Bowflex workouts charts

The worse way my body betrayed me.

2024.05.31 17:27 HeyItsMeeps The worse way my body betrayed me.

A couple years ago I was classified as obese. I am a fit, strong woman. I worked a hard labour job regularly, could lift 340lbs, jogged 5k once per month, and was literally perfect on my health chart.
Except for the pain of carrying my weight at 250lbs. My back and legs were just broken all the time from me trying to live my life. When I would wake up and get out of bed my ankles would crack for up to twenty minutes after I woke just from the accumulated fluid in my joints.
I figured it was high time to, y'know, lose some weight.
I lose about 60lbs in 8 months through a strict diet. I still ate about 2k calories every day but had a ton of work lifting weights, cardio, and my general job that had me in that sweet spot to lose weight. I surprisingly lost very little muscle through this whole thing too.
I know 190 sounds like a lot still but considering I had a 27" waist I was satisfied with it.
I got another blood test after and my doctor said I was in perfect health. After losing the weight I tapered off my exercise and eased to just 4x's per week intensive and bumped up to maintenance calories. I felt great, looked great, and was very comfortable with my body.
Then the problems began.
I was fainting, then getting panic attacks. My BP was all over the place. The lowest was 90/56, and the highest was 137/90. I couldn't eat candy as it would make my mouth sting and my teeth feel like they were falling out. I had to quit caffeine altogether even though I wasn't using pre-workout at all.
The entire time I was on a strict and solid diet that met all nutrient qualifications, I was getting everything I needed, but apparently the blood volume in my body was greatly decreasing and I wasn't aware since I was stressing my body every day, which indirectly forced my BP up. I never even thought about my bp before since my entire family has high bp, I just assumed I would be too. It only because obvious when I stopped.
So now I'm on b12, have to drink my leg's weight in electrolytes and water every day, and have gained about 15lbs back to help ease everything out. I even stopped going to the gym for a couple months to reset everything and hated that. I get frustrated trying to get back to that lower weight because anytime I try my body freaks out at me.
So yeah, your body betrays you even when you try to do right by it.
submitted by HeyItsMeeps to distractible [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:47 VisiblePlankton7959 How to distinguish from average PMS symptoms?

My boyfriend suspects I have PMDD - I’m not super convinced I do. I’m a pretty even keeled person for the most part. Around my period I do have a tendency to feel a little bit more sad, anxious or depressed than usual but I wouldn’t characterize it as anything extreme.
He’s pushing me to talk to my doctor / get diagnosed because he believes that we always get into arguments around the time of my period / that’s the cause of it. I do often get emotional during arguments but he will say I get “hysterical”. I’ve pushed back on this because I don’t consider getting generally upset, and tearing up or trying to hold back tears as “hysterical”. I’m never sobbing or anything like that. I get emotional because often we’re talking about things that I feel really threaten our relationship.
For example: he’s been unemployed since January and has only been putting in minimal effort to get a job despite telling me he is working on it. He spends nearly all day everyday playing video games. He also gets upset when I ask him about the job search because he feels like I’m putting pressure on him. So i stopped asking randomly but we agreed to have weekly talks about our relationship - where i will bring up how his lack of effort is making me feel - because it DOES effect our relationship.
Sometimes I’ll also get upset with him because I generally take care of cleaning the house. Maybe a couple times a year he’ll clean the bathroom or mop the floor. I have suggested so many different ways to split chores, chore charts etc and he just says that those things make him feel too anxious. So i just have come to accept it. Its more work for me to fight w him about it. He’s responsible for trash and unloading the dishwasher. Sometimes he doesn’t do even that so i get frustrated. I work a full time job, workout, and we split cooking dinner so i don’t feel like I’m asking a lot. He does have ADHD so i try to be understanding but he’s also a grown man and i expect him to act like one.
These are just a couple examples. There is more i could go into but i don’t want to make this a mile long. I feel like my frustrations with him are understandable things to get upset about. He feels that I’m overreacting and there must be something more (like PMDD) to how I’m feeling. I have sat him down and said that i feel strongly about these arguments because I cannot see a future with someone that does NOTHING with their time or their life. Before January he worked a contract job for less than part time hours. He’s a very sweet and loving person - and yes sometimes i react passive aggressively to his lack of care - I’m working on that in therapy. But our arguments are never yelling or screaming. Just me trying to tearfully share how upset i am.
He characterizes it thay i go all Jekyll and Hyde around period so i MUST have PMDD or something else. I feel like he’s refusing to accept responsibility by pushing the blame on me / my emotions.
submitted by VisiblePlankton7959 to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:18 iaimpax YEP, AGAIN from Colorfulkoala: LULU DUPE gone PRO.

YEP, AGAIN from Colorfulkoala: LULU DUPE gone PRO.
So I bought a pair of Colorfulkoala leggings a few years ago from Amazon. They did their job, but they definitely weren’t a Lulu dupe at all. Recently, their videos promoting the Dreamlux line on TikTok have gone viral, so I bought a pair on Amazon (forgive me, I am a legging addict).
Guys, when I tell you these are an Align dupe, I absolutely mean it. They remind me of the old Align back in 2020—they are matte and beautifully brushed. The quality of the leggings is top-notch, comparable to other brand names like LLL, Athleta, or Vuori. I ordered them in many colors and wear them almost every day to the gym. They are my go-to gym leggings and everyday leggings because the quality is so good, and they never roll up or get bunched!
Don't buy their old stuff. Try their new Dreamlux line, and you'll thank me later.
submitted by iaimpax to lululemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:19 mansplanar 95 Hinge prompt answers to inspire your profile

The art of putting together the perfect dating app profile—one that’s honest, eye-catching, and also tells the world, "Swipe right on me, I actually am this cool IRL"—can be tricky. How, you might ask, can I sum up everything I’m about with just a few short words and pictures? Thankfully, prompts exist for this very reason: to give prospective matches a sense of who you are so that you don’t have to wrack your brain for vague “bio” language that could range anywhere from your birth chart, to your favourite quote from The Office, neither of which really give people too much practical information about you. (Sorry!)
Hinge lets you display answers to three prompts, but there are tons of options to choose from (including voice prompts!), which can make deciding what to share kind of a challenge. If you’re stumped, go through them one by one and ask yourself: What’s most important for my matches to know about me? What questions can I answer to really highlight the things I love about myself? What questions give my matches the most information possible, while making them want to know more?
Once you’ve picked your prompts, it’s time to get creative and make your Hinge prompt answers really shine. That’s where we—professional writers and dating connoisseurs, if we do say so ourselves—come in. We’ve compiled a list of sample answers to some of the most common Hinge prompts. Feel free to use these as inspo for your own profile, but don’t be afraid to (in fact you should) customise them to fit your own personality.
I’m convinced that…
There’s no better use of a Friday night than take-out sushi and a movie marathon.
I can make a better chocolate chip cookie than anyone on The Great British Bake-Off. 🍪
I could probably beat you in chess.
There’s life on other planets! 🛸
Steve Carrell is actually as nice as he seems.
My simple pleasures…
A hot cup of coffee on a chilly day. ☕️
A good yoga session after work.
Coming home to my dog.
A really great book.
The unbeatable true crime podcast + power walk combo.
Typical Sunday…
An early wake-up, followed by a long gym-sesh, then brunch, then errands—I like to keep busy!
Sleep in, sleep in some more…sleep all day actually. 😅
Wake up late but not too late, homemade waffles, and a walk around the neighborhood.
A six-hour brunch with the girls. 🥂
Sunday reset! I like to meal prep for the week and deep-clean my apartment.
My greatest strength…
I’m a really great listener—my friends say I give great advice.
I fully embody the work-hard-play-hard mentality.
I can make you the best homemade mashed potatoes you’ll ever have.
My memory. I will never forget a name, face, or birthday!
Always finding the best avocados at Waitrose! 🥑
The best way to ask me out is by…
Making a plan in advance and sticking to it. Commitment is sexy!
Promising me tacos and margs. 🌮
Asking me to FaceTime first. Then, if we vibe, we can meet IRL!
Sending me a carrier pigeon with a “Circle Yes or No” note attached. (Kidding! Kind of!)
Making it on a Thursday—it’s my only free night of the week!
I’m weirdly attracted to…
People who go to therapy! (Aka: People who prioritise their mental health.)
Dog-owners. Give me allll the puppies!
People who can make me laugh.
Good conversation—let’s sit and talk for hours.
Brains! Tell me your favorite fun fact. 🧠
The hallmark of a good relationship is…
That it feels easy and natural. Conversation should flow!
That we have fun and laugh together.
That we’re both on the same page about what we want for the future.
Similar values!
Friendship. I want to date my best friend! 👯‍♀️
Something that’s non-negotiable for me is…
Communication. Tell me how you really feel!
An annual Parks and Rec re-watch.
Friday night date nights—quality time is super important to me!
You cook, I clean up. I burn everything I try to make. 😇
You have to love my cat…and get my cat to love you.
I’m looking for…
Someone who also knows all the words to Abba’s “Dancing Queen.”
A lifelong dance partner.💃🏻💃🏻
A good time and a long time.
Something fun, easy, and low-commitment.
My phone charger…have you seen it anywhere?
Green flags I look for…
A [*insert sports team here*] fan. ⚽️
Someone who texts back within the hour.
A headboard. Bonus points if your sheets aren’t navy blue!
No fish pics on your profile 🙅‍♀️🐠
Someone who takes initiative and makes the first move. 😉
I won't shut up about...
The new Bridgerton spin-off.
The Space X launch!
My college football team. We’re the best, don’t try to argue.
My trip to Argentina next month. I can’t wait to drink all the best wine! 🍷
The cheesecake I had for dessert last weekend. It was truly the best cheesecake I’ve ever had.
The key to my heart is…
That you can make me laugh!
That you get along with my dog. 🐶
Being willing to give me foot massages after a long day.
Through my stomach. What do your skills in the kitchen look like? 👀
That you show genuine interest in my interests, and that we can share hobbies!
I get myself out of a funk by…
Getting in a good cry.
A nice, long, therapy session or vent sesh with a friend.
Going for a swim! Nothing like those endorphins.🏊🏻‍♀️
Ordering in and re-watching my comfort movie.
Getting dressed up and going out with friends! It’s impossible to be sad when Harry Styles is playing on blast.
My friends ask me for advice about…
Career stuff. I work in HR!
Phrasing texts and emails—I’m good with words!
Travel recs! I’ve been to 25 countries and counting. ✈️
Credit card points, I’m addicted to finding the best deals.
Books! I read a ton so I always know what to recommend to people.
I wind down by…
Drinking a tall glass of wine at the end of the day and listening to my favorite podcast.
Working out and a good stretch.
Honestly, cleaning! Is that weird? It calms me down.
Diving into a good book.
Venting! My friends deserve medals for listening to me talk.
The one thing I’d love to know about you is…
How do you like to spend your weekends?
When are you going to ask me out? 👀
Not to sound cliché but…what are you looking for on here?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Have you ever read a book that changed your life?
Let’s make sure we’re on the same page about…
Where we see ourselves in 10 years.
Ordering dessert—it’s a non-negotiable for me.🍦
A night in being waaay better than a night out.
Cats > dogs.
Who we voted for in the last election!
Biggest risk I’ve taken…
Moving to [*insert city where you live here*] after spending my whole life in [*insert city where you’re from*].
Solo-traveling through Europe my last summer in college.
Quitting my job to pursue my passion for cheese-making! 🧀
Buying my fixer-upper apartment. I regret nothing—I love my home!
Trying [*insert new hobby here*] even though it pushed me out of my comfort zone.
Most spontaneous thing I’ve done…
Booked a weekend trip to France the night before with my girlfriends.
Surprisingly ended up in the VIP section of [*insert club or bar here*].
I sublet my apartment and moved to [*insert city here*] for an entire month.
The pottery [*or whatever other class/workout/hobby you tried*] class I took last week! It was so fun to try something new.
Downloaded this app. 👀
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:24 pointless_patty Do Bengalis workout?

Do Bengalis workout?
Gonna poke at a stereotype that I have grown up hearing about us - that Bengalis are not physically fit.
For the millennials and zillenials, especially from Kolkata- we lived on fast food and gave our academic scores more importance than physical fitness.
I only joined a gym last year, after I hit 30. I can't even emphasise the amount of benefit I have been reaping off my regular workouts. I was your standard nerd in school and college that hated sports, but lately I have been doing all kinds of stuff starting from regular cardio to zumba to swimming to weightlifting.
My friends have been very supportive of my journey, and some of them have also enrolled in gyms or workout centers. However, it's a little disheartening to see most of them dropping off either after they've gotten to their target weight or just stop training because they couldn't keep up anymore.
I wanted to know the community's take on working out. As a Bengali -
  1. How many days a week do you work out?
  2. How long have you been working out for?
  3. What are your go-to workout activities?
  4. Did you make dietary changes since you started working out?
(Also, the photo is me wrapping up my 20 mins of cycling in the gym as I type. I'm not big on gym photos, so this is all I could manage!)
submitted by pointless_patty to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:19 white_stars_88 🎉 Attention #WatchfaceMakers! Elevate your designs with the #ZeppWorkoutExtension! Integrate real-time fitness data, customizable workout insights, & AI-driven health tips to create engaging and functional watchfaces. Let's innovate together! 💪⌚

🎉 Attention #WatchfaceMakers! Elevate your designs with the #ZeppWorkoutExtension! Integrate real-time fitness data, customizable workout insights, & AI-driven health tips to create engaging and functional watchfaces. Let's innovate together! 💪⌚
Watchface makers can take advantage of the Zepp Workout Extension by incorporating various features and data provided by the extension to create more engaging, informative, and interactive watchfaces. WHY?

1. Incorporate Real-time Fitness Data

  • Live Metrics: Display real-time fitness metrics such as heart rate, step count, calories burned, and VO2 max directly on the watchface. This provides users with instant access to their workout data without needing to navigate through menus.
  • Activity Tracking: Show details of ongoing activities, such as duration, distance, and pace for running or cycling, directly on the watchface.

2. Customizable Workout Insights

  • Workout Summaries: Include daily or weekly workout summaries on the watchface, highlighting key metrics and achievements. This can motivate users by showcasing their progress.
  • Recovery Time: Display recommended recovery time after workouts to help users manage their training intensity and avoid overtraining.

3. Interactive Features

  • Goal Tracking: Integrate visual indicators for daily goals such as steps, distance, and active minutes. Progress bars or rings can provide a quick glance at how close users are to meeting their targets.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Use the watchface to notify users of important workout-related alerts, such as reminders to move, hydration alerts, or completion of specific workout goals.

4. Aesthetic and Functional Design

  • Data Visualization: Utilize attractive and easy-to-read data visualizations like graphs, charts, and animations to represent fitness data. This enhances the user experience and makes the data more accessible.
  • Theme Integration: Align the watchface design with workout themes or seasonal changes, making it visually appealing while remaining functional.

5. Personalization Options

  • Customizable Fields: Allow users to customize which fitness metrics they want to see on their watchface. This personalization ensures that users have the information most relevant to their fitness goals readily available.
  • Color Schemes and Layouts: Offer different color schemes and layout options to suit various preferences and enhance readability under different conditions.

6. Advanced AI and Health Insights

  • AI Recommendations: Display AI-driven insights and recommendations, such as optimal times for workouts based on historical data and predicted performance.
  • Health Indicators: Include health indicators like stress levels, sleep quality, and overall wellness scores to provide a holistic view of the user's health.

7. Gamification and Community Engagement

  • Challenges and Achievements: Show progress towards challenges and achievements on the watchface. This gamification can encourage users to stay active and engaged.
  • Community Stats: If applicable, display community stats or rankings to foster a sense of competition and camaraderie among users.

Example Watchface Features:

  1. Fitness Metrics Display: Real-time heart rate, steps, calories burned.
  2. Workout Summaries: Weekly activity summaries with key metrics.
  3. Goal Progress Bars: Visual indicators for steps, active minutes, etc.
  4. Recovery Time Alerts: Notifications for recommended recovery periods.
  5. Customizable Data Fields: User-selected metrics for personalized display.
  6. AI Insights: Recommendations and health indicators for optimized training.
By integrating these features, watchface makers can create compelling and functional designs that leverage the capabilities of the Zepp Workout Extension, providing users with a richer and more interactive experience. For more detailed information and guidelines, watchface makers can refer to the [Zepp Developer Portal]().

Learn More

Workout extension technical documents have not been officially released yet. Developers are requested to visit the website with the domain name docs-testing.
submitted by white_stars_88 to amazfit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:51 whootsandladders Health Connect question

I saw that Polar recently enabled Health Connect. Hurray! That means I no longer need to (and actually Polar Flow doesn't even let me) use Google Fit as a connection point between Polar Flow and other services.
However the use-case I care about is Polar Flow sharing my heart rate chart/data to other services along with the workout itself. On a workout this week, the other service knows about it from the Polar Flow/Health Connect connection, but it just gets the activity and the duration (indoor workout, so no GPS data). It doesn't appear to have received heart rate data.
Has anyone played around with Health Connect yet? Is it a setting I need to change somewhere? Or is Polar Flow really intending to send a minimum amount of info?
submitted by whootsandladders to Polarfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:27 Routine_Grapefruit60 Bowflex Treadmill T18 / T7 - Belt & Incline not working. Help

I have a T18 (T7) model with an Android screen.
The belt and incline aren't functioning. When I select a manual workout, everything appears to work on the screen, but nothing moves. Initially, I thought it might be a Motor Control Board problem (bad caps, transistors etc) or a damaged I/O cable.
Interestingly, the belt and incline do work in calibration mode, and I even get a "CALIBRATE MCB - PASS" message. When I manually move the belt, the speed indicator shown on the screen increases, which suggests that the I/O cable and MCU are functioning correctly.
I've checked the MCB transistors and capacitors with a voltmeter, and they are fine. There is full continuity for the I/O cable from the console to the MCU. I also performed a reset using the button on the back, which completed the 'Firmware Golden Image in progress' process.
The reset of course is not a full factory level reset, because it seems to remember the wifi password and my JRNY email address. I am thinking about somehow taking it back to Android OS and then loading the Bowflex software. Would anyone have the factory APK files the treadmill comes with?
Any ideas on what might be causing this issue?
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Routine_Grapefruit60 to Bowflex [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:34 SandstoneCare Use 'Delayed Gratification' To Your Advantage

Delayed gratification is the resistance to the temptation of immediate reward or pleasure as a way to try and achieve a larger or longer-lasting reward. It can be difficult to set aside short-term pleasures for long-term rewards, but here are a few practical tips to help you begin utilizing delayed gratification:

3 tips to help develop delayed gratification can include:

Learn more practical tips on how to improve mastering impulse control, and see how the Marshmallow Test can help you achieve even greater success!
submitted by SandstoneCare to selfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:59 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 44 Pro Gloves

Best 44 Pro Gloves
Welcome to our in-depth review of the 44 Pro Gloves, a must-have accessory for any sports enthusiast or professional athlete. In this comprehensive article, we'll be highlighting the key features, benefits, and drawbacks of these superb gloves, helping you make a well-informed decision on whether they're the right fit for you. Join us as we dive into the world of 44 Pro Gloves and explore their exceptional performance and stylish design.

The Top 14 Best 44 Pro Gloves

  1. UFC Pro Fitness Training Gloves - Multi-Purpose Boxing Glove for Sparring, Bag Work, and Mitt Work - Get the ultimate fitness experience with the UFC Pro Fitness Training Glove - featuring a secure grip, maximum protection, and reinforced thumb and palm straps for lasting comfort and confidence during intense workouts.
  2. Professional Lace Sparring Gloves - Top-quality Design for Enhanced Protection and Comfort - Experience top-notch protection and comfort with the Pro Mex Professional Lace Sparring Gloves V3.0, featuring superior craftsmanship, authentic cowhide leather, and layered latex foam padding for unbeatable performance.
  3. 2022 Pedroia Fit A2000 Pro Gloves for Baseball Infielders - Experience top-quality performance and comfort with the Wilson 11.5'' DP15 Pedroia Fit A2000 Series Glove, featuring Pro Stock Select leather, Dri-Lex wrist lining, and optimized hand coverage for smaller hands.
  4. Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves: MLB Choice and Exceptional Fit for Baseball Players - Experience unsurpassed quality and comfort on the field with the Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Men's Batting Gloves - the ultimate choice for MLB Pros!
  5. Professional-Grade 11.5" Infield Baseball Glove for Aviid Players - Dominate on the field with the Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5-inch infield glove, featuring full-grain kip leather, a large pocket for extreme versatility, and a perfect combination of luxury and performance.
  6. High-Performance Pro Preferred Baseball Glove with Kip Leather and Sheepskin Palm Lining - Rawlings PROS205-30C 11.75" Pro Preferred Baseball Glove: The ultimate tool for advanced players, featuring supreme look and feel, superior comfort, and exceptional durability for optimum performance.
  7. Rawlings Pro Label 6 Baseball Glove: Speed Shell 11.5" Pro Preferred Hybrid Infield - Experience superior control and lightning-fast ball transfers with the Rawlings Pro Label 6, offering the finest infield glove with Heart of the Hide leather and a unique 3-tone design, perfect for collectors and athletes alike.
  8. Legendary Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves: Classic, Soft, and Breathable - Experience the legacy of the sport with Franklin's Adult Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves - Pearl/White, featuring a seamless design, ultimate comfort, and superior grip for all weather conditions.
  9. Professional-Grade Boxing Gloves with Wrist Protection - Experience unmatched comfort, protection, and performance with the S4 Sentinel Pro Lace Pro Leather Gel Boxing Gloves, trusted by professionals worldwide.
  10. Rawlings Pro Preferred Baseball Glove for Elite Players - Experience the unmatched comfort and performance of the Rawlings Pro Preferred PROS204-4BSS 11.5" Baseball Glove, expertly crafted for devoted athletes from high school to the pros.
  11. High-Performance Pro Baseball Glove: Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Full-Grain Kip Leather - The Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Baseball Glove is a top choice for avid players, offering Full-grain kip leather, wool padding, and pittards sheepskin palm lining for ultimate comfort and performance.
  12. Milwaukee 44 Pro Gloves: Ultra-Durable, ANSI Cut Level 4, High Visibility Polyurethane Dipped Glove - Stay protected and comfortable with Milwaukee's High-Visibility Cut Level 4 Polyurethane Dipped Gloves, featuring ANSI cut level 4 protection, lightweight construction, and touchscreen-compatible fingertips. Available in sizes S-XXL for a perfect fit.
  13. High-Quality Pigskin Baseball Fielding Glove for Optimal Performance - Upgrade your game with the Franklin Sports RTP Pro Pigskin Softball Glove - offering premium leather construction, lightning-fast break-in process, and unmatched durability, all in a lightweight, comfortable design built for peak performance.
  14. Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves: Lightweight Protection and Punching Power - Experience the perfect balance of protection and power with the Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves, featuring natural leather, lightweight foam, and enhanced shock absorption for a comfortable and effective fighting experience in various sizes.
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🔗UFC Pro Fitness Training Gloves - Multi-Purpose Boxing Glove for Sparring, Bag Work, and Mitt Work
Experience top-notch training with the UFC Pro Fitness Training Glove. As someone who's put these gloves through their paces in the gym, I can confidently say that they've been a game-changer for my workouts. The compact design, coupled with the one-piece molded foam, provides maximum protection and comfort during sparring, bag work, and mitt work.
What stood out to me was the additional padding on the palm, which offered much-needed support and cushioning during intense training sessions. The reinforced thumb and palm, along with the double-stitched strap, ensured the gloves stayed firmly in place, preventing any shifting or discomfort.
The durable. 8mm PU outer material, combined with the mesh hand compartment, made my hands feel cool and dry even after hours on end of rigorous workouts. It's clear that the designers thought of every detail when crafting these gloves. However, no product is perfect. One minor downside I noticed was that the gloves were a bit heavy, which took some getting used to initially.
In conclusion, if you're in the market for high-quality, multi-purpose training gloves, the UFC Pro Fitness Training Glove is definitely worth considering. Its impressive features and performance have made it a reliable addition to my fitness routine.

🔗Professional Lace Sparring Gloves - Top-quality Design for Enhanced Protection and Comfort
The Pro Mex Professional Lace Sparring Gloves V3.0 were a game-changer in my daily boxing routine. The blue and white design added a touch of flair to my gear, while the long cuffs provided excellent wrist support and coverage. The 100% genuine cowhide leather felt durable and high-quality, offering both style and protection.
One of the standout features was the layered latex "memory" foam padding that provided excellent protection and a comfortable feel. It absorbed shocks with ease, making it perfect for intense sparring sessions. The gloves were also crafted with an equal weight distribution, ensuring a balanced and comfortable fit throughout the day.
The nylon satin water-repellent inside lining was a practical addition, keeping my hands dry during sweaty workouts. The attached thumb and articulated cuff further enhanced the gloves' overall fit and functionality. While the gloves were great, I did notice that they could be a bit heavy for some users, which might be something to consider when making a purchase.

🔗2022 Pedroia Fit A2000 Pro Gloves for Baseball Infielders
I recently had the chance to use the Wilson 11.5'' DP15 Pedroia Fit A2000 Series Glove, Blonde in my daily life, and I have to say, it's quite impressive. The glove has a Pedroia Fit and TravelFit integration that delivers the same performance benefits of the original A2000 Series with minor internal changes.
One of my favorite features is the narrower finger stalls. As a baseball player, hand strength is crucial, and this glove maximizes it. Additionally, the smaller hand opening ensures a more secure fit for smaller hands, which I found incredibly useful.
The glove also includes A2000 features like Pro Stock Select, American Steerhide for rugged durability and an unmatched feel, and Dual Welting for a durable pocket and a long-lasting break-in. Plus, it has Pro Stock Patterns that are constantly improving.
During my time using the glove, I also took advantage of its DRI-LEX wrist lining that's ultra-breathable and transfers moisture from the skin. The flat finger binding also provides a softer and more comfortable feel with greater finger protection in the field.
Overall, using the Wilson 11.5'' DP15 Pedroia Fit A2000 Series Glove, Blonde has been an excellent experience. The break-in time was impressive, and the glove offers excellent fit and feel. While it might be a bit on the stiff side initially, the pros of the glove outweigh the cons, making it a great addition to any baseball player's gear.

🔗Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves: MLB Choice and Exceptional Fit for Baseball Players
Earlier this baseball season, I was on the hunt for a new pair of batting gloves for my kid. The Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves in medium caught my eye. I decided to give it a try as they claimed to be the most popular on-field model used by MLB pros.
The moment he put these gloves on, he was amazed by how nicely they felt. The unique tectonic-fit inserts on the backhand provided added flexibility and the one-piece Pittards Digital cabretta leather palm ensured a superior grip in all conditions. The yellow color stood out, and the coaches loved the look of them too.
Though my son initially found the size a bit large, he quickly adapted. The CFX Pro series certainly lived up to its promise of a perfect fit around the bat handle thanks to Quad-Flex Technology. With regular use, the gloves have held up quite well, even with plenty of heavy play. However, they're on the pricier side compared to other options in the market.
Overall, the Franklin CFX Pro Hi-Lite Batting Gloves provided a solid batting experience for my son, and I would definitely recommend them to other families who are serious about the sport.

🔗Professional-Grade 11.5" Infield Baseball Glove for Aviid Players
I've been using the PRO204W-2CBG baseball glove, a top-of-the-line option from Rawlings, for my daily games. Right away, the full-grain kip leather appealed to me. With its premium look and feel, I knew I had a high-quality product in my hands. The glove features a pro 200-pattern and I-web, designed to provide an ample pocket for exceptional versatility. The classic black and camel Wing-Tip design adds a touch of class, both on and off the field.
What truly sets this glove apart are its performance-driven features. The Pittards sheepskin palm lining is a game-changer. It provides superior comfort and wicks away moisture, allowing me to maintain grip and control throughout the game. The wool wrist strap and padded thumb sleeve offer lasting support under any conditions. The internal wool padding effectively forms and maintains my perfect pocket, ensuring maximum performance every time I step up to the plate.
While this glove has its perks, there are a few minor pitfalls. It might take some time and effort to properly break it in to achieve the perfect fit. Additionally, the glove has a right hand orientation, which might not be ideal for everyone. Nonetheless, despite its minor drawbacks, I've been thoroughly impressed with the PRO204W-2CBG. It's clear to see why Rawlings is the trusted brand of pros around the world. If you're looking for a high-quality, performance-driven baseball glove, look no further.

🔗High-Performance Pro Preferred Baseball Glove with Kip Leather and Sheepskin Palm Lining
Imagine stepping onto the field with a glove that feels like an extension of your arm. That's the experience you get when you put on the Rawlings PROS205-30C Pro Preferred Baseball Glove. As a passionate baseball player, I was drawn to this glove's reputation for being the go-to choice for players from high school to the pros.
The first thing I noticed was the full-grain kip leather, which provided an unmatched look and feel that instantly made me feel connected to the game. The 100% wool padding also played a crucial role in forming the perfect pocket, ensuring my glove was always ready for action.
One of the standout features was the Pittards sheepskin palm lining. Not only did it keep my hand dry and comfortable during long games, but it also added superior comfort that kept me focused on my game. The pro-grade leather laces added durability and strength that gave me confidence in the glove's performance.
What sets this glove apart from others on the market is the 30% factory and 70% player break-in process. This allowed me to complete the majority of the break-in process to achieve the perfect fit for my preferences. The right-hand orientation also catered to my throwing hand, ensuring a seamless experience on the field.
While the PROS205-30C Pro Preferred Baseball Glove had so many pros, there were also a few cons to consider. It required a bit of a break-in period to get it to the perfect shape for my hand, and the price point was on the higher side. Nonetheless, the benefits it provided were well worth the investment.
In conclusion, if you're an avid baseball player looking for a glove that delivers top-notch performance and a comfortable fit, the Rawlings PROS205-30C Pro Preferred Baseball Glove is definitely worth considering.

🔗Rawlings Pro Label 6 Baseball Glove: Speed Shell 11.5" Pro Preferred Hybrid Infield
As a baseball enthusiast, I tried out the Rawlings Pro Label 6 Pro934-2CTB 11.5" Baseball Glove in my game last week. This glove is a game-changer with its flawless infield design that perfectly blends the NP- and 31-patterns, providing the best of both worlds. The unique pattern, the combination of Heart of the Hide steer-hide leather and Pro Preferred kip leather, and the black and camel Speed Shell on the back make it a head-turner on any field.
The glove offered great control and quick ball transfers, proving that the world-renowned Rawlings brand did not disappoint. It's a perfect fit for both collectors and athletes, and I must say, the limited quantity makes it even more desirable. If you're looking for a reliable baseball glove with a sleek and unique design, then this Pro Label 6 glove might just be the one for you.

🔗Legendary Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves: Classic, Soft, and Breathable
The Franklin Adult Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves are a timeless favorite among baseball players, with their classic spandex-back design and durable sheepskin leather palm. These gloves are known for their comfortable fit, ultimate flexibility, and superior grip, even in the most challenging weather conditions.
I recently tried these gloves and was genuinely impressed with their performance. The one-piece pro-grade spandex hand back provided an extra level of comfort and flexibility, allowing for a more secure grip on the bat. The seamless PITTARDS DIGITAL Sheepskin leather palm proved to be incredibly durable, even after weeks of use.
One minor drawback I encountered was the elastic wristband, which felt a bit too tight for my liking. However, this did not impact the overall performance of the glove.
In conclusion, the Franklin Adult Pro Classic MLB Batting Gloves are a reliable and comfortable choice for baseball enthusiasts of all levels. Their superior grip, flexibility, and durability make them a worthwhile investment for those who take their batting seriously.

🔗Professional-Grade Boxing Gloves with Wrist Protection
I recently had the pleasure of trying out these S4 Sentinel Lace Pro Leather Gel Boxing Gloves for my daily boxing practice. They're truly the epitome of comfort and a seamless fit, just like wearing a glove. There's zero break-in period with these - they're ready to strike on the very first try! I'm not the only one who's impressed, though, these are also trusted by professionals worldwide who put these gloves to the test.
The padded features in these gloves are the real stars. The gel injected, layered padding gives them the protection you need in the ring, perfecting it with both soft and firm elements, providing a firm grip and optimal hand position. Their wrist grooves add an extra layer of convenience, too, allowing room for the laces to be tightened for a perfect fit.
However, no product is perfect. The laces can be quite tricky to get right, taking a bit of a learning curve. And while they're great for protection, the softness can sometimes affect your precision during specific moves.
Overall, these S4 Sentinel Lace Pro Leather Gel Boxing Gloves provide the perfect blend of comfort, protection, and style for professional fighters. Despite the minor pitfalls, the positive experience with these gloves definitely outweighs the negatives.

🔗Rawlings Pro Preferred Baseball Glove for Elite Players
I recently had the chance to try out the Rawlings Pro Preferred PROS204-4BSS 11.5" Baseball Glove, and it truly lived up to the hype. As an avid baseball player, I was immediately drawn to the luxurious feel of the full-grain kip leather. This glove quickly became my go-to for all kinds of plays, thanks to its versatile Modified Trap-Eze web design.
Something that really stood out for me was the combination of the 30% factory and 70% player break-in. It allowed for a truly personalized fit, ensuring that the glove felt like an extension of my hand. The 100% wool padding and Pittards' sheepskin lining also made a huge difference, keeping my hand dry and comfortable even during the most intense games.
While I'm a huge fan of this glove, I did notice that it could be a bit heavy for some players, especially those just starting out. However, overall, this glove has definitely made a difference in my game, and I can definitely see why so many pros rely on Rawlings for their equipment needs. Highly recommended!

🔗High-Performance Pro Baseball Glove: Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Full-Grain Kip Leather
I have been using the Rawlings Pro Preferred 11.5" Baseball Glove in my daily life, and it has become my go-to glove for all my playing needs. The full-grain kip leather offers an unmatched look and feel, and the 100% wool padding ensures that the pocket forms well and the glove retains its shape. The Pittards sheepskin palm lining keeps my hand dry and comfortable, even in the most challenging playing conditions.
The gloves are also incredibly durable due to the pro-grade leather laces and the padded thumb sleeve, which adds an extra layer of comfort for any length of play. I particularly love the 30% factory/70% player break-in, which allows the player to have hands-on control over the majority of the break-in process, resulting in a glove that fits perfectly to their needs.
The versatility of the glove paired with its large pocket makes it perfect for players from high school to the pros. Overall, using this Rawlings Pro Preferred glove has been a game-changer for me, and I highly recommend it to any avid baseball player looking for a high-quality, comfortable, and durable glove.

🔗Milwaukee 44 Pro Gloves: Ultra-Durable, ANSI Cut Level 4, High Visibility Polyurethane Dipped Glove
When I first put on these Milwaukee High Visibility Cut Level 4 Polyurethane Dipped Gloves, I was impressed by the snug fit and how the reinforced nitrile coating felt on my thumb and index fingers, providing that added level of protection in high wear areas. The high-visibility color made me stand out in my workplace, and the lightweight, breathable feel allowed me to wear them comfortably all day.
One of the standout features of these gloves is the Smartswipe technology embedded in the fingertips. It made using my touchscreen devices a breeze without having to take off the gloves, saving me time and hassle. The glove material was durable and held up well to wear and tear, but I did notice the cut-resistance level could be slightly improved for even better protection.
Overall, these Milwaukee gloves are a solid choice for those in need of high visibility and cut resistance, with the added benefit of touchscreen compatibility. They offer a range of sizes from small to XXL, allowing for a perfect fit.

🔗High-Quality Pigskin Baseball Fielding Glove for Optimal Performance
I recently had the chance to try out the Franklin RTP Pro Baseball Fielding Glove, and I have to say, I was quite impressed! One of the standout features for me was the use of pigskin leather, which gave the glove a soft and lightweight feel that was surprisingly durable. The glove's flexibility and shape made the break-in process a breeze, and I found it to be incredibly comfortable to wear.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks to this glove as well. Firstly, the sizing seemed to be a bit off for some users, and there were a few reports of the glove being smaller than expected. Secondly, the stitching between the thumb and index finger appeared to be different from the photo, which might not be a deal-breaker for everyone, but it's something to be aware of.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this Franklin RTP Pro Baseball Fielding Glove to anyone looking for a comfortable, durable, and affordable option for their baseball needs. With its pigskin leather construction and soft feel, it's a great choice for players of all ages and skill levels.

🔗Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves: Lightweight Protection and Punching Power
The Venum Giant 2.0 Pro Boxing Gloves have been an exciting addition to my daily fitness routine, especially with the variety of sizes they offer. These gloves have a brilliant blend of protection and agility, allowing me to land devastating strikes with a natural, lightweight feeling. I've appreciated their sturdiness, thanks to the combination of two layers of polyethylene and natural rubber sheets under the leather.
The EVA layer adds an extra punch of power while keeping the gloves flexible. I love the comfort the gloves provide, due in large part to the eco-friendly nature of the Argentinian Nappa leather used.
Overall, they've been a game-changer in my boxing sessions.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our 44 Pro Gloves buying guide! In this section, we will discuss the key features, considerations, and general advice for purchasing the right 44 Pro Gloves for your needs.

The material of the 44 Pro Gloves is a crucial factor to consider. High-quality gloves typically feature durable materials that protect the hands from cold, moisture, and harsh conditions. Common materials include leather, synthetic fabrics, and insulated materials. Leather, for example, offers excellent protection and durability. Synthetic fabrics, on the other hand, provide insulation and are often more lightweight. Research and compare the materials used in different 44 Pro Gloves to find the best one for your needs.


Fit is another essential aspect of 44 Pro Gloves. Gloves that are too tight can cause discomfort and restrict blood flow, while those that are too loose may not offer proper protection. Measure your hand circumference and compare it with the manufacturer's size chart to ensure the best fit. Some brands offer adjustable cuffs and wrist straps to provide a more comfortable fit. A well-fitting glove will not only provide optimal protection but also enhance dexterity and grip.


Insulation is another important factor when choosing 44 Pro Gloves. The insulation level should match the intended use and environment in which you will be using the gloves. For colder climates, look for gloves with higher insulation levels, while those for more moderate temperatures can offer less insulation. Insulation materials may include down, synthetic fibers, or other insulated materials. Research the insulation levels and materials used in the 44 Pro Gloves you are considering to find the best option for your requirements.

Waterproofness and Breathability

Waterproofing and breathability are essential features for 44 Pro Gloves, especially in wet or humid conditions. Look for gloves that provide both waterproofing and breathability to ensure that your hands stay dry and comfortable. This may involve using waterproof materials, such as Gore-Tex or other membranes, and incorporating moisture-wicking materials to prevent sweat buildup.

Additional Features

Some 44 Pro Gloves offer additional features that can enhance their functionality and performance. These may include touchscreen-compatible fingertips, reflective elements for visibility, or reinforced palm areas for improved grip. Research the additional features offered by different 44 Pro Gloves to find the ones that best fit your needs and preferences.
When purchasing 44 Pro Gloves, consider factors such as material, fit, insulation, waterproofing, and breathability. Remember to compare these features across different brands and models to find the best option that meets your needs and budget. With the right 44 Pro Gloves, you can ensure your hands remain warm, dry, and protected in any environment. Happy shopping!


What are the 44 Pro Gloves?

44 Pro Gloves is a collection of high-quality gloves designed for various sports and activities. They provide superior protection, durability, and comfort, making them ideal for both professional athletes and casual players.

What types of sports and activities are the 44 Pro Gloves suitable for?

  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Cricket
  • Volleyball
  • Wrestling
  • Boxing

What materials are the 44 Pro Gloves made from?

The 44 Pro Gloves are made using a combination of premium leather and synthetic materials. They offer exceptional comfort, durability, and protection for the wearer. Some models also feature reinforced areas for added strength.

Are the 44 Pro Gloves suitable for different hand sizes?

Yes, the 44 Pro Gloves are available in various sizes to accommodate different hand measurements. It is essential to choose the correct size for optimal fit and performance. Most models come in small, medium, large, and extra-large.

How should you care for and maintain the 44 Pro Gloves?

  • Clean them regularly with a soft cloth or brush.
  • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight.
  • Store them in a cool, dry place when not in use.

What warranties come with the 44 Pro Gloves?

The warranty for the 44 Pro Gloves varies depending on the model and manufacturer. It is recommended to check the specific product information or contact the manufacturer directly for warranty-related inquiries.

Where can I purchase the 44 Pro Gloves?

The 44 Pro Gloves are available for purchase at various sports equipment retailers, both online and in-store. Some popular retailers include Amazon, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Walmart.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:27 Primary_Wishbone3790 Bench?

About a year ago i started working out in my basment with a set of dumbbells and a bench (no weight rack or weights just the actual bench) and a bowflex. Now i have been able to bench the 50s on my dumbbells (which is the highest they go) for about 20 something reps with no leg drive. Ive done research most places say i can get about 160-180 on a barbell bench for my one rep max. I now workout at an actual gym but i don't barbell bench often and don't have it in my routine actually. Today i tried it out cause i had some extra time and i was only able to get 135 for about 3-5 good reps. I didn't feel any fatigue or struggle in my muscle i just couldn't do it. It was not like any other exercise where i go for a pr instead i just couldn't do it that well but i knew i could because i felt no actual struggle. Ive looked everywhere and asked people at my gym for help and they all say my form is great. So i now wonder if maybe i just have to bench more often now and that'll fix it.
submitted by Primary_Wishbone3790 to lift [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:35 Knicgimmegimme Dietician vs. Surgeon with me in the middle

Let me first start off by saying, my program has generally been really great, well-coordinated, and robust with sound information.
I’m one month post-op, total loss of 24lbs since date of surgery. Do I wish it was more? Absolutely, but I will find some solace in the fact I wouldn’t have lost this much in this amount of time otherwise. My program also provided an anticipated weight loss curve graph based on my own stats to ensure I stay on track/manage expectations. I’m on track despite currently being in a stall (which I know is normal).
Week one and two went well considering. Week three, which was when I was cleared to do soft foods, brought difficulties with meeting my fluid intake. Got through week three and four trying out some new behaviors and am now meeting both fluid and protein goals without issue. Also, I’m walking at least two miles per day. I put my Orangetheory membership on a one month freeze due to surgery and will be returning to that in two weeks. I typically workout 4-5x per week.
I’ve met with my nutritionist weekly (so grateful). The plan is to remain within 500-700 calories from week 6/8 - 3 months, obviously with the goal of prioritizing fluid and protein goals.
I met with my surgeon for the first time today post-op and he’s given me conflicting information. I was discussing my stall and he launched into a rather unattuned response in which he stated: 1) the nutritionist would recommend an increase in calories around this time (the aforementioned plan) but disagrees and would recommend “300 - 500 calories max” through six months. 2) He wants me to lose more than what the anticipated weight loss chart is recommended. He then started throwing out weight loss metrics at me (I.e. “if you maintain a four pound weight loss every week, by x, you’ll weigh x.”). Frankly, I started to tune out, as I have a history of disordered eating, in multiple forms, and I don’t find that particular type of approach to be helpful for me to be comprehensively successful.
ANNNND I want to make sure I’m using my tool to the fullest extent. This, in addition to some vulnerability I feel around being in a stall (which I cognitively know is normal), as well as an increase in hunger this past week (legitimate hunger, not head hunger), I’m somewhat at a loss of what to do moving forward. The part of me that wants to lose, lose, lose and says “yeah, 300 calories per day will maximize loss!” is LOUD. I also don’t feel this is sustainable. Additionally, I know people often squander away the “honeymoon phase” of their surgery and don’t want to do that either.
Thoughts? Feedback?
submitted by Knicgimmegimme to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:02 TiredTokuFan Decided to start running today

Decided to start running today
Have never really ran or taken my physical health very seriously before. Looking to change that.
submitted by TiredTokuFan to davidgoggins [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:00 junkopartner-1955 Intensity Minutes vanished; Garmin Support couldn't solve

My watch is Garmin Forerunner 965, which ran beautifully for six months with my Tacx Flux 2 cycle trainer, Tacx Training app and Connect app. I also use an HRM Pro + HR strap. A month ago, my Intensity Minutes completely disappeared. Despite 4-5 weekly cycling workouts, in which I spend much time in high HR zones, those minutes no longer appear in Garmin Connect or the watch. I can see all data during the workout in the Tacx Training app. At the end of a workout, after the data is ported over to the Connect app, Intensity Minutes are recorded as 0! This is despite the fact Connect shows stats for avg./max heart rate and charts for heart rate across the whole workout. All other metrics, like training effect, power, speed, cadence, etc. -- also appear typically within Garmin Connect. So, all the data to calculate Intensity Minutes is present. But I still get 0.
Garmin support said I should run my workouts through the Forerunner 965, pairing the HRM Pro + with the watch. The support person said Tacx Trainer is a third-party app, and Garmin Connect cannot reliably process data from the trainer app. Yet, for many months, everything worked fine!!! The advice could have been clearer, but I tried different pairings to see if anything worked. No success. If the HR strap is paired with the Tacx Trainer, it can't pair with the watch—and vice versa. The HR strap also doesn't pair well with the watch when I am on the trainer.
I understand these are complex devices. Sometimes, things go haywire. But can anyone shed some light on this problem so that I can restore my Intensity Minutes?
submitted by junkopartner-1955 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:02 Judonoob Heart rate stuck at 69bpm while sleeping

Heart rate stuck at 69bpm while sleeping
HR increased to 69 BPM randomly and went down to 65 BPM before going back to normal resting rates
Increased HR was calculated as stress
Has anyone else seen a heart rate and stress graph similar while sleeping?
I'm no stranger to weird heart things, but yesterday was odd. I had quite a few PVCs a few hours after a one-hour Z2 ride and a Prime Rehydrate drink. I think the high potassium level in the drink (700mg) may have thrown off my electrolyte levels. Around 5 pm, I took a calcium channel blocker to chill out my heart due to the nearly 10% PVC burden I was having at the time.
The charts are from last night, the sleep session after the workout. I'm wondering if I may have had an episode of AFIB to have my heart rate stuck at a particular BPM for so long. I've seen this before, but usually for shorter periods of time.
And yes, I know the standard response: talk to your doctor. There really isn't anything actionable here for my cardiologist to work with. He gave me the calcium-channel blockers to help manage PVC flares such as this one yesterday. Part of the complication is being treated for hyperthyroidism and having pretty high calcitonin levels, which I believe are throwing off my calcium plasma levels as well as increasing T3 and T4 back to normal levels since the meds made me go very hypothyroid.
submitted by Judonoob to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 13:01 Superb-Quarter-4923 Major Dumbbells & Its Types

Major Dumbbells & Its Types
Dumbbell set are a type of free weight used in weight training and bodybuilding. They are versatile and can be used for a variety of exercises targeting different muscle groups. Here are the major types of dumbbells:
Types of Dumbbells
  1. Fixed Dumbbells:
    • Cast Iron Dumbbells: Made entirely of cast iron and typically have a rough texture. They are durable and commonly found in many gyms.
    • Hex Dumbbells: Have a hexagonal shape to prevent rolling. They can be made of cast iron, rubber-coated, or urethane-coated for protection and durability.
    • Rubber-Coated Dumbbells: Cast iron dumbbells coated with a layer of rubber to prevent damage to floors and reduce noise.
    • Urethane Dumbbells: Similar to rubber-coated but use urethane for greater durability and resistance to wear and tear. Often found in commercial gyms.
  2. Adjustable Dumbbells:
    • Plate-Loaded Dumbbells: Allow you to add or remove weight plates to adjust the weight. They usually have a threaded collar or a spin-lock mechanism to secure the plates.
    • Selectorized Dumbbells: Use a dial or pin to select the desired weight. Examples include the Bowflex
    • SelectTech and PowerBlock dumbbells. They are convenient for quickly changing weights and saving space.
  3. Studio Dumbbells:
    • Vinyl Dumbbells: Lightweights often used in aerobic classes and home workouts. They have a vinyl coating for a comfortable grip and come in various colors.
    • Neoprene Dumbbells: Similar to vinyl dumbbells but coated with neoprene, which provides a non-slip grip. They are often used in group fitness settings.
  4. Adjustable Kettlebell Dumbbells:
    • These combine the features of kettlebell
    • and dumbbells, allowing for adjustable weights. They are versatile and can be used for both traditional dumbbell exercises and kettlebell workouts.
Key Considerations When Choosing Dumbbells
  • Purpose: Determine whether you need dumbbells for heavy lifting, general fitness, or aerobic exercises.
  • Space:
  • save space and are ideal for home gyms.
  • Budget: Fixed dumbbells can be more affordable, but if you need a range of weights, adjustable dumbbells might be more cost-effective in the long run.
  • Durability: Rubber-coated and urethane dumbbells are more durable and protect your floors.
  • Comfort: Consider the grip and texture of the dumbbells. Neoprene and vinyl coatings offer a comfortable, non-slip grip.
Each type of dumbbell serves different needs and preferences, so the best choice depends on your specific workout goals and conditions.
submitted by Superb-Quarter-4923 to u/Superb-Quarter-4923 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:41 realistdreamer69 Leaving Noom after success - sorta

Jun 27th 2023 - May 26th 2024
I restarted Noom last June at 236lbs and am about 2lbs from my goal. Since I'll be stopping the major aspects of using the app/service after I reach the year mark, I thought I'd share what I learned about myself and Noom.

What I learned about myself

  1. Stinkin' Thinkin'. Despite having lost 40lbs more than once in the past, I still had most of the debilitating thoughts that caused the weight to return.
    1. All or nothing thinking that I was eating/exercising perfectly or totally screwing up
    2. Focusing on the scale and not the habits
    3. Leaning into deprivation as a long-term strategy.
  2. Pearls of wisdom
    1. It's all about consistency. The good days far "outweigh" the bad days so just get back to it after that slip 💪🏿
    2. I can eat the foods I love (in moderation), but be ruthless about the difference between like and love 😍
    3. Go to sleep. 💤 So many gains have been sacrificed to my desire to get just a little more done in a day. I now understand the cost of that mindset and doing better at getting the sleep my body needs to burn fat and build muscle.
    4. Exercising when I don't have to (with appropriate rest) is part of my new "athlete's mindset" so I park far from the building, only take the stairs and no longer complain about the physicality of yard work, housework or other daily activities.

My Noom alterations

  1. Intermittent fasting. I haven't eaten breakfast regularly for months. I'm routinely not hungry until 11am, so I just push that to 12pm and I eat a reasonably large lunch and moderately large dinner. While others debate the health benefits of intermittent fasting, I see it as a way to eat satisfying meals and still have a day with fewer calories than I ate before. Not sure I'll keep it up, but it actually makes life simpler in two ways: 1) One less meal to plan for, and 2) Breakfast tends to be the meal with most calorie dense carbs anyway. Since I reduced carbs and eat plenty of protein, I'm no longer hungry.
  2. I stopped reading and tracking 20lbs ago. It's a good practice, but since this was my second go around with Noom, I felt like that wasn't my issue
  3. Personal coaching. Given I wasn't using Noom to track food, weight (fitbit) or do reading, midway in I decided to pay for the personal coaching. It substituted the reading to keep me accountable and focused on building habits which is what I knew I'd need to maintain the weight once I reached my target.

Why I'm "leaving" Noom

Why I'm not really leaving for good

There is no shame in getting help when you need it. I consider myself an eating addict (not a food addict). My health journey continues and I will do my best to continue learning and improving. I expect I might want help again before I die. There's no shame in that and I'll now seek that help far sooner than I have in the past. I won't wait for 15lbs of slippage. I'll get help, not based on the scale but if I see the habits faltering.
Thanks for reading this long post. I hope it helps someone else and I'm sure I'll reread it when I need it myself.
submitted by realistdreamer69 to Noom [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 16:16 Ummmmm_Maybe Low Cortisol but Very High Testosterone

Hi! New to Reddit posting but know everyone will be honest and I need some guidance. I recently got my hormones tested via a saliva test. I have extremely low cortisol and off the charts testosterone for my age (35) (I’ll attach the results) the medical provider recommended a high protein low carb diet, modify my workout to a more balanced and slower paced workout( I love HIIT classes) recommended supplements and progesterone. She advised cream but I’d prefer pills which she’s fine with me taking. I’ve always fluctuated with my weight and menstrual cycles. I have been having issues getting pregnant, wake up multiple times throughout the night and also night sweats. I constantly feel tired- especially when waking up and I have the most amount of energy in the evening. Would love some input, advice and recommendations. Should I go to my OBGYN and ask for further hormonal testing? My current hormonal MP wants to retest me 90 days post starting progesterone treatment. But would love some advice to regulate my hormones. I’m currently taking supplements which I started last week. Thanks in advance
submitted by Ummmmm_Maybe to adrenalfatigue [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:32 leftatseen How do yall have energy to do anything?

So I’ve been in adhd burnout for at least two years if not more, essentially what led me to get diagnosed in the first place and since I can’t just STOP doing shit, (I’m a parent of a school age kid trying to find work in a new city) I’ve noticed my energy just progressively get worse. My anxiety is off the charts, I’ve cut down on adderall but the days I take it my crashes are awful. Taking magnesium, vit d and iodine supplements, but wondering if yall have any ideas? I am very active, walk at least 6500 steps everyday, but just haven’t been able to get back to strength or hiit workouts because I’m just so tired!
All the time!
In the process of finding a new provider so I can tinker my dose of adderall or maybe find another medication but what I’d really like is a holistic solution. I am at the very lowest dose and even that makes me too hyper sometimes so I wonder if I can find something else that works for me. Definitely need something to regulate the hormones too though, stress and cycle changes make me go bloody insane.
Anyone else?
submitted by leftatseen to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:30 Athletica_ai New feature release: "limiting MMP" in Workout Reserve chart

New feature release: submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 11:30 Athletica_ai New feature release: "limiting MMP" in Workout Reserve chart

New feature release: submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 09:30 Athletica_ai New feature release: "limiting MMP" in Workout Reserve chart

New feature release: submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]