Spanish condolence messages

Fast-track your retirement with ASTS (AST Spacemobile)

2024.06.05 16:30 the_blue_pil Fast-track your retirement with ASTS (AST Spacemobile)

They said the tech doesn't exist because it isn't possible
they invented and have proven the tech.
They said the satellite would not unfold.
“The size of the antenna is terrifying… there’s only a handful of entities that have deployed a foldable thing in space that big and they’re NASA and intelligence entities… it’s an extremely difficult thing to do and it’s also more or less impossible to accurately test on the ground.” (Former Director of Engineering at SpaceX - Kerrisdale report 2022)
legs spread wide with no issues.
They said it was too big and thin to be structurally stable in orbit.
“The problem with AST SpaceMobile is the structural dynamics of their spacecraft – the way they intend to build a giant phased array antenna is really poorly thought out… their knowledge of structural dynamics is so positively infantile; I don’t know how they got as far as they did. I think their approach to making a giant antenna just won’t work. I think even if you could talk directly to a handset from space, they wouldn’t be able to do it.” (Physicist and Former Senior Engineer, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Kerrisdale report 2022)
The satellite is #solid as a rock#
They said the panels would overheat with no appropriate cooling solution
“When I look at this AST spacecraft, I don’t see this as a spacecraft that is going to function well because it’s going to start overheating… so you can’t have it on for very long and so at that point, what are you proving?” (Former Senior Spacecraft Systems Engineer, OneWeb - Kerrisdale report 2022)
It's cool as a cucumber and solution patented

"ASTS has proven the viability of its technology, which was previously thought to be an impossible challenge and is set to address three hurdles largely within its control: financing its constellation, securing U.S. regulatory approval, and finalizing its initial commercial agreements"

-The KOOK Report (Full 172 page up-to-date DD found here)
  • Financing it's constellation - they are rapidly nearing "too big to fail" status. Their tech is needed and desperately wanted by deep pockets which will not allow it to fail.
  • U.S. regulatory approval - U.S. Department of Defence has already paid ASTS $500k to run tests using their single current test satellite. The military wants this tech YESTERDAY. There's no way the US government will allow regulators to cockblock their own military. They already have the positive enthusiasm of the FCC behind them. This is pretty much a given, and IMO just a matter of time.
  • Finilasing it's commercial agreements - They have already begun finalising commercial agreements with AT&T and Verizon
The AT&T and Verizon definitive deals are HUGE. Not just because they're inking revenue, but because they own adjacent spectrum, as well as FirstNets additional low band spectrum, they're more capable of penetrating walls and other obstacles and provide continuous service:
"Also with First-Net spectrum, Verizon has adjacent spectrum there that is adjacent to AT&T spectrum and so this adds up to large continous chunks of lowband spectrum. The way cellphones currently work they can’t carrier aggregate slivers of lowband but they can use single continous wide chunks of spectrum. And so this partnership will allow a much better user experience a better quality of service and true broadband speeds. No one else comes close." - CatSE---ApeX---
  • Worlds first phone call direct from space to unmodified phone (AT&T even included this milestone in their following earnings call).
  • Worlds first video call from space directly to unmodified phones.
  • Worlds first video streamed from space directly to unmodified phones.
  • Worlds first 2G, 4G LTE, and 5G connectivity from space to unmodified phones - achieved full compatibility with phones made by all major manufacturers.
  • Largest satellite in space. Only the space station is a larger orbiting body. Their next iteration of satellite, Block 1 Bluebirds, have 10x the processing power of their current test satellite (Bluewalker 3), and Block 2 Bluebirds have 100x the processing power of Bluewalker 3 using their custom ASIC chip design in collaboration with TSMC which recently entered tape-out phase - Block 2 Bluebirds are on the way at 0.2% the cost per mhz of processing power compared to Bluewalker 3
ASTS INVENTED the direct-to-device market, everyone else you're hearing about jumped on board after the fact.
  • Starlink & Tmobile
  • Globalstar & Apple
  • Lynk & Palau National Communications
  • Huawei & China Telecom
  • ASTS & AT&T - More than 100 million U.S. families, friends and neighbors, plus nearly 2.5 million businesses.
  • ASTS & Verizon - One of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world.
  • ASTS & Vodafone - A leading telecommunications company in Europe, Africa, and Asia. With approximately 265 million customers.
  • ASTS & Rakuten - Serving users worldwide through businesses based in 30 countries and regions. Rakuten Group has 70+ businesses and 1.6 billion members across the world.
  • ASTS & American Tower - Global provider of wireless communications infrastructure. They offer solutions and services to deploy and support wireless networks in 25 countries located on six continents.
  • ASTS & Bell Canada - Canada’s largest communications company providing advanced Bell broadband wireless, Internet, TV, media and business communications services.
  • ASTS & Telefonica - One of the largest telecommunications service providers in Spanish America offering a wide range of digital services for more than 110 million residential and business customers across the region
  • ASTS & Nokia - A leader in building telecom network infrastructure, signed a multi-year agreement with AST SpaceMobile to help close gaps in cellular-broadband coverage and get unconnected communities online all over the world
  • ASTS & 40+ other MNOs (Mobile Network Operators) including Orange, MTN, Africell, Telstra, Indosat Ooredoo, Liberty Latin America, TIM, Etisalat, Zain, et al....
Spacemobiles current MNO partners have a combined 2.5billion+ subscribers.
vs Starlink @ ~190million subscribers
and Lynk @ 43million subscribers
Not that Spacemobile need these extra subscribers, but I foresee that it won't be long before even those few MNOs abandon the SoS text messaging ship in favour of ASTS' broadband offering. Why would they choose to travel by horse while everyone else is driving cars??
Something these "competitors" all have in common is that the service they provide is trash in comparison to Spacemobile. Most of them are self proclaimed SOS emergency text messaging services when deployed.
The Apple service applies to iPhone 14 and above, is outdoor SOS service, and you need to use an app that shows you which direction in the sky you need to point your phone toward in order for it to work lol...
ASTS will be able to deliver data at attractive rates that disrupt current satellite data services and become a viable substitute for terrestrial data services. At low enough prices, ASTS should be able to address a large market (unlike existing satellite services that are high-cost niche products) and spur new use cases that were previously cost-prohibitive -The KOOK Report
Why aren't AST Spacemobile known?
You're not their target customer - MNOs are. Partners like AT&T are the target for ASTS, and you're the target for AT&T. No advertising overheads for Spacemobile, just lines of cocaine with MNO C-suite shotcallers in luxury suites. The way ASTS have long been speculated to have structured their deals with early investors is a straight 50/50 split. So once they send their satellites up to space, they just need to maintain them until de-orbit. Nothing but profit while the MNOs advertise and sell the service to you - as seen here in the recent AT&T commercial starring Ben Stiller and featuring an ASTS satellite.
Their initial test results surpassed all of their own expectations. So much so in fact, that they revised the number of satellites required for global coverage, reducing their costs in the 100s of millions.
You don't need the latest iphone for this. This isn't just SoS text messaging. This is full broadband connectivity from space, no extra chips, antennas, or satellite dishes needed. Out in the woods? middle of the desert? camping in the mountains? drifting in the ocean? You're connected. Gone are the days where movies rely on their characters having no phone signal for their plot to work. This isn't just so you can browse Insta while on a cruise and avoid paying $30/day for their on-board internet. This will bring affordable access to everyone globally. Some kid in Somalia now has access to an education which leads to them discovering the cure for cancer. Poverty stricken teenagers around the world can rip the head off it streaming deep fakes of Zendaya getting railed in full HD. This will change the world.
There are 400 million people which live in areas with no internet infrastructure AT ALL - forget moving in and out of coverage. Let's say they're the poorest places that the service is provided to and therefore coverage for them will be priced at ~$2/month with ASTS getting half. Let's say only half of those 400 million opt in to the service, so $1 x 200million. Let's go with the BASIC 5x valuation. That's $2.4billion/year x 5 = $12billion company valuation, giving a share price of $48. That's considering a cheap service reaching the wallets of half the population of the areas with no coverage at all, so a pretty bleak scenario.
Typical wsb responses
"But SpaceX has thousands of satellites more than ASTS"
-_____- ...
"But SpaceX has unlimited money, they can catch up in no time"
ASTS has patents and patent claims in the thousands which solve issues SpaceX is still stuck on or hasn't even thought of yet. SpaceX have even applied to lower the altitude of their satellites to solve some of their major issues around beam forming, and the FCC told them to go fuck themselves, it will never happen. By contrast, go take a look at Jessica Rosenworcels (Chairwoman of the FCC) excitement to approving the framework ASTS would rely upon in the March 2024 hearing. Around 1:12:00 for the cream.
"So? with their funds they will eventually solve these issues and catch up"
Even if they did, they don't have MNO partners that control spectrum to meaningfully transmit over.
"SpaceX can just buy them out"
Abel Avellan, CEO and founder of AST Spacemobile holds ~84% of the controlling shares. He was founder and CEO of a satellite company called Emerging Markets Communications (EMC) until he sold it for a cool $550million in 2016, and then founded Spacemobile the following year. He went in to this venture after making enough for generational wealth, he could have kicked back and relaxed, but he didn't. He's not looking to sell, he's looking to create a legacy. He knows what this is worth, and even 10x the current market cap wouldn't cut it. To date, there hasn't been a single insider that has sold shares. Not one share.
"But zoom out on the graph, the company is going down! It always drops after a run"
The initial spike doesn't really count for anything, that's just SPAC merger rush. All the other dips are from delays and dilutions. Some of which could not be helped, and some of which were just bad management decisions, such as great news followed by news of dilution in the same day. A lot of the delays from suppliers have now been remedied by moving a lot of their fabricating and manufacturing in-house, with the added bonus of cutting down costs. Dilution will hopefully be warded off now as more MOUs become definitive agreements and funding. There are multiple upcoming catalysts for this stock, and after each one there will be a new bottom, we're rapidly approaching a turning point where the company begins generating meaningful regular revenue.
"But SpaceX SpaceX SpaceX"
The Starlink offering was touted as 17mbps, with a 15% packet loss, and the numbers were recorded 2/3rd of the way up to it's final altitude orbit, so who knows what the actual figures are... what we do know is that you need at least 5mbps to stream 1080p video and yet here is the video quality Starlink demonstrated 3 weeks ago - and you can forget expecting even this pixelated garbage when they launch the service, because this supposed "17mbps" is PER BEAM shared across many users in a large area. To his credit, Elon does somewhat set expectations, but the praise expressed in the X responses makes it clear that his followers only consume the headline. 18:00 in.
Now compare it to ASTS' demo streaming the AT&T commercial while their test satellite, Bluewalker 3, flew over a remote region of Hawaii on a rainy night.
and also compare it to ASTS and their 4 way video call using a 14mbps 4G connection over 8 months ago. 2:00 in to their video titled "First-Ever 5G Connectivity from Space to Everyday Smartphones Achieved by AST SpaceMobile" on the same youtube channel as the above post.I can't link it because the link contains 3 consecutive characters of a stock you're not allowed to post about...)
"I never see these posts till the run has happened"
Currently at +249% for the month - this is not the run. This stock sits at ~$8 right now, the last time it was $16 they had just announced that their test satellite was on the way to the launchpad. They have 5 more sats set for launch Q3 this year. I believe we will see $20+ this year easy. This is NOT the run - the run is 8000% "long term". Duetsch Bank have given this a 2027 price target of $672. Given Spacemobiles track record with staying on schedule, I'm inclined to be pessimistic about the timeline, but I have no doubt $672 is possible. That's just $81billion market cap. Annual revenue of 10-16billion per year would be fair value for that share price, and is easily achievable for Spacemobile once full constellation is up.
Latest speculation:
Earlier this month, AT&T announced their definitive agreement with ASTS. As part of this deal, their Head Of Network - Chris Sambar, was to join the ASTS board of directors. Days after this announcement, Verizon announced their own definitive agreement with ASTS. These two events were the catalyst for the 300% jump we saw this past month. Earlier today, it was announced that former Chief Technology Officer of Vodafone, Johan Wibergh joined the ASTS board of directors. Not only is he just a valuable asset to have, but he is also on the board of directors for Bell Canada. In the last few days Bell Canada also happens to have found it's way to the front of the Strategic Partners page on the ASTS website where they display just 6 - 8 entries even though they have much more. Prior to Johan joining, Bell Canada were not featured there. Will we see the pattern continue and expect a Bell Canada or Vodafone definitive agreement in the comiing days? More discussion around this speculation can be found here.
But you can ignore reading the tea leaves about Johan Wibergh and just count on other impending solid catalysts highlighted by CatSE---ApeX---'s recent post on WSB, each of which will give the SP a nice bump
I've been invested in this company pre-spac merger and have lost a significant amount on short dated options and even leaps expiring worthless - so I wouldn't recommend option plays... I know long term holds aren't the typical WSB play, but it's extremely rare to discover companies like this where you have the opportunity to get in at the ground level, and make similar gains from holding these shares, that you dream of making with Option yolos.
I get most of my DD from these far more intelligent and knowledgable sources. They're able to understand a lot more of the technical side of what's going on and translate that for everyday retail investors to understand. You can follow them here:
submitted by the_blue_pil to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:52 Adult-Person Bilingual Musical Comedy of Errors

The Public Theatre in New York is putting on a version of The Comedy of Errors for their Shakespeare in the Park program, and it switches between English and Spanish and is a musical! Because of this, it isn't completely faithful to the original work, but as an adaptation, it was pretty fun and much more approachable for an audience that either doesn't speak English exclusively or wouldn't be interested in straight Shakespeare. As someone who only speaks English, I missed some of the specifics of the Spanish dialogue, but the directors were careful to make sure you can still maintain an understanding of what's happening between the portions in English and repetition of ideas through song. A little over half of the show was in English, so I don't know what the perspective on this from a Spanish only speaker would be.
It was a musical, but generally the songs didn't replace scenes, they augmented and repeated scene's messages, so you still got the original dialogue (or a translated version) for the most part. There was also some non Shakespearean dialogue thrown in, adding to the more approachable and casual feel. All of the characters are bilingual, but as someone who isn't, the language changes amplified the levels of chaos and confusion in the show, which I enjoyed!
The show was fun, and so the costuming and direction; each pair of brothers is played by one actor who switches hats between his entrances, switching rapidly in the final scene when they meet. The last (and only previous) time I saw Shakespeare in the Park, the production was much more faithful to the original work, but I don't know if this is always the case. This time, the theatre which generally hosts Shakespeare in the Park is undergoing renovations, so the company is touring parks between the five boroughs, and I expect that influenced the liberties taken with this production.
What do you all think? Would you go/have you gone to this version of The Comedy of Errors? I didn't know it would be a musical or not completely in English until the show started, and I was pleasantly surprised by the changes
submitted by Adult-Person to shakespeare [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:06 Artistic-Werewolf627 [For Hire] Professional Video Translator

Are you in need of a reliable and skilled video translator for your next project? Look no further! I am a professional video translator with extensive experience in bringing content to life for diverse audiences. Whether it’s educational material, corporate training videos, or entertainment content, I ensure that your message is conveyed accurately and engagingly across different languages.
Services Offered:
• Video Script Translation: From English to Spanish, French, Japanese and vice versa. • Subtitle Creation and Synchronization: Perfectly timed subtitles that match your video’s audio. • Cultural Adaptation: Ensuring translations are culturally relevant and appropriate. • Proofreading and Editing: Thorough review of translations for accuracy and fluency. 
Why Choose Me:
• Expertise: Proven track record in translating various types of video content. • Attention to Detail: Meticulous about accuracy and maintaining the original tone and context. • Timeliness: Committed to meeting deadlines and managing multiple projects efficiently. 
submitted by Artistic-Werewolf627 to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:50 strawberrysourcandy My friend 23/M, ghosted me 26/F when I told him my mother died. Did he ever really care about me then?

This has been a complicated relationship for a few years. More than friends, less than lovers. We’d flirt, had plans to meet. But I cared about him. He seemed to suffer from low self esteem. Had a complicated relationship with his parents. Went through difficult depression quite a few times. I was always there. Day or night. Even if we were in no contact. Soon as he’d tell me he was feeling down, there I was trying to cheer him up. Try to ask about guitar (He loved music and creating it, I even bought him his favorite guitar.) I financially supported him too with nothing wanted in return. I just liked being there and taking care of him. I genuinely loved him. But always had to fight for attention. He would always apologize. We’d fight, go silent, he’d come back or I’d do. Promises would be made to change or to try.. (for bare minimum mind you.)
Anyway - it was a horrible relationship. Very back and fourth, confusing and hot and cold. I know it wasn’t sustainable/ not meant.
But I cared about him.
The last few weeks something went on. He had gotten very depressed. Kept distancing.
I told him I respected his need for space. He told me he’d be back he just needed time due to his mental health being low.
A few days passed. I had found my mother. Tried to give her cpr. She was gone. I waited until they told me that officially. I texted him. It had been two days of no contact/the space he requested at that point.
I figured it be okay for me to ‘break’ the no contact. I just experienced losing another parent, in the same exact way.
I told him my mom died. I told him how lost and broken I was.
He ghosted me.
I’ve known him for three years. No matter what he ever did, no matter how much he hurt me, the moment he told me something was wrong or bothering him, I showed up.
My mother died ..and he ignored me.
If you were to tell a stranger on the street that your mother died, they would offer condolences. I wasn’t looking for a full on speech from him, but just something. I’m more than a stranger to him, aren’t I? I’m that worthless in his eyes?
I can’t help but wonder if he ever cared about me? If he wasn’t willing to check in. People I didn’t even know were getting my number and sending sweet messages.
How could he do that? Did he ever care?
submitted by strawberrysourcandy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:42 stinky_catto 21f looking to make new friends:))

hi!! i’m from scotland and looking to make some gaming buddies or just people I can talk to!! I have ps, xbox and switch but also happy to play crossplay:)) currently playing ow2, minecraft, pokemon, fortnite, apex, genshin,ac and a couple others but happy to get any free games or re-download some others:)) otherwise i collect lego, plushies and little trinkets:) i play the bagpipes and i’m interested in other languages (can speak french and spanish and learning japanese and german) i also love cats and watch a bunch of anime (terror in resonance is my current number one and i also have a haku tattoo!!) feel free to dm me and i’ll try get back to everyone:) also ps. if you’ve dm’d me in the past my reddit has cleared all of my chats and requests so im sorry for not responding:(( i’ve tried to fix it but cannot so just message again:))
submitted by stinky_catto to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:17 circumlocutious Interview with Cobi and Carlos about the upcoming album, shows in CDMX and Guadalajara

Interview with Cobi and Carlos about the upcoming album, shows in CDMX and Guadalajara
Translation from Spanish:
We spoke with Cobi and Carlos prior to their visit to Mexico to perform at the Indie Rocks Forum! and at the Foro Independencia in Guadalajara about their new singles, what we can expect at their shows and their anniversary celebration of their self-titled album.
Mr. Indie: Well, let's start a little with your visit to Mexico. You have already come to Mexico City, but it is also the first time you come to Guadalajara. How do you feel about these shows?
Modeste Cobián: Extremely excited. The last time we played was the first time we had played with Carlos and he was incredible. The show, the fans and everything… I had never heard at a Buttertones show, “ole, ole, ole, ole!” like that out of nowhere. It was incredible. We've been practicing with Carlos for a year, and the show is going to be a thousand times better with the new band.
Mr. Indie: You’re just coming out of soundcheck. What has it been like putting together these two new songs for the shows? How do you think the public will receive them at the Indie Rocks Forum and in Guadalajara?
Modeste Cobián: They have been super good. People have loved them. Richard and I have been playing “Orpheus Under the Influence” for over ten years. We love it, but sometimes you get tired of it. These new songs bring a different energy, and I think people realize that. Also, we have played a new song that we haven't released yet, called “Judy”, and it has been very well received. I think when we play it live, people are going to love it.
Carlos Sanchez: People have good taste. They realize when something is well done, even if it is not always intellectual, but sensory. From all the shows we've played, we know what an impact they have. We change the order of the songs every show because we know how they can work best. We are very confident in what we do, and there is always something new that people say. It's going to be cool to hear new songs, especially with the girls' voices, which bring something fresh. We are very excited and that will be felt in the show.
Modeste Cobián: It's different, but it still sounds like Buttertones. It's a transition that makes sense.
Mr. Indie: In addition to your show at the Indie Rocks Forum, you will share the stage with The Orange Boys and Jackie Cruz. How did the collaboration with them come about?
Carlos Sanchez: I've known Jackie since before I was in the band. I worked in a studio with my friend José de La Parra, who produces many artists. Jackie came to the studio looking for a producer and that's how I met her. When I started working with The Buttertones, José and Jackie came to our show, and she loved it. Richard and Jackie became friends, and she ended up recording with us. We decided to have her open the show in Mexico because her project is good and she helps us both. As for The Orange Boys, it was a forum decision. I didn't know them before, but now I've heard their music and they sound great.
Mr. Indie: This year you have released some singles, like “Face to Face with Fantasy.” How do you feel about these new releases?
Modeste Cobián: We are very excited. We haven't released anything since “Jazzhound,” so this is a new direction for us. Although it's not that different from our usual style, it feels fresh and exciting.
Carlos Sanchez: It is a good representation of our evolution. The entire album reflects how the band has integrated the voices of Carly and Mimi, as well as the energy of all members. It's a fuller, more mature sound.
Mr. Indie: Where did the name “Face to Face with Fantasy” come from?
Modeste Cobián: That's a question for Richard. He always has interesting ideas and works on them from early in the morning. One day he simply told us that would be the name. He has his own universe in his head and usually surprises us.
Mr. Indie: Let's talk about the latest single you released at the beginning of the month, “Awesome Monster.” What was it like recording it and what is the story behind the cover?
Modeste Cobián: That song was mostly Richard's idea. The rest of the members added our parts. The cover is a drawing Richard did of me eight years ago when I had long hair. It is interesting and contrasts with the previous cover, which was created with artificial intelligence.
Carlos Sanchez: The idea was to do something completely different from the previous cover, which was an AI drawing. This time, we wanted something more organic. The original cover was going to be a collage of monster drawings made by Richard's niece and nephew, but we ended up using a drawing he made of Modeste years ago. It's a combination of ideas that reflects the happy energy of the song.
Mr. Indie: You also mentioned the last single “You’re Gonna Die.” What was it like creating that song and working on the cover with AI?
Modeste Cobián: At first, I didn't like the idea of ​​using AI, but when we saw the cover with the song, it made sense.
Carlos Sanchez: The cover was made by a friend of ours using AI. We wanted something that defied the expectations of our band. The idea of ​​a muscular guy who looks sad and is on fire fit perfectly with the message of the song. It was something intentionally provocative and different.
Mr. Indie: This year marks the 10th anniversary of your self-titled album. How do you feel about it and the tour celebrating it?
Modeste Cobián: Honestly, I haven't thought about it much because I know that when I go on stage, I'll probably start crying. We started as three young people without knowing how far we would go. It's exciting and nostalgic.
Carlos Sanchez: For me, it's a way to connect with the band's past. I'm learning new songs that aren't really new. It's interesting and exciting to play an album from so long ago with the current band.
Modeste Cobián: And the first album doesn't have a saxophone, so Carlos has added a lot of things. It's going to sound better, it's going to be an incredible show.
Mr. Indie: What other projects do you have after the tours in Mexico and the anniversary tour?
Modeste Cobián: We have another tour of the United States, including places like Florida where we have never played. It will be a long tour of about 30 days.
Mr. Indie: Anything else you want to add about the new album or what's coming?
Modeste Cobián: The new album is going to sound different, a little darker, but it's still Buttertones. There is a lot of emphasis on Carly and Mimi's female voices, which adds a new and exciting dimension.
Mr. Indie: What can Mexican fans expect at these shows?
Carlos Sanchez: A lot of energy and madness. The recent shows have been like an ecstasy for us, and I think the fans will feel that same emotion. It will be a good show, better than last year.
Modeste Cobián: We are working on two music videos that will be out soon. We have a lot of touring in mind and we are focused on playing live and finishing the album.
Carlos Sanchez: Yes, live shows, finish recording, release the album and videos. We have a lot ahead of us!
submitted by circumlocutious to TheButtertones [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:02 ShadowyHuman_ I'm looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group to stream with through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to IdeaExchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:58 ShadowyHuman_ I'm looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group to get existential with through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to existential [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:50 ShadowyHuman_ I'm looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group to stream and make videos with through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
For the rules: I don't consider this to be promoting since I'm not mentioning any channel names.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:48 ShadowyHuman_ I'm looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group to stream with through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
For the rules: I don't consider this to be promoting since I'm not mentioning any channel names.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to Twitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:10 No_Ad_4897 19m LETS TALK about literally anything

Hey! GAY 19m here I’m so bored someone keep me company PLEASEEEE!! I’m down to voice chat or gaming (I’m on pc and ps5) ooooo so down for dress to impress on Roblox too hmu Roblox fiends!! Also I speak both English and Spanish and despite being fluent at both I still suck womp womp. Idk what more to say just message me already!!!!!!
submitted by No_Ad_4897 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:46 Accomplished-Code105 Have you ever wondered how a song with German, Japanese, English, and Spanish lyrics might sound? Well, then check this one out!

Have you ever wondered how a song with German, Japanese, English, and Spanish lyrics might sound? Well, then check this one out!
What if AI could be used to craft a song in multiple languages, all with a message of overcoming challenges and rising above setbacks?
Curious about this idea, I started experimenting with AI tools to build a track that embodies this concept.
The result is a Global Uplifting Hip-Hop song called "Phoenix." (Think of it as a multilingual anthem for rising from the ashes!)
Lyrics (with translation):
(Intro) 傷ついたとしても大丈夫 (Scratched and bruised, it's alright) 나아갈 수 있어 (We can move on) Wir fallen, stehen wieder auf (We fall, we rise again) It's never the end, gotta find a way (It's never the end, gotta find a way)
(Verse 1: English) Yeah, stumbled in the dark, made some bad decisions Lost my way for a while, fueled by wrong ambitions But the sun always shines, gotta chase the horizon Learn from every mistake, that's how wisdom is risen
(Verse 2: Spanish) Tropecé en la oscuridad, cometí errores tontos (Stumbled in the darkness, made dumb mistakes) Me sentí tan perdido, navegando mares rotos (Felt so lost, sailing broken seas) Pero la lluvia se aclara, dejando arcoíris hermosos (But the rain clears, leaving beautiful rainbows) El perdón te libera, te hace invencible, poderoso (Forgiveness sets you free, makes you invincible, powerful)
(Verse 3: German) Wir stolpern, fallen hin, doch die Sonne geht nie unter (We stumble, fall down, but the sun never sets) Vertrauen in uns selbst, innere Stärke erwacht (Trust in ourselves, inner strength awakens) Vergebung ist der Schlüssel, öffnet verschlossene Türen (Forgiveness is the key, unlocks closed doors) Ein neuer Tag zum Lächeln, neue Träume zu spüren (A new day to smile, new dreams to feel)
(Verse 4: Korean) 어둠 속에서 길을 잃었지만 (Got lost in the darkness) 지금은 빛을 향해 나아갈 수 있어 (Now I can walk towards the light) 실수로부터 배워 더 강해질거야 (I'll learn from my mistakes and become stronger) 미래는 밝아, 행복을 위해 즐겨봐 (The future is bright, enjoy it for happiness)
(Outro) 傷ついたとしても大丈夫 (Scratched and bruised, it's alright) 나아갈 수 있어 (We can move on) Wir fallen, stehen wieder auf (We fall, we rise again) It's never the end, gotta find a way (It's never the end, gotta find a way)
Check the song here:
submitted by Accomplished-Code105 to robotsmakemusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:45 Accomplished-Code105 Have you ever wondered how a song with German, Japanese, English, and Spanish lyrics might sound? Well, then check this one out!

Have you ever wondered how a song with German, Japanese, English, and Spanish lyrics might sound? Well, then check this one out!
What if AI could be used to craft a song in multiple languages, all with a message of overcoming challenges and rising above setbacks?
Curious about this idea, I started experimenting with AI tools to build a track that embodies this concept.
The result is a Global Uplifting Hip-Hop song called "Phoenix." (Think of it as a multilingual anthem for rising from the ashes!)
Lyrics (with translation):
(Intro) 傷ついたとしても大丈夫 (Scratched and bruised, it's alright) 나아갈 수 있어 (We can move on) Wir fallen, stehen wieder auf (We fall, we rise again) It's never the end, gotta find a way (It's never the end, gotta find a way)
(Verse 1: English) Yeah, stumbled in the dark, made some bad decisions Lost my way for a while, fueled by wrong ambitions But the sun always shines, gotta chase the horizon Learn from every mistake, that's how wisdom is risen
(Verse 2: Spanish) Tropecé en la oscuridad, cometí errores tontos (Stumbled in the darkness, made dumb mistakes) Me sentí tan perdido, navegando mares rotos (Felt so lost, sailing broken seas) Pero la lluvia se aclara, dejando arcoíris hermosos (But the rain clears, leaving beautiful rainbows) El perdón te libera, te hace invencible, poderoso (Forgiveness sets you free, makes you invincible, powerful)
(Verse 3: German) Wir stolpern, fallen hin, doch die Sonne geht nie unter (We stumble, fall down, but the sun never sets) Vertrauen in uns selbst, innere Stärke erwacht (Trust in ourselves, inner strength awakens) Vergebung ist der Schlüssel, öffnet verschlossene Türen (Forgiveness is the key, unlocks closed doors) Ein neuer Tag zum Lächeln, neue Träume zu spüren (A new day to smile, new dreams to feel)
(Verse 4: Korean) 어둠 속에서 길을 잃었지만 (Got lost in the darkness) 지금은 빛을 향해 나아갈 수 있어 (Now I can walk towards the light) 실수로부터 배워 더 강해질거야 (I'll learn from my mistakes and become stronger) 미래는 밝아, 행복을 위해 즐겨봐 (The future is bright, enjoy it for happiness)
(Outro) 傷ついたとしても大丈夫 (Scratched and bruised, it's alright) 나아갈 수 있어 (We can move on) Wir fallen, stehen wieder auf (We fall, we rise again) It's never the end, gotta find a way (It's never the end, gotta find a way)
Check the song here:
submitted by Accomplished-Code105 to SunoRaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:41 Accomplished-Code105 Have you ever wondered how a song with German, Japanese, English, and Spanish lyrics might sound? Well, then check this one out!

What if AI could be used to craft a song in multiple languages, all with a message of overcoming challenges and rising above setbacks?
Curious about this idea, I started experimenting with AI tools to build a track that embodies this concept.
The result is a Global Uplifting Hip-Hop song called "Phoenix." (Think of it as a multilingual anthem for rising from the ashes!)
Lyrics (with translation):
(Intro) 傷ついたとしても大丈夫 (Scratched and bruised, it's alright) 나아갈 수 있어 (We can move on) Wir fallen, stehen wieder auf (We fall, we rise again) It's never the end, gotta find a way (It's never the end, gotta find a way)
(Verse 1: English) Yeah, stumbled in the dark, made some bad decisions Lost my way for a while, fueled by wrong ambitions But the sun always shines, gotta chase the horizon Learn from every mistake, that's how wisdom is risen
(Verse 2: Spanish) Tropecé en la oscuridad, cometí errores tontos (Stumbled in the darkness, made dumb mistakes) Me sentí tan perdido, navegando mares rotos (Felt so lost, sailing broken seas) Pero la lluvia se aclara, dejando arcoíris hermosos (But the rain clears, leaving beautiful rainbows) El perdón te libera, te hace invencible, poderoso (Forgiveness sets you free, makes you invincible, powerful)
(Verse 3: German) Wir stolpern, fallen hin, doch die Sonne geht nie unter (We stumble, fall down, but the sun never sets) Vertrauen in uns selbst, innere Stärke erwacht (Trust in ourselves, inner strength awakens) Vergebung ist der Schlüssel, öffnet verschlossene Türen (Forgiveness is the key, unlocks closed doors) Ein neuer Tag zum Lächeln, neue Träume zu spüren (A new day to smile, new dreams to feel)
(Verse 4: Korean) 어둠 속에서 길을 잃었지만 (Got lost in the darkness) 지금은 빛을 향해 나아갈 수 있어 (Now I can walk towards the light) 실수로부터 배워 더 강해질거야 (I'll learn from my mistakes and become stronger) 미래는 밝아, 행복을 위해 즐겨봐 (The future is bright, enjoy it for happiness)
(Outro) 傷ついたとしても大丈夫 (Scratched and bruised, it's alright) 나아갈 수 있어 (We can move on) Wir fallen, stehen wieder auf (We fall, we rise again) It's never the end, gotta find a way (It's never the end, gotta find a way)
Check the song here:
submitted by Accomplished-Code105 to AI_Music [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:15 ultanthropo I've been thinking about it for a few months and I think I was groomed.

First off, English isn't my first language so I apologize beforehand for any mistake or if I don't make myself understood.
When I was around 12-13, I was mutuals with a person who was quite older. I was born in '06 and I believe they were born in '00/'01, but I'm not really sure. We replied to each other's tweets a lot and we started talking through DMs. Eventually they asked for my number.
We talked every day, we had a lot of interests in common. We talked about our problems (very heavy stuff such as SH, suicidal thoughts, gender dysphoria...).
I'm a very affectionate and loving person when I'm close with someone. I think they profited off that, or maybe it was my fault for being that way. They told me I was very cute and small, that they wanted to cuddle me and sleep with me (in the literal sense of the world, it doesn't translate well from Spanish lol). We stopped talking for a while and started again during the pandemic, when I was 14. Same dynamic.
After the pandemic, when I came out to my parents (I'm a trans man), I was in a very vulnerable situation and they offered me to live with them and their partner if things went really bad with my parents.
We stopped talking abruptly, I don't really remember why. My memories are very fuzzy. We got back in touch last summer (I was 17, and because of this I have second thoughts about being groomed, since I was older and had to be more aware of the situation. I don't think I can claim I was naïve). Again, I was in a very vulnerable situation: my long-term boyfriend had broken up with me after doing some quite nasty things to me and I had a very big fight with my friend group. I couldn't vent to literally anyone and said so on my private Twitter account. After two years of not speaking to each other, they asked me what was wrong. I told them everything that was happening to me (again, that is entirely my fault).
We talked from July to November of last year. Things scaled quite a bit, they told me they loved me repeatedly (they used "amar" which is really only used with romantic partners), and I did so as well, but only after they had begun.
On October 24th, they told me they had started feeling "things" for me, that they weren't in love with me but that they wanted to be more than friends. I was... shocked and creeped out to say the least. When I didn't respond, they spammed me because "they needed to hear my opinion". I didn't want to confront them about the age gap, so I just said that I was sorry if my affectionate behavior led them to think I wanted something with them (which is also true). We continued talking anyway.
Even though I said I'm very affectionate, I also struggle a lot to maintain relationships of any kind through text. I could spend a few days before I replied to their messages. I always apologized because I felt so guilty not only about that but also for rejecting them. In late November I forgot to reply for an entire week. I hadn't even noticed I had messages from them and I felt so ashamed that I kept putting it off. At the same time, they started disappearing from social media and I was very worried. Finally, I apologized thoroughly and from the bottom of my heart on new year's day. They haven't responded. I don't know anything about them, except for the fact that they see my close-friends Instagram stories.
I feel like it's all my fault for being so stupid, but I kind of miss them in a way at the same time.
Sorry for the long post, but I needed to get this off my chest, no one knows about this.
submitted by ultanthropo to groomingvictim [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:08 One-Bluebird5115 How to improve my friendship with my friend

The title says it all. For privacy reasons I won't reveal names. I'm Jack a introvert or just have introverted tendencies so I don't do social things, I don't even have social media except for this and discord but they're just used for entertainment and for communicating with my friend Sophia respectively. Our friendship and before that associate relationship started 2022 it was from a associate relationship between two introverts that was originally just to help one another out and boredom since we met in a Spanish language class. It was alright we would speak a decent amount when we could on many topics including her boyfriend Alex and my (at the time) girlfriend, school and random stuff. Our relationship became friendship at this time I even met alex and would eat lunch together since we had no one else around that we knew plus we liked being alone from people but sometimes wanted to talk to a friend. It continued for the next semester even though we didn't have any classes together. Our friendship was well enough that we exchanged contact information since I trusted her and liked her enough to share info.( I never shared contact information before and very rarely do today since I never felt comfortable with it or closed to anyone since I was much more introverted than I am now) we would occasionally text every once in a while but my focus was school and my girlfriend. I didn't message her during the summer because it's just how I was never talking to anyone during the summer except my girlfriend of course. In the fall semester I didn't have a class with her like I did previous semester, but I had lunch with her and Alex as well and some of his friends that were in a little group for lunch. I eventually befriended one such friend of the group which I am also friends with, but not so much with the others, but we spoke respectfully. I would occasionally speak to Alex and we got along that I actually enjoy speaking with him When possible. But the trouble began with my girlfriend. I never introduced her to Sophia since she was in a different school but she knew of her. Our relationship that started in freshman year became more distant we would go many days to weeks of not talking. Most were because I naively thought I should give as much space as possible since I didn't want to be overbearing and she too was a introvert but also many tests to see if she even noticed or remembered me. I didn't like the many days and weeks of no contact that started in freshmen I set a boundary to talk at least once a day with just good morning or good night etc. it worked but it became clear she either didn't care or just forgot. I also caught her in a lie. She told me she would leave out of town for a few days and return a day later than when I caught her. I was with my family eating dinner at a restaurant but I saw her sister and waved at her she saw me and grew visibly awkward and nervous which was odd since I've met her many times before. She was the opposite of her sister, being very social and lively. I saw about a minute later my girlfriend going in to pick up what was ordered with her sister. I made a forced smile not wanting to make a scene saying hello before leaving right after. She didn't say anything to me for the rest of the day and I being a fool found her at the park the next day to confront her with why she lied. She said she forgot (something that was said multiple times before with texting) to tell me and I forgave her because I trusted but I grew suspicious there on out. Things got better but got back to her forgetting to text or reply to messages. I eventually invited her to my house for Halloween to watch a movie. It went well but I didn't even get some form of communication with her after that about the date. I before that was growing suspicious and numb to her and our relationship. So I went to Sophia since she was in my position before with a ex. I went to her since she was the only person I knew with any experience with relationships and because the more I saw her relationship with Alex the more I realized with my eyes opening more every day how terrible mine truly was. For almost a week she gave advice on my situation and gave me courage to finally break up with her a week before thanksgiving. I had a easy time breaking off the relationship but after it felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. I was free and single which is still weird for me. Now with that out of the way I must say this: when I speak with people and when I text with friends I sound very elegant or respectful and mature and as I've been told I sound very flirtatious with girls but don't even realize. It's like a old man when he's young from the early 1900s talking. Sophia has said about three times I've flirted with her even though I never realized even when told by her since it was never my intentions. Two were when I was in a relationship with my ex and once after our break up before I was given a ride by her mom because we both missed the bus. That last accidentally "flirt" as she said did a hit on our friendship and almost ended it. I watch my tongue when I speak to her and she noticed. Our friendship was odd for a while but it got better and now it's not odd but not as good as it was before either. I know she very clearly introverted like me but I still want a healthy friendship with her like before. I think it's likely because of her relationship with Alex because when I had a girlfriend we were closer. Another thing is their relationship is very different: healthier than my last one but always together to the point that neither speak and anyone else if together unless spoken to. I think she sees me as someone that wants to date her when I really don't but I do wish for a girlfriend just not her since I see her almost like a sister. So tell my random strangers on the internet what wisdom and advice can you give to me. It will be most appreciated.
submitted by One-Bluebird5115 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:33 ShadowyHuman_ Looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to studying [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:31 ShadowyHuman_ Looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to NewFriendsEverywhere [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:26 ShadowyHuman_ Looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to interpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:25 ShadowyHuman_ Looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

For the rules: I don't consider this to be promoting since I'm not mentioning any channel names or existing groups.
Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to makingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:14 ShadowyHuman_ Looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to AnyAdvertise [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:08 ShadowyHuman_ Looking to make a studying📚/gaming🎮 group through intervals (Let me know if I'm in over my head)

Hello! I am looking to make a group of 5-6 close online friends (around my age or older), preferably I'd like to find people who aren't really good at anything. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I've been thinking about this for a while... For context, I'm in college (I'm 20) and have a hard time studying, and I also don't play video games.
I had this idea of making a YouTube/Twitch channel where I could study for maybe 1 hour and then play a video game for 20 minutes over and over again, then turn that into a video, and then turn that into a short to reach more people and eventually make a community.
The issue is... that it's boring and I think doing it with a group of friends would be a lot better. I like the idea of owning a YouTube channel with friends because then we could look back on it like memories and share it with other people. I have A LOT of ideas but they all involve having friends, and I haven't made any yet.
I have an interesting background, but that's really all I have going for me. I'm fluent in English and Spanish but besides that, I'm not good at anything, so, I'd like to find other people who aren't good at anything either but who would like to improve themselves. I think it would not be as fun if you were better than me since the fun part is figuring stuff out together!
I love languages, but I'm also interested in biology, chemistry, math, programming, drawing, music, philosophy, and a bunch more. I'm in college for biology, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life just doing that, I have too many interests but I also can't bring myself to study any of them (though I do enjoy studying, it's just getting myself to start is a pain).
I feel like putting ourselves in front of a camera would force us to study since that's what we are there to do and would create an educational environment, and the gaming aspect gives us a break. I also like the streaming idea because we can get live feedback if we ever grow a community. I've tried doing it, but doing it alone is really LAME. I also don't know much about video games, I used to like Minecraft but that's about it (I also liked RPG indie horror games like Ib, Off, and Irisu Syndrome, but I've never met anyone who knows them).
I have everything ready, I've just never really tried to make friends before. If you read through all of that then send me a message, I think the world is too big and there are so many cool things we could learn together and share with other people. But at the same time, am I being naive? It's definitely a lot of effort to study so many things and run social media with friends, but we only have one life, I think we should use it to its potential while having a friend group to rely on (even if that's online). Studying/gaming alone is boring and I don't have any interest in making friends in person. If I exist and like this idea, I'm sure someone else on the internet will as well, I just have to put it out there and find them.
Maybe... I wrote too much. I'm just a bit excited and have a lot of ideas. So, if you're like me, don't mind being recorded, and want to improve yourself, message me, and let's be friends!! (Just keep in mind I am VERY shy, even online, but I grow out of it).
[SUMMARY] I want to have a close 4-6 friend group to play games and study a variety of subjects in intervals. I also want to start a YouTube/Twitch stream with them to grow a community and track our progress together.
submitted by ShadowyHuman_ to FriendshipWorldwide [link] [comments]