Powder cheats

But Wait, There's More! 1/?

2024.06.01 15:04 StopDownloadin But Wait, There's More! 1/?

Had this idea bouncing around in my head about the little ferret guy, Etholin Esila. I figured with him being a 'merchant lord' he'd want to start cutting deals with Emma once the initial curiosity and amazement over Earth tech would have passed. Not sure where this is going, if anywhere, but just wanted to get it out of my head and onto 'paper'.
Thanks to u/DndQuickQuestion for helping with feedback on earlier drafts.
Afternoon Transgracian Academy of Magical Arts
The hulking minotaur loomed menacingly over me. "Crawling along the floor suits you well, Merchant Lord Etholin Esila!” it boomed in an intimidating baritone. “Merchant Lord, pfah! Even a mangy cur such as that Mercenary Prince has a legacy of valor and martial prowess behind his dubious title, but you?”
An accusatory finger was jabbed in my direction. “Nothing but puffery and bluster to buttress your status as a glorified shopkeep! Your ilk claims to broker fair trade between the Realms, but those with integrity and honor recognize the deceit you employ to conjure false value from nothing." It was difficult to tell if Lord Auris Ping's tirade was aimed more at myself, the Esila clan, or the concept of inter-realm commerce in general.
At the moment, I was more concerned with herding my scattered belongings back into my satchel. While rushing to my next appointment, I had the dubious privilege of colliding with this mountain of a brute. Naturally I was on the losing side of that contest, and was sent tail over head to the floor, scattering the contents of my school satchel across the polished granite. Not one to pass up the chance at a crass display of dominance, Lord Ping had launched into the rant that everyone in earshot was currently enduring.
"Look at you, scrabbling on the floor to fetch your little trinkets, a fitting match for your base and covetous nature!" Fairly pedestrian, as far as character assassination went. I’d been called far worse while helping Father with trade negotiations, sometimes at sword or stave point. One had to develop quite a thick hide when engaging in cross-realm commerce. Especially with many realms having rather… absolutist opinions about the value of goods, like Lord Ping here. But I had zero interest in contesting his assertions, despite how idiotic they were.
Haggling or arguing with Pronarthians was a singularly wretched experience. They were infamous across the Realms for their single-mindedness and a compulsive need to have the last word that bordered on lunacy. I didn’t have the patience for the endless ingratiating flattery required to bore through such stubbornness. If that wasn’t enough, a gentleman of my stature also had to consider Pronarthians’ sizeism; specifically their intrinsic respect for the larger and taller races.
And that was merely the average Pronarthian! Arguing with a belligerent lout, accustomed to deference as Lord Ping? I'd sooner try my hand at flying out the nearby window. At least the loamy soil below would give me a fighting chance, or a jagged rock would grant me the mercy of a swift end.
Instead, I busied myself putting my things in order, taking special care with one item in particular. It was a set of memory crystals I received from the Earthrealmer, Cadet Emma Booker. It was part of a ‘transdimensional cultural exchange pilot program,’ as she had described it with her nation’s peculiar bureaucratic jargon. I had previously conducted similar transactions in my initial dealings with Cadet Booker, and it was those first tentative steps that convinced me to make Cadet Booker a full-fledged premiere trade partner of the Ocean Breeze Trading Company, the pride of the Esila clan.
The myriad tomes and treatises from Earthrealm, such as the riveting "The Wealth of Nations," amply demonstrated that Earthrealm had an extremely sophisticated understanding of commerce, finance, and logistics. But it was the ‘video archive footage,’ transferred onto memory crystals for ease of viewing, that convinced me at a visceral level that these Earthrealmers were a sound investment. I felt it on my whisker-tips, as the commoners back home would say.
"May I offer a helping hand, Lord Esila?" inquired a familiar voice. I looked up to see a scaly, clawed hand extended toward me. “And perhaps a sympathetic ear? After all, that was a rather nasty bit of slander from Lord Ping, would you not agree?”
Wonderful. This nonsense again.
While I had been lost in thought contemplating Ocean Breeze’s latest windfall, Lord Ping seemed to have lost interest and resumed going about his business. Taking his place, as always, was Lord Qiv Ratom, ever ready to sift through the rubble of Lord Ping's latest ham-fisted antics for personal gain. "You will find that my views differ considerably from Lord Ping's. I, for one, admire the manner in which you extract value from your trade partners. After all, does it not require skill and cunning to convince the customer that your wares are worth far greater than their true value? Such nuance and subtlety is lost on the likes of Auris Ping, content to strong-arm what he desires from others."
I paused for a moment, at a loss for words. His tone suggested his 'praise' was sincere, but only stoked my ire further. What in the thrice-damned Hells did he think he was accomplishing? Did he really think that telling me, "Well, I still regard you as a thief, but I APPRECIATE your thieving nature, unlike that uncouth lout!" was going to win me over? Dealing with parties with this attitude to commerce and trade was tedious at best. But ever since making acquaintances with Cadet Booker, whose people's understanding and appreciation of commerce rivaled the Nexians, dealing with the likes of Ping and Ratom was nigh UNBEARABLE.
I rattled off the usual rigmarole we used at Ocean Breeze for clients we wished to keep at arm's length. "With respect, Lord Ratom, the value of the goods we sell is determined by the customer's needs and circumstances. The merchants of my clan arbitrate prices taking such factors into consideration. We see it as our responsibility to provide equitable trade that is not only beneficial to all parties, but also provides fair compensation for the tradesmen involved in executing the transaction."
"But of course, it is as you say," replied Lord Ratom with his signature oily charisma. "Fair and equitable trade, according to the customer's circumstances. Thus, you are but a facilitator of the Fates, a most humble tool of Destiny itself. And one who collects a respectable commission, at that," he continued. He stopped short of winking conspiratorially, but the impish grin playing across his features was a fine substitute. Every mote of my being wanted to shake him until he shed his skin. He continued, "Your... humility aside, my admiration of your clan's cunning and resourcefulness still stands. The insight of one so skilled is always welcome within my inner circle, should you wish to grace us with your presence."
It took all my restraint to not tell him into which orifice he could jam his charity-case friendship offer. After all, I'd been keeping far better and more like-minded company of late. Company that the Baralonian lord was likely dying to ingratiate himself with, given how Cadet Booker and her peer group had taken pains to keep Lord Ratom and his entourage of gossips at arm’s length. Instead, I left the smug reptile’s offer dangling in the air, twisting in the wind for a few agonizing moments while I finished tidying my things. Rising to my feet, I finally replied, "An offer most generous and kind. I will of course, have to consider the circumstances of both customer and merchant. Surely you would not begrudge a humble servant of Fate for waiting for the most auspicious circumstances?" Even at my best, I was hardly a master of rhetoric, so crudely tossing his words back at him was the best I could do.
"As you please, Lord Esila," replied Lord Ratom, finally sensing his return on investment wouldn't be worthwhile, leaving me alone to stew in the hallway. Such was the game played among the aristocracy. I looked down at the bundle of memory crystals in my hands, contemplating on their origin, and how Earthrealm could change how the Esila clan, perhaps even all of Rontalis, played the game.
I continued on my way, thoughts heavy once more.
Evening Ocean Breeze Trading Company, Elaseer Offices, Private Chambers
The Elaseer branch office of the Ocean Breeze Trading Company was a modest affair by Nexian standards, a second-storey affair nestled on the edge of the warehouse district. The restrained yet tasteful trappings were a calculated decision of the Esila clan, proprietors of the trading company. A fine balance had to be struck when it came to outward appearances, after all. Some measure of artful decoration was necessary to appease the Nexian eye’s obsession with projecting might and wealth, but not so much that it would attract too much attention.
Only in the private chambers would a guest finally see some personality in the decor, and a generous measure at that. These were the chambers of the nobleman assigned stewardship of these offices, Lord Rikad Esila, uncle to Etholin Esila. Colorful murals with aquatic motifs adorned the walls, highlighted with tastefully matching lacquered panels featuring artwork done in mother-of-pearl inlay. Similar decor was present in the dining room, where uncle and nephew were currently enjoying what Rikad thought would be a leisurely dinner.
The sharp sound rang out loud and clear in the small room, the source being a steamed crab claw, dashed to pieces on a smooth river stone placed between the two diners at the table.
Lord Rikad's branch of the Esila line hailed from the wetlands of Rontalis that opened up into the sea, and they regularly partook of the ocean's bounty. In antiquity, they were known to smash shellfish and other armored morsels against stones they carried with them to lay bare the tasty prizes within. This dining set configuration was a modern interpretation of that old tradition, with a communal stone for guests to open their shellfish.
Of course, such a homestyle service was available solely behind closed doors and shuttered windows and only then to Rikad and his close associates. Here in the Crownlands, such a 'barbarous and unseemly' artifact would be frowned upon by the prevailing Nexian culture and their gold and mother-of-pearl seafood forks that split the shell with a simple tap. But young Etholin labeled that languid dining as a boring conversational backdrop, inferior to the communal excitement of a well-placed strike.
Etholin’s spirited strike had a strong measure of anger behind it, a fact not lost on Rikad. "Steady now, lad. The aim is to crack the shell, not grind it to powder," chided Rikad, an otter clothed in well-tailored robes that melded practicality with muted elegance. He looked aged and gray compared to the ferret-like Etholin, clad in sumptuous silks and embroidery that assertively declared the young lord’s wealth and standing. Etholin hung his head in embarrassment. "Apologies, Uncle. I lost the reins of my temper."
"Well now, aggravated enough to make a mess of my dining set," observed the older gentleman. "It takes a great deal to get your humors churning like this, from my experience. So tell me lad, what urchin needles you?"
"Ugh, more Academy theatrics, what else? With Lords Auris Ping and Qiv Ratom being today’s star players."
"Ah, The Dunce and the Devil," remarked Rikad, nodding with understanding. This wasn't the first time his nephew had related the pestilent pair’s antics. "What two-act farce did they put on this time?"
"Ping opened with the usual blather about merchants being honorless tricksters, with Ratom swooping in to capitalize on the aftermath. Textbook at this point, really," explained Etholin, waving his hand dismissively. "It... it was just the way those two put forward their thoughts. In isolation, each would have been merely irritating. But with one following the other, I was ready to grind my fangs to nubs! To be cursed as a thief on one side, only to be praised as a thief on the other! It was like they were wielding ignorance as one would a greatsword, and managed to cut me with both edges! Gods, I wanted to THROTTLE the idiocy out of them!"
"‘Tis to be expected," said Rikad in consolation. "A great many noble families, even entire Realms at times, came about their status through force of arms or magical prowess, and thus they hold a dim view of commerce as a profession. It is a routine chore for us, navigating around them to find those with less absolutist views on the worth of goods, or more forgiving definitions of 'honest work'. An Adjacent Realm that does not cheat its creditors by altering the weight of its coins or debasing them with base metals and insisting otherwise while hiding behind the safety of their portal is worth its weight in gold."
"Sometimes I feel we ought to cut them out of our affairs entirely and deal with the Nexians, directly and exclusively," mused Etholin bitterly.
"Now, now, though your anger is justified, that's hardly reason for it to take hold of your mind's rudder," cautioned Rikad with a frown. "The Nexians have well-developed philosophies on trade in line with our own, but we only have the resources of a single Realm at our disposal, while the Nexians can leverage the bounty of their never-ending and mana-rich lands. Dealing solely with a behemoth that can devour us with a thought, no matter how frictionless those dealings are, is hardly my idea of a beneficial partnership."
Etholin sighed. "As always, your counsel is sensible, Uncle. Like I said, I lost the reins of my temper in a moment of weakness."
"Don't be so sour on things like this, lad. Our base nature gets the better of us at times, that is the animal within that we all struggle with. That you acknowledged such a lapse and took back the helm is proof that civility prevails. But, enough moping about!" Rikad jumped out of his seat with a little pep in his step. "Looks like we need to guide you back into good spirits, and I know JUST the thing for gentlemen such as us," concluded the elder merchant, twirling his whiskers playfully.
"Somehow I think a night at the theater or music halls will do little for me, Uncle. Or are you suggesting we seek respite at the bottom of a tankard?"
Rikad snorted derisively. "Oh please, I'm not senile yet, pup! Since when has SPENDING money brought joy to anyone worthy of the Esila name?" That made Elothin perk up a bit. Rikad continued, "No, I speak of a PROPER good time, I speak of..."
"COMMERCE!" they cried out in unison, fists held aloft in a triumphant pose. "Does that mean..." began Etholin.
"Indeed, we've just received the latest prototypes for the centralized mana ampoule, linking cords, and so-called 'mana motors'. Perfectly timed with the parts delivery from Cadet Booker not two days ago. Sukie, be a dear and clear this up, and have the remainder bundled up and sent to the young master's rooms at the Academy." Rikad motioned for the housekeepers to clear the table, then ushered Etholin to his private offices where they could discuss business strategy in depth.
Uncle Rikad’s offices were more than just a cozy place where Etholin could get a taste of home. Officially, Rikad was stationed here to oversee the administration of this branch office of the Ocean Breeze Trading Company. In reality, the office was a means to circumvent the Academy's prohibition against students communicating regularly with their home realm. Many aristocratic families employed similar cheats and dodges involving ‘familial duties’ and ‘business obligations’ to skirt the rules. If the Nexians cared about closing such loopholes, they didn’t show it. Perhaps the quaint maneuverings of their lessers amused the elves, who could say?
In this case, Rikad and Etholin were leveraging this loophole to the fullest, as they strategized on how to execute the next steps of their latest commercial venture, which Rikad would then relay to the head offices in Rontalis. As their planning session drew to a close, Rikad remarked on the time. “Well, it would seem that evening has fast become night. You are welcome to stay overnight here, as always, or perhaps you would prefer to retire to the Academy dormitories? Either way, I doubt you’d want to watch an old man doze off in his reading room listening to music.”
At the mention of leisure time, Etholin's eyes widened in surprise, and he began rooting around in his satchel. "Oh goodness, I entirely forgot!"
"What is it, lad?"
"Oh, Cadet Booker has provided us with more of her 'video archive files', transcribed to memory crystal," explained Etholin as he produced the set of crystals from his satchel, perfectly sized for the compact projection device that Rikad kept in his rooms.
"Ah, splendid! Another of the young lady's documentary presentations on commerce? Or perhaps one of her theatrical serials? Both are fine ways to while away the night."
“I’m not sure, but Cadet Booker said we would enjoy them a great deal,” said Etholin as he placed the crystal into the office's projector. As the machine spooled up, a moving image was cast onto the whitewashed wall across the room. As with all Earthrealm recordings, it was entirely mundane, bereft of any sign of manafields. Compared to mana based memory shards, Earthrealm recordings felt like faded sketches. None of that hindered the recording's impact on the viewers.
"Hoh? This is-" exclaimed Rikad, eyes lighting up in recognition.
An Earthrealmer with a thick, lustrous beard strode into view, his confidence and enthusiasm palpable despite the muted colors of the recording. The Earthrealmer’s voice rang out from the projector, carrying that same confidence and infectious enthusiasm like a barker worthy of the title of Grand Master.
Rikad and Etholin cheered in unison.
submitted by StopDownloadin to JCBWritingCorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:49 Smitti92 Makeup of the day with new Haus Labs products

Makeup of the day with new Haus Labs products
elf - Poreless Putty Primer Haus Labs - Triclone Skin Tech Foundation in 000 Fair Neutral and 040 Fair Neutral Lancome - Teint Idole Ultra Wear Concealer in 095 Huda Beauty - Easy Bake in Sugar Cookie Charlotte Tilbury - Airbrush Flawless Finish in 1 Fair Hourglass - Ambient Lighting Powder in Diffused Light Haus Labs - Color Fuse Blush in Hibiscus Haze Haus Labs - Bio-Radiant Gel Powder Highlighter in Rose Quartz Charlotte Tilbury - Lip Cheat Lipliner in Iconic Nude Haus Labs - PhD Hybrid Lip Glaze in Macaron L‘Oreal - Panorama Mascara in Black Benefit - 24-hr Brow Setter Charlotte Tilbury - Airbursh Flawless Setting Spray
submitted by Smitti92 to makeupflatlays [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:48 Major_Tie_9799 14 day progress - My daily routine

Lost around 8lbs. 175lbs-168lbs.
What i did was go to school, skip lunch and breakfast and eat right when i come home at 3:30. Some of you might call this crazy but i’m a senior in highschool and my lunch period is in the morning where i always wake up like 10 min before school because i love my sleep.
When i come home i eat 3 eggs + Organic Bread and a small amount of rice with it aswell. This totals to around 500-600 cals
I wait around an hour to digest it and go on a 25 min run on my elliptical. Now some days i lift weights in my home gym after OR i do some extra cardio which is boxing.
After my exercise i don’t have my second meal until around 8:00-10:00. My second meal consists of either 2 potatoes cut up into pieces and thrown into the air fryer (eat it with hot sauce and season with salt, pepper, garlic powder etc.) OR a tuna salad. The can of tuna is great because it’s only like 50 cals.
And the next is optional but i drink a strawberry/banana smoothie. It just depends if i’m really hungry or not but i do it once in a while.
I got sick for a few days and it stunted my progress a lot but i picked myself back up afterwards. My total cals a day was around 1300-1400.
So that’s basically it. With Saturdays as my cheat days as well, i lost around 8lbs so far. If anyone has any more advice feel free to give me some
submitted by Major_Tie_9799 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:50 Longjumping_Air_1096 Help me find drugstore / cheaper dupes of these Charlotte Tilbury products.

Help me find drugstore / cheaper dupes of these Charlotte Tilbury products.
Please help me find cheaper dupes for these CT products which are available in India. Thank you.
  1. CT pillow talk eyeshadow palette
  2. CT pillow talk powder blush
  3. CT pillow talk blush wand
  4. CT highlighter wand in spotlight
  5. CT pillow talk medium lip cheat (lip liner)
  6. CT pillow talk big lip plumgasm in medium
submitted by Longjumping_Air_1096 to IndianMakeupAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:22 Zealousideal_Buyer51 Day 1- My committment.

* Okay, 1st attempt I made it too complicated, thank you for the help gentlemen, have took out a lot of the extra stuff I put on. I made my diet much more simple. I'm keeping the 2x15 min meditations per day though.
I'm starting again tomorrow on the 1st June, 2024 - 15th August. All the best!
Wanted to write this post so I am clear with myself about exactly what and what I will and will not do over the next 75 days. Clarity is king.
And to make it clear to myself that I am starting this challenge through making this post and starting it using the 75 hard app as well.
Here it goes.

MUST Follow a Specific Diet

- No cheat meals, no junk food, clean strict eating. Vegan diet.
Here is what my diet is specifically for me.
80-90% clean vegan food, vegetables, fruit, rice, grains, seeds, nuts, muesli, beans, quinoa, tofu, tempeh, seitan. 10-20% is substitute meats are allowed, maximum one portion of substitute meat per day. Exact portions are detailed below so there is crystal clear clarity on if I am following the diet or breaking the rules and failing the challenge and not becoming the person I want to be.
Try to go without processed food and focus much more on things like beans and tofu and protein powder as your source of protein.
  1. No white bread.
  2. No junk food, no fried food, no pizza, no burgers, no chips, no crisps, no milk chocolate, no cake, no ice cream at all, no milkshakes, no biscuits, no sweets, nothing like this. No pastry, no frozen hash browns , no onion rings, no chips, no shit food, no greggs food (coffee allowed, no mochas) , no McDonalds,
- 80% dark chocolate is allowed
  1. Some alternative meats allowed. Not all. Will use common sense. The healthier and cleaner the better. No junk food, no cheat meals.
  2. Maximum 2 cups of coffee per day. No coffee consumption within the first 90 minutes of waking. No coffee / caffeine consumption after 4pm.
  3. No cows milk, cheese or dairy products consumption at all.
  4. No animal meat consumption.
These are also rules for my diet.
6. No Alcohol.
  1. No smoking cigarettes, no vaping, no cigarillos, no cigars. If I smoke or vape even one hit, I fail.
  2. No pornography consumption of any kind. If I look at one video, I fail.

MUST drink at least 1 gallon of water per day, everyday.

1 Gallon of water is = to 8 pints (I'm from the UK, this is how I will measure)

MUST complete 2x 45 minute workouts per day, everyday, one of which MUST be outside.

example workouts include, speed walk, walk/run, strength workout, rings workout, yoga practice, etc.

MUST read 10 pages of a self development book per day, everyday.

MUST Take 1 progress picture with shirt off every single day.

Other rules I will follow - including this in my personal 75 hard.

Must complete 2x 15 minute meditations per day, everyday.

If I miss a meditation, I fail.
Why is this exciting for me?/ Why am I doing this?
  • Become Healthier, clean living. Next level. Stop smoking. Stop porn. Align with my goals and vision in life.
  • Create a routine in my life that is helping me to become the person I want to be. Something productive to focus on.
  • Become a man of remarkable integrity. Where I say I will do something and I follow through no doubt.
  • Permission slip to exude a higher state of confidence and self belief.
  • Become a role model for others. Have a bigger impact in the world.
Starting right now, effective immediately.
Although, my official first day complete will be tomorrow, as today for the full day I have not followed the rules because I have been creating them.
See you on 13th August gentlemen.
submitted by Zealousideal_Buyer51 to 75HARD [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:56 smolbibeans Trip report : One month through 10 US National Parks in April-May

Trip report : One month through 10 US National Parks in April-May
I'm back from a roadtrip from San Francisco to Hamilton, ON, through Nevada, Utah, Northern Arizona, Western Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and more, with some camping but mostly motel/hostels/staying with family and friends. I came to this subreddit before for advice so I thought I'd do a little trip report on what I packed/what I bought vs what I actually used or needed.
Overall, I think I did a good job packing, it all fit into one carry on (+ personal item okay), and I was pretty ready for everything we encountered while not feeling like I overpacked. At the coldest, it was 26°F (-3°C) at night in Great Basin, NV and Bryce Canyon, UT, and at the warmest it was 77°F (25°C) in the day in Zion. We had pretty moderate temperatures for most of our trip, from Moab to Yellowstone we had a very mild version of each place's weather and that was great.
1- Quechua Forclaz 50L : this has been my trusted backpack for over 7 years, I considered upgrading to an Osprey before this trip but couldn't justify it financially when it was still working, and I don't regret it. Having a backpack I know so well was great
2- Quechua Arpenaz 20L : potentially slightly cheating drop the one bag rule, I had this as a personal item on the plane (to bring gifts from France to the US and other gifts back from the US to France) and to serve as a day pack on hikes. It worked great, I could fit in a water bottle on each side, my tripod, a sweater, lunch, snack, camera accessories, my hat if it got cumbersome, just perfect.
3- a mesh tote bag (not pictured here) that folds very small and could be stuffed in a pocket. Like I predicted, it was super convenient for grocery trips, times where I didn't want to have a whole backpack with me, or to create a compartment of sort within my day pack.
Clothes :
  • 8 tops : 2 thermal long sleeve shirts, 4 tee shirts, 1 nicer long sleeve blouse, 1 tank top => I used both of the 2 thermal shirts a lot, I assigned one of them to be for cold nights of camping and the other one for hiking. It was the right amount of tee shirts and tank top ; I will say the nicer blouse (called a sassy top by a commenter lol) was not necessary, but I did wear it twice, for a dinner out at a restaurant and a hostel party, and I was glad I had it.
-1 summer dress (could be worn on top of the thermal long sleeve and leggings if it was colder or on its own if it was warmer) => this one I was also recommended to drop, but given how warm it was getting and the fact that I wanted to have nice options I still took it. I ended up wearing it a couple of times for outings, but also every time I went swimming, as a pre-/post swim outfit to just throw on top of a swimsuit, so it was convenient to have
-7 bottoms : 1 pair of cycling shorts, 1 skirt, 2 pair of black leggings, 1 pair of light wide legged pants, 1 pair of joggings, 1 pair of after ski pants => people had conflicting advice on the wide legged pants, I'm glad I took them because they were flowy and great for layering with leggings on days where there was a big temperature difference between the morning and the afternoon and comfy for long drives. People pointed out it seemed like there was a legging or pair of jogging missing (originally only 1 legging), so I went to Walmart and REI when I got to the US and I ended up buying the legging as welle as the jogging and the skort. The legging was a great buy, with 2 pairs I could again use one at night for camping and one for hiking ; the jogging would have been great if it didn't end up being too big and uncomfortable, I only wore it on laundry days ; and I only used the skort once, but tbh I bought it knowing it would be mostly used once I would be home, it was just good quality at REI and great price.
  • 1 pyjama set + 1 pair of warm bed socks=> I actually bought the pyjama set once in the US, and used 2 pairs of socks when camping.
  • 9 underwear, 7 pair of socks (mix of ski socks and sport socks), 2 regular bras and 2 sports bra => I ended up buying an extra sports bra at Walmart, it was a good price and I ended up using it so much more than I thought I would. Looking back, I would take 3 sports bra and only 1 regular bra, and an extra 1 or two pairs of socks. It was fine as it was but my socks got dirty so much quicker than I was expecting and I really needed to change them once a day, and with the extra requirement of an extra pair of sock to sleep at night it was a bit tight.
-1 swimsuit => wasn't sure I used it but I was very happy to have it in the end ! I used it to swim in Lake Powell as well as relax in the pools of two different hotels we stayed in after long days of driving.
  • 3 sweaters : 1 thinner sweater and 2 fleece jackets, they could be layered on top of one another => was originally planning on taking only one fleece but the good people of this sub convinced me otherwis, and I was very glad I listened. I was wearing a fleece at least at some point almost every day, even for a couple of hours, and I felt a lot less dirty being able to switch fleece.
  • *1 puffer jacket *=> I was originally thinking about taking a leather jacket, because I owned one and I didn't want to spend the money buying a puffer... You guys gave me a talking to haha, and you were right !! I also got great recommendations and ended up getting a puffer from Decathlon, it is so comfy and practical, folds into a pocket, not the warmest thing I've ever seen but worked very well layered with a fleece, also not very waterproof though.
-*1 rain coat *=> I mentioned a rain "cap" in my previous post, thinking about a cape or poncho, and that mistake caused some confusion haha. I ended up finding a raincoat in my closet that I took, I didn't end up using it but still glad I had it just in case.
Shoes :
-1 pair of hiking boots => they're somewhat falling apart inside but still sturdy and good. I did realize in this trip that they were a bit big, especially because I could never lace them as tight as I wanted around the ankle
  • 1 pair of sneakers=> I got myself some good tennis shoes/athletic shoes/whatever you want to call them and they were super comfy and efficient.
  • I had considered taking a pair of flip flops or sandals, didn't have space for them and forgot to buy any. I think it would have been good while showering in common showers a couple of times, and convenient after a swim, but I dealt fine without them.
Accessories :
-A travel pillow=> self explanatory, was great to use on the plane and for camping, actually forgot it on one of my flights back
  • A pillowcase=> great for stuffing with my travel pillow and a fleece jacket while camping
  • Microfiber towel => I used this surprisingly rarely (only 3 times the whole trip I believe);as all the hostel, hotel and friends we stayed at provided us with towels, and we didn't shower at campings that often...
  • 1 earwarmer=> especially useful when camping in the evening and at night, also used as an eye mask to sleep in the morning despite the sun
  • 1 scarf
-1 pair of finger less gloves=> people told me to get actual gloves, I didn't and I didn't miss it because it didn't get that cold and it didn't snow except lightly one morning in Colorado. But my hands do stay very warm naturally, and my partner was happy to have her own gloves.
  • Sunhat
  • A pair of sunglasses + My regular reading glasses
  • A small light water bottle (0.25L or 9 Oz) => this was objectively very small, but I decided against my Hydroflask because of its weight. This was good for short walks and just at night, I got bigger bottles on the trip and we used them to store water in the car as well as take on longer hikes
  • A big travel mug => I didn't bring it with me from France but got one from my in laws while in the US, great when camping
  • *Jewelry *: 3 pair of earrings, 2 necklaces => completely overkill, on the rare occasions I dressed up or wanted to wear jewelry I only ever wore the same one pair of earrings.
Toiletries :
  • Comb
  • Beauty stuff : mini eyeshadow palette, liquid eyeshadow, small concealer, BB cream, compact powder, mascara, two liquid lipsticks => I actually ended up using all of this at some point except one of the lipsticks. The liquid eyeshadow was a purchase right before this trip and it was awesome
  • Skincare: niacinamid face sunscreen, niacinamide serum, hyaluronic acid face cream => that was plenty enough, my skin loves niacinamide
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner => all purchased while we were there to use for both of us
  • Medication : some doses of diarrhea medication, some paracetamol, migraine medication, allergy pills, acid reflux pills => I did injure my tailbone like a week in and didnt have anything for that, but bought a huge bottle of Naproxen at Costco for $8 so it was fine.
Electronics :
  • Redmi Note 12 5G with 256 Go memory
  • Portable battery => it was enough to charge my phone 2-3 times, I didn't actually ever need to fully use it because the most we camped in a row was 4 nights and we weren't cross country backpacking. I do want to invest in a solar powered one eventually
  • Universal adaptor
  • Camera : Canon EOS M50 with a 15-45mm lens => I've had it since it came out in 2018 and it's so compact and easy to use ! I got it professionally cleaned before I left and that was a good idea
  • Camera accessories: Boya universal cardioid microphone with furry windshield, old Slick tripod a family friend gifted me, 3 extra camera batteries, 1 regular charger, 1 usb compatible charger that I can plug on my portable battery, 2x16Go memory card and one 512 Go memory card => everything worked great, my 512 Go memory card lasted me the whole month without having to empty it despite vlogging as well
  • No computer => I had posted here that I was going back and forth on taking my laptop, and a few Reddit users correctly pointed out that I was considering taking it out of fear rather than any real necessities. I had my phone with YouTube and netflix and social media, one book, and that was enough entertainment honestly. I did take a small memory harddrive with some movies on it to maybe watch on my partner's computers, did not end up using it so...
And that's it !
Organisation wise, I put :
  • all of my light clothes for warm weather in one packing cube,
  • all of my clothes for colder weather in another packing cube,
  • my underwear and socks between a smaller pouch and my sneakers when flying,
  • my towel and swimsuit in a very thin and foldable dry bag,
  • my pajama for the next night (depending on the weather) in the pillow case
  • my toiletries, jewelry, make up, skincare and medication in a little toiletry bag (with the liquids in the transparent bag within it).
  • my electronics in a little pouch => I wanted to get a specific electronic pouch that would be more sturdy and also prevent cables from getting tangled but I thought about it too late to purchase it and this random one I had worked fine
Once in the US, we bought or got from my in-laws the actual camping gear, since it was for the roadtrip and I didn't have to fly with it I'm not including it here.
Happy to answer any questions, I'm very thankful to this community and all the travel ones on Reddit :)
submitted by smolbibeans to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:13 azizidesign What are the best settings for rendering materials?

I'm trying to find my footing in getting renders as close to perfection off the bat because it takes such a long time and I want it to look realistic not like a cartoon. I'm basically in the middle of creating a cheat sheet so to speak for materials: Powdered metal, frosty glass etc. But right now I want to figure out the best settings for leather and cotton because they're not looking right in my renders. I use SU Podium so I really want to know the best bump, reflection and IOR. Does anyone have any go-to settings for fabrics? (in general not for podium specifically) Or do you just have to play around? Thanks in advance
submitted by azizidesign to Sketchup [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:29 SuitableRock [OFFER] I will give you a 60 day 1200, 2000 or 2800 calorie meal plan and a fully personalized training plan for 15$

Before we get to the offer I wish to give you some background about myself - My name is Dominik, I'm a personal trainer and a nutrition consultant, as well as a powerlifter. I have been doing this with joy for over 10 years now and wish to share that knowledge further on with as many as I can. I don't find it appropriate to advertise my pages here, but for those who want proof, feel free to snoop my reddit post history.
There you can also find my previous posts here on slavelabour that were all well received, which hopefully provides some form of assurance and credibility that I respond and deliver to everybody as fast and efficiently as I can.
Now back to the topic! I'm offering three 60 day meal plan variations - a 1200, 2000 and a 2800 calorie version. Each day of the meal plans is unique and has 5 meals, so in total you're getting 300 different meal ideas - no two will be completely the same. There are no supplements in the meal plan, so there's no meals like "1 scoop of protein powder".
These plans are made of natural foods that can be found in every decently equipped grocery store, with a couple of 'cheat-ish' ones to add some extra variety. The meals won't be complicated to make, nor won't take a lot od time to prepare, and only require basic cooking and seasoning skills. Every ingredient as well as meal has its macronutrient values precisely calculated to one decimal and of course listed next to it.
There are more complex, as well as very simple meals, and due to an easy to read design it's also very simple to switch meals up if you don't like certain ones.
If you only decide to only get one of the meal plans, It's yours for 5$, file format is PDF.
I can send you a sample day, so you can get an idea on how the full meal plan will look like and to make it easier for you to decide if you'd like it or find useful.
For an additional 10$ I'll also write you a fully personalized training plan for your physique goals. We'll go through a detailed questionnaire about your current situation, lifestyle, goals, injuries to work around etc. Based on the anwsers I'll write and send you a detailed training plan within 48 hours, including;
I always respond to everyone, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try to respond as soon as I can, but if I don't do it right away it most likely means I'm working with my clients or it's night time here.
submitted by SuitableRock to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:00 Otsutsuki-Mike [FNV] console log shows no errors but i crash every 3 minutes...

This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

+Afterglow -- LightBright Strip Overhaul Tweaks
-VICE - Visuals Improved Content Expanded
+Lux Aeterna - The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul
-Welcome To The Strip + Functional Post Game Ending Patch
-Welcome to The Strip - A VICE - SCLO - Lightbright Ultimate Experience
+VNV - LOD Patches
+Tales Of the Wanted Lods
+Different LOD mods little tweaks and additions
+More LODs Additions and fixes
+TCM's LOD Overhaul
+FNV LOD Supplementation-72099-Overpass0-01-1629289300
+FNV LOD Supplementation
+LOD Additions and Improvements - Billboard LOD Fix
+Much Needed LOD fixed rocks color
+LODIFY FNV Wall_SoGB Editon
+LODIFY - Level of detail improvement for your Fallout (TTW And NV Lods)
+Wasted LOD - Cliffs of Mojave
+Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD Mesh
+Much Needed LOD
+LOD additions and improvements
+OSM - Open Strip Monorail
-VICE - The Living Desert
-VICE - Functional Post Game Ending
-VICE - A Little More Lamplight
-The Strip - 2023 Lite
+Better View From Casino's Courtyards
+Lively 13th Floor Ultimate - ExRB FULL Patch
+Lucky 38 Lights Redone
-Strip Cinematic Lighting Overhaul
+Simple Open Strip
-LightBright FPGE Patch
-A LightBright Secret
-LightBright Strip Overhaul
+Titans of The New West
+Afterglow -- Neon illumination
+SUPER Lively Travels
+Nova Arizona - GIR
+B42 Descriptions aka Pip-Info
+Mental Stability System - New Vegas (In)sanity Mod
-A World Of Pain (AWOP) Weapon Patches
-A World Of Pain (AWOP) Patches
-A World Of Pain (AWOP)
+Monster Mod Re-Release
+zlib Updated - NVSE
+ZL Armaments Remastered And FNV 3DNPC Bundle Updated Patch
+ZL Armaments Remastered
+WMVM - Weapon Mod Vending Machine
+Wild Wasteland Forever
-Weapon Mods Expanded Compatibility Patch
-Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX dlc patch
-Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX
+Weapon Frisk Overhaul
-Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul
+WASD Menu Controls
+Walking Inertia
+Vendortron Expanded WMVM
+Vendortron Expanded
-Vegas Elysium Perk Pack
+VATS Lag Fix
+Vats Increased Accuracy
+Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned
+Vanessa Avatar for JIP Companions Command and Control by jazzisparis
-TYPE4 - Body and Armors BnB patch
-TYPE4 - Body and Armors
+The Someguy Series
+The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino
+The Inheritance
+The HUD Editor
-The Better Angels
+thatmodteam - Mick and Ralphs Kid Crucified
-SUPER Lively New Vegas
+SUPER Lively Goodsprings
+Subjugation - Slavery and Capture Mechanics
+Strip Street Light Corrections
+Standardized Damage And Health
+Sound Extender
+Simply Overhauled Dialogue - Ontologically Metaphorical Yapping
+Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul
+Simple Explosive Entry
+Simple Diseases
-Run The Lucky 38
-Roberts Old World Blues DLC Patch-Nude 3_3
-Roberts Male Body FNV
-Roberts Lonesome Road DLC Patch 3_3
-Roberts Honest Arts DLC Patch-Nude 3_3
-Roberts Dead Money DLC Patch 3_3
-Roberts Courier's Stash DLC Patch 3_3
-Roberts Boner Addon 3_3
-Radiant Infinium - Endless Questing Framework
+Quantum Chance
+Point that somewhere else - NPCs react to weapons
-Physics' Based Ballistics
+OneTweak for FNV
+One Man - One Quest
+NV Feral Ghoul Children
+Nuka World Imports - a Nuka Cola Overhaul
+Nuka Cola World - Nuka overhaul by zzjay
+Nuka Cola World - Nuka Overhaul - B42 Inject
+NPCs Sprint In Combat
+Nova Arizona - A Legion Lands Expansion
+Not so Fatal
+No Weapon or Armor Degradation
+No Main Story Line Ultimatums
+No Dead-Money Collar and Cloud Messages
+Nipton Rebuilt
+NillaPlus Maximum Moon 4K 2K 1K
+New Vegas Uncut 1 - Rotface to Riches
+New Vegas Redesigned 2 Revised
-New Vegas Killer LE
-New Vegas Bounties III
-New Vegas Bounties II
+New Vegas - Enhanced Camera
+More Perks Reimagined
+Mojave Wildlife
+Mojave Squads + SMIM patch
+Mojave Raiders
+Mojave NPCs
+MBI - Modify By Ini (Better Euclid's C-Finder)
+MAPMO - Main and Pause Menus Overhaul
+Manual Reload and Ammo Memory
+Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance
+LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE
+Limitless Stats Edited - Percentual Damage Bonuses
+Less Obnoxious Brotherhood of Steel Air Filtration Quest
+Legion and Powder Ganger Truce
+Legate Lanius Doesn't Run Away - Legion Mod
+Knights of the Mojave (Brotherhood Knights expanded)
+King of the Ring
+Killable Children (NVSE)
+Karma Perks
+Jump While Aiming
+JSRS Sound Mod 2.0
+JSawyer Ultimate Edition Patches
+JSawyer Ultimate Edition
+JIP Companions Command and Control
-Iron Sight Inertia - espless
+Invisible Wall Remover
+Infinite Ammo (with reloading)
-Increased Weapon Jam espless
+Imperium Radio - Legion Radio Station nova arizona patch
+Imperium Radio - Legion Radio Station
+IMPACT - Compatibility Edition (JIP LN) (DLC - TTW - All Mods)
+Immuno-Boosters Recipe Requires Antiseptic
+Immuno-Boosters Recipe for Simple Diseases
+Immersive Recoil NPC
+Immersive Hit Reactions - Makes Combat Responsive
+House and Kings Truce
+House and Fiends Truce
+Holotape Stories
+Hit - VATS Restored
+Hit - Drugs - Icons and Food Scraps
+Hit - Drugs
+Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1
+Global Imposter Region
+Fuckable Companions
+Frozen Hit Rockomotion
+Friendly Strip Factions
+Friendly Misc Factions
+FOV Slider
+For the Enclave
+Food Scraps
+Follower Home Marker
-Fog-based Object Culling
+FNV 3DNPC Bundle Updated
+Fatigue Overhaul x consistent pip-boy icons - perk and weapon icons
+Fatigue Overhaul - Non-Lethal and Pacifism Redone
+Faster Pip-Boy Animation
+Fallout TV - The Ghoul's Handcannon
+Fallout 3 Weapons Restoration
+Fallout 3 Weapons Iron Sight -Modders Resource- V1dot3
+Factions Reloaded - Raiders
+Factions Reloaded - Legion
+Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse
+Faction Disguise De-Scripter
-Even Better Power Armor
+Even Better Loading Screen and Main Menu Replacer
-Enhanced Bullet Impacts
-Enhanced Blood Impact
+Encounters of The Mojave - Highway 95 South
-DSOAL - True 3D Sound for Headphones (HRTF mod)
-Dramatic Staggering
-Dramatic Inertia - 3rd Person Movement Overhaul
-Drag's High-Res Eyes
+Double Jump and Coyote Time
+Dismemberment Tweaks
+Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud Damage
+Crafting Consistency Fix
+Convenient Fast Travel Markers
+Consistent Spread - Firearms Accuracy and Wobble Fix
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Weapons
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Reputation
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Items
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Apparel
+Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v4
+CONELRAD 640-1240 - Civil Defense Radio
+Compass Height Indicator
-Combat Enhancer Updated
-Collision Meshes
+Coito Ergo Sum
+Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered
+Cheat Boy
-Challenges Tracker and Rewards Hints - ESPless
+Casino Crowds
+Bullet Tracers For New vegas
+Bullet Time Improved - a JAM addon
+Bullet Snap Redux
+Bullet Impact LOD Increased ESPLESS
+Brotherhood and Legion Truce
+Brotherhood and House Truce
-Bloodbath - ESPless
+Blood Trails - Bullet Snap Redux Patch
+Blood Trails
+Better Weapon Restrictions and Fixes
+Better Stealth Suit Mk II
+Better Damage Multipliers
+Better Character Creation - Restored and Enhanced
+Base Object Swapper
+Bad Mothafucka LE
+B42 Inspect - aka Animated Ammo and Weapon Condition Checking
+B42 Inject
+Autumn Leaves
+ATMOS Ambience Overhaul
+Armored Wasteland - Mutants
+Arizona - A Legion Expansion NOVA Compatible Version
+All Explosion Sounds Overhaul
+Aid Addon - Medkits - Blood Draw - Bandages - Afterburner Gum - More
+A Very Uncreative Collection of YUP Patches
+A Very Uncreative Collection of FPGE Patches
+3D Grenade Indicator
+1. I'm Not Done Crafting
+Cyberware 2281
+Climate Control - 3D Rain
+Climate Control - Rain
+3D Rain
+Interior Rain
+Cloud Upgrade NVSE
+High Resolution Bloom NVSE
+Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW
+Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch
+Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - FNV - YUP
+A Little More Lamplight
+More Consistent Vanilla Rock Textures
+Wasted Rocks Normals
+Landscape Texture Improvements
+Contrasted LOD Noise Texture
+High Resolution Water Fog
+NV Compatibility Skeleton
+B42 Optics
+B42 Weapon Inertia
+Smooth True Iron Sights Camera
+Muzzle Flash Light Fix - NVSE
+FaceGen Tint Fixes for NV
+Better Brotherhood
+The Living Desert Main File
+Essential DLC Enhancements Merged
+Misc Content Restoration - UW (VNV) Patch
+Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch
+Misc Content Restoration
+Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch
+Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch
+FPGE - EVEM Patch
-Uncut Wasteland extra
+Functional Post Game Ending
+Uncut Wasteland
+Enhanced Movement - VNV Configuration
+Harder Barter Faster Stronger
+Traps Tweaks - Traps Use Other Skills
+Vish's Patch Hub
+Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged
+Bad Touch NVSE
+Auto-Save Manager
+Faster Sleep-Wait
+Cookable Grenades
+Follower Tweaks
+Immersive Recoil 2.0
+Enhanced Movement
+Clean Just Assorted Mods (JAM)
+JLM Grab Tweak
+Just Sprint Plus - Expansion for JAM and JVS
+JAM - Just Assorted Mods
+Consistent Weapon Mod Descriptions
+Sleep Wait Hardcore Needs
+JIP Improved Recipe Menu
+Menu Search
+Faster Main Menu
+High Resolution Screens
+High Res Local Maps
+Clean Companion Wheel
+Clean Vanilla Hud
+Vanilla UI Plus Dialog Background Addon
+Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)
+The Mod Configuration Menu
+Stewie Tweaks - VNV Extended INI
+Swiming Creatures Fix
+Strip Lights Region Fix
+ExRB - Extended Roombounds
+Depth of Field Fix - NVSE
+External Emittance Fix - NVSE
+Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE
+Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix
+ActorCause Save Bloat Fix
+Elijah Missing Distortion Fix
+Misc Audio Tweaks and Fixes
+Climate Control NVSE
+Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE
+Improved Lighting Shaders
+Doc Mitchell's Window Sunlight Fix
+Items Transformed - Enhanced Meshes (ITEM)
+Meshes and Collision - Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-TEN)
+PipBoyOn Node Fixes
+skinned mesh improvement mod
+3rd Person Animation Fixpack 360 patch
+3rd Person Animation Fixpack
+Iron Sights Aligned
+New Vegas Animation Overhaul Guns
+FNV Clean Animations
+Anniversary Anim Pack
+Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod
+ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster
+Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE
+Combat Lag Fix (NVSE)
+lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations
+lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes
+Improved AI (Navmesh Overhaul Mod)
+Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus
+Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
+Basic Console Autocomplete
+Console Paste Support
+Improved Console (NVSE)
+Yvile's Crash Logger
+FNV Mod Limit Fix
+UIO - User Interface Organizer
+kNVSE Animation Plugin
+NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix
+ShowOff xNVSE Plugin
+JohnnyGuitar NVSE
*DLC: CaravanPack
*DLC: ClassicPack
*DLC: DeadMoney
*DLC: GunRunnersArsenal
*DLC: HonestHearts
*DLC: LonesomeRoad
*DLC: MercenaryPack
*DLC: OldWorldBlues
*DLC: TribalPack
*Unmanaged: VM_Recoil
submitted by Otsutsuki-Mike to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:27 Creative-Shift-241 My boyfriend (25m) and I (20f) fight about sex a lot, what should I do?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2.5 years. I had just gotten out of a 2 year relationship prior and was a sophomore in college. My ex cheated with 3 different women I worked with. My current bf and I fight all the time about how much we have sex. I have a very low sex drive, I have been assaulted/r by 6 different men, the most recent was a day before my bf and I met. My ex r me as well as some family members and friends dad and a date. I think a lot of my low sex drive has to do with being assaulted for years (sometimes every day). I am in therapy trying to work through that as well as other childhood abuse trauma. He said that my sexual trauma gets taken out on him because it makes my sex drive low. He said I should just get over it so I don’t have to live my whole life stuck with the trauma. I agree I should try to move on but it was so ingrained in me since I was 10 when it started. But I also think it’s not very easy to get over it even with the help of therapy and he doesn’t relate to any of my trauma. It seems like he doesn’t care about what has happened to me and that he only cares that he doesn’t get what he wants because of it. He is in the mood 24/7 and always pestering me about it. It doesn’t help that I’m chronically ill and have poor mental health/stress, just graduated from college and am working and trying to find a full time job. I feel like I should be able to say no. On top of this, he also tells me all the time he wants to break up or says something awful and the next day tells me he wants to marry me. I know that most likely has to do with my libido as well. I know I need to compromise sometimes and I need to find a solution, maybe maca powder, exercise or something. I honestly just need advice from other women. Please help not only with advice for my libido but also how to communicate my feelings to him!
submitted by Creative-Shift-241 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:12 996291283 been almost exclusively eating soylent since march. my thoughts

5'7 female, 26, 115lbs, using chocolate powder
i'm aware this sounds like an advertisement. they're not paying me, i'm just like, a fan. i'm the type of person that watched snowpiercer and was like, wow i wish i could have those nutrient bars, so there is definitely something a little wrong with me, which you should take into account when reading this review. thanks
submitted by 996291283 to soylent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:56 Otsutsuki-Mike [FNV] Load order clean up

as the title says I'm curious to see if that I am a dummy, and can disable some plugins that I have no use for. Lets say I have 2 texture mods that modify the same stuff, I'm curious to see if I can disable one of the two to save plugin space, any help would be appreciated
YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
fixy crap ue.esp
Landscape Texture Improvements.esm
Vanilla Enhancements.esm
Landscape Texture Improvements - YUP Patch.esm
Bad Touch.esm
Uncut Wasteland.esm
Functional Post Game Ending.esm
New Vegas Redesigned II.esm
Factions Reloaded Legion.esp
SUPER Lively New Vegas.esm
Mojave Wildlife (Vanilla-Style + No Chanced).esp
factions reloaded raiders v2.esm
SUPER Lively Goodsprings.esm
Functional Post Game Ending - AWOP Patch.esm
Better Brotherhood.esm
Mojave NPCs.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
Mr. House Surrenders to the NCR.esm
Mojave Raiders.esm
Encounters of the Mojave - Highway 95 South.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esm
Friendly Strip Factions.esm
Friendly Misc Factions.esm
House and Fiends Truce.esm
House and Fiends Truce FPGE Patch.esm
House and Fiends Truce TLD Patch.esm
Brotherhood and House Truce.esm
House and Kings Truce.esm
House and Kings Truce FPGE Patch.esm
House and Kings Truce Mojave NPCs Patch.esm
Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch (VNV).esp
Wild Wasteland Forever.esm
Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm
Better Character Creation.esm
Brotherhood and Legion Truce.esm
Legion and Powder Ganger Truce.esm
Legion and Powder Ganger Truce FPGE Patch.esm
Legion and Powder Ganger Truce TLD Patch.esm
Lime's Fort Overhaul.esm
Run the Lucky 38.esm
Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix.esp
Crafting Consistency Fix.esp
Nova Arizona - Map Add-on.esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
Uncut Extra Collection.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Vanilla UI Plus.esp
Just Sprint Plus - JAM.esp
JSawyer Ultimate.esp
Mojave Raiders.esp
ATMOS Ambient Overhaul.esp
factions reloaded followers.esp
NVR2 - YUP Patch.esp
Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp
Little More Lamplight.esp
DLC Enhancements.esp
VE - Vendortron Expanded.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Extra Collection Patch.esp
Casino Crowds.esp
Misc Content Restoration.esp
IWR - Rebuilt.esp
Convenient Fast Travel Markers.esp
Better Brotherhood - YUP Patch.esp
Arizona - JSawyer Patch.esp
More Perks v3.esp
Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp
Street Light Corrections.esp
Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp
Better Weapon Restrictions & Fixes.esp
Aid Addon.esp
Better Brotherhood - FPGE Patch.esp
FNV FaceGen Fix.esp
Interior Rain.esp
Karma Perks.esp
NVR2 - JSUE Patch.esp
NVR2 - Mojave Raiders Patch.esp
New Bison Steve - YUP Patch.esp
Conelrad 640-1240.esp
Bullet Tracers NV Shotgun.esp
Explosive Sounds Overhaul.esp
JSawyer Ultimate - WMIM Patch.esp
Roberts - NVR2.esp
Vegas Elysium.esp
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
Cyberware OWB.esp
Realistic Movement.esp
Better Stealth Suit Mk II.esp
Limitless Stats.esp
Follower Home Marker.esp
Cheat Boy Beta.esp
JSawyer Ultimate - EDEM Patch.esp
JSawyer Ultimate - SMIM Patch.esp
JSawyer Ultimate - EVEM Patch.esp
JSawyer Ultimate - Mojave Raiders Patch.esp
Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud.esp
UHNV-More Mannequins.esp
UHNV-Brighter Lighting.esp
Less Obnoxious BOS Bunker Repair.esp
NVDLC04 Allegiance w Duster.esp
Player Combat Priority.esp
XFO - 9a - Enemies - AI revamp.esp
XFO - 9da - Enemies - NPC Healing - low.esp
XFO - 9db - Enemies - NPC Healing - med.esp
XFO - 9dc - Enemies - NPC Healing - high.esp
Food Scraps.esp
Disguise Descript.esp
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp
Strip Lights Region Fix.esp
CC - Rain.esp
CC - 3D Rain.esp
Follower Tweaks.esp
Diagonal movement.esp
Trap Tweaks.esp
Simple Explosive Entry.esp
Immersive Hit Reactions.esp
The Lucky 38 Empire.esp
One Man, One Quest.esp
Better Tag Skills.esp
Better Merchants.esp
Jhouser - Alcohol Redone.esp
I know the "wmx" mod is "incompatible" with some of the other stuff I have here, but I don't know how or what I did, but I got the mod to play nice with the others I have installed
submitted by Otsutsuki-Mike to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:04 mackslc Is Ugin's Labyrinth Overrated? Navigating the Labyrinth and its Eldrazi-Sized Deckbuilding Hurdles

Hey all, so I, along with a lot of you have been extremely excited about [[Ugin's Labyrinth]] entering the format. But now that the set is fully spoiled and I'm actually brewing, I'm having a terrible time actually finding a way to facilitate it in decks. I think the card naturally invites us to think of the best possible scenarios - jamming it Turn 1 with a card to imprint on it and having it be early, degenerate mana ramp in a format that isn't really built to deal with that kind of early ramp.
The problem is, the nut draw of having a Turn 1 Imprintable Ugin's Labyrinth is insanely harder to facilitate than the spoiler season hype actually reflects, and in order to effectively use the card you need to go through tremendous deckbuilding restrictions (including at least 12+ colorless cards that have CMC 7 or greater) while still being incredibly weak to nonbasic land hate in the format (which will be more prevalent than ever before).

Breaking Down the Pitch Math

I'm adapting this off an older, now archived Frank Karsten article when Force of Negation was out, so I will say in advance this will be the weakest part of the analysis and I welcome anyone who can adjust these numbers a bit more accurately. In this article, Karsten identifies that to hit 90% consistency in a four Force of Negation deck to always have a pitch spell in hand, you have to run 14 other blue spells, bringing your total to 18 blue spells (counting the Force). There's two problems in applying this direct statistic to Ugin's Labyrinth - 1. we really want Labyrinth to be relevant in turn 1 or 2 at the latest in most cases, and 2. Labyrinth doesn't pitch to itself.
While exact math is definitely off (and I welcome anyone who can do the full breakdown of how many Imprintable Cards we need to consistently be able to Turn 1 Imprint on a Labyrinth), there's a pretty clear truth that comes out of this: we need a LOT of 7+ Colorless creatures to make this card good, and most 7+ Colorless creatures are not very good at all. For the sake of this analysis, we'll run with the idea that we can get by with 12 Imprintable cards in our deck, but even that feels pretty low.

Building an Ugin's Labyrinth Pitch Toolbox

Ok, so we need a LOT of 7+ CMC creatures. Let's go with the idea that we're going to go through the trouble of making this possible, and let's do a bit of a review of the options that we have in the format currently. I've separated this list into five categories; big Eldrazi, big Colorless Spells, MH3's three "Labyrinth-centric" Eldrazi, unique ways to cheat CMC, and then the Affinity creatures:

Big Eldrazi

Big Colorless Spells

This is kind of the Tron section of the post, but a couple comments noted I missed noncreature spells, so I want to break them down further:

MH3 Labyrinth Enablers

Cost Reduced Enablers

Affinity Cards

And then there's the hate cards.

Nonbasic land hate is going to be more prevalant than ever before. Winter Orb is absolutely sadistic against the kind of decks we're describing building, Harbinger of the Seas is going to be maindeckable and open up a new angle of moon effects, and [[White Orchid Phantom]] is, in my opinion, the "Dauthi Voidwalker of the Set" - an extremely strong hate piece that's so pushed it's maindeckable. Not only that, we're still in a format where Field of Ruin effects are extraordinarily popular, as is Boseiju, alongside other means of hating out nonbasics like Blood Moon, Magus, and Alpine Moon. And because of Labyrinth's Imprint cost, getting your Labyrinth popped means you're getting 2-for-1'd every time.
Imagine you build your deck around Labyrinth, you make every deckbuilding concession to facilitate your deck with 12+ colorless creatures, then your opponent just blows the damn Labyrinth up and 2-for-1s you anyway. I think this is going to be an extremely prevalant scenario that's already true in current Modern with the nonbasic tools we already have, and if White Orchid Phantom starts being a staple, it makes this an absolute common occurence.

Some Inevitabilities While Playing Labyrinth

There will be games where:
Will there also be plenty of games where it enables a busted start, powering you ahead of your opponent at impossible speeds? Yes, but those will be fewer and farther between than we want them to be, and will come at an enormous deckbuilding hurdle (again, I keep using 12 Imprintable cards in this analysis, but even that is quite low statistically) and will still leave us wide open to any conceivable hate card in the format.

Pieces for a "Good" Ugin's Labyrinth Deck

I don't want this to be all doom and gloom, so I do want to take some time to reflect on what will be necessary to facilitate a good Ugin's Labyrinth deck. I think these are pretty much non-negotiable traits that go along with the card being good. If a deck can satisfy any of these categories, Ugin's Labyrinth instantly becomes a lot more interesting:

End Step

I feel like I started this post as a skeptic, then kind of completely talked myself out of the card by the time I got to the end. I'm sure, despite this, there will be ways to make Ugin's Labyrinth a player in the format. BUT it will come at some tremendous deckbuilding hurdles and will still be weak to a metric ton of hate cards that turn it into a 2 for 1. Either way, I doubt this will be a tool for a wide variety of decks. In fact I think [[Phyrexian Tower]] will likely be the greater Sol Ring of the two - I just wrote an essay on all the work it takes to enable Labyrinth, while all Tower wants you to do is play some creatures.
Is my math wrong? Probably, but again, I think I'm actually being generous at thinking just 12 Imprint enablers is feasible, and I probably forgot a few hate cards along the way also.
Overall, I do think Ugin's Labyrinth is an awesome brewing card. I think, like Urza's Saga before it, it's an insanely pushed MH card that has a lot of checks and balances attached to it, but I don't see it being anywhere near as ubiquitous or significant to the format as Saga was, and I definitely don't see it as the $100 chase card of the set it's currently propped up to be.
Time will tell on Labyrinth, but personally I'm less excited to jam it at peak competitive Modern as I am excited to just facilitate weird degenerate Turn 1 Chalice of the Void brews with it.
Let me know your thoughts, fix my math, and feel free to roast me in the comments if this winds up as a drastically off the mark take a few weeks from now!
submitted by mackslc to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:17 sarobaizlit does this starbucks nutrition calculator look accurate?

submitted by sarobaizlit to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:11 RaptorJesusLOL $1,000,000 for sex with a bear

$1,000,000 for sex with a bear
Okay, so here's the scenario. An eccentric billionaire wants to see you, and only you, have sex with a Grizzly bear plucked from Northern Michigan. He saw you crossing the street and you just had a bear-fucking look about you, and now he can't stop thinking about it. He's offering a million dollars USD (it's actually more but he has ensured that after tax, you will receive exactly $1,000,000).
The bear in question is totally on board, and is of sufficient intelligence to understand consent. It has in fact been a sex worker for several months already. It's a very strange bear who is largely attracted to humans, so it won't attack you. And it found a porridge bowl full of Viagra that was juuuuuuust right, and ate the whole thing. There is a male and female bear, so you can pick. This can only be a Grizzly, so no use trying to pick a less dangerous bear, or picking a polar bear you fucking racist. And though the bear will not attack you, it's still a fucking bear, so don't get crushed under the weight of bear peach.
You only get the money when the sex is finished TO COMPLETION OF YOU OR THE BEAR. One of you has to orgasm. You pick. But it has to be through the sex. You can't just masturbate while touching a bear and expect to get paid you cheating sack of fuck. You are, however, allowed to use "performance enhancing drugs". I don't expect most people to become aroused by a bear, so you wanna eat a burrito full of Viagra, go for it. Wanna grind up a bunch of ecstacy and use it as the powdered sugar on a donut, deal. Whatever works for you to rock a bear's world.
The only spectators will be the eccentric billionaire and seven randomly chosen used car salesmen from the New England area. You can back out, but you would then be required to fight a white tail deer on PCP.
So, would you do it? You pull this off, you can be a millionaire in ten minutes, with minimal claw scars. I mean... Like, horrific emotional scars, but minimal claw scars.
I made sure the bear is able to consent and of some weird, magical subspecies that understands exactly what's happening, and the whole interaction takes place in international waters.
Edit: okay so I kinda figured this would just be deleted immediately, but it wasn't, so I've been answering questions and now there's more background.
The bears are male and female, Steve and Stevarina respectively. They're not native to the northern peninsula of Michigan, but have embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage beginning in the American southwest in the back of an El Camino. Upon reaching the northern peninsula of Michigan they realized their affinity for sex work. They own controlling shares for a well-off landscaping company based in New Mexico and are therefore not in need of the money, but have a love and passion for sex work. The eccentric billionaire still compensates them very well, even though they'd do it for free. The bear, regardless of gender, will insist on six minutes of cuddling post-sexual destruction. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE YOU FUCKS.
The sex can involve any kind of foreplay and the bear will roll with it (you weirdo). In order to achieve the payout, the orgasm/s must be achieved either through direct padiddling, or through simultaneous genital nomming (in cases in which the bear and bearfucker are the same sex, direct contact between genitals can still work, so scissoring or almost starting a fire from the friction of rubbing two dicks together counts as well). Hand and claw jobs fill the role of foreplay and count as forfeiture, resulting in fighting the PCP-infused white tail deer.
Being in international waters, if you sustain serious injuries, a fishing boat from the nearest country with free healthcare will pick you up and either believe whatever nonsense you make up as to why you have, like, a ruptured colon and claw marks all over your body, or if you tell them the truth, be too disgusted to look at you. Either way this results in you being treated medically, then deported so they never see you again.
The eccentric billionaire will pay double if you and the bear climax at the same time (beginning within one second of each other). You can also potentially increase the payout by taking the money entirely in change and looking through all of it for coins that are worth more to collectors. The bear will become Comrade Bear if you seduce it to the point of turning on the eccentric billionaire, but in order to seal the deal, you must either eliminate or seduce all of the used car salesmen from the New England area. This results in you getting the money without doing the horizontal hokey pokey with a bear, but then Comrade Bear will be in love with you and things could get complicated. Regardless of this outcome, the eccentric billionaire cannot be extorted or forced into giving more money as he will die shortly after this horror show touching moment, either by way of being skinned alive and salted like a slug by Comrade Bear or by sequestering himself in a Super 8 Motel afterwards and dying from dehydration after ejaculating several thousand times in a row.
If you need the bear to be able to communicate with you, you'll have to be able to understand Morse code. But body language should do.
The bear is super anti-racist, and if for any reason the used car salesmen say racist shit, bear stops mid-canoodling to maul them to death. But they had a lengthy orientation to discuss all the rules, so it shouldn't be an issue (I did not expect this to come up). Also, the eccentric billionaire will not allow any sort of recording of the event and anyone who tries will be disemboweled by a lion and a tiger while George Takei says "oh my" over a loudspeaker.
Alright you bunch of freaks, I think that about covers it.
submitted by RaptorJesusLOL to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 00:35 SuitableRock [OFFER] I will give you a 60 day 1200, 2000 or 2800 calorie meal plan and a fully personalized training plan for 15$

Before we get to the offer I wish to give you some background about myself - My name is Dominik, I'm a personal trainer and a nutrition consultant, as well as a powerlifter. I have been doing this with joy for over 10 years now and wish to share that knowledge further on with as many as I can. I don't find it appropriate to advertise my pages here, but for those who want proof, feel free to snoop my reddit post history.
There you can also find my previous posts here on slavelabour that were all well received, which hopefully provides some form of assurance and credibility that I respond and deliver to everybody as fast and efficiently as I can.
Now back to the topic! I'm offering three 60 day meal plan variations - a 1200, 2000 and a 2800 calorie version. Each day of the meal plans is unique and has 5 meals, so in total you're getting 300 different meal ideas - no two will be completely the same. There are no supplements in the meal plan, so there's no meals like "1 scoop of protein powder".
These plans are made of natural foods that can be found in every decently equipped grocery store, with a couple of 'cheat-ish' ones to add some extra variety. The meals won't be complicated to make, nor won't take a lot od time to prepare, and only require basic cooking and seasoning skills. Every ingredient as well as meal has its macronutrient values precisely calculated to one decimal and of course listed next to it.
There are more complex, as well as very simple meals, and due to an easy to read design it's also very simple to switch meals up if you don't like certain ones.
If you only decide to only get one of the meal plans, It's yours for 5$, file format is PDF.
I can send you a sample day, so you can get an idea on how the full meal plan will look like and to make it easier for you to decide if you'd like it or find useful.
For an additional 10$ I'll also write you a fully personalized training plan for your physique goals. We'll go through a detailed questionnaire about your current situation, lifestyle, goals, injuries to work around etc. Based on the anwsers I'll write and send you a detailed training plan within 48 hours, including;
I always respond to everyone, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try to respond as soon as I can, but if I don't do it right away it most likely means I'm working with my clients or it's night time here.
submitted by SuitableRock to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 23:23 Sicily_Long Need help with a simple 4-week Fat Loss Diet to do in conjunction with the 10k Swing Challenge

First and foremost, I know this isn’t a diet community, but there are people on here with a wealth of knowledge.
Second, it should be noted that I will be living quasi-off grid during this 4-week period; limited access to refrigeration and cooking methods.
With that said, what is a good macro breakdown that will help me lose fat while also having energy for the 10k SC? Additionally, what are some good non-perishable and or semi-perishable foods that I can leverage? I imagine protein powder (low carb?) and probably simple greens and a multi-vitamin (don’t think I’ll get too many vegetables. Usually I snack on almonds, dried cranberries, hard boiled eggs, toast w/ nut butter, cottage cheese, and quest chips (it’s my cheat snack). I assume that I am going to want to cut down on some of those foods though and also know eggs and cheese are probably not in my future w/o refrigeration.
Anyhow, I am fine with something super simple and can eat the same things for days/weeks on end. I am open to suggestions.
To clarify, I will assume I have no access to any cooking methods.
submitted by Sicily_Long to kettlebell [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:40 Lunar_Grace Golden Sun TLA Password(Gold)

For those starting anew who don’t have access to GS1 or for your own reason. Golden Sun TLA Password Details Spoiler
Spoiler When both parties join, the characters listed above will NOT have any items equipped, Djinni will be spread differently, and SOME items MAY be swapped with another teammate.
submitted by Lunar_Grace to GoldenSun [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:02 Lunar_Grace 🖤Golden Sun TLA Password🖤 🖤Details🖤

Spoiler When both parties join, the characters listed above will NOT have any items equipped, Djinni will be spread differently, and SOME items MAY be swapped with another teammate.
submitted by Lunar_Grace to u/Lunar_Grace [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 12:39 Sollipur XY NFELocke: Beat Lysandre Deathless

XY NFELocke: Beat Lysandre Deathless
Hi, I've never posted about my runs here but I'm having a lot of fun with this one! First image is what I used to beat the final Lysandre fight, second is my box plus my "main" team. Ivysaur, Murkrow and Machoke have also gotten significant use!
After wiping to Cynthia in my fourth attempt at a Platinum Hardcore sub-455 BST Nuzlocke, I decided to take a break and work on something new. I thought a Hardcore Nuzlocke with NFEs only might be fun! I have a soft spot for Kalos but those games are notoriously easy, so I thought Y would be perfect for this.
I run standard Hardcore Nuzlocke rules: no items, set mode and level caps of the next gym leader's ace. I use Rare Candies, EV trained and I hacked in six Everstones at the start to make leveling things up easier lol. The Lysandre fights are the first time I've had to bring out the damage calculator (using XY speed running docs for detailed info.)
My only death so far has been Kakuna, an intentional sack I brought into the second gym. I'm glad I did because I ran into the optional Lunatone/Solrock trainer and that was NOT a fun battle.
Anyways some notes on my encounters:
Froakie and Fennekin both are good picks, but I'm partial to Fennekin especially because of the dearth of Fire types overall. But you're hard pressed to find a Water type until you get the 3rd gym and early game is annoying without a Water type.
My early encounters were godawful but Simple Bidoof swept the first gym with Defense Curl into Rollout.
Ivysaur is easily the best Kanto starter with solid bulk and access to Sleep Powder and Leech Seed. However, you will not get a special attacking move by level up, Giga Drain isn't a TM move in this game and Energy Ball is in Pokémon Village. The best grass mvoe you get by level up is Razor Leaf unless you count Petal Dance and Solar Beam. Your only option for the early game is Grass Knot, but after Clemont you get access to the Pledge moves. I've never touched these before but a 80 Special Grass move is exactly what Ivy needed.
Got incredibly lucky with my Honedge encounter. He's easily the backbone of this run.
Mienfoo was also a great catch. Mine has a -Atk nature but with max Attack EVs, it's put in so much work. I've used Mienshao in twice in Gen 5 runs to great success and so far, Mienfoo is living up to its legacy.
A lot of Gen 1 first stage Pokémon have surprising stats. Like why does Doduo have 85 Atk and 75 SpD???
On that note, Gen 2 'mons that got an evo later on feel like cheating lol. Murkrow is likely in Horde encounters in Route 14. Piloswine and Sneasel are also probable in the subsequent routes.
You have a solid chance of getting Flabebe on the Daycare route. Even with a -Spdef nature, my Floette is incredible at tanking hits and is my usual Eviolite holder. (Don't let bad natures stop you.)
Pokemon that evolve by trade are usually the best encounters as their base forms are designed to stand on their own: Machoke, Graveler, Haunter, Kadabra, Rhydon, and even Onix with sturdy and Stealth Rocks. But Spritzee and Swirlix kinda suck, would avoid if possible.
Sturdy Pokémon are great. Love my little Dwebble and hope to pull off some Shell Smash shenanigans soon.
You can almost guarantee Clamperl on Route 12 with dupes clause and can pick up both Deep Sea items in Azure Bay. Clamperl doesn't really learn any moves for a while but Tooth + Surf is all you need tbh.
Pokemon that don't evolve by level up or require special conditions are very convenient lol.
Not sure if anyone will read this, but onwards to the endgame! Things are about to get a lot harder, but I'm confident that I can see it through. Will update once I'm in the Hall of Fame!
submitted by Sollipur to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:28 Lunatic_Logic138 $1,000,000 for sex with a bear

Okay, so here's the scenario. An eccentric billionaire wants to see you, and only you, have sex with a Grizzly bear plucked from Northern Michigan. He saw you crossing the street and you just had a bear-fucking look about you, and now he can't stop thinking about it. He's offering a million dollars USD (it's actually more but he has ensured that after tax, you will receive exactly $1,000,000).
The bear in question is totally on board, and is of sufficient intelligence to understand consent. It has in fact been a sex worker for several months already. It's a very strange bear who is largely attracted to humans, so it won't attack you. And it found a porridge bowl full of Viagra that was juuuuuuust right, and ate the whole thing. There is a male and female bear, so you can pick. This can only be a Grizzly, so no use trying to pick a less dangerous bear, or picking a polar bear you fucking racist. And though the bear will not attack you, it's still a fucking bear, so don't get crushed under the weight of bear peach.
You only get the money when the sex is finished TO COMPLETION OF YOU OR THE BEAR. One of you has to orgasm. You pick. But it has to be through the sex. You can't just masturbate while touching a bear and expect to get paid you cheating sack of fuck. You are, however, allowed to use "performance enhancing drugs". I don't expect most people to become aroused by a bear, so you wanna eat a burrito full of Viagra, go for it. Wanna grind up a bunch of ecstacy and use it as the powdered sugar on a donut, deal. Whatever works for you to rock a bear's world.
The only spectators will be the eccentric billionaire and seven randomly chosen used car salesmen from the New England area. You can back out, but you would then be required to fight a white tail deer on PCP.
So, would you do it? You pull this off, you can be a millionaire in ten minutes, with minimal claw scars. I mean... Like, horrific emotional scars, but minimal claw scars.
I made sure the bear is able to consent and of some weird, magical subspecies that understands exactly what's happening, and the whole interaction takes place in international waters.
Edit: okay so I kinda figured this would just be deleted immediately, but it wasn't, so I've been answering questions and now there's more background.
The bears are male and female, Steve and Stevarina respectively. They're not native to the northern peninsula of Michigan, but have embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage beginning in the American southwest in the back of an El Camino. Upon reaching the northern peninsula of Michigan they realized their affinity for sex work. They own controlling shares for a well-off landscaping company based in New Mexico and are therefore not in need of the money, but have a love and passion for sex work. The eccentric billionaire still compensates them very well, even though they'd do it for free. The bear, regardless of gender, will insist on six minutes of cuddling post-sexual destruction. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE YOU FUCKS.
The sex can involve any kind of foreplay and the bear will roll with it (you weirdo). In order to achieve the payout, the orgasm/s must be achieved either through direct padiddling, or through simultaneous genital nomming (in cases in which the bear and bearfucker are the same sex, direct contact between genitals can still work, so scissoring or almost starting a fire from the friction of rubbing two dicks together counts as well). Hand and claw jobs fill the role of foreplay and count as forfeiture, resulting in fighting the PCP-infused white tail deer.
Being in international waters, if you sustain serious injuries, a fishing boat from the nearest country with free healthcare will pick you up and either believe whatever nonsense you make up as to why you have, like, a ruptured colon and claw marks all over your body, or if you tell them the truth, be too disgusted to look at you. Either way this results in you being treated medically, then deported so they never see you again.
The eccentric billionaire will pay double if you and the bear climax at the same time (beginning within one second of each other). You can also potentially increase the payout by taking the money entirely in change and looking through all of it for coins that are worth more to collectors. The bear will become Comrade Bear if you seduce it to the point of turning on the eccentric billionaire, but in order to seal the deal, you must either eliminate or seduce all of the used car salesmen from the New England area. This results in you getting the money without doing the horizontal hokey pokey with a bear, but then Comrade Bear will be in love with you and things could get complicated. Regardless of this outcome, the eccentric billionaire cannot be extorted or forced into giving more money as he will die shortly after this horror show touching moment, either by way of being skinned alive and salted like a slug by Comrade Bear or by sequestering himself in a Super 8 Motel afterwards and dying from dehydration after ejaculating several thousand times in a row.
If you need the bear to be able to communicate with you, you'll have to be able to understand Morse code. But body language should do.
The bear is super anti-racist, and if for any reason the used car salesmen say racist shit, bear stops mid-canoodling to maul them to death. But they had a lengthy orientation to discuss all the rules, so it shouldn't be an issue (I did not expect this to come up). Also, the eccentric billionaire will not allow any sort of recording of the event and anyone who tries will be disemboweled by a lion and a tiger while George Takei says "oh my" over a loudspeaker.
Alright you bunch of freaks, I think that about covers it.
submitted by Lunatic_Logic138 to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 15:32 MercuryAlipes Season 4 Kessler Leakes by VoughtHQ

submitted by MercuryAlipes to TheBoys [link] [comments]
