Short stories sad

For stories that are short and sad

2013.06.29 06:39 PantheraLupus For stories that are short and sad

We read to escape sorrow, and we write to heal ourselves from it.

2008.03.23 20:30 Short Stories

This is a place to submit your original short stories and be part of a community of writers.

2009.08.12 08:27 surfwax95 TOMT: When you can't remember that…thing…

For finding the un-googleable things that are on the tip of your tongue... That word... The name of that song... That movie...

2024.06.05 06:56 buzz72b 2024 door replacement - put sound deading in?

Long story short someone hit my 2024 sport in a parking lot… collision shop has to put a new door shell on… got me thinking since they have to replace it should I have them put some road noise / sound dead in the door to help with the road noise? If so what do you all recommend? Yeah it would only be one door, but it’s the drivers door. Maybe help cut down some road noise. Thanks!
submitted by buzz72b to civic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:53 ashangelbabyyy F24 my bf M22 wakes up every other night for just about a minute to do sexual stuff to me and falls immediately back to sleep before it’s even over. He never recalls any of this, is this an undiagnosed behavior or what do you think could be causing this?

F24 My M22 bf wakes up in the middle of the night to do sexual things to me and falls back asleep yet never recalls any of this? I can’t understand it if it’s normal or if it’s an undiagnosed behavior?
Long story short, my boyfriend is a deep sleeper. He can sleep through just about anything, including loud noises and me crawling directly on top of him yet wakes up by a tickle, he’s an odd sleeper.
Most the time, in the middle of the night he’ll wake up for just about anywhere from three seconds to a minute and will either shove his tongue down my throat and make out with my aggressively or (usually) he’ll shove his finger inside me and rut his dick up against my ass, hard as a rock. I’ll be thinking he’s up for sex yet look back within a split second he’s snoring.
Before anyone asks I have asked him directly about it and he never recalls any of it.
Does anyone know what could be causing him to do this?
submitted by ashangelbabyyy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:53 ADHD_Misunderstood Haven't been able to bring myself to start Season 2 yet.

Tbh. I really loved Season 1. And I've heard Season 2 is different tone wise but tbh that doesn't really bother me. For me I just wanted so bad to see Thorfinn get revenge on Askelaad. It feels like it's been his driving force and the hook for the show this entire time. And frankly. Outside of becoming a badass. Thorfinn had almost no character development or dialogue through Season 1. So it's moreso that I just feel like the story is more or less done. I like Thorkell but I feel like we've already uncovered the mysteries behind him as well. I guess I just feel like I don't have any more questions going into Season 2 (questions like what does Thorkell know about Thors? Is Thorfinn gonna get revenge on Askelaad?") Stuff like that. Like my curiosity is mostly squashed. Even the question of if Leif will find Thorfinn is answered. I don't care that there is less bloodshed but I need some curiosity to go forward and I really have none. I guess I'll throw on an episode tonight and see where it takes me, but I'm just sad that I'm not really looking forward to it anymore.
submitted by ADHD_Misunderstood to VinlandSaga [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:53 Electronic-Party2763 Short audiobook around a fire

Camping with the kids and would love a good short story on audiobook to listen to around the fire. They're teenagers. I'd just ask for no sex really please. Can be adventure, horror,, really anything!
submitted by Electronic-Party2763 to audiobooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:53 ares0027 i am a moron and now have a weird issue (ram related)

so my motherboard is msi mpg z790 edge wifi ( ) with i7 13700k. when i initially built this pc i had kingston fury cl40 ddr5 2x32gb 5600 mt/s ram ( KF556C40BBAK2-64, ) but since i am into llms and machine learning etc that wasnt enough. i had found a kit of 4x32 that is on qvl list but while i am trying to purchase it literally ran out of stock.
Then as a moron i said "what the hell, it is literally same brand, same chip, same specifications without rgb (i always hated rgb anyways)" and bought another kingston fury cl40 ddr5 2x32gb 5200 mt/s ram (KF552C40BBK2-64 , )
installed it, pc turned itself on, off, on again, waited a bit (about 30 seconds or so) then said xmp profile failed (it was set to 5600 previously) i didnt bat an eye, my motherboard only supports 5200 mt/s with 4 dimms, went into bios, changed xmp profile to "2" for ram, which is 5200mhz, and it worked.
today i tried to turn my pc on (i always use wake on lan because my case is in a weird place) i couldn't. i manually turned it on, fans spun, then stopped. i could see gpu lights and ram lights were on, monitor woke up then slept, keyboard was sleeping as well. waited for about 10 minutes, nothing happened. i turned it off, back on, it worked after 30 seconds.
went to support page, downloaded bios update, updated it, it defaulted back to 3600 mt/s (instead of 4800) i manually changed it to 5200, same scenario, waits 30-40 seconds and starts doing its shit. i changed profile to "3" (for 5600 it is 3, for 5200 it is 2 but in bios it is 3) for 4800, failed as a whole, motherboard warns that overclock failed.
so long story short: if i change xmp to 2 (5200 mt/s) it works but only after 30-40 seconds of waiting with occasional no booting at all. if i reduce it, does not work at all (it restarts couple of times and disables xmp as whole as a fall back)
the thing is for 5200, both rams have cl-40-40-40 @ 1.25v and 4800 cl38-38-38 @ 1.1v. i am quite okay with 4800 but it defaults to 3600 instead. also i would like to get rid of that delay/ocassional not booting.
submitted by ares0027 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:52 retiredjaywalker Short audiobook

Camping with the kids and would love a good short story on audiobook to listen to around the fire. They're teenagers. I'd just ask for no sex really please. Can be adventure, horror,, really anything!
submitted by retiredjaywalker to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:51 classicalbarisax Recipe Anyone?

Long story short, I don't like the boba you can get in my area. I do, however, love the brown sugar milk tea it comes with. I want to learn how to make it, to save my wallet some tears, but I can't find any recipes without the boba.
There are some, but they either have whipping cream, which doesn't keep long enough to be worth buying, or they are probably too sweet. Sweets make me sick, which is why I liked the one shop I found. It wasn't too sweet, but it still had that close to Carmel flavor.
Anyone got a recipe that I can try? Idk if this is the right place, but I thought I would ask
submitted by classicalbarisax to tea [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:51 cloudninethrwwy Seeking Halloween stories!

I’m currently creating a Halloween map.
I would love it if some of you could submit short, original Halloween stories that will be displayed in lecterns throughout the map.
I will credit the story to your gamertag and include any additional info if you want to promote yourself!
submitted by cloudninethrwwy to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:50 No_Consideration9091 falling for my(19M) onl friend(19F).How to navigate this emotions?

I have been talking w this online friend of mine for the past 2 months, We r like quite close these days we share a lot of our stories, Lately we have been talking everyday and i started to feel something. When i realized i feel something for her i decided to cut her off and didn reply her and ghosted her but my body is acting differently and i feel different near my heart region(heavy) as if my body is telling me to interact w her as i derive happiness from this. Even if i ask her out she won’t accept as m totally not her type moreover m certain it will get awkward and lose her as a friend. Or is it that m lonely n shes filing my void? Guys help me w this.

TL;DR: Got attached to my online friend and now that i decided to move on. MY body started to act different and i feel bouts of sadness that occupy me.
submitted by No_Consideration9091 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:49 No_Consideration9091 falling for my(19M) onl friend(19F).How to navigate this emotions?

I have been talking w this online friend of mine for the past 2 months, We r like quite close these days we share a lot of our stories, Lately we have been talking everyday and i started to feel something. When i realized i feel something for her i decided to cut her off and didn reply her and ghosted her but my body is acting differently and i feel different near my heart region(heavy) as if my body is telling me to interact w her as i derive happiness from this. Even if i ask her out she won’t accept as m totally not her type moreover m certain it will get awkward and lose her as a friend. Or is it that m lonely n shes filing my void? Guys help me w this.

TL;DR: Got attached to my online friend and now that i decided to move on. MY body started to act different and i feel bouts of sadness that occupy me.
submitted by No_Consideration9091 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:48 SnooOranges4107 I Am Fluent

I’ve had a stutter since I can remember. My blocks and repetitions were always bad. I felt like Everyone who spoke to me saw me as only someone who stutters. I’ve always hated it and myself for having a stutter. One day my gf wanted a cheese burger with no onion. I hated “O” words.. I practiced on the way there and I still ended up getting stuck. Long story short I went home and picked the onion out. I went outside and cried. I said to myself that if I can’t speak correctly, I have to either solve it or there’s no point in being alive. I 100% believe that I solved that problem. I have a formula from many many months of research. This is just a ball of information from everything I’ve learned. I’m free for any videos if you need them . Just let me know
  1. If you don’t stutter in your head when you say sentences , You don’t stutter.
  2. Relax diaphragm to release blocks. Exercises are available on YT.
  3. Breathe and Speak through your stomach/diaphragm. Use stomach as balloon for example
  4. Meditate before bed and before you fall asleep. Envision yourself speaking clearly
  5. Become aware of where you speak from
  6. Practice speaking to yourself in car or mirror. Read a book out loud . Feel yourself speaking clearly and what that feels like speaking from the diaphragm. Take that feeling with you.
  7. Be comfortable with hearing yourself speak fluently
  8. Be confident even if you’re not. Being loud helps * I am not 100% fluent. Nobody is. But I no longer have a fear of it. I very rarely stutter now and my life has completely changed. I stand up for people . I speak up. I work in sales and I clean up nicely. I know you can do it too. All of this takes practice. Once you relax the diaphragm and become aware of it. Everything else falls in place and you too can be fluent. Practice makes Perfect
submitted by SnooOranges4107 to Stutter [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:47 talkedandchewed recently I found what triggers my anxiety about flying: the feeling flying gives me

ok weird I know but let me explain:
Recently flown, short flight (>60min) and I found I absolutely DESPISE the feeling of the plane has on me. Like the feeling of the plane going up or down in altitude forms a pit in my stomach. It’s the same feeling as a rollercoaster when you’re going up/down hills.
It can cause me to get nauseous and then I’m just there in my seat uncomfortable and have high anxiety. I know it’s something I can’t avoid, but I find looking out the window helps offset the physical aspects of the plane shifting and moving. I see “oh it’s not much of a climb/descent” and it helps me rationalize what is happening.
Also, I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to take off and I find looking out the window helps calm my anxiety.
Moral of the story: windows are actually friends?
submitted by talkedandchewed to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:47 ryry_28 1st Class and Mental Health Clarifications (and Basic Med)

I recently had a consult with the man, the myth, the legend, Dr. Bruce Chien. He was very informative, but I'm left with a couple of questions you all may be able to help with.
Note: I have an 8 year depression history (I didn't know it was depression and thought that's just how people felt) that has only been treated over the last 1.5 years. Because of it, I lost a Navy flight clearance and was kicked to the curb (med sep). Over the last 18 months of treatment, I feel better than ever and have come off any medication. During the last couple of years, there have been periods of self harm and SI that never lead to anything more than passive ideation.
During all of that time, I was a hell of a pilot flying jets for military, and never once had any safety issues, etc.
I recently had a consult with him, and he said I needed to be 10(!!!!!) years off of medication and without any episodes, etc. before I can be viewed by the FAA / Psych as stable. I can't find this anywhere. I have notes from a couple of psychologists and psychiatrists saying that in their opinion I'm stable and fit to operate an aircraft. I've been off medication for > 60 days, so why would he be saying I need to wait until 2034??
Additionally, he says that I'm DQ'd from Basic Med as well (I have never had an FAA physical revoked and have had a physician sign off on my basic med recently).
Basic Med says you only need an SI if...
A mental health disorder, limited to an established medical history or clinical diagnosis of:
None of these are applicable to me, and it says nothing about ideation, depression or anxiety?
My only argument against getting a basic med would be:
The AME guidance says you should only issue if "the applicant DOES NOT have symptoms or history of... suicidal ideation.
However, it says the physician (not an AME) should reference that, but does not say "shall" and in other sections "requires" them to reference other things.
\Long story short, is my flying career over?\**
submitted by ryry_28 to flying [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:47 LightFu86 A short horror story: the Red Hairpin

A short horror story: the Red Hairpin submitted by LightFu86 to fucktheccp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:46 flavia_deluce Messing around with an idea: From Aunt Ev

The idea is a mystery that unravels as a 25-year old woman starts to receive scheduled emails from her missing/presumed dead aunt. She learns about her estranged paternal family and discovers clues about what might have happened to her father’s older sister. Any input or advice is welcome! Is this worth pursuing?
The first email I received from my Aunt Evelyn arrived on the third anniversary of her death.
The subject line was a simple date: 04/13/18. I was confused at first by the American styling of 13 April, wondering what the series of numbers could mean. My email service reported the sender as Aunt Ev, and when I clicked the message searching for more information, I saw the full email address was Assuming spam but curious, I pulled up the email.
“Dear Baby,” it began. “I am so excited to meet you! You are due to be born exactly one month from today. Everyone is sure you’re going to be a boy, but I feel confident you’ll be my first niece. Either way, you will be very loved.”
I knew from my mother’s stories of my birth that I had been born on the exact due date the doctors had predicted: 13 May 2018. Unusually for the time, my parents had chosen not to discover my gender and to be surprised on the day I was born. I had been told by many family members that I was lucky - had I been born male, my father was adamant my name would be Monty. That the family dog already had the name was of no consequence. Instead, I was born female, and my parents named me Alice, after my mother’s favorite storybook character.
“Your parents came to visit us at Christmas, and your mother was just starting to show her bump. We showered them with as many gender-neutral gifts as their suitcases would fit and spent a lovely holiday in snowy Boston,” my aunt’s message continued.
My father had been born near Boston, Massachusetts. My mother had moved from London to attend Boston University on a tennis scholarship and they met in a maths class they both struggled through. She studied music, he was a History major who would go on to teach high school for a few years before pursuing medical sales in order to support his family. Eventually they married and moved to London, then Surrey, where they bought a home and started their family.
I know my father missed Boston, his two brothers, his older sister Ev, his parents, his extended family and his friends in America, but he never let us feel like he wasn’t fully invested in his life with us. I grew up taking several video calls a week with my American family, and we were lucky enough to be able to visit often. My mother’s career as a flautist wasn’t especially lucrative, and I know one of my father’s major drivers to be successful was to ensure we could fly across the pond yearly - every other Christmas in Boston and alternating summers on Cape Cod.
“We’re already looking forward to your accent! We love the Royals,” Evelyn’s note went on, using my American relatives’ nickname for my mother’s posh family, “but it’s bittersweet that you’ll grow up so far away from us. Hopefully I’ll be able to visit lots and we’ll get to know each other well.
“I love to read, and I love to write letters and emails. I correspond with old friends and colleagues and I don’t mind if I don’t get letters back. So, I’ll write to future you about what’s going on. My plan is to drop a note every few months and set it to send 25 years in the future. Maybe I’ll get lazy, or maybe I’ll run out of stories to share. But I would like to share some of what’s going on with me and the rest of your American family.
“I don’t know what’s in your future, but I promise you that as long as I’m around, I’ll be there for you. Hopefully, by the time you read this, we’ll be good friends. I’m setting this note to be delivered 25 years from now: April 13, 2043. Hope all is well in the future, Baby. I love you.”
With that, Evelyn’s short note ended.
submitted by flavia_deluce to StoryIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:46 Senior_Firefighter32 Flea Bombing, HELP!!!

Long story short, had an old dog that decided to lay in the grass way out back and then would wonder all throughout the house her last 2 weeks of her life. She's been gone for 3 weeks now and I still can't get rid of these damn things. I have 90% hardwood floors/tile, but my office is carpet and closed off(200 sqft roughly) and I have a strip of carpet to finish under my master bed. I've sprayed, vacuumed, traps and they're relentless! Not insane, but my kids toys, etc are always on the floor and I'm quickly picking them up and washing them. Example: I use my guest bathroom(tile with hardwood all the way leading up to it. And I'll get 1 or 2 maybe, sometimes none. But WTF? THANKS IN ADVANCE!!! Also I vacuum atleast twice a day since they've showed up... any help is much appreciated!
submitted by Senior_Firefighter32 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:45 Narrow_Property2042 I fucked up making Nuka Cola

I made Nuka cola but I was under a time crunch. I was going on vacation in 24 hours from now and I wanted to take Homemade Nuka Cola to the Beach. I spent a lot of money to get the spices and browning sauce and everything and it took too long to get here so I had very little time.
I live in Washington and the Browning sauce shipped from Florida. Long story short the last ingredient shows up the day before and when I was cooking and doing ingredient prep I added the fruit juice in at the beginning instead of the end with the vanilla extract and Browning sauce like you’re supposed to.
I feel awful now cuz I have no time to undo the mistake and now I just have this big thing of syrup cooling. Has anyone messed up like this. I wanna know if I just made something that’s not worth drinking that I have to throw out and have to star some other time. I already know I can’t have it the correct way on vacation which is a punch in the throat cuz I haven’t been on Vacation in 5 years. Please tell me bros. How badly did I fuck up?
submitted by Narrow_Property2042 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:43 International-Most31 Looking for a horror book I read a few years ago

hello ya'll!
I don't really remember much, I read this years ago and honestly I'm not even sure if I read it or dreamt it.
I remember a guy (not sure if it was a young woman or a man) kidnapped by an older, obese woman who treated mc like a pet. As the story progresses mc becomes more desperate for human contact that they slowly start giving up, accepting the lady's "affection."
I remember this scene in particular towards the end of the book where she demands mc to sit on her lap, and mc does it without even batting an eye. Then the woman stats caressing their hair and back like a cat, which mc goes into detail of how good it feels after being lonely for so long.
It is an incredibly sad, unsettling, and uncomfortable read, yet I can't take it off my mind. The character's slow descend into madness is wonderfully written, and their subsequent actions, even though questionable, make sense within the narrative.
submitted by International-Most31 to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:43 swampboy65 Sorry I am late to the discussion, but...

Sorry I am late to the party, that's my fault, I own it. But frankly, I find it cowardly that comments were disabled for:
Hello, my name is Richard Windmann, from the documentary "Scouts Honor." It's a sad commentary that 80%+ of you that participated in that thread have zero idea of what you're talking about. There is value in Scouting. And also, I personally know Michael Johnson and Glen Pounder, and they are both great men, men of integrity.
But you can't fit 80,000 stories in 90 minutes. And those 80,000 stories contain the truth. You only know a sliver of a fraction of what happened - and it did actually happen. So I am not going to indulge the keyboard warriors, trolls, and those in defense of the indefensible. But for the few of you who really care to know the truth, I am very easy to find.
Good night.
submitted by swampboy65 to BSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:43 PracticalPen1990 [TOMT] [BOOK] [2004-2005] Children's/Teen's illustrated fantasy Sci Fi about the dangers of technology addiction.

This book was lent to me during a convalescence period in my teenage years (which is why I can date it to having read it between 2004-2005); I read it in Spanish in Mexico, but I cannot tell for sure if it was an original or a translation.
It was a short story, colorful illustrated fantasy Sci Fi book, where the female protagonist and her family were POC. It had a lot of blue hues.
The story was about this teen who was so obsessed at the beginning of the technological era with being productive at school, socially, and with extra curricular activities, that she glues herself to her virtual reality visor and to her "fingertips keyboard" connected 24/7, but the technology malfunctions and starts turning her into a cyborg, the gadgets meshed into her body. She gets scared after not being able to unplug and ends up needing surgery to remove them. Happy ending about lesson learned and family and friends taking care of her at the hospital.
I haven't been able to find it for years.
submitted by PracticalPen1990 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:41 Legal-Relative5552 (Update)So, I found a hoard of cuckold literature and porn on my husband's reddit account. I am deeply worried now

Lot of u msged me about this, and some of you had good advices. Some of you were well.. And of course the dicks were very mid.
Yeah well I talked to him about it soon after I posted here. Well it turns out he doesn't really have a cuck fantasy. He seemed amused. I guess people do enjoy reading weird stuff when it comes to sex I suppose. Some of you suggested that he might have a fantasy but he just doesn't want it to translate in real life. But he disagrees. According to him, the appeal of reading stories that involve such kinks is the sheer taboo nature of it. When he's reading them, the people in the stories have no faces, or any parallel to the real world. They're mostly just vague and sexual abstractions (yeah in his own words). So in short he isn't imagining me in them. Kinda relieved lol. He said that even imagining me with another person is traumatizing. He doesn't want me to sleep around lol. According to him it's just a very niche way to get off. He rarely consumes it anymore tho.
Honestly I don't really understand all of it. I have enjoyed reading smut but I dont find taboo topics interesting. But I find it fascinating. Men are interesting creatures.
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice.
submitted by Legal-Relative5552 to u/Legal-Relative5552 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:40 jakeawz My lung won’t stop collapsing

Hey everyone. So, I had my third pneumothorax in January of this year, and the doctors decided a pleurodesis was appropriate. I received the surgery, and after two to three weeks of recovery time, I had an experience where it felt as though my lung had collapsed again, despite the doctors telling me the pleurodesis was most likely to completely eradicate my issues/symptoms or at least make them mostly asymptomatic. The severe chest/shoulder pain, the shortness of breath, it was all there. Since this initial incident after my surgery, I have had two other incidents which were just as painful and caused just as much shortness of breath, one of which was confirmed to be a pneumothorax after a CT scan, and the other which happened just a few hours ago and I’ve yet to get diagnosed. Now, I will say, the surgery has done it’s job as far as keeping my lung inflated and ensuring I don’t have to receive any more chest tubes. I will also say, I’ve been experiencing difficulty swallowing and with gas recently. I can feel my saliva struggling to travel down my esophagus and reach my stomach, as if there’s some blockage or external pressure preventing it from doing so. In the same vein, I often feel like I have to burp, and releasing gas in this way almost always makes me feel better. If anyone knows what this in particular is, please let me know. I feel like it plays a big part in my issues. I have done everything my doctors asked me to do. I stopped smoking, I’m careful walking long distances and lifting heavy things. Moral of the story: my right lung keeps tearing. Pneumothoraxes keep forming. I’ve never felt so defeated. The doctors have done everything they know to do, and still I am constantly dealing with this. Every time I feel like I’m getting better, I have another major setback. I can’t even sleep right now. Laying down in any position is too painful. Has anyone else experienced constant pneumothoraxes even after surgery? I feel helpless. I have no idea what could be causing this and neither does any doctor. Any comment is appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by jakeawz to pneumothorax [link] [comments]