Poems about stop worrying about others problems

The Home of Sixth Form and A-Levels

2013.08.27 14:20 PadfootProngs123 The Home of Sixth Form and A-Levels

A place for sixth formers to speak to others about work, A-levels, results, problems in education and general sixth form life, as well as university applications and UCAS.

2011.01.08 19:08 Subduction A support community to help stop smoking cannabis, marijuana, pot, weed, edibles, or getting high.

This is a support and recovery community for practical discussions about how to quit pot, weed, cannabis, edibles, BHO, shatter, Delta 8, or whatever THC-related product you're using, and getting support in staying stopped.

2012.09.07 13:34 Get Disciplined!

Help others attain self-discipline, by sharing what helps you. Meet your goals and improve your life, reddit style!

2024.06.01 12:24 SalamanderClassic839 So Tired of The Two-Faced Handling of Sick Days

It's such bullshit how management at literally every employment treats employees being sick. They handle it in the worst way possible in every way possible.
They say "If you're sick, stay home. Don't get everyone else sick." And if you come in anyway and get other people sick they obviously get pissed about it. But how are you supposed to do anything but come in despite being sick? If you call out they guilt trip you or straight up accuse you of faking. As if it's any of their damn business regardless, if you call out you call out. You don't need their permission to call out. They'll give you shit for calling out, but if you come in and you aren't performing ( Ya know, because you're fucking sick ) they treat you like you're trying to get everyone sick and stealing time because you can't work. They literally just want any excuse to put their boot on your throat.
You'd think this would have changed after COVID, but hell no. My wife has it even worse, though. She has a job that can be done remotely, so for the last year if she was too sick to go in, she would email in and let them know she was going to work from home ( her entire job can be done from the computer so its not even like she was limited in what she could do ). Well her company's owner doesn't like WFH for reasons completely unknown, and there's now concern about her losing her job because she's had to miss work being sick or caring for me ( i have a disease that wrecks my health sometimes ) a couple days a month. But she's worked from home every single time so she doesn't fall behind and it doesn't affect her work. She has literally worked through COVID so she wouldn't cause problems at work. And apparently this asshole would just rather NOTHING get done? Fuck them people, nothing short of being a slave is good enough for them.
submitted by SalamanderClassic839 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:24 Aggravating_Bet976 Just wanna get this off my chest

Hello!! Posting here to vent bc I have no one to talk to about my worries (and yapping about my problem could help me cope while waiting for the release of the promo boards)
I'm from that aurora school. Finals are done and Im cant help but feel uneasy about my grades, especially towards a certain subject from the holy trinity. I am doing fairly well on other two subjects, so I am not that worried about them.
As of LE5, my grade fell into the danger zone (73.2) and I got 1-3 points off the MPL for LE6. Most likely, my grade would have maintained or got a bit lower pa.
As for the finals, I want to say i did well bc I was able to answer most of the questions, but I am not so confident of the grade I'll get bc of the super high MPL that they have set. The higher the MPL, the lower the transmusted grade it corresponds to. I need to be at least 30 points above the MPL just to be safe, based on my computation.
Is there any chance they would give a bonus or curve or plus point or anything?? I just need a small stepping stone in the right direction and I can make it to 2nd year safely. It doesnt seem ethical at all to cut us by half, especially since our initial numbers got lesser when a hundred of us either LOA or withdrew their enrollment. (Im sorry huhu the bargaining is strong in me. I have skipped the first two stages of grief and found myself here).
My grade feels so close, yet so far away from passing. It also doesnt help that they wont round off the final grade if ever u get within 74.5 to 74.9%. It really sucks to be in the waiting game. I am bracing myself for the worst already but I am scared of telling my parents the possibility of me failing (as a first gen doctor in a family of businessmen). I cant eat, sleep, or do anything properly.
Overall, its really frustrating and overwhelming, knowing that a certain dept is really hell bent on cutting us by half (its like an open secret among us freshies) and sadly, i am part of the half they want to remove. I've always wanted to be a doctor so much that I didnt even think to have a plan B. If I fail, I dont think i can handle going through another year of this again.
submitted by Aggravating_Bet976 to medschoolph [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:23 jjuussttmmeee I can't make healthy friendships with other women

I (30f) have always struggled with friendships with my female friends, and I'm starting to worry I'm doing something wrong.
I want to start by saying I definitely have my own insecurities, but overall I'm very confident and sure of who I am. I raised by an amazing mom, two sisters I love more than anything and an absolute shithead of a dad who I've gone no contact with.
I worked my way through 2 post secondary degrees before moving abroad for work and that was when I really began to notice the pattern of this huge falling outs I was having with my female friends compared to my male friends and I'm really starting to think it may be me.
The thing is, while I very much enjoy my time with my female friends and try my best to be an active patlrticipant in my friendships I find our interests don't line up very often. Most of my friends have a spouse and kids or long term significant others and I am happily single. I don't get the same joy from things they do. While I enjoy cafes, brunches, women's gatherings and spa days. I'm far more excited for outdoor activities or more casual get together like bonfires or playing video games/movie nights.
I played hockey in my home country (recreationally) and in the warm climate I live in now I take full advantage of the nice weather by hiking regularly, dirt bikes, ATVs, etc. And as a result the majority of my friend group consists of my single, male colleagues and friends.
I never thought too much about it, I'm not much of a texter so usually unless it's a preplanned thing I'm pretty much solo anyways. But recently multiple women in my social group have pulled me aside to tell me that I have too many male friends, that I make my female friends uncomfortable and I've even had one woman who told me flat out I was no longer allowed to spend time alone with one of my male friends after they began dating but wouldn't tell me why.
I genuinely and truly believe that I try to treat all my friendships equitably and always try to be there to support and help and be a good friend. But I find that my female friends more often than not are wanting to sit and gossip (for lack of a better word, just like talk about nothing or their partners, etc), or they need help with a problem or challenging task - that im always happy to help with - but i can't relate to their conversations, and its tiring when it seems like i only hear from them when something is wrong or they need help, versus my male friends who want to go out, try new activities and foods, go camping, etc.
I feel sick that I've made these friends uncomfortable, but my interests and personality hasn't changed from the interests I've always had. Have I done something or am I doing something wrong here?
submitted by jjuussttmmeee to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 Mister_Macc Should I upgrade from my Samsung Galaxy S10lite?

I've had my Samsung Galaxy s10lite for about 5 years now, and it still does the job. I'm a power user who often watches shows/ youtube videos or plays video games. I also like nature photography. The main problem I've been having is the battery. When I reach ~20%, it starts to drain much faster than usual. The last 5% disappear in minutes. Other minor inconveniences include no 5G and only 60hz refresh rate.
However, since the s10lite has a 4500mph battery, it still works almost the entire day and only gives out towards the evening, where I'm at home anyway. So, while it's annoying, it's not a dealbreaker (yet).
Recently, I've been thinking about treating myself for my upcoming birthday with a new phone. However, I was disappointed by the specs of the Samsung Galaxy s24, as its battery is literally only 4000mph, and it is 0.5 inches smaller than my current phone. The 0.5 inches aren't a dealbreaker (I thought my current phone was already too big), but still, for the price, I would expect a significant upgrade. So anyways I kept looking and came across the s24ultra which in my eyes is the significant upgrade I've been looking for, however I am not sure whether the $1300 price tag is justified yet since my s10lite still works.
I also do not need a pen or a larger phone. I just want a normal phone that is a significant, future proof upgrade from my current one.
What do you guys think?
submitted by Mister_Macc to Smartphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:21 CKM415 CA VTL Stop

If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated. Sorry for the long story but I’m trying to include all the info. I have a 01 Dodge Ram 2500 5.9L Diesel which I bought about 4 years ago. I did all the proper paperwork at the dmv and currently have the title in my name. It has been smogged twice since I owned it by the same shop. I later then found out that that shop was doing “hot smogs” and they got caught (after they did my smogs). While owning the truck I moved where I was living which resulted in my mail getting sent to the old address. My car insurance was on auto pay and because the address change it was never paid it and instantly dropped the car after the 1st month. The dmv was sending the missing insurance paperwork and the notice of registration hold to my old address which I wasn’t aware of. When I found out I got new insurance and got the registration reinstated (which it currently has). While living at the old address I tried to get custom plates and used the old address. Then after moving I went and got my new updated license with my new address. Because of that I got a notice in the mail saying the custom plate application was incomplete due to wrong address (which I updated on the dmv) and under other it said “VTL Stop placed on vehicle”. I went to the dmv and they won’t help me or give me any info besides telling me to call a number. Which I have called multiple times and one time I got ahold of someone who then told me I would be placed in a call back list which would take a day or two. Never got a call back and now I can’t even get ahold of anyone when I call. Idk what to do. Sorry this is so long. I was just wanting to make sure I included everything so someone might be able to give me the most accurate info or help they could.
submitted by CKM415 to DMV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:21 tma5340 New Kitten, One Aggressive Cat

I recently was blessed by universal cat distribution system with the most beautiful baby kitten (Ash). He was “feral” and 4 months when I found him and he’s now fixed. He is very sweet but very anxious. I own 2 other adult cats, one male and one female. I’ve been slowly introducing them to the new kitty (who’s very curious about the others!) and the male is receptive and playful. However, my female cat Luna is extremely aggressive and hisses and swats at the kitten. I’ve tried scent swapping with toys, I’ve been doing controlled co-feeding, and I always separate them when Luna shows signs of aggression. The co-feeding is between closed doors where they are close enough to smell each others’ scents without eye contact, to associate the smell of one another with a meal. Luna scowls whenever she smells him, runs away when she sees him, and won’t interact with me after I’ve interacted with Ash. I’m currently keeping Ash in a separate room to protect him, she’s been keen on attacking and he’s too small to fend for himself.
How can I help Luna to realize that the new kitten is not a threat? The aggression doesn’t bother him, but I’m worried she might injure him. I would love any advice!!! Looking forward to your input :)
(Also I give all my cats equal love and I don’t believe it’s a jealousy factor!)
submitted by tma5340 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:20 Aggravating_Can_118 2 or 9?

I know there are threads on this already, but I wanted to post with my specific experience.
So I have come to the realization that there is a possibility I am a 2 and not a 9w8 like I thought. I don't know myself very well at all, it seems, as I thought I was a 5w4 even before thinking I was a 9. I read the description of a sp9 and it fits me to a T. It lines up with how I have behaved for most of my life.
There was a time in my life in which I would have definitely seen myself as a 2, if not a very unstable 4. It was a period of a few years after my mother passed. I suddenly became very focused on finding a relationship. I was obsessed with being perfect for people and finding someone who could give me unconditional love. I was uncharacteristically extroverted and social. I was willing to be absolutely anything for whoever my "person" at the time was. I wouldn't say no to almost anything if it meant that my "person" was happy and loved me. I had extreme rage and behaved impulsively in my friendships/relationships. This rage would often be very suppressed and bottled up if it was related to an interpersonal issue. I couldn't tell anyone what was wrong when I was upset and would end up just disappearing from their lives entirely or being very passive aggressive. My rage towards other things was very explosive, however, especially my own inadequacies. I was also very manipulative. People leaving me made me feel like I was dying. It was to the point that my therapist at the time diagnosed me with Borderline Personality Disorder. (I am not implying all borderlines are like this! I don't even have it like I thought and this is merely my experience). One 2 thing I didn't really relate to was helping others with the expectation that they would do the same for me. Honestly, pleasing people just felt like survival.
I seem to have snapped out of that haze, after seeing a new therapist and being medicated with mood stabilizers. I feel like my old self again. I am much more comfortable being alone now and actually prefer it. I have no desire to pursue romantic relationships or otherwise intense connections. Hell, I didn't even want a romantic relationship until after my mom passed, and it usually just ended in me realizing that I was looking for a replacement for a parent. My mother and I were very toxic and enmeshed, but that's a story for another day. I am happy as long as things are relaxed. I opt to not participate in arguments or fights and am able to calm down much more easily and step away when upset. I can still be confrontational if needed, as I prefer being direct (where I believe my 8 wing comes in). I prefer this directness as it saves me from lying or bottling things up to the other person's detriment. I still can't be extremely blunt though.
My main desire back then was unconditional love, and I feared being hated. I felt I lost the opportunity to receive that love since my mom died. My current desire is to just live as well as I can and be happy as I can. I don't really want anything intense or permanent. I just want things to come and go as they must. I'm not sure what I'm afraid of exactly. While medicated, I am still very passive about my own health and life so I don't fear a whole lot, at least not consciously. If I had to say, I fear becoming what I was back then. I don't recognize that person.
Human minds are complex for sure. Usually my reaction to trauma is to heavily dissociate (I can't remember massive chunks of my life) and cope with food, alcohol, any sort of physical experience I can get my hands on to distract from mental pain. This is why I'm so confused regarding my reaction to my mother's death. Some of it I can't help but wonder if I only became that way because so many people told me I had a personality disorder.
Oh, I am also confused about this: If I acted like a 2 while unhealthy, that would mean that my type is 4. However, I don't quite relate to any 4 descriptions as much as I relate to sp9 (4 is in my tritype, however). Plus, if I were truly a 2, I would be like an 8 when stressed, right? I do want to put others first and be useful but just because things go so much smoother if you don't try to be contrarian or cause problems.
As far as stress is concerned, I feel like I disintegrate to 6 more now.
I'm rather lost on this so if anyone could provide some insight I would greatly appreciate it!
submitted by Aggravating_Can_118 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:20 AdBusy9171 X-ray results for Lower back pain/spasms

Hey everyone,
I am hoping someone can help interpret these results from an X-ray I had… little background: I was had back pain occasionally as a young kid (one time from jumping on a trampoline… which I went home trying not to cry it hurt so bad lol…) I was very over weight until my early 20s and lost a hundred pounds and got into super good shape.. was deadlifting 315 pounds etc (I know now it’s terrible for your back to deadlift…. No back pain for a few years… Then my back started hurting occasionally when doing squats/deadlifts…. So I stopped completely, kinda got depressed and stopped working out completely and gained a bunch of weight back (still not as bad as when I was a kid). It’s kinda just kept progressing to the point where it’s super tense when I bend over to the point that affects my everyday life and I worry about bending over… there has been times these last few years where my lower back (maybe my hip not sure) is so bad that I basically just lay on the floor in pity…. I feel like I’m too young to not be able to be active like I would like to be without back pain… I’m in my earlyish 30s and finally had it checked out and here are the results… any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!!
EXAMINATION: XR Lumbar Spine 2 or 3 views VIEWS: AP, Lateral, Spot CLINICAL INDICATION: Low back pain, unspecified COMPARISON: None. FINDINGS: 5 non-rib-bearing lumbar type vertebra. Minimal curvature visualized thoracolumbar spine convex to the left. Mild disc space narrowing/osteophyte formation L4-L5, L5-S1. No acute fracture identified. Trace retrolistheses L1- L2,L2-L3 and L4- L5. Sacroiliac joints appear patent. No osteolytic or osteoblastic lesions noted. IMPRESSION: 1. Minimal left curvature visualized thoracolumbar spine. 2. Mild degenerative disc space narrowing L4-L5, L5-S1. 3. Trace retrolistheses L1- L2,L2-L3 and L4-L5.
submitted by AdBusy9171 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:19 BuckeyeReason "Common Good" statue by Jon Hudson Barlow located in Cooper Park

Saw the Dayton sculpture "Common Good" on an episode of "Applause," a PBS Ideastream production in Cleveland. It's in the second-to-last segment of the following episode. "Applause" often features Ohio artists, and this segment featured Jon Hudson Barlow, a graduate of the Dayton Institute of Art and former professor there, and whose sculpture studio is in his home town of Yellow Springs.
I was very impressed by the statue, reportedly located at Cooper Park in Dayton behind Dayton Metro Library's main branch.
Reading about Barlow, I noted he originally attended Urbana College, now closed, before transferring to the Dayton Institute of Art. I worry about the character of Ohio in coming decades as our liberal arts colleges increasingly fail and as Republicans continue to gut liberal arts programs at our state universities. I wonder what role Urbana College played in inspiring Barlow's career focus.
Anyway, this sculpture impressed me, more especially when I learned of its location behind a major library. Ohio's libraries also are suffering from state funding cuts, and librarians are among the most dedicated of public servants.
"Common Good" seems a unique, and very important Ohio sculpture. Too often we honor politicians and others of great public prominence, such as athletes. Too little we honor those relatively anonymous persons who are fundamentally important to our quality of life.
So, I am curious. How many persons in Dayton have enjoyed this sculpture? Is there plentiful parking at the Dayton Metro Library main branch?
submitted by BuckeyeReason to dayton [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:18 Silent_Doughnut_1864 The last moment together with a life long crush didn't end well. I just wanted to tell her how I feel, maybe she will see and read this.

She probably will never see this, then again I could be wrong. I kind of hope she does so I can say some of what I wanted to say, but instead we ended up arguing over things that are really not important and I wish I could take it all back.
In High School it started and I never told anyone, not even my best friend. You were the one, the girl who was in a relationship, the crush I always wanted, the one I wanted to marry and spend my life with, to treat with the most genuine respect and to love and cherish. The problem was you were taken and I respected that line, most people don't. Yet life just kept moving forward. I come to find years later that your life has been filled with trauma, neglect, abuse, filled with drama and hate, being used and taken advantage of. The things I would never let happen to you or do to you were happening or had happened, and it breaks my heart to see you so different than the one I knew all those years ago. But deep in there it's still you and I hope that I may one day bring you back to happiness and to keep a smile on your face and to show you how much you are loved.
After 20 years we found each other living together albeit briefly after some difficult and unexpected times. I tried to tell you how I felt, you didn't want to hear it. And then we did something together I never thought would ever happen, and it was something I had hoped would happen for so long. I will always remember it and think about it everyday, how incredible it was and how it still could be. Even the first time our lips locked I was in complete ecstacy, the way you kissed me was something passionate and real, not just another kiss. You really are amazing and so beautiful and I wish we could continue to become something more. Something beautiful. Something forever.
I didn't want to leave you but I couldn't stand being thought of as just someone else there to use you. I would never hurt you. I tried to find the words, but you shut me down, you distanced yourself from me, that hurt. I know things are tough and I was willing to do everything I could to help.
Maybe I sound like I am rambling now but just know this. I am sorry for how I left, for leaving you alone, for everything wrong that I may have done. I just want you in my life, by my side. Maybe one day that will happen but it is something you need to figure out. I will continue to wait for you. If you will have me, come to me. You'll be safe and respected, loved and appreciated. For now, I am setting off on the hunt for more money, to give myself a fresh start and that also includes you, as I told you during our time together. My hand and heart will be waiting for you to take.
Find me. Message me. Email me. Call me. Anything. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives.
I'm sorry J. I miss you. I want you with me. I want to hold you, hold your hand, to love you, to kiss you, to be the one you deserve. Hopefully we will find each other again. For now, just know im there thinking about you, waiting and going to do everything I possibly can.
submitted by Silent_Doughnut_1864 to GirlCrush [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:18 blessed6933 watched it for the animation, stayed for tears

watched it for the animation, stayed for tears
I just completed the whole series and all the movies in 3 days , I am somebody who rarely cries or gets emotional, I am numb and disassociated , could relate with violet very much although her case is different, but we both know about emotions but it's something else to fell them, It was in my watchlist since a year but didn't felt like watching it as it was recommended to me to watch If you want to cry, I have tried others in the same category like the silent voice, I want to eat your pancreas, etc but no I didn't cry watching them. So i wasn't expecting much and didn't watch it. Recently re-watched fruit basket and after it ended was missing the fruba universe , so to distract myself I watched this show,
And damn I was struck at once with the animation quality and style, this was literally the style i was craving to watch from so long, my first anime was garden of words, nd Ghibli movies hence I love such pretty style! So i continued watching without expecting much from the show coz I was already in love with the animation. And ofcourse any normal human would be hooked to the plot too , so was I. and no surprise, (surprise for me tho) I cried twice in the whole story, very hard, once in the series >! When she tried to unalive herself!< Second in the final movie before they were finally gonna meet And I hadn't cried since ages , the only time I have cried in last 5years was when I watched Interstellar. So this was therapeutic to say the least and very intense. I am here to tell anybody who still haven't watched , please do!
The only thing I didn't liked about the story was the age gap between Gilbert and her, I mean atleast they could have reduced It to 10 like the prince and the princess, coz that was weird , I get their love was open ended but It was still pretty much implied towards romantic side, and and in the time period of the movie it was normal I get it , but comeon. 🫠. Or else it would have been better >! If They never met again, looking at the age thing and also looking at violet's growth as a person, it would have been so better if we had got clarity on her romantic life ,like if she could have dated somebody like that blue haired starry space guy lol I forgot his name , or somebody similar uk, nd the way she stopped traveling, like she had became so independent nd had so much of growth, that it felt pointless for her to only stay at the island. It was weird and nd in character to probably violet's abandonment issue but destroys the character development but I get it , the eternal love between them , I get that and I'm not complaining!<
Also I absolutely love how fatherly hodgins is to violet I was so happy to see somebody care about her that much other than major obv!! It's so cute lol. Nd why tf is gilbert's elder brother so fking hot like damn he looks so good for a douche bag he was, for me he is more good looking than the major!
Fin! Thank you for reading nd please rec if you know some other such anime! Also abt this art image, idk if it's AI or not , and idk the creator either , please message or comment for credit , coz I found it on Pinterest!
submitted by blessed6933 to VioletEvergarden [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:18 Ok_Performance6080 How did I manage to damage the breaks after only 1 month?

A month ago a bought a 2007 automatic Toyota Yaris from my friend. She took the car to a mechanic who inspected everything before she sold it to me. Now, a few days ago I noticed it takes longer for the car to stop and some weird random smell that would come and go. Also, I started hearing a faint squeaking sound (dont know if it's related). Since Im an inexperienced driver I didnt recognize the signs right away, also the dashboard didnt show any problems.
Yesterday the brakes completely collapsed and there was a strong burning smell coming out of tires, I think. I almost hit an SUV in front of me and somehow managed to pull by the side of the road and hitting the bumper in the process. I may have damaged something underneath as well. After a while brakes were a little better and there was less smell, and I managed to drive the car to a mechanic.
Really disappointed and sad about this, I could have had a severe accident or even die had it happened on the steep open road that I was supposed to drive on today. I only crossed about 1500 km and some kind of a damage is already done. I dont understand.
submitted by Ok_Performance6080 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:17 DrVeigonX .

I'd expect the vast majority of the people who oppose what Israel is doing in Palestine are not loudly chanting at protests.
Again, you're entirely ignoring the point. If something is chanted by thousands, it's either a common belief, or at least one propagated by the leaders of the movement. Just because it doesn't fit with your perspective doesn't mean you can dismiss it.
Then why does the article I linked clearly show leaflets advising civilians to evacuate to the area where the strike occurred?
Did you look at the map? The leaflet very clearly says The Humanitarian Area, which extends into northern Tal As Sultan. The map pretty clearly shows that.
Do you not think it at all suspicious that Israel have a recording of the event that would very clearly exonerate them, and yet have not released it or even claimed that their recording shows this?
Jesus christ my guy, they literally did release the footage. Just because you refuse to look it up doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
They literally did release footage of the strike itself. Footage in which you can see that the aerial map they released is correct, as the buildings surrounding the area in the video are the same as the ones for where they claimed the strike is in the map they released. In the map, btw, you can see that the area of the strike is removed from the tents. All of this is in the articles I linked.
don't think you've quite appreciated the difference between "footage" and "footage that shows X".
Just because you refuse to do any sort of personal deliberation and expect to be handed every piece of information on a spoon doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
We do know it was one of those small munitions, as I already said. Another thing we simultaneously know is that those small munitions could start a fir
And another thing we know is that the area where the strike occoured is removed from the tents. In fact both claimed locations of the strike are removed from the tents; both the IDF's and even Hamas' claims for where the strike occoured show them over 100 meters from where we know the fire started. Why do you drop that piece of information?
The IDF's claimed location is even entirely removed from the tents by an open area, and Hamas' claim has the entirety of the UN facility between the strike and the tents- a UN facility which didn't catch fire. So unless the fire somehow managed to spread across 100 meters of open field, or go around an entire aid distribution facility without anyone noticing, it's pretty safe to say that the bomb didn't start the fire.
Again, all of this is in the articles I linked. Just because you refuse to do any deliberation of your own doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
From where those tents were, sure. That doesn't mean there wasn't flammable material lying around that could have triggered a fire that reached those tents. Fuel, for example.
For 100 meters straight? And around a UN facility- but without it catching fire? And no one thought to mention it anywhere? That's some amazing fuel!
Then why have you decided that it is true, when the footage from those Palestinians does not show a secondary rocket explosion, and when the Israeli footage would show this if it had happened that way?
The footage from the Palestinians only started after the fire. And I'm not claiming it's true, I'm explaining to you why Israel is still investigating the matter, because you claimed that "if they claimed this then they should have all the footage!" When they aren't the ones who made that claim. Just like you and I, they are also investigating the fire.
Also, I brought them up because you were literally just dismissing that information because it came from Israel, even when it literally came from Palestinians.
Not even the Americans trust Israel to deliver aid
I'm sorry but you seem to have an entirely incomplete image of how the aid distribution works in Gaza. No, the Americans do trust Israel to coordinate aid. But that's just that, Israel doesn't deliver the aid, it coordinates it. What does that mean? Israel gathers all the aid donations, loads them unto trucks, and brings those trucks to Kerem Shalom or Erez. From there, the trucks are picked up by the UN and NGOs who then distribute them.
The problem with Gazan aid was distribution, as a lot of aid failed to reach its destination, and Israel refused to get involved in distribution. Israel literally had a backlog of hunderds of trucks which they already vetted, but we're waiting to be picked up by the UN.
The pier was opened because the US believed it would make distribution easier. But what happened after it opened? Did you intentionally leave that piece of information out?
I'll tell you.
70% of it was stolen.
Because the problem wasn't with Israeli coordination, it was with distribution. Those are two different things.
Yes, the conditions the population of Gaza were forced into for the past eight months were indeed extremely bad
Again, are you intentionally ignoring the point or are you just missing it? Yes, the situation of Gazans is dire. You still fail to explain how Rafah having houses for 171k people somehow makes it better for the remaining 1.5 million over a zone specifically designed to house large numbers of displaced people.
A few ideas - instead of bombing absolutely everything, focus attacks on clear military targets.
Thank you man! Why didn't they think of that?
I swear that people with no military experience will act like they're the chief of the Pentagon when it comes to this conflict.
I actually was in the military, so let's set a few things straight. when fighting guerilla warfare, there are no clear military targets. That's literally the definition of urban guerilla warfare. Embedding yourself within the urban environment and within civilians to fight against a stronger enemy. It isn't like there's buildings marked as "HAMAS HEADQUARTERS" that Israel can just attack and leave everyone else alone. Hamas very intentionally and very openly hides themselves within the civilian population and areas, hence why to attack them, you have to remove the civilians from the region via evacuation. That's literally how every urban conflict against a guerilla force in history was done. It was how the US fought against the Taliban in the cities of Afghanistan, it's how Iraqi forces fought against ISIS in Mosul, and its how the coalition fought against ISIS in Raqqa.
In fact, Raqqa and Mosul both saw far more destruction than Gaza did; with Gaza's figures suggesting 70% of the buildings were damaged to some capacity, where in Mosul some estimates go up to 80% or even 90%. When an enemy embeds themselves in a civilian population, there's no easy way of fighting them. Urban guerilla warfare is quite literally the ugliest form of combat.
As you mention the bombs, you seem to be under the impression they are just dropped for funsies. Like, "Oh, I feel like dropping a 2000 lbs bomb today! How about we do that here?"
It shows complete ignorance of military doctoring and combat. 2000 lbs bombs are also known as "bunker busters". Can you guess why? Because their impact is powerful enough to burst through the ground and collapse underground bunkers. Which might be useful when, oh, I don't know, your enemy has 500 Kilometers of tunnels weaving under your feet?
Lastly, you bring up the World Kitchen strike as some sort of Gotcha, but it perfectly encapsulates your cognitive dissonance. You're amplifying one incident over thousands of other successful strikes, and an incident even the head of World Kitchen said was a mistake. A mistake for which two of thw IDF's top generals were fired.
You're not the first person I say this to, and sadly, you won't be the last. But if you have no knowledge of military, don't try to act like you do. It just makes it seem like you're under the dunning Kruger effect.
submitted by DrVeigonX to u/DrVeigonX [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:17 rpx100noname Neptune transit

Neptune transit
Hi, can I have someone take a look at my T-square made up of Sun, Moon and Neptune? Transit Neptune is filling the empty point of the T-square right now, creating the Grand Cross. This started last year and will continue for quite a while, as it's currently closely aspecting Moon (opposition) and will be closely aspecting Sun (square) later on. I've always been a spiritual person, though not religious, dabbles in the occult, divinatory and shamanic practices quite a bit, but it was always a me thing, not public. I've been feeling a stronger pull towards exploring new facets of my spirituality since this aspect started, which is making me think about leaning in that direction and sharing what I know and have experienced with other people. But I also have a need for a lot of solitude and have genuine worry about breaking my peace. I'm also fresh out of Pluto taking a 15 year ride through my Sun, Mars, Mercury and Moon too, and am feeling like I have some healing to do. So I'm hesitant about all of this.
What would you say I could expect going forward and what should I pay attention to? Is it a good idea to get out of my Cancer shell more, and share some of my experience and knowledge? Basically any advice on how to navigate this temporary Grand Cross would be greatly appreciated. It seems to be an important personal transit to me. Thank you!
submitted by rpx100noname to astrosignature [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 Difficult_Figure_530 Siblings in faith that reverted and striggle with addiction or dependence.

Dear siblings in Islam. In my life as a muslim i saw many people who struggled with alcohol addiction or other forms of dependecies that they gained before Allah gave them guidance.
Please do not suggest without knowledge to the new reverts to quit their addictions or dependencies suddenly.
Dependance of some forms of medications or drugs are seriously harming and can even be life-threatening if you quit cold turkey. For an example Alcohol, Benzodiazepines and most medicines or intoxicants that target GABA-receptors.
Please inform yourself about the gradual prohibition revealed in the Quran and also modern science:
Ask ChatGPT or use Search Engines like Google to do your research on:
Quitting alcohol suddenly if you are a heavy alcoholic can kill you and will with 100% certainty cause injuries on the brain.
My personal advice:
  1. Adress the problems you have and reflect, find healthy coping strategies while recovering, while tapering. This will add to the desire to get rid of it and to go down as you see that you can be stronger without the substance. -Prayer and Dua (Supplication) trust in Allah but use logic and common sense. -Meditation -Yoga -moderate excercise -breathing excercises etc.
  2. Surround yourself with understanding and positive people. Negativity is your enemy in your process of healing. Learn to cultivate positivity and let go of people whose words or actions harm your soul.
  3. If withdrawal is to harsh but still managable (no medical issues) stay on that dose for a longer time until you feel ready to go down for a bit more. Your body will adapt in shaa Allah.
  4. Don't listen to anyone suggesting to quit suddenly. Most of them have no knowledge of medicine or maybe even their deen.
  5. Understand that every body is different. Your biochemistry is different than that from another person. Listen to your body. Go at a pace that is in harmony with your system.
  6. Don't read the horror-stories online. They just make you paranoid and make everything that would be easy otherwise, hard.
  7. And the last but not least put your trust in Allah again.
submitted by Difficult_Figure_530 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 D3ADL8CK Serious Issues with TradingView's Data Accuracy

I want to raise a serious complaint about TradingView. On the Daily timeframe chart of NIFTY50 for Tuesday, 21 May 2024, the lowest price is visible as INR 22,404.55. However, when I switch the chart from Daily to a 4-Hour timeframe chart, the lowest price for the same date is now INR 22,440.90. I mean, what? I'm investing my hard-earned funds based on this data.
I even took a trial version of the TradingView premium subscription to try out more tools and capabilities, and this is what I get? The plans come at a hefty price, and with this quality of data, it's a shame.
Additionally, when trying to raise a complaint with the company, there's no way to contact them other than sharing feedback or purchasing a premium plan. The feedback section is marked by exactly: "Describe the problem in detail. Please keep in mind that while we do read every piece of feedback we receive, we don’t respond to it due to the volume we receive from free users."
So, even to raise an issue, I need to first pay a premium. The most important thing here is that people are investing money based on this data.
u/TradingView, this is unacceptable and needs immediate attention.
submitted by D3ADL8CK to TradingView [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 HarmonyDragon Want a self esteem boost for things that you dislike about yourself appearance wise?

Talk to a kid. Why do I say that? I teach elementary school music in a very Haitian dominated school. And the girls are obsessed with my skin texture and hair texture.
Always hated my hair because Hashimoto’s messed up puberty’s transformation of it leaving it dry, frizzy and uneven curl wise. Now I don’t mind it so much and that’s just because the girls I teach are obsessed with it. My skin too…..they love pointing out how you can see my veins or how red my hands get after playing rhythm sticks with them compared to theirs. Oh and don’t get me started on how obsessed some of them are with my visible, four of them, tattoos.
I started acknowledging my confusion when they change hair styles, especially when they go from braids to natural hair or change up their braid styles. It takes me a minute or two to recognize them but I am getting use to it after 3 years of teaching here. But I never realized how much of a self esteem boost they in return give me. Especially when they throw out how they would love to see me wear braids like them. The boys on the other hand are all about the tattoos or my eye color, blue.
The other day one of the younger siblings I have never met stopped dead in his little tracks, stared at me, tugged his mom’s pant leg for her attention then pointed to me and said very loudly: Mommy that her! That the pretty lady who (enter sister’s name) wants you to do braids on. I think she look good in them! Then proceeded to run my way to hug me while his sister cringed at his over excitement.
Self esteem boost if I ever needed one right now. Now that is not to say all kids will boost you up self esteem wise as they do have a habit of gaslighting us or humbling us but the ones that do actually make my day when I am overwhelmed or not feeling good.
submitted by HarmonyDragon to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 CannonMan2000 She f(18) wants to see how we go as friends first with me m(23) before we take the next step

For about a month, we've been getting to know each other at work and over text's. Yesterday over texting back and forth, she decides to ask "quick question, what are your intentions"
I'm honest with her saying that she's a cute girl and looking to get to know her better and she reciprocates with a big paragraph but something along the lines of, "im thankful for your kind words I think you are a good looking man yourself and would like to stay as friends and see if we get along as friends first before taking that next step"
I'm happy with this response and am just unsure as to if im not understanding it the right way, I've got a problem for not taking these things at face value, could this be soemthing promising in terms of a relationship?
I've asked her twice for me to take us both out and things just didn't work out in terms of schedules and university. She's got her last exam on friday, so I'm guessing I should just take it slow, and keep getting to know her at work.
submitted by CannonMan2000 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:15 throsinoeno Talking to someone with ibd

so we've just started talking like just started and the girl has ibd (ulcerative colitis) and she explained to me about all her problems. This is gonna sound evil of me I'm not saying I don't want someone with a problem like that and if I did get with her I'd be a big support ofc and don't wanna put anyone down but it seems like a lot to deal and do you think I should carry on talking to her since we just started? What I'm trying to say is if we get together I'd be seriously stressed and worried for her like id feel super guilty and I wanna avoid feeling like that at all so yeah. God bless the people who have it and wish you a healthy life but shall I keep talking to her or is it not worth it
submitted by throsinoeno to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:15 Welshlad-87 Thoughts on small hands

Ladies, how much of a turn off is small hands on a guy? To the point where they are smaller than yours.
Would it make you want to stop dating them even if they had other qualities/attributes you liked?
I have small hands for a guy, like 7” from top of middle finger to my palm and had comments in past relationships about them but I guess not enough for them to break up with me as for the most part they stayed, the breakups happened for other reasons.
Maybe other things make up for it, I’m tall over 6ft and without sounding arrogant fairly attractive so many that’s more important? 🤷🏻‍♂️
submitted by Welshlad-87 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:14 Unbake_my_tart_ I want to get life insurance for myself and also my dad but feel lost on where to start. (CO)

My dad is 59. I’m in my early 30s. I want life insurance because I have small children and worry about what would happen if anything happened to me. They would be truly in a bad spot. They would not be able to afford a funeral and would be left in bad shape. I don’t want that. I want to know that everything would be okay.. I recently lost my mom to cancer and she had nothing and no insurance so we couldn’t even afford a funeral and it was just awful. It got me thinking I need to get this taken care of.
I also am looking to get it for my dad. He has gone on about life insurance but he puts off ever going and is super bad at procrastinating all around. He has asked me to help him find something because he never gets around to it. He ask me to help him find something when I brought up getting it for myself. My dad and I are a lot closer because he mostly raised my siblings and I by himself - we are best friends and if anything happens to him we are going to really struggle to get through it and don’t want it to be like it was with my mom. I don’t think I could handle it.
I need to know what options I have- for both of us. The differences. I just want a straightforward trustworthy one that will cover us. We are both healthy, no smoking, no drinking, in shape, his health issue is only arthritis and gout. Mine is ibs. No other issues and both have regular checkups and physicals with the doctor.
I’ve looked online but I can’t tell which are good and which aren’t and where to even start. There are so many.
I also have a friend who had it for her and her husband and when her husband died they ended up in a battle because they decided it was a pre existing condition.. she didn’t know and she said it was a nightmare. I don’t understand all of that. I don’t want to end up screwed over.. or leave my kids in that position. That really scares me.
Are there agents you go to that can help or what is the first step?
I’m lost in it all and need some help. I appreciate any pointers or suggestions.
submitted by Unbake_my_tart_ to LifeInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:14 CraftySappho Women - you don't need to account for every single exception when you're sharing your story. Part of basic reading comprehension is being able to identify the audience for which it's written for.

Every day I see people twisting themselves into knots, trying their best to accommodate the "what about me" crowd when they're just trying to tell their story.
Stop doing this.
If a post doesn't apply to someone, it's on them to have the level of self awareness and comprehension required to understand that and to stay out of it.
You do not have to account for every single situation and exception when you're sharing your stories.
Ignore the comments that say "what about..." And "not all..".
And to the lurkers and the "not all" crowd - stop and think for a second: "who's this really about?" And if it isn't you? Then move on.
You aren't owed inclusion in every single example. You're free to write about your own experiences, but you aren't free to force yourself into others.
submitted by CraftySappho to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]
