Baskin robbins application print out

All things NFA

2010.11.29 14:36 Mr45 All things NFA

A community of hobbyists interested in NFA items, history, and news. We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. Silencer, SBR, SBS, DD, AOW, and MG posts are all welcome here. Content suggesting non-compliance or discouraging NFA ownership will not be tolerated.

2011.12.24 05:18 Flargus Blender 3D: Help and Questions

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2024.05.17 12:13 Hallelujah289 Baskin Robbin’s ice cream still semi-solid after left out three hours. Wow! (swipe)

This Buzzfeed video (link here) is from seven years ago.
It’s a simple video showing four scoops and four brands of 120g weighed out ice creams melting in time lapse as they are left out for three hours.
What’s it supposed to show? I don’t know, but it is interesting the Baskin Robbin’s Vanilla ice cream stayed somewhat solid after three hours. Of course it’s been seven years and enough time for any reformulations, but I wonder what made the difference? Do we want ice cream that stays solid for so long?
Flavors are: * Baskin Robbin’s Vanilla * Haagen Dazs Vanilla * Ben and Jerry’s Vanilla * Breyers Extra Creamy Vanilla
The Breyers ice cream melted faster. I also saw a video from about 3-4 years ago which taste tested many vanilla ice creams and Extra Creamy Vanilla was creamy but the worst flavor out of four similar Breyers flavors.
I’ve watched a few other videos comparing Haagen Dazs and Ben and Jerry’s to other vanilla flavors and these two flavors do come out on top or generally good middle range. As we can see they melted at about the same time.
Haven’t seen much of Baskin Robbin’s vanilla though! Do you expect it to be better or worse because it melts slowest?
submitted by Hallelujah289 to icecream [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:02 Apprehensive_Dog5431 Discord Images to OBS/Twitch stream

I've been looking for something like this for a long time and I am astounded and frustrated nobody has made anything like this. I found plenty of people asking for this, but no one actually showed a solution.
I stream with friends on twitch as we are in a discord call, and they will often post pictures in discord, but there was no way for me to easily show the picture on stream without toggling the entire discord window so twitch chat can actually see what we are talking about. What I wanted was some way for it to be automated, at least as much as possible.
Through the use of a custom discord bot, I was able to make something work.
Before I get into how to make this work, let me briefly explain how it works so you can tell if this is something you're willing to do. I will be highlighting all areas you need to fill out. The rest is mostly copy paste.
Discord Bot has reading access to a discord channel of your choice>a code tells the bot to monitor this discord channel for image links and image attachments>Upon detecting a new image, the bot will edit an HTML file somewhere on your computer with the link to the image along with some other things to make it readable for OBS>OBS uses that HTML file as a local browser source.
The only potential issue here that can benefit from some improvements is the source will not properly update unless you hide and then unhide the source. If its already hidden, simply unhiding it will prompt the correct image. (Just be sure the source has "Shutdown source when not visible" enabled, to allow it to update and take less resources while not visible) I simply made this a hotkey to easily toggle the source, however there is a way to create an OBS script that will automatically hide the source after a period of time, and reveal it upon updating, I was unsuccessful in this though.
To get this to work, you will only need to create 2 text files, paste some code, and change 3 lines to match your details so it properly links to the correct channel, bot, files, etc. I will highlight these things so you wont have to go searching.
-Go to -Hit "New Application" at the top right, accept terms and name it whatever you want. -On the left under Settings/Installation be sure User Install and Guild Install are checked. -Navigate to the "Bot" tab on the left and turn OFF "Public Bot" and turn ON "Message Content Intent" -Head over to the "OAuth2" tab on the left. -Under "OAuth2 URL Generator" You will see a big list of "scopes" All you need is to check "bot" -A new portion will be revealed called "Bot Permissions". For simplicity sake since you can give it "Administrator". If you are concerned about security, you can check off only what would be needed like read messages and maybe read message history. This area you will have to experiment to see what is absolutely needed. -Copy the generated URL and paste it into your browser and select what server you would like to add it to. -Once added it should have all the needed permissions to do its job, but double check roles and default permissions to make sure its not conflicting with anything on your server. -Go back to the "Bot" tab on the left and hit the "Reset Token" button. You will be given a code. (Copy and paste this somewhere for you to refer to later.)
2. PYTHON (DONT PANIC) You barely need to mess with it.
-Head over to and download the latest version. -When installing, make sure to check the box that says "Add Python X.X to PATH" during the installation process. This ensures that Python is added to your system's PATH environment variable, allowing you to run Python from the command line. (Just stay with me here, its not as bad as it sounds) Otherwise if you don't see this, its fine.
-Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
-Create a new text file and name it "" (Be sure to change the file extension from .txt to .py) -Right click the file and hit "open with" and select notepad. -Go ahead and paste the following code into the file:
import discord import os import time import re TOKEN = 'YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE' CHANNEL_ID = 'YOUR CHANNEL ID HERE' TEXT_FILE_PATH = 'YOUR TEXT FILE PATH' # Create an instance of discord.Intents intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.messages = True intents.guilds = True intents.message_content = True # Pass intents to the discord.Client() constructor client = discord.Client(intents=intents) # CSS style to limit image dimensions CSS_STYLE = """  """ .event async def on_ready(): print(f'Logged in as {client.user}') .event async def on_message(message): if == int(CHANNEL_ID): print(f'Message received in correct channel: {message.content}') print(f'Attachments: {message.attachments}') if message.attachments or any(re.findall(r'(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]+(\.jpg\.png\.jpeg))', message.content)): image_url = message.attachments[0].url if message.attachments else re.findall(r'(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]+(\.jpg\.png\.jpeg))', message.content)[0][0] try: # Generate HTML content with image URL embedded in an  tag html_content = f"""    Show Image {CSS_STYLE} Include CSS style   Image   """ # Update the HTML file with the generated HTML content with open(TEXT_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file: file.write(html_content) print(f'HTML file updated with image URL: {image_url}') except Exception as e: print(f'Error updating HTML file: {e}') else: print('No attachments or image links found in the message') 
-A few lines into the code you will see three lines that read:
-You need to replace these. Refer to your token you saved earlier and paste it in place of YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE. When you replace it, it should still have the (') at each end. Example: TOKEN = 'adnlkn34okln2oinmfdksanf342'
-For the Channel ID, head over to Discord>Settings(cogwheel bottom left)>advanced and turn on Developer Mode. -Head over to the Server where you want OBS to grab from and where you invited the bot. -Right click the text Channel you want OBS to grab pictures from and hit "Copy Channel ID" -Go back to the text file with the code and paste the ID you just copied place of YOUR CHANNEL ID HERE. (again make sure not to delete ' ' in the process.
So far we have the Bot Token and the Channel ID done.
-We need to create another text file. Create one and find a place to save it where you'll remember it. Somewhere like your documents folder will work fine. -Name it whatever you want, but be sure to save it as a .HTML file, rather than a .txt file. (for the sake of the tutorial, lets assume you named it "showimage.html" ) *-*Right click the html file you just made and click properties -Here you can see the file "Location". Go ahead and copy it. -Go back to that file and replace YOUR TEXT FILE PATH with the address you just copied.
There. The code is finished so go ahead and save it. Now you need to implement it into OBS
-Go ahead and open OBS. Go to your desired Scene and create a new Source, and make it a Browser Source. -I made the width and height 600x600, but you can adjust it once we get a picture on screen. -Toggle ON "Local File" and "Shutdown source when not visible" -For the local file, browse your computer for that "showimage.html" file we made earlier and select it.
We are almost done. You will have to launch this bot every time you want this image thing to work, so maybe save this last part on a note.
-Type CMD in your start menu on windows. -Right click "Command Prompt" and hit "Run as administrator" -Navigate to where the file you made was saved. You can do this by typing "cd" followed by the address and hitting enter
Example: cd C:\Users\YOURNAME\OneDrive\Desktop Enter\*
-Then type: python Enter\*
You should see a few lines of text that say: "Logged in as (whatever your bot name is)"
You're done!
When someone posts a link to an image, or uploads one directly to your desired channel, the bot will create a link for the obs source to refer to, and it should pop up in your scene, assuming its visible. If you still dont see anything, try restarting OBS and or go into the source properties, scroll down, and click the "refresh cache of current page" button at the bottom. Keep in mind the picture will not update unless you force the source to refresh somehow. If you dont want to keep going back to obs to hide/unhide the source to update it, you can set a hotkey to it, create an OBS script, or use a separate program like streamerbot to automate the process to your liking.
This was a huge pain in the ass to do, and I dont want anyone to go through what I did, so I wanted to have it all in a janky guide to get people started. Also I made it so the pictures have a minimum and maximum w/h size so small images arent so darn small, and big ones dont take up so much space. You can adjust this in the .py file, just be sure to close command prompt and start the bot again for the changes to go through.
Please let me know if you guys have any questions or suggestions, and Ill try my best to help/ respond. I hope someone makes use of this and it pops up in search results because I couldnt find anything like this anywhere.
submitted by Apprehensive_Dog5431 to obs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:47 patrickjquinn Trying to get an app that plays music to update a Live Activity...

I'm working on adding a Live Activity to my application and I'm having an awful time trying to get it to update the state and attributes in the background.
I can successfully start the activity and update it whilst in the foreground. The activity updates (or should) every time the currently playing song changes and that happens in the background an awful lot (as music apps tend to live in the background).
I'm using MPMusicPlayerController.applicationQueuePlayer to play my music from Apple's catalogue and one oddity I've noticed is if I manually hit 'next track' on lock screen controls (which is controlled entirely by the MPMusicPlayerController) it successfully updates the LiveActivity even in the background, but letting the song play out and a new song start, does not.
I've tried caching the last good state from the 'start' and update methods of the Live Acitivty class and then calling an update using the cached state from a background task but this also doesn't seem to work.
I've seen a lot of conflicting information about doing this using background tasks. Apple's docs say you can, but people elsewhere saying it doesn't work.
Any help here would be massively appreciated and I'd really rather not do this from a push notification server side as that would be a whole new backend service called by the front end every time the song changes.
Including the interface for starting and updating the live activity for reference (ignore the fact it's a Capacitor plugin interface, everything i'm referencing above is happening at the native level)
import Foundation import Capacitor import ActivityKit import AVFoundation import BackgroundTasks u/available(iOS 16.2, *) u/objc(MusicActivityPlugin) public class MusicActivityPlugin: CAPPlugin { private var activity: Activity? = nil private static var lastContentState: MusicWidgetAttributes.ContentState? override public func load() { super.load() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(applicationWillTerminate), name: UIApplication.willTerminateNotification, object: nil) } u/available(iOS 16.2, *) u/objc func start(_ call: CAPPluginCall) { guard let title = call.getString("title"), let emoji = call.getString("emoji"), let songTitle = call.getString("songTitle"), let artistName = call.getString("artistName"), let nextSongTitle = call.getString("nextSongTitle"), let nextArtistName = call.getString("nextArtistName"), let likeActionEnabled = call.getBool("likeActionEnabled"), let dislikeActionEnabled = call.getBool("dislikeActionEnabled"), let artworkImageURL = call.getString("artworkImageURL") else { call.reject("Missing parameters") return } let contentState = MusicWidgetAttributes.ContentState( emoji: emoji, songTitle: songTitle, artistName: artistName, nextSongTitle: nextSongTitle, nextArtistName: nextArtistName, likeActionEnabled: likeActionEnabled, dislikeActionEnabled: dislikeActionEnabled, artworkImageURL: artworkImageURL ) MusicActivityPlugin.lastContentState = contentState let activityAttributes = MusicWidgetAttributes(name: title) let activityContent = ActivityContent(state: contentState, staleDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*5), relevanceScore: 100) do { activity = try Activity.request(attributes: activityAttributes, content: activityContent) print("Live activity: Starting and scheduling - \(activity!.id)") call.resolve([ "activityId": activity!.id ]) } catch { print("Live activity: Error requesting \(error.localizedDescription)") call.reject("Error requesting Live Activity: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } u/available(iOS 16.2, *) u/objc func update(_ call: CAPPluginCall) { guard let activity = self.activity, let emoji = call.getString("emoji"), let songTitle = call.getString("songTitle"), let artistName = call.getString("artistName"), let nextSongTitle = call.getString("nextSongTitle"), let nextArtistName = call.getString("nextArtistName"), let likeActionEnabled = call.getBool("likeActionEnabled"), let dislikeActionEnabled = call.getBool("dislikeActionEnabled"), let artworkImageURL = call.getString("artworkImageURL") else { call.reject("Missing parameters") return } let updateState = MusicWidgetAttributes.ContentState( emoji: emoji, songTitle: songTitle, artistName: artistName, nextSongTitle: nextSongTitle, nextArtistName: nextArtistName, likeActionEnabled: likeActionEnabled, dislikeActionEnabled: dislikeActionEnabled, artworkImageURL: artworkImageURL ) MusicActivityPlugin.lastContentState = updateState let updatedContent = ActivityContent(state: updateState, staleDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*5), relevanceScore: 100) print("Live activity: Updating direct") Task { await activity.update(updatedContent) } } u/objc func stop(_ call: CAPPluginCall) { guard let activity = self.activity else { print("Live activity: not found") call.reject("Live Activity not found") return } Task { await activity.end(dismissalPolicy: .immediate) } } u/available(iOS 16.2, *) static func updateLiveActivity() { guard let activity = Activity.activities.first, let lastContentState = MusicActivityPlugin.lastContentState else { print("Live activity: No activity or last content state found") return } print("Live activity: updating bg \(lastContentState.songTitle)") let updatedContent = ActivityContent(state: lastContentState, staleDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*5), relevanceScore: 100) Task { await activity.update(updatedContent) } } u/objc private func applicationWillTerminate() { let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) guard let activity = self.activity else { print("Live activity: No activity found during termination") return } Task { await activity.end(dismissalPolicy: .immediate) for activity in Activity.activities{ await activity.end(dismissalPolicy: .immediate) } print("Live activity: Ended during termination") semaphore.signal() } semaphore.wait() } } 
submitted by patrickjquinn to iOSProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:52 Hopeful-Mammoth-8991 Could SN be a good fit for my team?

Apologies if I am breaking any subreddit rules here. I'm trying to identify if SN could be a good fit for us. I'd also be open to anyone who wishes to DM about this topic or give me a demo of their SN setup. I know this subreddit will be biased but I wanted to hear from those who actually work with the product before I talk to any sales reps.
I am one of about a dozen developers on a team that's specialized in the Hyland OnBase WorkView case/document management platform. We've been using it for over a decade and have built a lot of successful client projects with it, but the drawbacks have reached a point where we are looking for a replacement. Ideally the new platform is something that our team of developers can learn and become proficient with relatively quickly. We'd also be open to hiring some people with SN experience, and/or bringing in a professional services group to get us on track.
A typical client project for our team is to build a case management system that a state government office of 25-50 case workers would use to enroll applicants in a program to receive some type of assistance. Case workers would perform a series of checklist and document reviews on the applicants' cases and move their case through a variety of steps from intake to closeout. Third party users may also log in to this system and perform their own reviews of cases. Users might be grouped into teams and can only see cases assigned to their team.
Not all our projects follow this model, it's just become a common one for us. I've only spent a couple hours reading about SN, skimming through some of the videos on their website, so I still need to do more research, but I wanted to lay out some info about our current platform below. I would love to hear feedback from the SN crowd here about how it compares relative to the pros/cons listed below, and anything in particular you love/hate about it, things you wish you knew about it before you started, etc.
The good:
The bad:
submitted by Hopeful-Mammoth-8991 to servicenow [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:18 Plane-Cucumber-3944 Top IPU BJMC Colleges 2024

Top IPU BJMC Colleges 2024
Embarking on a career in journalism and mass communication opens a world of dynamic opportunities, blending creativity with critical thinking. The Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication (BJMC) program under Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in the media industry. Here’s a dive into the top 5 colleges affiliated with GGSIPU for pursuing a BJMC degree, each known for its exceptional curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities.
Here is the list of Top 5 BJMC colleges in IPU
1. Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS), Pitampura
- Location: Pitampura, Delhi
- Overview: VIPS stands out for its comprehensive BJMC program that focuses on all aspects of journalism and mass communication, including print, electronic media, and digital media. The institute emphasizes practical learning through studios, labs, and internships.
  • Unique Selling Point: Its modern infrastructure, including fully equipped media labs and studios, provides hands-on experience in a real-world setting.
2. Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies (MAIMS), Rohini
- Location: Rohini, Delhi
- Overview: MAIMS offers a vibrant BJMC program designed to blend theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Students are encouraged to engage in various workshops, seminars, and media projects, guided by a faculty of experienced professionals.
  • Unique Selling Point: The program’s strong focus on media ethics and research equips students with a solid foundation for various roles in the media industry.
3. Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS), Rohini
- Location: Rohini, Delhi
- Overview: JIMS’s BJMC program is tailored to meet the evolving demands of the media and entertainment industry, offering specialized modules in reporting, editing, media laws, and more. The curriculum is designed to foster creativity and critical thinking.
  • Unique Selling Point: Close industry ties that facilitate valuable internship opportunities, allowing students to gain practical experience and industry insights.
4. Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management
- Location: Paschim Vihar, Delhi
- Overview: BVICAM is known for its rigorous BJMC program that prepares students for the challenges of the media industry through a blend of academic learning and practical application, including news production, digital media, and communication theories.
  • Unique Selling Point: A curriculum that keeps pace with the changing dynamics of media, supported by a faculty with real-world experience.
5. Trinity Institute of Professional Studies (TIPS), Dwarka
- Location: Dwarka, Delhi
- Overview: TIPS offers a comprehensive BJMC program that aims to produce skilled media professionals adept in various facets of journalism and mass communication. The institute provides an engaging learning environment with opportunities for students to work on live projects.
  • Unique Selling Point: The emphasis on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, along with a focus on emerging media trends and technologies.

Choosing the right institution for a BJMC degree involves considering the curriculum, faculty expertise, infrastructure, and opportunities for practical exposure. Each of these colleges affiliated with GGSIPU brings something unique to the table, ensuring students not only receive a top ipu bjmc college 2024 provide top-tier education in journalism and mass communication but also develop into well-rounded professionals ready to make their mark in the media world. Prospective students are encouraged to delve deeper into what each college has to offer by visiting campuses, attending open houses, and consulting with current students and alumni to make an informed choice for their future.

submitted by Plane-Cucumber-3944 to u/Plane-Cucumber-3944 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:17 j3r3myd34n Passed! 102 questions

I couldn't believe it. I felt confident on maybe 20% of the questions. Was pretty sure I was failing terribly all the way through. But thanks to this sub, I was familiar with similar stories. Once I went past question 100 I thought "welp, glad I got the retake" as I had only 38 mins left. I did two more questions, and it told me to go pick up my results. I didn't even look at it until I got to the car. Then I read "Congratulations..."
Most relevant experience: 14 years consecutive enterprise level IT (11 yrs Healthcare field services, 3 yrs Higher Ed applications systems admin);
Previous certs:
Study Time: 6 months, couple hrs a week, leisurely pace until last 2 weeks, then 8 – 14 hrs a week.
Study Material:
  Last 2 weeks:
I am just taking this for professional growth, I was under no timeline or obligation.
In hindsight, I wish I would have printed the mind maps and filled them out as I watched the LinkedIn Learning videos. I watched those on double-speed since a good chunk of this stuff is already familiar from Security+ and just my work experience. As I completed sections for each Domain in LiL,I would do the quizzes in the Practice Questions book under that domain 10 – 20 questions a few times a week, and as I progressed I would add in questions from the previous covered domains, tracking it all in Excel. I was working out of the 2nd edition book (2018 - hand-me-down) but I bought the 3rd edition (2021) for the practice tests. There is not a huge difference but I figured I could use any edge I could get.
I spent a lot of time analyzing and studying any questions I missed in the quizzes. By the time I did the first practice exam I got 74% correct. I’d study the ones I missed, and do the next test. After I finished the 4 Practice Tests in the 3rd ed (74, 76, 77 and 78%) I scheduled with a month left. I then went back and did the tests from the 2nd editions, studying in between the hazy subjects or missed questions. Scored 74%, 80% and 89% on the ones I did there – but keep in mind, they are basically the same tests I already did with a few questions swapped out.
The mind maps were helpful - just a good place to take written notes and keep track of topics and Domains and draw stuff out like Kerberos and IPSec, etc. I didn’t start using those until 2 weeks before the test, I was like “damnit – this would have been so helpful” - some of the more subtle stuff is easier to remember if you group it in under the appropriate section, and I think writing supposedly improves ability to recall information also.
The podcast I just turned on a couple days ago but it was helpful to listen to the items as I was driving to and from work, I thought it was well done. I also thought the 50 CISSP Questions YouTube video was helpful to remind me of the mindset we need to have when taking this test. I am definitely someone that gets lost in the details, as you might guess from this wall of text. ;)
Glad I did it, glad it’s over. Going to unwind and focus on my home life, degree and work initiatives for rest of year.
submitted by j3r3myd34n to cissp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:50 alwyscnfsed_jenn erm does this mean like i-print literal yung form or iba meaning?

erm does this mean like i-print literal yung form or iba meaning?
hellooo,, so im applying for st la salle financial grant and one of d forms like recommendation form is e2,, just want to clarify if like yung sinasabi na PRINT is i have to print the form (or is this digital lang) or iba meaning.... thank u so much and spread love, not negativity pls >333
submitted by alwyscnfsed_jenn to dlsu [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:25 Wade_The_Heathen Coaches Corner with WadeTheHeathen early edition. One card collectors/collecting

Hello and greetings once again my fellow CUEnthusiasts!
I wanted to push this one out asap just for clarity and transparency. Future Coaches Corners will sadly be less frequent xD
If you missed my first one check my boring post history, it goes over some good pointers for trading :)
This time my focus is on something close and dear to me on this app. I’m going to try to explain what one card collecting (also known as hoarding) is, and give some tips for how to get started. I’ll also go over some strategies to collect respectfully and efficiently.
A one card collector is a person who collects a set number, or as many copies of a single card as possible. Usually it’s just because it’s a card we like or has a bit of meaning. I picked my 4 cards just because the pictures matched my in game avatar lol. Theres many reasons why we collect :)
I first want to address something I see somewhat often. Why collect so many of one card? And why do some people not like one card collectors or why do we have a bad rep.
The answers are simple. We like seeing high numbers of dupes and it’s fun to do. Often what we’re doing is mis-understood or looked upon negatively. I’ll try to clear things up a bit.
Most of us are not trying to eliminate the availability of a card or drive values. Keep in mind no card ever goes out of print. Level up cards are the only exception as each player only gets one.
Most one card collectors choose a relatively worthless card or a basic/fusion card to collect. Very little is impacted by one card collectors and it shouldn’t prevent one from completing a collection. Most of us are ok to trade a copy of a card we collect if someone is having trouble finding it. We’re not monsters lol. (Well, maybe Flex. Dude’s a literal zilla!)
I would like to add, I don’t condone or approve of players hoarding up value cards just to get wild over pays. We (one card collectors) aren’t trying to flip the cards we collect, when we do toss a card we collect to help someone out, it’s usually at a loss compared to what we originally paid lol. We are not the same.
By writing this I hope to open up a bit as to what we do and how we trade. I know the majority of players don’t collect duplicates by the trade full, so I hope this sheds some light too. As some of us one card collectors have willingly done so thousands of times.
One card collecting can be done by anyone, regardless the size of your collection and can be casual or very focused. Let’s get to the fun part. How to get started on your collecting journey!
First, you need to choose a card to collect. I’m going to refer to what I collect for examples just because I’m very familiar with them. Choosing a card of little value has 2 upsides, collecting them will be cost effective, and, you’ll be able to build good numbers. If you choose a card of value it’ll be hard to establish good numbers just due to the cost of potential over pays and also in part, scarcity and demand.
Basics/fusion won’t factor in as much as they’re very abundant and trade at standard ratios basic/fusion normally do. I will however, advise that any limiteds you may have like 15-20+ of, trade 1 of them for fair ratios of the basic/fusion you collect, but do make a buffer so you retain a certain amount of dupes for your same rarity card if you collect a limited.
For value/trade reference, when I collected a legendary fusion, I’d trade a limited common or a limited rare I had tons of 1:1 for them. I currently offer on discord a limited card for 4 black holes(please refer to discord for full terms and conditions lol). The reason is, even if you collect a limited card of that rarity there’s no way every dupe will ever convert into your card unless there’s a collector that happens to have lots of your card. You’ll mass numbers of your basic/fusion card fast this way. It’s just an all around win win for both people.
Next, choosing a Limited Card Rarity. This may seem pretty straight forward however there are a few factors to consider. I’ll break down each limited by rarity.
Limited Legenday- Next to mythics, these can be the most expensive cards to collect, even if low value. If you’re ok getting multiples of your low value Limited Legendary for higher value ones or mythics, those will probably be the more common trades you’ll see unless there’s another person who collects a low, then it’s usually 1:1 collection swaps. It’ll be rare in general to see many offers of 1:1 lows because they’re so accessible that the ones people need or look for are usually higher value. Collecting a high value Limited Legendary will be hard to do. It’s rare you’ll get a trade for lower value break downs. Most trades will be 1:1 Limited Legendary value or they’ll ask a mythic, and this is without the overpay collectors are sometimes known for. (Yes, some limited legendaries are worth a mythic, I’ll cover this at a later time). Not a cheap card to collect. Though keep in mind too, spotlights will also have impact on any Limited Legendary collector. Adjust if needed or check with the collector to find out the new offers.
Limited Epics- This is one of my favorites to collect, especially one of little value. Every player, old or new, wants/needs limited epics. Lots are playable, and there’s usually ones people need of this rarity. Easy to get multiple in a limited legendary break down, or 1:1 for other limited epics sometimes even getting 1 of your epic for a few of your rares. Many players chase epics and legendaries and this will be how you build numbers. Again choosing one of low value will help build numbers, and that’s what one card collecting is about.
Limited Rares- While some what close to epics, rares were actually my least favorite to collect, mostly because I also collect an epic. The problem with rares is, mostly newer players need rares. Older accounts just chase new ones or cards of higher rarity. You’re going to see many 1:1 trades of your rare card for an epic of yours, just because rares are fairly easy to complete. Not too bad if you just collect a rare but because I also collect an epic I couldn’t take 1:1 trades like that. 1:2 sometimes though but if you just collect a rare then these breakdowns are ok too. It’s why out of the 4 cards I collect, the rare is the one I have the least copies of. But again, it’s somewhat easy to build numbers with rares if you’re willing to invest in em.
Limited Commons- Much like limited rares, these are easy to build numbers with, but it’s also another easy rarity to complete, so be prepared for people wanting higher rarity cards for them. Though the good thing is you can usually get multiple copies of your card as a higher rarity break down if you’re willing. There’s also many players who collect a limited common, so collection swaps are usually frequently happening.
These are just some of the more common things to consider when selecting what to collect. You will see a wide variety of trades for the card you choose to collect, so you’ll become more accustomed to what you’re comfortable trading for your card with time.
Next, some strategies and tips I’d like to share. I’ve always been a one card/character collectohoarder in the card apps I’ve been on. Just how I’m built xD. Here’s some things that will help you both stand out because of your numbers, but more importantly, will draw out your cards because you’re a good trader for them and people want to deal with you.
I’ve always been more of the “I’d rather someone send me a card I collect then me send a trade and put them in a position” collector. There’s nothing wrong with sending trades. Just my preference. I’d prefer someone willingly offer it than me put the decision on them.
So, that being said, what do you offer to maximize your gains? Again I will refer to what I collect as examples. For this I will use The Great Annihilator which is a limited epic.
I’ll start with the topic I probably do the least of and that’s sending trades. Like I said before in my previous post, I don’t send for singles, ever. The only exception is this scenario: I’d post in game for Blazar (a limited rare I used to collect). A trade would come in giving me blazar for a meta/value limited epic, say testudo 1:1. When I go to counter, I see their blazar is a single that they’re offering and they also have a single annihilator. Because of the sheer value of my limited epic and because I always offer any epic, I would counter into their single annihilator only because they offered the single blazar, if the blazar was a dupe, I’d leave their single alone. Most of the time too they’re just wanting something playable for something I collect. But I’d never be upset if they decline. Their cards, their choice. But now they at least know what I’m wanting for my card.
Also when sending a trade, don’t be greedy. By this I mean, if they want a same value card as the one you’re taking or in my case sometimes, a higher value one, don’t take more then 1 of their dupes if they have many, if you’d do a 1:1 anyways. 1:1 is always fine and you’ll find they’re usually happy to accept a fair trade, and as well may send you more copies as they get dupes or the ones they have. Respect goes a long way! I also have a rule where if I get declined when I do send or counter, I won’t ever send again. They know what I want now and they’ll send if they want to. Pretty straight forward stuff. Next I’ll share a bit of how I manage my collection successfully.
If you’re wanting to draw in trades, try to balance the dupes you have of the same rarity as the card you collect, the more cards available, the more trades come in. Look for counters or to break higher rarity stuff down for multiple fair value same rarity cards you have little to no dupes of, especially if u have many dupes of what they want. This is more applicable if you don’t also collect a higher rarity card. Also counter where you can to balance your own collection, making a trade work that’s beneficial to both players while maintaining your cards is always a win win scenario and makes logical sense to do so.
Second, and this is key. Get new cards of the same rarity as your card as soon as possible and post them in game. This is to get your cards off older accounts and ones that don’t open many packs. Here’s my strategy and it works like clockwork and I feel, is what sets me and other collectors apart from the general population.
Get them through opening packs or FAIR trades (I emphasize fair, no need for greed ever) and Immediately post it in game for trade. Multiple copies if possible. Next, search the want section for those looking for it and send 1:1 trades to the ones who have dupes of your card, never more. This is highly likely to be accepted. Now because you also posted it for trade in game you’ll most likely have offers from these older accounts that may send you multiple cards of the same rarity as the new card because they just want to be complete. This is typical. I don’t consider it stonks either, this is common in every card app I’ve been on and I’m not a fan that this is a norm. But it’s the reality of the trade economy.
Anyways, back to the subject. Counter their unnecessary over pay and look for dupes of your card and just take 1 copy regardless how many copies they have. A very high percentage of the time it’s accepted with the message “wow thanks” or “nice offer” shortly followed by a friend request. Now you have a regular who will not only usually willingly trade you their dupe, but they’ll hold em for you and possibly even hunt down more for future trades. Respecting a persons collection can do wonders for both parties, and the fact you countered a clear “over pay” for a realistic and fair trade reflects well on you as well. I don’t consider this taking advantage, I consider it the counter to the seemly now expected overpay for a new card. I will admit I do benefit as well, but to me, the best trades are the ones where both people are happy. Mutual wins. Even though I collect a card in numbers, they know with me, it’ll always be a reasonable and fair trade, and the trade will always get accepted.
How to really build numbers:
The goal is always numbers based, either a set denomination to display proudly or just as high as you can go. Worry less about values and more how you can get numbers if this is your true focus. This depends on what you’re collecting of course.
The max number of cards you can get in a single trade is 4, and you want 4 as often as possible. 1:1 trades are great too but 4 per trade will build you up fast. So depending on the rarity and value of your card, you’ll want to leverage trading 1 card for 4 of yours as often as possible as fairly as possible as this is most economical. What I don’t mean is give them 1 epic and take 4 of the epic you collect, be fair always. It’s worth noting, lots collectors usually offer some kind of over pay for 4 copies of their card. For example, some collectors trade 1 of any limited legendary for 4 of their low value epics or a 1mm mythic for 4 of their Low Limited legendaries. The value and scarcity of your card may cause different ratios. Adjust accordingly to ensure at minimum a fair trade.
I focus on numbers. That’s my game.
Now everyone may not want to do the same but I say this because offering to break down 1 higher rarity card into multiple of my lower rarity cards builds numbers fast, as I mentioned above, most players need/want higher rarity cards more than rares and below, and they’re more likely to happily send a bunch of your card for 1 of a higher rarity card. There will always be players new and old too that will still have lower rarity card needs of course and those are always good for a 1:1 same rarity trade too.
You also may offer 2 cards of the same rarity for 1 of your card, and this is fine too but could cost too much value wise and/or deplete your dupes without maximizing your number potential. In my case, annihilator has little value, so my same rarity overpays were that I traded any limited epic 1:1, regardless of my cards values. I’ve yet to trade two limited epics for 1 annihilator and probably won’t. But that’s for you to decide and be comfortable with.
In order to be really, really effective in getting numbers it takes time, strategy and patience. I will say once more. It may take a bit at first, but with time, trading for your card hundreds, posssibly thousands of times. You’ll have a good understanding of what you’ll be comfortable trading for it, then it’s smooth sailing.
One thing to keep in mind too. When people send you trades, they’re gonna see your numbers and there’s going to be many bad offers. It’s the double edged sword of collecting. Look to counter if you can but the reality is there’s going to be a lot of declined trades because they just may not know what you offer, or have the cards needed/wanted to make a counter happen. So make sure you post what you offer somewhere too, discord, reddit etc to help guide the successful trades.
And finally, try to keep a post for one of your cards up as often as possible in game. The more active, the better the results :)
As always, thank you for taking the time to read this novel lol. Always feel free to comment below if there’s any questions. I’ll do my best to respond. You can find me on the main discord server, link is in the sub description. Happy Trading and keep it Cue, see you in game!
Again, my apologies for the length. I’m trying to be as detailed and hit as many key points with these posts as possible while trying to keep it minimal.
Next time on Coaches Corner with WadeTheHeathen:
I’m going to delve a bit deeper into Trading, trade evaluations and card values! Hope to see you then!
submitted by Wade_The_Heathen to cuecardgameAvid [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:20 dr-steve How can I configure a serial port for an ultra-low nonstandard baud rate?

I have a very obscure application. I need to encode binary data in a low bandwidth datastream. We did the calculations, and figure that 32 baud (yes, 32 baud) would work well. Due to channel limitations, we can't get a lot higher. I think 110 baud is out of the question.
I've been testing out Serial[x].begin(), printing strings on the port, and watching on my oscilloscope. Timings are very nice down to 110 baud, but below that, it is transmitting at a higher rate. I figure that it is probably hitting a nominal limit on the clock/divisor pairing. For example a 5 char string at 8N1 takes around 500ms at 110 baud (on target, 10ms/bit, 50 bits). 300 baud takes 180ms (give or take), also on target. But 64 baud takes 132ms (256 baud? 4x64) and 32 baud takes around 220ms (512 baud range). Note timings are approximate, but you get the idea.
Is there some way to configure the UART clock to access much lower bit rates? I'd really rather not write my own bit blaster...
submitted by dr-steve to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:51 businessnewstv How to create a logo for your pottery studio website in 2024

Introduction to logo design for pottery workshop websites

Logo design plays a crucial role in establishing a strong brand identity for pottery workshop websites. A well-designed logo helps to convey the essence and values of the workshop, while also creating a memorable visual representation. In this article, we will explore the process of creating a logo for your pottery workshop website using 99designs, a popular platform that connects businesses with talented designers. Whether you are a beginner or have some design experience, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and tips to create a logo that reflects the unique character of your workshop. So let's dive in and discover the world of logo design for pottery workshop websites.

Importance of a well-designed logo

A well-designed logo is of utmost importance for any business, including pottery workshops. It serves as the visual representation of the brand and plays a crucial role in creating a strong first impression. The logo not only conveys the essence of the business but also helps establish its identity and differentiate it from competitors. In the context of the lingerie industry, a well-designed logo becomes even more significant. As the lingerie industry is highly competitive, having a logo that effectively captures the essence of the brand can help businesses stand out and attract potential customers. Moreover, a well-designed logo can also convey the brand's values, such as elegance, sophistication, and quality, which are essential in the lingerie industry. Therefore, investing in a well-designed logo is essential for any business, especially in the lingerie industry, as it can have a significant impact on brand perception and customer attraction.

Benefits of using 99designs for logo creation

When it comes to logo creation, there are numerous benefits of using 99designs. This platform offers a wide range of design options, allowing you to find the perfect logo for your pottery workshop website. With 99designs, you can collaborate with talented designers from around the world, ensuring that your logo reflects the unique style and identity of your business. Additionally, 99designs provides a streamlined and efficient process, saving you time and effort in the logo creation process. The platform also offers competitive pricing options, making it a cost-effective choice for logo design. Overall, 99designs is a reliable and convenient platform for creating a professional logo for your pottery workshop website.

Understanding Your Pottery Workshop Brand

Defining your pottery workshop's unique selling proposition

Your pottery workshop's unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets it apart from other similar businesses. It is the reason why customers should choose your workshop over others. To define your USP, you need to identify the key factors that make your pottery workshop special. One important factor to consider is your Google ranking keywords. These are the specific keywords that help your website rank higher in Google search results. By optimizing your website content with these keywords, you can attract more organic traffic and potential customers. To achieve this, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner to research popular keywords related to pottery workshops. Once you have identified the relevant keywords, you can incorporate them strategically into your website content, including your logo design. By doing so, you can enhance your online visibility and attract more customers to your pottery workshop.

Identifying your target audience

Identifying your target audience is a crucial step in creating a logo for your pottery workshop website with 99designs. Understanding who your audience is will help you design a logo that resonates with them and effectively communicates your brand message. Start by considering the demographics and psychographics of your target audience, such as age, gender, interests, and values. Additionally, think about the specific needs and preferences of pottery enthusiasts who might be interested in your workshop. By identifying your target audience, you can create a logo that not only captures their attention but also establishes a strong connection with them.

Researching competitor logos

When researching competitor logos for your pottery workshop website, it is important to also consider logos from other industries that may share similar characteristics or target a similar audience. By examining logos from other businesses, such as online camera shops, you can gain inspiration and insights into effective design elements and branding strategies. Analyzing the logos of online camera shops can provide valuable information on color schemes, typography choices, and iconography that resonate with customers in the digital marketplace. Additionally, studying competitor logos in the online camera shop industry can help you identify unique selling points and positioning strategies that can set your pottery workshop website apart from the competition.

Choosing the Right Logo Style

Exploring different logo styles for pottery workshops

When it comes to creating a logo for your pottery workshop website, it is important to explore different logo styles that resonate with the essence of pottery workshops. A logo serves as a visual representation of your brand and can convey the unique identity and values of your workshop. There are various logo styles to consider, such as minimalistic, vintage, hand-drawn, or contemporary. Each style has its own aesthetic appeal and can evoke different emotions. By exploring different logo styles, you can find the one that best captures the spirit of your pottery workshop and appeals to your target audience.

Considering the use of pottery-related elements

When considering the use of pottery-related elements for your logo design, it is important to think about the unique characteristics of your pottery workshop and how you want to represent it visually. Pottery is a versatile art form that can evoke a sense of craftsmanship, creativity, and tradition. Incorporating pottery-related elements such as clay, pottery wheels, kilns, or finished ceramic pieces can help convey the essence of your workshop. Additionally, you may also want to consider using colors that are commonly associated with pottery, such as earth tones or vibrant glazes. By carefully selecting and combining these elements, you can create a logo that captures the spirit of your pottery workshop and attracts customers who appreciate the beauty and artistry of handmade ceramics.

Balancing simplicity and creativity

When it comes to creating a logo for your pottery workshop website, finding the right balance between simplicity and creativity is crucial. A logo that is too simple may not capture the attention of potential customers, while a logo that is too creative may be overwhelming and difficult to understand. The key is to find a design that is visually appealing and representative of your pottery workshop, while also being easy to recognize and remember. By striking this balance, you can create a logo that effectively communicates the essence of your brand and attracts customers. If you're looking for SaaS profitability secrets, incorporating these principles into your logo design can help you stand out in a competitive market.

Working with 99designs

Exploring the logo design process on 99designs

When it comes to creating a logo for your pottery workshop website, 99designs offers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform. Exploring the logo design process on 99designs can provide valuable insights into retail marketing. With their vast pool of talented designers, you can find the perfect logo that represents your pottery workshop's unique identity. Whether you're looking for a minimalist and modern design or a more intricate and artistic logo, 99designs has got you covered. By utilizing their platform, you can ensure that your pottery workshop website stands out in the competitive retail market. So, why wait? Start exploring the logo design process on 99designs today and elevate your pottery workshop's online presence.

Creating a design brief for your pottery workshop logo

Creating a design brief for your pottery workshop logo is an essential step in the logo creation process. A design brief serves as a roadmap for designers to understand your vision, goals, and preferences for the logo. It helps ensure that the final logo accurately represents your pottery workshop and appeals to your target audience. When creating a design brief, it's important to provide information about your pottery workshop, such as its name, mission, values, and target audience. You should also specify any specific design elements or styles you prefer, such as colors, fonts, and imagery. Additionally, it's helpful to include examples of logos you like or find inspiring. By providing a comprehensive design brief, you can collaborate effectively with designers and increase the chances of creating a logo that perfectly represents your pottery workshop.

Collaborating with designers and providing feedback

Collaborating with designers and providing feedback is crucial in achieving measurable results for your pottery workshop website. By working closely with talented designers, you can ensure that your logo perfectly represents your brand and captures the essence of your pottery workshop. Providing feedback throughout the design process allows you to guide the designers and make necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcome. With their expertise and your input, you can create a logo that not only attracts visitors to your website but also leaves a lasting impression. Collaborating with designers and providing feedback is the key to achieving measurable results for your pottery workshop website.

Reviewing and Refining Logo Designs

Evaluating initial logo design concepts

When evaluating initial logo design concepts for your pottery workshop website, it is important to consider the overall impression and message that the logo conveys. The logo should accurately represent the essence of your pottery workshop and appeal to your target audience. Additionally, it is crucial to assess the logo's scalability and versatility, ensuring that it can be effectively used across different mediums and sizes. Another key aspect to evaluate is the logo's uniqueness and memorability, as it should stand out among competitors and leave a lasting impression on viewers. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a logo design that effectively represents your pottery workshop and resonates with your audience.

Requesting revisions and iterations

Requesting revisions and iterations is an essential part of the logo design process. It allows you to refine and perfect your logo until it meets your vision and requirements. With 99designs, requesting revisions and iterations is a straightforward and efficient process. Once you receive the initial logo designs, you can provide feedback and specific instructions for changes. Whether it's adjusting the color palette, resizing elements, or experimenting with different fonts, the designers at 99designs are dedicated to bringing your vision to life. They understand the importance of creating a logo that represents your pottery workshop website and captures the attention of your target audience. Throughout the revision process, you have the opportunity to collaborate with the designers and ensure that every detail of your logo is meticulously crafted. Square Banking is a financial institution that offers a range of banking services, including online banking, savings accounts, and loans. With their user-friendly interface and secure platform, Square Banking provides a seamless banking experience for individuals and businesses alike. Their innovative features, such as instant transfers and customizable spending categories, make managing your finances easy and convenient. Whether you're depositing a check, paying bills, or tracking your expenses, Square Banking has you covered. With their commitment to customer satisfaction and transparent pricing, Square Banking is a trusted choice for all your banking needs.

Seeking feedback from others

Seeking feedback from others is an important step in the logo design process. It allows you to gather different perspectives and insights that can help improve your design. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced designer, getting feedback from others can provide valuable input and fresh ideas. In the case of creating a logo for your pottery workshop website, seeking feedback from fellow potters, artists, or even potential customers can offer valuable insights into what resonates with your target audience. By incorporating their feedback, you can refine your design and create a logo that effectively represents your pottery workshop. When seeking feedback, it is essential to be open-minded and receptive to suggestions. This collaborative approach can lead to a logo that stands out and captures the essence of your pottery workshop.

Implementing Your Logo

Choosing the right file formats for different applications

When it comes to choosing the right file formats for different applications, it is important to consider the specific requirements of each platform. Different applications and platforms may have different file format preferences, so it is crucial to select the appropriate format to ensure compatibility and optimal display. For example, when designing a logo for your pottery workshop website, you may need to consider formats such as JPEG, PNG, SVG, or EPS. JPEG is a commonly used format for web images, providing good quality and smaller file sizes. PNG is ideal for images with transparency, while SVG is a vector format that allows for scalability without loss of quality. EPS is a versatile format often used for print and professional design applications. By understanding the different file formats and their applications, you can make informed choices that enhance the visibility and versatility of your logo across various platforms.

Integrating the logo into your pottery workshop website

Integrating the logo into your pottery workshop website is a crucial step in establishing a strong brand identity. By seamlessly incorporating the logo into your website, you can create a cohesive and professional online presence that resonates with your target audience. One important aspect to consider when integrating the logo is to ensure its placement is prominent and easily visible on every page. This allows visitors to quickly identify and associate your pottery workshop with the logo. Additionally, optimizing the logo for different screen sizes and devices is essential for providing a seamless user experience. Another key consideration is to align the logo with the overall design and color scheme of your website, creating a harmonious visual aesthetic. Lastly, it is beneficial to link the logo to relevant pages or sections of your website, such as the 'About Us' page or the 'Shop' section, to enhance user navigation and engagement. By following these guidelines, you can effectively integrate the logo into your pottery workshop website and leave a lasting impression on your visitors.

Consistency in branding across different platforms

Consistency in branding across different platforms is crucial for establishing a strong and recognizable identity for your pottery workshop website. By maintaining a consistent visual style, color palette, and logo design, you can create a cohesive and professional image that resonates with your target audience. Whether it's your website, social media profiles, or promotional materials, ensuring consistency in branding helps to build trust and credibility among potential customers. It also helps to reinforce your brand's values and message, making it easier for people to connect with your pottery workshop and understand what sets it apart from competitors. By investing time and effort into maintaining consistency across different platforms, you can create a memorable and impactful brand presence that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.


The impact of a well-designed logo on your pottery workshop

A well-designed logo can have a significant impact on your pottery workshop. It serves as the visual representation of your brand and creates a strong first impression on your target audience. A logo that effectively captures the essence of your pottery workshop can help establish credibility, attract potential customers, and differentiate your business from competitors. When starting a pottery workshop, it is crucial to invest time and effort into creating a logo that reflects the values and identity of your brand. By partnering with a professional design service like 99designs, you can ensure that your logo is unique, visually appealing, and aligned with your business goals. The right logo has the power to convey professionalism, creativity, and craftsmanship, making it an essential element in building a successful pottery workshop.

Final thoughts on using 99designs for logo creation

In conclusion, when it comes to logo creation for your pottery workshop website, using 99designs can be a great option. The platform offers a wide range of custom design services, allowing you to find the perfect logo that represents your brand. With 99designs, you have access to a talented community of designers who can bring your vision to life. Whether you're looking for a minimalist and modern logo or a more intricate and detailed design, 99designs has the resources to meet your needs. By utilizing their services, you can ensure that your pottery workshop website stands out with a unique and professional logo.

Taking the next steps to establish your brand identity

After understanding the importance of a strong brand identity for your pottery workshop website, it is time to take the next steps to establish it. One of the crucial steps is creating a logo that represents your brand and captures the essence of your pottery workshop. With the help of 99designs, a leading platform for logo design, you can access a pool of talented designers who can bring your vision to life. By collaborating with designers and providing feedback, you can ensure that the final logo reflects your brand's personality and resonates with your target audience. Additionally, consider incorporating your logo across all your marketing materials, including your website, social media profiles, and promotional materials, to create a consistent and recognizable brand identity. Taking these steps will not only help you establish a strong brand identity but also enhance your credibility and attract more customers to your pottery workshop website.
In conclusion, having a great design is essential for the success of any business. Whether you need a logo, a website, or any other graphic design work, 99designs is the global creative platform that can help you achieve your goals. With over 500k happy customers, 99designs has proven to be a trusted source for custom graphic design. Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow your business with great design. Visit 99designs today and hire a talented designer or start a design contest.
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:49 businessnewstv How to create a logo for your coffee shop website in 2024

Importance of a logo for a coffee shop website

A logo plays a crucial role in creating a strong brand identity for a coffee shop website. It serves as a visual representation of the coffee shop's unique personality, values, and offerings. A well-designed logo can instantly grab the attention of potential customers and create a memorable impression. It helps in building trust and credibility among the target audience. When it comes to a coffee shop website, a logo is even more important as it sets the tone for the overall user experience. It helps in establishing a cohesive and professional look and feel, making the website visually appealing and inviting. With the increasing competition in the coffee shop industry, having a distinctive logo is essential to stand out from the crowd. It helps in differentiating the coffee shop from its competitors and attracting customers. Therefore, investing in a professional logo design is a wise decision for any coffee shop website.

Benefits of using 99designs for logo creation

When it comes to creating a logo for your coffee shop website, using 99designs can provide numerous benefits. With 99designs, you have access to a vast pool of talented designers who specialize in logo creation. This means that you can expect high-quality designs that are tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Additionally, 99designs offers a streamlined and efficient process for logo creation, allowing you to receive multiple design options and revisions from different designers. This ensures that you have a wide range of choices and can easily collaborate with designers to achieve the perfect logo for your coffee shop website. Furthermore, using 99designs for logo creation saves you time and effort, as the platform handles the entire design process from start to finish. Overall, the benefits of using 99designs for logo creation are undeniable, making it an excellent choice for coffee shop owners looking to establish a strong and visually appealing brand identity.

Key considerations for designing a coffee shop logo

When designing a coffee shop logo, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. One important aspect is the use of online scheduling software. With the increasing popularity of coffee shops, it is essential to have a reliable and efficient system in place for customers to book appointments or reserve tables. Online scheduling software allows coffee shop owners to streamline their operations and provide a convenient experience for their customers. By implementing this technology, coffee shop owners can ensure that their customers have a seamless and hassle-free experience when visiting their establishment.

Understanding Your Coffee Shop Brand

Defining your coffee shop's unique selling proposition

When it comes to defining your coffee shop's unique selling proposition, one important aspect to consider is how you handle paying contractors. Square offers a convenient and secure way to pay contractors, ensuring that you can easily manage and track payments. With Square, you can streamline your payment processes and provide a seamless experience for your contractors. Whether you're hiring graphic designers, web developers, or marketing specialists, Square's payment solutions make it simple to compensate them for their work. By using Square, you can focus on what you do best - running your coffee shop - while ensuring that your contractors are paid efficiently and on time.

Identifying your target audience

One of the crucial steps in creating a logo for your coffee shop website is identifying your target audience. Understanding who your customers are and what they are looking for is essential in designing a logo that resonates with them. By knowing your target audience, you can tailor your logo to appeal to their preferences, whether they are coffee enthusiasts, professionals looking for a quiet workspace, or students seeking a cozy hangout spot. This knowledge will help you create a logo that not only represents your coffee shop but also attracts the right customers to your website.

Researching competitor logos

When researching competitor logos, it is important to start by understanding the market and identifying the key players. By analyzing the logos of other coffee shops and cafes, you can gain insights into the design trends and styles that are popular in the industry. This research can help you determine how to differentiate your logo and create a unique identity for your coffee shop. Additionally, studying competitor logos can also inspire ideas and spark creativity in the logo design process. By examining what works well for others, you can learn from their successes and avoid common pitfalls. Overall, researching competitor logos is a crucial step in creating a logo that effectively represents your coffee shop and appeals to your target audience.

Choosing the Right Design Style

Exploring different logo design styles

When it comes to exploring different logo design styles, one important aspect to consider is the integration of the Square payment system. The Square payment system has become increasingly popular among businesses, including coffee shops, as it offers a convenient and secure way for customers to make payments. By incorporating the Square payment system into your coffee shop website's logo, you can convey trust, efficiency, and modernity. With its sleek and recognizable logo design, the Square payment system can be seamlessly integrated into various logo styles, whether it's a minimalist, vintage, or bold design. By highlighting the Square payment system in your coffee shop website's logo, you can attract customers who value convenience and a seamless payment experience. So, when exploring different logo design styles for your coffee shop website, don't forget to consider the integration of the Square payment system.

Matching the logo style with your coffee shop's brand identity

When it comes to matching the logo style with your coffee shop's brand identity, it is important to consider the unique characteristics and values of your business. A logo serves as a visual representation of your coffee shop and should reflect the overall vibe and atmosphere you want to convey. One key aspect to consider is the color palette. The colors used in your logo should align with the colors used in your coffee shop's interior design and branding materials. Additionally, the typography and imagery used in the logo should also be consistent with the overall aesthetic of your coffee shop. By ensuring that the logo style matches your coffee shop's brand identity, you can create a cohesive and memorable visual identity for your business.

Considering current design trends

When it comes to creating a logo for your coffee shop website, it is important to consider current design trends. Design trends are constantly evolving, and keeping up with them can help your logo appear modern and relevant. By staying informed about the latest design styles, colors, and typography, you can ensure that your logo reflects the current aesthetic preferences of your target audience. This will not only make your coffee shop website visually appealing but also help establish a strong brand identity. Whether it's minimalist designs, vintage-inspired logos, or bold and vibrant graphics, understanding and incorporating current design trends can make a significant impact on the overall success of your coffee shop website.

Creating a Memorable Logo

Using symbolism and imagery

Using symbolism and imagery is a crucial aspect of creating a logo for your coffee shop website. By incorporating meaningful symbols and visually appealing imagery, you can effectively communicate the essence of your brand to your target audience. Symbols like coffee beans, mugs, or steam can evoke a sense of warmth, comfort, and the indulgence of a good cup of coffee. Imagery that represents the coffee-making process, such as coffee beans being roasted or a barista expertly crafting a latte, can convey the craftsmanship and dedication that goes into your coffee shop's products. These elements not only make your logo visually appealing but also help to create a strong emotional connection with your customers. By using symbolism and imagery in your logo, you can enhance your coffee shop's brand identity and increase your chances of e-commerce success.

Selecting appropriate colors and fonts

Selecting appropriate colors and fonts is an essential step in creating a logo for your coffee shop website. The colors and fonts you choose will play a significant role in conveying the personality and style of your brand. When selecting colors, consider the emotions and associations they evoke. Warm colors like red and orange can create a sense of energy and excitement, while cool colors like blue and green can evoke a feeling of calmness and relaxation. Fonts also contribute to the overall look and feel of your logo. Choose a font that reflects the tone of your coffee shop, whether it's modern and sleek or rustic and cozy. By carefully selecting colors and fonts, you can create a logo that captures the essence of your coffee shop and attracts customers to your website.

Ensuring scalability and versatility

Ensuring scalability and versatility are crucial factors to consider when creating a logo for your coffee shop website with 99designs. A scalable logo design allows your brand to adapt and grow as your business expands. It ensures that your logo looks great across various platforms and sizes, whether it's displayed on a website, social media, or printed materials. Versatility is also important as it allows your logo to be used in different contexts and applications, such as on merchandise, packaging, or signage. By creating a logo that is both scalable and versatile, you can ensure that your coffee shop brand is represented consistently and effectively across all channels.

Working with 99designs

Understanding the 99designs platform

The 99designs platform is a popular choice for individuals and businesses looking to create a logo for their coffee shop website. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of design options, it provides a seamless experience for both designers and clients. One of the key features of the platform is its diverse payment options, which allow clients to choose the method that best suits their needs. Whether it's through credit card payments, PayPal, or other secure payment gateways, 99designs ensures a safe and convenient transaction process. Clients can rest assured that their financial information is protected, making it a trustworthy platform for logo creation.

Hiring a professional logo designer

When it comes to creating a logo for your coffee shop website, hiring a professional logo designer is a crucial step. A well-designed logo can help establish your brand identity and attract customers. With the expertise and creativity of a professional logo designer, you can ensure that your logo reflects the essence of your coffee shop and appeals to your target audience. Additionally, a professional logo designer can provide you with a unique and memorable logo that sets you apart from your competitors. By investing in professional logo design, you can make a lasting impression on your customers and create a strong visual representation of your coffee shop.

Providing feedback and revisions

Providing feedback and revisions is an essential part of the logo creation process. At 99designs, we understand the importance of ensuring that the final logo design accurately represents your coffee shop and resonates with your target audience. Our platform provides a seamless feedback system that allows you to communicate your preferences, suggestions, and revisions to the designers. Whether it's tweaking the color scheme, adjusting the font style, or refining the overall concept, our designers are committed to working closely with you to achieve your vision. We encourage open and constructive communication so that you can provide feedback at every stage of the design process. With our collaborative approach, you can be confident that the final logo will exceed your expectations and effectively communicate your brand identity to your customers.

Implementing Your Logo

Integrating the logo into your coffee shop website

Integrating the logo into your coffee shop website is an essential step in establishing your brand identity and creating a cohesive online presence. The logo serves as a visual representation of your coffee shop and should be prominently displayed on your website's homepage. It should be strategically placed in the header or the top navigation bar to ensure maximum visibility. By integrating the logo into your website, you are not only enhancing its aesthetic appeal but also reinforcing brand recognition and making it easier for customers to identify and remember your coffee shop. Additionally, consider using the logo as a hyperlink to your coffee shop's homepage, allowing visitors to navigate back to your main page with a single click. This seamless integration of the logo will not only enhance user experience but also reinforce your coffee shop's branding and create a cohesive online presence. Square Banking for Escuelas de Idioma.

Using the logo across different marketing channels

Using the logo across different marketing channels is essential for creating a consistent and recognizable brand identity. Whether it's on your website, social media profiles, or printed materials, a well-designed logo can help establish credibility and build brand recognition. By incorporating the logo into various marketing channels, you can effectively communicate your coffee shop's unique value proposition and create a cohesive brand experience for your customers. Additionally, using the logo consistently across different channels can help reinforce your brand message and make it easier for customers to identify and remember your coffee shop. Overall, leveraging the logo across different marketing channels is a strategic approach that can enhance your coffee shop's visibility and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Maintaining consistency in branding

Maintaining consistency in branding is crucial for any business, including coffee shops. It helps to establish a strong and recognizable identity, build trust with customers, and differentiate from competitors. One important aspect of maintaining consistency is through a consistent visual representation, which includes the logo design. A well-designed logo can convey the essence of the coffee shop's brand and create a lasting impression on customers. When creating a logo for a coffee shop website, utilizing professional design services like 99designs can ensure a high-quality and visually appealing result. With their expertise in logo design, 99designs can help coffee shop owners create a logo that captures the essence of their brand, evokes the desired emotions, and resonates with their target audience. By maintaining consistency in branding, coffee shop owners can effectively communicate their message, attract customers, and establish a strong online presence.


The impact of a well-designed logo on your coffee shop's online presence

A well-designed logo can have a significant impact on your coffee shop's online presence. It serves as the visual representation of your brand and helps establish a strong identity in the digital world. A professionally crafted logo can attract attention, build trust, and differentiate your coffee shop from competitors. It provides a memorable symbol that customers can associate with your business, making it easier for them to recognize and remember your brand. Additionally, a well-designed logo can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your coffee shop's website, creating a visually pleasing and cohesive online experience for visitors. By investing in a high-quality logo design, you can effectively communicate your coffee shop's values, personality, and unique selling points to potential customers, ultimately boosting your online visibility and attracting more visitors to your website.

The benefits of utilizing 99designs for logo creation

When it comes to creating a logo for your coffee shop website, utilizing 99designs can offer numerous benefits. With 99designs, you have access to a diverse community of talented designers who specialize in logo creation. This means that you can expect high-quality and unique designs that capture the essence of your coffee shop's brand. Additionally, 99designs provides a platform that allows you to collaborate with designers, providing feedback and making revisions until you are completely satisfied with the final result. This collaborative process ensures that you have full control over the design process and can achieve a logo that truly represents your coffee shop. Furthermore, 99designs offers a range of pricing options, allowing you to find a package that suits your budget. Whether you are a small coffee shop or a larger establishment, 99designs provides a flexible and affordable solution for logo creation. Overall, utilizing 99designs for logo creation can save you time, provide access to top-notch designers, and deliver a logo that perfectly reflects your coffee shop's identity.

Taking the next steps to create a logo for your coffee shop website

Taking the next steps to create a logo for your coffee shop website involves considering various factors, including the cost of security systems in the US. Ensuring the safety and protection of your coffee shop is essential, and investing in a reliable security system can provide peace of mind for both you and your customers. When it comes to the cost of security systems in the US, it is important to research and compare different options to find the one that best fits your budget and requirements. By doing so, you can find a security system that offers the right level of protection without breaking the bank. Additionally, it is worth exploring any potential discounts or promotions that may be available to help reduce the overall cost. With the right security system in place, you can create a safe and secure environment for your coffee shop website and ensure the trust and confidence of your customers.
In conclusion, having a great design is crucial for the success of any business. A well-designed logo, website, and other graphic elements can help attract customers and make a lasting impression. If you're looking for professional and custom graphic design services, look no further than 99designs. With a global network of talented designers, 99designs can help you create a unique and eye-catching design that will set your business apart. Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow your business with great design. Visit 99designs today!
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:07 TheGreyKlerik What do you do for your Investiture Ceremony?

We usually read off every honor each kid earned, acknowledge various achievements, give out Pathfinder of the year(when applicable). BUT That is tedious and frankly, a bit boring. Do you do anything to make your Investiture more impactful? This year we will not be doing that, and instead printing the honors earned, and instead highlighting special and specific achievements.
submitted by TheGreyKlerik to PathfinderClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:27 j0520d Are you new to SCX24 tinkering? Dont know where to start? Check this out!

Ive noticed alot of new faces here, and Ive seen alot of "what ______ do I need to buy" posts. Let me start by this is not a flame on yall, but rather a resource! I wanted to compile a decent get started/how to thread for all yall. What I want to do is go over as many parts as possible, their function, and effectiveness. This should probably be a video, but I feel like it would be more useful to yall in written form. :) If you have questions about specific parts, just scroll to what you need. This post will be very long, but hopefully helpful. No comments in this post are meant to bash any brands, so please do not get offended if you have a different mindset than me. Please keep in mind: This is a hobby that you will need to do research on, and struggle through trial and error. Everyone has a different aim in this hobby between looks and performance. They also have a different driving style. Google is your friend, as is the search function in this sub. If you cannot find what you are looking for please speak up, one of the established members of this sub can point you in the right direction. As you tinker, you will learn, and thus your skill and understanding will increase.
For background. Im a performance guy with these things. I do not care if its pretty; I want to climb a wall. I compete roughly 18 times a year. The summer series has about 40 competitors per comp on average and the winter series is about 25 per. Everything I will talk about is a culmination of all that I have learned between my own driving and tinkering, watching and filming other competitors, and knowledge from some top parts producers and awesome content creators that are in my local RCMCCA chapter.
Let me also say that I have no brand affiliation. I have my own RC brand, and I am working to a release, but that will be a different post. I also have various levels of acceptance of brands, owners, and their ethics, but that will not be discussed here... That is not to say that there are not tiers of quality in this hobby. Stock is stock, boutique level brands that sell on their websites are the top, and amazon brands fall somewhere in the middle with varying degrees of effectiveness.
Chassis: This is the basis of your build. It affects virtually every other part and its effectiveness. That being said, short of tires, it is the single most important part on your build. It is also the most ignored part of a rig. I cannot stress enough, upgrading every part on your truck but this will look cool, but it will take away from performance improvement that each one of those fly parts are supposed to provide. Upgrading this should be so high on your list that you did it yesterday. There are some great frame sets out there, and you will not find them on Amazon.
Skid plate: This connects your frame, mototrans unit, and links. Alot of aftermarket frame rails come with them, or those companies have it as an option. Whatever skid you buy, just buy a flat skid. The traditional ones that drop low does provide a lower center of gravity, but it isnt worth hanging up on every obstacle you touch. If you arent sure what to buy, the OGRC flat skid is there as an affordable option that you will never complain about.
Transmission: Translates your motor power into go power, but also holds your motor to the whole truck. The stock unit is fine till you blow out a plastic gear or strip a screw hole. When this happens, get a metal unit. Most all of them are all the same, but a few companies make unique ones like hardpark and LGRP. These units are both great and proprietary, but pricy. There is also one with a built in overdrive (overdrive makes the front tires spin faster than the rear tires, effectively pulling you over an obstacle and mitigating the rigs attempts at flopping backwards). You want the metal gears. For the spur gear, you have to decide what pitch to run. More on that in the next section.
Spur gear pitch: there are two pitches. Mod .3 and Mod .5. Mod .3 is the same as stock, but .5 has less teeth and they are larger. Pay attention to buying motors because they come with one or the other. Neither is better, just a preference.
Brushed Motor: This is a can of worms. For brushed motors, they are a dime a dozen as long as you exclude 2 companies (injora and Mofo RC). The stock size is 030. The correct size is 050. If you are looking outside of the aforementioned companies, you probably will not tell a difference between motors. Injora makes some very hard to kill motors, though they do not have the quality nor power of mofo (they ARE cheaper if cost matters). The two injora motors are the red and purple, and people who have an opinion between the two will die on that hill. If power and quality is what you are after though, buy Mofo motors. They use a proprietary magnet set as well as winding. There is nothing like them. They are plug and play on stock electronics, but in most instances you need to swap the motor mount plate because the holes on the motors are inversed from stock. Where ever you buy motors you can find a plate.
Brushed ESC (electronic speed controllers): This listens to the reciever for input (in stock form the reciever is part of the ESC) and doles out tasks to the servos and motors. V1 is black with an axial logo. It can act as a reciever when you go brushless if you dont want to spend the extra 50 dollars for a proper reciever and controller. V2 (blue) and V3 (spectrum) cannot do this. It is widely accepted as versions progressed, quality decreased. A great replacement option is the Injora MB100. You will have to provide a new receiver and transmitter, but its worth it.
Brushless ESC: If you go to a brushless motor, you will need a new speed controller. The new ESC will also require a new reciever and transmitter. It is almost the cost of a new stock rig to go brushless, so if you arent willing to make that jump do not consider it. Quality brushed setups are amazingly underrated anyway. Furitek is the big name, and they are fine. Better out there is Dinky, Mofo and others.
Brushless Motor: Once again, brushless motor conversions are about the cost of a new stock rig because of the additional ESC, motor mount, reciever, and transmitter required. If you arent ready for that cost, please see the above 3 sections as there are some highly underrated brushed setups. The best motors out there are provided by Furitek, LGRP, and Mofo RC. If you are questioning which one to buy, do yourself a favor and buy a mount from the same brand you select for the motor. I say this because there are differences in mounting screw size, patterns, and pitch between all these brands, as well as intra brand based on motor selection. The two benefits is low throttle modulation (slow crawl) and pure power.
Links: Links connect your axles to your skid plate. "high clearance" links are a cheap on amazon and ali express and good enough. If you see custom built links from a company that you are buying a frame from, those links will cost a firstborn... and they are worth every penny. They are typically hand bent allthread with plastic link ends, and covered by plastic or metal. If you are confused at the type of links I am talking about, go look up RC Steve. If you have a Dremel, I recommend buying M2 all thread, SCX 24 link ends, and cheap calipers online. Building links seems very daunting to anyone who hasnt done it. It is actually easy, just time consuming. Keep in mind you need to match your link length with your drive shafts, but drive shafts are cheap. To keep it simple, the best performing link geometry for the 133.5mm wheelbase is Deadbolt, but two very popular competition link geometries are C10 up front with Deadbolt rear links and Deadbolt front links with Gladiator rear links. This brings the wheelbase to about 145mm. Gladiator geometry is about 155mm.
Drive Shafts: Metal is nice. Plastic stock is better. Use the stock cheap drive shafts as your built in weak point. Everything else in the drive train is much pricer to fix.
Shocks: I apologize ahead of time, because this will be hard for alot of people to hear: longer shocks do not equate to better shocks. With the exception of my rear shocks on my Echo v2, all my socks are stock length because that length is excellent. You only need 2-2.5 tires of flex. More is great for your scale SEMA build, but they will often hinder performance. Oil filled shocks also fix alot of problems that the friction shocks cause, but stock shocks are amazingly good performers. The best shock on the market are the Proline Big Bore Scaler 39mm (and the 50mm in highly specific application) but they cost a kidney.
Axles: There is nothing wrong with your stock axles (as long as you modify them). The steering sucks and the half shafts inside are very weak. There are half shafts on amazon you can buy that look like a drive shaft ujoint where the hubs turn. Buy those, and cut around the axle housing cups at each end to increase turn radius. Yes cutting is scary, and if you dont pay attention you will ruin your housing. If you do it, you will be very happy you did. Stock steering is about 24 degrees, and with this mod you can almost double that. As far as aftermarket, there are 5 SCX 24 specific axles of note: LGRP Super 8, Meus Isokenetic, Mofo x15, Hardpark, and Injora +4. They each have major advantages and drawbacks but all are of similar quality with the exception of Injora. Meus and Mofo are g2g out of the box. Super 8 and Injora need better ujoint style half shafts and shaving, then they are good. You can find the improved half shafts on Exos website as well as Dlux Fab. I have no opinion of hardpark, though a guy in our group was integral in their final design. He likes them.
Overdrive: Stock the front axle drives the same speed as the rear axle. Tons of people make gears to speed up the front axle or slow down the rear, and they all seem to be similar in quality. there is a 15%, 24%, and 33% overdrive option, as well as a underdrive for the rear. Most people run 24%. It is a great goldilocks option. I run 33% in my high end class 3 that only sees crawling in comps.
Knuckles: Most of these knuckles are all the same, with exception of a few. Namely Hardpark LowBlows, Samix, and the three piece axial units. If you arent getting one of these three, just get the cheapest option that you like the looks of. There are a few brands out there that are "off brand" and heavier than most but quality is spotty. With the nicer brands I mentioned they all have options and option parts to increase and decrease weight.
Wheels: All personal preference when it comes to looks. The main performance difference is size and offset. Standard is 1.0, those bicycle tire looking ones are 1.8s and the in between that work for classes 2 and 3 in RCMCCA rules are 1.3. Most are an absolute pain in the ass to assemble, and the cheaper they are, the higher likelyhood of having 83 screws per wheel to install. Notably easy to assemble units are from LGRP and Prophet designs.
Tires: The best two tire brands out there are Jconcepts and RC4WD (not to be mistaken for RCAWD)... fight me. Both have superior compounds and great tread designs. Little Guy Racing Parts makes a good and affordable tire, but the hype is in the marketing. Injora makes good tire and many are great knock offs of other brands. With every brand, do your research on compound scales before buying. Keep in mind that the general consensus is moving to a +65mm tire, but often that larger tire lessens your ability to crawl for two reasons. It is from a company that doesnt have the best rubber compound and for every mm you increase tire size, you increase center of gravity by half that. The largest tire I run is only a 63 and the smallest tire is a 52.
Servo Tray: There are dozens of options out there, but excluding specialty parts like a battery on axle servo tray, there are 3 of note. Aluminum trays, brass trays, and adjustable trays. Brass servo mounts are good but I dont like how high the weight is. The best brands for a servo tray are NSDRC and Mofo. NSDRC trays are non adjustable but Mofo trays are. Injora also makes a clone of the mofo tray as does ramp crab. Both of these are on amazon.
Servos: the stock servo will fail (just like the stock motor) quickly. Aftermarket Servos can be broken up into 4 categories (plastic cheap, metal budget, metal quality, and NSDRC). Cross reference the voltage that your esc can run the servo at to ensure compatibility. If you are running a higher voltage than that servo is rated far, you will destroy it. Emax is the go to plastic brand. Set your endpoints on the servo arm throw and you will not burn them up quickly. Metal budget servos are a much better option than emax. Think RampCrab and Injora. They are a significant step up in power without breaking bank. Metal quality is represented by brands like Reefs, AGFRC and Mofo. They are virtually bulletproof and another significant power increase. NSDRC is in a class of its own because it is the most powerful and sturdy servo on the market.
Screws: The most complete set of replacement screws and small parts is offered by ramp crab in a neat little printed clamshell, but they are on the softer side. Use them only if you are using a quality hardened driver like, or do not overtighten them because they will strip. Injora makes good screws. The best are proline, but you will pay out your nose at a hobby shop for them.
Inserts: foams are fine and so are silicone, but the best are printed inserts. FlubRC makes one for any size you can imagine. Other companies make printed inserts like Prophet Designs. Printed TPU inserts such as these brands provide nice compression vertically and are extremely rigid lateral stability. This is what you want.
Steering links: All of these do the same stuff with exception of rollerbearing links. 3flow9rc was the pioneer here and still makes the best rollerbearing steering link on the market.
Rear link riser: adjustable risers allow you to customize the the antisquat properties of your rig while climbing. multiple companies make them on amazon as do the boutique parts producers. My favorite for cost vs value is ramp crab on amazon.
Tools: cheap amazon or ali express tools look cool but they are soft. Even most of the nicer brands in hobby stores that cost way more are soft. MIP tools cost about 15 dollars per driver but are built to an extreme exacting tolerance and are hardened to a point that they will not wear down. This ensures a tight fit when using them, so when you strip a screw you have no one to blame but yourself. Buy MIP or guarantee yourself you will ruin an occasional part due to stripped screw heads.
In conclusion, this is a hobby that will require your own research and ongoing money to some degree. If customization and tinkering is driving you crazy, research more. Do not be afraid to modify store bought parts, and dont be afraid to make your own as your skill improves. I hope this helps... K, thnx, bye, love you all!
submitted by j0520d to SCX24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:01 jontomas Creality V3 Core XZ - setup issues / Unknown exception 2022

I've have a brand new/unboxed v3 - when doing the initial setup/trying to print everything heats up okay, but when it starts to try and move the head, the printer clicks (I'm assuming belt slipping?) and immediately displays "Key 2022 Unknown Exception".
I can't see anything obstructing the head unit from moving
Google results for this exception I think seem mostly applicable to the older v3 series - but have run through the suggestions (checking connections etc) with out much luck.
Pretty keen to get this going asap - I''ve gone back to creality support - 1st level tech couldn't resolve so have bumped it to the technical team who haven't reach out yet - hoping someone here might be able to spot something obvious in the mean time?
submitted by jontomas to Creality [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:00 munchkinmama3 This might ba a dumb question but am I allowed to print out the learners permit application? Or do I have to get one from the DMV I didn't want to have to make an extra trip there. Thanks!

There's an option to download I just wasn't sure if the DMV uses a special paper or something.
submitted by munchkinmama3 to Pennsylvania [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:51 mr_boizoff Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED Earphones Review

Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED Earphones Review
A job change and all sorts of other adventures made me take some time off from the reviews. But, as the saying is, "Don't count on it!" — there will be a lot of them in the short run, and they will be interesting, well balanced and spot on!
In short, let's talk today about the in-ear wired earphones Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED (or just RED later on), which I purchased for about $55 you know where.
By the way, my old camera broke down, so I bought a new one, that's why the pictures will be even more unbelievably brilliant now. Come on and get a look, all the pictures are clickable, as always.

Truthear in a nutshell

Truthear, a Chinese company, has just turned 2 years old, but they have already released 5 models of earphones and one portable DAC. The company was allegedly founded by one or more Moondrop people. With all the trimmings of modern Chinese fashion, Truthear has a mascot, which is an anime girl named Shiroi, weighing 45 kg, 170 cm tall and... I have no idea why I say all this.
Their partner in the field of 3D printing technology is HeyGears, whose equipment or capacities, I believe, Truthear uses to produce its devices (at least, earphones).

What's included

The proud owner of this top-quality cardboard box will find in it as follows:
1. the earphones themselves;
2. a cable with a 3.5 TRS connector;
3. an adapter with an additional load of 10 Ohms (I'll tell you why we need it later);
4. a set of 7 pairs of eartips;
5. a fair-to-middling cover made of faux leather;
6. a pile of papers with the image of Shiroi.
The box, I will repeat myself, is perfectly made, I've never seen anything like this. I'm totally cool with the set, it's a good one.

Technological features, build quality

RED use a less common structure 'a larger dynamic driver + a second smaller dynamic driver'. The first one is responsible for the subbass and bass up to 200 Hz and has a diameter of 10 mm, and the second one plays the rest of the range and has a diameter of 7.5 mm.
The manufacturer talks about the 'CCAW voice coil', that is, about the fact that the driver coil is made of copper-plated aluminum wire. Usually, when it applies to headphones, this is made to reduce the weight of the driver's mobile system. This technology is not new: for example, it is also used in Moondrop Aria Snow.
Besides, 'DLP', or 'Digital light processing', 3D printing technology is mentioned. This is a three-dimensional printing process, characterized by high accuracy and the ability to correctly reproduce extremely small details.
And the last but not the least, the earphones are optimized for use at high volume (over 94 dB) and configured in accordance with the 'IEF Neutral 2023' curve by Corin Ako (better known as Crinacle), but with some adjustments in the bass and subbass sections, giving the sound of RED more weight and physicality.
So, RED are earphones printed on an industrial 3D printer, based on a 2-driver scheme. And Crinacle, a well-known reviewer and owner of the largest IEM measurement database, is responsible for tuning RED.
The earphones have a simple but distinctive design. The enclosures are completely glossy and slightly transparent on the inside. On the outside, there are mildly glaring red inserts under a coat of varnish.
You can discern bass speakers inside at a definite angle.
The grids of the sound ducts are neat, inserted smoothly.
There is one compensation hole per each earphone, located in close proximity to a 2-pin connector. L and R are marked in bright golden letters. Small edgings for fixing the eartips were made, too.
Overall, they are quite good and even stylish. The only issue is microscratching that affects the enclosure right off the bat. But it's not really perceptible to the eye.
On top of that, the earphones act as a magnet to fingerprints.
The cable is just decent. It doesn't get too tangled, and the earholders are made at the right angle. The metal splitter is solid black, with the company logo printed on it.
The very same cable comes with Truthear HEXA and Zero earphones.
The case is made decently, too, but it does not have any internal compartments or partitions. I already wrote about how an adequate case should be designed 5 years ago – no one has released anything alike yet.


The geometry of the RED enclosures turned out to be perfectly compatible with my ears. They don’t have any strange concavities, bulges, or sharp edges, the sound ducts are positioned at a natural angle, the dimensions of the enclosures are... ordinary, only a little thick. Just put them in and listen to music. And they don't have much weight at all.
I'll assume that the sound ducts may turn out to be uncomfortably large for owners of small ears, because, let's be honest, these are not sound ducts, they are simply muzzles. Probably, when you get a first taste of these earphones, you will want to change your favorite eartips for the same, but smaller ones.
The flipside is the noise insulation — RED's one is above average because the earphones fit in tightly.
As for the 10-Ohm adapter, it is not convenient to use it on the go: a few centimeters long, thin rigid structure will stick out of the player audio output, which can easily damage the connector if stressed accidentally.

Quick specifications overview

  • Design: in-ear closed-back.
  • Drivers: 2 dynamic drivers.
  • Impedance: 18 Ohms.
  • Sensitivity: 117 dB.
  • Connectors: classic 2-pin, 0.78 mm.
  • Weight: 6 g (each earphone).

Subjective sound impression

RED sound great: balanced and new at the same time. Imagine that a 'top-up' of a very weighty and fast subbass was added to neutral sound delivery, which never overlaps the bass for a moment, not a iota, let alone the mid-frequency range. What's more, a lot of well-articulated high frequencies were poured in (we're talking about the 3-10 kHz range), but not those that get sandy, filled with sibilants that grate on the ear. They are just heard very well. This is, you know, sort of 'a joy of a HF-phobe who still wants a lot of HF'. With this in mind, the middle range is perceived to the utmost, there are no dips and curbs there, and it is just excellent.
The result is a 'smooth', but vibrant and simultaneously informative sound delivery with a stable low-frequency basis, perceived as 'dynamic' and 'detailed'. It is ten kinds of cool, simply brilliant tuning that retains its uniqueness and accuracy far beyond the price category of these earphones.
Against the background of the high frequencies delivered in this fashion, RED have a clear and wide virtual sound stage with a clear localization of instruments. It could be better, but in a very, very different price bracket.
Why the RED sound might not work for someone:
  • The sound is not 'thick'. And that's exactly how a normal bass, separated from the subbass, not affecting the midrange, sounds like.
  • "I hear something that's out of place". When mixing, the authors decided to make the recording 'brighter' or simply did not handle the sound very carefully, having thought that no one would hear the nuances. If this was the case, RED will let you hear weird synthetic glide sounds, abrupt high-frequency sounds etc. To cut it short, you will hear a lot of blatant defects in the music poorly recorded and mixed, as well as a lot of new and amazing things in the well-recorded and -mixed one.
  • There's not enough subbass. And here comes the 10-Ohm adapter included. Upon its connection, the bass and subbass are raised by 3 dB (see the next section). Even if everything is fine with your subbass perception, when using RED in an urban environment, the low-frequency range being masked with external sound sources may require the usage of this adapter.
  • The ultra-high frequency range (from 10 kHz and above) could be more delicate. Actually not, it couldn't because the earphones cost $55 and not $550.
  • To sum up, in terms of frequency balance, the RED sound is truly unique and one of a kind. For me, RED have become the first in-ear headphones in a month of Sundays that made me freeze on the spot when listening to music that I've been familiar with for a lifetime.


The earphones were connected to the RME ADI-2 DAC (IEM output). A measuring rig conforms to the IEC60318-4 standard. The provided eartips were used for measurements. The smoothing is indicated on the graphs. For the info about rigs, graphs and headphones measurements, refer to my article.
Frequency response:
Keep your eye out for the dashed green line – this is the target curve conventionally named Crinacle Neutral Target 2023. This target curve was proposed by Ako in April 2023 as an alternative to the Harman curve, which is appreciated by far from everyone. The diffuse field curve measured at the Type 5128 rig manufactured by Brüel & Kjær was used as a basis, which was then transferred to the IEC711 rig and 'tilted' clockwise. Why it was done and why this way – I will try to answer these questions in detail in another article on the theoretical part of measurements, but I won't go deep at the moment.
What matters is that this is not just a tuning. This is a very specific tuning that has been contemplated on for quite a while.
To put this in perspective and see something more common, here is the frequency response of RED and the most current Harman curve:
And the situation here is very interesting:
  • up to 200 Hz, the RED frequency response corresponds to the Harman curve in shape;
  • 200 Hz are 'sunk', and this is what gives a feeling of elastic, full-fledged subbass;
  • at low frequencies and in the middle, there is a smooth addition of up to 2 dB at maximum;
  • the midrange rise is shifted from 2.7 kHz slightly to the right;
  • peaks after 13 kHz are most likely aberrations of the rig, I personally do not hear them.
Does such sound tuning have a right to life? My ears tell me that yes, more than that.
As a reminder, there is a 10-Ohm attenuator included.
When it is connected, the left part of the frequency response graph rises predictably, and the sound becomes more 'common':
The left/right volume balance is not ideal, but acceptable:
Nonlinear distortions (these are measurements that should not be 100% trusted because my equipment is far from perfect):

Sound source choice

For my listening tests, I've connected the earphones to the following devices.
  • PC + RME ADI-2 DAC fs (IEM output) – unbalanced connection
  • PC + RME ADI-2 DAC fs ('High Power' mode) – unbalanced connection
  • Hiby R6 gen 3 ( Gain – High, Amplifier Operation – Class AB/A)
The sources were switched by a mechanical input switch.
With Hiby R6, the earphones' sound is a little more bassy and solid. I didn't hear any other difference in the sound of RED when using various sources.

Eartip choice

I didn't like the eartips provided.
Three left pairs have a clearly smaller diameter compared to one of the sound duct and are just difficult to pull on. The right pairs fit the sound ducts easier, but just like the left ones, they're not really soundproof.
As for foam eartips, I just don't like them.
In short, I tested RED with TRI Clarion, and the same I recommend to you. The fit is comfortable, deep and tight enough.


PLEASE NOTE: everything I say below is only applicable to the earphones from the point of view of comparison to other models, nothing more!

RED vs. Truthear HEXA

The Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED and Truthear HEXA frequency response graphs compared:
Subjective difference in sounding
  • RED are much bassier as compared to HEXA.
  • HEXA have a more pronounced middle range and less accentuated upper frequencies.
  • However, the upper frequency range of HEXA is less even, so the peak of nearly 7.5 kHz is perceived more clearly with HEXA.
Compared to each other, RED's sound can be called 'V-shaped', with their sound delivery more versatile, whereas HEXA are more 'reserved' and 'neutral'.

RED vs. Moondrop May

I'd like to note that comparing RED earphones and, in fact, DAP+earphones, which is what May is, is incorrect. Therefore, below we will talk only about the sound. May were connected via their standard DSP cable, and the equalizer was set to 'Standard'.
The Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED and Moondrop May frequency response graphs compared:
Subjective difference in sounding
  • May highlight the range of about 6 kHz in a stronger manner, their sound is more sonorous and sharp.
  • The voices in May's interpretation sound noticeably closer.
  • May give the sound a little more 'physicality' and 'dirt'.
Compared to each other, RED's sound can be called more 'neutral' and even 'intelligent', whereas I would characterize May's sound delivery as 'rougher', less 'balanced', more 'subjective'.


The Chinese economic ramp-up, the development of manufacturing technologies for drivers and enclosures, as well as the development of knowledge about sound in in-ear headphones let us buy a product for $55 in 2024, for which sound they would have charged us good $550 without batting an eyelid and turning a hair 10 years ago, although it seems questionable to me that someone would have been up to such tuning at that time.
And I'm quite agreeable to give credit to Crinacle: while I honestly wrote in the KZ Zex Pro review that the earphones were frankly poorly tuned (whether through Crinacle's fault or not, I have no idea), RED is a completely different story. This is just an example of how to proceed from competence in the field of headphone measurements to successful headphone production.
I am not inclined to believe, of course, that this was a sole effort of Crinacle — everyone sang in harmony, both him and Truthear as the immediate manufacturer.
In general, everything is both clear and complicated about RED at the same time: these are earphones with a universal fit and eminently calibrated tuning, combining neutrality, detail, weight, dynamics and lack of listening fatigue in equal measure. Top it off, there is a 10-Ohm attenuator included for those who 'starve for the lower section'.
To buy or not to buy: to buy, at least just for the fun of learning what kind of tuning is this!
submitted by mr_boizoff to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:49 Visible_Rock_6983 How will Schengen applications work for the future with UK visas going digital, i.e., eVisas?

Hi all,
Can I just ask if anyone knows how the UK going digital for visas is going to impact the Schengen visa process? In our application forms where it asks the date of expiry of our BRP, do we just write the actual date our permission to stay expires and attach a print out from the website?
Thanks in advance! Am planning to apply later this year so would appreciate any help/advice!
submitted by Visible_Rock_6983 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:38 thedryv3r TLS Contact Manchester Swiss Visa Date Format on Downloaded Form

I have applied for a Swiss Visa through TLS Contact (Manchester). After completing the form, I downloaded it to double check and take a print out. The print out needs to be taken to the application centre on the day of the appointment. However, I noticed that the format of the Date of Birth was Year-Month-Day (2023-12-01) in the downloaded form but the title of the field in the form mentions it as "Date of birth (day-month-year) / Geburtsdatum (Tag-Monat-Jahr)". I remember that the format was Day-Month-Year (01-12-2023) when I typed it in the TLS Contact website. It seems to change when I download the form.
Has anyone else faced the same issue? Is this going to be a potential issue as I can see a lot of reviews online saying that TLS Contact rejects applications for very small reasons even before sending it to the embassy? Do I need to manually edit the downloaded form and then take it to the application centre?
Also, One of the required documents is a share code from the home office to prove my status in the UK? Is it the right to work share code or the right to rent, or something else?
submitted by thedryv3r to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:21 sadsunnyday Harvard Next Cycle Guidance

First year CC student. Graduated high school with a low GPA (2.0?) four years ago.
Was severely depressed, so had to finish high school through an adult school to earn enough credit to graduate. Going back to school/college for the first time since the pandemic.
I want to register for summer classes at my community college to get a head start, but the counselor (who was highly praised by students) doesn’t seem to care. Just feeling very overwhelmed right now, and would like some help.
I know aiming for Harvard with my current stats is very ambitious, but I simply don’t want to live with any more regrets or what-ifs. Just the sheer act of going through the admission process will give me motivation for general schooling, and force me to learn fundamental skills I missed out on in high school.
Would really appreciate some guidance on how to navigate the transfer process and apply for the next admission term (March 1st, 2025):
  1. I plan to start filling out my Common App essays as soon as the next cycle opens on July 31st, 2024. Is this a good idea?
  2. SAT/ACT scores are required, but I’m sure mine were not the best. I don’t have time to retake them since I want to transfer within a year. I also have AP exam scores (highest would be a 3 or 4 tbh). How many, and which score should I send in?
  3. College/Dean’s/Registrar’s report. This was labeled under “Printable Transfer Application Forms” (along with Havard Transfer Supplement and Midterm Report), and was explicitly stated that you cannot fill these out electronically. Would I have to go talk directly to the Dean, and ask them to fill then mail this out?
  4. Havard Transfer Supplement. Not to be filled out electronically. Does this mean it has to be handwritten. Or can I type on it then print to mail?
  5. Official High School Transcript. Which one do I submit: high school vs adult school transcript? Do I submit both?
  6. Course Credits. I know Harvard does not accept students with more than 60 credits. How many should I take to be considered a junior applicant? I want to apply as a junior since I want less emphasis on my high school GPA. I don’t really care about which CC credit can be transferred over, but would Harvard care if only 15 credits or less can be transferred?
  7. I plan on taking online classes for my summer semester. Would this affect anything? Those classes are still considered college courses right?
  8. “Test scores can be particularly helpful for non-traditional students. We encourage non-traditional students to submit an exam taken within three years of applying for transfer to reflect current academic ability.” What is considered a non-traditional student? I’ve seen “4-year traditional student” on this subreddit a lot. I assume that means a transfer student from a four year university. Would I be considered non-traditional?
  9. Is there anything else I need to know?
I’m feeling very anxious because I feel like I’m running out of time. Thank you to those who took the time to read this, and answer my questions.
submitted by sadsunnyday to TransferToTop25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:58 delirious2024 Did I get a decent deal on the new car I just bought?

Hello Reddit,
I just wanted to know if I got a decent deal or not on the new car I just bought since I really don't know and the car sales people do a good job of confusing me.
I bought a brand new 2024 Mazda CX30 Select Sport. The MSRP was $26,500 plus $1,375 destination and $195 for all weather floor mats and $595 for Machine Gray Metallic paint charge bringing total MSRP to $28,660 on the window sticker.
They had an online deal listing this car at $24,589 with dealer discounts. I just had to make a print out from the website and show it to the finance manager which I did. They had a bunch of select sports with this same internet price.
When I got there I asked for an extra $500 off because their doc fee was $999 which I thought was crazy. Eventually they gave it to me but they kept wanting to talk about my monthly car payment budget.
I know you are only supposed to ask about the out the door price which I was doing but they kept confusing me and circling back to the monthly payment.
I told them I wanted to put $5,000 down and wanted a 72 month term. They said do I have financing? I said yes but didn't want to tell them who. They kept saying we need to know. I kept saying no. But they kept badgering. I eventually gave in and told them Capital One.
They said what's the rate. I said what rate you can get me first. They said we need to know. I told them 8.9% but I felt I should get something more like 7%. If they could do that I would go with Mazda financing.
They ran my credit application. They said Mazda could only do 10.36%. I was like nope. I got pre-approved at 8.9% with Cap One but I think 7% is possible. They said no way.
My credit score is 640 and I have a bankruptcy from 6 years ago. I have taken out no credit in that 6 years. They mentioned this to me. I said I still think I can get 7% (I had no idea but I was trying not to be a sucker)
Eventually they came back with 8.8% beating Cap One by 0.1% which didn't surprise me.
They kept wanting to talk about the monthly payment and I kept getting confused. They started me at 490 per month for 72 months with my 5k down. I said no way.
By the end of the negotiating I got it down to 400 even. So 90 dollars per month less. Is that okay?
My final rate it says on my contract is actually 8.45 percent.
Charges breakdown are as follows:
Cash price of motor vehicle $24,079.83. (MSRP on the sticker was $28,660 which I mentioned before)
Sales tax in Arizona: $1915.63.
Total Cash Price: $25,995.46.
Down Payment: $5,000
Other rebates: $1,000
Total Down Payment: $6,000
Unpaid Balance of Cash Price: $19,995.46
License and Registration: $507.48
Doc Fee: $999
WEST COAST ASSURANCE for Maintenance Plan: $1,000
Total Other Charges and Amounts Paid to Others on Your Behalf : $2,511.38
Total amount financed $22,506.84
I don't understand the last 2 charges. I told them I wanted no extras on my contract. No Gap. No extended warranties. No maintenance plans. Nothing. Only Tax, title, registration and doc fee. What is the "West Coast Assurance plan" and the "total other charges..."
The finance manager tried initially for $490. I said $400 from the get go. Then he tried for $450. Then at $429 with 3 years of free oil changes but I stuck to $400 and he said how about we meet in the middle at $415. I still said no and he eventually agreed to the $400.
I did not see other charges or west coast assurance when i was signing my documents. Did I get scammed?
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to give as much detail as possible. Thank you.
P.S. I bought the car on Saturday, May 11. I noticed on their website that all the Select Sports are now between $1,500 and $2,500 above the $24,079.63 that I got on their internet deal but I have those additional things added on so I don't know if I got scammed.
TLDR: Please look at the charges and let me know if I got a decent deal or I got took by the car lot. Thank you so much.
submitted by delirious2024 to carbuying [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:43 golddragons Another I-751 post... how much time is enough time?

I guess I am posting out of frustration. I don't know what else to call it. Are I-751s so low on the priority list that they wither away under a pile of dust?
We started the GC process in 2019 and just realized its been half a decade since it was started. We submitted the 751 to the Texas Service Center with supporting documents in November 2021 and got a receipt dated early December 2021. The only activity that has posted since then is that the finger prints that were originally taken were applied to the case. Oh, and the 2 then 4 year extension document. Its been 890 days of pure silence.
I am seeing new petitions getting approved faster than others. Some blame COVID, some blame short staffing, some just say "it is what it is". A few RFEs are being sent out because of the the age of the supporting documents which wouldn't be an issue if proper order were followed with the application processing.
I guess what my rant is trying to get to is, aside from paying more money to an attorney to get answers, is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Or, should we just take it and brace ourselves for another 2 years of waiting just to get a extension stamp?
submitted by golddragons to i751 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:35 Appropriate-Divide64 Son's UK passport printed with wrong DOB - is there a good way to fix this?

So they got my son's DOB wrong on my passport. The application was fully online with digital photos. Birth certificate was sent off and a covering letter confirming all the details.
Somehow they still printed it with the wrong year.
The "fix" they've given me is to fill out a paper application and send that off with the incorrect passport, a cover letter and two new photos. I don't have photos, I did it all digitally and took photos on my phone.
Is this really the best fix? They made the error and printed a passport with incorrect details. Does anyone know if escalating a complaint can get a better fix where I just send the passport back? It seems mad to have to go to a snappy snaps just to fix their error. I did it online to avoid all this hassle.
submitted by Appropriate-Divide64 to Passports [link] [comments]