Pediatric medical assistant resume sample

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine and Intensive Care Unit - PICU / NICU

2017.04.21 16:59 seamslegit Pediatric Critical Care Medicine and Intensive Care Unit - PICU / NICU

PICU is a sub for medical professionals to discuss and improve their knowledge of pediatric and neonatal critical care medicine. PICU, NICU, CCT & Pediatric ED.

2017.12.12 05:35 seamslegit Critical Care Medicine and Intensive Care Unit ICU, MICU, SICU, TICU, CVICU, Neuro-ICU, CCU, CCT.

IntensiveCare is a sub for medical professionals to discuss and improve their knowledge of critical care medicine. ICU, MICU, SICU, TICU, CVICU, Neuro-ICU, ED, CCU, CCT.

2017.11.28 22:04 santareus Coach Kim Premium Instructions

We provide eloquent and invaluable coaching in games (League of Legends, Hearthstone, Overwatch, etc.) and law (for you LSAT students) We are here to assist and nurture novice and players who are suffering woes in their games and wish to improve and with the help of expert Korean coaches and Indian tech support we can help you improve and grow as a player.

2024.06.04 22:50 Bitter-Management-12 Found out I have Autism at 30- What do I do with my life

Last year I got a diagnosis for ADHD as a 29 year old male. I always knew something was up as I've always felt weird and I've constantly struggled to keep any long term full time job. I could never understand why I could never hold down any kind of work, why it was so easy for everyone else to just be an adult. I almost looked at all of my peers as a sort of anthropological study, like I was another species trying to study humans.
More recently I've done some unofficial testing and done some research and found that I most definitely fit into ASD as well. I've had more jobs than I can count literally. I can sit and count and I will forget lol. I most recently got ADHD medication that I found helped me maintain a larger level of productivity but even with that I still couldn't pass my 3 month probation and I am once again unemployed save for a few side gigs. As someone who only recently made this discovery about myself, what kind of career path can I take to finally carve a place in this very normal thinking world. The only office work I succeeded at was very rigid and repetitive but I got bored and burned out after a while. Any full time job ive had with any kind of critical thinking or real responsibility I ever had I've failed miserably at and was fired each and every time. The only work ive had some success with is small part time gigs like axe throwing coach, tour guide, promo staff, and even some podcasting. I dont know how to work full time in a normal sense which is why my resume looks like a jumbled mess of gigs. What have you found career success in as a person with ASD?
submitted by Bitter-Management-12 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:49 InstructionNo7422 Today was very difficult . Novel 2 -4 high behavior clients with one tech

Hey guys, I’ve posted on here before about how I was unsure if ABA/ my aba center is right for me.. I apologize in advance that this is long and all over the place.
Today I was scheduled to have two clients/sessions and float during lunch since one of my kiddos had an hour service. Which I was fine with! 5 min before lunch, another technician notified me she can’t run that lunch classroom bc she was leaving. ( btw I have NEVER ran lunch, and haven’t been trained to run lunch, especially alone)
I get to the classroom and it’s 3 kiddos I’ve never met/paired with… (I’ve only been there two months) 2 of the kiddos are high behavior and the other 2 kiddos aren’t. This overwhelmed me bc the tech dropped one kid off saying “ he scratches very hard so put these gloves on” and then the other tech told me he will calm down after 20 min but he may have some aggressive behaviors.
Soon as their techs left, all heck broke loose! One kiddo eloped and when I redirected him back he began kicking me extremely hard while screaming and refusing. I had to call for help bc I couldn’t leave the other kiddos unattended. After 10-15 min w help, i got him in. He calmed down a bit but he also hit me a few times. While this was happening, the other kiddo was tearing up books and trying to scratch me constantly! I decided to Look at his BIP , and it showed he has seizures and to look out for them. Which I wasn’t warned of!!!!! So that also frustrated /overwhelmed me even more.

I take medical issues serious, and it should be told to every tech that is with him!

& don’t forget during all this there were two other kiddos I had to watch. AND hearing other techs call my name over Walkie-Talkie asking for assistance every 2-4 min because management didn’t update the schedule that I was no longer floating. ( available for assistance during that time)…. Directly after lunch, I had to run to pick up my other kiddo and go straight into session.
Btw, I’m only paid $17.
submitted by InstructionNo7422 to ABA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:46 throwitawaysomeway Bf's ex will not take kiddo on her days, usually with little or no notice on day of. Split custody. What can we do to enforce schedule? (WI)

Bf and his ex have split custody of their 14 yo, they switch off every other week per the court. The issue is his ex constantly cancels last minute on her days saying she can't get kiddo for x,y,z reasons. We calculated the days and bf has taken kiddo 7 weeks total in 2024 on her scheduled days. She will miss full weeks at a time.
We talked to his original attorney who said we don't have enough proof for going full custody (fine we get that) buy attorney says not much we can do.
We are looking at another attorney because how does this not fall under contempt of court for her not following the court ordered schedule? We are looking at motion for parenting time assistance to atleast get a mediator assigned by the court. We want to hold her accountable for missing her days, or get full custody with bf granting time to ex whenever kiddo wants to see her (or specifically ex wants to see kiddo).
To add some clarifying information.
For 2024 breakdown it should be approx. 80 days between them. Right now it's bf at 130 days and ex at 30 days.
It's hard telling kiddo day after day their mom isn't getting them.
We don't have family nearby so when we notify her on Mon/Tue we will be out of town that weekend she doesn't reply and doesn't pick up kiddo that week so we either have to cancel plans or scramble to ask in laws (which we hate doing last minute) and often they are busy.
Ex is required to get kiddo after school/ practice but will notify bf at 3 p.m./ 4p.m. she can't get kiddo so we have to scramble from work to get kiddo while they wait at school.
They have been divorced 7 years. She refused child support for the eldest (over 18 so irrelevant to current situation) but she kicked out eldest at 16 so bf had full custody. Ex refused to pay child support so they garnish her payments for back child support, medical bills for eldest during that time period, and child support for current kiddo.
Judge required in 2023 to cover half of all medical bills ongoing for 14 y.o. kiddo had minor surgery in February. Bf covered it and submitted medical expense for her half and ex refused to pay - another thing we will bring to a lawyer.
We have 4+ years of examples of her ditching kiddo on her days, including holidays and birthdays.
We are just tired of her never facing consequences for abandoning kiddo.
And before you ask, no I am not an AP. We met as he was going through divorce already.
Do we have any other recourse?
submitted by throwitawaysomeway to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:45 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty: Making a Case

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
We left off at Survivor Series 2017, where the first WWE WarGames match took place, resulting in the Shield standing tall over not only Team Cena, but the assembled anti-Cena forces of Finn Balor, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. However, that win was a particularly brutal one, and as a result, Cena’s not seen for quite some time, with the Revival disclosing that his back is a mess as a result of the triple powerbomb onto the steel partition between the rings in WarGames. However, they say he’ll be back better than ever, when the time is right. On Twitter, Cena voices his frustrations at the whole situation - he blames the Shield for the injury, as well as Joe, Styles and Balor, but he also blames Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan for making the match, and forcing him into free agency by “being so uncooperative.”
Road to WrestleMania 34
The Royal Rumble comes and goes without Cena returning, marking the second year in a row he missed the event. However, 2017 saw him return for the Elimination Chamber, so Angle reaches out, as does Daniel Bryan, asking if he’ll be back soon. He says no, and tells them to fuck off. Finally, Bryan snaps, saying that last year, he told Cena he’d fire him if he didn’t come to work. He can’t do that now, as Cena’s a free agent, and he knows he’s injured, but he says the John Cena he knew would fight to rehab faster so he could come back and be the best. He says leading into SummerSlam 2013, he felt like Cena was a parody of wrestling, and Cena proved him wrong by fighting his heart out and passing the torch - but now, Bryan knows he was right. Cena’s just a carny, and now that he’s hurt, he’s acting like a damn coward, refusing to come back and face the people responsible. Cena hangs up the phone, and Daniel looks dejected before we cut back to commercial.
Elimination Chamber passes by without a hint of Cena’s presence, although The Revival say he helped prepare them for their successful Raw Tag Team Title defense at the event. Then it’s Fastlane, and, unsurprisingly, Cena’s nowhere to be seen on the SmackDown-branded event, AJ Styles saying he feels like he got the last laugh as he prepares to face Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania. On the Raw after Fastlane, Kurt Angle has a meeting with the Revival, saying he got a letter from Cena’s doctors clearing him for in-ring competition two weeks ago, and asking where he is. Wilder shrugs, saying Cena’s a free agent, so he calls the shots. Angle sighs, saying that he knows Cena won’t be going to SmackDown because of his beef with Daniel Bryan, so he might as well give it up and come back before he misses the chance to get on the card at WrestleMania. Dawson says he’ll relay the message.
On SmackDown a few days later, Daniel Bryan comes down to the ring with an announcement. He says that he’s been going through rigorous testing since his retirement, itching to get back in the ring. Unlike John Cena, he’s been fighting every day for the opportunity to wrestle again, and today, he got the best news of his life - he’s cleared. He’s fucking back. “YES!” chants ring out in the arena, Daniel Bryan leading them with tears in his eyes before EATING A FRANCHISE LARIAT! The elation turns to disgust as the crowd boo the returning John Cena, who lays into Bryan with a ground and pound before kicking him out of the ring and grabbing the microphone. He declares that like Bryan said he should, he’s back for those responsible, and the biggest culprit is Daniel himself. Shane McMahon rushes down to ringside to check on his GM as Cena leaves, but Bryan pushes Shane aside and shouts after Cena that it’ll take more than that to keep him down - and he wants John one-on-one at WrestleMania, the same venue that Bryan notched the biggest accolade of his career.
WrestleMania 34
John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan
New Orleans is very partial to the Yes Man as he locks up with John Cena, and it’s a technical affair to start despite the tension - Bryan naturally wanting to get the match in his wheelhouse as he works off the ring rust, and Cena wanting to outclass Daniel at his own game. However, once Bryan starts working on Cena’s bad back, John goes into panic mode, the Franchise rejecting the technical matwork in favour of attempting to give Bryan another concussion, preferably as quickly as possible. Bryan swiftly transitions from a Boston Crab to a surfboard, but Cena drops down and ELBOWS BRYAN IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD, NOW SLAMMING HIS SKULL INTO THE MAT LIKE A BASKETBALL! The referee pulls Cena back to check on Bryan, but Bryan struggles to his feet, only for John to deck him with a haymaker before dumping him unceremoniously to the floor. Cena does a few “YES!” chants of his own, the crowd chanting “NO!” in response before he heads to the outside and SWINGS BRYAN INTO THE BARRICADE LIKE A BASEBALL BAT! He rolls him back in and lackadaisically covers for two, following it with a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE, BUT BRYAN KICKS HIM IN THE BRIDGE OF THE NOSE! Furious, Cena leaps into mount and starts raining punches, picking Bryan up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT BRYAN REVERSES IT INTO THE YES LOCK, TRAPPING THE ARM! HE’S GOT IT IN DEEP! Cena crawls towards the ropes, but Bryan kicks the hand, refusing to release the hold as John reaches out. Finally, Cena manages to roll over and shift the weight enough to get a foot on the rope, the referee telling Bryan to break before being met with an “I HAVE TIL FIVE!”
At four, Bryan releases the hold, but he’s a man possessed as he lays in a series of stiff stomps to Cena, following it with a flurry of kicks to the back as Cena gets to his knees. He lets loose with the Yes Kicks, rallying the crowd behind him for a FINAL ONE TO THE SKULL! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Bryan is unrelenting, heading to the corner to go for the Running Knee that beat Cena at SummerSlam five years prior, but CENA TURNS HIM INSIDE OUT WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! HE KICKED OUT! BRYAN IS THE FIRST MAN TO KICK OUT OF THE FRANCHISE LARIAT, AND THE SUPERDOME HAS ERUPTED INTO YES CHANTS! Cena can’t believe it, but he’s ready to hit another one as Bryan struggles to even get to all fours. He heads to the corner, taunting Bryan from afar, and CHARGES WITH ANOTHER FRANCHISE LARIAT, ONLY FOR BRYAN TO DUCK, BOUNCING OFF THE TURNBUCKLES FOR A HUGE CORNER DROPKICK! Cena rolls out of the ring before Bryan can get rolling, but DANIEL BULLDOZES HIM WITH A SUICIDE DIVE! He sends Cena back in, scrambling to the top rope for a MISSILE DROPKICK! HE’S GOT CENA PRONE FOR A RUNNING KNEE… CENA CATCHES THE KNEE FOR A ONE-ARMED POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT, AND NOW BRYAN TRAPS THE ARM FOR A YES LOCK! He struggles to get it locked in, Cena BITING THE FINGERS TO STOP THE HOLD SINKING IN FULLY! Bryan perseveres, but John is able to break free from the hold, muscling Bryan up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT BRYAN SLIPS OFF THE BACK, RUNNING THE ROPES AND BEING DECAPITATED BY ANOTHER FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA TAKES HOME THE WIN AT WRESTLEMANIA, COSTING BRYAN A FEEL-GOOD RETURN!
John Cena def. Daniel Bryan (20:03)
Road to Backlash 2018
Daniel Bryan knows better than anybody that he had Cena dead to rights had he not illegally bitten the fingers, but he’s still frustrated that he couldn’t make his return a triumphant one. Cena, however, says that he’s mostly disappointed he couldn’t end Bryan’s career for good, and says that if Bryan wants to go another round, he’d be fine doing so - and tells Bryan to meet him in the ring in the main event slot. Bryan does so, and he’s confronted by… nobody, Cena deciding to be a petty bastard and waste Bryan’s time. Bryan chuckles, saying he figured Cena’s request for another singles match was a disingenuous one that would end up a trap, but the idea of just not coming out was a new low. However, he says he’s got an ability Cena doesn’t, and that’s to make matches, because he still hasn’t stepped down as GM. In fact, it’s his last night, and he says his last decree as GM is to set one more match between them for Backlash.
Backlash 2018
John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan
Fuck yeah, let’s run it back. Bryan’s fresh off of winning the Greatest Royal Rumble from Number One, because he’s built fucking differently, and he’s not afraid to rub it in Cena’s face by making this match a test of stamina. He outpaces Cena from the start, John trying to slow it down and use his power to neutralize Bryan, but there’s nothing he can do against a newly revitalized Bryan. Bryan kicks the shit out of Cena, rallying whenever Cena manages to turn the tides, and finally gets on a huge roll that culminates in a SUICIDE DIVE, BUT CENA CATCHES HIM! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE OUTSIDE! All of a sudden, it’s a fight for survival for Bryan, Cena battering him with stiff shots and breaking out the deep cuts from his arsenal, including an EMERALD FLOWSION! ONE! TWO! THRE-BRYAN’S FOOT IS UNDER THE ROPE, BUT CENA IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS IT WITH A TIGER SUPLEX THAT SENDS BRYAN TO THE FLOOR! Cena is fine with a countout, chilling in the ring as Bryan struggles to stand, finally breaking the count at the last second before CENA UNCORKS A FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT BRYAN DUCKS IT FOR A SMALL PACKAGE! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Cena rolls back to his knees, but BRYAN NAILS HIM WITH A ROUNDHOUSE TO THE TEMPLE! He frantically scrambles to the corner, a stunned Cena coming to… RUNNING KNEE! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA KICKS OUT, BUT BRYAN STRAIGHT INTO THE YES LOCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! CENA’S GOT NOWHERE TO GO, AND HE STARTS TRYING TO BITE THE FINGERS, BUT BRYAN SIMPLY CLUBS HIM WITH HAMMER FISTS BEFORE CINCHING IT IN HARDER! CENA TAPS OUT! DANIEL BRYAN HAS DONE IT!
Daniel Bryan def. John Cena (18:54)
It seems that the loss at Backlash is a bit of a come-to-Jesus moment for Cena, who is shown on Raw rewatching the tape of him tapping out to the Yes Lock. Nursing his shoulder, he says that he’s lost sight of himself. He’s done what he’s had to do to win, and he doesn’t feel badly about that, but he’s been calling himself the Franchise, the Face of the WWE, and he doesn’t know that he’s been proving it. He lost in WarGames, he lost to Daniel Bryan, he lost to Braun, he lost to Reigns, he didn’t get the last laugh against Styles, he’s never been able to pin Samoa Joe, he hasn’t touched a title in over two years. In fact, the thing that frustrates him most is there are championships on Raw he hasn’t held ever before - both the Universal and Intercontinental Championships. This isn’t a matter of “how can I call myself the Face of WWE if I play dirty to earn my accolades,” it’s a matter of “how can I call myself the Face of WWE if I haven’t won ALL the accolades?”
As a result, he says he’s going to take time to heal up fully. He’s going to train with the Revival every day, he’s going to get into the best shape of his life, and he’s going to return in pursuit of the mountaintops he’s never been able to reach - because it’s time for the man with eighteen World Titles to his name to truly make his case for GOAT. The next few months see sparse mentions of Cena’s progress, the Revival putting over the work he’s putting in and promising he’ll be back on Raw soon, ready to scoop up the championships he hasn’t yet held. Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler’s feud over the Intercontinental Title ends in Rollins coming out on top, and as he enters a program with Finn Balor, Rollins says that Cena’s welcome to try and take the gold from him if he so chooses - he’s got a decent record over John anyway, and if he wants revenge for everything over the years, he knows where to find him. With SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell in the rear view mirror, it’s this that finally gets Cena’s attention, and WWE starts promoting his return to the company for a Raw in Boston.
Cena comes out to open the show to a warm reception, absence having made the heart grow fonder for his fellow Bostonians, and he’s even in a new t-shirt. However, he says it’s because he’s not here for a match (despite looking fucking massive), and that his usual robe would be too gaudy for a promo. He says he’s scheduled to return to the ring at Super Showdown in Australia, where he wants to face off with Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Title, the gold that would bring him the WWE Grand Slam. Rollins, already a Grand Slam winner, comes out to the ring and says he’s on, and extends a hand to Cena to make the match official. Before Cena can decide on whether or not to shake it, they’re interrupted by Finn Balor, who says he’s worked too hard for John Cena to swoop in and be handed a title shot. John shrugs and says he’s fine with Balor being in the match too, so that he can properly make up for WarGames by beating a rep from both the Shield and The Club, and Seth, ever the fighting champion, agrees. Finn still doesn’t seem all that happy about Cena being in the bout, but he seems confident about coming away with the win.
Super Showdown 2018
Intercontinental Title: John Cena vs. Seth Rollins (c) vs. Finn Balor
Eager to show that he’s not too rusty after his time off, Cena is very much involved in the proceedings of this match, all three men duking it out on fairly even footing without any ducking out of the ring to recover. Rollins and Balor naturally work a fast pace as Cena tries to keep a lock on them, but it’s difficult for him to overcome the odds against two guys who have no qualms about ganging up on him. Soon enough, he eats a 1916 for two before falling out to the floor, Seth and Finn having a back and forth exchange before SETH HITS A PEDIGREE ON BALOR! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA WITH THE SAVE! He backs Rollins up into the corner, landing a flurry of punches to the head before nailing a bulldog out of the corner, followed by a shoulder block, and another before CALLING FOR A… FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! HE HITS IT! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Seth is on spaghetti legs as he rises to his feet, Cena measuring his man as he gets him up for an Attitude Adjustment, but Rollins slips off the shoulders and NAILS A SUPERKICK! Cena falls to his knees, Rollins running at him and NAILING HIM WITH AN AVADA KEDAVRA, STRAIGHT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOW BALOR BREAKS UP THE PIN!
Finn nails a Shotgun Dropkick to Rollins, getting him in the landing zone for a Coup de Grace, but Rollins gets out of the way, Finn rolling through and pivoting into a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE, BOTH MEN DOWN! Behind them, Cena gets to a vertical base, pleased with his good fortune as he waits for both men to get up before SCOOPING BALOR AND ROLLINS ONTO HIS SHOULDERS FOR A DOUBLE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! COVER ON SETH! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! COVER ON BALOR! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT! He tosses Seth out of the ring, calling for a FRANCHISE LARIAT ON BALOR, BUT HE’S INTERCEPTED WITH A SLING BLADE! Finn goes up top for a Coup de Grace, but SETH PUSHES HIM OFF THE TURNBUCKLES, STRAIGHT TO THE FLOOR! Rollins clambers up to the top turnbuckle for a PHOENIX SPLASH, BUT CENA MOVES, SETH TURNING AROUND INTO A FRANCHISE LARIAT, BEHEADING THE ARCHITECT! Cena thinks about it for a moment, and now ROLLS OVER SETH, HOISTING HIM UP FOR ANOTHER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA HAS WON THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE, AND CAN NOW CALL HIMSELF A GRAND SLAM WINNER IN THE WWE!
John Cena def. Finn Balor and Seth Rollins (21:07) to win the Intercontinental Title
Road to Survivor Series 2018
Now the Intercontinental Champion, John Cena’s automatically set to face off with US Champion Shinsuke Nakamura at Survivor Series. However, he’s also got to worry about Finn Balor, who wants a match for the gold, and who Kurt Angle says deserves one as he didn’t take the pin at Super Showdown. Despite all the obstacles before him, Cena seems pretty confident, especially as he’s now the first ever man to win a Grand Slam in TNA and WWE. He faces off with Nakamura on SmackDown, Shinsuke communicating that he’s plenty confident too with a simple “come on” to Cena. John smirks, waving his hand in front of his face before going toe-to-toe with the US Champion, Nakamura eventually rolling out of the ring and holding his title high. Cena grabs a microphone, saying he’ll be proving at Survivor Series that he can still outdo anyone and everyone.
On the go-home Raw, Cena is told by Kurt Angle that he’s booked John Cena for a title defense against Finn Balor for that night’s main event. Cena is floored by the impromptu match, but he tries to take it in stride, even if he’s upset with Angle. He says all Kurt is doing is weakening the Intercontinental Champion ahead of a showdown with SmackDown, but Kurt says if Cena’s a real champ, he’ll rise to the occasion. Cena clearly considers walking out, or just hitting Angle, but decides against it, saying he’ll be walking into Survivor Series still the champion.
Intercontinental Title: John Cena (c) vs. Finn Balor
In the main event, Cena and Balor have a back-and-forth bout, Balor working on Cena’s midsection ahead of a COUP DE GRACE, BUT CENA AVOIDS IT! He goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Finn slips off his shoulders to the apron, Cena decking him before heading out to ringside with the challenger. They brawl on the floor, the referee unable to get control as both men lay into one another. Cena gets Finn up for another Attitude Adjustment attempt, this time by the announce table, but FINN ESCAPES AND SHOVES CENA STOMACH-FIRST INTO THE CORNER OF THE DESK! John is gasping for air as Finn calls for a 1916, but CENA DRIVES HIM OVER IT, BOTH MEN TUMBLING INTO THE COMMENTATORS! The referee’s count hits seven, then eight, then nine, then CENA MAKES IT IN, AND ROLLS BACK OUT TO BREAK THE COUNT! The crowd is elated to see the bout continue, Cena wanting to win decisively, but WAIT A MINUTE! SHINSUKE NAKAMURA IS HERE, AND LEVELS CENA WITH A KINSHASA! He escapes as the referee calls for a DQ, Balor looking on as he realizes the title has slipped through his fingers.
John Cena def. Finn Balor (15:32) by disqualification to retain the Intercontinental Title
Incensed, Balor gets up, and HOLD ON! HE’S GRABBING CENA, TOSSING HIM ONTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! BALOR’S LAYING INTO THE CHAMP WITH PUNCH AFTER PUNCH! The referee begs him to stop, but Finn says he wants to make sure that title ends up back with him, climbing up to the top rope for a COUP DE GRACE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! Cena’s left lying as the Revival run out, Balor fleeing as the show goes off the air.
Survivor Series 2018
John Cena vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Cena walks into this match wounded, but he’s fighting all the same, wanting to make up for a dismal Survivor Series record with only one outright win across seven shows. However, Nakamura’s got a target drawn on Cena’s injured midsection, and he’s absolutely merciless in targeting it with his lethal strikes. John’s power manages to keep the US Champion at bay for a while, trying to pick the leg whenever Shinsuke throws a kick to leverage him into some sort of suplex or throw, but Nakamura eventually overwhelms him with a flurry of Muay Thai knees to the body followed by a WHEEL KICK TO THE HEAD! Cena drops like a sack of bricks as Nakamura covers for two, and Shinsuke drags him out towards the apron for a GUILLOTINE KNEE DROP ACROSS THE BACK OF THE HEAD, FOLLOWED BY A SLIDING KNEE TO THE RIBS THAT CRUSHES CENA’S BODY AGAINST THE RING POST! He again covers for two, Cena continuing to fight on, but eventually Nakamura calls for a KINSHASA, ONLY FOR CENA TO HIT A FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! CENA WASN’T ABLE TO GET ALL HIS POWER BEHIND IT, HE COULDN’T GET ANY TORQUE THROUGH HIS BODY!
However, Cena’s in the driver’s seat now, and he takes advantage as best he can with a flurry of suplexes, followed by an attempt at an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT NAKAMURA REVERSES IT INTO A TRIANGLE CHOKE! He keeps one arm on Cena’s head while using the other to throw wild hammer fists to the ribs, but John manages to muscle him up for a HELLACIOUS POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! He calls for the Attitude Adjustment again as Nakamura staggers to his feet, but Shinsuke manages to grab the ropes, holding on for dear life and pulling himself free of the fireman’s carry before slipping behind John for a REVERSE EXPLODER SUPLEX, CENA AVOIDING BREAKING HIS NECK BY A FRACTION OF AN INCH! He’s still completely out of it as Nakamura lines up for a Kinshasa, but he manages to duck the strike for a TIGER SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Both men are down and out, the crowd rising to their feet to rally them onwards, and they slowly get to their knees, slugging it out as they struggle to their feet. They throw punches and forearms in a war of attrition, but Nakamura finally throws a vicious thrust kick to the sternum, Cena doubling over for just long enough for SHINSUKE TO OBLITERATE HIM WITH A KINSHASA! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Shinsuke Nakamura def. John Cena (16:03)
Road to TLC 2018
Coming off a loss at Survivor Series, Cena has a natural desire to chase after the man responsible for the injuries that cost him the bout - Finn Balor. Balor is shown backstage, saying he really loved putting Cena through the commentary table on Raw, and he’ll be fine doing so again if that’s what it takes to finally get the Intercontinental Title around his waist. Flanked by Gallows and Anderson, he says he’ll meet Cena for the gold whenever Cena mans up and takes on the challenge. Kurt Angle makes it official for TLC, but also declares that there’ll be a six man tag bout between Balor Club and the Revival and John Cena next week.
John Cena and The Revival vs. Balor Club (Finn Balor, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson)
All six men put on a show, but Cena’s still licking his wounds from weeks prior as he takes to the ring. He and Balor fight around ringside as The Revival go to work trying to bring home the win against Gallows and Anderson, with the Good Brothers hitting a Magic Killer on Dawson for a nearfall, Wilder saving his partner at the last moment. Eventually, Balor and Cena end up legal, Cena going for an Attitude Adjustment, but Finn reversing it into a 1916! He hooks both legs, but Dawson breaks it up, the Good Brothers charging in and clearing out Dawson before Gallows tags in. Balor goes to work against Dawson on the floor, but Wilder leaps in from behind, giving Cena enough room to reverse a Magic Killer, tossing Anderson out of the ring and NAILING GALLOWS WITH A HUGE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena and The Revival def. Balor Club (14:00)
However, the second he gets the pin, Finn Balor’s back on Cena, refusing to let the battle end. The Good Brothers shake off the Revival for long enough to hit a BOOT OF DOOM ON CENA, FOLLOWED BY A MOCKING TRIPLE POWERBOMB THROUGH THE COMMENTATOR’S TABLE!
The next week, Kurt Angle amends the Intercontinental Title match at TLC, saying it’ll now be a Tables match to fit the theme of Balor continuously putting Cena through them. John isn’t happy about the change, but vows to make it work.
TLC 2018
Tables Match for the Intercontinental Title: John Cena (c) vs. Finn Balor
This is a frantic bout, both men liberally employing weapons and interference in pursuit of the Intercontinental Championship. The Revival and The Good Brothers eventually duke it out up the ramp and into the backstage area, never to be seen again, leaving Cena and Balor to wrestle their hearts out. John gets the upper hand despite his injuries, flooring Finn with a Franchise Lariat before setting up a table at ringside. He hoists Balor up in the ring, getting him into a fireman’s carry for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO THE OUTSIDE, BUT FINN LANDS ON THE APRON TO AVOID DISASTER, CONNECTING WITH A GAMENGIRI! He climbs up to the top… COUP DE GRACE CONNECTS, BUT NOW HE NEEDS TO GET CENA THROUGH A TABLE! He rolls him out of the ring, laying him out on the ringside table before clambering to the high-rent district once again, but CENA MEETS HIM UP THERE WITH A FLURRY OF PUNCHES, REFUSING TO GIVE IN! It’s a very precarious spot for both men, but Cena attempts a SUPERPLEX TO THE FLOOR, ONLY FOR FINN TO DROP TO THE APRON ONCE AGAIN, SIMPLY KICKING OUT CENA’S LEGS! Cena drops to the apron, landing hard on his ribs, and Finn capitalizes with a COUP DE GRACE ONTO THE APRON, ONLY FOR CENA TO AVOID IT! He picks Balor up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE APRON, AND NOW FINN DROPS BACK INTO THE RING FOR A PELE KICK… BUT CENA HOLDS ONTO THE ROPES! Finn lays in a few stiff forearms, lining up for a SHOTGUN DROPKICK, BUT CENA SIDESTEPS! Balor nearly goes through the table, but manages to catch himself in the ropes, Cena attempting a GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE APRON! Balor frantically holds the ropes, and finally CONNECTS WITH A REVERSE HEADBUTT TO THE BRIDGE OF THE NOSE! Cena’s stunned, and Balor drives an elbow into his ribs, Cena collapsing THROUGH THE TABLE! BALOR’S THE CHAMP!
Finn Balor def. John Cena (15:19) to win the Intercontinental Title
Balor’s handed the gold as Cena stares vacantly into middle distance, brushing off offers of medical assistance as he ponders his next move - but his eyes light up slightly as he seems to have his next idea.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 Outside-Doubt6604 chance me for ut nursing!

major: bsn program
demographics: 1st generation indian
academics: 1510 SAT, 1480 PSAT (220 index score), not auto admit- 3.945/4.0 unweighted, 5.087/6.0 weighted
ap hug (5), apwh (4), took ap physics 1, ap lang, apush, ap csa this year, next year i'm taking ap bio, ap chem, ap econ, ap gov, ap spanish 4, ap lit, and ap calc ab.
im honestly not really sure about my chances because my grades are pretty average and i am not auto-admit, but i can hardly find any information about the nursing program online, so any insight/things i can improve on would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Outside-Doubt6604 to UTAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 NoEmployer6142 Roast my resume. I am a Psyc students, recently graduated. I am looking for Volunteer/Assistance in Lab Research, Health related jobs. Any advice is appreciate!

submitted by NoEmployer6142 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:37 Consistent-Pilot-535 Denied but diagnosed DDD.

Denied but diagnosed DDD.
Hi all you mfs. So I was in the guard, went to a school, had a fall, went to a troop medical clinic the next morning couldn’t hardly walk. My question is, can the VA obtain those orders with duty to assist? If I file a HLR for that reason, will they go look for the orders? I have the medical record, please reference the photo as well. Doesn’t the photo even show, I was active (AD) at the time?
submitted by Consistent-Pilot-535 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:37 forex4all Online payment processing platform reviewed for legitimacy and reputation

Since 1998, companies and individuals have used CCBill to make payments online. As e-commerce grows, you must properly vet any payment processor before integrating it into your firm to verify its validity, trustworthiness, and reputation. To assist you choose, this research analyzes CCBill's history, features, user reviews, and reputation.


Tempe, Arizona-based CCBill was launched in 1998. The firm is a subsidiary of well-known web hosting and domain registration service Cavecreek Web Hosting. Over the years, has become a trusted payment processor in adult entertainment, online dating, and digital content.
The privately owned corporation has been a solid internet payment processor for over two decades. CCBill connects with major financial institutions and payment networks to handle payments securely and efficiently.

Payment processing features

Payment processing services and features from CCBill include:
  1. Credit Card Processing: The platform accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
  2. Online Payments: CCBill lets companies accept one-time purchases, recurring subscriptions, and trial periods online.
  3. Multi Currency Support: The platform lets companies deal in many currencies, expanding internationally.
  4. Fraud Protection: CCBill protects companies and consumers from fraud with powerful fraud detection and prevention.
  5. Secure Transactions: The platform protects sensitive payment data with industry-standard encryption and security mechanisms.
  6. Customizable Checkout Pages: CCBill's checkout pages may be effortlessly incorporated into a business's website for a branded user experience.
  7. Comprehensive Reporting: The platform delivers full transaction data and analytics to help organizations monitor and manage sales and income.

Compliance and Security Regulation

Compliance with regulations and security are CCBill's strengths. It follows the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), a set of strict security rules developed by major credit card firms to secure cardholder data.
CCBill follows FinCEN and OFAC laws to prevent money laundering and comply with U.S. economic sanctions.
The platform also uses SSL/TLS encryption, tokenization, and fraud screening capabilities to secure sensitive payment information from unwanted access and data breaches.

The User Experience and Reputation

User and customer evaluations of CCBill are usually good. Businesses like the platform's stability, integration, and features. The company's lengthy history and collaborations with respectable financial institutions have earned users' confidence.
As with every payment processor, users have complained and had bad experiences. Issues usually include account terminations, held cash, or chargebacks. Due to the hazards of internet transactions, any payment processor might have similar challenges, not only CCBill.
A specialized customer support staff at CCBill helps companies with account questions, technical difficulties, and disputes. Customer service is available by email, phone, and an online help center with rich documentation and resources.

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Developer tools and APIs from CCBill provide smooth connection with e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and bespoke online applications. CCBill offers developers with thorough documentation, code samples, and integration guidelines to integrate payment processing into their applications.
The platform offers server-to-server, client-side, and hosted payment page integration. This flexibility lets organizations pick the integration method that best meets their technical needs and development preferences.

Prices and Fees

CCBill charges per transaction, depending on company type, transaction volume, and risk profile. The organization offers customised pricing options for each customer.
While's cost may be pricier than other payment processors, its extensive features, rigorous security, and devoted customer service justify it. Business should carefully assess their transaction volume, average order value, and unique needs to see whether CCBill's cost fits their budget and goals.
Analysis of CCBill shows that the platform is a trusted payment processing service. CCBill is trusted by many organizations and people due to its lengthy history, regulatory compliance, and strong security.
Businesses seeking a reliable and secure payment processing partner will appreciate the platform's extensive feature set, configurable integration options, and dedicated customer service. However, like any financial service provider, you must carefully assess your business's requirements, analyze customer feedback, and compare price and fees before choosing.
Overall, CCBill looks to be a reliable payment processing platform that has supported companies for over two decades. CCBill has maintained its online payment processing reliability by stressing security, compliance, and user experience.

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If you have been scammed by this broker, you can contact us for a free consultation. We will provide you with professional guidance and recovery service recommendations to get help in recovering the lost funds.
submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:37 ElvenWinter First placement was a nightmare

Today I went to my first placement ever as a first year student nurse. I haven’t worked in a hospital before and I’m not familiar with the routines or names of anything and just wanted some advice on whether I am being too emotional or today was genuinely a nightmare. For the morning I was put with the HCAs, I was asking questions and making sure I was doing everything right but the HCA seemed a bit snappy and impatient because I wasn’t going fast enough and didn’t know how to make the beds or wash patients. After that she went on a break and I was pretty much left by myself for an hour having no clue what to do listening to the patients whispering about me being useless. Then the nurse started asking me to get things for her in locked rooms that she didn’t give me the code for. Multiple times I had to go back and ask her for codes. I had no induction, the bathroom and staff room codes were not given to me and nobody told me when I could go for a break. Most of the time people would go about their day as if I wasn’t there so I just started helping patients to the bathroom and chatting with them. When the nurse came back she asked me to give a patient some meds which I was happy to do until she asked me to do some small injectable medication into the stomach. I have never done this before and was afraid of hurting somebody. She supervised me with the first patient and then left me by myself for the second patient. I had to exit the patient room and ask her to supervise me giving the meds which she didn’t seem too pleased about. Once that was done I went back to assisting patients to the bathroom or with eating while the nurses and HCAs sat in the corner talking about me. Shortly after the nurse took me to one side and told me that I lacked confidence and that she wanted me to memorise the NEWS parameters so I could do patient obs and get used to scoring it without the computer. I have never done obs before, never mind with a computer. I felt like an absolute idiot every time I asked a question, even small questions like which button do I press to turn this on etc and ended up leaving an hour early in tears because I felt completely stupid and incompetent. It didn’t feel like they wanted me there and I just felt like a burden for 11 hours, is this normal or am I just being too emotional and need to toughen up?
submitted by ElvenWinter to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:36 Character-Skirt-1590 Non-Type A private practice do you keep your $π!+ together?

I have notes in a hundred places, my walls are papered in sticky notes, my insurance claims are lagging behind and I have no system for keeping track of what I've billed. My business is growing and my clients are successful...but I wake up before my alarm dreading the details.
Yes, I have a recent ADHD dx. No, I'm not medicated (that appointment is in August). I'm in my 50s, so maturity isn't the problem. I use Healthie as my EMR, and I know it has a lot of tools that I have yet to utilize and am willing to learn, but I always default to pen and paper when I'm in a hurry.
Strategies, tools, virtual assistants? What are you using to stay on top of the paperwork mountain?
submitted by Character-Skirt-1590 to dietetics [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:35 throthrowowk98 Resume guidance for applying to studio companies

Worked for years in Post and often on set but in the reality world and always wanted to break into the large studios like Disney, NBC etc. I always see the posts go up for Disney hiring a production assistant or development trainee but I’ve always been afraid to apply my resume is just credits right now and I’m not sure how to go about making a new resume to apply to these types of positions? Anyone have any tips or example resumes?
submitted by throthrowowk98 to FilmIndustryLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:33 ProfSusanHannan [Mod Approved] Invitation to Participate in Research Study

Hello. My name is Dr. Susan Hannan and I work as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. I am conducting a research study on individuals who have recovered from (or learned how to manage successfully) experiences of psychosis and/or mania without long-term use (less than 3 consecutive months) of prescribed medication (e.g., antipsychotic medication). I am particularly interested in speaking with people who have recovered from their psychosis and/or mania by finding meaning in their experience (e.g., finding a sense of purpose, increased spirituality, deepened connection to people/animals/the universe, etc.). The study involves a 45-minute virtual interview, and participants will be compensated with a gift card for their time. You must be at least 18 years old, speak English, and live in the United States. If you are interested, please click on the following link to complete a brief questionnaire in order to determine your eligibility:
submitted by ProfSusanHannan to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:29 Some-Commercial9559 Emergency custody?

So I've had my neice and nephew for a year, cause my brother and their mom are... unstable. And willi gly sent them to live with me with a POA. It's let me get them into school etc. But they really need medical coverage and I can't add them to my insurance, I make too much to qualify for government assistance through the state, and when the parents apply for it they don't technically have the kids ( we live about 7 hours away) so they get denied. How do I get them covered?
submitted by Some-Commercial9559 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:27 wudugat [Request] need help paying bills

I am struggling to make ends meet while I wait for SSDI. I am permanently disabled from birth, I was able to work for about five years and succumbed to my illnesses. I filed for reinstatement nearly three years ago and my lawyer believes it will be at least another year before I will see a judge. I have a live in partner but their income is not able to make ends meet. The worst bill we have right now is the power bill sitting at over $1000. They haven’t shut it off because I have medical necessities (oxygen therapy, bipap, etc), but things are becoming super overwhelming. No where has funds right now to help us despite disability status, no 211, no church, no energy program, no utility assistance has money right now unfortunately. I am asking for any possible help and more than happy to provide extra information if you request. Thank you.
submitted by wudugat to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:24 Huge_Library_1690 This is an insane story of a graduation party that went completely wrong in so many ways because of my mother, my ex-BIL, and my bf. #justnofamily #abusesurvivor #CPTSD #narcissism

The other night, we had a graduation party that was supposed to be a wonderful celebration for three members of my family: my son (18M), Mickey, and my daughter (18F), Mallory, who both graduated high school, and myself (46F), who graduated with my masters degree. (Names are changed to something I find amusing.) I missed my graduation for my son to go to prom, which I don't care because it was worth it to do it for him, but I figured I'd have a party to make up for it and share it with my children because I'm so incredibly proud of them. My friends and family wanted to share in the celebration of my milestone, so it made sense to do it together both economically and time-wise. My children are equally proud of me as I am of them, so there's no jealousy or fighting for the spotlight. We're pretty introverted and are incredibly close, and we were all very excited to share this once-in-a-lifetime moment where we all achieved something great, so it was more like we were constantly shoving the spotlight onto someone else to avoid attention.
I'm a single mom of four (Mickey and Mallory, along with 16F, May, and 8F, Minnie), currently divorcing their father who was emotionally and physically abusive, among many other things. I believe he is a covert narc, but I'm not a clinical psychologist, just someone who took a lot of notes on his behavior. I have a great job as a biochemist, so I can support myself for the most part, but I do have a BF, we'll call him Beau. My divorce has been going on for over two years due to the ex being uncooperative, stalking, causing problems, etc. I have avoided his family because they act as flying monkeys and they don't understand the extent of the abuse, of which I have plenty of evidence as well as cPTSD, but I genuinely thought they didn't like me because that's what my ex told me. I shared photos and updates on social media, but didn't see them in person or have conversations with them, not because I'm a jerk, but I was working FT, raising four kids, going to school, and trying to heal.
Because of the abuse, my ex could not attend the party, but he did go to the graduation ceremony. Mickey does not speak to his father, but Mallory does. The court gave me temporary custody and he's supposed to go through a GAL in order to get any visitation arrangements, but has not done so. To be nice, I extended an invitation to my ex-BIL and his wife to come to the party. I didn't think they'd come, and only the ex-BIL came.
My mother insisted on having the party at her house because mine is a mess. I was wary because she has mental illness that usually ruins things, but I needed a venue, I'm broke, and she wanted to do it as a gift for us, which is rather nice.
For a month, we looked forward to this party and my mother and I did a lot of planning and preparation. I thought everything was going well. The day of the party, I went with my step-dad (known here on as Dude) to the store to get the last things we needed, had one last thing to make and get everyone ready to head over and set up. He and I were in good spirits and excited for the evening.
Round 1: And then my mother called at 12:30 in absolute hysterics. She was screaming that Dude wasn't helping and she needed his help. I told her to calm down, we were coming and I have many people willing to help, so she didn't need to stress. It didn't need to be perfect and we will make things right, so don't worry.
She continued screaming anyway. Dude just wanted to make a sandwich and she wouldn't let him, so I told her she was being selfish and tried to clarify why, but she got so angry that she hung up on me. I sighed and got my kids ready to go, prepped them for the battle ahead and we knew we had damage control to do before people showed up.
When we got there, Dude was passed out in the backyard. I thought he was dead at first. I ran over, checked his vitals, and had luckily gotten there before he deteriorated, but he had passed out from heat stroke and not eating. Nobody can afford emergency medical care (thanks US healthcare), but I know what I'm doing, so I got him to baseline. My mom came out and acted all concerned, but as soon as we were inside, she started ranting and raving again like a crazy person.
Then she screamed at me. Demanded I apologize for calling her selfish. I explained why I said it and that Dude just wanted a sandwich, and clearly he needed it because he passed out, and she needed to check her behavior. She screamed louder that he was seeking attention and demanded an apology TWO FEET from my face. She triggered me and I was shaking, so I said, "You know what? You're right. You're not selfish. You're a C*NT! Go ahead and throw another tantrum. I don't care." And I walked out the door into the backyard.
This was the start of a bad, bad time. I feel very responsible for that. I should've de-escalated it, but I was furious that she was screaming in my face and she could've caused Dude to have an actual stroke from the nonstop screaming and berating. In my mind, F her and her BS, I was willing to die on that hill.
Then people showed up. My wonderful friends who are hyperaware of things like this were incredibly kind. My mom was a good hostess and Dude was, too, except that she consistently kept telling my friends I was a b****. Now, at this point, I had calmed down, slammed a beer or two and I was trying to extend an olive branch. I tried making conversation, talking about random things, saying everything will be okay, etc. and would've apologized, but in response to my efforts, she would coldly mutter under her breath that Dude and I both thought she was a selfish C and a bunch of other adjectives and expletives that I never said. So I tried to avoid/ignore her, but if I was with any group of people, she would come in and dog whistle so I would get my feelings hurt, but no one knew why I was suddenly sad. Or she would mutter under her breath the same insults to herself, embellishing them to make me uncomfortable. And she kept doing it. I couldn't go anywhere without her doing this. I was trying super hard to avoid her and keep her negativity away from my kids at the same time. It wore me down and I had to keep leaving to go cry. My ex used to do this stuff, too, and it hurt.
But it gets worse. Right before my friends left, Beau's parents arrived. My mom was hammered at this point - at least I think she was, or she was completely unhinged. My friends left and probably at the right time because it went south after that. My mother lectured Beau's parents on autism and how Beau is autistic because she knows all about it, and she continued to diagnose all the other things about him, and then me. I overheard her tell them I was rude, selfish, stubborn, never apologize, she's never wrong, and on and on. She was humiliating me. I heard Beau's mom say, "but aren't you proud of her?" And she said, "Yeah, but she's a b****."
At this point, I was cleaning up. I had cried several times. I tried defending myself and Beau several times, but she wasn't stopping. He's slightly autistic, but who cares??? I prefer his neurospiciness. I certainly DO apologize when I'm wrong, but I DON'T if I'm not wrong, and I didn't CARE if I was wrong anymore. I'm not apologizing to a monster who intentionally hurt me at my own party, and definitely not ruining it for my kids. I was done.
I went in the kitchen and explained to Beau and Dude what was going on. And that's when May decided to chime in and start screaming at me that I had hurt her and I needed to stop talking about her - when I was informing him on what she was saying right at that moment. Well, you see, at one point when things were going smoothly, it was going smoothly because she was in the bedroom smack talking and trauma dumping to a 16yo girl without giving the full story. In that time, she had May completely convinced that she was the victim and May believed it - even though, I must add, that all the other kids saw the whole fiasco and didn't buy it because they have seen her meltdowns before, but she effectively turned my daughter against me.
I burst into tears and told everyone we had to go. I had sobered up and cleaned up all the food. I was completely gobsmacked by how she acted. She had intentionally hurt me, did everything she could to ruin my party for just me, and sought out to punish me through my daughter and any other means she could muster. She didn't hurt Mickey or Mallory, but she did go after me the entire night. I sobbed in Dude's arms when I was leaving and told him I left $300 in the cutlery drawer so I wouldn't owe her anything because I can't handle the abuse and I don't want to see her again.
Round 2: This involves my ex-BIL. Let's call him Paco. I had invited him to come talk with us since he spent time with the kids at the party - which I very much appreciate. We hadn't had time to talk to him and we used to be fairly close a long time ago, and I told him it was best if we resumed conversation at my house to exit the meltdown occurring. So we broke open the wine that was for the party and started talking about our interests. Then the topic soured. He basically berated me for not inviting his whole family or going out of my way to see them. I explained what I did before: I was busy af and I didn't think they liked me and since it was my party, too, I didn't want to do that. He wouldn't buy it and argued with me for a while until I finally said, "okay, well, now I know, so thanks for that. I'll do better." FYI, no I won't. I'm not doing it. Why? Because he then went on a long rant about why my relationship didn't work with his brother was because I didn't understand that a man has to be the leader. All I thought was, "What in the Andrew Tate???" I bust out laughing and said, no, I'm a leader and I am an equal to any man. I was abused and damaged by his brother, I have evidence, and I don't need to defend myself. I don't need a man; I want one, but if a man can't live up to being wanted, then they need to improve themselves, not make the woman more submissive so he can continue with his bs. He lectured me more and I kept laughing at it and Beau was backing me up, saying he was my equal, but I definitely made Paco angry.
Paco left, but I know he thinks he got to say what he wanted. Well, let me tell you, he is arrogant and awful and I don't want him back at my house or around my kids, ESPECIALLY my daughters. That way of thinking is gross and now I remember why I don't invite them. They truly DON'T like me and I don't like THEM because that backwards, "tRaDiTiOnAl" machismo nonsense needs to die. Wrong country, wrong century, wrong person...take your pick. I'll hang with their cousins and sisters that are good women who don't listen to idiot boys like that, but that mfer will never set foot in my house again. I may be an AH to him, but a justified one.
That was the end of round two. By this time, I wasn't thinking as clearly as I've written and I was beyond triggered with bad memories and bad feelings, and I just wanted to go to bed and cry.
Round 3: Beau hadn't slept in days. As I've said, he's on the spectrum. He also has other issues with BPD and can get sent into mania if he hasn't slept. This was one of those days, only he was also drunk and angry at everyone that made me cry, but didn't know how to go about it. He decided to confront May about making me cry. It got ugly. I was drunk at this point, too, and in a stupor from being emotionally distraught, but I remember Mallory confronting Beau to defend May, and Beau said something stupid and somewhat threatening, which was when I stepped in to shut it down. I will always choose my kids over anyone else. No hands were thrown, but it was ugly and I told him we were done if he was going to attack my daughter because I will never put her in danger. I thought that was the end of it and went to sleep.
Nope. He woke me up around 3 am, still ranting about May and my mom and my ex. I told him to stfu and let me sleep. He woke me again, repeating the same crap. I again, told him to leave me alone. He called his mom in the middle of this to make it sound like he was a victim and not wrong. He wouldn't stop trying to lie on top of me or grab me to make me listen, and I was getting mad. I slapped his hands away and told him to stop and leave me alone, that he attacked May and it was unacceptable, so he needed to sleep it off and go somewhere for a while. He wouldn't stop. I then got up and went to sleep in Minnie's room with her. He came in there and woke me again, and also woke her. He was grabbing me and lying on top of me. At that point, I was livid. I felt like I was being attacked, so I kept pushing and kicking him off me, screaming at him to leave me alone. I got him on the floor, grabbed Minnie, and ran into Mickey's room. I laid down on his floor to sleep and Minnie climbed into bed with her brother. He busted into that room and that's when my son had to step in, which, honestly, I hate that he had to, but I needed him to. Beau was egging my son on to hit him, but Mickey is not like his father and doesn't want to be that way, so he talked his way out of it. Eventually, they came to an agreement, I found his keys, he got in his car and we went to bed.
Round 4: The next day, I found out Paco had told my ex everything and I had to deal with that psycho for a solid hour, which always sends me into a sad place. He is just not nice to me at all, and I realized that's the other reason I don't invite any of them over because they tell my psycho ex everything. Other than that, I cried all day and slept off and on. I needed time to process all of the traumatic events.
My mother had blocked me at the party after telling me I was blocked, so I blocked her in return because I didn't want to deal with her childish nonsense. She will typically start sending me long rants and my mental health couldn't take it. She sent me a message on social media and I had to block her there. But it didn't stop. Monday morning, she sent me an email. She was still carrying it on and Venmo'd the money I left in the drawer. This morning, which is Tuesday, she called me from someone else's phone and I hung up. From what Dude told me, she has been on the rampage for days. I don't want to talk to her pretty much ever again. I would never hurt my own child like that, so I don't understand why she does. Despite what May said to me, I never sought out to hurt her, and I've tried to talk to her. She is still angry with me, but mostly because of Beau still being in our lives, which he was home for one night to sleep when I was still numb, crying, and sleeping, but he and I didn't talk at all until Monday. I understand where May is coming from, and I won't allow anyone to ever hurt her ever again.
When we did talk, Beau tried for a while to make it sound like he was the victim. He said he was "hugging" me and protecting me from May. It took a while, but he finally understood that what he did was intrusive and abusive, and I had reacted like a cornered animal. Apparently, I broke his teeth and bruised him pretty bad. Don't start none, won't be none, I guess. I had to fight for my life and my kids' lives for years and he thought he could overpower me, but it doesn't work like that when I was begging for him to leave me alone. I don't know what's going to happen there, but he's staying with a friend for a few days. He is apologetic now, but I seriously don't know what to do about him. He didn't hit anyone or hurt anyone, but he crossed the line, he threatened my daughter, and he scared me so bad that I went into a blackout PTSD episode to defend myself. I feel bad for hurting him, but I was terrified, and it is my job to protect my kids.
I wrote this because I needed to find a way to put it down and process it. The bottom line is my party was supposed to be memorable, which now it definitely is, but not in the way I had wanted. I am so incredibly sad. I'm sad for the way my mother treated me and for ruining our party. I'm sad for my kids who deserved one memorable event without drama. I'm sad that my relationship is likely over. I'm sad that I had to live a life of abuse from so many different angles and it's all coming to light at once. I want to run away, but I can't. I want to hide, but I can't.
I spent some time with my kids yesterday to try to start the healing process. May is the only one that is refusing to talk to me, but the rest of us are bonding together, watching movies, and eating gobs of cake that will likely give us diabetes. I don't know what's going to happen or what I'm going to do. I just want out of this mess.
TDLR: Graduation party was ruined by mother, ex-BIL, and boyfriend in one night with epic consequences.
submitted by Huge_Library_1690 to u/Huge_Library_1690 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:23 Thick_Novel09 Please Help (Urgent)

Species: Canine Age: 3 years Sex/Neuter status: Female/ Not spayed Breed: Miniature Dachshund Body weight: 11 lbs (?) History: She almost passed as a puppy due to allergic reactions that caused her to break into hives all over. I took her to four different vets and none of them could figure out the source. It eventually went away on its own. Clinical signs: Bloody vomit, bloody diarrhea, lethargic, loss of appetite, pacing/ sudden jolting. (IMPORTANT: Vet does NOT believe it is parvo). Duration: Almost a week. General location: Arizona
Please help me. I am extremely short on money as I was just in the hospital for kidney failure myself. My dog Ophelia is my entire world and has become very sick. For the sake of eliminating confusion, Day 1 will be the day this all started and Day 6 is today.
Day 1: Acting normal all day. At night she begins excessively vomiting. Her vomit starts out as a light yellow, then turns to yellow-orange, and then to red and red-brown-black. I rush her to the emergency vet (it’s now early morning of Day 2) where they check her vitals. Vitals are all stable. She is still spewing watery bloody vomit. Ultra sound is done with no obvious concerns. The vet gives her fluids (bubble on her back) and Cerenia. She stops throwing up and we go to sleep.
Day 2: She is fine again all morning and then resumes vomiting (lightly colored, no more blood) around noon. I bring her back to the emergency hospital because she should not be vomiting within 24 hours of Cerenia injection. We do an ultra sound and X-rays. There is no obvious blockage. IMPORTANT: We do not send the X-rays to the lab as I am extremely short on money right now and sending X-rays to the lab is several hundred extra. The vet does her best to look over the X-rays and second ultra sound and explains that she sees no blockage or alarming swelling. Vitals are still stable. They give her Cerenia in pill form. We go home and sleep.
Day 3: Fine all day again. Acting perfectly normal and happy. Night comes, and she starts uncontrollably defecating all over the house. It watery, starts out brown in color, eventually becomes red-brown, then finally straight blood. We are back at the animal hospital but I am out of funds. Vitals are stable. The vet takes her overnight and puts her on fluids and she has stopped defecating at this point.
Day 4: Completely fine. Happy all day. Eating. Drinking. Sleeps great through the night.
Day 5: Again perfectly fine and happy.
Day 6 (Today): Has not vomited or had diarrhea but will not eat. Seems exhausted. There’s a new symptom which is her jolting upright, running forward a couple of paces, and then turning to lay back down. Not acting like herself.
4/13/24 Vaccines: Rabies 1 year, bordetella 1 year, round/hookworm dewormer 1 year, Canine 6-in-1 (DA2PP + Lepto) 1 year.
Medications prescribed by emergency vet: -Cerenia -Sucralfate -Metronidazole -Ondansetron
Where do I go from here? I’m scared of her getting severely sick again and I don’t know how to help her get better. I have no money but I can borrow from family to save my dog, but I need to be smart about how to proceed. Should I have the X-rays sent to the lab or request blood work? What is the best option?
submitted by Thick_Novel09 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:17 GambleTheGod00 Roast my resume. I am 99% sure I overexplain and underexplain at the same time on this resume. Any advice?

submitted by GambleTheGod00 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:16 ilovecokeslurpees Asking for opinions between Unity vs Unreal for Multiplayer Turn Based Strategy Game Similar to Warhammer

I don't have endless amounts of time for experimentation so I want opinions based on the following circumstances of using either Unreal or Unity game engine by more experienced people. A few months ago, I would have said Unreal Engine for sure for this project , but a few things have changed.
The project is this: a 3D multiplayer turn based strategy game basically like old school Warhammer Fantasy - basically, medieval and renaissance military tactics set in a medieval-ish fantasy world with magic and monsters thrown in but not the IP obviously). You will use measuring aids to move units on a battlefield, wheel them, charge, make other maneuvers, have stats, maybe some RPG progression elements for possible single player addition, but the main focus will be matched play between opponents. You will setup "army lists" before matches of various sizes and factions and you play against others online. I also want to create a "painting" mechanic where you can have the computer paint your units ahead of your matches with as much or little customization from the player as possible. Games will all be turn based (or a variation as I am working out the "game rules" now). But for the sake of the conversation think of it as WarhammeKings of WaHistorical Wargame, but on computer with all of the advantages of modern game design, but because of the faster nature of computer gaming, allows for the in depth nature of these games without people having to do much math or consult endless tables. I am confident in the concept of this game as being profitable; I just need to execute (which is far easier said than done). And yes, I play Warhammer The Old World in the real world and that is large part of the inspiration for this project. I do want to also distinguish this as NOT an RTS like Total War: Warhammer.
As for me, I am primarily a .NET Developer who is 12 years into my career mostly working on medical business software here in Indiana, USA. I primarily program in C#, JavaScript (Angular currently), Python, and SQL Server, but I have working experience in C, C++, Java, React, Vue, various SQL vendors, and even dabbled in Rust for fun. I also have a really beefy PC at home so tooling other than software for development is fine. Programming skills, I am confident in. Other aspects, like art and music, I am not so much. I'm also a bit of a PM and Spreadsheet nut. All of my hobbies and big projects I PMP out and gather data and statistics as fast as possible. My experience in game development has been primarily tutorials for either engine, but mostly in Unity (plus some experience in older technology years ago).
Now that we have a definition of the project, here are my requirements and considerations: 1) 3D development, but minimal amount of physics is required. We still need to be able to create maps, and possible stretch goal of a map creator. Units, terrain, map, etc. are all 3D. 2) I don't need bleeding edge graphics. Art direction will likely be dark fantasy meets real world medieval civilizations. If you played Warhammer Fantasy, think 6th to 8th editions but maybe less British-centric. I plan on learning Blender for modeling. In fact, I strongly believe art direction is much more important than graphics (I play a lot of JRPGs like Persona for that reason). 3) Multiplayer is a must. I want to investigate more modern multiplayer games for features as multiplayer games are not what I normally play (not in a few years). But I do know Warhammer and miniature gaming relatively well. But any tool that speeds along this step, as multiplayer design is very difficult (I have done some before but more as sample projects and experimenting for learning). 4) I'm a big believer in UI/UX design. Even though I am not a graphic designer, I do want to put an emphasis on UI/UX design right up front as that is how the player interacts with our game. I want you to be able to play the game casually, but have options to dig into for more advanced players. This is more of a philosophy than a requirement. 5) Obviously, my skillset more closely aligns with Unity. But I don't want that to be the limiting factor. I've worked in C++ for a software company a few years ago and picking it up again is not scary to me, just need to metaphorically ride around the block a few times before taking the big trip. I want the right tool for the job. 6) I mentioned I was originally concerned about Unity. Unity, until recently, has had terrible or non-existent netcode. On top of that, the insanity last year with their brief payment policy has me a little nervous to use their product. 7) I considered making a custom game engine. I could do it, but I don't want to spend the next 3 to 5 years making an engine so I can make a game, even if it gave me full control. I am only one man right now. 8) Obviously, I will not use Games Workshop's or anyone else's IP or rulesets. I don't want to or need to. 9) PC/Steam would be the obvious place to launch this game, but consoles and mobile are not out of the question. 10) Not a requirement of an engine per se, but, in my research, music turned out to be one of the biggest factors for the financial success of a video game. I'm not a musician, but it is something that will require much more investigation. Not sure if sound and music will play much of a factor of this tool decision.
Obviously, this is not a small project, but a big one. Right now, I am just thinking of making a vertical slice. I don't want to make a puzzle game or 2D platformer like some people suggest (made some tutorial games in this style): these games are not in my are of interest. If it is something that I am interested in, I will stick to it to the end. Execution is everything. I have to believe in it if I am going to spend time away from my family or my free time to make something this bold. I've done some research and I am confident this has a lot of market potential (but I don't care if you "steal" this idea; I'm not that naïve).
But first, what is your opinion of the best tool(s) for this job?
Thank you.
submitted by ilovecokeslurpees to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:15 Outrageous-Role-2205 Rehabilitation Nurses Email List: Access Qualified Rehab Nurses

Reach dedicated rehabilitation nurses with our comprehensive Rehabilitation Nurses Email List. Ideal for promoting medical supplies, training programs, and healthcare services. MedicoLeads offers reliable data to ensure your message reaches the right audience. Contact us for counts, samples, and pricing details.
submitted by Outrageous-Role-2205 to u/Outrageous-Role-2205 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:13 Sea-Shape-193 Can you guys severely criticize my resume. I applied to so many summer internships but barely got into any. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Can you guys criticize my resume? tyyy.

Can you guys severely criticize my resume. I applied to so many summer internships but barely got into any. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Can you guys criticize my resume? tyyy. submitted by Sea-Shape-193 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:05 No-Interaction1974 Getting back on the horse

Graduated law school 10+ years ago. I stopped practicing in my first year after law school, bc I was at a firm that focused on insurance defense and I hated it. Since then, moved to a difference state - Texas. I opened a business, and also worked at some well respected companies. All the roles I've had were business management roles - nothing legal related. All in all, I've enjoyed what I've done.
Recently, part of my work has me involved with upskilling people from the 2nd chance population - really fulfilling work. It has made me consider getting back into law, except with a criminal defense focus. I'm setting my expectations low, will be looking for entry level roles after I pass the bar, including assistant DA/prosecutor roles to get experience. I'm beginning to refresh my memory with legal research and writing by tasking myself with topics for reports and briefs. I am definitely rusty, but it's coming back to me- like riding a bike.
Looking for any advice anyone here may have about getting back on the horse after so long, without much experience to begin with. Also, if interested, I'd send a writing sample to anyone willing to give feedback. Thanks in advance.
submitted by No-Interaction1974 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:04 SupremeGogo What to do with this PS3?

What to do with this PS3?
I have ps3 that is stuck in update, and the network card is not working. I dont know what to do with it but i want to use it for something.
submitted by SupremeGogo to PS3 [link] [comments]