Crestor for cholesterol

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2009.10.20 20:17 Welcome to r/Cholesterol!

Welcome to Cholesterol! This subreddit is to discuss anything ranging from advice, support, treatments that have worked for you, questions, discussions on dietary and lifestyle changes, and much more! Many general questions can be answered in this subreddits wiki

2012.09.13 01:21 guestHITA KetoScience

KetoScience is dedicated to being the center for online discussion on the latest scientific discoveries in the broad and expanding role of the ketogenic diet in reversing chronic disease. We post RCTs, prospective cohorts, epidemiology, and case studies and discuss the pro's and con's of each. We discuss type 2 diabetes, gout, Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment, obesity, epilepsy, mental illness, autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, sugar, omega 6 polyunsaturated seed oils, & more!

2015.02.20 21:37 foursticks Hold my fries while I...


2024.05.28 17:49 Charles-Darwinia Statin recovery for muscles - fell down last night

How long does it take to rebuild muscle after statins? I can't afford to wait months! I fell down last night because I was in a hurry, not paying attention, and my legs are weak. I have a big "egg" on my forhead now. I started Lipitor at the end of February (it brought my cholesterol way down), but that was after losing 20 lbs (lose weight = lose muscle). Then I started to have muscle weakness after a month and a half. So they switched me to Crestor and it started again in just 10 days. I thought I was going crazy after I noticed it was almost impossible to lift my purse! I cleaned out all the papers and books and other crap and it was still heavy, so I figured out it was the Crestor. It's not just my arms either. I stopped taking it a few days ago and when I fell down last night and had a hard time getting to my feet, I emailed my doctor (actually her assistant) for some kind of physical therapy but I can't get an appt for over a month! I seriously can't wait that long. Should I just get a personal trainer ($$$) and pay out of pocket? Mostly my question is, can I get some strength back in a short amount of time? How?
submitted by Charles-Darwinia to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:40 chaoserrant Effect of 10mg versus 20mg Crestor

Is there someone who escalated or de-escalated between 10mg and 20mg Crestor and, if yes, what was the difference in LDL and Triglyceride values and after how many months did you see the difference if any?
I am on Crestor 20 mg for nearly 17 years and gradually, with life time changes, my numbers improved and now are quite good. (HDL 73, LDL 90, Triglycerides 38). However, while I am not diabetic, no weight issues and otherwise active, I noticed my post-meal blood sugar gets a little higher than I think is optimal especially in the afternoon/evening
In any case, while I re-evaluate my diet, one doctor suggested, given the good lipid numbers I have now, to try to lower the dose from 20 to 10 and see if there is a difference. I know that glucose impairment is a rare side effect of statins but it is important to me to figure out (if I can) if it is the culprit. As far as I know, I am happy otherwise with Crestor but I wonder if reducing the dose will be worth it since I heard that the additional LDL reduction from 10 to 20 is not that big. And if it proves that Crestor does something to my glucose metabolism, I would rather try a different medication for cholesterol. I must prevent diabetes at all costs for many reasons that I won't get into right now
submitted by chaoserrant to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:45 xgirlmama Updated bloodwork after heart disease diagnosis

Background - cholesterol has been high for three years. Three years ago I had a CAC of 0 and no plaque in my carotid artery, so I just changed my diet a bit, added an OTC statin (red yeast rice) and went on my way. Doc said to just do a repeat CAC/carotid ultrasound every three years and go from there. Well, at the beginning of last month I got bad news - I now officially have heart disease (CAC = 33 + plaque in L carotid artery). For reference I'm 49f, 5'6", was 120lbs, work out 5 days a week, don't smoke, rarely eat red meat, rarely drink, limited cheese, you name it, but it wasn't perfect (hello half and half!). I went on Crestor 40mg the day I got my CAC results on April 4th. I also found out that I have high lipoprotein(a) (109), knowledge I wish I had sooner so that I could have gone straight to a statin years ago. I have since seen a cardiologist, who ran an echo and stress test and everything was normal there (aside from the plaque).
Bloodwork, March of 2023:
Total cholesterol: 253 (under 200 is normal)
Triglycerides: 97 (under 150 is normal) - only thing that was normal last year
LDL (bad) cholesterol: 174 (under 100 is normal)
HDL (good) cholesterol: 57 (above 50 is normal)
Non-HDL cholesterol: 196 (under 130 is normal)
Since then I've kept daily saturated fat to under 10g/day, eat oatmeal every single day, eat more plants, no beef, no cheese/buttecream/egg yolks, switched to oat milk in coffee, all meat is lean, eating tons of fiber (at least 35g, but some days it's over 50), added avocados/flax/chia seeds to my diet - you name it, and I'll do it. I've also dropped a couple pounds, which the vain part of my brain likes too.
Total: 139
Triglycerides: 71
LDL: 72
HDL: 52
Non-HDL: 87
ApoB: 75 (didn't have a previous value for this) - optimal is under 90
I'm so relieved, but was secretly hoping my LDL would be at or below 50. My doctor called me about an hour after the results were emailed to me, and it was his idea to add Zetia/Ezetimibe to get my LDL even lower. And hallelujah, it's only like $5/mo instead of $600 like Repatha.
So, yay!
submitted by xgirlmama to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:37 No_Constant_1053 What worked for me - cardiac & chronic fatigue

I had bad long covid from delta variant starting Sept 2021. My symptoms were bad chest pain, tachycardia, chronic fatigue, feeling hot, POTS. I took a lot of time off work. The first breakthrough for me was going on the biological Arcalyst prescribed to me by my cardiologist. It took two months to have any effect but broke the chronic fatigue cycle and improved my heart symptoms. However whenever I went off it, my heart would go back to its same problems. After almost two years on Arcalyst, which is the longest one is supposed to take it, I switched to losartan (a blood pressure drug) and 10mg Crestor. I already had low blood pressure but could tolerate a low dose at night. The Arcalyst made my cholesterol go up thus the Crestor. However Crestor is thought to be healing for endothelial dysfunction. After 6 months I went off both and am healed. I occasionally get palpitations but I am mostly back to my old self. My many cardiac scans never showed anything so it was probably a combination of autoimmune + endothelial dysfunction.
submitted by No_Constant_1053 to longcovidsolutions [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:31 stacefacekilla Non-red, non-itchy skin rash?

I'm a white female. I’m 5’5” and 150lbs. I have HSD (and a ton of multi-systemic issues from the hypermobility), ADHD, MDD and GAD, as well as other various ailments. Former smoker (quit in my late 20’s) and regular medical marijuana user (mainly edibles) since I don’t want to take opioids (mother was an addict).
Current meds are: Qunol CoQ10 100mg; Crestor 20mg; B-12/folate (methylated) sublingual; Cymbalta 60mg; Prilosec otc; Zyrtec otc; Famotidine otc; Wellbutrin XL 150mg; Vyvanse 30mg; vitamin D 5000iu 3 x a week; Guanfacine 1mg; Valacyclovir 1g; Ajovy injectable monthly; Nurtec ODT as needed for migraine; Valium as needed for anxiety.
Went to the GP for a checkup and after bloodwork I was prescribed Crestor 20mg for high total cholesterol and high triglycerides. I started the Crestor in the evening on 5/6 in addition to Qunol brand CoQ10 100mg. I also started 1000mcg B-12/500mcg folate(methylated) that day. I’ve previously taken different brands of CoQ10 and B-12.
On 5/10, I took my B-12/folate in the am. I noticed a rash that morning on my neck/ear that spread throughout the day. It consists of raised bumps with no redness or itchiness. I took 12.5mg diphenhydramine at 8pm on 5/10. Decided not to take CoQ10 or Crestor in PM on 5/10 and will not start up again until speaking to doc. Also stopping the B-12/folate, since it’s also new. On 5/11 in the AM, the rash is still present and has spread to my cheeks.
Other than the new meds, my routine has not changed and I haven’t tried any new foods, cleaners, body products etc. I don’t regularly get skin eruptions or rashes.
What is the likely culprit out of the new meds? If the Benadryl didn’t help should I keep taking it? Any advice or suggestions welcome.
I plan to call my doc Monday but it’s just freaking me out.
Link to photos
submitted by stacefacekilla to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:16 Next_Confusion3262 PVC have stopped … may have an answer?

Hi All, I was having pretty significant PVCs all of the time; perhaps less when in bed or resting. this was going on for at least the last 6 months as I noticed it when exercising. My apple watch would report a dropout which got me checking ECGs more frequently. I wore a monitor, and had a 16% burden.
About that time I got off of my cholesterol meds and about a month later they were almost completely gone. I thought it was the cholesterol medicine but what I had forgotten about was that I started taking CoQ10.
I am now back on the Crestor, but haven’t stopped taking the CoQ10. PVCs still gone.
I think the CoQ10 stopped the PVCs. I can’t be 100% sure, but I have a good feeling it did.
submitted by Next_Confusion3262 to PVCs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:48 alturicx Updated labs... some a lot better, some new ones not good... just ugh.

I don't even know what to do anymore. Perhaps I should just change the MyChart password and throw away the key... after 2.5 months of 3 lab workups things are... not really any better per se.
Starting weight 399, down to 365 over 2 months, not terrible. Cut out all sugary drinks, all excess sugar that I can. Watching portions like crazy, walking everyday 30-45 minutes and I'm fine with all of this. It's the new me, I'm liking it, dare I say loving it.
Anyway, the good trends over the 2.5 months of labs from March 19th to yesterday... also started 5mg Crestor 2 months ago, and on week 3 of Zepbound now.
A1C 6.3 -> 5.7 (never diagnosed diabetic)
Glucose 114 -> 89 (114 was still normal, just on the higher end)
AST 94 -> 41
ALT 118 -> 73
Triglycerides 170 -> 127
Cholesterol 268 -> 151
Non-HDL 223 -> 107
LDL 189 -> 82
White Blood Cells 13.22 -> 11.21 (doctors didn't seem to care about these being elevate but concerning imo)
And now the new things I'm freaking out over...
TSH always been middle range normal... suddenly sky-rocketed to 4.4... in a sense hoping this is the diet changes, walking daily and perhaps Zepbound-related... but it could also certainly be liver-related or just something new now...
Ammonia (one and only lab so far that I pushed for due to the possible liver issue)... 35. Right on the border as 36 is high but I'm pretty sure you always want ammonia to be as low-range as possible... I wish I had a history to reference but this one is probably the biggest concern for right now imo.
Just. Ugh. Sorry, needed to vent.
submitted by alturicx to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 15:28 tigerpaul1977 Been lurking, 1st post here

My numbers looked like this before I started 10mg Crestor:
Total: 199
Triglycerides: 125
HDL: 33
LDL: 141
LDL/HDL ratio: 4.3
Not terrible but not great either. Those numbers have been slowly creeping up the past few lab tests. My Dr. was concerned about the ratio and decided it was time for a statin as well as Coq10. Also had a Calcium Score test my score was a 13.
Happy to know the score and what I need to do to improve to get my Cholesterol in a good spot. Glad I have a spot here to learn and listen to others about what has worked for you!
submitted by tigerpaul1977 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:13 alturicx What exactly can they “see”/find on abdominal/pelvic CT?

40YO, M, 6’0, 399lbs at time of original US (50 BMI) 1.5months ago, down to 360 atm. My BMI is too high to get FibroScan but my US showed 22cm enlarged liver 1.5months ago.
AST/ALT were 95/118 then 1.5months ago 65/90. WBC were hovering around 13 for the past 2 labs. Cholesterol was high first labs but started 5mg Crestor and next set of labs were all normal there. Ultimately of all these labs it’s only ever been WBC, AST, ALT and then the random Haptoglobin being elevated, with Haptoglobin being an acute inflammatory marker?
Full labs again today as well as a abdominal/pelvic CT w/ IV… what exactly can they find/rule out with a CT?
The US just said increased echo, likely focal fatty sparing by the gallbladder fossa and enlarged 22cm. FibroSure blood lab came back F0/A1 however my WBC and Haptoglobin were elevated at 13.9 and hapto at 400(!!) which is known to cause false-negatives on the FibroSure. I’m the one who basically pushed for the CT as I’m not confident in the FibroSure but all ~25-30 other liver labs came back negative/normal.
So the question is can they see fibrosis on CT? Can they see nodules, Cirrhotic looks?
submitted by alturicx to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:54 staythruthecredits Connective tissue issues

41F nonsmoker, medical cannabis user (no flame)
I have had chronic pain for years that's only been resolved briefly by a month of steroids, or a month on meloxicam with PT.
I've dealt with TMJ dysfunction after an auto accident age 20, which also broke my femur and it has a rod and nails to this day. By 25 it was no longer mouth guards and muscle relaxers, and I was getting injections in the base of my skull, along my neck, and in my upper back out towards my shoulders. I was told it was saline, and the records are lost. I considered this a drawback of my prior occupation in a call center.
Age 35 my nails were drying out, splitting vertically, and my eyes were beginning to stay irritable. I topped out at 214 pounds and I'm 62 inches tall. I had been taking Saphris and Welbutrin for five years and aside from being sore and exhausted all the time, my lower neck had been consistently tight and burning enough for me to look into CBD. I also switched to Fetzima from Welbutrin, and the muscle cramps were comical.
In 2018 I decided to stop Saphris and use this body. My left hip was always restricted after the auto accident. I didn't understand why and no one suggested additional tests or MRI, or more aggressive PT.
2019 was a big year for me when I took a job on retail, after I hadn't worked for a few years. I had headaches all the time from my eyes and the light, which hadn't been a thing. I had more than 1 migraine per quarter, which was my baseline.
Under the stress of the pandemic I pushed myself. I got my symmetry, ROM, flexibility, balance, and strength back. It was rad, until it wasn't.
I was sweating out my headbands up to twice per shift, drinking 6 bottles of water every day at work. My face was always red. Cold tolerance lowered. My lower back felt awful. I went to see the orthopedic for guidance on do more, do less, do different? 2020 fall I have mild OA of SI joints. 15mg meloxicam and 1 month PT had not only made my back feel really good, but everything else as well that's been sore and irritable for years. We agreed to move to rheumatology.
2021 april: Hypermobility and anti-SSB. My ANA is not clinically positive and has a specked pattern. Long term tolerance to meloxicam is untenable. 18 months on hydroxychloriquine no conclusive relief.
I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy but I'm not clear on 2020 or 21. Constipation, painful and nauseating, passing a concerning amount of mucus, revealed a 10mm single polyp that was benign. No signs of crohns and otherwise unremarkable aside from "senna abuse" and I quit that stuff the next year. The endoscopy was unremarkable, although I had already known that without prilosec for an unknown period of time that either I will be vomiting or at the very least need to vomit to relieve that episode. Baking soda water worked in my 20s and stopped working by my 30s.
2023 I had been through requested reduced hours, reduced duties, and no social life because once I got home and stopped moving it's like a timer that I had 40 minutes before I could barely move. Days off seemed to be more about recovery than catching up. I would find myself unable to stay awake in the middle of the day and the naps are always 4 ½ hours. I called out for those flares but they just kept happening. I felt like I was on fire every time my temp lowered to 97°. To be fair to my coworkers and myself, I quit that job. I tried to work regular hours at a different place that didn't have a 40 lb all day requirement, and within 3 weeks I was done. I couldn't think. I couldn't drive because of my head being so fuzzy. I didn't have access to water all shift and maybe it had something to do with it, but I quit.
The next month I started doing Rick Simpson Oil. It felt like I cleared the junk out of my head finally from all my medications. Now I've been thinking more, taking notes, and seeing how deep this goes. I've lowered so much of my stress with therapy and become more creative, and while all that has helped I am still sick.
December 23 my LDL was 195 and I was put on 10 mg rosuvastatin. I will say I know what happened there. I doubled down on foods I knew I could eat once I confirmed adult onset allergies. Sunflower seeds and undercooked/uncooked eggs are a no go. I also have an allergy to chlorhexadine.
I have tender points in so many places like near the elbows, shoulders, around my head, my neck is awful. My legs have them around the knees, thighs, hips, top and sides of my butt, face in front of the ears.
This year I screwed up my left shoulder with a labral tear. Physical therapy was fixing it, until it wasn't. Everything seemed well with strength and motion but then intense pain down my arm that was hurting my elbow as well. Mri showed biceps tendonotis, and I got a cortisone shot. Life was good. My neck felt better and the two recurrent knots in my left shoulder blade were much looser. Back to physical therapy, and after 1 week it's going to hell again. I have other tendons down that arm feeling like bruises from a car wreck but they are no larger than a thumbprint and no one can see them.
I've left my legs alone before they are too tender. I tried the theragun on them tonight and remembered why I don't. I asked who the pain specialists were in the practice, and now I'm here.
Current medications Lamictal, effexor, adderall D3 5000ui, chelated potassium, garden of life probiotics for colon health and their raw one women vitamin Zyrtec, prilosec twice daily (laryngeal reflux) 10 mg Crestor. As needed 350 mg soma, tessalon 100mg, cannabis Flonase, Astepro (laryngeal reflux) to keep my voice Restasis hurts my eyes for the entire day, not just application, and was discontinued after 5 weeks. My glands aren't dead and we're going to treat them manually at the next visit.
Continued concerns are my toes. I get chilblains in the winter while constantly wearing bombas slippers. The outer edge of my toes next to the pinky randomly numb out and are very uncomfortable. My big toe goes numb halfway down the nail bed randomly. Days where I cannot control my body temperature, I stay under the covers shivering until I pass out as soon as I'm warm... Then it's usually the 4 ½ hour snooze. My limbs are always affected. I have had a shawl in bed the last few years for the on then off with the cold shoulders.
I get zaps through my knuckles when trying to massage my arms with glides. I use Epiderm for a barrier on my face. It's been known to feel on fire and get a rash from my own sweat or tears. I will have some small degree of rash or tiny pinpoint hives here and there throughout the day on my hands unless I diligently moisturize. My cuticles recede the same without care. Wounds heal more slowly because everything seems to itch and I accidentally forget about them and catch them in a scratch. Coconut oil to the groin or the itching starts. Coconut oil in my ear canals as well.
Exclusionary Cardiovascular okay. Treadmill stress good. Echo good. Ekg good. Cholesterol within normal levels. 25 pound weight loss in 4 months and complete cbc okay from march '24.
If I'm missing anything pertinent lmk. 175 pounds. No oral contraceptive. Regular mentrual cycle. Bursitis 2x left hip. I started screaming after I woke up to either bursitis or tendonitis at the right hip last week, and the follow up from the mri last week will be Wednesday. Xray unremarkable.
Cervical unremarkable, slight bulge and osteophites. Thorasic unremarkable slight curvature and osteophites. Lumbar as presented earlier in post. All have recommended MRI/specialist.
This issue doesn't track for celebrex or tramadol, but the screaming incidents response to tramadol.
submitted by staythruthecredits to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:30 SnooLemons5806 High Cholesterol?

I’ve had unilateral high pitched tinnitus for over a year. I came to the conclusion that I probably had sensorimotor ocd and started SSRI and CBT for that. It was somewhat helpful. I recently found out I have very high cholesterol. I think my total cholesterol level was 285. I started taking crestor for cholesterol several weeks ago and the tinnitus has all but gone away. I have had a few spikes during that time when I was very tired or stressed, but always woke up with just a very faint hissing sound in my left ear. Anyone else have any experience with this? I’m cautiously optimistic. There are some pub med articles that support a correlation between high cholesterol and tinnitus. I’m praying this is the answer for me.
submitted by SnooLemons5806 to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:31 liquidcrawler Blessed with good cholesterol genetics... should I still take a statin?

Age 29, M. BMI 28. No hx of CVD in my family. Diet isn't terrible but I don't pay close attention to it either. Maybe 1-2 hours of active zone 5 exercise a week.
Cholesterol 137, TG 70, HDL 63, LDL 60
Lp(a) <7, Apo(B) 57
Hgb A1c 4.8%, ALT 24
Thinking about crestor 10. Or I could opt for a lower intensity statin like pravastatin 10 or simvastatin 10. I know peter advocates for LDL ~30 in his book (LDL close to "infant level") but I feel like my profile and family hx if pretty favorable and Peter's view on that is a little extreme. Thoughts?
submitted by liquidcrawler to PeterAttia [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:18 BotanicalInstitute Citrus Bergamot Side Effects?

As someone who has a family history of high cholesterol, I have been interested in taking citrus bergamot as a way to manage my cholesterol levels. However, I'm concerned about the potential side effects of citrus bergamot, so I did a quick look through the data and put it together a quick research review. Here's what I found:
Citrus bergamot can interact with certain medications, and it's important to be aware of these potential interactions:
In general, it appears that citrus bergamot is safe for most people, just make sure to talk to your doctor if you're on blood sugar or cholesterol management drugs. Citrus bergamot impacts both of these functions in the body - so make sure to not overdo it.
Here's a link to the full research report I put together:
submitted by BotanicalInstitute to SupplementAdvisor [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:49 hbg2601 Blood work after 5 months of keto

EDIT: I wanted to say thank you for all of the responses. I'm going to wait another 3 to 4 months and continue my keto journey as I have been. We shall see...
When I told my GP I was doing keto, she asked if we could do blood work, and I said "You betcha!". I wanted to see where I was compared to previous results. The results are below. The first test was done in December 2023 and I weighed about 258. The latest test was yesterday and I weighed 240.7.
Overall cholesterol is down 12 points to 237.
Triglycerides are down 75 points to 140 (these have always been sky high)
HDL is up 1 point to 48
VLDL is down 15 points to 25
LDL went up 2 points to 164
GP wants me to take low-dose Crestor but I'm not sure. The last time I took it, I felt like garbage and I don't want to feel that way. I've got at least 50 pounds left to lose so we'll see how the results are then.
submitted by hbg2601 to keto [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:47 Traditional_Bill9683 Two months of changes (25/m)

  1. This was my final test before I started statins. I had historically high cholesterol although I had plenty of exercise, lots of cardio and lifting, no red meats, lots of fruit and veggies.
  2. I started a 10mg statin (Crestor). Took 18/30 pills because I’m training for a half marathon and it put me in so much physical pain. I’m super into fitness and one of the best performers I know so the statin affecting my physical ability also took a toll on my mental. I stopped.
  3. I tried a vegetarian diet on weekdays with 2-3 cheat meals on the weekend because I didn’t want the statin. My body feels strong again (although my run times have not recovered from the statin month and the race is next month). It looks like I will have to start the statin again though.
Any motivation or tips are greatly appreciated!
submitted by Traditional_Bill9683 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 20:43 Lonely-War7372 Osteoarthritis help

57 year old woman Conditions: Stroke TIA, Pacemaker bi-ventricular 3 leads ICD, Neurosarcoidosis, Cardiac Sarcoidosis, HBP, Type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, GERD, anxiety, depression, occasional migraine,
Allergies: Metformin, morphine, percocet, niaspan, Crestor, Vytorin
Medications: Remicade, Cellcept, Lipitor, Zetia, spironolactone, Jardiance, Humalog, Lantus, Entresto, Eliquis, Mounjaro, carvedilol, Wellbutrin, pantoprazole, clonazepam. Fluoxitine, Tylenol Arthritis for osteoarthritis
I have osteoarthritis in my knee, shoulders and neck. I also take Eliquis after having a stroke in June. Prior to having a stroke, I used to take Meloxicam and got relief - not perfect but it worked.
Now I've seen all the orthopedic specialists for the areas of pain and I need a L5 and S1 injection and hyaluronic acid injection for my knee. Waiting for approvals and knee surgery in the future.
I'm in pain and impacting my sleep so I'm feeling like my pain is being ignored/not addressed. My question is what medication can I take for osteoarthritis that works with Eliquis.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Lonely-War7372 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:31 Steekatzee_Endevour Issues with heart fluttering

Hello Reddit community!
I'm reaching out here hoping to gather insights, especially from cardiologists or individuals with similar experiences. Recently, I've been encountering frequent heart flutters and occasional skipped beats, sometimes multiple times a day. Despite undergoing extensive tests like CT scans, MRIs, blood markers, and stress echos, results have been inconclusive. Furthermore, the CT scan revealed a "Focal eccentric soft plaque causing minor non-obstructive plaque 30-50% stenosis in the large D2 branch," which I was assured is relatively normal for someone my age. The MRI was all good. The Echo stress test seemed all good except a mild LAE (mild left atrial enlargement).
A bit about my background: I'm a 56-year-old with a generally healthy lifestyle – regular exercise, balanced diet, and good fitness level for my age. My cholesterol, though borderline, is now very low after being prescribed Crestor. Additionally, I've recently started taking Atenolol, which has somewhat reduced the fluttering but hasn't addressed the root cause. It's also worth noting that my resting heart rate is a bit under 50bpm when sleeping, which I suspect is due to the Atenolol taken in the evening.
One detail I find noteworthy is that these symptoms seemed to emerge after receiving my COVID-19 booster shot (Moderna). While I don't want to jump to conclusions, I can't help but wonder if there's a connection.
I'm particularly interested in understanding if there could be an issue with my sinus rhythm or the electrical system that regulates my heart. The uncertainty surrounding this issue is unsettling, and while my doctors have advised not to stress about it, I can't help but seek more clarity.
If anyone has encountered similar experiences or if any cardiologist could shed light on this matter, I would be immensely grateful for any insights. Thank you all in advance for your time and support. :)
submitted by Steekatzee_Endevour to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:27 Steekatzee_Endevour Issues with heart fluttering

Hello Reddit community,
I'm reaching out here hoping to gather insights, especially from cardiologists or individuals with similar experiences. Recently, I've been encountering frequent heart flutters and occasional skipped beats, sometimes multiple times a day. Despite undergoing extensive tests like CT scans, MRIs, blood markers, and stress echos, results have been inconclusive. Furthermore, the CT scan revealed a "Focal eccentric soft plaque causing minor non-obstructive plaque 30-50% stenosis in the large D2 branch," which I was assured is relatively normal for someone my age. The MRI was all good. The Echo stress test seemed all good except a mild LAE (mild left atrial enlargement).
A bit about my background: I'm a 56-year-old with a generally healthy lifestyle – regular exercise, balanced diet, and good fitness level for my age. My cholesterol, though borderline, is now very low after being prescribed Crestor. Additionally, I've recently started taking Atenolol, which has somewhat reduced the fluttering but hasn't addressed the root cause. It's also worth noting that my resting heart rate is a bit under 50bpm when sleeping, which I suspect is due to the Atenolol taken in the evening.
One detail I find noteworthy is that these symptoms seemed to emerge after receiving my COVID-19 booster shot (Moderna). While I don't want to jump to conclusions, I can't help but wonder if there's a connection.
I'm particularly interested in understanding if there could be an issue with my sinus rhythm or the electrical system that regulates my heart. The uncertainty surrounding this issue is unsettling, and while my doctors have advised not to stress about it, I can't help but seek more clarity.
If anyone has encountered similar experiences or if any cardiologist could shed light on this matter, I would be immensely grateful for any insights. Thank you all in advance for your time and support.
Steek :)
Age: 56
Sex: M
Race: Caucasian/European
Primary Complaint: Heart flutter, skipping beats
Duration: from a few to several times per day
Medications: Crestor 10mg and Atenolol 25mg
Drink: very little
Smoke: No
Drugs: No
Country: Australia
submitted by Steekatzee_Endevour to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 16:04 alturicx NAFLD/NASH - Should I get second opinion? LABS Inc

40M, 6' 0", 375 (lost 25 lbs past month - diet/walking). No previous complaints or diagnosis of anything. Previous 1-1.5 PPD smoker (quit 5 weeks ago). Non-drinker.
2015/275lbs 2022/355lbs 2024/401 (max)
Back in 2015 (last time at dr) CBC/Metabolic looked good, just had high triglycerides.
Prior Diet: Not watching portions, typical American junk food/snacks, pizza, 1-2x/week fast food. Drank RedBull (4 cans/day) for about the past 7 years, stopping that last June but simply switched to Cherry Coke.
Current Diet: Watching portions, cutting calories, watching carbs, watching sugars.
Complaint: 5 weeks ago had some weird feelings in my chest and thought I was having (or going to have very soon) a heart attack, went to ER nothing showed up but started all this. I will say, when I look back on things about 6 *months* ago, I started noticing overnight pees, darker pees, and the smell of my urine has an odor to it. I can't describe if it's fruity or ammonia. It's not a terrible smell, and it's not a pleasant smell.
After the 3/22 visit, sent to abdominal US and found:
LIVER: Increased echogenicity. Likely focal fatty sparing by gallbladder fossa.. Enlarged measuring 22.7 cm in length.
BILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic duct dilatation. Common bile duct measures 5 mm.
GALLBLADDER: No cholelithiasis. No gallbladder wall thickening. No pericholecystic fluid.
PANCREAS: Visualized portions are unremarkable.
RIGHT KIDNEY: 14.1 cm in length. Enlarged. No hydronephrosis. No shadowing calculi.
OTHER: No ascites.
Due to those results, sent for full renal US and:
RIGHT KIDNEY: 13.7 cm x 6.9 cm x 7.8 cm. Normal size and echogenicity. No hydronephrosis, shadowing calculi, or mass.
LEFT KIDNEY: 13.7 cm x 6.7 cm x 6.1 cm. Normal size and echogenicity. No hydronephrosis, shadowing calculi, or mass.
BLADDER: Partially filled.
AORTA: Visualized portions normal in caliber.
Incidental note of hepatic steatosis.
LABS To-Date (Crestor only drug prescribed after 3/22 appointment)
The 4/11 results are after seeing the hepatologist, which the US led to the referral. Hepatologist of course said my BMI wouldn't allow me to get a transplant if needed, Fibroscan was also out. We were going to try the FibroSure blood work. That's what is leading me to the questioning of a second opinion in a sense...
So the FibroSure (blood work drawn the same day as the 4/11 results mind you - so note the ALT numbers)... but that came back and said F0, and A1 which I was ecstatic about. **HOWEVER** my Haptoglobin was also through the roof at 400 and my ALT was 117 and I'm certain the FibroSure test itself says if any of the 6 markers are out of range you should suspect the test. With haptoglobin you should also rule out acute inflammation... and that's where I'm a bit scared we might "miss" something. Hepatologist called to confirm all of the hepatitis and syndrome labs came back negative and she wants to F/U in October and keep with the diet and lifestyle changes...
I understand to a degree there's only so much you can determine by labs and all, but I specifically asked her if she's suspect of the FibroSure results and if I could have another US in a month or two to track any inflammation and was basically told there's no point in surveillance testing at the moment and she don't think I have Cirrohisis or anything because of all my other labs looking "normal".
3/19/2024 (ER) 3/22/2024 (Fasting) 4/11/2024 (Fasting)
WBC 11.92 13.22 13.61
A1C 6.3 6.0
HGB 18.2 18.4 17.0
HCT 55.2 56.4 52.5
Platelets 353 368 360
INPT 0.9/12.3s
AST 84 94 61
ALT 93 118 88
Triglycerides 170 177
Cholesterol 268 165
HDL 45 42
Non-HDL 223 123
LDL 189 88
I apologize for the long post, and if you made it this far, I truly appreciate it. My question is, should I have a second opinion on this, should I push for anything else? Is there really nothing prescribed for inflamed livers, spleens, etc?
submitted by alturicx to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 16:01 Choice-Region7446 Coq10 and libido ?

40/m , 185lb and good shape. Recently went on 10mg crestor due to high genetic cholesterol. Supplementing on my own (wasnt recommended) with 100-200mg of coq-10 daily for last month
My libido is through the roof, like I'm 20 again. Its non stop for a month now
Could this be the coq10? Anyone else had similar reactions?
I will say the first hour or so after taking it (morning) it makes me a bit dizzy and feel over caffeinated, but then levels out- except the libido🤣🤣🤣
submitted by Choice-Region7446 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 09:53 Electronic-Cherry864 Testosterone patient: 35 yar old male, what is "CT calcium score" mean for me, what to expect?

I see a team of doctors at John's hopkins. I started at 360 pounds, 5 foot 9, 2 years ago. Today I am 230 pounds. My one doctor is a testosterone specialist and has me on testosterone and tests my hematocrit (which is high quite often) so I have to get power red blood donations every 3 months (double red blood cell donation) as I an o- blood type, which is the most frequent I can give.
I also had elevated cholesterol but that came down to normal range with 5mg crestor over 3 months but I am still on it.
However my "good" cholesterol has never gone up despite being on a strict mediterranian diet.
They just perscribed "omega 3 fatty acid ET" and I don't know why they added this on top of my supplemental fish oil but I guess they thought it was warranted, I dont know the specifics as I pick it up in about 6 hours.
My cardiologist on my team also requested I get a "CT Calcium Score". Now I listen to cardiologists talk about something like "calcium score by itself doesn't really say much" but I don't really know if this is true or if yall agree. I have high anxiety and was wondering if anyone could give me advice on why exactly they are looking at this, I haven't had a chance to ask directly. All I was told was that it was noninvasive and looks for plaque.
My blood pressure today was 131/78 at the doctor's office.
Last week it was 116/80
I am also on propanolol er 120mg twice daily.
I'm sorry for all the information, but my question is mainly about the CT calcium score and what I should look for and am I the right age to be getting one or do they think something is wrong with me? I have very bad anxiety so it's going through my head like nuts.
submitted by Electronic-Cherry864 to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 21:03 Spirited_Touch6898 Advice on lowering cholesterol?

I assume my Trigs were affected by me have a sandwich before taking a blood test, but nurse and jama report I read says it does not affect it significantly. Doctor wants to put me on 20mg of Crestor.
Generally, I think I’m in good shape, BMI 25.5. I have not exercised much lately, and work is behind a desk.
I don’t want to start taking drugs, and am hoping to drastically reduce cholesterol via exercise and diet and see progress in a month or so.
Generally I think eat healthy, except for daily croissant or a scone with coffee which I stopped after today. Plan is to cut out meat, and just have salmon, turkey/chicken breast. Remove all breads, pizza, burgers from diet, and anything fried. I’ve started doing an hour a day of exercise with 30 mins in Zone 2.
I'm new to this, would appreciate any advice from people who went through the process for best results. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Spirited_Touch6898 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]