Hessi test preperation manual

Is there a way to restart XWayland on COSMIC DE?

2024.06.05 02:03 Brian_Millham Is there a way to restart XWayland on COSMIC DE?

I've been test driving pre-alpha COSMIC DE and generally it's working well.
But I have one annoying issue: One application in particular (Tiny Media Manager 5) randomly causes XWayland to crash. Of course after that happens any X apps no longer work until a log off and back on.
It would be nice if there was a way to manually restart XWayland (like sudo systemctl restart XWayland) but I have not found a way to do this. Any ideas?
submitted by Brian_Millham to pop_os [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:48 lauradolcitravels Overthinking Audience + Ad Sets

Hi everyone! I've been seeing lots of different information on the internet, which caused a lot of overthinking and confusion. I have a Pre-Launch campaign in the works and am using a Fairly Broad audience to start off - I selected Age, location is Worldwide, and added one interest and one behavior.
Within this campaign, I have three ad sets - each of which has only one ad, as I've read it's better practice to have one ad per ad set rather than stacking them under one ad set. 2 of the ads are carousels that I am manually A/B testing, while the other one is a Reel.
Now for my questions:
Thank you in advance for your help!😅🙏
submitted by lauradolcitravels to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:44 FroDude258 Wanting to swap back to debian, but had some questions.

Been using nixos for a while. I like it for a couple of reasons.
However, the documentation isn't that great. And since nixos doesn't use the fhs some normal linux advice just doesn't seem to apply.
But in looking for solutions I realized with a bit of effort I could MAYBE bring a bit of that functionality back to my old stable home of debian with btrfs snapshots and things like distrobox/the nix package manager. While I was using debian this subreddit was a super helpful and friendly resource. So, I thought coming here would be best not to drown myself in where to start looking for answers. If it turns out I missed a very prominent resource when googling all this I apologize but I just felt I was spinning in circles.
The actual questions:
  1. I feel like no matter how much I read about btrfs and the tools like rsync and snapper, the less I understand. Could I safely use btrfs on my one ssd laptop to just manage installed package snapshots? Or would it be pointless if I don't use it to backup home as well? I just want to not be so paranoid to inflate and messup my system via package testing.
    1. I read that btrfs is not great with virtual machines. If I keep the actual allocated space on an external drive would that still cause issues?
  2. Been wanting to try a wayland tiling window manager (compositor?). Fiddling with hyprland on nixos and it seems very nice, but I am not going to try and break debian to make it run on it. Sway seems like the next reasonable choice, but I have an nvidia gpu. I read there is a unsupported gpu sway option but I like to play games on my laptop, and I assume that being unsupported means it would NOT let my nvidia card work well with games. Would I be better off sticking with like... the most minimal version of kde instead?
  3. Is there a major strain on the system if I say use an arch distrobox to export some random terminal based tool that is not packaged in debian but available in the aur? Like protonup or steamtinkerlaunch (bad example since I recently learned there is a flatpak for protonup-qt but it was the first thing that came to mind).
I apologize if these questions are completely ignorant. Despite using the terminal for a lot of tasks I admit my knowledge is scattershot at best. Part of why I want a reasonable rescue tool so I can possibly start from a minimal base and learn about my system from the ground up.
I have even started reading the arch installation wiki since, despite not wanting to deal with manual intervention of arch updates, it does get things very low to the ground and the wiki seems quite informational if over my head at times.
No matter the answers I am probably gonna do some vm installations and tests before migrating back.
submitted by FroDude258 to debian [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:11 Rare_Amount_6770 New user

Disclaimer: very little knowledge of generators.
We purchased a house with a Generac generator (appears to be an older model). It always ran its weekly test. During our last storm the generator did not kick on at all. Tried messing with the testing buttons and it did nothing. Finally got around to testing the battery and it appeared all good. Noticed that there was a breaker inside so I flipped it off and back on, and I got the generator to fire up with the manual test button. I followed the instructions to set up the auto test today. My question is, do I have to now wait a week to see if it kicks on for the test? How will I know that during the next outage it will actually work?
submitted by Rare_Amount_6770 to Generator [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:55 TitanfallFiend Pesticide Operator Exam (General, IL)

Hello all,
I am soon to be taking an Illinois General Pesticide Operators exam and am somewhat concerned on the test. I've read over the manual provided by my employer authored by the University of Illinois however am searching for insight regarding how rigorous the test may be (which is inevitably subjective, however more so whether or not the questions consist of simply multiple choice definition questions or more complex mathematics based content) and where, if possible, I may find any good additional study guides to supplement my studies.
I have found one here (https://quizlet.com/596715498/illinois-general-standards-pesticide-exam-flash-cards/) but this seems to be somewhat rudimentary and I am weary of being deceived into the test consisting of this relatively basic material.
Thanks so much!
submitted by TitanfallFiend to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:35 alucard13132012 Issue after yearly HVAC maintenance

AC is two years old (new home). I had a company come out to do a yearly maintenance on our system. They opened the inside unit and did their checks (heat and cooling). While checking the heating, at one point the system turned off and wouldn't turn on. After they did some checking they realized the fuse popped. they replaced the fuse and finished the heat testing. They did mention it was odd that that happened and did the rest of the checks
Went to the outside unit and did their checks. all looked good. Came back inside, and set the temp back to what I had it before they arrived. After they left I noticed the AC didn't turn off and had been running about an hour. I turned it off manually, let it stay off for about 15-20 minutes and then turned it on around 1:48pm. stayed on until 2:45pm and i manually set the temp to one degree above what it was set to and it turned off. It stayed off until 2:54pm when it turned on. Then turned off at 3:22pm. After that I got busy working in my home office and wasn't paying attention. It's now around 6:29pm and as I am sitting watching TV and eating dinner (over the last 30-40 minutes), I have not heard it turn off.
I know the answer if to call the company back, which I will in the morning, but I am wondering what could have happened? Other than the fuse popping and them replacing it, I dont think they changed anything.
I am in florida and it is hot and I really havent been paying attention to the off/on cycles so perhaps I am over thinking this. When we first moved in to the home, it seemed like it was turning off and on every 8 minutes, which seemed to much to me. Over time it looked to have either stayed off and on longer or maybe I just haven't noticed. But after the maintenance it doesnt seem to go off.
EDIT: 7:33pm, AC turned off. If I remember I'll see how long before it turns back on.
EDIT2: started turning on again at 7:38pm. I turned the unit off and changed the CPH from 2 to 3. Going to see if that makes a difference.
submitted by alucard13132012 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:33 AdditionalGarlic3320 White film coating on tongue for month?

Hi all I'm a 21m and have been having white stuff that scrapes off tongue, lips have been puffy especially the skin under and above feels like hard little knots, tongue feels a little swollen. I saw my dentist and he said I have great hygiene and blood tests came out normal what could be causing this?I don't smoke or drink I exercise and do manual labor for work. For my bottom set of teeth my gums connected to teeth are pink but under thay is a line of dark pink/ red.
submitted by AdditionalGarlic3320 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:09 InstanceTurbulent719 Short guide on how to use the Pause USB Power Delivery (bypass battery) feature on Samsung devices on any app/game

Short guide on how to use the Pause USB Power Delivery (bypass battery) feature on Samsung devices on any app/game
So, someone asked this earlier on here, and I was looking to use this feature too, but it took me 30 mins of looking up xdaforums and reddit posts to get the information I needed. Here's a short summary for anyone that's confused, specially with android 14's API restrictions.
Essentially, you have a samsung phone but you can only bypass the battery (to prevent more heat and wear on it) on select games. According to some speculation on xdaforums it might have something to do with the app being marked as a game in the playstore (reason why yuzu works but sudachi doesn't).
This works for any emulator and fork not available in the playstore.
Device Prerequisites:
• Supported models: S23 series / S22 series / Tab S8 series / Flip5 / Flip4 / Fold5 / Fold4 / A23 / A33 / A53 / A73 / M33
• A Power Delivery charger - 25W or greater Programmable Power Supply supported Travel Adapter
• Battery charge must be at 20% or more
  • ADB
  • SetEdit, or any app that can change the 'pass_through' value without root
Download the android sdk command line tools here
For windows users, after extracting the zip file, you want to right click on the folder containing all the exes, Open in Terminal. Then: ./adb.exe (command here) 
Then follow the instructions to connect your device listed here. Personally, connecting through usb is the simplest way, as ideally, you'll be only doing it once to give permissions to SetEdit or your preferred app to change this value which should persist between reboots.
Note that some banking apps might refuse to work if you have developer options enabled.
You can then manually enable or disable the pass through with this command:
adb shell settings put system pass_through 1 
For SetEdit in particular. Some other apps might use shizuku to get enough permissions.
Download the apk to your pc from their github
From the same terminal window, cd (for ex 'cd ..' to go up a level) to the folder containing the apk, and install it following the instructions listed in their repo. First:
adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block SetEdit.apk
add the version number of the setedit apk at the end. Follow the instructions in your phone.
adb shell
pm grant io.github.muntashirakon.setedit android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
Now on the SetEdit app, look up 'pass_through', set the value to 1 to enable it, tick 'Perform this action via shortcut' and you can place the shortcut on your home screen. You then set the value to 0 and add the shortcut to disable it.
That's it.
It works with the protect battery setting.
Technically it's required for super fast charging to be enabled, but this lets you enable the battery pass-through anyway. I've tested it with a couple games without super fast charging and it still works, I presume normal fast charging still provides enough power to feed the whole SoC. I'm unsure if this is true for all chargers and supported samsung devices, I couldn't find clear documentation.
Of course you can create a routine that enables super fast charging, manually activated, by app, etc.
submitted by InstanceTurbulent719 to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:03 ogapexx Graphical distortion with every Java GUI application I use

submitted by ogapexx to java [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:58 iliketurtles0108 Brand New Dishwasher Runs Nonstop

We just moved into a new build house and every time we have tried to run our brand new Frigidaire dishwasher, it won’t stop or even make it to the dry cycle. The first night we went to bed without realizing and it was still running 8 hours later in the morning. We tried to do the 1 hr rinse cycle, and ended up turning that off after 3 hours because we were worried about the water usage. A technician finally came today and replaced the drain pump, but after testing the one hour cycle again after he left, we ended up manually turning off the washer again after 2 hours. It’s soapy and has some water remaining at the bottom after we’ve manually turned it off, but we’re not sure why it wants to continuously run for so long. We’re also having some issues with the water getting hot on the main level where the dishwasher is, so could this be the issue? We’re first time homebuyers and have no idea how dishwashers work, so any advice would be appreciated
submitted by iliketurtles0108 to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:58 ebudd08 [US - UT][H] Sega Dreamcast, Saturn, Nintendo Wii(U), Switch, (3)DS, Game Boy (Color, Advance), NES, SNES, GameCube, Xbox (360), PlayStation (2, 3) -- Games, Consoles, Accessories [W] PayPal

Removed a few things that sold, added a couple duplicate Switch games. I'd really love to offload all this as it's just sitting in a tote in my garage and I hate it. Shipping is not included unless noted. Please offer on bundles, I'm really inclined to move as much of this stuff as I possibly can and will offer better deals the more you buy.
On everything $5 & under, consider it 3 for $10, 5 for $15, 20 for $50

Title CIB/loose Price/Notes
3 controllers Loose $20 each - 2 white OEM, one green Performance-branded
Memory card Loose $10 - Performance-brand
Centipede Loose $6 - Good condition
Chicken Run CIB $13 - Good condition
Crazy Taxi CIB $20 - Sega All Stars
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX CIB $6 - Good condition
Disney’s Dinosaur CIB $13 - Good condition
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Loose $8 - Good condition
NFL Blitz 2001 CIB $35 - Good condition
Quake 3 Arena CIB $20 - Good condition
Resident Evil CODE Veronica Loose $20 - Includes both discs in a kind of broken jewel case thing
Sega Bass Fishing CIB $8 - Sega All Stars
Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 Loose $10 - Includes case, no manual, decent condition
Shenmue CIB $30 - Cracked bottom of jewel case (the plastic piece)
SnoCross Championship Racing CIB $10 - Good condition
Tomb Raider: Chronicles CIB $18 - Good condition
Virtua Fighter 3tb Loose $15 - Good condition

All clean, but untested (I don't have a Saturn console)
Title Notes Price
Bootleg Sampler Loose $5
Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Loose $8
Sega Worldwide Soccer ‘97 Loose $6
Tomb Raider Loose $12
Virtua Cop Loose $5
World Series Baseball ‘98 Loose $6

Title Console Price/notes
Bandai Golf Pebble Beach Challenge NES $3
Days of Thunder NES $6
Double Dribble NES $6
Knight Rider NES $8 Pics
Side Pocket NES $6

Title Console Price/notes
MVP Baseball SNES $6
NBA Live 95 SNES $6
2 SNS-001 Consoles For Parts/Not Working 2 For Parts/Not Working consoles that have been broken down, including one housing (has some chips/cracks), 2 motherboards, all components, however some are guaranteed to not work. The boards themselves may have additional issues beyond the removed chips, I have no way to test or check them. Neither of these motherboards work. Both of them were giving different graphical issues on the screen, so I thought I'd be clever and try to swap some chips around, but found out as I was doing it that I have no experience with it and was in way over my head. I do not know if there are working chips here to even create one working SNES, as far as I'm aware all of the graphics chips/etc. are bad. Pics here $35

Title Console Price/notes
A Bug's Life GB $5
All-Star Baseball 2000 GBC $5
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 GBC $5 - Bad label
Demon Driver GBA $6
Rayman Advance GBA $6
Smuggler's Run GBA $4
Treasure Planet GBA $5
Winter X Games Snowboarding 2002 GBA $3
World Tennis Stars GBA $3

Title Console Price/notes
Console Nintendo DS NDS $50 - Blue, no charger, great condition, working hinge
Barbie: Jet, Set & Style NDS $3 - Loose
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow NDS $22 - Loose, no label, authentic
Deal or No Deal NDS $4 - CIB
Games Around the World NDS $4 - CIB
Horsez NDS $4 - CIB
Imagine: Fashion Designer NDS $4 - CIB
Imagine: Fashion Stylist NDS $4 - CIB
Jeopardy NDS $5 - CIB
MahJong Quest NDS $4 - CIB
My Farm NDS $4 - CIB
Pictionary NDS $5 - Sealed
Winx Club Magical Fairy Party NDS $6 - CIB
Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop 3DS $16 - CIB
Harvest Moon 3D: The Lost Valley 3DS $16 - Loose

Title Console Price/notes
Accessory OEM Controller Xbox $10 - have 2, both model S for original Xbox, both have breakaway cables
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Xbox $5
Gun Xbox $5
Juiced Xbox $6
Superman Returns Xbox $5
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Xbox $5
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 360 $6
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 360 $6
Ghost Recon 2 360 $5
Guitar Hero 2 360 $8
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock 360 $8
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock 360 $8
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith 360 $12
MLB 2K9 360 $5
NBA 2K12 360 $5
Please note - most of these games are not complete - either missing manual, replacement case/cover art, or loose disc. Please check with me if you're curious.

Title Console Price/notes
Treasures of the Deep PS1 $12 - CIB
Wargames: Defcon 1 PS1 $10 - CIB
Warhawk PS1 $12 - CIB, longbox, not in great shape
American Chopper PS2 $4 - CIB
Arctic Thunder PS2 $6 - CIB
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 PS2 $3 - CIB
Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2 $4 - CIB
Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2 $4 - CIB
Crash n' Burn Ps2 $6 - CIB
Eragon PS2 $4 - CIB
Flatout PS2 $6 - CIB
Flatout PS2 $5 - Loose
The Getaway PS2 $6 - CIB
The Getaway PS2 $4 - Loose
Gran Turismo 3 PS2 $5 - GH CIB
Guitar Hero 2 PS2 $4 - CIB
Hitman 2 PS2 $5 - CIB
IHRA Drag Racing 2 PS2 $3 - CIB
Kingdom Hearts 2 PS2 $5 - Loose
Madden 07 PS2 $3 - CIB
MX vs ATV PS2 $3 - Loose
NAMCO Museum PS2 $6 - GH CIB
NBA 2K9 PS2 $5 - CIB
PopCap Hits Vol. 1 PS2 $5 - CIB
Rise to Honor PS2 $6 - CIB
Smuggler's Run PS2 $6 - CIB
SOCOM 2 PS2 $5 - CIB
Splinter Cell PS2 $4 - CIB
Starksy & Hutch PS2 $5 - CIB
Strike Force Bowling PS2 $4 - CIB
Tetris Worlds PS2 $5 - CIB
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 PS2 $2 - Loose
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 PS2 $2 - Loose
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 PS2 $2 - Loose
TOCA Race Driver 2 PS2 $6 - CIB
Trigger Man PS2 $4 - CIB
World Championship Poker PS2 $4 - CIB
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3 $5 - CIB
Grand Theft Auto IV PS3 $7 - Loose
Killzone 3 PS3 $5 - CIB
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe PS3 $7 - CIB
Rocksmith 2014 PS3 $8 - CIB
Skyrim PS3 $4 - CIB
Sports Champions PS3 $4 - CIB

Title Console Price/notes
The Price is Right Wii $4 - Loose
Wii Play Wii $5 - CIB
Wii Play Wii $5 - CIB
Skylanders WiiU $4 - Case
Skylanders WiiU $4 - Case
LEGO Dimensions WiiU $4 - Case

Title Console Price/notes
Just Dance 2020 Switch $15
Super Mario Party Switch $30
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Switch $35 (cover art is beat up)
Zumba Switch $20
Thanks for looking!
submitted by ebudd08 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:55 golangprojects [Hiring] Remote Golang job: Senior Software Engineer at Paddle (London, United Kingdom)

Paddle offers SaaS companies a completely different approach to their payment infrastructure. Instead of assembling and maintaining a complex stack of payments-related apps and services, we’re a Merchant of Record for our customers. That means we take away 100% of the pain of payment fragmentation. It’s faster, safer, cheaper, and, above all, way better.
We’re backed by investors including KKR, FTV Capital, Kindred, Notion, and 83North and serve over 3000 software sellers in 245 territories globally.
The Role:
As a Senior Software Engineer within our Customer Data team, you will play a key role in developing our import systems which will facilitate seamless migrations for customers to our new Billing platform. You'll also be instrumental in improving our invoicing product, refining reporting processes and optimising our search systems. You’ll be involved and provide input for new projects relating to our customer’s data.
You’ll collaborate with multiple teams, alongside engineers, product managers, and designers. Getting involved in a wide range of areas which will provide you with plenty of opportunities to develop your own skills and ultimately grow your career as a valued member of the engineering team.
Tech stack:
Go for our new services PHP/Laravel and Python/Django for our classic system Docker in production and local development AWS ECS Fargate and AWS EKS for our runtime AWS SQS for our asynchronous message queues AWS Eventbridge for our event bus Aurora MySQL and PostgreSQL for persistent data storage Redis for key/value store Terraform for resource management Cloudflare for our firewall and DNS server 
What you'll do:
Be a part of our Customer Data team, working on areas such as imports, invoices, tax, reports and search Develop applications using Go, with some occasional support of our PHP codebases Develop and work with high traffic APIs used by hundreds of thousands of users per month Collaborate on features to a high standard, pairing with other engineers when necessary, as well as working independently Practice DevOps, you’re responsible for getting your code to production, supporting and monitoring its performance via SLOs Use the latest AWS services available to run your code Test your and your team’s code, both manually and with unit and integration tests where applicable Help design a stable platform to support continuous growth Mentoring and coaching other engineers 
We'd love to hear from you if you:
Have a solid development background with Go Bonus points if you have experience working with PHP Have experience designing and building distributed systems to handle high traffic at scale in a microservice, cloud-based environment in AWS Are someone who enjoys collaborating with our technical and non-technical departments Have a proactive attitude towards finding ways to improve the code and team processes A strong understanding of the development process - from design through to deployment, maintenance, and what that means for day-to-day development Are someone who takes pride in what you build Are interested in what new tools and techniques you could introduce to us! 
Everyone is welcome at Paddle
At Paddle, we’re committed to removing invisible barriers, both for our customers and within our own teams. We recognise and celebrate that every Paddler is unique and we welcome every individual perspective. As an inclusive employer, we don’t care if, or where, you studied, what you look like or where you’re from. We’re more interested in your craft, curiosity, passion for learning and what you’ll add to our culture. We encourage you to apply even if you don’t match every part of the job ad, especially if you’re part of an underrepresented group.
Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to better support you through the application process and in the workplace. We will do everything we can to support any accommodations needed. We’re committed to building a diverse team where everyone feels safe to be their authentic self. Let’s grow together.
Why you’ll love working at Paddle
We are a diverse, growing group of Paddlers across the globe who pride ourselves on our transparent, collaborative and respectful culture.
We live and breathe our values, which are:
Exceptional Together
Execute with impact
Better than Yesterday
We offer a full suite of benefits, including attractive salaries, stock options, retirement plans, private healthcare and well-being initiatives.
We are a ‘digital-first’ company, which means you can work remotely, from one of our stylish hubs, or even a bit of both! We offer all team members unlimited holidays and enhanced parental leave. We invest in learning and will help you with your personal development via constant exposure to new challenges, an annual learning fund, and regular internal and external training.
Read more / apply: https://www.golangprojects.com/golang-go-job-gnt-Remote-Senior-Software-Engineer-London-Paddle-remotework.html
submitted by golangprojects to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:51 onestworldproblem June 4 Patch Notes: Changes to Infinity Stones, move functionality and more

Link to article: https://www.marvelsnap.com/newsdetail?id=7296800681082575621


Included in this patch will be performance upgrades that will improve boot-up and download times. However, in order to implement these game-wide changes, it will require a full re-download.
You can manually download all assets in “Settings” and hit “Download All Assets”. While the asset re-download is happening you will see temporary performance issues that will be solved once the download is complete. We appreciate your patience!


Card Series Drops

As a quick refresher, Cards are categorized into different “Series” which affect their things like their drop rate and Collector’s Token values. Periodically, cards will drop to lower series so players can more easily add them to their collections.

Move Update

Cards staged to move during a player's turn will now resolve before cards reveal. Some examples of affected cards and locations include Nightcrawler, Cloak, and New York. Learn more about this change below in Balance Updates.





Thanos Stone Updates

We've significantly updated the Infinity Stones to revolve around Thanos, as promised in a past patch. Our goal with this complement of changes is to position Thanos in such a way that the deck is less effective at becoming a shell for the strongest ramp-based strategies, as has been common in the past. We want to give Thanos decks their own distinct identity and to better fulfill the fantasy of aligning oneself with the Mad Titan.
We are also aware of concerns that Spider-Ham can be too frustrating a counter to this strategy, as Thanos starts on the left side of the player's hand. If necessary, we'll adjust the Ham to a functionality that is less disruptive.

Part of this set of changes does mean abandoning design space we'd previously been interested to explore–distributing Infinity Stones with other game pieces. Our internal testing actually discovered that these designs were less exciting to many playtesters than they were to the internal design group, leading to other cards already changing. In fact, Black Swan at one point was summoning random Infinity Stones, but had to change for that very reason. As such, we're returning Mind Stone to its previous Stone-specific function to better support Thanos.

We've kept the cards drawn by all six Stones the same, shuffling a draw from Reality Stone to Soul Stone. This is because we want the Stones that risk having less effect drawing another Stone, and Reality Stone is a strong card on its own merits.

We've strengthened Time Stone–part of our approach in the first place was to ensure that we weakened the Thanos deck enough to release its grip on the metagame. With that goal achieved, we believe the combination of all of these changes will let us add a bit more strength to Time Stone in particular, so that it's more satisfying to play.

Move Update

As mentioned earlier in the patch notes, we've updated card movement made during the "staging" portion of the turn to resolve before any cards reveal. This affects cards like Vision, but has no impact at all on cards like Iron Fist and locations like Bifrost.
We made this change to resolve a number of confusing interactions. First and foremost, this is when the cards visually update already, so it just makes sense to line the resolution up with the game state being represented. Second, this addresses some weirdness unique to Ongoing cards. For technical reasons, Ongoing cards have been built to temporarily turn off when they change locations, in part due to the way these cards can have location-specific abilities and VFX. In the past, you may have heard of some tricky move-based ways to Enchantress a Cosmo, or duck Shang-Chi with Devil Dinosaur–those won't work anymore.
There will be a handful of other minor impacts to this change. However, a general guideline of "assume player-made moves will happen before everything else" should lead you to the best sequencing for your cards.

Bug Fixes

Card and Location Logic Fixes in 28.x

VFX & SFX Fixes in 28.x

Other Fixes in 28.x

Existing Known Issues Fixed

submitted by onestworldproblem to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:50 Chiquito_Cuco22 Getting into the Trade

Hey guys, currently a 17 y/o junior (soon to be senior) in high school that’s looking to get into the electrician route. I’ve always been pretty decent in school, math in particular (maintaing a 3.6 GPA through highschool as well) and decided that going to college and throwing myself into debt isn’t what I’m looking for. I’ve watched some videos on going down this trade route (mainly via mad electrician on YT) and I’m really feeling down to go into this trade. When it comes to the intellectual aspect of this job I believe I can succeed and I am currently enrolled for next year a base technician class and an advanced technician class which teaches me use of power tools and basic construction. So I will be working on my manual skills next year. My point of this is to ask questions that I have to working electricians:
Even answering one means a lot, thanks to those who are able to give advice, thanks!
submitted by Chiquito_Cuco22 to electricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:49 dmmd Z offset? Steps? First layer was pristine

Z offset? Steps? First layer was pristine
Not sure whats going on… printed 3 small sheets as a test, did a bed tramming test and leveled everything. Ran a manual z offset level prior. Also, a few days ago I tested z e steps and also adjusted accordingly. Bought a filament dehumidifier as I finally blamed humidity… but, as we can see, didnt work either. What bothers me the most is that the first layer was pristine, without any filament sticking upwards as the next layers. Not sure what else to check. Any help?
submitted by dmmd to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:40 jheezeppi No USB power or data with 10" aftermarket head unit

Years back I purchased the below product and it has worked great via wireless apple carplay.
I recently changed to android and noticed I get no power or data transfer via the two connected usb's from the unit and I can't figure out why and would like to enquire about suggestions to fix.
submitted by jheezeppi to AudiA4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:29 j1ames [US] [H] Wii Games, Switch Games, DS/3DS (Pokemon) games, GameCube Paper Mario, Gamecube Stuff, Nintendo Wii, Analogue Pocket GiTD [W] PayPal, Venmo, Zelle

All prices include shipping (CONUS only) prefer PayPal Friends and Family, Venmo, or Zelle but can invoice. Ask if you got any questions or offers. Some items in the images has been sold.
Wii Games https://imgur.com/a/F9JuGiV
Switch Games https://imgur.com/a/RZZ7zBd
DS/3DS Games https://imgur.com/a/ExEJfGs
submitted by j1ames to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:22 NoItsSearamon How good is hit and run on chucky?

I have yet to test it but as a chucky main and with his manual scamper gone but with his stealth cooldown buffed now, I wonder if you could hit the survivors you can then finish with a slice and dice to down them later on when they're downed.
Is hit and run chuckster any good?
submitted by NoItsSearamon to DeadByDaylightKillers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:14 Georgy_K_Zhukov Review of 3D Fortress and their 3d printing designs

Review of 3D Fortress and their 3d printing designs
StuG III from 3D Fortress
Hello everyone and welcome to another review /PrintedWWII review. As I dive into 3D printing, the lack of extensive documentation and reviews of what is good, what is bad, and what works with care, has been vexing to me, so my hope is to provide a little bit of what I wish was readily available for me when I started!
Today's focus is on 3D Fortress and their models, which includes both infantry and vehicles. They are a fairly large studio which is somewhat confusingly spread across a number of sites for resale of their stls, including Digital Taxidermy, and Etsy, as well as a Patreon, and MyMiniFactory campaigns, and several profiles on Kickstarter, which means that despite multiple previous campaigns they aren't all by the same account there, and more broadly that some platforms only have some of their models. It is honestly kind of bizarre and if it wasn't for the overlaps I would wonder fi there are just several groups all calling themselves 3D Fortress...
Medic/Infantry figure. Note that it comes on a base as part of the model.
I printed the tank and infantry models in resin with an Elegoo Mars 3 Pro, or an Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra. The infantry were printed out with Phrozen 4k Resin, and the vehicles using Elegoo 8k Standard resin. The files were sliced in Chitubox using the recommended settings. I did the hollowing and supports myself on all of the files, as none seem to include either option.
For the resin didn't have any issues when printing the models that I identified as relating to the file design, and prints came out well.
For the buildings, I printed them on Prusa Mk3S+ FDM machine, using Prusa Slicer to prepare the models. Prints were made with a .6mm nozzle, printing at .3mm layers, the models were printed using Overture Easy PLA.
The buildings I had do seem to be, generally speaking, intended for printing on an FDM machine, given the size of them if nothing else (even my Saturn 3 wouldn't be able to come close to fitting more of these), but I wouldn't call them optimized. There are quite a few overhangs which will require supports, and some some overly ambitious bridging at points too. One model in particular I didn't catch quite how the patterning on the edge of the roof was done, which resulted in some minor issues, so definitely make sure you are using supports (I would recommend organic ones), and be sure to closely check the model before printing.
An observer with a dog, sculpted on a scenic base.
The infantry models I will simply dispense with quickly. These models are not suitable for wargaming, nor do they seem like the designers even thought about there use there. To be sure, they are decently sculpted, there are numerous problems. To start, the scale is not at all consistent. The design, over all, is done in in what is roughly 'True Scale', despite seemingly modeled roughly to 28mm standards, printing two models both at 100% resulted one giant and one skinny little fucker. Most of the models are in 'scenic' poses, which on the whole suggests they are much better suited for dioramas than they are for the gaming table. As one-offs, a few models can work for specialized matters, like a spotter or a medic, but that it about the extent of it. In bluntest terms, I do not like these figures at all.
Warlord Metal; 3DF; Warlord Plastic; 3DF; Warlord Plastic. All printed at 100%, which shows off both the mismatched size to other 1/56 scale lines, but also even to other figures from the same creator.
Shifting over to the vehicles, there is at least some better things to be said. Broadly speaking, the tanks have very good detailing, which looks really nice both in renders and printed out. The vehicles are often very 'busy' though, by which I mean there is a lot of stowage and such placed on them, which some folks might appreciate, but perhaps not everyone. Similarly, the tanks often are modeled with 'battle damage', such as chinks and pockmarks for shells, bullets, and other non-penetrating damage. It gives a fairly unique look to the models, and some folks definitely will like that, but again, I can see not everyone wanting that.
Breakdown of the StuG III, and typical of vehicle models. Easy printing arrangement, although do note that a lot of stowage is included on the hull.
There are a lot of problems though. The turret design is laughably bad, with the well in the hull that the turret fits into only a few millimeters deep, which is not at all sufficient for a turret to be stable, and of course there is zero space for magnetization or anything else to help make it more secure.
The depth of the turret well in the hull is quite shallow, and not to my liking at all.
And this would require that the turret be able to fit at all. While the models are broken down into several parts for printing, with the treads and such separate, the tolerances on the designs is far too tight. It seems to be that they decided "this goes into a 1cm hole, so it should be 1cm wide, rather than actually needing to be 9mm. The result is that assembly is an outright nightmare, and nothing wants to fit together at all. Trimming and sanding of parts is a very clear necessity.
T-26 model with the turret on. It took quite a lot of trimming and filing down for it to actually fit correctly.
The buildings are probably the models I appreciated the best, all things considered, but they too aren't without issues. On the plus side, they have a good amount of detail to them, and just generally look really nice. The renders were pretty stunning and I was hard pressed to decide on which buildings I would ultimately decide on to use for the tests, and the exterior details of the renders does come through nicely on the printed versions. Even though I was using a .6mm nozzle, I didn't feel this hurt anything there, as it is a good balance between detailing, and a boldness that retains visibility at a distance.
Ruined building model. Decently nice, although it does have a 'base' around the building, which may be a negative depending on your preferences. File had to be scaled up from 1:100.
But there is a remarkable inconsistency in the models... One piece, the ruin, was actually scaled at 1:100, although upscaling of course wasn't much of an issue. Of the other two though, one of them came split into three levels (ground floor, upper floor, and roof), while the other came as one solid model that I had to split myself in the slicer in order to have that option, one which I personally think to be essential for buildings as wargaming terrain. For the building that was already split though, the pegs and holes, as with the tanks, just don't seem to be well sized, and none of them want to fit! Trimming and sanding was required, and I would also say that the degree needed would indicate this wasn't simply because of the slightly bigger width you get using the .3mm layer heights as opposed to if I'd used .2mm layer. The same problem seems likely either way.
A Russian style house from the Tsarist era. It is a very nice looking model, but it comes in one single piece. Splitting in the slicer is necessary to have each floor accessible.
And finally, there is the lack of a floor in the upper level of the split model, which is also pretty frustrating. I get why an option without it is there, as not everyone might want one - it does use up a fair bit of filament - but the option would be nice. One can of course be created by adding a simple shape to the model in the slicer, but nevertheless it feels like one of those little things that would elevate a model to have the option there.
Another Tsarist era building, showing off that this model does split into three parts. The floor had to be added manually in the slicer though.
Close up detail on the StuG III showing some of the battle damage sculpted into the models, which is typical.
As already noted, the infantry models are barely worth talking about. For the purpose of scenic dioramas, there are a number of different themes present with German and Soviet options, but aside from the cases of one-off figures, there simply isn't enough variety in a given one to even form a basic squad.
T-70 light tank is about as exotic as you'll find with their tank models
For the vehicles, they go with a German, USA, and Soviet focus. there is a bit of variety, but for the most part it plays the 'World War II Greatest Armored Hits', so stuff like Shermans, T-34s, and StuGs. The various campaigns usually include a little over a dozen vehicles, which means a pretty good selection overall. In addition to the regular ones, there are also some destroyed vehicles as well for some extra variety. There are a few bizarre inclusions though, most notably perhaps being a KhTZ-16 model which, unlike the 45mm gun the real one carried, looks to be armed with what is possibly a 122mm gun. Not a clue what is going on there.
No, seriously, what the actual fuck is going on with this model. Please someone explain.
Buildings also have a pretty good degree of options, all things considered. There is a pack billed as 'World War I & II' which has a number of nice looking pieces, including the ruin I used for a test print, although in a few cases they are clearly more intended as diorama pieces than wargaming terrain, as they include human figures on them already. In addition to the WWI & II specific pack, there are several other thematic packs which are quite useful for a 20th century setting, such as the Tsarist terrain, but even the ones such as the Indian collection I expect would have some pieces folks find useful.
Tsarist era building model. The sculpting of the buildings is usually quite nice and personally my favorite offerings they have.
The packs do provide a discount on models, but individual ones are available a la carte as well, although this highlights one final frustration worth noting. As flagged early on, there are a number of different storefronts which are all billed as 3D Fortress. Not every one of them has all the models, although there is considerable overlap between most. This can make it annoying enough to find just what you are looking for, but even worse is that even the pricing isn't consistent between them, and I don't just mean by a dollar or two. The World War II terrain pack, for instance, I can find anywhere from $20 to $80, despite by all appearances having the same files, and no, the latter one isn't to buy them all printed out, it is just the files too. So the point is, even if you see something with a render that you really need, make sure to check a few places and find the best price before you pull the trigger.
I like to try and be as charitable as possible, but honestly it is pretty hard in this case. The technical skills of the designers are good though! The sculpting looks really nice and at a glance, the prints show it with a ton of detail that stands out. But there are just so many issues that drag the models down beyond that. The infantry models are almost useless for wargaming, and the vehicles seem like they must never have had an actual test print given the shallowness of the turret, not to mention the general poor fit of parts overall. By far the best things they offer - in my estimation at least - is the terrain, but even those aren't without issues, showing a notable lack of consistency in how the models are structured.
If you are all about the aesthetic, and here for making some nice WWII scenes to sit on the shelf... you will still find some utility in the 3D Fortress designs, but for the WWII wargamer, I'd recommend looking basically anywhere else, unless they fill a specific necessity you can't find elsewhere, and are comfortable with a bit of a project beyond the printing itself.
If you like these reviews and want to help me keep doing them, you can toss a buck via Ko-Fi page and a Buymecoffee page. I promise to waste it either on stls, or my crippling drug addiction, and nothing else. And a big thanks to a few folks who already have, and helped make this review possible!
For Previous Reviews and other 3D printing topics related to WWII gaming, head over to PrintedWWII
Also be sure to check out:
submitted by Georgy_K_Zhukov to PrintedWWII [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:06 GregLXStang [US-WV] [H] Games and/or consoles for NES, SNES, GB, GBA, GBC, DS, 3DS, PS Vita, PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, Genesis, Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox One, and 360 Games including SEALED US first print edition Pokemon X and Pokemon Omega Ruby; [W] PayPal / Cash Local Pickup

Greetings! Round five for my posting!
Everything here has been purchased for or by me, and I have them all in my hand...well sitting on the desk waiting to ship out!
If my pricing is way wrong let me know, I'm open to reasonable offers! Shipping is not included, but I can and will ship! Runs about $5ish per game, will adjust shipping for bundles.

Nintendo Systems / Accessories:

System Name Condition Price
NES Zapper Decent condition $15
SNES Mouse Decent condition, no mouse ball $10
N64 Console Console Only $50

Nintendo Games:

System Name Condition Price
NES Adventure Island Loose $10
SNES Star Fox Loose, see photo descriptions $15
SNES Mario Paint Loose, see photo descriptions $5
GB Marble Madness Loose $5
GBC Paperboy Loose w/Instructions $20
GBC Grand Theft Auto Loose w/Instructions $35
GBC Game and Watch Gallery 2 Loose $5
GBC Jeff Gordon X2 Racing Loose w/Instructions $5
GBC Chase HQ Secret Police Loose w/Instructions $10
DS Chrono Trigger Loose $65
DS Cop The Recruit Loose $20
DS Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron Loose $10
3DS New Super Mario Brothers 2 (First Print) Factory Sealed $40
3DS PokĂŠmon Omega Ruby Factory Sealed, First Print $70
3DS PokĂŠmon X Factory Sealed, First Print $80
3DS Puzzle Dragons Z & Puzzle Dragons Super Mario World Edition CIB $15
3DS Ultimate NES Remix Factory Sealed, First Print $40

Nintendo Game, BOXES ONLY:

System Name Condition Price
DS New Super Mario Bros Has manuals $5
DS Super Mario 64 DS Has manuals $5

Sony Systems:

System Name Condition Price
PS2 Slim Black in Color AV and Power Cable included, no controllers $80

Sony Games:

System Name Condition Price
PS Vita Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate CIB $20
PS Need For Speed II CIB $15
PS2 NBA Live 2001 CIB $5
PS2 Madden 2001 CIB $5
PS2 Gran Turismo 3 A Spec Box no manuals $5
PS3 Need for Speed The Run Limited Edition CIB x2 $5
PS3 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Limited Edition CIB $5
PS3 Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock CIB $5
PS3 Guitar Hero Van Halen CIB $5
PS3 Assassin's Creed II CIB $5
PS3 Assassin's Creed Revelations CIB $5
PS3 Batman Arkham City CIB $5
PS3 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 CIB $5
PS3 Resistance 3 CIB $5
PS3 Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception CIB $5
PS3 Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition CIB $5
PS4 Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeros CIB $10
PS4 The Crew CIB $5
PS4 Knack CIB $5
PS4 Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition CIB $5

Sega Consoles / Accessories:

System Name Condition Price
Genesis 16 Bit Model 1 HD Console Console w/all cables and one controller $55
Dreamcast Console Comes with controller and memory card $100
Dreamcast Visual Memory Unit VMU Works, has new batteries $20

Sega Games:

System Name Condition Price
Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog Box no manuals $30
Genesis Desert Strike CIB $10
Genesis Jungle Strike CIB $15
Genesis Sonic Spinball CIB $15
Dreamcast Tokyo Xtreme Racer Loose $15

XBox Accessories:

System Name Condition Price
Xbox 360 Guitar Hero II Legends of Rock Guitar Controller Wireless Controller Only, in bundle box $150

XBox Games:

System Name Condition Price
Xbox Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Loose $5
Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Call of Duty MW3 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Battlefield 3 Premium Edition CIB $5
Xbox 360 Battlefield 4 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Forza 4 Game of the Year Edition CIB $10
Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Halo 4 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Test Drive Unlimited 2 Loose $10
Xbox 360 Marvel Ultimate Alliance Loose $5
Xbox 360 Lost Planet Extreme Condition Loose $5
Xbox 360 Heroes Over Europe Loose $5
Xbox 360 Crysis 2 Loose $5
Xbox 360 Grand Theft Auto IV Loose $5
Xbox 360 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Loose $10
Xbox 360 Bio Shock Infinite Loose $5
Xbox 360 Hitman HD Trilogy Loose $15
Xbox 360 Hitman Absolution Loose $5
Xbox 360 XCom Enemy Unknown Loose $5
Xbox 360 Gears of War 2 CIB $5
Xbox One Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition CIB $5
Xbox One Forza 5 Metal Box, just no sleeve $10
submitted by GregLXStang to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:59 gaidzak Specific PG (19.2ad) on OSD.11 on host cxxx-dd13-25 keeps faulting.

Alright some time ago, I ran into a problem where a host lost all of it's OSD daemon and caused the rest of the hosts (8+2 EC) to rebalance the PGs. That took forever (3 weeks to recover) But it finally got done after some massaging OSDs (restarting them) etc.
Now I have a specific conundrum:
I've been checking my ceph cluster everyday, 2 to 3 time per day to catch any issues that may arise while I copy hundreds of TB of data to it. In the meantime, I'm adding the clusters/hosts/and daemon to Zabbix for monitoring.
But I digress, approximately 8 days ago, I had an instance where one of the PGs couldn't be deep scrubbed, so it put the Cluster Health to "Critical"
$ ceph health detail HEALTH_ERR 1 scrub errors; Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent [ERR] OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS: 1 scrub errors [ERR] PG_DAMAGED: Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent pg 19.2ad is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [11,92,72,60,151,164,157,149,182,134] $ ceph pg map 19.2ad osdmap e45180 pg 19.2ad (19.2ad) -> up [11,92,72,60,151,164,157,149,182,134] acting [11,92,72,60,151,164,157,149,182,134] 
Then I would run the command:
$ ceph pg repair 19.2ad instructing pg 19.2ads0 on osd.11 to repair 
I went to the host that contained osd.11 and ran a cephadm shell -- ceph-volume lvm list
and found the following about OSD.11
====== osd.11 ====== [block] /dev/ceph-b2979d6b-389a-457e-82b7-9efc2a8344e4/osd-block-9340b520-7b37-4f6d-93a6-233c955fb6bc block device /dev/ceph-b2979d6b-389a-457e-82b7-9efc2a8344e4/osd-block-9340b520-7b37-4f6d-93a6-233c955fb6bc block uuid QFeGOP-qLsG-bNYc-8g8m-aEel-WoBg-2rV0ad cephx lockbox secret cluster fsid 44928f74-9f90-11ee-8862-d96497f06d07 cluster name ceph crush device class encrypted 0 osd fsid 9340b520-7b37-4f6d-93a6-233c955fb6bc osd id 11 osdspec affinity cost_capacity type block vdo 0 devices /dev/sdd 
I then checked smarttools to see if the Enterprise SAS 20TB Seagate drive has any issues in regards to errors that is causing PG 19.2ad to become inconsistent during a deep scrub:
~# smartctl -a /dev/sdd smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-linux-5.15.0-91-generic] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Vendor: SEAGATE Product: ST20000NM002D Revision: E003 Compliance: SPC-5 User Capacity: 20,000,588,955,648 bytes [20.0 TB] Logical block size: 512 bytes Physical block size: 4096 bytes LU is fully provisioned Rotation Rate: 7200 rpm Form Factor: 3.5 inches Logical Unit id: 0x5000c500daa959bf Serial number: ZVT9MLTL0000C3111GY0 Device type: disk Transport protocol: SAS (SPL-3) Local Time is: Tue Jun 4 20:33:19 2024 UTC SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled Temperature Warning: Enabled === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART Health Status: OK Grown defects during certification  Total blocks reassigned during format  Total new blocks reassigned  Power on minutes since format  Current Drive Temperature: 33 C Drive Trip Temperature: 60 C Accumulated power on time, hours:minutes 5269:04 Manufactured in week 24 of year 2023 Specified cycle count over device lifetime: 50000 Accumulated start-stop cycles: 23 Specified load-unload count over device lifetime: 600000 Accumulated load-unload cycles: 239 Elements in grown defect list: 0 Vendor (Seagate Cache) information Blocks sent to initiator = 4183004416 Blocks received from initiator = 2237324480 Blocks read from cache and sent to initiator = 1342445144 Number of read and write commands whose size <= segment size = 253324576 Number of read and write commands whose size > segment size = 117761 Vendor (Seagate/Hitachi) factory information number of hours powered up = 5269.07 number of minutes until next internal SMART test = 48 Error counter log: Errors Corrected by Total Correction Gigabytes Total ECC rereads/ errors algorithm processed uncorrected fast delayed rewrites corrected invocations [10^9 bytes] errors read: 0 0 0 0 0 114291.884 0 write: 0 0 0 0 0 7750.010 0 Non-medium error count: 0 [GLTSD (Global Logging Target Save Disable) set. Enable Save with '-S on'] No Self-tests have been logged 
All this above I performed last week, and I waited like 2 days for the PG to be repaired, but nothing had occurred. Finally I read to restart the OSD.11 daemon process on the host if the repair wasn't responding, and all of a sudden after I do that, the health status of the cluster goes from red to green.
Now today: All of a sudden I am back in critical heatlh warning status. All red. Same error message above. The same PG 19.2ad went into critical error state.
Now rather than trying to perform a manual pg repair, I just restarted the OSD.11 daemon and within 2 minutes, the Critical error message went away. Smart tools shows no error on disks. I'm back in the green.
I'm concerned whether the drive is actually dying or if there is a bug on my instance of ceph.
I'm on Ceph Reef 18.2.1
submitted by gaidzak to ceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:51 omnomnious What companies have awesome developer experience?

What companies have genuinely great developer experience such that doing work is a pleasure?
I want the majority of my time dedicated to contemplating real-world issues, designing solutions, executing them, conducting tests, while minimizing the time spent on mundane, manual tasks, administrative overhead, initial setup, workflow bottlenecks, resolving issues with environments, among other inefficiencies.
Obviously work is work but toil, unintuitive workflows and inefficient workflows can make the day to day miserable. I've noticed I'm particularly sensitive to this kinda stuff. I genuinely get mad when using unintuitive IDE features or web tools and can't stop thinking about how whoever made this poorly designed feature never considered how humans work. Or I start raging on the company for never prioritizing these things.
I get the sense Apple would be good at this because they are good with UX generally but I'm not sure if they apply it internally as well.
EDIT: I obviously know this exists everywhere. I'd rather minimize it. Some commenters make it seem like I should leave the profession and that wanting to minimize it is stupid, which is crazy and unhelpful to me. I'd like answers about companies that in your experience have had significantly less toil and better dev ex than other companies.
submitted by omnomnious to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]
