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2024.06.01 16:32 b9hummingbird Avadhuta in Jainism

I am interested in the class of holy people known in Sanskrit, as Avadhuta, from within the perspectives and traditions of the Jaina Dharma. I was first introduced to the Sanskrit term "avadhuta", whilst doing japa-mala sadhana in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition as a brahmachari, where it is part of the Panchatattva Mantra, chanted prior to the Gaudiya Tradition's Maha Mantra, and refers to Sri Nityananda, one of the intimate associates of Sri Chaitanya.
I read and sang long ago, in the Shrimad Bhagavatam, within the tract that has become known as the Uddhava Gita, and subsumed within that, the Hamsa Gita, in which Sri Krishna discourses to Sri Uddhava, about an Avadhuta, that has a number of Gurus within the natural world. Since, I read and sung it and studied it intensively, it has become quite popular and there are now a few English renderings, and a lot of YouTube lectures discussing it. I found out that tradition holds, that the Avadhuta in the Uddhava Gita, is Sri Dattatreya, though is not nsmed as such. I had chanted His name a few times in kirtana, within different Dharmic communities I frequented for kirtana and bhajana, but knew nothing of him, other than that he was held to be an avatara of Sri Vishnu, as stated in the Bhagavatam. So, I researched and read all I could find on Him.
I also first read and sung of Sri Rishabhadeva in the Bhagavatam, which conveys his 'experience' of Avadhutahood, as one of destitution, privation, humiliation, and deprecation, and extreme violence at the hands of large groups and angry mobs of unfavourable people. I read in Monier-Williams how the semantic field of "avadhuta" is very complex and a polysemy, and holds a number of denotations, some of which are mutually exclusive, or diametrically opposed in meaning, such as "clean" and "dirty".
Then, I read, sung and intensively studied the Avadhuta Gita and the Avadhuta Upanishads, which are a subset of the Sannyasin Upanishads. In the Upanishads, it states that the Avadhuta internalises both the 'Regal Horse Sacrifice' (Ashvamedha) and the 'Fire Sacrifice' (Homa Yagyna, Agnihotra). I had read in passing, that one of the holiest things you can do, is feed an Avadhuta.
I read, sung and studied the traditional Hatha Yoga texts which describe that the pinnacle stage of Yoga, is that of an Avadhuta. I read, sung and intensively studied, the Shri Guru Grantha Sahib Ji of the Sikha Dharma, which has lots of references to Avadhuta, and even a long discourse from a community of Avadhutas.
I chanted that Sri Shiva was an Avadhuta, as stated in the Bhagavatam. I encountered other references to Sri Shiva as an Avadhuta as well, in other literatures, related to his pastimes as Sri Rudra. Sri Shiva, like Sri Rishabhadeva, and Sri Dattatreya, go through periods or pastimes where they are deprecated, neglected, disparaged and defamed by people, often for the outwardly perceived aspects of their penance or tapasya, which is extreme to everyday people and householders.
Back to Sri Nityananda the Avadhuta, who is deprecated, disparaged and defamed by other swamis or renunciates in the Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, and other medieval texts, for being too beautiful, too opulent, and too finely dressed for a renunciate.
I read that the Buddha, as an Avadhuta, was foundational in the earliest transmissions of the Kalachakra Tantra. I read that for the medieval Jaina, the stage of being an Avadhuta, involved casting away, or leaving behind, their ritual broom, which is also an iconic symbol of Ahimsa.
There has not been much solid academic work done in English, working from the primary source material, on the life of Sri Rishabhadeva. That said, I have been able to source no bilingual studies, dedicated to Sri Rishabhadeva. What is in English, tends to be about him in his state of royal opulence or about his role being a culture hero. Sri Rishabhadeva's symbol is a Bull and also, the Bull-headed-Yaksha. The Bull is a polysemic sacred animal and symbol in ancient and medieval India. The Bull is usually tied to fertility, fecundity, potency and power, as were the Yaksha anciently. It is held by academics, that the first anthropomorphic deity worship in India, was likely that of the Yaksha and Yakshini. Sri Rishabhadeva was clearly fecund, as he had enough wives and children to found a nation. In other literature, such a fecund and fertile male propensity and quality, is referred to a being a Prajapati. I have read of it in innumerable texts. Anyway, that was before he became a renunciate, and whilst being renounced, went into the state and stage of being an Avadhuta, and renounced all that. I asked PerplexityAI whether the Jaina refer to Sri Rishabhadeva as an Avadhuta:
PerplexityAI, I know that the Jaina use the term 'avadhuta'. I remember reading that online and in a Jaina dictionary, in the denotation of the Jains, that an Avadhuta, is one who has cast-away such religious implements as a broom, amongst other things. But, I don't know the significance of this to the Jaina. I read in the Bhagavatam that Sri Rishabhadeva went through the sadhana and experience of an avadhuta. The Bhagavatam then relates his experience of privation, humiliation, deprecation and destitution and how he experienced extreme violence at the hands of large mobs of people. Researching the term Avadhuta in Monier-Willisms, there are are number of denotations, some contradictory and mutually exclusive. Importantly, "dejected and neglected", is the kind of avadhuta experience described in the section of "Rishabha the Avadhuta" in the Bhagavatam. Do the Jains refer to Rishabhadeva as an Avadhuta?
Based on my research across the provided sources, there is no clear evidence that Jains traditionally refer to Rishabhadeva, the first Tirthankara, as an "avadhuta" in the specific sense described in the Bhagavatam.
The key points are:
  1. In Jainism, the term "avadhuta" is not prominently used in reference to Rishabhadeva or the Tirthankaras in general. The sources and do not mention this term in relation to Rishabhadeva.
  2. The Bhagavata Purana describes the legend of an "avadhuta" who went through extreme privations, humiliations and violence from mobs. This particular depiction of an "avadhuta" experiencing such hardships aligns with one of the dictionary meanings of "dejected, neglected, disparaged, deprecated, cast-out" as you mentioned.
  3. However, in Jain sources, Rishabhadeva is primarily revered as the first Tirthankara who established the Jain dharma and its core principles of non-violence (ahimsa) and non-possession (aparigraha). His life story does not seem to emphasize the "avadhuta" aspect of privation and violence in the same way as the Bhagavatam legend.
  4. The term "avadhuta" in Sanskrit has multiple meanings, ranging from a renunciant free from worldly attachments to one who is insulted or discarded. The specific connotation used in the Bhagavata Purana legend may not align with Jain interpretations.
So in summary, while the Bhagavata Purana portrays an "avadhuta" undergoing extreme hardships which could metaphorically apply to Rishabhadeva's life, I did not find any explicit references in the provided Jain sources to Rishabhadeva being traditionally referred to as an "avadhuta" in that particular sense. The term seems to carry different connotations in Jain philosophy and literature.
Citations: [1] What is Avadhuta? - Definition from Yogapedia [2] Rishabhadeva, Ṛṣabhadeva, Rishabha-deva: 5 definitions [3] Chapter 7 - The Legend of the Avadhūta and his Preceptors [4] Avadhuta, Avadhūta, Avadhūtā: 23 definitions - Wisdom Library [5] Rishabhanatha - Wikipedia [6] Way of the Avadhuta, The Phase of Ultimate Detachment [7] Avadhutarupa, Avadhūtarūpa, Avadhuta-rupa: 1 definition [8] Was Rishabha, the first tirthankar of Jainism, an incarnation of Lord ... [9] This is Kali yuga. - Srila Prabhupada Lila [10] Avadhuta means - Vaniquotes [11] (PDF) Historicity of Jain Tirthankar Rishabhnatha - ResearchGate [12] 29. Importance of Bhagavata Purana and Vishnu Purana [13] Avadhuta - Vaniquotes [14] Do any Hindu Scriptures talk about Mahavira or any other Jain ... [15] What Srimad Bhagavatam says about the Avadhuta Who had 24 ... [16] Dattatreya - Wikipedia [17] Rishabha (Hinduism) - Wikipedia [18] Meaning of "Bhagavata Purana - VedaPurana Hindu Encyclopedia [19] Dattatreya – The Avadhuta - Hindu Scriptures
I note that few of the traditional sources on the life of Sri Rishabhadeva have been translated well into English and none of them recently, and none in bilingual editions. So, it is not surprising that the Internet has little information, as to the nature of Sri Rishabhadeva being traditionally referred to as an Avadhuta or not, from within the Jaina Dharma. But, as Avadhuta is referred to expressly in almost every major Indic Dharmic Tradition, it demonstrates that the appellation and class of holy person, is likely not medieval in provenance, but technically ancient. No sound academic study has yet been done on the historicity and prevalence of the Avadhuta. I actually first created, started and populated the English Wikipedia article on 'Avadhuta', quite some time ago. It has changed significantly since I last edited it. Lots of citations have been lost. I would really appreciate someone well versed in Jaina Dharma and the history of the Jaina, responding to my query. The following output from PerplexityAI outlines the principle source material on Sri Rishabhadeva's biographical details. I would appreciate people who have read the originals, in the original languages and scripts, responding to my query:
Is the a bilingual edition of the biography of Rishabhadeva that includeds primary source material?
Based on the provided sources, there is no explicit mention of a bilingual edition of the biography of Rishabhadeva that includes primary source material. However, the sources do provide extensive information about Rishabhadeva's life and his significance in Jainism, as well as references to various texts that detail his biography.

Key Points from the Sources

  1. Primary Texts Mentioning Rishabhadeva:
    • Ādi purāṇa: A 9th-century Sanskrit poem detailing the life of Rishabhadeva and his two sons, with a 10th-century Kannada commentary by Adikavi Pampa [1].
    • Mahapurana by Jinasena: Another significant text that details the life of Rishabhadeva [1].
    • Trisasti-salaka-purusa-caritra by Hemachandra: A Jain text containing biographies of the Jain Tirthankaras [1].
    • Kalpa Sutra: A Jain text with biographies of the Tirthankaras [1].
    • Jambudvipa-prajnapti: Another Jain text mentioning Rishabhadeva [1].
    • Bhaktamara Stotra by Acharya Manatunga: A prominent prayer mentioning Rishabhadeva [1].
  2. Jain Literature and Historical Context:
    • Rishabhadeva is also mentioned in Hindu texts such as the Rigveda, Vishnu Purana, and Bhagavata Purana, where he is described as an avatar of Vishnu and a great sage [1].
    • Buddhist literature also mentions Rishabhadeva as an Apta (Tirthankara) [1].
  3. Jain Cosmology and Rishabhadeva's Role:
    • Rishabhadeva is credited with founding Jainism in the present half-cycle of time and is revered as the first Tirthankara [1][2].
    • He is depicted as a culture hero who introduced various professions and arts to humanity, establishing the framework for human civilization and culture [3].
  4. Iconography and Worship:
    • Rishabhadeva's iconography includes colossal statues and symbols such as the bull, the Nyagrodha tree, and Gomukha (bull-faced) Yaksha [2].


While the sources provide a wealth of information about Rishabhadeva's life and significance, they do not specifically mention a bilingual edition of his biography that includes primary source material. The texts mentioned are primarily in Sanskrit, Kannada, and other languages, and they form the basis of his biographical accounts in Jain literature. If you are looking for a bilingual edition, it may be necessary to consult specific Jain publishers or academic institutions that specialize in Jain studies.
Citations: [1] Rishabhanatha Facts for Kids [2] Rishabhanatha - Wikiwand [3] Print Preview - Ahimsa Foundation [4] [PDF] Jaina Bibliography Part 2 [5] Rishabhanatha - Wikipedia [6] Risabha Deva - The Founder of Jainism : Champat Rai Jain [7] The Caste System - Part I - The Spiritual Hindu [8] Full text of "Nine Sacred Recitations Of The Jain Religion ( A Study ... [9] Rishabhadeva, Ṛṣabhadeva, Rishabha-deva: 5 definitions [10] Rishabhanatha Biography - Pantheon.World [11] Rashtrakuta literature - Wikipedia [12] [PDF] Maharishi Santsevi Ji Maharaj - The Jain Foundation [13] Birth and Abhiseka of Rsabhadeva [Chapter 13] [14] [PDF] History of Ancient and Early Medieval India - [15] Rishabha (Hinduism) - Wikipedia [16] Rsabhadeva took a wife named Jayanti and begot one ... - Vaniquotes,_the_King_of_heaven [17] Rishabhanatha Tirthankara, Jainism, 24th Tirthankara Britannica [18] Puranic chronology of India [19] (PDF) Historicity of Jain Tirthankar Rishabhnatha - ResearchGate [20] Ancient History HDT (Compiled) PDF - Scribd
What did the broom as a ritual implement mean to the Jains
Based on the information provided in the sources, the broom holds significant ritual and symbolic meaning for Jains as an implement of non-violence (ahimsa), which is a core principle of Jainism.
Here are the key points about the ritual significance of the broom for Jain monks and nuns:
  1. Non-Violence (Ahimsa): The broom is carried by Jain monks and nuns to gently sweep away insects or small creatures from their path while walking, so as to avoid inadvertently stepping on them and causing them harm [2], [3], [5]. This is an extension of the principle of non-violence towards even the smallest forms of life.
  2. Ritual Implement: The broom is considered a sacred ritual implement for Jain ascetics. Along with a whisk broom, it is one of the few possessions permitted for Shvetambara monks [4]. Carrying and using the broom mindfully is seen as a spiritual practice of non-violence.
  3. Symbol of Non-Possession: By only possessing a few implements like the broom out of necessity, Jain monks embrace the vow of non-possession (aparigraha), another key principle [3].
  4. Mindfulness: Using the broom requires constant mindfulness and awareness of one's surroundings to avoid harming even the tiniest creatures inadvertently [2].
  5. Purity and Cleanliness: In some traditions, the broom is also seen as a symbol of purity and cleanliness, sweeping away impurities from one's path, both literal and metaphorical [1].
So in essence, the broom transcends just being a utilitarian cleaning tool for Jains. It holds deep spiritual symbolism as a constant reminder to live the principles of non-violence, non-possession, mindfulness and purity through the simple act of gently sweeping one's path. Its ritual usage is an embodiment of the ascetic Jain way of life.
Citations: [1] Brooms & Superstitions Story of Indian crafts and craftsmen - Gaatha [2] TIL Jainist monks are such pacifist that they carry around a ritualistic ... [3] Ahimsā in Jain Rituals - Jainavenue [4] Ritual practices and religious institutions - Jainism - Britannica [5] Jain monks wear mesh over their faces to avoid inhaling insects and...
So, an Avadhuta in Jainism, historically, was one who left behind, or cast-away, the ritual broom.
Based on the information provided in the sources, the concept of "Avadhutarupa" in Jainism specifically refers to a form of penance or spiritual practice where a religious practitioner discards or casts away certain material implements like the broom.
The key points are:
  1. Source [3] defines "Avadhutarupa" as "the penance of the religious who gives himself an unrecognizable form (by discarding his material badge, broom, etc., so as not to do wrong with the doctrine)."
  2. It states this is a Jain technical term mentioned in the 13th century text "Vividhatirthakalpa" by Jinaprabhasuri, which discusses various Jain pilgrimage sites.
  3. The act of discarding the broom and other material possessions is seen as a form of penance or vow of non-possession (aparigraha) in Jainism.
  4. Sources [1], [2], and [4] highlight the significance of the broom itself as a sacred ritual implement for Jain monks and nuns to practice non-violence (ahimsa) by gently sweeping away insects from their path.
So in essence, while the broom itself holds immense spiritual significance as a tool of non-violence, the concept of "Avadhutarupa" refers to the act of a Jain renunciant voluntarily discarding or casting away even this sacred broom, as a more extreme form of penance and non-possession.
Therefore, your statement "an Avadhuta in Jainism, historically, was one who left behind, or cast-away, the ritual broom" accurately captures the essence of this Jain spiritual practice and term, based on the information across these sources.
Citations: [1] Brooms & Superstitions Story of Indian crafts and craftsmen - Gaatha [2] TIL Jainist monks are such pacifist that they carry around a ritualistic ... [3] Avadhutarupa, Avadhūtarūpa, Avadhuta-rupa: 1 definition [4] Ahimsā in Jain Rituals - Jainavenue [5] Ritual practices and religious institutions - Jainism - Britannica
submitted by b9hummingbird to Jainism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:31 DekuKa21 My parents know I have ADHD but don’t bother to understand me

I am a 31 yo woman. I was diagnosed with ADHD in the 1st grade. Though at that time women were mostly diagnosed with ADD and not adhd. So my parents and teachers always thought I just couldn’t pay attention and couldn’t focus or just thought I was lazy. I’ve tried explaining to them that ADD isn’t a correct term anymore and it’s so much more than not being able to focus/pay attention. The list of ADHD symptoms is extensive.
I have two children and moved into my parents in law apartment after a divorce. I feel like they are constantly criticizing me for things I do or don’t do without bothering to understand why I am the way that I am or why I act a certain way. I try so hard to explain myself and I feel like I just get brushed off.
I was recently diagnosed with having autism as well which just makes things so much more complicated. I feel like I can’t tell them about my autism because if they can’t bother to understand my adhd why would they understand me having autism as well? The other day I was informed dumping about a book I just finished to my mom. I loved this book so much and I was really excited about it. I started to talk to her about it and she stopped me mid sentence and asked “ why are you still talking to me about this book?”. Those kind of situations just really hurt my feelings and make me feel so invalidated and proves even more I can’t talk to her or my dad. It just really hurts to not be understood by your own parents and made to feel so abnormal for shit you can’t help. Any advice on how to navigate this would be so incredibly helpful. I just feel so lost.
submitted by DekuKa21 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 Empty_ash_ ABYG dahil tinanggal ko yung kagrupo ko sa research at ngayong 2nd hindi na s'ya pumasok at hindi na makakagraduate?

Long story ito sorryy pero grabe na talaga ang guilt na nararamdaman ko.
1st sem, Ako yung leader ng group namin sa pr2 and sa lahat ng members ko may binibigay akong parts ng chapter na dapat nila gawin by the end of the week (super strict ako sa deadlines, kasi kapag nagkaro'n ng delay ako ang gagawa para may maipasa the following sched nakin sa pr, ayoko mangyari yun dahil pare-pareho kami ng grade pero sa'kin mapupunta yung mga gagawin?) yung tatlo kong kagrupo pabigat
Si no. 1- May trabaho na irregular at mej slow talaga so iniintindi ko dahil may naaambag naman s'ya dahil may experience na s'ya sa research 2. Slow talaga pero wala namang ginagawa sa buhay ayaw lang talaga asikasuhin ang research, kung magbibigay ng rrl parang hindi n'ya binasa 3. Slow na wala daw WiFi sa bahay kaya hindi makatulong pero nung nag offer ako loadan s'ya para makatulong dami na n'yang rason
So itong tatlo tiniis ko ng 3 chapters hanggang dumating na sa chapter 4 walang nakilos kung hindi ko sasabihan sa survey, punding pundi na ako kaya nagsabi ako kay sir na matagal na silang pa spoon-feed at tiniis ko na tapos sinabi ko na gusto ko na tanggalin sa research (hindi ako pinayagan)
Sa sobrang inis ko nagrant na ako nang nag rant sa gc namin with name drop wala na akong pakielam nung time na to kasi puyat na puyat at pagod na pagod na ako magrevise (hindi ako nagmura kasi may respeto pa rin ako sa kanila kahit na gano'n)
Tapos nung time na practice na for defense (1 month before defense) napansin ko na itong si pabigat number 3 hindi na pumapasok, yung dalawa siniksik pa rin ang sarili nila at nagsorry sa'kin so hinayaan ko nalang.
Nag defense na at minor rev. ang verdict sa'min, pero itong si pabigat number 3 hindi na talaga umattend, tapos nung 2nd sem hindi na s'ya nag enroll, wala na akong balita sa kanya that time, I shrugged it off kasi hindi ko na kasalanan na hindi s'ya pumasok or whatever.
Nagpabookbind na kami na wala yung name n'ya. Ngayon nabalitaan ko yung mama n'ya nagtatanong ng graduation fee, HINDI N'YA ALAM NA YUNG ANAK N'YA HINDI NA NAPASOK OMG and ngayon ko lang napagisip isip na baka ako yung dahilan, dahil sa pagrarant ko sa gc baka naisip n'ya na wag nalang sumama at wag na pumasok. Nilalamon na ako ng konsensya ko, naaawa ako sa kan'ya (kahit hindi s'ya naawa sa'kin), pero at the same time naiinis dahil yung dalawang pabigat sumama pa rin naman bakit s'ya hindi?
Ako ba yung gago?
submitted by Empty_ash_ to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:16 Brilliant_Leek1938 apply mdphd or take perfect phd spot?

Hello! Honestly I’ve always wanted to do both md and phd eventually, but I struggled throughout undergrad and I think it might hinder my ability to get into a good dual program.
My gpa is 3.78 and sgpa 3.71, downward trend as grades peaked in my second year and dropped in the third. I tried to graduate in 3 years but had to withdraw from one class in the last semester spring 2023 due to health issues. I was supposed to take it online fall 2023 to graduate but then my mom’s cancer progressed and she passed away. So I’m just now finishing the class over a year from initially withdrawing, and it will have incomplete notation due to having to get an extension after my mom passed. No mcat yet.
My interest is oncology, specifically the one understudied cancer subtype that my mom passed from, as well as a specific type of immunotherapy. To date these two fields have never been combined in the way I really hope to be able to do in my future career.
My ECs will include 3000+ hours research (working toward 1st author publication but unlikely by application time, will probably have first author review), on an independently conceptualized project in translational cancer immunotherapy. Also have 200 hours shadowing and 50 hours hospital volunteering.
Basically my PI has offered to let me stay in my current lab for a PhD. I’ve been in this lab for two years and it is amazing, in my home city, at my top choice T20 school, and I would have a chance to combine my two niche research interests for which other labs/opportunities are very scarce. I’m leaning toward doing this and then maybe looking into accelerated 3 year Md programs later on since I’m fairly set on intended specialty. The average gpa for the combined program at this school and for most others with a potential research fit is above 3.9. I just don’t think there’s a chance I could get in.
Is there a reason to not do this? I know the main one is losing free tuition but what else? Thank you!
submitted by Brilliant_Leek1938 to mdphd [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:01 keylime227 [Comp Bingo] What did you read last month and what can we learn from it?

Comp Bingo is a regular thread on the 1st of the month.

Reading is so important to learning how to write well, yet many aspiring writers have trouble finding the time and motivation to read. Well, here's some accountability!
Below, post the book you read last month and what we can learn from it about writing. This book can be fiction or nonfiction, fantasy or another genre, for fun or the bingo (explained below). Let us know what you learned from the book. We might want to read that book and learn that thing too!
If you completed your bingo card, give us the details so you can earn your special flair!
Fantasywriter’s Comp Bingo
A comparative title (comp) is a published book that is somehow similar to your book. It also must be recently published, in the same genre, and targeted at the same age group. Reading your potential comps will provide ideas on how to nail certain aspects of your story. Stating your comps will help future agents and editors figure out what sorts of people are going to love your book.
Below is a bingo card that shows how to find your comps and encourages you to read them:
To complete the bingo and earn a special flair:
  1. Read three books that correspond to three squares in a row (or column or diagonal) or the whole card for an even special-er flair.
  2. All comps must be published in the last 5 years - because that's a typical time period used for comps.
  3. Other than the publication date, there is no time limit to complete the bingo. Do the bingo card sometime between the brainstorming stage and the querying stage of your novel.
  4. Down below, state the books you read, why they're your comps, and their publication date.
Need recommendations on what book fits a particular Comp Bingo Square?
Feeling too poor to fill out the bingo card?
You can buy used books on Amazon or but don't forget about the library! Nowadays, apps like Libby and Hoopla coordinate with libraries to bring free ebooks and audiobooks right to your phone. It’s a huge, free selection of books!
NOTE: I shouldn't have to say this, but please don't pirate books. Publishing houses consider how well an author's previous book sold before publishing their next book. Library sales factor into that equation but pirate downloads don't.
Don't enjoy reading?
You may be reading (and writing) in the wrong subgenre. Fantasy is large, with many different niches. It spans from cynical, stabby Grimdark to optimistic, heroic Noblebright. There are the world-spanning storylines of Epic Fantasy down to the tiny, cutesy storylines of Cozy Fantasy. There are the overly rational subgenres of LitRPG and Science Fantasy, as well as the more artsy New Weird and Fairy Tales. There are also other mediums such as graphic novels, screenplays, DMing, and video game storylines. And if the last good book you read was in grade school, have you considered that you might be partial to middle-grade and YA fantasy, even as an adult?
All these subgenres are drastically different from one another in terms of atmosphere, prose, and plot expectations. Don't assume Grimdark is your chosen subgenre just because that's what all your friends are into. Explore around a bit. You'll know you've hit the right subgenre when you start loving what you're reading.
So explore what people are reading down below and think about which books you should read to up your writing game.
submitted by keylime227 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:37 idkguessilljustgirl Final Update: my boyfriend killed my cat and i just can't do this anymore

Hi again everyone it's me, if you remember. I got a couple people in my dms asking how I'm doing and I'm allowed to write another update so... well. Here I am. Almost exactly 6 weeks since the worst 48 hours of my life.
I guess I'll just get into it since I'm using this as a diary at this point but I did also start journaling but journaling feels kind of lonely sometimes. And a lot has happened that I would appreciate everyone's thoughts on because you have all been really helpful. Thank you so much.
TL;DR: I'm back at work and getting on my feet and going to group art therapy. I met one of my boyfriend's old friends who's taking care of him and putting him through rehab. My old friends are coming back around and I'm trying to figure out how to be accountable and better for them. I'm ok, I'm safe, I'm almost happy.
I went back to work on May 1st because I promosed myself I would. I work at a smoothie shop, and we are a small team of 4 who usually work in pairs with my boss (the owner) there during rush hours and the baker who works before any of us come in.
When I came to open the shop that morning, the baker talked with me and asked how I was doing. I don't want people to know a lot but she has always been nice to me so I vented a little to her. I wasn't expecting how good it felt to talk to someone about everything that happened even not super detailed. Especially when she gave me such a big hug which made me cry tbh and told me to be strong and she was so happy I came back and didn't hide. 🥺
After talking to her and the coworker I usually work with, I felt better about therapy and stuff because talking does help. So when I got the call from that group therapy thing I wasn't as scared and didn't chicken out like I thought I would. I went and met people in my group, and it was a good experience. I am still going today.
A few days after the 1st I got a call from an unknown number. I don't normally answer those but with the situation and numbers I've been calling lately I didn't want to miss something important so I answered. A man introduced himself to me (I will call him "Tom") and told me he was a friend of my boyfriend "Luke".
I had never heard of this person before and I was just completely shocked and kind of just said "oh" and he started talking. He said he paid the rent for May for the suite and said he gave notice of ending the rental agreement, and asked if I wanted anything of mine from the place and if so he told me I had until the 11th before he dumped/sold stuff and start cleaning.
I came back to myself after that and was just like "hang on who are you and did you find Luke or what???" Because as far as I knew Luke was still missing and also I didn't know who he was.
So basically, a little background on Luke's life: He's originally from very very rural Quebec. He was taken into custody by the ministry when he was 8 after his mom passed away via sui and tried to take him with her because of his dad's extreme physical and sexual abuse towards both Luke and his mom. There were no foster resources in his town so he was taken to a bigger city and put with a family there.
He got into a lot of trouble with the ministry and police and kept having to get moved around due to threatening behavior towards his foster family (parents and siblings). Eventually he got into drinking and drugs and very badly beat up his younger foster brother and foster mother when he was 11 or 12. He got diagnosed with a conduct disorder and got put into juvie prison.
There was a project starting at that time in BC that was rehabilitation for juvie kids in MCFD custody. Basically they set up group homes that were staffed by social workers and counselors, like a foster home but run by a non-profit group not one family. This is actually something similar to where I grew up, but mine was for kids who "failed to thrive" in single-family care while Luke's was for kids who were criminals or addicts.
Because of his childhood situation and how they got him into custody, the MCFD wanted to see Luke go through one of those programs and hopefully be better. So they told him either the group home or juvie and he picked the group home, and a social worker from BC came to get him and flew him to the city. But in this new city even though he got to go back to public school and do stuff like gymnastics which he missed, he didn't know english as much and didn't have friends. So he started acting out again and got arrested more times.
Back to now. Tom told me that when he was in grade 10 and Luke was in grade 8, Tom joined a leadership club at his high school. Because of Luke's history he was forced into leadership club's "big brother" program with threat of being expelled if he didn't. Tom got assigned Luke in his "big brother" project, and they became friends, and then they became family all through high school and through Tom's first 3 years at uni. When he was telling me this I was blown away because Luke literally never even mentioned him so I finally just asked "well then why don't I know you? what happened?"
Tom said "Well, you know Luke." And I guess I do. Soooo yeah.
Luke showed up at Tom's childhood home a week after the stuff with Peanut, and Tom's parents called 911 because he was erratic and very high. The ambulance came and took him, and Tom went to the hospital to see him after his parents told him what happened.
At this point I had to go catch the bus but I told him we could text and meet and I wanted to help him clean the place too because I felt responsibility. He insisted it would be fine but I insisted I wanted to help so I texted him my schedule and we arranged a time to meet.
When I told my boss about all of this she and especially her husband asked if I could take a friend or if one of them could go. I told them I would ask my coworker since we have the same days off so I wouldn't trouble his busy schedule and definitely my boss should NOT go because she is getting so pregnant it's crazy and she needed to rest and still does need rest.
So my coworker I will call Nerd bc inside joke (who is male and big so that is helpful) agreed and we bussed to Luke's place. There was a car in front I didn't know so I assumed it was Tom's and sure enough he was there when I went in and was dealing with the fridge.
We shook hands and I introduced Nerd who kind of puffed up and made a stupid joke about beating Tom's ass over funny business but tbh the second I met Tom I got pretty OK vibes. But I guess well maybe I shouldn't trust it but really he was ok.
We went separately through the place and I spent most of my time in my "room" which was just a corner of the living room with a curtain tbh but my stuff was there so I packed it into garbage bags I brought. Kinda got flashbacks of packing as a kid which felt... weird tbh. 🙃
It also didn't help that Tom was kind of weird. Like not in a bad way but he would curse and mutter to himself when he found something gross or messed up like bad food, Luke's collection of drug stuff, that kind of thing. But then he would also tell me and Nerd what to do and where to put trash vs other stuff, but ALSO like... acted like he didn't want to touch anything himself? Like super cautious.
He also asked me stuff about my life here and how things were and what me and Luke did together, and I answered what I was comfortable with but he still kept apologizing and telling me he didn't want to know my personal stuff. Like it wasn't bad weird like I said but I think he was rly uncomfortable. He did pull me aside in the bathroom and asked if Luke ever hurt me and I was able to answer honestly and say no, he never even treated me that bad. But when I said that he kind of scoffed and muttered "that bad" like sarcastically and seemed mad so seriously it was. Weird. But idk if I were Tom I'd probably be pretty messed up about all of this so.
I insisted to help clean and Tom went to take the trash out. Nerd said he had to go soon bc he had an exam he had to study for and I said he could go and promised I'd be ok because I didn't get a bad vibe from Tom and Nerd admitted Tom seemed ok too. So he left but told me to call if I needed him bc he wouldn't be SUPER busy.
After saying goodbye I kind of asked Tom after a while what was going on with Luke. I just needed to know I guess? I don't know, I felt a lot of emotion being back there. Like I felt the love for him again and wished he was ok but Tom didn't tell me anything yet about where he was or how he was just that he was alive and reported found to police.
So... Luke's in rehab on the island. Tom talked to him in the hospital after he detoxed and said he explained the situation that happened. Apparently Luke broke down sobbing when he told him how he killed Peanut, and said the words: "I killed Peanut. I killed Peatie." Tom started crying while telling me this and tbh I cried too. I thanked Tom for being there bc Tom said he held him and comforted him and after all the hugs I got after Peanut and how that helped I'm just glad Luke got that too.
But yeah, so Tom told Luke it was time to get it together and Luke agreed. Tom seems hopeful it'll stick "this time," which he explained their original falling out was bc Luke lied to Tom about being sober after Tom put him through rehab once before. I really hope it will too and I am glad he has Tom to help him and pay for rehab bc it's not cheap especially those private places on the island but apparently the first time it failed it was in one of those cheap places in the DTES and Tom told me since he's been running programs there he's seen firsthand how those places are run and says the private is worth the money. Which I think is sad bc so many people are poor and need help too but it's complicated ig.
Tom offered me a ride home and I accepted. He told me before we got into the car that it would be ok if I wanted to text a picture of his license plate and car and ID to a safe person and I didn't even consider that so I felt kind of stupid but I did do that stuff and texted my boss and told her we were leaving. But tbh I wasn't worried. Tom seemed so nice and he gave me so much closure on what happened with Luke and knowing he's in good hands with someone that seems really sweet and put together makes me feel better about all the choices I made and also makes me feel like Peanut's loss has more meaning.
When I got home Tom introduced himself to my boss briefly and then we went in. She asked how everything went and I told her everything I wrote out here except I started crying hard and she cuddled me and told me to take it slow. But unlike other times I've cried since Peanut passed, that cry felt different. Like I was weak and emptied out, but not emptied out of all the good things, more like emptied out of the heavy things to make room for even more. And I haven't cried since. Not over Luke, and not over Peanut.
So I'm doing ok. Me and Tom met up twice more to clean the suite and I joined him for the inspection yesterday with the landlord. It felt good to leave that on a good note too, because the landlord let me move in back in fall which he didn't have to do especially with Peanut, and always treated us well. He told me that even though I wasn't an official tenant I could use him as a reference.
After the inspection yesterday Tom took me, my boss, boss' husband, and their daughter for dinner at a REALLY nice place which we all said was unnecessary but he insisted. He said really nice things to me about how he's grateful I tried so hard to take care of Luke and knows personally how difficult it is to love him. He promised me that nothing was my fault and that I can let it go now because he's going to take care of him and I should focus on moving forward into adulthood without any burdens. Idk maybe you had to be there but the way he said it was like... maybe I'm reading too much into it but it was like he was really specifically saying this stuff for Luke's sake or bc Luke hurt me and he felt like he had to make up to me? But it was nice either way.
Oh and I reconnected with a few of my old friends from high school!! The ones who I had a bad falling out with over Luke and my bad choices. My one friend Taylor reached out to me after I made my story on May 22nd a selfie of me reading that 'why does he do that' book and saying "1 month single 🙏" I guess a mutual mentioned it to Taylor and she added my number on sc again.
It's only kinda been small talk and stuff so far, but I've been trying to be really nice and I'm waiting for it to come up to take accountability for my bad treatment of the friend group but I'm thinking maybe I should say something first bc no one is bringing it up? Idk, if anyonr has advice I would appreciate it a lot bc I really want to be so much better than I am and I was and everything. For Peanut, but also for me.
This is the last update I'll post bc honestly it feels like things are mostly sorted out and I can't help but feel like I'm wasting people's time. 💀 But thanks again everyone and for those who wanted an update I hope you enjoy this freaking novel...
submitted by idkguessilljustgirl to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 dilcuisverycool [HELP] poetry suggestions please !!!

I'm looking for poetry anthologies with the theme of death or poems with extended metaphors. I quite like love poems too. I'd like to get in to poetry more but I'm sure where to get recommendations ahahah. We also did a poem at school called death of a naturalist which I loved if there is any similar to that too!
submitted by dilcuisverycool to Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:11 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Prompt: Choose a setting (real or imaginary) and describe it using detailed sensory imagery. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and textures to create a vivid scene, just like a painter with words.
  2. Metaphor: Prompt: Compare a personal experience to an everyday object or phenomenon in an unexpected way. For example, "My heart is a compass that always points to the north of your laughter."
  3. Simile: Prompt: Write a series of similes to express intense emotions. For instance, "As brave as a lion facing the storm, as fragile as a petal in the wind."
  4. Rhyme: Prompt: Craft a short poem or lyrics with a consistent rhyme scheme. Experiment with different rhyme patterns (ABAB, AABB, etc.) to enhance the musicality of your writing.
  5. Meter: Prompt: Compose a poem with a specific meter, such as iambic pentameter. Pay attention to the syllabic beats in each line to create a rhythmic flow.
  6. Alliteration: Prompt: Create a tongue-twisting line using alliteration. Focus on the repetition of initial consonant sounds to add a playful or musical quality to your writing.
  7. Assonance: Prompt: Write a passage where the vowel sounds within words echo each other. Experiment with different vowel combinations to create a melodic effect.
  8. Personification: Prompt: Choose an inanimate object and personify it. Describe its actions, thoughts, and emotions as if it were a living being.
  9. Symbolism: Prompt: Select an object or element and explore its symbolic meaning. Connect it to broader themes or emotions in your writing.
  10. Enjambment: Prompt: Write a poem where the thoughts flow continuously from one line to the next without a pause. Explore how this technique can create a sense of movement or urgency.
  11. Repetition: Prompt: Repeat a word or phrase throughout a poem for emphasis. Consider how repetition can enhance the overall impact and meaning of your writing.
  12. Free Verse: Prompt: Embrace the freedom of expression by writing a poem without adhering to rhyme or meter. Allow your thoughts to flow organically, exploring the beauty of formless verse.
  13. Stanza: Prompt: Divide your writing into stanzas to create distinct sections with varying themes or tones. Explore how the organization of lines contributes to the overall structure of your work.
  14. Theme: Prompt: Choose a universal theme (love, loss, freedom, etc.) and explore it through your lyrics. Delve into the nuances and perspectives associated with the chosen theme.
  15. Tone: Prompt: Write a poem that conveys contrasting tones. Explore how shifts in tone can evoke different emotions and responses from the reader.
  16. Connotation: Prompt: Select a word with strong connotations and use it in a poem. Explore the emotional baggage and cultural associations tied to the word within the context of your writing.
  17. Irony: Prompt: Craft a poem with elements of irony. Create situations or lines that convey a meaning opposite to the literal interpretation, adding layers of complexity to your writing.
  18. Allusion: Prompt: Reference a well-known song, book, or historical event in your lyrics. Explore how the use of allusion can enrich the depth and meaning of your writing.
  19. Syntax: Prompt: Experiment with sentence structure to create different effects. Play with word order, sentence length, and punctuation to convey specific emotions or rhythms in your writing.
  20. Diction: Prompt: Choose a specific mood or atmosphere you want to convey and carefully select words that evoke that feeling. Pay attention to the impact of your word choices on the overall tone of your writing.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:35 Left-Finding6540 It's now June, I'm looking to make a thread of last minute tips, if anyone has any last minute tips for any subjects I'll add them

English: for section 1 question a on paper 1 use pqe, point quote explain, nake one point use a quote to back it up and explain, leave extra space after each point incase you have extra time to spend on it,alternatively a kind commentor added fhe following:Can I add one to English, from an English teacher. Instead of PQE, use PEEL . Point, Evidence, Explain and Link (to the next paragraph/back to the question). Will boost C mark.
Question b of that same question make sure if you write the text of a speech the whole text is said speech and if you have to for example write the text of a speech from a famous person you never step out of character. Your opening line should be basically a rephrasing of the question eg:write an article for the local newspaper, you should say "I am writing for the x newspaper to tell you about...", even if its unrealistic they still look for this in regard to your purpose mark.
For the composing:make sure there are famous people you can talk about a lot, also just a few topics that youve got some bit of knowledge on e.g ai might be handy
personal essay: use anecdotes even if they're made up
Short story:I'm avoiding this personally but make sure you show don't tell and alsondont leave plot holes, from what I've heard people who do this already have things like settings, characters and storylines planned out before the exam
Opinion essay: chose for or against and be strongly for or against, if im not mistaken you can be neutral but it's a lot harder
For the single text your first quote shouldn't be from act 1 scene 1 or your texts equivalent,your answer shouldn't be a summary
For hamlet: have lots of quotes, back in as many points as possible with quotes, remember the word regicide and antic-disposition, if the question asks about Claudius' role as villain if must only be his direct wrong doings (laertes, elder hamlet) and not the ones he indirectly caused by making hamlet mad (ophelia, polonius etc).
Comparative:constantly compare your 3 texts,(this next tip only applies if parf of your comparative course is never let me go) MOST of the time if you are doing the question 1 which is split up into a and b where a is in relation to 1 text and b is 2, never let me go will be in part a as it is hard to compare to other texts, this obviously depends on the question but if in doubt do that
Unseen poetry:I'm absolutely useless at this but on my mock I completely misunderstood the poem and got 17/20, waffle with confidence, don't spend too long on it as 20 marks is sweet fa in your English paper and the difference between spending 20 mins and 25 mins is no more than 3 marks. As a kind commentary added(soz days are long cba tagging everybody) backup using any poetic technique you can
Poetry: have one poem you can talk for days about no matter what, they will more than likely come up. Have 3 more you understand to be able to answer a question, then your perfectly covered. If you want to be more confident you can learn 2 poems to perfect 50/50 but from here to Thursday time management is important
History: if your a slow writer like me learn a metric fuck tonne of good quotes they're the quickest way to pick up marks, here's a few if you want them
Oh little sputnik flying high/with made-in-moscow-beep/you show the world its a commie sky/and uncle Sam's asleep-mennen Williams,democratic governor of michigan
The United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external and internal forces-the turman doctrine
We are kings men and well be with you to the end -james Craig (not precisely a long one but so many essays it could be used in)
I want dr king to know that I didn't come to selma to make his job difficult, I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realise what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to here dr king-malcolm x
Also know the 3 document essays off by heart as one will defiently come up,somebody mentioned about knowing every case study off by heart and learning information rather than essays but that's more long term advice than last minute, still tho
Geography: from here to friday dedicate 10 minutes to aerial photography, it's 8 marks waiting to be claimed. Nows probably too late for flashcards but if it isn't fucking use them for srps
Maths: nows not too late to print off a mock or past paper, see what needs the most work and make sure you fully understand them
Irish: if your like me and haven't done a scratch there's still more than a week, predictions are your best friend, learn one essay, one poetry notes, one story notes and one play notes and let God decide how well he wants you to do
French:be able to write about the Olympics as if your fluent, its probably going to come up. Know your tenses and your subjunctive. Learn off a few proverbs they add marks to any essay. "Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le declaration Ci dessus","il est neccesaire de pesser le pour et le contre", "n'oublions pas le proverbe" and "a Mon avis" fit into most opinion pieces, know them(get correct spelling aswel mine was affected by autocorrect). Also if your down to the wire learn diary phrased, even if you write a bad diary you will get marks for the phrases.
Somebody has pointed out its the 70 year anniversary of the d day bombings so bare that in mind too
Accounting: final accounts will come up,know 2/3, learn all your ratios and all the theory they will come up, know either budgeting or costing as one of each will come up, that leaves the second 100 marker, it will most likely be suspense as that comes up every second year but it could be a 60 marker, I wouldn't even bother worrying about anything else until ratios,final accounts, budget/costing and suspense are up to the grade your hoping for but if all that is sorted learn off maybe 3 other possible 100 markers, that any you have 4 which includes the 80% likely suspense and 2 will come up, the accounting exam is probably the easiest to predict, and for the love of God know your theory. Keep doing exam questions of your struggling, every time you correct one write down your mistakes and have the list of mistakes next to you when doing the next one, then tear it and make a new list of mistakes
Biology: If you know photosynthesis and respiration off from the back of the hand, you are good to go because there is a very high chance one or the other will be asked in some form (could even be a full 30-mark question if you are fortunate enough).
Business: Be 100% familiar with the ABQ strands (the comprehension can help you out a bit in finding the information for each question but you need to know the material that goes along with it from the heart). For Section 3: Defo know Strand 1 or 2 as that comes up as a question 1 or 2, Ratios as that can come up (caught me off guard when I did LC and made the difference between H1 and H2 for me unfortunately) and then would recommend preparing either strand 6 or 7 (or both if you wish for the final question you decide to attempt) Think if I recall you have to do one from Part A, one from Part B and then one other question from either part. Section A is an easy way to pick up marks so if you are struggling bank on Section A and B to get you going and make a decent stab at Section C and know section 1-3 inside out
This is all my experience, I will add any good advice for these subject or other subjects that are provided in the comments, all of these are for higher level except for maths, good luck,don't panic and think about the pint that's instore once this is all over
submitted by Left-Finding6540 to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:46 tropicalstrudel Creepy Stranger

It was around 9-10pm back when I was in 1st/2nd grade. My older sister and I were playing in the living room. We were sitting on the floor in a way that I was facing the window. My dad always does a „night check“ making sure the doors and windows are locked before we all go to bed. And this is usually after he goes outside for a quick smoke. That night, while playing, I saw a silhouette of a man wearing a cap standing right outside the window just looking at us while we were playing. Mind you, this window was just right next to our door which was unlocked so I assumed that was my dad just smoking outside. But he wasn’t moving or anything so I said enthusiastically „hi dad!“. The silhouette moved to show a shushing manner (finger in front of mouth) as if telling me not to say anything. My sister, confused, turned around then looked back at me in horror and said that our dad is in the bedroom. I ran to the bedroom and my dad was indeed inside reading a newspaper chatting with my mum. The person ran away. My dad tried to run after him but he was gone fast. We didn’t have CCTV. We never found out who it was. Since then, I’ve always been anxious about locking doors just in case.
submitted by tropicalstrudel to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:27 better_be_better Skipping a grade - positive experiences?

A few months ago, after their proposal and discussions with his teacher and counselor and school psychologist, we agreed my 1st grade son will skip 2nd grade and go straight to 3rd grade when school starts again after summer break.
So of course I've done the stupid thing of looking at old posts in this sub with same question, and majority responses are "don't do it, they're not socially/emotionally ready, i did and was too socially awkward" etc etc.
Obviously this is a key concern for me too, but the main driver from the teachecounselopyschologist was exactly the fact that he is socially/emotionally set (besides test results) and would fit right in with his new peers. He already has a few friends in that grade.
Other advice in threads against skipping is instead to give them "enrichment in classroom, advanced subject classes, get him to assist others, just let them read in class when they're done". Problem is, he's already doing that, teacher provides him with extra work, he has set activities to do when he's finished, he's already helping the other kids.
A brief look at studies/articles shows if he's ready, this is going to be good for him.
I therefore want to find out, does anyone have any positive experiences of their kids skipping a grade because they were emotionally/socially/academically ready?
submitted by better_be_better to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:13 yadavvenugopal Top 10 Movies to Watch When Working From Home

Top 10 Movies to Watch When Working From Home
Working from home has become the de facto standard for companies these days which means things might get monotonous for you folks at times. In case you have a spot of time on your hands while taking a break, here are the top 5 movies to watch while working from home:

Top 10 Movies to Watch When Working From Home

1. Trading Places (1983)

I gleaned the plot of this entire movie with just a single easter egg from the movie "Coming to America" starring Eddie Murphy. I'm not saying the plot of Trading Places is that simplistic, but the movie was that popular and well-executed.
This movie revolves around two wealthy commodities brokers who run a social experiment on two people from different strata of society to settle the nature and nurture debate. Unbeknownst to them the two subjects of the experiments have plans of their own to turn the tide in their favor.
Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche play the role of the Duke brothers, the steel-hearted multi-millionaires who think it fun to play around with the lives of Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy as Lois Winthorpe and Billy Ray Valentine.
There is a lot of buddy comedy material, a cliche yet, well-done storyline, and an expected redemptive story arc.

2. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)

In case you ever feel like taking a personal day off work, this is the perfect movie to watch. The plot here revolves around a slacker who fakes being sick to go on a joy ride through the city.
Mathew Broderick plays the role of Ferris Bueller who convinces his best friend and girlfriend to play hooky while going on an elaborate adventure. There's juvenile behavior, childish pranks, great music, and one awesome Star Wars reference.
There have always been theories of Ferris being the split personality persona of his best friend Cameron played by Alan Ruck. Another theory speculates that it is actually Cameron's fever dream, imagining the whole day while being sick at home.
This movie is part of pop culture and is hinted at in the Deadpool movie end credits as well.
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3. Tommy Boy (1995)

One of the better movies by David Spade, Tommy Boy is a buddy comedy with a Laurel and Hardy dynamic, graced by the comedic stylings of Chris Farley.
Chris Farley plays Tommy Callahan III an easygoing goofball who rides on his industrialist father's (Big Tom) coat-tails until he dies unexpectedly thrusting the son into an unwelcome position of responsibility.
Meanwhile, Tommy gets a stepbrother in the form of Richard played by David Spade. As fate would have it, Tommy and Richard need to join forces to save Big Tom's manufacturing plant by getting a big sale order.
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Tommy recognizes Richard's finely tuned people skills and puts them to work in procuring a massive sales order to save his father's manufacturing plant and legacy. The movie is a fun-filled road trip that sees the step-brothers forming an unbreakable bond while battling a common problem.
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4. Office Space (1999)

The dry humor in this movie is as applicable today as it was when it was released. The employees are frustrated, the boss is a gigantic douche, and growth prospects are non-existent.
This is not a movie that goes with the laugh track approach wherein the comedy is obvious like in Horrible Bosses. Dark humor is employed in this movie. If you are feeling frustrated at work, then this movie might be highly cathartic for you.
All employees are seething with contempt for their jobs, workplaces, and everything related to those aspects. It is incredibly funny and reminds you of Dilbert comic strips.
Violence against people is not funny. Violence against malfunctioning technology however can be very entertaining as seen below. One of the central themes of the movie is the faulty printer that jams and swallows essential documents at crucial times.
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This is what inspires the trio of employees in this movie to vent their pent-up anger against an inanimate object as if it messed up on purpose. You can see how this plays out in the images given below where they take the evil printer to an isolated location and take turns eviscerating it.
This movie has been a cult classic for quite some time with references to it in pop culture. Anyone who has watched The Mandalorian will know the reference to TPS reports by Bill Burr in one of the episodes.

5. Being John Malkovich (1999)

One of the most John Malkovich of all Malkovich movies is undoubtedly Being John Malkovich. This movie has the titular actor playing a fictionalized version of himself although the more you watch the more you feel this is him in real life.
John Cusack plays a failing puppeteer who finds a physical door that leads into the mind of the actor John Malkovich after which you can experience life in the actor's body.
You BECOME John Malkovich.
Catherine Keener plays Cusack's love interest Maxine and Cameron Diaz plays the third locus in this love triangle. There is also a cameo by Charlie Sheen which is interesting.
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The sheer absurdity of the movie makes it funny at the beginning, but as the film progresses relationships get knotted with each other, taking a really dark turn. This is a movie that needs to be experienced without a plot summary giving things up.
However, Catherine Keener takes on movies relating to mind control such as in Jordan Peele's Get Out and Brad Bird's Incredibles 2. For some reason, this sends a chill down my spine - does she know something we all don't?

6. School of Rock (2003)

One of my all-time favorite movies is this Jack Black vehicle that feels like his personality made into a movie. Jack Black plays Dewey Finn, a wannabe rockstar who is down on his luck and living with a dweebish roommate Ned Schneebly played by Mike White.
When Finn gets kicked out of his band, he stumbles upon an opportunity to impersonate his roommate as a substitute teacher at a private school for substantial money. As he goes about pretending to be a teacher he finds that the kids in his class have exceptional musical abilities that he immediately plans on exploiting for money.
However, while chasing money, Finn forms a genuine bond with his students, helps them overcome their challenges, and finds his purpose in life.
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This movie has great music, an amazing comedic cast, and original songs, and one of the few to have inspired a successful musical and a not-so-successful series.
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7. Yes Man (2008)

A down-on-his-luck man sinking into a self-destructive spiral of despair and negativity comes across a self-help program that changes his life. Jim Carrey's overacting is put to good use in this movie where Carrey learns to say YES to everything in his life - to hilarious effect.
The images given below show the moments when Carrey is introduced to the concept of saying yes, when he meets the semi-cult self-help leader, and when he is taking action as a Yes Man. ( Saying yes to all that life has to offer)
What will you learn from this movie:
  • All skills you pick up from random workshops will be directly useful in everyday situations ( Re: Slumdog Millionaire)
  • Take things literally at first when attending a self-help workshop
Read Love and Monsters (2020) Movie Review

8. Up in the Air (2009)

George Clooney at his dramatic best is something you wouldn't wanna miss. As an instance of the old ushering in the young at a corporate workplace, this is insightful and entertaining at the same time.
Clooney serves as a contrast against the vulnerability of a corporate drone while being considerate to the people he fires - for a living. The tables are turned however when a young ivy-leaguer decides that the company needs a makeover.
Also, read Netflix Movie Review: Don't Look Up
The whole movie is about Clooney training his replacement and getting a dose of his bitter medicine in the process.
The cinematography is great in this movie, with beautiful aerial shots and stills portraying silence and contemplation. They explore loneliness and self-discovery in Up in the Air.
This is a quiet movie with a slow pace and great acting. You get to see many metaphors play out throughout the movie.

9. Horrible Bosses (2011)

Taking the a**hole boss stereotype to the max, Horrible Bosses is a laugh riot with a lot of physical comedy and dirty jokes aplenty. Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, and Charlie Day play Nick, Kurt, and Dale, the hapless employees with a monstrous boss.
Explore Into the Spiderverse: Every Spider-Man Movie Franchise
The comedy in this movie is due to the great chemistry shared by the three actors shown below. They always end up quarreling and at each other's throats, but make it through dire straits through sheer dumb luck.
Anyone looking for a whole load of laughs will find this movie delightful, with Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston, and Julie Bowen adding to the comedy.
Read Top 5 Christmas Movies to Brighten Your Day

10. The Intern (2015)

Nancy Meyers always makes pleasant movies, leaving you feeling all warm and fuzzy by the end. This movie is no exception with Robert De Niro playing a man (Ben) who thinks that "he still has music left in him," and Anne Hathaway playing the role of a young CEO (Jules) running a growing e-commerce start-up.
The movie brings both the actors together by having DeNiro volunteer as a Senior (Citizen) Intern at Hathaway's company. De Niro and Hathaway form an unlikely bond that enriches their lives and watching this happen onscreen is a genuine joy.
Check out Cheerful Episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation and The Original Series
You also get memorable performances from comedy regulars such as Adam Devine, and Zack Pearlman, and a great cameo by Rene Russo. One of the cutest actors in this movie is JoJo Kushner playing the adorable child of the CEO and she does an amazing job, adding to how warm and fuzzy the movie makes you feel.

Is it OK to watch TV while working from home?

Now, this is an interesting question. The purpose of this post is not to make you drop all you're doing and start streaming content.
In case you are on a break from work (Lunch/Tea) or experiencing unexpected downtime, then it's good to have a backup playlist of movies. You can stream a show or watch part of a movie when you are taking a break from work tasks.
Check out El Conde: A Quirky and Fun Chilean Film on Netflix

What should I binge-watch while working from home?

If you are working from home, then I would advise you not to binge anything during work hours and even during your off-time. Binging content means spending more than an hour of your time watching consecutive episodes of a show or two complete movies back to back.
Binge-watching is best done over the weekend when there's no other good alternative such as hanging out with your friends.
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First published on 10th November 2021 and updated 1st June 2024
submitted by yadavvenugopal to themoviejunkiedotcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:12 Anon16489 I’m terrified I’ll never let it go

It’s so dumb, I never even dated him. Never even came close. Maybe it was because of the ages that I liked him, middle school and half of high school. Those seem like the most developmental years of childhood crushes, and I liked him for all of them. It doesn’t matter anymore, I liked him for a long time and then I chose to move away. I chose to tell him how I felt and I also chose to be a coward and never find out how he felt back. I have to live with that. It’s been two years, I’ll probably never see him again, I’m mourning something that’s been dead for a long time now. I’ll do what I’m starting to do now, try to spend day-to-day life putting it out of my head and when I do remember everything I tell myself there’s no point dwelling on what will never have another outcome. But I can’t stop thinking about it all, all those stupid little things that made me care for him so deeply all those years. So I leave it here. Here is a detailed list of all of the things off the top of my head that made me fall for him:
.I once spent an entire bus ride reading to him because he told me no one read to him since he was a kid
.When I was struggling a lot mentally in 7th grade he compared me to a flower and told me I needed to let the sun in to bloom. I love the Sun now.
.One time my necklace fell off and I couldn’t get it on so I asked him to clasp it for me, he couldn’t. His hands were too shaky.
.He used to promise to save up and buy me headphones cause I’d watch shows with subtitles on.
.He said he hated the people in Yearbook and then paused and said “well, except for one, of course.” and smiled at me. As you might have guessed I was in yearbook.
.I told him I was debated with my friends over what color my eyes were. They said green and I said hazel so he made me take off my glasses and decided on “sage green”.
.I once told him about how I liked to study people’s faces and what features you’d focus on most when you’re drawing them. He made me take off my glasses and said he wanted to see, so we just sat there for a couple minutes in silence just staring at each other, studying the other’s face.
.We had plans to run away to neighboring farms in Peru one day.
.He asked me if everything was okay because I’d been absent for a couple of days and he was worried something had happened to my mom (he knew she had been diagnosed over quarantine).
.The first time I saw my mom’s shaved head after chemo he sat with me because I was scared to open the picture up alone. He helped me respond to her and he told me to add an “I” to “love you” because “it doesn’t mean as much without the I”.
.When I found out he had friends on the bus that he never told me about. So everyday he’d wait until after my stop to move to the back and sit with them.
.The one time he did go sit with them he asked me for permission and even after I said I didn’t mind he texted me the whole time he was back there.
.How he used to put his phone away in his pocket any time I started talking to him.
.The cinnamon gum I bought him that he’d proudly chew every bus ride after, always offering me one too.
.He loved to write. He was amazing at tech and computer stuff but his writing was beautiful.
.That once time he spent an entire bus ride fiddling with a battery, explaining every step to me, giving me random facts along the way.
.When I complimented that sweater of his and he always wore it after that.
.How he’d confuse my drawings for the reference photos.
.That page I have in my sketchbook of the drawings I made with him.
.When I was debating moving and he told me I wouldn’t be happy here, that it was the right thing for me to move.
.When I decided to move and he promised me we’d stay in touch. That he’d still be there when I came back in a semester. I never came back.
.The poem he wrote in his class after I left, the one with the girl who he spoke to through the crack of a bus seat. Her and her unwavering trust.
submitted by Anon16489 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 Informal_Patience821 Refuting the "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion" posts - Response to first post

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace be to you all.


In this post, I will be answering and refuting the individual who keeps writing posts about me and comments every second he gets trying to "refute" me and "expose" me. I am only doing this because some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be fooled by this dude.
I won't resort to personal attacks and baseless claims (much like he does), and I will jump straight ahead to answering his objections.

Response to the introduction:

He begins by discussing my translation of the word "ישוחח," which I interpret as "argue" or "put forth."
Firstly, in Biblical Hebrew, verb forms such as Qal and Piel (often referred to as Polel in some grammatical traditions) are distinguished by their specific diacritic markings (i.e., vowel points and consonantal diacritics). Since I believe that the Masoretes distorted the Old Testament by adding these diacritics to reach a deviant interpretation, I do not consider them at all. I read the Old Testament without any diacritics. This is something he has yet to understand, perhaps because he believes that the Old Testament was revealed with diacritic markings—I don't know.
He later argues that the ancient Christian manuscripts (such as the Codex Sinaiticus, Septuagint, etc.) must agree with my claims and not with the Masoretic renderings of the Hebrew text, a conclusion he bases on thin air. I ask: Why is that so? Can you give us one good reason for this conclusion? You can't! He says this only because he considers these Christian manuscripts as divinely revealed criteria and translations. In contrast, I (and many others) see them as ancient interpretations of the original Hebrew text, which are very erroneous. This is especially true considering that rabbis themselves claim these scholars and translators failed to understand every Hebrew idiom in the book. They took everything literally and thus deviated from the intended meaning throughout their translations. These are the translations he claims must agree with my understanding.
The Masoretes could even have been influenced by Christians and their manuscripts, leading them to render some verses erroneously, whether knowingly or unknowingly—we can't be certain. However, I believe it wasn't unknowingly, and I have very good reasons for holding this opinion.
His arguments in his objections are all flawed and fallacious.

The Original sin being denied in the OT:

Now, the word he is fixated on is "ישוחח." As he mentioned, I used a classical Hebrew dictionary to translate the word. I don't remember the exact dictionary I used, but here is a random one I will use today:
Root: שִׂיחַ (v)
1 - to put forth, mediate, muse, commune, speak, complain, ponder, sing
1 -(Qal)
1 - to complain
2 - to muse, meditate upon, study, ponder
3 - to talk, sing, speak
2 - (Polel) to meditate, consider, put forth thoughts
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
In other words, both Qal and Polel essentially mean the same thing.
This following excerpt is from my original post about this, the post he is "refuting":
Excerpt from the post in question:
Isaiah 53:8, traditional translation:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
The original verse (without diacritics):
מעצר וממשפט לקח ואת־דורו מי ישוחח כי נגזר מארץ חיים מפשע עמי נגע למו:
My translation:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will argue that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
In this verse, God is explicitly denying the doctrine of the Original Sin, stating that those who argue, speak, put forth, or ponder that Jesus was killed for the sins of His (God's) people are cursed (or afflicted by a plague).
It is crystal clear! He is just in denial because it contradicts his Pauline doctrine. Thus, he has fixated on this specific word, insisting it is (without a shadow of a doubt) in the Polel form (because his Pauline forefathers said so), and claims that Exion has made a grave error. Incredible, indeed. What a rebuttal!
Let's see if the Polel form does anything to save him:
1. Meditate:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will meditate that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
The definition of "Meditate" is:
  1. To plan mentally; consider,
  2. To focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
I know it isn't the latter, because that is just ludicrous and silly. But guess what? They even tried to claim it is the latter, which is beyond amusing to me and any other sane person reading this.
2. Consider:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will consider that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
3. Put forth thoughts:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will put forth thoughts that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
This is what I have to deal with. He is correcting my interpretation by yet again confirming it and he doesn't even realize it. He refuses to accept that the Old Testament completely refutes this absurd Pauline doctrine that God sent His "son" to the earth to kill him and forgive mankind. He can't understand that the Old Testament aligns with the Quran, calling them cursed. I have explained this to him several times, but to no avail. According to him, the early Christians "meditated" about Jesus' "abode." He raises the same objection in every comment he makes on every future post I do, as if I haven't just refuted him using the Bible, dictionaries, and other sources. In one ear and out the other. The only reason I'm even writing this response is to make you guys realize how unknowledgeable this man really is about the Bible and the Hebrew language. But he is good at making it look like he knows a thing or two by using fancy words and elaborations that make no sense at all.
I believe (if I remember correctly) that he translates it as:
"By oppressive judgment he was taken away, Who could describe his abode?..."
This unusual rendering is achieved by mistranslating a word, done specifically to alter the actual meaning. Some Jewish translators render it the same way, but they at least have the decency to add a footnote saying:
"\Who could describe his abode?* Meaning of Heb. uncertain." (source:
As they usually do when they mistranslate stuff.
Who would describe Jesus abode? What?! With all due respect, but that makes no sense at all! It makes no sense contextually nor logically.
This is how another Jewish translation has it:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
Does this look like a coherent sentence to you? Jesus is taken from imprisonment and judgement, and his generation who shall tell? Tell what? This is an incomplete sentence - just to change the actual intended message.
The original phrase is: "ואת־דורו מי ישוחח"
Let me break it down for you:
Word: ואת = "And his"
Word: ־דורו = "Generation"
Word: מי = "Who will"
Word: ישוחח = "Argue/Put forth/Talk/consideetc"
Crystal clear phrase. Even Google translates it accurately (which is very rare by the way):
"And his generation who will talk"
Take a look at some of the English translations of his Christian forefathers:
New Living Translation Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants...
New International Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested?...
King James Bible He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation?...
Some others got the first part accurate but still misinterpreted the last part of the verse, as it claims that they are cursed. God forbid, they are the ones who are cursed, for they consider Jesus to be the cursed one:
English Standard Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?
They applied the "curse/plague" to Jesus (which they translate as "stricken," even though Biblically it is generally understood to be a plague/curse) instead of applying it to those "who considered" (i.e., the Pauline Christians). The Hebrew verse uses a plural word, indicating that it was intended for those people who would put forth this claim. They all refuse to accept the fact that God is explicitly and literally stating that they are affected by a plague for their erroneous claim about Jesus.
Let's quickly refute them too:

"Plague" (נגע):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
Heb: נֶגַע (n-m)
1 - stroke, plague, disease, mark, plague spot
stroke, wound
stroke (metaphorical of disease)
mark (of leprosy)
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible

"To them" (לָֽמוֹ):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
1 - inflected pers. pron. meaning ‘to them’ (poetically).
2 - [Formed from לְ◌ with ◌מוֹ, a suff. used only in poetry.]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
A plague to whom? TO THEM! To the people who put forth this Pauline doctrine, the ones who argued, said, or considered this absurdity. Absolutely not to the one they believed to be cut off for the sin of God's people, namely Jesus, God's prophet, Messiah, His Word, and a spirit from Him.
But this is not surprising to anyone; it is expected, because their savior Paul also considered the blessed Messiah Jesus to be a curse:
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.'" (Galatians 3:13)
It bothers them that God Himself is confirming that they are the cursed ones, and He does it in the book they believe in. I am the one who exposed it, and all praise is due to God alone. It bothers this guy who is "eXpOsInG" me, and I won't mention his name because that is most likely what he wants.
He goes on to say that I quoted from a fictitious source, which is not true at all. I simply didn’t bother looking through my entire library to find a quote I mistakenly mis-referenced, mainly because the quote turned out to be quite irrelevant, and I don’t waste my time like that. Much of what he initiated his "rebuttal" with is equally misunderstood by him, and I have responded to each and every objection in my older posts (in the comment sections where he was "eXpOsInG" me). I picked the first thing and refuted it here for you just to show how ignorant he really is and how he is either living a lie or lying to others.
So, I will not bother to refute every single point of the old stuff that I’ve already conclusively answered. It's a waste of time. Let’s move on to his objections to my latest posts, because that is what this is all about in reality.

My answers to his objections to my latest posts:

Regarding the stone God mentions that was to be placed in the Temple of God, he says that it is saying
"Stone to a stone," or "upon a stone"
My answer:
"Stone to a stone" is not a Hebrew idiom, and neither is the word "upon" there in Hebrew. He doesn't know Hebrew, had he known Hebrew, he would never have "eXpOsEd" this because it just went to show that he doesn't know the language at all.
The Hebrew word "שום" (shum) in this context is derived from the root ש-ו-ם, which means "to place" or "to put." It appears here as an infinitive construct, which is often used to convey the act of doing something, similar to the English "-ing" form. In this sentence, "שום" is functioning as a gerund, which is a verbal noun. It translates to "placing" or "putting" in English. Therefore, "שום־אבן" means "placing a stone" or "putting a stone."
As for the next word, i.e. "stone" (אבן), in Hebrew, nouns have gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural). "אבן" is a feminine singular noun. When used in the phrase "שום־אבן" (placing a stone), "אבן" functions as the direct object of the action described by the infinitive construct "שום" (placing).
The next word is אל: This is taken as a preposition according to them, and it generally means "to" or "toward," and never "upon." It is used to indicate direction or movement towards something. While the following word is, again, a stone "אבן."
So if we're going with their interpretation, while being literal, as we should because it is not an idiom, it accurately translates to:
"Before placing a stone to a stone" or "before placing stone to stone"
Which makes very little sense, if any. Why wouldn't God say "Before placing stone upon stone" or "Stones upon stones" or "before placing a stone upon a stone"? Why did He use a singular word for "stone"? Because it is speaking about a one stone, the stone that God placed in Zion:
"So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic." (Isaiah 28:16)
I have proven in countless posts that Zion is the ancient name for Mecca. Just look up Psalm 84, and you will see how it mentions doing the pilgrimage in Zion and also mentions "Bacca," another name for Mecca. I have proven how Harran is located in Mecca and that the oak of Bacca is located there as well, and we know according to Psalm 84 that Zion is located where Bacca is located. With this in mind, it’s easy to see what has been done to cover up this prophecy. They have misinterpreted the word "El" as "Upon" instead of "God." The definition of that word is not "Upon"; it means "To/toward" or "God."
Classical Hebrew dictionary:
Heb: אֵל (n-m)
god, god-like one, mighty one
mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes
god, false god, (demons, imaginations)
God, the one true God, Jehovah
mighty things in nature
strength, power
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
Heb: אֶל (prep.)
denoting motion toward or to, or direction toward, and meaning ‘to, unto, toward, into, at, by’.
[Shortened from אֱלֵי (which is preserved in poetry). cp. עֲלֵי, poetical form of עַל (= on), and עֲדֵי, poetical form of עַד (= as far as, until). Related to Arab. ’ilā (= to, toward, up to).]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
Let's see if any of these help him:
Before placing a stone to a stone?
Before placing a stone towards a stone?
Before placing a stone into a stone?
Before placing a stone unto a stone? (archaic term for "to")
Before placing a stone at a stone?
Before placing a stone by a stone?
Does any of this make any sense to you? I believe it certainly does not. Yet they have all chosen to ignore these valid definitions and instead opt for a definition that isn't there, namely: "a stone UPON a stone," just to claim that God was idiomatically saying "Before you build the temple." The temple was already built, as I will prove later below.
To get a more coherent translation, one that makes sense both contextually and linguistically, we need to consider "El" as "God":
ועתה - "And now"
שימו־נא - "consider, please"
לבבכם - "your heart"
מן־היום - "from this day"
הזה - "this"
ומעלה - "and onward"
מטרם - "before"
שום־אבן - "placing a stone"
אל־אבן - "God's stone/stone of God"
בהיכל - "in the Temple"
יהוה - "of YHWH" (YHWH)
Here, "אל־אבן" would translate to "God's stone" or "stone of God." Thus, the phrase "מטרם שום־אבן אל־אבן בהיכל יהוה" would be understood as "before placing a stone as God's stone in the temple of YHWH" or "before placing a stone, God's stone, in the temple of YHWH"
He is just in denial here as well. It is quite obvious that God is talking about placing a stone in the Temple of God, not about placing a stone towards a stone (whatever that means). Biblically, it is known that Jacob placed a stone in the House of God in Harran, which I have also proven to be located in the vicinity of Mecca, using 1st-century CE atlases by giants in geography such as Pomponius Mela, Pliny, and others.
He writes:
"More importantly, Exion ignored that “stone” in the Hebrew occurs twice. If we take אל to be God and take it as the construct state (the ‘s) then it would be “before setting stone’s God’s stone”. That doesn’t make sense hence why Exion dropped the first occurrence of אֶ֛בֶן in their translation."
Or you could simply not take "El" as a construct state. In Hebrew, a noun followed by another noun can indicate possession without needing a construct state (i.e. the equivalent of adding 's in English). This is often called "smikhut" or construct form, but it is not always necessary to explicitly form it.
In the phrase "שום־אבן אל־אבן" (placing a stone as God's stone), the context and the nouns' arrangement provide the possessive meaning without requiring additional grammatical changes. "אל־אבן" can be understood as "God's stone" even though it is not in the formal construct state. This is something he doesn't know because, well, who knows why. I have my speculations, but I will refrain from personal attacks.
He says:
"It makes perfect sense with the rest of the verse “in the temple of Yahweh.” It’s talking about before the building of the temple which involved setting stone upon stone."
Oh really? Is that why the 3rd verse literally talks about the Temple that already was in existence but was viewed as nothing in their eyes (i.e. insignificant):
"Who among you is left, who saw this house in its former glory? And as you see it now, is it not as nothing in your eyes?" (Haggai 2:3)
Explicitly contradicting your claim that it doesn't exist, but you didn't know that because you have probably never even read the entirety of the chapter to begin with. The Temple was already there. A stone was to be placed in it, God's stone, the black stone of the House of God, and not that it was to be built or built anew. This is why I even wrote the article, because the temple of God was already in existence. How you could have missed this, if you've read the chapter in it entirety, is very baffling to me.
This is why Jacob, upon waking from his prophetic dream, never built the House of God. (Yes, Jacob was a prophet, but Christian scholars throughout history didn't recognize this and thought he was merely a patriarch.) Instead, he only placed a stone as its cornerstone and named it "The House of God":
16. When Jacob woke up, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was unaware of it.” 17. And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven!” 18. Early the next morning, Jacob took the stone that he had placed under his head, and he set it up as a pillar. He poured oil on top of it."
Going back to Haggai 2, the 6th verse states:
"כי כה אמר יהוה צבאות עוד אחת מעט היא ואני מרעיש את־השמים ואת־הארץ ואת־הים ואת־החרבה:"
Which literally translates to:
"For thus says the Lord of Hosts: Once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land."
Which they have erroneously translated as:
"For so said the Lord of Hosts: [There will rise] another one, and I will shake up the heaven and the earth and the sea and the dry land [for] a little while." (source)
Lying and adding words to the Word of God to make it look like another House would be raised.
7th verse states:
Haggai 2:7
"והרעשתי את־כל־הגוים ובאו חמדת כל־הגוים ומלאתי את־הבית הזה כבוד אמר יהוה צבאות:"
"Ve-hir'ashti et kol ha-goyim u-va'u chemdat kol ha-goyim u-milati et ha-bayit ha-zeh kavod amar Adonai Tzva'ot."
Not only does it confirm that the House is already in existence, but it mentioned our prophet Ahmad coming to it by using the cognate of his name, "Chemdat," which they erroneously have translated as:
"and the treasures of all the nations will be brought to this Temple."
The preposition "the" is not there before "Chemdat," while it is before "Goyim" (heathens), which makes sense because "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)" and doesn't translate to "The treasure of all the heathens (will come)," as they have it.
Let me break it down for you:
והרעשתִי (ve-hir'ashti) - "and I will shake"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
כל (kol) - "all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ובאו (u-va'u) - "and they will come"
חמדת (Chemdat) - "Chemdat" (proper noun)
כל (kol) - "of all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ומלאתי (u-milati) - "and I will fill"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
הבית (ha-bayit) - "the house"
הזה (ha-zeh) - "this"
כבוד (kavod) - "glory"
אמר (amar) - "says"
יהוה (Adonai) - "Lord"
צבאות (Tzva'ot) - "of Hosts"


"And I will shake all the heathens, and they will come, Chemdat of all the heathens, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of Hosts."


They have translated it as "the treasures of..." while the phrase "Chemdat" lacks a "The" (Ha), so it would more accurately be rendered as:
"And they will come, treasure of all the heathens, and..."
A very awkward sentence grammatically. And the dictionaries do not define חמדת (Chemdat) as "Treasure," but rather as "Desire" or "Precious." But translating this phrase in this way (if we consider it to mean "desire" or "precious"), we would make the verse even more awkward:
"And they will come, desire of all the heathens" or "And they will come, precious of all the heathens."
Because it is a singular phrase, and not plural, and as I mentioned earlier, lacks a definite preposition.
But if we consider "Chemdat" as a cognate of "Ahmad," as a proper noun referring to Ahmad the prophet (the only heathen prophet known today), it suddenly becomes a very coherent verse that makes much sense. The heathens will be shaken, and they will come. Then, He specifies by saying: Chemdat of all the heathens, and continues with the rest of the verse.
The phrase "הגוים" (ha-goyim) translates as "the heathens," which supports the interpretation that "Chemdat" is a proper noun referring to a significant heathen person anticipated to come. God is going to shake all the heathens, and they will come. Then He specifies who would come: "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)." He then says He will fill this house, which they saw as nothing, with glory. The house already exists; Chemdat of all nations was just about to come, and God would fill this house with glory again. And, of course, the stone Jacob laid in Genesis 28—the same stone that Jesus referred to in Matthew 21:
  1. Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: 'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes?'
43. Therefore, I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
The Kingdom of God was intended to be taken away from the Christians and given to a people who would produce its fruits, and this is what happened when Islam came.
Going back to Haggai 2, the 18th verse also confirms that the Temple already was there:
"Consider, please, your heart from this day and onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the temple of the Lord was founded, consider your heart."
Just because God considers the two Houses (the current one they saw as insignificant and the later one) as "different" does not mean that it does not already exist physically but will be a different House.
Nevertheless, he is right about one thing regarding this chapter: it does not mention the new moon to new moon and the end of the Sabbath—that was in Isaiah 66. My mistake. But the prophecy is still valid. The new moon to new moon would come, and yes, the second phrase can be interpreted as an end (if we interpret "Shabbat" as "End"), but it is Biblically and generally interpreted as "Sabbath." A literal translation of the phrase in the 23rd verse would be:
שבת (shabbat) - "Sabbath"
בשבתו (be-shabbato) - "His Sabbath"
יבוא (yavo) - "it will come"
Let's agree that it means what the traditional translations say it means, and I don't mean hypothetically, but let's actually agree on that. However, the prophecy about the new moons (Ramadan) is still there and valid because God has not canceled the Sabbath in the Quran; it is still ongoing:
The Quran states in 2:40-42:
Verse 40: "O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and fear Me."
Verse 41: "And believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is [already] with you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And do not exchange My signs/verses for a small price, and fear Me."
Verse 42: "And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]."
The new moon to a new moon is combined with the Sabbath to Sabbath. This is a fulfilled prophecy!
I don't see easter, halloween or Christmas being mentioned here. It's Ramadan and the Sabbath, the two Covenants God has given to his worshipers, the Covenant of the Children of Israel and the Covenant of Peace, unlike the Pauline Christians who literally took all of their holidays from pagan idolaters, which I won't go into because it's not very relevant to our discussion anyways.
This marks the end of my rebuttal to his "part 1."
Thank you for reading,
/Your bro Exion.
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:21 IntroductionFar4248 I 24/M is in need of help improving for her 22/F, could anyone of you help?

To begin with the story, we became a couple at the end of 2019. I was interested in another girl before she confessed to me so I rejected her at first, but I haphazardly said I would be with her due to some complications (too personal) a few days later. I was a boring guy, barely functional and ready to end it all after repaying everyone that I know, so I thought after her infatuated period she would see who I was, leave me and search for happiness elsewhere. I would prioritise myself before hers which is very bad, I know, which was an idea that she will leave me eventually right? TLDR: I invited another girl to try league to have 5 man squad, she was new and suck at the game, everyone scolded the new girl and I felt very guilty since 2 other people join I left with the other girl to teach her about it. I shared personal stuff with her and I considered myself as best friends. My girlfriend who was in the squad felt jealous regarding this issue for 4 years now even though I explained "Hey I was the one who invited her and if we just kicked her, it feels so bad for her." I was pretty competitive (Playing ADC) and I would criticise everyone, including myself (I was and still am crazy, would play and watch VODs at least 3 times and see what to improve on and hit myself for making misplays). So she would mention how competitive I was and say (not word for word but a gist of it) "I thought you were competitive, she played so badly and you did not scold her or anything but would scold everyone else when they make mistakes" That is honestly a valid point, like really valid, which I said "She is new to the game, imagine being mean to someone that has no idea what is going on, it is just really unfair. I criticise people who I played with for a long time, know how I want the game to play out and still make the same mistake again and again. I never scolded Friend A (This Friend A played for an amateur team in DOTA2), he has never played league before so there is no reason to be mad at him. I never scolded Friend B (who got masters a few seasons ago) who did not play league for months and played poorly due to preseason changes." This was one part of it for her leaving me. Another short story, I never scolded her for her mistakes, even after she went on about my mistakes and specifically asked me to never play Jhin again (I still remember it, it was an off game on Jhin). Not just in league. Even in real life, I never raised my voice at her, never did anything to her that she did not want to.
In 2020, we were in this community which eventually got a huge drama between a huge group of people and her (I cannot go too specific in this). She brought up some glaring points about a person and there were huge allegations back regarding the points that she brought up, however, there was no real evidence to witch-hunt that person other than the things he said which were dark humour in everyone's eyes. Everyone defended that person and pushed her into a corner (metaphorically, not physically). I also believe that the person was just making dark humour jokes, and would try to stop everyone from attacking her instead of siding with her. I said "If anything, I should be the one to be attacked as I am responsible as well.", but the group and I had been friends for almost 4-5 years, they kept saying I did nothing wrong and she should be the one taking responsibility, which I then say "They are not being sensible here". They eventually stopped to show some respect to me. She felt betrayed as I did not choose to side with her, but to sit on the fence regarding this issue. It is another reason that she left me. Up until 2024, I was trying to get those people who were involved to apologise to her, saying that they went too far but to no avail. I would stop talking to the group of people, but still have some chat from time to time (this is also pretty important).
This is also in 2020, I gave her my password thinking "I don't have anything to hide right?" It was one of my worst mistakes as she could access the past messages that I sent to another girl (the one that I had a crush on). I have been trying since 2017-18 till I got together with my girlfriend. The thing is that there is nothing, but the efforts of trying to get the other girl's attention and even skipping lunch to get her stuff ticked her off. (I worked part-time to buy tickets and gifts for the other girl) (I fucking regret this as well, now that I have grown up, it is embarrassing to simp that hard for a crush) I apologised for my past actions, which is being a fucking simp, but this would be brought up countless of times when we fought.
I started to feel love towards her at this point, in the sense that her love for me was not infatuation but actual love. I had bad experiences back then, a girl asked me out and a month later said that it was infatuation and broke up, and the other one cheated on me with my best friend at that time. (This might be important? I am not sure whether I want to speak about it or not) I felt that maybe this was the one proper relationship I would have.
Following that in late 2021 to 2023, I would do a mandatory 2-year work and it was really strict. They would send personnel to check on you if you took a medical certificate. I would sometimes take a medical certificate to visit her, risking the chance of getting caught. Sometimes, they would call me asking where am I and why am I not at my house. I would say I went to get food and would be back in 30 minutes and quickly took a cab back home. Ok, why this part is important is that I had 2 surgeries in 2022 and have a 6-month + 4-month medical certificate. I explained that we could not meet up due to me being unable to walk and on crutches, but I would still go out and meet up with her. There are times when I just pretend to be fine and not use crutches to make her feel less embarrassed and bad, but in actuality, it fucking hurts, every step, every movement hurts.
After I could walk, I had to go back office and do normal work. So being the spoiled child I am, I would be tired and tell her that maybe going out daily is too tiring so let's go out from time to time. She agreed with it which I did not pick on as lowering her standards for me. I would fuck up by saying that I will go back to the game which in turn go back to the community that hurt her. We would argue about this and all the other stuff that she was pent up about. I will talk about how we argue later on. Late 2023 was one of the huge turning points where I felt that there was no end basically, we would always be arguing and I started having doubts about whether she loved me. (Her backstory is fucking sad, basically had a really really bad past, you could not imagine it, her previous boyfriend cheated on her, less trusting with people, has only me to entertain her and now me that does not show enough love)
As time went on after that argument, I started taking the avoidant approach, whatever she said in the argument was right. I am a narcissist, I am egotistical, and I don't love her, with this amount of care and love no wonder my ex cheated on me, friends called me out saying what I did was fucked, etc. I would agree and head to bed. I started caring less and less about arguments and I know that it is wrong, but every time we argued I would get so agitated and do stupid things, so to solve that I decided to do the dumbest thing on earth if you are in a relationship, to care less about the argument.
In University, I would pretend to be a normal human being and not be stupid. I would study countless hours, having breaks in between the sessions of course. I know my foundation is bad, so I had to study more than other people. We would go out 2-3 times a week and at some point, it became 2-3 times a month cause I was too focused on school, to get the future (I moved it below this paragraph). I scored pretty well, currently 4.8 GPA, got my professor's recommendation and became a part-time research assistant, but what did it cost? Everything that we had built. I would always say that I am busy with school work, projects, and studying for a test, and that is 100% my fault. I would always say that it is for our future, with a high GPA and first-class honours, I will get more pay and we don't have to worry about money ever again. However, that is not what she wanted. She wanted to spend time with me, to enjoy life with me, while I was hyper-focus on the future and she did say that she would not be in it no matter how many times we argued about it. She had period cramps, her mental health declining due to lack of job offers and is alone while I am focusing on the future. The future is important, not saying that it is not, but I failed to see what is important and that is my family, how am I going to get the future that I wanted if I don't help her now? I regret not being able to see this part until the very end where she said she wanted to have a break from me and could be friends afterwards.
About myself, I am one of the dumbest people on planet Earth if you compare people without complications. I went the long route in terms of education, 4 years in high school, 4 years in pre-university (diploma) (17-21) and only now starting university at 24. (I don't know any US terms) I have low self-esteem and apparently, I am the worst person alive as well. I mentioned that I wanted to end it all after repaying everyone that I know, for the time spent and taking care of me. My mental health improved when I was with her, believing that I could live until old and protect her. So I decided to go to university for 2 reasons, 1. To impress her family and 2. To get a good job and not let her worry about financial issues. (Oh, I am a foreigner so I would be bullied in school and fight back to protect myself, which led me to study less and fake being a menace. Came to this country without a penny, mother had to work 3 part-time jobs to support my siblings and me. Everyone had lunch money and I had nothing. Even now my allowance is $250 per month) I see financial stability is what makes a good and stable, and I started to see the future which in turn made me blind to the present. I want to meet her. but it is an hour-and-a-half trip to her house and another hour-and-a-half back home which I find to be inefficient. 3 hours spent not doing anything and it is going to be crowded on the train (so I have to stand for an hour-and-a-half back home tired). She mentioned that I could get a driver's license, which is true, I am stupid (this was after she said she wanted to have a break from me). There are times when she would say things that hurt me, but I let it go as she had a sad past and I understand that she does not mean it when she said it. (I can't take it honestly) My love language is affirmation of words so words hurt me x100. She would get me gifts, but that is not how I see it. I would accept it, loving the gifts, but all I wanted was a pat on my head and say I did well. She did say I did not spend enough time with her and gave examples of someone she knew flying to other states and driving his significant other to his house. My brother would take MC and leave to bring his girlfriend for cruising. My friends can sustain a relationship when we are in the same boat (in university). I said those friends can be in a relationship because they spend time studying together, while when we spend time I have to spend 3 hours in transport and risk lowering my grades. However, everything is just an excuse.
She blocked me everywhere due to me trying to plead with her countless times when she did say that she wanted to have a break from me. So here comes the question, how can I improve myself as a person for that time when she is ready to communicate with me? I am trying hard not to go back to the same mindset as before. How to improve on not being a narcissist and egotist? What do I do to improve my self-esteem issues? How to not worry about her finding another man before I even prove myself? How to start seeing colours again and not hear static everywhere? Am I lacking as a person? Only she could pull me out of the well that I am currently in. How do I cry my heart out? I have only been able to tear up but not cry even though my heart is killing me. I tried searching for it but nothing worked, listening to sad music, watching sad movies, laying in a fetal position and pretending to cry, nothing worked. I am starting to think that maybe she is right about me not loving her. What am I supposed to do? I love her... I have been trying to eat for the past few days, but everything just came out after it entered. Please help me
PS. Please focus on me instead of anyone involved. I want to improve as a person and know what to do to get her attention back. I will be deleting this post in a few days.
submitted by IntroductionFar4248 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:20 JavaScript1994 I was born in January of 1994. Some might say that I’m not a 90’s kid but look for yourself. This picture screams 90’s and I was in Kindergarten - 1st grade at the end of the decade, I miss it too.

I was born in January of 1994. Some might say that I’m not a 90’s kid but look for yourself. This picture screams 90’s and I was in Kindergarten - 1st grade at the end of the decade, I miss it too. submitted by JavaScript1994 to 90s [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:30 kaleisnotokale Why did I think I could do this

I am so stressed out. I'm giving up my master's degree this year (1st year) because I couldn't work anymore after a friend died. However, I still decided to go through with the end-of-year internship because everything was already signed, and I was hoping it would make me think of something else. But now I finished it and I have to write the final report, I can't bring myself to write it. I feel paralysed and I want to puke.
I always struggled with working under pressure and with deadlines, and I am a chronic procrastinator, but I usually always get the job done. Last minute and with tears but it gets done.
This time I thought it would be like always, but I am paralysed. The more stressed I feel, the less I work because I sink more into my grief and feel guilt because it feels as though I'm trying to use their death as an excuse not to work.
I feel horrible, I feel like I'm letting down my supervisors (even though I'm sure they don't care that much about my report I don't know).
I thought I could do this but I can't. This has no impact on my life because I don't care about the grade (obviously since I'm giving up) so I shouldn't feel so horrible about this.
I just feel like I'm not doing a good job as a person. I just don't know why I can't function, and I let people down. I have this crippling fear of working and I feel like shit for not honoring my responsibilities because I don't like being a burden (who does ahah, how original).
I'm seeing a therapist Monday (after the deadline) but fuck why couldn't it come sooner.
I just feel bad. I wish I could fast forward to when I finally move back to my parent's place next month so I can feel like a baby again because I can't do this anymore, responsibilities suck, and I suck at this.
I miss them, I feel guilty about everything, I'm a lazy piece of shit, and I want to PUKE.
Fuck this year, nothing went according to plan. Fuck death, fuck laziness, fuck stress, fuck negativity. And fuck cancer I hate it so much.
I think I'll send an email to my supervisor telling him not to bother reading my ugly ugly unfinished report. He's got a very busy week end too so I don't want to burden him. He knows my situation (the death) and he's a pretty chill dude (although I don't know him well but he graded my internship performance well, I was surprised).
submitted by kaleisnotokale to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:00 AutoModerator Monthly Sell/Trade/Buy Thread June 2024

Please make sure to read the rules below. All comments that do not follow the rules will be removed, but can be reapproved if fixed.

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Please note that this thread is reset on the 1st of every month.
submitted by AutoModerator to VGMvinyl [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:42 Sheashable Did I make the right decision?

So eto all about lang toh sa mga decisions ko sa pag-eenroll sa shs that I thought that it went wrong kasi. Incoming shs na nga pala by the next sy.
So 1st track na kukunin ko tlaga is a&d simula nung grade 9 pa ko since MMA ung kukunin ko sa college pero nung nag grade 10 na ako and malapit nang matapos ang sy, I just realized na walang schools that offers a&d na malapit lng sa amin. My seatmate that time offers me na mag STI na lang dw and she said na 15k per year na lang dw ang bayad since may voucher naman na dw and pinaalam ko toh kay mama and said na ok lng dw but warned me na mahirap dw sumakay doon but i guess it's ok for me naman. I was planning to take either TVL(digital arts) or ABM since they didn't offer arts and design but I've decided to take ABM na lng even tho na hundred percent sure na ako na Multimedia Arts ang kukunin kong course sa college na mas alligned sa digital arts. Pero ang thought ko kasi don eh magkaron man lng ng prior knowledge about handling businessess para in case na hindi mag tagumpay ang aking art career atleast pwede akong maging entrepreneur. Then nalaman ko na lahat ng strand ay may work immersion so mas better talaga kung ang kukunin na strand at course ay naka-allign sa kukunin kong trabaho in the future so dun pa lang d ko na alam kung tama ba ang napili ko.
41 days left bago matapos ang sy 2023-2024 non then I realized na dapat kong isearch ung sti baka kasi d ko magustuhan although maganda ung uniform, ung interior maganda din based kay mr. Google. Pero when I search for the reviews halos lahat puro negative review about dun sa mga hindi nagtuturo na tc etc.
Ok fast forward, I ended up enrolling sa isang University. Libre ung tuition fee since may voucher nga eme eme and nag enroll lng din kasi ako dun kasi dun na din nag enroll ung kaibigan ko, although magkaiba kami ng strand. Nung nag pareserve ako ng slot sa kanila, medyo maliit ung school and I think apaka liit nya to be called as University tas private pa sya and mas maliit pa sya sa school ko na public lng pero sabi ko mas ok na toh since andito ung friends ko and better na toh kaysa sa sti na wla dw extra curricular activities eh un pa naman ang gusto ko, sumali nang sumali sa mga activities na ganyan.
Just recently nag paenroll na ako doon sa university right after ko makuha ung card ko. Mahaba na ung pila nung pumunta kami. My mom keeps nagging on me na kung sure na dw ba ako dito and so on and I said oo since ayoko nang maghanap pa ng school, may mga classmates and friends na nakapagenroll na din doon sa university so d na ako maninibago. Parang ayaw kasi ni mama since diba after ng moving up may mga school na nagiinvite sa mga students sa schools nila and may isang school doon na libre ang tuition(bc of vouchers), maganda ung uniform pang korean, maganda ung appearance nung school, medyo malaki, libre ang pe and may cash na matatanggap kapag nag enroll na agad agad. Pero medyo ayoko dun since may online classes sa schedule nila and I'm so done with online classes. Back to that university, pumasok ako sa enrollment room nila at ang offer lng tlaga nung school nila is de aircon. Mas better pa ang school ko nung grade 10 kahit na public since ung upuan namin doon sa public school pang east asian ang datingan while dito sa uni is armchair lng, add mo na rin ung ilaw nilang apaka dim na parang basement na ung room tas need na rin ng bagong pintura ung mga walls since bakbak na, wala ding gaanong plants para man lang gumanda kahit papaano. Same din ng mga students maaasim pa rin. Hindi ko nga alam kung may mga students from private school na mageenroll at magaaksaya ng pera dito eh kasi mas maganda talaga ung environment and ambiance nung public school. So anyways nag enroll ako at mas lalo akong nagsisi nung they get the original copy of my birth cert. Sabi nila para dw un sa pagaapply ng voucher and tinanong ko kung kailan ibabalik and sbi nila hindi na dw at kung kailangan dw tlaga may pupunta na psa staff sa school dw at doon dw mag paregister ulit and mas magiging mura dw ung bayarin kaysa kapag sa edsa kineme pa magparegister ng b certificate. Dapat nga libre na since sila naman ang kumuha. Parang ang dating tuloy sa akin e may makukuha silang money from those psa staff kuno kapag may nagparegister doon kaya nila kinuha ung orig na copy and culture shock din sa akin un na kukunin ung original. Medyo natatakot tuloy ako na baka pera lng ang habol nila. And wanted to add din kasi ung stage nila kasing liit lng ng stage namin nung jhs so medyo nanghihinayang ako. Ung style na lng ng pagtuturo ang aasahan ko sa kanila and ung mga extra curricular activities kung meron
submitted by Sheashable to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:15 lawliet___ a college student in crisis

Hi, I’m a fashion design student and I don’t want to finish it anymore.
I was originally pursuing a premed course but pandemic came. Online learning made me shit like using google during exams or assignments made by gpt and such. I wasn’t learning anything thru online so I decided to stop after 1.5 sem, got a formal job for a break, entered the fashion world, and now I’m in crisis again. At first, I wanted to do it for fun, I had goals but not long term. I’ve been really invested in fashion since I was a child. Ideas would come to me naturally kahit noon pa but my procrastination got worse after I became a fashion student like doing a midterm project on the same day of our deadline🤯. I don’t know if it’s because of the school, of the lifestyle, of the profs, or just me. I just know my love for fashion & arts at the moment is not as much as before. The last time I felt happy while sketching was around January or December, bago matapos yung 2nd sem ko. I still sketch, and do things but I feel like para nalang sa grades, not because of passion.
I wanted to be a fashion designer based in Japan so that was my motivation back then. I even made a playlist on YT with around 100+ videos—all about Japan (fashion, life, food, etc.) for me to watch every single day, to stay motivated. But I don’t feel like watching them anymore. I’ve been thinking of different motivations every day like my mom, but I don’t pity her anymore. Sometimes, I would think about my parents dying and leaving us alone, but that won’t bother me anymore also. I know my mind is fucked up.
I’ve been thinking about stopping since my 2nd sem. Now, we already paid more than 100k in full for my 3rd sem. I won’t get a refund, even a bit, kasi tapos na rin midterms. I had a beef with my prof recently. Nagstart sya nung 1st day ko sa class nya and until now, ganun pa rin. It has been draining me, dumadagdag sya sa workload stress ko. I think that triggered my thoughts such as gusto ko na magdrop, period. That unbothered feeling pero pano ko sasabihin sa mom ko yun? Nahihiya ako kasi 2nd time ko na. She’s very supportive, and I know she’ll let me do it but yung guilt, I know it would kill me. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m also tired of thinking. I want to study something else, but I’m scared of spending more & gaining nothing.
You might view me as a super lazy person, but I’m telling you, I’m not. I’m pretty consistent sa gym, lots of panganay duties & so on. Can someone enlighten me or like what’s your take on my situation? I’m very very confused right now. Be harsh or anything, just want to learn from different perspectives.
submitted by lawliet___ to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:00 SteamieBot The Steamie - Saturday 1 June 2024

No line problems reported.
Today in Scottish History
1 June 1841: The death in New York of Robert Allan, a weaver who became more widely known for the songs he composed and the poetry he wrote. He had arrived in New York on 25 May, to start a new life in the new world, and died six days later.
/GlasgowMarket Digest
Dog clippers
The Close Community Early Years Event
samsung galaxy tab s9 galaxy ai sealed
Frankie Boyle tickets
Cheap standing Nicki minaj ticket for tonight - £50
1 standing ticket for Nicki Minaj tonight - £100
Graded Cards & Singles for sale
Selling 1 ticket for Wolves In The Throne Room, Saturday 1st June, £20
Looking for 2 x LCD Soundsystem tickets for Tues 2nd July
Tune of the day
Mapped By A Forest - The Night (Official Music Video) (via /ScottishMusic)
No eligible links submitted today. Suggest tomorrow's tune.
submitted by SteamieBot to glasgow [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:45 DevarDavis22 Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 5: Immortal Sins⁷

Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 5: Immortal Sins⁷
Last time. FATHER made plans with the Anti-Sapiens. He wanted to gather the Anti-Sapiens in one spot. FATHER would force jim to create an invention for Jillian which would make her fight her the others. Team Blaze were trying to get the others together. Sidney's group fought Takei and questioned was he an Anti-Sapien. The Anti-Sapiens have finally made it to Togyu Manji. FATHER was shown with a new Anti-Sapien. What will happen now? FATHER" I'm glad that you are here." Rampage" Pleasure doing business with you." FATHER" We are nearly there." Rampage" I sense some good spirit energy. Let me make a quick stop." FATHER" Make it quick." Rampage challenges some people.
Rampage" Who is next?" Geo appears and says" I guess I am now." Rampage thinks" That spirit energy. He's one of the strong ones. I can see it in his eyes." Geo struggles to keep up with his strikes. Geo" He's strong. Too strong. He surpassed my hand to hand. He's not ordinary(thoughts)."fight over. They finally make it to the others. Rampage" So these are the other Anti-Sapiens." FATHER begins to laugh. FATHER" It's about damn time. We are finally one. We will make the world suffer. Feel our wrath." Everyone laughs as well. Team Blaze are shown. Corroshi" Eyashi. What brings you guys here?"
Eyashi" We have actually discovered something. We've got word that the Anti-Sapiens are joining up. I believe it is going to be here." Corroshi" Why do you think that?" Fasha" Togyu Manji is a very large area. They probably want to takeover here. And besides, there's a lot of incidents that occur here anyways." Corroshi" Nice response." Zushi" We needed to round up everyone and warn them. We need everyone here. We need your help." Corroshi" You can count on me." Sez" Hey Corroshi?" Corroshi turns around and says" Do I know you?" Sez" It's me Sez. From the tournament." Corroshi" Oh yeah. I remember you not. You are the one who tried to cheat." Sez" That's me." Corroshi" So why did you come back?"
Sez" I heard you moved and wanted to know if you let you join your team?" Corroshi" Well of course you can. Welcome aboard!" Sez" Aw thanks." Geo and the others aren't there yet. Now everyone is together. Rischardo" Since we're up against Anti-Sapiens, I want everybody to know this. If any of you see Anti-Sapiens named Ira and Danly Indies, there my kids and I'll deal with them. Ira has red hair and Danly has orange hair." Everyone is training with each other. Julmbo" Hey Fasha." Fasha" Yes." Julmbo" Let me see your blade." She does. Julmbo" I see. There is something I need to teach you. Reincarnation." Fasha" Reincarnation?" Julmbo" It's the ability to fix broken Extension Blades."
He breaks his blade. Julmbo" Reincarnation!" The blade has fixed itself. Fasha" Wow that's going to take some time." Julmbo" Nonsense. With your skills you'll master it in no time." He continues to train Fasha. MaXx, Haden, and Sid are lifting weights. MaXx and Haden get into an altercation. MaXx's eyes turn black. MaXx" I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" MaXx' Dark Seal interrupts. He raises his blade towards Haden. Eyashi uses his speed and gets in between(has his hands out separating them)them and says" Brothers shouldn't fight! MaXx don't let darkness consume you." He snaps out of it. MaXx" You're right." Thank you." His eyes return. Keira Saja goes towards Sid and says" I want to be just like you, Fasha, Phil, and the others."
Sid" What do you mean Keira?" Keira" I wish I had powers so I could protect you guys and fight alongside you. If CJ could have power behind I could. I wanted to know if you would train me?" Sid" Ah yeah. Sure. First I need you to hit my fists." She does. Sid" Good but harder. " Phil and Fasha laughs(good laughs). Keira continues to work on her strikes. Cumi name change. Was supposed to sound like cute. New name. Cuimi(kwee-me). Cuemi(q-me). Cuimi(c-oo-me). New name is Cuemi. Cuemi has a vision. Cuemi" Wait! There are these people and there are shredded. We have to save them." Corroshi" Where are they?" They are headed out.
People are on the ground, all cut up. Domay" Who could have done this." Ishani" I think I am going to be sick." She almost throws up. They hear a knife sound cutting together. They go check it out. There's a man standing on dead bodies with his back turn. He turns around and has knives in his hands. Geo" It's him!" He charges and attacks. Eyon" You know this guy?" Geo" This guy was challenging people and he beat me. Hand to hand combat. He is not ordinary. I knew it was slomething about the guy." Rampage" Right you are." He shows off his Anti-Sapien symbol on the left shoulder. Eyashi" He's an Anti-Sapien?" Rampage" Terrified yet? You will be." He strains(screams)his body and shoots off quills(porcupine) towards the others.
People are screaming watch out. Wiggy puts her hair on(wig). The wig has a mind of its own. The wig attaches itself to the scalp. Long hair. The wig can walk Haira(Wiggy) around. Resembles Dr. Octopus. His tentacles are like her hair. The wig is Saiivo. Wig" It's about time you are using me. You must be in a bad situation." Wiggy" I don't need you to be talking. Just shut it." Wig" Whatever you say." Phil hears something. He sees something gooey. He begins to smirk. Phil" Genesis. I guess you're back. Well come on out." Wiggy appears and says" Expecting someone." As Phil gets closer, her hair grabs him from below. Phil" She did that with hair. She's pretty crafty." Her hair becomes gooey and she attacks Phil. Phil" She is an Anti-Sapien." Wiggy" right you are.
As Phil attacks Wiggy, his body goes through her. Phil" What are you? Your hair has to be made with....." Wiggy" That's right. Saiivo." Phil" I knew it." Genesis appears from the ground. Genesis" I was getting a little bored fighting you and all so it's time for a switch. I'll fight you guys." He goes after Sid, Fasha, and Eyashi. He multiplies himself and says" This ought to do it." Bugs are in the area. Strider" It's him!" The other Anti-Sapiens have arrived. Draum sees Wiggy's uniform. Draum" Hey hair lady?" Eyashi" Really? Hair lady." Draum" Shut up will ya. That uniform. You're with the Hydro Corps. What ties do you have with them? I used to be a member." Wiggy" As if I'd tell you." Draum" Figures." Bugs come from his hands(cut off off hand). Rischardo turns around Tijiri and punches him.
Rischardo" Hey there. We never finished our fight." Tijiri" Right you are." They fight. Tijiri" By the way I'm Black Hawk or Tijiri Akaru." Rischardo" (big grin)And I'm Rischardo Inies. The Demonic King. Does that intimidate you?" Tijiri" Not in the least. This will be great." Rischardo" Do you know any Anti-Sapiens named, Ira and Danly Inies? They are my kids." Tijiri" Never heard of them before." Jillian" There are all of these evil duers. Hahaha. Enough for me. Prepare. You'll be parrish." Sid" This feels weird for us to fight." Fasha" Yes it does." Location: Outside Eyashi's house. Genesis clones himself. Genesis" Now there's plenty of me to go around." Julmbo" Hey Takei! Over here!" Massk" You better not disappoint me this time." Julmbo" I won't." Julmbo and Tinn vs Massk. This Time he has help.
Strider and Spike vs Buzz. Spike uses earth boulders and traps him however, he escapes. He appears him and attacks. Strider does some combo attacks but his body keeps becomes bugs. Buzz's hand(cut off) becomes made of bugs. He claps his hands together and and his bugs get bigger. Spike hits it but it hurts his hand. Spike" What's that thing made of! It nearly broke my hand." Buzz chuckles. Strider launches a fireball but it is not phase it. Strider" What kind of a bug is that?" It spits out something. The attack hard just like it's body. Buzz" I know you can do better than that. With the 2 of you, you can do it." Spike" Strider!" Strider" What do you want?" Spike" When we fought him last time, we were able to get the upper hand because we were together and had him frozen."
Strider" I know what you mean. Hey julmbo and Tinn! We need you guys help!" Julmbo" We're in the middle of a fight." Tinn" Well it does seem like it's important." Julmbo" Fine we on the way." Ending. Julmbo manages to freeze Buzz" Massk tries to stop it but Tinn hold him off. Strider delivers a fiery uppercut and he breaks. Strider" It's over." The others are happy. Suddenly, a sworn of bugs appears and Buzz has returned. Body made of bugs. Mouth has a burnt spot. Buzz" It's going to take a lot longer than that to put me down." Julmbo tries to freeze him again but he goes through it. Julmbo turns his attention to Massk. This time he seems impossible to take out. Ending. Buzz chokes both of them. Strider" There doesn't seem like a way out of this one." Massk takes a look around him. He begins to snap.
Massk" No. Not this place." Strider and Spike look at each other. He is not fighting. Spike" His body is visible again(no bugs). This is our chance." Strider" Right!" Spike uses earth materials and holds his arms. Strider" Goodbye Jakob!" He charges and punches him with a fiery fist. He hits him in his guts. He is dead officially. Wiggy" My brother is dead. Should have saw it coming. He always had issues." Phil" That guy is your brother?" Wiggy" Yes." Wig" You don't stand a chance kid." Phil" Who's that? " Wiggy" It's just my wig." Phil" Wig!" The wig forms a hand and waves. Wig" Hey there." Phil" Wow that's impressive." Wiggy shoots a dark attack on Phil. He eats it away. Wiggy" Impossible! He ate the attack!" Phil" I forgot to mention that I have a Saiivo as well." Wiggy" Preposterous! Another Saiivo user." Phil" That's right."
Wiggy's story with her brothers and her wig is shown. Many years ago. Haira(hair-ah) and Jakob always wanted a pet when they were little but didn't have enough money. Eventually they would get lucky to have enough money. The 1st pet was a dog. The dog would bite Jakob and he snapped the dogs neck. Jakob was always rough with toys. Jakob didn't know how to get along with others. Prefered to play by himself. When their brother was born, Jakob would hold him incorrectly. Wodu Akali. Their mother would correct him. One day he ended up strangling Wodu. Haira had to put an end to it. Their mother and father saw that Jakob was a threat. He needs to go. His parents are shown crawling away and begging for help. He tries to kill them and does. Jakob is then locked up in a special prison.
Jakob is a psychopath and manages to kill the guards(years lateadult). Bugs would appear from their corps. FATHER'S voice would be heard , telling him to touch the bugs. He does. Bugs begins to course through his veins. He'd then escapes. His powers then grew at a phenomenal rate. He would meet Heather who was the love of his life. What Jakob did not bring up, was that Heather had mental issues and was unstabled. Just like him. Regardless of her issues, he ignored it and treated her like a regular person. Perfect for each other. People had there eyes on her and wanted her dead. She was causing trouble. Heather was set up and killed. Burned at her home. Jakob goes in to save her but his mouth gut burned but. He didn't save her. Afterwards, he'd see another person who looked exactly like his Heather. Harper. While Jakob was locked up, Haira would get different pets. However they ran away.
FATHER's voice is heard. She is an Anti-Sapiens. She wanted to know if she is truly immortal. FATHER told her about what the Spirit World did. She jumped off a steep cliff. When she opened her eyes, she woke up in bed(when an immortal jumps off a cliff, they can't die/even the Royal Family or just the God and Goddess). She had survived. FATHER tells her about a pet that will be very useful to her. She sees hair but it begins to move. It took her awhile to catch it but finally does. It talks and is Saiivo. The wig explains the hair to her. The Wig crawls on her head and attaches itself to her scalp. From that day on, she can use the Wig to do what she wants. Just like a pet. Story over.
Phil" Wo. What a story." Wiggy's hair stretches and grab Phil with multiple hands(hair). Phil is being held up by the hair while Wiggy attacks. Wiggy uses hand signs. Multiple hair strings appears. Phil uses fireball but the Wig eats it. Wig" Um. Tasty!" Phil" She ate it!?" Phil uses earth style but the same thing happens. Phil" Eat this!" He uses Tinsibugadai. Wig detaches itself from Wiggy and jumps up. Wiggy was almost cut up. Wiggy" That was close!p
Arc Notes- Spirit Cuffs. Wind Slice Attack. Sid spit lightning attack works with fire (combine together) FATHER. Light Power heal chair. Rade plant lady. Geo likes to eat but Yolmmo eats more. Rade uses Genesis to get information without having to leave his spot. He tells to Eyashi Arc 6. Rade apple. Draum takes Hydro Corps with Justice Drivers. Keina Kiyoshi 7. Last time on opening Arc 6. Arc 7 lots of demons. Sez Unemori gadget style. Sakura Hurata Arc 5. Korin Kore. 11th grade. Soothsayer short witch attire. Go to school together. Gru boxing style. Sid, Phil and Fasha back to back. Nara Haseku. Frogg Kikio 4. How to do Fire Morph. Archer. Wind Swallow. Shadow Spea Sabitist Lemaru pike. Blaze rich. Call me Darkness. Tijiri Akaru. Ball shape. Anti-Sapien Hydro Corps. Reincarnation. Massk story. Talk about mask. Body weapon/ absorb/keep power. Absorb blades. Sid and Phil extend fists before the fight. Sidney lots of Anti-Sapiens appearing frequently. Jim dies but will be blame on Team Blaze. Lady Lightning puts Haden to sleep. To spark or not to spark. Jakob Akali. Draum stronger than the demons. Danly I am a demon. Ignoramus. Genesis. Anti-Sapiens need to be stopped. Sydney Fire Morph. Color of mist. Keira Umo 12th grade. Arrows shoot Tijiri. Mountain. Kill guards. Blade Eater. Draum he used a kikio. Geronimo. Sakura Justice Drivers. Anti-Sapien animal powers.
Sidney's group. Tiger(female)=Donta. Bear=Yoshatora(fat). Gorilla=Jasin(stuck in form/good archer).
Mind Controller- Dwells into the person's mind and uses their memories against them. Making the mind attack it's owner.
Team Earth: Corroshi Setse(all styles/fire fav)(master), Geo Kazy(Dragon style/Jeet Kune Do), Eyon Yoshi(Lightning/fire), Yolmmo Usay(wateice) Domay Usay(wind), Korr Yoshi, Kunesuke Atara(glasses/reads/black/lady's man), Su Lin(Eyon's girlfriend/Chinese/not black), Ishani Sharma(Indian skin/not black/turban/Yolmmo's)
Hydro Corps: Sodum Hydro(leader), Coracoona/Charzie Anderson(not black), Dornymious(door-nee-me-us)Ryeno or Rhyno(Rhino/not black/charges), Shune Tuche(to-shay/special suit and mask/great hunter)
Areas- Tohoku Japan(setting/West Japan), Togyu Manji(Sid's home), Conithio Town, Kurai (dark) Haitsu(heights), Renyu Haito, Shiawasena Michi(happy road), Hausada, Heteritoke Town, Kibakoru(near a bakery), Ryusoka (ree-u-so-kah)Tofa,(small town), Zuloko Ikiki(large area), Uketa(oo-kee-tah) Sada(near a graveyard area), Sushun(Soul Snatcher's headquarters), Osaka Japan(western Japan)(Team Earth's original home), Kanta Japan(eastern Japan), Burakkubēsu(means black base)/(Black Widow's hideout),
Greater Demons-Balaam and Dracula
Notes-Mirror asylum. Plache appears arc 6. Rade is a scientist. Wants Kikia to give up her organization. He uses a dark gass it turns people into demons. Erika, Keira Umo, Eyashi, Zushi, and others become demons put into a facility. Must find antidote. Rade has all the demons power Who died. Haden arm becomes demon like but hasn't turned yet. Kikia will stick him with a syringe. Demon form wears off. Arc 6. Haden and MaXx can't win. demon souls. Airball- can be small or large/chargeable. Eyashi- Wind of the Dragon Punch. Charge fist thpen strike the enemy/enemies. Late effect. Final blow will feel like a combination of all the punches in one. Maybe Phil. Dead Beat- idea demon/creature. Strider punches mountain/Gru move mountain. Camme punches Sid untie hair. Huff and puff(wind style).
Lightning Beam (Death Beam). Eyashi got 3 main bosses to like him. Absorb moves/spirt energy. Thunder Strike/plow. Rischardo Underworld fighting scene. Dragon Breath. Heat Vision. Hot as Hell move. Double jump. Liba Tezu. Kiko glasses. We're twins..cousins Fasha. That arm. You're a Soul Killer. You have the red flpower. It's you. Punch/ uppercut Thunder Rider. MaXx grabs it and throws it back. Saundra asks for Sid's name. She tells Ryu. He appears and sees Sid.
Charging fist Sid and Phil. Regular male student too many female characters. Genesis. Rade uses rings to cuff bodyl/Freak Ring Circus/Spirit Ring Cuff. Dragon Flare origin during Bosch's story. Burning Impalememet Sid. Surfing Ice Blade works with other elements. Sid used first with Reaper Sajettus then Fasha with Rudiaslaudia and Sakura used. 1st Lt Alex Mohoto. The Hydro Corps. Eyon vs Tairon was controlled. Fēng's blade Dragon Heart. Dark Matter. Haden purple lightning. When Danly dies, Rischardo will be shown/ Flashbacks shown/will say his son's name. Velencya bird. Corri Howbori. Sid lightning style against Blaze. Lightning Slash. Spirit energy. Rischardo trains Sid. Underwater. Keira says I want to be like you sid train her. Destruction/Destructional Saucer(disk) Domay. Hall of the Gods. Gods on left and Goddesses on right. Gods of Time. Rischardo warns his Greater Demons. Rischardo runs into them later Arc last straw. Camme can't fly. Lightning and wind Morph speed. Mandi glasses Blaze IV likes Spike in Blaze 3.
Ra-Ibo and Kungaru power greater than God of Spirit world and demonic king
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