4 week old flowering cannabis

r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization!

2011.09.28 00:48 r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization!

Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make ricers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a Thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how pretty your computer can be!

2009.10.15 17:51 cinsere /r/trees - home of the ents

The go-to subreddit for anything and everything cannabis. From MMJ to munchies, from nugs to news, and everything between! The casual cannabis community

2013.09.09 05:09 Colonel_Rhombus Ask Old People

We are not a personal advice, health, or mental health sub. Please only respond directly to posts if you were born on or before 1980. If you are younger, please restrict your activity to asking questions and responding to existing comments.

2024.05.17 10:17 MissMaryJane469 How do you go up when you’ve hit rock bottom? I genuinely need advice.

 I (23F) am really struggling to move forward in life. For context I recently switched jobs from sales to Pizza Delivery. My last manager was just awful to deal with, she cared more about putting money in her own wallet than her workers safety. About 2 months ago I transferred to a pizza delivery company because my friend was just raving about how much better it would be for me to work there. She told me I would be making just as much money and the work environment was comfortable with kind customers/employees. Literally a month into working I got in a car accident with a car I JUST took a bank loan out to pay for. (He was wanting to drive at least 300 feet in the bike lane to turn right at a light way behind me. Traffic was at a complete stop and backed up, the two lanes to the left of me had traffic stopped with a gap for me to turn left back into work. He was driving so fast when he got in the turning lane I didn’t see him until I was making my turn and it completely totaled my car… my radiator sits in the very front of my car.) my insurance still has not gotten back to me about who is at fault and I had to sell my car because the towing company wanted $500 to give me my car back and I didn’t have the money. I am now without a car having to work as an insider making not even half of what I was making before. I’m stuck with a $4,000 car loan with no car to show for, and I’m barely able to find rides to work every day. I can barely afford to pay for my bills, my boyfriends has to help me pay them every 2 weeks because I keep running short in money. We barely have money for food at this point and i just don’t see me making enough money to be able to afford another car. I can’t afford to take out another loan since I also have snap payments for $5,000 of work I had done on my car to get it up and running. I can switch my job and still barely have enough money to live at this point, with no opportunity to save for another vehicle. I am so lost at, I worked so hard just to end up here, no vehicle, making less money than before, and I’m CONSTANTLY getting sick and vomiting from the stress. I don’t even have the money to see a therapist for a single session.. I really need some advice I don’t know what more I can do except work my life away praying for miracles. Even words of encouragement would be appreciated at this point. Every time I think about my life situation I start bawling. 
submitted by MissMaryJane469 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:17 Radiant_Pineapple_42 My sleep schedule is so off 🙄😭

My LO (8weeks old on Saturday) has been sleeping really good at night the last couple weeks. Only waking up for one feeding. But my internal clock is so messed up from the last trimester of pregnancy and the first month of her life being so rough that I can’t fall asleep until about 2 or 3am and then she’s up wanting to eat not too long after that. It’s so frustrating.
submitted by Radiant_Pineapple_42 to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:17 Complete_Raisin801 Please help

A few weeks back, I started to get some dull aches in my left testicle, nothing too bad but pretty uncomfortable. This was following sex, where she sucked on my testicle, which at the time hurt pretty bad for around 30 seconds then was okay. For 2 days after this I got some dull aches. The following day after that, it began to swell and pain when walking but not particularly when sitting or lying down.
Went to the doctors, they said if it gets worse, go straight to the hospital but take anti inflammatory like ibruprofen for a bit to see if that helps. Around 4 days later, no change and swelling was still there. My left testicle is around 2.5-3x larger than my other.
Was given 2 weeks of doxycycline in the mean time but also had an appointment for an ultrasound. Tested positive for STI and ultrasound showed up having an enlarged spermatic tube causing the issue.
Around 5 days into the doxy, it all started settle a little apart from the swelling, that’s stayed the same but I was able to return to work after a while. After completing the course of antibiotics I was still pretty okay other than the odd ache every now and again.
I then made the silly mistake of having a few drinks which was the worst decision ever. Woke up 2 hours later in agony and couldn’t sleep all night. I’m guessing the alcohol had made it much worse. I’m now 2 days on from it, no pain particularly when lying or sitting but literally cannot stand up or walk to the bathroom without being in massive pain in my lower left stomach.
Can anyone help or offer advice? This is really starting to affect me now.
Edit: So originally I thought it was due to trauma, as it feels like a nerve shooting down my stomach. But then tested positive for an STI. Could this be a mix of the 2? I thought if it was an STI it would’ve cleared up with the 2 weeks of antibiotics
submitted by Complete_Raisin801 to chronicepididymitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 maldapm ThinkPad T14 / T14s gen 5 - anyone hands on?

Hi all,
this week I have bought my T14s gen 4 and realized that touchpad rattles (https://youtu.be/QoF7kB8XwPI and found about this crap right after here on Reddit). Just thinking about returning the unit back.
Anyone here with a new T14 / T14s gen 5? I would like to know, if the touchpad in newer generation is the same or the rattle has been solved. I am not willing to "fix" it with electrical tape.
Thanks a lot,
submitted by maldapm to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 stttnlnf Am I enfp or not?

For a long time I can’t figure this out. The tests that I took said that I have a strong Ne.. (also I think my enneagram is 1w9 if it helps) But I can't understand if I'm ENFP or INFP.
I don't have a lot of friends (only 2 if I'm being honest) and I have been sitting at home for a long time. I am depressed, so it is difficult for me to understand what type I have, but I'm soo curious (I can’t let go of the situation until I know for sure)! I've always dreamed of having a large group of friends, but I find it difficult to meet new people because I have social anxiety and I constantly think that no one will like me. I started to think very negatively (since 2020 I guess lol). If i look into the past, I have always had few friends because I am shy, although I don’t see it as difficult to talk to anyone (unless, of course, the person itself is silent and I need to extract at least some answers from them). I also don’t think that I can walk up to a random person and start a conversation, but if they come up to me, I won’t be silent, although I will feel awkward (I hate myself so much omg). Previously, I always initiated meet ups with friends and invited them somewhere (not so long ago I started trying to take old friends out for a walk because I really needed communication). But sometimes I often cancel walks at the last moment because I feel anxious about myself and it seems that I will be awkward, so it’s better to avoid the situation or go for a walk alone.
When it comes to making decisions, I often ask my family because I want them to decide for me loll and sometimes when I know what I want, I still ask them, cause I want to hear that they chose the same option as me. When my family has some problems, I try to offer a bunch of solutions instead of hugging and supporting, and I began to notice that when a person close to me cries, I try to joke instead of calming him down with words.
I love planning! I love it when everything is clean and I hate mess, although from time to time I can be messy. I always used to make a plan for the day and tried to create a routine that I would do every day cause I want have better habits. (But before this depressive episode when I gave up on everything and everyone and started just doing something to avoid stress or doing absolutely nothing). But I always set huge periods of time in my plans because I don’t want to push myself into a framework, and perhaps in the process of executing the plan I will understand that I don’t want to do some stuff at all. (I also often carry out the plan randomly like 1,4,2,3 and not 1,2,3,4).
I don't mind routine, especially when it comes to work. I like it when there is a clear schedule and I don’t mind doing the same thing. When work involves making quick decisions and when they randomly throw up tasks that need to be done urgently, I feel a lot of stress because I am not confident in myself. I never had one constant routine because sooner or later I give up on everything, but when I was in school I felt very calm because I knew that every day was almost the same and I didn’t need to worry about the unexpected (and I also had so much free time!!). But at the same time, it seems to me that if I do the same routine, I will feel bad. When I worked from 9 to 6, on weekends, I began to walk more often and do random things (like trips to a village 40 km from the city) just to do something and not lie at home and suffer. I didn’t like that I didn’t have enough time for anything, so I think it’s very difficult for me to find a job now.
Thank you if you read all of this and sorry for mistakes, english is not my first language! I don't know if I chose the right subreddit since I'm new here, but I will be very grateful if you help me 🥲 If you have any articles where I can study MBTI better, please send them to me. I'm trying to understand myself but I think I need therapy first hahahah
submitted by stttnlnf to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 bombaque Getting a biotech job 100km away

Hi all, I'm about to get an offer from a biotech company which I was so looking forward. However I heard from three manager that I need to go to office for 4 days as a company policy. The job was announced as being a hybrid position and I made the stupid assumption of that it would be 2-3 days of office work and the rest would be remote work. The office is about 100km away so I could travel there some days of the week but not many. With kids and family to take care, I find 200 km travel each day so much but I am also a bit stuck in my career and so willing to make the change. Does any of you have an experience breaking such a company wide policy? Has anyone for exampled agreed on different remote/work arrangement after working for a year? What would you do, would you relocate which means changing school of kids and sell house etc? The position is in Europe at a large biotech company.
submitted by bombaque to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 KyHighKraft AITAH for telling my coworker to find a different ride to work everyday?

Hey there! Here is a little intro before going into the full story. My name is Kai, I am a 20 year old male, and Have been working this office job for 2 and a half years. My coworker, let's call her Sunny(27F), has been working the same job the same amount of time.
We got hired on at this job together and from the first few weeks of training I offered to give sunny a ride to work every once and awhile since her place was between the location and mine and she does not drive due to her high anxiety regarding being behind a wheel, and that causing her heart problems.
Sooner rather than later she began to rely on me getting her to work. And at first I didn't mind because of said reasons above. Even after I moved I was still willing to pick her up as we had arranged ways for her to pay for gas and have emergency rides should I not be able to take her.
Then she started asking for rides to other places like doctors, food, even groceries. At first I didn't mind as I have a pretty free schedual.
Things really only started to not sit right when she would constantly get annoyed if I could not take her to these outside-work activities even though she has a husband who could have taken her and other people willing to as well.
As of recently she has been having issues with her husband, which I will not go into severe detail for, that has caused her to believe they might be close to a divorce. Steam rolling from that she has also been on a lot of new medications due to her health problems.
Every day this week as she's gotten into my car all she does is complain about her situation. Which is fair and she has every right to vent. And as a friend I don't mind listening to her and giving advice when appropriate.
What I do mind though is that, the first time, she was yelling the whole time, screaming her problems even when we stopped to get gas for my car. And when I attempted to calm her, she snapped at me. I usually brush things like this off my shoulder but yelling and sharp tones have always been trauma triggers for me to recede into my emotional shell.
Things have steadily gotten worse. When making small talk about workplace drama with her I mentioned something she did not agree with and her response was "I DONT WANT TO AGRUE THIS WITH YOU KAI" Which was a common phrase I heard in my childhood that always translated to "Shut up your opinion doesn't matter!" Etc.
Once again this has triggered my own trauma various times. Over the course of the week I have attempted to communicate with her that I wish to take a step back from her personal problems. This is to shift my focus back to my own mental health and reduce the amount of stress that is severely impacting my work style. (Side note: I'm not meeting quotas because of the emotional stress this is causing me.)
Every time I have interacted with her as of late she's taken her frustrations out on me and hurt me in some way or form. And the worst part about it is that she had texted me and several of our friends on the weekend before saying she was going to "keep her head down so she doesn't accidently hurt any of us with her own issues."
I've talked to several of our fellow coworkers and friends about how I'm feeling and several have expressed that dispite the amount of drama it may cause I have every right to tell her that I need space and she needs to find another ride until she gets her problems sorted and/or apologizes and stops.
While their opinions about this situation matter I would also appreciate if any of you lovely readers have any advice to give. Or even critics if I am being an asshole.
Thank you for your time. -Kai
submitted by KyHighKraft to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 Reasonable_Jelly1636 I feel like giving up…

My son is 3 weeks old and breastfeeding has been a rough journey so far…
I’m overwhelmed and scared I can’t feed my son come morning time!
submitted by Reasonable_Jelly1636 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:14 Own-Surprise-2878 What to do when you are at your wits end with a marriage? 44M (poster) and 43F

Here is one for you all and its a long one. 44M here, been with my significant other for ~20 years, married for 11 years. At this point I don't feel like we are going to make it much longer. I don't think she wants to be with me anymore but needs me for financial support so she is trying to string me along.
I want to say right off that I know I am not perfect, have never pretended to be nor have I overlooked my shortcomings and have done everything I can to address and deal with my issues.At first things were good. We did things together, went out, hung out with friends together, bowled leagues together, had a lot of fun. We also had a good, sex life. We were having cuddling times, regular sex, great foreplay, she was pretty open to positions and trying things.
When we first got together she was working miscellaneous retail jobs. She had a 4 year college degree at this point as well but never even tried to find a job utilizing it. I was fine with her working whatever made her happy. I work in IT/Tech. I have always been the higher earner, making almost double her salary up until a couple years ago. I never once said anything about this, never gave her crap for making less or the job she worked. I only encouraged her to find a job she enjoyed. I went years, never saying anything that might hurt her, even when I was working 50-60+ hours of work in a tough field at a job I hated while she worked maybe 20-30 hours a week in a super easy job of her choosing. After about 10 years of us being together she finally decided to go back to school for computer science. To support her doing this we lived in a couple places and worked jobs I absolutely hated to make sure she could finish school without any pressure. Again, I never said anything to her about this, I did it so she could be happy. She ended up finishing and getting an extremely good paying tech job after a few years, around the time that I noticed the biggest changes about her. Prior to her latest job and changes, we were OK for a few years. We starting doing well together as we were both earning well and have no kids.
Start of problems:
After we were married for a few years she started changing. She stopped wanting to do things together, we went out less and less. Stopped watching shows and movies together, stopped gaming together. She started treating sex like a burden, made me feel bad for even trying to initiate it. She became more of a prude, stopped wanting to do almost anything sexual, stopped wanting cuddling/petting, lost almost all interest in foreplay that wasn't directly for her, she lost all interest in any type of intimacy, cuddling, foreplay, or really anything that isn't about her getting off.
I feel that I have been extremely patient over the years about all of this. She has some back issues (self inflicted, she was having soreness and pain but continued a workout regimen that was obviously not right and causing issues. I have tried to be understanding and accommodating since she had these issues. Sex was never really a big issue, even with the back problems we had a decent sex life until the last 5 or so years. She started wanting to do less and it really felt like she was just trying to get it over with (outside of when I was pleasuring her and getting her off. Once that was done it was like hurry up and finish.
More recently, last couple of years she has had 0 interest in sex or even anything physical. I mean I can barely kiss her, cant touch her at all without some excuse that it tickles or some other BS. No cuddling as she says I always pressure for sex, BS, I love foreplay and am happy with mutual getting off. I have mentioned the lack of intimacy, mentioning that is had been months since we did anything and it is always some excuse or a suggestion it may happen this weekend (going on 20+ " this weekend" without anything) . She has almost every excuse in the book as to why she doesn't want to without really having a good reason. She will blame her back bugging her but will then do a lot of work that is physically punishing, especially to someone with back issues and despite the fact that I said I would do it or try to help. I have also gotten several different things to help, wedge pillow to help with her back, tried it once and had some random complaint that I forget. She had mentioned trying a swing so she could have support in different positions. I found several options and she then made excuses about all of them, the primary one being support for the swing. I eventually called her on this being BS when the new house we got had a chain mount in one of the bedrooms ( looked like it was possibly for a heavy punching bag) that would be perfect for a swing and I tested it holding my full weight. I again mentioned getting a swing to make things better to only get additional excuses.
Further Issues:
We had always talked about wanting to move back to California and get a house there when we had the chance. We had also talked about houses we would like and things like that. When we started seriously talking about getting a house, she said she would check with work ahead of time about being able to move to another state as we had discussed, she did not. I don't think she even talked to her boss about it. She just refused to move outside of this state as she said her job required her to be her even though her boss lives in a completely different country.
When the time actually came to find and buy a house it did not work out the way I guess I had expected. Eventually, we purchased a house here after several fights as she decided she wanted a cheaper house to fix up. Not even considering the amount of work and money it would take to do so. One of her "options" was a run down ranch house that had a surprise renter (9 months left on a lease) in a very obviously water damaged basement. She picked out this house so she continued to try to justify buying it for about 100k over what it should be sold for. After about a week of looking at shitty houses and fighting she finally agreed to look at one of the houses I had chosen, the house we eventually purchased. It was a bit more but had almost all of our wants without the need to fix it up.
For the purchase, she provided the down payment from her inheritance and jointly financed the house. Once the purchase was finished and we moved in she changed, a lot. Things became more about what she wanted, she would mention things to me but completely ignore any input and just talk like what she wanted is what I chose too. Her dad then decided to visit and this was the largest wake up call I think I have had. I saw him doing all of the things that she does that annoy and frustrate me. I then realized that if I stay with her, dealing with this is my future. He took over the house and she treated me like an asshole for just wanting a bit of space that I could have to myself. She refused to deal with him or reign in his behavior. I think it was around this time that I realized that it felt like I didn't even have a home even though we just bought one, that I was just a wallet to help pay bills.
We ended up having a fight about this and I ended up leaving and staying at a hotel for a few days. This is where it got really eye opening as I considered this fight as something we would think about and get over. However, the first thing she did was talk to her friend and then reach out to divorce lawyers. She mentioned that she was talking to them about post nuptials to make sure she got the house and money. This was a signal to me, that she did not consider nor seem to appreciate all of the years that I spent working jobs I hated to supplement our income and cover for her while she went back to school. All it seemed she saw was that she got money now so the house and all of it was hers. She made a comment about how she felt the money, stocks, and house were hers. She added that she wanted a post nuptial to define this so I shouldn't be surprised if I get one to sign. Unsurprisingly, she never actually got this done, never mentioned it more so I am assuming she just got lazy and never followed up. One thing that stood out to me was that she mentioned that she could not afford the house by herself. She rambled off several things about us just being roommates and me continuing to pay for the house and bills. She came up with something about me paying and her giving me money back later or something, I ignored most of it as it was dumb, I.E. me leaving my checks going into our shared account and continuing to pay like I have been but doing so knowing she plans on keeping the house and that I might get some money later if she ever sold it. She also made a comment that I did a good job with the stocks so I should keep doing that for her and she would give me like a 1k in a few years. Since I started working with the portfolio and diversified the stocks I have made over 40k in gains for it so yeah I ignored this as I felt like it was insulting. This whole fight and conversation hit me hard, especially after 15+ years of me working hard, shitty jobs, to provide for us just to get slapped in the face by greed.
We ended up talking a bit after that fight after I ended up stopping by the house. She had mentioned previously about going to marriage counseling. I told her I didn't think it would help with our situation considering what the issues were but if she was willing to go and actually participate, I would be too. We ended up seeing a marriage counselor as she had suggested it previously and I wanted to try everything to make this work. I had previously mentioned that I didn't think it would work as she refuses to open up or discuss her issues with anyone and if she wont do that, it is a moot point. She said she would so we found a counselor and we went for a couple of months. During this time I was very open about my thoughts and feelings and gave the counselor details on my issues. She however, did not provide anything ahead of time, participate much, would not open up, and eventually said that we might as well not go as she didn't feel like we were gaining anything.
Turning Point:
I think the f*ck it point, straw that broke the camels back for me is that about a month ago, around 10 months or so since we had any kind of intimacy we had a fight. During the fight she admitted that she actually masturbates fairly regularly which really, really pissed me off as she knows the lack of sex and any kinds of intimacy was a big issue for me and was causing a lot of frustration. I was quiet about it as what I would have said would have started a big fight. I am now struggling because I cant really get over the fact that she shows me no interest, wont let me touch her, we haven't had sex in months and she admits to masturbating instead of having sex with me when she knows I am extremely sexually frustrated. To me, this shows her lack of caring about me and shows that she only really cares about herself and what she wants. This is furthered by conversations with her family I have overheard because she talks super loud on the phone and I guess she didn't realize I could hear her in the other room. This last conversation was essentially her talking about the money again and additional money she may get when her dad passes. She made the comment to them that in hindsight she would have made me sign a prenup as all of the money she has gotten and will get belongs to their family and she wants to keep it in their family. This was another moment when I was like what the hell, I am not your family?
I am torn, I have been with her for a long time, I do care for her, but she shows no interest in being with me. No interest in a relationship, doesn't want to do things together (she even said that if I want her do more things with me I have to do things she wants to do first), nothing for how I feel, what I want, no cuddling, no touching, nothing. It came down to the fact that she essentially wants a roommate that pays for her to have the house, help with chores, and helps take care of the dogs without expecting anything in return. She does not seem to get how she is, care how I feel, what I want, or really care about anything that does not benefit her.
I am at my breaking point, I have tried for years to give her everything and now as thanks, I get nothing from her. I am getting to old to keep wasting time in a loveless, sexless relationship but am also having a hard time walking away from a relationship I have been in for so long. After writing this out I am also realizing, well more wondering, what the f*ck I am doing as it seems pretty obvious I am bailing water out of a sinking boat.
submitted by Own-Surprise-2878 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 Informal-Addition-56 Baby suddenly refuses formula

My LO (4 month old next week) has been refusing formula since last week. This happened very suddenly. I nurse on demand and would occasionally give her a bottle of formula. So far I would send pumped breastmilk bottles to her daycare but would send formula too if I couldn't pump that much (she fed around the clock during her 3 month growth spurt and there was nothing left to pump) .
Since her growth spurt she nurses every 2-2.5 hrs during day and every 3 hours at night so there is no time or milk left for me to pump. So I wanted to send formula to daycare. But since last week, she started crying when I leave, refuse to take bottles from anyone else and absolutely will not take formula. She would take a breastmilk bottle from me but no formula. So I have ended up running to daycare to feed her every 2 hours.
Has anyone else been through this? Is this a phase? Or should I change formula type?
She currently takes aptamil (aus brand).
submitted by Informal-Addition-56 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 kaleesiqueen2000 Would you go camping with 10 week old twins?

My sister in law invited us to go camping when our twins will be 10 weeks old at a beautiful, almost impossible-to-get-reservations-at National Park. We have a 3 year old singleton.
My husband is eager to go, thinks it's a doable, rare opportunity, and is willing to use paternity leave to go (he recently returned to work, planning to go back on paternity when twins are 6 months old/when I'm back to work). I guess my sense of adventure isn't as strong as my sister in law and husband who think this is doable (no, my sister in law hasn't offered to help).
We'd be staying within a unit that has concrete structures but a canvas roof (no tent required).
I'm sure I'd find joy in seeing my 3 year experiencing the outdoors, but I'm triple feeding my twins/we haven't mastered solely breastfeeding yet (I'd have to pack/wash bottles, pump, bring my nursing pillow), the twins have reflux, and they're up every 3 hours.
I'm dreading waking up the campsite with my crying babies overnight and being without the conveniences of home (our swings, bottle warmer, access to water and a refrigerator), but a tiny part of me wants to go.
Would you go camping with 10 week old twins given this info?
View Poll
submitted by kaleesiqueen2000 to parentsofmultiples [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 Ivypearl Took my dog to the best veterinary hospital in our area, they missed her severely advanced dental disease…. twice….

Located in CA
I took my 9 yr old lab Ivy to the vet for an emergency visit in the beginning of March. Our regular vet couldn’t take her so we had to go to the 24/7 animal hospital. They are excellent and I was willing to pay for whatever they needed to do to help ivy.
She had been very obviously sick and in pain, puking, diarrhea, not wanting to eat. They did an ultrasound, blood panel, urinalysis, fluids, meds. They found elevated liver enzymes and ketones in her urine. She was so sick they wanted to hospitalize her overnight. I asked what they would be doing and they said monitoring. I asked if I could just monitor her myself at home and bring her back right away if she gets worse? They gave me a couple prescriptions and sent us home. -$1729
I didn’t realize until the next day they didn’t give us any pain meds or anything to help Ivy’s eating (I’d tried seriously all the bland diet options, she didn’t want any of it) I went back to get her pain meds and prescription food, and the girl says they forgot to charge me for something else so she added that on too. -$150
Ivy was getting better slowly but still not her normal happy self at all. Sad, droopy eyes, wanting to sit curled up in my lap like a baby 😭 I kept doing everything they said and I took her back about a month later to check her levels again. We saw the vet, then went back out to the busy lobby to wait until someone came out to tell me the results or medications or whatever. So I sat in the lobby and waited, I asked a few times for updates bc I needed to get back to work. After 3 hours I asked if they could check and see what was going on.
There was another dog named Ivy there that morning and the receptionist closed out MY Ivy’s account (and charged the other lady’s card -$566 of my charges). I was annoyed and paid my bill (non-itemized invoice bc she couldn’t find mine) and Ivy and I went straight to work. Ivy is my service dog and sleeps under my desk.
They said the liver enzymes and urine ketone levels were both back to a normal level which was great news. They still couldn’t really give me a clear answer as to what could’ve caused all of this, sometimes they eat things, or just get sick, whatever. She said a slow recovery was normal bc livepancreas stuff is unpredictable, painful, and can take a while to heal.
The hospital’s office called me the next day to apologize for making me wait so long and reimbursed $316 (the liver panel, I think, I don’t have an itemized invoice). They offered this without me asking which I really appreciated.
Ivy has still been sick, but definitely better than when I first took her in. She was still acting sad, no interest in her favorite things. I knew she was in pain and brought her to a different vet last week.
Dr.S had been Ivy’s vet most of her life at our regular vet’s office - we love him. He left and started his own practice,and I just found his new location is 15 minutes away from my house!! It was kind of secretive when he left the other place, I think out of respect for the owners and not take half the clients with him. Anyway, I was really happy to find him again, I fully trust him. He was Ivy’s vet at her 8-week old visit, did her spay, all of it. Ivy is scared of men she doesn’t know and she loves Dr. S.
He took a look in her mouth and was like Whoa! Found it! He saw one badly rotten and cracked tooth in the back and wanted to get scheduled for removal right away. I bought the senior wellness plan for -$998. I was quoted $1200-1600 for surgery. (He was also going to remove a large benign mass from her side since she’d be under anesthesia already, I’d been wanting to do this for a few years so this is something I wanted him to do also)
This Tuesday was surgery day. He ended up removing 3 teeth, a molar on each side, and a front tooth that was cracked and broken off (I knew about this, I’d been told it wasn’t anything to be concerned about).
He said one of the molars and the front tooth both had exposed roots, the back one had an abscess and the root was touching the bone. He asked if I wanted the pictures bc it was really interesting and you don’t usually see it so advanced 😞 He said this is definitely what has been hurting her and making it hard to eat. He said they must have not looked in Ivy's mouth at all if they didn’t notice it- twice??
He didn’t have enough time to remove the mass. He said he wasn’t comfortable keeping her under any longer due to her age and blood pressure levels. Unless it grows rapidly we’re leaving it for now.
-$350 for everything this day, including surgery time & anesthesia, full dental cleaning & sealant,office visit, sedated nail trim, medications, canned soft food, heart worm testing, some other stuff included with the senior wellness package.
It’s been two days since she got her teeth out and she’s already smiling again. She was jumping around and trying to play with her brother (cat) and she only does that when she’s really excited!! Ivy is the best dog I could ever ask for. Seeing her in pain has been so hard, because I couldn’t help her!! I was trying everything but it wasn’t working. I’m so glad we found it and I think she will be able to get better now. I wasn’t so sure for awhile there.
I called the hospital place and told them what I found out and asked what happened. How could they have missed this- TWICE? The girl was really nice and agreed this was a “very valid concern” and asked me to explain everything to her and she would talk to the medical director, try to get some answers for me, and get back to me. She asked what I wanted the resolution to be. I said I thought it would be appropriate to ask for all of my charges to be refunded in relation to this event over the past couple months including Dr. S’s charges.
She called me back when I was at dinner so I missed her call.
Is this right? I don’t know what I’m looking for, feedback, reassurance, guidance? This is malpractice, right??
I talked to Dr.S’s receptionist today, she’s going to send me the photos and a breakdown of charges between the wellness plan and what I had done, try to make sense of what would be appropriate to ask them to refund. I kinda also want to ask them for $200 flat to reimburse the food/groceries spent trying to get her to eat, literally anything I could try on her bland diet, I tried! I don’t have receipts but I know I spent a shit ton of money as Ivy’s short order cook the last couple months. (Today she scarfed down her regular food for the first time in forever, I cried). Is this pushing it too far? Should I just take whatever they offer me?
What about the fact Ivy spent 2 1/2 months in pain & suffering from the time I brought her in to the day Dr. S did her surgery? She has lost weight, and has been pretty obviously miserable the whole time.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Ivypearl to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 LengthinessLost8253 Nervous about going to college

I will start my college classes in June 5th (less than 3 weeks) and I’m feeling so nervous. First I wanted to go with online classes but then I decided to take them in person and I’m already freaking out. I haven’t gone to school ever since covid happened (after that 2020 spring break), so it has been more than 4 years. I do feel confident that I will do good in my classes but everything else makes me so anxious (being around so many people, having to socialize, etc). Any advice?
submitted by LengthinessLost8253 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 Additional-Bee-9632 I was diagnosed at 8 but always thought my doctor was wrong.

I was diagnosed with celiac at 8 yrs old. My mom gave up on feeding me gluten free after a week. I never had problems, now I’m 20. I went on keto for a month and had very nice solid stools. After I went off of the diet about a month ago immediately I started having diarrhea. It’s been a month, the diarrhea has not stopped. It’s classic malabsorption, either type 6 or 7 all the time. Yellow in color. Is it possible that I have destroyed my small intestine lining and am now feeling the effects after 12 years? I want to test out if not eating gluten fixes the problem, but I’m in Guam and am living out of a hotel for work and it’s quite hard to pick and choose what you eat here. Also… I really don’t want to give up light beer. Is it really that much gluten in light beer like bud light that I need to stop drinking it? I enjoy white claw and would be happy to switch but I don’t turn 21 for a month and want to know if I need to lay off the light beer until then?
submitted by Additional-Bee-9632 to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 fresitass i (23F) feel conflicted about how to feel about my ex and everything he did, how do i process this? (21M)

earlier this year, my ex (21M) dumped me (23F) after feeling conflicted about everything in his life. he was finishing up his senior year of college and it wasn’t going well. he started having some sort of existential crisis and didn’t know what he wanted to do in life. he had no motivation to be a doctor anymore, no motivation to try in school, and started falling out of love with me.
when he admitted to falling out of love with me, it came to me as a shock since it was very very sudden. i was devastated. we agreed to give each other space and stopped sleeping in the same bed. i decided to go stay at my parents house and that’s when he dumped me over text. i immediately called my best friend and she told me that she never really liked him that much. she also told me some of my other friends didn’t like him very much because of the way he sounded (he comes off as very strong and expressive, my friends are more reserved) and how opinionated he was (he was extremely passionate about the stuff he liked to the point where some people thought he was angry). despite me being angry at him, i felt bad for him. i won’t go into detail, but a lot of his personality traits stem from growing up in a loud toxic household in which he had no voice. he struggles with frequent manic and depressive episodes and i was always there to help him, i didn’t want him to feel like he was a monster because of his mental health. he was aware of my efforts and was appreciative towards me.
after about 2 weeks of being at my parents place, i go back home to my apartment that both him and i live in. he wasn’t at home at all and didn’t know where he was. long story short, he was staying at another girl’s house. i always had a weird feeling about her and how close they were, but i didn’t want to jump to conclusions. basically, i found out he developed feelings for her while we were together and was essentially having an emotional affair towards the end of my relationship with him. i was absolutely furious finding this out and blocked both of them on social media. i didn’t block his number since i still had to communicate with him for bills and such, but because of this, it led to several arguments between him and i. the arguments mainly consisted of me asking why he would do this, why he threw away two years, etc. i knew he was going through a manic episode, so i couldn’t do anything about it. i just had to watch him self sabotage. he kept telling me that he wants to explore other possibilities in life and doesn’t want to lose his independence, etc. after a lot of arguments throughout several days, i just accepted that things were over.
a couple of weeks go by, i was out of town with a friend and i get a text from him asking if we could talk. i was hesitant since i felt angry at him for basically leaving me for another girl and staying at her house, but i told him that i will speak to him later. i didn’t know what he wanted. i get home and he seemed like he was back to his old self in a way, he didn’t seem tense. he ends up apologizing over everything and tells me that he made the biggest mistake of his life and doesn’t want to lose me ever again. he explained how he couldn’t sleep at all while he was gone and kept thinking about how he destroyed his healthiest relationship he’s ever had. i was very hesitant, but i decided to take him back and take things slow. i told him that i want to work on rebuilding the trust we had again and continue to work on ourselves individually. he agreed and things are fine, he cut off the other girl, graduated, and is enjoying his post grad life.
here’s my issue, before all of this happened, we had so many great connections with our mutual friends and such. but after everyone found out what he did, his friends cut him off, my friends cut him off, everyone cut him off and expresses deep hatred towards him for hurting me the way he did. everyone essentially witnessed me crying and throwing up over him, so they want nothing to do with him. i feel embarrassed knowing that i told my friends that i wouldn’t go back to him, yet i still did. they told me they will support my decisions, but they still don’t know how to feel about him. my family basically hates him too. i feel sad knowing that all my friends hate my boyfriend, but it’s for valid reasons. im afraid that they’ll continue to hate him forever. im sorry if i sound stupid or naive, this is the first relationship i’ve been in where i’ve felt actually in love. i don’t know what to do. i want to stay with him, but the thought of my friends and family hating him forever keeps eating at me. how do i process all of this? i don’t know how to feel.
submitted by fresitass to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:11 DappaAlpaca I started walking and eating healthier one week ago.. I'm hooked!

Thought i would share my (short) journey with with you all. I'm a 35 year old male, approx 178 cm tall and a week ago i weighed 184 lbs.
When i was younger i was always that guy that could never put weight on, no matter what i ate or how little exercise i did my weight was always stable, which was a blessing as i have always hated working out in all of its forms. When lock down came around i switched to a work from home role and in a year my weight went from around 160 lbs to 184 and my activity level basically became non existent.
A week ago i decided to check out my recorded steps on my phone and was horrified that on some days i wasn't even hitting 700, that was enough to force me out of the house and take my first walk in years.
I have walked every day for the past week completing around 12 km each day, this combined with intermittent fasting between 8pm - 12pm and a calorie deficit which I'm tracking with an app called "Nutra Check" has helped me lose 5.6lbs.
I know its only been a week and it might sound cliche but i feel I've turned a corner, i actively look forward to getting outside, I'm sleeping better, enjoying the healthier foods and most importantly i feel entirely happier.
I'm hooked!
submitted by DappaAlpaca to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:10 WarFirm7095 1 year old

We've had my French bulldog since she was 8 weeks, she's now 1 year 1 month old, over the past couple of months she's been acting very aggressive while at home. She usually plays well with our other dog but has recently started fights with her and with myself and my gf. Prior to this she had been coming along really well with puppy training and had started to come out of the chewing phase; which she had started to go back into. Any advice? Tia
submitted by WarFirm7095 to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:09 maximsid Advice for future student

Hi everyone, I'm 24 years old and I finished my studies as an officer on Petroleum Tanker ships. I decided to switch careers and thoight about engineering specifically electrical engineering. It will take me around 4 years to finish the degree if all goes so I'll be 28-29 years old. Do companies hire people at that age and is it possible to find a job at that age in this specific degree? (I'm thinking about studying in London )
submitted by maximsid to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:09 Lumpypunm Does concerta cause low testosterone?

Hey guys kinda NSFW, throwaway Because I don’t need my main account knowing about my sex life, I’m 18 and started taking these meds for about 8 months. This all started about a week ago I noticed when I was just not horny and had a low sex drive, I’m usually always in a mood. then I started to have trouble getting an erection and when I did, it wouldn’t stay for long unless I really tried to you know… and I’ve also not been able to go to sleep until 4 am and usually sleeping for 6 hours if that. Lastly, my penis when flaccid is just very small when it use to be you know average. Sorry if this is TMI I just trying to figure out what’s going on.
submitted by Lumpypunm to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:08 Delicious_Ad4030 Living in JC vs Brooklyn

hi! I’m considering living in JC to save on the 4% city tax. i work remotely so i can work from any city in the US for my job but my income adjusts based on my location. i’d be earning the most in NYC/LA/SF/JC/Hoboken. there is an office in NYC but i will not be affiliated to it and would file my taxes from the city i work remotely from. the apartments in JC are so better quality for the price. but my main concerns is with the public transport and commuting out of JC to brooklyn / manhattan. i see myself going to the office about 1/2x a week at my own time (because my team is based fully remote) but going out on the weekends to brooklyn and manhattan. i’ve heard the path commute can be come exhausting and a pain in the ass late at night and on the weekends. and also brooklyn has a more vibrant community and things to do. would you recommend saving by living in JC but dealing with a longer commute, less social life and things to do?
submitted by Delicious_Ad4030 to recentcollegegrads [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:08 Away-Answer- Some specific Pantheon tips for people struggling.

Gonna preface this by saying that Week 2 and especially week 3 onward are NOT typical raid encounters. Bungie put this into the game for the people that stomp on everything. The people with all the builds they might need, who know every role to every encounter and who are generally skilled at game. If you are someone that just does raids/dungeons on normal and doesn’t hunt down the PVE meta, you are going to struggle.
LFG starts to become unreliable at these difficultly levels. It sucks, but this where people in dedicated groups and clans benefit.
That being said, if you’re gonna push forward, here’s some tips:
General: 1. Surge mods, Surge mods, Surge mods
  1. Class Warfare. Keping this at x3 throughout a damage phase often makes the difference.
  2. Elemental surges: Not absolutely necessary but highly recommended. Only for specific weapons/encounters can you navigate around this (Whisper for Oryx for example). If you aren't using surges, you better have best in class weapons. God roll Apex Predator or Edge Transit.
  1. The Pools last for a lot longer than you think. A new gazeholder doesn’t automatically mean you need to ditch the current pool
  2. The “free” gazeholder should either be priming the next bubble or doing damage themselves.
  3. Minotaurs will usually leave you alone but if you have to deal with them during gazeholding, Tractor Cannon makes light work of them. Tractor can also be used in between gazes to debuff Golgoroth.
  4. You will lose Golgoroth’s gaze instantly if you go invis.
  1. Runners: Lightweight weapons like Calus mini tool will help with speed if you are not loadout swapping. Spark of Haste on Arc will help with surviavablity if adds are a problem. Don't feel like you have to solo shoot symbols every time. There is enough time in this encounter to coordinate
  2. Addclear: Indebted Kindness trivializes this and makes it easy to help stunner with the arc shield centurions.
  3. Damage: Heavy on 1st plate, primaries on 2nd. Heavy + burst supers on 3rd plate.
Add clear: You should be farming them off spawn points. Sunbracer warlocks should be prioritized for this role. Sunshot is still great. The purple tormentor vortex thing can be shot and destroyed.
Runners: You are not exempt from add clear. The Psions and Incindeors are YOUR responsibility. Special weapons and grenades should be used to quickly burst Colossus. Fusions (Riptide or Scatter) and Supremacy with Tremors are fantastic.
Damage: Shoot boss at the Same Time off a 2-3 second countdown. You will maximize damage this way. Supers should be reserved for Plate 3
Atraks: Honestly not a whole lot different than the norm. Parasite + Star Eater + T Crash makes this fairly free. Killing a couple Tormentors will secure the 500k if add clear is decent.
Oryx: Again Indebted kindness or a good sniper (besides whisper) is insane here for bomb knights and ogres. It’s a long damage phase. Easy to miss out on class warfare if you tunnel vision on shooting. Not a hard encounter.
Rhulk: Damage is where shit goes down. 1 guy should be the dedicated copy distraction person. A heat rises warlock can make this very easy by having the copy walk off the edge. Thunderlord can 2 phase IF you have enough burst supers. Rockets are the most reliable if not using Thunderlord.
submitted by Away-Answer- to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:08 Diligent-Ad-7125 How do I cure this? Its torture.

i (24F) had inner labia pain since early feb. had sex 2-3 days before it happened w my partner (25M) of two years. never had sexual history prior. i also have hypothyroid and on levothyroxine 50mcg.
symptoms were redness near vagina entrance on the left side, raw pain feeling/irritation all on the left especially inner labia. was treated with clotrimazole suppository twice on feb. took gonorrhea swab test. so, was also given doxycycline and metronidazole when waiting for gonorrhea test results. dr said i had yellow discharge while taking sample using speculum.
early march, still in pain. dr examined and saw “ulcers” “lesions” on the left inner labia. same area. its pitted small white in middle. dr gave acyclovir. then i tested negative hsv, syphilis, hiv, chlamydia, twice tested and both negative. (in a span of 2 months).
have yet to heal, i bought metronidazole and miconazole suppository myself at a pharmacy. of course it didnt help me…
then, results for gonorrhea came out, dr said i was positive then gave ceftriaxone injection and doxycycline again. but only for me to find out after finishing treatment that i actually am negative gonorrhea. only pus cell was seen.
by this time i was so tired mentally and in pain. i did all test i could. i tested ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trich, gonorrhea again and chlamydia. all negative.
then i did high vaginal swab to check for yeast and bv and strep. all not detected and my vagina flora is normal. this time is already end of april.
now i was referred to a derm. she gave me prednisolone and steroid gel. been using the g for 2 weeks now and taken pills for a week. i have 6 more days of pills to go. but i still have pain.
my right inner labia is pain internally, while the left inner labia still have “ulcers” “lesion” and red patch near vagina entrance it hurts. even clitoris hood is sensitive pain.
i also did a pap smear before i took prednisolone pills which is why i started on the steroid gel first and not yet finish the steroid pills. but my pap smear is normal.
im lost. dr told me it might be contact dermatitis and steroid takes a while to heal. but im scared. im hurting. im also afaird if its hsv despite two negative results. and i dont even have other outbreaks. no signs of healing of the ulcers or pain… anybody with similar experience?
right now dr gave me several possibilities which were contact dermatitis, autoimmune problem, vulvodynia, chronic candisisis, and hsv.
its been 4 months of this torture. idk what to do. i will be finishing my prednisolone. but idk if this is just a skin problem. also apologies if i mispelled anytthing. im no dr. i only wrote down what i remembered.
submitted by Diligent-Ad-7125 to vulvodynia [link] [comments]
