Madness interactive tar mod

AITA for getting jealous over my (ex) best friend and my boyfriend?

2024.05.17 13:50 redditismytherapylol AITA for getting jealous over my (ex) best friend and my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I (F) have been dating for almost 9 months. When we first started dating, I started spending more time with him rather than with my friend group (lets call it friend group A), which is a bad move on my part to be honest but I have strict parents and not enough time in the day to hang out with both of them. It's not like I completely ditched them, I tried to split my time half half but it was really difficult to. None of them really had a problem with this except my best friend (Also F). Now, again back then we just started dating, and I was blinded to see that I was ditching my best friend. SO again. That's my fault.
A few months after we started dating, my boyfriend and I hung out with some more people as well, and soon we became something close to a friend group (friend group B). (btw: I hadn't ditched friend group A, I still spent time with both of them.) Friend group B consisted of most of my bgs friends, though I'm pretty much friends with his friends so it was fine for me. One day, I invited my best friend to join friend group B because she was closer to 2 of the friends in friend group B than A anyways. Everything was going pretty good with friend group B until my parents thought they were bad influences and told me to stop hanging out with them. Of course, I listened because well, they're my parents and I didn't want to make them mad. I ended up going back to friend group A, sometimes visiting friend group B mainly to see my bf, but here's the funny part. My best friend didn't come with me.
Now, I get that she was closer with some of the people in friend group B than A, and I wanted to be happy for her, because she seemed happy, but I was already really unhappy getting forced to leave friend group B, and it just sucks she didn't seem to care. We barely talked because we never saw each other anymore, and when we did see each other it seemed awkward or forced, nothing like how "best friends" are supposed to act. I always tried to muster up the courage to speak to her about it, but I was always scared it would ruin our friendship, even if it was dangling by a thread. As I couldn't do anything about it, I decided to just leave it alone, and perhaps things will just fall into place one day. Oh how wrong I was.
So I left it alone. I just hung out with friend group A and minded my own business, and I was completely out of the loop of friend group B, beside the occasional visits. When these visits happened, I noticed my boyfriend and my "best friend" starting to get kinda close. They knew a lot about each other and each others weird 'eras' (eg. my "best friends" old anime phase) and had a lot of inside jokes. I, being the one who introduced them to each other, of course tried to ignore it and be happy for them since I HAD originally wanted them to be friends, but now I was really regretting it. Soon enough, I noticed them texting constantly (snap number one best friend for 2months+ goes crazy), playing video games together (even with my "best friends" little sister like what!?!?!), and hanging out and going to lunch together (okay this was usually with friend group B as well but I thought it was weird my "best friend" was able to go out so much since she had strict parents like I did (even stricter actually) and we went out like once a month, but suddenly she was able to go out with friend group B so often?) Also, whenever I went to go visit my boyfriend and friend group B, I would see them interacting and felt like I was being left out. (Honestly I felt left out of friend group B entirely but that's another story) To be fair, these activities were pretty "friendly" but I just felt like there were some weird areas (I wont get into it since this is getting way too long). Or maybe I'm just a really really jealous person (actually that might be it).
I thought about two solutions. 1. I tell my boyfriend how uncomfortable I feel around the two of them, and make him cut her off, but this could risk my best friend getting mad at me idk. (Okay I'm making this whole thing out to be like my best friends an evil villain and im sure shes not (or she wasn't I'm not sure anymore) but I'm just really uncomfortable with what could be going on behind my back. I do trust my boyfriend, I'm just worried about how much my "best friend" has changed and if she'll backstab me). Also I'd feel really controlling even though I know he would 100% understand, it just feels weird to me if that makes sense? Like he has told me to cut contact with people and I've had no problem with that but I've never told anyone to do that before and I'm scared he'll get offended I don't trust him. And they're so close I feel like I'd be ruining their friendship? I DONT KNOW OKAY I have no idea what to do. 2. I tell my best friend everything she's done and how it really hurt me and try to make her understand. Yeah that seems like a better solution so I did just that. I told her everything that pissed me off and how I felt uncomfortable around them. She seemed to have understood (key word: "seemed to") and apologised and felt the same way as I did about our friendship drifting. She also emphasized how she and my boyfriend were "not that close anymore", but I definitely disagree with that (also agreed by another close friend in friend group B). And though she "seemed to" understand and said she would change, I do see changes in our friendship and out dynamic, even if its not a big one, but I don't think she understood JUST HOW uncomfortable I was with her and my boyfriend, because I didn't see a change there.
So the conclusion is, my boyfriend is really close friends with my best friend (now ex best friend ig) even if they don't admit it but its fairly obvious. I'm trying to be okay with it since I introduced them to eachother because I wanted them to get to know eachother, but I'm really struggling to not break into tears everytime I see them talking or sitting together or honestly everything they do together... I have no idea what to do to stop feeling like this. Am I making it sound really serious when its not? What do you guys think? What should I do?!

PS: sorry this is so long, I haven't talked to anyone about the true depth of this but its seriously unhealthy. this is my first reddit post so if i should make any changes let me know! also let me know if you guys have any questions! thank you !!!!
submitted by redditismytherapylol to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:48 spookymattyy (FNV) Been having issues with the camera when driving any of the cars from ¨The Frontier Standalone Cars¨ mod. The camera stays where I get in the car and does not follow me. I have all the required mods stated in the Readme. file and I'm not sure what´s causing this.

YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
Uncut Wasteland.esm
Vanilla Enhancements.esm
Functional Post Game Ending Lite.esm
Mojave Raiders.esm
Frontier Cars.esp
Weapon Mod Expansion.esm
Animated Player Interactions.esm
Beloved Race - Master.esp
More Perks.esm
Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
CPI Icons.esp
JSawyer Ultimate.esp
Follower Tweaks.esp
JSawyer Ultimate - Push's Tweaks.esp
Mojave Arsenal.esp
JSUE - YUP Patch.esp
Real Recoil.esp
Real Recoil Tweaks.esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
FCO - NPC Changes.esp
More Perks Update.esp
DLC Enhancements.esp
IWR - Rebuilt.esp
New Vegas Open.esp
Street Light Corrections.esp
Follower Home Marker.esp
Better Character Creation.esp
FCO - Niner.esp
Dynamic Pipboy Light.esp
Titans of The New West.esp
Titans of The New West - Power Armor Sprint JAM.esp
Weapon Mod Expansion.esp
Diagonal movement.esp
360Movement - Diagonal movement Patch.esp
Vanilla Enhancements - JSawyer Ultimate Push Tweaks Patch.esp
Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch.esp
Famine - Flora.esp
Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged - Mojave Arsenal Patch.esp
The Living Desert - Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged Patch.esp
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp
FCO - Russell.esp
Depth of View I Blur.esp
Depth of View I.esp
Depth of View IE Blur.esp
Depth of View IE Custom.esp
Depth of View IE Gentler.esp
Depth of View IE Middle.esp
Depth of View IE.esp
Heat Haze.esp
Realistic Lead - Bullet Ballistics.esp
Mojave Raiders.esp
JSawyer Ultimate - Mojave Raiders Patch.esp
Food Effect Tweaks.esp
Mojave Raiders Tweaks.esp
Mojave Raiders - Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged Patch.esp
Player Combat Priority.esp
Project Reality Footsteps.esp
Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp
Weapon Retexture Project.esp
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
Little More Lamplight.esp
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp
submitted by spookymattyy to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:33 ExcitementUpper2655 AITA for telling my friend about my nightmare?

For some context, me (20F) and my best friend (24M) are actually FWB but barely anyone knows. Although, and I feel this holds a lot of importance, we are basically a couple without being one. He knows I love him and there's signs screaming that he feels the same way, like him asking me to tell him that I love him or him saying he is scared I would find someone else/better. Even our FWB is exclusive which is basically a relationship, but yea make of it what you will. I will call him my bf for this post bc honestly that describes our relationship better than FWB or friends.
My nightmare was about SA and being forced into a relationship with that guy in dream etc etc and it was quite disturbing to me. Things like these have happened to me in the past as well. So when I woke up today I wanted to talk to him about it. What a mistake that was.
To understand what happened next, I have to tell you this. Basically a few weeks back one of our common friends became a bit flirtatious with me (I have 0 interest in him whatsoever) and it made me feel uncomfortable so I went to tell my bf about it, not to make him jealous or anything, not even in the slightest, but because I felt he was a safe space and I could tell him about it. He told me he did want to hear nor see anything about anyone being this way to me. That's fine with me, I understood. You can see where this is going.
So when I told him about the nightmare he said he shouldn't have asked about it. He ignored me for like 2h when I asked him what about it got him mad, I got this reply word for word:
"imagine if i constantly excitedly told u abt any interaction i have with other girls, specially ones where they show interest. then told u abt how i had dreams where i was fcking other girls and was in a relationship with them. now imagine instead of it being a one-time occurrence, it happens regularly at random intervals. try to imagine that and how it would make u feel. if you can find an answer to that, you might understand why i didn´t wanna talk to you if you rly believe this has any effect except for reinforcing the belief that you will not be loyal and shit, then u r rly naive and stupid"
It happened once that I told him about someone being flirtatious with me and once he went digging for something in my past that he did not like. The only other incident was me sending him a picture about an F1 driver where he had some different race suit on and I commented that it makes him look a bit better. It was basically celebrity banter, nothing we hadn't done b4. Just like he jokes about how gorgeous Zendaya is. I thought it was no biggie but apparently for him it was. And once again I did not "excitedly" tell him about the friend flirting with me, I was feeling hella uncomfortable but I was fine with his boundary of not wanting to know about it.
Also I don't see how others being like that to me would indicate I would cheat? I would never ever cheat on anyone, it is an absolute no-go for me. Also how would it be cheating if we aren't together? I hope you can catch my drift now. And a nightmare about SA is nothing like someone flirting with me IN THE SLIGHTEST. Maybe I did cross a line when telling him about the nightmare? I have no idea. I thought I could talk to him about it because it affects me mentally.
AITA for telling him about it?
submitted by ExcitementUpper2655 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:15 CordouroyStilts PC US Deer Isle THE REVIVAL PD, Medic, and Human Trader factions Lore Custom Areas Keycards

The Revival is a PC server that provides an organic DayZ experience. Our rules are designed to discourage KOS and toxicity. Our mission is to provide an immersive experience that stays true to what makes DayZ a great game.
Please check out our trailer. It's worth a watch even if you don't plan on playing our server.


Deer Isle Police Department - Active Police Force
Federation of Medical Experts - Active Medical Team
Revival Trade Collective - Active Trading Group
Disciples of The Hammered Faith - Devoted followers of Homerius Depotus. Trailer here.
Dexter's Munchies - Providing what we can to increase the quality of your survival on Deer-isle! We do our best to keep our food crates filled up for the public so you can sit back and relax for a bit!
The Fish and Game Specialists - A group of friendly hunters, survivalists, and scavengers with a love for diplomacy and emphasis on teamwork.
Or start your own


• Custom Safe Zone
• Custom POIs
• Custom Dark Zone with Leaderboard & real $$$ Rewards
• Business Licenses for Mechanics, Tailors, Gunsmith, and Carpenters!
• Server Lore Dating Back to 2018 & Experienced Core of Roleplayers
• Base Building with deed system for offline raiding protection
• Mods: Dogtags, Passports, Drugs, Boats, New Zombie Types, Many More!
• People actually use radios. (Long range, no battery drain)
• KOS Discouraged, Interaction Encouraged
• Healthy PvP & Base Raiding - Deed your base with PD to receive a DM when you're being raided.
• Loot is Close to Vanilla, Added Modded Clothing, Guns, Cars, Boats & RP Items
• Customs Mods and Experienced Modders
• All Mods Thoroughly Tested & Configured for Balancing


• Dedicated Server in Eastern USA
• 4.5GHz Baseline CPU, High FPS
• Active & Mature Admins and Moderators
• Whitelist and Application Process
• Active Player Bans & Cheater Monitoring
• Clear Rules & Organized Discord
submitted by CordouroyStilts to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:13 Halliwel96 Hedgehog build.

Just discovered an interesting interaction today that I’ve never seen anyone talking about before. So I thought I’d make this post as a heads up and then if this is already well known I just look stupid. Oh well.
Callous Glow Ring’s damage is triggered by almost everything, I came to learn today this includes Bonespike Armour and the flesh melter cloak. Wearing all these pieces combined with a glowing weapon or a weapon with light cast on it means every time someone hits you they take:
1D4 acid + 2 radiant + Con mod piercing + 2 radiant. With the amulet of health that averages 13.5 damage every time you get hit.
I’ve been combining it with a barbarian using the sword of chaos, between that and warding bond it’s very easy for this character to stay healthy whilst most of act three kills itself running into you. Most of the time I don’t even bother with warding bond.
Super fun would recommend.
submitted by Halliwel96 to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:02 LuxArdens Anomaly made me realize Rimworld gives you way too much info.

Something worth discussing perhaps, and since fun is subjective people will have different opinions on this: Would Rimworld be better if you had less perfect info all the time?
I normally like it when games display precise statistics, and all the information you could ever need is available. But the Rimworlds are filled with all sorts of unknowns and strange archotech stuff. Anomaly really dropped the ball on this in particular I think, because it is horror themed, but feeds you ALL the information about what is going to happen next instead of letting you stumble around in the dark. I will put in a


warning but really this is just the info you get right away when first discovering something and it gives away so much:
There's a darkness coming. How do you know? You just do. Also, it's dangerous so don't go into the dark.
If you complete this quest and kill this mad puppy you will receive exactly 9 honour for it.
This zombie will fall over and die in 3.2 hours. The other one will drop in exactly 0.4 hours
This is a revenant, you only just encountered it but here is a nearly exhaustive guide on what it does and how you beat it.
This disease has progressed to 97% and immunity is at 99% so your pawn is fine.
The next raid will arrive in 291 seconds.
Etc. You get my point. Now it wouldn't be convenient at all if things like immunity and disease stuff were more hidden or vague. It outright sucks for min-maxing, but Rimworld is a story building game and it would definitely make things more tense and add to that aspect. My suggestion would be a mod or setting that makes on-screen info and messages follow the following guidelines:
One event that was very well done in this regard is the creepy joiner events. You know they are probably bad, but they aren't guaranteed to be. You have no idea how bad or which type of bad either. So making a more organic story around them is easier. You can still read the wiki about intricate details and use cheesy methods to deprive yourself of the mystery if you want, but the potential for story-telling is decent. Honestly, imo in-game descriptions in general aren't great and most will agree that the quests/incidents/raids system could use an overhaul, but that's too much to discuss right now. Curious as to what people's thoughts are on this particular thing.
submitted by LuxArdens to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:59 G_Kostas Fleshing out CoS and Interactive Tome

Hello Dark Lords, I'm a new DM and I have been DMing CoS for some time. I like and rely a lot on MandyMod's work (Fleshing out CoS). My players are in Vallaki, where the Tome is and I was thinking of incorporating The Interactive Tome of Strahd.
My question is, can the two, meaning Fleshing out CoS mods and the Interactive Tome work together, or do they contradict themselves somehow?
Thanks for your time, darklords
submitted by G_Kostas to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:18 Leather_Fig1840 My friend has cut me off because he has a crush on me and I can’t get him out of my head

My (19M) friend (19M) texted me 3 months ago to tell me that he could no longer speak to me because he is in a committed relationship and he was starting to develop a crush on me. In order to prioritise his boyfriend, whom he loves very much, he had to cut contact with me, for a non-specific amount of time. In his words, it is “dangerous” for us to speak.
This all starts when we were 16- 3 years ago. Something important to know: this did not start platonically. We were two 16 year old boys who had similar interests and who could sustain one another intellectually, and thence began a romantic long-distance summer fling. He is a classical musician and actually composed me some pieces. After a while, it died out because of the distance. We remained friends after the fact, but I most certainly did not forget him. He told me at 16 that I was one of those people you’re told your whole life that you’ll meet. Those words have stuck with me.
For the next two years that followed, contact remained spotty. Any conversation we had revolved around music (mostly), philosophy, life, anything. Usually long conversations, but very infrequent.
Then August 2023 rolls around. I’m 18 and I’m about to begin uni on the other side of the country. In a new city….. in his city. Yes, I moved to his city. Not on purpose. I post my arrival on my Instagram story, and he replies that we must get coffee together sometime soon. Basically, I was head over heels. I had a crush on this guy. He’s a local, so he ended up picking a pizza restaurant. I arrive first and I’m waiting in front of the restaurant, facing the window. All of a sudden, I see his reflection in the window; a guy wearing a violin case like a backpack. I turn around and he crosses the street to come give me a hug. This was our first meeting in person.
We spoke a while in the restaurant. Spoiler: He has had a boyfriend since March at this point (I HAD NO CLUE). At one point in our pizza-filled conversation, he mentions his boyfriend. However, in our language, the word he used can mean either boyfriend or friend. I really didn’t think he was in a relationship, so my delusional ass interpreted it in the platonic sense. After the restaurant, we walked to his music school, where we found a room. I sat on a chair and he took out his violin. He asked me to name any composer and he would play a piece from said composer. I neglected to mention that he is extremely talented. One in a million. If it isn’t obvious, I thought this was a date. It was not a date; not for him at least.
After said encounter, I felt quite disappointed that I didn’t get any romantic vibes from him (duh, it was not a date. He literally mentioned his boyfriend lol). I complained to my old roommate for days about this. My roommate, on some intoxicated bender, texts this guy and tells him that he needs to let me know if he has feelings for me or not. I was furious. My roommate guiltily confessed this to me the following morning. He told my roommate that he is not single and that he is not at all interested in me. He does say, however, that “we would have been the perfect match”; something that he probably shouldn’t have said but it is not something that I will contest. What my roommate did was a gross violation of my boundaries, of course I’m upset. However, in a way, it almost needed to happen. A few days later, I reply to his story about some other restaurant, and he says that his bf/friend (the word is ambiguous in our language) recommended it to him. I ask him if he has a boyfriend and he clears it up then and there. It was after this interaction that my crush dissipated. Knowing that he wasn’t interested in me really helped with me moving onto other guys.
Over the following months, we speak every now and then. When we spoke, the conversations would not end. The kind of conversations where you know that you have to go to bed, so you wished the other person goodnight, yet there you are talking about fucking Ligeti 50 minutes later. Anyways, while I was supposed to working on a philosophy assignment, I told him that I USED to have a crush on him, but I was firm on the fact that I no longer did. I told him the “date” story as a funny anecdote. He had no clue that I ever liked him like that at any point. The conversation got a little awkward, but he told me that he really loves his boyfriend, but that he “does not forget”. He tells me that we would have been a perfect match. Funny.
A little while after, he invites me to one of his concerts at the museum. There, I meet his mother and grandparents. Also, his boyfriend. The concert was great, and the three of us chat for a while afterwards. Unfortunately, he has to leave, but he suggests that I tour the museum with his boyfriend, so his boyfriend and I tour the museum together. Interesting experience. Something important to know: I don’t have the best impression of his boyfriend. Their relationship is (was???) an open relationship and it felt like this guy really had to convince him to join his polyamory, based on what he told me in their conversations. Also, they were apparently on a break at one point earlier in the year because my friend’s mental/physical health was really bad, so to me it seems as though his boyfriend abandoned him in his time of need because the relationship “got hard”, so I already don’t have the best impression of him based on what my friend has told me. Anyways, I honestly thought that his bf was flirting with me??? (I guess he is allowed to because it’s an open relationship, but still…).
Fast forward the following month: we were supposed to see a concert together but something bad happened so he couldn’t attend. I end up buying him a CD which I had signed because this is a very famous pianist who just happened to visit our city. For like 3 months, we didn’t see each other, but I reminded him regularly that I had a specially-signed CD to give him. He has classes next to my apartment sometimes, but we can’t seem to get our schedules to fit…. until the end of February.
He has this class thing where you can invite people to watch you play and get critiqued, which he invited me to! After watching him play, I greet him outside the room and one of his colleagues. Let’s call her F. We all chat a little and I give him his disk. Literally such a mundane interaction.
BUT THEN THREE DAYS LATER, he texts me that he is very sorry, but that we have to cut contact. He has been dishonest toward himself and toward his boyfriend, because he has a crush on me. He doesn’t WANT to have a crush on me. And look, I get it. His relationship is important and he is putting the guy he loves first. You can’t control how you feel about people, but you CAN control what you do about it. So I get it. Wouldn’t I do the same? I told him to promise me that he wouldn’t forget about me completely. I screamed “what the actual fuck” multiple times because I didn’t know how to process this. This is definitely not an event I expected to have in 2024… The only links we have in common are now: we have each other’s phone numbers, we are Facebook friends, and I am friends with F on Facebook because she also happens to be in my programme at uni. But we have not spoken. Not a single word between us since February 24th. I respect his decision, so I will not speak to him.
This guy occupied my mind rent-free. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Frustrating because when he told me that he wasn’t interested back in August, that was enough to help me move on. And all of a sudden, my mind can’t let go of the fact that this guy has a crush on me. This guy, whom my type is kind of based on honestly. Middle of March rolls by, and I meet F (his colleague) again at an event hosted by our programme. We all got drunk, especially me 🤦🏻‍♂️. And of course, being drunk, you have a tendency to bring down your inhibitions. We’re on the bus and she asks me how I know the friend. I tell her it’s a long story, but that I can’t speak to him anymore. I say that “he’s soooo dramatic”. She asks me to explain further, but I tell her that I can’t.
The next day, I felt like an idiot!!! Wow. I almost told her what happened. I don’t need that spreading around his school. I saw a uni therapist at the beginning of April, which didn’t really help much. Every time I took the bus, I would check to see if he too was on the bus. Never was.
BUT THEN, I met someone new. We’ll call him T. T has been successful in getting my mind off of the friend. It’s quite recent, but we’re seeing each other and it’s moving along smoothly. Beginning of May, I barely think about the friend anymore. I have a new guy in my thoughts and I’m very happy about it. So T and I go to see a concert together. Guess who just had to be doing a pre-concert in the waiting hall. The violinist friend. T and I are walking up the stairs and all of a sudden the violinist and I made eye-contact and I basically just had a hot flash. I had not seen this guy since February… And I seriously had to make eye-contact with him while I’m on a date with T???
I feel like my progress is ruined. Ever since I saw him at the concert hall, he is on my mind again. I keep checking his Facebook. I can’t listen to my favourite music without thinking about him. But I refuse to give up the music that feeds my soul just because he likes the same stuff. I feel awful toward T, because I have another guy in my thoughts.
All I know is that this person is special. I have known this for years and he is not someone I could accept never having in my life again. He has never forsaken me. I have a deep desire to share my life with him and to be apart of his, and I am perfectly okay with it being platonic. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to live my life without it being a soap opera.
TL;DR: An old friend that I had a crush on, but no longer had a crush on once I found out that he was in a relationship and was not interested in me, ended up having a crush on me and has had to cut contact with me in order to not be dishonest toward his boyfriend. I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s driving me mad.
submitted by Leather_Fig1840 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:51 UnlimitedPostWorks Mimzy saved Lucifer in Hell's Greatest Dad

So, hear me out. Let's examine for one brief moment Hell's Greatest Dad entire sequence. Lucifer arrives, Alastor is CLEARLY not happy about it. So, while he usually respect people on his par if they can cause him troubles(as demonstrate in his interactions with both Zestial and Carmilla), she goes out of her way to piss him off. Like, pissing him off A LOT. And he does that while being much more morbid with Charlie. But what end goal would he have at that point? Because, like the end of the song suggest, they were about to throw hands if not for Mimzy butting in. So, do you think Alastor thought he had a shot at the literal king of hell? Of course not, he is not Adam, he has probably more brain than the entire cast combined, he knew Lucifer would have broke his kneecaps. But here is the deal. We saw Charlie's reaction to Lucifer and how she clearly pointed him at Alastor as the person who was defending her dream. Alastor knows Charlie well, Lucifer doesn't. Charlie trust Alastor, not her father. The exact moment Lucifer attacked Alastor, his bond with Charlie would have been broken, possibly forever. And without the most powerful being in hell out of the hotel, and Charlie heartbroken, wouldn't it be a perfect moment to take Charlie under his wing? But Mimzy break that. Randomly showing up at the hotel completely break the tension and distract everyone, and Charlie immediately tries to take his father away from Alastor. Mimzy accidentally saved Lucifer. Because, yes, he would have broken Alastor, but Charlie's heart with it.
And before someone says "but Alastor didn't seem to be mad at Mimzy". Are you sure? Alastor never stops smiling. And yet, he almost breaks after defeating the sharks.
submitted by UnlimitedPostWorks to HazbinHotel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:07 Nemluka I'm really happy

I'm really happy
So, I'm just here to share how Streaming and VTubing has gone for me so far. As well as share some art with you all that I've had done so far. In the past few days my Tiktok has gone up a few hundred followers, the Twitter is almost at 400 followers, the Twitch is almost at 150 followers. And the Discord has like 45 members that are decently active and a really supportive community so far. I have people subbing, sending gift subs, and even starting to donate to my Throne. It's just really going better than I thought it could. Really. And the most amazing part of this is I've only been doing this for a month. The first image I'll share is my actual VTube model. Though before that, I'm gonna post the video of me getting blasted with Bits LMAO. It shows the hearts that will be moving in his eyes all the time and the cotton candy crown that I requested for Debut. ^
He's so fucking cute and we'll done and I couldn't be more thrilled for him to be my model in about a month. My Cotton Candy Brand will finally have its face. The next few images are just other pieces of art that I've had done of my Model/Character. I just keep getting lucky with the most incredible artists..~ I'm just so thrilled. So happy with where my progress is bringing me and so excited to see what the future of my Community will look like.
I'm just a small awkward dude. I have Aspergers among many other things and have very severe health issues. Spine surgery, lung collapses, Mycobacterium Avium Complex, and much more. I'm fully disabled and sit at home all day every day. I've never seen myself as entertaining or really even worthy of anyone's time. This growth is helping me have a more positive outlook on myself. I have an absolutely fantastic Mod Team so far, people showing up to Streams, and friends that support me.
Don't give up on Streaming. If you aren't getting many followers or interaction, try to adapt. Try to market yourself better. Try to spread your name across Twitter and other Platforms better. And ABSOLUTELY always talk to Chat. Even if it's an entirely empty chat. (If there's no one there, why would I talk?)-- In case someone shows up. People won't wanna stay if it's just silence.
I hope you all have as wonderful a day as I'm having w^
submitted by Nemluka to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:50 Scared_Fix_1552 Random Thought Bubble

26 y/o male here (out of two younger sisters) - for a lack of immediate depth and clarity, I sometimes feel as if my brain is, quite frankly, a Lvl. 45 Pokémon in my otherwise full party of normally leveled mons (in this case, other organs? IDK, my poetically 'PogChamp' metaphor kinda fell off after a certain point, admittedly enough, lol...) and because I don't have any 'gym badges', or rather, notable enough ones on 'this' profile to attain the respect of said OP 🧠 (dry reincarnation joke for ya) like anything above an associate's college degree, to where in which I've been shamelessly punishing myself for ever since. All in a familial structure founded off my Father immigrating here from Iran at 17 due to an ongoing war at the time, proceeding to speed run his ability to speak and understand English, and ultimately earn his Doctorate degree at UT Austin in Mathematics by age 24/25 y/o. My Mother, also having immigrated to TX from around the same area/time period to that of my father, learned most if not all of her English and Math by dad, eventually earning her own highly marketable and prestigious degree, allowing her to work as a laboratory scientist within an established Hospital ever since) I wake up each day with ~75-80% chance of my emotions/seemingly invisible yet unapologetically frictious (made up word of the day) force of my own nature steering me not just off course with regards to tangible progress in most faltering facets of my life, but 180 degrees, straight-up in the opposite direction entirely; no matter how hard I may try and/or far I may get, there just always happens to be this same (assumedly) suspect layer of my consciousness to whom in which takes it upon 'itself' to fully assess and ultimately execute some seemingly crucial decision/deduction 'for me', frequently working so far ahead into the future that I lose damn near any/all opportunities to act authentically, evenif said authentic action(s) is/are the more difficult/tedial (made up word of the day, and an unnecessary one at that yet way more satisfyingly sounding than 'tedious' imo xp) decisions out of all answer choices, almost never allowing me a proper build up of 'dharmic momentum', if you will, when that in of itself would likely prove valuable. I believe this behavioral pattern in particular has made it exponentially more difficult to break my current bad habits in insomnia(-l?), burn out, depression, and consequently to these aforementioned, my biggest demon of them all ATM: productivity paralysis - all in which I've been experiencing this past year. For example: my mom telling me we have to go somewhere I don't want to in the morning, my replying 'consciously', usually in agreement in an attempt to avoid further arguments/conflicts, trading authenticity for emotional convenience, be it for better or for worse, only then for my 5Head brain to do what it likely does best (at least with regards to consistency) ala subconsciously 5Head'ing the situation in the background like an antivirus program would after downloading a sketchy Switch emulator onto one's hard drive, it's way of 'resolving' it's self proclaimed virus by having me stay up all night to where there's no way I can go after all, trading my misery for a more preferable, oftentimes comfortable solution as well as rebellion, especially towards those whom I feel can't look past their own selves when offering advice/ideas, which is one thing, but also forcing said solutions onto those concerned, be it due to frustration, which I can't blame them for given my like-mindedness towards my own self and scenario. Slightly more context in that I've always been told I'm super smart, 'could' be one of my best students if... (you know the rest ✌️🙂‍↕️), blah blah blah, but have genuinely been able to achieve things I seriously haven't heard of a single other person accomplishing especially with regards to my passions and career choices, tend to for whatever peculiar reason attract highly successful and oftentimes famous individuals i.e. content creators, musicians, general artists - weirdly/oftentimes VERY well known ones - into my life on both friendly and romantic levels (ironically, seeming to have had a strange ability to attract the upper eschalon of high functioning individuals from not much interesting initial interaction(s) from my perspective, in OR out of schooling, admittedly enough, always hoping I would become one myself, likely as a coping strategy/defense mechanism/compensatory coalition with respect to my lackluster grades/overall effort in highschool despite taking and consequently passing every advanced course possible in relation to my corresponding grade level i.e. AP Calculus in Senior yeaAP English/Government/History, you get the idea, and which was the case from 6th grade onwards, even getting into Health Careers HS upon making an exceptional grade on the entrance exam, along with pure luck I suppose, which, again, pretty prestigious or should have been if I cared, to which I basically had to provide my parents one of my first ultimatums of what would be many: 'I'm gonna get all zeroes if you don't let me go to designated Public HS', likely because it didn't resonate with me at the time - part of me regrets it looking back tbh - and/or I didn't feel like I deserved it/belonged there either) just off my personality alone, which is a lot more humble and sweet than the tonality of this passage provides, often times declared by sources external to that of my own, however believable or on the contrary at face-value. What's crazier is how empty I feel on the inside in spite of everything I've accomplished with regards to, well, again, all facets of my life. Ex: Getting fired at my Banking job last year after the initiation of the divorce for inconsistent attendance, which is fair enough, then getting a new job later at the start of July only to get promoted off my performance by the end of the month, which, for better or for worse, has generally been my same song and dance with regards to my numerous occupations likely due to my need for validation/even 'consolidation' for not having it in me to pursue a Bachelor's degree, only to then go on leave for, frankly, no longer 'having it in me' despite my undying (and disgusting) desire to still push and/or power through in an effort, forevermore, to - not even emotionally amymore but physiologically, at this point - cope with this seemingly snowballing shit-storm of a situation that is and has been 'life' as I know it to be (admittedly/notably, taking the break DID feel good as I haven't really prioritized my own wellbeing like that before) but however eventual/inevitable, got fired for repeatedly giving a date for my return each time my manager reached out to check in on my well-being, only for my first ever and repeated semblance of a panic attack arising in spite of wanting to will myself, tooth and nail, out the house each of those individual instances, ultimately preventing me from following through with my now broken promises to aforementioned ex-manager - all part of this fuck-headed prophecy. :) In an effort to wrap this very real, very frustrating fool's fairytale up, it's important to note I've been jobless ever since that day, locked in my room, still more productive in many important aspects barring perhaps socially, but I'm in huge debt, especially since I had to fire my divorce attorney last year around August for having a 30% response/hit rate for anything that wasn't the bill - I wish I was wrong - though, I was hired at a coffee shop back in February as my mom thought (and still thinks/pushes this notion) that my problem is 'I need to get out there and into the world', welp, I listened albeit after weeks of conflict/disagreements/yelling (which actions in of themselves make me feel terrible since I once took great pride in being the family peacekeeper (and from a reasonably young age too, unfortunately enough) like any good son whom in which values their own mother's reasonable enough hypothesis would, except for, well, that job too, eventually and inevitably (in my mind) 'I' ending up quitting due to - long story short - unruly junior managers and their annoyingly asinine egos'.
Wrapping up, between going through a divorce with my wife, having been forced to live back with my forever faulty family, namely, with regards to my stubborn mother and father (however much I love them to pieces, to which I feel I express well enough, consistently enough, though at the same time think is fair holding back a bit affectionately given the frequency and intensity of my current circumstances, frankly). Thankfully, I have been able to maintain my well above average athleticism/physique (my words, sure, though genuinely intended with as little ego as possible, in fact more often than not mentioned by someone other than myself, and consistently so at that ever since the 10th grade when I initially started lifting/getting into Nutrition) through daily weighted pushups of 55 lbs in a sturdy backpack, along with my self taught singing voice (worded that way to emphasize I had to basically fight my mom and dad on investing time/energy into that back during HS as well, only to, like my fitness discipline, attaining a very high level on my own and in spite of the needless and unnecessary friction provided by family), along with, and perhaps most importantly, keeping up with my mental and spiritual literacies through many renowned online University lectures, free programs, videos by Dr. K-ing himself, etc. - all to say I'm at a point, currently, where this once 'Superman' persona that I suppose never existed in the capacity seems way closer to that of a depressed, worn down Clark Kent than ever before...
(P.S. To my 🧠: Thank you, sincerely, for giving me the courage/chutzpah to finally deliberately declassify, denote, and deliver this deconstruction of my mind, however stylishly flawed, over the internet. Further, it's imperative that I mention my confirmed diagnoses of ADHD/Borderline/Childhood & Family Trauma, along with a pending/potential Bipolar disorder as the metaphorically 'maniacal' cherry on top. I'm seeing a psychologist ATM and am prescribed Adderall which helps me tremendously, both with regards to mood regulation as well as my ADHD symptoms. I've been taking medication for over 2 years now. Random but relevant side note: my insomnia started after the initiation of the divorce and again, I've basically slept once every other night throughout this whole duration)
(P.P.S. Forgive me for any inconsistencies/poor grammaseemingly unfinished statements and/or scenarios. I've had a couple hours of sleep the past 30ish hours, which has, give or take, been the case since June of last year.
(P.P.P.S. Crazy to acknowledge that I intended on sharing the first few sentences of this post when 'I' made the decision to write out this random Reddit post - I wonder, however hesitantly, what notable 'tomfoolery' my brain has planned as the potential outcome to this output and a half.)
(P.P.P.P.S. That's not even the full story LuL. Though I must mention I appreciate anyone bored/mad/strong-willed enough to muster their way from start to finish of my madness. I love this community with all of my heart, truly, and I'm sorry for coming across as brash or unapologetic at particular points, just not really feeling it ATM. Love and peace, always
Kindest regards,
Anotha One
submitted by Scared_Fix_1552 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:39 UMBRACORVUS75 HW3 Feedback from FIG backer and fan since 1999 (Contains Spoilers)

A number of fans of the Homeworld (HW) Universe have put a lot of thought and effort into their posts and that’s a testament to the passion that HW has brought to a lot of people.
I want to start by stating it pains me to say HW 3, especially the campaign has been a disappointment. Did we know what we were getting? Yes we had clues. Did we know the potential that HW 3 could have been based on the previous games? Oh there was immense potential!
The Homeworld series has been my favourite games (including mods) since the release of HW 1 in 1999 and I was a FIG backer for HW 3. None of the games have been perfect, but the storytelling left a long term impression and naturally the desire to want more from the series and continue to story. This has led to a loyal fan base including myself. I remember reading the HW1 manual and details about the Kushan Kiithid and the ships details numerous times.
Some of the epic storytelling events in the series that have made Homeworld what it is:
· The Kushan Kithid feuding for generations on a desert planet, Kharak, to then discover an ancient starship (Khar-Toba) buried in the desert sands. The genetic study also revealing they were not native to the planet.
· Discovering the Guide Stone in the Khar-Toba with a map pointing out Hiigara “Home”
· Discovering a Hyperspace Core and the Kiithid coming together to build the Mothership with Karan S’Jet integrated as Fleet Command
· Kharak burning – What treaty did the Kharak people break and what was their past? The war with the Taiidan Empire begins to reclaim their home.
· The Garden of Kadesh and realising they were part of the same race.
· The Bentusi and discovering why the people of Hiigara were exiled to the far reaches of the galaxy.
· Defeating the Taiidan Emperor, Riesstiu IV, and taking back Hiigara
· Learning more about the Kiithid in Cataclysm, the Beast, and the Bentusi’s fear – “We shall not be bound”
· Bentus sacrificing itself so the Hiigarans and Karan S’Jet could re-unite the 3 Hyperspace Cores
· Progenitor Relics, ships and guardians
· Balcora Gate and the battle to recovering the third Hyperspace core from Makaan (who believed he was the Sajuuk-Khar) and the Vagyr
· Transferring from the mothership to the long-lost Progenitor starship Sajuuk. Seeing the mothership drift away. It was a memorable moment .
· Saving Hiigara from the Scorched Earth scenario. The fleet fought hard to save Hiigara and their people.
· The Eye of Aaran which Sajuuk and the 3 hyperspace cores unlocking the vast hyperspace gate network. Hiigara opened up a trade/exploration/colonisation network across the galaxy and beyond. Not just for them, but for all civilisations.
Finally the day comes when the HW3 Collector’s Edition arrives after waiting years as a FIG Backer. It was amazing. The artwork was beautiful. The models were great and go well with the HW2 collector’s edition. After so many years, HW3 was finally here!
I finished the HW3 campaign a couple of nights ago. First there was anger, frustration, followed by mourning the loss of such a great opportunity that could have been for the Homeworld Universe. After playing 4 previous HW games for years, it feels like the team that wrote the HW3 script really did not understand the franchise, storyline to date, and its ‘spirit’.
After watching the promotional videos from the team from Blackbird Interactive saying HW3 was for the fans that have been with them along the 25 year journey (Relic Entertainment back then) the disappointment was very real. Sure it’s a visually beautiful game and some of the game features are an improvement which they couldn’t do in HW 1 and 2, but this did not feel like a continuation for the long term fans. This felt like a simpler HW labelled game for a new fan base. Such a missed opportunity! There has been the release of Homeworld Mobile and the VR version so Gearbox are looking to maximise the revenue while they can, and I can’t blame them for that.
My HW3 opinion:
· Aesthetically, HW3 is stunning
· I really like the look of the Khar-Kushan Mothership
· Deserts of Kharak showed the struggle and Kiithid conflict aswell as how difficult life was on a Desert Planet. HW1 was about the Kushan coming together to fight for their true home after Kharak was burned. Cataclysm did a good job expanding the different Kushan (now Hiigaran) Kiithid. HW2 felt like an “unbound” storyline with the three Hyperspace Cores – Karan got her time in the limelight – the three cores and Sajuuk combined was the key to the hyperspace network and “The Age of S’Jet”. HW3 continued with a focus on being ‘unbound’ lacking the substance behind who the Hiigarans are and their history, even before their exile…a missed opportunity.
· Popular fan request – Let us finish collecting resources! Imogen and the fleet were being hunted so I understand the urgency behind the gameplay…….but still, the player should have the option to jump when they want to.
· Besides one interceptor getting stuck on an object on mission 13, I had a pretty smooth gaming experience. The intelligence of the fleet and formations was a bit dodgy which required a lot of micro management.
· Cinematics between missions. The quality varied. Feels like more time and money was spent on the development of each one instead of a decent storyline. Why did it need to be done when you compare to the predecessor games? Likely because this game was more character focussed instead of a Fleet Focus.
· Khar-Kushan colliding with the giant freighter. That would have caused catastrophic damage and serious structural integrity issues. It seemed a bit too much! An evasive manoeuvre which led to the Synth Hyperspace Core housing being damaged as it clipped the freighter would have been enough to temporarily take out, power, propulsion and two out of the three cores.
· Ship designs were bland and generic lacking the HW2 creativity. Hiigarans have discovered quite a bit of Progenitor tech so why are they still stuck with the same types of weapons.
· No Sub Systems compared to HW2
· No targetable ship components e.g. engines, primary weapon etc. compared to HW2
· IMO the fleet ship types and options were far inferior to HW 1 & 2. It felt dumbed down significantly.
· One kind of Corvette……..really???
· Hiigaran Carrier….horrible design and couldn’t keep up with the Khar-Kushan.
· Why no Ship Yard? I can understand the Khar-Kushan had capital ship building capabilities, but it still would have added flexibility in Fleet logistics.
· Fleet control options were not great and missing a few options compared to HW 1 & 2. When you have a fast paced fleet battle going on, you want to minimise the time it takes to search for ship order functions.
· Using classic controls with terrain tunnels sucked. I struggled with the camera view because of the terrain. Too often I was met with blue screen because the camera was inside a structure or terrain.
· The antagonist – The Queen of Incarnate, Tiaa’Ma. An Unbound that has been around for millennia with far superior knowledge and use of hyperspace, can move and destroy planets on a whim, can turn off hypergates or redirect them. With that kind of power, why didn’t she hunt down the cores and search the galaxy for them? A tyrant that has killed millions. The Queen in general as the antagonist and the campaign ending was incredibly bad.
· With the 3 Hyperspace Cores gone, the 15th fleet are not the only ones stranded. The Hyperspace gate network is down for all civilisations. Far jumping is gone. What detrimental effect will that have on the galaxy at large including the Hiigaran colonies, economy, diplomatic relations with other civilisations etc.?
· Imogen’s choice not to engage with the Incarnate after their Queen was gone was poor form!
· Imogen S’Jet – The hair…dry and wet…WTF
· I personally wanted to learn more about the Progenitor. Instead, I got hive mind Progenitor worshipers and still very little information about them or those who created the cores and the gates etc.
· Sajuuk combined with the three hyperspace cores was the key to opening the Hyperspace Gates. It was a superior ship IMO. So where is Sajuuk now? Were the 3 cores removed and put into a new mothership (Khar-Sajuuk) with the primary weapon looking like a mini Sajuuk sticking out of the centre of the ship. If it is the Sajuuk with the Mothership built around it, the scale is way off. Sajuuk was a mothership size vessel!
So after that rant, HW3 is beautiful but a hard pill to swallow after 25 years of loving the HW Universe. Life goes on! I hope the loyal fan base provides constructive feedback for BBI and Gearbox Software in hope it is listened to and used to bring back epic storytelling.
submitted by UMBRACORVUS75 to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:14 Subject-Bluebird7366 is there any mod that allows more circuit interactions? for example knowing rocket build percentage, or amount of fluid in flamethrower

is there any mod that allows more circuit interactions? for example knowing rocket build percentage, or amount of fluid in flamethrower submitted by Subject-Bluebird7366 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:08 MrKurthal Three Weeks Ago I Was Kidnapped By Nothing.. Does Anyone Remember? [PART 1]

The scariest thing about Nothing.. about being Nothing is that nobody remembers. When nothing takes you, it's like you never existed.. till it spits you back out.
Watching the clock at work becomes such a daunting habit. You get so used to the monotony of watching the clock tick away, and somehow the seconds seem to be at an endless supply. Before you know it, the hours are gone, and when you get home it somehow feels as if it all had never happened. Hours of your life so meticulously spent doing just enough now behind you.
Time is so precious because of it's one way trip. You got forward, typical. You got backwards, something for the dreamers.. But Time was different for me today. I think that thing took me.. somewhere else. Like if.. if Time were some straight path, then it pulled me off course.
At 4:37 in the morning I took liberty in shutting off my computer. All things considered, I was running considerably late today. Work was backed up, curtesy of trucking errors. To make a long story short, 4 pallets of produce simply.. vanished. All you'd really need to gather from such meaningless information is that I was suddenly put on the for front of discovering how $5,000 worth of food had somehow grown legs and walked away.
The best answer I had..? None! I had not a clue, and after what felt like hundreds of calls, I was greeted to the warm embrace of humid Georgia air. There were no leads. I was no detective, so the ultimate conclusion of this predicament could be summed up as, "It's not my problem."
All I needed in this moment was to make my way to the bus stop. So, that's exactly what I did. Maybe twelve or so minutes had passed. I was excited to see the bus make it's way around those trees. It was by no means the longest wait, but what can I say? I was a hangry fellow.
I convinced myself that it wasn't my problem, that I wouldn't allow it to be my problem. The unfortunate thing about life is that problems have a tendency to fall into the laps of those who just did as they were told. Now, I'm not one to make some social commentary on the state of the world's general fairness, but the point to be made is my adopted philosophy that unless a problem can't just be brushed off my legs, then I'll leave it to someone else.
So maybe I'm an asshole, maybe I lack integrity, but it's honestly no deeper than "that's how the cookie crumbles." We are all cogs in the world, might as well let one of the other gears have a chance to spin! Make their money's worth.

"Helluva' night, huh?"

I jumped to such a sudden question presented to me. It was a problem, in my lap.
"That obvious?"
I responded sarcastically, looking over my shoulder to be greeted by a young face. Some kid, looked no older than twenty with orange hair and foggy eyes.. eyes that admittedly sent a shiver down my spine. The kind of eyes that.. well, you know how they say a dead person's eyes look cold? It was like that, only I wouldn't describe them as cold. Just.. empty.
"Well between the heavy sigh and tapping foot, just seems like you got somewhere to be."
Whoever this was didn't seem to be looking at me. It was quite uncomfortable that he'd just admit to having analyzed my situation, but perhaps I was looking to far into things. He just had his eyes locked forward, so why he made any effort to speak to me was still unclear. It wasn't unusual for a stranger to try to make light talk during the ride, but something about this kid irked me.
Part of me felt some level of guilt when I stopped the conversation there. I'm not sure if I'm lucky or not to say I think the kid took the hint of my uncomfortably, and for the remaining 20 minutes of the trip he was seemingly preoccupied with staring out the window. It wasn't until I stood upon reaching my stop that he ever seemed to bother looking up.. but not at me.
Again this kid had just stared straight ahead, and even now I couldn't get a great look at his face. His hair seemed to obscure it, and whatever the hair hadn't covered seemed to be so enveloped in shadow to a point that identifying him beyond his hair was seemingly impossible. He was dressed so casually, so casually that detailing his worn black hoodie and faded grey jeans would do no good.
I shook my head.. shook this problem off my shoulders feeling the weight of an unsettling interaction lift from my mind the moment I stepped out of that bus onto the final stretch of pavement between myself and my neighborhood. 5:02 AM
Where is the.. humidity?
I felt a bubbling anxiety, just crossing my arms and lowering my head.. I wanted to hide. My heart was suddenly screaming, and the irrationality of it all hit me like a truck.
"What is wrong.. the hell is wrong?"
I'd confused myself with my emotions, my eyes darting from left to right. Nobody was around me, nobody was behind me, I was alone! So I took a deep breath..
"Helluva' night, huh?"
My eyes shot open, suddenly my heart bounding and my breaths heavy. I know I head him I know I did! But he wasn't here. He was still on the bus, he never got u-..
I turned my head to look in the bus window. The doors screeched, shutting firmly as the bus engine practically roared out into the night. The wheels hummed, the burst of air sounding out as the bus continued motion.
My eyes looked into that window. The window I sat at, where he was next to me.. I was aisle side, he was window side.
He never got up.
He wasn't there.
That was the final straw. I began walking home, speed walking. To hell if anymore problems would fall into my lap. Not this morning, not today! I would get home, I'd climb into bed, and I'd sleep this off. I had to sleep.. I had to go.
"It's not my problem.."
I told myself.
"He moved seats.."
I rationalized the situation. Where did he go? I didn't see him.. He couldn't have just disappeared! Those damn pallets! I did anything I could, fought with my mind to mute my rapid heartbeat. Anything I could think of, any way to distract myself from the fact that the crickets were silent, that the stars weren't out that..
Is something watching me..?
When my house came into view, I wasted no time in fully sprinting to my door, finding my keys and barging that door open, slamming it behind me. I swiftly locked it back. To hell with a shower! I'd be damned if I were too...
"Helluva' night, huh?"
My fully body turned faster than my mind could keep up with. That damned voice!

But I saw nothing.
Let me paint this picture for you. When I say I saw nothing, I mean there wasn't only nobody there, but there was nothing at all. There was no room behind me, no bed, no door, no world. Empty.. empty like his eyes! There was nothing! Nothing but that one.. light.
There was a white orb. It got closer, and closer. I saw a silhouette.. It was some lengthy figure with no arms? And.. its wore this cloak of nothing. Somehow I looked into a place? No.. There was something else behind it..? Not like I'd ever find out!
One second my room, my world, was enveloped with an infinitely spanning nothingness, and in the blink of an eye it was contained into this figure! It took all the nothing!
My room was back! My world! WHAT IS HAPPENING? I don't.. remember.. But then it vanished. The nothingness was gone.
Watching the clock at work becomes such a daunting habit. You get so used to the monotony of watching the clock tick away, and somehow the seconds seem to be at an endless supply. Before you know it, the hours are gone, and when you get home it somehow feels as if it all had never happened.
Hours of my life so meticulously spent doing nothing now behind me.
It's now 3:37 in the afternoon and I remember. I crashed my car, Thomas is dead. His truck is in that ditch back in Duluth.
I remember.
That's why I took the bus.. Thomas is dead. The truck was flipped. 4 pallets gone.
It visited me tonight. Nothing. I saw that boys face, I just can't remember. Nothing.. almost took me today, but I finally understand why they never looked for me. They all forgot me too. I killed Thomas. I didn't mean to but it didn't matter! Everyone knew! It was on the news, it was everywhere! But..
Nothing walked with me tonight.. and you all forgot. You forgot everything.
~I need you to remember me!~
At 3:37 in the afternoon, two months ago, my car collided with Thomas's truck. He'd fallen asleep at the wheel. I was lucky to make it out with my life. The following weeks my story was covered by local news outlets, and the world moved on. That's what happens with Time.. but it was more than that. I'd forgotten what really happened. That boy.. he was with me, in the car, that day. I think.. I think he is the Nothing. I think he IS the.. the Void. He took Thomas.
We.. we all forgot! 4 pallets? Where'd they go? I couldn't remember the funeral! I was gone for three weeks. When I turned around and saw that light, when I came back.. when he left, it had been three weeks. I didn't have a single call! Not from mom, not from work! I was FORGOTTEN!
But.. it's not my problem anymore.
You all really forgot. I got went to mom's and my pictures were gone. Dad's? Same thing. I was gone, for three weeks. Nothing took me. Nothing is.. mad at me? And I don't know why! I was nothing.. someone please! Suddenly I’m back and all the work I left behind is still here. I was gone! The world has proved it. But.. nobody remembers? All the logs! It’s all here. I WAS gone. You can see it in the company finances, yet nobody thought to look for me? Nobody noticed I’m back..? It’s like I never left?
Do any of you remember?!
submitted by MrKurthal to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:02 beyond_specek Dorn talks to Curze's lover about her methods.

Hay look I'm at it again weeeeeeeeee.
Dorn walked down the hall, determined. If her sister couldn't listen to reason from her, then she would at least listen to reason from her beloved. As she walked, she searched for the assassin; she had been told he would be here. She stopped, a sense of dread and fear slowly creeping upon her. The pariah was close, but she steeled herself, found the door, and opened it. There he was, cleaning off his equipment from a recent mission. His special helmet was off, revealing slightly curled dark brown hair that reached his back, and a pale face with two black pits for eyes.
He looked up at her, stood, and bowed. "My lord, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
She dismissed him with a wave of her hand, found a place to sit, and beckoned him closer to talk. She knew very little about Curze's lover. From what she had gathered, he was initially very blunt and plain, with little emotion. However, due to interacting with her and her sister's lovers and supposed 'therapy' by her sister Sanguinius, he had grown more expressive and lively. Still, he was often blunt and sometimes rude. The story of how they first met still baffled her. Its wasn't so much love at first sight but more love at first kidnapping. How love blossomed from that, she didn’t know. Her lover said that he was happy and, in their words, "he's head over heels for her."
"I wanted to talk to you about Curze."
He looked back at her, his neutral expression unchanged. "What about her? Nothing bad has happened to her, I presume."
"No, nothing about her, more about her methods. They are barbaric and not of the Imperial way! I beg of you, please. I tried to talk sense into her, but she wouldn't have it. I need you to—"
She was cut off by an irritated sigh. A wave of dread and fear washed over her but quickly subsided. If she was affected by it, she didn’t show it and remained firm. The pariah looked up at her. "There’s nothing more I can do. Her and her legion's methods are their own, and I have more important things to attend to. Now, if you have something else to discuss or require my services, I believe this topic is over."
Her expression hardened, and her determination grew. "You don't understand! Her methods are bringing worlds into compliance, but this compliance is filled with hatred. Those worlds will see the Imperium as nothing more than savages! Her methods of fear will lead to wars where the cause will be forgotten by both sides! I am asking you, not as a member of the Assassinorum, not as a citizen of the Imperium, but as her lover, tell her to at least calm down. Even if they are a necessary evil, she is close to stepping over the limits of what can be tolerated!"
She looked at him for any sign of agreement, but he only pinched the bridge of his nose. "Don't you think I know? Don't you think I already know of her madness and brutality? I am already trying, every day that I spend with her, to help her with everything." The edge in his voice became more noticeable.
"Don't act like you care. Don't act like you care now. You don't even know the half of it. You don't see her as your sister; you see her as an animal that has to be trained! Admit it, you hate her."
She was surprised by his burst of anger but remained unshaken. "I don't. She needs to stop. I don't want her to end up in chains, and I don't think you want that either."
"And yet you don't help. She isn't evil; in fact, she has almost no hate in her heart for any of you. She even loves some of you. If you tried, you would find a woman with undying love and loyalty that can rival the Lioness."
"Regardless of her opinions and feelings towards us, her methods are all I care about now. I don't want her to end up disgraced, and I expect you to help with that."
"Have you tried to spend time with her? Have you talked about anything other than the crusade? Have you stepped down from that ivory siege tower of yours and tried to help with her madness? Have any of your sisters, barring Sanguinius, tried to do anything? No. You are disgusted by her. Vulkan damned her, Horus sees her as nothing but a weapon, and Fulgrim humors her. She doesn’t kill the innocent in her eyes. She only killed one, and she broke down. For days she cried into my lap about how she is destined to be a monster. When I was with her, only Sanguinius came to help, and some of the other Primarchs' lovers as well. If you cared, you would have come."
"I did. I noticed her absence and I wanted to kno—"
She was cut off again. "No, you didn't. You sent your lover my way. And that wasn’t even the most insulting part. That message you sent wasn’t a wellness check; it was a call to arms. Your lover even had to apologize for your apathy."
She was speechless, unable to retort or deny her actions that day. "I apologize for my behavior and on behalf of my sisters. I know it was inappropriate, but that is unimportant. If what you say is true, what can I do to help calm her madness?"
"If you want to help, try to be her sister. This whole conversation, you never referred to her as your sister once. If you want to help, Sanguinius and I have therapy every week. You and everyone else are free to join."
He got up, equipped his helmet and gear, and left. Dorn sat there with a hand on her forehead, contemplating the events that had transpired. If what he said was true and this was the only way, then it wouldn’t hurt to try. She got up, left the room, and went down the hall. She needed to remember to go to Sanguinius and ask when those meetings took place.
submitted by beyond_specek to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:58 Abbeylayne16 When is it okay to scream

When should I scream.
Do I scream when I have met my limit. Do I scream when I’m mad. Should I scream when I’m sad? .
When is the appropriate time. I am not a child and yet I yearn for the reassurance.
“You’re doing great” “you’ve got this” “do you need help”
Do I need help? I don’t know you tell me. Do I ? I am content being me but are you content with who I am. Am I enough.
Is this ok mods?
submitted by Abbeylayne16 to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:50 Technical-Chard-2867 How do I make the bots acknowledge each other in a group chat?

It's like whenever I make a groupchat the bots are still separate and it's like they can't see each other's texts, I was wondering if a mod or developer could fix this in a later update making it so the bots better interact with each other in said groupchat.
submitted by Technical-Chard-2867 to YodayoAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:43 Cxn63 TIFU by pranking my coworker.

I'm 35 years old, and I'm working full time at my local Kentucky Fried Chicken. Some days it's busy. Other days, not so much. On the slow days, I try to keep my coworkers in good spirits. My manager usually likes my jokes, but my coworker Kyle (16M) is harder to crack.
We have our differences. He sometimes complains about my inability to close the kitchen properly. To his credit, I have been known to leave prep vegetables on the counter. I try to tell him it's because of my ADHD, but regardless, he tries his best to not interact with me.
I recognize now that Kyle and I aren't close enough to really have rapport. He's a lot younger than me, but since I was relentlessly bullied in high school, I want his approval in a weird way.
When I'm doing my jokes, it's your typical workplace pranks. (e.g. putting lettuce in Kyle's shoes) Nothing to get upset over. When Kyle would raise a fuss, I'd just tell him that he's overreacting.
So yesterday, I was trying to have a conversation with him. I was telling him about the Oiler's game, and he didn't seem interested. He had his back turned, his headphones were in, and he was leaning while watching a video. I found this incredibly rude at the time, because I was trying to start a conversation with him.
So I thought it would be funny to pour hot oil from the fryer onto his hand. He started to scream like a little girl so I told him to "calm the fuck down" but he told the manager. I was promptly asked to go home for the week.
Initially, I was mad that this new generation can't take a joke. He definitely overreacted to get on my nerves. But now that I had the week off, I was getting excited to finally finish my BloodBorne save.
When I told my wife what Kyle did to me, I started to realize that it maybe wasn't that funny to pour hot oil on his hand. I won't lie, I still think it's a little funny.
TL;DR: I burnt my coworker in a silly prank, but he didn't like being burned.
submitted by Cxn63 to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:09 SortaNR Dating App Mods Not Working

This hasn't been an issue with me before, but I just recently got back into playing the Sims 4, and after updating all my mods (including SimDa and Meet&Mingle) the only mods that are having issues are those two. For example, on SimDa I will choose for my Sim to have a one night stand, but then after the phone interaction is done she will either go to sleep or chat on her laptop, and nobody will ever show. This same thing happens for every other phone interaction, including the ones in Meet&Mingle.
I have XML Injector installed and unzipped, and have reinstalled it just to make sure I have the most updated version. I'm very much at a loss here, since last I checked on both mod sites, they should be compatible.
Any ideas?
submitted by SortaNR to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:00 allen091115 Abby

I know we know abby is helping lisa get money sometimes. At least accepting it. (And its SOMETIMES, we hear lisa screaming at abby because she needs a mod (like a fucking young child) and about accept this hurry!!! Blah!!!) But nobody can deny abby cares about all her siblings! She said "don't you bring up **** name!" And she meant it. She truly does care for her siblings, honestly even more than their own mother, and was the one who helped J out ALOT, I know she cares about her mom from that call we all heard like a week ago. And that's completely normal, even when her mom is gone, hoepfully many many years later, she will miss her. Its normal, as a 25 year old female who doesn't have contact with her own crackhead narcissistic mother and im mad at her everyday, but when she's gone, yea I will miss her. It's normal. Maybe thats why she doesnt want to leave her mom high and dry, and with draw without medical support can be deadly and she might know that. It breaks my heart for all the kids. Abby if you're reading this, please please please get away. We see you have a heart hunny. Being the oldest we don't know what she has seen, and she has taken care of those 3 that came after her. I know she has her faults, but damn that's hard to hear her care so much about them when lisa doesn't.
submitted by allen091115 to lisaangelgurlsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:51 DC-Legend2 Piano Melody vChoose Piano MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Piano Melody vChoose Piano MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Name Piano Melody - Play by Ear
Publisher Learn To Master
Genre Education
Size 14MB
Version Choose Piano
MOD Premium Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Do you dream of effortlessly tickling the ivories, playing your favorite tunes to the admiration of friends and family? If so, there’s an interactive game perfectly designed to help you achieve just that. This exceptional app is Piano Melody. This unique game transforms your musical ambitions into vivid reality, offering an assortment of songs to practice and master using its uniquely designed virtual piano interface.


Imagine having a vast musical library boasting over 1000 captivating songs from different periods and styles. Piano Melody doesn’t merely provide a musical game; it offers an enriching journey across various genres and eras. Whether you have an affinity for rock, a passion for classical music, or a craving for the latest pop sensations, there’s something here for every musical palate. Impress your friends and acquaintances with your growing repertoire as you perform beloved pieces from diverse genres flawlessly.


One of the standout features of Piano Melody is its highly customizable piano interface. Do you prefer large, easy-to-press keys for precision, or do you want more minor keys that allow you to view all three octaves on the screen simultaneously? This game has been designed with your needs in mind. With a resizable piano compatible with all devices and tablets, you can adjust the interface to provide the most convenient and practical playing experience.


The learning process offered by Piano Melody is designed to cater to your unique needs. By focusing on specific parts of each song, you gain the ability to learn quickly and effectively. The journey begins with a few simple notes and progressively builds in complexity until you’ve entirely mastered a song. Whether you’re a beginner with high aspirations or a child with a budding love for music, this app provides the tools and the environment to enhance your musical adventure.


When you begin your journey with Piano Melody, you are welcomed with 100 free songs from its comprehensive catalog. The journey doesn’t end there, however. You unlock the rest of the collection as you improve and display your skills. This structure provides you with a wealth of material to practice and improve upon and rewards your dedication and commitment to your musical journey.


Every song in Piano Melody’s extensive collection is crafted to highlight the essence of the melody. Whether it’s a catchy chorus, an invigorating intro, or a soulful verse, each piece contains up to 500 notes, giving you an immersive experience of the original composition. From iconic film theme tunes to contemporary alternative hits, this rich selection satisfies every musical preference and fuels your passion for mastering new pieces.


Piano Melody offers more than just songs to play; it paves the way for you to enhance your musical skills. Want to develop your ability to play by ear? Or perhaps you aim to impress your friends with your rapidly growing repertoire? The app provides an all-inclusive platform to elevate your piano-playing abilities. Thanks to professionally digitized grand piano sounds, adjustable song speeds, and a strategic play-and-repeat method, this game transforms your musical journey into an engaging and rewarding adventure.
So, why wait? Delve into the delightful world of Piano Melody. With its diverse song selections, user-friendly piano interface, and a learning experience customized for every skill level, this application is a must-try for every aspiring pianist. Embark on your musical journey, and let the symphony of your dreams begin!
submitted by DC-Legend2 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:50 No-Tangelo-5062 Old Coach Bullied Son

My husband picked my 9 year old son up from practice a week ago. He noticed he was away from his coaches and team with two of his old coaches from last season on the side of the field.
As he approached he noticed my son’s old coach was standing over him, pointing in his face and calling him a bully, telling him with a shaky voice that “if he ever did that again he would have him running laps all night long”.
The assistant coach was about ten feet away throwing the ball to his son. His older son (8) was standing next to my son with his back to the coach and my son. They were inside the batting cage. The coach also didn’t see my husband approaching. My husband could see my son was holding back tears and was terrified so he told him to go the car. The coach seemed to snap out of it and mumbled “something happened at school” then quickly shakes my husband’s hand and turned around to walk away.
My son cried for an hour afterwards and was scared and confused. He explained after practice that his old coach gestured for him to come over in a subtle way. He said once he got to him his tone changed to being angry as he accused him of telling the other boy he “sucked” at baseball and calling my son a bully.
My son didn’t understand why he was so mad and explained what seemed like a playful interaction between him and the boy where he said “why don’t you throw something I can hit next time” (speaking about their game the day before), then both boys smiled and walked away. Clearly his understanding of the interaction was more of a witty banter type exchange. My son also has adhd and this is how he communicates. Many adults and some kids are often annoyed or offended by his brazen personality.
My husband and I were shook that our son had been verbally assaulted this way by an adult that we all respected and trusted. We told my son’s current coach who’s advice was to write an email to the little league board and player agent. So we did.
The next day my son had a game and asked to walk the long way around the field to avoid his old coach. He also told us he and the other kids “knew” they couldn’t be friends at school anymore.
We received a response from the league rep a week later saying that their “investigation” had no findings. They had questioned the coach, assistant coach (child’s father) and the other child and one other coach (who was nowhere close during the event) and no one thought his reaction was aggressive. They acknowledged his actions were wrong and said he would not coach my son again. They added that they also looked into the matter between my son and the other boy and confirmed there was no further bullying happening so they were “closing that investigation as well” then they informed us that they have an anti-bullying policy.
My son is starting the TOC this week. I don’t want to leave him alone anymore. None of his coaches have talked to him since the incident, or me and my husband. Everyone is avoiding us. We’re heartbroken. He absolutely loved playing baseball - but it’s obvious this local league is only protecting the interests of the volunteer coaches and not the children.
We reached out to safesport and USA baseball per the code of conduct. Dead-ends everywhere - where are the protections for emotional verbal bullying from adults for kids in youth sports?
Finally heard from the LL board president (after contacting LL international). Who wants to meet my husband at the field tomorrow.
My son has his second TOC game tomorrow and will play his old coach/team on Saturday if they win. Already concerned he’s psyched out.
submitted by No-Tangelo-5062 to LittleLeague [link] [comments]