Pictures of 171452 briggs and stratton motor

Lexus The Pursuit of Perfection

2011.04.14 04:38 rev0 Lexus The Pursuit of Perfection

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2012.10.17 19:02 StupidDogCoffee Dumb Drivers: Don't Derp and Drive

A place for videos, photos and news stories about dumb drivers.

2008.11.02 21:07 The Queen City!

A subreddit for Charlotte, North Carolina. Where residents and visitors alike can share news, events, gatherings, stories, and more. Tirades, Welcome to Charlotte, Things to do, Buying/Selling, and Charity are all weekly topics.

2024.06.05 18:53 1Hano5 Weird experience in Gig Harbor woods

This all happened like a decade ago near Trillium Park, so I'm curious if anyone else has had these experiences. Unfortunately I no longer have the pictures to 'prove' what my friend and I found, so I'm just hoping anyone has had similar experiences.
-If anyone has seen a man with a dog that seemingly comes from canterwood that tries to lure children to him (we made a police report but nothing came of it) -If anyone has found evidence of what we thought to be human trafficking/kidnapping (We found a pink barbie motorized car with childrens clothes/shoes, disappeared after a day) -If anyone has found evidence of cult-like behavior (pentagrams, squirrel heads on sticks, etc)
We also had an encounter with a man that had a gun (pointed it right at my face). Never saw him again but he was probably just high off his rocker or something.
EDIT: Adding a picture of whereabouts everything took place
submitted by 1Hano5 to GigHarbor [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:48 SouledGoat Lesbian and Multiple Sclerosis

So I've been invited to be on a podcast and I need your guidance. It's a bit of a story so bear with me.
I have multiple sclerosis (MS) which is an autoimmune disease that destroys the myelin around the nerves in the central nervous system (CNS) If affects everyone with it differently depending on where in the CNS the myelin has been affected. There's also different types. Some people have bad symptoms all the time and are always getting worse (PPMS) some have it bad then periods of remission (RRMS), etc.
I'm doing well. My motor function is pretty fine now and I have RRMS. You probably wouldn't know I have MS unless I told you. I think you can see my previous posts on my profile and from those pictures, I don't look at all disabled.
There's more news about MS out there now about MS bc of people like Selma Blair and Christina Applegate. From what I hear, people either don't know what MS is or think MS is this always terrible thing that is super disabling. That bugs me.
When I meet someone and they find out I have it, even if I'm looking fine, they'll start worrying about me. Like they'll assume I'm on the edge of not being fine, ya know. Part of me like to keep my MS a secret and part of me what's to be open so people can see that there's lots of ways to have MS.
I'm in Facebook groups for people with MS. Someone posted about a forum or something about an LGBTQIA+ MS form whatever. I commented that I haven't considered how my gayness impacts my MSness.
Today I got a message from a podcast owner. They saw my comment there and others I've made in the group and want to interview me.
I asked why they want to interview me and they replied, in part, "My platform is dedicated to providing those affected by MS the opportunity to share their stories openly and authentically. When I saw your response to the post about gay pride, it struck me as a significant and powerful part of your story. The intersection of living with MS and being part of the LGBTQ+ community is a perspective that I believe many in the MS community can resonate with and learn from.
Navigating the challenges of an invisible illness like MS is already complex, and I can only imagine how being gay adds further dimensions to your experience. I’d love to offer you a platform to share your journey, your struggles, and your pride in who you are. It’s important that these stories are heard, and no one should ever have to apologize for who they are."
I Iike that response, but I'm conflicted about sharing my story. The podcast has wonderful ratings and a good size audience. I want to help people understand MS and all of that. I also feel weird about, I guess, outing my MS to such a large audience (the podcast puts guest name in show titles) . If I'm doing it though I want to do it as me and not a pseudonym.
But I don't want people to see the individual me as MS being my main thing. I have so much more about me than being gay and having MS. If I do this, then if someone googles me, this will be the top result. I have a government job and do to conferences and stuff so I have reason to assume I get Googled. Or if I just meet new people. I am single. If I go on a first date and someone Googles me, they would know I have MS and maybe make the wrong assumptions about my health.
So, what would y'all do? Podcast or not?
I know this was a very long read and become less readable towards the end. Thank you very much for taking the time to read it.
submitted by SouledGoat to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:40 Mikel123123123 Anyone know why this happens?

Anyone know why this happens?
I recently got a new Torro Recycler 22-in Gas Self-propelled Lawn Mower with 150-cc Briggs and Stratton Engine and it spits all the grass out of the right side of the bag and on top of the mower. This happens until enough grass is in the bag and weighs it down enough. Then it no longer spits grass.
I’ve locked it in the correct place. The bag seems to have more flaps that might be able to lock onto something? However I can’t find what it is as it isn’t easily locking onto anything.
I feel like I must be doing something wrong because putting in any more effort to lock the bag in seems impractical if you fill the bag up more than once a cut.
Is it possible they put the wrong size bag in the box?
submitted by Mikel123123123 to lawnmowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:30 rvralph803 Torque Sensor not working After upgrade - Mokwheel Basalt

Torque Sensor not working After upgrade - Mokwheel Basalt
Greetings, I need some advice.
I own a Mokwheel Basalt. This is a rear drive motor with a bottom bracket torque sensor as seen in the provided picture.
I just upgraded my chainring and crankset, which required removing the old crank arms, which then left the front chainring exposed.
The chainring gear was attached to the bottom bracket using a chainring lock ring. This took a considerable amount of force to remove, requiring two people and a long arm wrench. The toothed tool interfaced with the ring on the righthand side of the bike, and the breaker wrench was holding the opposite side of the bottom bracket square taper spindle on the left. You can see the lock-ring interface threads from the provided picture on the right hand side. (picture form mokwheel's site)
I reassembled the bike with the new chainring which only affixes via the tapered square spindle and hex retention bolt -- basically the same way the crank arms go on or off.
I also changed the rear freehub gears, which required dismounting the rear wheel and disconnecting the motor.
The problem: After this upgrade the motor outputs no assistance during pedaling with PAS at any setting. However the throttle works just fine, putting out power up to the speed limit. As far as I can tell no error codes are being thrown out.
I did not mess with the controller or the torque sensor in any way other than the removal of those parts, and I've opened the bottom bracket area where they reside to inspect the torque sensor wiring. I see no breaks or other issues with the wiring.
I'm going to try to put the old chainring back on for testing this evening to see if perhaps the torque input isn't registering somehow from the new ring, but I doubt that's the issue.
Could the torque sensor have become damaged as a result of the removal of the retaining ring on the chainring? A *lot* of force was required and both sides of the tapered square spindle were counter-rotated as a result.
I need some guidance here
EDIT: I'm also fairly sure that this is the sensor:
submitted by rvralph803 to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:26 Lena_from_OneAthlete Swimming Success Begins in Your Mind: The Art of Visualization

Hey swimming community!
I wanted to share my view on this, in my opinion, amazing technique that’s often overlooked in favor of physical drills: visualization.Ever heard about the story of how Michael Phelps used this powerful mental tool to become a swimming legend?
When Michael Phelps stepped onto the pool deck at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he wasn't just relying on his years of rigorous physical training. He was also armed with visualization, a technique his coach Bob Bowman introduced to him at a young age.
Every day, Phelps would spend time visualizing his races in intricate detail. He imagined the feel of the water, the sensation of his muscles working, the sounds of the pool, and even the taste of chlorine. This mental rehearsal was not just about picturing success; it was about creating a mental blueprint of the entire experience, engaging all his senses.
One of the most compelling examples of Phelps's visualization prowess occurred during the 200-meter butterfly at the 2008 Olympics. Mid-race, his goggles filled with water, blinding him. Instead of panicking, Phelps relied on his mental rehearsals. He had visualized this exact scenario countless times. By counting his strokes and trusting his internal sense of pace, he finished the race with a world record. This remarkable feat highlighted how visualization can prepare you for unexpected challenges.
Scientific research supports the effectiveness of visualization. Studies show that mental practice activates the brain’s motor cortex, which plans and executes movements. This activation helps reinforce motor patterns, similar to the effects of physical practice. Additionally, visualization can enhance psychological readiness, reducing anxiety and boosting confidence. By mentally rehearsing success, you can approach your races with a calm, focused mindset.

Craft your own visualization routine:

Anyone here tried visualization before? How did it go?
Michael Phelps used visualization, a mental rehearsal technique taught by his coach, to prepare for his races. This involved imagining every detail of the race, including possible issues like his goggles filling with water. During the 2008 Olympics, this practice helped him stay calm and win the 200-meter butterfly with a world record despite being unable to see. Visualization strengthens motor patterns and reduces anxiety, making it a valuable tool for athletes. Has anyone here tried visualization? How did it work for you?
submitted by Lena_from_OneAthlete to Swimming [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:57 Lena_from_OneAthlete Swimming Success Begins in Your Mind: The Art of Visualization

When Michael Phelps stepped onto the pool deck at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he wasn't just relying on his years of rigorous physical training. He was also armed with a powerful mental tool: visualization. This technique, often overlooked in favor of physical drills, can transform your performance from good to gold-medal-worthy. So, what exactly is visualization, and how can it help you achieve your peak performance?

The Mental Blueprint: How Visualization Works

Visualization is not just about picturing success. It's about creating a mental blueprint of the entire experience, engaging all your senses to mimic the real-life scenario as closely as possible. By doing so, you activate the same neural pathways that you use during physical practice. This mental rehearsal strengthens muscle memory and improves motor skills, making your actual performance smoother and more efficient.

Michael Phelps: A Real-Life Visualization Champion

Michael Phelps's remarkable career is a testament to the power of visualization. From a young age, Phelps's coach, Bob Bowman, incorporated visualization into his training regimen. Every day, Phelps would spend time visualizing his races in intricate detail. He imagined the feel of the water, the sensation of his muscles working, the sounds of the pool, and even the taste of chlorine.
One of the most compelling examples of Phelps's visualization prowess occurred during the 200-meter butterfly at the 2008 Olympics. Mid-race, his goggles filled with water, blinding him. Instead of panicking, Phelps relied on his mental rehearsals. He had visualized this exact scenario countless times. By counting his strokes and trusting his internal sense of pace, he finished the race with a world record. This remarkable feat highlighted how visualization can prepare you for unexpected challenges.

The Science of Mental Rehearsal

Scientific research backs up the effectiveness of visualization. Studies show that mental practice activates the brain’s motor cortex, which plans and executes movements. This activation helps reinforce motor patterns, similar to the effects of physical practice. Additionally, visualization can enhance psychological readiness, reducing anxiety and boosting confidence. By mentally rehearsing success, you can approach your races with a calm, focused mindset.

Crafting Your Visualization Routine

  1. Detailed Imagery: Visualize every aspect of your race. Include sensory details like the feel of the water, the sounds of the crowd, and the sight of the pool.
  2. Consistency is Key: Regular practice enhances the effectiveness of visualization. Make it a daily routine.
  3. Prepare for Anything: Include potential challenges in your visualization. Imagine how you’ll handle a false start, a poor turn, or a goggle malfunction.
  4. Positive Outcomes: Focus on successful performances to build confidence and maintain a positive mindset.
Visualization is more than just an imaginative exercise; it’s a crucial component of comprehensive training. By creating vivid mental images of your races, you can enhance your physical performance, build mental resilience, and prepare for the unexpected. Whether you’re aiming for an Olympic podium or personal bests in your local meets, incorporating visualization into your training can elevate your performance to new heights. Just ask Michael Phelps.
In the world of competitive swimming, your success truly begins in your mind. Master the art of visualization, and you’ll find that the limits of your performance are bound only by the extent of your imagination. Dive in and start visualizing your way to success, one stroke at a time.
submitted by Lena_from_OneAthlete to u/Lena_from_OneAthlete [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:13 Annual_Report4501 Under what conditions will I be at risk of electric shock when using the 5VDC relay module (connected to esp32)

Under what conditions will I be at risk of electric shock when using the 5VDC relay module (connected to esp32)
Well, how do I connect the esp32 to the 2-channel 5VDC relay module (according to the picture, the output can meet a maximum of 250VAC/30VDC -10A?). When a friend asked me, "so why are the wires at the COM and NO pins open like that, you can touch them without getting shocked?". I was a bit confused, I couldn't answer at that time, this was a basic deficiency in my electrical knowledge. So I want to ask everyone again, is it because I haven't provided a separate power source (in the picture, only the power source is from the esp32) with a large voltage so I don't get shocked when I touch the copper wire? (assuming those 2 wires are later used to connect to the motor, for example)
submitted by Annual_Report4501 to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:28 Shagrrotten FG Decades Tournament, the 2010’s: Round 2

Well here we are, FG, our first decades tournament, the 2010’s. Thank you to everyone who nominated movies, and let’s get right into it!
Results of Round 1
Results of Round 2
View Poll
submitted by Shagrrotten to IMDbFilmGeneral [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:49 tmscro As requested, a more detailed build list of my 2JZ Cressida.

So I've gone back through my phone as far as I could looking for any pictures from the initial build.
This started out with me acquiring the victim 2jz from eBay for $1700 shipped back in 2016 before I even had the Cressida. I had originally planned to put the motor in an 80's or 90's Tacoma.
I came across the mx73 chassis on Craigslist for $400 which was perfect.
I towed the Cressida home from Long Island to Central Mass and started the teardown. I pulled the motor and trans in my garage and scrapped them before bringing it to my fab guy down the street to do the rest of the build.
Once we got it to the shop, we got a better idea of what we'd need to to the build. Originally I was going to swap in a w58 but quickly found out that the w58 wouldn't be nearly strong enough. I then decided on a CD009 swap and ordered the adapter plate, clutch and trans.
That left me in the dark with the rear end as they're also super weak. My fab guy informed me that he had connections with the local junk yard and he could get me a Ford 8.8 independent rear for which he also had an LSD laying around that he'd give me.
So we made our own control arms and made the ford rear end fit the X7 chassis. We made custom made axles using a sacrificial axle that has threaded rod to measure for the correct length and cut out the factory bump stops and converted them to coilover mounts using Viking coilovers.
The trans tunnel had to be cut out and remade. Made a custom trans mount as well. We made the power steering, and coolant overflow from scratch, as well as the oil catch can.
The wiring harness was chopped up to remove anything unnecessary and we adapted it to fit an ECU master ECU.
Overall the build took about 11 months.
After finding out one of the stock turbos was blown and full of oil I decided to go big single, found a used Borg Warner s366 which did very well for the first year of use. After that I sold it and went with a Boostlab 78mm turbo after putting in 272 cams, bigger springs, cam gear etc.
The following year it developed rod knock on the dyno. Only to find out the cause was from blast media being stuck in the baffles of the valve covers.
Fast forward to today, the engine has been fully rebuilt, ported head, billet main caps, oversized valves, I-beam rods, gas ported pistons. 2000cc injectors, new intake manifold with 2 fuel rails. Essentially a brand new motor. Patiently waiting to go back in to the car. Aiming for about 1200whp.
I may be forgetting some stuff, I'd be happy to answer any other questions!
Thanks for looking!
submitted by tmscro to Cressida [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:08 hellopriyasharma Simple Friendship Band Craft for Preschoolers

Simple Friendship Band Craft for Preschoolers
Creating friendship band craft for preschoolers is a vibrant activity that combines fun, learning, and the celebration of friendship in one creative package. In addition to helping young learners develop their fine motor skills, this exercise emphasizes the value of friendships in life by introducing them to the fundamental idea of giving and sharing. Designed with toddlers in mind, this book offers a thorough tutorial on how to make meaningful friendship bands that are easy enough to be fun and educational at the same time.

The Essence of Friendship Bands

Friendship bands are a concrete expression of preschoolers' affection and togetherness, signifying the ties that bind friends together. Involving kids in the creation of these bands can promote a culture of gratitude and generosity at an early age, establishing the foundation for solid, compassionate interpersonal bonds.

Preparing Friendship Band Craft

Gathering Supplies:

  • Opt for soft, colorful yarn or embroidery threads that are gentle on little hands.
  • Select beads with large holes to simplify the threading process.
  • Prepare safety scissors to ensure a safe crafting environment.
  • Have tape or a clipboard ready to secure the strands during crafting.
  • Collect stickers, pre-cut felt shapes, or fabric markers for decorating the bands.

Friendship Band Craft for Preschoolers Step-by-Step

1. Color Selection and Yarn Preparation:

Initiate the activity by discussing the concept of friendship. Ask each child to reflect on their friends' favorite colors, encouraging them to choose yarn that reflects their friend's preferences or personality, promoting thoughtfulness.

2. Measuring and Cutting:

Teach children how to measure and cut the yarn, emphasizing cooperation and assistance among them to foster a collaborative atmosphere.

3. The Crafting Process:

  • Starting the Band: Guide children in tying a starting knot and securing the yarn for braiding or twisting. This step introduces basic knot-making skills.
  • Braiding Basics: Show a simple three-strand braid technique, adapting the method based on the age group and skill level of the children.
  • Bead Addition: Incorporate bead threading into the craft, enhancing fine motor skills and pattern recognition.
  • Personal Touches: Encourage children to personalize the bands with decorations that they feel represent their friendship, allowing for an expression of individuality and creativity.

Learning Through Play

Integrate educational elements subtly within the activity. Discuss concepts such as colors, patterns, counting beads, and the importance of sequences in braiding. This not only enriches the crafting experience but also turns it into a multifaceted learning opportunity.

Safety and Supervision

Highlight the importance of adult supervision, especially when using scissors or small beads that could pose a safety risk. This ensures that the crafting experience remains positive and secure for all participants.

The Joy of Giving

Finalize the exercise with a special gathering where kids can trade friendship bands. This is a critical time to reinforce the social-emotional learning components of the craft by imparting attitudes of kindness and appreciation for one another.

Beyond the Craft

Expanding the Activity:

Consider extending the theme of friendship beyond crafting bands. Encourage children to share stories about their friends, draw pictures of playing together, or even sing songs about friendship, making the concept a recurring theme in your preschool curriculum.

Incorporating Technology:

While the focus is on hands-on crafting, you can also use technology to document and share these moments with parents. Photographs or videos of children engaged in crafting, shared through a secure platform like through a school parent app, can involve the family in the learning journey and celebrate the children's achievements.


Preschoolers' friendship band creation is more than just an arts and crafts project; it's a meaningful experience that fosters fine motor skills, creativity, and—above all—the virtues of empathy and friendship. Preschoolers not only take their first steps in creating with this guided activity, but they also learn the value of friendships and the joy of sharing. Teachers and parents build a generation that appreciates relationships, exhibits creativity, and treasures the small but meaningful act of creating and exchanging a sign of friendship by cultivating these experiences.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to u/hellopriyasharma [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:56 HotHuckleberry2423 8 grams

Hi, I did 8gr of psilocybin and this was my experience.
This lasted about 8 hours, and I don’t remember everything because it was too long, but I’ll try to write everything.
I did this alone for the first 3 hours, and then my girlfriend arrived.
I lost my senses. I was in the living room of our home with the lights on. I felt that my brain started disconnect from the body. The “disconnection” feeling escalated quickly, to a point where I couldn’t see with my eyes, I mean… I saw only darkness. But I was able to touch things normally. This didn’t last long, and then I started to see everything slowing down in time.
My first impulse when this started was to fully undress, I even wanted to cut my hair bald, but I didn’t because I wasn’t sure about my motor abilities to do it. So I just got fully naked.
I was able to partially “get out”, of the experience by focusing in reality. I did that.
Then I wanted to “really experience” this, so I sat, and took a quilt to cover myself with it. I was now sat in the living room in full darkness. Here, if I opened my eyes felt exactly the same as if they were closed. I saw the same “world”. It didn’t matter if my eyes were open or closed.
I was able to see, even though I was in complete darkness, everything I touched was “light”. I was able to “see” with my hands.
Then I lay down with the quilt still covering me from the living room lights.
I never turned off the lights and preferred to use the quilt, because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to “get out” of the experience so easily. I thought that light was an easy escape.
While laying down in the darkness, the experience intensified, actually it was way too intense that I panicked. I started to feel and see in my head that my body was disintegrating. So I choose to not do that, I focused my thoughts into my own, myself. That thought more or less “saved me” from the disintegration sensation. I started to deepening into myself. My body now, was fully disconnected from me. It was only “me”. Not my body, not my perspective, it was only me.
I was looking at my own consciousness.
Then one question a raised ¿If I am looking at my consciousness, then what am I?
That question was the main reason I didn’t “disintegrate”, every time I "leaved" that question I started to feel my body disintegrate again which made me panic. So, I stayed with it, I tried to answer it.
I was looking now my own brain cells connections, and moving trough them... And then, I finally found "the real me". And it was a loop, there it was... A collection of thoughts looping with themselves. I was "looking" now at my own thoughts.
That went on for a while... As I was too afraid to leave that question... I didn't wanted to "go on" with the disintegration because I was alone, and doing it so, it'll mean that I'll stop for sure having control over my body.
Then, I decided that it was enough. I wasn't experiencing anything worth. I was just trapped in that "loop" inside myself. So I took the quilt away.
Oh by the way... My thoughts and brain cells looked like a fractal rainbow with fast growing moving, and every bit of it emited a thought. Also, it was floating there in the middle of the dark.
I got tired of that, I felt I was just surviving some treat... So I decided to end it.
I read a lot about psilocybin effects before of doing this. So, my reasoning was that, most of this was caused by my neurons connection overlapping with each other. To me, that explained "why" the experience was WAY stronger when being in the dark. My brain was desperately trying to "fix himself" by gathering information to reconnect. But that was impossible. As my brain himself was "broke", reality was now just a perception and not reality it self.
So, my "way" of leaving this experience was to stimulate my body as much as I could so my brain somehow managed to "connect" the basic senses. I went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. This more or less worked, it turned out this was just beginning... I went again in the shower to the same "full disconnection" mode. This time, every time my eyes were close by a second -just by blinking- I got trapped again inside my thoughts. It looked more or less like cyan fractal bubbles. Like those "multiverse" pictures.
I started to panic, but managed to get out of it by staying calm. I went into a cycle of going back to the living room, and then to the bathroom to take multiple showers, then screaming that I wanted to stay alive, and then calm down. I thought that if "let go" my thoughts I was going to to die. The reason, was that "disintegration" feeling.
I finally, got out of it.
I sat naked in the living room, looking at my scared dog. But I was finally calm, and just looked around.
Now, time wasn't there.
I mean, the flow of time seemed to go incredibly slow and incredibly fast at the same time. I saw the days past by and the consequences of all my actions in a moment. Even the consequences of this fungi experience. I saw my dog age, then die, then to rot... And finally turn into dust. I saw the same for the house. I saw and feel the sun rising, I saw the wind taking all the dust that everything turned in to.
But, all the time I was on the same place and I knew it. Looking through time past, present or future was as simple as just moving my head to one side or the other. But I wasn't in control to were I was looking at.
I was there, but then I got trapped again in my thoughts... The difference was that this time, my thoughts were present with my eyes open. So, I did the thing of "first shower, then calm" loop again a couple of times. I managed to calm down, but I was still trapped.
This time, I didn't panicked, now. I was living and re-living the same moment again and again. This time I was trapped in time.
In every iteration, I saw my whole life developing since the moment I took the 8 grams psilocybin tea, to the moment I supposedly was. I was trapped, and this time "physical" stimulus won't get me out. I lived at least 30 loops of restarting my life from the moment I took the tea.
I started to panic again, because I thought I was going to stay trapped forever. I was living again and again an immense tree of possibilities. And I was so afraid to stay trapped. But then, I managed to calm down. I realized that I got closer to the actual present. every time I accepted what reality was... My real life problems and joys.
Then I blinked, and this experience was finally nice. Now I was able to look through time at will. I then looked at my past, my family past, my ancestors, my non human ancestors, all the way to the cambric period. That time was savage, all life was eat or be eaten. I couldn't go further back, actually when I hit that period in time, I kind of "bounced back" and couldn't go back that far again.
My girlfriend opened the door and came in, she looked at me. And asked me what was going on, then sat with me and started to question me. At least that's what she saw.
To me, I saw our whole life together, we never had kids but we were more or less happy together, we aged until our hair went white, and our skin looked like raisins.
Then I moved to our immediate past, and then all the way back to the time we meet. And I was so releef for that to happen. Because I lived everything we lived together again, but this time I said sorry. I said sorry for every time I was wrong, or did something to make her cry, I even used this "second opportunity" to make things better, I proposed to her way earlier so we were able to have kids.
But she was there, sitting by my side in the living room.
And I was looking at her, while I re-living all that, and saw her face, her clothes and her skin change when something relevant in the past changed. I apologized a lot for everything, way more times than I can count.
At this point, I was in full control of space time, and I was able to manipulate reality at will.
However, I discovered something... I discovered that reality is just a perception, and that we all are one. We, all humanity and every living being come from the same place for the same purpose.
We are souls, that's our conscience, that was "the observer" looking at the neurons when this whole experience started.
Our bodies and our reality is just a mean for a purpose. We all are part of a greater self, and he want us to love. Love is the answer to everything. And the reason is that we all are part of him. You may call this superior being "God", but he is unaware of our existence... We are, the equivalent of "neurons" to him. And every time we love another being, we make a connection... And that connection is what gives him the ability to "think" or to "act". He's a being outside our reality, but still a being among other beings trying to survive in their own world. Our bodies, our conscious, time, and space are just the means for us to experience "connection", and that connection serves him as a mean to survive. We all are one because we all are him.
I looked at him... And he was a kind crab which my existence didn't managed to be any help for him. The ultimate act of love is reproduction, and wasn't going to have kids.
Then I started to choke. I was seriously afraid that I was so "outside" of my body that I was in reality actually choking. Apparently, breathing is the main indicator for our conscience to be worthy of living. So, when I resignated to not have kids I started to die. My girlfriend saved me here, I just kissed and she did it back.
When the experience started to fade, I started to see reality as it is. Before of that, I still dancing between past and present... And everything in present was being modified by the actions I did in the past.
That's it.
My girlfriend kept one trace of that trip, when I changed parts of our past, her hair changed from full painted blond, to black hair with a single blonde lock of hair.
This whole experience made me doubt of what reality is, and I'm not sure if my girlfriend hair has been always like that or if it actually changed.
Of course, that I choose to believe that it was always like that, and I just didn't noticed before. I just wanted to share this.
submitted by HotHuckleberry2423 to PsilocybinExperience [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:54 Standard-Paper7137 My knee (rarely) hurts when I walk

This may seem like a non-issue, and maybe it is, but I'm curious.
I'm 14(AFAB), and I haven't had any surgeries nor injuries lately. Anywhere. But sometimes, recently (I think it's happened 2x or 3x times? in the last 2mo?), when I walk and straighten my leg, it hurts. Today, it happened when I was already walking for ~30min and went away after I sat down for a bit and started walking again. It went away 5m after I started walking, and I kept walking after it stopped.
What's weirder is that for a long time, like probably at least 4 years, my left knee (same spot) periodically got.. stiff? I don't know how to describe it, but it felt like I needed to straighten my leg or else it would feel weird. It didn't affect my motor skills at all, and it has no real frequency. I think it's affected by how active I am, and admittidely I'm not too active, but when I did fencing I still got it as well. I do know that it's increased as I got older.
I didn't feel that feeling today, though, but it's in the same spot and I wonder if they're connected.
I tried to search online about knee pains, but all of them seem to have at least one of the three symptoms or causes: 1. Age 2. Recent Injuries or Surgeries 3. It hurts when you bend the knee. Mine (again, rarely) hurts when I straighten it only when I'm walking. (It seems to be more when the straightened knee hits the sidewalk, I think.)
None of those apply to mine, especially with the added factor that it might be connected to the stiffness issue.
Anyways, created a reddit account for this that I'll probably never use again. Should I see a doctor for this specifically or just mention it in my next checkup, and do you have any ideas for what it could be?
Btw, I don't take any vitamins or medications nor have I in the past. I don't have any diagnosis. And my knee looks normal, so I don't think a picture is necessary (or helpful).
EDIT: Wanted to add since this may seem important: sometimes when I'm sitting and crease my leg towards the bed/couch/whatever, I can feel a little crack thing. You can't hear it, though.
submitted by Standard-Paper7137 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:47 Sneakerwaves What do you think—head gasket?

My wood chipper runs an 8hp Briggs and Stratton engine. It sat all winter with fuel in it so no surprise it needed some carb cleaning before she fired up again. Once running it was surging a little, which I took to be an after effect of the old fuel that would probably work itself out. I left it running probably ten minutes and then engaged the clutch to connect to engine to the chippers and it quickly started running very very roughly and puffing very dark smoke from the muffler. I shut it off and started it again, same result. I’m guessing bad head gasket, which looks like an easy fix. But I am still learning. What do you think? Thanks for any thoughts.
submitted by Sneakerwaves to smallengines [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:24 ronlynne Strays - Episode 7 - Farmer Bren

Links to previous Episodes below the story.
Episode 7 marks the beginning of the final trilogy of stories in the book.
If you'd like to listen to me read this story click here.
All Strays episodes on YouTube
(Along with my questionable photoshop skills)
Episode 7 - "Farmer Bren"
“Isn’t it amazing?”
Commander Bren was trying to simply enjoy the view but he struggled to relax, as his brain calculated the volume of water, the speed it reached as it spilled over the edge, and what the rocks must look like under the falls, after centuries of erosion. After Commander Klein’s question Bren managed to shut down the critical thinking for a moment. As he watched the water flow over the falls his imagination led his mind to a space he wasn’t familiar with. He was thinking of the water, and of space. Bits of wood occasionally flowing with the water, like a spaceship in space.
Commander Klein watched as Bren seemed to shut down his mind and just enjoy the view. Klein relaxed as Bren relaxed. Finally. Klein had been about to give up. He had taken Bren to several natural wonders across the eastern parts of North America, and Bren had calculated the years a tree took to grow “that way,” what type of fauna would live in the forest along a rugged mountain river, caves, canyons, gardens, just problems to be solved. Finally, Bren was enjoying something. Niagara Falls. In the past it had been a tourist trap. Fascinating, but surrounded by tacky gift shops and hot dog stands. Now the natural surroundings made it an uncluttered connection to nature. For long minutes Bren didn’t move, just letting his eyes scan the area, following the flow of water in so many different places, all heading to the same spot eventually.
Klein allowed himself to be hypnotized by the falling water. Finally, Bren broke the silence. “This water, flowing, yet, as you go smaller it becomes droplets, then molecules, Hydrogen and Oxygen bonded together. Atoms to molecules to drops to gallons to a river to an ocean.”
Klein smiled. Even Bren’s relaxed state was science based, and technically, Bren wasn’t even a scientist. He was a diplomat. A fact driven home over the past week as Bren spent hours discussing protocols and agreements with Earth’s leaders. Although Klein and Captain Gardner spent time in those meetings, Bren was there for all of them. 12-16 hours every day, as Bren kicked into full diplomatic mode. It was impressive to watch, although incredibly boring. But Bren was as energetic as Klein had seen him. He seemed truly excited to discuss viral threats and currency exchanges while Klein sat waiting to see if they would need him for the next four hour block. He was relieved when it was over, and they got a few days off on Earth. His thoughts were interrupted by Bren, continuing.
“It occurs to me Commander, your method of FTL is like a tree branch going over the falls.” Klein smiled at the analogy. Bren continued, “But most FTL is more akin to the canal upstream. A shortcut across the field that is a far smoother way to negotiate that distance.”
Klein realized Bren was hinting at different methods of FTL in real life. He looked carefully at the canal on his pad, looking at the satellite overview. The canal he spoke of connected two branches of the river, allowing access across a great distance that would not be possible without the canal. “Like a wormhole?”
Bren smiled. “That is a fair analogy, but I was thinking more of the method of propulsion. Engines aren’t allowed in the river, so generated wave movement in the canal pushes the water in either direction, negating the need for motorized transport.”
Klein tapped the screen, looking for more information on the canal. He made a note, and sent the article to his personal message center. He’d have to read it later. “Why don’t you just tell me?”
Bren smiled, “Protocol.”
Klein nodded. Bren had made his dislike of Snap FTL apparent early on. Clearly other species in the universe didn’t use Snap. But Bren couldn’t share the details. So he dropped hints for Klein. A puzzle Klein hadn’t put together yet. Bren turned to Klein.
“This has been a refreshing break. Quite enjoyable. Shall we travel to meet Lieutenant Jeffries?”
Klein examined Bren. He actually did look refreshed. He smiled. “Yes, let’s go. I can’t wait until we fly over the Rocky Mountains. Maybe that will impress you.” Bren looked confused.
“I have been quite impressed Commander. The diamond mine was very informative. Especially how your people took the hardest mineral on your planet and exploited it for expensive trinkets and jewelry, instead of practical uses.”
Klein was unsure what Bren regarded as relaxation as they approached the shuttle.
As expected, the trip over the Rocky Mountains caused Bren to discuss Earth’s tectonic movements, as well as a discussion on volcanoes and again, erosion. Some of the canyons along the Utah/Colorado border did get his attention, as Klein flew as low as was allowed. But, as Bren pointed out, his world also had mountains.
As they turned north, they followed the trail of cities and towns along the mountains in Utah. Klein explained to Bren that somehow, Utah had avoided any major damage during the war. Utah certainly had a history of nuclear testing in the past, but as a low population area, with mountains, there was nothing of value worth destroying. Other nearby states, flatter states, had missiles located around the area and as such, were overrun in places by groups attempting to commandeer them. Battles played out, with a few warheads detonating underground. Utah had nothing to steal, and mostly fighters just bypassed the state. This was the reason so many farms had survived. As they approached northern Utah Klein marveled. “It’s amazing that Bella’s family has been on that farm for almost two-hundred years.”
Bren noted, “That is not uncommon on Klaan, but we haven’t had a major military conflict in over three thousand years.”
As they dropped to landing range Jeffries lit a smoke flare on the ground for Klein. There wasn’t much wind, but it was a legal requirement in this area, as there was no official landing pad for 100 kilometers.
As Klein and Bren hopped off the shuttle Jeffries charged up to them, excited. She stopped and offered a salute, but Klein dismissed it as they hugged, and she turned to Bren. “I’ve never asked, is a hug an acceptable form of greeting for Klaan?”
Bren shrugged, “It is not forbidden.”
She snickered as she gave him a hug, then pulled them both toward the main farm. “You made it just in time to help me feed the sheep before dinner.” Klein rolled his eyes as Bren searched his memory files. She noticed his look and pointed to a field. “Sheep!”
Bren looked up. “Ah, I have the definition of the word, but have no images to refer to.” This seemed to be what finally caused Bren to relax, as he watched the furry sheep make noise and follow them as they headed to the feed area. He noticed Jeffries speaking to the sheep. “Do they — understand you?”
She chortled. “They don’t know what I’m saying, but they know that I’m about to feed them.” Klein nudged Jeffries as Bren stopped near a few sheep who took an interest in him.
He looked at them curiously. “Hello sheep, lambs, rams, ewes. I’m Bren, and we are here to feed you.” The sheep bleated as they jostled to get closer and Bren seemed delighted. Jeffries came up and pulled a handful of alfalfa from a nearby bale, handing it to Bren and pointing for him to hold it out. As expected, the sheep forced their way to the green treats and nibbled away. Bren was overjoyed. He turned around looking for more. Jeffries pulled another bunch and gave it to Bren, who turned and hand fed the sheep again. He bounced like a child and Jeffries grabbed his arm.
“If you like that you’ll love this.” She entered a feeding area, troughs and platforms lined one side, and she directed Bren toward the feed line. “Do you want to release the levers and load the bins, or distribute the alfalfa?”
Bren looked, “Both!”
She pulled him forward. “At each station pull the lever, it will release the feed pellets into the bins.” Bren pulled one, and it did just as she described, and a few sheep pushed in, while others waited at stations down the line. “Now do the same to the others!” Bren excitedly went down the line releasing levers as the sheep began eating. He got to the end and looked back proudly. Jeffries pointed at a bale of alfalfa on a hanging trolley. “Take a couple layers off the end and put in the area next to the bins.”
Bren pulled at the bailed brick of alfalfa and pulled a few layers off, then put them carefully in the area she had indicated. Jeffries laughed. “This isn’t fine dining, you can just toss it in.”
Bren smiled as he pulled the trolley down the line, continuing to carefully place the greens in each area. When he reached the end where Klein sat on a bale of alfalfa and Jeffries was grinning, Bren spoke. “I haven’t ever seen animals such as these up close. On Klaan we do not keep farm animals. We have designated reserves, but we’re not allowed to interact. These animals are deserving of respect, and I treated them as such.” He smiled. “We will do more with them?”
Jeffries looked at him, seeing a side of him he hadn’t shown in the three months he’d been on the ship. He was always happy when they found a sleeper ship, but he seemed truly moved by his experience feeding sheep. “Yes Commander, we will put them inside tonight, and feed them tomorrow before breakfast.”
Bren smiled. “Excellent!” Jeffries took them both by the arm and guided them to the house, where the scent of home cooking was already sneaking out onto the farm.
Bren had never experienced a feast such as was served by Jeffries’ mother. Bren had awkwardly asked if any animal meat was present, and she assured him it was not. After dinner she explained as Bren asked for more details on the food. “We have excellent meat substitutes, but mostly this is just vegetables, grown right here in the ground.” She smiled, “It’s a wonder you all can survive out there, eating the — stuff — you eat.” She looked at her daughter. “Bella has lost too much weight!” Jeffries rolled her eyes. She stood to gather plates, as did Klein. Mrs. Jeffries scolded him to sit. “You are a guest, sit!” She asked for details on everything that had happened and Klein and Bren gladly answered her queries. She seemed very impressed, especially when they told the story of Jeffries clamping a shuttle on top of the Sellane fighter.
She laughed, “That is the only time you can land on top of another vehicle without getting in trouble. Lord knows she turned some tractors sideways here in the past.”
Jeffries looked at her carefully… “Mom, don’t…”
Mrs. Jeffries continued over her daughter’s protests. “Bella once tried to take a tractor into town to buy candy. She was twelve. Of course she drove tractors on the farm, but not on the roads.” Jeffries groaned as the story continued. “She was still dragging a partial trailer load of alfalfa. She trundled down the road into town, went into the store and bought her candy. What was it Belly?”
Jeffries sat down. “Gummy bears.”
Mrs. Jeffries continued, laughing along the way. “She realized that the way she had parked she was stuck. She had to back out onto the street. On a farm you don’t get traffic, but in town…” Jeffries sighed. “So little Bella just backed up. Right onto the car driven by the mayor. This caused the stacked hay to shift and the whole trailer slid to the side, dumping bales of hay onto the main street and the mayor’s car.”
Jeffries stood up. “OK, enough reminiscing, we’re going to put the sheep in for the night.”
Her mother tilted her head. “Just check the cameras and remote close the barn. No need to go out there.”
Jeffries smiled, “It seems like more fun to go.” She nodded at Bren, “You coming?” Bren jumped up, bowing to Mrs. Jeffries as he stumbled to follow. Jeffries smiled at her mother as she shrugged. “He likes the sheep.” She stopped a moment as she heard her mother speak to Klein.
“Let me show you some pictures James.” Jeffries gathered herself and proceeded to catch up to Bren.
Just before sunrise Jeffries woke and quickly got dressed to go out to the sheep. Her mother was in the kitchen, she pointed at the camera feed. “I already let the sheep out. I checked the timestamps, he’s been waiting out there for an hour.” Jeffries looked and sure enough, there was Bren, strolling up and down the fence line with handfuls of alfalfa, feeding whichever sheep chose to follow him. She went to the hall and pulled on boots, grabbing another pair as she left.
Bren was talking to the sheep as Jeffries approached. He saw her and exclaimed, “Good morning Lieutenant!” She waved.
“Go ahead Bren, just like last night.” Bren excitedly moved down the line, pulling levers and then distributing alfalfa. He reached the end and Jeffries plopped the extra boots down in front of him. “Put these on, you should be able to pull them on over your shoes.” He looked at her curiously. She smiled as she headed for a gate. He stood and she called him over. “Come on Old MacDonald.” They stepped into the area with the sheep as she grabbed a chunk of alfalfa.
They jostled into the middle of the sheep pen and a few sheep took notice, coming to see what was up. They nudged and bleated to get their attention and Jeffries thought Bren might overload. He seemed so happy. His behavior was unlike anything she had seen. As they fed and petted the sheep a message came across the communication system in the feeding area. It was Commander Klein.
“Can you hear me?” Jeffries looked at the camera and gave a thumbs up. He continued. “Hurry back when you’re done. Change of plans.” Jeffries nodded to Bren who stepped away, somewhat disappointed. She looked curiously as the sheep seemed to line up and nuzzle as he walked past them. She looked at him questioningly.
“Klaan are not telepathic, but we do have strong empathetic projection with some beings. Maybe they sensed my sadness at leaving.” Indeed as they left the sheep lingered, looking at them as they returned to the house.
When they reached the house Klein was gathering bags and packages. Bren had asked for some vegetables and Mrs. Jeffries was more than happy to oblige. Klein waved them inside. “Captain Gardner called. He’s already at the ship, and we have about an hour, instead of picking him up we’ll go straight on. But, no way we get out of here without breakfast.” He grinned as Bren noted the bags full of carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, and other foods to take with them.
As they ate Klein explained. “We received an automated distress call, definitely an Earth ship, and an actual distress call. So we are going to investigate.” They had planned one more day on the farm and a day spent in the Seattle area with Gardner before returning to the ship. That would have to wait. Mrs. Jeffries piled up the food, pancakes, breads and fruits, as well as traditional breakfast items, (without meat for Bren) all asking to be consumed.
After gorging themselves they packed the shuttle and Mrs. Jeffries stood with them as they prepared to leave. Jeffries hugged her mother and they held the embrace. Mrs. Jeffries spoke. “I received a note from your Captain. He is quite impressed with you. I’m so proud, but I still miss you.” They both teared up a little before Jeffries moved inside.
As she prepared to fly back to the Shepard, her mother lit the requisite smoke flare. They lifted and Klein looked down. He was a bit unnerved. “What did you guys do with the sheep? I feel like they’re watching us?” Bren smiled wide as Jeffries laughed.
“Apparently Bren can communicate with sheep.” She laughed again as Klein looked at him curiously before they pulled away from the staring eyes of a few dozen sheep on the Jeffries’ farm.
Previous Stories in this series:
Strays Episode 1 - "Klaan"
Strays Episode 1 - Part 2 "New Denver"
Strays episode 0.1 - "Welcome Home Strays" (Sleeper ships orientation video)
Strays - Episode 2 - "Manifest"
Strays, Episode 3 - "The List"
Strays - Episode 4 - "Harvest"
Strays Episode 5 - "Shaa-a-ren"
Strays Episode 6 - "Gaia"
submitted by ronlynne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:36 Moment_Strange Less than 3 year old AC unit-Nothing but issues

AC compressor is currently making loud humming noise but the unit is functioning and keeping the house cold. Unit is 2.5 years old.
Unfortunately about 2 months after install I realized one day that the AC unit was running in the middle of winter while my furnace was running (probably doing that for at least a month). I looked at the ac liquid line in the basement closest to my furnace and it was frozen over. Called the company that installed it and they told me to immediately shut off power to the unit until they came out and “uncrossed” the wires.
I didn’t think anything of it at the time but how much damage could/did that cause to the unit? Because again, it’s been two summers after that incident and upon start up of the AC this year, the compressor is making this loud noise which also fan motor stopped working as well upon start up this year. Called the company out again this year to which they tried to swap out the capacitor because they said it was corroded and an animal had damaged one of the terminals (never saw pictures of this). Also nothing that is big enough to damage a terminal could have gotten into the sealed space where the capacitor is. So they swapped out the capacitor and he let it run and then shut it off and started it again to which the fan motor did not start AGAIN , so not the capacitors fault. Still ended up sending me an invoice for the capacitor swap out labor but then had to special order a fan motor. Unit is back running again but I can hear the unit from inside my house with the TV on.
How much damage was truly done to the compressor when the wires from the thermostat were crossed and was running both the AC and furnace simultaneously in the winter?
Also have had issues with the humidifier on the furnace unit that never gets anywhere close to the humidity percentage I’m looking for, always about 10 percent off.
submitted by Moment_Strange to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:29 iceonomics Project Genesis RP NEW SERIOUS RP

:blue_heart:Project Genesis:blue_heart: We are a serious roleplay community with a focus of creating an environment that everyone will enjoy. We community driven and open to suggestions. We are a small and welcoming community that offers something for both new and experienced players! Our goal is to have a fun and create an immersive environment for everyone. We have an active development team that strives to create an amazing experience for everyone by constantly putting out updates and fixes. We have an experienced staff team that is always willing to help and are quick to help.
Our BEST Features * Custom Scripts * Custom Clothing & Tattoos * Amazing Police Vehicles * Amazing Police & EMS Liveries * Player Owned Businesses * Police MDT * Legal & Illegal Jobs * Unique Jobs * XP Based Jobs * Hidden Illegal Activities * 18+ Emotes & Activities * Go Karts * DJ Booths & Car Radios * Functional Pool Tables * TONS of Criminal Activities & Heists * Unique Housing * Financing For Houses and Cars! * Experienced Development Team * Dedicated & Experienced Staff * …and a lot more!
Unique Interiors: * Ammunations * 24/7 Shops * NEW Police Station * Unique Pillbox Hospital * Burger Shot * Casino * UwU Cafe * Bahama Mama's * Bennys Motorworks * Fatboys Mechanic Shop * Premium Deluxe Motors * Luxury Dealership * White Widow * Pet shop * …and so much more!
Join our discord and check out some pictures, clips, and teasers! When you are ready hit that connect button! Which life will you choose… Civilian? Law Enforcement? Medical Services? Or the Gang life?
submitted by iceonomics to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:25 YYuHatin Trying to clear the brain fog and decide on a new lawn mower

Hello lawnmowers
As much as I love the internet, I am currently having the worst case of information overload when it comes to buying a new lawn mower. Allow me to explain.
So previous homeowners left behind their old self propelling push mower with a 140cc Briggs engine. I moved here a couple years ago and upon researching it looks like their mower was from 2006. The mower was not in the best of shape, but it did the job surprisingly after I did tune ups. Fast forward to last night and after loud knocking, burning and leaking oil, it finally gave out. I understand that it's entirely possible that I can repair, but this thing was left in such bad shape when I got here I am willing to just toss it and buy a new one.
During my research my main takeaways were that in my situation, gas is the way to go, Briggs is not what they used to be although still an option, and that Honda is leaving us. So although I would like to get a Honda, I am not as certain on that decision as I once was because they are leaving the US market. Granted they claim to still make parts and service machines, still a concerned despite the reliability.
I found this Honda from HomeDepot, Toro Recycler from Lowes, and a couple of Troy-Bilt mowers (here and here)
submitted by YYuHatin to lawnmowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:23 AwareAd106 Italy and Canada

I made a trip to Italy during the summer of 2019.
I rented a vehicle and travelled around the northern part for about a week.
My flight out of Italy and back to Canada was from Milan.
I made some trips on tolled motor ways, and used my CC or loose change where applicable, apart from one or 2 tolled roads (I can't remember exactly). O these roads I was printed a ticket which I kept and brought back to Canada.
I emailed the address on the ticket ([]( explaining the situation and offered to pay the outstanding debts. I also submitted pictures of the licence plate of the car and the tickets that I kept.
I got an email back stating no charge could be found on any of the information I provided and was prompted to contact a different company ([](, which I also did. They never bothered to respond.
Fast forward to last month, my old landlord contacted me to inform me an Italian law firm had sent me registered mail. Obviously gotten from my drivers licence.
The letter claims I owe an outstanding amount of 73 EUR for tolls and an offence collection fee of 60 EUR.
What is the worst that can happen if I ignore?- Should I ignore?
If I ever went back to Italy could I be arrested? -Even if I have proof I made an attempt to pay?
submitted by AwareAd106 to LegalAdviceEurope [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:19 AwareAd106 Canada international

I made a trip to Italy during the summer of 2019.
I rented a vehicle and travelled around the northern part for about a week.
My flight out of Italy and back to Canada was from Milan.
I made some trips on tolled motor ways, and used my CC or loose change where applicable, apart from one or 2 tolled roads (I can't remember exactly). O these roads I was printed a ticket which I kept and brought back to Canada.
I emailed the address on the ticket explaining the situation and offered to pay the outstanding debts. I also submitted pictures of the licence plate of the car and the tickets that I kept.
I got an email back stating no charge could be found on any of the information I provided and was prompted to contact a different company, which I also did. They never bothered to respond.
Fast forward to last month, my old landlord contacted me to inform me an Italian law firm had sent me registered mail. Obviously gotten from my drivers licence.
The letter claims I owe an outstanding amount of 73 EUR for tolls and an offence collection fee of 60 EUR.
What is the worst that can happen if I ignore?- Should I ignore?
The letter claims that they ''will place the offence to a local partner in your country to perform all the necessary activities to secure the overdue before the local competent judicial authority''.....I don't even know what that means.
submitted by AwareAd106 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:10 ADudethAbideth Quick question on spade connector

Quick question on spade connector
I just got through installing a new blower motor and was wiring it up. One of the spade connectors on the neutral is smaller than all the rest and does not fit on the connectors for the neutral on the main board where the old motors neutral was hooked up. I confirmed the old motors specs are exactly the same as this motor and I also confirmed the old motor had a large connector.
I’m assuming I can just swap out the connector for a larger one, but wanna make sure that I’m not screwing something up. Picture attached. Both wires are 600v rated 18 gauge.
submitted by ADudethAbideth to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:38 DisneyGirl0121 Della Vlogs Are The Worst Parents On Earth

Hello, Lovelies! I don’t know what flair to put on here, but here it goes.
I decided to start doing recaps of all of Josh’s videos in case you wonder what’s going on with him, but don’t want to give him views. Unfortunately, is down for me right now, so I had to watch his video on regular YouTube which I don’t mind, but for those of you who do hopefully it’s either just me who’s having this problem or it will be fixed by the time you’re reading this. Let’s get right into it.
Today, Jawsh is talking about Della Vlogs throwing their first birthday party ‘for the kid that they bought.’ I don’t know Della Vlogs all too well, so he might be talking about a kid they adopted. Despite what the situation is and how these people treat their adopted child, I think he and his stans are the only people on the planet who would refer to adopting as buying a child.’ Jawsh says Bella’s video is very stupid and out of touch and he brings up the fact that people are dying for some reason that I still don’t understand why any person outside of a mental association would do, but I don’t know the laws in Canada, I’m ‘just a mentally r######d child from Minnesota,’ so what do I know. Jawsh also brings up that there are people who she takes advantage of which kind of gives him permission to bring up the fact that people are dying, but changing the subject like that is still the dumbest thing I’ve seen/heard someone do all day. Josh says that Bella and Dallin are a bunch of buttholes, which I don’t understand. Did Josh not go to school or did he just forget that 2 is not ‘a bunch? The intro that I never understood has anything to do with his channel comes on and he says that someone on the Della Vlogs snark page (hi, Josh!) posted some video with a guitar and he starts going off on the non animate object and ‘how goddamn ugly it is.’ Josh shudders then says he wants to show his viewers how much they’ve lied this month which is ironic once you think about it. Bella says something in the video he pulled up about a mama bear which tempts Josh into doing his annoying as heck ‘vlogger’ voice and asking the audience if they’re a mama bear, then says he would rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than with her ‘mama bear’ because her mama bear’s garbage. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good yo mama joke as much as the next person in line, but grown ass men on the internet should not be making them up. Josh says that what Bella means when she says mama bear is an overprotective mother. He says that this woman is self centered and narcissistic which he says that word is overused ‘and it’s very rare that a person of population actually has narcissism, it really is very rare, but not when it comes to people who share their entire lives with the internet who buy babies for clout.’ Josh says that Bella ‘bought’ the baby for herself and freaked out when the baby wouldn’t crawl to her. He then says that she’s no mama bear and she has no idea what protection of a child looks like because ‘we’ve seen what her mama bear looks like.’ He says they’ve shown their kid every single day since they ‘bought it from the internet.’ Bella says she’s overprotective of the baby she doesn’t have yet and Josh asks if she really is. Bella says that her baby’s adoption story is sacred and private and Josh says that before they even touched the baby they were filming the process and the moment they laid eyes on the baby, the viewers got to as well through a camera. Then he tells the viewers not to listen to anything she says and that she looks like the guy from George Of The Jungle that wears the yellow hat ‘and stuff’ (true confessions time, even though I’m a late 90s/early 2000s kid who loves family movies, I have not seen George Of The Jungle). Bella says that she and Dallin won’t share a lot of details which makes the vlogger voice come out for a second time. Dallin says that they’re not going to share where the baby came from and without a moment’s hesitation, Josh says they did (again I don’t follow their family so I don’t know if they shared where the baby came from). Josh brings up a Matt and Abby video that has since been deleted that he’s trying to memory hole and that he has a video on his channel and tells his viewers to watch it. Josh says that Bella and her husband made 5 promises to the child’s biological mother and that they ‘haven’t kept a single one.’ Bella says they’re planning not to share details on her birth and Josh brings up the fact that they share every single day with their baby on the internet and that they travel all over the world and that the baby has no inkling of a schedule or normalcy, which of COURSE they don’t! Did you know what a schedule was when you were eleven and a half months old? He then says that Dallin is sick of staying with Bella and only does it because of money and ‘at this point it’s not even worth it.’ He says that they have so much money they don’t know what to do with their lives so all they do is travel and they never had to exploit their children for money and that they don’t because they don’t need the money and that Bella exploits her kid for acolyte and that it makes it so much worse because there are people out there who exploit their kids because they think it’s their only way to make money and you can ‘sorta understand but not really.’ Then he says that Bella doesn’t exploit her kid for money and that people who do that are the worst of them all because there’s just no need to do it (I honestly understand where he’s coming from with this, the family vloggers who do it as a source of income aren’t AS bad as the people who do it even though they don’t need money) and that most people who are rich and have kids know to protect them and Bella and Dallin only vlog so people can praise their parenting and that ‘we know she’s not a good mom.’ Dallin says that they document their experiences and Josh says they document their kid and every day of their life so far and that ‘they’re worse than Dougherty Dozen at this point.’ Dallin says they regulated something and Josh asks if they really did. Bella says that they’re protective of their baby and Josh says they’re not protective of the baby. Josh says he can’t stand Bella because she can’t wait to spoil her kid rotten and have a first birthday party for them with expensive party planners and that she takes pictures of herself because she’s so self centered and that her kid’s an accessory to get comments and likes and that she has ‘zero mama bear instincts.’ Josh asks what happened to not videotaping their kid and why they’re ‘such liars.’ Josh looks in the comments section of the video and reads one of them that they document every single thing about the baby from letting strangers take photos of their baby to talking about their baby’s sleep schedule (who DOESN’T talk about their baby’s sleep schedules with their friends). He brings up the 5 promises they made to the bio mom and that she has zero mama bear instincts because she lets people in Korea take pictures of her white kid.
He switches the video to the one of S’s birthday party and says that Dallin has a choice to protect the kid and that he doesn’t do it. Josh again says that Dallin only stays with Bella because she’s rich. The video starts with Bella saying they hired a party planner and Josh says that she Dallin ‘don’t do anything’ and that they ‘want to be the Kardashians so badly.’ Bella says she hopes that the party planner did a good job and Josh seems surprised that they didn’t do anything to plan the party. Bella says her heart is pounding out of her chest and Josh says that ‘it’s a party for a one year old, dumbass.’ Bella says the storybook theme is so cute (it is a really cute idea for a first or second birthday party) and Josh asks how she knows because she hasn’t seen it yet. Josh says that they’re going to an origami owl sight (Josh mentioned that Bella runs an MLM kind of thing with her mom, so that might be the name of their business). Bella says she’s going to cry and Josh asks who’s filming with both her and her husband in the shot. Josh asks how self centered she can get because ‘she thinks the party’s for her.’ Josh again brings up the fact that she hired a planner and that she didn’t do anything to plan for it. Della wishes their daughter a happy birthday and Josh says that ‘she finally remembers who the party’s for.’ There are some Disney Princesses Bella hired to be there and Josh points them out, saying that even they think the party is too extravagant for a one year old (I think it’s too much for a one year old’s birthday party too, but I’m not gonna judge how people with that much money spend it). They have a copyrighted song in the background of the video and Josh starts screaming about how they bought the rights to use it in a video. Josh looks in the comments of this video and reads the top one that talks about how rich Bella and Dallin are and that a few balloons and a smash cake at your kid’s first birthday doesn’t make you any less of a parent and that all your baby needs is love and that the kid won’t even remember it. Josh says that Bella didn’t pin the comment and that it’s only the top comment because enough other people liked it. Josh tells everyone to stop watching people like her because the people who do this in real life and do a one year old’s birthday party to this degree is about them and not their kid because the kid won’t remember it and that if you know anyone like that in real life, you should cut them off. Josh keeps looking through the comments and stops on one saying that their daughter got the jackpot of parents. He stops on another one that says imagine S watching this and having tears of joy and laughs at it. Josh points out another comment saying that Bella wasn’t focusing on S when everyone was singing happy birthday to her and kept looking at everyone else.
Josh moves onto yet another video of what Bella and Dallin got S for her birthday. The video starts with Bella feeding S some yogurt and fruit and Josh says that people have been pointing out in the comments that S looks like Bella and he says that she doesn’t look like either of them a little bit. Of course she doesn’t look like either of them! They ‘bought’ her! Bella shows a banner of pictures from every month of S’s life so far and Josh says we already know that. Dallin tells S she’s one years old and Josh goes off that one is singular (so apparently it’s okay to correct people when they get elementary school math wrong, but it’s okay when you do it). Dallin asks S if she can hold up one finger then tells her she was born today. Josh says Bella constantly looks like she’s about to die at this point. Josh points out that Bella edited her and Dallin’s Instagram names into the video and says that’s all that matters to them. Bella says she can’t believe that she’s a year old and Josh says he can’t believe it either and that she doesn’t deserve a child. Dallin says that they didn’t know she was born (she might’ve been a premie or they might not have known they were gonna adopt). Josh brings out his vlogger voice again to say that they said they weren’t going to put her on the internet and to say that she claimed to be a mama bear. The scene cuts to Dallin in the living room, saying that they took S to a splash pad and all her friends were there. Josh tells him to stop referring to people the same age as her as her friends because apparently he thinks it’s illegal or something for a 1 year old to have friends. Dallin says that S fell asleep in the car and that Bella’s putting her down in her crib. Dallin says that the party was a few days earlier and Josh asks why they’d have a party not on her birthday. Dallin says he wanted to give S a present and says it’s from him and Bella and that they got her one of those little cars that kids can drive. Josh shakes his head and starts screaming that she can’t even walk yet. Dallin says that when S wakes up, they’ll give it to her and see how she likes it. Bella comes into the shot, holding up a set of Little People princesses, saying that S loves Little People and that she already got the castle from someone at her party, then names a few of the princesses it comes with and says it comes with a little dwarf and Josh calls her a little dwarf. Bella says she loves the dwarves and Dallin says she’s obsessed and Josh says ‘she’s gonna like that, she’s not gonna like the stupid car they got her,’ and goes on about it costing $500 (which again isn’t something I personally would spend that kind of money on, but I’m not gonna stop rich people from buying whatever they want). Dallin sets some stuff up and we see pink and purple and yellow balloons. He opens the box the car came in and says ‘it’s epic!’ Josh tells them to get it out of the box. Bella lets the dog inside while Dallin reads about some of the features the car has. Josh says he’s surprised that he’s putting it together instead of calling somebody because apparently that’s all they know how to do. Dallin husband reads the instructions and Josh says that he ‘sucks at this.’ Dallin says the doors open and Josh says it’s a car as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and all of those little cars have always had doors that open. Dallin puts the wheels on the car and says they forgot to install the motor banks. Dallin says the alignment on the car looks good. Bella kisses Dallin and Josh asks how he knows the alignment is good. The car starts up and Dallin starts playing around with it and showing some of the features, Josh laughs and says ‘made in China much.’ For some apparent reason, Josh brings up the fact that all the things that can connect to Bluetooth say ‘you are now connected to Bluetooth’ (mine either say ‘paired’ or ‘your device is connected,’ which I guess is two ways of saying the same thing he’s saying, but they don’t say that word for word), then brings up a picture of a smartwatch with a background voice that says ‘your Bluetooth device is connected successfully,’ then laughs about it. Back to Dallin, he’s trying to connect the car to his phone so they can play music for S while she rides in it and Josh says that’s crazy and points out that he’s playing his wife’s music (does Bella have songs? Like I said, I know little about them). Dallin is now sitting in the car about to test it out, then turns the car on to see how fast it can go. Josh screams that the car is loud, then says that Bella and Dallin bought themselves a toy. Dallin test runs the car through the living room and Josh laughs at the dog watching it from the couch and says his dog would eat that thing (his dog is also about five times the size of their dog, but again what do I know). Josh starts talking about a remote controlled Tesla cyber track that he found on sale for fifty percent off in some treasure hunt store and if he starts it up, Gus will try to eat it. Josh starts talking about some secondhand Power Wheels for his nieces and nephews when they come over and Gus will bite the wheels like he wants to eat them whenever he hears that sound, then he starts talking to Gus who’s napping on a dog bed behind him (I swear, he puts that dog on camera more often than the moms he makes his money laughing at put their kids on camera). Dallin says that S woke up and he’s going to get her and show her the car. He starts showing her in her crib and Josh points out the beige walls, screaming that she doesn’t get colors. Josh points out the kind of pillow Bella and Dallin put in S’s crib then makes a face and says that it’s dangerous. Dallin asks S if she wants to see her birthday present and tells her that it’s really cool. The next scene cuts to S using the car for balance and Josh says she doesn’t give a s##t and that she’s reaching for one of the balloons that landed on the car and starts screaming about the balloon. Bella tells S that it’s a car and Josh keeps screaming about the how she wants the balloon. The next scene cuts to S in the car, driving around the living room and Dallin says she loves it and Josh asks why he says those things when ‘we can see with our eyes that she clearly doesn’t care.’ S starts crying and Bella puts on some music to play through the car’s Bluetooth. Josh starts screaming, demanding to know if it’s the whole video. The video cuts to Bella holding Story on her lap while Dallin sits on the floor next to her. Bella says that they’re going to show everything else they got S for her birthday and she and Dallin hold up a couple of stuffed toys and Bella says that they’re vintage. Dallin says something about S liking something similar to one of them on a vacation and finding something similar at Hobby Lobby which of course, Josh makes a joke of. Bella says they’re going to someone’s house for the next portion of the video. Bella puts some socks on S and Dallin says they’re all wearing the same socks. Josh pauses the video and screams at him to shut up, then says he means that sincerely and smiles at the camera. Dallin says that the company that made the socks they’re wearing sponsored the video and Josh laughs and screams ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me,’ then stabs fun at the fact that they had their daughter’s first birthday video sponsored. Josh says he will never ever ever ever ever buy those socks in a million years then adds another never in there to make it clear that he’s not buying a pair. Dallin says that a year ago, they were at the friends’ house who they’re going to, celebrating a birthday and they had no idea that their daughter was being born. Josh brings out the vlogger voice once again and goes ‘you didn’t know, like, ehmahgawd!’ Dallin says it was a year ago and asks where time goes and says S is an angel. The scene cuts to Bella showing a cake she made to the camera, asking if it’s gorgeous and Josh says that that’s all they had to do and that they didn’t need a $10,000 birthday party to show everybody how rich they are. The scene cuts to a picnic table in their friends’ backyard and Josh says that’s a ‘proper way to have a one year old birthday party.’ Dallin zooms in on the cake and everyone in the backyard sings happy birthday which Josh says nonononono to and screams that they did the whole song. He says that one of their friends is ‘trying to be a singer,’ then does his laugh because what’s a video of his without the laugh, am I right? Josh then starts singing happy birthday off key on purpose and asks why they didn’t get Northwest to come sing it. The scene cuts to Dallin pushing S in a baby swing and Josh screams that the owners of the house have fake grass (which again isn’t something I’d do, but it isn’t my job to s##t on how influencers spend their money) and says that that’s super dangerous. Dallin goes down a slide and Josh asks if the house belongs to some couple from The Bachelor and brings up the fake grass again, then starts screaming that cutting grass is a righteous passage into manhood and how these people are too lazy to cut their grass then goes on about how much he loves cutting grass. Then he says that the house owners’ dog poops and the fake grass. Josh says that they only made that video so they could have a sponsorship, then calls them disgusting twice in the same breath. He reads off names of some of their travel vlogs and says their view counts are going down. He starts reading off the names of other vlogs. Josh says that S can’t have a normal life because of how much they travel. Josh again forgets simple math and call them a bunch of buttholes, then says that the mama bear thing at the beginning should make people pause and ask themselves if she really did that, then starts screaming about how they got sponsored to put their kid in socks.
I don’t know if this is even going to get verified but if it does, thank you so much to everyone who took time out of their day to read this. I know it’s a lot and it took me even longer to watch the video and take notes on it, so thank you.
submitted by DisneyGirl0121 to Dadchallengepodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:14 WanderingGlossaryck Automatic Shots dispenser (Help)

Automatic Shots dispenser (Help)
Hello, I'm here making this post to seek help from people with better skills in automation/robotics. I have this little project of mine that I have been working for over a month now its a school project to create something automatic. Please don't judge me because I'm a beginner in automation/robotics. i have this due till next monday and i have a problem with simply my stepper motor Nema17 that wont spin bcouse it doesnt have enough power to start spinning due to the walls being too close to the platform that is spinning i will send pictures with this post including the code im working with to test it i played with the settings of the motor like steps or speed to increase torque but didnt seem to work and the motor still wont start to spin bcouse of the tension between the walls and the pinner. Im also doing all of this with a 3d printer and designed the model myself with only a beginner knowledge of modeling. any ideas that could work would be a big help.
submitted by WanderingGlossaryck to robotics [link] [comments]