Lamictal antipsychotic med


2024.05.23 14:22 xxx_xxxT_T ENT F2?

I got my last F2 rotation as ENT which I start in August. Was hoping for ED actually as I thought ED experience makes you more employable and looks better on CV but I hear ENT surgeons tend to be very nice people
What do they expect of F2s on ENT? Will I be well supported or thrown in the deep end? I manage just fine on medical ward covers by myself as med SpRs are still happier than surgical SpRs to be contacted
I have done anaesthesia and ICU and now on psych and their expectations are not that high and they just seem very happy with me for simply being keen to learn and getting the job done and all learning has been on the job. Like on psych the consultant seems very impressed that I even know what a MSE is, can take a history and the mechanism of action of antipsychotics and on anaesthesia and ICU similarly they expected literally nothing which is very different from F1 where more was expected of me in medicine and especially surgery where seniors were not easily accessible and actually discouraged you and told you off for escalating because apparently I should be able to deal with things myself
submitted by xxx_xxxT_T to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:39 weldam0588 Are my psych meds causing me schizophrenia?

Please this is driving me crazy is the psych meds causing me to hallucinate and become delusional or is it my condition? are there people who have taken antipsychotics for a long time but don't have hallucinations at least?
Thank You
submitted by weldam0588 to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:06 nex0000 I feel like I can communicate with my other alter

Since I've been taking antipsychotic meds I don't hear voices anymore but I feel like some of my thoughts are different and like I wouldn't think about them. I ask "myself" about something and it gives me answer about my Alter, but when I ask too much I get hallucinations of the alter with disturbing things. For example: What is your (my other alters) hair color? It gives me straight answer but when I ask too much questions or I talk about it I start crying, thinking that something will hurt me or having actual hallucinations of my other alter or her "friends". Is it normal?
submitted by nex0000 to DID [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:33 anorangehorse Rate the meds have you been on.

Keppra: 6/10. Sleepiness, super increased anxiety and depression, no appetite at all (this went away with time, and so did all the weight loss šŸ„²). Would literally be able to sleep for days and still not feel rested enough. Still on it, and anxiety meds. Sleepiness got better over time, but still always more tired than I should be.
Trileptal: horrible. -10/10. Extreme nausea, extreme dizziness, vertigo, extreme blurry vision, unaliving thoughts out the wazoo. Dealt with this for close to a year because it was helping. Then it stopped helping and I did the ā€œhorizontal discoā€ in the passenger seat of my moms car
Lamotrigine/Lamictal: 7/10. HORRIBLE insomnia when I first started taking it. Went away with time, but there were times where I didnā€™t sleep for 3 days šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Only other side effect is completely random heavy duty nausea. As well as memory issues starting to emerge. Currently on it. (ETA: I also got horrible acne breakouts that come and go)
Midazolam: 9/10. Only taken in emergencies but definitely effectiveā€¦ and a good trip šŸ˜†
submitted by anorangehorse to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 03:00 snowpawzz Is anyone actually, truly stable?

I've been dealing with bipolar 1 for 18 years at this point. I've been consistently medicated for the past 8.5 years, and I literally mean that I've missed one dose of meds in this 8.5 year period. Anyways, despite taking 2 mood stabilizers (lithium and lamotrigine) and an atypical antipsychotic (aripiprazole), I still feel like I'm just hanging on to a sliver of stability. I can keep a job, have a relationship, pay bills on time, and other things required for typical adult functioning, but I'm kind of convinced at this point that true emotional and behavioral stability isn't possible even with all of the meds. It's like I'm going through the motions of life and they mostly look okay, but in reality, I'm a turbulent mess. I'd love to think that this is just me, but it seems true for the other people with bipolar that I know, too. Anyone relate?
submitted by snowpawzz to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:30 passingthrough66 Help, I canā€™t ask a doctor

I have several health issues going on right now that have forced me to the doctor. In general, though, I think the medical profession is a huge scam and that it takes advantage of the poor and uneducated on a daily basis. I wish I could be healthy and tell doctors what they can do with their prescriptions but I unfortunately started down the pyramid of pills years ago.
The current problem? 1) This loud, ever present high pitched ringing in my ears that makes me feel like an old lady bc I have to keep asking people to repeat themselves and now 2) this light saber type zooming sound that happens when I shift my eyes. It makes me kind of dizzy and is maddening. Combine these things with extreme joint pain (I am also overweight but even at a greater weight my joints were not this inflamed)as well as being very unsteady on my feet these days, and I am pathetic. I might as well be 90 years old.
I would do anything to peel back all these meds and live naturally, but my moods are too unpredictable. Iā€™m at an all time high of 90 mg Cymbalta, 450 Wellbutrin, started Wegovy about a month ago, 150 mg Sulindac (nsaid), generic Vyvanse 40 and other stuff that doesnā€™t probably have any serious side effects. Iā€™m esp. concerned about the first two and maybe even Wegovy for the inflammation part.
I was on Lamictal but stopped a while back bc I thought it was causing joint inflammation, but over a month off it and I still can barely walk normally. I go up and down steps like this-step up (or down), pull other foot to same step as first foot, then repeat. I am so pathetic and donā€™t want anyone to see me like this.
If someone hadnā€™t seen me in over a year they may not recognize me. I used to go to the gym and stay busy in the yard. I was tan from the sun and visited the beach for day trips. Now most non-working moments are spent on the sofa. I can barely stand up from sitting or lying down. I wonder if I am going to continue to deteriorate until Iā€™m stuck way inside a body that no longer works. Iā€™m really scared.
submitted by passingthrough66 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:56 Fragrant-Tower-7652 Curious about my stack

Hi everyone, I've been a long-time supplement user to improve mood and brain function and to combat side effects from prescription medications that I take. I think I whittled it down to a stack that works well for me, but I'd like some input if anyone has any thoughts.
In the morning, I take:
Morning script meds:
I take another 15mg of Adderall XR in the afternoon, and at night I take:
Night Script meds:
The multivitamin is taken at night to prevent absorption issues with Adderall. I'm not *too* sure about the dose or necessity of pregnenolone, but it does seem to improve my mood. It's the same boat with vitamin E. Mainly, I'm wondering if this seems excessive, and if so, which would you eliminate?
submitted by Fragrant-Tower-7652 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:51 WaltzInTheDarkk Atypical Antipsychotics Long-Term Use?

Do you have experience with living on antipsychotic meds for years?
I'm on seroquel and it's working pretty good. Was also able to lose a lot of weight on it and I don't think I have any side-effects. I've been taking it for 6 months now. Does this mean that it's safe to use long-term for years? I will ask my doctor about it, me neither she has brought it up.
submitted by WaltzInTheDarkk to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:13 BrainAccurate6356 Need help with 13 year relationship .

Bpd loved one of thirteen years. We recently discovered that she had it. All these years my self esteem and confidence has been non existent because all the blame is always put on me. Fighting constantly. Lots of stress on both sides. It was a sigh of relief for me knowing it wasnā€™t all me and it seemed thought it was for her as well. Well here we are 6 months later after finding out she had it and I am just in shambles. Every time sheā€™s about to start her monthly cycle her patience and fuse is non existent. We have three kids together and sheā€™s a stay at home mom. I canā€™t imagine how tough that is because I only have to deal with it 4 days out of the month when she works. I try to have conversations with her but it always ends in an argument. Today I came home, kissed her and told her I love her. Looked at her and told her we need to do something to fix the attitude issue she has with me. Whether she needs to get out of the house for a while or yoga or mood stabilizers because itā€™s not healthy for any of us when sheā€™s pissed for a full 10 days straight every month. Ended up with her saying thereā€™s a reason for her having an attitude because of me not doing this or that or me doing this or that at the wrong time. Said ā€œ oh so you want me to be on antipsychotics for my hormones or get my fucking uterus taken out and be on meds the rest of my life for your convenience?ā€ I told her just wanted to find a solution to the problem. She always twists what I say and calls me a narcissist when I tell her I feel like what sheā€™s doing is wrong. I just donā€™t know what to do anymore. I canā€™t afford therapy with her and Iā€™m at the end of my rope with the whole situation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by BrainAccurate6356 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:01 Broken1039 Not working anymore

Started back in February and had great results or maybe I was just in a better place then. Only 20 mg. After two months though it literally just stopped working. Tried upping the dose with no relief so went back down to 20.
Doctor added lexapro a few days so now Iā€™m on lamictal, Latuda, and lexapro and severely depressed.
Is there even a point to keep taking the Latuda at this point you think? Seeing psych next week but feels like a lot of meds and not one is helping even tho I know lexapro takes weeks or more to work.
submitted by Broken1039 to Latuda [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:45 Open-Performance-128 MAOI vs TCA?

I've had chronic depression/ suicidality since age 10 due to being separated from my parents. Depression's at it's worst in the mornings, undereating, but can survive in the afternoons enough to work full time. Have tried SSRIs (Prozac, Lexapro, which both gave me bad mood swings), an SNRI (same effect), Lamictal (worsened mood swings), antipsychotics, Lithium (no effect, misdiagnosed bipolar). Currently just on buspirone for anxiety which does seem to help.
I would like to try an MAOI or TCA next. After having so many NPs just throw darts at the wall hoping they stick I might as well ask for the internet's experiences. I've read TCAs are better for melancholic depression.
submitted by Open-Performance-128 to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:35 Opposite-Mirror-3257 Any encouragement welcome

After a year and a half of trying every SSRI, SNRI, Antipsychotic you name it my dr started me on amitriptyline. Started amitriptyline 10 mg and every couple weeks went up. At 50 mg after 2weeks I started seeing a little improvement. Just went up to 75 two days ago. Iā€™ve been horribly emotional and anxious. Also the dry mouth is way worse. Is there hope itā€™ll start doing its thing and how long. Iā€™m thinking my poor brain is all messed up from all the med changes. Also had 18 rounds of ECT. For reference Iā€™m a 69 year old female who is getting desperate.
submitted by Opposite-Mirror-3257 to Amitriptyline [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 22:24 RandomLifeUnit-05 Lack of motivation, is it normal?

Is it common to experience a lack of motivation on lamictal? I've made it up to 75mg so far, over about a month and a half, and it feels like for the past month, I've had very low motivation for working. I work from home and make my own hours. So I need to be able to motivate myself.
I'm worried this is now my new normal on this med, and I will have to quit taking it.
submitted by RandomLifeUnit-05 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 20:55 CryptographerIll2304 Rexulti mono-therapy?

I have bipolar I with psychotic feature and Iā€™m only rexulti 1mg/daily along with adderall for adhd and trazadone for sleep. I tried lamictal and it made me lose half my hair so Iā€™m too scared to try other mood stabilizers. Has anyone here gotten any success with only an antipsychotic?
submitted by CryptographerIll2304 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 17:34 lamentations1_2 Reported and filing complaint about hospital discriminating me because of past mental health history...

I am 27(f) and diagnosed with EDS, Autism, ADHD, herniated discs, vestibular migraines, ocular motor deficits, and vestibular dysfunction, and getting tested for Narcolepsy and Insomnia (you can have both!) and seizure like activities, other neuro disordes.
I ended up at the ER after my primary care advised me to go on Friday. I've been having undiagnosed progressive neurological issues and became unresponsive on Friday at the ER. They saw my scars on my arms and immediately started saying it was mental health, addiction, or for attention. And they tried to discharge me... my mom and friend were there, they had my phone with all my specialists and appointments of tests needed, had my med list, and my primary care called ahead of time, etc. A second doctor tried to gag me and realized it was serious. I was conscious but could not respond to any stimuli. Only kind of move my eyes. I ended up in a breathing tube Friday and didn't fight it until suddenly my brain clicked on and it took 3 nurses to keep me down while they drugged me. Did a ton of scans and everything is clear. Stayed in the ICU and got the tube out Sunday. Moved to the neuroscience department at the hospital where I had another episode. This department is absolutely amazing but we didn't know what was going on and they called the critical care team. I, again, unresponsive but there heard them laughing about how I must practice control my reflexes and love the attention because of my past schizophrenia diagnosis.
We've learned that my hallucinations most likely came from stress induced psychosis from neurological disorders. Since getting off antipsychotics and going to adderall, my life has become better until at 60mg and 400mg of caffeine, I will randomly feel an onset and fall asleep at the wheel.
I can't drive and the episodes are getting acute, meaning I need a caregiver. But we don't know when I can have that set up and get home.
But to get someone to listen took me calling the patient advocate line and expressing my issues and they are taking a look into everything. But I did receive my meds or have anyone reach out to my specialists while with ICU or ER, because they didn't believe us. It was ridiculous.
So I've decided to build an organization for disabled people who have a mental health past that is stopping them from physical medical care. Whether they are currently still battling mental health, or like me, ended up misdiagnosed and have a history, I want to make sure we all get our experiences heard.
I can have a physical condition happening and have mental health issues. Doctors do not need to be laughing at me and mocking my scars that were caused because of the wrong MEDS.
I am furious of that but doing great in this department.
submitted by lamentations1_2 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:58 Mitchmedford Focal Aware Seizures Treatment

I have been recently 2/24 diagnosed with focal aware seizures after trying to just put up with ā€œold man spellsā€ for 3-4 years. (Iā€™m 63) the doctor has me on gabapentin ER (600mg) a day and Iā€™ve been trying to follow a keto style diet. I have noticed that even with this, I tend to go 10-20 days without a seizure and then have 3-7 a day for a few days and then back to a quiet time. This seems to be a re-occurring cycle. The doctorā€™s PA told me she would have started me with a low dose of Lamictal instead of gabapentin ER. Sometimes I feel like the doctor is just trying to push a specific brand of medicine, and wanted a little feedback for those who have gone before me. Seizures arenā€™t the worst problem, it is the deep depression and waves of anxiety that follow for several days. Thoughts on meds or anything?
submitted by Mitchmedford to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:10 Fox_Screamer Talking to my med provider about being taken off Lamictal/Lamotrigine

Ello, everyone! I wasn't sure what 'flair' to put this under, but I felt this was the most fitting...
So, I have been on lamictal/lamotrigine for a while. But everytime I take it, consistently or not, I get bad reactions. Mainly rashes, shaking, headaches, and nausea. However, recently, I have been getting sick more easily. I can barely handle it anymore, but I'm not sure how to talk to my med provider about it. I also think it had something to do with a hospital stay back in December that I had due to swelling in my face. Any advice would be great! I'm on 100 mg, but I am apparently very sensitive to it. It scares me to be on it, but it scares me to be off of it too.
ETA: I have an appointment on Friday, but I plan on calling to see if she has an earlier appointment open.
submitted by Fox_Screamer to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 08:36 Arya-graves Fed up with meds

For context. I have been on Keppra since 2017. So a long time at least in my book. Along with the irrational irritability and taking b6 lately Iā€™ve been having nausea lasting all day ((I did just get my period)) however I cannot freaking cope with yet another symptom of these meds. I take a lot not just Keppra and Iā€™m tired of telling my docs. Just tired and fed up , I take 1000 twice a day. 200 mg of lamictal twice a day and 400 mg of zonegran at bedtime, please anyone help! lol.
submitted by Arya-graves to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:22 Boogy1991 Finally coming off my meds

After at least 15 years. I'm slowly coming off my seizure meds. I was taking Topamax 400mg at night now I'm completely off it. My doctor is lowering my Lamictal dose now. Its gone from 300mg twice a day and now it's 150 twice a day. Wish me luck.
submitted by Boogy1991 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:41 WarmPissu How do you tell the difference between a good psychiatrist and a bad one?

I had a psychiatrist give me antipsychotics cause I said I had autism. I switched psychiatrist cause I was scared and then he baffled at the idea of doing that saying people only do that for kids for their irritability, there's no reason for an adult to take them.
How tf am I supposed to know if mine is good or bad? If 2 psychiatrists say the opposite thing, how can I with no medical knowledge, know which one is the good one?
Maybe one told the truth and the other didn't. I didn't go to med school, is there a reliable way for someone to know they got a good doctor? My girlfriend also is taking 3 bipolar meds at the same time. I personally think that makes no sense, but I didn't go to medical school.
It just seems very odd, but I am not qualified to question a psychiatrist I guess...
submitted by WarmPissu to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:14 Electrical-Fan9509 I want to ask a psychiatrist about something. Also if anyone can relate..

Initially my problem was cognitive impairment(I can't think to problem solve, my mind is always blank, I can't see the full picture of things and I have this irritation in my right side brain)
I suspect that the cause are either my wrongly prescribed meds or my porn withdrawal or combination of both
In 2020 I was sent to a psychiatrist for my depression, however I was prescribed to take antipsychotic(risperidone) and vitamin b complex.
I did heal months later, I did start exercising and hangout with friends. I slowly stop the meds by then, taking intervals by days.
In 2021 I decided to stop porn, in weeks however I start to feel mood swings and irritability in my right side head. By months my mind start to flood with intrusive thoughts and such. I tried to suppress the thoughts as much as I can and I did isolate a lot, ultimately it was then that my cognition was impaired. Having felt a snap at right side brain, it felt very irritable since then
I felt very lonely and insecure by then, I just thought I can't be anything without my imagination.
I did open up to my parents, however what they prescribed my are the meds prescribed to me by my psychiatrist; antipsychotic
In 2022 I slowly stop the meds the same way earlier
In 2023-2024 I start to feel something wrong with my intuition and emotion.
I first felt trails wherever I walk through, kinda like leaving behind a line of path/track and I felt it with the sensation of shame.
There's a moment we had a turbulent night at home, my mother once smack a plate at the kitchen sink and the sharp sound felt like a blade stabbed at my right side head.
I did try to pull the blade sensation in my head and it leaves an irritating sensation as if it felt like an actual wound. I can feel it in my mouth. My mind was all over the place back then that I thought I'd finally give in to psychosis
Around December 2024 I accidentally did something with myself. Even if the physical problem was resolved I felt the fear and anxiety for months.
I don't feel my emotions the same way either since then, I could rather say I feel like a bubble of emotions. I can't contemplate my emotions either or the context behind it, what I can only contemplate are the sensations of it.
I also subvocalize when attempting to think. The voice from my mouth serve as my mind and the sensation in my right side mind sometimes stimulate a partial mind. I did say "mind" because I'm not sure it feels physical. It feels so subtle that I can't figure it out, it cost me will power to do so.
I don't know if I can relate to other psychiatric diagnosis so I don't have a clue what the heck I'm experiencing, neither have I had the ability to explain nor grasp it myself.
I'm meeting with my psychiatrist this Friday but I kinda don't trust our local psychiatrist especially if it's a free service. I don't know if they will provide a tailored service or a "by the book" one but I still need a comprehensive insight.
I also want to ask if anyone can relate..
submitted by Electrical-Fan9509 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:06 TypeAtryingtoB Lamictal causing acne that just won't quit

My skin has CONSTANTLY been breaking out since I was put in Lamictal a year ago. It gets way worse during PMS but it's constant. I'm breaking out in places I never have before, they are leaving marks eventhough I don't pick at them and let them heal on their own. They are hormonal and then also these weird spots that are odd and slow progressing that linger and take so long to heal as well. Lots of tiny whiteheads and clogged pores galore.
My keratosis pilaris has even worsened. I really think it's affecting my hormones as a female,, but I just hate the acne.
Did switching to a different med help anyone? I know it's vain, but my skin being unmanageable is really hurting my mental health and making me insecure. Not treatments help.
submitted by TypeAtryingtoB to Epilepsy [link] [comments]