Good ways of saying your cute

Spiders being bros.

2011.09.22 02:00 Spiders being bros.

/spiderbro is a place for friends of spiders, who are our bros. Spiders are fun, mostly friendly creatures that just want to enjoy a good meal (albeit of flies) and chill like you do. Post your favorite pics or stories of spiders being bros! Please do not ask for spider ID. For that, please head over to /spiders, /whatisthisbug or /bugidentification identification.

2013.03.15 21:58 tara1 Animals just being bros

A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being bros.

2011.08.03 22:24 Leotards

Girls in leotards and other spandex/lycra tight outfits. One-piece swimsuits, unitards, biketards, and others are welcome.

2024.06.05 07:52 MotherofPoodles918 How to make shitty ex-roommates pay for damages

I'm a renter with an extra room (2 bed 2 bath) which I sublet out to a couple (30 F, 23 M) without a deposit (see background). They moved out but left a stain from cat pee on the wood floor and are now being assholes about paying for the damages even though I have provided pictures etc. (background). If I don't fix the damage, I will lose my deposit when I move out in 2 months.
The boyfriend's dad owns a bar in town and is supposedly a prominent member of the community. Is involving the dad; showing him the pictures, explaining the situation, and asking for reimbursement, a bad idea?
I (29 F) was originally only supposed to live with the girl. When she came to check out the place we hit it off and became friends, but before she moved in she asked if her boyfriend could move in too and said we could split rent 3-ways. I'm a grad student living on my own, so a 2/3 reduction in my rent sounded amazing and I agreed. Fast forward a few weeks and they moved in, and her boyfriend brought a cat that I never agreed to. She had recently moved from Boston where she and her ex-husband lived and was still going through a divorce, so I told her she could pay the deposit (1 month of rent) over time, but that never happened, and I decided not to press for it. At that point, I had seen enough red flags to know she was insane but because we were now living together and on good terms, I decided to ignore them. Two months later they decided to move out because I spoke up about not getting the amount of rent that was originally agreed on. They were out by the 22nd of the month which was perfect because my parents were coming to visit at the beginning of the next month. In the time between when they moved out and my parents arrived, I reminded her twice to come and clean a stain of cat piss on the wood floor where the cat's litter box had been. While my parents were here we cleaned the stain (soo much f-ing cat pee), got a quote for the repair ($670), and bought the replacement planks ($109). When I told her the amount she said she would do it herself and that she was not going to pay that. I discussed things with my parents and we decided that $670 was indeed expensive and because I have a lot of tools we could install the new floor ourselves. I told her this and asked for $380 (half of the wood + installation quote) which I thought, and still believe, is more than fair considering the pain in the ass it has been to deal with this chick, because, in addition to the cat piss stain, she still had a bunch of my things (including the keys). When I asked for the $380 and asked her to return all the things she had borrowed, she stopped replying. When she would not reply to me, I texted her boyfriend because he was decent. I told him about the floor and the things she still had that were mine. He agreed to find the things and bring them back. I thought I would bring up the floor when he came to drop everything off, but instead of returning my stuff to me in person, he left them on my front porch. I messaged both of them saying that while I appreciated finally getting my things back there was still the issue of the floor and he replied asking for invoices, pictures, and receipts or bank statements to prove that I, and I alone, paid for said things, that they "would be happy to look at the info". At this point I am livid. I told them who paid for the wood was irrelevant and sent pictures of the stain that I took weeks before they moved out, with the litter box in the background, and a timestamp. I also sent pics of the cat pee seeping out into the white paper towels, pictures of the box of wood we bought, and a screenshot of the text convo with the floor guy where he gave us the quote for both the replacement wood and the installation and told us the wood was available to be picked up. I sent those things a week ago with no reply, and today when I sent ? he said the text convo didn't prove anything and to send him an invoice or leave him alone. I know texts are relatively easy to fake but I have a picture of the wood as well, is he just being a dick asking for the invoice?
submitted by MotherofPoodles918 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:51 Remarkable-Ad-572 (F)Moving out to be with your on and off (M)SO, help?

We have been broken up for 4 months, since October 17. Together only 6 months. My ex wants me to move with him. My ex and I met on a dating site. The most important things that mattered matched (morals, values, wanting kids, ect). Early into our relationship he started getting back on dating sites, probably messaging other women (I know eventually he was since messaged a dummy account I created), a lot the times he deemed my text messages were unworthy to respond to, and ignored and didn’t want to talk on the phone when couldn’t be together ( we lived about 1 1/2 hours away and I had car trouble). Also, when he was going through a few things he just pushed me away. I wasn’t trying smoother but just be there even if he didn’t want yo talk about it. When I was going through a hard time because my grandma passed I told him I needed him even to talk but he responded not in the mood. Three times plans just fell off no response for hours and just ignored until he was ready say that he forgot or something happened. There were a few timeI found hairs in his truck and on on him ( he did have a roommate with kids which I confirmed but the hairs looked different). I also told him how I felt even with everything going on I still loved him. I didn’t tell the exact words but the best way to explained it. He said I was playing around. When I did say I love you to him he said it didn’t matter. He also said that he is pretty fed up. When I have tried talking to him he gets up saying he is very honest and would never cheat. He says I am not talking about anything or I am bringing up drama. Even I tell it hurts and also it hurts when decides to not respond. Also while we were together he would flip flop about wanting kids. I have always been clear getting married and starting a family is something that I want. No, I didn’t bring it up. He brought it up it up wanting kids with me after marriage and then flipped flop.
I know might sound bad he has gone through stuff which he has been open about and he not that stuff is really good guy.
He broke us up October 17. Did reach to try to work on us until November 24. We talked things seemed when I didn’t talk about that stuff. He got sent out of state for work in December. I brought up flying out there to see him. He thought would be a good idea for us to see each other and talk. I paid for a ticket and flew out there. We talked about moving out of state because his job wanted him to. I never brought up us now because each it did go well. I wanted him too. After returning to January 1. He had profile visible again. He was on there again when we were supposed to be working on us. He also deemed my text we’re not worthy to respond to. He did that a lot. He would be on the dating though every day never responding my text. He also would message other people on Facebook and no family members. He had to do all of that never want to respond back unless he felt it. I made up my mind about us 31 that we need to end. I wanted us to talk on the phone. He just messaged saying not reading for a relationship. Mind you he is on the dating site again say he was looking for a relationship and saying he was the package deal in other words. He did want to talk. I sent him a message say how and why our relationship was how it was. I begged him to not be that way with someone else. He didn’t respond. Nothing I until Jan 9 asking if I no longer wanted to talk. I sent him message saying since he never responded I thought he did want to talk anymore. He didn’t answer until send a message on February 15. He is no long here and is out state moved there. He wants me move that in about 2 month. I have tried talking to about stuff again. I don’t think he is being honest as to why he was on dating sites. He got mad at me bringing it up 20th. He decided to not talk or send anything until the past Saturday. Then a 2 weeks after that messaged me saying he wast a future with but not with me bringing up past mistakes/arguments. I didn’t respond to him because I got tired of the back & forth. He messaged a few times and when I responded was when he messaged me saying he coming back to get his stuff. We meet and talked on March 20. He explained and apologized about stuff, saying he loved me, and wanted to have at least one child together. I heard him out agreed to try again. I didn’t argue or try to talk that much. I am kind of meek and timid. It has been hard addressing things is because I don’t like conflict. After being shut down it hurts. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago he was being a bit better responding back having us talk about stuff, but then he started avoiding. After texting him this hurts when he just doesn’t respond he texted saying he doesn’t think I should move because we want different things. He said he really doesn’t want kids. I feel like I took the chicken way out. I used that end things saying that okay I agreed and I hope things go well for him. We ended and agreed to keep in touch. I did text or call him for two weeks. I felt sad that we ended and went through a lot trying to keep us together and not ending things before because I wanted us to workout. I never felt this about someone and I love him but have so much hurt from what happened and felt he was looking for someone but couldn’t find someone else.
I ended up calling he said I hurt him by breaking us because he didn’t think having kids was a good ideas. I told him that it was that. It was because of what happened in the past and he kept drop us because I wanted to talk and i have lease shared with my roommate which would put her out. I also have two dogs I wouldn’t be able take with me. He said I that keep going how I wished things were better and how I am not choosing him right on the stop. He said that how I isn’t showing love and I am hurting him. Hurting him isn’t what i want to do. I really wish things were better and had all money to pay the rest of my lease for a year and be able to take my dogs.
Also, I know i am not easy as well I have hurt in the past and experienced SA. It took me a few dates to open up. Then after everything I started closing back up with him. I also don’t why he wants me. I am not best looking and I am really insecure. I really don’t know what to do.
Sorry, for the long post and grammar errors.
submitted by Remarkable-Ad-572 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:51 SansaDeservedBetter How to politely ask for bikini area hair removal?

So for the past 6+ months, I have been going to a good dermatologist getting laser hair removal on my underarms and the sides of my bikini area. I am super pale with black hair and I have always been hairy and I have to shave everyday to feel comfortable. I try so hard to avoid them but I get very painful ingrown hairs.
originally purchased a $1,200 package but since my hair is so thick and dark, I had to pay as I go, paying $300 each time.
Next week, I am going to a new dermatologist closer to my house. My appointment is for a laser hair removal consultation. With my previous esthetician, I was too shy to ask for her to laser the hair on my butt crack and my lower butt cheeks. She also would tell me men would get their back hair laser removed and they would ask her to do their butt and she would refuse them and send them somewhere else. So I was also afraid she would judge me and make fun of me for asking.
I paid so much money and I only laser removed the hair on the sides of my bikini. I really regret not asking to have more hair removed but I’m not sure how to ask without sounding like a creep or like a teenager. Should I say “Is there any way we can remove the hair on my lower bikini area and the back of my bikini area?” or should I just be blunt and say “Can we remove more hair on the sides of my bikini as well as the hair on my butt?”
submitted by SansaDeservedBetter to HairRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:50 Hated_By_Potatoes AITAH for not seeing my father before he died from cancer

My (26f) father passed from lung cancer this Sunday. I cut contact with him when I was 13 after growing up with emotional/psychological abuse that started with my mom divorcing my father when I was 2.
Until I was old enough to know better he and his new wife would feed me the food I was allergic to and send be back home sick. Later when my mom started dating, my father and his wife got in contact with my mom’s boyfriend’s ex and became friends. They would get together and have me and the boyfriend’s child over and try to get us to hate our respective parents. By the time I was 8 my mom and the boyfriend split so that stopped.
Growing up, my father never paid attention to my safety when I was over; leading to most of my childhood injuries taking place when I was staying with him. He also constantly smoked and yelled at me whenever I tried to talk to him about quitting.
When I was in middle school I got to the point where I did not feel comfortable around my father due to how he looked at me, and a few times touching up my thigh in a way a father should not do. At that point I said I didn’t want to see him anymore.
He never made an attempt to reconcile, apologize, or change for the better. He sent a birthday card at 18, and I heard nothing from him till last October when he got his diagnoses. I chose to not contact him for my mental health and going through my own health issues. He attempt to contact me once more two months ago, and I did the same thing.
Now that he has passed, I wonder if I made a mistake not saying good-bye. I didn’t really have anything to say to him, except that my mother isn’t as perfect as I thought she was when I was a child. I didn’t see that as reason enough to contact him.
Am I the asshole?
submitted by Hated_By_Potatoes to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:49 YouFukinWotMate AITAH for this work situation that occured with my(28m) girlfriend(26f)?

Long story short. I work multiple jobs, including running a hotel.
Amy, my wonderful gf helps me a lot even with hotel work. She makes me lunch if I'm working or even volunteers to help out with the hotel despite her having grad school + full time job. I appreciate her a lot.
This also creates a complex situation where in a way I am her employer (she is getting paid), but also she is doing this out of kindness, does not need the job, and has no obligation. She is doing van-life and lives freely.
Amy & I are two different people. Amy is very planned and calculated, context & documentation is important to her.
I am the opposite. 2.5 Jobs means that I have to be ready for constant chaos/fires to put out.
This has naturally caused arguments in our relationship, however we both have been putting in the work and learning to properly love each other in the way that it needs to happen.


I asked Amy earlier in the day if she could work from 4:30pm-6:00pm because I had an important remote work meeting that is crucial for me to manage the upcoming move. I only ask for help if its incredibly important as I can just manage myself, and topic switching 4-5 times in a meeting is a lot of stress for me.
She says yes she can. I ask her, if she's sure, she can say no and I won't mind it's okay. She says yes she can. (She feels obligated, even if I tell her not to be)


I had an important task of installing a new system. I got it 90% done and was managing both jobs and it was almost time for my remote work meeting 1 on 1. All that was left was to stay on the phone with a IT tech who was controlling the computer and unplug/plug in a few things. Amy was with me before this just hanging out but hadn't started her shift and was doing her own thing.
I get 4-5 different calls all at once, schedule 3 of them for later. It is now 4:27pm and time for Amy to take the shift. I tell her to take the phone, all she has to do is plug/unplug a few cables for the tech, and she can ask me any questions she needs to. Her head goes "kaboom" because no context. And tells me "I didn't sign up for this" 2-3 times, saying she will still do it. I feel bad for asking for help and tell her, if you don't want to do it that's fine, I will manage. You're free to go, essentially relieving her of the entire shift. She is silent for a bit, leaves, comes back because she feels bad. Still doesn't actually help while I'm in front of her stressed out because I have two people doing a 1 on 1 with me at the same time context swapping.
Her issues are:
My issues are:
I understand at the heart of this its my issue to have this kind of life and I'm working on fixing it (super close). I understand she is not a real employee and is only doing this out of kindness, however if I'm doing 5 things at once and she willingly took the 1.5hr shift, I do feel it is acceptable to tell her what work needs to be done. We had a conversation where I had just gotten off a 10.5 hour shift of hell, where we decide to talk & I feel she is taking no accountability for her actions. I said she is mixing up employee/partner expectations which is natural because it's a very hard dynamic. She said she's not an employee, but even if she was I'd be a bad boss. This triggered me a bit, and I told her as an employer if she wants to go that route, I'd be very frustrated with her unprofessionalism. That triggered her into crying, and after a few more back and forths she stormed out saying she needed a break from the conversation. I really am trying to empathize with her, and I do understand that I could've given context, I could ask instead of tell, & she is a human being with feelings. However so am I, I can admit my faults and work on it, but I felt ZERO accountability for her actions on her end.
submitted by YouFukinWotMate to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:49 Octokittens From a CLE fan.

Some seem to think we are insufferable. I want to say that I, and I can only speak for myself, love how amazing the Royals have been this year. Witt is a generational player, he is amazing! Two two run yards on Sticks was equal parts heart-breaking and amazing to watch. Lugo is a stud as a pitcher, CLE just got the heat on him as he went back through the order. But that man with eight pitches is a guessing game at best for any batter! He's astounding. We got the best tonight, yes, and don't blame Witt. It was a bad play, yes, but even the beat have those from time to time. And we had a good chance of taking it despite that because out bullpen is pretty disgusting lately. That said, this is gonna be a knuckles out series!!! It's gonna be fun baseball no matter what happens the next two games!!! And I love that -we- are the top of the order. I love seeing KC have a murder row year, I love ya'll way more than those insufferable sausage stuffers in Minnesota.
submitted by Octokittens to KCRoyals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:49 Hailerer Everything I love about The Acolyte 1x1 & 1x2

Everything I love about the Acolyte 1x1 & 1x2
• Nice text to do some world building. • Great set, this cantina on Ueda.
• Trinity dead, but I expected that. It's a well-known stylistic device to cast a big number and kill them straight away to raise the stakes and say "nobody is safe".
• How was the Grand Inquisitor? "It is like an itch, they just have to help".
• Great cold open.
• Charlie Bennett! I haven't seen the guy since Chicago Fire, great to have him here.
• The temple floats above the rest of Couruscant... that's what I call visual storytelling at its best.
• The costume design, the set design, everything looks really good.
• The pilot droids are also seats? Brilliant.
• Twins. But well, that has been speculated about and confirmed often enough in the last few days. I like it.
• Again that arrogance of the Jedi... "No one must find out that a former Padawan murdered a Jedi"... "No, it can't be that May survived."
• "An Acolyte kills the dream". Which dream? After episode 1 I'm totally hooked.
• So Mae isn't after all Jedi, just specific ones? She easily ignores three others when it comes to Olega.
• Is the guy Mae is working with also an Acolyte? Or is he just part of her master's network? I need to know more.
• "Confess your crime" What crime? May clearly has an agenda, but which one? Why should she kill these 4 Jedi in particular? Were they all there when the fire happened?
• Nice one Yorde.
• Aha! So that's the reason... Mae thought, like Osha, that her sister was dead! Okay, I get it.
• Yorde x2!
submitted by Hailerer to TheAcolyte [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:48 paraghost12345 How do I help my friend deal with someone posing as him on instagram and sending his only fans post to his followers list.

Long story short. As of a few days ago, there was an account that popped up on instagram that was posing as my friend. This account was using a very similar picture as the real accounts pic. But we found that it is another picture (somewhat same pose, same room same clothes, but is a different picture due to a few main differences ie tv remote in frame). KEEP IN MIND THIS PICTURE ON THE FAKE ACCOUNT IS NOT ON HIS INSTA. We do not know where the account got it. This account was following people that he followed and sent them pictures of his nudes covered up with emojis. Saying something like hit up doctor thicc for content (we didn’t find any leads to what doctor thicc is referring to)
The people who recieved this picture let my friend know right away. He found that the account had him blocked but was using his follower list someone to follow people. So one of them messaged the account and the account replied with many grammar and spelling errors. Like REALLY bad. Which is weird. So I ended up watching one of the stories that they posted and my friend did confirm that it is a picture from his only fans. And it is him. He doesn’t think he sent it to anyone.
As of yesterday. The account messaged my friend in a strange way. Saying to the best of my translation because the spelling and grammar is so bad it is hard to tell what they are saying. But this is what I assume they meant.
“Now you know not to fuck with me. I will ruin your life and do it again.” Which IS FUCKING CREEPY. My friend is already looking into involving police. But the account has posted another maybe minute long video on the story. So I guarantee this isn’t the end of it. We have the screen shots. And we have an idea of who he might of pissed off and why. But still who knew about the only fans. We also do not want to accuse anyone. Insta hasn’t taken down the account with the amount r reports it has gotten. What should I do?
submitted by paraghost12345 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:48 MidnightAnubis AITA for dating my boyfriend?

Hello! My name is Anubis (22F) and I’ve been dating my bf H (22M) for the past 6 years. We’ve recently decided to move in together and have been facing some issues from our families that I would like to have a second opinion on.
For some background, my bf H and I met each other in high school. We both ran in similar social circles and eventually got closer throughout the years. We started talking to each other in early 2018 and he confessed to liking me in June of the same year. Due to us being very young, we decided to not date but spend time getting to know each other. This went on for about a year and we were both only exclusive to each other. A year later he asked me out in June 2019 and I said yes.This was the first relationship for both of us but we both grew up with each other. We’ve helped each other grow into the amazing people we are and share the same perspective and goals in life. I have never understood the idea of someone having their ‘person’ but growing up with him I truly understood what it meant.
Alternately, our families did not like the idea of us dating. On my end I grew up in a rough immigrant household. I faced alot of physical and emotional trauma that took years of therapy to come to terms with. My family believed in graduating with good grades and working hard till death. Everything else was a distraction unless it was curated by them. They did not like the idea of a bf and especially not one at such a young age who didn’t share my same cultural background. So I did what any 16yr old would do and hid it from them until I was ready.
On my H’s side, they shared similar thoughts but overtime I won everyone over. Everyone but his mom- she believed we were to young to date and due to my background would eventually run off with her sons hard working money. I, at first, took this was ease and it seemed like a reasonable concern but always tried my best to prove her wrong. I expressed to my bf on multiple occasions that I wanted to be with someone whose family would whole heartedly accept me- as I grew up in a family who hated each other. He shared my same thoughts and assured me that his mom would come to love me and somehow managed to convince me over the years that she too loves me.
Oh boy was he wrong.
5 years later and this women still despised me. It always seemed to be for one reason or the other. At first it was due to concerns of our age. Then it became due to the fact she didn’t approve of my parents not knowing of our relationship. Then eventually, over time it became greatly about money. For some clarification both me and my bf have been working since high school but once we graduated I went on to pursue post graduate studies while working part time and ’H’ went on to working in the trades. I made on average 1K biweekly and he made 1K weekly. We tried to split everything as evenly as we can but occasionally H would splurge a little bit more as he had the money to do so.
I was blissfully unaware aware his mom did not like this until his younger brother pointed it out. This led to me and H speaking about potentially splitting up to avoid further issues within his family. H refused and stated that this was not something that was going to create issues and that he’d talk to his mom. This was in mid 2023 and we continued dating.
It’s been about a year since then and we’ve been better than ever. I see myself with no one but him and eventually did not care that his mom did not like me. I knew my worth- I’ve been working since I was 15 and am finishing up, not one but two bachelor degrees and will eventually be pursuing my masters. I’ve single handily paid my way through my schooling and am scheduled to graduate with less than 10k in debit, and believe myself to be very well mannered person. Eventually I came to believe anything bad she could say about me could be chalked up as her own opinion.
So here’s where the problem begins. Due to graduating soon and some personal issues within my own family (parents divorcing etc) I’ve been asked to move out. I’ve been looking for places near to where I work when my bf offered to move in with me. In his opinion we would be saving money and how our goal was to always get married in the future. I was hesitant at first but eventually agreed. Personally it made sense- I was currently paying close to 1K a month to reside with my parents and he was paying close to 2K a month to reside with his- together we can afford a nicer place. To those asking, yes we do pay our parents to live with them! We’ve been house hunting for awhile and faced many struggles due to our age and not having a guarantor but recently signed a lease on a gorgeous 2bd 2ba condo!
We were both very excited but I was unaware Hs’ parents were not aware he was moving out. According to him he has been telling them for the past few months but they always assumed he was joking or wouldn’t actually do so. This led to many arguments within his family the last 2 days and eventually to me getting verbally berated by his mom when she saw me outside. Aside from the many things she said, she asked me ‘Why was I ruining her son’s life by dating him?’ She went onto to talk about his goals of eventually buying property (one which we both shared) and how renting was only going to deter him in the future. She proceeded to talk about how I was poisoning him against everyone and how he was not welcome back if he leaves.
Ever since that encounter with Hs’ mom I’ve been inconsolable. I truly do not believe I am ruining his life. I’ve always been open with my goals and intentions with H and he always reciprocated. We genuinely bring out the best in each other and contrary to his mom’s belief I have never asked him to fund for me or my life at any given time.
H is an amazing bf and I truly do intend on marrying this man but I do know hearing that he’s not welcome back shattered his heart. So it does make me wonder, am I the asshole for dating my boyfriend?
submitted by MidnightAnubis to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:47 HeftyAd824 AITA for telling my sister not to consider me her sibling or at least for temporarily.

I told Sam that I didn't want to talk to her until I was ready. Well I decided to go through Sam's phone again and this time they were both saying I was getting in the way of their relationship, what did I do to get in the way?? By protecting her? Okay. Sam proceeded to say that she was sorry for me "irritating " him. Sorry I got in the way of your of you little wiener pics and your mad bc you got caught. Mike also told Sam that his brothers don't care what he does, well it shows. I'm also sorry Mike that I care about my sister unlike your brothers. He also mentioned that he apologized. But that was for the photo not for the little comment he made under his dick. But I will do anything I can to protect her. Or at least I wanted to.
submitted by HeftyAd824 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:47 Snoo_87814 Friend That Disagree With You and You Lose Them

Okay, some background.
In between 2017 and 2021, I had a lot of internalized queerphobia. During that time towards the end of that phase, I had befriended a Baptist minister down in Kentucky. We talked virtually as I live in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
In August 2021, I began to date a guy that was working at a retail chain store that I once worked for, in which we dated for two weeks before they had to go to grad school (we are still friends by the way).
So now with me out of my queerphobic phase, this Baptist minister and I were still Facebook friends but we didn’t speak to each other much. In fact, I had wanted to buy him a copy of Justin Lee’s Torn to see what he thought of it.
So moving onto 2024. It is Pride Month, and considering that it’s Facebook, you have everybody and their mother posting anti-LGBT memes and rhetoric everywhere. So I posted this on my main page as a response to some saying that the only pride flag that should be the American flag. This gave your’s truly an idea and decided to post some commentary on this specific insult. And let’s just say that my Baptist friend saw it, and wrote this rambling in the comments and blocked me soon afterwards.
Yeah, not much to say except for the fact that this move came off as a bit childish and immature.
submitted by Snoo_87814 to OpenChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:47 OrganicSelection5647 Was I out of line in these texts?

HIM: Wish you were hereeee
HER: I'm really excited to see you 🥰
HIM: Ha, why's that?
HER: Haha is that weird to say
HIM: Oh no, I am glad you are Was just curious
HER: There's just a lot about you that I liked :) And i've just thought of you..
HIM: Gotcha. I don't think there should be a lot of pressure with how things ended last time. Would be really nice to see you though
HER: What do you mean?
HIM: Idk, never mind lol. Just saying I'm looking forward to meeting you but also don't want either of us to feel any pressure
HER: Pressure in what way?
HIM: Like to date or something
HER: Did you feel pressured to date last time??
HIM: No I didn't haha That's why I said never mind Anyway will be fun to see you
HER: I don't think it was a pressure thing it was just a little confusing considering how deeply you went into things towards me when I had first talked to you vs how you had acted following that. And I was more so trying to figure out which version you actually were. But that does bring back the vibe of how things felt at your place, and I do feel like it's kind of awkward to say-and I don't feel good about this. You're a nice guy Kyle, and you were the only person I had talked to at all during that whole time, so that's probably why I had formed some sort of emotional tie to you, but yeah I think this isn't a good idea. I do appreciate you for getting so clear this time.
HIM: Oh wow so no getting together tomorrow?
HER: Is this what you say to girls before your dates? I would never go out with someone who said that to me Kyle. Zero pressure to date should be everyone's expectation before a first date, but the way you said that me definitely set some intention. You should only be going out with women you're completely interested in. As I told you, i appreciate some of the great advice you given me back in November. I honestly went the best for you and your situation-and I hope you can truly find the most beautiful and kind girl you can who will have the best intentions, and I mean that. But yeah this is off and it's just always so awkward for no reason
HIM: Ok, well I'm sorry if it felt off. And no I don't, but I guess I didn't know what prompted you to message me a couple weeks ago and given that we had already been out before it's a bit of a unique situation because I thought you had written me off. So I guess was just trying to protect myself
I reached out because the father of my son moved to AZ, so I felt like my schedule would be more fair to anyone I decide to talk to. But i really felt inclined to reach out to you as a friend as I felt bad about how I left things off, and because I actually cared about you on a friend level. When you asked to see each other again, I thought I would give it a chance for a normal/real date given our last, but when it's clear that it has to be a real date and not a hot tub thing, it became "don't get any expectation from this that you'll be dating me". Which was just so out in left field and, yeaaah I have never had that kind of exchange. Humbling. Lol. But don't worry Kyle we are totally good lol. 🥰 Stay sweet!
HIM: So I think it was a miscommunication. Because how we left off, I was hurt too. And so I thought you wanted to connect as friends and then when it seemed like you were open to a date, I was open to it but just trying to protect myself. I did it all clumsily, clearly. I am sorry about that
HER: Well I may have misread signals back then too. But the protect yourself thing comes off as disinterest. I clearly liked you more than a friend. Let's just forget about all of it and not drop any text bombs that will be taken out of context! I can definitely see you were saying
HIM: Sounds good
submitted by OrganicSelection5647 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:47 erutan_of_selur Machine Chaos Tayou Turbo R/F

This is a deck I've been slowly cooking for awhile, I'm a pretty casual YGO player at this point, I don't like the link era or the eternal Setpember of the rocket fuel link format with going first decks and going second decks. I am a believe that GOAT isn't solved yet, despite the meta existing where it's at. In any case, Here is the breakdown of the deck:
Chaos Machine Tayou Turbo. Word Salad I know. This deck is a hybrid control/combo deck. It has absolutely insane turn 1 potential and can make a series of incredibly strong uncontested plays that sack your opponent harder than Duo Can.
BLS X1- Premier boss monster of the format naturally shows up in a chaos deck. On top of it's innate features BLS in this deck is a massively extended combo that can facilitate an absolute blowout against your opponent. Once you Trunade to clear the field to land BLS, you can banish your opponents monster, metamorphosis into Gatling Dragon and generate further advantage with coin flips to further your damage output. Gatling dragon is a great extended option here because you can tailor your turn to how successful it's effect resolution is. If BLS banishes their only monster, you can follow gatling dragon up with limiter removal for the 5600 kill shot.
Chaos Sorc x2 Chaos Sorc is underwhelming but required. It's as amazing as it would be in pretty much any other deck, but it doesn't have massive synergies. You play it because it's a special summon.
Dekoichi X3- Dekoichi makes Book of Tayou into a Jar of greed, and when you Tayou it up it dodges on-summon trap cards. We run 3 limiter removal, and because of our chaos package Dekoichi is good fodder for busting up your opponent's board with a limiter removal. If you are playing against a control matchup, you can slow down and just play Dekoichi like normal and especially to bait the NOC. But if you're one card away from developing your line then Tayou is the play.
Fusilier X3 This card is the shit. Easily one of the best combo cards in GOAT. Dark and Machine, great target for Graceful Charity. Fusilier is the swiss army knife of the deck and gives it the most control options. When combined with Metamorphosis, you can toolbox out Last Warrior from another Planet, Labrynth Tank and King Dragun. Labrynth tank is a machine, and so if you're a few life points shy of game it makes limiter removal more live than if you just double a wimpy Fusilier to 28, instead getting a 48 limiter removal killshot. Usually though, I use him to slow the game down with Last Warrior. A turn 1 Last Warrior is aa good way to choke out your opponent. It hard counters Reasoning Gate Game 1, it hard counters Scapegoat and it makes it incredibly tough to answer if your opponent is on a low or no monster count. King Dragun is pesky and crashes with monarchs and has it's edge case uses but usually Last Warrior. In addition to all of it's applications with Metamorphosis, it has incredibly synergy with any of your discard outlets, it's a live target to banish and if you have it in grave it's a big bungus to Premature burial into a trunade and maybe pull back 2 which brings us back to more kill shots with limiter removal.
X-Head cannon X3- The Garnet of the deck, under Limiter removal it gets to a respectable 3600, it's usually the secondary target for Premat if you have trunade to synergize with it.
Mof X3 - Mof is the core of the draw engine, Mof makes it so that you can convert Book of Tayou into any spell in your graveyard, but especially the two trinity pieces. It can also get you the damage on board you need with of course limiter removal. The big thing is Tayou lets you quickly use mof to build your hand and grave yard to thread the line. You can of course play it slow, but this deck wants to win quickly. Also gets you to Thousnd Eyes Restrict, the second control element of the deck. When combined with last Warrior from another planet you have functionally 6 cards that lead you to a control point where you can slow the game down and then choke your opponent out if you need to.
Morphing Jar X1 Cyber Jar X1
The Jars are the secondary Draw engine of the deck and facilitate Soft FTKs. Because we run a 17 monster count, Cyber Jar is usually draw power more so than busting up the board. But even then, Setting Cyber Jar and flipping it with Tayou can build your board into a lethal threat. By going into Dekoichis and Head Cannons oftentimes hitting 2 of any permutation enables game from limiter removal on your next turn. A turn 1 soft kill with Morphing jar in particular might look like you setting 4 cards to the field and then slapping Tayou down to force it to flip. If this happens on turn 1 your opponent starts the game off at a -2 to a -4. It does carry a slight disadvantage if you build their chaos graveyard, but they also have to assess a fat fucking back row that you got to build turn 1. Additionally, you can take smaller advantages with morphing jar because a lot of monsters are simply additional combo enablers in grave anyway. Tossing a head cannon to go +3 and then drawing into BLS is a common tactic.
Trinity-nuff said.
Card Destruction- This is great to follow up cyber jar with. Often times you do get some dead duplicates in hand, so card destruction lets you go digging to assemble your combo. Sometimes you also just need a discard outlet.
Limiter Removal x3- Limiter Removal in this deck is insane. A lot of times you can just win out of nowhere, Giant Trunade at 3 makes the minuses you take from it not so bad, and it's further hedged with premature burial. Bring mack a Fusilier go in for 5600, get over BLS, or if you wanna channel your Inner Zane Truesdale drop double limiter removal on Fusilier and go for the 10k big bungus kill move.
Book of Tayou- The card text is an inaccuracy this card reads: Replace the effect of this card with the effect of one of your face down monsters and flip it to attack mode. It's the MOST slept on card in the format if you are running any kind of flip package. It enables you to dodge on summon effects, it enables you to summon under Last Warrior from another planet and develop tempo, it makes your jars much, much better. It also functions as a Piecing attack that might be the difference between game or not. Very versatile card, generates massive plusses sooner an again on turn 1 virtually uncontested.
Giant Trunade- I don't play storm. This is a meta call but people don't like to negate Trunade in the same way they don't like to negate Pot of Greed or Graceful, it does very seldom happen but Very Seldom We max out on trunade because we just need our opponent's spell cards. The deck also isn't terribly concerned with card advantage in the same sense other decks are. You sort of just explode into a large hand and then discard what you don't need and keep what you do need. Also has synergy with our two equip spells, more so premature burial. This builds a graveyard recursion engine that also bounces your opponent's back row. Being able to resolve premature burial 4+ times in a game is quite strong.
Snatch Steal- sometimes you need to create an out with Metamorphosis. Grabbing your opponent's BLS is just as good as summoning your own in this case.
Premature Burial- Monster reborn with recursion, throw your monsters carelessly into the graveyard for graceful chairty and summon them back to set up a fat board.
Metamorpohosis- the deck's flexibility. You have numerous options, The big two being Last Warrior and TES with niche applications for the others.
Nobleman of crossout- I hate dealing with flip effects and I love to swat my opponent's mof. This card is probably one of the more flexible cards, and can probably live in the sideboard. But, you really want to dial up the choke out by denying your opponent any advantage generation with Nobleman of Crossout.
Cold Wave X2- This is an OTK deck, the deck is also cramped and tight on ratios. So we run 2. with Trunade this is a pretty strong lockdown package and if you have it an trunade you can force your opponent's Solemn Judgement out Also, Cold Wave and Limiter removal have a weird synergy where you can activate your cold wave and then run it up to chain 2 with limiter removal which makes it more difficult to respond to but also sets up your kill.
Ring of DestructionX1 I'm going to suck limiter removal off one last time here, Ring of Destruction is already one of the best cards in the format. Paired with limiter removal though, You can build gigantic nukes to fling at your opponent if your life points can weather the explosion. Following up your already massive gatling dragon combo with a ring of destruction is basically a quick double tap. But also, it forces your opponent to either side out their ring or risk their ring killing them but not you, limiter removal makes ring of destruction very dangerous, you can force a draw if the right monster is out but Limiter removal is a soft counter and a big punish to ring of destruction, needless to say if you chain limiter removal to your opponent's ring of destruction you can cause it to blow up in their face. Or like I said, force the draw.
Solemn Judgement X1 - Sometimes you just need to no button your opponent, it's our flexibility for jank/spice strategies. Probably throw 2 more in the side deck.
As for the rate and fix, given what I have laid out I'd be curious to know of any insights or side-deck options I may not have considered. The deck doesn't have a lot of wiggle room, even the side deck option are limited because the deck runs such a tightly fixed strategy. As I wrote this, I may actually board out NoC and run Upstart goblin and side in NoC if they're on a flip strategy. but yeah anything else I'd love to hear about.
submitted by erutan_of_selur to Goat_Format [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:47 MidnightAnubis AITA for dating my boyfriend?

Hello! My name is Anubis (22F) and I’ve been dating my bf H (22M) for the past 6 years. We’ve recently decided to move in together and have been facing some issues from our families that I would like to have a second opinion on.
For some background, my bf H and I met each other in high school. We both ran in similar social circles and eventually got closer throughout the years. We started talking to each other in early 2018 and he confessed to liking me in June of the same year. Due to us being very young, we decided to not date but spend time getting to know each other. This went on for about a year and we were both only exclusive to each other. A year later he asked me out in June 2019 and I said yes.This was the first relationship for both of us but we both grew up with each other. We’ve helped each other grow into the amazing people we are and share the same perspective and goals in life. I have never understood the idea of someone having their ‘person’ but growing up with him I truly understood what it meant.
Alternately, our families did not like the idea of us dating. On my end I grew up in a rough immigrant household. I faced alot of physical and emotional trauma that took years of therapy to come to terms with. My family believed in graduating with good grades and working hard till death. Everything else was a distraction unless it was curated by them. They did not like the idea of a bf and especially not one at such a young age who didn’t share my same cultural background. So I did what any 16yr old would do and hid it from them until I was ready.
On my H’s side, they shared similar thoughts but overtime I won everyone over. Everyone but his mom- she believed we were to young to date and due to my background would eventually run off with her sons hard working money. I, at first, took this was ease and it seemed like a reasonable concern but always tried my best to prove her wrong. I expressed to my bf on multiple occasions that I wanted to be with someone whose family would whole heartedly accept me- as I grew up in a family who hated each other. He shared my same thoughts and assured me that his mom would come to love me and somehow managed to convince me over the years that she too loves me.
Oh boy was he wrong.
5 years later and this women still despised me. It always seemed to be for one reason or the other. At first it was due to concerns of our age. Then it became due to the fact she didn’t approve of my parents not knowing of our relationship. Then eventually, over time it became greatly about money. For some clarification both me and my bf have been working since high school but once we graduated I went on to pursue post graduate studies while working part time and ’H’ went on to working in the trades. I made on average 1K biweekly and he made 1K weekly. We tried to split everything as evenly as we can but occasionally H would splurge a little bit more as he had the money to do so.
I was blissfully unaware aware his mom did not like this until his younger brother pointed it out. This led to me and H speaking about potentially splitting up to avoid further issues within his family. H refused and stated that this was not something that was going to create issues and that he’d talk to his mom. This was in mid 2023 and we continued dating.
It’s been about a year since then and we’ve been better than ever. I see myself with no one but him and eventually did not care that his mom did not like me. I knew my worth- I’ve been working since I was 15 and am finishing up, not one but two bachelor degrees and will eventually be pursuing my masters. I’ve single handily paid my way through my schooling and am scheduled to graduate with less than 10k in debit, and believe myself to be very well mannered person. Eventually I came to believe anything bad she could say about me could be chalked up as her own opinion.
So here’s where the problem begins. Due to graduating soon and some personal issues within my own family (parents divorcing etc) I’ve been asked to move out. I’ve been looking for places near to where I work when my bf offered to move in with me. In his opinion we would be saving money and how our goal was to always get married in the future. I was hesitant at first but eventually agreed. Personally it made sense- I was currently paying close to 1K a month to reside with my parents and he was paying close to 2K a month to reside with his- together we can afford a nicer place. To those asking, yes we do pay our parents to live with them! We’ve been house hunting for awhile and faced many struggles due to our age and not having a guarantor but recently signed a lease on a gorgeous 2bd 2ba condo!
We were both very excited but I was unaware Hs’ parents were not aware he was moving out. According to him he has been telling them for the past few months but they always assumed he was joking or wouldn’t actually do so. This led to many arguments within his family the last 2 days and eventually to me getting verbally berated by his mom when she saw me outside. Aside from the many things she said, she asked me ‘Why was I ruining her son’s life by dating him?’ She went onto to talk about his goals of eventually buying property (one which we both shared) and how renting was only going to deter him in the future. She proceeded to talk about how I was poisoning him against everyone and how he was not welcome back if he leaves.
Ever since that encounter with Hs’ mom I’ve been inconsolable. I truly do not believe I am ruining his life. I’ve always been open with my goals and intentions with H and he always reciprocated. We genuinely bring out the best in each other and contrary to his mom’s belief I have never asked him to fund for me or my life at any given time.
H is an amazing bf and I truly do intend on marrying this man but I do know hearing that he’s not welcome back shattered his heart. So it does make me wonder, am I the asshole for dating my boyfriend?
submitted by MidnightAnubis to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:46 vall3ygirl I feel disrespected by my boyfriend's mother (29F)

I'm starting to feel really peeved by my boyfriend's mother.
He is 24, and they live together - him, his parents, 3 siblings and their abundance of pets.
There is a rule for him that doesn't apply to his sisters, and he's not allowed to talk on the phone with me, use his phone, check his phone or text me. If he's at work or awake before they all wake up, he can text me but as long as they're around, he's strictly prohibited from using his phone. I've heard his mother have tantrums a few times, yelling him to get off the phone. Even if they're just at home, watching a movie on the couch? Not allowed to use his phone. Basically, she expects him to go no contact with me for an entire day on "family days" - and about that...
We had plans last sunday but she said no, that she wants "a day with him". excuse me? she says that like i'm holding him hostage. We see each other 3 days a week, MAYBE 4 but not always because of work schedules and balancing time with my own family. And I'm sorry, that's too much? When they LIVE together and she sees him every day for crying out loud?
I heard her yelling at him and getting after him tonight and he was whispering because he was getting in trouble for being on the phone with me. He tried standing up to her and saying "Mom, wait." and "Mom, just wait", "stop it", "Mom, you're really pissing me off right now." It REALLY pissed me off hearing a 24 year old man having to stand his ground and fight with his mother to talk to his romantic partner because she thought she was entitled to 100% of his attention forcing him to watch a documentary with his family.
This insults me and makes me feel disrespected. I feel like she's harboring negative feelings about me secretly, and hiding them behind a polite smile and small talk when I come over. We've been together for 7 months, I'm definitely not knew and they're all familiar with me.
I sense that she's playing tug of war with me and that she doesn't want to share, she wants him all to herself. she's weirdly possessive of him and just now imposed a 10 pm curfew on him "so she can spend some time with him."
When she said she "wants a day with him because she never gets to see him" I felt hurt, like that was a subtle dig at me taking up all his time and attention, like I'm taking him away from his family. She's said that multiple times. Like ma'am. Now is not the time to act like a catty high school mean girl. If you have a personal little problem with me, say it to my face woman to woman. She never invites me to anything and makes it clear i'm not one of them. And thank God I'm not, I don't wanna be a part of that dysfunctional mess!!!! I'm just there for my boyfriend, maybe his 16 year old sis who I think there's hope for and that's it. The rest can kiss my ass. Nobody said I had to like his family, I've tried but they've given me more reasons NOT to and it's mostly the way they treat him and the way they treat me like an afterthought or like I don't matter.
If i'm not wanted in their son's life, they should grow up and have that conversation with me. they should be goddamn delighted that i'm such a positive influence in his life, helped him recover from alcoholism, truly LOVE him and treat him like a king. Any sensible parent would be proud their son found such a good woman. These are not sensible people.
It really, really bothers me about this "no phone" rule. It's not fair to him, and it's not fair to me. It's unreasonable, I don't like hearing him getting in trouble and her getting angry at him for communicating with me. It's because she wants to force him to pay attention and bond with her, but you can't MAKE a grown man pay attention to you. It all seems very childish to me. Emotionally immature parent. But I feel insulted that I'm someone she doesn't want him talking on the phone to, despite all the time we spend together at each others' houses on dates and I've never been told that I'm not welcome. I've made an effort to get to know all of them, I've brought gifts, baked for them, etc. to show what an amazing girlfriend and possibly future daughter in law I am and what did that get me? Sidelined, uninvited to things, excluded and barred from communication.
It's not right and it really upsets me. I don't feel valued by his parents, except the sister who was confused why I wasn't there to celebrate her 16th birthday with them. Same reason why I wasn't there for my boyfriend's birthday last October, I wasn't invited.
I've also asked where they're having dinner when he's told me they're going out to a restaurant, and she wouldn't let him text me back until way later that night and tell me the restaurant in retrospect. Why? So I couldn't just so happen to meet up with them?
The no phone rule is what's bothering me the most and incensing me. This woman makes me feel like a flea on their family's back that they can't shake or get rid of.
submitted by vall3ygirl to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:46 ThrowRA_fly_boy_17 I (25 F) think my boyfriend’s (26 M)(2.5 yr relationship) family broke us up. What do I do now?

TLDR: boyfriend blindsided me with a breakup; come to find out a good part of it was because of his family after the vacation we were together on less than one week prior. Now I’m wondering what to do.
So my boyfriend and I went on vacation to see his family in another state (my idea) for a few days with them and a few days on our own. A few things happened while there. His family we were staying with has 2 cats, and they track litter everywhere and woke me up everyday at 5 am by banging on something. The first day, I asked the owner, “How do you stand the cat litter everywhere? That is one of my big concerns with owning a cat.” Guess they took it the wrong way because they apologized immediately and started vacuuming. I told them no it’s okay, I’m just genuinely wondering how you got used to it. That was complaint number 1 I remember. The second complaint was on day 2. I had food poisoning and threw up what was left of my buffalo chicken sandwich at 3 am only to be woken up by the cats at 5 am. By the way, I was loud enough (because I was that sick) my boyfriend woke up and came to check on me, and his family upstairs woke up from the noises too. So on day 2, I was crabby from lack of sleep. End of the day comes and we’re all tired. His family wishes us a long and restful night’s sleep, and I tell them that won’t be happening because of the cats since I’m sure they’ll wake me up at 5 am again. I can’t remember the exact phrasing, but I said something to the effect of, “from playing the drums while dropping that turd in the litter box.” My boyfriend told me to be nice. I told his family I know this is not something that can be changed, I’m just venting. It has nothing to do with them, the cats are just being cats. Apparently they took that wrong, too.
The next issue happened while driving down the mountain. I normally drive a small car, and the rental we had was a large SUV. Big change for me, especially the mountain driving because I live in a flat state. So I’m driving down the mountain (side note my boyfriend’s mom is an extremely nervous passenger and I was trying not to scare her) worried about the brakes and the engine and not driving off the side of this thing. He pushed the low button on the gear shift without knowing what it would do, and I admit I didn’t either. The engine made a sound I didn’t like, so I told him I think you pushed a bad button and either please fix it or please don’t touch anything else. He went to push that gear button again and I smacked his hand in front of his family. He later told me this was humiliating for him. This was after I asked him what’s wrong because he otherwise wouldn’t have told me. I apologized and told him it was a rash reaction from being overwhelmed with anxiety trying to do this drive safely and I shouldn’t have done it. Apparently his family thought this was a red flag, and he claims he tried defending me but they weren’t having it. I would like to make the point that this was the first time in 2.5 years I did something like this to him.
The family also apparently thinks I’m a little too controlling of him, and I told him early in our relationship and often I can’t always see in myself what I see in others. I hate being controlled or to have someone try to assert their opinions over my life because they think they know best. So I told him if I’m doing that to him to call me out on it, and I will work on myself to fix that behavior. I also took great care to not make any big decisions for him. I would give him the options and would refuse to say what I think he should do because it should be his decision.
Less than one week after vacation (which I thought I picked up on the vibe that his family didn’t like me anymore, and he told me not to worry about it) he asks me to sit next to him after I press him about what’s wrong, and proceeds to says basically you know I still love you but I can’t do this anymore. Totally ripped my heart out and said we couldn’t have another chance and just gave a bunch of bs excuses. I’ve been having such a hard time the past few days that I write him a letter to clear my thoughts from my brain. Well he read it and decided to tell me the actual truth which is that his family got involved and they don’t really like me after that vacation. There were a few other things he mentioned all relating to communication issues (which I told him ends relationships). But I feel now like his family is a big part of why we split up because they got involved without truly knowing me or giving me a chance to let them into my thoughts.
I know the relationship is done, but now I’m wondering if I should say anything to his family? They gave me no indication of their feelings and his mom just told me (post breakup) that she loves me, and his sibling said to save their number in case I want or need anything. So do I say something to them because they are part of the reason why I’m broken up and out of my home (we were living together for less than 1 years and had just signed the renewal)? What do I do now?
submitted by ThrowRA_fly_boy_17 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:45 cloudtechnique Loyalty to a friend vs honesty

So broadly speaking: If you had a very good friend who was cheating on their partner would you be willing to back up your friend on their lies?
The two scenarios I'm specifically curious about:
You've had a friend for years, they have been in a relationship for 6 months. You know they are together, you know your friend is sleeping around behind their partner's back, and you know the partner thinks they are monogamous. One day while all three of you were together your friend lies and says they were with you the previous weekend, with out giving you any prior notice or warning that they've already told their partner this lie. Do you go along with your friend and lie about them being with you or is it more important to be honest and tell their partner the truth?
And same couple, what would you do if the partner got you alone and directly asked you if their partner was cheating on them?
submitted by cloudtechnique to moraldilemmas [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:44 cherryaffair Giant Crush on my Coworker

I’ve (25) have been working at this cute little brunch place since September. I’m usually a pretty keep to myself person and don’t normally get very close and personal with my coworkers, but I’ve gotten very comfortable at this place and have gotten pretty close to the majority of the girls that I work with everyday.
There’s one girl, I’m gonna call her R (24) that I’ve gotten increasingly pretty tight with over the past couple months. God, she’s gorgeous. So sweet and always so happy and upbeat it literally makes my heart stall. On every shift we have together I spend the whole time flirting with her. I think she knows I have been, I assume it’s pretty obvious. We constantly pick on each other, go out of our way to help each other with side work, compliment each others outfits, swap books to take home and read, grabbing each others hands or arms (it’s also a commonly known and talked about thing at this job that I am not a touchy feely person with my friends, so I’m not just touching all of the girls.) I just don’t know how to tell if hers is coming from the same place as mine is or if she’s just really nice. I’ve been single for coming up on a few years now so I’m a little rusty at this kind of thing. I’ve almost put it out there more straightforward a few times but my throat always closes up as soon as I go to say anything.
It’s driving me insane I think about her all the time. I feel like I should say something but I don’t want to make her uncomfortable or change the vibe since we both would continue working there.
edit: spelling mistakes :/
submitted by cherryaffair to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:44 KoNoDiOdO Did I make the right choice?

So a couple months ago my (now ex) gf said she didnt really want to be together and asked to take a break from us. Recently we've been talking a bit about if we're going to get back together and it's been pretty undecided which one it would be. A couple nights ago I was talking to a friend about the whole thing and he said it was best for me to leave. Some of the reasons are as follows:
  1. Very different beliefs. She's a christian, I'm not religious. She's a right wing trump supporter, I'd say I'm more on the liberal side (I try not to get into politics, also we aren't in the states)
  2. She likes someone else rn (as well as liking me)
  3. From his experience (he's a couple years older) it's never been a good idea to stay with someone when they like someone else.
  4. The way she reacted to me telling her I don't think we'd work (I'll say later)
So because of this stuff (and some other reasons) I messaged her today saying I didn't think we'd work out. She responded by only saying "Can I have my stuff back then?" Which my friend says is a sign that she was probably hoping/expecting it to turn out like this/she doesn't hold much emotion towards it, didnt care, etc ....
Anyways now is the main point of this. Even though we probably wouldn't have worked I still can't help but think about if we would work. I also do still really like her and miss her and I don't know if I made the right decision. So I'm asking you guys. Do you think I made the right decision? The wrong one? If so, why?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by KoNoDiOdO to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:43 Pleasntly_existing 19M, Las Vegas, Nevada

Hello to the lovely lady reading this (hopefully)
I am 5’6 I am currently enrolled in college and am studying to get a criminal Justice bachelors degree. I am going to be a detective one day. I am planning to be a police officer once I graduate and I’m the right age. I’m Hispanic I have a light skin tone and have brown eyes. I’m not skinny I wouldn’t consider myself a big dude either I’m kinda in the middl closer to skinny but I’m planning to change that and bulk up (get buff) I currently go to the gym every morning at 5 am and am trying to get buff and build endurance so that the police academy stuff goes down a bit easier. I have a strict moral and ethical code that I don’t often break. I’m generally pretty relaxed forgiving and slow to anger. I am also very funny in my own unique way and am usually the one making my family members laugh all the time. Although I am generally a chill relaxed person it doesn’t mean I don’t have the courage to stand up for myself or the people I love. I am meek as a lamb but I am as fierce as a lion when I need to be. The most important thing in my life is my family and my relationship with God. if I get the honor of talking to you and we hit it off you will be part of the most important thing in my life (aka you’ll be my family too). I want to say I’m not looking for much in a relationship but in today’s day and age perhaps what I’m seeking is far too much for people my age.
I’m not picky about my woman all I really want is someone who can be honest, loving, caring, loyal, family oriented, and strong. I want a woman who will not led me astray from God. I want to be with someone who will not tempt me to sin and who will call me out whenever I do. I also want a woman who will be ok with me being the one in charge of the family and our household. I’m looking for someone between the ages 19-22. You have to be Christian like me. I’m not compromising on that. If you’re in Vegas great if not I’m ok with a LDR until we get to be together. If you think you and me could be a good fit or you just wanna get to know me a bit more just shoot me a text. Otherwise please have a great day :)
submitted by Pleasntly_existing to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:43 BunnyxBloodykiss I hate these request

I hate these request
If you could find a family friend in the next hour to sit why get in rover at all? I responded three minutes later. Location listed was 2 hours away. Actual location is 40 minutes which is still out of my radius anyways but still like it’s annoying how common this is.
submitted by BunnyxBloodykiss to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:43 caolivee-asd-travels AITA if I’m sad and disappointed with my wife bc she often leave me alone when something bad happens?

This happened to me today actually. We are enjoying my vacation in Italy Florence and an old lady scammed me. the full story:
An elderly woman who appears to be a gypsy. She was wearing a long skirt and had an orange scarf on her head. She might engage you by telling you good things and then ask for money, claiming she is sick.
If you open your wallet or she sees you with any money, she may try to take it from you. She also lies, saying she wants to exchange some money, and then grab whatever she can. This happened to me when I was looking for coins and forgot that I had just cashed out. 🫠 she was at the Duomo
I tried to get my money back, but she had likely seen me cashing out and wasn't alone. So, I let it go after nearly grabbing her purse, which was probably dangerous anyway. I can make more money.
Despite being aware of scams and pickpockets (I'm Brazilian, after all lol), she managed to exploit my soft spot and stole my money. It’s a reminder from life to always stay focused.
I'm a bit sad because my wife was with me but kept walking, watching some musicians play. If she were gone for that long, yelling at someone, I would have immediately looked for her and helped out.
Another time she left on the street in Buenos Aires bc we had a fight and my phone was dead and I had to guess the path back to the hotel crying. my mom and my sister saw it but they left right before she left me we supposed to meet at this beautiful restaurant. I found the restaurant and shared with my family and cried a lot. After a few minutes she is back with flowers. it was my birthday, my mom’s s and younger sister first trip outside Brazil. It was an important day.
She left other times too an odd thing is that my ex used to do the same things. I’m autistic and sometimes I wonder if I’m being stupid.
We are heading to other cities. I will be watching that behavior.
submitted by caolivee-asd-travels to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]