Cigarette machine girard

Forest Grove Settlers: First Day Fallout Fan Fiction - A Short Story

2024.06.01 15:14 RyanMorholt Forest Grove Settlers: First Day Fallout Fan Fiction - A Short Story

“I told you there would be nothing in that military check point,” Barrett said. He cleaned his hands from bloodbug residue. “Only abandoned cars and empty cigarette machines.”
“Okay, I was wrong!” Simon admitted. “Is it my fault that I have hope?”
“No one ever knows out here,” Kevin chimed in.
Simon affectionally grabbed his youngest brother by the shoulder.
“See, Barrett, this is what a supportive brother sounds like.”
Barrett grunted.
The three brothers continued to follow the broken asphalt road. In time, the sky above them disappeared behind the ruins of an interstate highway. Its massive concrete columns towered over the horizon. It had cast a long shadow over their route.
Kevin stopped his brothers.
“Is that an elevator?” He pointed to the yellow cable lift that ran up to the overpass.
“I’m not using that,” Barrett quickly responded. He touched his stomach unconsciously, cognizant of his size and weight.
“Yeah, that might be an adventure for another life time,” Simon said, noting the precariousness of the cables that rose up to the ruins of the highway overpass.
Kevin pursed his lips with a modicum of disappointment. As the youngest and smallest of the three, he possessed more daring than his brothers combined. Perhaps this difference was due to the inexperience of his age or the simple fact that Kevin had a different mother than Barrett and Simon. His courage may have been a genetic inheritance that the others lacked.
“House!” Simon spotted the wooden building before his brothers, who still focused on the elevator and the possibility of ascending it.
“Let me guess, there’s going to be treasure inside of it,” Barrett said sarcastically.
“There could be!” Simon replied.
As the young men approached the building, it became apparent it had been apart of a long abandoned settlement. From their higher-ground perspective, they could see the ruins of several buildings roll down the landscape and into the consuming waters of the Charles River. The houses closest to the river had flooded and slowly rotted in the river’s murky water.
“We got a lot of work to do,” Barrett said. His siblings could hear the smile in his words. They knew that there would be at least one piece of worthwhile loot among these buildings. Barrett, however, wanted more than the natural greed of survival. The big man itched for a real fight.
“Raiders, Ghouls, or Mirelurks,” Kevin asked.
“Five caps on raiders,” Barrett said. His hand dropped to the pipe pistol holstered to his thigh.
“Five for mirelurks,” Simon said.
“I guess, I take ghouls.”
The three men moved closer to the first building. The residence, once a beautiful suburban home, had decayed over the two hundred and twenty years since its owners died in the nuclear fallout. Yet, despite the age of home, its door seemed to have been freshly repaired.
Simon, as per usual, approached the entrance with military tact. Barrett positioned himself behind his older brother. He placed one hand on Simon’s shoulder and the other around his pipe pistol. Kevin checked their flank and readied his pipe rifle.
Simon lifted his hand. He counted silently with his fingers.
One. Two. Three.
He grabbed the door and yanked it open. Barrett entered the building, his pipe pistol scanning the interior of the house.
Simon followed Barrett. Kevin slowly backed into the building. He closed the door behind him.
“Stairs,” Barrett said to his brothers.
Immediately, the big man took the lead, scanning the floor above him with his pistol at eye-level. Simon followed in the wake of his larger brother, keeping his eyes straight to the top of the landing. Kevin stayed on the first floor. He found a corner, pressed his back into it, and crouched. He kept his eye on the front door.
“Clear!” Barrett’s voice rang through the structure.
“Nothing for nobody,” Kevin said, standing from his position and letting his rifle hang limply in his hands. He thought at least one ghoul would be hiding in the house. Their fraternal bottlecap wager would have to wait another house.
“Cheer up! Better luck in the next building.” Simon said as he walked down the stairs. “Right now, we have some time to loot.”
The brothers began the careful examination of the residential building.
Despite two centuries of rain and snow the building seemed to be in good condition. Clearly, since the bombs fell, a series of squatters had made improvements and adjustments over the years. In fact, the house seemed almost luxurious compared to the standards of the Wasteland. The floors had been redone with new planks of wood. The walls had been scraped of their original wallpaper and painted a light seafoam green. Although the glass from the windows had been long destroyed, curtains hung over the wooden shutters that secured the windows from the exterior world.
“Ooo!” Barrett exclaimed upstairs.
“What’d you find?” Simon called out. He stood at the bottom of the staircase and waited for a sign.
“Caps stash!” Barrett appeared with a grey tin can. He shook it and a number of caps inside of it pleasantly jingled.
“And you thought there wouldn’t be any treasure?” Simon laughed to himself.
“And the fridge is full!” Kevin called.
Barrett rushed down the stairs and joined his brothers at the fridge. Together, they drank a bottle of mostly clean water, each taking sips and passing it to the others. Then, they finished a plate of crispy squirrel bits.
“Almost fresh,” Barrett said, shoving a large handful into his mouth.
Simon continued his perusal of the house as he chewed his last portion of squirrel meat. He went to the living room section of the main floor and rummaged through a chest of drawers.
“Women’s clothing?” He lifted a dress from the chest of drawers and showed his brothers. The light green dress seemed to be in relatively good condition. The clean herbaceous smell of carrot flowers wafted into his nose.
“Someone might still live here,” Barrett said, looking at a bouquet of fresh hubflowers on the table.
Kevin looked from one of the windows. “I think he’s just arrived.”
Before Simon and Kevin could arm themselves, the door opened. An old man entered with two buckets of water. At the very moment he saw these three men, he dropped the buckets on the floor and rushed out of the building. One of the buckets spilled its contents across the floor, slowly dribbling down the front steps. Meanwhile, the old man pressed his back against the exterior wall of the building.
“What are you doing in my house?”
“We didn’t know!” Simon shouted back. “We didn’t mean to trespass!”
“Well, you did. Now, what are you going to do? Kill an old man and take his home?”
“Not if you let us leave unharmed!”
“How do I know that you’re not raiders?”
“You can’t,” Simon shouted back. “You can only make a leap of faith.”
“And why would I that?”
“Well, for one thing, there are more of us than there are of you.”
“Send one man out.”
“No!” Simon responded. “How do I know you’re not just going to shoot him the moment he leaves the building?”
“You can’t,” the old man shouted back. “You can only make a leap of faith.”
Simon felt bested by the old man’s negotiating skills.
“I’ll go,” Kevin said to his brothers.
“No, I will.” Barrett put his hand on his younger brother. He would gladly die in his place.
“There’s less of me to hit,” Kevin bantered.
Barrett grunted, but he could not stop himself from smiling.
Simon thought about dissuading his brothers, telling them that no one was going to leave the house, but this show of trust needed to be made. If things went well, there could be a chance that the three of them could profit from this encounter. Perhaps, they could spend the night sleeping inside a warm house and finally be able to get a proper night’s rest.
“I’m coming out,” Kevin shouted to the old man.
“Unarmed. With your hands up! If I see so much as a big iron on your hip, the deal is off.”
Kevin placed his pipe rifle and his switchblade on top of the chest of drawers.
Simon stepped close to his brother and embraced him.
“If he harms you, I will make sure he suffers until his very last breath,” Simon whispered.
Kevin squeezed his brother tightly and went to the door.
“I am approaching the door now,” Kevin shouted. “My hands are up.”
Kevin stepped over the spilled water bucket and crossed the threshold of the house.
“Keeping going,” the old man commanded.
Once Kevin descended the front stairs and reached the hard ground, he felt the old man sweep behind him and check for weapons.
“Do we trust each other?” Kevin said, letting the old man pat down his sides. “I’m alive, so I know I can trust you, but there are still two men inside of the house.”
“Two, huh? I thought there’d be more of you.” The old man met Kevin gaze. His face was wrinkled, freckled, and scarred. His neck-length beard, once nearly black in colour, had become streaked with grey. His moustache faired slightly better, but it too had begun to pale in his old age. Overall, the old man seemed hardened by his experiences in the wasteland, but, despite this hardness, Kevin noticed a softness behind his eyes. They reflected no bitterness or resentment.
“Now what?” Simon called from inside of the house.
“I’m going to come inside with your friend as collateral.”
The old man drew his 10mm pistol and pressed into Kevin’s lower back. Kevin straightened his posture with a reflexive fear. He climbed up the stairs and back into the house, the pistol never losing contact with his spine.
“Welcome to my home, gentleman,” the old man said. “The name is Duncan. I hope you make yourselves comfortable, although, by the looks of yesterday’s dinner, it seems as though you already have.”
Barrett glanced back at the empty porcelain plate. He wiped his greasy hands on his pant legs.
“Watch it, big guy,” the old man said. “You don’t want to make too many sudden movements.”
Barrett looked into his brother’s face. Kevin seemed calm on the surface, but Barrett could see the fear beneath his composure.
“My name is Simon. This is Barrett, and the man you currently threatening is our brother Kevin.”
“Pleasure, gentlemen.”
“We’re travellers. We’ve no particular destination. We’re just trying to survive.”
“Yes, that always seems to be the story. Why aren’t you getting comfortable in Diamond City or Goodneighbor?”
“We’re new to the Commonwealth,” Simon replied.
“Just arrived,” Barrett added.
“Boys, I’m happy to be your first experience in these here parts, but you’re going to have to leave. I can’t risk any trouble.”
“We won’t be any trouble,” Kevin said, looking behind his shoulder.
“Truly, I would like to believe you boys, but you best be going.”
Duncan stepped aside and positioned himself to the side of the room. He tilted his head toward the door with a quick gesture, encouraging Simon and Barrett to leave.
“Now, please.”
“Can we at least get Kevin’s weapons over there?” Simon asked.
“I’ll toss them to you once you’re out of the door. Just go.”
Simon and Barrett complied. They walked out of the house and down the steps. Duncan led Kevin from his house, allowing the young man to move away from the pistol.
The men turned to see group of three women approaching the house. Two of them carried heavy bags of harvested food, while the third held a tactical submachine gun in her hands. The three of them kept staring at their grandfather, who kept his pistol held toward the brothers.
The woman with the submachine gun lifted the stock to her shoulder. She knew that with her large drum magazine, she could cut down these three intruders without the need to reload.
“We had a small misunderstanding, ladies,” Simon said with a winning smile. He looked at the woman with the submachine gun. Her short dark brown hair swooped over one of her eyes. She flipped her hair out of the way. “We’ll be on our way,” Simon continued, “once your grandfather hands us our weapons.”
“How about you head on out without them?” the woman with the gun said.
“That’s not fair,” Kevin said. He stepped forward as he said it, causing the woman to swivel her sights on him.
“On more step and you’ll have lost more than your weapons.”
“Woah, woah. Okay, message received,” Kevin said, putting his hands back into the air. “Let’s go, guys. It’s okay. We can find kinder hosts somewhere else.”
“Or, at least, a better fight,” Barrett said with a sniff of his nose. “An old man and three little girls hardly constitute a challenge.”
“I can wipe the floor with you, big boy,” said the woman with the machine gun.
“Audrey!” Duncan reprimanded.
“I’d like to see you try, girlie. Unarmed, one-on-one, you stand no chance,” Barrett said. As he spoke, he took a deep breath and inflated his already imposing figure. The muscles beneath his shirt could be seen flexing.
“Want to try me? Or are you scared of losing to a girl?” Audrey responded.
Barrett roared with laughter.
“Audrey, that’s enough!” the old man said. “Do not aggravate them. They’re on their way.”
“Wait!” the smallest of the three women called to her grandfather. “Can’t they stay? If they wanted to hurt us, they would’ve already.”
“It’d be too risky!” Duncan replied.
“But you’ve always said that people need to come together and rebuild this world,” she said.
Duncan flashed her a quick scolding look.
“Sylvie’s right,” the third woman added. “They can help us around the property.” Her eyes danced over Barrett’s large figure. While her middle sister seemed ready to harm him, she merely wanted to be held by him.
“Audrey, talk some sense into your sisters!” Duncan exclaimed. “You ladies know that we can’t invite people at random!”
“We’d be happy to help,” Simon interjected.
Kevin locked eyes with his young counterpart. Sylvie broke eye contact and looked at her feet.
“Yeah, we can help,” Kevin said a little absent-mindedly. He continued to admire the woman before his eyes.
“Wait a minute,” Barrett said, “This guy pulls a pistol on you and you want to help him? What are you going to do? Fetch him water?”
“We made him to spill it,” Kevin said with a shrug.
“Are you guys out of your mind? How can we trust them? What if the old man and these she-devils are planning to kill us in the middle of the night.”
“Oh, now you’re afraid of me!” Audrey teased, loosening her grip on the submachine gun.
“I ain’t afraid of anything,” Barrett snapped.
Simon bursted in laughter. “Buddy, you know you’re agreeing with the old man, right? He doesn’t want you around because he thinks your going to do to him what you think he’s doing to do to you.”
Barrett squinted his eyes, trying to parse the sentence.
“I don’t like it,” Barrett said.
“Neither do I,” Duncan agreed.
“Well, they’re not staying in the house,” Audrey said. She tilted her swooping hair out of her eyes again. “Give them the rotting house.”
Duncan stayed silent. Everyone looked at him as though it was his decision which made everything final.
“Fine, but I’m standing guard during the night. If one of these boys come creeping in the night, I’ll make sure our walls get a nice new shade of red.”
Barrett nodded his head in agreement. “And I’ll take first watch at our place.”
Audrey turned to her sisters. “Morgan, Sylvie, take the food inside. I’ll show these men their residence.” She adjusted the tactical submachine gun in her arms.
Her sisters did what they were told.
“Gentlemen,” Audrey said, leading the men down the slight hill, “Your new abode.” She kicked the front door, which broke free from its hinges. The wood from the door had rotted from the moisture in the air. Wet dust flew from the ground and an acrid smell spewed from the interior of the building.
Audrey left the three brothers and returned to her home.
The three of the brothers exchanged uncomfortable glances and looked at the building. Kevin approached the doorway and peered into the darkness.
“Ghoul!” Kevin shouted.
His brothers ran into the building with their weapons drawn. Kevin threw his arms around his brothers as they looked at remains of a feral ghoul. It had died a long time ago.
“Pay up, boys!” he said with a smile. “Five caps each.”
submitted by RyanMorholt to RyanMorholt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:14 RyanMorholt Forest Grove Settlers: First Day Fallout Fan Fiction - A Short Story

“I told you there would be nothing in that military check point,” Barrett said. He cleaned his hands from bloodbug residue. “Only abandoned cars and empty cigarette machines.”
“Okay, I was wrong!” Simon admitted. “Is it my fault that I have hope?”
“No one ever knows out here,” Kevin chimed in.
Simon affectionally grabbed his youngest brother by the shoulder.
“See, Barrett, this is what a supportive brother sounds like.”
Barrett grunted.
The three brothers continued to follow the broken asphalt road. In time, the sky above them disappeared behind the ruins of an interstate highway. Its massive concrete columns towered over the horizon. It had cast a long shadow over their route.
Kevin stopped his brothers.
“Is that an elevator?” He pointed to the yellow cable lift that ran up to the overpass.
“I’m not using that,” Barrett quickly responded. He touched his stomach unconsciously, cognizant of his size and weight.
“Yeah, that might be an adventure for another life time,” Simon said, noting the precariousness of the cables that rose up to the ruins of the highway overpass.
Kevin pursed his lips with a modicum of disappointment. As the youngest and smallest of the three, he possessed more daring than his brothers combined. Perhaps this difference was due to the inexperience of his age or the simple fact that Kevin had a different mother than Barrett and Simon. His courage may have been a genetic inheritance that the others lacked.
“House!” Simon spotted the wooden building before his brothers, who still focused on the elevator and the possibility of ascending it.
“Let me guess, there’s going to be treasure inside of it,” Barrett said sarcastically.
“There could be!” Simon replied.
As the young men approached the building, it became apparent it had been apart of a long abandoned settlement. From their higher-ground perspective, they could see the ruins of several buildings roll down the landscape and into the consuming waters of the Charles River. The houses closest to the river had flooded and slowly rotted in the river’s murky water.
“We got a lot of work to do,” Barrett said. His siblings could hear the smile in his words. They knew that there would be at least one piece of worthwhile loot among these buildings. Barrett, however, wanted more than the natural greed of survival. The big man itched for a real fight.
“Raiders, Ghouls, or Mirelurks,” Kevin asked.
“Five caps on raiders,” Barrett said. His hand dropped to the pipe pistol holstered to his thigh.
“Five for mirelurks,” Simon said.
“I guess, I take ghouls.”
The three men moved closer to the first building. The residence, once a beautiful suburban home, had decayed over the two hundred and twenty years since its owners died in the nuclear fallout. Yet, despite the age of home, its door seemed to have been freshly repaired.
Simon, as per usual, approached the entrance with military tact. Barrett positioned himself behind his older brother. He placed one hand on Simon’s shoulder and the other around his pipe pistol. Kevin checked their flank and readied his pipe rifle.
Simon lifted his hand. He counted silently with his fingers.
One. Two. Three.
He grabbed the door and yanked it open. Barrett entered the building, his pipe pistol scanning the interior of the house.
Simon followed Barrett. Kevin slowly backed into the building. He closed the door behind him.
“Stairs,” Barrett said to his brothers.
Immediately, the big man took the lead, scanning the floor above him with his pistol at eye-level. Simon followed in the wake of his larger brother, keeping his eyes straight to the top of the landing. Kevin stayed on the first floor. He found a corner, pressed his back into it, and crouched. He kept his eye on the front door.
“Clear!” Barrett’s voice rang through the structure.
“Nothing for nobody,” Kevin said, standing from his position and letting his rifle hang limply in his hands. He thought at least one ghoul would be hiding in the house. Their fraternal bottlecap wager would have to wait another house.
“Cheer up! Better luck in the next building.” Simon said as he walked down the stairs. “Right now, we have some time to loot.”
The brothers began the careful examination of the residential building.
Despite two centuries of rain and snow the building seemed to be in good condition. Clearly, since the bombs fell, a series of squatters had made improvements and adjustments over the years. In fact, the house seemed almost luxurious compared to the standards of the Wasteland. The floors had been redone with new planks of wood. The walls had been scraped of their original wallpaper and painted a light seafoam green. Although the glass from the windows had been long destroyed, curtains hung over the wooden shutters that secured the windows from the exterior world.
“Ooo!” Barrett exclaimed upstairs.
“What’d you find?” Simon called out. He stood at the bottom of the staircase and waited for a sign.
“Caps stash!” Barrett appeared with a grey tin can. He shook it and a number of caps inside of it pleasantly jingled.
“And you thought there wouldn’t be any treasure?” Simon laughed to himself.
“And the fridge is full!” Kevin called.
Barrett rushed down the stairs and joined his brothers at the fridge. Together, they drank a bottle of mostly clean water, each taking sips and passing it to the others. Then, they finished a plate of crispy squirrel bits.
“Almost fresh,” Barrett said, shoving a large handful into his mouth.
Simon continued his perusal of the house as he chewed his last portion of squirrel meat. He went to the living room section of the main floor and rummaged through a chest of drawers.
“Women’s clothing?” He lifted a dress from the chest of drawers and showed his brothers. The light green dress seemed to be in relatively good condition. The clean herbaceous smell of carrot flowers wafted into his nose.
“Someone might still live here,” Barrett said, looking at a bouquet of fresh hubflowers on the table.
Kevin looked from one of the windows. “I think he’s just arrived.”
Before Simon and Kevin could arm themselves, the door opened. An old man entered with two buckets of water. At the very moment he saw these three men, he dropped the buckets on the floor and rushed out of the building. One of the buckets spilled its contents across the floor, slowly dribbling down the front steps. Meanwhile, the old man pressed his back against the exterior wall of the building.
“What are you doing in my house?”
“We didn’t know!” Simon shouted back. “We didn’t mean to trespass!”
“Well, you did. Now, what are you going to do? Kill an old man and take his home?”
“Not if you let us leave unharmed!”
“How do I know that you’re not raiders?”
“You can’t,” Simon shouted back. “You can only make a leap of faith.”
“And why would I that?”
“Well, for one thing, there are more of us than there are of you.”
“Send one man out.”
“No!” Simon responded. “How do I know you’re not just going to shoot him the moment he leaves the building?”
“You can’t,” the old man shouted back. “You can only make a leap of faith.”
Simon felt bested by the old man’s negotiating skills.
“I’ll go,” Kevin said to his brothers.
“No, I will.” Barrett put his hand on his younger brother. He would gladly die in his place.
“There’s less of me to hit,” Kevin bantered.
Barrett grunted, but he could not stop himself from smiling.
Simon thought about dissuading his brothers, telling them that no one was going to leave the house, but this show of trust needed to be made. If things went well, there could be a chance that the three of them could profit from this encounter. Perhaps, they could spend the night sleeping inside a warm house and finally be able to get a proper night’s rest.
“I’m coming out,” Kevin shouted to the old man.
“Unarmed. With your hands up! If I see so much as a big iron on your hip, the deal is off.”
Kevin placed his pipe rifle and his switchblade on top of the chest of drawers.
Simon stepped close to his brother and embraced him.
“If he harms you, I will make sure he suffers until his very last breath,” Simon whispered.
Kevin squeezed his brother tightly and went to the door.
“I am approaching the door now,” Kevin shouted. “My hands are up.”
Kevin stepped over the spilled water bucket and crossed the threshold of the house.
“Keeping going,” the old man commanded.
Once Kevin descended the front stairs and reached the hard ground, he felt the old man sweep behind him and check for weapons.
“Do we trust each other?” Kevin said, letting the old man pat down his sides. “I’m alive, so I know I can trust you, but there are still two men inside of the house.”
“Two, huh? I thought there’d be more of you.” The old man met Kevin gaze. His face was wrinkled, freckled, and scarred. His neck-length beard, once nearly black in colour, had become streaked with grey. His moustache faired slightly better, but it too had begun to pale in his old age. Overall, the old man seemed hardened by his experiences in the wasteland, but, despite this hardness, Kevin noticed a softness behind his eyes. They reflected no bitterness or resentment.
“Now what?” Simon called from inside of the house.
“I’m going to come inside with your friend as collateral.”
The old man drew his 10mm pistol and pressed into Kevin’s lower back. Kevin straightened his posture with a reflexive fear. He climbed up the stairs and back into the house, the pistol never losing contact with his spine.
“Welcome to my home, gentleman,” the old man said. “The name is Duncan. I hope you make yourselves comfortable, although, by the looks of yesterday’s dinner, it seems as though you already have.”
Barrett glanced back at the empty porcelain plate. He wiped his greasy hands on his pant legs.
“Watch it, big guy,” the old man said. “You don’t want to make too many sudden movements.”
Barrett looked into his brother’s face. Kevin seemed calm on the surface, but Barrett could see the fear beneath his composure.
“My name is Simon. This is Barrett, and the man you currently threatening is our brother Kevin.”
“Pleasure, gentlemen.”
“We’re travellers. We’ve no particular destination. We’re just trying to survive.”
“Yes, that always seems to be the story. Why aren’t you getting comfortable in Diamond City or Goodneighbor?”
“We’re new to the Commonwealth,” Simon replied.
“Just arrived,” Barrett added.
“Boys, I’m happy to be your first experience in these here parts, but you’re going to have to leave. I can’t risk any trouble.”
“We won’t be any trouble,” Kevin said, looking behind his shoulder.
“Truly, I would like to believe you boys, but you best be going.”
Duncan stepped aside and positioned himself to the side of the room. He tilted his head toward the door with a quick gesture, encouraging Simon and Barrett to leave.
“Now, please.”
“Can we at least get Kevin’s weapons over there?” Simon asked.
“I’ll toss them to you once you’re out of the door. Just go.”
Simon and Barrett complied. They walked out of the house and down the steps. Duncan led Kevin from his house, allowing the young man to move away from the pistol.
The men turned to see group of three women approaching the house. Two of them carried heavy bags of harvested food, while the third held a tactical submachine gun in her hands. The three of them kept staring at their grandfather, who kept his pistol held toward the brothers.
The woman with the submachine gun lifted the stock to her shoulder. She knew that with her large drum magazine, she could cut down these three intruders without the need to reload.
“We had a small misunderstanding, ladies,” Simon said with a winning smile. He looked at the woman with the submachine gun. Her short dark brown hair swooped over one of her eyes. She flipped her hair out of the way. “We’ll be on our way,” Simon continued, “once your grandfather hands us our weapons.”
“How about you head on out without them?” the woman with the gun said.
“That’s not fair,” Kevin said. He stepped forward as he said it, causing the woman to swivel her sights on him.
“On more step and you’ll have lost more than your weapons.”
“Woah, woah. Okay, message received,” Kevin said, putting his hands back into the air. “Let’s go, guys. It’s okay. We can find kinder hosts somewhere else.”
“Or, at least, a better fight,” Barrett said with a sniff of his nose. “An old man and three little girls hardly constitute a challenge.”
“I can wipe the floor with you, big boy,” said the woman with the machine gun.
“Audrey!” Duncan reprimanded.
“I’d like to see you try, girlie. Unarmed, one-on-one, you stand no chance,” Barrett said. As he spoke, he took a deep breath and inflated his already imposing figure. The muscles beneath his shirt could be seen flexing.
“Want to try me? Or are you scared of losing to a girl?” Audrey responded.
Barrett roared with laughter.
“Audrey, that’s enough!” the old man said. “Do not aggravate them. They’re on their way.”
“Wait!” the smallest of the three women called to her grandfather. “Can’t they stay? If they wanted to hurt us, they would’ve already.”
“It’d be too risky!” Duncan replied.
“But you’ve always said that people need to come together and rebuild this world,” she said.
Duncan flashed her a quick scolding look.
“Sylvie’s right,” the third woman added. “They can help us around the property.” Her eyes danced over Barrett’s large figure. While her middle sister seemed ready to harm him, she merely wanted to be held by him.
“Audrey, talk some sense into your sisters!” Duncan exclaimed. “You ladies know that we can’t invite people at random!”
“We’d be happy to help,” Simon interjected.
Kevin locked eyes with his young counterpart. Sylvie broke eye contact and looked at her feet.
“Yeah, we can help,” Kevin said a little absent-mindedly. He continued to admire the woman before his eyes.
“Wait a minute,” Barrett said, “This guy pulls a pistol on you and you want to help him? What are you going to do? Fetch him water?”
“We made him to spill it,” Kevin said with a shrug.
“Are you guys out of your mind? How can we trust them? What if the old man and these she-devils are planning to kill us in the middle of the night.”
“Oh, now you’re afraid of me!” Audrey teased, loosening her grip on the submachine gun.
“I ain’t afraid of anything,” Barrett snapped.
Simon bursted in laughter. “Buddy, you know you’re agreeing with the old man, right? He doesn’t want you around because he thinks your going to do to him what you think he’s doing to do to you.”
Barrett squinted his eyes, trying to parse the sentence.
“I don’t like it,” Barrett said.
“Neither do I,” Duncan agreed.
“Well, they’re not staying in the house,” Audrey said. She tilted her swooping hair out of her eyes again. “Give them the rotting house.”
Duncan stayed silent. Everyone looked at him as though it was his decision which made everything final.
“Fine, but I’m standing guard during the night. If one of these boys come creeping in the night, I’ll make sure our walls get a nice new shade of red.”
Barrett nodded his head in agreement. “And I’ll take first watch at our place.”
Audrey turned to her sisters. “Morgan, Sylvie, take the food inside. I’ll show these men their residence.” She adjusted the tactical submachine gun in her arms.
Her sisters did what they were told.
“Gentlemen,” Audrey said, leading the men down the slight hill, “Your new abode.” She kicked the front door, which broke free from its hinges. The wood from the door had rotted from the moisture in the air. Wet dust flew from the ground and an acrid smell spewed from the interior of the building.
Audrey left the three brothers and returned to her home.
The three of the brothers exchanged uncomfortable glances and looked at the building. Kevin approached the doorway and peered into the darkness.
“Ghoul!” Kevin shouted.
His brothers ran into the building with their weapons drawn. Kevin threw his arms around his brothers as they looked at remains of a feral ghoul. It had died a long time ago.
“Pay up, boys!” he said with a smile. “Five caps each.”
submitted by RyanMorholt to FalloutFanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:21 ExternalDeal2877 VOID

This isn’t a dream I had, but the first thought I had before I opened my eyes or even realized what reality I was in. What I am- or who. Or the truth in memory, or in general. Oddly I remember recalling some type of quirk, something about smoking a cigarette in a tissue- something about a tissue. Was this still me dreaming? Intertwining my reality with my unattainable consciousness projecting onto me, battling almost. Something about a cigarette…a damn tissue, a party trick? “He does this, it’s just something he does..” the truth of this, my mind scrambling to find the factual information , personally I can’t recall but unwilling- I witnessed my mind trying to uncover. Almost funny aside the fact of the seeing the inside of the machine…as if we were never supposed to. Trying to recite my own thoughts, digging through false narrative, reasonings and life’s spend- I still cannot recall. But what I do know is I can still vividly see the cracks in his hands- and the exact shape of his finger tips. The cracks of his hands- and all the shadows gathered in between his fingers as well. His fingertips- pinching the cherry of the cigarette. Burning. To end it all and to feel absolutely nothing. I know this detail to be true. An example from experience, and not blurred from innocence before being thrown back into the harsh depths of real life…his brutal truth. My truth, being between the stage of a dream, life and memory, delusion or death. Regardless of humor in experience and as unfathomable as the fluidness life is- just as water. For those moments…still dreaming- consciousness creeping it way on to me and wrapping endlessly its claws around my throat: I wished that this life I woke up to, had been a nightmare, just as I forever experienced before. So ready for it all be gone and to laugh it all off looking into your eyes. For it to finally fade away. As if marking off the days on a calendar, only to forget what it was all for. I recall your vivid green eyes.
submitted by ExternalDeal2877 to u/ExternalDeal2877 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:22 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Natural unbreakable limit, excluding the possibility of real psychic abilities: Irreducible Computational Theory. Constructive discussion.

I think psychics attract clients not because they have a connection with the spiritual realm, but because clients feel the need to transfer their responsibility to an abstract higher power and fate. “Someone wiser knows better” However, there is no way to predict the future mathematically, and it’s very easy to explain. Please follow up:
There is the great scientist Dr. Stephen Wolfram. He is the creator of many things that power up our smartphones, including Mathematica and the Wolfram language. He has a number of theories, the latest of which, such as the Ruliad concept and the theory of everything, are truly amazing and might connect general relativity and the standard model.
One of his early studies brought up the irreducible computation theory. He looked into Cellular Automatons - the Turing machine visualization where you set up simple rules at the beginning and then see how the layout of white and black squares evolves through each step. He discovered that particularly Rule 30 automaton looked simple at the start but led to endless complicated patterns. Most other combinations of simple rules brought about patterns that were boring and “dead,” but this “Rule 30” evolved continually. This pattern can be seen everywhere in nature, on the back of a snail shell, and we use it to code “random” machines in our electronics.
All random calculations in your computer – are Rule 30. They are not random.
What Dr. Stephen suggested is that there is no way to predict and calculate the result of the upcoming row of squares with the help of some kind of formula. Instead, you must go through each step one at a time. Many tried; there was even a cash prize for a person who could predict what layout comes on the next step using all existing data, but there is no way to do that as of now. Nobody succeeded.
Now let’s return to psychic activity. How can they predict the future of anything if there is no way to predict even simple mathematical setups? Systems need time and step-by-step evolution to reach results. So, any psychic activity is very reliant on the skill and virtuosity of the psychic themselves and the person who “orders their service.”
They sell by signifying the transfer of responsibility for a person’s life and fate.
All clients want from their certified psychic is the feeling of “transferring the responsibility.” If a psychic told me I will get married only after 25 years old, that’s not my problem now. I don’t need to look for a man while I am still 23. The universe has approved it like that. And all that “Pidgeon religion” proves like “but how could he know that my grandpa was a carpenter?!” are just a tricks of mind that client agree and want to believe. Experiments with pigeons showed that randomly fed, different pigeons worked out some personal ritual that led to “getting food”. Some pigeons danced around and though that caused the food coming, others bit jumped and so on.
It’s understandable why people need psychics. Just as nicotine addicts need cigarettes for a number of reasons they approve of, a person with a lack of self-esteem might seek that “commander” in a psychic. They pathologically need to follow some logic in this life they can’t create themselves. It’s a personality life crisis. A person with strong willpower and legitimate goals to reach usually doesn’t follow the advice of a psychic.
So if you feel you need some supernatural assistance, check yourself what problems you have that cause that desire. Only your actions effect reality. Nothing said is real till you make it so. Check the book about basics of quantum dramaturgy to see how other supernatural things are broken into simple forms. Just google quantum dramaturgy to see more thought experiments that deconstruct stories till quantum states.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:15 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Natural unbreakable limit, excluding the possibility of real psychic abilities: Irreducible Computational Theory.

I think psychics attract clients not because they have a connection with the spiritual realm, but because clients feel the need to transfer their responsibility to an abstract higher power and fate. “Someone wiser knows better” However, there is no way to predict the future mathematically, and it’s very easy to explain. Please follow up:
There is the great scientist Dr. Stephen Wolfram. He is the creator of many things that power up our smartphones, including Mathematica and the Wolfram language. He has a number of theories, the latest of which, such as the Ruliad concept and the theory of everything, are truly amazing and might connect general relativity and the standard model.
One of his early studies brought up the irreducible computation theory. He looked into Cellular Automatons - the Turing machine visualization where you set up simple rules at the beginning and then see how the layout of white and black squares evolves through each step. He discovered that particularly Rule 30 automaton looked simple at the start but led to endless complicated patterns. Most other combinations of simple rules brought about patterns that were boring and “dead,” but this “Rule 30” evolved continually. This pattern can be seen everywhere in nature, on the back of a snail shell, and we use it to code “random” machines in our electronics.
All random calculations in your computer – are Rule 30. They are not random.
What Dr. Stephen suggested is that there is no way to predict and calculate the result of the upcoming row of squares with the help of some kind of formula. Instead, you must go through each step one at a time. Many tried; there was even a cash prize for a person who could predict what layout comes on the next step using all existing data, but there is no way to do that as of now. Nobody succeeded.
Now let’s return to psychic activity. How can they predict the future of anything if there is no way to predict even simple mathematical setups? Systems need time and step-by-step evolution to reach results. So, any psychic activity is very reliant on the skill and virtuosity of the psychic themselves and the person who “orders their service.”
They sell by signifying the transfer of responsibility for a person’s life and fate.
All clients want from their certified psychic is the feeling of “transferring the responsibility.” If a psychic told me I will get married only after 25 years old, that’s not my problem now. I don’t need to look for a man while I am still 23. The universe has approved it like that. And all that “Pidgeon religion” proves like “but how could he know that my grandpa was a carpenter?!” are just a tricks of mind that client agree and want to believe. Experiments with pigeons showed that randomly fed, different pigeons worked out some personal ritual that led to “getting food”. Some pigeons danced around and though that caused the food coming, others bit jumped and so on.
It’s understandable why people need psychics. Just as nicotine addicts need cigarettes for a number of reasons they approve of, a person with a lack of self-esteem might seek that “commander” in a psychic. They pathologically need to follow some logic in this life they can’t create themselves. It’s a personality life crisis. A person with strong willpower and legitimate goals to reach usually doesn’t follow the advice of a psychic.
So if you feel you need some supernatural assistance, check yourself what problems you have that cause that desire. Only your actions effect reality. Nothing said is real till you make it so. Check the book about quantum dramaturgy to see how other supernatural things are broken into simple forms. It is about thought experiments based on deconstructing different complex stories.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:44 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] 50 cent premiums $100 dollar mystery boxes 📦

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , maybe platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date proof:
Head or Tails nude 1oz silver round $70
$1 fv 50c 90% $22
$100 random 3 oz lot , could be anything .999 and 1 oz
Star Wars beskar bar 1oz $40
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $31
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $65
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $60
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $31
Spider-Man 1oz $38
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface movie 🍿 .999 1 oz $45
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $31
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $31
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar $31 🔥
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $31
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $43
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $50 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $40
1 oz trump wanted rounds $31
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $65
Donald Duck $45
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $27
Lewis and Clark proof $27
1992 Columbus $1 - $27
D-day $1 bu $27
Wright brothers $1 $27
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $33
1996 national community service proof $28
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $28
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $28
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $28
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $28
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $28 Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $33
1926 D peace dollar $29
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $35
1886 $1 $70
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Open to offers on multiple morgans.
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $65
Norfolk Va $65
Atlanta $65
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $40
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $31
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷 tx
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 carbine 🐆 $170
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $31
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $7
Dimes of the 20th century $5
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
I don’t know where I put these.
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $1.50
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $1.50
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $1.50
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $100
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $60
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment :
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $old
Trump wanted $31
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @4 each
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
Please read Safety guide:
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:43 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] 50 cent premiums.

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , maybe platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date proof:
Head or Tails nude 1oz silver round $70
$1 fv 50c 90% $22
$100 random 3 oz lot , could be anything .999 and 1 oz
Star Wars beskar bar 1oz $40
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $31
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $65
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $60
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $31
Spider-Man 1oz $38
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface movie 🍿 .999 1 oz $45
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $31
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $31
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar $31 🔥
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $31
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $43
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $50 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $40
1 oz trump wanted rounds $31
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $65
Donald Duck $45
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $27
Lewis and Clark proof $27
1992 Columbus $1 - $27
D-day $1 bu $27
Wright brothers $1 $27
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $33
1996 national community service proof $28
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $28
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $28
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $28
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $28
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $28 Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $33
1926 D peace dollar $29
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $35
1886 $1 $70
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Open to offers on multiple morgans.
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $65
Norfolk Va $65
Atlanta $65
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $40
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $31
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷 tx
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 carbine 🐆 $170
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $31
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $7
Dimes of the 20th century $5
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
I don’t know where I put these.
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $1.50
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $1.50
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $1.50
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $100
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $60
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment :
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $old
Trump wanted $31
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @4 each
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
Please read Safety guide:
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:53 Every-Experience-361 Theo York Times 78 Post: Fire

That afternoon a fire broke out in the Theo York industrial area. Investigations showed that the cause of the fire was an employee from one of the factories who threw a cigarette near a machine. Luckily a fire station is close to the industrial area and firefighters responded to the incident quickly, 14 factory employees have minor burns and 5 left with major burns, The employee responsible for starting the fire ended up being caught in the fire and ended up dying, being the only person who died due to the fire, the burned employees were taken to the Hospital.
submitted by Every-Experience-361 to TheoTown [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:06 super_hot_juice Cinema Pro: (almost) Definitive guide to Why and How to use it + tips & hacks

Cinema Pro is no more and none of its features are getting ported into new app Video Pro mode, so this is a perfect opportunity to release this (almost) definite guide as to when and how to record video footage in Cinema Pro. All of us are pretty much aware of most its shortcomings this app has but we are not going to complain or talk about them here, instead we are going to celebrate EOL of Cinema Pro.
I could bet my pet that about 90% of Xperia users ain’t touching Cinema Pro because they feel uncomfortable using it, that includes mobile camera enthusiasts. Instead, they go to BASIC Video or Video Pro and I don’t blame them as learning curve in Cinema Pro is pretty steep but on the other hand this camera app has very flexible workflow and results can be stunning if you practice enough.
So, first things first, none of the video camera apps will make your videos gorgeous by itself. Filming a video, much like a taking a photo, is all about framing your shot. Keep in mind that Cinema Pro is meant for static shots and short pans due to lack of auto ISO adjustments. If your shot is poorly framed not even a Burano can save your butt. Frame your shot properly before you even touch record button. But before you even do that here are few things you should read first to get yourself familiar with Cinema Pro.

Here is what Cinema Pro offers and can do that other Xperia camera apps can’t.
This probably was not your first thought I was gonna bring up, right? Unlike Video Pro which does not save any advanced metadata in video clips Cinema Pro does and it does it quite good.
When you go to Cinema Library and play any clip inside your project (not final video) you can tap on ellipsis at upper right corner and choose Details. Brown window will pop up with following metadata such as ~resolution~ and ~FPS~ but besides that we also get ~Look~ we picked, ~Lens~, ~Stabilization~, ~WB~, ~ISO~, ~Shutter~ speed, ~Focus~ and ~Audio~ level. If we import the clip in desktop software we also get ~bit depth~, ~color space~, ~EOTF~, ~format~, etc.
Why is this important? If you are really making a video project there is a great chance that you imported those clips on your desktop OS and that you are editing or retouching them inside some desktop software. Desktop software has power of utilizing metadata for your convenience when manipulating and exporting the video, matching shots, doing color correction or just doing offline editing.
This will make your life a lot easier. As you will see in my sample footage below, I’ve actually automated the burn-in with the Cinema Pro clip metadata (Looks, WB, Shutter, etc.) to make each clip display the metadata on-screen without me having to punch it in manually.
If you don’t have Metering bar enabled in your UI you are doing it wrong. Go to yellow hamburger menu to the right and tap Customize DISP and make sure you have Metering Manual set to ON.
Again, what is this important? Because of two things. Cinema Pro dims the display all the time when it’s running for some reason (presumably to better show HLG result on screen) so if you have Xperia 1, 1II, 1III, PRO-I you will be struggling to see anything while being outdoors. Situation is not any better on 1IV and 1V but it’s more usable. Do not trust your display when it comes to exposure. Instead trust your Metering bar and always shoot around 0 if possible, you will thank me for this once you view your clip on a HDR UHD TV. If it’s too bright outside you can try lowering the shutter speed to level the exposure just make sure do not have fast moving subjects in frame such as cars because it will look choppy.
Second, we’ve already established that Cinema Pro is meant for static shots or gentle panning but if you have to do something “wild” such as POV or going from one lighting condition to other (and sometimes that means just a simple camera tilt from ground up to the sky) you will need Metering to try to find the middle value. Do a test run without recording first and pay attention at the meter to see how many stops is the spread between one frame to another. Lets say you adjusted ISO/Shutter for the 0 at the beginning of your camera movement and once your done with the move metering is showing +2. In that case you will need to set your beginning value at -1 in order to get to +1 in the end to contain both highlights and shadows. Just keep in mind that most of the time your aggressive tilts will be ranging from 0 to well above or under -/+2 and in that case, you will have to rethink what you want to do. That’s right Cinema Pro is a slow burn and unnecessary methodical because it applies cine camera philosophy to crappy mobile sensors.
WDR with Stabilization
Here is another one that is not available inside BASIC or Video Pro unless you have 5V or 1VI device. WDR or Wide Dynamic Range option is made for Cinema Pro period. Cinema Pro was pretty much useless until WDR options popped up in PRO-I. So, what does it do? It records three frames at once and then stack them together to make one frame. Camera is recording at 120fps and then outputs 30/25/24 fps as final result hence why it’s not available at 60fps in any app. Using WDR in Cinema Pro you contain the highlights which is impossible to do in SDR mode unless you are in some dimmed environment.
General rule is to always have the WDR on but if you can do it without do it. There is no false color option in Cinema Pro but if you toggle between WDR and SDR you will see blown out highlights in SDR as some mushy color on display. It’s quite easy to spot the difference. Unlike in Video Pro in Cinema Pro WDR does not introduce purple cast in dark/black areas when shooting in low(er)-light conditions. Cinema Pro has a bigger threshold when shooting in low-light before introduces purple cast in blacks compared to Video Pro as long as you do not shoot in N/A Look (you shouldn’t be shooting in N/A like ever but more on that later). Video Pro utilizes WDR quite poorly, in daylight scenes it drops the gain making dark areas even darker which boosts the contrast to a point where you get that Pixel zombie decomposition like human faces. Cinema Pro does NOT do that, instead it only affects the highlights mostly.
Drawback of WDR in both Cinema Pro and Video Pro requires separate paragraph because it’s a big issue. Whenever you have high frequency texture in your shot such as tiny rubble road (asphalt) or stone mosaic wall you will get texture floating effect like texture is rearranging itself. It’s super trippy. That issue persists because development team didn’t master the frame stacking while filming. Those three frames that get to be one do not alight properly with the next stacked frame when it comes to big areas with tiny patterns.
But one good thing that also requires its own paragraph is video stabilization with HLG WDR option turned on. As previously mentioned, that combo is not possible in Video Pro or BASIC modes but it is in Cinema Pro. How? Well Cinema Pro crops top and bottom of 16:9 footage to 21:9 so it has some wiggle room to give as some basic stabilization. Stabilization is nothing spectacular but it doesn’t crop in the image in order to enable stabilization like Video Pro does. In other words, it doesn’t take Video Pro stabilized cropped in frame to enable stabilization. It shoots native UHD which is really important to preserve the quality unlike both Video Pro and BASIC that crop in UHD frame to turn on stabilization and then upscale the frame back to UHD. Cinema Pro does not do that.
Video sample: WATCH 4K wobbly texture issue in WDR, pay attention to black carpet
Cinema Pro does really good night shots due to its flexibility to adjust Looks and auto white balance which I think is superior to Video Pro/BASIC. Funny things is that all of the exposure environment shortcomings during the daytime are not such a big deal during the night time because streets are evenly lit by light poles. So you have more freedom to pan, tilt and walk around while filming in Cinema Pro at night time then during the day. Here is a winning combo to make the night shot as good as possible: ~SDR + VENICE CS + AUTO WB unlocked~. Pretty straight forward. I find VENICE CS greatest strength to be default Look for nighttime as it’s easy on ISO, doesn’t boost contrast and has the least noise compared to some other looks. That doesn’t mean you can’t play around with the Looks during the night, if street lighting is annoyingly yellow you can use Cool/Blue60 +A to introduce some cool gray into the mix. And with the mention of other color profiles this brings us to the most important and the biggest feature of Cinema Pro, the Looks section.
LOOKS + TEMPERATURE + A/B + G/M Adjustments
This alone is the biggest deal in Cinema Pro app and this alone is what most of the users have no idea how to tweak and manipulate. If you thought rack focus is the number one feature in Cinema Pro, well I can assure you it’s number two right after this super flexible image manipulation output. Before we start discussing looks you have to keep in mind there is one factor in equation here and that’s Whitebalance. Most of the users stick with VENICE CS and don’t use any other look because by default all the looks are in your face when left in Auto whitebalance mode. Even less users who default to VENICE CS fiddle with whitebalance to unlock the full potential of image looks manipulation. Before you start playing with the looks you have to go to yellow hamburger menu and ~change WB MODE to TEMPERATURE~ instead of Preset.
With Temperature mode turned on you now have the option to set desired temperature in kelvins as well as to play with A/B and G/M sliders. What those sliders do? AB slider stands for Amber and Blue but names are inverted on axis so B will be to the left and A to the right. You can actually go quite wild with AB as our eyes are a lot less sensitive to warm and cold adjustments. GM slider stands for Green and Magenta and axis works just as the letters, green to the left and magenta to the right. GB sliders requires quite slight nudges in both directions because our eyes perceive color tilt very aggressively. You might want to use GB slider to adjust for human skin or just go artistic on a certain look.
You might ask yourself what the difference between setting up temperature and pushing AB sliders and I could tell you the order it needs to be done to make a proper impact on the picked Look.
1. You always adjust Temperature first. Between 4700K and 5500K is considered daylight in Cinema Pro (forget 6500K as you will crush it with amber). That’s at least how my eyes perceive it. If you pick lets say Strong/Blue100 look you will want to go to 7000K to neutralize it and then add some of A to make it shift from cold to warm look. Oh yeah it’s possible, so suddenly you just changed the bluest of the blue looks into yellow look.
2. Now you fiddle with AB/GM sliders for finer adjustments. AB will have more of an impact if you stick between 4700K-5500K but if you go below or over those Kelvins AB slider will get weaker. GM slider on the other hand will stay powerful and affect any highlight there is in an image.
3. Combine these two to completely alter any Look you pick.
*In order to follow the Looks description and how you could manipulate them, I will provide the links with video samples down below so you could watch them while reading the rest of the post.
WATCH 4K separate clips in order as described
WATCH 4K all the clips combined into one movie file following the order of description
(all files are in Rec2020 + eotf gamma 2.4 for better color representation but stripped of HDR)
Shot setup consists of warm neutral headphones, white coffee cup, glass of water to see highlights behavior and ugly yellow table and green trees. It's a shame I forgot to put red pack of cigarettes or something as reds are crazy different depending on the look you choose.
Soft/Yellow40 gain req: high contrast: lowest texture: softest grade: non-unifying offset: medium hdr: bright
This is the very interesting one and when combined with the right scene it can look marvelous. Soft look is your Orange & Teal go to look pretty much. It’s not very obvious but it’s not subtle either. One of the major traits of this look is really the softer image, not as sharp as let’s say Bright but because of that it mitigates artifacts quite nicely. Keep in mind that this look requires quite a gain so you will be boosting ISO until you reach the 0 in almost every situation. But because this looks require lots of additional stops it’s very grateful for bright environments. It has medium contrast but it can propel highlights quite high, things like neon signs look like glowing neon signs so it has a strong HDR effect which can clip easy. It doesn’t have unifying image trait, so if you are into color graded look this one will not offer that. That’s kind of a given considering it’s balancing out between orange and teal. If you want to unify it then your best bet is to shift it toward cool temperature or push A slider all the way to the left while introducing some magenta with M slider to the right. Soft/Yellow60 can’t completely switch from all blue to all yellow so it’s altering offset limit is medium.
Auto WB look for Soft/Yellow40 is quite decent but if you have some yellow patches, they will pick up some green tint. To remedy that just add some M like 1.x and add splash of Amber like 1.5 to 3 to be sure. If you want to cool down the image just drop Kelvins down or go crazy with B slider. On the other hand if you want to neutralize to get as close to white as possible you will need to add M1.5 or more together with cooler Kelvins. If you are shooting neutrals with this Look make sure you kill green cause it will overtake the whole image.
Where this Look kicks some major but is in a scene where you have brown wood veneer and blue/teal walls or panels. You will get an awesome O&T look out of it.

Opaque/Blue20/Yellow60 gain req: medium contrast: medium texture: sharp grade: unifying offset: medium hdr: medium
Another one that gets overlooked due to poor AUTO WB looks. When set to default WB it looks muddy and sepia like so most of us don’t know what to do with it. You will be shocked now if I tell you this should be your 2nd go to Look right after Bright. Yup, VENICE CS is not even in top two and I will elaborate why when we get to it. One thing to know in order to use this look you need to modify it from the get go. You need to kill that yellow and boost ISO for a stop or stop and half compared to Bright.
Opaque is great for skintones as they are easily adjusted with AB/GM sliders. Image is very creamy despite having enough clarity and medium contrast. If you underexpose you get some deeper contrast without ruining the creamy image. It’s great for shooting outdoor people gatherings, landscapes on a mute and cloudy day or any outdoor activity. Indoor is kind of tricky due to tungsten lighting but manageable although its not as appetizing as outdoor shots. Keep in mind when shooting at golden hour you will need deeper adjustments to get that sepia out and get the gold in. On any other condition it’s super easy to neutralize the image, you don’t have to push temperature nor sliders too far to get it just right. HDR effect is subtle and not over the top, proper medium and saturation is quite clever despite being a sepia preset. Colors are not muted by any means unless they have some brown in them. If you are a fan of grading I could assure you Opaque has quite unifying image effect no matter if you shoot warm, neutral or cold which is great. Transforming the look to complete cold or warm is tricky as it always keep that mud/sepia yellow in highlights.
To neutralize the look at daytime all you have to do is drop the temp around 4000K or push B slider to your liking. You can always do cold temperature to kill sepia and bring back some heat by pushing A slider. If you want to shoot gold tones then keep it around 5000K and adjust A to your liking while balancing GM.
This look produces super deep and rich reds, amazing reds. And if you combine that red with something beige or sand color like you will get a match made in heaven. Filming bars with brown furnishing packed with people is a treat as well. Shooting at night time in street lights is also a treat for this look.

Cool/Blue60 gain req: med to hi contrast: medium texture: sharp grade: very unifying offset: low hdr: medium
In a nutshell this is a faux bleach bypass or silver look if adjusted right. Together with Soft this has to be the most creative usage look offered. Unlike Soft this one is very easy to setup and results are sharp. At the first glance users might be confused what’s the difference between this one and Strong/BU100 as both look quite similar in Auto WB mode. But once you go out of auto look and start adjusting it soon you figure out that Cool/BU60 look has no vibrance and that’s what makes all the difference compared to all other looks. Gain adjustment to get to 0 is only like 1 stop compared to Bright or VENICE CS. Clarity is right on the par with others and contrast at proper sweet spot. HDR effect is tad bit mute but not by much and it works. And now if you ever wanted a look that makes the whole image like its graded as a whole, look no further (pun intended) than this one.
If you pay close attention, you can tell from the get go that this has silver look to it but it just needs to be released. Those familiar with bleach bypass look will know exactly what to expect from this one. If left in Auto WB you will get nothing but as soon as you dial A slider in more than a half you are waking it up slowly. If you want to get rid of the major blue cast you want to push temperature to 7000K and adjust sliders to your liking. If you drop the exposure, you will get that dramatic film look. Again, this look is quite easy to work with but it’s not flexible, don’t expect major transformations on the other end. It’s a one trick pony and it does that very well.
The best-case scenario for Cool is street photography with lots of metal on it. Cars, machines and silver or gray stuff blend in while human skin remain distinguishable. Interior shots are also great if you have to render a cold, clinical environment like office or a hospital or police station. It’s also your go to look if you want to make anticipation in the video.

Strong/Blue100 gain req: high contrast: low texture: soft grade: very unifying offset: highest hdr: bright
Turn day into a night and night into dusk. This is the most flexible look as it can get from one spectrum to the other without much casting. It’s not called strong for nothing; it really grades the whole image with a single hue. Despite being in your face it actually keeps the contrast on lower side which is very good as you can always dial it in with drop of exposure. Clipping in highlights can occur because of the nature it unifies the picture.
Because this look can go from cool to fire it can get neutral, although neutralizing it is not that simple affair as it’s with Opaque. Best way to get there is to adjust temperature. If hanging around neutral you will get image with blue cast over it. The way I see it this one is supposed to be opposite of Opaque while hitting harder. You might find some creative usage for this one if you want to go abstract and saturated. Similar to Soft look if you film contrast scene that has both cold and warm hues in it you will get that cross axis between the two and nothing in between.

Bright/Blue20/Yellow60 gain req: low contrast: highest texture: sharpest grade: non-unifying offset: low hdr: brightest
Your first go to profile when filming with Cinema Pro. It’s the closest one to Video Pro and closest one that looks like regular picture profile. If you are not looking for a creative look or any look in general this is it. It requires little to no gain adjustment which means it will not suffer from gain artifacts, it has the highest contrast and sharpest details for that mainstream image look (I do not count N/A as picture profile). But right now, there is a huge flaw that has to be addressed with this profile; it can’t capture pure reds no matter what. All reds are burgundy or violet unfortunately. But it nails down blues and teals like a pro.
On the other side it is super easy to balance out the image, its super easy to shift it to warm, cold, green or magenta. There is a quite big of a spread in temperature before image gets painted blue or yellow. It requires small nudges and results are visible right away. It plays well with the skin tones, no issues there. Where it excels is the HDR highlights. This profile kills it when there is shimmer in the view, metallics and all kinds of crazy and contrast stuff. HDR effect is exaggerated and it looks so oomph on a TV. Bright also nails down auto wb from the box so you can set it to auto and forget about it. Overall, it’s easiest to work with and sunny outdoors are a treat for the eyes. Usage of this profile equals that of Video Pro so you can use it anywhere you like. Video Pro is the direct competitor to this Look and while Video Pro can do saturated reds Bright/BU20/YE60 has a tad bit more organic feel despite being quite similar.
This is general purpose Look and being like that it doesn’t offer color grading effect nor it has any offset abilities of color transformation (unless you go completely blue 3200K or completely yellow 7500K).

VENICE CS gain req: low contrast: high texture: sharp grade: non-unifying offset: low hdr: bright
Default look and the one that’s most talked about and the one that most people use. First of all the look itself is fine but it is rather limited. It has nothing to do with Venice color science but it doesn’t have to honestly. It emulates log like image but without any flexibility of the log. It has very low ISO requirements and it’s the brightest look out of them all. Like mentioned above that makes it a go to look for low light shots. All other aspects of this look are almost on par with Bright look so I think these two go hand in hand when you want to lay off saturation and dial down blacks. In other words, don’t try to bring in VENICE CS footage into post to try to bring back vividness. It doesn’t work but that’s why there is Bright look for stuff like that. Unlike Bright look VENICE CS can capture red colors properly.
If you want to shoot haze, mist and other soft scenes VENICE CS is a dream. If you generally want to shoot relaxing stuff VENICE CS is the one to go for. Just don’t treat it as a log footage but rather as a looks footage. HDR is bright enough and it contains highlights really good. When it comes to exposure its quite flexible so margin of error is low.

Warm/Yellow80 gain req: medium contrast: high texture: sharp grade: most-unifying offset: lowest hdr: medium
This is supposed to be opposite of Cool, at least in theory. In reality we have a huge cast of orange and brown all over the screen. It’s really strong color cast and you can only manipulate it do a certain degree. It doesn’t require high ISO, it has deep contrast, good clarity and it contains highlights in HDR. On the artistic department there is vey little you can do with this. Cast is like three times stronger sepia of Opaque look. The only use case I found is when you want to turn something into golden look. Just like how Cool is silver look Warm is supposed to be gold look. But again, to my eyes it aligns more to Opaque deeper side than actual warm/gold. Shooting some neutral-colored scenery and cooling down the temperature below 4000K might give some artistic effect. This is a very limited look to play with.
There is nothing to say about N/A and Soft Monochrome except that you should never shoot in N/A it’s just horrible and if you want BW video you at least have an option.

So conclusion, Cinema Pro besides all of its shortcomings and some are pretty serious, has few features of brilliance that were never ever seen in any camera app third-party or OEM before and most likely we will never see those features again. Sony’s biggest sin with Cinema Pro is not omission of features but rather NOT improving up on what’s already in there. They just let it rot. I guess at one moment at it’s inception Cinema Pro had a great roadmap where it should go but then new management came in and shifted focus from cinema video to photography and v-logging.
Cinema Pro is dead, long live Cinema Pro. Go ahead and make some projects with it.
submitted by super_hot_juice to SonyXperia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:39 throwaway42069069420 Desperately needing services for autistic and mentally ill adults in Kentucky when I don't qualify for anything.

23F and located in KY. Posting from a throwaway for my own safety and sanity. I'm limited exclusively to places like Bowling Green and Lexington due to being under the guardianship of my family.
I'm absolutely terrified of getting an apartment by myself out of fear of being broken into and assaulted in my sleep along with bedbug/mouse infestations. It's spiraled me into a depressive episode and the smallest things make me agitated to the point of tearing my stuff up.
I've had men at residential places do everything from catcalling me on the exercise machines to banging on the windows and opening my door at night to the point where I had to be placed near the front desk. I was sexually assaulted on public transportation while at the religious group home and treated like a dog by staff for defending myself.
Animal torture is off the charts where I'm located and I've even had my late pets threatened on a regular basis up until they passed away. Every single animal I've ever come into contact with has either been neglected, abused, or threatened in some way. I'm absolutely worried to death about new pets getting beaten up and killed if I try to get an apartment where I'm at.
All of my pets (and then some) died as a result of all the squalor that occurred within my parent's house, and I've given up on trying to get them help as APS labeled my case as "unsubstantiated" despite the house being completely overwhelmed with pests, trash, and animal waste.
I can't repeal the guardianship without pissing off my family (one of which is a social worker) and I genuinely need help with medical/finances. I've heard horrible things about state guardians in KY and would rather go back to being a self-appointed guardian.
The facility I'm staying at owes us nearly $500 in back pay and is always left unkempt with spills everywhere the eye can see, cigarette butts and spits all over the yard, no hand soap, overflowing trash in the bathrooms (soiled diapers have even been left in the floor days) and poop left all over the inside of the stalls for months after telling them to clean it up multiple times.
All my clothes are being mixed up with everyone else's and claimed by other residents. The activity director even said they've seen me wear these clothes before, so that proves that they're mine. I've tried getting help, but the only staff member who was willing to do anything about it quit, the activity director is busy with other stuff, and nobody that actually has the power to do anything really cares and gives me a hateful attitude about it.
This is a major issue as I have to travel 3-4 hours across state lines just to find anything at all in my size. Another reason it sucks is because it's always the nicest clothes I've ever had to my name and actually looks decent with my skin/hair type. It's not like these women are just going without clothes either, as their wardrobes are so overloaded that everything falls right out as soon as the staff opens them.
I constantly had my childhood bedroom broken into by female relatives all throughout my life, along with a resident at the religious group home that would burst through the door and constantly harass me minute by minute until I gave it to her. Seeing other women wear my clothes and claim them all as theirs ends up giving me flashbacks even if it doesn't really feel like the stuff we always see in movies.
The people running off with my clothes have significant mental impairments that have been left to spiral out of control, so it's obviously up to staff to keep other residents in check and make sure they're doing okay (I'm mostly there to avoid starvation and living in roach infested squalor at my parents).
We don't have DV/homeless shelters where I live as it's very rural and don't really want to enter one anyway because of everything I've already been through. I also want to keep all the belongings that I missed out on as a kid due to all the hoarding from everyone else. Some of my favorite items have an online market value of up to $150-$200 and it's way too much stress to replace everything just the way it was.
I had to leave the religious group home for a wide variety of reasons including isolation from the outside world and having my phone stolen out of the office by another resident and smashed. The only other place in the entire area houses sex offenders that actively try to assault staff along with animal neglect from residents and rampant pest infestations. The state ombudsmen we have don't really care about their jobs at all and look at all of us like we're stupid (plus they're volunteers).
All of this makes me concerned with deadbeats trying to break into my place to steal my prescription medication if I try to find an apartment where I live right now. Even if I put a padlock on everything, they'd just unscrew the hinges off the door like my relatives did to me or break right through the windows/cameras with a crowbar from someone else's scrapyard.
I feel like Bowling Green as a small college town would be a decent compromise to where it wouldn't be so nasty and unhinged all the time, but not to the point where I'd feel overwhelmed and left out from everyone else having old money and being stuck up.
I hear Lexington has a bit more to offer in regards to activities, but I'm under a financial/medical, guardianship so I have to go with whatever my family allows (even BG is a stretch since I don't have family over there). I've checked into Key Assets KY, but it feels like it's targeted specifically towards children/teens and their relationship with bio family.
I'm assuming that Bowling Green has a bit more to do around town outside of college than Murray, which is a huge plus. I hear it's within 2 hours within several major shopping districts, so it would also be somewhat easier to find clothes in my size as well along with furniture and appliances. I'm hoping that it also has decent internet that doesn't cut out every few minutes.
I've been locked up 24/7 in filth my whole life, so anything and everything about daily life would be a massive culture shock regardless of what it is. I have no soft skills whatsoever and really bad sleep issues where I don't enter REM sleep until morning (which takes me several hours to get out of bed). Needless to say, it feels like I've regressed to a child when it comes to poor budgeting and emotional outbursts that result in me tearing up my personal belongings.
I'm on all kinds of meds for anxiety and sleep, but they don't really help anymore because of everything going on. I don't know how to get set up with occupational therapy when I keep being told I don't really qualify for anything. My only other issues would be needing help switching over to different insurance to cover dental work and finding a therapist setting that's right for me.
I've looked into various posts about finding apartments in Bowling Green, but I don't know how I'm gonna afford utilities and groceries when I only make $934 a month and need state supplement just to cover rent at the place I'm staying. I would offer to get a job, but I feel like I'm not mentally stable enough to work somewhere without any form of occupational therapy services whatsoever.
I've attended therapy classes for my autism in the past and feel like I would benefit way more from day programs designed specifically for autistic adults than I ever would a regular group therapy session where I'm often scrutinized and belittled by staff. The thing is that I can't actually enroll/attend college because of all the same issues I'm going through, and the only autism services I can find in Bowling Green are just for people attending WKU.
I know there's Lifeworks, but these types of services absolutely require a Medicaid waiver for insurance purposes and nobody is willing to put me down for one (plus it's kind of an emergency at this point). I absolutely need occupational therapy in order to remain stabilized and off the streets, but if they're not willing to put me on the waiting list then chances are that I'll be turned down from occupational services as well.
I think I might have C-PTSD because of all the flashbacks and chronic anxiety, but will never be able to get formally diagnosed where I'm at due to the lack of education surrounding mental health in general.
Nobody is willing to get me reassessed for autism because I'm considered too "high functioning", and nobody is willing to evaluate me for PTSD because they don't believe in mental illness outside of classic depression/anxiety.
I would also have to travel 3-4 hours minimum and I can barely get in to see a primary care provider as it is. My family wants me to see their doctors even though they won't take me up there nor keep up with medical records.
My case manager was needing various places to call since the type of services necessary to help me function on a day to day basis absolutely require all these Medicaid waivers that I just don't qualify for due to my IQ.
Does anyone have suggestions on where to even begin?
submitted by throwaway42069069420 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:50 widowwarmer1 Cigarette vending machines to be banned in bid to stub out under-age smoking

Cigarette vending machines to be banned in bid to stub out under-age smoking submitted by widowwarmer1 to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:30 camstarrankin W: Giant Dino plans H: 13k caps or some of these plan!

W: Giant Dino plans H: 13k caps or some of these plan!
Week 3 of dino plan hunting, 4 dead ends so far 🥹
submitted by camstarrankin to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:29 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 3- Vegas Showgays Lip Sync

Chronologica struts the runway wearing a green ankle leather strapless dress, red pearls around her neck and a blue beehive wig.
Hello world!
Welcome to Drag Race.
Lupe, Mami, are you excited for the dance challenge?
“Darling, I LOVE to dance!” Lupe shakes her chest. “Woo!”
Chronologica laughs.
Floss, are you a dancer?
“God no, my category was FACE.” Floss smirks.
What about you, Rachelle?
“Damn yes. I was body, body, body…” Rachelle winks.
For our Challenge, our racers were tasked with performing their ass of as Vegas Showgays!
And on the runway, they’ll be wearing their Casino Royale Best!
It’s TIME!
Category is… Casino Royal!
Anne Dior Kashaut arrives wrapped in a suit jacket that reflects the pattern of a casino poker table, with a mini dress made out of poker chips. She wears a long, flowing blonde wig, and stomps the stage with a fire in her eyes.
“I love this take.” Lupe whispers to Rachelle.
Mrs. Vicki Anderson spins onto the main stage in a 1920s Flapper Look, wearing a headband and fringe mini dress. Dancing around the stage doing the foxtrot, Vicki kicks her feet around with a smile, excitedly moving.
Keep on dancing… poorly!
Rachelle chuckles.
Ethan Angel-Eye enters the stage wearing an Apache Beaded warrior look- with feather and fringe, as he slowly moves through the stage, his eyes transfixed on the judges. As he arrives at the end of the stage, he tears his outfit apart- revealing a boring business suit, as he stomps off the stage serving executive male.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “This is a look for my Native class traitors, men who sell their culture to become ‘The Man’. I hope you know that selling out your communities to the white men will never fulfill you like your culture does.”
Molly Moppit jumps onto the main stage in a Poker Attendant look, dressed in a suit jacket, white shirt and flared pants, she holds a bag full of poker chips that she counts as she walks through the stage. As she makes her way to the end, Molly drops her bag- picking it up as thousands of ‘MoDollars’ pour out of her pants.
“Where’s the chips…” Floss looks around suspiciously. “They’ve gone from her hand. GET HER!”
Carly Shay Jepsen arrives straight out of a James Bond film! Wearing a suit that is probably a few centimeters too small for her, Carly holds a martini glass in her hand, and pads down her massive, non-lace front wig with a smile.
Casino… Royale indeed.
Francesca La Fataliá struts out in a deep purple silk dress, her hair spun into black buns with multiple layers of gold littered throughout it. She wears a fur coat, carrying a bunch of faux ‘Euros’ as she counts her money, walking through the stage.
“She’s spending MONEY, honey.” Lupe smiles.
Twirling onto the stage, Lady Gag arrives serving her best ‘Poker Face’- with an exact recreation of Lady Gaga’s ‘Poker Face’ music video, with the glittering mask, a black jumpsuit and studded look as she stomps the main stage.
“Gaga…” Rachelle sighs.
Niagara Halls arrives in a gold lace dress, her hair serving bundle upon bundle of scarlet red hair, as she spins onto the main stage with an excited flair, touching her expensive dress with a smirk on her face, purring around.
“Category is GOLD.” Floss snaps her fingers.
Wearing a backless aubergine purple slink dress, with a diamond end to the gown, as Shayla Moon is giving her best ‘Vesper Lynd’ dress up, wearing a short black wig as she stalks through the stage, a pistol in her hand.
“This is so good!” Lupe snaps her fingers. “Perra.”
Nakomis Lotus arrives dressed an Egyptian Queen, serving Cleopatra realness with a beaded wig and a literally Pyramid- the Luxor as her dress, she floats around the main stage with a , walking like an Egyptian.
I wonder which hotel she’s at!
Lokii steps onto the runway in a boxy slot machine costume, with the slots showcasing a triple Seven! Lokii spins down the runway, revealing that “Slut Machine” has been written just above a small hole in the back of the machine.
“Cute.” Lupe smiles.
HerShe Kiss enters the stage in a massive white, red and black Elizabethan era ballgown, with bright red hair with her face painted white like she’s the literal Queen of Hearts, as she holds a card- a Queen of Hearts with the actual version of herself.
“OFF WITH RACHELLE’S HEAD!” Floss says in a british accent.
Rachelle gasps.
Shiseido Red is a vision, her look at first glance, entirely compiled gold coin- wearing a structure that is similar to a slot machine, with coins pooling out of her head, flowing down to the ‘bottom’ of the outfit. Suddenly, the handle moves down and Shiseido hits the ‘Jackpot’- with confetti bursting from her outfit.
She’s getting lucky tonight.
Hi Racers.
Before I’ve made some decisions….
Ethan, will you be using your immunity potion tonight?
“No.” Ethan stares at Chronologica.
Francesca, will you be using your immunity potion tonight?
“Not tonight, Chronologica.” Francesca nods.
Team Francesca La Fataliá.
You all…
Are safe.
The 4 nod.
You may untuck in the Bronze Lounge with Princess Papaya Cocktails.
“Bronze?!” Niagara gasps. “Just say losers!”
Chronologica laughs.
The 4 racers enter the Bronze Lounge.
Francesca La Fataliá: “To be safe isn’t concerning. I am satisfied with this. I felt confident enough- which is why I didn’t use the immunity potion.”
“Well, I kinda HATE this.” Niagara says, picking up her drink, before sitting down on the seats in a dramatic fashion, puffing her lips out.
“Girl.” Carly laughs. “What’s going on?”
Niagara bursts into tears.
Carly, Francesca and Nakomis all look deeply confused.
“I really just- I know I fucked up, and honestly, it’s just lame, and I really do want this. My titles- I don’t have many, if we’re being honest..” Niagara starts.
“Oh, this makes sense.” Nakomis nods, whispering under her breath.
“I was focused on me planning, executing and like, like, like DELIVERING, you know?” Niagara sighs. “And I wanted to lead, and I know I VOUCHED for it, like-” Niagara rolls her eyes, looking at Francesca. “Whatever.”
“I-” Francesca starts.
“I just want to prove myself.” Niagara says, more tears beginning to fall. “I’m not ugly and weird and maybe they want that after a pretty girl like Nymphe winning-”
Carly covers her mouth in an effort to stop herself from laughing.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “GIRL, she’s so fucking FUNNY!”
“But you know what? I don’t want to be ugly. I want to be pretty and I WANT this! I want it, you know?! AHH!” Niagara cries, sobbing into a pillow.
“Niagara, you need to stop with the crying.” Francesca rips the pillow away from her face. “You did a good job this week.”
“Wait, what?” Niagara says, confused as she wipes a tear with her long, blue nails.
“I do actually believe you worked hard, and led our team to a victory, of sorts. We all performed well- and your work ethic is something that surprised me. Clearly, you want this, and we can all see it. Well certainly, I do believe that.” Francesca says. “And I’m almost always right.”
Carly smiles. “Honestly, yeah, girl. You really helped out.”
“I actually do not believe myself to be a performer.” Nakomis says. “Not to reveal my weak spots!” Nakomis jokes. “But you made us come together, and put something solid.”
“I-” Niagara smiles. “Do you guys really think so?”
“Yes.” Francesca nods. “Don’t be annoying about this again.”
Niagara smiles, before transitioning into a smirk. “God, I'm such a STAR.”
The others laugh, as Francesca rolls her eyes lovingly.
You represent the tops and bottoms of the week. Starting with…
Team Ethan.
And our leader!
Ethan stands tall.
“Hello.” Ethan nods.
“I loved you.” Lupe smiles. “What a character you are!”
“I am not a character.” Ethan says gruffly. “I am me.”
“Well…” Lupe smiles awkwardly. “You performed really well. This look, darling, it had a nice message, a good idea, and I believe you worked well.”
“I do agree-” Rachelle starts. “However, you did get outshined by others, at times.”
Ethan nods.
“Why didn’t you pick the front and center role?”
“I believed i’d stand out regardless, and I had the capability to do so.” Ethan adds.
“In this case… you let others stand out- moreover, Ms Moon.” Rachelle says.
Ethan looks annoyed.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I’ve made a misstep. I am not pleased.”
HOWEVER… you did lead a team to a really solid performance. I think you should be proud of that?
Ethan nods.
“Agreed. This is still you work to get here, regardless- and that’s worth celebrating.” Rachelle adds.
And on that topic… Shayla Moon!
“WOW.” Floss smiles. “Tell me, then- you got a big role, opening the performance. Did you ask for the role?”
“Yes I did.” Shayla grins. “For me, it’s important to see big girls like us, showing we can do… the same things Miss Gag can do.”
Lady Gag eyes Shayla.
“What do you mean by US big girls?” Floss says, a glint in her eye.
The two chuckle.
“Baby, I am so happy you said that. And you did that. Because damn, you fucking KILLED IT!” Floss beams.
Shayla looks proudly.
And this look. It’s a great reference point, doing LITERAL casino royale. You should be proud of yourself. And you look hot.
“I know.” Shayla says, winking.
“Hiya.” HerShe stands elegantly.
You look gorgeous this week.
“Thank you.” HerShe smiles.
I really enjoyed the look, but on the main stage, you were the weakest of your group. You struggled in the choreo space- I don’t think you were actually BAD. You were just in a strong, strong group where everyone performed and ultimately, you were the weakest link in your group.
“I get that.” HerShe nods. “I do-” HerShe stops herself. “Nevermind.”
Shayla, Lady Gag and Ethan all look at HerShe.
Please HerShe, go ahead.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate.” HerShe says, frowning.
“Say it.” Ethan growls.
“I do believe Ethan’s dictatorial attitude limited my abilities. I asked for adjustments- he didn’t support that. It hindered me.” HerShe says.
“Let me make this clear.” Ethan steps forward. “HerShe failed on the basis of her abilities. I believe I am- and my team are collectively in the top. She was the weakest link- but collectively, we worked well. I lead a team to victory.”
HerShe looks uncomfortable.
“Lady Gag. Did I lead you well?” Ethan turns.
“I mean, yes-”
“Yes.” Ethan says. “Shayla?”
“...Yes.” Shayla says.
“Good. Moving onto Lady Gag critiques.” Ethan says, cutting forward.
Shayla Moon: “...Oh dear.”
HerShe looks as if she wants to close into herself.
Lady Gag.
“Hot.” Lady Gag smiles.
“You are very pretty.” Lupe starts. “And-”
“Thanks.” Gag flicks her hair.
“I wish you did something different, for this runway, though?” Lupe says. “To me, there was a lot more you could do… than Lady Gaga.”
“She’s wording it nicely, I won’t.” Rachelle starts. “I want to see more than Gaga. In fact, I need it. Your performance was good, I won’t lie. But I keep only seeing Gaga. I need Gag.”
“Well, Lady Gaga is Lady Gag.”
“If your brand is only another person, you won’t get far here.” Rachelle says, annoyed. “Show more, or go home.”
Lady Gag purses her lips.
Lady Gag: “Ok, bitch.”
Moving onto team…
“Me.” Molly puts her hand up.
“Die by the sword…” Shiseido whispers, tindering her breath.
Well, it was a shame to see, Molly.
Molly nods.
You not only struggled, but you lead a really poor performance, to be quite transparent.
“100%.” Molly says, nodding again.
The lack of dance skill was on show, and for me, you tried to cover it up with comedy…
“I tried, so hard.” Molly laughs.
“It wasn’t enough..” Rachelle frowns. “You have a FUN presence- but sometimes we don’t need to be funny- and kooky, and play up a shtick. I feel like- I know you have potential. But I need you to push yourself- and I see someone also being real here.”
“For sure.” Molly says. “I’m frustrated, but I want to be here.”
“Keep the fire. You don’t always have to be funny though, boo.” Floss looks at Molly. “Sometimes you need to just… SERVE.” Floss snaps her fingers.
“Will do just for you mama.” Molly blows a kiss.
“Hello, judges!” Anne smiles.
“First, wow- you’re gorgeous, baby!” Lupe cheers.
“Oh, Lupe- Eres una inspiración, una luz, un faro de arrastre. Gracias.” Anne says with a bright smile.
“Oh…” Lupe blushes. “Thank you. You did lovely.”
“The Spanish was off.” Shayla whispers to Lokii.
“It was charming- you were a clear highlight in the group, and yes- it is a more literal take on the runway, but wow, did you deliver it!” Lupe looks excited. “Your drag is exciting. Keep shining.”
“I plan to!” Anne grins with an excessive smile.
Shiseido looks on with pride.
“First of all, this look-” Rachelle shakes her head. “Insane levels of artistry.”
“Thank you. Not everyone can say they can do this.” Shiseido purses her lips.
“You have showcased something insane. This look is next level.” Rachelle says, looking at the outfit. “However… your dance performance was beyond poor.”
Shiseido looks at Rachelle.
“We’re not all spring chickens, and that’s okay- I see experience in your drag, clearly with your looks. But you were not good at all this week. Really- the dance was on show, and it wasn’t good. You actually looked in your head.”
“Mhm.” Shiseido says, looking displeased.
“I wanted to see so much more. But what I got- it was not great.” Rachelle sighs. “And an older queen can deliver. You don't need to move wildly. But it’s about clean, effective movements. That’s what it is.”
“Okay.” Shiseido responds.
Molly Moppit: “Red is pissed, you can tell. She’s mean mugging these judges.”
Shiseido looks straight ahead.
“Hi.” Lokii waves.
You failed to stand out. And for others here, I’ll say that’s a bad thing.
“Mhm.” Lokii nods.
But in this group, you were lucky. Because you fumbled somehow into the role of 4th worst. Or second best.
“Okay!” Lokii chuckles.
“You are cute.” Floss notes. “But, babe- I want a bit more than that. I want to be like- “Damn, yes that is the LOKII brand.” Floss looks at Lokii. “I do not know that yet.”
“Thank you.” Lokii says.
Shayla Moon: “I see Lokii is quite similar to me. But there’s a lack of confidence- experience? That’s a shame, because I think she’s cool!”
Finally, Ms Vicki A.
Vicki curtseys.
“Now, you did fail to stand out, Vicki- and then you did.” Rachelle raises an eyebrow. “You almost tripped.”
“I did, ahh!” Vicki gulps.
“I noticed.” Rachelle says, shaking her head. “Thus far, I am wanting a bit more from you. You’re cute, but I want what makes you stand out. What makes you different, Vicki?”
“I’m here to make the people smile, perform and lead with my heart.” Vicki grins.
“Okay.” Rachelle nods, holding up her notes looking slightly displeased.
Thank you, racers. Whilst we deliberate, you may untuck backstage in the Fae Lounge. Sponsored by Princess Papaya Glitter Blueberry Drinks.
The racers enter the Fae Lounge.
“WELL!” Molly yells, walking into the werkroom.
Molly Moppit: “I know the score. I heard the critiques. This is the way it goes. I fumbled the ball, and now I need to prepare.”
“As much as I’d love the screentime, I’m not talking to any of you, I’m going to go prepare for the lip sync, byeeeeeeee!” Molly utters, walking over to the mirrors.
“Oh.” HerShe nods. “Okay.”
HerShe Kiss: “I actually admire Molly. As a leader, she owned her faults. And now, no bullshit- she’s learning her words.”
The top and bottom racers all sit down, bar Molly, no one uttering a further word.
“…So, how does everyone feel?” Vicki says, trying to cut the tension. “I don’t feel amazing!”
“I don’t feel good, obviously, Vicki.” Shisedo starts. “If you can’t read the damned room. I don’t think much of us are.”
“I actually feel great.” Shayla laughs, trying to cut the tension.
“Same.” Lady Gag smirks, turning to Anne. “You also ate girl.”
“I know.” Anne smiles. “I am predicting the win.”
Shayla makes a face.
Shayla Moon: “I am not someone who believes themselves to be mean, by nature. I don’t like mean. But really, is Anne, with her generic drag and middle of the road performance, really expecting the win?” Shayla looks into the camera. “Oh my, cut that out, I sounded like a BITCH!”
“You’d deserve it, girl. You’re hot.” Gag smile.s
“I know.” Anne nods. “And honestly, the-“
“Can you both shut the fuck up?” Ethan says, annoyed.
“Who pissed in his suit?” Gag asks.
HerShe puts her hand up. “Ethan, if you-“
“HerShe, this isn’t about you. Calm down.” Ethan responds, not giving HerShe a chance to speak.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I am damn frustrated at myself. I let Shayla outshine me. And that is what I am annoyed about.”
“I just don’t like any of this.” Shiseido shrugs. “And Molly, our leader is there, instead of apologizing for something I believe she should be, leading this team to failure-“
Shayla Moon: “I don’t get it. Molly DID own up to it. She’s now there, learning her words. Why are you complaining, Shiseido? Why aren’t YOU earning up to your own behavior?”
“It’s just ridiculous. It’s-”
Suddenly, the safe Queens enter the werkroom, as Carly cheers, holding a tray of lasagna. “What’s crackin?! Who wants MEAT?”
“….What is going on.” Shiseido raises her hands in disbelief.
“Whatever.” Shiseido stomps off, walking without a word. “I need a cigarette.”
“Let her sulk, like a child.” Anne says, before turning to whisper in Gag’s ear. “Honestly, I think Niagara has a good work ethic. She sews. Perhaps she can help us out in future? Maybe we can be friends with her? Or…” Anne says sarcastically. “Frieeeends…”
“Niagara BABE! Come sit with us!” Lady Gag waves Niagara over, as Niagara looks surprised.
Francesca raises her eyebrow as Niagara excitedly walks over.
“Is no one going to go say something…?” Carly points to the exit.
“She’s an adult.” Ethan responds.
“I don’t think I’d be any use…” Vicki frowns.
“I also need a cigarette, I’m Italian-“ Francesca says, looking at the camera. “Can I order an espresso?”
“Bitch, I’d love a coffee!!” Molly yells from the other side of the room.
Suddenly, a pit crew member walks in with a plate of deliciously appetizing Princess Papaya Espresso-Caffeinated Cocktails to Francesca’s disgust.
The racers start dividing into little groups to chat. Lady Gag, Niagara and Anne chat near the drinks.
“So, Niagara, girl.” Lady Gag smiles. “Like, you did really well.”
“I thought you’d win, actually.” Anne nods. “You lead your team like a true queen...”
“Oh…” Niagara says, surprised. “Gag, girl- like thank you, I didn’t expect this from you after week one, bitch. So to see the compliments from you-“
‘It’s SO deserved.” Anne smiles.
“I heard you sewed your own look this week too?” Lady Gag asks inquisitively.
“I did.” Niagara nods. “I do ALL my own looks, actually.” Niagara stops herself. “I thought I said that week one on stage?”
“I must’ve not been listening.” Lady Gag smiles. “But like, I’d love some tips. Maybe you could help us out?”
“You’re one of the girls.” Anne nods. “Like, one of us- the pretty dolls.”
Niagara Halls gasps. “I didn’t realize you were trans!”
“…Oh, I’m not.” Anne says.
Niagara nods in confusion.
“We can make the A.E. Girls look like weak losers if we band together.” Anne smirks. “I think.”
“…Oh, 100%.” Lady Gag leans into her seat with a smirk.
“…Werk.” Niagara nods.
Niagara Halls: “I want this WIN. And now, the opportunity to have allies? Of COURSE I’ll take it.”

“Please, dig into the Lasagna. I baked it myself.” Carly says to HerShe and Vicki, as Nakomis laughs.
“You can bake lasagna?” Nakomis utters under her breath in confusion.
“Oh, I can’t.” HerShe says with apprehension. “Too many carbs…”
“Fuck those carbs.” Carly laughs.
HerShe shakes her head.
“Now, HerShe- I must ask, are you okay?” Vicki frowns. “I know Ethan went quite tough on you..”
“Wait, what happened?” Carly asks, looking at the others.
“Did I miss a drag race herstory moment?” Nakomis frowns. “Nooooo!”
“It was just- I was trying to be open, and honest on the main stage. Ethan attacked me, verbally. At least it felt that way.” HerShe sighs. “But, I’ve heard worse. I must go forward. I must move forward.”
The others nod.
“What about you, Vicki?” HerShe asks. “I know the critiques were rough…”
“I love my drag.” Vicki smiles. “I love what I do. I love this art form. And if we struggle, that’s okay! I am still proud of myself.”
“That’s so sweet.” Nakomis looks at Vicki.
“Leading with light, always.” Vicki nods.
“I honestly do think, they’re not missing a chance for that Shisedo versus Molly Beef. You can cut that tension with a butter knife. You’ll be fine, girl.” HerShe says.
“I hope so.” Vicki nods.
HerShe Kiss: “Vicki feels like one of the REAL lights here. She’s just sweet. I want so much for her. She’s like… the one source of LIGHT here. She deserves the best.”

“You okay?” Shayla walks over to Molly, her hand on her shoulder.
“I’m okay.” Molly nods, before letting in a deep sigh. “I really do take this seriously.”
“I didn’t say youdon’t.” Shayla says.
“Like, sometimes, I get it, I’m fun- but this is my livelihood. I want this.” Molly looks at Shayla. “I need this, really.”
“You’ve got the words- give your all.” Shayla smiles. “That is all you can do.”
Molly Moppit: “I can feel myself being judged by some of these more “serious” entertainers, whatever that means, but I can’t let them dim my light. Never have, never will. I feel a fire to prove them bucktoothed clowns wrong- and even prove the judges when it comes to my performance skills! The Molly Moppit way, duh!”

Shiseido lights a cigarette, as Francesca walks outside.
“I’m not in the mood.” Shiseido says, not looking at her.
“I’m not here for you, I’m here for me.” Francesca lights her own cigarette.

The two inhale and exhale without uttering another word.

“Screw this.” Shiseido throws her cigarette.
“You’re scared.” Francesca finishes her cigarette.
“Damn right, I’m scared.” Shiseido snaps. “I’m double the age most of these bitches are-”
“Not an excuse.” Francesca responds. “As am I. I ate HerShe alive last week.”
“I wasn’t there, I wouldn’t know.” Shiseido responds, taking out another cigarette.
“Fags.” Francesca looks ahead.
“What?!” Shiseido turns to Francesca.
“Can I have one of your fags, idiot.” Francesca responds, her face giving a cheeky grin..
Shiseido rolls her eyes, before giving a half smirk, handing Francesca.
Shiseido Red: “She isn’t even british… what the fuck?”
“I don’t even know the words this week.” Shiseido says. “At all.”
“Well, how about you-”
“MAIN STAGE, RACERS!” A producer yells.
Francesca looks at Shiseido. “....Oh dear.”
Shiseido sighs sadly. “Time to face my fate.”
Welcome back, racers, I’ve made some decisions.
Shayla smiles.
This week, you danced your ass off, and Vegas is yours for the taking.
Condragulations, you are the winner of this week’s challenge.
“Ahhh!” Shayla cheers, as does most of the others.
Shayla Moon: “My first win! I promise this- it’s not my last.” Shayla winks.
Ethan readjusts himself, clearly bothered.
“Girl, I’m gagged it wasn’t you…” Anne whispers, leaning over to Lady Gag who nods.
Team Ethan, well done, you are safe.
Lady Gag: “I am fierce, mama. I am proud of myself, and that is what matters.”

You are safe.
Lokii sighs in relief.
Lokii: “That was not a fun feeling.” Lokii exhales. “Okay, I’ve survived..”
Vicki, this week, you failed to stand out. Until you did, for the wrong reasons.
Molly, this week, you lead a team… to failure.
I’m sorry my dear, you are up for elimination.
Molly nods.
Shiseido, we want a LOT more than visuals. And this week, you bombed, HARD.

You are SAFE.
Everyone gasps, looking surprised, including Shiseido herself.
“Thank you judges.” Shiseido hurries off.
That means Mrs Vicki Anderson and Molly Moppit, I’m sorry my dears, but you are up for elimination.
The time has come… for you to lip sync to your life!
**I Should Be So Lucky by Kylie Minogue starts to play**\_TvpBwSZDM
Good luck… and don’t fuck it up!
Molly Moppit: “Well, I didn’t expect to be here so quick! But, I’m a fighter, and a hustler. I’m not going down. I’m sorry Vicki, but I’m taking this lip sync win.”
Mrs. Vicki Anderson: “I am not a dancer, but I’m an entertainer at heart and I will be giving my best. A smile on my face, a groove in my heart- let’s tango!”
Next Time!
Racers, this week, you’ll be designing your own Dungeons and Drag characters- and a fierce main stage look!
“Niaaaagarraaa…” Lady Gag smiles. “Can you help?”
“I’m not helping you, Carly.” Francesca looks at an upset Carly with a stern glaze.
“AHHHHHH!” Carly yells. “I’ve stabbed myself!”
So, HerShe, can you make your own looks?
HerShe begins to sweat.
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:44 AlienNationSSB Alien-Nation Chapter 203: Mission Accomplished

Alien-Nation Chapter 203: Mission Accomplished

All Chapters of Alien-Nation
First Chapter of Alien-Nation Previous Chapter [Next]

Chapter Summary:

Amilita and Morsh square off in the hallway. Elias gets comforted by Natalie

No Visitors

The bodyguard slammed the door to the room shut in the stunned nurse's face, and heard heavyset footsteps approaching fast. "Amilita," she greeted the officer, already knowing who it was before she'd even turned to look.
"Is he awake?" She asked as a greeting, pulling up just short.
"He is," Morsh said shortly.
"I need to see him."
The bodyguard just raised an eyebrow. "What, now? You're kidding me, right?"
Amilita looked pained, before finally confessing. "I need to tell him I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you can wait."
Amilita shuffled from foot to foot uneasily, like a mountain trembling from an earthquake deep underneath. There was a lot of pent up emotion threatening to come spilling down from the top. "I let him down."
"You can say that all you want to him when he's calmed down in there." If that was meant to defuse Amilita, it failed, for the Giantess's shuffling only grew quicker and on an uneven keel. "General, you're acting far too agitated."
"I am agitated," she confessed, though without backing off even an inch.
"You're in a Marine Officer's uniform. What was the last person he saw in one of those doing to him? Do you want him to associate you with that?" Morsh finally let the old family friend have a clue as to why she wouldn't be seeing Elias, beyond Nataliska's quite clear orders.
"No, I-" Amilita came up short, her shuffling thrown off as she was rocked by the realization, breaking whatever the officer had quietly been building herself up to saying.
"I get it. You want him to associate the uniform with you as opposed to Goshen, before the memory sets into scar tissue. That's it, isn't it?"
She managed a quiet 'yes.'
"Then wait for him to calm down." Noticing that Amilita seemed to get agitated at the confirmation that Elias was not calm, Morsh decided she may have misunderstood just how much Amilita cared. "Boys can panic. You have to ease them back into being normal, just like how you don't just dump veterans back into civilian life, right? They're doing peace and wind-down rotations on Mars and Venus, I hear." There, that would be familiar ground, and sure enough Amilita nodded thoughtfully.
"Titan, Luna, and Europa, too," the officer confirmed. "It's for them to unwind, slowly forget whatever they went through on Earth, and start receiving good news from Earth. It makes them feel like..."
"Like their service mattered, that it wasn't just a waste of time watching the planet slowly turn red, I get it," Morsh finished for her. "Ya probably feed them the same news that goes out-system, helps the stories line up with the official narrative. They feel like things must have started going better once they rotated out, and then you slip in that they helped turn the tide, give them a medal, and ship them off somewhere else, with a reminder that what happens on Earth is all 'classified', except the good parts. Bet I've got that right, too, huh?"
Amilita must have lost a lot of money on the games soldiers played when phasing between systems. "I haven't really been involved with it or the decision-making on rotating troops out of the system, so I can't really comment."
"Alright, I'm not pressing. I gotta ask, though: Is what's going on in there with him and Nataliska really making you more nervous than everything else going on in your state? With all the Governesses and the generals-"
"They each govern a few million, and each has their own responsibilities that they can leave me out of. Anything to do with me has already been seen to by my office and orders. At this point I've done all I can, except let them yell at me again for something that I never ordered. So yes, frankly, Elias is more important. Even leaving aside my own feelings, we need him. So please, Morsh, I need you to step aside."
Morsh had been nodding along before that last part. She drew in a breath and finally squared off to face Amilita head-on and stared her in the eyes.* So it is going to be like this, is it?*
"Yeah, I'm not letting you near him."
"What?" Amilita seemed to finally have an outlet for all her pent up frustration and anger. As much as Morsh felt she could handle herself, getting into a fist fight with an Officer and an old family friend in a hospital hallway wasn't exactly smart, even if it would probably help both of them feel better afterward.
"The boy's been a pawn for a long time, Amilita, and let me tell you from experience, he doesn't like it. Tends to lash out when cornered," she tapped her forearm, where he'd surprised her with the knife. "Seriously. He didn't take it well when he found out about himself on the datanet, either. Pretty sure he and Nataliska had a little falling out over that, you know. Young love, ups and downs," she chuckled. "She came back after dropping him off and barely came out of her room, whatever he said musta been pretty harsh. He got over it, but I'm pretty sure he blames us for it."
"He should. And you have him in there, with the person he blames for making him a public figure, after you just mentioned he hates it? You have him cornered, and say that leads to bad things? Aren't you the girl's bodyguard?"
Morsh knew better than to take the bait and mention how he was in no shape to fight. Amilita would then claim to be a concerned mother-figure and charge in.
"What, like you didn't play a part in making him famous?" Morsh poked a finger right into Amilita's chest. "I hear he asked you to make sure there was no media at the award ceremony. Instead, there're pictures everywhere of us leaving, practically carrying a sick Nataliska to the car at the event that's supposed to help introduce her to the galaxy. Nive's pretty upset about that. Now, if there's any more shouting, I'll pull Nataliska out of there myself and then you can try explaining what happened."
"Thank you." Her voice carried anything but gratitude, and Amilita seemed ready to press her case the moment any noise went off, and it all rubbed Morsh the wrong way.
"Yeah, you'll get to go on about how everything that happened to him doesn't mean anything or reflect on you, and how you're totally blameless about what your subordinate did. Maybe even promise to find some way to make it all up to him. I dunno, what's above a Service Moon Medal?"
Her words seemed to finally set something off in the Officer, and she stepped up into Morsh's face, who didn't even flinch. "I did what I did out of both a sense of caring and duty!" She snarled. "Your family pushed for a punishment for that private when the boy was hurt, and then Nataliska used that favor he owed for her petition to get him to sell perfumes with her. I only followed through because you were right- one of our own had stepped out of line. When your daughter got rescued by him later, I repaid that favor to you by elevating the award." She finally took a half-step back, as if she realized the words that slipped past her tusks before starting again, this time a bit calmer. "If you say I'm just using him, I want you to bear in mind that while I have been put in a very difficult position and have done my best to do the right thing, your family has only used him to advance yourselves." She finally seemed to finish venting her anger, before turning to frustration. "Do you know how hard it has been to respect his wishes for privacy against needing to provide him security?"
Morsh stared, unimpressed. She'd faced knives that arced closer to her face than Amilita was now pressing hers.
"What's your point?"
"That we both have to accept some blame for Elias's status."
"Fair point," Morsh granted the old family friend a little slack and decided not to rub it in Amilita's face that she'd just made her original point for her. Amilita was definitely being run too ragged. "I'm still not letting you in there, especially with that uniform on. Not until Nataliska and him both say it's okay. I know you wanna charge in there and tell him you had nothing to do with what happened to him. Maybe your heart's even in the right place. But I know she's the one he wants to see right now. Maybe it's a bit storybook-ish, but all her work that went into finding the boy and saving his life oughta count for something in gratitude and him being happy to see her." There weren't any screams or things being smashed against the wall or door, so Morsh figured things between the two had to be going at least somewhat well.
"I went in there and beat his kidnapper senseless! If I'd been even a minute later..." her words sounded tough, but the true fight had already gone out of Amilita. Now she was just being stubborn.
"Something I'm sure she'll explain," Morsh waved a hand. "He wasn't awake for any of that, though, and I've still got my orders to guard this door, and not let anyone through. Clear?"
The giant woman instead changed her angle of approach. "Will the two of them be okay in there?" She was the picture of motherly concern over a son's virtue when left in a room with a girl, and it was enough to make Morsh forget her forbidden desire for a cigarette.
"Oh for Empress's sake, I'm not gonna stand here and touch-tits with you and spend time arguing over whether mine are bigger and which of us cares more about a boy. That's some real schoolgirl stuff. You're angry that this happened, and I get that. You want to protect him, especially now that his luck ran out. That's good and all, but you have a lot of important things you're neglecting by even being here."
"What?" Amilita seemed unsure, and Morsh felt a sudden, almost nostalgic exasperation she thought she'd left behind. Stubborn officers sometimes had to be dragged to see what was right in front of her.
"Look, it's been a while since my time serving on the front, and even longer since I helped put down an insurrection, but a leader disappearing after she's ordered everyone on both sides to lay down arms for a ceasefire tends to get the enemy's backs up. They start expecting a double-cross. So go on back out there, and be seen doing your part. We'll do ours here. You want to show you really care? Make sure he has a home worth going back to, one that hasn't burned itself down thinking you're plotting some way to kick off another mass-arrest of suspects."
Amilita started to say something else before deciding better of it, and finally straightened. "You'll tell him, right? That I was there. That I helped. And that I- that I'm sorry."
Morsh gave a slight, sympathetic smile. "Yeah. Look, the Raktens are sorry, you're sorry. Everyone's sorry, except me, and yet you were ready to pick a fight with me. You know what I think? I think the part he'll need to hear is that when it mattered, you dropped everything and came running. And I'll make sure he gets that."
Amilita let go at last of whatever kept her here, and deflated.
"Thank you."
"We can talk about everything later."
"Let me know if he decides to take some visitors before I finish wrapping up the things I started doing here?"
"Of course," Morsh smiled, and then watched Amilita turn on her heel and march back down the hall.
Morsh flexed her hand, and imagined with regret what Amilita's next words to her would probably be, and what she'd almost certainly be asked to do between then and now.

Mission Accomplished

"Hey, hey..." Natalie was speaking as if to a frightened, wounded animal, which he might as well have been. Humans supposedly awoke in a rather confused stupor. Certainly, he had when he'd fallen asleep in her room in what now felt like years ago. "Elias?"
"Natalie?" He asked again, voice raw. "Is that you? Is this real?"
Natalie hesitated. She should project a calm confidence, right? Not ask exactly what he meant. "Yes, I'm real."
His eyes narrowed, as if she'd failed some sort of test, and his whole body tensed, and then shivered and quaked. "Prove it." He sounded frightened. Cornered.
She reached down to her bag, and slowly opened it, revealing the bloody shirt- and then held a finger to her lips., a human gesture for a secret, then added a wink for good measure, then stuffing it back down into the bag with one hand, making a show of crossing her fingers with the other. Some of the nuance might have been lost, but he seemed to understand the meaning of her gestures just the same, even as his stare went a little unfocused. "That could be a few things. My imagination playing tricks on me. Them using the machine to...I don't know, scrape away at my mind, so it fills in what I want to see, what I want to hear."
"If you could imagine anywhere in the galaxy, why would you want to see here?" She broke eye contact, and then looked up at the blue light tube and plastic flooring. "It's pretty...uh..." 'primitive' or 'inhospitable' didn't do it justice, and she wondered how a word 'hospitable' shared anything with this place. She wondered how 'hospitable' came from hospitals, if these places were so unwelcoming to guests. The ill-fitted clothing he was dressed in was like wax paper, the bedsheet equally thin, and the staff were decidedly rude, even to noblewomen.
"Perhaps, I am being shown here because I expect to be here."
"You think you're imagining everything? Would you expect to see me here, too?" It had been the longest they'd gone without seeing each other all year.
He shook his head slowly, then closed his eyes, bracing himself as if for some invisible blow. His jaw was set and he spoke without looking at her. "I don't know? Maybe wishful thinking. Or someone's given me someone pleasant I'll talk to and confess everything to." He shivered and shook. "And if you are real, you'd know things. And if you're some sort of mirage, a stand in for some horror invading my mind, then you probably also know or at least I'd hear you say the things I'd expect to hear, so-"
"We don't have to talk about anything right now," she had to keep him from being swallowed by his own paranoia.
Elias didn't quite answer her, instead giving a silent, slow nod almost as if resigned to whatever fate she had in mind for him, though she didn't miss the way his gaze flitted over her shoulder and to the door again. Can't take my eyes off you for even a moment, can I?
The two rose together and she patted on the top of the thin mattress for him to sit. He slowly set his hips against its edge, hands down as if ready to push off from it and take his odds trying to run.
"Assuming you're really here, now what?" His voice shook before he swallowed before wincing, as if the action was painful. He still tried to put on a brave face.
"Uh, well, I guess...I don't know?"
"Why are you here?" For a moment he seemed almost as if he wanted to say more, but for once he held his tongue, though she could tell it strained him.
His tone was so far from the at-least-initial gratitude she had subconsciously hyped herself up to expect that she was taken completely aback.
Because I love you, you idiot sprang to mind. Instead of saying that though, she blinked and reconsidered if she'd done something wrong.
Of course, Elias couldn't know about all the things she'd done to find him, though he'd be furious if he did. She'd gone into his room alone, dug around his most prized things, and worst of all tracked his omni-pad after swearing to him she never would. All self-justifications aside about how it wasn't hard to imagine what would have happened to him if she hadn't done all that, he had no way of knowing those things. Then what is with his hostile tone?
There was no joy, just a wariness. Then again, I suppose the last I saw him, I ran away. She'd forgotten that, somehow, he might not expect their next meeting to be anything but with him in custody.
"It's okay," she tried. "Everything's going to be fine." There. That had to be a little reassuring, at least, and true. She could protect him now that they were together again.
Slowly, she turned and tried to embrace him. He tensed up when she reached out, and her hands worked their way around his head, pulling him closer. He seemed like he was on the verge of pushing her off of him until he came to rest on her shoulder. At last, he accepted as neglected fingernails explored and worked their way through his dirt-flecked hair. The response was sudden and a little sad, when he started letting out little breaths that hitched and then took a shaky breath back in. Slowly, he relaxed and settled more weight onto the edge of the bed, and leaned in just a bit more into her.
There weren't words for the validation that the young noblewoman hadn't made some grand mistake, and been played for a fool by an alien mastermind's impossibly manipulative and scheming plot.
Natalie couldn't tell how long it took before his breathing finally started coming easier, but when it at last did she pulled back and tried to get some measure of how awake and alert her alien boyfriend was. She noted first just how tired he looked. Still, from under those ringed eyes, wary green eyes searched hers back. If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you, she'd heard him say once. Whatever Elias saw in hers, he didn't even try to object when she lowered her hand to his shoulder and gently urged him to lie on the semi-reclined bed.
From where she stood over him, he looked so small. The bed was *much *broader than he was, like it was built for a shil'vati. He seemed so small and vulnerable, with his slender frame, damaged with bruises, scrapes, and bits of smudged-in mud half-hidden by the paper-thin outfit he wore. He was the picture of helplessness, set against an enormous plain-white and sterile canvas without so much as a bed sheet or blanket to hide under.
"Natalie?" He finally broke the silence, voice a vulnerable tremor. "It's really you, right?"
"Of course it is," she cooed. "There, I've got you." He seemed to tense up, until she added: "No one's going to hurt you. Morsh is guarding the door, so let's just take a minute. The rest of the world can wait."
Something seemed to get through to him that he wasn't going to be pressed for information or interrogated further, and at last he seemed to relax a bit, though not completely. "No listening devices?"
"None," Natalie promised. "Amilita didn't even finish setting up her own little temporary office by the time we showed up. We were right behind the ambulance."
With her free hand she rearranged his hair back to the lazy, windswept look he usually wore after hopping off his bicycle and then backed off. He didn't look okay, though, not at all. He just looked distressed, lost, and tired. 
Right then, he needed her to be calm and unflustered, and so she resolved she would be.
"Shhh," she tried, before wondering if this counted as 'silencing a victim.' Too late to take the sentiment back, though. She stretched to reach down to the floor, pulling the bedsheet up onto the bed and over his shins. "It's alright," she reassured herself as much as him, ignoring the way her heart pounded in her chest. "You don't have to talk or say anything right now," she reassured him. "Just focus on getting better, okay?" She could do her part on focusing on his health by not relishing the warmth under her fingertips when he shuffled around slightly from where she was touching. What a strange temptation- a shoulder was hardly anything to be excited about. It wasn't a chest, or a thigh, or the taper of a man's narrow hips, and yet...she forced her mind back to the business of caring for him. "There," she tried. "Is this okay?"
He just nodded and yawned so wide it stretched his odd pink lips, but he clearly wasn't quite ready to 'throw in the towel' on staying awake just yet, not even as the circles under his eyes deepened. Instead he laboriously managed to push himself up just slightly. "What did they do to me?" He finally asked, and Natalie forced herself to not make any kind of motion to put him back to where he'd just been so nicely settled just a moment ago. Besides, she had to answer him, as it certainly seemed important.
"Nothing bad, I promise. Amilita's given me the only medical record they have of your visit here. So far, they assessed you with a...well, it's a 'doc bot' like the Nurse at Talay had, and when Amilita had you healed up like, a year ago when you got hit by that private. Uh..." she tried to remember the details. "Oh, there were some fancy words for bruising and scrapes, but not much else." It had been a humbling reminder that her grasp of English was far from perfect. "Oh, and they put you under to keep you from attacking the ambulance technicians."
Green eyes searched hers warily. "No mind wiper?"
"No mind wiper," she confirmed, trying her best to sound earnest. "I'd never let that happen."
Whatever tension was animating him at last seemed to snap and start some sort of shutdown sequence. His energy was failing, and he yawned again, settling down into the bed, and glancing at the now vacant half of where he lay before meeting her eyes, gaze full of unspoken meaning.
She sucked in a breath and did what her heart told her was right.
She kicked off her white human shoes without untying the complicated knot she'd mastered only a few months ago, and heard their rubber-like bottoms land with a 'flop' against the strange shiny floor. With a deep breath the girl from half a galaxy away slowly brought one leg over the hospital bed's high steel-tube railing, balancing on a shaky tiptoe and hesitating. She had to test if the wide bed would suddenly roll away on her. Natalie had seen technicians guiding patients down the wide, winding corridors by the same plastic handle she was holding to balance herself, and was glad when she didn't accidentally engage some kind of control panel button and send both herself and Elias crashing through the far wall and into the hallway.
What a nightmare of an explanation that would be...
Relieved that there was no sudden disaster, she refocused her attention on the boy she'd basically pushed into bed and then climbed in after, hoping to hold him. Her face was close, she realized, and he was staring at her in confusion. His green eyes kept flicking back and forth between meeting her gaze and trying to guess her intentions by her expression. She hadn't meant to- imply– hadn't he meant-?
If her heart was pounding before, now the rush of blood in her ears was going to make her dizzy.
Natalie propped herself up on an elbow and away from his face, looking down from where her black tee shirt ended against faint purple skin, and contrasted against his alien hues. He similarly got up on one elbow.
Feeling she should make her intentions plain, she slowly slid one arm through the gap, inviting him to lie in her arms so she could hold him the way he'd held her, back when she was so sick.
She experimentally wrapped one hand over his far shoulder until she rested against him in a way that felt protective, though she worried it might also be a bit possessive. At least he can't take off on me again- though that thought lasted only a half second until he decided to start shuffling around. 
Natalie backed off, worried she'd taken things way too far until he grabbed hold of her and pulled himself in close, stopping just short of kissing her. She froze up, completely unsure of what to do, even as his arm curled around. She was supposed to be holding him- and instead, now he was holding her! Except her arm was now pinned between his arm, the bed, and his back.
She had to admit the moment was still nice, even intimate for all of a second before a painful throbbing started from where her arm had its blood flow choked off at the . She wasn't sure what to do about it. She tried tugging her arm free but his torso was surprisingly solid and had her pinned. She finally gave up, resting her head on his shoulder.
The Shil'vati girl lifted a knee to carry the sheets that she'd managed to halfway slip under, using a foot until the fabric met with her free hand. She pulled the soft fabric up and over his paper shirt, tucking it over his shoulder. There, that was better- and she pitied how cold he must be, even if he was radiating warmth.
She was close to his chest, she realized, and a long ear pressed against his shoulder could still make out his own heartbeat. This wasn't comfortable, though, and her arm began to grow sore. How could she tell him that she was when all of this was her own doing? It wasn't natural. She was supposed to be holding him, after all!
Natalie was just about to beg him to sit up, when he unknowingly showed mercy by tossing and turning a bit, perhaps not finding the position comfortable either. Either way her numb hand was freed for just a blissful moment.
Then his hand moved from where he'd left it to around her upper back, pulling himself up against her neck. This was her opportunity! She tried to find a spot to quickly hold him, something that felt natural, only to immediately draw a blank. What was natural, exactly? She'd never held anyone! Still by just the comfort of the proximity, she felt a warmth travel up her body fuse with where he was pressed into her, and she quickly felt herself flushing blue. She kept her mind focused on helping him- what was a good position? Everything about this was awkward!
She could only hope it wasn't too obvious she had never done anything like this before and couldn't find a comfortable spot to put her arm to where it ran behind his back. None of this was going the way she'd imagined. Perhaps it was the stupid design of the bed- there was no depression for her arm to sneak under and wrap itself around him. An obvious design oversight, really.
Has anyone ever been so bad at this? It's supposed to come naturally! She could hardly imagine the humiliation at even asking the DataNet: 'How do I do the most natural thing a girl is supposed to be able to do: Comforting a hurt boy? Am I too weak to even snuggle correctly?'
Natalie decided instead to shuffle higher on the bed, and when he stirred, she pulled his head into the crook of her neck, holding down the sigh of relief as sensation and blood flowed back into her freed arm. Sure, it was trapped between their bodies, but at least it wasn't choked off from blood flow anymore. She thought about trying to find something to do with it before giving up after several agonizingly amateurish attempts.
All her fears of failure slowly faded as his breathing grew deeper and steadier, and he relaxed into her.
The sensation of closeness sent warm tingles up from the base of her spine that turned to shocks when his thumb hooked and slowly ran over the back of the hand she'd given up on doing anything with. She struggled to stay still as he repeated the motion, again and again. She had to give reassurance and hide any hint of shameful excitement at being welcome to stay by his side. She could have jumped for joy if it didn't mean interrupting the moment, but she'd need something to work the nervous energy off.
At last an idea came, and she started to rock him, trying to remember the cadence he'd used back when she was sick in bed. Back and forth, back and forth. She worried she had gotten either it or the angle wrong, because he soon gave her a squeeze around the middle, holding her tight.
She traced her nails experimentally down the back of his neck, and was greeted with a sound that set every nerve on fire when he gasped, and felt him sink into her shoulder just a little more, his hot breath deepening and slowing, until he clenched her back, and his arm released her.
He didn't quite scream, nor did he try to push away the way she feared he might. Instead, he had gone quite still.
"Like that?" She asked softly.
He just nodded, the pressure not at all unpleasant. "'M sorry," he mumbled. "It feels..." he didn't have the word for it, apparently, because he trailed off. "nice. Relaxing..."
She gently ran her long, paint-chipped nails back over the same spot, and she felt the sigh of warm breath against her neck.
Minutes passed, and she quietly whispered his name, slowing down her gentle rocking.
No response aside from his head slowly rubbing against her shoulder, and she smiled to herself.
He was fast asleep in her arms.
She'd done it.
Mission accomplished. She'd rescued the boy, she'd comforted him when he woke up, and now he was fast asleep in her arms, recovering.
Everything would be okay.
All Chapters of Alien-Nation
First Chapter of Alien-Nation Previous Chapter [Next]
This seemed like a good place to pause the chapter due to it being ~30k in length out of the max of 40k that reddit allows, and the chapter being just plain too long. The next chunks are mostly ready. The new job starts roughly in the next week or two, when my paperwork goes through, and I'm sick, all of which has left me with lots of free time.
Archive Of Our Own/"AO3" contains the latest version of Alien-Nation with a lot of added scenes, flow improvements, and so on. (You can also download the story as an ePub for reading on your personal device, if you feel like doing so, though I recommend waiting until Book One is truly finished.)
Link to Archive Version here:
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2024.05.30 10:08 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: Parabellum

Monarch D'vinn Aleostross sat at the head of his banquet table, staring down at the golden tableware in his clawed hands. His manicured talons easily scratch the soft metal as he considers putting them to the slab of rare meat on his plate. But he found his normally voracious appetite lacking, setting the tableware down on either side of his plate, he glanced to one of his servants and softly gestured at the plate.
"Are you hungry?"
The grey-haired man D'vinn called Kar'yol gently removed his glasses, polishing them on his black suit before shaking his head.
"I had a large breakfast, Monarch, and my appetite is incomparable to yours."
D'vinn nodded and sighed, gently patting the head of the small servant girl he called Na'va, who quietly played with a small trinket her aging mother had made her. The monarch looked over his servants, dressed in their best, who refused to leave his side, even with orders to join that scarred demon's ranks. He'd grown disillusioned with the grandeur of being a monarch, after the death of his advisor he'd found himself questioning the beliefs that he'd held since he'd hatched. What made them, the Geknosians, superior to Humans? Aside from the differences in appearance, Humans and Geknosians were both deathworlders, Geknosians had maybe three or four IQ points than humans on average. Humans were however much physically stronger than Geknosians on average thanks to their unique musculoskeletal structure, but, D'vinn knew there was a far more tangible difference between their respective species.
He looked over at a mural of Conquest, her eyes boring back into his as he questioned her divine judgment.
Geknosians... Geknosians were cruel, ruthless, and merciless in comparison to the Humans. He thought back to when he'd been employed in the grand Geknosian armed forces, specifically the time He and a few others had pretended to surrender to a group of human soldiers. He remembered the look on the young man's face as his war gauntlet clutched his still-beating heart, the fear, the surprise... But most importantly, the sadness that clouded his eyes as D'vinn's war gauntlet tightened around the delicate muscle until it stopped. He looked down at his right hand, feeling the sticky red blood that had flooded his war gauntlet all those years ago. Slowly, Monarch D'vinn hung his head in shame, the realization that he was on the wrong side of history was not a pleasant one. Worse, was being smart enough to know that he was not worthy of forgiveness, wasn't even worthy of a coward's death as he considered the sharp golden cutlery before him.
He glanced up at his servants, all humans whom, whether by some unconscious guilt or obligation, he'd bought from their original owners. He'd given them clothing befitting of their culture, something many guests had mocked him for. Never chained, or beat them, gave them all they could eat, and now, as they sat here with him, he could only ask.
"Why... Why do you refuse to leave? You've seen what they do to house slaves..."
D'vinn's head chef, a woman with dark skin and even darker eyes responded in her soft lilt.
"This is ah home, Mon D'vinn... Why should we leave?"
I was with you when you
D'vinn looked back into her soft eyes and wizened face, voice catching in his throat as he hung his head yet again. Though he knew it was the truth, saying it aloud hurt.
"I don't want you to die here... you all deserve to be free... I... I am your enemy, do... do you not understand that?"
A soft chuckle spread throughout the servants, Na'va looking up at him with a small smile and holding out her trinket with a soft cooing noise. Kar'yol watched as D'vinn gently took the small cloth doll, a soft smile coming to the old man's face as he perched his glasses on his nose.
"We would have to be idiots... but you gave us access to education, and while I can't speak for all of us, I would like to say: You are a deeply flawed man D'vinn... though it may be too late to right the many wrongs you have created... You have been good to me, you have earned, my loyalty. Do you forget I was with you when you arrived on this planet?"
Monarch D'vinn looked up at Kar'yol, who bore a soft, gentle smile and a knowing look.
"I have borne witness to your many shortcomings... yes. But just a few hours ago, someone with royal credentials gave the order for an unconditional retreat to all but those under a specific General's command. And, besides all that..."
Kar'yol slid into a chair at the corner of the table and pulled the plate of cold steak towards him, slicing off a hunk of the meat and sticking it in his mouth before continuing.
"I'm not sure I could give up such fine dining, Dee'va's cooking is just immaculate is it not?"
D'vinn couldn't help but let out an uneasy chuckle, before offering a smile to the Dark-skinned human chef.
"Indeed, she is a very fine cook... you are right Kar'yol..."
D'vinn looked at the small cloth doll in his hand, gently using a claw to push aside the small purple man's fine vest, seeing his own name stitched into the chest. He gently handed it back to Na'va who took it silently, wide eyes looking up at him encouragingly. D'vinn sniffled softly and folded his hands on the table as the sounds of gunfire began to echo from outside.
"Thank you... thank you all for remaining by my side... I do not deserve it."
Straightening his back, he adopted the most regal posture he could, reaching up, he took off his gold and purple crown before setting it on the table. He looked to Dee'va and softly asked.
"Would you make us something... something we can share as equals? This is a question, not an order."
Dee'va smiled back softly and achily rose from her chair, wizened face crinkling with a smile as she gave him a bow he did not deserve.
"Of course Mon D'vinn, I started a pot of goulash this morning, should be ready righ-bout-now."
Monarch D'vinn stood and returned the bow.
"Thank you Dee'va, and please, just call me D'vinn now, I am not worthy of the title of monarch... I never was..."
Drake climbed into Barney's saddle, the purple dinosaur shaking his head happily as he supported Drake's weight. He looked out through his eyeslits at the assembled fighters, there was hardly any organization, but they were all quiet as they looked up at Drake. Looking out over them, he felt the need to say something, the words flowing freely.
"We've all come a long way, fighting the entire time. Tonight, we put an end to the fighting, to the bloodshed. If we are to die tonight, we die free, but that is not our fate. Within you all is the heart of a warrior, the tenacity of an entire people. I know you hurt, I know you're tired, I know what you have lost. I grieved with you when our brothers and sisters were struck down. I wept with you when fathers buried their daughters and mothers buried their sons. But tonight, we turn that grief into a weapon..."
Drake drew his sword, the blade ringing as he turned in the saddle to point the tip toward the monarch's castle.
"... And we aim it at the heart of our enemy! We are the wounded beast that has finally broken its chains, and now it is time we bare our teeth! It is time that we show our enemy why you should fear a wounded beast! We will remind them why they kept us chained, starved, and beaten! Because now that we are free!"
Drake raised his sword to the sky, turning Barney to face the fallen front gate as he shouted.
"They will know the fear! The pain! The suffering! They have so wantonly afflicted upon us! Tonight, WE FIGHT! Tonight, WE. ARE. FREE!!"
Drake pumped his sword in the air as Barney let out a bellow, rifles and fists were raised to the sky with a shout. The air vibrated with the volume of thousands of voices as they joined the cry. The sound of massive engines whirring to life accompanied their remaining five flying machines, "helicopters" Alastaire had called them, rose into the sky. Drake looked up as Caz tossed him a wave, Destrier at her side as he racked the charging handle of a massive MG mounted to the airframe. A "Ma-Deuce model 4" as Roxxie had called it when she'd mounted it. Looking like little more than a metal brick with a tube on one end, Drake could see the massive cartridges with thumb-sized bullets dangling in a belt that hung off one side of the gun and fed from a large canister bolted to Destrier's armored back. Dropping his sword down toward the road, he nudged Barney forward with a click of his tongue, the massive raptor stomping forward at a manageable pace as the Gas-masked fighters followed him on foot. Two miles, they would have to march, but with the Volunteers bringing up the rear, and the Warmongers taking point, not much would be able to stop them. The loud, thunderous footsteps of the agri-bots echoed in the corridor of buildings as they guarded the sides of the column. The ones with two available hands carried large, modified artillery pieces the Warmongers had brought down with them.
Drake glanced down at Remin, who hiked alongside him, Bayonet already affixed to his trench gun.
"How's the lungs? Heard from the Samaritans that the blade barely missed your heart."
Remin nodded from beneath his fabric-wrapped helmet.
"Workin' like a charm, those Samaritans know how to patch an old man up. Even fixed the arthritis in my legs."
Drake chuckled softly, an oddly light feeling to his body as he sheathed his sword.
"I wondered why you wanted to walk instead of getting a lift. Good to have you back, How much you wanna bet that Cassius manages to wreak more havoc than we can."
"Where is that invisible young'un by chance?"
Drake smiled and gazed ahead.
"He went ahead with a group of Top Hats to sabotage any of Go'mon's remaining heavy weapons. Turns out his skin renders him invisible to more than just the visual range, according to Martha, he's only slightly visible to thermal imagery and even then only shows up as a shimmer."
Remin looked up at Drake incredulously, then down at the road in thought.
"that explains why the security droids would bump into him, they use infrared and Lidar to move around, so to them, he's just another empty space."
Drake nodded, a wide grin of anticipation on his face as the fighters began to sing a song.
"Away down south in the land of traitors, Rattlesnakes, and alligators. right away! Come away! Right away!"
The chorus of voices swelled as more and more joined in.
"Where cotton's king and men are chattels, Union boys will win the battles. Come away! Right away! Come away!"
Drake felt he should join, belting out the only verse he knew of the ancient marching hymn.
"We'll all go down to Dixie! Away! Away! Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam! Away! Away! We'll all go down to Dixie!"
"AWAY! AWAY! We'll all go down to Dixie!"
Drake let out a laugh that could best be described as a roar, his blood simmering, facial muscles hurting from his wide grin.
"I'm coming Go'mon... and this time I'm ready..."
He whispered under his breath.
Go'mon shouted orders with manic fervor as his remaining men scrambled to follow them. A Warhammer from the armory hung loosely from a clawed hand. Massive gas spewers were mounted atop the wall, hoses hanging down to dispense the heavier-than-air Novichok. Go'mon's face twitched angrily as he stomped around the inner courtyard, leaving small craters where his heavy cybernetic body pressed his boots into the soft soil with each step. The soft clamor of battle preparations did little to ease his mind as he stormed back into the castle, wandering up to his sister's room he softly laughed under his breath, snickering and grinning far too wide as he burst into the room. He paused, looking over the monochrome pink of his beloved sister's room. She lay in the hospital bed lined with purple, scaled skin, eyes bright in her Deathless slumber as she stared at a viewscreen mounted to the ceiling above her. He slowly lowered himself into the metal chair at her bedside, curling the tip of his metal tail into his lap and ejecting the expired neurotoxin vial from the applicator, he popped the glass vial into his maw, chewing and swallowing the gelled toxin to fuel his bio-reactor. Retrieving a small pink box wrapped up with a bow from his sister's desk. He reverently untied the ribbon and opened the box with a soft grin, almost hearing his sister's conspiratorial laughter. The vial glowed as he unboxed it, the purple liquid shimmering like a nebula as he held it up to the light. His heart thrummed excitedly as he admired the thick-walled vial.
Void serpent venom, the only known toxin to blot out the pages of Fate, leading to a slow, painful withering of the soul into nothingness. Go'mon carefully snapped the cap off the vial, slotting it into the injector at his tail tip. Letting the small access port close, he stood up and leaned over his sister's body, gently pressing his lips to hers before straightening back up.
His tail flashed, injecting a small dose of the venom directly into her neck. The spark in her eyes slowly faded over the next few minutes, until her corpse was well and truly empty. Go'mon hummed softly as he left the room, tail flicking back and forth with each step as he giggled and cackled maniacally. If he couldn't have his sister, then no one could. He stepped out into the courtyard, breathing deep of the fresh, flower-scented air.
Something touched his chest plate and he felt a cold draw on his power. Go'mon swung his clawed hand wildly, catching only air as he looked down at the black, human handprint on his armor. Go'mon growled, bionic eyes clicking as they switched between spectrums. Stopping on thermals, he panned his gaze around.
Shimmers flitted about the courtyard, completely unnoticed by his men. Growling, Go'mon drew a human-made revolver from the holster on his thigh. He aimed a shimmer that was hovering near one of the AA plasma beam cannons.
The gun recoiled back, pointing to the sky as a splat of dark red painted the side of the AA cannon. The shimmer revealed itself to be a man as their illusion magic failed, Go'mon switched back to the visible spectrum stomping toward the man in a bright pink suit as he held the hole in his neck closed. The man in the pink suit turned around, even as Gauss rifles were leveled at them from all directions. Go'mon loomed over the short man, whose pink suit lapels were fuzzy with synthetic pink feathers.
"You know, if you're going to shoot a vampire, it's best to do it during the day when the damage is permanent."
The man pulled his hand away from his neck, the wound having disappeared like magic. Go'mon growled.
"You're a long way from home Top Hat... Do you really think petty sabotage will save your pathetic comrades?"
Misty sighed and doffed his tophat and mask, sharp teeth almost glowing in the floodlights that had been set up around the flowery courtyard.
"It's Misty, Darling~ Not tophat. As for the sabotage? Why would I waste my immortality on useless endeavors?"
The spy lit up a funky-smelling cigarette that he'd pulled from thin air in a flash of blood-red, blackened flames. Go'mon pushed the barrel of his revolver against the spy's head, pulling the trigger back, He knew Vampir had gone extinct decades ago after their newest lord initiated a culling.
Teeth scraped against the back of his neck in a sultry, dangerous kiss as the Tophat disappeared from his line of sight. A soft giggle from behind him made his bloodless body go cold. It couldn't be... but it was... it was him... Mystrios Nacht, the tenth vampire lord.
"I was just going to paralyze you~ but it seems that you're less of a Geknosian than I thought... HmHmHMM~ You believed the rumors didn't you? That the culling went wrong and we all died?~ HmHm~ You really are an idiot aren't you Go'mon?~ Well, it seems I distracted you long enough, Ta-Ta!~"
The vampire's voice was as sultry as it was husky, denoting an all-consuming, cold hunger that made even the addled Go'mon shudder involuntarily. Feeling the cold breath of the vampire lord fade on his neck, he whipped around, scanning the courtyard with thermals. There wasn't a shimmer in sight.
"Inspect the equipment for tampering, NOW!"
Go'mon screamed upon hearing the faint sound of human voices in song rapidly growing louder, circulating his power like mad as he desperately burned away the oily black handprint on his chest. He had to win this fight, or at the very least strike a meaningful blow or his reputation would be sullied forever.
Part 111: will be linked here upon completion.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:42 ghostofzuul went to the big city today... got some cd's.

went to the big city today... got some cd's.
now that i don't live in portland anymore i don't get to the record stores as often as i used to... but today i had to go into town and i picked these up... i've never even seen the cool death of island raiders anywhere... so i'm psyched for that one... the other two i got off bandcamp but i'd always rather have physical copies.
submitted by ghostofzuul to TheeOhSees [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:26 Dwangeroo I explained to a couple of youngsters today that "when I was your age" you could buy a pack of cigarettes from a vending machine for about a buck twenty five. They were baffled.

submitted by Dwangeroo to FuckImOld [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:12 Squalington [PC][Flash Game][2018?] A flash game where you just drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to pass the time.

It's a flash game I think was hosted on its own website. It was made just to pass the time. It was a long while ago since I last saw it, maybe 6-7 years ago. The only way I found out about it was from a streamer's VOD on YouTube playing it to fill the time in between games they were playing.
I believe the game had a 2D pixel artstyle.
In the game you play a guy wearing a grey hoodie with the hood up, hiding his eyes. We have a side view of him sitting at a table. You can control the left and right hands of the hoodie guy and use your mouse to move them and pick objects up with left-click. I believe right-click might have been used to switch hands.
On the table there's a coffee mug, a coffee machine, a cigarette pack, and a lighter.
It's a multi step process to do certain things like smoking a cigarette. For example, you'd need to take control of your left hand, pick up the cigarette pack, switch to your right hand and click on the cigarette pack to take one out, Switch back to your left hand to drop the cigarette pack and pick up the lighter and then light the cigarette. Then you can hold the cigarette up to the guy's mouth and he'll inhale automatically. You can also click on his mouth with the cigarette have him hold it in his mouth.
With these controls you can do some silly stuff like holding 3 cigarettes, one in each hand and on in your mouth and smoking them all one after the other.
I believe there may have also been one more item on the table, I think a watch that acts as a scoreboard and gives you points for drinking a mug of coffee and/or smoking a cigarette, but there wasn't really much point to it.
submitted by Squalington to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:31 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] Silver Spring Selection!

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , maybe platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date proof:
Head or Tails nude 1oz silver round $70
$1 fv 50c 90% $25
$105 random 3 oz lot , could be anything .999 and 1 oz
2009 Canada 1/20 gold $1 Sold
A $12 premium
Star Wars beskar bar 1oz $45
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $37
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $65
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $60
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $38
Spider-Man 1oz $42
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface movie 🍿 .999 1 oz $45
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $40
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $38
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar $40 🔥
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $40 🔥
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $43
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $50 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $40
1 oz trump wanted rounds $36
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $65
Donald Duck $45
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $27
Lewis and Clark proof $27
1992 Columbus $1 - $27
D-day $1 bu $27
Wright brothers $1 $27
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $33
1996 national community service proof $28
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $28
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $28
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $28
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $28
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $28 Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $33
1926 D peace dollar $29
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $35
1886 $1 $70
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Open to offers on multiple morgans.
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $65
Norfolk Va $65
Atlanta $65
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $40
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $37
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷 tx
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 carbine 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $30
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $7
Dimes of the 20th century $5
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
I don’t know where I put these.
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $1.50
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $1.50
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $1.50
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $100
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $60
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment :
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $40
Trump wanted $36
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @4 each
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
Please read Safety guide:
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:30 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] Silver Variety Selection

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , maybe platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date proof:
Head or Tails nude 1oz silver round $70
$1 fv 50c 90% $25
$105 random 3 oz lot , could be anything .999 and 1 oz
2009 Canada 1/20 gold $1 Sold
A $12 premium
Star Wars beskar bar 1oz $45
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $37
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $65
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $60
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $38
Spider-Man 1oz $42
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface movie 🍿 .999 1 oz $45
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $40
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $38
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar $40 🔥
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $40 🔥
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $43
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $50 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $40
1 oz trump wanted rounds $36
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $65
Donald Duck $45
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $27
Lewis and Clark proof $27
1992 Columbus $1 - $27
D-day $1 bu $27
Wright brothers $1 $27
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $33
1996 national community service proof $28
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $28
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $28
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $28
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $28
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $28 Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $33
1926 D peace dollar $29
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $35
1886 $1 $70
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Open to offers on multiple morgans.
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $65
Norfolk Va $65
Atlanta $65
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $40
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $37
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷 tx
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 carbine 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $30
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $7
Dimes of the 20th century $5
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
I don’t know where I put these.
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $1.50
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $1.50
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $1.50
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $100
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $60
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment :
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $40
Trump wanted $36
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @4 each
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
Please read Safety guide:
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:09 ItalianMafia_Boss what did doppio call himself…?

what did doppio call himself…?
i wall troll bots so uh… gimme suggestions B)
submitted by ItalianMafia_Boss to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:41 CalligrapherLevel771 Could I convince you to try another brand, say, my Luckies?

I'm currently in Spain 🇪🇸 on holidays and recently came across the finest selection of vending machine cigarettes I've ever seen for the every day gentleman... only, my wife hates it and readers digest said it will kill ya, so I resisted the urge to invest on this occasion..
submitted by CalligrapherLevel771 to madmen [link] [comments]