W-p online media te london


2011.09.02 10:00 Smite

Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch.

2011.01.04 19:52 I2P - Private P2P Network

A subreddit for information and discussions related to the I2P (Cousin of R2D2) anonymous peer-to-peer network. I2P provides applications and tooling for communicating on a privacy-aware, self-defensed, distributed network. Visit https://geti2p.net to download I2P. Darknet Markets are not allowed on this sub. Take it somewhere else. https://old.reddit.com/i2p/about/rules/ Reddit banner created by Sadie.

2011.04.24 17:40 lucaryholt The Yogscast

Honeydew Inc. Public Relations Sector

2024.06.05 15:54 MigsBrooks Should I still go for it?

I honestly need and want someone to guide me as to what should I do and where it will go. Quick story short: I still like this girl from highschool but I didn't make any move EVEN THOUGH she likes me back and I am telling y'all her friends and from her directly I know that she also likes me but I was so immature that I just let it and do nothing because all I think is I am not capable of having someone or rather I am not as worthy of their time due to full of insecurities I had like I doubt about my looks, my skills, my capabilities and even my academic performances I was also like the class clown. That was my hell up of mindset when I was in highschool I didn't know what to act but we get the chance to have interactions sa school especially on the events like the marriage booth na talagang gusto kong mangyare ulit at kausapin siya ng totoo. We also got jailed booth dahil na setup kami if I remember it correctly we were blindfolded and lots of peeps knows that there's going on to the both of us and I still did not make any move. As time goes by a year before pandemic happened until the 1st month of the pandemic, we talked a lot of things and that time I feel like I know her fully; what she loved to do, who's singer she listens to and her dreams, and she even have the greatest laugh and humor in mankind while me who only have dark humor 🕶️. Then, suddenly we lost contact to each other for 2 years because I stopped talking and I don't know the exact reason I think immaturity and cowardness strikes me again na pinagsisisihan ko. Until one day, she followed me on IG and had some convos and interaction sa mga story until siya na naging reason why I check my social medias up until now. One time nakikita ko siya sa campus and umiiwas siya especially noong nasa SM kami ng mga kabigan ko tatlo lang kami at alam nilang dalawa yung about samin ni girl, nakasalubong namin siya and then umiiwas siya ng sobra sakin and I don't know how to read guys. I don't know if she hates me or idk. I confessed to her next day after nun and she told me "hindi muna ko pwede magka-feelings sayo" and I honestly cried after that I still don't know if what I did is good or nah. After some months, got interactions again and we also played interactive games like Roblox and ML. For everyday maglalaro man kami o hindi I always go to her profile sa ML and heart it. Last year there's one time that I quitted playing ML for more than 3 months and we haven't had any interaction kahit sa online then suddenly when I'm planning to play it again right after I launch it there was a gift from her and it indicates that it's from last month lang like I was inactively playing for more than a month and she just gave me a gift. I don't want to say that I am being delusional but if you're inactive for that long you'll be in the bottom in your friends lists made me think the "what if" and this happen for like a twice na. Just this year again I was constantly inactive due to acads and when I open my ML nagsend sya ulit diamond worth of gift. And sa Insta lang kami nag chat because sa messenger is a lil awkward because of the past then nung nag bday ako bigla siya dun nag chat sa messenger. I really still have the strong feeling that we both know and feel the same thing and ayoko sana umasa but because of that hindi ako makatingin sa ibang babae dahil siya lang gusto ng puso ko hanggang ngayon. My friend advises me to ask her like "ano ba tayo" and I feel like I think I should but in other way siguro. What do you think guys?
submitted by MigsBrooks to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:49 TheOddFeelings Autists; troons, Normies, and the blackpilled

So these are the three main categories I’ve found people with autism to be in the most outta any group.
They usually are the extremely obnoxious progressive types, have gender dysphoria, believes everyone right of center to be a Nazi, etc.
They’re angry a lot, and lash out on the internet because they’re losers irl, they also love to claim that their demographic “are just normal people” when they’re anything but.
One of the most vitriolic, insecure, spoiled, corny, and hateful groups people you’ll ever encounter on this planet.
They also have a knack for celebrating the deaths of their opposition.
These spergs are found in Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, And YouTube.
They’re pretty much the type of autists that neurotypicals immediately think of when they think about people with autism.
They’re awkward in person, in agreement with nearly every main stream leftist narrative and opinion, very mild mannered, frequently attempts to fit in with humor and fails most of the time, and are truly the most “pick me” of us all.
They also really love transgenders and feminists, most likely believe inkweldom is either a myth or self inflicted. Begs for forms of “representation” in media, eats up the scraps.
Most of these people have zero concept of self introspection, and usually fit into the categories of “oofy doofies” and ironically enough “inkwells,” and are just deluding themselves into thinking they aren’t.
You’ll find these spergs in Autism
Hated by the majority of people in society, aren’t exactly taken seriously, but are ironically enough usually in the right a lot of time.
These autists were more than likely born ugly, ethnic, short, or potentially all three.
They weren’t even gifted the autist halo effect like most of the normie spergs are, therefore, they were forced to grow up in an environment where they were treated as if they were nothing and couldn’t really do much about it except detach themselves from normies entirely.
They don’t find most things that other normie autists find funny (bc they aren’t)
These autists usually get to walk two only paths most of the time depending on their fortitude.
Based (blackpilled) or gay (gay)
A lot of these autists are usually found here.

Why do you think so many autistic people fall into these categories so easily?
submitted by TheOddFeelings to ForeverAloneJerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:47 Away_Message144 LF: part time job 🥹🤞

Hi there! I’m an 18 year old fresh hs grad looking for a part time job (online/around SF). Here’s a little bit about me:
submitted by Away_Message144 to Pampanga [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:43 ComfortableYellow217 can u please tell me if this speech sounds like ai

The sexualization of women, a widespread problem that impacts half the people on earth, yet is frequently ignored or unaddressed. Women experience objectification and dehumanization daily ––from media, ads, and even personal interactions. A startling 68% of women report experiencing some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. This isn't just a series of isolated incidents; it’s a societal epidemic. The way women are portrayed in pornography and the media is linked to the normalization of sexual violence; studies show that physical aggression against women occurs in approximately 88% of scenes in popular adult films. Not only does this oversexualized representation stay on screen, but it also seeps into our society, creating environments in which sexual assault is normalized. The impact this has on our society—from fostering negative stereotypes to developing addiction and distorted views of intimacy must be acknowledged and addressed immediately. Objectification and Dehumanization Sexual abuse has become more widespread because of the objectification and dehumanization of women. It makes women feel uneasy, nervous, and constantly disrespected when they are regarded as objects of public opinion. It feels like our bodies are on show without their consent and that our bodies are subject to public observation and commentary. The more society accepts these degrading behaviours, the more it perpetuates an environment where sexual violence is not only tolerated but also encouraged. However, the sexualization of women goes beyond that. It seeps into our media influencing how we perceive and treat women. An upsetting example is the language we use to describe gender attributes. When we search for synonyms for "manly," we find words like brave, heroic, and courageous, (pause) qualities associated with strength. Yet, when we search for synonyms for "womanly," the results often reduce women to physical characteristics like being curvy, or some form of physically defining trait. This reflects the reality we live in. A reality where we as women are praised only for their appearance over any other aspect of their character, skills, or achievements. This problem is made worse by the way women are portrayed in the media, which primarily promotes unreasonable expectations, reinforces negative stereotypes, and presents women as objects of desire. Media representation Because of the way that the media presents women, sexual violence is normalized and downplayed in our society making women more vulnerable to assault. Real-life cases such as the Brock Turner case show the devastating impact of these stereotypes. The media focuses on the victim's appearance and behaviour on the night of the assault, rather than the assault itself. This is a prime example of how these stereotypes influence public perception and can contribute to lesser sentences for these criminals. Chanel Miller, the survivor in this case, described in her memoir "Know My Name" how negatively the media’s depiction of her affected her and how societal stereotypes can lead to victim-blaming and even lessen sentences for the assaulters. The impact of these stereotypes and perseptions enters online chatrooms like discord and podcasts, where misogynistic views are further reinforced. Incels or involuntary celibates, frequently distribute media that objectifies women, backing the idea that women owe them sexual satisfaction. A recent case in South korea called the “Nth Room” case was a network of telegram chatrooms where women and minors were forced to share explicit photos of themselves or have their private information leaked. When SBS exposed these chatrooms, many people sought out links to these chatrooms to view explicit content for themselves. While such a horrendous crime was ongoing the public chose not to help the victims but add fuel to the fire Sexual violence is normalized through social media and is amplified even more through pornography. Normalization of sexual violence and pornography The normalization of sexual violence is supported by the sexualization of women in pornography. The idea that a women's main worth depends on their physical attractiveness and sexual availability is strengthened when they are portrayed as sexual objects on a regular basis. Research shows that exposure to sexually objectifying media is associated with an increased capacity to accept aggressive sexual behaviour. A study was published in the Journal of Communication found that those who watch or read media that sexualizes women are more likely to agree with claims which put the blame on victims of sexual assault and downplay the seriousness of these crimes (Vega & Malamuth, 2007). Pornography plays a big part in normalizing sexual assault by often portraying women in dehumanizing and submissive ways. Regular exposure to pornography can desensitize viewers to sexual assault and is associated with attitudes that promote rape myths. According to Psychology Today, "Men who frequently consume pornography are more likely to see women as sex objects and to believe that women enjoy being coerced into sex" (Zillmann, 2000). By exposing society to these portrayals, we numb individuals to the gravity of sexual assault, making it more challenging to recognize and put an end to these crimes. Navigating today's world as a woman means confronting a society that diminishes and objectifies us. But, despite these challenges, women persist and show remarkable resilience. Together, we must work towards a future where women are valued for their strengths, intelligence, and humanity—not just their appearance. Thank you
submitted by ComfortableYellow217 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:42 cheinyeanlim FMNs may be the future of ads

FMNs may be the future of ads
Banks and financial services firms are launching financial media networks (FMNs), online platforms that use customers’ first-party data to advertise in place of third-party cookies. FMNs yield huge quantities of valuable customer data that could be the future of advertising… and an enormous privacy risk for consumers.
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FMNs may be the future of ads
Banking on data Digiday covers the new technology of FMNs and their implications for customer privacy.
  • FMNs are similar to RMNs (aka retail media networks), which major retailers like Walmart and Target can use to observe customers’ spending habits and monetize as data.
  • FMNs are trying to cash in on RMNs’ popularity now that RMN spending is estimated at $140 billion this year and set to tie social media for the second-largest means of global ad spending in 2027.
  • The big difference is that FMNs — often run by banks — can examine all the activity in customers’ bank accounts. This is way more informative (and invasive) than RMNs.
Chase Bank launched an FMN this April, while PayPal, Revolut, and Klarna all have similar services in the works.
“Just checking” Data harvested by FMNs is certainly valuable; economically, it could rival or even surpass third-party cookies. The real question is whether it can be gathered and sold in a way that preserves consumers’ privacy since the whole point of outlawing cookies is consumer protection.
Will customers be able to opt out of FMNs? Or is the cure worse than the disease?
submitted by cheinyeanlim to martechnewser [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:41 triplemstudios “What do you even do as a social media manager other than post content?” Well I do these things …

“What do you even do as a social media manager other than post content?” Well I do these things …
Comment ‘EDUCATE’ for a content creators tools lists!
En jij kan hetzelfde doen als ik: Content planning doe ik in @canva Video editing in @capcutapp Fotos editen in @lightroom Copywriting en spelling thanks to @chatgpt
en om alles op te slaan zodat ik niets kwijtraak is te danken aan @googledriveofficial
Ben ik wat vergeten? of wil je weten hoe ik gebruik maak van deze dingen? . . . . ✨️Sla dit bericht op en volg TMS voor meer inhoud, marketing, trending audio, sociale media en algoritmetips ✨️

editing #contentcreator #freelancesocialmedia #socialmediamanagement #instagramgrowthtips #instagramgrowth

submitted by triplemstudios to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:39 Embarrassed_Ad_4162 Hey! Looking for a job.

For context, I live in London, just completed my bachelor’s in Psychology. Done multiple jobs like library assistant, kitchen manager, catering assistant, social media marketer, content creation. I want to move back but only if I get a job in Delhi/ggn. Any tips would be helpful. Im looking in Hmarketing/consultancy. Thankyou
submitted by Embarrassed_Ad_4162 to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:38 Away_Message144 any online job

Hi there! I’m an 18 year old fresh hs grad looking for an online job. Here’s a little bit about me:
submitted by Away_Message144 to WorkOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:37 delicate_decay_ Saw these in Hagerstown, MD today!

Saw these in Hagerstown, MD today! submitted by delicate_decay_ to MonsterHigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:37 bumblefuck4321 Destiny name drop in The Bulwark podcast

The Bulwark podcast host Tim Miller named dropped Destiny as one of the online media creators that is a sort of watchdog for right wing online bullshit.
The Bulwark is the best former Republican Never Trump group out there right now, and really knows how to combat the MAGA crazies.
Tim Miller worked on the 2016 Jeb campaign and was a gop operative focused on oppo research. He’s done a lot of right wing monitoring as well, his previous obsession was the Candace Owen’s podcast.
He may be a good grab for a Bridges podcast episode. Could be an interesting convo with a professional political operative.
submitted by bumblefuck4321 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:24 Think_Lychee_1135 🍉 Leave your mark on hearts of people of Gaza

Arabic ‎السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أختكم الصغيره أم محمد اتشرف فيكم جميعا الحمد لله كنا نازحين من الشمال الي رفح ومن ثم إلى الجنوب واني عندي 4بنات و3اولاد وزوجي لا يعمل بسبب الحرب والله والله الوضع مأساوي اكثر ما تشوفون على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي أني مثل أختكم والي يريد يستفسر عن حالنا ويشوف حالنا رن عليا ويكلم زوجي ويستفسر عن حالنا أملي بالله ثم فيكو الله يسعدكم ويخليكم الي يقدر يساعدنا ويوقف معنا بشي بسيط ما يقصر معنا والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
‫English ‬ ‫The story of mother from the people of gaza ‬ May god’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you, your sister, umm muhammad I’m honored to meet all. We were displaced from the North of the Gaza Strip to Rafah and sadly got displaced again to the South of the Gaza Strip . I have 4 daughters and 3 sons, and do to the ongoing war on Gaza by husband stoped working. The situation is tragically upsetting, what you see most on social media sites is nothing compared to reality. if anyone wants to inquire, about our situation and seeing our situation, my instagram account is always open. My hope is in god, then to you may god make you happy and protect you. whoever can help us and stand with us even with something simple we will be very grateful.
Dutch-> Het verhaal van een moeder uit de mensen van Gaza Moge Gods vrede, genade en zegeningen met u zijn, uw zus, Umm Muhammad Ik voel me vereerd om ze allemaal te ontmoeten. We werden verdreven van het noorden van de Gazastrook naar Rafah en werden helaas opnieuw verdreven naar het zuiden van de Gazastrook. Ik heb 4 dochters en 3 zonen, en mijn man stopte met werken vanwege de aanhoudende oorlog in Gaza. De situatie is tragisch verontrustend, wat je het meest op sociale media ziet, is niets vergeleken met de realiteit. Als iemand wil informeren naar onze situatie en onze situatie wil zien, staat mijn Instagram-account altijd open. Mijn hoop is op God, dan moge God je gelukkig maken en je beschermen. Iedereen die ons kan helpen en met ons mee kan gaan, zelfs met iets eenvoudigs, zullen we zeer dankbaar zijn.
Spanish -> La historia de una madre del pueblo de Gaza Que la paz, la misericordia y las bendiciones de Dios sean con usted, su hermana, Umm Muhammad. Es un honor para mí conocerlos a todos. Fuimos desplazados del norte de la Franja de Gaza a Rafah y lamentablemente volvimos a desplazarnos al sur de la Franja de Gaza. Tengo 4 hijas y 3 hijos, y mi esposo dejó de trabajar debido a la guerra en curso en Gaza. La situación es trágicamente perturbadora, lo que se ve más en los sitios de redes sociales no es nada comparado con la realidad. Si alguien quiere preguntar sobre nuestra situación y ver nuestra situación, mi cuenta de Instagram siempre está abierta. Mi esperanza está en Dios, entonces que Dios los haga felices y los proteja. A quien pueda ayudarnos y estar con nosotros incluso con algo simple, le estaremos muy agradecidos.
French -> L'histoire d'une mère du peuple de Gaza Que la paix, la miséricorde et les bénédictions de Dieu soient sur toi, ta sœur, Umm Muhammad Je suis honorée de te rencontrer tous. Nous avons été déplacés du nord de la bande de Gaza vers Rafah et malheureusement nous avons été à nouveau déplacés vers le sud de la bande de Gaza. J'ai 4 filles et 3 fils, et mon mari a arrêté de travailler en raison de la guerre en cours à Gaza. La situation est tragiquement bouleversante, ce que vous voyez le plus sur les sites de médias sociaux n'est rien comparé à la réalité. Si quelqu'un veut se renseigner sur notre situation et voir notre situation, mon compte Instagram est toujours ouvert. Mon espoir est en Dieu, alors que Dieu vous rende heureux et vous protège. Quiconque peut nous aider et nous soutenir même pour quelque chose de simple, nous en serons très reconnaissants.
‪Contact information‬ Instagram account; @ammohammd333 Whatsapp number; +970567186042
submitted by Think_Lychee_1135 to Gaza [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:24 IRBLT Marquee Signing - Can't score at all?

Marquee Signing - Can't score at all? submitted by IRBLT to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:23 adxash Got Ghosted again after promises.

18 M here, met a girl online in March 2022 had lots of fun and long talks, I liked her but then she ghosted me (she handed her phone to her lil bro asking "who are you you were calling") for 10 months and decided to show up again (Feb 2023) with graciousness and made me feel I had her again.
She had mentioned I was her type and she did't want to lose me. I was elated. But then she said she wanted to take a drop for her entrance exams even after scoring pretty decently. I understood and agreed to not bother her much and check once in a while, we talked a lot in Sept-Oct 2023 after which she said she was gonna be in my city and wanna meet. As expected, I was ecstatic buy she ghosted me 3 days before her visit and cited inability to meet due to her apparent lack of freedom as she was staying with her friends' family.
I was furious at her for not conveying this to me and instead ghost. Anyways I accepted it. Then we had exchanges in Nov n Dec again but this was the last time.
Her exams were scheduled in May 2024 until which I decided to let her have her time. All was good in my head until I tried contacting her on 26-28th may 2024 but had no luck. She deleted her IG, Whatsapp accounts and responded to no calls sms or mails. On 28th she called me back after my multiple calls and asked She: "kaun ho aap, jabse phone aa rha hai aapka" Me: "Oh" ( was surprised thinking its a joke ) She: "Mere parents puch rhe hain ki kaun hai" Me: "accha Ok sorry bye" She: "Bye"
She: "Who are you, why you caliing me" Me: "Oh" ( was surprised thinking its a joke ) She: "My parents are asking who is it calling". Me: "Accha Ok sorry bye" She: "Bye"
I was devasted afterwards and tried texting and mailing thinking she might be troubled. Wrote a long ass email but nothing happened.
P.s. she keeps her phone on dnd and had blocked me as calls were waiting, so her parents migh be no problem, also she lives only w/ her mom. Life is weird, what can I do, never had any bitter exchanges or disputed.
submitted by adxash to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:23 HelenaBladen Call for Participants: Therapy for Negative Beliefs about Others in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual and Queer People: A Pilot Study

Hi everyone! My name is Helena, I am a queer PhD student and researcher at King's College London. I am posting here to let you know about a study being run by myself and the LGBTQ+ Mental Health Research Group at King's College London.
For more information and to register please see this link: https://qualtrics.kcl.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_5sSMoDFHcAkiPJ4
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for UK based lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual and queer people (16+) who feel that unhelpful beliefs about others negatively impact their lives.
What is the study about?
Psychologists have proposed that holding negative, generalised beliefs about other people (e.g. ‘Other people cannot be trusted’) can lead to the development of common mental health issues like depression and anxiety or make it harder for us to recover. Initial research indicates that as LGBTQ+ people, we may be more likely to hold negative beliefs about others than heterosexual, cisgender people. Our more negative beliefs about others may relate to our LGBTQ+ experiences such as discrimination, stigma and prejudice, or having to conceal our identities. Our team have developed a six-week intervention we hope will help lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer people to address their negative beliefs about other people and strengthen and develop more helpful beliefs about others. We hope that this will in turn have a positive impact on wellbeing (e.g. self-esteem) and daily life (e.g. relationships with other people).
What will happen if I choose to take part?
If you are interested, we will ask you to complete a short online questionnaire to check the study is suitable for you and to register your interest. The researcher will then arrange a time to talk to you on the phone. If you choose to take part in the project, you will be offered six weekly one hour sessions of 1:1 therapy either face-to-face at King’s College London or remotely online. Therapy will be done with a queer third-year PhD student in Psychology who has experience working with LGBTQ+ people with mental health difficulties. The intervention uses techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy and compassionate focused therapy. During the six weeks we will ask you to complete questionnaires about your beliefs about others and your mental wellbeing. Two months after your last session, we will ask you to complete those questionnaires again and invite you to share feedback about your experience of the intervention. Participation will be kept confidential and anonymous, and it will not be possible to identify you from any write-up. This study has been ethically approved by the Health Faculties Research Ethics Subcommittee at KCL (HDP-23/24-39684) and is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Please see the Qualtrics link here to register your interest: https://qualtrics.kcl.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_5sSMoDFHcAkiPJ4
submitted by HelenaBladen to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:21 Benstride Market Structure

Market structure in the forex (foreign exchange) market refers to the organization and characteristics of the market, which influence how currency trading occurs. The forex market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects:
  1. Decentralized Nature
  2. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market: Forex trading occurs directly between two parties, typically through electronic trading networks or over the phone. There is no centralized exchange like there is for stocks.
  3. Global Market: Operates 24 hours a day across major financial centers in different time zones, including London, New York, Tokyo, and Sydney.
  4. Market Participants
  5. Commercial and Investment Banks: Major participants that trade large volumes for themselves and on behalf of clients.
  6. Central Banks: Influence currency prices through monetary policy, interest rate decisions, and interventions.
  7. Corporations: Engage in forex to hedge currency risk related to international operations.
  8. Hedge Funds and Investment Managers: Speculate on currency movements to generate profits.
  9. Retail Traders: Individual investors participating through online forex brokers.
  10. Currency Pairs
  11. Major Pairs: Include the most traded currencies like EUUSD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD.
  12. Minor Pairs: Do not involve the USD but involve other major currencies (e.g., EUGBP, AUD/JPY).
  13. Exotic Pairs: Involve a major currency and a currency from a smaller or emerging market (e.g., USD/TRY, EUTRY).
  14. Trading Sessions
  15. Asian Session: Begins in Tokyo, active during the early hours of the global trading day.
  16. European Session: Begins in London, overlaps with the Asian session and the New York session, leading to high liquidity and volatility.
  17. American Session: Begins in New York, overlaps with the end of the European session, also highly liquid and volatile.
  18. Price Determinants
  19. Supply and Demand: Basic economic principles where currency value is influenced by the balance of supply and demand.
  20. Economic Indicators: Data such as GDP, employment rates, and inflation that provide insights into a country's economic health.
  21. Political Events: Elections, policy changes, geopolitical tensions can impact currency stability.
  22. Market Sentiment: Traders' perceptions and attitudes towards market conditions can drive price movements.
    1. Market Analysis
  23. Fundamental Analysis: Focuses on economic, social, and political forces that affect currency prices.
  24. Technical Analysis: Uses historical price data and charts to predict future movements based on patterns and indicators.
  25. Sentiment Analysis: Gauges the mood of the market by analyzing market data and news to determine if the sentiment is bullish or bearish.
    1. Regulation
  26. Regulatory Bodies: Different countries have regulatory bodies that oversee forex trading to ensure transparency and protect traders (e.g., FCA in the UK, NFA in the US).
  27. Broker Regulations: Brokers must comply with regulatory standards to operate legally, affecting the level of security and trust for retail traders.
  28. Leverage and Margin
  29. Leverage: Allows traders to control large positions with a relatively small amount of capital. While it can amplify gains, it also increases the potential for losses.
  30. Margin: The amount of money required to open a leveraged position, which acts as a deposit or collateral.
Understanding these aspects of forex market structure helps traders navigate the complexities of currency trading and make informed decisions.

forextrading #forexlife #forex #forextrader #forexmarket

submitted by Benstride to benstride [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:21 HelenaBladen Call for Participants: Therapy for Negative Beliefs about Others in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual and Queer People: A Pilot Study

Hi everyone! My name is Helena, I am a queer PhD student and researcher at King's College London. I am posting here to let you know about a study being run by myself and the LGBTQ+ Mental Health Research Group at King's College London.
For more information and to register please see this link: https://qualtrics.kcl.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_5sSMoDFHcAkiPJ4
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for UK based lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual and queer people (16+) who feel that unhelpful beliefs about others negatively impact their lives.
What is the study about?
Psychologists have proposed that holding negative, generalised beliefs about other people (e.g. ‘Other people cannot be trusted’) can lead to the development of common mental health issues like depression and anxiety or make it harder for us to recover. Initial research indicates that as LGBTQ+ people, we may be more likely to hold negative beliefs about others than heterosexual, cisgender people. Our more negative beliefs about others may relate to our LGBTQ+ experiences such as discrimination, stigma and prejudice, or having to conceal our identities. Our team have developed a six-week intervention we hope will help lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer people to address their negative beliefs about other people and strengthen and develop more helpful beliefs about others. We hope that this will in turn have a positive impact on wellbeing (e.g. self-esteem) and daily life (e.g. relationships with other people).
What will happen if I choose to take part?
If you are interested, we will ask you to complete a short online questionnaire to check the study is suitable for you and to register your interest. The researcher will then arrange a time to talk to you on the phone. If you choose to take part in the project, you will be offered six weekly one hour sessions of 1:1 therapy either face-to-face at King’s College London or remotely online. Therapy will be done with a queer third-year PhD student in Psychology who has experience working with LGBTQ+ people with mental health difficulties. The intervention uses techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy and compassionate focused therapy. During the six weeks we will ask you to complete questionnaires about your beliefs about others and your mental wellbeing. Two months after your last session, we will ask you to complete those questionnaires again and invite you to share feedback about your experience of the intervention. Participation will be kept confidential and anonymous, and it will not be possible to identify you from any write-up. This study has been ethically approved by the Health Faculties Research Ethics Subcommittee at KCL (HDP-23/24-39684) and is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Please see the Qualtrics link here to register your interest: https://qualtrics.kcl.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_5sSMoDFHcAkiPJ4
submitted by HelenaBladen to KCL [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:20 Le_Fancy_Me Best advice to handle long-term and short-term savings?

I'm sorry if this is a very generic post you guys see all the time. But I've just been finding a lot of conflicting information online and don't trust a lot of the sources.
So some basic information. I'm 30, I live in a London with flatmates. Starting soon I will be studying for 2 years (not uni or college) and to make this possible I'll be working part-time to cover my expenses.
Currently I have some saving that I started this year, though not much, that I originally intended to purchases a place of my own someday and get out of the rat-race of renting. But with me going to part-time work and studying, those plans are obviously on hold for the moment.
I intend to use some of my savings to supplement my living costs for the upcoming 2 years. Namely I've set aside 3,600£ so I can have 150£ pounds each month on top of my wage to give me a little breathing room while I study, or that I could use in case an emergency pops up (I have the ability to live without this money if things went south on my part-time wage, but it would be very hard).
The rest of my savings probably are just going to be hanging out until I can add to them again. Previously I was adding 1000 pound a month to them and intend to pick that back up when I'm back to working full-time in 2 years.
So my questions are:
  1. What should I be doing with my 3600£ 'breathing-room' money that I intend to whittle away at over the next 2 years. Is it fine to just leave it in a current account? Or is there something smarter I could/should be doing with it? The wiki recommended Cash ISA's like Trading 212? Would something like that be the right move?
  2. Is there something I can do with my 'longterm' savings that I hope one day could serve as my deposit? Lots of people telling me I should invest it. But tbh I'm scared to lose it. I know it's not a lot of money for most. But I don't make a ton of money. Putting 1000£ a month aside had required tremendous sacrifice. I don't know realistically how much I'd need for a deposit. But I know it's extremely expensive. Even if you are aiming for a studio in zone 4 like I am. This is money that realistically I wouldn't be using for YEARS possibly decades. I read on the wiki that a lifetime ISA might be the right move here? But that only takes up to 4000 pounds a year? What would I do in the future where I am trying to put away more than that? Also it says it's intended to build up a deposit. But I don't even know yet if I'd ever be able to purchase a home. Would I be penalised if it turns out buying a property will never be financially viable for me and I try to pull the money out in the future?
  3. Is there anything else I can do to prepare for future home-ownership? A former-colleague told me I should take out a credit-card. I've always been very responsible and in control of my spending. So I'm not scared of a credit-card getting me in debt or over-spending because of it. My financial anxiety is quite intense... Would I even be able to apply for that when I would barely have an income and would be partially living off my savings?
Any advice would be welcomed. I'm not originally from the UK so a lot of the banking/financial/legal terms here are unfamiliar to me.
submitted by Le_Fancy_Me to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:18 The__Dark_Knight Had ChatGPT describe an episode of Seinfeld in a modern day

In this new episode of Seinfeld, set in 2024, Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer navigate the complexities of modern technology and social media, leading to a series of hilarious misadventures.
Jerry’s Social Media Struggles: Jerry, frustrated by the imposter, decides to reclaim his online identity. He starts by making awkward TikTok videos, trying to replicate viral trends but failing miserably. His attempts at engaging with fans on Twitter backfire when he misunderstands hashtags and replies to bots, resulting in even more confusion. At one point, Jerry accidentally starts a feud with a famous influencer, adding to his online woes.
Elaine’s AI-Powered Dates: Elaine’s excitement for the new dating app turns to dismay as her dates reveal their quirks. One date insists on communicating solely through memes and GIFs, making conversation impossible. Another date is a fitness fanatic who attempts to turn their dinner into a workout session. The final straw is a conspiracy theorist who believes in bizarre theories about modern technology. Each date ends in comedic disaster, leaving Elaine more frustrated with each encounter.
George’s Social Media Facade: Determined to reinvent himself, George fabricates an online persona as a successful entrepreneur. He posts photoshopped images of exotic vacations, expensive dinners, and fake business meetings. To maintain the illusion, he starts borrowing Kramer’s props and locations, leading to increasingly outlandish and elaborate setups. However, George’s façade starts to crumble when real-life acquaintances begin questioning his newfound “success.”
Kramer’s Cryptocurrency Scheme: Kramer dives headfirst into the world of cryptocurrency, convinced he can strike it rich. He invests in a dubious new coin called “KramerCoin,” which he promotes aggressively online. To fund his venture, Kramer sells his furniture and starts hosting impromptu garage sales in Jerry’s apartment. He even ropes in Newman to help with his get-rich-quick scheme. However, Kramer’s lack of understanding about digital security leads to his funds being stolen by hackers, resulting in a comically frantic attempt to recover his lost investments.
The Overlapping Finale: The episode culminates in a chaotic finale where all the storylines intersect:
• Jerry’s imposter is revealed to be one of Elaine’s disastrous dates, who had been using Jerry’s identity to impress women. • George’s fake success is exposed when one of his online followers recognizes the location of his “business meeting” as Kramer’s apartment during one of the garage sales. • Kramer’s frantic efforts to recover his stolen cryptocurrency lead him to crash a high-profile influencer event, where Jerry is attempting to clear his name. 
In the end, the gang bands together to expose the imposter, helping Jerry restore his reputation. Elaine deletes the dating app, realizing that real connections can’t be engineered by algorithms. George comes clean about his fabricated life, embracing his real self. Kramer, ever the optimist, starts planning his next big scheme, undeterred by his latest failure.
submitted by The__Dark_Knight to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:08 brandonjsm0621 RTR board showing fault

RTR board showing fault
At a bit of a loss here any help would be great. Got a two light flash on RTR board trane is very unspecific on their codes. Unit keeps locking out, good charge all major components are good. Smoke detector is flashing as stand by. Please help
submitted by brandonjsm0621 to HVAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:07 pcdandy Yet Another Greek English Alphabet (Ίετ Ηναδ̣ηρ Γριεκ Ινγγλις̣ Άλφηβητ)

Original post at the Alternate Script Bureau blog
Greek was the first writing system ever devised in human history to indicate vowels. With thousands of years of history behind it, the Greek script conveys a sense of timeless elegance with its round lowercase letterforms, whose letters are widely used in the mathematics, science and engineering fields to represent a wide variety of concepts, including π (pi), the circumference of the circle. Having said that, what would it take to use the Greek alphabet to write English?
In line with the previous Cyrillic, Arabic and Hebrew adaptations, I'll call this 'Yet Another Greek English Alphabet', or YAGEA for short.

Adaptation process

There are only 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. Most notably, it does not have letters for the /v/, /ð/, /ŋ/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /w/, and /j/ sounds found in English. But phonetic precision is my middle name, so none of these cannot be allowed to be writtten ambiguously. This can only mean 1 thing: Diacritics!
These days, the letters β /b/ and δ /d/ are mostly pronounced as the 'soft' sounds of /v/ and /ð/ respectively in modern Greek orthography. Let's go with that - since /b/ and /d/ are more common than /v/ and /ð/, the latter sounds can be indicated using a dot below diacritic ◌̣ as follows:
This leaves γ /g/. Similarly, its pronunciation had softened to /ɣ/~/ŋ/ over the centuries, but since /ɣ/ doesn't exist in English we can safely ignore it. Instead, let's overload it to represent the 'soft G' /dʒ/ sound with the dot below diacritic. For the /ŋ/ sound, Greek does use doubled G γγ but I felt that this would introduce ambiguity when it precedes or follows the /g/ sound since it would be hard to tell which was which, so a simple diagraph of N + G will do.
The other fricative sounds can then be represented as such:
Note: depending on your font, the dot diacritic may not show as intended, especially on older devices.
For the /h/ sound, I'll use χ, which traditionally represented an aspirated /kʰ/ sound but now stands for the fricative /x/ sound, which is close enough to /h/ to be alright.
Vowels were more straightforward. With 7 vowel letters to choose from, almost each letter can easily be assigned to their English counterparts without much effort. While υ traditionally represents the /y/ sound as in Chinese 鱼 *yú*** and French tu**, it etymologically derives from the same letter as Latin U , so I'll treat it as such.
This leaves just 2 more vowels: ο and η.
The historical pronunciation of 'ο' is essentially the first part of English /oʊ/, so let's go with that. As for 'η', it's now pronounced /i/ in modern Greek, but was historically pronounced with an /e/ sound. Rather co-incidentally, the schwa vowel /ə/ still doesn't have a letter - so why not just get η to write it? It's the most common vowel in English after all.
And for that odd /æ/ vowel, let's just put an oxía accent on top of α.
The diphthongs can then be written as digraphs of these 7 vowel letters:
Finally, to write the /w/ and /j/ sounds, let's slap an oxía on top of the letters for /ʊ/ and /ɪ/ respectively, similarly to Cyrillic's use of the breve likewise:
And the alphabet is ready!



/p/ Π π (port) /b/ Β β (best) /f/ Φ φ (fun) /v/ Β̣ β̣ (van) /m/ Μ μ (moon)
/t/ Τ τ (test) /d/ Δ δ (done) /θ/ Θ θ (thank) /ð/ Δ̣ δ̣ (the) /n/ Ν ν (new)
/k/ Κ κ (call) /g/ Γ γ (get) . . /ŋ/ Νγ νγ (sing)
/s/ Σ σ ς (soon) /z/ Ζ ζ (zoo) /ʃ/ Σ̣ σ̣ ς̣ (share) /ʒ/ Ζ̣ ζ̣ (closure) .
/tʃ/ Κ̣ κ̣ (change) /dʒ/ Γ̣ γ̣ (just) . . .
/w/ Ύ ύ (way) /ɹ/ Ρ ρ (run) /l/ Λ λ (laugh) /j/ Ί ί (yell) /h/ Χ χ (house)

Special contractions

Greek also comes with 2 letters that represent consonant clusters, both of which exist in English and can be used as such.
/ks/, /gz/ Ξ ξ (box) /ps/ Ψ ψ (hipster)


/a/~/ʌ/ Α α (sun) /æ/ Ά ά (can)
/ɛ/ Ε ε (head) /ə/~/ɜ/ Η η (comma)
/ɪ/ Ι ι (bid) /iː/ Ιε ιε (bead)
/ɔ/~/ɑ/ Ω ω (pot) /ɔː/ Ωω ωω (bought)
/ʊ/ Υ υ (pull) /uː/ Ου ου (cool)


/aɪ/ Αι αι (high) /aʊ/ Αυ αυ (now)
/eɪ/ Ει ει (day) /ɔɪ/ Ωι ωι (toy)
/oʊ/~/əʊ/ Ο ο (dough) /ju/ Ίυ ίυ (use)

Syllable structure

Greek is a linear alphabet that works just like Latin.
E.g. /stɹakt/ = στρακτ

Letter ordering

There are 2 ways to order the letters of the YAGEA alphabet: the traditional Greek ABG order and my custom linguistically-based PBF order.

Traditional ABG-based order

All letters with diacritics will be treated as separate letters which are placed after the original.
Hence the order shall be: Α Ά Β Β̣ Γ Γ̣ Δ Δ̣ Ε Ζ Ζ̣ Η Θ Ι Ί Κ Κ̣ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Σ̣ Τ Υ Ύ Φ Χ Ψ Ω.

Custom PBF order

I also devised a letter ordering inspired by those in South and Southeast Asian scripts such as Devanagari and Khmer that groups letters based on the linguistic features of their sounds: (1) bilabial consonants, (2) alveolar consonants, (3) velar consonants including /ks/ Ξ, (4) sibilants including /ps/ Ψ, (5) affricates, (6) approximants + glottal consonants, and (7) vowels.
The PBF order, including groups, shall be: Π Β Φ Β̣ Μ, Τ Δ Θ Δ̣ Ν, Κ Γ Ξ, Σ Ζ Σ̣ Ζ̣ Ψ, Κ̣ Γ̣, Ύ Ρ Λ Ί Χ, Α Ά Ε Ι Η Ο Υ.

Sample texts

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Ίυνιβ̣ηρσηλ Δεκληρεισ̣ην ωφ Χiυμην Ραιτς
Ωλ χιυμην βιενγς αρ βωρν φριε άνδ ικυηλ ιν διγνιτι άνδ ραιτς. Δ̣ει αρ ενδαυδ ύιθ ριεζην άνδ κωνσ̣ηνς άνδ σ̣υδ άκτ τούηρδς ύαν ηναδ̣ηρ ιν η σπιριτ ωφ βραδ̣ηρχυδ.
(Αρτικηλ 1 ωφ δ̣η Ίυνιβ̣ηρσηλ Δεκληρεισ̣ην ωφ Χιυμην Ραιτς)

Excerpt from a short story I wrote a while ago

For comparison, you can view the original one here.
Αι χάδ η στρεινγ̣ δριεμ δ̣άτ ναιτ.
Ιν δ̣άτ δριεμ, Αι φαυνδ μαισελφ ηύεικηνινγ, λαιινγ ων σωφτ γριεν γρας, ιν η φάντησι 8-βιτ ύηρλδ σηραυνδηδ βαι κωμπιυτηρς. Δ̣η λυμινηνς ωφ βλινγκινγ μοδεμς άνδ ύωρμ, κ̣ιηρφυλ κ̣ιπτιυν μιυζικ φιλδ δ̣ι ερ. Ωλδ̣ο εβ̣ριθινγ λυκδ βλωκι άνδ σκύερ, ιτ βρωωτ μι βάκ τυ δ̣οζ δεις. Ωφ ωλ δ̣η κωμπιυτηρς Αι σωω, 1 ωφ δ̣εμ ύης πλειινγ μαι φειβ̣ρητ σωνγ! Αι γ̣αμπ άνδ λιεπ ιν γ̣ωι οβ̣ηρ δ̣η σαιτ. Αι δ̣εν σωω μαι χαυς, άνδ Αι σεδ “Χαι” τυ μαι βεστ μειτς, χυ ύηρ ύειτινγ αυτσαιδ. Ύι ύωωκδ τυγεδ̣ηρ, χάβ̣ινγ η κ̣ιηρι κ̣άτ ηβαυτ δ̣η κωμπιυτηρ γειμ Αι ύης ύηρκινγ ων ηρλιηρ.
“Σο ύατς δ̣άτ κυλ γειμ γωνα βι ηβαυτ, ει?” ύαν ωφ δ̣εμ ασκδ. “Ιφ ίυ ληβ̣δ Μαριο, ίυλ ληβ̣ δ̣ις!” Αι σεδ. “Ωωσημ!!! Κάντ ύειτ τυ σι ιτ!” Ινσαιδ μι δ̣η φαιηρ τυ κιεπ μι γοινγ βικειμ στρωνγγηρ.
Ύι ύωωκδ ιντυ η β̣ιβ̣ιδ σανσετ. Αι ρεμινισδ δ̣η μεμηρις ωφ παστ σαμηρς, πλειινγ ρετρο β̣ιδιο γειμς ιν δ̣η κυλ σ̣ειδ, ιβ̣ην δ̣ο δ̣η σαν αυτσαιδ πιεκδ άτ 42 διγριες άνδ μελτηδ εβ̣ριθινγ ελς.

More examples

These are clippings of random quotes from English literature and famous English-speaking politicians, re-rendered in Yet Another Greek English Alphabet.
  1. "Χουεβ̣ηρ γαβ̣ηρνς Σινγηπωρ μαστ χάβ̣ δ̣άτ αιην ιν χιμ. Ωρ γιβ̣ ιτ απ. Δ̣ις ις νωτ η γειμ ωφ καρδς! Δ̣ις ις ίωρ λαιφ άνδ μαιν! Αιβ̣ σπεντ η χολ λαιφταιμ βιλδινγ δ̣ις άνδ άς λωνγ άς Αιμ ιν κ̣αργ̣, νοβαδι ις γοινγ τυ νωκ ιτ δαυν." [1]
  2. "Φαρ βετηρ ιτ ις τυ δερ μαιτι θινγς, τυ ύιν γλωριης τραιημφς, ιβ̣ην δ̣ο κ̣εκηρδ βαι φειλιηρ, δ̣άν τυ τεικ ράνγκ ύιθ δ̣οζ πυρ σπιριτς χου νιεδ̣ηρ ενγ̣ωι μακ̣ νωρ σαφηρ μακ̣, βικωζ δ̣ει λιβ̣ ιν δ̣η γρει τύαιλαιτ δ̣άτ νος νιεδ̣ηρ β̣ικτηρι νωρ διφιετ." [2]
  3. "Αι ύαντηδ ίυ τυ σι ύατ ριελ καριγ̣ ις, ινστεδ ωφ γετινγ δ̣ι αιδιη δ̣άτ καριγ̣ ις η μάν ύιθ η γαν ιν χις χάνδ. Ιτς ύεν ίυ νο ίúρ λικδ βιφωρ ίυ βιγιν βατ ίυ βιγιν ενιύει άνδ ίυ σι ιτ θρου νο μάτηρ ύατ." [3]
  4. "Ιτ ύης δ̣η βεστ ωφ ταιμς, ιτ ύης δ̣η ύηρστ ωφ ταιμς, ιτ ύης δ̣ι ειγ̣ ωφ ύιζδημ, ιτ ύης δ̣ι ειγ̣ ωφ φουλισ̣νης, ιτ ύης δ̣ι επηκ ωφ βιλιεφ, ιτ ύης δ̣ι επηκ ωφ ινκριδιυλιτι, ιτ ύης δ̣η σιεζην ωφ λαιτ, ιτ ύης δ̣η σιεζην ωφ δαρκνης, ιτ ύης δ̣η σπρινγ ωφ χοπ, ιτ ύης δ̣η ύιντηρ ωφ δισπερ." [4]
  5. "Ύαι διδ ίυ δυ ωλ δ̣ις φωρ μι?" χι ασκδ. "Αι δωντ διζηρβ̣ ιτ. Αιβ̣ νεβ̣ηρ δαν ενιθινγ φωρ ίυ." "Ίυ χάβ̣ βιεν μαι φρενδ," ριπλαιδ Κ̣αρληττ. "Δ̣άτ ιν ιτσελφ ις η τριμενδης θινγ." [5]
  6. "Ιφ ίυ κάνωτ ριεδ ωλ ίωρ βυξ... Φωνδηλ δ̣εμ - πιηρ ιντυ δ̣εμ, λετ δ̣εμ φωλ οπην ύερ δ̣ει ύιλ, ριεδ φρωμ δ̣η φηρστ σεντηνς δ̣άτ ηρεστς δ̣ι αι, σετ δ̣εμ βάκ ων δ̣η σ̣ελβ̣ς ύιθ ίωρ ον χάνδς, ηρεινγ̣ δ̣εμ ων ίωρ ον πλάν σο δ̣άτ ίυ άτ λιεστ νο ύερ δ̣ει αρ. Λετ δ̣εμ βι ίωρ φρενδς; λετ δ̣εμ, άτ ενι ρειτ, βι ίωρ ηκύειντηνσης." [6]
  7. "Ιτ ύης ων δ̣η φηρστ δει ωφ δ̣η Νιυ Ίιηρ δ̣άτ δ̣ι ηναυνσμηντ ύης μειδ, ωλμοστ σιμηλτεινιησλι φρωμ θριε ωβζηρβ̣ητωρις, δ̣άτ δ̣η μοσ̣ην ωφ δ̣η πλάνητ Νεπτιυν, δ̣ι αυτηρμοστ ωφ ωλ δ̣η πλάνητς δ̣άτ ύιελ ηβαυτ δ̣η σαν, χάδ βικαμ β̣ερι ιράτικ. Ωγιλβ̣ιε χάδ ωλρεδι κωλδ ητενσ̣ην τυ η σησπεκτηδ ριταρδεισ̣ην ιν ιτς β̣ηλωσιτι ιν Δισεμβηρ. Σακ̣ η πιες ωφ νιυς ύης σκερσλι καλκιυλειτηδ τυ ιντρηστ η ύηρλδ δ̣η γρειτηρ πωρσ̣ην ωφ χους ινχάβιτηντς ύερ ανηύερ ωφ δ̣ι ιξιστηνς ωφ δ̣η πλάνητ Νεπτιυν, νωρ αυτσαιδ δ̣ι άστρηνωμικηλ πρηφεσ̣ην διδ δ̣η σαβσικύηντ δισκαβ̣ηρι ωφ η φειντ ριμοτ σπεκ ωφ λαιτ ιν δ̣η ριεγ̣ην ωφ δ̣η πηρτηρβδ πλάνητ κωωζ ενι β̣ερι γρειτ ιξαιτμηντ. Σαιηντιφικ πιεπηλ, χαυεβ̣ηρ, φαυνδ δ̣ι ιντελιγ̣ηνς ριμαρκηβηλ ιναφ, ιβ̣ην βιφωρ ιτ βικειμ νον δ̣άτ δ̣η νιυ βωδι ύης ράπιδλι γροινγ λαργ̣ηρ άνδ βραιτηρ, δ̣άτ ιτς μοσ̣ην ύης κύαιτ διφρηντ φρωμ δ̣ι ωρδηρλι προγρες ωφ δ̣η πλάνητς, άνδ δ̣άτ δ̣η διφλεκσ̣ην ωφ Νεπτιυν άνδ ιτς σάτηλαιτ ύης βικαμινγ ναυ ωφ άν ανπρεσιδηντηδ καινδ." [7]
  8. "Δ̣ερ ις η γλωριης ρεινβο δ̣άτ βεκηνς δ̣οζ ύιθ δ̣η σπιριτ ωφ άδβ̣ενκ̣ηρ. Άνδ δ̣ερ αρ ρικ̣ φαινδινγς άτ δ̣ι ενδ ωφ δ̣άτ ρεινβο. Τυ δ̣η ίανγ άνδ δ̣η νωτ του ολδ, Αι σει λυκ άτ δ̣η χηραιζην, φαινδ δ̣άτ ρεινβο, γο ραιδ ιτ. Νωτ ωλ ύιλ βι ρικ̣; κύαιτ η φιυ ύιλ φαινδ η β̣ειν ωφ γολδ; βατ ωλ χου πηρσ̣υ δ̣άτ ρεινβο ύιλ χάβ̣ η γ̣ωιης άνδ εξιλιρειτινγ ραιδ άνδ σαμ πρωφιτ." [8]
submitted by pcdandy to conorthography [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:06 Think_Lychee_1135 🍉 Leave your mark on the hearts of people of Gaza

🍉 Leave your mark on the hearts of people of Gaza
‫English The story of mother from the people of gaza ‬ May god’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you, your sister, umm muhammad I’m honored to meet all. We were displaced from the North of the Gaza Strip to Rafah and sadly got displaced again to the South of the Gaza Strip . I have 4 daughters and 3 sons, and do to the ongoing war on Gaza by husband stoped working. The situation is tragically upsetting, what you see most on social media sites is nothing compared to reality. if anyone wants to inquire, about our situation and seeing our situation, my instagram account is always open. My hope is in god, then to you may god make you happy and protect you. whoever can help us and stand with us even with something simple we will be very grateful.
French L'histoire d'une mère du peuple de Gaza Que la paix, la miséricorde et les bénédictions de Dieu soient sur toi, ta sœur, Umm Muhammad Je suis honorée de te rencontrer tous. Nous avons été déplacés du nord de la bande de Gaza vers Rafah et malheureusement nous avons été à nouveau déplacés vers le sud de la bande de Gaza. J'ai 4 filles et 3 fils, et mon mari a arrêté de travailler en raison de la guerre en cours à Gaza. La situation est tragiquement bouleversante, ce que vous voyez le plus sur les sites de médias sociaux n'est rien comparé à la réalité. Si quelqu'un veut se renseigner sur notre situation et voir notre situation, mon compte Instagram est toujours ouvert. Mon espoir est en Dieu, alors que Dieu vous rende heureux et vous protège. Quiconque peut nous aider et nous soutenir même pour quelque chose de simple, nous en serons très reconnaissants.
Spanish La historia de una madre del pueblo de Gaza Que la paz, la misericordia y las bendiciones de Dios sean con usted, su hermana, Umm Muhammad. Es un honor para mí conocerlos a todos. Fuimos desplazados del norte de la Franja de Gaza a Rafah y lamentablemente volvimos a desplazarnos al sur de la Franja de Gaza. Tengo 4 hijas y 3 hijos, y mi esposo dejó de trabajar debido a la guerra en curso en Gaza. La situación es trágicamente perturbadora, lo que se ve más en los sitios de redes sociales no es nada comparado con la realidad. Si alguien quiere preguntar sobre nuestra situación y ver nuestra situación, mi cuenta de Instagram siempre está abierta. Mi esperanza está en Dios, entonces que Dios los haga felices y los proteja. A quien pueda ayudarnos y estar con nosotros incluso con algo simple, le estaremos muy agradecidos.
Dutch Het verhaal van een moeder uit de mensen van Gaza Moge Gods vrede, genade en zegeningen met u zijn, uw zus, Umm Muhammad Ik voel me vereerd om ze allemaal te ontmoeten. We werden verdreven van het noorden van de Gazastrook naar Rafah en werden helaas opnieuw verdreven naar het zuiden van de Gazastrook. Ik heb 4 dochters en 3 zonen, en mijn man stopte met werken vanwege de aanhoudende oorlog in Gaza. De situatie is tragisch verontrustend, wat je het meest op sociale media ziet, is niets vergeleken met de realiteit. Als iemand wil informeren naar onze situatie en onze situatie wil zien, staat mijn Instagram-account altijd open. Mijn hoop is op God, dan moge God je gelukkig maken en je beschermen. Iedereen die ons kan helpen en met ons mee kan gaan, zelfs met iets eenvoudigs, zullen we zeer dankbaar zijn.
‪Contact information‬ Instagram account; @ammohammd333 Whatsapp number; +970567186042
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2024.06.05 15:01 FelicitySmoak_ Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 24

Trial Day 24
No Jackson family is in court
Randy Phillips Testimony
Jackson direct
Brian Panish resumed questioning. He showed several instances where Randy Phillips said one thing in deposition, another while on the stand. Panish asked Phillips which answer was right. He answered:
"Do you want the truth or do you want what I testified?"
Panish asked Phillips if he knows the corporate structure of AEG Live. He said it was under AEG, but he doesn't know who exactly owns AEG. Panish showed a board meeting agenda on 5/26/09, in which they were to talk about Michael's tour
Panish played the interview Phillips gave Sky News saying AEG hired Dr. Murray. Phillips said he meant AEG hired the doc on behalf of Michael. Phillips said AEG's media person set up several interviews for him after Michael's death. Phillips said each interview was different, but the intention was to say AEG hired Dr. Murray on behalf of Michael.
"It's called the truth."
Randy Phillips was asked about meetings with Conrad Murray at Michael Jackson's house. He confirmed Jackson's weight was discussed during at least one of the meetings. He was a bit unclear on dates, so Jackson's weight may have been discussed at two meetings. Panish tried to use a police report of an interview with Phillips and detectives to refresh his recollection
Randy Phillips (AEG Live CEO) said there were numerous inaccuracies in the report. Panish started to ask him to go through it methodically.
"We don't need to do it line-by-line', interjected Judge Yvette Palazuelos.
Phillips then keyed in on two areas he said were inaccurate.
Phillips said LAPD's detective made a mistake in the written police statement attributed to him. Phillips said he never told LAPD
"Randy stated that Kenny got in Michael's face, at which time Dr. Murray admonished Randy...The police made a mistake," Phillips said. "He (detective) misconstrued what was said and made a mistake."
Dr. Murray got in to and admonished Kenny Ortega and told him not to be an amateur doctor, Phillips said he told the police.
Phillips read one statement about a meeting at Jackson's home between himself, Conrad Murray and director Kenny Ortega. Report: Randy stated that Kenny got into Michael's face, at which time Dr. Murray admonished Randy, stating
"You are not a doctor. Butt out".
Phillips said the police made a mistake.
"If you read it, it makes no sense," Phillips said.
Phillips keyed in on how the report mentioned Murray got in his face, when it more than likely was Kenny Ortega he admonished.
"I believe the Los Angeles Police Department is a fine entity as I believe in this judicial system," Phillips explained.
Phillips pointed out another mistake in LAPD's report. It states Phillips/Gongaware produced 2 Michael Jackson tours but Phillips said he wasn't involved. Phillips also said the police report said he and Paul Gongaware worked with Jackson over the course of 16 years. Phillips said that was wrong - Gongaware worked with Jackson that long, but he hadn't. Those were the two inconsistencies Phillips pointed out in his police report. Interview apparently wasn't taped at request of AEG attorneys
As to Michael missing rehearsals, Phillips clarified:
"Michael was showing up to rehearsal, just not to enough of them, in Kenny's opinion"
Phillips remembers one phone call with Dr. Murray that lasted probably about 25 minutes. Phillips told Panish he'd know how many times he called Dr. Murray because the attorney subpoenaed the exec's phone records. Panish said he never subpoenaed any phone records, that it was LAPD that did. Phillips said he made an assumption. The only phone call Phillips remembers is the one that Dr. Murray called him on June 20, 2009
In his deposition, Phillips said Paul Gongaware never communicated to him about the email that AEG, not Michael, was paying Dr. Murray. Phillips said at the deposition it was the first time he ever saw Gongaware's email. Panish showed the email that was forwarded to Frank DiLeo and Phillips was cc'd containing the mention that AEG, not Michael, pays Dr. Murray. Phillips said he never received the email. Then, after being shown the email at deposition, Phillips said he didn't remember receiving it. On the stand today, Phillips said he received Gongaware's email. Panish grilled Phillips pointing out he changed his answer three times. Phillips said he answered the same thing, but with different qualifications.
"Frankly, I don't remember reading Paul's email, I was more concerned about Kenny's email," Phillips said.
At this point, most jurors seemed to be tuned out when Phillips didn't give straight answers
Panish showed an email dated 6/17/09 from Phillips to Dr. Tohme:
"Kenny Ortega, Gongaware, DiLeo, his doctor named Conrad from Vegas and I had an intervention with him to get him to focus and come to rehearsals yesterday. Getting him fully engaged is difficult and the most pressing matter as we are only 20 days out from the first show"
Phillips said it was not an intervention, but a meeting. He said it had nothing to do with drugs.
Panish asked the executive if Jackson had ever fired Tohme.
"It's not a yes or no answer", he said, "The answer is yes but he kept in contact with him"
Phillips was asked about a lunch meeting he had with Jackson's former manager Tohme Tohme, at the Polo Lounge, about a month ago. AEG attorney, Marvin Putnam, was present too.
Panish: "And you were discussing his testimony in this case at the Polo Lounge with him?"
Phillips: "I wasn't"
Panish: "You know there were witnesses sitting around you? You know people took pictures of you?"
Phillips said he didn't remember exactly what was discussed.
Phillips:"I don't remember what I ate"
Panish: "I didn't ask you what you ate"
Phillips said the meeting had to do with the case Tohme filed against Jackson's estate with the state labor board for money he was never paid. Phillips was a witness.Panish said he would have a witness who could testify about what was discussed at the table later in the trial. Panish asked Phillips if he testified at Tohme's Labor Commission hearing to "try to help him out." Phillips said no.
"I was completely impartial," Phillips said of testifying at the labor hearing. "I was an impartial witness." (After court, AEG attorney Marvin Putnam, who was at the lunch meeting, said it was standard for attorneys to interview witnesses before they testify. It remained unclear whether Tohme Tohme will testify during the Jackson vs AEG Live trial)

Panish: "Isn't it true, sir, that when Dr. Murray was hired no one was acting as Michael Jackson's personal manager?"
Phillips: "He had someone in that capacity. My understanding was Frank DiLeo was his manager"
Phillips said AEG advanced DiLeo $50,000 at MJ's direction.
Phillips said he didn't know anything about Dr. Tohme in January 09 other than he was a consultant for Colony Capital and repped Michael.
"With Michael Jackson and his advisers you needed a scorecard", testified Randy Phillips.
Phillips said he was introduced to Tohme in a meeting at the Century City offices of Colony Capital, the investment firm that held the mortgage on Jackson's Neverland Ranch. It was AEG owner Phillip Anschutz's friendship with a Colony Capital partner that led to the firm's promotion of the planned 50 This Is It concerts. Phillips said Tohme was an adviser to Colony Capital who had no background in the music business and represented no other clients when he began working with the singer. Brian Panish asked Phillips what kind of doctor Tohme was, whether he was a physician or if he had a doctorate. Phillips said that although he had met this doctor 25 times, he never asked him
Randy Phillips was also asked about Tohme's $100k/mo. contract between him, AEG Live and Michael Jackson. Phillips said he could recall of only one other instance where AEG Live paid a fee for the artist's manager. He said it was a standard practice for Michael Jackson during his career. Phillips said Bon Jovi has a similar deal. Phillips said in Michael's career they always paid his personal manager.
Randy Phillips denied that he told Sharon Osbourne that AEG Live had kept all the money from ticket sales for This Is It.
"That would be the most idiotic thing in the world" to say, Phillips said of the statement attributed to him in the Osbourne conversation.
Panish: "Did you talk to Sharon Osbourne about the show?"
Phillips: "No, not to the extent that Sharon is alluding to"
Phillips said he ran into Sharon at the lobby of their building. She asked how it was going, he said it's tough but we're going to get there. Phillips said the encounter with Sharon Osbourne was just a hi and bye. They never talked about ticket sales or anything else related to Michael
93% of the This Is It tickets sold were refunded, Phillips said.
"7-8% people elected to hold the tickets as souvenirs."
Out of $75 million in sales, AEG kept more than $5 million, which Phillips said they gave back to the estate.
Phillips testified it was a "miracle" that the singer showed up at a news conference in London to announce his comeback. Randy Phillips testified that Jackson was hung over, although in emails he says the singer was drunk.
"The fact that the press conference even happened is a miracle," Phillips wrote to Jackson's manager.

Panish: "Was Mr. Jackson drunk?"
Phillips:"No, to the best of my knowledge no".
Panish: "Was he despondent?"
Panish produced an e-mail writted by Phillips to AEG President Tim Leiwicke the day of the news conference.
Phillips said:
"Michael is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme [another Jackson manager] and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hairdressemake-up artist"
Leiweke's response:
"Are you kidding me?"
In a second email to Leiweke, Phillips wrote:
"I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever see. He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through his press conference"
After showing the e-mails to the jury, Panish asked his witness if he had yelled at Jackson on the day the e-mail was written.
Phillips: "In the two-and-a-half hours this all took place, if you take it out of context the answer won't make any sense"
The executive later acknowledged
"I raised my voice"
Panish: "So the answer is no? Did you or did you not scream at Mr. Jackson? Yes, no or I don't remember?"
Phillips said he couldn't answer the question.
At his deposition six months earlier, before he was shown his e-mails, Phillips denied that Jackson was either drunk or despondent on the day of the president conference, and denied yelling, saying he merely "raised his voice."
Phillips says he was telling the truth in his deposition, and was not accurate in his email.
"I was relaying what Dr. Tohme told me... I wrote it as fast as I could write it."
Panish:"You have to yell pretty loud to make the walls shake. Do you have a tendency to exaggerate?"
Phillips: "No."
To another business associate, Phillips wrote:
"I haven't pulled it off yet. We still have to get his nose on properly. You have no idea what this is like. He is a self-loathing emotionally paralyzed mess... I just slapped him."
Phillips admitted
"I slapped him on the butt"
Phillips began worrying about Jackson backing out of the concert tour just a month after he signed the contract with AEG Live to promote and produce it and more than a week before the announcement.
"I was worried that we would have a mess, his career would be over," Phillips testified. "There were a lot of things I was worried about."
But instead of pulling the plug then, before millions of dollars were spent, AEG LIve chose to force Jackson ahead.
"Once we go on sale, which we have the right to do, he is locked," Gongaware wrote to Phillips.
Phillips testified it was "a very tense situation" and
"frankly, I created the tension in that room. Because I was so nerve-racked, OK, the time slipping away, and his career slipping away."
AEG was hosting thousands of Jackson fans and hundreds of journalists for the anticipated announcement, which would be seen live around the world.
Court Transcript
Randy Phillips Video Deposition (1/17/13)
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