Sample essay outline mla

How Do I Send $5000 to Someone?

2024.06.01 10:37 Spiritual_Echidna440 How Do I Send $5000 to Someone?

Sending a large sum of money, such as $5000, to someone can seem like a daunting task. However, with the advancements in technology and various financial services available today, the process has become much simpler and more secure. In this essay, I will outline the steps involved in sending $5000 to someone, whether it be a friend, family member, or business associate.
The first step in sending $5000 to someone is to determine the method of transfer. There are several options available, such as bank transfers, online payment platforms, and money transfer services. Bank transfers are often the most secure and reliable method, but they can also be the most time-consuming, with processing times ranging from a few hours to several days. Online payment platforms like PayPal and Venmo are convenient options for quick transfers, but they may have limits on the amount that can be sent at once. Money transfer services like Western Union and MoneyGram are another option for sending large sums of money quickly, although they often come with higher fees.
Once the method of transfer has been decided upon, the next step is to gather the necessary information from the recipient. This may include their full name, address, and bank account details. It is important to double-check this information to ensure that the money is sent to the correct person and account.
After gathering the recipient's information, the sender can initiate the transfer through their chosen method. This may involve visiting a bank branch, logging into an online payment platform, or visiting a money transfer service location. During the transfer process, the sender may be required to provide identification and verify their identity to prevent fraud.
Once the transfer has been initiated, the sender should receive confirmation of the transaction, either through a receipt, email, or notification on their chosen platform. It is important to keep this confirmation as proof of the transfer in case any issues arise.
In conclusion, how do I send $5000 to someone can be done quickly and securely through various methods such as bank transfers, online payment platforms, and money transfer services. By following these steps and ensuring that the recipient's information is accurate, the sender can successfully transfer the money to its intended recipient with ease.
submitted by Spiritual_Echidna440 to u/Spiritual_Echidna440 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:24 Correct-Arm946 Need your advices on Academic Writing (Task 2)

I need your advice on writing task 2. I just timed myself in a TestReady writing task and I managed to write the following in the given 10 minutes. the e-rater gave me 5/5 for this.
1) is that too formal of an essay?
2) can I get a good writing score based on this sample I just did?
The topic of taking a gap between high school graduation and entrance to university has generated much discussion in recent years and it presents its own set of challenges. However, I would like to express my opinion on this. I closely align with Andrew's perspective that it will give the students a platform to really dig deep into the subjects and really know what it actually is to have some hands-on fieldwork. Furthermore, I would like to emphasize that so many people like in my country Iran need to do obligatory military service by the age of 18 and entering some university might be some sort of motive to delay that but after graduation, you still have to attend that period of 2 years which is somehow considered as a gap between studies and field work. Thus, I think it would be really beneficial for most to take a gap and hold back for a second and try to see things from a different perspective, It might not be really essential for everybody to enrol in a university program. Claire raised the relevant point that if the students take a gap prices may skyrocket in between but I think she misses a critical point that period they might transition into something completely different and not pursue academic education ever again. So yeah, I think it's super helpful that most students if not all of them, take some sort of break before entering university and starting their professional life.
submitted by Correct-Arm946 to ToeflAdvice [link] [comments]


My name is Caleb, a professional writer majoring in academic writing. I have 7 years of experience in online classes and essay writing while delivering high-quality assignments and attaining top grades.
Subjects/Courses: I major in nursing, psychiatry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, psychology, anatomy, public health, and pharmacology.
What I offer: 1. High-quality papers. Client satisfaction is high on my list as I write all my work from scratch.
  1. Timely delivery.
  2. Correct referencing. All essays and assignments are tailored according to their required style guides be it APA or MLA.
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submitted by Sugut_Kipronoh to HomeworkExcellence [link] [comments]


My name is Caleb, a professional writer majoring in academic writing. I have 7 years of experience in online classes and essay writing while delivering high-quality assignments and attaining top grades.
Subjects/Courses: I major in nursing, psychiatry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, psychology, anatomy, public health, and pharmacology.
What I offer: 1. High-quality papers. Client satisfaction is high on my list as I write all my work from scratch.
  1. Timely delivery.
  2. Correct referencing. All essays and assignments are tailored according to their required style guides be it APA or MLA.
  3. Affordable prices. Kindly email me at for a student-friendly quotation to cater to all your assignments and online classes.
submitted by Sugut_Kipronoh to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]


My name is Caleb, a professional writer majoring in academic writing. I have 7 years of experience in online classes and essay writing while delivering high-quality assignments and attaining top grades.
Subjects/Courses: I major in nursing, psychiatry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, psychology, anatomy, public health, and pharmacology.
What I offer: 1. High-quality papers. Client satisfaction is high on my list as I write all my work from scratch.
  1. Timely delivery.
  2. Correct referencing. All essays and assignments are tailored according to their required style guides be it APA or MLA.
  3. Affordable prices. Kindly email me at for a student-friendly quotation to cater to all your assignments and online classes.
submitted by Sugut_Kipronoh to writersforhire [link] [comments]


My name is Caleb, a professional writer majoring in academic writing. I have 7 years of experience in online classes and essay writing while delivering high-quality assignments and attaining top grades.
Subjects/Courses: I major in nursing, psychiatry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, psychology, anatomy, public health, and pharmacology.
What I offer: 1. High-quality papers. Client satisfaction is high on my list as I write all my work from scratch.
  1. Timely delivery.
  2. Correct referencing. All essays and assignments are tailored according to their required style guides be it APA or MLA.
  3. Affordable prices. Kindly email me at for a student-friendly quotation to cater to all your assignments and online classes.
submitted by Sugut_Kipronoh to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]


My name is Caleb, a professional writer majoring in academic writing. I have 7 years of experience in online classes and essay writing while delivering high-quality assignments and attaining top grades.
Subjects/Courses: I major in nursing, psychiatry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, psychology, anatomy, public health, and pharmacology.
What I offer: 1. High-quality papers. Client satisfaction is high on my list as I write all my work from scratch.
  1. Timely delivery.
  2. Correct referencing. All essays and assignments are tailored according to their required style guides be it APA or MLA.
  3. Affordable prices. Kindly email me at for a student-friendly quotation to cater to all your assignments and online classes.
submitted by Sugut_Kipronoh to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]


My name is Caleb, a professional writer majoring in academic writing. I have 7 years of experience in online classes and essay writing while delivering high-quality assignments and attaining top grades.
Subjects/Courses: I major in nursing, psychiatry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, psychology, anatomy, public health, and pharmacology.
What I offer: 1. High-quality papers. Client satisfaction is high on my list as I write all my work from scratch.
  1. Timely delivery.
  2. Correct referencing. All essays and assignments are tailored according to their required style guides be it APA or MLA.
  3. Affordable prices. Kindly email me at for a student-friendly quotation to cater to all your assignments and online classes.
submitted by Sugut_Kipronoh to HomeworkAider [link] [comments]


My name is Caleb, a professional writer majoring in academic writing. I have 7 years of experience in online classes and essay writing while delivering high-quality assignments and attaining top grades.
Subjects/Courses: I major in nursing, psychiatry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, psychology, anatomy, public health, and pharmacology.
What I offer: 1. High-quality papers. Client satisfaction is high on my list as I write all my work from scratch.
  1. Timely delivery.
  2. Correct referencing. All essays and assignments are tailored according to their required style guides be it APA or MLA.
  3. Affordable prices. Kindly email me at for a student-friendly quotation to cater to all your assignments and online classes.
submitted by Sugut_Kipronoh to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:14 nimdgp Hotel Management System

Hotel Management System
Creating a Hotel Management System involves designing a software application that can handle various aspects of hotel operations. The system typically includes modules for reservations, guest check-in and check-out, room management, billing, and reporting. Here's a high-level overview of what such a system might include:

1. **User Interface (UI)**

a. **Guest Interface**

  • **Booking and Reservations:** Allows guests to check availability, make reservations, and receive confirmation.
  • **Check-in/Check-out:** Enables self-service check-in and check-out.
  • **Profile Management:** Allows guests to manage their profiles, including preferences and loyalty points.

b. **Staff Interface**

  • **Dashboard:** Overview of current bookings, occupancy rates, and other key metrics.
  • **Room Management:** Manage room status (clean, occupied, vacant), maintenance requests, and assignments.
  • **Reservations Management:** Handle reservations, cancellations, modifications, and special requests.
  • **Billing and Payments:** Manage guest bills, process payments, and handle invoicing.

2. **Backend Components**

a. **Database**

  • **Guest Information:** Stores guest profiles, reservation history, and preferences.
  • **Room Information:** Details about each room, including type, status, and features.
  • **Bookings:** Records of all bookings, including dates, guest details, and special requests.
  • **Transactions:** Financial records related to bookings, payments, and refunds.
  • **Staff Information:** Employee details, roles, and permissions.

b. **APIs and Services**

  • **Booking API:** Interfaces for third-party booking sites to interact with the hotel's reservation system.
  • **Payment Gateway:** Securely process payments and handle various payment methods.
  • **Notification Service:** Send email/SMS notifications to guests for booking confirmations, reminders, etc.
  • **Reporting Service:** Generate reports on occupancy, revenue, guest demographics, etc.

3. **Core Features**

a. **Reservations and Booking Management**

  • Real-time room availability checker.
  • Booking engine with support for special rates and packages.
  • Group bookings and event management.

b. **Guest Management**

  • Comprehensive guest profiles with preferences and history.
  • Loyalty program integration.

c. **Room and Inventory Management**

  • Track room status and housekeeping schedules.
  • Manage inventory for room amenities and hotel supplies.

d. **Billing and Payments**

  • Automated bill generation.
  • Integration with various payment gateways for online and on-site payments.
  • Handling of discounts, vouchers, and refunds.

e. **Reports and Analytics**

  • Daily, weekly, monthly occupancy and revenue reports.
  • Guest demographics and booking trends.
  • Financial reports for accounting purposes.

4. **Technologies and Tools**

  • **Frontend:** HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React or Angular for a responsive web application.
  • **Backend:** Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or Java (Spring) for building APIs.
  • **Database:** MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing data.
  • **Payment Integration:** Stripe, PayPal, or local payment gateways.
  • **Hosting:** Cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for scalable deployment.

5. **Security Considerations**

  • Data encryption for sensitive information.
  • Secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Regular security audits and compliance with relevant standards (e.g., PCI DSS for payment processing).

Sample Implementation Outline

Hereโ€™s a simplified outline of how you might start implementing this system:

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

  1. Choose your technology stack (e.g., MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js).
  2. Set up a development environment with version control (Git).

Step 2: Database Schema Design

  • Define tables for users, bookings, rooms, transactions, etc.

Step 3: Developing the Backend

  • Create RESTful APIs for core functionalities (CRUD operations for reservations, guest management, etc.).
  • Implement authentication and authorization.

Step 4: Developing the Frontend

  • Create components for the guest interface (booking form, profile management).
  • Create components for the staff interface (dashboard, room management).

Step 5: Integrating Payment Gateway

  • Set up a payment gateway for processing transactions.
  • Handle webhooks for payment status updates.

Step 6: Testing and Deployment

  • Write unit and integration tests.
  • Deploy the application to a cloud platform.
  • Perform user acceptance testing and gather feedback.

Example Code Snippets

Here are some example code snippets to illustrate the basic structure:

Backend (Node.js + Express)

// server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const bookingRoutes = require('./routes/bookings');
const userRoutes = require('./routes/users');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/hotel_management', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
app.use('/api/bookings', bookingRoutes);
app.use('/api/users', userRoutes);
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is running on port 3000');
// routes/bookings.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const Booking = require('../models/Booking');'/', async (req, res) => {
const booking = new Booking(req.body);
try {
} catch (error) {
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const bookings = await Booking.find();
} catch (error) {
module.exports = router;

Frontend (React)

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home';
import Booking from './components/Booking';
import Admin from './components/Admin';
function App() {
return (

export default App;
// components/Booking.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Booking() {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ name: '', checkInDate: '', checkOutDate: '' });
const handleChange = (e) => {
setFormData({ ...formData, []: });
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
try {
const response = await fetch('/api/bookings', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(formData),
const data = await response.json();
console.log('Booking successful:', data);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
return (

export default Booking;
This is a simplified example to get you started. A real-world hotel management system would be more complex and require thorough planning and testing.
submitted by nimdgp to u/nimdgp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:16 Stage-Piercing727 Best 350 Legend Scope

Best 350 Legend Scope
Welcome to our roundup of the best scopes for the 350 Legend cartridge. The 350 Legend is a powerful and versatile round, and choosing the right scope can make all the difference in your hunting or shooting experience. In this article, we'll explore top-rated scopes for 350 Legend firearms, covering factors such as magnification, clarity, and durability. Join us as we help you find the perfect scope for your hunting needs.

The Top 16 Best 350 Legend Scope

  1. TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design - Upgrade your crossbow performance with TruGlo's rangefinding, trajectory compensating 4x32 scope, featuring shock-resistant durability, generously long eye relief, and advanced optics under the camouflage finishโ€”perfect for unisex use.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  3. Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination - Experience ultimate clarity with Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 IR-E Crossbow Scope Black, boasting a multicoated 1-inch mono tube construction and fast focus eyepiece - the perfect companion for your crossbow laser sight adventure.
  4. Compact Variable Multi-Reticle Crossbow Scope for 300-410 fps Shooting - Upgrade your crossbow with the Excalibur Dead-zone 32mm Scope, featuring a variable multi-reticle design, compact size, and premium optics for enhanced accuracy and performance.
  5. 3X Scope: High-Quality Kid's Telescope with 700mm Focal Length - The Amscope-kids 350x Magnification telescope is an excellent option for beginners, with 3X Barlow lens and two eyepieces, providing a wide range of magnifications and an easy-to-set-up aluminum tripod for seamless observation.
  6. High-Power Angled Spotting Scope for Exceptional Clarity and Distance - The Leica APO-Televid 82 Angled Spotting Scope offers unparalleled optical quality and compact portability, enabling users to get closer to the action and capture stunning digital photography.
  7. Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction - Experience unmatched image quality and portability with the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, featuring a prism-less Folded Light Path, Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, and 100% waterproof and fog proof construction.
  8. Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations - Experience outstanding spotting with the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, offering enhanced color fidelity, sharp optics, and a user-friendly design for your outdoor adventures.
  9. Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle - Experience sharp, colorful, and waterproof visibility with the Mil-Hash reticle-equipped Bushnell T Series FDE scope, perfect for 350 Legend rifles.
  10. TDS350 2-channel Oscilloscope - 200 MHz Sampling, Accurate Data Collection - The Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope, designed to minimize aliasing and offer multiple display modes for accurate waveform analysis, stands out in the low-cost digital oscilloscope market with its impressive features and reliable performance.
  11. Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Glass - Experience crystal-clear, high-resolution birdwatching with the Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope featuring advanced features like fluoride lenses and SWAROTOP and SWARODUR coatings for maximum color fidelity and contrast.
  12. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  13. Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Weatherproofing - Experience superior optics and user-friendly features with the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope, perfect for birdwatching, stargazing, and various nature observation activities.
  14. Garmin LiveScope Plus: Revolutionizing Fish Finding Technology - Experience cutting-edge sonar technology with the Garmin LiveScope Plus System; its real-time view and easy-to-use interface make fishing more enjoyable and successful.
  15. Professional-Grade Compact Spotting Scope with Dual Focusing Mechanism - Experience unparalleled spotting scope capabilities with the Leica APO-Televid 82mm: professional-grade, compact, and equipped with exceptional optics, specialized focusing, and resilience for challenging expeditions.
  16. Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope - Angled, 30-60x85, 10.8ft MFD, 15.6in L - Experience the beauty of nature with the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 30-60x85 Spotting Scope, featuring powerful zoom, bright image quality, and durable, weather-resistant design for a seamless outdoor viewing experience.
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๐Ÿ”—TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design
I've recently had the chance to try out the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope, a nifty piece of equipment for enthusiastic crossbow users like me. The scope's main highlight was its ability to find the range and calculate the correct trajectory for my crossbow bolts. In my experience, this feature proved to be quite handy in my local archery range, particularly for those days when the wind and temperature were unstable.
One of the things that stood out to me was the scope's robustness. It was designed to handle the harsh conditions of the outdoors, as evidenced by the sturdy aluminum body and the shock-resistant construction. This scope also offered a generous 4-inch eye relief, a feature that helped protect my eyes during those blustery hunting sessions.
The scope's lenses were fully-coated, making them highly resistant to glare, a common concern for crossbow users shooting in low-light conditions. Additionally, the durable leavespring for windage and elevation adjustments were a welcomed bonus, allowing me to finetune my shots with ease.
On the downside, one of the screws on the scope rings was stripped, a minor issue that wasn't a deal-breaker. I also discovered that the scope wasn't rated specifically for a particular crossbow speed. To achieve optimal accuracy, I had to adjust the scope manually, which was a bit tricky and time-consuming.
Regardless of these minor downsides, the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope proved to be an essential piece of equipment in my hunting arsenal. Its ease of use, durable construction, and helpful features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their crossbow hunting experience.

๐Ÿ”—Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting
Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

๐Ÿ”—Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. This black 1021 model was a great addition to my hunting gear, providing exceptional clarity thanks to its multicoated optics and 1-inch mono tube construction. The fast focus eyepiece is a game-changer, allowing me to quickly adjust my sight even when on the move.
One feature that stood out was the illuminated cross-hair reticle, which came in both blue and red. It was perfect for low-light situations, making it easier for me to spot my target. I appreciated the adjustment click value of 0.5 inches at 100 yards, as it gave me accurate and consistent shot adjustments.
However, there were a few downsides to this otherwise great scope. The exit pupil was smaller than I would have liked, making it a bit more challenging to see the cross-hair reticle at times. Additionally, the scope's weight was lighter than expected, which might not have been ideal for everyone.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. It's a quality product with some small drawbacks, but its pros certainly outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a reliable crossbow scope, this one is definitely worth considering.

๐Ÿ”—Compact Variable Multi-Reticle Crossbow Scope for 300-410 fps Shooting
As a reviewer who's been using the Dead-Zone Scope from Excalibur, I can confidently say it's a game-changer for crossbow enthusiasts. This 32mm, 1" tube scope offers unparalleled light transmission and clarity that makes it an ideal choice for those who prefer the thrill of hunting. Its variable multi-reticle design suits crossbows shooting in the 300-410 fps range, providing a perfect fit even for experienced hunters.
One of my favorite features is the bold crosshairs, which make it easy to sight in, even for us who don't have the sharpest eyesight. The scope provides a crystal-clear view, which has been essential in my hunting endeavors, hitting the bullseye consistently at 60 yards. Installation was a breeze, and the ease of adjusting the focus makes it a standout product.
However, one thing that could be improved is the set screw. After a little mishap with the speed ring, it's proven to be a bit tricky to tighten back up. Apart from that, I wholeheartedly recommend this Dead-Zone Scope to anyone looking for an accurate and reliable companion on their hunting adventures.

๐Ÿ”—3X Scope: High-Quality Kid's Telescope with 700mm Focal Length
When I first got this Amscope telescope for my son, I was surprised at how easy it was to set up. The tripod was sturdy and the adjustment knobs were simple to use. The magnification range was impressive, going from 35x to a whopping 350x! The 3X Barlow lens and two eyepieces really made a difference in what we could see in the night sky.
One thing I really liked about this scope was its light-gathering power. It gathered 100 times more light than our old telescope, making it much easier to spot celestial objects. The 90-degree prism also made it easier to view objects in the sky.
However, there were some cons to this telescope. The eyepieces could have been of better quality, as they were a bit blurry at high magnifications. Additionally, the altitude-adjustment knob on the tripod could have been more precise, making it a bit harder to find objects in the sky.
Overall, the Amscope-kids telescope was a great choice for my son's first foray into astronomy. Its ease of use and impressive magnification range made it a joy to use.

๐Ÿ”—High-Power Angled Spotting Scope for Exceptional Clarity and Distance
The Leica APO-Televid 82 Angled Spotting Scope is the perfect tool for birders and nature lovers looking to get closer to the action without limitations. With a sleek design measuring only 12.9 inches in length and 52.6 ounces in weight, this angled scope fits easily in your pack for a day of outdoor adventures.
The magnesium housing provides both strength and portability, while the scope body remains completely waterproof to protect against harsh weather conditions. The fluoride glass front lens element ensures excellent contrast and color accuracy, making this scope an exceptional choice for digital photography enthusiasts. With a minimum close focus of 12.8 feet and Leica's digiscoping adapters, this scope is perfect for capturing stunning images of wildlife in their natural habitat.

๐Ÿ”—Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction
During a recent trip to the mountains, I had the chance to put Leupold's Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope to the test. While the gray housing looked sleek, it was the scope's impressive durability that truly stood out. I had read that Leupold had implemented a proprietary nitrogen fill process to ensure a 100% waterproof and fog-proof performance. I eagerly put the scope to the test, by inadvertently dipping it into a small stream. To my delight, it continued to function flawlessly, proving the effectiveness of this innovative feature.
A few days later, I took the scope to a nearby wildlife preserve to spot endangered birds in their natural habitat. The scope's impressive magnification was an absolute game-changer. It allowed me to observe the delicate intricacies of these fascinating creatures, from the texture of their feathers to their unique flight patterns. The extra low dispersion optical system played a pivotal role in delivering stunningly vivid and bright colors, contributing to an overall remarkable viewing experience.
The tripod-ready feature also proved to be quite practical in my adventure, as it enabled me to easily stabilize the scope for extended periods of time, even under challenging conditions. The prism-less folding light path, which uses mirrors to compress the long optical system, was another standout feature. It significantly reduced the scope's weight and made it more compact, making it convenient to carry anywhere.
Although the price of this Gold Ring scope is significantly higher than most other brands, it's worth every penny. Its remarkable performance ensures that it remains a valuable addition to my gear, even amidst the vast competition in the market. With a plethora of customizable settings, the scope serves as an unparalleled guide for spotting and tracking game, be it for hunting or observational purposes. While the Leupold 20x60x80 Gold Ring might seem expensive, the extraordinary visual performance it delivers makes it truly worth the investment.

๐Ÿ”—Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations
When I received the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, I was ecstatic to finally have my own to join fellow bird watchers on our adventures. The first thing I noticed about this scope was its user-friendly ergonomic design. It was comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver, even with glasses on.
One feature that stood out was its bright, high contrast view. The SWAROCLEAN non-stick lens coatings did an excellent job of minimizing color aberrations, ensuring the image was clear and vibrant. However, I did find that the scope could be a bit heavy for long observation periods.
When comparing it to other spotting scopes, the ATS-65 HD truly shined in terms of its edge-to-edge sharpness and color fidelity. It was lightweight and comfortable, making it perfect for long days outdoors. Overall, I would highly recommend this spotting scope to anyone looking for a versatile and high-quality tool for their outdoor adventures.

๐Ÿ”—Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle
I've been using this Bushnell T spotting scope in my outdoor activities, and it's been quite the experience. The Mil-Hash reticle works seamlessly with the Mil-Base riflescope reticle, making zeroing a breeze. The scope has a heavy-duty, militaristic feel with a rubberized coating. The Picatinny rail mounts are a nice touch, and they're also compatible with a red dot sight for added accuracy.
The optical clarity is what one can expect at this price point, but it does the job well enough. The lens caps make it a breeze to protect the glass from dust, debris, and other environmental conditions. The only issue I had with the front lens cap is the lack of a lanyard attachment, making it easily misplaced.
The case, on the other hand, left me concerned about Bushnell's overall quality. The Velcro stitching on the lens flap failed on the first day, and the scope case seems too small for the scope. The magnification setting ring could use some improvement as well, but overall, it's an acceptable addition.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the scope has proven to be durable and holds up well under rough outdoor conditions. Its compact design and easy-to-handle eyepiece make it a top choice for avid spotters. With a solid construction, good image quality, and an attractive price point, this Bushnell T series spotting scope is worth considering for your next outdoor adventure.

๐Ÿ”—TDS350 2-channel Oscilloscope - 200 MHz Sampling, Accurate Data Collection
The Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope has been an integral part of my daily life as an electronics enthusiast. This instrument, known for its exceptional performance, has been a game-changer in troubleshooting and analyzing complex electronic signals. The 200 MHz bandwidth and 1 GS/s sampling rate on each channel deliver accurate waveform representations, even at the highest sweep speeds. The oscilloscope's ergonomic design and intuitive user interface make it a pleasure to work with, whether it's set up for in-depth signal monitoring or quick troubleshooting of issues.
While the TDS350 excels in many aspects, its versatile capabilities can sometimes be overwhelming for beginners. Users might need to invest some time in understanding the various display modes, acquisition power features, and waveform analysis tools to get the most out of this instrument. However, once you have a grasp of its capabilities, the TDS350 proves to be an invaluable tool in any electronics lab or workshop. Overall, the Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope is a reliable and feature-rich instrument that deserves its spot as a top-rated item in the oscilloscope market.

๐Ÿ”—Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Glass
For my money, I'd have to say the Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition spotting scope is worth every penny. It's a behemoth of a scope but once you have it mounted securely, it's hard to beat the view. The image quality is stunning, with bright, vibrant colors that really pop. The lenses are crystal clear, which makes for a sharp, crisp image even at higher magnifications. The ergonomics of the scope are great too - it fits comfortably in your hand, and the focus mechanism is smooth and easy to adjust.
The coated lenses really make a difference in terms of color and light transmission, which was evident when I was glassing a herd of deer one morning. The light transmission was so good that I could easily distinguish the individual deer, even with my eyes adjusted to the low light levels.
But, there are a couple of drawbacks. For starters, it's a expensive piece of equipment, so it's not exactly something you'll just throw in your backpack for a weekend hike. Additionally, the scope is quite heavy, which can be a problem if you're planning on carrying it for extended periods.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend this spotting scope to anyone who's serious about their outdoor pursuits. The image quality is simply unbeatable, and once you've used it, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it. Just be prepared to dig deep into your wallet!

๐Ÿ”—UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

๐Ÿ”—Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Weatherproofing
As a reviewer, I've recently had the pleasure of using the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope in my everyday life. This innovative tool has proven to be an invaluable addition to my arsenal, offering a host of impressive features that make it stand out from the crowd.
One aspect I truly appreciate is the scope's ability to gather a wealth of light, thanks to its 82mm objective lens. This feature has made a significant difference in my nature viewing experiences, allowing me to observe even the most elusive creatures under a variety of lighting conditions. In addition, the angled viewing design of the TSN-82SV is a game-changer for comfort during extended glassing sessions. The inclusion of a UV filter on the front lens also adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that my scope remains in pristine condition for years to come.
However, no product is without its drawbacks, and the TSN-82SV does have a few shortcomings that are worth mentioning. Firstly, the zoom functionality at x60 can be somewhat limited, and I often found myself reverting to lower magnification settings for maximum versatility. Additionally, the device does have a relatively bulkier and heavier design when compared to some of its competitors, which may be a factor to consider for those planning extended excursions.
In conclusion, the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope has undoubtedly earned a spot in my gear collection for its impressive light-gathering capabilities, comfortable design, and weatherproofing features. While it does have a few minor drawbacks, the benefits it offers far outweigh these issues, making it a highly recommended choice for those in search of the ultimate nature-viewing experience.

๐Ÿ”—Garmin LiveScope Plus: Revolutionizing Fish Finding Technology
Imagine you're out on your boat, eagerly waiting to cast your line and catch that elusive big fish. You've heard about the Garmin LiveScope Plus, and how it's revolutionized the world of fishing, but will it live up to the hype? Let me tell you, it certainly does.
The first thing that strikes you about the LiveScope Plus is its stunning resolution. It's like having x-ray vision underwater, allowing you to see every structure, bait, and fish swimming around your boat in real time. The easy-to-use interface makes it a breeze to navigate, even for a tech novice like myself.
One of the most impressive features is the adjustable transducer. Whether you're fishing in shallow waters or deep ones, the LiveScope Plus has got you covered. You can switch between Forward mode to see what's ahead of your boat and below, Down mode to get a clear view of what's directly beneath you, and Perspective mode for a top-down view. Your compatible Garmin chartplotter screen automatically displays the view changes, making it a seamless experience.
The Attitude Heading Reference System stabilization keeps your sonar view steady, even in rough conditions. It's like having a steady hand to guide your fishing adventures. Plus, the LiveScope Plus comes with a trolling motor shaft and barrel mounts, as well as Perspective Mode Mount, ensuring it fits perfectly on your boat.
However, there is one downside: the communication cable is only 6 feet long. If you're planning to use it on both the front and back of your boat, you'll need to order a longer cable. But aside from that minor inconvenience, the LiveScope Plus is an absolute game changer for fishing enthusiasts.
In conclusion, the Garmin LiveScope Plus is not just a product - it's an experience. It's like having a secret weapon that gives you an unfair advantage over the fish. And if you're serious about fishing, believe me, you want this on your boat.

Buyer's Guide

A 350 Legend scope is an essential accessory for hunters and shooting enthusiasts who prefer this particular ammunition. It enhances accuracy, efficiency, and overall performance when using the 350 Legend cartridge. This buyer's guide will outline the key features to look for when purchasing a 350 Legend scope, and provide you with valuable information to make an informed decision.

Important Features to Consider
  1. Objective Lens Size
  2. Magnification Power
  3. Reticle Type
  4. Lens Coatings
  5. Build Quality
  6. Eye Relief

Objective Lens Size

The objective lens size is a crucial aspect of a quality scope. It determines how much light enters the scope, affecting the brightness and clarity of the image. For shooting in low-light conditions, a larger objective lens size is more beneficial. However, consider the balance between brightness and portability, as larger lenses can increase the overall weight of the scope.

Magnification Power

Magnification power represents how much the target appears enlarged through the scope. Higher magnification provides better accuracy at longer ranges. However, more magnification also contributes to a smaller field of view and increased image instability. Determine your primary shooting distances and select a scope that strikes the right balance between magnification and field of view for your specific needs.

Reticle Type

Reticle design plays a significant role in how the scope functions. Some reticles are simple crosshairs, while others are more complex with additional markings for estimating range, windage, and holdovers. Consider your shooting style and preferences when choosing a reticle. Consulting with a professional or reading reviews from other users can also provide helpful insights.

Lens Coatings

Effective lens coatings improve light transmission and reduce glare, leading to a brighter and clearer image. Look for high-quality coatings such as anti-fog, anti-reflection, and scratch-resistant treatments. These features contribute to the overall durability and performance of the scope.

Build Quality
When searching for a 350 Legend scope, examine the build quality of the scope to ensure it can withstand frequent use. Durable materials, tight seals, and waterproof construction contribute to a scope's longevity and resistance to wear and tear. A well-built scope will not only last longer but perform more consistently over time.

Eye Relief

Eye relief is the distance between your eye and the scope's eyepiece that is necessary for proper viewing. Insufficient eye relief can result in eye strain, discomfort, or even eyewear damage. Look for a scope with sufficient eye relief to accommodate your shooting style, while also considering the scope's overall design and portability.
When selecting a 350 Legend scope, it's essential to consider the essential features and your specific shooting needs. By researching different options, reading reviews from other users, and consulting with experts or professionals, you can make an informed decision and find the best scope to enhance your 350 Legend shooting experience.


What is a 350 Legend Scope?

A 350 Legend Scope is a type of scope designed specifically for use with the 350 Legend rifle. This rifle is a popular choice among hunters and target shooters due to its versatility and accuracy.

What makes a 350 Legend Scope different from other scopes?

A 350 Legend Scope is designed to work optimally with the specific ballistic characteristics of the 350 Legend cartridge. This includes factors such as bullet drop, wind drift, and parallax settings. The scope is tailored to the specific needs of the 350 Legend shooter, providing a more accurate and enjoyable shooting experience.

What features should I look for in a 350 Legend Scope?

When shopping for a 350 Legend Scope, consider the following features:
  • Magnification: The scope's magnification should be suitable for the shooting distances you plan to engage at.
  • Objective diameter: A larger objective lens will provide greater light collection, resulting in a brighter image.
  • Reticle: Choose a reticle that matches your shooting style and provides the necessary holdover and drop compensation for your specific load.
  • Adjustments: Look for scopes with adjustable parallax and windage/elevation knobs that can be easily dialed in for your shots.

What is the best 350 Legend Scope on the market?

The best 350 Legend Scope for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It's essential to research and compare different options before making a purchase. Factors to consider include magnification, objective diameter, reticle type, and adjustability.

How much should I expect to pay for a 350 Legend Scope?

The price of a 350 Legend Scope can vary greatly depending on the features and quality of the scope. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars for a basic scope to several thousand dollars for a high-end, fully-featured model. It's essential to find a scope that balances the features you need with a price you're comfortable paying.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:42 Gullible_Ant_4150 FpM 4 F โ€ขlow fantasy romanceโ€ข (Outlander inspired)

โ€œSomeone is coming through for you but itโ€™s not a relative, dear.โ€
Genevieve could see the woman across from her was skeptical in her practice, speaking to those who had passed. Sheโ€™d explained that sheโ€™d only come in out of curiosity not because she wanted a reading. And Genevieve had almost immediately heard someone for her, a sort of desperate pleading that was rare and fueled by a deep love. The stranger regarded her with a frown of confusion, fidgeting with her own hands as she glanced around the room. Tapestries hung draped across the walls while a red neon sign depicting an open palm flickered in the corner of the dimly lit space.
โ€œHeโ€ฆ he says to dress warmly tomorrow. To wear your long, powder blue coat and the brown leather boots you wore yesterday.โ€
The strangerโ€™s demeanor immediately shifted as she glanced up at Genevieve with wide eyes, all suspicion suddenly gone and replaced by what seemed to be a mixture of fear and shock. Sheโ€™d seen the look a thousand times before so she offered a warm, understanding smile as she gave the woman time to process the message. Genevieve didnโ€™t understand it herself though it wasnโ€™t her job to. She was simply there to act as a translator
โ€œIf heโ€™s not a relative then how do I know him? How does he know me?โ€
The words were just above a whisper while she went back to glancing around the room as though she was expecting to see some sort of ghost. Again, it wasnโ€™t anything that Genevieve hadnโ€™t seen before. In an attempt to provide some sort of comfort to the woman as well as satisfy her own curiosity, Genevieve took her fidgeting hands and pulled them to rest on the table. Turning the womanโ€™s delicate hands over, she exposed her palms so they faced the ceiling while her eyes traced over the lines she saw.
โ€œHe was your lover it seems. And is quite taken with you still it sounds like,โ€ the medium explained with a fond smile. She could hear the man speaking to her, telling her about the woman across from her, about how he had waited so long for a chance to speak with her. His love for her was so obvious that it came with a sort of pain that Genevieve felt herself. It was evident from his tone alone that being unable to speak with the woman who had wandered into her shop had been agony for him.
โ€œHe likes your hair like that, up. He likes being able to see your face,โ€ she murmured softly, her thumb brushing over one of the longer lines that ran across the womanโ€™s palm before picking her hand up to view it more closely.
โ€œAnd he says that heโ€™d like for you to know that heโ€™s with you often. I wouldnโ€™t be surprised if you felt him from time too. Tends to happen when a bond between souls is that strong.โ€ Her voice came in a thoughtful tone, her fingers smoothing over the womanโ€™s hand to try and provide some sort of comfort but as she took in the strangerโ€™s face all she saw was worry.
โ€œI donโ€™t have any lovers who have passed away.โ€
The confession was followed by the stranger attempting to pull her hands away through Genevieveโ€™s grip tightened while her head turned to the left, her eyes flickering over the corner of the room where she could feel the presence radiating from. Spirits didnโ€™t show up for the incorrect people. They never had in all of her years of practice. And then she heard it. Heard him explain where he was from.
โ€œWhere are you going tomorrow?โ€
As Genevieve asked the question, the knot in her stomach told her that she already knew the answer, knew why the woman had a lover who was deceased that sheโ€™d seemingly never met. Sheโ€™d be meeting him soon.
โ€œThe tree maze,โ€ she answered a bit breathlessly while searching Genevieveโ€™s face as the medium continued to stare at the corner of the room. At the same time she answered, so did her lover, his voice breathless all the same as he spoke. โ€˜To meet meโ€™.
After a break from writing and roleplaying brought on a rather miserable period of writerโ€™s block, Iโ€™m searching for a partner to write with in hopes of undoing the unpleasant spell I seem to be stuck in:) Above is a blurb I wrote that came from the idea Iโ€™m hoping to build off of.
Iโ€™m a twenty four year old woman living in EST who has been writing on and off for eleven years give or take. I enjoy reading in my free time as well as gardening and obsessing over my cats.
A multitude of genres interest me from more modern, crime driven plots to high fantasy adventures. But romance is a common theme I enjoy including in all of my stories as I find relationship dynamics to be some of the most interesting things to explore especially when playing out in different worlds.
Today Iโ€™m looking to write something that shows two people who are from different times, making it appear as if they are from different worlds entirely. And through a woman accidentally traveling back in time, a love is born that changes history itself. If intrigued by the simple outline, Iโ€™d love to share ideas and build a full plot out together that way everyoneโ€™s interests can be included! Iโ€™m also a firm believer that constructing a plot with someone else is half the fun of a writing together.:)
If interested please be
Hereโ€™s some things Iโ€™m hoping to include in our story: -lots of angst. All the angst. -flash backs and tying the future to the past -political intrigue -an unstable land that brings our characters together through navigating difficulties -light supernatural or fantasy elements that are mainly a mystery to our characters -a history involving mythology and lore that we can create ourselves and tie into our world -a male character who is not so secretly obsessed with the fiery, strong willed female lead
If this story is one youโ€™d like to help create, message me a bit about you and your interests as far as writing goes and please have a sample ready as well! I have my own that Iโ€™ll be happy to send:)
submitted by Gullible_Ant_4150 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:41 0dysseus123 White male from the south gets super lucky, accepted to two of HYPSM

I've been procrastinating on doing this, but I finally got around to it. I also plan on reading my admission file when I get to my college, so I may post an update then on this account, so maybe set a reminder for like October.
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: White, Jewish
Residence: Southern United States
Income Bracket: 80,000 - 125,000
Type of School: Magnet STEM HS
Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): none, lol
Intended Major(s): History first, wherever possible. Then political science, and the last one is some variant of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, or a law focused major
GPA (UW/W): 94.19 / 100 (3.94), 98.73 (4.5) Rank (or percentile): School does not rank
# of Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/etc.: 8 honors, 15 AP's
Senior Year Course Load: AP Euro (online), AP Comp Gov (online), AP Human Geo, precalculus, AP Lit, AP Macro / Micro, Teacher Assistant. All A's for first semester
Standardized Testing List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported. ACT: 36 (35E, 35M, 36R, 36S)
US Gov - 4, World History - 5, Seminar - 4, CSP - 4, USH - 4, Research - 3, Lang - 5, CSA - 3, Chem - 4
Extracurriculars/Activities (paraphrased with certain elements redacted for privacy)
1: Advocate for increasing student representation (11 - 12), developed and refined model legislation; secured endorsement of stakeholders, helped the legislation pass the [redacted]
2: Transcriber, Library of Congress (10 - 12), Made 5000+ pages indexable and searchable, verified transcription accuracy, hosted transcribing parties
3: Member of [redacted]'s Advisory Council, 12, 1 of [redacted] members chosen from over [redacted] applicants; personally invited to join by [redacted], sole member from [redacted], act as an ambassador
4: Ambassador, [school name], 10 - 12, provide 10-15 tours to local stakeholders, help develop and run freshman orientation program
5: More powerful version of student council, 10 - 12, approve strategic plan, allocated [redacted] for [redacted], publicize work of [redacted]
6: President of [redacted] Mock Trial club, 10-12, oversee practices and arrange visits by attorneys
7: Eagle Scouts, 9 - 12, raised [redacted] in donations for project, served as patrol leader, [redacted], and [redacted]
8: Research Fellow, [redacted], 11, conduct research on [redacted] to expand [redacted], gain experience in [redacted] analysis
9: [redacted] head editor, [redacted], 12, lead a team of students to review & prepare [redacted] for release, helped prepare [redacted] for publication
10: Cashier, local supermarket 9 - 12, designated highest evaluation, 2x [redacted] winner, raised $700+ for charity
1 Nationwide essay contest finalist
2 Senate youth program delegate finalist
3 Social sciences student of the year (school)
4 Eagle Scout
5 School nominee for [redacted] in math
Letters of Recommendation
APUSH Teacher (9 / 10), I had him for three years, he was the mock trial club sponsor, and I was his TA. We had a great relationship.
Econ Teacher (9.5 / 10), I was able to read this letter (he showed me without asking), and it was so over the top. In addition, without me asking, he wrote a letter to my top school telling them how good of a student I was and how I would attend.
Principal (9/10), I worked very closely with the principal and he gave some very specific and unique praise.
Counselor (6?/10). Did not interact with them a lot and I had some issues with them, but I was very involved with the school and had good grades so I feel like it would be nothing too good or too bad.
Harvard - 8/10. Went for two hours and I really enjoyed talking with him. I kept in touch with him after my interview as well.
Princeton - 8/10. I enjoyed talking with her and she was interested in the same items as me.
Yale - 9/10. It was a weird interview but I think he really liked me me. It was also a little weird because he asked for me to teach him how binary numbers work, and good router recommendations.
Dartmouth - 8/10. He was also an Eagle Scout, so we bonded over it.
Duke - 10/10. She was a Judge and we really bonded. I said the perfect things to say without me knowing I should say them if that makes sense. Really enjoyed talking with her.
Essays were meh except one supplemental for Yale. My main was maybe a 7/10. I've lived a really boring life so I didn't have a lot to talk about. My main essay was tying my love for a specific genre of music into some activities done over the years.
I'm going to list my schools, what my prediction was, and the result (hidden for dramatic effect) in alphabetical order. With the exception of the schools with specific rounds, everything is RD.
Alabama (Rolling) - accept, filler accepted filler
Amherst - reject, filler accepted filler
Colby - reject, filler waitlisted filler
Columbia - waitlisted, filler waitlisted filler
Dartmouth - reject, filler waitlisted filler
Duke - accept, filler accepted filler
Georgia Tech - reject, filler accepted filler
Harvard (REA) - deferred -> waitlisted, filler deferred -> rejected filler
Princeton - accept, filler rejected filler
Stanford - reject, filler accepted filler
UGA (EA) - accept, filler accepted filler
Vanderbilt - accept, filler waitlisted filler
Washington & Lee - accept with Johnson, filler accepted w/o Johnson filler
Williams - accept, filler accept, filler
Yale - reject, filler accepted filler
Where I will be attending: filler Yale filler
Additional Information:
I received a wonderful email from my filler Yale filler AO who loved my common app essay topic and one of my supplementals. As I said above, I do plan on reading my admissions file and will post later. I also plan on doing an AMA when after I read my files.
My advice is to start early. Identify who your LOR's will be and ask them by the end of April. Start drafting an outline for your common app essay. Also enjoy what you do. I did what I loved and it showed with my EC's. Also don't take 6 AP's senior year. It made a stressful year even more stressful. Lmk if you have any questions.
Edit: formatting
submitted by 0dysseus123 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:01 MindMaps254 Make Essay Writing Easier

Welcome to the "Essay Help by Pros" community group! Writing a great essay can be challenging, but with the right approach, anyone can produce a high-quality piece. Here are some points to follow to write a great essay:
  1. Understand the assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you understand the requirements of the essay. Read the instructions carefully, and take note of the topic, format, word count, and any specific guidelines that are provided.
  2. Choose a topic: Select a topic that interests you (if this is an option given) and that you have some knowledge about. You'll be more motivated to write, and you'll be able to draw on your existing knowledge to develop your ideas.
  3. Research your topic: Conduct thorough research on your topic, using a range of sources. Take notes on your findings and make sure you keep track of your sources so you can properly cite them later.
  4. Develop a thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that summarizes the main point you want to make in your essay.
  5. Create an outline: An outline is a roadmap that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. It should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, and each section should have a clear focus.
  6. Write your essay: Use your outline to guide your writing. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, and that all your ideas are well-supported with evidence.
  7. Edit and proofread: Once you've completed your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your writing is clear and concise.
By following these points, you'll be well on your way to writing a great essay. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the community for help!
submitted by MindMaps254 to essayhelpbypros [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:47 Easy_Meal_7411 High School math prodigy gets absolutely COOKED

New account, and first time using Reddit other than to browse. Sorry if something goes wrong.
So to preface this I graduated in 2023 and applied to colleges (1st cycle) but chose to take a gap year instead and applied again (2nd cycle). So if you see those, that's what they mean. ALSO PLEASE READ THE ADDITIONAL INFO PART OF THIS POST!!
Here we go:
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: South + East Asian
Residence: MD
Income Bracket: 300k?
Type of School: Competitive public
Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): None
Intended Major(s): Chemistry (1st cycle), Neuroscience + Linguistics (2nd cycle)
GPA (UW/W): 3.94 (UW), 4.83 (W)
Rank (or percentile): HS does not rank
Number of Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/etc.: 11 APs, 10 Honors, 1 Dual Enrollment
Senior Year Course Load: Anatomy and Physiology, AP Lang, AP Psych, "Advanced Math" (AKA dual enrollment at CC in advanced differential equations), science intern at two local hospitals (yes it's listed as a course), Molecular Bio
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
SAT: 1540 (800 M, 740 R)
ACT: 35 (33M, 35S, 35E, 35R) (didn't submit, though probably wouldn't have hurt)
AP/IB: 4s and 5s on everything except a 3 on AP Lang ๐Ÿ’€
Other (ex. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.): N/A
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
  1. Practiced Japanese calligraphy for over 7 years and received numerous internationally recognized awards and certifications for proficiency and artistic style (1st and 2nd cycle), uploaded samples on my application (1st cycle), but didn't upload (2nd cycle) since my parents advised me not to, and honestly I regret not doing it the 2nd time but too late now
  2. Coxswain of HS Crew, participated in freshman and sophomore year before ending it due to COVID (1st and 2nd cycle)
  3. Volunteer work at a cultural summer camp including leadership roles in engagement, ranked up from junior to senior position (1st and 2nd cycle)
  4. Helped teach students in underserved communities who were struggling in elementary school to learn math and English (1st and 2nd cycle)
  5. Internship at two local hospitals, including communicating with patients and assisting with tasks along with observing healthcare practices & surgery (1st and 2nd cycle)
  6. Extensive preparation to become an EMT, including over 150 hours of mandatory training and involvement in significant realistically simulated scenarios (2nd cycle)
  7. Volunteer position at a local senior memory care facility, involved with both leading and assisting group activities designed for elderly residents (2nd cycle)
  8. Self - studied Python to code and design a program used to identify handwritten digits with over 99% accuracy using concepts from Linear Algebra (2nd cycle)
(9). Self - studied German to where I got a 4 on the AP German test... this, along with my dual enrollment, appeared in part of my additional info section and not in the EC list (1st and 2nd cycle)
List all awards and honors submitted on your application.
  1. Numerous awards in Japanese calligraphy for "good work" (1st and 2nd cycle)
  2. CPR and BLS certifications as part of EMT training (2nd cycle)
  3. NASA College Scholarship Award
  4. AATG National German Examination level 2 and 3 bronze awards
  5. Seal of Biliteracy
  6. AP Scholar with distinction
Letters of Recommendation
Teacher: (7/10): So after browsing through this subreddit, it seems like people often overinflate their rec letter ratings. I'd have to say though, my teacher recs must have been pretty good since they won me that NASA scholarship (and the team specifically said that it was the rec letters)!
Counselor: (3/10) I'm just giving it a conservative rating... anyway, this is one thing that was really out of my control, and it's honestly kind of a sad story. My school assigns counselors by name, and I had a counselor that I was particularly close with and would meet with frequently. It was really sad to see her go in my junior year, and so one of the other counselors (still a nice guy) was forced to substitute as ours instead. Needless to say, I didn't have much time to connect with him as much as his other students, and I'm not sure if his letter could have stood out too much from other students that he knew much more.
Harvard (1st cycle): (6/10) So, as a first interview, I thought it went quite well. We laughed together and shared our stories of how we grew up and connected through that. It started slightly awkward (video isn't the ideal form of communication) but otherwise went well. Lasted substantially longer than the scheduled time.
UPenn (1st cycle): (5/10) Pretty standard interview. The interviewer was very enthusiastic, but the conversation was a bit more formal and less exciting. Got to know a lot about the school though, so that was good. 45 minutes, not bad.
Dartmouth (2nd cycle) (8/10): Probably my best interview. He shared a lot in common with me and we were able to talk a lot about our cultural similarities and how Dartmouth would be a great fit. It lasted almost 2 hours and we had a great time!
A bit surprised by the lack of interviews, but maybe this is normal.
I feel like while I thought at the time my essays were good, in hindsight, they probably weren't. I'm inclined to think that my writing ability is not that great, but I tried and gave it a lot of time. For the personal essay, I first wrote about how Japanese calligraphy had given me a new way to see the world, but looking back, I may have looked a bit introverted from the way it was written. For the second cycle, I talked about sports, which looking back I felt was even more of a cliche. I only chose to write about it because at the time it was suggested to me and I thought it could work. I will say, however, that my supplemental essays were probably much better and very school - specific.

Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
UMD (EA) (originally committed but was denied to defer acceptance to next year)
Waitlists (honestly surprised that I didn't get more waitlists):
UChicago (RD) (later rejected)
Caltech (RD)
Columbia (RD)
Harvard (RD)
Johns Hopkins (RD)
Princeton (RD)
Stanford (RD)
UMich (EA, defer - reject)
UPenn (RD)
Yale (RD)
SECOND CYCLE: Still top - heavy but more balanced with a mix of safeties, targets, and reaches
Baylor (RD, 23k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
CWRU (RD, 31.5k scholarship) (committed, but may just go to CC tbh), rejected BS/MD
Purdue FYE (RD)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RD, 36k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
SUNY Stony Brook (RD, 28k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
University College London (school in the UK)
Wayne State (RD, 6.5k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
Waitlists (honestly surprised that I didn't get more waitlists):
GWU (RD) (declined waitlist offer), rejected BS/MD
UChicago (RD) (later rejected)
Brown (RD), rejected BS/MD
Cambridge (in the UK)
Cornell (RD)
Dartmouth (RD)
Duke (RD)
Harvard (RD)
Harvey Mudd (RD)
Johns Hopkins (RD)
Northwestern (RD)
UMich (RD)
UPenn (RD)
Vanderbilt (RD)
Also got straight up ghosted by UMD ๐Ÿ’€
Additional info/Final thoughts (IMPORTANT):
Extra things that I thought would help me stand out:
I took AP Calc BC in 8th grade and scored a 5 on the AP test (lol this might already give me away), and my middle and high school had to make a special curriculum/arrangement for me (and potential future students who were advanced in their classes).
Also, I was the only person to have dual enrolled in math, after literally running out of math courses to take at my already competitive high school. Diff EQ was no joke, but it was a really useful class and I did very well.
Took every double period and AP science course at least one year ahead of my peers.
I also talked extensively about traveling to Asia in my gap year, and how I utilized my language skills to interact with people. I talked about how it has opened me to new perspectives and how interacting with communities broadened my outlook.
FINAL THOUGHTS: after two years of straight rejections from top schools, I have to say I've been extremely invested in this process, if not anything more than for the sake of my younger brother, who is gonna need as much advice from me as possible given the fierce competition.
So yeah in the end college admissions cooked me to a crisp. Besides my unremarkable personal statement and (possibly) mediocre counselor rec, I really can't understand what went wrong. Maybe this year was just too competitive with test - optional policies, and I'm pretty sure there are kids with <1400 SATs from my school who went TO and got into top schools. Also, I will say that evidently, top schools couldn't care less about your course rigor, at least beyond a certain amount. They don't care that you took AP Physics C in elementary school or can speak 10 languages. I went in with the mindset of "all it takes is one", though I guess even that was too much to ask for :/ Anyway, my #1 piece of advice?
APPLY EARLY. Seriously, I think this was my biggest downfall. I can't believe I didn't learn from my first application cycle, but too late to change that now. THIS APPLIES ESPECIALLY IF YOUR SCHOOL REGULARLY SENDS STUDENTS TO TOP SCHOOLS. It doesn't matter if you have new stuff that you want to show by the regular decision deadline. You can always update stuff in your portal later. If you apply RD, universities may already have selected their share of students from your school. Honestly given how UChicago heavily pads their yield, I might have been accepted had I applied ED there. Or maybe JHU. I don't even know :/
I will say though, I think Purdue was an interesting outlier. Even though their engineering program is quite competitive (especially OOS), they specifically reached out to me and asked for my CC dual enrollment grade which no other university did. I think that compelled them to offer me admission, and turning them down was a really hard decision that I still don't even know was the right move. I am extremely grateful for that though.
Still, I'm honestly feeling quite lost considering all my work, but looks like I might just go to CC atp. What makes it even worse is that it's looked down upon by every person in my school community and even by my parents and relatives. At least I'll save money, right?
Also remember if you're reading this and you didn't get into a top college, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. This sub has an INSANE amount of response bias, and post titles like "clutching an ivy" or "scored a miracle" just aren't representative and you shouldn't compare yourself to them. Not everyone gets a satisfactory outcome and you aren't alone. For the sake of your happiness, if you're applying to top universities, just expect to get rejected from all of them. Don't bank on getting into one of them even if you think you are talented or extraordinary in some regard. Chances are that they just don't care. And unless you think you can do something remarkable in a gap year, don't take one just to reapply. It's just not worth it.
Anyway, vent over. It doesn't really matter anyway, I'll crush those transfer apps ๐Ÿ˜Œ
submitted by Easy_Meal_7411 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

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2024.06.01 00:33 cammi93 [for hire] ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
๐Ÿ“ง Email: [](
๐Ÿ’ฌ Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
๐Ÿ”น Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
๐Ÿ”น Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
๐Ÿ”น Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
๐Ÿ”น Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
๐Ÿ”น Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
๐Ÿ”น Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
๐Ÿ”น Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
๐Ÿ”น Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
๐Ÿ“š Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
๐Ÿ“š Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
๐Ÿ“š Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
๐Ÿ“š Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
๐Ÿ”’ Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
๐Ÿ” AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
๐Ÿ“ฌ Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
๐Ÿ“œ Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
๐Ÿ”ธ Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
๐Ÿ”ธ Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
๐Ÿ”ธ Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
๐Ÿ”ธ Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
๐Ÿ”ธ Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
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๐Ÿ’ฒ Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. ๐ŸŒŸ
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. ๐Ÿš€
submitted by cammi93 to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:31 cammi93 [for hire] ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
๐Ÿ“ง Email: [](
๐Ÿ’ฌ Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
๐Ÿ”น Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
๐Ÿ”น Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
๐Ÿ”น Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
๐Ÿ”น Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
๐Ÿ”น Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
๐Ÿ”น Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
๐Ÿ”น Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
๐Ÿ”น Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
๐Ÿ“š Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
๐Ÿ“š Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
๐Ÿ“š Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
๐Ÿ“š Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
๐Ÿ”’ Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
๐Ÿ” AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
๐Ÿ“ฌ Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
๐Ÿ“œ Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
๐Ÿ”ธ Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
๐Ÿ”ธ Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
๐Ÿ”ธ Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
๐Ÿ”ธ Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
๐Ÿ”ธ Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
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๐Ÿ’ฒ Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. ๐ŸŒŸ
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. ๐Ÿš€
submitted by cammi93 to writersforhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:29 cammi93 [for hire] ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
๐Ÿ“ง Email: [](
๐Ÿ’ฌ Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
๐Ÿ”น Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
๐Ÿ”น Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
๐Ÿ”น Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
๐Ÿ”น Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
๐Ÿ”น Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
๐Ÿ”น Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
๐Ÿ”น Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
๐Ÿ”น Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
๐Ÿ“š Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
๐Ÿ“š Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
๐Ÿ“š Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
๐Ÿ“š Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
๐Ÿ”’ Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
๐Ÿ” AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
๐Ÿ“ฌ Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
๐Ÿ“œ Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
๐Ÿ”ธ Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
๐Ÿ”ธ Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
๐Ÿ”ธ Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
๐Ÿ”ธ Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
๐Ÿ”ธ Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
๐Ÿ”ธ Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
๐Ÿ’ฒ Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. ๐ŸŒŸ
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. ๐Ÿš€
submitted by cammi93 to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:28 cammi93 [for hire] ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
๐Ÿ“ง Email: [](
๐Ÿ’ฌ Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
๐Ÿ”น Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
๐Ÿ”น Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
๐Ÿ”น Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
๐Ÿ”น Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
๐Ÿ”น Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
๐Ÿ”น Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
๐Ÿ”น Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
๐Ÿ”น Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
๐Ÿ“š Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
๐Ÿ“š Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
๐Ÿ“š Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
๐Ÿ“š Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
๐Ÿ”’ Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
๐Ÿ” AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
๐Ÿ“ฌ Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
๐Ÿ“œ Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
๐Ÿ”ธ Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
๐Ÿ”ธ Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
๐Ÿ”ธ Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
๐Ÿ”ธ Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
๐Ÿ”ธ Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
๐Ÿ”ธ Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
๐Ÿ’ฒ Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. ๐ŸŒŸ
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. ๐Ÿš€
submitted by cammi93 to AcademicHelp_net [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:27 cammi93 [for hire] ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
๐Ÿ“ง Email: [](
๐Ÿ’ฌ Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
๐Ÿ”น Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
๐Ÿ”น Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
๐Ÿ”น Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
๐Ÿ”น Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
๐Ÿ”น Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
๐Ÿ”น Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
๐Ÿ”น Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
๐Ÿ”น Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
๐Ÿ“š Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
๐Ÿ“š Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
๐Ÿ“š Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
๐Ÿ“š Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
๐Ÿ”’ Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
๐Ÿ” AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
๐Ÿ“ฌ Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
๐Ÿ“œ Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
๐Ÿ”ธ Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
๐Ÿ”ธ Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
๐Ÿ”ธ Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
๐Ÿ”ธ Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
๐Ÿ”ธ Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
๐Ÿ”ธ Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
๐Ÿ’ฒ Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. ๐ŸŒŸ
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. ๐Ÿš€
submitted by cammi93 to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:25 cammi93 [for hire] ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
๐Ÿ“ง Email: [](
๐Ÿ’ฌ Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
๐Ÿ”น Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
๐Ÿ”น Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
๐Ÿ”น Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
๐Ÿ”น Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
๐Ÿ”น Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
๐Ÿ”น Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
๐Ÿ”น Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
๐Ÿ”น Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
๐Ÿ“š Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
๐Ÿ“š Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
๐Ÿ“š Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
๐Ÿ“š Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
๐Ÿ”’ Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
๐Ÿ” AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
๐Ÿ“ฌ Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
๐Ÿ“œ Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
๐Ÿ”ธ Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
๐Ÿ”ธ Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
๐Ÿ”ธ Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
๐Ÿ”ธ Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
๐Ÿ”ธ Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
๐Ÿ”ธ Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
๐Ÿ’ฒ Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. ๐ŸŒŸ
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. ๐Ÿš€
submitted by cammi93 to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]