A famous example of consonance

IRLSmurfing: Real life smurfs

2015.01.30 19:58 IRLSmurfing: Real life smurfs

A celebrity or professional pretending to be amateur usually under disguise. The video has to be an activity that the person is known for. For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer. For videos of celebrities just going undercover and not doing the activity they are known for please submit to /UndercoverCelebs. Please search if a video has been posted before.

2009.08.30 06:52 PlasmaWhore Pictures of things that look like other things.

Pictures of things that are recognizable as other objects. For example, a picture of a cloud that happens to look like a whale sword fighting a leprechaun.

2008.09.04 14:16 Reddit Romania

Romania, a country famous for its beautiful landscapes, rich history and awesome people. This is our little Romanian corner of Reddit!

2024.06.01 14:29 adulting4kids Week One Poetry

Week 1: Introduction to Poetry and Sonnets
Day 1: Overview of Poetry Styles - Activity: Icebreaker - Introduce yourself through a poetic name acrostic. - Lecture: Brief history of poetry, introduction to various styles. - Discussion: What draws you to poetry? Share your favorite poems.
Day 2: Understanding Sonnets - Activity: Analyze a classic sonnet together. - Lecture: Explanation of sonnet structure (Shakespearean and Petrarchan). - Discussion: Share initial impressions and feelings about sonnets.
Day 3: Writing Exercise - Crafting a Sonnet - Activity: Break down sonnet structure with examples. - Assignment: Write a sonnet exploring a personal experience or emotion. - Vocabulary Words: Quatrain, Couplet, Volta.
Day 4: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for sonnets. - Lecture: Discuss common challenges and strategies in sonnet writing. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Day 5: Recap and Reflection - Activity: Reflect on the week's lessons and exercises. - Lecture: Overview of upcoming weeks. - Assignment: Write a short reflection on what you've learned about poetry and sonnets.
Study Guide Questions for Week 1: 1. What is the basic structure of a sonnet? 2. Compare and contrast Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnets. 3. How does the volta contribute to the meaning of a sonnet? 4. Discuss the role of rhyme and meter in sonnets. 5. Explore your personal connection to poetry. What emotions or themes resonate with you?
Quiz: A short quiz assessing understanding of sonnet structure, key terms, and the historical context of poetry.
Week 2: Embracing Haiku and Villanelle
Day 1: Understanding Haiku - Activity: Analyze classic haikus. - Lecture: Explain the traditional structure and themes of haikus. - Discussion: Share thoughts on the simplicity and depth of haikus.
Day 2: Crafting Haikus - Activity: Write haikus individually. - Lecture: Discuss the significance of nature in haikus. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual haikus.
Day 3: Unraveling the Villanelle - Activity: Analyze a famous villanelle. - Lecture: Explore the structure and repetition in villanelles. - Discussion: Discuss the impact of repeated lines on the overall theme.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Composing a Villanelle - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a villanelle. - Assignment: Write a villanelle on the theme of memory or loss. - Vocabulary Words: Tercet, Refrain, Envoi.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for villanelles. - Lecture: Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting repetitive forms. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' villanelles.
Study Guide Questions for Week 2: 1. What defines a haiku? Discuss its structure and thematic elements. 2. Explore the cultural significance of nature in haikus. 3. What is the structure of a villanelle, and how does repetition contribute to its impact? 4. Discuss the emotions evoked by repeated lines in a villanelle. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting a villanelle. What challenges did you face?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of haikus, villanelles, and the effective use of repetition in poetry.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:24 zackphoenix123 I almost dropped Dungeon Meshi, and I'm so glad I didn't.

I remember when I first heard about Dungeon Meshi. It was just a show that was coming up for Winter this year. I had never heard of the show prior to this, and based on the premise and PVs, I thought it'd just be another fantasy show that didn't really need to be a fantasy. Or one of those shows that use Fantasy like a skin because that's what sells.
I remember expecting it to be something similar to Campfire Cooking in Another world. I mean, the title "Delicious in Dungeon" Doesn't really tell me much.
The only seriously noteworthy thing I found about the show was "Oh, it's by Studio Trigger a pretty famous Studio," also I just realized this is the first Studio Trigger show I've seen. Another thing being during the KV reveal, soooo many people were talking about how this is one of if not their favourite manga of all time. And I was just like... huuuh??? I've never even heard of this manga, but somehow, everyone who's read it holds it on such a high regard. Also the fanbase (prior to the anime blowing up) seemed pretty chill.
I remember watching the first episode and thinking, aw, that's pretty nice.
I thought it had better world building and set designs than Campfire Cooking, but Campfire had the better looking food. Looking back, it's almost nothing like Campfire cooking aside from the food, but back then, I still had that expectation going into it.
By that point, I was also getting a bit of an anime burnout so I was ready to drop it once I got to the halfway 13 episode mark. It was better produced than a lot of other anime out there, but nothing about the story was really gripping.
I forgot what exactly pushed me to continue, but I will say, it's definitely not the Manga Readers who kept half spoiling during every episode discussion. Nevertheless, I kept going.
I think the closest comparison I can think of with my experience with this show is Fullmetal Alchemist. I wasn't really hooked early on, but before I knew it, when I reached a certain episode and looked back, I was already hooked.
Dungeon Meshi is probably my favourite Fantasy Anime the past 2 years. I'm pretty sure Next year's crunchyroll anime awards will have Frieren win, but man- Dungeon Meshi is just a whole different experience.
The world building in this show is phenomenal. It feels so rich and vast and the way they explain the "science" behind everything makes it feel more like a nature's documentary episode than a fantasy show. You forget these things aren't real and it starts to look more like a possibility.
The "food" are also insanely creative. The delicacies they can cook up with pretty much any creature can make you salivate. The frogs having protective skin against poisonous vines, the muscles living inside the hollow armours, the dragon sack containing gas and their mouths having a "click" to spark it. It's brilliant! This show is absolutely brilliant!
And it's not just the world building that makes this show feel so alive. How the author manages to balance out the perspectives of so many interesting characters and give them depth is fascinating to watch. Not just the main character's party, any and all characters introduced, even outside of that adds something. They feel like they can exist in their own story. It makes you think of the "everyone is the protagonist of their story" line. Kabru is- Just talking about it makes me hype! I love how he overanalyses people. The way he deduced a lot of Laois' party's movements were downright scary much like a certain scene in an Episode of Oshi no Ko (OnK watches, you know the episode), it reminded me of that!
I think the moment "world building" becomes just great for me is when I can feel the world existing outside of the characters. I felt this way with Frieren, Mushoku Tensei, Made in Abyss, The Lord of the Rings, Re:Zero, and now ofc, Dungeon Meshi.
But... yeah, I think Dungeon Meshi is my definitive pure fantasy show OAT now. I have not yet read the manga, I'm only an anime watcher, but even if they continue just this quality with the anime, I know I'll be giving this show a good 10/10 in my list.
Also to compare it a bit more with Frieren. I find it really fascinating. I know comparing two shows is generally frowned upon because both shows should be judged with their own merits and whatnot, but since I view these two as absolute 10/10's and both acting as pure fantasy, I can't help but want to compare them seeing how different my experiences were.
For Frieren, I already gave it a 10/10 in my list, but it feels like a completely different type of Fantasy from Dungeon Meshi. If I were to say, Frieren does more in the way of using the fantasy element to tell a human story. It feels more like a life anime using the fantasy setting as a tool. Frieren herself being the best example of this. The author using an elf to explore the long life of Frieren outliving her comrades and how that affects her.
Dungeon Meshi, on the other hand, feels like fantasy is the center of the story. It's not a tool to tell a story, the fantasy world is the story. Every day we just learn more and more about this world in a way that goes deeper than most other fantasies are willing to do. Reading through the pages is enough to tell you that the author loves the world they built, they have so much to say and so many things to share. Instead of the Fantasy being used to serve the characters, here we have the characters feeling like they're here to serve the world.
We also see all the characters serve a different aspect in exploring the world
Laios is here to tell us everything we need to know about the monsters. Marcille Teaches us the magic system. Chilchuck explores the sociopolitical side of the world as well as the "rules" and culture around adventuring. Of course, Senshi is here to tell us all about how to cook good food.
They all work together to teach us more about the world so every episode, we always come out with something new. It's SO FUCKING GOOD!
Anyway, rant over. Dungoen Meshi peak, you should go watch it if you haven't already.
Ah- one more thing, seems like Frieren's usage of its magic system or world building(?) is more on the soft side of the spectrum while Dungeon Meshi goes HARD on it.
submitted by zackphoenix123 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 ArmaxHD Guys I have a theory

Guys I have a theory
As we all know the world of splatoon is a world where humans became extinct and marine life took their place,and the cause of extinction due to global warming. Now that we all know this, we all know that there are giant squids that can reach 14 meters in size, the characters from Splatoon,most likely the inklings would have these giant squids as their gods or mystical beings, BUT, researching a little we can see that the giant squids are being harmed by global warming is causing them to become increasingly venomous and rarer, in other words, in the future in which Splatoon takes place, these giant squids will most likely no longer exist. And I think we all know that some whales hunt giant squid, the most famous example being sperm whales,This means that in the view of the Splatoon characters, whales are evil gods who eat squid and perhaps octopus. Probably in the folklore books of the world of Splatoon there are whales as giant creatures that kill gods. But it is now that humans enter, you see, the human race has already hunted both whales and giant squids, using group work, intelligence and tools.This means that in the view of the people of Splatoon, humans are a race that hunts gods, not just goddesses, but also any other type of race since we hunt all types of animals.It would make a lot of sense if in Splatoon humans were a very feared race and that's why whenever there is a possibility of them returning (Octo expansion and Splatoon 3)they are treated as a global threat. To sum it all up, humans are the most feared race in the world of Splatoon because of their deeds in the past, and perhaps the fact that their extinction was caused by humans themselves would also reinforce the idea that only humans were able to stop humans. Thank you for reading this far, this is just a silly theory that I thought of in the shower, don't take anything seriously.
submitted by ArmaxHD to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 BlitzBard Mercury IS MORE IMPORTANT than sun

Hello, I'm here to add something important related to my post yesterday
When I said mercury determines personality more than sun, I meant it's literally more important than sun for compatibility, and in case you want to truly know someone, I meant that when you want to talk to someone, work with someone, or even start a relationship with someone, his/her mercury is going to be FAR more important than their sun. It's not just "communication style" like you read everywhere.
Take someone like Kurt Cobain and compare him to Rihanna and tell me if they're the same? Although they have their sun in Pisces, and have the same career, they don't act the same, don't sing the same, don't talk the same, their attitudes are TOO DIFFERENT it's like they're not the same sign, Rihanna is this businesswoman, and Kurt is this tortured bohemian artist.
Take someone like tom cruise does he act like someone like Tom hanks? Both are toms and both are cancers, but they're so different. The way Tom cruise carries himself, his interests, his energy, his attitude, the way he talks, his personality basically is completely different than tom hanks.
Mercury even determines your talent, interests and what you want to do for life, people with sun in aries but mercury in pisces have artistic abilities and are interested in joining a creative field examples: mariah carey, lady gaga, heath ledger, celine dion, reese witherspoon, jackie chan... etc, they always sing, even if they don't turn out to be singers they still sing, they will still have interest in music, and in dance, they will still have artistic abilities or interests even if they chose a different career, and when they're in a different field than art they will also want to be creative and bring their 'own way' to the job, just like a pisces does.
During my research when I was reading interviews and articles of these artists talking about themselves or other people talking about them I noticed how they describe them as "dreamy, empathetic, generous, kind, good-hearted, extremely shy, restless, creative, really sensitive, mature beyond his years" These traits combined are basically Pisces traits.
Now get someone, anyone famous or not, with a pisces sun and a mercury in aries or aquarius.. Say for an example: Justin Bieber, does justin bieber act how a Pisces would act? Does he have the same traits that you would associate with a Pisces? What about the douchebag Steve Jobs (dominant mercury in aqua sun in pisces), how's he a pisces? Does that rich greedy b#stard Bernard Arnault act like a Pisces? Nope. Is Adam levine a pisces?
When you, for an example have pisces sun but mercury in aqua you will find it a little hard to vibe with water signs with mercury in water.. but you will like those with mercury in air or fire signs...
When people say the sun is personality, I just think they don't understand what makes a personality, mercury has all that makes a personality.
Now I'm not saying that sun doesn't matter, because all these people I mentioned still are creative and elegant like pisces, but their personalities aren't pisces AT ALL, and their actions aren't pisces either.
Thanks for reading, have a good day.
Ps: I used the pisces examples simply because it's the easiest to get my point across.
submitted by BlitzBard to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:11 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Prompt: Choose a setting (real or imaginary) and describe it using detailed sensory imagery. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and textures to create a vivid scene, just like a painter with words.
  2. Metaphor: Prompt: Compare a personal experience to an everyday object or phenomenon in an unexpected way. For example, "My heart is a compass that always points to the north of your laughter."
  3. Simile: Prompt: Write a series of similes to express intense emotions. For instance, "As brave as a lion facing the storm, as fragile as a petal in the wind."
  4. Rhyme: Prompt: Craft a short poem or lyrics with a consistent rhyme scheme. Experiment with different rhyme patterns (ABAB, AABB, etc.) to enhance the musicality of your writing.
  5. Meter: Prompt: Compose a poem with a specific meter, such as iambic pentameter. Pay attention to the syllabic beats in each line to create a rhythmic flow.
  6. Alliteration: Prompt: Create a tongue-twisting line using alliteration. Focus on the repetition of initial consonant sounds to add a playful or musical quality to your writing.
  7. Assonance: Prompt: Write a passage where the vowel sounds within words echo each other. Experiment with different vowel combinations to create a melodic effect.
  8. Personification: Prompt: Choose an inanimate object and personify it. Describe its actions, thoughts, and emotions as if it were a living being.
  9. Symbolism: Prompt: Select an object or element and explore its symbolic meaning. Connect it to broader themes or emotions in your writing.
  10. Enjambment: Prompt: Write a poem where the thoughts flow continuously from one line to the next without a pause. Explore how this technique can create a sense of movement or urgency.
  11. Repetition: Prompt: Repeat a word or phrase throughout a poem for emphasis. Consider how repetition can enhance the overall impact and meaning of your writing.
  12. Free Verse: Prompt: Embrace the freedom of expression by writing a poem without adhering to rhyme or meter. Allow your thoughts to flow organically, exploring the beauty of formless verse.
  13. Stanza: Prompt: Divide your writing into stanzas to create distinct sections with varying themes or tones. Explore how the organization of lines contributes to the overall structure of your work.
  14. Theme: Prompt: Choose a universal theme (love, loss, freedom, etc.) and explore it through your lyrics. Delve into the nuances and perspectives associated with the chosen theme.
  15. Tone: Prompt: Write a poem that conveys contrasting tones. Explore how shifts in tone can evoke different emotions and responses from the reader.
  16. Connotation: Prompt: Select a word with strong connotations and use it in a poem. Explore the emotional baggage and cultural associations tied to the word within the context of your writing.
  17. Irony: Prompt: Craft a poem with elements of irony. Create situations or lines that convey a meaning opposite to the literal interpretation, adding layers of complexity to your writing.
  18. Allusion: Prompt: Reference a well-known song, book, or historical event in your lyrics. Explore how the use of allusion can enrich the depth and meaning of your writing.
  19. Syntax: Prompt: Experiment with sentence structure to create different effects. Play with word order, sentence length, and punctuation to convey specific emotions or rhythms in your writing.
  20. Diction: Prompt: Choose a specific mood or atmosphere you want to convey and carefully select words that evoke that feeling. Pay attention to the impact of your word choices on the overall tone of your writing.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 LustLantern Is it allowed to publish AI generated / Artistic adult content of game characters or a specific game setting?

Hi! Wondering about if it's legal to publish AI generated content, or content that is made by artists, that are either;
  1. Famous game characters (Think of; Tomb Raider)
  2. Not character specific, but the impression is that certain adult content is made within a game, for example in Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, or Apex Legend, as a few examples.
This is mainly about adult content. Not using characters that are based on real actresses / actors.
Is that copyright infringement? Is it a grey zone, or fully legal / illegal? Could it fall under satire?
submitted by LustLantern to COPYRIGHT [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:35 Left-Finding6540 It's now June, I'm looking to make a thread of last minute tips, if anyone has any last minute tips for any subjects I'll add them

English: for section 1 question a on paper 1 use pqe, point quote explain, nake one point use a quote to back it up and explain, leave extra space after each point incase you have extra time to spend on it,alternatively a kind commentor added fhe following:Can I add one to English, from an English teacher. Instead of PQE, use PEEL . Point, Evidence, Explain and Link (to the next paragraph/back to the question). Will boost C mark.
Question b of that same question make sure if you write the text of a speech the whole text is said speech and if you have to for example write the text of a speech from a famous person you never step out of character. Your opening line should be basically a rephrasing of the question eg:write an article for the local newspaper, you should say "I am writing for the x newspaper to tell you about...", even if its unrealistic they still look for this in regard to your purpose mark.
For the composing:make sure there are famous people you can talk about a lot, also just a few topics that youve got some bit of knowledge on e.g ai might be handy
personal essay: use anecdotes even if they're made up
Short story:I'm avoiding this personally but make sure you show don't tell and alsondont leave plot holes, from what I've heard people who do this already have things like settings, characters and storylines planned out before the exam
Opinion essay: chose for or against and be strongly for or against, if im not mistaken you can be neutral but it's a lot harder
For the single text your first quote shouldn't be from act 1 scene 1 or your texts equivalent,your answer shouldn't be a summary
For hamlet: have lots of quotes, back in as many points as possible with quotes, remember the word regicide and antic-disposition, if the question asks about Claudius' role as villain if must only be his direct wrong doings (laertes, elder hamlet) and not the ones he indirectly caused by making hamlet mad (ophelia, polonius etc).
Comparative:constantly compare your 3 texts,(this next tip only applies if parf of your comparative course is never let me go) MOST of the time if you are doing the question 1 which is split up into a and b where a is in relation to 1 text and b is 2, never let me go will be in part a as it is hard to compare to other texts, this obviously depends on the question but if in doubt do that
Unseen poetry:I'm absolutely useless at this but on my mock I completely misunderstood the poem and got 17/20, waffle with confidence, don't spend too long on it as 20 marks is sweet fa in your English paper and the difference between spending 20 mins and 25 mins is no more than 3 marks. As a kind commentary added(soz days are long cba tagging everybody) backup using any poetic technique you can
Poetry: have one poem you can talk for days about no matter what, they will more than likely come up. Have 3 more you understand to be able to answer a question, then your perfectly covered. If you want to be more confident you can learn 2 poems to perfect 50/50 but from here to Thursday time management is important
History: if your a slow writer like me learn a metric fuck tonne of good quotes they're the quickest way to pick up marks, here's a few if you want them
Oh little sputnik flying high/with made-in-moscow-beep/you show the world its a commie sky/and uncle Sam's asleep-mennen Williams,democratic governor of michigan
The United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external and internal forces-the turman doctrine
We are kings men and well be with you to the end -james Craig (not precisely a long one but so many essays it could be used in)
I want dr king to know that I didn't come to selma to make his job difficult, I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realise what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to here dr king-malcolm x
Also know the 3 document essays off by heart as one will defiently come up,somebody mentioned about knowing every case study off by heart and learning information rather than essays but that's more long term advice than last minute, still tho
Geography: from here to friday dedicate 10 minutes to aerial photography, it's 8 marks waiting to be claimed. Nows probably too late for flashcards but if it isn't fucking use them for srps
Maths: nows not too late to print off a mock or past paper, see what needs the most work and make sure you fully understand them
Irish: if your like me and haven't done a scratch there's still more than a week, predictions are your best friend, learn one essay, one poetry notes, one story notes and one play notes and let God decide how well he wants you to do
French:be able to write about the Olympics as if your fluent, its probably going to come up. Know your tenses and your subjunctive. Learn off a few proverbs they add marks to any essay. "Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le declaration Ci dessus","il est neccesaire de pesser le pour et le contre", "n'oublions pas le proverbe" and "a Mon avis" fit into most opinion pieces, know them(get correct spelling aswel mine was affected by autocorrect). Also if your down to the wire learn diary phrased, even if you write a bad diary you will get marks for the phrases.
Somebody has pointed out its the 70 year anniversary of the d day bombings so bare that in mind too
Accounting: final accounts will come up,know 2/3, learn all your ratios and all the theory they will come up, know either budgeting or costing as one of each will come up, that leaves the second 100 marker, it will most likely be suspense as that comes up every second year but it could be a 60 marker, I wouldn't even bother worrying about anything else until ratios,final accounts, budget/costing and suspense are up to the grade your hoping for but if all that is sorted learn off maybe 3 other possible 100 markers, that any you have 4 which includes the 80% likely suspense and 2 will come up, the accounting exam is probably the easiest to predict, and for the love of God know your theory. Keep doing exam questions of your struggling, every time you correct one write down your mistakes and have the list of mistakes next to you when doing the next one, then tear it and make a new list of mistakes
Biology: If you know photosynthesis and respiration off from the back of the hand, you are good to go because there is a very high chance one or the other will be asked in some form (could even be a full 30-mark question if you are fortunate enough).
Business: Be 100% familiar with the ABQ strands (the comprehension can help you out a bit in finding the information for each question but you need to know the material that goes along with it from the heart). For Section 3: Defo know Strand 1 or 2 as that comes up as a question 1 or 2, Ratios as that can come up (caught me off guard when I did LC and made the difference between H1 and H2 for me unfortunately) and then would recommend preparing either strand 6 or 7 (or both if you wish for the final question you decide to attempt) Think if I recall you have to do one from Part A, one from Part B and then one other question from either part. Section A is an easy way to pick up marks so if you are struggling bank on Section A and B to get you going and make a decent stab at Section C and know section 1-3 inside out
This is all my experience, I will add any good advice for these subject or other subjects that are provided in the comments, all of these are for higher level except for maths, good luck,don't panic and think about the pint that's instore once this is all over
submitted by Left-Finding6540 to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:15 rockyroman950 Actor Detained in Mexico After Alleged Attack on Makeup Artist

Actor Detained in Mexico After Alleged Attack on Makeup Artist
During a late-night film shoot happening in Mexico City, a famous actor claimed that he detention was beyond his understanding due to accusations made by a makeup artist made against him. This matter, which has had reverberations in the entertainment industry, took place within Mexico City which is always crowded all time of day with different activities.
Incident Details
The actor had an argument with the makeup artist and allegedly hit them during an argument in the process of filming a new movie. Initial reports indicated that witnesses said the confrontation was unexpected followed by violent acts that led other crew members to get involved.
Witness Statements
A crew member who choose to withhold their name recollects, “It was completely unexpected. In one moment, everything was going alright and in the next, there was yelling and fighting. We had to split them apart. It was very disturbing for all concerned.” Though the sentence retains the word count and the HTML elements, it is important for sentences breaking as it has shown at the paragraph above.
Legal Proceedings
Local authorities quickly arrested the actor. He has not yet been charged. The makeup artist who suffered only minimal injuries has filed a complaint and agreed to help with investigations.”
Industry feedback
The occurrence has gained much attention beyond the media but also from within the entertainment sector . Some actors as well as members of entertainment industry have revealed shock followed by disbelief for the behavior which is said to have taken place . The social networking sites are full of conversation the place a lot of people are advocating for strict disciplinary measures to be taken against any form of set violence.
Statements from representatives
A short statement was released from the publicist of the actor saying that they were following up on the matter and requesting the public not to make hasty decisions until they know all the facts. “We know about these allegations; we have also launched our own internal investigations” his statement reads.
The makeup artist has urged that justice should be expedited in this recall. And that her employer should ensure that all workplaces are safe. "Our clienteles’ health and safety should always come first in any company," added the representative who called for more regulations on beauty products.
The entertainment world is keeping an eye on parade as the probe intensifies while waiting for any changes later on. The incident in question is a clear example that all forms of workplace interactions should be done professionally with respect irrespective of the kind of industry the interaction involves. All we would want is justice to be done and it should be a lesson learned from by all to avoid a repeat of the same.Kindly note that this has to be rewritten in lower perplexity or else maintained at least one part but still have increased inter-word distance level but keeping words constant as well as HTML elements:
The case is evolving and we are waiting for more details about what happened recently. So far nobody in the industry knows how to handle this complicated incidence until its consequences become clear.
Also visit: Hollywood Actor Arrested Near Mexico After Allegedly Stabbing Ex-Makeup Artist
submitted by rockyroman950 to u/rockyroman950 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:56 GuiltlessMaple Best 1911 Bb Guns

Best 1911 Bb Guns

If you're a BB gun enthusiast seeking a historic, high-quality gun to add to your collection, then get ready for a thrilling ride. In this roundup, we will discuss the 1911 Bb Guns, a classic and timeless design that promises precision, power, and durability. Join us as we delve into the world of vintage BB guns, unveiling the best 1911 models currently on the market.

The Top 14 Best 1911 Bb Guns

  1. Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun Fun Shooting Kit - Experience hours of fun and learning with the Daisy Red Ryder Shooting Kit, featuring the iconic BB gun, shooting glasses, 750-count tin of BBs, and captivating paper targets.
  2. Vintage Cowboy BB Gun Set with Lawman Holster & Belt - Experience the thrill of the Wild West with the Parris Lawman Toy Pistol - a die-cast metal replica of an iconic antique gun, complete with a soft vinyl holster and belt, perfect for kids and theatrical props.
  3. High-Quality 1911 MW Housing for Precision and Performance - Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing: Superior Components, Precision Machined, Engineered for Performance - A Lifetime of Experience in Quality Firearms Craftsmanship.
  4. M1911 Colt Pistol: A Comprehensive Guide and History - Discover the history and evolution of the iconic Colt M1911 .45 Automatic Pistol in this comprehensive, visually stunning book, complete with detailed accounts of its impact on military use and the world of collectibles.
  5. Premium 1911 MW Housing Blank - Crafted with precision, Ed Brown's 1911 MW Housing Bl is a top choice for firearms enthusiasts seeking superior components and lifelong experience in engineering and combat shooting expertise.
  6. Miniature 1911 BB Gun - Light Blue Model with Cycling Round Feature - GoatGuns Mini Blue 1911 Die Cast Model Gun: A stylish and functional 1:2.5 scale 1911 designed for fashion-conscious ladies, featuring a soft blue paint tone and ivory grips, with authentic die-cast metal parts and working slide and thumb safety actions.
  7. Western Style Pellet Pistol for Quick and Accurate Target Shooting - Experience the thrill of quick and accurate shooting with Parris Manufacturing's Western Air Single Pistol, perfect for those seeking a fun and realistic pellet pistol experience.
  8. Safe and Realistic Colt 1911 Kids Toy Gun Set - Teanfa's Classic Foam Play Toy Gun, based on a real Colt 1911 design, offers an exciting and educational outdoor activity for kids aged 6 years and above, with the added benefit of teaching gun safety.
  9. M1911 and M1911a1 Pistol Field Manual: Safety, Maintenance, and Operation - This essential field manual for M1911 and M1911A1 pistols covers their history, design, operation, and maintenance, offering detailed instructions for disassembly, assembly, and cleaning, as well as ammunition, firing, and marksmanship techniques.
  10. Non-Firing 1911 M1911A1 Pistol Replica Guns - Nickel Finish, Lacquered Wood Grips - Get your hands on the authentic, non-firing Denix Replicas 6316 M1911A1 Pistol Replica, featuring a sleek nickel finish and lacquered wood grips, creating an impressive 9.5-inch overall design for a realistic feel without the hassle of live ammunition.
  11. Historical Replica Over Under Toy Pistol - The Parris Toys Over Under Toy Pistol - 1900B is a safe, historically accurate 1800s-style replica gun, perfect for all ages to enjoy, featuring a 9" long, single shot action design and adhering to legal requirements for safety.
  12. Wild West Cowboy Die-Cast Metal Toy Gun Set with Holster and Belt - Step into the Wild West with the Outlaw Pistol, a classic die-cast metal toy gun featuring 12 shot action ring caps and an authentic vinyl holster set for ages 3 and up.
  13. Little Armory 1/12 M1911A1 & Commander Type Plastic Guns - Step up your 1/12 scale figures' weapon game with the meticulously designed LA015/M1911A1 and Commander Type pistols, featuring a realistic black body and brown grip panel, along with dedicated plastic holsters and 6 ammo magazines.
  14. Police Reproduction Cap Gun with Compliant Orange Plug - Experience the authentic action and precision of the Cap Gun Gonher REV-80 - a fully functional, die-cast metal construction replica with accurate details and adherence to legal requirements.
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🔗Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun Fun Shooting Kit

I recently tried the Daisy Red Ryder Fun Kit myself and had quite the adventure. Firstly, the set truly comes with everything you need for an exciting shooting experience. However, I must say, it took me a while to get used to it.
One of the key features of this kit is the renowned Red Ryder BB gun. It's smooth and easy to hold, but the accuracy was quite disappointing. I found myself missing targets more often than I would have liked. On the bright side, at least I could appreciate the classic design of the gun.
To enhance the shooting experience, the kit also comes with shooting glasses and a tin of BBs. I must admit, the glasses were convenient and provided some protection while I was busy aiming at targets. The BBs, however, seemed like a cheap alternative and didn't always penetrate the targets.
The fun paper targets provided were a nice touch, but the distance limitations of the gun took away some of the enjoyment. I had to be extremely close to hit the targets, and even then, it wasn't always accurate.
Overall, while the Daisy Red Ryder Fun Kit is a decent option for a beginner's shooting experience, I wouldn't recommend it for someone looking for better accuracy or quality. But if you're looking for an affordable and simple way to introduce a young one to the world of BB guns, it might just do the trick.

🔗Vintage Cowboy BB Gun Set with Lawman Holster & Belt

I recently got my hands on the Parris Lawman Toy Pistol and it's been my go-to for all my Wild West role-playing. The die-cast metal construction gives it a nice weight and the vinyl holster and belt feel like the genuine article.
However, as a kid, I found the cap gun a bit tricky to fire, and the ring caps were hard to find. On the plus side, the Lawman Holster Set is a great addition to the whole experience, and it looks and feels just like the real deal. Overall, this toy is a fun way to transport myself back to the dusty trails of the Wild West.

🔗High-Quality 1911 MW Housing for Precision and Performance

Imagine diving into a world of unmatched quality and performance with the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing. It's like having a trusty sidekick in the form of a superior piece of firearm gear.
Just like a trusted friend, this product has been around for a lifetime, honing its craft through a combination of masterful engineering, relentless passion, and decades of practical experience. From the very feel of it to its precision machining, you can see and touch the care that has gone into each and every detail.
Pick this up, and you'll instantly feel like you're holding something truly extraordinary. It's not just a firearm component; it's a labor of love and expertise, crafted with an attention to detail that borders on obsession.
Of course, like any piece of equipment engineered for such high performance, you might encounter the odd hiccup here and there. But when you're using something as finely-tuned as the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing, the pros often outweigh the occasional minor inconvenience.
Overall, the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing is a powerhouse. It's precision crafted, top-quality, and is, in short, exactly what you'd expect from a lifetime of experience and expertise in firearm components. It might not be perfect—nothing ever is—but it's as close as you can get.
So, if you're looking for a piece of equipment that you can truly rely on, with a rich history of precision machining and exceptional craftsmanship behind it, look no further than the Ed Brown 1911 MW Housing. You won't be disappointed, I promise.

🔗M1911 Colt Pistol: A Comprehensive Guide and History

I recently had the pleasure of getting my hands on this book, "The Colt M1911 . 45 Automatic Pistol: M1911, M1911A1, Markings, Variants, Ammunition, Accessories [Book]". Being a gun enthusiast, I was eager to dive into the world of this iconic pistol.
What stood out to me was the detailed information on the M1911's design, manufacturing, and testing. The book takes you on a journey through its combat use in various wars, with more than 370 images that provide a visual breakdown of the weapon. The serial numbers list and the visuals of the weapon's markings were particularly fascinating.
The section on accessories like magazines, ammunition, holsters, and cleaning kits was a nice touch, adding to the overall comprehensive nature of the book. I found the combat-related uniform and equipment items to be of special interest.
However, one drawback I encountered was the inconsistency in the captions of some photos. I was expecting a more complete reference on some of the markings and stampings. Despite this, the book still managed to impress me with its wealth of data and images.
Despite its relatively short length, "The Colt M1911 . 45 Automatic Pistol: M1911, M1911A1, Markings, Variants, Ammunition, Accessories [Book]" is a must-have for anyone interested in the history and development of this legendary firearm. The high-quality images and detailed information make it a valuable addition to any library.

🔗Premium 1911 MW Housing Blank

The Ed Brown 1911 housing is a fine example of the dedication to precision and quality that makes this brand stand out. As a seasoned gun enthusiast, I've come to appreciate the meticulous attention to detail that goes into crafting these firearms. With this product, I especially noticed the superior components and expert machining that made the gun feel smooth and well-balanced. The mag well housing, in particular, added an element of sophistication to my 1911 replica.
While the Ed Brown 1911 housing is an excellent choice for those seeking top-notch performance, there are a few potential downsides to consider. One is the price point, which may be prohibitive for some users. Additionally, while the housing is designed for durability, it's essential to take proper care of it to ensure its longevity. All in all, the Ed Brown 1911 housing is an exceptional product that delivers on promises of quality and craftsmanship.

🔗Miniature 1911 BB Gun - Light Blue Model with Cycling Round Feature

I was amazed by the GoatGuns Mini Blue 1911 Die Cast Model Gun, also known as 'Bunny. ' The soft light blue paint coupled with the ivory grips made it a refreshing change from the usual gun models. The attention to detail in this toy is remarkable, especially the movable parts that let you experience the real-life action.
The 1:2.5 scale made it a perfect desk or makeup shelf accessory. It even cycled the dummy rounds, which added a realistic touch. The magazine release with loadable dummy rounds and working slide actions made it even more enjoyable.
However, one downside I noticed was the difficulty in finding replacement dummy rounds. Also, the toy could be more durable than it seemed. Regardless, I'd still recommend it, especially for women who want to enjoy a unique toy or for those who value authenticity in collectibles.

🔗Western Style Pellet Pistol for Quick and Accurate Target Shooting

In my daily life, I've encountered the Parris Manufacturing Western Air Single Pistol, and it's been a thrilling experience! The anticipation of a quick draw, with the sound of "1, 2, 3, DRAW! " resonating in the air, is unmatched. The pistol air gun, complete with 5 darts and a holder, feels solid and sturdy in my hands.
What stood out to me was the accuracy of the shots. The air pistol is quick and accurate, a perfect blend for a fun and engaging target practice. However, I noticed that the darts struggled to stick to a target beyond 5 feet, requiring a bit of adjustment in aiming higher.
Despite this minor drawback, the nostalgic charm and excitement that come with using the Parris Manufacturing Western Air Single Pistol make it a standout choice for a fun and engaging pastime. Don't be caught off guard when someone says "Draw! " - be prepared with this quick and accurate air pistol in your holster!

🔗Safe and Realistic Colt 1911 Kids Toy Gun Set

I recently stumbled upon the Teanfa Classic Foam Play Toy Gun Colt 1911, and let me tell you, it's a hit with kids and adults alike! The first thing that struck me was the impressive attention to detail. With its realistic dimensions, it felt just like holding a real Colt 1911. The soft bullets are perfect for a fun outdoor game with kids, and the fact that they're completely harmless makes it a great choice for families with younger children.
While I was initially skeptical about the toy's safety, the realistic design actually makes it a great tool for teaching kids about gun safety. The set also comes with a tactical holster, which adds even more authenticity to the experience. The only downside I found was that the foam bullets can be a bit hard to load, but that's a small price to pay for the overall fun and education this product provides.

🔗M1911 and M1911a1 Pistol Field Manual: Safety, Maintenance, and Operation

Recently, I found myself with an old M1911 pistol, and I needed a comprehensive guide to understand and maintain it. The Automatic Pistol, Caliber. 45 M1911 and M1911a1: Basic Field Manual quickly became my go-to book. With its rich history and detailed design schematics, I was able to disassemble, assemble, clean, and maintain my pistol like a pro.
The book not only covers the basics of the pistols but also provides valuable information on ammunition and marksmanship techniques. The best part? . The book is a facsimile reprint of an old edition, giving it a unique charm and feel.
While the layout could use a revamp, the content is invaluable to anyone who wants to get the most out of their M1911.

🔗Non-Firing 1911 M1911A1 Pistol Replica Guns - Nickel Finish, Lacquered Wood Grips

Imagine stepping into a world of history, but with a twist. The Denix 6316 M1911A1 Pistol Replica lets you experience the beauty and craftsmanship of a genuine firearm, without the dangers or restrictions. With its 9.5-inch overall length, this replica is an impressive reproduction of a legendary piece.
The metal construction gives it a sturdy and reliable feel, while the nickel finish adds a touch of elegance. The simulated mechanism of loading and firing adds to the authenticity and excitement of the experience. However, be prepared for a little frustration as some parts might not function as expected, like its magazine and safety features.
Despite this, the Denix 6316 M1911A1 Pistol Replica is a captivating and beautiful accessory that adds a touch of history to your collection.

🔗Historical Replica Over Under Toy Pistol

I've been using the Parris Toys Over Under Toy Pistol for a while, and it's quite an interesting piece. The replica gun looks pretty cool, with the required colors as per the law, and a solid one-piece wood stock. It's also fascinating to see how the toy has been designed after the original pistols, complete with a die-cast metal body and plastic parts.
However, there were a couple of moments I faced a bit of frustration. For one, holding the pistol isn't the most comfortable, thanks to the small size and lack of a proper handle. It feels more like a toy than a replica, especially considering you need tiny hands to hold it properly.
On the bright side, the safety features are spot-on, making it impossible to alter the gun for any other purpose than what it's designed for - a cap-shooting toy. Overall, while it's not the most comfortable to hold, it's a great choice for collectors, and it certainly gets the job done for all those who appreciate the thrill of shooting caps.

🔗Wild West Cowboy Die-Cast Metal Toy Gun Set with Holster and Belt

As a kid, I remember dreaming of being an outlaw in the Wild West, and the Outlaw Pistol brought that dream to life. Crafted with solid die-cast metal and quality plastic, it feels like a real antique gun, just like those used by the famous outlaws of the era. The 12 shot action ring caps provide a satisfying bang that's thrilling and safe.
The holster and belt set add that authentic touch, making it more than just a toy. While the plastic handle may not be the most durable, it's still functional and adds a unique look to the pistol. I did find the size a bit small for my hand, but it works perfectly for my son, who absolutely loves it. Overall, the Outlaw Pistol is a great choice for anyone looking to relive the glory days of the Wild West.

🔗Little Armory 1/12 M1911A1 & Commander Type Plastic Guns

Dive into the world of 1/12-scale action figures with these Little Armory guns! . The LA015 M1911A1 and Commander Type pistols bring the classic military feel to your collection.
The guns come with two holsters and six 7-round ammunition magazines, making them perfect for any 1/12th fan. The black-bodied guns have grip panels in two shades of brown, adding a touch of realism to your action figures. These guns are easy to assemble, but still maintain a level of detail that keeps them true to their real-life counterparts.
With these Little Armory guns, you can arm your action figures with the classic stopping power of the M1911A1 and Commander Type pistols.

🔗Police Reproduction Cap Gun with Compliant Orange Plug

In my hands, the Cap Gun Gonher REV-80 felt like a piece of history. With its detailed 1911 army style design, it had an authentic feel that let me step into the shoes of a bygone era. The die-cast metal construction and grips made it durable and comfortable to hold. The 8-shot ring caps added a sense of excitement with each shot, making it fun to use.
However, it did come with its own set of limitations, as a replica that couldn't be altered to shoot a projectile. The law-required color markings and the permanently attached orange plug reminded me that this was a toy first and foremost. Though it might not have been everyone's cup of tea, those who appreciated collecting and using replica firearms found it to be a delight.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide for 1911 BB guns. In this section, we will discuss essential features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a 1911 BB gun. This guide does not include specific product recommendations or external resources.

Available Types of 1911 BB Guns

1911 BB guns come in various types, including fully-automatic, semi-automatic, and pump-action. Fully-automatic 1911 BB guns fire continuously until the magazine is empty or the user releases the trigger. Semi-automatic models require the user to pull the trigger for each shot, while pump-action BB guns require manual operation of a slide or lever to eject spent BBs and load new ones.


Build Quality

Consider the build quality of the 1911 BB gun, including materials used and construction. A well-built gun will be more durable, accurate, and reliable. Look for guns made of sturdy materials like steel or aluminum and check if they have adjustable sights for better accuracy.

Power and Velocity

The power and velocity of a 1911 BB gun can impact its performance. Generally, higher velocity and power result in greater accuracy and range. Look for guns with adjustable power settings to customize the performance based on your needs.

Safety Features

Safety is crucial when choosing a 1911 BB gun. Look for models with safety features such as manual safeties, automatic safeties, or both. Additionally, consider guns with barrel locks or other mechanisms to prevent accidents.


Price and Value

Budget plays a significant role in selecting a 1911 BB gun. Determine your price range and look for high-quality guns within that budget. Avoid compromising on essential features for the sake of saving money. Research and compare prices from various retailers to ensure you get the best value for your money.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Before making a purchase, read customer reviews and ratings to get an idea of the performance, reliability, and durability of the 1911 BB gun. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews and consider the overall sentiment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Consider frequently asked questions (FAQs) about 1911 BB guns to help address any concerns or doubts. FAQs may include topics such as maintenance, troubleshooting, and compatibility with different types of ammunition.


Where to Buy

Purchase a 1911 BB gun from a reputable dealer or retailer to ensure its authenticity and quality. Look for dealers with positive customer reviews and ratings. Compare prices from different retailers to ensure you get the best deal.
Selecting the right 1911 BB gun requires careful consideration of essential features, considerations, and general advice. By following this guide, you will be well-equipped to make an informed decision when choosing a 1911 BB gun that meets your needs and budget.


What are 1911 BB guns?

1911 BB guns are typically single-shot, spring-powered air guns that are designed to look and feel like authentic firearms. They are often patterned after the famous 1911 semi-automatic pistol, which has been in production for over a century.


Are 1911 BB guns suitable for target shooting or hunting?

While 1911 BB guns are not intended for real hunting or target shooting, they can be used for recreational shooting and plinking. They are often used for backyard target practice or simply for the fun of firing a replica gun. However, because of their low muzzle velocity, they are not suitable for hunting or competition shooting.

What types of BB guns are available in the 1911 style?

There are several popular 1911-style BB guns on the market, including single-shot pistols, blowback handguns, and even semi-automatic replicas. Some of these replicas are made with authentic features such as adjustable sights, which can enhance the overall experience of owning and shooting a 1911 BB gun.

How much do 1911 BB guns cost?

The cost of a 1911 BB gun can vary depending on the brand, features, and condition of the gun. Generally, you can find 1911-style BB guns for anywhere between $30 and $200. However, prices may vary, so it's always a good idea to compare prices from different retailers before making your purchase.

How do I care for my 1911 BB gun?

  • After each use, clean your 1911 BB gun with a soft cloth to remove any debris or dirt.
  • Store your BB gun in a secure case or container when not in use.
  • Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures, as this can damage the gun's finish or components.
  • Remember to check the velocity of your BB gun to ensure it is safe and legal to use in your area.

Are there any safety concerns when using a 1911 BB gun?

While 1911 BB guns are designed for recreational use only, there are still some safety concerns you should be aware of. Always keep your BB gun pointed in a safe direction, never aim at another person, and never shoot at anything you do not want to damage. Additionally, be sure to wear protective eyewear and follow all local laws and regulations regarding the use of air guns.

Can I paint or customize my 1911 BB gun?

Yes, you can paint or customize your 1911 BB gun to suit your personal style or preferences. However, be sure to use high-quality paints and coatings designed for air guns to avoid damaging the gun's finish or components. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines when making any modifications to your BB gun.
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2024.06.01 10:56 Sweet-Count2557 15 Top Farms in New Jersey for Family Entertainment

15 Top Farms in New Jersey for Family Entertainment
15 Top Farms in New Jersey for Family Entertainment Are you hesitant about spending a day at a farm for family entertainment? Well, let me assure you that these top farms in New Jersey are not your typical run-of-the-mill farms. They offer a plethora of activities and attractions that will keep the whole family engaged and entertained.From petting zoos and pick-your-own events to scenic rides and delicious treats, these farms have something for everyone. So, if you're looking for a unique and enjoyable day out with your family, keep reading to discover the 15 top farms in New Jersey that will leave you wanting more.Key TakeawaysAlstede Farms in Chester offers a variety of activities and events for families, including mazes, pony rides, hayrides, and seasonal festivals. They also have a farm store with organic produce and homemade pies.Argos Farms in Forked River provides summer activities like blueberry and sunflower picking, as well as fall activities such as pumpkin picking and corn mazes. They even have a visit from Santa in December.Abmas Farm in Wyckoff has a petting zoo with a wide range of animals, including goats, sheep, alpacas, and donkeys. They also offer fall activities like hayrides and pumpkin decorating events.Demarest Farms in Hillsdale is a kid-friendly farm with pick-your-own options for peaches, apples, and pumpkins. They have farm animals to interact with, colorful playhouses, and special events like the Halloween Light Show and Orchard of Lights with Santa.Alstede Farms - ChesterAt Alstede Farms in Chester, our family-owned and sprawling 600-acre farm offers a wide range of activities and events for all ages to enjoy. As one of the best family-friendly farms near me, we strive to create an atmosphere of freedom and fun. Every day, we've an array of exciting activities available, such as navigating our challenging corn maze, taking a pony ride, going on a hayride, and bouncing around in our bouncy house.But that's not all - we've so much more to offer. Our farm is home to various mazes that will test your navigation skills, as well as friendly animals that you can meet and interact with. From goats and sheep to alpacas and donkeys, there's a furry friend for everyone.Throughout the year, we also host seasonal festivals and special events that add an extra touch of excitement to your visit. And don't forget to stop by our farm store, where you can find organic fruits and veggies, homemade pies bursting with flavor, and fresh, creamy ice cream.Not only are we one of the best farms in South Jersey, but we also prioritize creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for families. We understand that freedom means being able to explore, engage, and enjoy. So whether you're looking for a day of adventure or simply want to relax and take in the beauty of our farm, Alstede Farms is the perfect destination for you.Come and experience the joy and freedom of our family-friendly farm near you.Argos Farms - Forked RiverAfter exploring the wide variety of activities and events at Alstede Farms in Chester, let's now turn our attention to Argos Farms in Forked River, where there's even more family fun awaiting. Argos Farms is one of the most kid-friendly farms near me and offers a range of exciting experiences for visitors of all ages. Located in South Jersey, this farm provides a perfect day out for families looking to enjoy the beauty of nature while having a great time together.During the summer, Argos Farms offers blueberry and sunflower picking, allowing families to get close to nature and take home some delicious treats. Kids can also enjoy an exhilarating obstacle course and jump around on the giant jumper pillow. As fall approaches, the farm transforms into a pumpkin paradise, with pumpkin picking, a challenging corn maze, wagon rides through the scenic surroundings, and even a thrilling zip line adventure.One of the highlights of visiting Argos Farms in December is the special visit from Santa Claus himself. Children can meet Santa, share their wishes, and take memorable photos to cherish. The farm's festive atmosphere creates a magical experience for the whole family.Argos Farms is one of the top farms in South Jersey, offering a wide range of activities and attractions throughout the year. Whether you're looking to pick fresh produce, explore a corn maze, or simply enjoy a day of outdoor fun, this farm has it all. So, if you're in search of granjas en New Jersey that provide a perfect blend of entertainment and nature, be sure to put Argos Farms on your list of must-visit destinations.Abmas Farm - WyckoffLocated in Wyckoff, Abmas Farm is a delightful destination that offers a wide range of family-friendly activities and attractions. As one of the best farms near me, Abmas Farm provides a fantastic experience for both kids and adults alike.One of the highlights of the farm is its petting zoo, which features a variety of friendly animals such as goats, sheep, alpacas, donkeys, ponies, bunnies, and pigs. Visitors can interact with these animals and even take part in the unique goat walk and visit the duck pond in Bunnyville.During the fall season, Abmas Farm offers a variety of fun-filled activities. Families can enjoy hayrides to the pumpkin patch, where they can pick out their favorite pumpkins to take home. The farm also hosts fall story time sessions and pumpkin decorating events, adding to the festive atmosphere. Additionally, Abmas Farm offers a farm camp for kids ages 5-10, providing them with an opportunity to learn about farm life and engage in hands-on activities.Abmas Farm isn't just limited to the fall season. Throughout the growing season, visitors can participate in pick-your-own events, allowing them to gather fresh produce straight from the farm. This provides a unique opportunity to experience the joy of harvesting fruits and vegetables while enjoying the beautiful surroundings.Demarest Farms - HillsdaleAs we continue our exploration of family-friendly farms in New Jersey, let's now turn our attention to Demarest Farms in Hillsdale, where visitors of all ages can enjoy a delightful combination of fresh produce, friendly farm animals, and vibrant seasonal events.Here are four reasons why Demarest Farms should be on your list of farms to visit near you:Fresh Produce: Demarest Farms offers a U-pick experience, allowing you to handpick peaches, apples, and pumpkins straight from the fields. There's nothing quite like the taste of freshly harvested fruits and vegetables, and Demarest Farms ensures that you have access to the best quality produce.Friendly Farm Animals: Get up close and personal with the farm's adorable petting pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens. These friendly animals are always eager to interact with visitors, making it a memorable experience for both kids and adults alike. It's a great opportunity to teach children about farm life and the importance of caring for animals.Engaging Activities: Demarest Farms goes beyond just farming by providing colorful wooden playhouses and photo board cutouts for children to enjoy. These interactive elements add an extra layer of fun to the visit, allowing kids to unleash their creativity and imagination. Additionally, the farm hosts seasonal events like the Halloween Light Show in October and the Orchard of Lights with Santa in December, ensuring that there's always something exciting happening.Convenient Location: With Demarest Farms being located in Hillsdale, it's easily accessible for those looking for farms by them. Whether you're a local or just passing through, this farm is a perfect destination for a fun-filled day with the family.Conklin Farm U-Pick - MontvilleWe were thrilled to discover Conklin Farm U-Pick in Montville, a charming and intimate venue that offers a variety of fall activities and attractions for the whole family to enjoy. This smaller and more intimate farm provides a unique and personal experience that allows visitors to fully immerse themselves in the beauty of the season.One of the highlights at Conklin Farm U-Pick is the pumpkin picking. Families can stroll through the pumpkin patch, searching for the perfect pumpkin to take home and carve. The farm also offers a corn maze, where visitors can test their navigational skills and try to find their way out. For those looking for a more relaxing experience, there are hayrides available that provide a picturesque view of the farm and surrounding countryside.Children will love the train ride that takes them around the farm, giving them a chance to see the barnyard animals up close. From goats and sheep to chickens and pigs, there are plenty of friendly animals to meet and interact with. And when hunger strikes, the snack shack offers delicious treats like hotdogs, hot cider, candy apples, and homemade doughnuts.For older kids seeking a thrill, there's a haunted hayride that promises to provide a spooky and exciting experience. And for those looking to test their strength and accuracy, there's a pumpkin slingshot game where participants have a chance to win a giant pumpkin.Conklin Farm U-Pick in Montville is truly a hidden gem that offers a unique and personal fall experience for the whole family. With its variety of activities and attractions, it's the perfect destination for those seeking a fun and memorable day on the farm.Stony Hill Farms - ChesterAfter enjoying the charming and intimate experience at Conklin Farm U-Pick, families seeking more fall fun can head over to Stony Hill Farms in Chester for a day filled with exciting activities and attractions. Here are four reasons why Stony Hill Farms should be on your list of must-visit farms in New Jersey:Giant 10-acre corn maze: Get ready to test your navigational skills in Stony Hill Farms' impressive corn maze. With twists, turns, and dead ends, this maze is sure to challenge both kids and adults alike. Can you find your way out?Mini corn maze: If the giant corn maze seems a bit too daunting, don't worry! Stony Hill Farms also offers a mini corn maze perfect for younger children. They can explore and have fun while feeling a sense of accomplishment at finding their way out.Rope maze: For something a little different, try out the rope maze at Stony Hill Farms. This unique maze is made up of ropes that you have to navigate through, adding an extra element of fun and excitement to your visit.Hayrides and playground: Take a relaxing hayride around the farm and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Afterward, let the kids burn off some energy at the playground, complete with slides, swings, and climbing structures. It's the perfect way to keep the little ones entertained while you take a break and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.Stony Hill Farms in Chester offers a wide range of activities and attractions that are sure to please everyone in the family. From challenging mazes to relaxing hayrides, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So pack up the family and head over to Stony Hill Farms for a day of fall fun and excitement.Terhune Orchards - PrincetonNestled in the picturesque town of Princeton, Terhune Orchards offers a delightful experience for families seeking fresh produce, fun activities, and a charming farm atmosphere. As you enter the orchard, you're greeted by the sight of vibrant apple trees stretching as far as the eye can see. The farm is home to over 30 varieties of apples, allowing visitors to pick their own and enjoy the freshest fruit imaginable.One of the highlights of Terhune Orchards is the barnyard animals. Children have the opportunity to interact with friendly goats, sheep, chickens, and even ponies. They can pet and feed these adorable creatures while learning about farm life. A half-mile farm walking trail winds through the orchard, providing a serene and scenic experience for the whole family.Terhune Orchards also offers pony and tractor rides, adding an extra element of excitement to your visit. Kids can hop on a pony and take a leisurely ride around the farm or enjoy a tractor-drawn wagon ride through the orchard. These activities allow children to immerse themselves in the farm atmosphere while creating lasting memories.During the fall season, Terhune Orchards hosts Fall Family Weekends, where families can enjoy additional attractions such as a cornstalk and hay bale maze, face painting, and pumpkin decorating. These festive activities make for a perfect day out with the family, filled with laughter and joy.In addition to the engaging activities, Terhune Orchards boasts a farm store that offers a wide selection of fresh produce, homemade pies, and even fresh ice cream. You can take home some of the farm's delicious offerings, ensuring that the fun and flavors of Terhune Orchards continue long after your visit.Terhune Orchards in Princeton truly exemplifies the beauty and charm of a family-friendly farm. From the fresh produce to the fun-filled activities, this farm provides an experience that's sure to delight visitors of all ages. So gather your loved ones and embark on an adventure to Terhune Orchards, where freedom and enjoyment await.Von Thuns - South BrunswickVon Thuns in South Brunswick offers a delightful farm experience filled with pick-your-own options, festive fall weekends, and scenic moonlit mazes. Here are four reasons why you should visit Von Thuns for a fun-filled day with your family:Abundance of Pick-Your-Own Options: At Von Thuns, you can immerse yourself in the joy of picking your own fresh produce. From apples and strawberries to peas, blueberries, blackberries, and pumpkins, there's a wide variety of fruits and vegetables for you to choose from. This hands-on experience allows you to connect with nature and appreciate the journey from farm to table.Festive Fall Weekends: Fall at Von Thuns is a time of celebration and excitement. During the weekends, the farm comes alive with a range of activities for the whole family. Enjoy hayrides through the scenic countryside, navigate your way through the corn maze, challenge your loved ones to a game of mini golf, or pedal around on the karts. There's something for everyone to enjoy and create lasting memories.Scenic Moonlit Mazes: For a unique and enchanting experience, Von Thuns offers moonlit mazes. As the sun sets and the moon rises, explore the twists and turns of the maze under the night sky. The magical ambiance adds a touch of mystique and adventure to your farm visit. Don't forget to bring a flashlight and embrace the thrill of finding your way through the maze.Farm Store Delights: Before you leave, make sure to stop by the farm store at Von Thuns. Indulge in a variety of baked goods made with fresh ingredients from the farm. Take home some delicious produce to enjoy with your family. From pies and bread to jams and jellies, the farm store offers a taste of the farm's bounty that you can savor long after your visit.Von Thuns in South Brunswick is a place where families can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. With pick-your-own options, festive fall weekends, scenic moonlit mazes, and a farm store filled with treats, Von Thuns offers an unforgettable experience for all. So gather your loved ones and embark on a journey of freedom and fun at Von Thuns.Wightman Farms - MorristownWightman Farms in Morristown offers a delightful farm experience with scenic hayrides, a challenging corn maze, and delicious treats for the whole family to enjoy. Whether you're looking for a fun day out or want to indulge in some mouthwatering treats, Wightman Farms has something for everyone.One of the highlights at Wightman Farms is their scenic hayrides. Hop on a wagon and take a leisurely ride through the picturesque farm, enjoying the beautiful scenery and fresh country air. It's a perfect way to relax and soak in the beauty of nature.If you're up for a challenge, don't miss the corn maze at Wightman Farms. Get lost in the twists and turns of the maze as you try to find your way out. It's a great activity for both kids and adults, and it's sure to test your navigation skills.For those with a sweet tooth, Wightman Farms has a wide selection of delicious treats. Indulge in freshly squeezed apple cider, homemade pies, apple butter, and their famous cider doughnuts. These mouthwatering treats are made with love and are sure to satisfy any craving.To give you a better idea of what Wightman Farms has to offer, here's a table showcasing their attractions:AttractionDescriptionScenic HayridesEnjoy a relaxing ride through the farm and take in the beautiful scenery.Corn MazeTest your navigation skills in this challenging corn maze.Corn-Filled SandboxLet the kids have fun in this unique play area filled with corn.Delicious TreatsIndulge in freshly squeezed apple cider, homemade pies, apple butter, and cider doughnuts.Wightman Farms provides a perfect blend of entertainment and delicious treats, making it an ideal destination for a fun-filled day for the whole family. So gather your loved ones and head over to Wightman Farms in Morristown for an unforgettable farm experience.Ort Farms - Long ValleyAfter experiencing the delightful farm activities and delicious treats at Wightman Farms, it's time to explore another family-friendly destination in New Jersey: Ort Farms in Long Valley. Here are four reasons why Ort Farms is a must-visit for families seeking freedom and fun:Fresh Fruit and Vegetables: Ort Farms is known for its high-quality produce. From juicy strawberries in the summer to crisp apples in the fall, there's always a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to choose from. You can even pick your own and experience the joy of harvesting your food straight from the fields.Beautiful Flowers: If you have a green thumb or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, Ort Farms has a stunning selection of flowers. From vibrant sunflowers to fragrant roses, the farm offers a colorful array of blooms to brighten up any garden or living space.Delicious Baked Goods: Indulge your taste buds with the mouthwatering baked goods at Ort Farms. From warm apple pies to fluffy muffins, their bakery is a treat for both the young and the young at heart. Don't forget to try their famous cider doughnuts, freshly made and coated in cinnamon sugar.Giant Pumpkins: Ort Farms is home to some truly enormous pumpkins. Take your family on a quest to find the biggest one and snap some memorable photos. These giant pumpkins are a sight to behold and will surely leave a lasting impression.At Ort Farms, you can enjoy the freedom of exploring the fields, picking your own produce, and indulging in delicious treats. Whether you're looking for fresh fruits and vegetables, beautiful flowers, or an adventure in a corn maze, Ort Farms has something for everyone in the family. So pack your bags and get ready for a day filled with fun and freedom at Ort Farms in Long Valley.Farms With a Variety of Activities and EventsThere are several farms in New Jersey that offer a variety of activities and events for families to enjoy. These farms provide a perfect opportunity for families to spend quality time together while engaging in fun and exciting experiences. Let's take a look at some of these farms and what they have to offer:Farm NameLocationActivities and EventsAlstede FarmsChester- Daily availability of corn maze, pony rides, hayrides, and bouncy house - Various mazes and friendly animals to meet - Seasonal festivals and special events - Farm store with organic fruits and veggies, homemade pies, and fresh ice creamArgos FarmsForked River- Summer activities include blueberry and sunflower picking, obstacle course, and jumper pillow - Fall activities include pumpkin picking, corn maze, wagon rides, and zip line - Visit from Santa in DecemberAbmas FarmWyckoff- Petting zoo with a variety of animals - Fall activities include hayrides to the pumpkin patch, fall story time sessions, and pumpkin decorating events - Farm camp for kids ages 5-10 - Pick-your-own events throughout the growing seasonDemarest FarmsHillsdale- U-pick peaches, apples, and pumpkins - Petting pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens - Colorful wooden playhouses and photo board cutouts - Halloween Light Show in October and Orchard of Lights with Santa in DecemberThese farms offer a wide range of activities and events that cater to different interests and ages. Alstede Farms, located in Chester, provides daily access to a corn maze, pony rides, hayrides, and a bouncy house. They also have various mazes and friendly animals for visitors to meet. Additionally, they host seasonal festivals and special events, making each visit a unique experience. The farm store at Alstede Farms is a great place to find organic fruits and veggies, homemade pies, and fresh ice cream.Argos Farms in Forked River is another farm that offers a variety of activities throughout the year. During the summer, visitors can enjoy blueberry and sunflower picking, an obstacle course, and a jumper pillow. In the fall, the farm provides pumpkin picking, a corn maze, wagon rides, and a zip line. And don't forget to visit Santa in December!Abmas Farm in Wyckoff is a great choice for families looking for a petting zoo experience. This farm has a wide variety of animals, including goats, sheep, alpacas, donkeys, ponies, bunnies, and pigs. Kids can also enjoy activities such as the goat walk, duck pond, and Bunnyville. In the fall, Abmas Farm offers hayrides to the pumpkin patch, fall story time sessions, and pumpkin decorating events. They even have a farm camp for kids ages 5-10, where they can learn about farming and interact with the animals.Farms With Petting Zoos and Pick-Your-Own EventsOne of the highlights of visiting farms in New Jersey is the opportunity to interact with adorable animals and pick your own fresh produce. Here are four farms that offer petting zoos and pick-your-own events:Alstede Farms - ChesterThis 600-acre family-owned farm offers a wide range of activities for the whole family. You can enjoy a corn maze, pony rides, hayrides, and even bounce around in a bouncy house.They've various mazes to explore and friendly animals to meet, making it a fun and interactive experience.Alstede Farms also hosts seasonal festivals and special events throughout the year, so there's always something new to discover.Don't forget to stop by their farm store, where you can find organic fruits and veggies, homemade pies, and fresh ice cream.Argos Farms - Forked RiverDuring the summer months, Argos Farms offers blueberry and sunflower picking, as well as an obstacle course and a jumper pillow for some high-flying fun.In the fall, you can go pumpkin picking, navigate through a corn maze, enjoy wagon rides, and even try out their zip line.And if you visit in December, you might just get a chance to meet Santa himself.Abmas Farm - WyckoffAbmas Farm is home to a petting zoo where you can meet a variety of animals, including goats, sheep, alpacas, donkeys, ponies, bunnies, pigs, and more.They also offer unique attractions like the goat walk and the duck pond, as well as Bunnyville, a special area dedicated to bunnies.In the fall, you can enjoy hayrides to the pumpkin patch, participate in fall story time sessions, and even join pumpkin decorating events.Abmas Farm also offers a farm camp for kids ages 5-10 and hosts pick-your-own events throughout the growing season.Demarest Farms - HillsdaleDemarest Farms is a kid-friendly farm that not only offers fresh produce but also has a variety of farm animals to interact with.You can pick your own peaches, apples, and pumpkins, and while you're there, don't forget to say hello to the petting pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens.The farm also features colorful wooden playhouses and photo board cutouts, perfect for capturing those memorable moments.And if you visit during October or December, be sure to catch their Halloween Light Show and Orchard of Lights with Santa.These farms provide a fantastic opportunity for families to enjoy hands-on experiences with animals and the chance to harvest their own fresh produce. Whether you're looking for a petting zoo or a pick-your-own event, these farms in New Jersey have something for everyone.Farms With Fall Activities and AttractionsAs we enter the autumn season, New Jersey farms transform into vibrant destinations filled with fall activities and attractions that offer fun for the whole family. From pumpkin picking to corn mazes, hayrides to petting zoos, there are plenty of options to choose from. Let's take a look at some of the top farms in New Jersey that offer fall activities and attractions.Farm NameLocationActivities and AttractionsAlstede FarmsChesterDaily availability of corn maze, pony rides, hayrides, and moreArgos FarmsForked RiverPumpkin picking, corn maze, wagon rides, and zip lineAbmas FarmWyckoffPetting zoo, hayrides to the pumpkin patch, pumpkin decoratingDemarest FarmsHillsdaleU-pick peaches, apples, and pumpkins, petting pigs and moreConklin FarmMontvillePumpkin picking, corn maze, train ride, and moreAt Alstede Farms in Chester, families can enjoy a 600-acre farm with daily availability of a corn maze, pony rides, hayrides, and a bouncy house. The farm also offers various mazes and a chance to meet friendly animals. Seasonal festivals and special events add to the excitement, and the farm store is stocked with organic fruits and veggies, homemade pies, and fresh ice cream.Argos Farms in Forked River offers a range of fall activities, including pumpkin picking, a corn maze, wagon rides, and a zip line. In December, Santa even pays a visit to the farm.Abmas Farm in Wyckoff is known for its petting zoo, where visitors can interact with goats, sheep, alpacas, donkeys, ponies, bunnies, pigs, and more. The farm also offers hayrides to the pumpkin patch, fall story time sessions, and pumpkin decorating events.Demarest Farms in Hillsdale is a kid-friendly farm where families can pick their own peaches, apples, and pumpkins. Kids can also enjoy petting pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens. Colorful wooden playhouses and photo board cutouts add to the fun, and the farm hosts a Halloween Light Show in October and an Orchard of Lights with Santa in December.Conklin Farm in Montville offers a more intimate venue for fall activities. Families can enjoy pumpkin picking, a corn maze, train ride, barnyard animals, and hayrides. A snack shack with hotdogs, hot cider, candy apples, and homemade doughnuts is available, and older kids can even experience a haunted hayride.These farms are just a few examples of the many destinations in New Jersey that offer fall activities and attractions. So gather your loved ones and head out to a farm near you for a memorable autumn adventure.Farms With Pick-Your-Own Options and FestivalsLet's dive into the world of farms in New Jersey that offer pick-your-own options and host exciting festivals. Here are four farms that provide a fun-filled experience for the whole family:Alstede Farms - Chester: This 600-acre family-owned farm offers a wide range of activities. Enjoy daily adventures such as navigating through a corn maze, pony rides, hayrides, and bouncing in a bouncy house. Meet friendly animals and explore various mazes. Don't miss out on their seasonal festivals and special events. You can also visit their farm store, which offers organic fruits and veggies, homemade pies, and fresh ice cream.Argos Farms - Forked River: During the summer, Argos Farms is the place to be for blueberry and sunflower picking, as well as an obstacle course and jumper pillow. In the fall, enjoy pumpkin picking, a corn maze, wagon rides, and a thrilling zip line. And keep an eye out for a special visit from Santa in December.Abmas Farm - Wyckoff: Abmas Farm is known for its petting zoo, featuring a variety of animals including goats, sheep, alpacas, donkeys, ponies, bunnies, and pigs. Explore attractions like the goat walk, duck pond, and Bunnyville. Fall activities include hayrides to the pumpkin patch, fall story time sessions, and pumpkin decorating events. They also offer a farm camp for kids ages 5-10 and pick-your-own events throughout the growing season.Demarest Farms - Hillsdale: This kid-friendly farm boasts fresh produce and a chance to interact with farm animals. U-pick peaches, apples, and pumpkins are available. Kids will love petting pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens. Additionally, colorful wooden playhouses and photo board cutouts provide endless entertainment. Don't miss their Halloween Light Show in October and Orchard of Lights with Santa in December.These farms offer not only pick-your-own options but also exciting festivals and events. So gather your loved ones and head out to experience the freedom and fun of these New Jersey farms.Farms With Scenic Rides and Delicious TreatsWith its scenic rides and delectable treats, exploring the farms in New Jersey becomes a delightful experience for all. Among the top farms that offer both scenic rides and delicious treats are Wightman Farms in Morristown and Ort Farms in Long Valley.Wightman Farms is known for its scenic hayrides that take you through their beautiful fields and orchards. As you take in the breathtaking views, the fresh country air fills your lungs, giving you a sense of freedom and relaxation. After the hayride, you can enjoy their corn maze, where you can challenge yourself to find your way out. And while you're there, don't forget to try their freshly squeezed apple cider, homemade pies, apple butter, and cider doughnuts. These treats are made with love and will surely satisfy your cravings.Ort Farms, on the other hand, offers not only scenic views but also fresh fruit and vegetables. As you stroll through their farm, you'll be surrounded by beautiful flowers and the smell of nature. When it's time for a treat, head over to their bakery and indulge in their delicious baked goods. From pies to cookies, their treats are made with the finest ingredients and are sure to please your taste buds. And if you're in the mood for some autumn fun, don't miss their giant pumpkins and their fun corn maze.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Farms in New Jersey That Offer Activities and Events for Families Year-Round?Yes, there are farms in New Jersey that offer activities and events for families year-round. Some of these farms include Alstede Farms, Argos Farms, Abmas Farm, Demarest Farms, Conklin Farm U-Pick, Stony Hill Farms, Terhune Orchards, Von Thuns, Wightman Farms, and Ort Farms.These farms provide a variety of experiences such as petting zoos, pick-your-own events, fall activities, scenic rides, and delicious treats. Families can enjoy a range of fun-filled activities and create lasting memories at these farms throughout the year.Which Farms in New Jersey Have a Petting Zoo Where Visitors Can Interact With a Variety of Animals?There are several farms in New Jersey where visitors can interact with a variety of animals.Alstede Farms in Chester has a petting zoo with friendly goats, sheep, alpacas, ponies, and more.Abmas Farm in Wyckoff also has a petting zoo with goats, sheep, donkeys, bunnies, pigs, and other animals.Demarest Farms in Hillsdale allows visitors to pet pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens.These farms offer a fun and educational experience for families looking to interact with animals.Are There Any Farms in New Jersey That Offer Pick-Your-Own Events and Festivals Throughout the Year?Yes, there are several farms in New Jersey that offer pick-your-own events and festivals throughout the year.Some of these farms include Abmas Farm in Wyckoff, which offers pick-your-own events throughout the growing season and has a petting zoo with a variety of animals.Terhune Orchards in Princeton also offers pick-your-own options, including over 30 varieties of apples, and hosts Fall Family Weekends with cornstalk and hay bale mazes, face painting, and pumpkin decorating.Von Thuns in South Brunswick has pick-your-own options for apples, strawberries, peas, blueberries, blackberries, and pumpkins, and hosts Fall Festival Weekends with hayrides, corn mazes, and more.These farms provide a fun and interactive experience for the whole family.Do Any Farms in New Jersey Offer Scenic Rides in Addition to Delicious Treats?Yes, some farms in New Jersey offer scenic rides in addition to delicious treats.Wightman Farms in Morristown provides scenic hayrides through their beautiful farm. You can also enjoy their corn maze and corn-filled sandbox. Don't forget to try their freshly squeezed apple cider, homemade pies, apple butter, and cider doughnuts.Ort Farms in Long Valley offers scenic rides as well, along with fresh fruit and vegetables, beautiful flowers, delicious baked goods, and giant pumpkins.Are There Any Farms in New Jersey That Are Known for Their Fall Activities and Attractions?There are several farms in New Jersey that are known for their fall activities and attractions.One popular option is Conklin Farm U-Pick in Montville, which offers pumpkin picking, a corn maze, train rides, and barnyard animals.Another great choice is Demarest Farms in Hillsdale, where you can enjoy U-pick peaches, apples, and pumpkins, as well as petting pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens.Stony Hill Farms in Chester also offers a giant corn maze, hayrides, and a playground.These farms provide fun and excitement for the whole family during the fall season.ConclusionAs we bid farewell to the enchanting farms of New Jersey, we're reminded of the beauty and wonder that can be found in the simplest of pleasures.These farms, with their vibrant fields, playful animals, and delicious treats, symbolize the joy and connection that can be experienced when families come together to explore and create memories.So, gather your loved ones and embark on a journey filled with laughter, adventure, and the magic that only a day on these top farms can provide.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:06 Dear-Yellow-5479 Has Cassian killed before?

I used to think that his accidental killing and then outright murder of the two Pre-Mor Corpos was the first time he’s killed anyone. I’m no longer convinced about this, although this murder is apparently considered a ‘defining moment’ for his character (Wikipedia).
My interpretation of what Luthen says later - when he is correcting Cassian’s claim that he spent two years fighting on Mimban - is that Cassian had 18 months as a cook but then six months of actual fighting (“on the ground”) - so I imagine him having to kill then. But it’s possible to interpret Luthen differently.
Clem and Maarva are both armed when they “adopt” Kassa so he’s also going to have been brought up around blasters.
But up close and personal killing like this ? I’m genuinely not sure about this one. He clearly feels bad about it before and after taking the shot. Then again, he seems to get over the actual “Oh my God, I’ve killed a man !” thing fairly quickly. As an obvious example, his first time sleeping afterwards sees him dreaming about his sister and not the face of the man he shot.
He is also, watching again his kills throughout the series, an extremely good shot (as soon as he gets his hands on a blaster in the prison breakout, you know things are going to get very deadly for the guards very quickly) and he’s also a very quick draw. And of course, famously, from episode 1 onwards there’s no longer any hesitation at all when he needs to kill.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by Dear-Yellow-5479 to andor [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:33 thewanderingseeker We are nothing but a fraction of a fraction of dust in comparison to the vastness of the universe

The vision I have for this community is to post examples of how we and our human problems are tiny and insignificant compared to the rest of the universe. Inspired by the famous Pale Blue Dot image by NASA. we’re spinning around worrying about bills and capitalism and concerned about if that one friend actually likes your blueberry pie or not. Our problems are very much real, just because they are small on a cosmic scale doesn’t mean they don’t matter. But it’s important to remember we are a young species in a vast cosmos, and sometimes stupid shit doesn’t matter. Thinking about how small and precious our planet is should inspire us to take care of her better. As the astronomers have put it, this is our only home, after all.
submitted by thewanderingseeker to PaleBlueDot [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:51 LunarTexan What are some otomes where the FL's past/previous life plays an important role?

To be more exact, what I mean is otome stories where
A) the FL's past life give them some kinda experince, skills, etc that play an important role beyond the simple "I know the story", like how in A Fortune-Telling Princess the fact the FL can see ghosts + was a famous skilled actress play an important role in the story along with the typical "I know what's gonna happen in the future"
B) Perhaps a bit more niche, but where either past trauma or some other previous experince shapes the FL's outlook and actions and that has a big effect on the story, like for example, while not an otome strictly speaking, Crimson Karma's FL's previous life as a skilled soldier both gives her peak combat skills and a lotta trauma/messed up ideas about herself she has to overcome during the story
Either of those kinda stories would be be good, I'm just curious cause I enjoy when these kinda stories actually address and explore the fact that yeah they did have a previous life with lots of unique and perhaps very helpful or detrimental experinces, skills, and ideas/mindsets gained from that previous life that would still carry over and play a role in this new life
submitted by LunarTexan to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:16 Ubud_bamboo_ninja This hypothesis suggests that consciousness may be a transferred electromagnetic quality of matter, coming from an other galaxies. Direct Alien effect on our evolution.

This hypothesis suggests that consciousness may be a transferred electromagnetic quality of matter, coming from an other galaxies. Direct Alien effect on our evolution.
(long read) Some researchers (list at the end*) have attempted to correlate periods of heightened electromagnetic activity with significant evolutionary events in the fossil record, such as the Cambrian Explosion. The “Ediacaran Explosion” is less known but also significant, marking a time when multicellular organisms began to dominate the oceans seemingly all at once.
  • Ediacaran Period (635-541 million years ago): The period characterized by the emergence of large, soft-bodied organisms. Although we don't see many remains due to their soft bodies, there is still plenty of fossil evidence.
Mandy, you look gorgeous tonight!
  • Cambrian Explosion (around 541 million years ago): A time of rapid diversification of life forms, including the appearance of many major animal phyla.
While there is some suggestive evidence that electromagnetic activity might influence evolutionary processes, it is not yet a fully established or widely accepted explanation. Still it is a good field for thought experiments, so here is one you never heard about.
New Hypothesis backstory:
There is a modern philosophical framework called Computational Dramaturgy, which is based on a few major speculations:
  1. Stories about things are primal; reality comes right after some entity gets a goal and moves toward it through time in the 3D world viewed by some side observer.
  2. Each entity has a dramaturgical potential rate every moment of now. This is a potential sphere of all types of influence on the objective world that the given entity can produce every moment of now.
These and other ideas found in the basics of Computational Dramaturgy can describe some famous paradoxes and questions of our reality from a new perspective. Here are some good off-topic examples, shortened:
  • Why wars happen: Each person, when asked separately, doesn’t mean any harm and is "good." Bad people are bad because they were hurt first, turning them to the dark side. So, all people if asked separately are good, but when it comes to collective consciousness, people kill each other in wars even in 2024, with no logical reason that outweighs the value of human life. The speculation here is that the idea of war comes first, its geopolitical reasons, and the reaction and real death for individuals comes next and serve the main goal: the dramatic effect of the war happening. So maybe the source of reason for wars is out of this dimension.
The same with corporations as an example. They need money to grow; otherwise, they die. They sometimes harm people, like destroying ecosystems and affecting the health of people living near their factories like they are interdimensional bugs or mould, eating the money energy. The idea is that each owner of that corporation has limited responsibility. If you invest money in a corporation that harms people, you don’t have to take the full blame. You have limited responsibility signed in the contract. So, you see, the corporation "by itself" wants and has to "kill people" for profit for its survival as it is a beast with its own mind.
Each separate member of the investor community doesn’t agree to do that, but the corporation in general does harm.
So the big question is: are people so dumb to hurt themselves, or is something else that is the cause? And possibly other aspects, positive, like creativity.
I stepped on this path to find more and more computational dramaturgical predictions about our reality.
New Hypothesis:
Now let’s come back to the two main “evolutionary explosions” millions of years ago connected to possible electromagnetic activity and the higher realm dramaturgical reason for life on Earth to become more complicated. Here is the hypothesis:
If there is another dimensional source of all stories happening in our 3D world, and that source is timeless and spaceless, it might use these electromagnetic events to affect simple one-cell organisms to organize into more complex multicell organisms.
It seems like during those “explosions” all living things just decided to evolve as fast as possible. They shapeshifted to find more convenient shapes for operating in this reality, creating more and more stories, and potentially creating a biological host for consciousness. The milestone “cubit” of a higher realm in order to radiate dramaturgy in every realm.
Because whatever you can think about, it first comes in the form of a story in your head as an observer, and only then can it be detected and confirmed. The collapse of the function happens when you detect something; that’s the moment the material, definite world is created.
So the characteristics of those two evolutionary explosions might be a sign of “turning On / Off” some powerful machine out there, just for 20-90 million years only! Like a powerful lamp in a greenhouse set on timer. It was turned on 635 million years ago the first time, giving some progress, and multicellular organisms appeared. Then the ‘cosmic influence” stopped and the Mother Earth almost destroyed all complex life. Then, 541 million years ago, the electromagnetic “machine” was turned on again, and another “life explosion” for about 20 million period happened. As if someone turned on the “reason to live” ray, so all organic life suddenly felt a need to create more and more complex stories, making out triple eyes, legs, claws, etc.
Here is what could have caused high electromagnetic activity periods of that times:
  • Geomagnetic Field Reversals and Instabilities: High electromagnetic activity, including geomagnetic reversals or significant fluctuations, could potentially increase cosmic ray penetration into Earth's atmosphere due to a weakened magnetic field. This could lead to increased mutation rates and rapid evolutionary changes.
  • Increased Cosmic Ray Flux: Periods of high cosmic ray flux, possibly linked to solar activity or nearby supernovae, might also contribute to increased mutation rates and evolutionary pressures.
So, in those two options, an “out of this world” intrusion with cosmic rays could occur. If it had some conscious goals, it obviously was a plan to make some matter on Earth conscious. This is an objective truth we just see, being the “kings of the universe” for this moment.
So if those influence sources had an idea to make our stories more interesting and give us more and more “godly” powers, they did a fine job. Everything is turning out as planned. I’m just so happy to see what is next.
For more exploration of this computational dramaturgy concept and interesting thought experiments about the nature of our reality, check the free book “Physics of Important Things”.

* Here are three examples of scientists who have researched this hypothesis:
- Joseph L. Kirschvink: He has co-authored papers discussing the relationship between magnetic field changes and evolutionary events, such as "The Precambrian-Cambrian boundary problem: solution to the extinction-delayed faunal signature" in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”.
- Adrian L. Melott and Mikhail V. Medvedev: They have explored the potential impact of cosmic ray flux on Earth's biosphere. Their work "Do extragalactic cosmic rays induce cycles in fossil diversity?" suggests that changes in cosmic radiation, potentially linked to geomagnetic field variations, could influence mutation rates and evolutionary processes.
- Richard Firestone: He has authored and co-authored several papers and a book, “The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes”, discussing how extraterrestrial events could influence Earth's geological and biological history.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:42 stained__class What ad-lib lyric from a live version of a song has stuck with you?

For example, every time I hear Stairway to Heaven, I can't help my mind from filling Robert adding the 'does anyone remember laughter?!' part from a live performance.
A more famous example is Freddie adding "...of the world!" to the coda of We Are The Champions on a live take. This led many people to believe it was part of the original.
Infamously, Australian crowds have their own response to the chorus of "am I ever gonna see your face again?"
Any favourite moments for you lot?
submitted by stained__class to LetsTalkMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:47 PersonalitySubject99 Some Tips for all INTP’s

Note: although below is a numbered list, it does not mean that one tip is more important than another; it is numbered for ease of reading.
Your intelligence is the best thing in your world, but:
  1. Learn to invest, because the power of compound interest is the best thing to have in this boring reality, so that the reality gets out of the way of your ideality;
  2. Learn economics, so that you know what aspects of the reality deserve most of your attention;
  3. Learn to set up a goal, and your goals must contribute towards a higher purpose instead of being some random events that you toy around with but that lead nowhere;
  4. You identify with yourself, not with the culture you happened to be born into or grow up in;
  5. Stop paying taxes whenever you can, because you are not important enough for the government to chase, unless you are too famous;
  6. Waste no time in dealing with governments, because governments are made of stupid people;
  7. Waste no time in taking examinations, because examinations are made by stupid people;
  8. Say no to stupid people, because sooner or later they are going to learn it from other intelligent people; it might just as well be from you;
  9. If you are unfortunately living in a stupid state, where, for example, intelligent people are not allowed to speak truth, migrate into a less stupid one;
  10. Learn at least another language, because it will provide you an opportunity to see your own thoughts more clearly;
  11. Learn epistemology and metaphysics, because they will allow you to think clearly instead of having to reinventing the wheel;
  12. It is alright to be shy, because writing speaks louder than speaking;
  13. Still, learn to make fine arts or engage in performing arts or even sports, because it will liberate you from your self awareness—that is, do not think when you should feel;
  14. Eat enough sugar, because it is the fuel for your brain. The problem with sugar nowadays is that stupid people eat too much of it, and that intelligent people do not eat enough of it.
submitted by PersonalitySubject99 to INTP [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:07 MirkWorks Excerpt from The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch (The Banality of Pseudo-Self-Awareness & The Socialization of Reproduction and the Collapse of Authority)

IV. The Banality of Pseudo-Self-Awareness: Theatrics of Politics and Everyday Existence
Hero Worship and Narcissistic Idealization
On the fringes of the radical movement, many tortured spirits actively sought a martyrdom made doubly attractive by the glamour of modern publicity. The left, with its vision of social upheaval, has always attracted more than its share of lunatics, but the media have conferred a curious sort of legitimacy on antisocial acts merely by reporting them. The streaker at a football game becomes for a moment the center of all eyes. The criminal who murders or kidnaps a celebrity takes on the glamour of his victim. The Manson gang with their murder of Sharon Tate and her friends, the Symbionese Liberation Army with its abduction of Patty Hearst, share with the presidential assassins and would-be assassins of recent years a similar psychology. Such people display, in exaggerated form, the prevailing obsession with celebrity and a determination to achieve it even at the cost of rational self-interest and personal safety. The narcissist divides society into two groups: the rich, great, and famous on the one hand and the common herd on the other. Narcissistic patients, according to Kernberg, “are afraid of not belonging to the company of the great, rich, and powerful, and of belonging instead to the ‘mediocre,’ by which they mean worthless and despicable rather than ‘average’ in the ordinary sense of the term.” They worship heroes only to turn against them when their heroes disappoint them. “Unconsciously fixated on an idealized self-object for which they continue to year, … such persons are forever searching for external omnipotent powers from whose support and approval they attempt to derive strength.” Thus the presidential assassin establishes with his victim a deadly intimacy, follows his movements, attaches himself to his rising star. The machinery of mass promotion, encourages this identification by simultaneously exalting and humanizing the Olympians, endowing them with the same appetites and eccentricities that we recognize in our neighbors. Through his desperate act, the assassin or would-be assassin joins their exalted company. Assassination itself becomes a form of spectacle, and the inner lives of assassins - Oswald’s difficulties with Marina, the state of Bremer’s soul as recorded in his diary - provide the same popular entertainment as the private lives of their victims or near-victims.
Narcissistic patients, according to Kernberg, “often admire some hero or outstanding individual” and experience themselves as part of that outstanding person.” They see the admired individual as “merely an extension of themselves.” If the person rejects them, “they experience immediate hatred and fear, and react by devaluing the former idol.” Just as heroism differs in subtle ways from celebrity, so hero worship, which esteems the hero’s actions and hopes to emulate them or at least to prove worthy of his example, must be distinguished from narcissistic idealization. The narcissist admires and identifies himself with “winners” out of his fear of being labeled a loser. He seeks to warm himself in their reflected glow; but his feelings contain a strong admixture of envy, and his admiration often turns to hatred if the object of his attachment does something to remind him of his own insignificance. The narcissistic lacks the confidence in his own abilities that would encourage him to model himself on another person’s exalted example. Thus the narcissistic fascination with celebrity, so rampant in our society, coincides historically with what Jules Henry calls “the erosion of the capacity for emulation, loss of the ability to model one’s self consciously after another person” One of the high school students interviewed by Henry said flatly, “I think a person shouldn’t mold himself after someone else.”
When the superego consists not so much of conscious ego ideals but of unconscious, archaic fantasies about parents of superhuman size, emulation becomes almost entirely unconscious and expresses not the search for models but the emptiness of self-images. The protagonist of Heller’s Something Happened, who completely lacks “naive optimism” and a sense of self, experiences an “almost enslaving instinct to be like just about everyone I find myself with. It happens not only in matters of speech, but with physical actions as well…. It operates unconsciously, … with a determination of its own, in spite of my vigilance and aversion, and usually I do not realize I have slipped into someone else’s personality until I am already there.”
The narcissist cannot identify with someone else without seeing the other as an extension of himself, without obliterating the other’s identity. Incapable of identification, in the first instance with parents and other authority figures, he is therefore incapable of hero worship or of the suspension of disbelief that makes it possible to enter imaginatively into the lives of others while acknowledging their independent existence. A narcissistic society worships celebrity rather than fame and substitutes spectacle for the older forms of theater, which encourages identification and emulation precisely because they carefully preserved a certain distance between the audience and the actors, the hero worshipper and the hero.
VII. The Socialization of Reproduction and the Collapse of Authority

The Cult of Authenticity
Since critique of permissiveness seldom challenged psychiatric orthodoxy, it soon hardened into a new dogma of its own - the dogma of authenticity. Earlier experts had advised the parent to follow one or another set of prescriptions; now the experts told him to trust his own feelings. Whatever he did was right as long as he did it spontaneously. “Children are not easily fooled about true feelings,” warned Dr. Bruch. “Parent effectiveness training,” warned Dr. Bruch. “Parent effectiveness training,” the latest vogue in child-rearing, has popularized the cult of authenticity that began to emerge in the fifties. Like other forms of psychic self-help, parent effectiveness training teaches the need to “get in touch with your feelings” and to base everyday intercourse on the communication of these feelings to others. If parents can understand their own needs and wishes and convey them to their children, encouraging children to reciprocate in the same fashion, they can eliminate many sources of friction and conflict. Objective statements should be excluded from discourse with the child, according to this reasoning , in the first place because no one can argue rationally about beliefs and in the second place because statements about reality convey ethical judgements and therefore arouse strong emotions. “When a child says, ‘I never have good luck,’ no argument or explanation will change this belief.” “When a child tells of an event, it is sometimes helpful to respond, not to the event itself, but to the feelings around it.” Since “all feelings are legitimate,” their expression should be greeted neither with praise nor with blame. If a child does something to annoy the parent, the parent should express his annoyance instead of condemning the child or the action. If the child expresses emotions that seem incommensurate with the occasion, the parent, instead of pointing out this discrepancy - instead of making an objective statement about reality and the emotions appropriate to it - should indicate to the child that he understands the child’s feelings and acknowledges his right to express them. “It is more important for a child to know what he feels than why he feels it.” The child needs to learn “that his own anger is not catastrophic, that is can be discharged without destroying anyone.”
The cult of authenticity reflects the collapse of parental guidance and provides it with a moral justification. It confirms, and clothes in the jargon of emotional liberation, the parent’s helplessness to instruct the child in the ways of the world or to transmit ethical precepts. By glorifying this impotence as a higher form of awareness, it legitimizes the proletarianization of parenthood - the appropriation of childrearing techniques by the “helping professions.” As John R. Seeley noted in 1959, the transfer of parental knowledge to other agencies parallels the expropriation of the worker’s technical knowledge by modern management - “the taking over from the worker of the sad necessity of providing himself with the means of production.” By “helpfully” relieving the worker from “such onerous responsibilities” as the provision of his own and his children’s needs, society has freed him, as Seeley wrote, “to become a soldier in the army of production and a cipher in the process of decision.”
The revolt against behavioral and progressive dogmas, which exaggerated the parent’s power to deform the child, has encouraged society to hold the parent “only marginally accountable,” as Mark Gerzon has recently observed, “for his child’s growth…. Obstetricians take charge at birth, pediatricians are responsible for a child’s ailments and cures; the teacher for his intelligence;…. the supermarket and good industry for his food; television for his myths.” Ironically, the devaluation of parenthood coincides with a belated movement to return to the family functions it has surrendered to the apparatus of organized therapy and tuition. Rising rates of crime, juvenile delinquency, suicide, and mental breakdown have finally convinced many experts, even many welfare workers, that welfare agencies furnish a poor substitute for the family. Dissatisfaction with the results of socialized welfare and the growing expense of maintaining it now prompt efforts to shift health and welfare functions back to the home.

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2024.06.01 04:31 EliteAdventuresT Luxurious Seaside Golf Escape: NYC to Montauk by Helicopter

Experience the ultimate luxury with a seaside golf excursion and private helicopter tour from NYC, combining adventure, relaxation, and breathtaking views for a high-end golfing experience.

Overview of Seaside Golf Excursion with Private Helicopter from NYC

Embark on a luxurious journey that combines the thrill of a private helicopter tour with the sophistication of a seaside golf excursion departing from the vibrant city of NYC. This exclusive package caters to travelers seeking a unique blend of adventure, relaxation, and opulence, promising an unforgettable day filled with high-end experiences and breathtaking views. Imagine soaring above the iconic Manhattan skyline in a private helicopter before landing at the prestigious Seaside Golf Course in Montauk, New York, where a day of leisure and luxury awaits. This seamless fusion of excitement and tranquility sets the stage for an unparalleled experience that caters to discerning travelers looking to indulge in the finer things in life.
To exemplify the level of exclusivity and refinement offered by this guided seaside golf excursion, consider the Private AStar Helicopter option, where passengers can enjoy a personalized flight experience with up to 5 companions. The journey provides not only convenience and comfort but also a sense of grandeur as guests are transported from the bustling cityscape to the serene coastal beauty of Montauk. As travelers step onto the lush fairways of Seaside Golf Course, designed by renowned architects, they are greeted by panoramic ocean views and a challenging yet scenic layout that promises an unparalleled golfing experience. This unique combination of adventure and luxury ensures that every moment of the excursion is filled with sophistication and indulgence, making it a day to remember.
Seaside Golf Course stands out as a premier golfing destination, nestled in the picturesque town of Montauk, New York. Designed with precision and artistry by esteemed golf course architects, the course offers players a challenging yet rewarding layout that showcases the natural beauty of its oceanfront location. Golf enthusiasts will appreciate the opportunity to test their skills on this renowned course while immersing themselves in the stunning coastal scenery that surrounds them. The allure of Seaside Golf Course lies not only in its challenging design but also in the unforgettable experience it provides to visitors, who are treated to a harmonious blend of nature, sport, and luxury.

Seaside Golf Course Details

Seaside Golf Course is a testament to the union of nature's beauty and architectural brilliance, offering players a unique and challenging golfing experience against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. As travelers step onto the meticulously manicured fairways of Seaside Golf Course, they are greeted by the sound of crashing waves and the scent of saltwater in the air, creating a sensory-rich environment that enhances the game. Designed by renowned architects, the course features strategic bunkers, undulating greens, and oceanfront holes that test the skills of golfers at every level. Players can immerse themselves in the game while enjoying the panoramic views of the ocean, making each swing a memorable moment in this idyllic setting.
A prime example of Seaside Golf Course's allure is its signature oceanfront holes, where players are challenged to navigate the coastal terrain while taking in the breathtaking views of the Atlantic. One such hole, overlooking the rugged coastline, exemplifies the fusion of natural beauty and strategic design that defines the course. As golfers tee off against the backdrop of the ocean, they are not only engaged in the sport but also transported to a realm where the boundaries between the game and the environment blur, creating a truly immersive and unforgettable experience. Seaside Golf Course stands as a beacon of excellence in the world of golf, offering players a harmonious blend of challenge, beauty, and luxury.

Private Helicopter Ride Inclusions

The private helicopter ride included in the Seaside Golf Excursion from NYC to Montauk elevates the entire experience to new heights of luxury and convenience. Travelers can choose between the Private AStar Helicopter and the Twin Engine Helicopter, both of which offer a lavish and exclusive mode of transportation to the golfing destination. The Private AStar Helicopter, priced at $26,600, provides an intimate and personalized flight experience for up to 5 passengers, ensuring a comfortable journey from NYC to Montauk. On the other hand, the Twin Engine Helicopter, priced at $30,300, offers a spacious and enhanced flying experience for the same group size, catering to those seeking a premium aerial adventure.
For travelers seeking the epitome of luxury and style, the Private AStar Helicopter option exemplifies the exclusivity and comfort that define the guided seaside golf excursion. This helicopter model, known for its sleek design and performance, promises a smooth and scenic flight experience over the Atlantic coast, setting the tone for a day of sophistication and relaxation. As passengers settle into the plush interiors of the helicopter, they are treated to panoramic views of the coastal landscape below, heightening the anticipation for the golfing adventure that awaits at Seaside Golf Course. The seamless transition from the bustling cityscape of NYC to the tranquil seaside setting of Montauk is a testament to the bespoke and high-end nature of this private helicopter journey.

Golfing Experience Highlights

The golfing experience included in the Seaside Golf Excursion encompasses a full 18-hole round at Seaside Golf Course, providing players with the opportunity to test their skills on a renowned and challenging course. As participants engage in the game, they are surrounded by the natural beauty and serenity of the coastal environment, creating a unique and memorable golfing experience. The package not only covers the green fees but also ensures that guests have access to premium golf clubs, high-quality balls, and a golf cart for added convenience on the course.
An illustrative example of the golfing experience highlights at Seaside Golf Course is the signature 18th hole, known for its breathtaking ocean views and strategic layout that challenges golfers to finish their round with skill and precision. As players navigate this final hole, they are met with a sense of accomplishment and awe at the stunning surroundings, making it a fitting conclusion to a day of luxury and leisure. The combination of challenging terrain, stunning vistas, and top-tier amenities ensures that every moment on the course is filled with excitement, relaxation, and the essence of high-end golfing.

Dining Experience at Seaside Golf Course

Indulge in a gourmet dining experience at Seaside Golf Course, where guests are treated to a menu of exquisite culinary offerings crafted from fresh and locally sourced ingredients. The seaside dining setting enhances the overall luxury experience, providing a picturesque backdrop for a memorable meal. Guests can savor a variety of delectable dishes, from seafood delicacies to gourmet desserts, all while enjoying panoramic views of the ocean and the lush greens of the golf course. The culinary experience at Seaside Golf Course is a feast for the senses, combining exceptional flavors with stunning aesthetics to create a truly indulgent dining affair.
To exemplify the dining experience at Seaside Golf Course, consider a signature dish like the lobster bisque, made with fresh lobster meat and a blend of aromatic spices, served against the backdrop of the setting sun over the Atlantic Ocean. This culinary masterpiece not only delights the palate but also captivates the eyes with its vibrant colors and artistic presentation. Guests can enjoy a leisurely meal on the outdoor terrace, basking in the gentle sea breeze and the warm glow of the evening sun, creating a dining experience that is both luxurious and unforgettable. The combination of gourmet cuisine, scenic views, and impeccable service ensures that every meal at Seaside Golf Course is a celebration of culinary excellence and seaside elegance.

Return Journey to NYC Details

After a fulfilling day of golfing and dining at Seaside Golf Course, guests are transported back to Manhattan via a private helicopter, offering them a final opportunity to savor the panoramic views of the NYC skyline from above. The return journey not only provides a convenient and luxurious mode of transportation but also allows travelers to reminisce about the day's adventures while taking in the iconic landmarks of the city below. As the helicopter glides over the Manhattan skyline, passengers are treated to unparalleled views of famous attractions such as Central Park, the Empire State Building, and the Statue of Liberty, creating a memorable conclusion to their seaside golf excursion.
An illustrative example of the return journey to NYC is the twilight helicopter flight, where guests can witness the city lights twinkling below as they soar back to Manhattan under the blanket of the night sky. The glittering skyline, illuminated bridges, and bustling streets create a mesmerizing spectacle that encapsulates the vibrancy and energy of New York City, offering travelers a unique perspective on the metropolis from above. The return journey via helicopter not only signifies the end of a luxurious day trip but also leaves guests with lasting memories of their exclusive seaside golf excursion, ensuring that the experience lingers in their minds long after they touch down in the city that never sleeps.

Ticket Options, Pricing, and Inclusions

When considering the ticket options for the guided seaside golf excursion with a private helicopter from NYC to Montauk, travelers can choose between the Private AStar Helicopter priced at $26,600 and the Twin Engine Helicopter priced at $30,300, both offering a luxurious and exclusive mode of transportation. The ticket prices encompass a comprehensive set of inclusions to ensure a seamless and unforgettable excursion that combines adventure, relaxation, and sophistication in a single package. Travelers not only get to experience a thrilling helicopter journey but also enjoy a full 18-hole round of golf at Seaside Golf Course, complete with green fees and premium amenities.
For example, the ticket inclusions extend to a guided tour of Montauk, a panoramic NYC skyline tour during the return helicopter flight, and essential charges such as the helicopter charter and a fuel surcharge. These offerings guarantee that guests are treated to a well-rounded and all-encompassing luxury day trip that caters to their every need and desire, ensuring that every moment of the journey is filled with excitement, comfort, and sophistication. The ticket prices reflect the exclusive nature of the experience, providing travelers with a bespoke and high-end adventure that promises memories to last a lifetime.

Cancellation Policy and Booking Considerations

Familiarize yourself with the cancellation policy for the guided seaside golf excursion with a private helicopter, which stipulates that no refunds are available for this exclusive day trip. It is essential to plan your excursion carefully, taking into account the seasonal availability and weather conditions that may impact the journey. While the experience promises an unforgettable adventure, travelers should be prepared for any unforeseen changes that may arise due to factors such as weather constraints or availability considerations.
To illustrate the importance of booking considerations, imagine a scenario where unexpected weather conditions lead to a rescheduling of the helicopter flight, requiring travelers to adjust their plans accordingly. By staying informed about the seasonal availability and duration details of the excursion, guests can make informed decisions and plan their trip during the optimal months to maximize the enjoyment of their luxury day tour. Additionally, adherence to safety guidelines and fitness recommendations ensures a seamless and enjoyable journey, allowing travelers to fully immerse themselves in the exclusive experiences that define the guided seaside golf excursion with a private helicopter from NYC to Montauk.

Seasonal Availability and Duration Details

The luxury day trip from NYC to Montauk for the seaside golf excursion is available seasonally from June to September, aligning with the ideal weather conditions for a memorable and enjoyable journey. Travelers can take advantage of the sunny skies and pleasant temperatures during these months, ensuring that every moment of their excursion is bathed in the warmth and beauty of the summer season. Planning your trip during the specified months allows you to experience the seasonal availability and duration of the journey to its fullest, capturing the essence of luxury and relaxation in a picturesque coastal setting.
For instance, consider the seasonal availability of the excursion in June, where guests can enjoy the vibrant colors of summer in full bloom, from the lush greens of the golf course to the azure hues of the ocean waters. The duration of each leg of the helicopter journey, approximately 50 minutes, provides ample time for travelers to soak in the breathtaking aerial views and appreciate the scenic landscapes below. By aligning your trip with the seasonal availability and duration details of the excursion, you can ensure that every aspect of your journey is optimized for enjoyment and relaxation, creating a luxury experience that exceeds expectations.

Safety and Fitness Guidelines for Travelers

Travelers embarking on the guided seaside golf excursion with a private helicopter should be mindful of safety and fitness guidelines to ensure a secure and comfortable journey throughout the adventure. The excursion requires participants to possess moderate physical fitness levels to fully enjoy the activities, from golfing at Seaside Golf Course to the private helicopter ride. By adhering to the recommended fitness levels, travelers can engage in the various components of the excursion with ease and confidence, enhancing their overall experience and enjoyment.
An illustrative example of safety and fitness guidelines in practice is the maximum weight limit for passengers on the 5-passenger helicopters, set at 1000 lbs to ensure the safety and comfort of all guests. This precautionary measure is implemented to maintain the aircraft's performance and capacity within safe limits, guaranteeing a smooth and secure journey for all passengers. Additionally, safety protocols are in place throughout the excursion to provide travelers with peace of mind and assurance that their well-being is a top priority. By following these guidelines and recommendations, guests can relax and indulge in the luxury and sophistication of the seaside golf excursion with a private helicopter from NYC to Montauk, knowing that their safety and comfort are well taken care of.
Click here for more information or to book now.
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2024.06.01 04:30 EliteAdventuresT New York City Up Close: Private Bike Tour

Experience the best of New York City with a personalized and immersive Private NYC Area Bike Tour, offering exclusive access to off-the-beaten-path locations, insider tips from knowledgeable guides, and the flexibility to tailor your experience to specific interests
Introduction to Private NYC Area Bike Tours
Private bike tours in the NYC area offer a unique and personalized way to explore the bustling city that never sleeps. These tours provide visitors with an immersive experience, allowing them to delve into the heart of New York City while enjoying the flexibility to tailor the adventure to their specific interests. Whether individuals, couples, families, or small groups, private bike tours cater to those seeking a one-of-a-kind adventure in the Big Apple.
Exploring the diverse neighborhoods of New York City, private bike tours highlight iconic landmarks such as Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Hudson River, providing a closer look at these famous attractions. For instance, visitors can enjoy a leisurely ride through Central Park, stopping to learn about the park's history and design, or opt for a thrilling ride across the Brooklyn Bridge with panoramic views of the city skyline, immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of New York's history and culture. Additionally, private tours can be customized to include hidden gems off the beaten path, offering a unique perspective of the city beyond its well-known landmarks.
Private bike tours offer an exclusive and intimate experience, allowing participants to connect with the city on a deeper level. By choosing a private tour, visitors can avoid the crowds often associated with group tours and enjoy a more personalized journey through the vibrant streets of New York City. For example, imagine cycling along the scenic Hudson River Greenway with your own private guide, who not only shares historical insights but also tailors the experience to your preferences, creating a memorable and customized adventure. This individualized approach sets private bike tours apart, making them ideal for special occasions, solo travelers, or anyone looking to explore the city in a more personal and engaging way.

Why Opt for a Private NYC Area Bike Tour

Choosing a private NYC area bike tour offers a multitude of benefits that make it a compelling option for exploring the city. Unlike standard group tours, private tours provide exclusive access to hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path locations that showcase the authentic essence of New York City. For instance, a private bike tour might include a visit to the vibrant street art of Bushwick in Brooklyn, offering a unique perspective on the city's artistic landscape.
Moreover, the personalized attention provided by experienced guides during private tours goes beyond just showing the sights. Guides often share insider tips , historical facts, and local knowledge that bring the landmarks to life, creating a more immersive and enriching experience for participants. This tailored approach allows visitors to delve deeper into the culture, history, and stories that make each location significant, fostering a deeper connection with the city. The intimate nature of private tours also fosters meaningful interactions between participants and guides, making them ideal for travelers seeking a more personalized and engaging adventure in the Big Apple.
Private bike tours offer the flexibility to customize the experience according to individual preferences, ensuring that each tour is unique and tailored to the interests of the participants. For example, visitors can choose to focus on specific themes such as architecture, history, or even cuisine, allowing for a more specialized and in-depth exploration of New York City. By opting for a private tour, participants have the freedom to design an itinerary that aligns with their passions and curiosity, creating a truly unforgettable and personalized adventure in the vibrant streets of the city.

Key Highlights of Private Bike Tours in the NYC Area

Private bike tours in the NYC area provide a unique and immersive way to explore the city's iconic landmarks up close, offering a perspective that walking or bus tours cannot match. For instance, cyclists can pedal along the Hudson River Greenway, enjoying stunning views of the skyline and passing by popular attractions like Chelsea Piers and Battery Park. This personalized approach allows visitors to engage with the surroundings at their own pace, capturing memorable moments that are often missed in larger group settings.
In addition to famous landmarks, private bike tours offer the flexibility to discover hidden treasures scattered throughout the city. One such gem is the vibrant street art scene in Brooklyn's Bushwick neighborhood, where colorful murals and graffiti masterpieces adorn the walls, providing a unique backdrop for an unconventional tour experience. By tailoring routes to incorporate these lesser-known spots, private bike tours offer an enriching journey that goes beyond the typical tourist trail, catering to individuals seeking a deeper connection with the cultural fabric of New York City.
Private bike tours strike a balance between structured sightseeing and leisurely exploration, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the city's vibrant energy while also taking time to relax and enjoy the surroundings. For example, a private tour might include stops at scenic overlooks where riders can pause to soak in breathtaking views of the city skyline, capturing memorable photos and creating lasting memories. This blend of adventure and relaxation makes private bike tours a versatile and engaging way to experience the diverse attractions and neighborhoods of New York City.

Customization Options for Private NYC Bike Tours

When opting for a private NYC bike tour, visitors have the opportunity to personalize their experience according to their preferences and interests. Apart from the standard routes that cover iconic landmarks, participants can delve into specialized themes that offer a unique perspective of the city. For instance, food enthusiasts can embark on a culinary adventure through NYC's diverse neighborhoods, sampling local delicacies and exploring hidden gems known only to locals. This immersive experience allows travelers to not only see the city but to taste and smell its vibrant culinary scene firsthand, making for a memorable and sensory-rich journey.
Photography enthusiasts can tailor their private bike tour to focus on capturing the best angles and views of the city. Guides can lead them to lesser-known spots with breathtaking vistas or unique architectural details, providing insider tips on composition and lighting to enhance their photography skills. By customizing the tour to cater to specific interests such as food, photography, or even history, visitors can enjoy a more engaging and enriching exploration of New York City, creating lasting memories that align with their passions and preferences.
In addition to thematic customization, private bike tours can also be adjusted to accommodate specific needs and preferences of participants. For example, individuals with dietary restrictions can request specialized food options during the tour, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all. Accessibility needs, such as mobility assistance or language support, can also be addressed through tailored arrangements, allowing for a seamless and inclusive adventure through the bustling streets of New York City. By offering a range of customization options, private bike tours cater to a diverse audience and ensure that every participant can make the most of their journey through the city.

Pricing, Inclusions, and Special Offers

When considering a private bike tour in the NYC area, it's essential to explore the array of additional inclusions that can elevate your experience. For instance, some tour packages offer gourmet picnics where you can indulge in delicious local fare while taking in the stunning city views. Imagine savoring artisanal treats at a scenic spot in Central Park or enjoying a romantic sunset ride along the Hudson River, creating unforgettable memories during your tour.
In addition to gourmet experiences, private bike tours often include various amenities such as bike rentals, helmets, and illustrated maps to ensure a comfortable and safe journey through the city. These inclusions not only enhance the overall experience but also provide convenience and peace of mind for participants, allowing them to focus on enjoying the sights and sounds of New York City. Furthermore, special offers and promotions, such as discounts for repeat customers or group bookings, can make private bike tours more accessible and appealing to a wider audience, encouraging more individuals to embark on this unique adventure in the Big Apple.
Private tour operators may offer add-on experiences or upgrades to enhance the tour further, such as sunset rides, guided museum visits, or even special events tailored to specific interests. These additional features not only add value to the tour but also create a more immersive and unforgettable experience for participants. By exploring the various pricing options, inclusions, and special offers available for private bike tours in the NYC area, visitors can select a tour package that aligns with their preferences and budget, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable exploration of the city's vibrant streets.

Duration, Scheduling, and Group Sizes

When opting for a private bike tour in the vibrant city of New York, visitors can enjoy the convenience of flexible scheduling to accommodate their unique preferences. Whether you are an early riser keen to explore the city in the morning light, an afternoon adventurer seeking iconic sights under the sun, or someone captivated by the city's shimmering skyline at dusk, private bike tours can be tailored to your preferred time of day. For instance, imagine starting your day with a serene ride through Central Park, followed by a leisurely afternoon cruising along the Hudson River, and ending with a magical twilight tour of Times Square - the choice is yours to make your New York experience truly unforgettable.
In addition to flexible scheduling, private bike tours offer the option to customize the duration of the tour to suit individual preferences and interests. Participants can choose from various time slots, ranging from a few hours to a full day of exploration, allowing for a comprehensive and immersive journey through the city. This adaptability ensures that visitors can make the most of their time in New York City, whether they prefer a quick overview of the highlights or a more leisurely and in-depth exploration of the diverse neighborhoods and attractions.
Private tours cater to a range of group sizes, from solo travelers to large corporate outings, providing customized rates and arrangements to accommodate different needs and preferences. For example, solo travelers may opt for a private tour with a dedicated guide for a more personalized experience, while larger groups can enjoy team-building activities or family-friendly adventures tailored to their interests. By offering flexible scheduling, customizable durations, and adaptable group sizes, private bike tours in NYC ensure that every participant can enjoy a memorable and engaging exploration of the city, creating lasting memories with their companions.

Language Options and Tour Accessibility

Private bike tours in NYC are designed to accommodate guests from various linguistic backgrounds, ensuring a seamless and inclusive experience for all. For instance, visitors who are hearing-impaired can benefit from guides proficient in American Sign Language (ASL), enhancing their understanding of the tour's historical and cultural insights. Additionally, multilingual guides proficient in languages like Spanish, French, and Mandarin not only provide language accessibility but also enrich the tour with diverse perspectives and anecdotes, making it a truly immersive experience for participants.
The provision of audio headset rentals further enhances the accessibility of private bike tours in New York City. This feature is particularly beneficial for non-English speakers, as it enables them to follow the guide's commentary clearly throughout the tour. By offering these language options and accessibility features, private bike tours ensure that all participants, regardless of their linguistic background, can fully engage with the tour's highlights and insights, making it a memorable and enriching experience for everyone involved.
In addition to language options, private bike tours prioritize accessibility for participants with diverse needs and preferences. For example, guides are trained to provide assistance to individuals with mobility challenges, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a safe and comfortable tour experience. Furthermore, accommodations can be made for participants with specific dietary restrictions, ensuring that all guests can fully partake in the culinary delights and experiences offered during the tour. By promoting inclusivity and accessibility, private bike tours in NYC create a welcoming and engaging environment for participants of all backgrounds, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the vibrant sights and sounds of the city.

Safety Protocols and Equipment Standards

When embarking on a private bike tour in the NYC area, safety is a top priority. Beyond the thrill of exploration, ensuring the well-being of participants is paramount. Private tour operators meticulously maintain their bikes and equipment, adhering to stringent industry standards to guarantee a safe and smooth riding experience. For example, brakes, gears, and tire pressure are regularly checked and adjusted to prevent any mechanical issues during the tour. This attention to detail not only promotes safety but also contributes to the overall enjoyment of the journey, allowing riders to focus on the sights and sounds of the city.
The guides leading private bike tours are not only knowledgeable about the city's landmarks but also hold certifications in CPR and first aid. This additional training equips them to handle any unforeseen emergencies promptly and effectively, offering participants peace of mind throughout the excursion. Picture this: while cruising along the Hudson River, if a participant were to encounter a minor injury, the guide's swift response and medical expertise ensure a quick resolution, allowing the tour to proceed without disruption. These safety measures underscore the commitment of private bike tour companies to providing a secure environment for guests to explore the vibrant streets of New York City.
In addition to equipment maintenance and guide certifications, private bike tours implement strict safety protocols to ensure the well-being of all participants. For instance, small group sizes are maintained to allow for a higher guide-to-participant ratio, enabling guides to provide personalized attention and assistance as needed. This focus on individualized support and supervision enhances the overall safety of the tour, ensuring that participants can explore the city with confidence and peace of mind. By prioritizing safety at every step of the journey, private bike tours in the NYC area offer a secure and enjoyable experience for riders of all skill levels and backgrounds, creating a memorable and worry-free adventure through the bustling streets of New York City.

Customer Testimonials and Reviews

When looking at customer testimonials and reviews for private bike tours in NYC, it becomes evident that participants value the personalized service and attention to detail provided during these experiences. For instance, many visitors express their admiration for the knowledgeable guides who share historical facts, movie references, and insider tips throughout the tour. This personalized touch not only enhances the sightseeing aspect but also creates a deeper connection to the city's rich culture and heritage.
Numerous reviews emphasize the unique discoveries made during private bike tours in NYC. For example, guests often praise the opportunity to explore lesser-known gems and hidden art installations that are not typically covered in standard group tours. These unexpected finds add an element of excitement and exclusivity to the experience, making the tour memorable and enriching for participants of all ages and backgrounds. The blend of iconic landmarks and off-the-beaten-path locations ensures that private bike tours offer a well-rounded exploration of the city, catering to both first-time visitors and seasoned New York enthusiasts alike.
Customer testimonials often highlight the seamless booking process and exceptional customer service provided by private tour operators in the NYC area. Whether it's assistance with selecting the right tour package, coordinating special arrangements, or addressing specific inquiries, guests appreciate the professionalism and responsiveness of the tour companies. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience from start to finish, private bike tours in NYC have garnered positive reviews and recommendations from visitors seeking a unique and unforgettable adventure through the vibrant streets of the city.

Embracing the Private NYC Bike Tour Experience

As you consider exploring the bustling streets of New York City, embracing a private bike tour promises a truly personalized and unforgettable journey. The allure of private tours lies in the unique benefits they offer, including the flexibility to customize your itinerary to match your specific interests and the exclusive access they provide to off-the-beaten-path locations not covered in standard group tours. For instance, you could opt for a specialized food tour, indulging in the diverse culinary delights of the city's neighborhoods, or tailor your experience as a photography enthusiast to capture the best vantage points and hidden gems.
The intimate nature of private tours ensures that you receive personalized attention from knowledgeable guides who are adept at sharing insider tips and local knowledge. These guides not only offer historical facts and anecdotes but can also provide insights into movie references and lesser-known stories about the iconic landmarks you visit. Imagine cycling through Central Park or crossing the Brooklyn Bridge while your guide unveils fascinating details about the locations, enriching your experience and deepening your appreciation for the city's history and culture. So, why wait? Book your private NYC bike tour today and embark on a journey that promises to be as unique and vibrant as the city itself, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Check out this New York Bike Tour Now.
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2024.06.01 04:27 AdamLuyan 生命之树 Tree of Life

生命之树的目录 Content of Life Tree:
✔️11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants;11.2 四大种 Four Big Seeds;11.3 十二生长处 Twelve Growth Places;11.4 五蕴 Five Nodes;11.4.1 色蕴 Color Node;11.4.2 受蕴 Acceptance Node;11.4.3 想蕴 Think Node;11.4.4 行蕴 Migration Node; 根本烦恼 Fundamental Annoyances; 随烦恼 Following Annoyances; 不相应行法 Noncorresponding Migration Laws;11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node;11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux;11.6 五果 Five Fruits:11.6.1 异熟果 Variation Fruit;6.2 等流果 Equally Stream Fruit;11.6.3 士用果 Warrior Usage Fruit;11.6.4 离系果 Off-is Fruit;11.6.5 增上果 Escalatory Fruit。
🔗 桃花劫 Peach Flower Catastrophe

11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants

Law is nature law, based on the recurrence of phenomena, the ancients often used the analogy of track. All phenomena that have existed in the past, exist in the present, and will continue to exist in the future are laws, such as rivers, lakes, seas, flowers, birds, fish, insects, laws, morals, and principles of affairs, etc. All laws have four quadrants, the first quadrant is Phenomenal Quadrant, the second is View Quadrant, and third is Self-Evident Quadrant, the fourth is Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant. Law has the four kinds of quantity functions in heart, so there are these four Juristic Quadrants.
The first quadrant, Phenomenal Quadrant, is the objective phenomena, the subjective objects, such as color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law, the six dusts. From the point of view of perception, the external world is a projection of one's heart (i.e., mind). Phenomenal Quadrant is a projection from the fourth Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant (i.e., the unconscious). This process of transforming external stimuli into phenomena is a function of the unconscious; we do not feel it; what we feel is the phenomena (i.e., the first Juristic Quadrants). The ancients used the person in the mirror when looking in the mirror to illustrate the Phenomenal Quadrant. Phenomena in the mirror and the person looking in the mirror share the same body.
The second quadrant, the View Quadrant, is the illuminated and clearly seeing, is the function of the aggregative heart’s transformation, clearly mirrored the objective phenomena.
The function of sense is discrimination, discernment, measurement. The second quadrant, View Quadrant illuminates the first quadrant, Phenomenal Quadrant, its fruit (i.e., result) of measurement is the third quadrant, Self-Evident Quadrant. And the third quadrant has function of sense’s self-body.
The fourth quadrant, Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant, is the temporary transformation of the heart's self-body, which can act to know the self-body. This fourth quadrant can evidence the third Self-Evident Quadrant, so it is called the Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant. Because the fourth quadrant is the projector of the first quadrant, the present quantity, i.e., the objective fact, therefore, the fourth quadrant does not need other quadrants to be proved.
古人用 “人用尺量布” 的事例来说明这四分。其中布是所量,是第一相分。用尺量布的过程是第二见分;第二见分是能量。丈量的数据,即量果,是第三自证分。这人读完量果之后,他又核实了一下,明了自己在干什么;这就是第四证自证分。因为第四分的核实作用,第三自证分得知量果,自证明了。
The ancients used the example of "a tailor measuring cloth with a ruler" to illustrate these four quadrants. In this case, the cloth is what is measured, which is the First Quadrant. The process of measuring the cloth with a ruler is the second quadrant; the second quadrant is the able to measure. The data of the measurement is the third Self-Evidence Quadrant. After the tailor reads the measurement result, he verifies it again, realizing what he is doing, what the fourth Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant is. Because of the verifying action of the fourth quadrant, the third Self-Evident Quadrant learns of the fruit of measurement and proves itself.
In Buddhism, the four quadrants of a law are inseparable, that is, a law must have these four quadrants. If we fold the fourth and third quadrant of a law into the second quadrant, then four quadrants become two, the first Phenomenal Quadrant and the second View Quadrant. In Buddhism, the laws of Phenomenal Quadrant are known as the colors, i.e. the color node (cf. 11.4.1), and the laws in other three quadrants are also known as the names, i.e. the four colorless nodes of acceptance, think (cf. 11.4.2), migration, and sense, so that Names and Colors are all laws, and are often pictorially represented as Philosophers’ Stone Pestle (as in Fig. 11.1). Why is this thing so famous? Because the four juristic quadrants theory is known as Buddhist Hub, and “Name & Color” is known as the first juristic door of juristic boundary.
submitted by AdamLuyan to Chinese [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:04 Competitive-Dot-6594 A piece of my childhood.

Everything I type here is 100% true. I still remember having to walk all those miles to school by myself. I was 6 years old. My brother started kindergarten. My step-grandma drives past me to the school. My younger brother waves at me in the car. It was a joke to him. This became a daily thing. She made it her business that I walk. But thinking about it today, I wasn't hers and she had no obligation to do anything for me.
She was your stereotypical Christian, of course. Walk neainto her house, you'd hear loud gospel music. We go to church every Sunday. A fine spot to stick sewing needles in my arms and legs. I'd scream out in pain. "Oh, look at how bad he is with his dirty light-skinned hands! You see what I have to deal with?!"
I couldn't do anything in her house, so I didn't. I was as quiet as a little kid can be and I stayed to myself. If I didn't, she would beat the hell out of me. Being quiet and staying out of her way wasn't enough as my little brother was now of age and spoiled. He would do wrong (Drawing on the walls/breaking stuff) and this is when she adopted her famous: "When one does wrong, whoop both of them!" Walking home from school, I'm greeted with the belt.
Its a shame that horrible (and loud) gospel music didn't make her a better person. I swear to you. whomever is reading this that my one regret in this life is going to her funeral. It was so confusing hearing all the praise, the weeping from friends and so-called family. How can I weep for her? She tortured me. From my perspective, I hope she's burning. And if she's not, I hope I'm allowed temporary access. Just long enough to drag her to hell. I don't care if I burn with her, AS LONG AS SHE FUCKING BURNS!
Ahem, enough about her, its time to talk about my stepfather. What's interesting about him is his abuse was subtle-ish (at the time). He'd accuse me of tone and pitch of the way I speak my words. A hello with the wrong pitch is a whipping. The word "what" was a forbidden word in that house. Not just saying what by itself. Imagine saying: "The teacher didn't mention what tomorrow's homework would be." and getting your ass whooped for that.
Looking back, he was counting down the days until I turned 18. Don't get the wrong idea here. I worked. I got my first job when I was 9 cleaning barbershops. The following year, I started mowing lawns. I have a step-sister from him. She'd pop in and out from time to time. She's amazing. And as we got older, things got interesting.....But that's for another thread. Anyway, when I started working full-time at a fast-food place, it got bad. There was no bus-route to the job.
That's no problem, I walked home and to work. But working 16-20 hour shifts then walking miles home just to have a buff asshole waiting for you to argue over literally nothing got old quick. I paid the rent and never missed a payment. My younger brother saw one of my paychecks and told dearest step-father about it.
Keep in mind my young brother is now old enough to work, but of course doesn't have a job, because he doesn't have to. He complains I'm not giving enough to help the family. Step-father also ruined my credit by placing his crappy car on a shark-loan with my SS attached to it. This was after he used my SS on a house they bought and I helped pay for. He sold it, I didn't get a dime. My siblings did though. Good for them.
Never a (Full) kind gesture with him. There was always a take-back. One example: He bought us McDonald's. After the plates are set my siblings get to eat their food. He snatches a huge portion off my plate. That was one of the subtle things he did to me growing up. I could never have a full plate of food. Even a bag of potato chip required step-father's bullshit tax. And yes, I got whipped if I dared to stuff food in my mouth before he came prowling. The family's secret rule was my younger brother always had the biggest plate.
How dare they ask me to call him. For what?! FUCK HIM! I haven't spoken directly to any of them for years. They are grown now and they are not as bad they used to be? Don't fully know or care honestly. Life has not been kind to them. Especially to my younger brother. I'm not angry at my step-sister though. That kind woman doesn't deserve the way I avoid her. But I still stay away....
submitted by Competitive-Dot-6594 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:51 richoka Stripped of Earthly Desires – Finding True Dependence on God

We’ve now arrived at one of the more famous stories in the Scripture.
To answer the call of nature, Saul randomly stepped into a cave to relieve himself.
And wouldn’t you know it?!
This cave “coincidentally” turned out to be the very spot where David and his men were hiding!
David recognized this was a chance to get rid of the enemy who was after his life.
So he snuck up behind him with his dagger…
But instead of plunging the dagger into Saul’s body…
He instead cut off a piece of the hem of his skirt.
In Hebrew, what David cut was a part of the KANAPH or
For example, when God tells the Israelites…
“I bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you to Myself” -Exodus 19:4
The “wings” there is KANAPH.
Or when Ruth says to Boaz…
“Spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer.”
Again, the same word KANAPH is used.
The word for the wings of a bird or angel is KANAPH.
This word can also refer to the corners of a garment, which might flap in the wind, giving the appearance of a wing.
However, in the context here, KANAPH carries a deeper meaning.
See, in those days, the hem of one’s garment represented one’s status in society.
The poorest folks had no hem whatsoever.
Their hems were just the frayed bottom parts of their clothing.
The next class had clothes made of the same kind of cloth.
They simply folded the edges over and sewed them to make a hem.
This made clothes last longer and look nicer.
Richer folks had fancy hems with colored thread and even attached cute-looking little decorations to them.
Finally, royalty had the most fancy pants and pricey hems imaginable.
Since money meant power, the hem was far more than a decoration.
It was a sign of their position in society.
You know the colored belts that martial schools use to grade students?
That’s kind of the role hems played in ancient Middle Eastern society.
Except there was a religious flavor to them.
They were sometimes seen as holy and sacred.
So when David cut off a piece of Saul’s royal garment, he wasn’t just cutting off a piece of his clothing.
He was cutting off a piece of his identity.
So what’s the takeaway here?
The earthly way hems were used back then is the same way we use status symbols in our day.
In other words, just replace the hems with any other status symbols we love to flaunt in our society to demonstrate how much better we are than anyone else.
Our hems can be our cars, how big our houses are, how many kids we have, some sexy title at some prestigious company, or whatever BS thing we’ve attached our ego to…which is just a symbol of our insecurities in the first place if you think about it.
But here’s the thing…
Just as David cut off Saul’s hem – the thing that represented his earthly authority – he’s going to do the same thing to you if you are truly one of his.
Whatever you are relying on right now to bolster your self-esteem…
Whether it’s that money in your bank account, that cute girlfriend you’re dating, or your stable corporate job (which trust me, ain’t as stable as you think it is)…
God is going to cut that hem so you can understand that it is HIM and only HIM who sustains you.
He will force you to crucify your old self…
And it will be the most painful but necessary transformation you will ever endure.
Ya feel me here homie?
He did it to Abraham.
He did it to Joseph.
He did it to Yeshua.
He did it to me.
And He’ll do it to you.
“Yeshua, looking at him, felt love for him and said to him, ‘You’re missing one thing. Go, sell whatever you own, give to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come, follow me!’ Shocked by this word, he went away sad; because he was a wealthy man. Yeshua looked around and said to his talmidim, How hard it is going to be for people with wealth to enter the Kingdom of God!’ The talmidim were astounded at these words; but Yeshua said to them again, ‘My friends, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God! It’s easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.’ They were utterly amazed and said to him, ‘Then who can be saved?’ Yeshua looked at them and said, ‘Humanly, it is impossible, but not with God; with God, everything is possible.'” -Mark 10:21-27
submitted by richoka to messianic [link] [comments]
