Gym eqipments cad

Figuring out what to do this summer

2024.05.30 01:20 Mountain-Horror4856 Figuring out what to do this summer

I'm a second semester Junior ME. My grades are great, I was on co-op from May to December last year. I choose not to return to my co-op this summer for a variety of reasons. I took classes this spring and wanted to take classes this summer until I was told I couldn't. The result was that I wasn't able to find Internship for this summer, and I moved back home despite owning an apartment near college. I'm aiming for graduation in December 2025.
Ultimately I'm trying to figure out what I can I do to be productive this summer. I have too many credits for my university to accept any outside institution credits.
Despite getting an internship before and having a 3.4 GPA, I really don't feel like an engineer, more like a mathematician. I don't have a strong grasp on my CAD, MATLAB skills as I would like. I also am scrambling to figure out what I should do with my time. I've tried integrating some more hobbies into my life like fishing and the gym.
Any ideas or advice would be extremely appreciated.
submitted by Mountain-Horror4856 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:15 Salty_Opportunity314 Physicality vs pay as a linesmen?

Hi I’m considering becoming a linesman and have a few questions .
Currently level 1 SPRAT high rise window cleaner making roughly 38/hr CAD ( piece work just my average so far this season )
At the end of the day I’m tired as fuck and don’t feel like doing ANYTHING
How is the physicality of this job,? And how much are you earning?
Do you think you could go to the gym after a day of work? This is essentially the work life balance I’m looking for- gym twice a week.
Thanks in advance lol
submitted by Salty_Opportunity314 to PowerLineman [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 07:32 Soggybot New to cycling… is this a good deal?

New to cycling… is this a good deal?
Hey! As the title says, I’m brand new to cycling. I’m looking for something easy for a total newbie to ride for my level 15min daily commute to the gym. I want something entry level that will last me for a long time. Is this a fair price? Am I even looking in the right price range ($CAD btw) for a first bike? Is it dumb to buy a single speed? Any and all feedback greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
submitted by Soggybot to whichbike [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:35 shibittydib Physiotherapy giving me lazy person ideas....

so im a sparky and i hurt my shoulder monkeybarring my way around an attic space for work, its a supraspinatus and sub-acromial bursa injury. basically inflammation (the plague of this era)
started doing physiotherapy and before i went i had high hopes for it, i thought i would be doing stretches, basically personal trainer vibes, but i get there and all they do is electrocute me for an hour. they use some 7000$ cupping/electrotherapy machine which feels great, but they also use this EV-906A handheld little guy that costs about 240$ CAD.... ive gone about 6 times now and im thinking im just gonna buy this stupid machine and do my "physiotherapy" at home on the couch myself ffs.... and i figure while im at it, ill zap all the other parts of my body after work with this stupid thing, no appointments required! after doing this BS via appointments 6 times now... my shoulder is actually sore like i did a solid workout...
why the hell dont more people just do this thenselves? get a solid leg workout from your couch with a little zap machine, or, do any of you do that or have you tried it? lets hear it....
oh and in pre-emptive response to the 100,000 replies of "bro just go to the gym you lazy fuck", i do. i go at 5 am before my 730 shift every two days currently, including one weekend day and i enjoy the routine... just an idea for some couch workouts via electrocution, i mean i am an electrician its definitely appropriate
submitted by shibittydib to workouts [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 01:52 Antiflow558 Need help/advice on the industry. What am I doing wrong?

Need help/advice on the industry. What am I doing wrong?
I've been unemployed for nearly 3 months now and have applied to at least 150 jobs only receiving 4 interviews and ghosted after 3 of them, lost my old job as a cook as it was a seasonal business so spent my last paycheck on a forklift license hoping it would make it easier to get a job in warehousing but here I am 3 months later and I genuinely just don't know what l'm doing wrong, I understand I don’t have experience but literally how are you supposed to get experience without a job?. I also have a primary interest in working graveyard shifts as l'm borderline nocturnal but beggars can't be choosers at this point. The job market is cooked... any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Antiflow558 to Warehousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:44 user001256 Gym Shoe Recommendation

I play basketball at the gym and I need new basketball shoes. I want shoes that are good on impact and comfortable. I'm very torn over the Harden 8's but I feel they are too expensive($210 CAD). Are these worth it or is there any other recommendations? I want shoes that will last me a pretty long time as I don't want to be buying new pairs every few months.
submitted by user001256 to BBallShoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 17:27 laur_leo [PAID] (u/GymSocks84) - ($300 CAD) (1 Day Early)

Third time working with this borrower, and things went mostly well. They did request an additional loan during this transaction that I declined on account of being at my maximum given our limited history together, but they were eventually understanding when I had to be firm and we proceeded as normal otherwise. They repaid early yesterday which was a nice surprise, bringing us back to all square once more. Super stuff!
9/10 experience, would gladly lend to them again if the need arises!
submitted by laur_leo to borrow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:13 Aromatic_Ideal7869 Why gyms are expensive here?

I've came here from the UK last year and been looking to join gym to stay fit. I'm surprised by the prices here. Even if I consider currency conversion rate, (1GBP=1.7 CAD), prices here are more than double. And I'm comparing London UK to Kitchener. I've checked for basic memberships at goodlife and anytime fitness, both coresses double pricing mark on a monthly basis. I used to pay £20 a month for a basic membership in London (The Gym group, you can check it out).
I thought inflation in the UK was worst, and this. It's getting out of hand now. 🫠
submitted by Aromatic_Ideal7869 to kitchener [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:06 aero514 How to add position feedback to a mini linear actuator (encoder/potentiometer)

I'm a first year engineering student making a reconfigurable truss robot, which consists of 20 to 24 mini linear actuators. The cheapest model I could find, with position feedback, is priced at 70-80 USD. However, my professor has asked me to reduce the cost of this project as much as possible, and models without position feedback can be purchased for around 40 CAD (29 USD) each. So, I'm looking at possible cost-effective solutions to implement position feedback myself.
After a bit of research, a good solution (low price, decent resolution, space efficient) would be the use of an encoder. I bought one of the cheaper mini actuators without position feedback to do some testing, and to look for ways to integrate an encoder. An idea would be to install a small rotary encoder on the DC motor shaft (there is a 3 mm gap between the motor and the actuator screw). This would theoretically allow me to measure the stroke of the actuator by measuring the rotations of the motor. The issue is, I have no idea how to integrate an encoder in, say, an Arduino code. The specific model I'm looking at also seems to be missing the 5V and GND pins, which only makes it more confusing. How can I wire this module to a microcontroller (I'm thinking of using an ESP32) ? And what would the code look like ?
Another possible solution would be using a potentiometer, but I've heard that they are less accurate.
submitted by aero514 to AskRobotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 AITA for shouting at my husband at a family gathering

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Jelly_Fish158
AITA for shouting at my husband at a family gathering?
Originally posted to AmItheAsshole
Thanks to u/queenlegolas for suggesting this BoRU
TRIGGER WARNING: verbal abuse, PPD, manipulation, body shaming
Original Post May 7, 2024
I(25F) and my (27M) husband had a child 3 months ago but the pregnancy was hard on my body especially after the delivery I have stretch marks all over my stomach and i also got diagnosed with PPD, well I am working on it now and doing better day by day but since my delivery I have been extremely tired taking care of the baby and stuff but since last two weeks I started going to the gym again with my husband. One thing which irked me was he always made remarks about my stretch marks and how I should be somewhat better by now ( he was talking about my body ) and how it always "turned him off". I kept up with it since I didn't have any mental strength to argue.
But 4 days ago when I was feeding the baby, he again made a remark about my stretch marks I don't know what happened inside me but I shouted back at him and literally berated him about it so much that the baby started crying, I took the baby and went to the spare bedroom to sleep. Well since that day he has been giving me the cold shoulder and we only ever talk when it's about the baby.
Yesterday we had to go to his mom's house for a family gathering and midway through the night when all the people were present in a single room she brought up the topic about my body and my stretch marks and basically said its not normal that I still have them and must not be doing enough to get rid of them well all the people ages 40+ chimed in my MIL's support I was so embarrassed and ashamed by this that I left midway but I did shout at them and I left without my husband.
I drove to my sister's home with the baby and am living here since yesterday. Most our mutual friends ( specifically guys) support him and have bombarded me with messages about how I overreacted and it's my fault well so did my husband this morning saying how I am overreacting and it's nothing I should just come back, etc, etc.
I haven't replied to any of them but I don't have the mental capacity to even think about it but I do think I shouldn't have shouted at them and I was wrong but I need an outside perspective.
PS: my husband has always been supportive and caring even during and after the pregnancy, the stretch marks on my body are the only thing he complained about and for the first time since we are married did he complain about anything.
NTA at all. Your husband and his family are massive ones. I’m so sorry they have been so horrible to you. Those stretch marks are evidence of the 9 months you spent growing and carrying HIS child! Trying to recover from pregnancy, birth, PPD and adjusting to the needs of a new baby is no mean feat. He should be worshipping the ground you walk on, not critiquing your body and shaming you for not physically recovering to his shallow standards. The fact that he complained to his mother about your body and she raised it in front of everyone just boggles my mind. He and the family absolutely deserved everything you gave them, and more. Please don’t go back to him unless he sincerely apologises and supports you against these family members and so-called friends.
NTA- You gave birth three months ago. It takes 2 months (6-8 weeks) just to recover physically. Why does he think you are magically going to look exactly the same? As for the stretch marks comments, those also aren’t just going to disappear.
You didn’t yell at him in front of his family. You rightfully told off everyone in that room making horrible comments about something that is none of their business. Your friends telling you that you are overreacting should not be your friends. Stay with your sister until you get a genuine apology.
Update May 14, 2024
Link to the original post-
Few things I should have mentioned in my last post but i didn't- Not all people were against me many supported me my fault for not mentioning it also this happens a lot in Asian families and honestly I was surprised it's so rare everywhere else lol.

Well I found how my MIL came to know about my stretchmarks. My husband casually mentioned in a chat he had with her and it turns out she barely has any stretch marks on her (superior genetics I guess...) and surprise, surprise for some reason she hates me and she tried to turn my husband against me by telling him that's it not normal and I must be doing something wrong and that it can be harmful for the baby (the audacity).

I guess it worked my husband also started doubting and pestering me about it. I had a long chat with my husband about it and he's agreed to try to work things out starting with marriage counseling as many of you suggested and I also twisted his arm to go to individual therapy. We are still living separately and to make things clear he has never abused me before this incident though thanks to you all I realized how condescending his family was towards me subtly.

He has agreed to go NC with them and we won't be allowing them to visit the baby. I have told him that if things don't work out divorce is still very much an option for me so I hope it doesn't get to it.

Anyways thank you all for your advice, it helped me so much and i hope it all works out for me :)
Does your husband really not realize that stretch marks don't just go away? Or your mil? What a bunch of ignorant cads.
I wonder how one justifies stretch marks being bad for the baby
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:18 Noedigg Sambo,judo or wrestling

Hey everyone! So, I'm mainly a gym guy primarily focused on "bodybuilding"(i just wanna look good), but lately, I've been drawn to the idea of incorporating a martial art into my routine. I'm currently a student with some extra time on my hands due to break, and I'm considering between wrestling, judo, and sambo. Here's a breakdown of my options:
I'm really confused about what to do, I'm open to suggestions and insights from anyone familiar with these martial arts or who has experience balancing them with a fitness-focused lifestyle. Thanks in advance for any advice!
side note: when school resumes, my education will be the main focus then i will max be able to go 2x per week.
submitted by Noedigg to sambo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:14 Noedigg Wrestling, judo or sambo

Hey everyone! So, I'm mainly a gym guy primarily focused on "bodybuilding"(i just wanna look good), but lately, I've been drawn to the idea of incorporating a martial art into my routine. I'm currently a student with some extra time on my hands due to break, and I'm considering between wrestling, judo, and sambo. Here's a breakdown of my options:
I'm really confused about what to do, I'm open to suggestions and insights from anyone familiar with these martial arts or who has experience balancing them with a fitness-focused lifestyle. Thanks in advance for any advice!
side note: when school resumes, my education will be the main focus then i will max be able to go 2x per week.
submitted by Noedigg to wrestling [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:12 Noedigg Judo, Wrestling or Sambo

Hey everyone! So, I'm mainly a gym guy primarily focused on physique, but lately, I've been drawn to the idea of incorporating a martial art into my routine. I'm currently a student with some extra time on my hands due to break, and I'm considering between wrestling, judo, and sambo. Here's a breakdown of my options:
I'm really confused about what to do, I'm open to suggestions and insights from anyone familiar with these martial arts or who has experience balancing them with a fitness-focused lifestyle. Thanks in advance for any advice!
side note: when school resumes, my education will be the main focus then i will max be able to go 2x per week.
submitted by Noedigg to judo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:14 amine-02 2013 Ford Fusion vs 2015 Ford fusion Hybrid

I'm currently looking to buy a car for casual use, gym, groceries and weekend trips, no commute, max 10k km per year
currently looking between 2013 Ford Fusion Sedan vs 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid, same price same price 9000$ CAD
I like the look of the Ford fusion but I want to see how reliable it is and what would guys recommend between these 2 or if they are that bad to recommend something else please?
thanks in advance
submitted by amine-02 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:20 ComprehensiveCase841 Is Darcsport good ?

Is Darcsport good ?
Unbiased review. For anyone who was thinking about getting something from this brand. Here is some things you should know before consideration. Also wear whatever the fck you want to the gym, doesn't matter what shirt from what brand you wear, we all there for the same reason and that is to workout and exercise. Feel free to add your opinions.
Overall the brand is.....ok. I think this very brand is very 2 sided in terms of love and hate. Their designs are aren't bad if you look at it from a design point (i major in design and marketing). However, the branding in my opinion is a kinda cringe. It's very edgy and it seems like the people promoting it have a sob story to tell and they use Darcsport as the reason of their "salvation". Then again, that's their whole brand identity, they are successful in creating a brand identity that is easy to understand and is attractive enough to gain a really large audience for their target market. So if you're in to that then ig this brand is for you. Here is a pros and cons list for the quality of their products.
Designs aren't bad. They have a lot variety in designs.
Customer service is really good and the people operating seem chill. They answer your questions and concerns in like 1 or 2 hours of you emailing if you need help during the day. If you email at night, they will help you the next day.
Material is 100% cotton. doesn't feel cheap and feels light and comfortable. Not too heavy which is nice but could get hot when you wear it in the summer.
They have a really limited stock and everything sells out in like 5 mins after launch.
The shirts are really fcking big so if you don't want to look like a homeless dude, just buy an oversized at the size you usually wear or even size down if you don't want to look like you are wearing your bed sheets. (the people that promote this brand are pretty fcking big and jacked, even the women are hella big and jacked so don't worry about the clothes being too small) I usually get a mens small, but i got a medium cuz i thought the unisex sizing was a bit different. But then I forgot the people that wear this brand are massive so the sizing is kinda off.
It's expensive and pricing is kinda ridiculous for a gym brand. Each shirt is like $81 cad including shipping and tax. The whole point of gym brands like gymshark and youngla was to create good quality clothing at a more affordable price to compete with nike, under armor and adidas. Now the pricing for any gym brand has gone up at a really overpriced mark.
Is it worth to buy a shirt from here ? My answer is no, and that's only because of the pricing and limited stock. Am In happy with my purchase, yes. I think it's only worth it if you buy a darcsport collaboration shirt, like a darcsport x naruto or darcsport x mortal kombat.
submitted by ComprehensiveCase841 to gymsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:15 ComprehensiveCase841 Is Darcsport a good gym brand ?

Unbiased review. For anyone who was thinking about getting something from this brand. Here is some things you should know before consideration. Also wear whatever the fck you want to the gym, doesn't matter what shirt from what brand you wear, we all there for the same reason and that is to workout and exercise. Feel free to add your opinions.
Overall the brand is.....ok. I think this very brand is very 2 sided in terms of love and hate. Their designs are pretty cool if you look at it from a design point (i study design and marketing). However, the branding in my opinion is a kinda cringe. It's very edgy and it seems like the people promoting it have a sob story to tell and they use Darcsport as the reason of their "salvation". Then again, that's their whole brand identity, they are succesful in creating a brand identity that is easy to understand and is attractive enough to gain a really large audience for their target market. So if you're in to that then ig this brand is for you. Here is a pros and cons list for the quality of their products.
Designs are pretty solid, it looks pretty cool. They have a lot variety in designs.
Customer service is really good and the people operating seem chill. They answer your questions and concerns in like 1 or 2 hours of you emailing if you need help during the day. If you email at night, they will help you the next day.
Material is 100% cotton. doesn't feel cheap and feels light and comfortable. Not too heavy which is nice but could get hot when you wear it in the summer. '
They have a lot variety in designs.
They have a really limited stock and everything sells out in like 5 mins after launch.
The shirts are really fcking big so if you don't want to look like a homeless dude, just buy an oversized at the size you usually wear or even size down if you don't want to look like you are wearing your bed sheets. (the people that promote this brand are pretty fcking big and jacked, even the women are hella big and jacked so don't worry about the clothes being too small)
It's expensive and pricing is kinda ridiculous for a gym brand. Each shirt is like $81 cad including shipping and tax. The whole point of gym brands was to create good quality clothing at a more affordable price to compete with nike under armor and adidas. Now the pricing for any gym brand has gone up at a really overpriced mark.
Is it worth to buy a shirt from here ? My answer is no, and that's only because of the pricing and limited stock. Am In happy with my purchase, yes. I think it's only worth it if you buy a darcsport collaboration shirt, like a darcsport x naruto or darcsport x mortal kombat.
submitted by ComprehensiveCase841 to DarcSportClothing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:29 BomberTM Noise-Cancelling Bluetooth Headset, with a priority on Comfort

As the title says, I'm looking to replace my Sony WH-1000XM3 headset, as it's starting to die on me. I loved them, but I don't mind looking elsewhere if there's a better product or offer.
My priority would be comfort, as I like to wear my headphones while lying down, sometimes on my side. I don't want the inside of the headset stabbing into my ear. Durability is also important.
Aside from that, I'll be using these headphones for anything and everything. Gaming, music, movies, maybe even while exercising at the gym if I decide to work out again, but that's unlikely.
To reiterate, it's gotta be Bluetooth, closed-back, preferably with noise-cancelling, and I'd like the budget to be about $400 CAD maximum. $250-300 is ideal. Thanks, guys.
submitted by BomberTM to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:08 KAL-511 Headphones (no ANC) ~CAD 125-175 - office meetings, gym, walking around

What aspect of your current listening experience would you like to improve?
Budget - CAD 100-150, can extend budget up to CAD 250 for longevity/ comfort
Source/Amp - mobile/ laptop - Bluetooth
How the gear will be used -
-- Prefer not to use ANC
-- Will use indoors (calls, podcasts, gym) / outdoors (walking, snow/ light rains)
-- Comfort while wearing is important
Preferred tonal balance
-- Will not be listening to music much, primary use case is video/ audio calls, podcasts, YouTube/ Movies
Preferred music genre(s)
-- Same as above - will not listen to music
Past gear experience
-- Jabra Elite Active 7, purchased due to form facto convenience, but found (IEM) to be uncomfortable while wearing for long periods.
-- Bluetooth Neckband - Sennheiser
Edit: flair
submitted by KAL-511 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:52 E997 High end iems that fit similarly to get galaxy bud pro 2s?

I have a pair of these that I use for the gym and they are extremely comfortable, I can wear them for like 3 hours straight at the gym and not notice it's there.
I'm looking for something with a similar fit to wear at home, for the purposes of 50 50 gaming and music
I would say my budget is 600 CAD or 500 USDish
submitted by E997 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:26 TheMcG Wireless open headphones for working out (preferably not IEM)

Budget : ~$150 CAD Source - Bluetooth to cell Requirements for Isolation - Low: I already have isolating headphones these are to use while working out and keeping my ears cool / open is a bigger problem as it gets warmer. Will you be using these Headphones in Public? Yes Preferred Type of Headphone - I generally like Closed back over ear but am currently looking for something open that isn't an IEM. I find generally IEM's cause me fairly severe pain after short listening periods. Preferred tonal balance - bit bassey? I guess not a huge concern as long as they sound decent. Past headphones - Sony MDR-1000X1 & X5, Denon D2000, Massdrop x fostex TH-X00, as you can tell i like closed back lol. so looking for something wildly different. Preferred Music - mostly EDM & Metal. What would you like to improve on from your set-up : trying to spend more time in the Gym & Walking and I hate the way my current headphone seal in the juices. I would go for basic wireless IEM's/earbuds however they cause me fairly severe pain quite quickly every previous time i have attempted to use them. Looking around I found these: Sony "on ear" headphones which look like they will work for my use case. However I wanted to know if there are any other options out there.
submitted by TheMcG to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 10:08 laur_leo [PAID] (u/GymSocks84) - ($200 CAD) (On Time)

Second time lending to this borrower, and second time impressed! This borrower communicated well upfront about reasonable expectations for contact and repayment, and stuck to specifications exactly. Payment is received here on time, in the wee hours of the morning. This is how it's done well!
10/10 experience, would gladly lend to them again if the need arises!
submitted by laur_leo to borrow [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:48 Minelurker101 Recovery planning and milestones?

Manage to take control again and trying to figure out exactly when would I consider myself stable and strong enough for to start dating ... maybe for the first time ever.
I have decided to set myself some objectives and see if I can hold them after a (Month? Weeks? Unsure):
I'm not sure if this is the correct way I am meant to go with things, I'm I putting too much on myself? Too little? Is the time span too short/long? No idea.
Anyone with a better hold on things like this.
submitted by Minelurker101 to IncelExit [link] [comments]