Abiotic factors of the rainforest

The Best of the Amazon Rainforest

2013.08.10 07:52 csupernova The Best of the Amazon Rainforest


2015.09.27 03:36 cloudxen Star Wars Speculation — What Comes Next?

Star Wars Speculation is a community dedicated to speculative discussion of the Star Wars franchise. It is a curated space to talk about additions to canon in a larger perspective—incorporating info from leaks, analysis of the story being told, and the real life factors around it in order to best theorize what comes next.

2017.08.15 19:28 Objective ratings and pragmatic guidance

The purpose of this sub is to provide facial ratings of both men and women based on *objective factors* such as harmony, sexual dimorphism, symmetry, and qualities of their features. This means analyzing/evaluating a person’s attractiveness without regard for one’s own feelings. This is not a subjective rating sub.

2024.06.04 16:35 _FreeFaller Last night I completed the last bit of available content, and I'd like to gush about why I love this game

Abiotic Factor is the most fun I've had playing a survival crafting game in a very long time. I haven't enjoyed a game like this since the release of the original Subnautica, and there's so much about it that puts it far above it's contemporaries.
Last night I finished the last bit of new content with a friend I have been playing co-op with since launch, and we spent a while talking about how excited we were for the next update. I'd like to put into writing some of the things that I think makes the game a great experience, in no particular order. I'll be speaking broadly about most everything in the game so far, so expect some spoilers if you're still going through it.
Influences and Concept: I fucking love half life. I am familiar with SCP but never really got into it. When I heard there was a survival game where you play as an HL1 scientist, it caught my attention immediately. ABF perfectly captures the feeling of exploring Black Mesa: a sprawling, mysterious facility of seemingly impossible size with hazards around every corner, with safe havens nestled firmly between imminent danger. It's SCP influence accentuates all this very nicely and adds an x-factor to the exploration and mood of the game. ABF knows exactly what made HL funny and leans into that heavily, and it's hilarious to put balding science geeks up against horrors from beyond our dimension. But in addition to being funny, this game is legitimately terrifying. I don't think I'll ever forget my first Leyak encounter, a composer breaking through a doorway into an area we thought was safe, or teleporting into the furniture store and realizing what that banging sound was behind us. Everything comes together to create an atmosphere that can in one moment be funny and lighthearted and in another moment, unsettling and horrifying, in way that feel natural and appropriate for the concept. As small side note, I really love how all the crafted items feel very improvised and jury rigged. Creative and fits quite well.
The Order: When I started playing I immediately infered that there would eventually be some sort of human military faction in the game, and I assumed they would be in the vein of half life/SCP- tacticool special forces grunts on a black ops mission to tie up loose ends. The Order is a lot more interesting than that to me, in both their presentation and their goals. I really love their mysterious occult ways, the use of Latin, the outfits of some of the higher ranking guys, but most of all their mission. They're not here for you, you're just in the way. It's a great dynamic and I'm very interested to see their place in the rest of the story, especially after some of the stuff near the end of the game.
The Content: I cannot believe how much is in this game as an early access launch. The sectors are HUGE, but also well connected with shortcuts in a way that doesn't make traversing them feel like a pain in the ass. But beyond the size of the physical space of the game, there are so many systems in the game that already feel very fleshed out or at the very least a solid foundation to build upon. There's also just systems that I wouldn't expect for something so early in it's early access that add a lot to the game, stuff like food bonuses, armor sets, transmog, advanced cooking recipes, etc. Obviously it's not perfect (please make throwing XP based off damage instead of items thrown, I used grenades constantly and still only got to level 2) but there's already a ton of good stuff to iterate upon. And beyond all the actual gameplay elements, the amount of story, lore, world building, and voice acting already in the game really impressed me. A lot of EA games will typically hold back on that kind of thing in early builds but ABF knew how important it was to the setting and put in the work.
Final thoughts: I think by this point it's clear how excited I am for whatever comes next. ABF is not a game that comes around often and I truly believe the team behind it has something special on their hands here. If you have something you liked about the game you thought I missed, I'd love to read it in the comments.
submitted by _FreeFaller to AbioticFactor [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:16 E7hron 29/EU/PC Looking for duo friend by heart and gamer by soul.

Hello there!
I have few questions for you!

Do you feel like there are people around but they somehow feel alien and you are not really comfortable around them? You would rather have someone that you can be yourself around? Someone who is not your friend just because they are bored? - Yeah me too!
Do you maybe miss that rush of excitement when you discuss something completely dumb or you are on your way to make a discovery of a century that arose in a restroom? - Yeah me too!
Do you go through and think or find interesting things and there is this strange emptiness? Feels like it's not as exciting as it was in the moment? Having someone that would share that excitement at that moment sounds like it would make things better? - Yeah me too!
Do you maybe feel like there was a point where you played video games and had the biggest blast? You were talking about it non stop and were trying to figure out how to proceed and theorycrafting and can't wait to jump in voice chat when you are done with the day? And now its somehow lacking? Maybe if you think about it, there was someone who shared that excitement and that made a huge difference? - Yeah me too!
Do you maybe get a bit clingy once you get comfortable and almost spam the other person, care about the other person to a point that you are actively interested in being involved in the others life and vice versa, having someone you can be comfortable with to a point that it doesnt matter if your social battery is high or low, because there is no need, maybe share that secret and know its safe, do you LOVE gaming daily? - Yeah me too!
Do you like the idea of doing some other activities together based on our mood, maybe just chilling for the evening and watching the other person trying to drop something with a low chance and rooting, or maybe watching movies / tv series, the idea of establishing some activities or maybe challenges sound good? - Yeah me too!

Me with decent english as second language, loving gaming and other things nerd related, silliness, dad jokes and memes, discussions about ANYTHING once comfortable, online big part of the day (or on a phone), usually chill but can have overthinking moments.
Few games / genres that I enjoy (or enjoyed in the past and might want to revisit at some point: WoW (big part of my life, but played other mmos aswell), COOP (we were here, trine, it takes two, a way out, human fall flat... just LOVE those to play with a friend where we are both involved! Still waiting to play stardew and other games with someone), Survival (Enshrouded, Abiotic factor, Grounded, The forest, Terraria, MC, Core keeper...), rpg's (BG3, TES, Fallout..), Factory sims (Satisfactory, Factorio, ..), ARPG's (Diablo, PoE, No rest for the wicked..), Roguelikes, City sims, open world, tabletop (sim), DnD.. and much much more. Not really into "ladder" pvp grinding.
Honorable mention: I think a good starter is to talk a bit to get to know each other a bit and soon pick up a game as I feel like games are pretty good ice breakers if chosen well. Right now I would be down to play some Abiotic factor (just bought it), Enshrouded, Core keeper, we were here series, maybe stardew valley or factory sim. (Also wow is a bit of a plus always especially pve farming and collecting stuff).
Just send me a DM and tell me a bit about yourself! As a starter you can answer the questions or just some of them and tell me a bit about yourself!
submitted by E7hron to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:14 E7hron 29/EU/PC Looking for duo friend by heart and gamer by soul.

Hello there!
I have few questions for you!

Do you feel like there are people around but they somehow feel alien and you are not really comfortable around them? You would rather have someone that you can be yourself around? Someone who is not your friend just because they are bored? - Yeah me too!
Do you maybe miss that rush of excitement when you discuss something completely dumb or you are on your way to make a discovery of a century that arose in a restroom? - Yeah me too!
Do you go through and think or find interesting things and there is this strange emptiness? Feels like it's not as exciting as it was in the moment? Having someone that would share that excitement at that moment sounds like it would make things better? - Yeah me too!
Do you maybe feel like there was a point where you played video games and had the biggest blast? You were talking about it non stop and were trying to figure out how to proceed and theorycrafting and can't wait to jump in voice chat when you are done with the day? And now its somehow lacking? Maybe if you think about it, there was someone who shared that excitement and that made a huge difference? - Yeah me too!
Do you maybe get a bit clingy once you get comfortable and almost spam the other person, care about the other person to a point that you are actively interested in being involved in the others life and vice versa, having someone you can be comfortable with to a point that it doesnt matter if your social battery is high or low, because there is no need, maybe share that secret and know its safe, do you LOVE gaming daily? - Yeah me too!
Do you like the idea of doing some other activities together based on our mood, maybe just chilling for the evening and watching the other person trying to drop something with a low chance and rooting, or maybe watching movies / tv series, the idea of establishing some activities or maybe challenges sound good? - Yeah me too!

Me with decent english as second language, loving gaming and other things nerd related, silliness, dad jokes and memes, discussions about ANYTHING once comfortable, online big part of the day (or on a phone), usually chill but can have overthinking moments.
Few games / genres that I enjoy (or enjoyed in the past and might want to revisit at some point: WoW (big part of my life, but played other mmos aswell), COOP (we were here, trine, it takes two, a way out, human fall flat... just LOVE those to play with a friend where we are both involved! Still waiting to play stardew and other games with someone), Survival (Enshrouded, Abiotic factor, Grounded, The forest, Terraria, MC, Core keeper...), rpg's (BG3, TES, Fallout..), Factory sims (Satisfactory, Factorio, ..), ARPG's (Diablo, PoE, No rest for the wicked..), Roguelikes, City sims, open world, tabletop (sim), DnD.. and much much more. Not really into "ladder" pvp grinding.
Honorable mention: I think a good starter is to talk a bit to get to know each other a bit and soon pick up a game as I feel like games are pretty good ice breakers if chosen well. Right now I would be down to play some Abiotic factor (just bought it), Enshrouded, Core keeper, we were here series, maybe stardew valley or factory sim. (Also wow is a bit of a plus always especially pve farming and collecting stuff).
Just send me a DM and tell me a bit about yourself! As a starter you can answer the questions or just some of them and tell me a bit about yourself!
submitted by E7hron to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:13 Identify_my_sword What is the size of each sector?

Trying to stay spoiler free here as I have not looked up anything abiotic factor related, so hoping someone here can answer.
My group has finished the office sector and moved into manufacturing west. We did a small portion of content here like a portal "world" and talked to the blacksmith and that is pretty much it. I believe there are 3 sectors, and office sector was pretty quick and easy and relatively small. Is this sector significantly larger than the office sector?
Should I assume we are more than 1/3rd of the way through the game? I am hoping we are more like 1/10th of the way.
submitted by Identify_my_sword to AbioticFactor [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:48 Beautiful_Swimmer_91 Does this game have linear story progression?

I'm currently playing through Abiotic factor and I'm new to the genre of survival crafters does this game also have a story to go through or are you just wandering around progressing to get the the "end game" like ark survival and other crafters like that.
submitted by Beautiful_Swimmer_91 to Enshrouded [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:48 Rude-Lettuce-8982 Are video games getting worse for misophonia sufferers?

Aside from the recent inclusion of 'misophonia mode' in the options menus of some games. I feel like every new indie title these days has some sort of high treble, hyper visceral squelching, splashing, typing, munching or gulping noises. Im watching/listening to a streamer play 'Cryptmaster' and it's obnoxious. No eating sounds but squelching randomly and water 'plonking' and swishing/splashing for just chucking a fishing line in the water (?????). It sounds much more intense than real life and more intense than other video games or films. Abiotic Factor (this one has the miso mode I think) has awful sounds as well. Funny enough, 7 days to die, a game in development for 10 years (an example of an older game), has much more muted and quieter eating sounds.
submitted by Rude-Lettuce-8982 to misophonia [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:10 syzygysd Parallels vs Crossover for Steam

Just getting into some light gaming on my M1 Pro MacBook. I already have Parallels installed for some work applications. My son would like me to play Abiotic Factor with him. I downloaded the trial of Crossover and have had pretty decent success with running Steam and Abiotic. However, I’m not sure I want to spend $74 on a license. Parallels loads Steam just fine, but once I load Abiotic, the in game graphics are fooked. I’ve tried some suggestions with adding a phrase to the boot options but haven’t got it to work. I’d like to use Parallels because the license is paid for. Any suggestions?
submitted by syzygysd to macgaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:53 arod1014 WSIB from the Survival Crafting Sale?

I love survival and and open world games. Looking to pick up some of the top recommendations before the sale end tomorrow! I don't like doing PvP in survival games, so ideally I'd like a recommendation where I can have a safe PvE mode or area. Some I already have and enjoyed:
A few that have caught my eye and would like to get some feedback on:
Thanks for reading! Looking forward to any recommendations given!
submitted by arod1014 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:39 TheReaver545 Some Testing of the radio pack and how much it helps.

So yesterday there was this post on confusion about how much the radio pack "helps" in terms of power drain.Here. So I spent the past hour or so with a stopwatch in one hand and staring at paint dry while I waited for the electronics battery's to deplete.
Some people claimed it helped with the arc thrower some claimed it helped with the vacuum well I put both to the test and both came back as not being useful. One item I was actually surprised that it wasn't affected by the backpack.
Thermal spear without radio pack: 50 hits before empty, with radio pack 100 hits. Double effectiveness. Same results with thermal mallet
Arc Thrower without radio pack: Lasts 45 seconds, with radio pack lasts: 45 seconds. No change.
Vacuum without radio pack: Lasts 40 seconds, with radio pack lasts 40 seconds. No change. Second test. With power pack lasted 50 seconds??? "Discrepancy detected" Without power pack 50 seconds??? Third test 52 seconds either way??? 4th test 50 seconds either way??? How did I get 40 seconds on the first check?!?!? Either way its unaffected by the radio pack. May have anomalous properties with its power consumption. Further testing may be required.
Makeshift Headlamp without radio pack: Lasts 4 minutes and 10 seconds per 250 power for a total time of 12 minutes and 30 seconds. With the Radio pack 6 minutes and 15 seconds per 250 power, 18 minutes and 45 seconds total. effective increase of 50%
Lantern without radio pack: Lasts 1 minute and 40 seconds per 100 power for a total time of 16 minutes and 40 seconds. With radio pack lasts 1 minute 40 seconds per 100 power, in total 16 minutes and 40 seconds. No effective change.
Flashlight: Without radiopack : Lasts 1 minute and 40 seconds per 100 power for a total time of 8 minutes and 20 seconds. With radio pack it lasts 2 minutes and 30 seconds per 100 power, for total time of 12 minutes and 30 seconds. Effective increase of 50%.
Makeshift headlamp, lantern and flashlight all have a base power consumption of 1 power per second without the radio pack. Themal spear and Thermal mallet use two power per hit without the backpack and 1 power per hit with the backpack.
Now take this test with a grain of salt. I haven't seen anyone else post test results so if someone else wants to run a few tests of their own with various power draining items with and without the radio pack that'd be helpful. Nothing here is conclusive as the game is still early access and there may be bugs.
submitted by TheReaver545 to AbioticFactor [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:36 EssenseOfMagic Daily Releases (May 31, 2024)

Game Group Stores Review
Astor Blade of the Monolith ElAmigos Steam, GOG, Epic 77.78% (14)
Chernobylite Complete Edition RUNE Steam 83.12% (12.2k)
TRAIL OUT Last Pursuit RUNE -
Night of the Dead RUNE Steam 78.87% (10.4k)
Revhead Miduga Special Edition SKIDROW -
Vendir Plague of Lies TENOKE Steam, GOG 80.00% (20)
Tiny Terrys Turbo Trip TENOKE Steam 99.21% (125)
SKALD Against the Black Priory TENOKE Steam, GOG 94.97% (151)
Scholars Mate TENOKE Steam 33.33% (4)
Project Kinesis TENOKE Steam, Epic -
FLATHEAD TENOKE Steam 100.00% (50)
Northgard Garm Clan of the Hounds TENOKE Steam 66.00% (33)
Abiotic Factor Early Access x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Update Group Stores Reviews
Granblue.Fantasy.Relink.Update.v1.3.1.incl.DLC-RUNE RUNE Steam 89.51% (37.7k)
Ultimate.Admiral.Dreadnoughts.Update.v1.5.1.4-TENOKE TENOKE Steam 70.74% (5.5k)
The.Exit.8.Update.v1.0.7-TENOKE TENOKE -
Spirit.City.Lofi.Sessions.Update.v1.2.0-TENOKE TENOKE Steam 97.18% (3.7k)
My.Dream.Setup.Update.v20240530-TENOKE TENOKE Steam 89.93% (2.9k)
Lords.of.the.Fallen.Master.of.Fate.Update.v1.5.103-TENOKE TENOKE -
Die.Sims.4.Digital.Deluxe.Edition.ReRelease.Update.120.MULTi2-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Crown.Wars.The.Black.Prince.Sacred.Edition.Update.2.MULTi11-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Lords.of.the.Fallen.2023.Deluxe.Edition.Update.43.MULTi12-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
MotoGP.24.Day.One.Edition.Update.4.MULTi11-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Outpost.Infinity.Siege.Vanguard.Edition.Update.12.MULTi7-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Old.World.Complete.Edition.Update.35.MULTi8-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Morbid.The.Lords.of.Ire.Update.2.MULTi8-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Steam, Epic 71.54% (88)
Landwirtschafts.Simulator.22.Premium.Edition.Update.4.MULTi23-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Epic -
Arizona.Sunshine.2.VR.Deluxe.Edition.Update.6.MULTi8-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Alone.in.the.Dark.Deluxe.Edition.Update.3.MULTi2-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Q: When will [insert game name here] be cracked?
A: STOP! CrackWatch members are not psychic. Games get cracked by completely ANONYMOUS SCENE GROUPS who don't disclose their progress or plans to the general public so NO ONE knows WHEN and IF a certain game will be cracked.
Q: What are all these NFO thingies? Where do I download?
A: NFOs are text files included with game releases which contain information about the releases. CrackWatch only informs which games have been cracked. To download look for the releases on CS.RIN.RU's forum or torrent websites. Useful websites can be found in The Beginners Guide or PiratedGames's Mega Thread.
Q: WTF is Denuvo?
A: Denuvo is a Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology used to protect games from being cracked. Games that have Denuvo are harder to crack and usually take much longer. See Pinned Post for a list of Denuvo games.
Q: An update is out, but it includes the base game as well! Can I only download the update without redownloading the entire game?
A: Yes. CS.RIN.RU is your friend.
Q: When will [insert game name here] be cracked?
A: STOP! CrackWatch members are not psychic. Games get cracked by completely ANONYMOUS SCENE GROUPS who don't disclose their progress or plans to the general public so NO ONE knows WHEN and IF a certain game will be cracked.
Q: What are all these NFO thingies? Where do I download?
A: NFOs are text files included with game releases which contain information about the releases. CrackWatch only informs which games have been cracked. To download look for the releases on CS.RIN.RU's forum or torrent websites. Useful websites can be found in The Beginners Guide or PiratedGames's Mega Thread.
Q: WTF is Denuvo?
A: Denuvo is a Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology used to protect games from being cracked. Games that have Denuvo are harder to crack and usually take much longer. See Pinned Post for a list of Denuvo games.
Q: An update is out, but it includes the base game as well! Can I only download the update without redownloading the entire game?
A: Yes. CS.RIN.RU is your friend.
submitted by EssenseOfMagic to CrackWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:35 Streltana 24/PC/UK/GMT - Looking to form a long-term close friendship to game and chat often!

Heya! I would love to make a new friend who would like to be part of a small group of friends who play and talk to eachother often as i've found some great friends on reddit before so I wanted to try my luck again. I play pretty much daily, mostly in the evenings and till late when I can if im not working or busy for some reason or another. Since not everyone is on all the time, I feel that theres room for one more to be a close friend and be included especially in co-op games where I find most games are always more fun with a friend or group. So it'd be nice to be able to form a full group or have another friend for party games and to be able to talk to.
I exclusively play on PC and mainly use discord every day, so I prefer to voice chat when we game. I've been told i'm quite friendly and easy to talk to as are my friends so don't worry if you feel a bit shy at first. I hope to find someone to be able to have a laugh with or get down to business in a game, but also be able to talk or text outside of playing too, where the friendship truly is long-term because I don't see the point in short lived or one off play session buddies anywho.
I am looking for a friend who would like to be my close friend first and foremost but also want to be adopted into my handful of close friends to join on a bunch of different games ranging from pvp, co-ops, pve, survivals and more since we like to play a whole variety of games all the time. So it would be nice if you're flexible, and open and willing to try new games. I like to text/talk a lot so it would be nice to find someone who feels the same way, since I believe a friendship should go both ways in terms of effort. Please be around a similar age and also timezone as it can be quite difficult to make friends with people otherwise sometimes. Also I beg that you don't bother messaging if you have a ton of friends or a friend group you game and talk to often already, as the friendship doesn't work out otherwise and trust me i've tried :(. I feel as if it doesn't need to be stated but please be LGBTQ friendly as well.
Some of the games i'm currently playing and or would be open to play again include (from top being the games im playing the most at the moment or want to play, to the bottom being the least:
Warhammer 40k: Darktide
Fortnite (zero builds)
Overwatch 2
Deep rock galactic
Outlast trials
V Rising
Baldurs gate 3
Helldivers 2
World of Warcraft
Sea of thieves
Abiotic factor
Killing floor 2
Jackbox party packs (2-10)
Gartic phone
And a whole lot more!!!
Bonus friend points if you're also from the UK, and also are interested in some of the games mentioned. Please feel free to send me a DM if you're interested, additional bonus points if you send me a long message about yourself and tell me about your favourite video game creature or something (one of my favourites is the kobolds from WoW, since they're super ratty), I really do appreciate longer more detailed messages as first impressions are important! Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you soon! :)
submitted by Streltana to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:33 Streltana 24/PC/UK/GMT - Looking to form a long-term close friendship to game and chat often!

Heya! I would love to make a new friend who would like to be part of a small group of friends who play and talk to eachother often as i've found some great friends on reddit before so I wanted to try my luck again. I play pretty much daily, mostly in the evenings and till late when I can if im not working or busy for some reason or another. Since not everyone is on all the time, I feel that theres room for one more to be a close friend and be included especially in co-op games where I find most games are always more fun with a friend or group. So it'd be nice to be able to form a full group or have another friend for party games and to be able to talk to.
I exclusively play on PC and mainly use discord every day, so I prefer to voice chat when we game. I've been told i'm quite friendly and easy to talk to as are my friends so don't worry if you feel a bit shy at first. I hope to find someone to be able to have a laugh with or get down to business in a game, but also be able to talk or text outside of playing too, where the friendship truly is long-term because I don't see the point in short lived or one off play session buddies anywho.
I am looking for a friend who would like to be my close friend first and foremost but also want to be adopted into my handful of close friends to join on a bunch of different games ranging from pvp, co-ops, pve, survivals and more since we like to play a whole variety of games all the time. So it would be nice if you're flexible, and open and willing to try new games. I like to text/talk a lot so it would be nice to find someone who feels the same way, since I believe a friendship should go both ways in terms of effort. Please be around a similar age and also timezone as it can be quite difficult to make friends with people otherwise sometimes. Also I beg that you don't bother messaging if you have a ton of friends or a friend group you game and talk to often already, as the friendship doesn't work out otherwise and trust me i've tried :(. I feel as if it doesn't need to be stated but please be LGBTQ friendly as well.
Some of the games i'm currently playing and or would be open to play again include (from top being the games im playing the most at the moment or want to play, to the bottom being the least:
Warhammer 40k: Darktide
Fortnite (zero builds)
Overwatch 2
Deep rock galactic
Outlast trials
V Rising
Baldurs gate 3
Helldivers 2
World of Warcraft
Sea of thieves
Abiotic factor
Killing floor 2
Jackbox party packs (2-10)
Gartic phone
And a whole lot more!!!
Bonus friend points if you're also from the UK, and also are interested in some of the games mentioned. Please feel free to send me a DM if you're interested, additional bonus points if you send me a long message about yourself and tell me about your favourite video game creature or something (one of my favourites is the kobolds from WoW, since they're super ratty), I really do appreciate longer more detailed messages as first impressions are important! Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you soon! :)
submitted by Streltana to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:46 lizardboilver 25 LFM Friends to chat/hang out with

Hey there everyone, 25 here from the US/CST, looking for more gaming pals, or at least, people I can chat with about basically anything. I don't have a preference in regards to location as I'm always interested in talking to people everywhere!
I mostly dabble in MMORPGs like FFXIV, World of Warcraft, Runescape... And occassionally some other games that range from different genres. To name a few:
Stardew Valley, Terraria, V Rising, Abiotic Factor, No Rest for the Wicked
Those are iust a few games out of many, so feel free to ask if I heard or tried something :)
If you're interested in chatting or diving into something together, feel free to hit me up!
submitted by lizardboilver to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:53 Dr_Kaatz [26] Dont have many friends, looking for new ones

Hey! So I'm a pretty reserved person and enjoy my own company a lot of the time, in a happy relationship but realised that outside of my partner I don't have anyone to talk to day to day
Looking for friends that are pretty active online, I don't need to be talking to you every second but I have a few people who I mostly talk to every couple of days / weeks which, while is fine, I am looking for a more active friendship
With that out of the way, I'm 26 and non-binary, I'm a gamer, mostly play survival games but I play pretty much anything if it interests me, in order of my most recently played; world of warcraft, dead by daylight, slay the spire, fallout 4, abiotic factor
I am pretty open about most things, I am very open about my mental illness and neurodivergence and I'm not someone who thinks something is TMI (I will absolutely respect someone's conversation boundaries though, just that my boundaries are pretty relaxed)
Mostly talk to people on discord but also use snapchat if you feel comfortable enough with me
But yeah, I'm an open book so if you have any questions lemme know! c:
submitted by Dr_Kaatz to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:54 SimpleIndication3765 PC/25 Looking to cultivate like-minded gamers

Looking for gamer pals, I'm an accepting guy, anyone is welcome to reach out. I mostly game after 5pm EST. Generally I find friends via official discord group finders. But I am really looking for people I can play more consistently with. Y'know, people you see playing when you logon and you're like "Awesome, tonight is going to be a good time"
I drift between a lot of games and genres, but often by chance find myself playing mostly shooters. That said, open to everything - anything can be fun with friends. Multiplayer games I'm currently playing a lot are Counterstrike 2, Helldivers 2, and Lethal Company.
I would also get back into Deep Rock Galactic, The Master Chief Collection, GTFO, Hunt Showdown, Warhammer III, Valheim, Darktide, Vermintide, Elite Dangerous, Ready or Not, Titanfall 2, Rainbow Six Siege, and Star Citizen.
Haven't tried but games on my radar are Project Zomboid, Abiotic Factor, Monster Hunter World, Fallout 76... But again, open to other suggestions!
Please feel free to message me and we can exchange discord info!

submitted by SimpleIndication3765 to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:11 TheHeavyIzDead Better call Saul mod

One of my favorite mods for project zomboid was hearing the better call Saul commercial play on in game TVs. My immersion was sent to new highs and I’ve never felt more relaxed, I think Abiotic Factor could greatly benefit from such a feature.
submitted by TheHeavyIzDead to AbioticFactor [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:14 PanzerwagenZ3 Good Online Coop game for at least 3 people?

Im looking for a game to play with two buddies of mine, In the past we've enjoyed stuff like modded minecraft, factorio, Ark, the forest, Warframe and a few others.
Theres a slight problem in the sense that two of us love grindy games while the third looses interest in them a bit faster. As long as the grind isnt immense it shouldnt be an issue.
A few new releases ive been looking at were V Rising or Abiotic factor, so any experience with those games would also be appreciated
submitted by PanzerwagenZ3 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:34 Oldiesarethebest Recommendations For Base Building Focused Survival Game, Preferably CO-OP

As the title suggests, I'm in the market for a survival game in which you build up your base in a --- pre-existing structure <----
List of games I've played that meet this criteria:
submitted by Oldiesarethebest to SurvivalGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:02 dankwookiee OCT Thru Hike Report May 2024

Finished my thru hike a few days ago. Left Warrenton May 1st and got to Crissey Field May 27th.
Here's some notes. It's mostly cautions, with a few nice notes, so don't be scared off - the trip was absolutely phenomenal. Minus the first weekend I had killer weather. The vistas are unparalleled and the pelicans were so numerous. Saw seals frequently, a handful of whales on the north coast, saw some snowy plovers south of Bandon, bald eagles and osprey plentiful. So much beauty. So much hiking and camping. So many sunsets and forest morning walks.
May 1: Warrenton to Fort Stevens HB Camp
Took the bus from PDX to Warrenton, $20 and got dropped off by the Fred Meyers in Warrenton about 11:40. Hiked up through Hammond and the historic Fort Stevens area to the Jetty Road, up the Jetty Road to the Jetty, down the beach, then inland to the HB camp. If you leave from Warrenton, the Warrenton waterfront trail is a nice way to get close to the Columbia and avoid a good chunk of the road to Fort Stevens.
May 2: Fort Stevens HB to Tillamook Head
Long, smooth beach section. They were closing the beach by Camp Rilea later in the morning for firing drills, I made it through and reached the end just as the soldier in the truck was driving up the beach. Water up at Seltzer Park if you plan on staying at the Ecola shelters. There is a stream down the hill from the shelters but I didn't need to use it. Trails over Clarks Mtn/Tillamook Head were largely good and mud-free, I got there before the rainstorm at the beginning of the month. Watch out for side trails off the main trail that can be misleading.
May 3: Tillamook Head to Nehalem Bay.
I do not recommend doing this in one day. Watch the tides and go around the points (Silver, Humbug, Hug) at a minus tide if you can. There's an area just above the bridge across Arch Cape Creek that makes a good bivouac. I reached that around 1pm and decided to keep going - big mistake especially with the inclement weather starting to hit. The wind and rain absolutely sucked. I got to Nehalem Bay after dark, nearly chilled through. Fortunately Nehalem Bay has a great HB area and plenty of hot water in the showers. Oswald West was fine, north side of the trail going into Cape Falcon is very brushy. I skipped Neahkahnie mountain because of the weather and the time.
May 4: Nehalem Bay to Barview Jetty
NOTE: Old Mill RV Resort in Garibaldi is no longer taking tent campers, at all. They're renovating the tent area into more RV parking.
Jetty Fishery ferry is running as usual, it's a great place. This is the only water crossing I took. The seals on the side of the bay were less enthusiastic about the boat coming across than I was. Non eventful approach to Barview Jetty minus wind and rain. Barview Jetty HB area is nice and I'd love to visit it again under better weather.
May 5: Barview Jetty to Cape Lookout:
NOTE: Boat shuttles will be tricky this year. There is construction on the Tillamook Bay South Jetty that has Bayocean Dike Road closed through a good portion of the north end. The folks at the marina said they'd run boats after memorial day, tide dependent, but that folks taking the boat shuttle might have to prepare for a long wade (quarter mile) due to the how shallow the area available for drop off is.
I took the tracks from Garibaldi into Tillamook, then 131 out to Cape Lookout. It was nice skipping the road, railroad ballast is pretty horrible for walking on and watch out for the rail trestles if it's wet. The tracks were obviously disused due to several small slides that covered them. Be aware you may encounter homeless camping.
May 6: Cape Lookout to Sandbeach
NOTE: Cape Lookout north trail is closed due to washouts and trees on bridges. Have to hike the highway to the top and then you can take the south trail to the beach. Saw a bear cub in the clearcut across from the park entrance - park rangers said he roams alone most of the time and sometimes comes into the park to eat salal. They're monitoring it. South trail was good. Don’t expect to cross Sand Lake Estuary without a pretty low tide.
May 7: Sandbeach to Webb County CG.
Crossed the estuary bright and early with a <1ft tide. Nice morning hike down the beach to Cape Kiwanda and into Pacific City. Made my first grocery visit here for a refill on some blister care and food items. Chester's is good but is a mile away from Webb. I'd given myself some good blisters with the wet feet, railroad ballast walking, and overly long days where I was trying to speed hike road sections. After this point my feet toughened up pretty fast though. Grab a beer at Pelican and watch the sunset if you can and are inclined. Shoutout to the lovely Canadian retirees in their RV who invited me over for some hot cocoa the next morning.
May 8: Webb County to Neskowin Creek RV Resort:
Great day. The road section from Pacific City to 101 isn't bad. The rhododendrons were spectacular. There's a really cute farm stand where HWY 130 forks east from 101. Support them. Winema Road to Winema beach was great. The road walk from Neskowin beach access to Neskowin Creek RV resort was great.
NOTE: If you want to stay at Neskowin Creek RV resort, CALL AHEAD and make a reservation. You can do same day but they'll need a nonrefundable deposit if you're not a member of their parent organization. But it's nice, the showers and laundry were good, the meadow camping was a bit dewy in the morning but comfortable sleeping. It's back from the highway and pretty quiet.
May 9: Neskowin to Devils Lake (Gleneden Beach).
Standout day. Hit the north Rainforest Trail over Cascade Head by 9am and had a cool, beautiful, shady forest climb. South side was much warmer and the salmonberries overgrowing the lower portions of the trail were annoying. Heard rumors about a washout but I think I either missed it or it's been fixed enough. The highway section through Neotsu from the 101-18 junction into Lincoln City suuuucks. Take it slow, walk towards oncoming, and be prepared to step into the ditch frequently.
NOTE: Beverly Beach is closed through end of June. From Devils Lake to the next campground where you can tent camp, South Beach SP, is 30miles. I had time afternoon of May 9, so I hopped the bus to Gleneden Beach and hiked north back to Devils Lake. That knocked out 8 miles, so the next day I got the bus early to Gleneden Beach and hiked south to South Beach. Recommend using the bus to break this section up however best suits you. It's cheap ($2) per ride.
May 10: Gleneden Beach to South Beach
Bus to Gleneden Beach. A few road sections, the powerline trails between Fogarty Creek and Whale Cove are very helpful.
Taking the stairs from Devils Punchbowl to Beverly and Moolack beaches is the way to go. I hit Schooner Point at mid-tide - feet got wet but I was able to get around. Be cautious and shoot for low tides. No highway walking needed through Newport. The mini market right before Lighthouse Drive is really nice. Walking across the Yaquina Bay bridge was a bucket list item for me- so cool. Saw an osprey nest on one of the towers below the bridge. Grab a Dead Guy from Rogue before hiking to South Beach if you're inclined.
May 11: South Beach to Beachside:
Nice beach walk minus short sections through Seal Rock and Waldport. And a short highway section in Seal Rock. There was a locked gate at the end of the beach climbout into Seal Rock - it should have been reopened but not sure. Fish and Chips at Luna Sea are great. Low afternoon tide meant I could hit the beach right away as soon as it started in Waldport. Beachside SP had some lowlying flooded areas and wasn't my favorite HB site but the HB area was dry and sheltered. Close to highway.
May 12: Beachside to Perpetua:
Beautiful walk down into Yachats. Trail walk up to Cape Perpetua after crossing the Yachats River. Caffeinate well at Green Salmon before going up Perpetua - you'll need the boost. Great day. Perpetua CG has a HB site - 29A - find the camp host. I think it was $10. It's a nice site with creek access.
May 13: Perpetua to Carl Washburne
The forest trail to Cummins Creek is great. The road walking between Cummins Creek and Rock Creek CG can do unspeakable things to itself. There are sections where there is neither road shoulder nor a flat surface outside the guardrail. I made it through with much anxiety, cursing, and some slipping on the surface outside the guardrail. The beach section from Rock Creek to Carl Washburne was nice, Rock Creek and Big Creek are kind of rocky and swift but not too deep. Washburne is a nice HB CG, very handy to showers, no power station so charge in bathrooms. There's a resident coyote at Carl Washburne, so just be cautious.
May 14: Carl Washburne to Honeyman
Hobbit trail to Heceta is phenomenal, such a view point if weather is clear. Heceta Tunnel. Walked it. Probably shouldn't have. Roads past it are OK shoulder wise. Baker Beach into Florence very windy. Construction on Rhododendron Drive in Florence - check closures and detours. Highway from Florence to Honeyman wasn't bad. Honeyman HB sites are good, didn't like the sharp pea gravel they surfaced with but it was fine. Find a big rock to drive stakes, or meet a cyclist with a hammer.
May 15: Honeyman to Threemile Lake
Mostly uneventful, hiked under grey skies, not many OHV but then again it was a Wednesday. Beautiful crushed shell beaches. Tahkenitch creek crossing at midtide was sketchy, recommend timing for low tide. Should probably have stopped at Carter Lake or Waxmyrtle. Dune walking is hard. Threemile lake has not many sites by the lake but is pretty.
May 16: Threemile Lake to Umpqua LH
Sparrow Park Road is alright. Watch out for the puddles - you'd think the gravel surface would be hard but no, it's very soft and you'll sink over your ankles. Took a halfmile detour to Sugar Shack in Reedsport before hitting the laundromat (nice laundromat) and safeway. Highway stretch into Winchester Bay isn't bad.
May 17: Rest Day at Umpqua LH.
Destroyed a pizza at Bedrocks and went on a tour of the lighthouse. Watched the pelicans diving into the bay at sunset.
May 18: Umpqua to Horsfall Beach.
Lots of OHV in this area unsurprisingly but the beach walk was nice and could mostly ignore the OHV. I was thinking of camping at Bluebill but when I got to the beach exit I decided to head south a short ways and camp just off the beach. Worth it. Especially when I went past Bluebill next day and found out it was closed.
May 19: Horsfall to Sunset Bay.
As soon as I left the beach the bugs were after me. The road past the campgrounds was flooded over about 6" deep for several hundred feet in one section. Bluebill CG was closed (as mentioned) and I could see the entire area was basically still a swamp and hadn't dried out yet for the year. Hiking road through North Bend/Coos Bay was uneventful. Mom's Kitchen was a great breakfast, even if the folks there seemed a little unsure about "person with backpack." It's tiny and tight quarters so if they had been full, I wouldn't have tried to squeeze myself in. Don't miss the Walmart or Big 5 if you need something. Most of the road walk to Charleston is on a nice bike path off the main road.
Sunset Bay is one of the nicest campgrounds, and the beach/bay can't be beat for beauty.
May 20: Sunset Bay to Bullards.
I took the Cape Arago route, I think I missed the easy crossover from the pack trail to the logging road because I had to bushwhack. I don't recommend bushwhacking. Find the easy crossover that I missed. The PCT hikers that were visiting the OCT said they found the easy crossover. Passed a Caterpillar trimming brush on the logging road, operator didn't seem happy to see me, the PCT hikers reported that he lectured them about being there. I couldn't find clear information from the Weyerhauser Recreation site afterwards. Seven Devils Road is steep and gravelly and I grumbled a lot through it.
May 21: Bullards to Floras Lake.
The bridge into Bandon didn't feel too sketchy. Try to get to the beach at low tide. I'd have loved to have primitive camped in the New River area, but didn't have water. I checked out the river but it looked brown and sluggish, with goose droppings all over the bank and cow pasture upstream, so I had zero interest in filtering. Beach south of New River access is steep and soft, wear gaiters if you have them. I didn't. New River crossing at a 2.5' low tide were just above knee deep but I'm 6'2" so factor accordingly. There's a very shallow crossing just past Bandon and a main crossing a couple miles north of Floras Lake. Floras Lake CG has a small laundry facility and pay showers.
May 22: Floras Lake to Cape Blanco.
Blacklock Point is amazing, take the scenic detours. The Sixes River … you can cross it at a 3' low tide but it won't be fun. I think I crossed it around a 4' tide. It was up to my armpits (again, 6'2"). This was after waiting an hour and a half, I arrived when it was uncrossable. I'd shoot for a tide of 1' or less but I made it with my pack dry by holding it above my shoulders. The seals on the other side laughed at my initial attempts to cross and then left after I kept trying. Cape Blanco has another really nice HB camp.
May 23: Cape Blanco to Humbug Mountain.
Elk River was knee deep a bit after low tide, but it was a minus tide. Could be waist deep or more at a 1-2ft tide. Easy beach walk into Port Orford, a short highway section between Port Orford and the old 101 section. Lots of pelican flights, and saw Bonaparte Gulls on the beach by Port Orford which was cool. Along the old 101 section, I started seeing foxgloves in addition to the wild irises and lupines I'd been going by. There were some good viewpoints off this trail as well. Humbug Mtn HB is kinda rocky and hard to drive stakes but is also tucked away and private feeling. The highway noise was real - bring earplugs.
May 24: Humbug Mtn to dunes camp south of Gold Beach.
Highway section not too bad, but watch out for the areas where the highway has slid and there's been some recent construction. Go to Arizona Beach, shoot for low tide so you can exit out past Sisters Rocks. Otherwise you will not be able to make it all the way down Arizona Beach. Ophir to Nesika a nice beach walk. Nesika past Geisel monument and over another old 101 section was pretty. Otter point to Gold Beach was uneventful. There are some good spots between BA 179 and Cape Sebastian to dunes camp.
May 25: Dunes s of Gold Beach to Boardman Corridor.
Cape Sebastian was great, the viewpoints north are spectacular and the shore pines south are so pretty. Watch for poison oak. Meyers Beach North was OK, I didn't enjoy the south section past Pistol River, very windy with driving sand.
Carry water, be prepared to filter. I filtered from the creek below Lola Lake at the end of Meyers Beach. Plan to flag stop a bus or have someone shuttle you. It's too far and too difficult of a hike to go from Pistol River to Harris Beach in a day.
May 26: Boardman Corridor to Harris Beach.
Only toilets are at Arch Rock wayside. Have a water filter handy.
Most of the trails through the Corridor are pretty good. Exceptions: the exit off the south end of Whaleshead Beach is tough. The first several hundred feet are less like a path and more like a super uneven deer path, if that. Right next to the creek, it's basically just little toeholds chipped into the side of the hill. There is still a washout further up the hill, it's not awful, but had to grab the trees around it to steady myself across that area.
May 27: Harris Beach to Crissey Field:
Uneventful. Low tide made it easy to go from McVay Rock to California on the beach. The Winchuck River was an easy crossing at low tide. It was pretty exciting to hit the border and then check into the visitor center!
Overall: a grand time. I'd love to do it again over 40 days or so, with some intentional rests built in and breaking up the longer days. Example: lodgings in seaside (International Hostel?) would have broken up the Fort Stevens to Tillamook/Ecola day nicely, splitting Ecola to Nehalem is just the smart choice, and Garibaldi to Cape Lookout should be 2 days as well.
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask questions about specific sections or the hike in general.

submitted by dankwookiee to OregonCoastTrail [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:20 ReportsStack Organic Chocolate Spreads Market Size, Industry Trends & Growth Analysis from 2024 to 2030

The global organic chocolate spreads market is projected to grow at a significant CAGR of around 5% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. A major factor driving this growth is the rising regular consumption of bread among urban populations. Additionally, the growing preference for chocolate spread as an alternative to butter, due to its lower fat content, higher nutritional value, and easy spreadability, is expected to further boost the demand for organic chocolate spreads.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @ https://www.researchcorridor.com/request-sample/?id=145885
Market Trends:
Rising Health Consciousness: Consumers are increasingly seeking healthier alternatives to conventional spreads. Organic chocolate spreads, which often contain fewer additives and artificial ingredients, align with this trend. The focus on clean labels and organic certification is driving demand.
Growing Popularity of Plant-Based and Vegan Products: The market is seeing a surge in demand for plant-based and vegan-friendly organic chocolate spreads. As more consumers adopt vegan lifestyles or reduce animal product consumption, manufacturers are introducing spreads that cater to these preferences, using ingredients like almond milk, coconut oil, and agave syrup.
Innovation in Flavors and Ingredients: Companies are innovating with new flavors and ingredients to attract a broader audience. This includes incorporating superfoods such as chia seeds, hemp, and acai berries, as well as experimenting with unique flavors like sea salt, caramel, and hazelnut to create more diverse product offerings.
Sustainable and Ethical Sourcing: Ethical sourcing and sustainability are becoming crucial in the organic chocolate spreads market. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and social impact of their purchases, leading to a preference for products made with sustainably sourced cocoa and other ingredients. Certifications such as Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance are gaining importance.
Increased Online Sales and E-Commerce: The shift towards online shopping and e-commerce platforms is a significant trend. With the rise of direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands and online grocery shopping, consumers are finding it easier to access a wide variety of organic chocolate spreads. This trend has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has increased reliance on online retail.
Market Opportunities:
The organic chocolate spreads market presents numerous growth opportunities driven by rising health consciousness and a preference for natural and organic products. Increasing demand for vegan and plant-based options offers a significant avenue for innovation, as does the trend towards unique flavors and superfood ingredients. The emphasis on ethical sourcing and sustainability is attracting environmentally conscious consumers, while the shift towards online sales and e-commerce expands market accessibility. Premiumization and the growing appeal of artisanal products provide further opportunities for differentiation. Additionally, emerging markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific and Latin America, are poised for growth due to rising incomes and urbanization.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Organic Chocolate Spreads Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the organic chocolate spreads market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the organic chocolate spreads industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @ https://www.researchcorridor.com/organic-chocolate-spreads-market/
Geographically, the organic chocolate spreads market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The organic chocolate spreads market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Organic chocolate spreads market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Organic Chocolate Spreads Market Segmentation:
By Product:
By Distribution Channel:
By Region:
Some of the major players in the global organic chocolate spreads market include Nutiva, Inc., Askinosie Chocolate, LLC, Phalada Pure & Sure, Rigoni di Asiago, and The Organic Family Ltd. These companies are expanding their market presence through strategic growth initiatives such as new investments, the introduction of innovative services, and collaborations. By exploring new geographical markets through expansion and acquisitions, they aim to achieve a competitive advantage and leverage joint synergies.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @ https://www.researchcorridor.com/request-sample/?id=145885
Key Questions Answered by Organic Chocolate Spreads Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at sales@researchcorridor.com.
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: sales@researchcorridor.com Visit us: https://www.researchcorridor.com/
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2024.05.30 10:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Babymoon Destinations USA Winter

Best Babymoon Destinations USA Winter
Best Babymoon Destinations USA Winter
Are you expecting a baby, and feeling the need to escape before all of your free time is taken up with little one? If so, now’s the perfect time for a winter getaway.
Babymoons are becoming more popular than ever, and there's no better way to relax and enjoy some quality time together as parents-to-be.
With that in mind, here’s our selection of the Best Babymoon Destinations USA Winter! From sunny beaches to snow-covered mountain towns, we've rounded up the top places for couples who want to make their last few weeks (or days) before parenthood extra special.
San Diego, California
San Diego, California is a wonderful destination for those seeking to enjoy the winter months in an idyllic setting. With its mild winters and beautiful scenery, it's no wonder why couples from all over come here to celebrate their babymoon.
Exploring San Diego can be made extra special with a number of activities such as visiting one of its many museums or taking a leisurely walk along the beach. Enjoying the weather will be easy when you are surrounded by palm trees and sun-kissed beaches that make up this charming city’s atmosphere.
The perfect place for a couple looking to spend some quality time together before their tiny bundle arrives! There is something magical about walking down streets lined with vibrant bougainvillea and feeling the warmth of the sun while planning your future life as parents.
Whether you're exploring downtown or strolling through Balboa Park, there are endless possibilities for romantic adventure waiting for you both in San Diego. Let your pregnancy glow shine bright on this remarkable journey!
Miami, Florida
Ah, Miami! Home to the hottest nightlife and the best beaches in America.
For couples looking for a winter babymoon getaway, it's hard to beat this city for its sheer variety of activities. From exploring all that Miami has to offer during the day - from lush parks and galleries, to buzzing outdoor markets and vibrant street life - to enjoying an evening out at one of many nightclubs that dot the landscape, you can't go wrong with a trip here.
Whether it's sipping on craft cocktails at one of Miami's chic speakeasies or taking in live music shows along South Beach's iconic boardwalk, there is something for everyone when it comes to enjoying this exciting destination after dark.
With dozens of restaurants offering delicious Latin cuisine as well as world-class dining experiences unique to every corner of this cosmopolitan city, you're sure to find something special worth savoring while here.
So don't be shy: take advantage of all that Miami has to offer!
Big Sky, Montana
Big Sky, Montana is an ideal babymoon destination for couples that are looking for a winter getaway. The natural beauty of the area will take your breath away; snow-covered mountains and evergreen forests stretch as far as the eye can see.
An abundance of outdoor activities await you and your partner in Big Sky – from romantic walks through snowy fields to skiing down the slopes at Lone Mountain, this picturesque wonderland provides the perfect backdrop for creating lasting memories together.
Treat yourselves to some indulgent romance with all sorts of thrilling winter activities: cozy up by a warm fire while sipping on hot chocolate or go ice skating hand-in-hand under starry night skies.
For those wanting something even more special, there’s no better way to enjoy each other's company than dog sledding across breathtaking mountain trails or taking a scenic sleigh ride around Moonlight Basin.
Whatever activity you choose, Big Sky offers plenty of ways to make your babymoon truly unforgettable!
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Ready for a change of scenery and some tropical vibes? Then San Juan, Puerto Rico is the perfect choice for your babymoon! An exciting mix of romance and culture await you in this vibrant city.
You can enjoy romantic activities like taking a sunset cruise around Old San Juan or strolling hand-in-hand through its beautiful colonial streets lined with colorful buildings and cobblestone walkways.
The local culture is rich in both history and flavor as well. Enjoy traditional foods at one of the many restaurants located throughout the city, such as mofongo - a tasty dish made from mashed plantains filled with pork crackling – or sample an authentic piña colada straight from where it was invented: Barrachina’s Bar & Restaurant.
Shop for handmade souvenirs from artisans at Cathedral Square or take in the amazing views of El Morro Castle during your stay. No matter what activity you choose to do together in San Juan, there's no doubt that memories will be made that will last long after you leave this unforgettable destination.
Park City, Utah
Park City, Utah is the perfect destination for a winter babymoon. With its stunning mountain views, exhilarating skiing activities and array of winter-inspired fun, it's sure to make your getaway one you won't soon forget.
Start off with some of Park City's thrilling ski experiences - take in breathtaking views from 9,000 feet on the summit of Snowbird or try out world-class slopes at Deer Valley Resort. If that isn't enough excitement for you, check out these other amazing winter activities:
Go snowshoeing around pristine lakes and forests
Take an ATV tour through snow covered canyons
Enjoy a hot air balloon ride over majestic mountainscapes
If all this has whet your appetite for adventure, there are plenty more outdoor activities like cross country skiing and ice skating to explore!
Or if relaxation is what you're after, Park City has abundant opportunities to enjoy the beauty of nature while indulging in cozy moments together away from everyday life.
Sedona, Arizona
Sedona's Red Rocks are a must-see for any babymooners looking for stunning natural beauty.
Take a hike and explore the breathtaking views or just relax among the vibrant red rock formations.
There's plenty of outdoor adventures to be had, from swimming and kayaking in the gorgeous lakes to biking and horseback riding in the surrounding valleys.
For a more spiritual experience, head to one of the many retreats in the area, where you can relax and connect with your partner as you take in the stunning scenery.
Sedona's Red Rocks
Sedona, Arizona is a premier destination for winter babymooners.
The red rocks of Sedona are iconic and make for the perfect backdrop to any romantic getaway.
From stunning sunsets reflecting off massive canyon walls to spiritual journeys taken throughout the desert landscape, this unique location provides countless opportunities for couples looking to connect with nature and each other.
Whether you're enjoying a picnic in one of Sedona's many parks or taking a relaxing hike along the trails, there will always be something special waiting around every corner.
Plus, with its mild temperatures during the winter months, visitors can explore without having to worry about extreme weather conditions.
There's no better place than Sedona to spend your precious time together before welcoming your little bundle of joy into the world!
Outdoor Adventures
If you're looking to get out of the house and explore all that Sedona has to offer, there's no better way than by taking part in some outdoor adventures!
From snowshoeing through mesmerizing forests to winter camping under starry skies, this is a chance for couples to create special memories together.
Of course, safety should always be your top priority when embarking on any type of adventure.
Be sure to come prepared with proper gear and clothing as well as knowledge about local weather conditions.
Additionally, be mindful of any extra precautions needed for activities like snowshoeing or winter camping - such as wearing reflective clothing or packing emergency supplies.
But above all else, don't forget to have fun!
Nothing beats having quality time spent outdoors breathing fresh air and creating lifelong moments with your partner before welcoming your new family member into the world.
Spiritual Retreats
After an adventurous babymoon, couples can find a peaceful respite by exploring Sedona’s spiritual retreat offerings.
With its stunning red rocks and lush greenery, it's the perfect place to turn inward and explore meditation techniques for relaxation.
Whether you're taking part in guided meditations or attending one of the many workshops available, this is your chance to connect with each other on a deeper level.
Not only will you learn valuable life skills like mindfulness and emotional intelligence, but also how to strengthen your bond as new parents.
There's no better way to celebrate the beauty of nature while learning powerful tools that will help create harmony within yourself and between you both.
So make sure to take advantage of all that Sedona has to offer before welcoming your little one into the world!
New Orleans, Louisiana
After the wild, nature-filled desert adventure of Sedona, Arizona, consider checking out a city that is teeming with culture and life – New Orleans.
The Big Easy is known for its vibrant nightlife and deep exploration into creole culture; making it an ideal destination for romantic getaways.
With cobblestone streets bustling with music and laughter all hours of the day, you’ll have plenty to explore in this soulful city.
Take a stroll down Bourbon Street to experience all the live entertainment venues or meander through one of the many art galleries filled with local pieces.
If you’re looking for something more outdoorsy then take your pick from any number of parks or wetlands located around the city.
Enjoying some beignets on Jackson Square while watching street performers will provide an unforgettable backdrop to your babymoon vacation.
And no trip would be complete without sampling some of the best Cajun cuisine in America - so make sure to hit up at least one restaurant during your stay!
Ultimately, New Orleans provides couples a unique opportunity to enjoy each other's company while creating lasting memories together.
Oahu, Hawaii
As one of the premier destinations for a babymoon in America, Oahu is an ideal winter destination. The warm Hawaiian breeze and sun will keep you cozy while exploring some of the island’s many attractions. From its stunning beaches to its vibrant culture, there are plenty of ways to relax during your stay in this paradise.
For those looking to explore, Oahu has something for everyone. Hike through breathtaking rainforests or take a walk along the beach at sunset – no matter what you choose, it’ll be sure to leave lasting memories!
For outdoor enthusiasts, there are also several water activities available such as snorkeling and kayaking that can provide a unique way to experience the beauty of Hawaii. In addition, taking time out for relaxation is essential for any successful babymoon getaway; spend lazy days lounging in hammocks on white sand beaches or enjoy a romantic dinner overlooking turquoise waters — whatever helps make your vacation complete.
With so much awaiting discovery in Oahu, it's hard not to forget about reality and just soak up all that life has to offer.
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Leaving the paradise of Oahu behind, Colorado Springs, with its dramatic backdrop of snow-topped mountain peaks, is a perfect winter babymoon destination. Not only does it give couples an opportunity to explore romantic attractions and enjoy nature in all its splendor but also take part in some exciting outdoor activities such as skiing and snowboarding.
For those looking for something more relaxed, there are plenty of opportunities to stay cozy indoors too! From hot springs and spa treatments to indulging in fine dining and shopping at quaint stores – you can have the ultimate relaxing experience here.
Here's why you should consider spending your winter babymoon in Colorado Springs:
Awe-inspiring views of mountains that will make every moment feel like a dream come true
Plenty of ski slopes for adrenaline rushes or peaceful strolls on freshly powdered trails
An array of wellness practices from yoga by the firepit to meditating under starry skies
Delicious locally sourced food from award-winning restaurants
Endless options for exploring unique attractions around town
This vibrant city has so much to offer couples looking for a special getaway; it’s no wonder why many choose this spot as their go-to place when it comes to planning a magical winter babymoon. With stunning landscapes and endless possibilities for adventure, relaxation and exploration, Colorado Springs is sure to provide travelers with unforgettable experiences they won't soon forget.
Key West, Florida
Have you ever dreamt of visiting the perfect winter babymoon destination? Look no further – Key West, Florida is an absolute must for those seeking romantic getaways and cozy accommodations.
Known as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the USA, Key West offers a variety of activities to make it truly unforgettable. From exploring historic attractions like Ernest Hemingway’s house or touring famous points of significance like Fort Zachary Taylor State Park, to taking part in local festivals and events such as Fantasy Fest and The Conch Republic Independence Celebration, there’s something for everyone!
What's more, its amazing climate makes it possible to enjoy outdoor activities all year round - from sunbathing on white sand beaches to snorkeling among colorful coral reefs.
When night falls, Key West comes alive with art galleries, restaurants serving up delicious fresh seafood dishes and lively bars where you can party until dawn. Whether you want to take some time out alone together or hit the town dancing away your worries, this tropical paradise has got it all.
So why wait? Start planning your winter babymoon adventure now!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Time Of Year To Go On A Babymoon?
When it comes to planning a babymoon, many expectant parents find themselves wondering what the best time of year for such an adventure is. After all, pregnancy can often leave those involved feeling overwhelmed with both physical and emotional preparation - so getting away for a bit of rest and relaxation seems like the perfect solution!
But when should you go?
Well, wintertime offers some of the most magical experiences that come from bundling up in cozy sweaters and blankets while exploring new places. Not only will this give you much-needed freedom from day-to-day life, but you'll also get to enjoy breathtaking scenery and activities that are unique to colder months.
So if you're looking for the ultimate escape, a winter babymoon might be just what you need!
Are There Any Special Discounts Available For Babymooners?
Are you a babymooner looking for the best deals?
Bargain hunting and travel insurance can be great ways to save money on your long-awaited getaway.
It's worth shopping around for special discounts available especially for couples expecting a little one, so don't miss out on any potential savings!
Travel companies may provide discounted rates or packages tailored to babymooners - just make sure to read reviews and thoroughly check all details before booking.
With careful planning and research, you're sure to find the perfect deal to help make your dream trip come true.
Are There Any Activities Specifically Designed For Couples On A Babymoon?
When it comes to romantic getaways, babymooners have come to the right place! There are plenty of activities specifically designed for couples looking for a little extra pampering during their special trip.
From spa treatments and massages to wine tastings and gondola rides, these experiences can bring you closer together in an intimate setting.
Whether you're looking to relax or explore on your babymoon, there's something out there that will make your time away truly memorable. So go ahead and start planning your perfect escape - after all, life is too short not to enjoy a romantic getaway with the one you love!
Are There Any Safety Concerns To Consider When Traveling On A Babymoon?
Preparing for a babymoon is an exciting time, but it's also important to consider safety.
Before you and your partner jet off on your romantic getaway, there are some pre travel planning steps that should be taken in order to ensure both mom-to-be’s comfort and safety.
It may be wise to check with a doctor or midwife before taking off, just to make sure the pregnancy is progressing smoothly - they will likely have valuable medical advice about how far along the expectant mother can travel safely while pregnant.
While considering all these factors, don't forget that this trip is supposed to be special!
Take care of any necessary precautions beforehand so you two can truly enjoy yourselves during the babymoon without worry.
Are There Any Family-Friendly Attractions Available In The Babymoon Destination?
When it comes to babymoon destinations, there is no shortage of family-friendly attractions.
From spa treatments and romantic dinners to outdoor activities, you can find something that fits your expectations while also providing a safe environment for the whole family.
Whether it's an indoor waterpark or museum, these types of attractions provide engaging experiences that will make your vacation more memorable.
Plus, with plenty of options available in most major cities, you're sure to have an enjoyable time exploring the local sights with your partner and little one!
The beauty of taking a babymoon is that there are plenty of wonderful destinations to choose from, no matter the time of year.
From sunny beaches in California and warm temperatures in Florida, to snowy getaways in Colorado and winter wonderlands in New England, you can find something special for your family's trip.
No matter where you decide to go on your babymoon, make sure to check out what discounts or activities are available specifically designed for couples expecting babies.
And be mindful of any safety concerns during travel - with so much excitement ahead, it pays to plan ahead!
With careful consideration and planning, finding the perfect spot for your babymoon can be an enjoyable experience that will create memories to last a lifetime.
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2024.05.30 09:41 Sweet-Count2557 Fun Things to Do in Montreal With Kids

Fun Things to Do in Montreal With Kids
Fun Things to Do in Montreal With Kids Are you ready for a family adventure in Montreal? We've got you covered!In this article, we'll show you the best things to do with your kids in this vibrant city. From indulging in delicious chocolates on the Ultimate Chocolate Tour to exploring the thrilling Lachine Rapids with Montreal Rafting, there's something for everyone.Get ready to create unforgettable memories as we guide you through the exciting activities and attractions that Montreal has to offer.Let's dive in!Key TakeawaysMontreal offers a variety of fun activities for kids of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers.There are educational attractions like the Montreal Biodome and Montreal Science Centre that provide interactive exhibits and learning opportunities for children.For outdoor enthusiasts, Mount Royal Park offers hiking trails and stunning views of the city skyline, while La Ronde Amusement Park provides thrilling rides and family-friendly attractions.Families can also explore the historic district of Old Montreal, with its charming architecture, horse-drawn carriage rides, and street performers.Chocolate Tour in MontrealWe highly recommend taking our Ultimate Chocolate Tour in Montreal for a delicious and interactive experience.This tour offers the perfect combination of indulgence and hands-on fun. You'll have the opportunity to participate in interactive chocolate making workshops, where you can learn the art of crafting exquisite chocolates from expert chocolatiers. Not only will you get to taste some of the best chocolate in Montreal, but you'll also get to create your own mouthwatering treats to take home.Along the tour, you'll visit the best chocolate shops in Montreal, where you can sample a variety of decadent chocolates and satisfy your sweet tooth.Whether you're a chocolate lover or simply looking for a unique and enjoyable activity, our Ultimate Chocolate Tour is a must-do when visiting Montreal.Mont Tremblant TourContinuing our exploration of fun things to do in Montreal with kids, let's now delve into the exciting Mont Tremblant Tour. If your family loves exploring nature, this tour is a must-do. Here are three reasons why the Mont Tremblant Tour is perfect for exploring nature in Montreal:Breathtaking Scenery: Mont Tremblant is known for its stunning natural beauty. As you hike through the trails, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of lush forests, sparkling lakes, and majestic mountains. It's a great opportunity for kids to connect with nature and appreciate its wonders.Wildlife Encounters: Mont Tremblant is home to a diverse range of wildlife. Keep your eyes peeled for sightings of deer, beavers, and even black bears. It's a thrilling experience for kids to see these animals in their natural habitat and learn about their behaviors.Outdoor Activities: The Mont Tremblant Tour offers a variety of outdoor activities for families to enjoy. From canoeing on the lake to biking through the trails, there's something for everyone. It's a chance to get active, breathe in the fresh air, and create lasting memories.La Grande Roue De MontralExploring the exhilarating La Grande Roue De Montral, we were captivated by its towering presence and panoramic views. This iconic observation wheel offers a unique perspective of the city and is a must-visit attraction when in Montreal with kids.To help you plan your visit, here are some discussion ideas about La Grande Roue De Montral that aren't relevant to the other attractions listed above:Best time to ride La Grande Roue De Montral: We recommend going during the late afternoon or early evening to catch the stunning sunset over the city. The changing colors of the sky combined with the sparkling lights of Montreal create a magical experience.Tips for visiting La Grande Roue De Montral with toddlers: If you're visiting with young children, consider going during off-peak hours to avoid long lines. Also, bring snacks, water, and entertainment to keep them comfortable during the ride.La Grande Roue De Montral offers a memorable experience for the whole family, providing breathtaking views and creating lasting memories. Don't miss out on this exciting adventure during your trip to Montreal.Montreal RaftingFor an exciting and adrenaline-pumping experience in Montreal, try Montreal rafting. It's a family-friendly rafting experience that guarantees an adrenaline-pumping water adventure.Here are three reasons why Montreal rafting should be on your list of things to do with kids:Whitewater rafting adventure along the Lachine Rapids: Strap on your life jackets and get ready to navigate through the thrilling rapids of the Lachine Rapids. Feel the rush of the water as you paddle through the waves and experience the excitement of conquering the rapids as a family.Option for calm, family-friendly rafting or adventure rafting: Whether you're looking for a more relaxed experience or an adrenaline-fueled adventure, Montreal rafting has options for both. Choose the level of excitement that suits your family and enjoy a memorable day out on the water.Necessary equipment provided: Don't worry about bringing your own gear. Montreal rafting provides all the necessary equipment, including helmets, life jackets, and rafts. Just bring yourselves and get ready for a thrilling ride.Montreal BiodomeThe Montreal Biodome offers a unique experience for families with its diverse ecosystems and exotic animals. When you step inside, you'll feel like you've been transported to different parts of the world.The Biodome houses five ecosystems under one roof, allowing you to explore the wonders of the tropical rainforest, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and more. As you wander through the exhibits, you'll come face to face with exotic animals like lynx, otters, Atlantic puffins, and Sub-Antarctic penguins.It's an incredible opportunity to learn about these creatures and their natural habitats. You can even watch the playful otters swim and dive right in front of your eyes.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Cost of the Ultimate Chocolate Tour in Montreal?The cost of the Ultimate Chocolate Tour in Montreal varies depending on the age of the participants. However, we can compare it to other activities to give you an idea.While the tour isn't the most affordable option, the fun factor and educational value make it worth considering.If you're looking for the best time to go, we recommend checking the availability and booking in advance.It's a delicious and immersive experience that chocolate lovers of all ages will enjoy.Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Mont Tremblant Tour?Age restrictions and tour requirements for the Mont Tremblant tour depend on the age of your children. It's specifically designed for young children between the ages of 6 and 9. This means that if your kids fall within this age range, they'll be able to fully enjoy and participate in all the activities and attractions offered on the tour.It's a great opportunity for them to have fun and create lasting memories in beautiful Mont Tremblant.How Long Is a Ride on La Grande Roue De Montréal?A ride on La Grande Roue de Montréal provides a delightful experience for all ages. The length of the ride is approximately 20 minutes, allowing ample time to take in the breathtaking views of the city.Safety measures are in place to ensure a secure and enjoyable ride for everyone. From the top of the Ferris wheel, you can marvel at the beautiful skyline and landmarks of Montreal.It's a must-visit attraction that guarantees fun and excitement for the whole family.What Is the Difference Between Calm, Family-Friendly Rafting and Adventure Rafting in Montreal Rafting?Calm vs. adventure rafting in Montreal, which is more suitable for young children?Let's dive in and explore the pros and cons of both experiences.Calm rafting offers a more relaxed and family-friendly adventure, perfect for young children. On the other hand, adventure rafting provides an exciting and adrenaline-pumping experience for those seeking a thrill.While calm rafting ensures a safer and easier ride, adventure rafting offers a more exhilarating and challenging experience.Ultimately, the choice depends on your family's preferences and the age and comfort level of your children.Can You Give Some Examples of the Exotic Animals Found in the Montreal Biodome?Exotic animal encounters at the Montreal Biodome are a must for kids! From the tropical rainforest, you'll see lynx, otters, and even Sub-Antarctic penguins.In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, there are fascinating fish species to discover. The Biodome offers educational programs that allow children to learn about these animals up close.It's a fun and engaging way to explore different ecosystems in one afternoon. Don't miss out on this unique and educational experience!ConclusionWell, folks, it's time to wrap up our adventure in Montreal with the kids!From indulging in sweet treats on the Ultimate Chocolate Tour to exploring the wonders of nature at the Montreal Biodome, this vibrant city has it all.Don't forget to take a ride on La Grande Roue de Montreal for breathtaking views and experience the thrill of Montreal Rafting.With so many exciting activities and attractions, your family is sure to have a blast in the beautiful city of Montreal!
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