gone through a similar situation. I am confused on how to proceed given this information and what steps I should take to get out of this situation. Fortunately, I have about 4+ years remaining for my H1B visa to expire, but I don't want to waste my time if there is no way to get out of it.
Sorry for the long post and since I am pretty new to PERM processing and it's requirements, any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Head_Counter8127 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:40 Imaginary-Wallaby-37 AITA for revealing why I was laid-off by my former boss.

A year ago, I (46F) was laid-off by a Biotechnology company shortly after returning to work from a short-term leave of absence for cancer treatment. I had been discouraged from discussing this with my colleagues and as a result, very few people knew that I had been sick.
I was completely blindsided by the lay-off as I had been a consistent company top performer and saved the company at least half a million dollars annually even during the Pandemic.
I had a close working relationship with my former boss who is a VP(42F) who then selected me as the only person at our site to be laid-off. I had trained one of her favorite employees and my friend (30F) to fill in for me during my absence.
After I was surprised with a Teams meeting announcing the elimination of my role as a cost savings specialist from the company as a cost savings measure, I was completely ghosted by my former boss and eventually my friend as well.
My friend was recently promoted to the reinstated role that I had held and it was posted on social media. My former boss lauded her for her outstanding performance and deserved promotion. I was absolutely livid.
I posted congratulations for my friend and well wishes for her success backed by my training and mentoring. I also said that it was a shame that it came as the result of that position being vacated because a year ago it was deemed as cost inefficient and eliminated.
There were a lot of questions about this as people had questioned why myself and others had been laid-off and I revealed my diagnosis and the unfortunate timing. I had struggled to get coverage for treatment and my self-worth had been nonexistent.
My friend and former boss were angry, but I pointed out that what my boss had done was unethical and displayed gross favoritism. That a company that specializes in Mental Healthcare and Cancer Diagnosis could do that to someone who had been there 11 years from the start-up days and long before them was unconscionable. And that reinstating a position less than a year after the former holder had been laid-off was an illegal practice.
The post has been removed altogether and I am glad that the truth is finally out. I have consulted with an attorney and since they are legally in the wrong, I shouldn't have to worry aside from the personal attacks.
What they did cut me to the core and had me questioning whether I should continue living. I think that the way that I was discarded and abandoned by people who I thought were genuinely my friends was far worse than the comments I made. They are under fire, but that was their doing.
I am thankfully in remission and working for a company who are horrified with how I was treated before and am excelling in my current role.
I don't regret exposing my former boss, but she is trying to say that I was in the wrong for speaking the truth and whistle-blowing.
submitted by Imaginary-Wallaby-37 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:38 Leading-Secret-9933 Third story (scroll down if you don't know what im yappin about)(*WARNING* This is the longest one ive done so far you'll be here a while if you read it)

_ _ _ _ _
Impact and introduction
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His first thoughts about his little predicament were that it was nothing like the anime he’d watched.
Finding yourself suddenly free falling from hundreds of thousands of feet in the sky was significantly more terrifying than it had seemed while cozied up in his bed, wrapped up in three-plus blankets and contently slurping his microwave ramen.
That said, he felt justified in screaming like a little girl. “Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!” What was happening? Where was he? He had just stepped out of his house for a ramen run at the nearest gas station, and now this was happening. Great, just great, now he wasn’t going to be able to watch anymore anime- he stopped suddenly. “Oh, of course,” he muttered to himself, “That’s what’s going on here.” He was suddenly as stoic as a knight in shining armor as he plummeted through the sky, and he pushed the slightly problematic matter of falling out of his mind and focused on what would be important: His story. First: his name was Caen Eloso. He came from a strange other world with wondrous technology that left nothing to the imagination. Caen was what was in his third year at his school, Hansen Academy High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where teenagers his age were taught arithmetic, science and language punctuation before they went off into the world on their own. Colorado was one of fifty individually operating states in his home country called America, which was home to more than three hundred million people and overseen by a President.. America was located on one of 7 continents in his world, called Earth. There were a great many other countries besides America, of which he knew varying amounts about their cultures that he could give little tidbits of information about, but he figured he knew the most about Japan. Japan was basically heaven. The Japanese people were responsible for creating the best possible thing that his world had to offer, a wondrous thing called anime. He had dedicated his life to exploring every nook and cranny that was connected to the world of anime, and there was nothing that brought him more happiness than binging.
However, he figured he oughta remember some cooler stuff about Earth (he couldn’t really expect many people to weeb out with his stories without watching anime in person) if he ever found himself in a tight spot and needed to, say, entertain a dragon or something. Because…
He was ninety-nine percent sure that he had just been isekai’d.

That’s why, while plummeting to what seemed to be his inevitable doom, he kept a level head. Ignoring the previous screaming-like-a-five-year-old fit. Because, of course, anyone that was summoned to another world via falling from the sky always survived; it was kind of a given, otherwise the story wouldn’t get anywhere, duh. Whether it be due to some miraculous vitality, impossible superpowers, a one-time “safe-landing” provided by the dude that summoned them, or (and what he personally was hoping for) a rescue from some either super-shy or super-pissy elf hottie in possession of a huge rack… of swords, you pervert, that dressed in some skimpy armor (that really would do nothing to protect the vital organs, from a defensive standpoint) and who would kick off the protagonist’s harem.
When he actually gave it thought, he realized he wasn’t really all that interested in a harem, and kinda found the thought of one IRL gross. Like, did he even have to explain? But he knew that if he’d said that in an online chat with one of his internet buddies, they would definitely try to overrun his laptop with viruses. In what was now his previous life, he had had little to no experience with talking to girls, let alone “getting some action”. He really hadn’t seen the point, considering how difficult 3D girls were to handle. That said, he never really got into the hardcore otaku-type 2D obsession stuff, like buying lewd figurines and pasting posters all over your room and buying body pillows of your favorite waifu. He was just a hardcore watcher, and that kind of made-up for his lack of other tendencies. He would frequently spend 12+ hours a day shacked up in his room in 6 hour sessions of binging anime at 1.5 times speed; (he wanted to get in as much watching as possible) and that was only on weekdays. Yeah. With school. (Needless to say his grades weren’t exactly top notch) But weekends were another story, with him usually staying up till four in the morning on Friday night and then sleeping until twelve, when he would wake up and choose whether or not to eat before watching until he was told to get off, and then stuffing his fat face in the kitchen to his heart’s content. The point was, he had originally decided he didn’t want to “waste time” on a girlfriend. (Not that he was exactly confident he would be on anyone's radar if he were to try)
Anyways, more and more, (before he found himself falling from the sky of his new world) Caen had found himself feeling lonelier and more depressed as time went by, and so, he decided that in his new life he was going to quit his otaku and introvert tendencies and find the love of his life in what was to be his new world. Quite the goal.
With his mind made up, (this was some relatively quick thinking given the situation; he’d been falling for about four and a half minutes before coming upon this decision and entirely giving up on his old world and everything he had loved in it) (Besides his love of anime) he realized something… interesting. He hadn’t noticed it due to being lost in thought and not being capable of feeling it (probably his magical protection or something that came with being summoned), but he was currently a ball of flame. If he had been wearing clothes earlier during his fall, and he hadn’t actually bothered to check because of his little fit, they were long since burnt to a crisp. Even though he was certain he had a grasp on the situation, he couldn’t stop himself from freaking out just a little bit, especially as he felt himself growing closer and closer to the ground. ‘Alright, you can rescue me now,’ he muttered to himself, though his words were lost to the wind. His eyes widened. He realized he was too fast, far too fast. This entry was apparently going to be very flashy, which he wasn’t against, but… He could hardly gauge distance before he had halved it. Twenty thousand feet, ten thousand feet, five thousand, he broke through low hanging cloud cover, two thousand.. He shut his eyes as tight as he could and pulled his limbs in tight while covering his ears to brace himself and-
_ _ _ _ _
Learning to walk and not-squirrels
_ _ _ _ _
The sound of impact deafens him. He instantaneously loses awareness of anything else besides the sound, but somehow remains conscious, unaware of if he had completely shattered into a million billion pieces or not. For time out of mind he couldn’t move any part of himself. His ears ring and his head throbbed something awful. He could not conceive what would make him capable of surviving a fall like that. Then, slowly, ever so slowly, he opened an eye to gauge his surroundings…
He was in a crater. Caen had expected as much, but his jaw literally dropped in surprise, something he thought no one actually did. It was at least eight hundred feet from edge-to-edge and four hundred feet deep, the ground smoldering, red-hot and smoky, but surprisingly only warm where he lay (thank you, summoners). He must’ve stayed stagnant longer than he thought for it to have cooled enough to touch. He slowly pushed himself into a seated position, sitting on his right leg and letting his left arm rest on his left leg, which he had bent at the knee. He once again surveyed his crater by twisting his head around.
Quite the entrance. “I guess this fits into the one-time no fall damage category…” he muttered to himself, running his hand through his hair, making note that it was surprisingly silky. “Cause there’s no way this is a vitality thing, right? Way too overpowered.” For a minute he sat like that, until he realized that something was tugging on the back of his mind. At first he ignored it like he would a buzzing insect, but it kept poking at his subconscious. And then he was hit with it with as much force as when his sister sent him to Jupiter for accidentally breaking her new phone; that wasn’t his voice. ‘Huh?’ Neither was that. His eyes darted to the sides of his vision where it gently rested on the sides of his face. His hair. It was much, much longer than it was in his old world, reaching as far as to hang below his pecs. It was shiny and straight, and didn’t look like it had ever been cut. But that didn’t startle him as much as its color did.
Caen thought back to the fairy tales and stuff of his childhood, and about how they tended to over exaggerate the features of their characters and the objects in them so that the average kid could understand it better, with phrases like “as beautiful as a freshly-picked flower”, “as strong as a bull”, “as bright as the sun itself”, and “as white as snow”. Well, now he wasn’t so assuming that those were mere stories and not just incredible experiences from the writers, because he was witnessing something impossibly… beautiful. Because his hair was white. A stark white, with an almost silvery sheen to it. Like when you wake up the morning after a snowstorm and open your window to see if school is canceled, and the snow blinds you when you look at it because it's reflecting the morning sun. Beautiful. He quite literally couldn’t think of another word for it. Slowly, he reached up to touch it again, once again feeling the impossibly smooth sensation. It glided over his fingers like water. And then he saw the fingers of his hand. Long and slender, perfect and unblemished. He was dumbfounded. ‘Are these really… mine?’ he asked quietly with his new voice. ‘A new body was always possible, I suppose, but I thought if that were to happen I would first have to be reincarnated and grow up with it myself. Did this body… come into existence just for me when I got here? I would hate it if I kicked out someone's soul so mine could stay here or whatever.’ He stood shakily. He was tall. Taller than in his other life, where he’d stood at around five-ten, Caen figured he was now around six-two. And, what he found almost as shocking as his hair, was that he was fit. Or perhaps thin would be a better word, something he had never been before. His stomach felt strange to him as it no longer bulged, and when on a whim he attempted the stretches he wasn’t close to being capable of before, he did so with ease. He could reach his feet when he sat and stretched out his legs, and he could even easily touch his toes. He was in the middle of attempting to put his foot behind his head when he realized he should probably get a move on and get out of there. He guessed that he most likely looked like a meteor for any settlement within a few hundred miles of his crash site. He quickly tapped his foot on a particularly smoldery-looking piece of earth to test if he could withstand the heat like before. He once again found it to be only pleasantly warm. With that reassurance in mind, he decided to get himself out of the crater. That was, before he realized he’d need to learn to walk again. He fell hard and broke his fall with his arms. His muscles felt unused and unfamiliar, though the movement of his arms came more naturally than the rest. At first, his legs were very wobbly and his knees shook and moved sharply if he strained them too much or too little, causing them to buckle and him to fall and roll back down to the center of the crater when he tried to walk out. It didn’t help that it was a pretty consistently steep climb to the edge. He must have been at it for at least an hour. But the distance was good practice for him, and with a lot of rolling in the scorched earth he finally managed to get himself to the edge. The adjustment period wasn’t that awful, considering, and he felt he should be kind of proud for learning so quickly. (At least that's how he thought of it) He stood up on the rim of the crater to see exactly where he was. A pretty considerable distance away he could see trees ringing the crater site, and he decided that he had landed in a forest. The further away from the edge the less burnt and bent the trees were, from the shockwave that came with the force of the impact, he decided. He sat down, leaned back and let his feet rest on the decline of the crater. It was incredible. It felt like he’d just woken up after twelve hours of sleep, and his mind was buzzing with activity like he hadn’t experienced before. Everything was so fresh. He didn’t feel tired or winded at all, and he saw everything in vivid detail, even though all there was to see was the smoldering earth and the forest in the distance. He even tried breathing in deep with his nose, but all he got was burnt dirt and he started coughing from the smokiness of it. Despite this, he smiled. He hadn’t felt like this in ages, a thought he had believed was reserved for seventy-year-olds after getting their backs adjusted by a chiropractor. He jumped up, deciding that the first thing he should do would be to find a settlement of some sort, or at least a stream so that he could drink some water. He wasn’t particularly thirsty, but the thought of a cool liquid down his throat made him shiver. He also wanted to eat something, and decided to keep an eye out for nuts or berries in the forest that looked innocent enough. And so he started his trek. Soon he was walking on long, springy grass and gazing at all kinds of fauna that was surprisingly familiar. He couldn’t really see a difference in the trees or bushes at first, but when he plucked a leaf from the low hanging branch of a tree that looked like the one in his backyard, he saw that the pattern of the veins was definitely different, if not by much. He could at least tell that, since he had played under that tree when he was little. He also saw a lot of strange forest critters, and his heightened senses picked up on their presences like a radar. Soon there were dozens of them watching him from the trees, giving him a wide berth but for some reason following, so he still caught a few glances. Most had bushy tails and large ears with short whiskers on their little snouts, and tiny little heads that looked like those of baby foxes. The overwhelming majority were a sandy brown, but a few times he also saw one that looked blue and one that looked red, and even one that was pink, but these were always directly in the shadows of the trees and bushes and would dart away as soon as he tried for a closer look. A different species that looked like a miniature boar no larger than a bowling ball, complete with tusks, a stubby tail and hooves, trotted directly trotted directly through his path with its head held high in what looked like a show of contempt before disappearing into a bush. It was totally adorable and he regretted not trying to pick it up before it had disappeared. He winced internally as he thought of how many of these balls of fluff were incinerated in his landing. Slowly, as he trekked on, the creatures became more and more daring, darting past him and soon getting in his full view shamelessly, but they didn’t seem to have any ill intent, so he really didn’t mind. At least, they didn’t look predatory. (though he inwardly didn’t trust that idea from his knowledge of anime) Suddenly, one that was much larger than the others, probably the pack leader, scurried directly in front of him and stood on its short hind legs, its arms drawn together. It was similar to the way squirrels “stood”. Caen paused mid-step. It had some sort of presence, and its pose seemed to indicate that it wanted him to sit down so they could have a conversation. Unlike the other not-squirrels, (as he decided to temporarily call them) this one’s coat looked much fluffier and was a rich, chocolate brown, and its ears had white tufts at the ends. Its tail twitched and he also noticed that towards the tip of it the hair was also white. It gave off some sort of aura. Caen crouched. ‘Hey there, little guy. What can I do for you?’ He asked in the same voice he would use for a cute dog or other friendly animal. It tilted its head and he had to stop himself from launching at it in a surprise hug attack. It stared at him for a little longer. Then, out of nowhere, it beckoned to him with a little arm, turned, and started running off. For a second, Caen stayed crouched, dumbfounded at what he’d just witnessed, until dozens of the hiding squirrels started running in the same direction as the big one. He shook it off and decided this was supposed to be his first big event in his story, and so he started sprinting after it, because these little guys were speedy. He ran for more than ten minutes, almost losing track of the pack until he caught glimpses of a bushy tail or fluffy ears that kept him on their trail. Since his endurance was off the charts now, he actually enjoyed the chase, and took the opportunity to breathe in the rich forest aroma as he ran. Soon, he broke out into a small clearing, where he saw the leader “standing” beside the mouth of a cave. The once again shy not-squirrels all hid in the trees and bushes that surrounded the clearing, and all he could see were their cute little button eyes glimmering in the leaves. There must have been hundreds of them. He hesitatingly walked over to the giant not-squirrel (because that was what it was in comparison) and crouched down again. ‘Do you want me to go inside there?’ He asked, pointing at the cave, and turning his gaze to the eyes of the creature. It stared at him uncomprehendingly, its black eyes giving no indication of some great intelligence that secretly lurked. He sighed. ‘Might as well,’ he muttered, walking over the cave entrance. It was as dark as one would imagine, but there appeared to be a faint candle light of sorts dancing on the walls around a bend about a hundred feet in. It also smelled heavily like some sort of crushed herb he was unfamiliar with. It almost overshadowed the rancid smell of rotting flesh. He narrowed his eyes at the giant not-squirrel and the rest of the pack hiding in the bushes before walking in. There was definitely something alive in here, and from the smell, it or they were dying.
_ _ _ _ _
Elf hotties and magic
_ _ _ _ _
The further into the cave he went, the more overwhelming the stench of death became. Caen gave himself a second to regain his composure, then covered his nose as he turned the bend. His eyes widened in shock. A pretty girl with silver hair and sharply tipped ears lay upon a bed of leaves, naked save several fern leaves that provided her the barest of modesty. Her form was softly illuminated by several low burning candles that framed her. A singular giant fern rested on her stomach, covering where James guessed the mortal wound was inflicted. Her eyes were closed and she breathed shallowly, and sweat was beaded all over her body. The different colored not-squirrels he had seen earlier were all gathered there, watching her intently, but quickly turned their heads as they heard his bare feet shuffling on the stone floor. All three of them were there, the red, blue, and pink furred not-squirrels, as well as a green one that he hadn’t seen before. They stared at him for several seconds before all but the green not-squirrels scurried behind him. The green one leaned its head down and seemed to whisper something in the ear of the elf. Caen’s world slowed. Her eyes crept open, a rich, deep purple that seemed to shimmer with silver dust like stars. She ever so slightly turned her head to look at the not-squirrel questioningly, and then her gaze drifted to Caen. As their eyes met, he felt a shiver and a volt of electricity passed invisibly between them through their gaze. Her eyes widened with what looked like disbelief, and she smiled at him ever so softly. Caen felt entranced. There was something special about this girl, something so very special, and he felt a stirring in his chest that made his stomach twinge, but not unpleasantly. She beckoned to him with a finger and he slowly approached her and knelt. Those few steps, with her eyes fixated on his, and his on hers, felt like eternity, and he couldn’t break the gaze if he wanted. ‘Greetings, White One.’ She said softly, still not breaking eye contact. Her voice sounded as though it were made to sing. ‘I apologize… I… was meant to be there to greet you upon your arrival. The best I could manage was providing you a safe entrance from the heavens.’ She said sadly, and a tear welled up in the corner of her eye. He hesitatingly reached out a hand and cupped her face, gently wiping away the tear with his thumb. She shouldn’t cry. He knew that, somehow, that it was wrong, that she shouldn’t ever have to experience sadness like that. She breathed in sharply at his touch, and then her gaze softened. ‘Who… are you?’ He asked quietly. She smiled sadly and tears flowed freely on the back of his hand. ‘Unfortunately, I don’t have the leisure to cry with you. I am glad that my friends were able to escort you here and provide you with safe company, for the forest is a very dangerous place, but… more than that, I am glad that I was able to see you… at… least once…’
Her eyes drifted closed. He quickly grabbed her arm and was hugely relieved to find a pulse, ever so faint.
She is so close to death, White One.
She has been holding out so that she could meet you, White One.
She has been waiting so very long for you, White One.
She spent what little mana she had left providing you safe entry into our world, White one.
These sweet-sounding voices echoed in his mind, though all of melancholy tone. He slowly stood and turned to face the not-squirrels.
Please save our Silver Lady, White One.
This voice was deep and strained with pain and suffering. In front of him stood the pack leader. He sat just in front of the other four not-squirrels, all mimicking his position. All Caen could do was nod, even though he was dazed and had no idea how he would be able to help her at all. ‘Show me the wound.’ he declared in a voice that sounded much more confident than he felt.
The four different colored not-squirrels glanced at the leader, and, the words still echoing inside of Caen’s mind like before, he said, ‘Do as the White One proclaims.’ They unhesitatingly scurried to their “Silver Lady” and carefully removed the large fern. Caen did not react how he thought he would. He saw it and his body shook, but not with disgust, or surprise, or horror, but with rage. He clenched his fists and the muscles in his arms grew taut as his fingernails dug into his palms. Her stomach had been ferociously torn open, revealing a sight that was best kept undescribed. His voice shook with power as he spat, “Who… Who did this… to her?”
His head snapped to the not-squirrel leader, his wild, hateful eyes boring into the creature. “We do not know, White One,
submitted by Leading-Secret-9933 to u/Leading-Secret-9933 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:34 LucyAriaRose New Update: AITAH for not inviting my ex-husband's wife at my daughter's birthday party because she told me not to?

I am still NOT the Original Poster. That is still u/Parking_Mission_7544. She posted in AITAH
I fixed spelling mistakes in the title for readability. I also added names instead of letters and paragraphs.

A reminder that this sub has a 7 day waiting period. The newest update has not been posted here before, but you may have seen it on a different sub.

Previous BORUs here and here. New Update marked with ****\*
Trigger Warning: mention of miscarriage
Mood Spoiler:>! looking up!<
Original Post: March 28, 2024
I (32F) have a daughter (9 going on 10F) with my ex-husband (36M). We divorced when she was 3. He then remarried with one of his co-workers (let's call her Melissa). They also have a son together (6M).
My daughter's birthday is in 9 days. I reviewed with my daughter things for her birthday, like the theme, the cake... Here's the issue: when we were going through the guest list, she looked anxious. When I asked what's wrong, she told me that she did not want to invite Melissa. I asked her why and she explained to me that Melissa would make weird comments sometimes around other parents/ to her .
For example, when Melissa would pick her up from her dance lesson, she would hear Melissa say things like "That is why I prefer boys, girls only like pink and tutu", calling her a brat, and other things. She also told me that every time her brother (Melissa and ex-h's kid) would do something to annoy her (like breaking her toys, calling her names, starting a fight), Melissa would always defend her son and punish her every time and say "boys will be boys" or some crap like that .
I asked about her dad and she said that she does that when her dad is around, but he is always in his office so it is like a free pass. Later on, I called her father. He asked for the date of the party (her real birthday is a school day). I told him that his wife was not invited and I think I was in loudspeaker because I heard Melissa screaming at me saying that I "destroy her family"
So, AITA for not inviting my ex-husband's wife to my daughter's birthday party because she told me not to?
Okay, just for precision:
There is not consensus bot on AITAH, but the majority of comments were NTA
Update Post: April 8, 2024 (10 days later)
So, a lot happened. First of all, I met my ex for lunch alone. I explained everything that my daughter told me. At first, he was defensive and told me that she was overreacting. I replied that even if that were true, his relationship with his daughter is at risk. I gave him a choice: fix the problem or I go back to court for more custody.
Friday, when I came to pick my daughter up at his house, I talked to her in private, and she told me that her dad spent time with her, picking her up from school/activities, helping her with homework, and playing with her. Melissa then told me that she accepts not going to the party but still wanted to see my daughter blow out her candles on her actual birthday. She baked a cake and asked her (my dautghter) if she was okay with doing it before leaving. She seemed okay with it, so we gathered around the cake (my daughter, Melissa, ex, and half-brother). When my daughter blew out the candles, M junior decided that the good thing to do would be to smash my daughter's face into the cake....(To be honest, if this was not a kid, I would be in prison.) He and Melissa burst out laughing while my daughter was crying.
Melissa then told her that she was being dramatic and "emotional." We (Melissa, ex, and I) got into an argument, and to my surprise, my ex-husband was on my side, saying that it was not okay. While arguing, I noticed that my daughter was not there, so I left to check on her. I helped her clean herself, and then we left for my house. I tried to cheer her up, but she was still a little sad. The party went well, her dad came, and during the party, I told him that I want more custody because of his wife's bullying. So yeah, I will update you if anything happens.
Precision 2 :
Some of you asked questions about my daughter's reaction. My daughter is a really shy and silent kid. Except for me and her dad, she does not talk unless spoken to or if you bring up a subject that she likes. When something upsets her, she just stays silent and cries. It's always been like that and it is what she did. Started crying, went to her room.
Relevant Comments:
To be honest, I don't entirely blame the kid. He probably picked up that attitude from his mom
Commenter: If you are going to court for more custody time, ask for increased child support as well.
OOP: I don't receive child support. I earn more than him
(OOP to a different commenter) I live in California, so in a 50/50 custody arrangement, the parent with the higher income pays child support (which means I pay) At least this is what I got
Commenter: What did your ex-husband say when you wanted more custody? I mean, does he not see his new wife as terrorizing his daughter?
OOP: It went approximately like this:
Me: I want more custody.
Ex: What? I know she was mean, but you can't do this to me.
Me: Really? Your wife is bullying our daughter. I've told you before, you did not keep the promise, so I'm going for more custody.
Does he recognize that Melissa is mistreating his daughter?
He apologized for their behavior and told me he would fix it. BUT he asked me not to fight for more custody
Update Post 2: April 19, 2024 (11 days from previous post)
Update 2: Hi! I saw that many of you asked for an update.
*My daughter: After the cake "incident," I asked her questions about whether M/half brother had ever laid hands on her, played such "pranks" on her, or behaved inappropriately (we never know). She told me no, explaining that the fights with her half-brother are mainly him annoying her. I also inquired if anyone else from both sides had made her uncomfortable in any way, and again, she said no. Since my last post, she has been seeing her psychiatrist twice a week. The bullying apparently started about two months ago. I don't know if it is related (although I am sure it is), but it was also around that time that Melissa had a miscarriage.
*Me: To be honest, I feel like a terrible mom. I did not see the signs. I am trying to fix everything.
*My ex-husband: GUESS WHO SHOWED UP AT MY DOOR AT 10 PM???? He called me last night, was outside, and said he wanted to talk. I let him in, and because I don't trust him (I really don't), I recorded the whole conversation (with his consent).
He told me that since the party, he's been thinking about what to do and yesterday told Melissa about my desire for more custody. From what he told me, she said that it was not such a bad idea because my daughter was not fitting into their family dynamic. They started to argue, and at one point, she just started cursing me and my daughter. Apparently, I am a sneaky B-word who is bitter about her affair with my ex-husband. She described my daughter as a spoiled, bratty princess who needs correction. And now, he has to choose between which woman he loves the most.
This is where he had the click! He left the house, drove around, and then showed up at my place. He is going to stay at a friend's house to think about his relationship with Melissa. Our daughter will stay with me during the week and visit him on the weekends. I told him that if he's going to get back together with Melissa, I am continuing with full custody. But if they divorce, it will depends of his custody for his son because I don't want him around my daughter. He agreed.
That's it. Thank you for all the support.
Relevant Comment:
Commenter: I suspect Melissa miscarried a girl and that's what she's turned poisonous against your daughter and you. Grief and guilt. You did a job thing keeping your daughter away.
OOP: I just know that she was between 3 and 4 months pregnant.
*****New Update Post: May 9, 2024 (3 weeks later, 1+ months from OG post)****\*
Final Update : Hi again! y'all ask for an update. Here you go :
*My ex-h : Earlier in the week, he asked if he could come by,saying that he had something important to tell me. He told me that last friday Melissa junior got into trouble at school for cursing at a girl.
Long story short : he confessed his fellings to a girl (the niece of the director), she rejected him. Apparently, he started shouting insults at her that no 6-year-old should know, let alone say. Because of this incident and our daughter's situation he decided to divorce Melissa. She would be served the divorce papers next week. He is also going to pay Melissa in therapy because he still wants her to have a relationship with their son.
We (ex-h,daughter,me) will also be attending family therapy together.
*My daughter : She is happier now, and that's the only thing that matters to me. For the summer I am going to take her to Japan to see my side of the family !
Brooke, if one day you read this, mama loves you more than anything. I am sorry for seeing everything earlier. I love you!!!!!!!
Precision 3 :
  1. I am still going for full custody of my daughter with visitation the week-end. If and only IF Melissa junior's behaviour improves, I will let him and my daughter interact.
  2. He (my ex) is going for full custody of his son.
  3. I still don't trust my ex-h. I am keeping my eyes on him, and how he will raise my daughter. I don't know why people would assume that I am going to nice with him. Am I polite? Yes. Nice? No.
  4. I am not going for more custody because he wants his son. Because he recently got a promotion so works more. He doesn't have the time to take care of our daughter on the week days so I take her.
  5. Someone asked me our races (for some reason??). I am Japanese, like my ex-h, and Melissa is white (French).
  6. Like I said I am Japanese but was raised in France so French is my first language, than Japanese, than English (sorry for any mistakes)
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: Just a question , when it was 50/50 why not your time it’s a bday party for your side and on his time he can do that . I know it’s harder for thanksgiving and Xmas just the schedule can be worked out.
OOP: We decided to host the party at my place, inviting both sides of the family. I live in a house, whereas he and Melissa lived in an apartment. If she is with me at Thanksgiving, she would be with him at Christmas, and vice versa.
Commenter: v glad that op's daughter is now safe, but ngl i am worried about op's ex's son - it's honestly kind of disturbing that he knows those insults & i'm concerned about what m (or mb others in his life) are teaching him. hopefully op's ex gets full custody and things improve.
OOP: Yeah... I don't know what he heard his mother say, but a 6-year-old saying that a girl is being "heartless b-word" or a "W word" is VERY disturbing
submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]
