Female anatomy artists free

dream pop - music, news & discussion

2011.10.24 12:11 547 dream pop - music, news & discussion

The subreddit dedicated to the ethereal subgenre of alternative rock.

2016.07.03 23:55 JustCallMeDave Record This For Free: Where you can find or post free gigs.

A place to post unpaid requests for voice artists to record your script.

2012.01.24 06:31 WTFMoustache The Universal Academy of the Furry Arts

A place for beginning and experienced furry artists alike to come together and help each other with their respective art.

2024.05.11 15:01 outerlimtz Conversation question

Was reading something online the other night, not related to genealogy, that got me thinking. Ran the thought by my mom and she isn't sure. I'm sure this has been asked before, just not finding an answer.
According to research;
"The first naturalization act, passed by Congress on March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103), provided that any free, white, adult alien, male or female, who had resided within the limits and jurisdiction of the United States for a period of 2 years was eligible for citizenship."
Wouldn't anyone coming from another country have to take this test to become a citizen of the US or we're papers just handed out?
I ask, because my great grandparents were born in CA in the late 1800's, start of the 1900's. They would cross over into Maine on a regular basis for work. They got married in Maine and started their family in Maine.
The majority of my ancestors, are Canadian, after the Revolutionary War, with the exception of a handful that moved to Canada from Scotland or Germany to the US.
Wouldn't they have had to apply for US citizenship? Would there be records for this? I hon8never thought of that until the other night.
submitted by outerlimtz to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:57 LifeWayfarer Hey you, let's become friends!

If you need a friend—someone to have long and vulnerable conversations with after a tiring day, or you wouldn't mind spending a weekend chatting about everything in our lives—then look no further. Write me in the inbox.
Hello, all! I am here because I feel quite alone. The truth is, even though life has its ups and downs, I have a relatively stable and boring life. What I need is a friend. I just feel the longing to connect with someone.
I'd like to meet someone here who is mature and respectful and who would invest in creating a friendship with me gradually over time, as we get more comfortable with each other. I would like to find an interesting personality to learn more about their world, conflicts, and aspirations, to learn new perspectives from them, and ultimately become a better person by being their friend.
I'd like to meet someone who is a thoughtful and easy-going person and who would be willing to commit to this friendship. I'd like to meet someone with whom I would feel trusted enough to hear their life story and be trusted by them as I listen to theirs—with no judgments—and accept our struggles as they are. Someone who has a lot to say but hasn't had the opportunity to do so. I would be there for you. Someone willing to commit to this friendship with the intention of it lasting more than two days, ideally communicating daily and letting the friendship grow without pressure, at its own pace. A friend is all I need, nothing else.
A few words about myself: I'm a person in my twenties from a small corner of Europe. I am a reserved, introverted, and perhaps unnecessarily serious person. I live in my own world. I'm a hopeless romantic who sees the world through stained glass. I enjoy art, poetry, and movies. I love walking in nature, I love summer storms, sunsets, and the mountains.
I am a nineties person who likes everything created during that decade. I wish I were then right now. Currently, my favorite bands and artists are Electronic, The Cardigans, Talk Talk, etc. I would like to add new artists to the playlist of my favorite songs, so your suggestions would be more than welcome. I haven't seen a movie or a TV show in ages, but my favorite ones are The Young Pope, Breaking Bad, Utopia, etc. I also enjoy listening to podcasts, like Radiolab, 99% Invisible, Wiretap, Heavyweight, and others.
If the type of friendship I described resonates with you, feel free to send me a direct message with a brief introduction about yourself. I would be glad to engage in a conversation with you.
submitted by LifeWayfarer to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:57 Elegant-RaveQueen Male ultras from Planet Virgo 393 (my OCs and made up ultra planet)

Male ultras from Planet Virgo 393 (my OCs and made up ultra planet)
Ultra on the far left is the default look of the male ultras on Planet Virgo 393.
So for anyone who has seen Ultrawoman Rouge these guys are supposed to be from the same planet as her. The ultra on the left is the default male ultra, middle ultra is a new OC who's a professional wrestler named Randale and the right is an ultra who's a dance instructor and a part time makeup artist in Rouge's company (I haven't thought of a name yet for him so feel free to suggest some names)
Also sorry for people who are anticipating for Stolas (Rouge's husband) post but I just haven't been able to make a post about him
submitted by Elegant-RaveQueen to Ultraman [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:55 SnooTangerines3399 Diverse Voices in the field?

I am looking to explore some different voices in the topics of ufo, consciousness, their relationship etc. with an emphasis on
Assume that I am mostly interested in folks you will not see on ancient aliens or other such shows.
Assume I know nothing. No ideas are bad ideas. Also if you have URL to plug in with interviews or relevant stories - I’m here for it.
submitted by SnooTangerines3399 to ufo [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:42 appropriatelyyours Kingston Holiday Market today featuring over 80+ local vendors and artists

Kingston Holiday Market today featuring over 80+ local vendors and artists
Free admission! Event runs from 11-4 at the Tett Centre and Isabel Bader and features local artists and makers like Shivas Delight, Sooley Studios, Artfully Recycled, Adele Webster, Vanessa Jane Martin, Slow and Intentional and more! Lots of food and treats available from The Coffee Plant, 23 & Co., Cup of Kindness tea, Rice Lake Hard Cider, and South Shore Sweets and others — there’s too much to list!
Face painting for the kids and kids at heart available by donation.
Image description: Background of pink tulip flowers with the text “KHM spring today”
submitted by appropriatelyyours to KingstonOntario [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:10 guiltyofnothing “The problem is that they are making females ugly on purpose ( ALL females in the game world) when reality is not like this.“ /r/starterpacks argue over a meme describing the “oppressed gamer”

The Context:
A user posts a meme to /starterpacks mocking that OOP describes as the “oppressed gamer” — specifically their obsession with the attractiveness of female characters and feelings of persecution, among others.
Many in the comments take exception to the meme, with side-by-side comparisons of the looks of actors and their female character models proliferating.
The Drama:
Someone tries to argue that game developers are indeed making women uglier:
But There are numerous examples of gaming companies using motion capture of real woman for female characters and changing the game model of the woman to the point where the facial structure and features of the game model barely resembles the female model, which seems to happen less often with the male motion capture actors. Look at Mass Effect Andromeda. The main male actor looks exactly like the male mc. The main female actress barely looks like the female mc. They were both motion captured, yet only the female looks completely different. Look at Spider Man 2 where Mary Jane barely resembles her real life actress. This seems to be a genuine trend going around that is happening too often and consistently to be just a coincidence. It’s stupid that the game devs are seemingly going out of their way to change the facial structure of game models for female characters in order to make them more “realistic”, even though they are literally using real woman.
This comment stinks like dirty incel.
How is my comment wrong though?
You're complaining about video game characters not looking like some anime big titty porn stars and looking like real women. Perhaps going outside and looking at real people would help.
they are in fact complaining that video game characters do not look like real people. Specifically studios intentionally editing the 3d scans of actual women they hired for the role and half the time making them uglier for no reason by messing with their faces, meanwhile the scans they do of men are always 1:1. A good example of this is the new star wars outlaws game. In this game the female protagonist has a completely different face compared to the actress they scanned, however the actor's models look exactly the same.
Well achtually....
Have you seen real people? Get out of here.
Yes I have seen real people, and I have a problem with video game characters being intentionally distorted to not look like real people. Stop being disingenuous by pretending that editing people's bodies to make them look completely different, then acting like this is normal is somehow ok. This is the entire reason why the body positivity movement exists.
It is ok. You incel kids that seem to care about video game women's bodies is fucking weird. It makes no difference to anything except your addled little mind.
So you think all those ads where women's bodies are distorted to look unnaturally slim with big boobs or have their faces altered to be more symmetrical and have smaller chins, noses, and lips are perfectly fine? You're a massive hypocrite. Stop calling literally anything you didn't take even two seconds to think about incel behavior. Intentionally editing the look of people's bodies to make them look uglier or more attractive is not ok.
Things degrade from here, with the slapfight devolving into one user posting multiple photos of actresses side by side with the models of their characters, ostensibly in an attempt to prove that developers are making women in games uglier.
You’re embarrassing yourself How many anti woke videos have you seen today Please talk to a real person today
You haven’t actually proved any of my points wrong.
MJ from spiderman 2 looks different because she was in an accident that messed up her face. Also that worker all the anti wokes said that looks like MJ was a hoax as well
I don’t care about the rest of them. Mass effect andromeda had bigger problems than you needing to get a hard on You need to fix your priorities of what’s actually wrong in the gaming industry
I’ve just looked at her instagram account and some of her recent photos from April and March and February. Her facial structure and her facial features, even now, still look barely anything like the game model’s features.
Also, for Mass Effect Andromeda, the male model looks the same as the game model while the female model doesn’t. :
Wow the west truly has fallen
Gaming is le woke sjw cringe
I don’t give a shit
The same user as above begins to post more photos, trying to prove his point.
You seem unhinged the way you think this pic of this character proves any point you are trying to make.
This character model looks literally nothing like any of the pictures from the actress. Her chin, cheekbones, nose, jawline, etc, are all noticeably different.
You can take a pic of any single person alive today and make it not look like them just thru lighting.
nothing you are doing is akin to scientific analysis
you are literally bemused and shook by basic principles of photography
I have looked at multiple different pictures of Mary Jane in the Spider-Man and the actress on her Instagram account, including ones with different angles and lighting. In every single one, all of the facial features in the game version don't match the real life actress. Many people have noticed that, it's why this controversy happened in the first place.
we know a lot of people are into this, that's why OP made the pic in OP, to make fun of the great many of you who are obsessed about this. it's not a controversy that exists outside terminally online Gamer TM communities.
EDIT: and people from those gamer conspiracy communities stalked the actor you are making these accusations about until she quit her job. So maybe fucking stop with the dumb online gamer conspiracies. The fact that there are many people into this is not a comfort or a sign that it is true and good.
Mfer has never talked to a woman. Dudes mom won't even give em the time of day
Is your best reply seriously insulting me? You literally haven't proven anything I've said wrong.
Lmao absolutely no self awareness. It comes with age
You can't even make a proper argument against my points, yet you are saying I am the one with no self awareness.
Yeah it comes with age. You're obviously 12. You said shit so stupid it doesn't deserve an earnest reply.
Do not pull out bullshit statements like "your statement is so dumb and wrong, I don't need to explain why". That means literally nothing and proves literally nothing. You might as well say "I'm right because I say I am", and it would be just about as meaningful of a statement.
Anyone can say "your statement is dumb" or "I am obviously right", whether or not what you are saying is actually true. It's literally one of the worst ways someone can argue against people's points, because it means that someone is just trying to shut down people's arguments without actually saying anything meaningful to refute it, most of the time because they can't form a proper argument against it themselves.
Lmao you got alot of experience in being wrong huh? Fucking incel loser stfu and go away
Again, no actual arguments, just insults. You are just proving my point again. You can’t even write a response without saying “fuck” or “loser”.
Lmao fucking loser. When you finally grow tf up you're gonna cringe so hard about this phase in your life.
Free markets are discussed:
Conservatives claim to love the free market. They didn't get help from anyone and neither should you. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! So if conservatives want a game with nothing but hot women with their titties and asses hanging out, even full nudity, they should make that. What's stopping them? Man up, stop blaming liberals, and do the job yourself.
It's not free market if the state / establishment actively interferes to push in a certain direction.
I didn't know the government was keeping titties out of video games.
If you examine that comment, you'll notice that the statement it's making is entirely about you.
If you had any kind of self awareness you'd know that no one fucking likes you, you smell bad, and you should probably just give up on your sad pathetic excuse for a life
Things get personal:
Games are meant to be for the male gaze. If you say otherwise it's cope.
They are but it makes them worse for anyone who isn't a straight man.
Yes but I want sexy women in my escapism
Well, most people don't.
Watch porn. It has beatiful women fucking ugly freaks like you. Lmao
And what of the woke mob?
It's a weird culture war thing. They think the "woke mob" wants to subvert "traditional" gender values by making characters less "conventionally" attractive and ruin video games because feminism is about hating men or something.
Oh "they" don't "think" that, there are already examples of it happening, the subversion part at least I don't think the intention is to ruin the games or media its being done to its just usually the result in many cases but ofc not every case.
Nobody cares if you want to make the wokest tv show, movie or game ever made its when you have to change already established characters or lore because your story/game doesn't stand on its own without an already established IP it gets annoying. And I don't really understand who it is for either because the most liberal people I know who are woke AF don't like this either and find it to be pandering and patronizing.
So lets not pretend its not happening because that is the stupidest way of trying to avoid debating it, we all know it is happening and it might be intended to make us argue each other as a diversion from more pressing issues as much of this culture war seems to be trying to accomplish.
We are out to get you gamer
Member when everyone was like "fuck the rich" and occupied together all over the place? And then suddenly for no reason at all people where fighting eachother over stupid shit?
Yeah don't worry about that, just attack everyone who doesn't think like you like a good little pawn, there are NAZIS out there after all and YOU need to be a HERO!
Run for the hills gamer
One user is dragged for saying “wokism”:
I'm sorry if you're ugly and you wanted to be represented in video games but I ain't paying 70 bucks to watch/play ugly characters who have no other reasons to be ugly than wokism.
nawww bro said "wokism" unironically
I bet you threw down your controller in disgust the first time you loaded up Super Mario Bros.
How dare the woke agenda made you play as such a disgusting pile of pixels! If they wanted representation for stubby Italian-American plumbers they shouldn't have gone after YOU'RE monies!
Stay strong Gamer TM.
"Wokism" you didn't have to tell everyone you don't have friends
"wokism" ate my son!!!
The Flairs:
Is gollum as attractive as Andy serkis?
I didn't know the government was keeping titties out of video games.
Watch porn. It has beatiful women fucking ugly freaks like you.
submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:07 garryblendenning Free the artist

Sorry, googled and can't find the answer.
Can I not free the artist by killing all the zhentarrim?
submitted by garryblendenning to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:06 Izuuruu_ (30M) Seeking Genuine Connections

Hello! I'm from the US and my interests are in tech & science, nature, reading, podcasts, combat sports, calisthenics, and gaming. Recently, I've also delved into language learning.
I've listed some of my favorite things below, so you have an idea of what I'm into:
Movies: Avatar, Hunger Games
Book: Freedom from the Known
Game: Ghost of Tsushima
Music artists: Kendrick Lamar, Nas, Hozier
If you're interested in long-term friendships and think we can vibe, feel free to message me!
submitted by Izuuruu_ to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:06 BurnedDragon Made a community for where questions about the female body can be asked and need help

Hello everyone, I don’t know if this is the right way to do it, but if not, I guess I’ll find out ;).
Today was the day I realized that there is no community that is solely focused on female anatomy, where people can ask questions about the female body. I believe such a community is important and necessary for several reasons: 1. We are taught very little about female bodies. 2. Because knowledge is scarce and there is a significant taboo around nudity, those born female often visit the doctor too late. 3. Peers tend to be more helpful than doctors in figuring out what might be wrong. Many of my friends had to align their symptoms with someone who understood what was wrong with their body. Only then did they have a chance to be taken seriously and receive the necessary treatment. I realize not everyone has this type of community, and even if you do, chances are it's not as expansive as a Reddit community can be.
Okay, you get it. Now, the problem is that I have no experience in moderating or starting a community, so I need help. If you want to help, please reply to this post.
Edit: I forgot to tell you the name: XXAnatomy.
submitted by BurnedDragon to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:05 TheApolloZ 23M, looking for long-term friendships (Long post)

Hello, I hope you're having a good time! I'm looking for someone whom I can have conversations with in the long term but if you want to have a short conversation, that's okay as well. Who knows if we get along well and end up being in touch for years? I prefer talking to people within the age range of 18–25 as I have talked to older people all my life but it's fine if you're a bit older than the specified range.
Please read the post entirely before you decide to send a chat request or message. It will take about five minutes or more depending on your reading speed. You may skip this post if you can't bother reading it. This is only for people who love reading and typing lengthy messages, because that's the only way we can communicate with each other when we don't get enough time to have real-time conversations. I am mentioning this only to save your time; I don't mean to come off as rude. The messages I send can be way longer than this post if we happen to click, and people who can't read the post entirely won't bother reading my messages properly either, and that would be a waste of time and energy for both individuals. You might have seen my posts very often in case you visit this subreddit on a regular basis, but I assure you that I only post so frequently because I don't receive any responses—and when I do, they're from people who either can't hold a conversation for long or message me without reading the post at all.
A bit about me:
I'm interested in all types of visual and aural arts. Writing, drawing, listening and composing music, watching movies and photography (I'm an amateur though) are my interests and hobbies. I'm broke so I'm not a gamer. I do have a fairly powerful PC but with a low-end graphics card I play older games on. Nothing online though.
Speaking of music, I'm mostly interested in Jazz, Funk, Hip-Hop, R&B/Soul (both classic and modern). I like listening to The Weeknd, Prince, Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, Sade, Aaliyah, The Isley Brothers and various artists from the 70s to late 2000s generally. I'm a movie buff so I can recommend you movies too if you're looking for something to watch. And yeah, I LOVE MEMES! Keep sending them all day and I won't complain!
I'm an ambivert (more of an introvert though). My MBTI is INFP-T if that matters. I'm looking for people who are willing to share the events which occur in everyday life, joy and sorrow, secrets, deepest fears, and build a genuine connection over the course of time. I'll be there for you throughout the good and bad times; I expect the same from you too. I am active on most social media platforms. We can move on to other platforms once you feel comfortable with me.
Now here's the important stuff:
I would appreciate it if you don't just send me a "Hi/Hello/Hey." Introduce yourself; the longer the introduction is, the better. Makes room for questions. Instead of simply stating that you like movies/music, mention what genres you prefer. Makes the conversation more interesting. Please put effort into maintaining the conversation. Ask plenty of questions with the data I have provided in this post so I know that you're actually interested in getting to know me as well rather than simply talking about yourself. I feel like an interviewer if the conversation is one-sided. Don't bother messaging me if you're not naturally inquisitive and just want to talk about yourself all the time. I won't respond to any short messages (4-8 lines). If you want to leave, don't ghost me without stating a reason if we've been talking for longer than two weeks. Just tell me that we can't get along if you think the conversation isn't going anywhere. I won't get offended.
Your gender, race, sexuality don't matter at all, but tell me your age and gender just so that I know who I am talking to and follow social etiquette. I absolutely love lengthy messages; I don't feel overwhelmed by them. So bonus points if you're capable of typing lengthy messages. I'm a person who would spend an hour(s) typing a well-thought lengthy message rather than having small talk in real time. I type as if I'm writing a letter. I can chat in real time as well, it's just that I don't get much time throughout the day and I'm active at odd hours. And time zones exist, unfortunately. Short messages or long messages, the amount of time and energy you have to spend will be the same anyway.
Please don't message me if you're just looking for people to kill your boredom and later abandon them. No, I'm not being rude. I have had enough. Those one word or one sentence responses lead nowhere. Also, if you're someone who wishes to stay anonymous forever even after talking for a considerable amount of time, I'm not the person you're looking for. This is an important thing to keep in mind. I am open to revealing my identity if we get along well so I would appreciate it if you're open minded as well. But that doesn't mean I want you to reveal your identity in the very beginning itself. However, I won't wait more than three months just for you to reveal your identity if we communicate regularly. In fact, it's a great feat to converse for longer than a month on the internet. I personally think that anonymity acts as a barrier in any kind of relationship. I would love to meet you in real life at some point in the future if we get along and stay in touch for a considerable amount of time.
In the past 12 years, I have talked to several people around the globe on different platforms who wished to stay anonymous. I had conversations with them for months and years, but they always considered me as a stranger and eventually left. I'm tired of being a disposable person. What's the point of having a friend without a name and a face? I have no reason to trust someone who doesn't trust me. You can call me picky; I indeed am. I don't want to have conversations where both parties only ask each other about hobbies and interests and leave once they feel there's nothing in common. That's the reason why I asked you to cover those topics when introducing yourself. And just because I have already talked about my interests and hobbies doesn't mean there's nothing more to know about me. Human connection is a lot more than mere interests and hobbies.
I would love to interact with someone who doesn't treat me like an AI chatbot and acknowledges the fact that I'm an actual human being with feelings and emotions beyond the digital screen who spends his valuable time and energy to communicate with people—precious time and energy that I'll never be able to get back. I understand that these connections over the internet are very fragile and I can't control things the way I want so if you're interested feel free to send me a message anyway. I enjoy having conversations with people even if only for a while. Sometimes people you expect to be in touch for years leave you while the ones you don't expect to be in touch for long end up staying for a long time. Nothing is set in stone. All I ask you is to not leave without notifying me. Yes, I know whatever I have expressed so far sounds contradictory, but that's how life works, right? Reminds me of this quote by Japanese author Haruki Murakami:
"Is it possible, in the final analysis, for one human being to achieve perfect understanding of another? We can invest enormous time and energy in serious efforts to know another person, but in the end, how close can we come to that person's essence? We convince ourselves that we know the other person well, but do we really know anything important about anyone?"
While I agree with the fact that it's not possible to get to know a person entirely, I think connecting with another human being is a beautiful experience in itself. In the end, we are just lost souls yearning for human connection; searching for people who will provide attention and affection and accept us as we are. If you're still reading this, it means you are a good listener and reader. Message me if we have similar interests or ideals and if you think we can be potential friends. It doesn't really matter whether we have similar interests or not though, I would love to have you as a friend.
There's a lot more to learn about me but I would rather tell you all that when we begin interacting with each rather than typing it all here. Feel free to ask me any questions. I'm open to having a conversation with people around the globe any time. I'm also very patient so I don't mind waiting for weeks or a month if the messages are lengthy. I understand that you might find all of this intimidating, but there's nothing about me to be afraid of. My messages can be lengthy, but only if you reciprocate my efforts and keep on adding stuff to the text. I know that this post sounds like a contract. I know I sound very serious but that's not entirely true. In fact, I can crack jokes sooo bad that will make you laugh. Thank you for spending your precious time reading this post. What are you waiting for? Text me right now! Feel free to message me even if you're seeing this several hours or days later.
Have a nice day/night and I hope you find someone to develop a strong bond with in case I'm not the person you're looking for. Take care of yourself and always stay hydrated!
submitted by TheApolloZ to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:01 CogSci2022 [WTS][US-VA][H] Tanchjim Prism, Shanling x Tanchjim x Moondrop M3X LTD DAP [W] Paypal

[WTS][US-VA][H] Tanchjim Prism, Shanling x Tanchjim x Moondrop M3X LTD DAP [W] Paypal
Name Price Description
Tanchjim Prism $420 shipped 9.5/10 condition. Simply the most beautiful IEM I have ever owned in my life. Has a great amount of bass and quite forward female vocals that are best suited for k pop/ j pop or band music. Still under the warranty and comes with everything.
Shanling x Tanchjim x Moondrop M3x Limited Edition Dap $430 shipped 8/10 condition. I was proud of owning this limited edition DAP as a huge tanchjim/moondrop fan. Hope someone else can it off my hand, as it's just collecting dust and barely getting any use. The DAP itself is in a great condition, no significant signs of use except some minor scratches on the back glass, which is only noticeable under bright light. Doesn't affect any day to day usage. Still runs smoothly and battery holds over 10 hours. Comes with full box and accessories except the white leather case that worn out over time. Will include a clear silicone case instead.
This was my favorite mobile set up for a while... Looked beautiful and sounded amazing with many k/j pop tracks. Sadly I am downsizing my collection to fund a new project :/ Hope they find a new good home!
Feel free to request more photos and let me know if you have any questions!
No trade offers please!
Thank you for reading!
submitted by CogSci2022 to AVexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:00 MArcherCD Star Wars 'The Bad Batch' Season 3 Arcs

[Hopefully a week and a half is enough to let everyone catch up, so I can talk about all the episodes here without spoiling them for anyone]
The third and final edit of this show, and I’m sad to see it end. Like the others, I’ve grouped the season’s episodes by what feel like the most appropriate story arcs, and made two versions of each to accommodate the individual season’s alternate logo – as I like to differentiate, like my work with ‘The Mandalorian’.

There are a few surprises in this season though, I’ve found opportunities to link the three seasons together through flashbacks from archive footage that I’ve created to tether the show together as a whole. Like other flashbacks/flashforwards I’ve put in other projects, I’ve made the anachronism as visually distinct as possible from the rest of the story there, with having zero colour saturation and a vignette filter.
. .
For clarification: the arcs numbers here are based on, and following on from, the edits of the first 2 seasons I’ve done– 7 from Season 1, and 9 from Season 2 with the arcs themselves and the standalone episodes I added the alternate logo to. Those episodes came with the “[V2]” label of course, as will be the case here too for the same reasons.

The colour of the alternate logo this time around is more off-white – but more like a very light gold colour, since just the off-white was a little too close to the original grey to be actually visually distinct, especially from across the room.
Arc 17: “A Fresh Start”. Episodes 1 “Confined”, 2 “Paths Unknown” and 3 “Shadows of Tantiss” all grouped together. They were all released together and worked perfectly well together (probably by design), so having them as the first arc was very easy and made a lot of sense.
The name has a few valid references in the 3 episodes: Omega adjusting to Tantiss, what Project Necromancer could mean if it’s ever successful, Hunter and Wrecker’s search, the Clone Cadets they rescued from the jungle planet Setron – and Crosshair and Omega’s escape & what it could spell for them going forward.
Finally, in the second episode, when H+W are walking through the jungle with the cadets they’ve found, there’s a small flashback all the way back to the end of Season 1, which I think works well and ties things together in a good way.
Arc 18: “Cross-Purposes” – episodes 4 “A Different Approach” and 5 “The Return”.
I slightly changed the chain of events in episode 4 to, I think, improve the story somewhat. A fair bit of episode 4 feels like it’s bulked out by people going out of their way to be self-centred assholes and – I don’t know if it’s just lingering frustration from Season 2 with all the Cid missions that always yielded no results – but can the good guys just win UNconditionally for once??
Now, after Omega wins the money gambling, Imperial Captain Mann doesn’t fleece them, undoing their progress – he just gets the transmission about the shuttle crash and leaves to investigate immediately. Secondly, when the duo discover Batcher’s been kidnapped, the street urchin now tries to bribe the information out of them, but Crosshair intimidates him and he immediately relents, telling them where the Imperials went. I think ideally, I would cut the kidnapping out if I could because the captain’s just being an annoying sore loser and it bloats and segues the plot when the duo already have a shuttle they can bribe themselves onto. But that doesn’t match the vessel they eventually steal and escape with, and the background doesn’t match the commercial shuttle depot, so I can’t “invent” a firefight there instead and kind of must keep the kidnapping and such for consistency reasons.
Later, on Barton IV, there are 3 very brief flashbacks to the episode “The Outpost”. This is very much deliberate because this is a site of a major event in Crosshair’s arc in the last season, it makes sense that when he returns there, it would be stuck heavily in his head every second he’s there – hopefully this conveys that effectively.
It does feel like the first 4 episodes work well as one giant story instead, but that comes to 1 hour 40+, even with the last episode slightly shortened somewhat. This feels very long – especially with the show already having 1 “mega-arc” already with the first 3 episodes of Season 1. So having this duo instead feels like it works better as a more Crosshair-themed story – as with the name: “Cross-purposes”.
To be specific, “Cross-purposes” is an expression where 2 or more people are at odds and have different goals/methods concerning the same thing. This feels very apt for CROSShair and Omega having to work together after their shuttle crash, and Crosshair with the squad on Barton IV learning to work together again and getting to the bottom of things between Crosshair and The Empire. In the latter episode, there are some flashbacks to the previous season – they’re very short, but hopefully with the way I’ve crafted them, they each have a big impact in making the shot/scene deeper.
Arc 19 is split into two versions: a four-episode story from episodes 6-9, and two self-contained two-parters, because I find the four episodes actually work very well in both formats. As usual, you download and view whichever you agree with the most and works well with the rest of your collection. Also, just having the former could apply here if you like the latter half, but disagree with the choice to muddy the waters with how the ‘Dark Disciple’ novel left things on the Ventress front, so excising the latter half works better for you.
The four episode arc: “All That Counts” is all of E6 “Infiltration”, E7 “Extraction”, E8 “Bad Territory” and E9 “The Harbinger” as one long sequence. There’s a brief flashback to Season 2 when ‘M-Count Targets’ are being discussed with Phee from Pabu, and that’s where the connection across all 4 episodes comes from, as it’s a consistent thread through them all.
The name “All That Counts” is a play on the M-Count aspect of course, but it also as other meanings it can apply to in the four episodes. The Clone Assassin has to silence his own brother for silence’s sake and recover Omega for Hemlock – that’s all that counts, no matter the setback or the injuries. Wolffe has a clear change of heart when he meets Rex again, hears his story, and the reality of his orders sinks in: hunting a child – being loyal to his brothers, doing the right thing, and letting the target go as a show of both is all that counts, no matter the consequences. When Hunter and Wrecker meet Fennec Shand again after Pantora, the past doesn’t matter, only the present and them needing each other’s help does: the mutual benefit, especially for Omega’s sake, is all that counts. Lastly, when Ventress appears on Pabu, there’s a lot of distrust for obvious reasons, but the squad need answers and help and she’s the only one who can give it to them – all that counts is that they trust her and let her do what she needs to do.
The first two-parter: 19a – “Teths of Patience” is just E6 “Infiltration” and E7 “Extraction” back to back, no flashbacks. The name is another play on words, because in these two episodes we see a few characters going through TESTS of patience of one kind or another at the old ruined B’Omarr Monk Monastery. Mostly the members of Rex’s Clone Underground trusting Crosshair in their presence, and the Clone Assassin trying to complete his objective despite some setbacks and injuries.
The second two-parter: 19b – “New Allies and New Information” is just E8 “Bad Territory” in Space-Florida, and E9 “The Harbinger” with Ventress back to back, containing a short flashback in the former. The name ties into the first two-part story featuring Fennec back in season 1 “More Enemies and More Opportunities” as a kind of deliberate mirror. The allies (even just situationally) and information are both pretty self-evident with Fennec & Ventress, and everything they need to learn about this ‘M-Count’ phenomenon that’s presented itself.
For the remaining episodes of the season: numbers 10-15 essentially create one long unbroken chain of events where each episode leads very comfortably right into the next. But this obviously creates one giant story that has a very dragging runtime of at least 2h40m, which is a huge story for a series which was made for TV and not film, and was designed to fit into ~22 minute chunks from the start.

To this end, I broke things up into smaller stories – à la The ‘Liberation of Lothal’ in my “Rebels” edit – to make the home stretch of the season, and show, much more easily digestible.
Arc 20 begins with E10 “Identity Crisis” and goes right into E11 “Point of No Return”, and continues with E12 “Juggernaut”, before finishing with E13 “Into the Breach”.
Conveniently, I’ve found the episode title ‘Into The Breach’ actually works very well for the entire arc for one reason or another. First, we see the moral ground Emerie finds herself on with the subjects that arrive at Tantiss, and the fact that they’re just children. Secondly, there’s the TK’s mobilising and disembarking on Pabu and the subsequent fighting and recapture of Omega after that small battle. Third, there’s a stealth-op with The Squad and Phee going to a secure Imperial world to recover a former Imperial asset, with very few options left on either side at that point. Finally, there’s going to Coruscant at the heart of The Empire to get Wayland’s co-ordinates.
As stated above, episode 10 onwards is just 1 giant chain that runs unbroken, so having a self-contained Tantiss trilogy right at the end to keep everything very grounded and straightforward was good, and these 4 episodes before fill the gap well by proxy, so it all works out well.
Arc 21: “Ground Zero”. The last of the show, consisting of E14 “Flash Strike” and the double-length E15 “The Cavalry Has Arrived”. It’s named as such because it’s the last trilogy’s worth of episodes self-contained to Tantiss itself and the last mission, which I think is a very fitting name.
There’s only 1 version of this arc, since the all-grey logo from the finale, to reflect the paint-blasted armour they adorn themselves with from E13 onwards, looked great and felt greatly relevant to include. Including this for the final arc felt like a no-brainer.
This arc does include the epilogue attached to the end this time. This is because it doesn’t contradict anything that chronologically comes afterwards in animation terms, as far as I know at least. The Rebellion pretty much began as soon as Saw Gerrera disagreed with The Empire on the very day of its founding, which we saw in the very first episode of TBB, which obviously precedes Rebels and Andor by a way, so there’s plenty of wiggle room for where the epilogue can fit in the timeline with everything else.
Footnote: I’m merely a self-taught or VFX artist here, so some areas are visibly *mostly* good as I have to be realistic with the footage in front of me and what I can do with it. If you do have any particular notes and feedback, feel free to give me your thoughts, but please be constructive and don't be an ass about it.
submitted by MArcherCD to fanedits [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:59 adulting4kids Esoteric Subgenres Three

21. Quantum Quandaries:
Write a freewrite exploring a character's experiences as they confront and navigate paradoxes and uncertainties arising from quantum phenomena. Delve into the character's reactions, decisions, and philosophical reflections on the nature of reality.
22. Anachronistic Avant-Garde:
Craft a freewrite set in a world where characters embrace avant-garde and experimental elements across different historical periods. Explore how the characters engage with anachronistic technologies, philosophies, and artistic movements in a dynamically shifting timeline.
23. Dimensional Despair:
Freewrite a scene where a character confronts the emotional toll of existing across multiple dimensions, grappling with the isolation and despair that can arise from being fragmented across different realities.
24. Synaptic Sonnets:
Write a freewrite featuring characters whose emotional journeys and connections are explored through a series of interconnected sonnets. Consider how the structure of the sonnets reflects the characters' synaptic-like relationships.
25. Eldritch Euphony:
Craft a freewrite immersed in the eerie and otherworldly atmosphere of eldritch horror. Explore how a character encounters and responds to eldritch entities, and delve into the emotional and psychological effects of these encounters.
26. Clockwork Comedy:
Write a humorous freewrite set in a world of intricate clockwork machinery. Explore how characters navigate comedic situations arising from the quirks and peculiarities of the clockwork-inspired setting.
27. Technomancy Tragedy:
Freewrite a tragic narrative where characters grapple with the consequences of wielding technomantic powers. Explore the moral dilemmas, personal sacrifices, and emotional turmoil faced by characters entangled in a technomancy-induced tragedy.
28. Retroverse Rhyme:
Craft a freewrite in verse that captures the nostalgic and whimsical essence of a retro-inspired universe. Explore how characters interact with the retroverse, and convey the charm and quirks of this unique setting through poetic rhyme.
29. Quantum Quandaries:
Write a freewrite exploring a character's experiences as they confront and navigate paradoxes and uncertainties arising from quantum phenomena. Delve into the character's reactions, decisions, and philosophical reflections on the nature of reality.
30. Symbiotic Surrealism:
Freewrite a surreal narrative where characters engage in symbiotic relationships with fantastical beings or entities. Explore the blurred boundaries between reality and fantasy as characters navigate surreal and symbiotic experiences.
Feel free to continue or let me know if there's a specific subgenre you'd like more prompts for!
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:56 Bounty_V Eyeballing Vali 3, safe to use with a balanced L R TRS output audio interface? If so how to hook it up?

I am new to audiophile and completely lost in the sauce after hours of research as to compatibility because there are so many different kinds of adapter cables. From what I understand, I would want to use the L & R balanced 1/4" TRS outputs on my audio interface to connect to the Vali 3. Where I get confused, is headphone amps use RCA which are unbalanced. Is it safe to get something like a 1/4" TRS to RCA cable for both L and R channels? Because RCA is unbalanced would it make more sense to get 1/4" TS to RCA? Is there anything I miss out on, such as sound quality, dB loss, or potentially introducing unwanted noise due to converting to 1/4" TRS balanced using either option?
For context, I have Audeze LCD-GX headphones on an USB-C Audient ID4 MKII, and recently upgraded from the factory headphone cable to one off of Etsy that was made with Mogami Oxygen Free Copper Cable. This new cable is great in providing additional clarity and allows me to crank the volume higher without feeling uncomfortable, and now I want more volume than the audio interface can give me. So I've been researching and came across the Vali 3 which came out a couple months ago which looks perfect for my first headphone amp. I've scoured the internet and I just want to make sure whatever I get and use is totally safe and since I wasn't able to find an answer clear enough to feel comfortable pulling the trigger I figured I would ask here.
Any suggestions? In all my searching across the internet I've seen people suggest others do various things with no seemingly correct answer to this particular combination. Things such as "you must use 1/4" TS to RCA even though the outputs are balanced TRS," "you don't want to do that it will risk damaging your headphones" and some that said, "get a high end RCA cable, then just get 2 male 1/4" TS mono to female RCA adapter to stick on the ends". I've been searching specifically for my audio interface model, because some places have claimed some incorrect specifications listed, or there being a certain way to do things to run an amp, vs. the intended purpose of the L & R balanced 1/4" TRS outputs being monitor speakers.
Apologies if this question sounds really basic or I sound confused, but as I said I've been researching for hours and have become completely lost in the sauce, and feel nowhere closer to making a decision.
submitted by Bounty_V to Schiit [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:52 SlideBackground1210 Back to Black Full Movie HD

🔴Watch >>>Back to Black(2024) Full Movie Online

🔴Download LINK >>>Back to Black(2024) Full Movie Online Free

The extraordinary story of Amy Winehouse’s early rise to fame from her early days in Camden through the making of her groundbreaking album, Back to Black that catapulted Winehouse to global fame. Told through Amy’s eyes and inspired by her deeply personal lyrics, the film explores and embraces the many layers of the iconic artist and the tumultuous love story at the center of one of the most legendary albums of all time.
Released: 2024-04-11
Runtime: 122 minutes
Genre: Music, Drama
Stars: Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville, Juliet Cowan
Director: Sam Taylor-Johnson, Matt Greenhalgh, Alison Owen, Debra Hayward, Polly Morgan
submitted by SlideBackground1210 to UYTy [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:52 SlideBackground1210 Watch Back to Black Full Movie

🔴Watch >>>Back to Black(2024) Full Movie Online

🔴Download LINK >>>Back to Black(2024) Full Movie Online Free

The extraordinary story of Amy Winehouse’s early rise to fame from her early days in Camden through the making of her groundbreaking album, Back to Black that catapulted Winehouse to global fame. Told through Amy’s eyes and inspired by her deeply personal lyrics, the film explores and embraces the many layers of the iconic artist and the tumultuous love story at the center of one of the most legendary albums of all time.
Released: 2024-04-11
Runtime: 122 minutes
Genre: Music, Drama
Stars: Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville, Juliet Cowan
Director: Sam Taylor-Johnson, Matt Greenhalgh, Alison Owen, Debra Hayward, Polly Morgan
submitted by SlideBackground1210 to Stify [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:49 Orikumar EUROVISION: Netherlands's participant banned from rehearsal and might not perform tonight due to an undisclosed incident

EUROVISION: Netherlands's participant banned from rehearsal and might not perform tonight due to an undisclosed incident
I know some girlies are European and watch the festival of Eurovision.
For those who don't know, it is a music festival (Australia participates for some reason too) and each country brings an artist with one song to perform and people will vote for the winner and there are some judges too. This is been going on for decades.
So apparently, The Netherlands participant is not rehearsing and they don't know if he'll be performing (one girlie mentioned Eurovision in a post this week, if you're reading this, IT'S THE GUY IN THE BLUE BLAZER I TOLD YOU ABOUT. He was all over my fyp, which was annoying).
It's all hush-hush at the moment but they have mentioned there was an INCIDENT that is in an ongoing investigation. It might be because of a comment towards the Israeli participant.
Apparently, in an interview, the Israeli participant was asked if them being there might cause a risk in security and she replied saying she didn't have an answer to the question when Klein (The Netherlands's participant) shouted "Why not?" according to some sources.
This was announced yesterday and the festival is tonight... so... who knows what's really going on.
UPDATE (Thanks u/Little_Miss_Purple): He's been officially disqualified. Here's the official statement.

submitted by Orikumar to DoWeKnowThemPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:47 BurnedDragon Start

Today was the day I realized that there is no community that is solely focused on female anatomy, where people can ask questions about the female body. I believe such a community is important and necessary for several reasons: 1. We are taught very little about female bodies. 2. Because knowledge is scarce and there is a significant taboo around nudity, those born female often visit the doctor too late. 3. Peers tend to be more helpful than doctors in figuring out what might be wrong. Many of my friends had to align their symptoms with someone who understood what was wrong with their body. Only then did they have a chance to be taken seriously and receive the necessary treatment. I realize not everyone has this type of community, and even if you do, chances are it's not as expansive as a Reddit community can be.
Okay, you get it. Now, the problem is that I have no experience in moderating or starting a community, so I need help. If you want to help, please reply to this post.
submitted by BurnedDragon to XXanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:44 InspectionConnect671 Using the article "the"

Can you only use definitive article on the noun if you've made the information familiar with the readespeaker first? Or can you also use it in a way where you use the definitive article and then introduce the thing you're talking about in the continuation of a sentence? Or in certain cases have more freedom to its usage? I'm asking because I've seen many different ways of using it. Do artists/musicians adhere to its strict rules?
Are those examples readable?
Feel free to offer some help.
Thank you
submitted by InspectionConnect671 to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:35 GeorgeYDesign Dutch artist Joost Klein kicked out of Eurovision after complaint from female staffer

Dutch artist Joost Klein kicked out of Eurovision after complaint from female staffer submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:24 Bearybearanimation [For Hire] Commission Are open. DM me if you're interested

submitted by Bearybearanimation to hireanartist [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:58 VGMVinylLover Music Playlist Throughout The Week. New Albums And A Few Older Ones.

Music Playlist Throughout The Week. New Albums And A Few Older Ones.
What can I say. Variety is the spice of life. I do get the obvious about my collection at times, "Oh most of your albums are female artists, no space for male artists?" I will say I do prefer female artists more than male artists. But music is music if it's what you like, why avoid or hide what you listen to. Yes I know that not every piece of music you like can be expressed or shared firsthand people may question your taste. But if you like it why let people dictate what you get and what you should listen to. Music is expression, express what you like and show the world artists people may not know about. A few choices here that are not that well known are Italians Do It Better, Ado, Grimes, Uchu Nekoko, and Hakushi Hasegawa.
submitted by VGMVinylLover to vinyl [link] [comments]
