Body parts in coloring books

The Largest Coloring Group on Reddit

2011.07.18 15:41 savtube The Largest Coloring Group on Reddit

Coloring! or Colouring? Either way, Yay!!! Coloring books, line art, abstract, anime, that weird stain on your desk, whatever!

2015.09.05 14:48 A place to post, discuss, gift adult coloring books

We're adults now, but that doesn't mean we can't color! Coloring as an adult is a great stress relief and hobby! *:・゚✧ 〆(・∀・@)

2013.12.14 17:56 r/AnimeFunny

Welcome to /AnimeFunny, a subreddit to post and discuss all funny things anime related!

2024.06.05 10:03 merrigolden Straight/bi women, are you attracted to ‘men’ in general or men who fit a very specific look/vibe.

I would like some other women’s opinions please about how attraction works for them.
I was trying to explain to a man my sexuality. I’d say I’m definitely Demi sexual in the sense that I need an emotional connection to feel sexual attraction. But that’s not ALL I need to feel attraction. If it’s just emotional then to me it’s just a friendship. I also need physical aspects too.
But like, very niche physical aspects.
In most ways I feel as though ‘straight’ is too broad of a term. I’m not attracted to ‘men’. I’m attracted to a specific type of man. A specific body type, specific kind of facial features, specific hair, specific style… like it all has to align.
I’ve heard some people say things like “you find parts to like” or “there’s always something to find attractive”
Well not for me. And I’m not trying to be shallow here, I’m just trying to explain how I feel.
If a guy has the body type I like, it’s does nothing for me if he doesn’t have the other aspects too.
Like for example, there was a guy I matched ugh on Hinge who was my type in 4 or his 5 photos. But in one he had a beard. And that beard completely negated the rest of his features that I liked. Like all attraction gone.
Is anyone else like this???
submitted by merrigolden to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:03 createdjustforthis23 05/06/2024

I’m feeling emotional today. Surely PMS. I read a news story about an older man who had to spend the last years of his life in a legal battle with some stupid church something about his property being on their land or idk, but they made his life very stressful and they evicted him from his own property by FOUR big men and he’s this small 80 year old man and then he only had a plastic bag of clothes and had to live in a motel for about a week before he got sick and went to hospital and died shortly afterwards - all exacerbated by stress. And his wife had died prior. I was reading this story and just started crying because I felt so sad for the man that his last years/months/days were RUINED because of such stupid things. Maybe he was in the wrong at points idk, but still.
I’m also feeling emotional with regard to work, just so frustrated and things. For example I was passed a case that had nothing to do with me by a member of my team purely to close it out - all I did was click ‘cancel’ and that’s it, why the fuck did it have to come to me do it your f’ing self. And it was a case THEY created?!?! So it wasn’t even a case an employee was remotely involved with. I mean it’s entirely nothing but it’s just such a waste of time, there’s so much double handling in this team it’s ridiculous. I mean considering there’s a business wide focus on simplification one would think we might try implement that in various ways but no no of course not. Anyway it’s fine, I’m just feeling frustrated and to be quite honest, taken advantage of. Not specifically now but in general.
I feel flat.
I’m wondering if maybe a different kind of therapy would benefit me. I’m wondering if because CBT doesn’t address the root causes that maybe because while I’m continuously getting better maybe the reason I still struggle is because the talk therapy side of our sessions isn’t really doing a lot for me. The way in which I can redirect thoughts and things has been a huge help - something I’m still learning about and something I still struggle to do when I’m feeling extra… something. But then do I even have any real root causes? I know I do but it’s nothing much, like so what - I had bad friends/was consistently bullied by them for years and had a boyfriend of 4+ years also didn’t treat me so well - but that’s not that big of a deal all things considered. Like I’ve never been abused by my family, I’ve technically been sexually abused a lot by various men including R but I still feel like that wasn’t really that because I could have handled it better at the time/not been so passive so that’s more on me. I think though the friend and boyfriend thing were hard though and I never used to think of it as an issue, tbh I thought it was all fine and dandy until I offhandedly mentioned some things to Andy and he was appalled and even then I still think it’s a bit OTT but then I don’t really know any different to compare yet again - he was my one and only long term boyfriend and they were the only adult-ish friend group I ever had, I’ve had singular friends here and there since but I guess my tendency to push people away is because I’m scared of it all happening again at least that’s what she says but idk. But I think I also need to be kinder to myself in some ways, like the people closest to me for over a decade (with some overlap around the middle) did not treat me well for a vast part of those relationships. A lot of it was great and I had fun and all of that but a big part was not and I spent the entirety of both relationships/sides being incredibly anxious and afraid of causing an issue or setting something off by saying or doing the wrong thing - hence my massive aversion to conflict now - I had 10+ years of the people I spent all my time with being the kind of people who would make my life hell if I caused any kind of conflict. Also I know I’m a total pain and I know I deserved it a lot of the time I’m sure - mostly with R, with the friend group I didn’t even have to do anything and I would be picked on/excluded etc for that week and then I’d be right back in the middle of it all like nothing had happened. But with R, idk. It’s still hard to grapple with the idea that wasn’t a good relationship sometimes because I spent so long thinking it was - knowing it wasn’t the ideal one as I never loved loved him, but thinking it was still good and healthy and things. Only to find out it wasn’t for much of it. But so anyway. I was in that friend group from age 14 to 24 and then with R from 19 to about 25. So were we together five years then? Over five years? I don’t know. But we ended about just under a year before I moved to the UK and I moved there when I was 26, or I had just turned 26. And I started dating him like a couple weeks after I turned 19. Anyway. Who knows and who cares. So anyway. Between 14 and 25 I was consistently surrounded by people who weren’t so good for me I guess. Idk where I was even going with this now. Why did I even start writing this? I got a work call while writing this and now my entire train of thought has vanished without a trace. But it feels like that shows why I’ve pushed people away ever since and preferred my own company as opposed to being with others. 11 odd years of spending almost every day with people who weren’t the best for me and then suddenly having that freedom from it. And I’d still talk to some of those friends, like I was still friends with two of them for some time after - three even sort of - but I spent time travelling with two of them over in the UK like we went to Ireland together and around London and places nearby and stuff. But then they both moved back to NZ within fairly quick succession of one another, or did the one go to Sydney and the other to Melbourne? And when I got back is that when we all met in Sydney? I don’t think so? Maybe that was before the UK. I honestly can’t remember. I feel like I need to write some form of personal memoir because I jumble timeline stuff up so easily. It makes me want to get back into fasting purely because it helped with my brain fogginess - but my GP said my depression gives me brain fog and then my medication can also make it worse in some patients cases so I guess mine and then my therapist said the same about the depression side of things. And my long term memory has always been utter trash anyway. Well no, but yes, but no… idk. Anyway. I’m rambling a lot now aren’t I. Idk where I’m going with any of this so I’ll just be quiet.
I bought a lottery ticket today. So I shall manifest my $43 million. Dear Universe, may I please win? Thank you kindly.
I don’t feel good. I feel so flat. I don’t want to go to the office tomorrow. Right now I don’t even want to spend time with him later. I just want to stop working and go to sleep.
Harry P can be so goddamn dense at times. I feel like he’s very clever in many ways but he’s also a complete idiot. I have to keep reminding myself he’s 15. But then Hermione is entirely on the ball and she’s the same age. She is easily my favourite character of the lot. And Ron is a moron too. Both likeable morons obviously but morons nonetheless. I hope we see more Ginny soon too, maybe later? So far she’s had maybe five lines and idk I was expecting more considering she’s practically mute in the movies but I really like her too from what I’ve seen. I seem to like the characters who aren’t idiots, in other words. I’m certainly enjoying this book but Jesus Christ it’s slow. I don’t mind it at all tbh, but idk I feel sort of under pressure to read it as quickly as possible for Andy. For example the other day he said something like you’re not finished yet? Do you not like it? And I’m not reading it for him whatsoever, I want to read it, it’s just fun and an added bonus that I get to talk to him about it at the same time. But I just feel like if I read slowly then he’ll think I don’t like it.
I’m so cold, tired and flat. I have put this in bold because I feel boldly about this claim.
I’m happy I get to spend time with him tonight. I can be a total pain when I feel flat, I think it can make me really ungrateful sometimes. I don’t know. It’s just one of those things where I feel in a low mood/flat/don’t want to talk the last thing I wanna do is spend time with anyone but he always bubbles me up so I’m happy I get to have him tonight. I need to make a concerted effort to not appear flat.
I wish I didn’t have to go to the office tomorrow but I shall. I’m meant to go twice a week and only going once this week so I’ll be sure to go once. I can maybe get sushi and a coffee so that can be a lil treat for going.
I want to get some French comb hair thingys. I wish I had Amazon/it was easier to use it here. I wish that a lot, even though they’re the worst and make lots of businesses have to shut down.
Flat flat flatttttt. And I have to wash and blow dry my hair and pack my bag etc etc etc. At least I have time with baby. Night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:03 throwRA7182883838383 Living in Maui temporarily- I have some questions

To preface: I’m so grateful and excited to say that I’m going to be temporarily living in Maui with my family who lives there.
That being said, I would like to educate myself on the islands culture, history, and just things I should overall know as a visitor who will be living in such a sacred and beautiful place. I want to be respectful, and would like to be well informed.
I know this is a big question but if anyone has any book recommendations, or just things to tell me in general, I’d love to hear it all.
Also, I’d like to know what the overall rundown of each part of Maui is. I’ve visited Maui a handful of times but was very young when I explored it. I’m more familiar with ka’anapali and Lahaina (I am deeply saddened by what occurred and am looking to do volunteer work as well when I’m there), but what’s the rundown of the entire island?
Mahalo and thank you very much in advance ❤️
submitted by throwRA7182883838383 to MauiVisitors [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:02 Manav_vig Advice from Growth PMs

I need advice on brainstorming ideas for an app which helps in traveling apps like booking or expedia, using the current tech i.e. Generative AI How can one propose a solution around making the process of travel planning and like itinerary more easier and streamlined than it already is. I heard this group is very feedback friendly so would love some advice on the solution part, happy to brainstorm in the dms! I’ll also provide some valuable coupon codes if we vibe!
submitted by Manav_vig to ProductManagement [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:02 wlaima I’ve really lost the plot

Yesterday was day 7 of a pretty bad bender & naturally now I’m laying in bed, hands shaking, heart racing, anxiety, shame & embarrassment through the roof… I have made an excuse to my poor fiancé every morning as to why I need to run a quick errand & of course ended up at the liquor store. The liquor store employees even look at me with concern & confusion on face as I’m shakily making yet another morning purchase. I’ve been drinking a pint of vodka every day this week & sometimes even a bit more. I started drinking during working hours (I work from home) & have definitely appeared physically drunk during more than one on-camera meetings. No one has said anything to me but it has to be very obvious that something is off. My fiancé asked me point blank the other day if I was drinking & I of course said no & made an excuse about just being really anxious. I know he doesn’t believe me & I know he’s pretty concerned. My behavior has been super erratic & all over the place for a week… I find him just starring at me at times with a look of desperation & concern. & of course I look awful - puffy eyes, red face…. I’m so fucking ashamed & feel so alone. I want to come clean to him but I don’t know if I can bear the shame. I absolutely need to stop drinking - my health is starting to be affected & that’s terrifying. A part of me wonders if I’ve done permanent damage to my body. I had blood work done a couple months back & everything was normal but I’ve been on more than a few benders since then. I don’t know what to do… the shame is unbearable & I really needed to put this in writing & be honest with someone… anyone.
submitted by wlaima to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:02 wotd1 Wed 06-05-24 - The Miracle of Existence: The Word of the Day "Life"

Wed 06-05-24 - The Miracle of Existence: The Word of the Day
Life, the very essence of our existence, is a remarkable mystery that fills every part of our universe. It is the force that breathes vitality into matter, transforming the inanimate into the vibrant and dynamic. To be alive is to experience the world with all its richness, to perceive, to feel, and to evolve.
Life exists in all its many forms, each a testament to the incredible diversity of nature. Consider the majestic redwood trees, towering over the forest, their roots extending deep into the earth, drawing nourishment and sustaining their massive frames. Observe the graceful dance of a school of fish, seamlessly weaving through the ocean currents, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony. Ponder the complex neural networks of the human brain, firing electrical impulses that give rise to thought, emotion, and consciousness.
Every day, we are gifted with the opportunity to embrace life in its fullest expression. We wake to the melodious songs of birds, heralding the dawn of a new day. We breathe in the crisp morning air, filling our lungs with the very essence of life. We nourish our bodies with the bounties of nature, fueling the intricate processes that sustain us. We engage in meaningful conversations, fostering connections that enrich our souls.
With this precious gift of life, we have the power to shape our existence, to leave an indelible mark on the world around us. We can choose to cultivate kindness, compassion, and empathy, reaching out to others in need and creating a tapestry of love and understanding. We can pursue knowledge, constantly expanding our horizons and unlocking the secrets of the universe. We can create art, music, and literature, expressing the depths of the human experience and inspiring generations to come.
However, it is equally important to recognize the pitfalls that can diminish the beauty of life. We must guard against greed, hatred, and indifference, for these poisons can corrode the very fabric of our existence. We must not succumb to apathy or complacency, for they rob us of the opportunity to grow and evolve. We must not allow ourselves to be consumed by negativity or despair, for they blind us to the countless wonders that surround us.
Instead, let us strive for balance, harmony, and fulfillment. Let us nourish our minds with wisdom and our hearts with love. Let us embrace the simple joys of life, like the warmth of the sun on our faces, the laughter of children at play, or the beauty of a sunset painting the sky with vibrant hues.
Let us pursue physical and mental well-being, for a healthy body and mind are the foundations upon which we can build a life of purpose and meaning. Let us cultivate mindfulness, appreciating the present moment and finding peace in the midst of life's complexities.
In summary, life is a precious gift, a tapestry woven with countless threads of wonder, beauty, and potential. It is a journey of growth, discovery, and self-actualization. By embracing its fullness, nurturing our connections, and striving for harmony, we can unlock the true essence of what it means to be alive. Let us cherish each moment, for life is fleeting yet infinitely rich, a canvas upon which we can paint our masterpiece.

Word of the Day (WOTD)

submitted by wotd1 to Word_of_The_Day_Affir [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:01 makingmywayy Multi-Millionaire off OnlyFans!

Multi-Millionaire off OnlyFans! submitted by makingmywayy to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:00 Alternative-Cap3710 help

I suppose this is more a question of "was this sexual abuse, like in general?" because idk where else to post this. I wanted some advice, especially since I told my best friend about it and he became increasingly concerned. If this doesn't fit the sub I will delete. (I'll probably delete after receiving an answer, anyway). Also a bit of a warning, I am very blunt when I speak about being naked and masturbation and such which I'm aware isn't always great but I can't imagine rewording it differently, it's just kind of how I talk.
Growing up I was a very sexual kid. I'm still a very sexual person but I don't act on it, I keep everything in my head to myself. As a kid, not so much, which led me to do very weird things. I used to expose myself in public which I got a huge rise out of, urinated in places where you're not supposed to (public corners, vents), masturbated in public (when no one was looking, but still in public. I liked the threat of possibly being caught), and even touched my best friend inappropriately a few times when we were kids. He doesn't remember that though, as we spoke about it not long ago, but it still makes me feel very guilty. There was a friend of mine I had a crush on as a kid so because I believed in hypnotism and magic spells and all that bullshit at that age I tried to look up a way to hyptonise them so I could have sex with them. I've heard this hypersexuality is pretty common in kids who were sexually abused in some way. I was about 9-13 during this.
My parents swapped between being good parents and being bad parents (they still do), and I mean that in the non sexual sense since they were both verbally and emotionally abusive/neglectful as well as both supportive and unsupportive of me. Although I remember my mother doing a lot of touching and commenting. Up until maybe like a year ago or 2 years ago (I'm 18 right now) it was pretty common for my mom to slap (as in a sexual slap, not physical abuse) or grope me, do that sexy whistle thing, call me sexy or otherwise make other similar remarks, that sort of thing. I always disliked it and felt uncomfortable but whenever I voiced that my mom would get pissed and my dad would defend her and get pissed at me too so I ended up giving up eventually. It's not non-existent now but it's less. They both also never gave me much privacy I suppose. I mean, they didn't in the general sense — I was only allowed to close my door if I was using the bathroom or getting dressed, and this is still the case for the most part, and I was prohibited from locking my door until like a year ago where I just forced it — but I have plenty of memories of them barging in, which I read is apparently a form of sexual abuse. I just ended up starting to lock my doors because of how often it was happening. It saved me from embarrassing situations quite a few times but it always makes them angry. I have a specific memory of my dad barging into the bathroom when I was preparing for the shower and was thus naked, however I had been jerking off so I had an erection, and my dad pointed to it and told me to make sure I wasn't masturbating. I don't know how old I was, maybe 10-12 or something. I also took showers with my dad, and I remember not liking it, but I also don't remember anything bad happening or him touching me so I don't think that's worth talking about. I'm afraid of inventing memories that didn't happen.
Okay now this is where the hypersexuality gets weirder. My maternal grandfather, when he was alive, lived in a different country than me so we had gone to see him and my grandma when I was 12. Him and I were a bit weird with each other, especially me towards him. When it was just us two, I guess I found being exposed or whatever near him exciting so I did it often. If I were going to the bathroom, I would pull down my pants and underwear and sit down and then close the door, so he could see everything. I remember undressing in front of him unprompted. Downstairs had two bathrooms because he added one illegally for some fucking weird reason (he was delusional his whole life too, mistreated my mom and my grandma pretty badly, but nothing sexual as far as I know) and that one he added was his and only his, and we had to use the other one. I used to purposely use his because I knew he would barge in without knocking and I liked that. And he did, a few times. For a long time I only focused on this, and in my mind, as far as I was concerned, I traumatized the poor man. I realize this is silly now of course.
However, I also remember him doing some stuff too. Like, previously mentioned, a lack of privacy, although to be fair this wasn't strictly towards his bathroom and he did it to me on the other one that was "ours" too, I remember him trying to pull down my pants once with his cane (he was somewhat successful, he got to see part of my underwear) and he used to put his hand on his dick and, with his pants still on, he'd pretend to masturbate and grin at me. I remember once he came in to the living room while I was watching cartoons and I was a weirdo so I didn't want him to know I liked cartoons despite literally being a child so I switched it to the news. Said country doesn't censor non sexual nudity on tv as far as I'm aware so that's what the news was showing. It was some kind of photoshoot I think. He looked at me with a weird grin and did the pretend-masturbate thing although going from when I was a weirdo child who liked masturbating in public you can masturbate without actually taking your dick out (although obviously it's still really noticeable what you're doing) so it's possible he was actually doing that. I don't remember him leaving, or him staying, or him stopping, or the world continuing after that. No memory of whatever came next. I just remember feeling really awkward and uncomfortable. Thinking of it makes me feel empty inside, almost. Really odd.
And as well if any of what I wrote here in this post counts as sexual abuse of some kind then my classmates sexually abused me a lot too. I was bullied horrifically in school verbally and emotionally (and occasionally physically) so it doesn't feel out of character. A common bully thing to do to me was to grope me or touch me, or to make some comment about my body or my ass or something. It was funny to them and their friend group and the varying reactions I had to it, ranging from ignoring or going shy to becoming aggressive or threatening violence, always gave them a good hearty laugh. I hated that so much. It happened a lot. Also in eighth grade a couple made out and had sex (with clothes on) under my lab table. My teacher somehow didn't notice. Hated that too, I was super uncomfortable and annoyed.
I guess in general I just want to know if I was sexually abused as a kid or I'm just being a pussy. I suppose I'm trying to find a reason to explain why I was fucked up as a kid and why I'm still really fucked up now, and also if I was sexually abused it's even more of a reason for me to go to therapy. I know everything is written weirdly but I'm not good at storytelling or giving details so I'm kind of rambling just writing what I remember. I hope this post isn't against the rules.
submitted by Alternative-Cap3710 to CovertIncest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:59 magdatrice Scripting 'Duplicate as USD Data' in python within a Subprocess Maya

Hi, I'm scripting in python importing an fbx (exported from Blender), creating a new USD stage and duplicating the imported fbx (meshes in their hierarchy) into that newly created stage. The Duplicate as USD script part still doesn't run properly.
Here's my Blender script that exports fbx and sets the path to it as as an env variable, launches Maya and a within it:
import sys import bpy import subprocess import os fbxfilepath=r'C:\test2.fbx' os.environ["FBXFilePath"] = fbxfilepath # Export fbx bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath=fbxfilepath, check_existing=True, filter_glob='*.fbx', use_selection=False, use_visible=False, use_active_collection=False, global_scale=1.0, apply_unit_scale=True, apply_scale_options='FBX_SCALE_NONE', use_space_transform=True, bake_space_transform=False, object_types={'MESH'}, use_mesh_modifiers=True, use_mesh_modifiers_render=True, mesh_smooth_type='OFF', colors_type='SRGB', prioritize_active_color=False, use_subsurf=False, use_mesh_edges=False, use_tspace=False, use_triangles=False, use_custom_props=False, add_leaf_bones=True, primary_bone_axis='Y', secondary_bone_axis='X', use_armature_deform_only=False, armature_nodetype='NULL', bake_anim=True, bake_anim_use_all_bones=True, bake_anim_use_nla_strips=True, bake_anim_use_all_actions=True, bake_anim_force_startend_keying=True, bake_anim_step=1.0, bake_anim_simplify_factor=1.0, path_mode='AUTO', embed_textures=False, batch_mode='OFF', use_batch_own_dir=True, use_metadata=True, axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y') scriptPath = 'C:/' mayaExePath = 'C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2023/bin/maya.exe' pythonCmd = fr"""with open(r'{scriptPath}', 'r') as f: exec(compile(, 'startupScript', 'exec'), {{}}, {{}})""" newEnv = os.environ.copy() # begin maya process newProcess = subprocess.Popen( (mayaExePath, "-command", fr"""python("{pythonCmd}")""" ), env=newEnv, shell=True, ) 
And here's the launched within Maya:
import mayaUsdDuplicateAsUsdDataOptions import mayaUsdOptions import maya.mel as mel import maya.internal.ufeSupport.utils as ufeUtils import maya.cmds as cmds import mayaUsdDuplicateAsUsdDataOptions import mayaUsdOptions import maya.mel as mel import os # Access the environment variable FbxFilePath = os.environ.get("FBXFilePath") # Load the mayaUsdPlugin if not cmds.pluginInfo('mayaUsdPlugin', query=True, loaded=True): cmds.loadPlugin('mayaUsdPlugin') #Load the fbxmaya plugin if not cmds.pluginInfo('fbxmaya', query=True, loaded=True): cmds.loadPlugin('fbxmaya') # Creating USD stage in Maya import mayaUsd_createStageWithNewLayer; mayaUsd_createStageWithNewLayer.createStageWithNewLayer() # Importing FBX cmds.file(FbxFilePath, i=True, mergeNamespacesOnClash=False) # Duplicating the imported Cube mesh (from the fbx) as USD mel.eval('mayaUsdMenu_duplicateToUSD stageShape1 Cube') mayaUsdOptions.setAnimateOption('''Cube''', mayaUsdDuplicateAsUsdDataOptions.getDuplicateAsUsdDataOptionsText()) mel.eval('ls -type mayaUsdProxyShapeBase -long') mel.eval('refreshEditorTemplates') mel.eval('evalDeferred("AEbuildControls")') mel.eval('nodeType -isTypeName -inherited transform') mel.eval('nodeType -isTypeName -inherited mesh') mel.eval('CBselectionChanged') import maya.internal.ufeSupport.utils as ufeUtils; ufeUtils.hasNonMayaSelectedItems() mel.eval('setFilterScript "initialShadingGroup"') mel.eval('setFilterScript "initialParticleSE"') mel.eval('setFilterScript "defaultLightSet"') mel.eval('setFilterScript "defaultObjectSet"') mel.eval('setFilterScript "CubeSG"') mel.eval('AEbuildControls') mel.eval('displayRGBColor -q "lead"') mel.eval('autoUpdateAttrEd') 
Maya launches, creates the USD stage and imports the FBX and then throws an error on the 1st line of trying to Duplicate the imported Cube mesh as USD:
mel.eval('mayaUsdMenu_duplicateToUSD stageShape1 Cube') Error: // Error: line 1: Cannot find procedure "mayaUsdMenu_duplicateToUSD". Error in part 2: Error occurred during execution of MEL script 
The curious part is, if I now manually launch that part of the script that Duplicates the mesh as USD, it gets duplicated no problem. Maya cannot find the procedure if it's launched through Subprocess somehow? I'd really appreciate any input!
submitted by magdatrice to Maya [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:59 Mean_MF_ Three eyed raven

My opinion on how books will reach “the same castle” with the series
  1. Most of blood-raven is in the tree network
  2. Bran will eventually warg into blood raven s body and that will gain him “wireless” access to the network
  3. From this Bran- blood raven connection will merge a new entity AKA 3 eyed raven
submitted by Mean_MF_ to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:58 Corvun_Chad_ Humans have their ships in the water ( chapter 2)

( chapter 2) begin:
It was Shalok of next year, the delegation was back at earth, September of 1916 as the locals said. They used the same approach they did the first time, however they were intercepted by many many more fighters this time. The sight one of the diplomats would later remark was “ like watching primitive hawks, all form as one. However that hawk could disassemble if it needs to into individual unit. A hive mind of individuality if you will.” The same diplomat also happened to be heading this mission. Within this he held many of his species top guards and delegates with them. In many ways, it was a symbolic show of the might of The Unified Systems of the Milky-way. However on this mission, the diplomats were primarily Hät’ock , a tall, lanky and weak species physically, but known for their political ability. The guards however were terrifying in comparison to their diplomatic counter part. They consisted entirely of portaue-infernu or what directly translates to “ Bringers of hell”. They had large hulking forms, about 12 feet in height and were proportional in width. Their humanoid body made them look like giant humans except for their rippling muscles.
As they touched down, the unpleasant reminder of the human worlds constant want to kill was over their heads. The gravity was about 4 times that of the portaue-infernu home world, wich was considered to be on the edge of livable. The diplomats struggled to even twitch a finger in their natural body and thus were wearing power armor to counter act the extreme gravity. As they disembarked, the oxygen in the air began to burn their throats, despite their respirators. Almost every species in the USM came from a sulfur breathing atmosphere, oxygen was seen as an archaic medium to breathe, only for primitive species. They came under their sun, a rather dark star, the world was considered to be dark by many species standards. It was theorized, correctly but unknown to them at the time, that humans had quasi night vision. Though that was seen as far fetched.
As the delegation stepped into a large building where they last met, they realized there had been so major changes on this world since they had last been there. Namely, the world while not United under one banner, would unite to fight global issue in the newly formed “ Foedus Nationum pro Humanitatibus Defensio”( Latin) as a reactionary measure. The room had 8 large flags, with many smaller ones next to it. The first was the flag of the United States of America. An pod flags even by galactic standards. Next to it was the flag of Italy, than Austria-Hungary, Russian empire, French, German than British flag. The diplomats of all nations in the league sat, looking down at the delegation with eyes of hate and condemnation. They had recently learned a rather frightening detail about humans that made this situation even more imposing. Humans where predators. The only sentient species of predators, despite many species looking as such, they where simply strong as a measure to run, in the same way a bison is.
In this moment the realized they where staring the eyes of a civilization of predators, most likely bred in the crucible of war and hardened they hammer of a death world, sharpened by the necessity to move forward. Many of the diplomats began to rethink their superiors orders, realizing that they may have caused a world of angry, scared predators to lash out.
“ greetings diplmoats of this world, we are here to discuss our ultimatum” a diplomat known simply as rochöp simply said while stepping forward.
“ ah yes, that horse shout ultimatum” the British diplomat simply said, eyes looking on with amusement
“Pardon, but we take this as a grave diplomatic insult” rochöp said simply in response, still waiting for a more formal response
“ We will give you an ultimatum ambassador, and it will be as simple as yours. Fuck off and do not disturb us till we reach the stars, or die” a man with deep, low voice. If all nations the US ambassador hated the ultimatum the most, seeing it in his history and that of many other nations. This he took it as a great insult to humanity.
Rochöp was beginning to fell passed as the locals would say. A torrent of insults would continue to come, with full support from their governments, each government humiliated the ambassador. Finally he snapped, looking up before roarinng the next most important words in galactic history “ THAN WAR IT IS YOU UGGLY FUCKING BASTARDS, YOU ARE ALL DISGRACEFUL TO THE MERE IDEA OF SENTIEN BEINGS”.
Everyone stood in silence for a moment. If nobody tried to de-escalate the situation, there would officially be war. However no one said a word. It was at this moment a cruel smile formed on the American ambassadors face. He than pulled out a old style slug thrower and aimed. The side of the gun had in small writing “ Colt M1911 45ACP”. Rochöp stood there, believing it could not break his power armor. “ 3….” The American diplomat said as he cocked back the pistol, the many human guards pointing a the the alien guards. “ 2….” He said his finger on taking the safety off. “1……” he said his finger now on the trigger. “ DO IT YOU COWA…” a roar came from the diplomat, however was suddenly cut off. A bullet passing right where his brain was, now visible was many pieces of his skull and brain on the floor, his forehead completely missing. He dropped to the floor like a rag doll. This would later be known as “ the shot heard round’ the galaxy” by humans, and for good reasons. In the following seconds the guards where shot and played with, like a child’s toy. Many of the guards began to chant “ dance motherfucker, dance” while shooting limbs and occasionally slugging them across their faces with the helmets of the couldn’t move. The cruel smiles of the human ambassador only got more noticeable, if they wanted savages they would get it. At the end of all of this, only one diplomat lived, he was told to send a herald to the galatic community.
The diplomat established a video meeting through the console on the ship. As this was happening explosives where being later on the ship. Once they where through the diplomat began speaking “ the humans have made their choice” he said, trying not to sound nervous “ They choose war” he said simply. In a very sudden moment, across galatic broadcasts the diplomats head war ripped off his head by a human. He then stepped into frame, showing a 6,7’ height and a tight now blood stained officers uniform. As he stood their he began to speak, the bleeding head of the diplomat still in his hand and in the other was the head of the lead guard. “ we as humanity have decided that act of subjugation is a humiliation, far beyond reason and do not want to suffer the injustices of those who see them selves as superior. To all those out there, who dare land troops on our beautiful land keep in mind one thing. We are gods chosen, the few under his grace, the few who holds his paradise up, the few who took to his teachings. We are the lords servants, if you dare disrupt his paradise, his warriors will assemble and ensure you pose no more threat. IN GOD WE TRUST”. He finished off at the end, he dropped the heads in his hands before walking off the ship. The broadcast still live, watched as the ship was blow to pieces as a sign of complete rejection anything alien. ( that was chapter 2, leave any criticism you have in the comments, and next chapter will focus more on the war to come instead of the setup)
submitted by Corvun_Chad_ to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:57 MYTbrain Solar System and the Collective Consciousness

Solar System and the Collective Consciousness
As for establishing the premise of a collective consciousness, I would refer you to the Global Consciousness Project by Princeton U who have collected data using random number generators and how their outputs change during globally witnessed events like Christmas, World-Cup, and 9/11. Total results page here.
The Schumann Resonances have been fairly well established to play a role in human behavior [Link].
The phase of the moon also plays a role in human behaivor, as has been noted by observing inmate and asylum patients who are removed from being able to observe the moon. During full moons, there's a 4x increase in erratic behavior. Here's a paper about the positive correlation between schizophrenic symptoms and Lunar cycles [Link].
Then there's the plasmasphere surrounding the moon which interacts with the plasmsphere around the Earth [Link]. This interaction causes 'tides' in the plasmasphere around the Earth [Link]. This relationship is well demonstrated in the coupled plasmaspheres of Io and Jupiter [pic below is from pg34].
Now we are going to start entering some stronger 'woo' territory. There's a language few have heard of called 'Proto-Sanskrit.' This language occurs all over the planet on some very old artifacts, like before the last ice age stuff. The important take-away from studying this language is the ancient world-wide worship of Jupiter as the originator of consciousness. [Link]. As an interesting side-note, this language appears in crop circles, on multiple UFO hulls, as well as on some of the metal implants on the Nazca alien mummies.
So taking this altogether, we have a collective consciousness, which is influenced by the ionosphere around the earth. This is influenced by Solar weather, as well as the Moon, as well as interplanetary currents between planets in our solar system. Furthermore, these electromagnetic interactions are influenced by the plasma currents in our neck of the Milky Way, as well as the Milky Way's path through larger celestial bodies. The Sun, Moon, and Jupiter have some of the biggest impacts on Earth's plasmasphere behavior, and therefore on human behavior. The accounts of NDEs and abductees suggests that the reincarnation cycle memory wipe occurs when the soul is subjected to extremely strong EM fields, perhaps like that of the plasmasphere around the Earth. Or possibly, the soul could get attracted to some of the stronger EM fields in our solar system like the Sun or Jupiter? Therefore, when this sub says "stay away from the light," perhaps that could translate to staying away from these plasmasphere's around in our solar system.
TLDR; Human behavior is connected to the charged field around Earth/Moon, Jupiter, and the Sun. Staying away from the light may mean staying away from the memory-wiping strong EM fields around these bodies.
submitted by MYTbrain to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:57 Sensitive_Berry4297 Sudden pain on right side. 24f

Recently I’ve been experiencing a sudden random pain on the right side of my body near the lower part of my ribs. I don’t know if it has anything to do with my ribs but that is the location. This pain is 10/10, hurts horribly to where my entire body tenses up, but it comes and goes, if it stayed I would definitely be in the ER with how badly it hurts. It’s what I imagine being stabbed with a knife would feel like. It just happened about 10 minutes ago, the pain came, and then it was gone. Does anyone know what it could be, or anyone experience something similar? Or if I should go get it checked out.
I take 0 medication, I’m 5’2, 150 pounds, I vape, I do not drink or do drugs.
submitted by Sensitive_Berry4297 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:57 dolltron69 Sex doll research / article collection, forensic psychology & criminology .

It should be noted all research seems to be small sample self reporting , sex robots is thrown in or assumed to be the same as dolls, while a reasonable assumption it should be clear we don't have full autonomous sex robots yet . Most research is recent, Bo Rubergs book 'sex dolls at sea' is probably the go to for history. My reading of the book was that because you had sodomy laws most details of the use pre-1990s would have been criminal so her research was through criminal records rather than survey research , add to that that the modern high end dolls only came down to an affordable price around 2015 onwards and so new research is focussed on those, it seems that for about 30 yrs nobody gave a shit ( post 1985 after blow up dolls became more legal- 2015 with markedly lower priced high end dolls).
I added a small section of links on child-like dolls, i include it because of spill over effects in both research and criminal law. A strict , tight law would behave like a semi-ban more broadly. Australia has it that way where on paper you could be jailed for 15 yrs for having a doll that looks as a 17 y old ( but you could have sex with a 16 year old human with no penalty).
The modern sex doll owner: a descriptive analysis by Sarah Valverde ( Caltech USA 2012) :
Exploring the psychological characteristics and risk-related cognitions of individuals who own sex dolls - Craig A. Harper, Rebecca Lievesley, & Katie Wanless Nottingham Trent University (UK) :
Design, Use, and Effects of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots: Scoping Review - Nicola Döring, Prof Dr; M Rohangis Mohseni, Dr; Roberto Walter, MA Institute of Media and Communication Science, ( Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany 2020) :öring_Mohseni__Walter2020_Sex-Dolls-Sex-Robots.pdf
The Silicone Self: Examining Sexual Selfhood and Stigma within the Love and SexDoll Community - Kenneth Hanson 2021 (PUBLIC LINKS)
Also by Kenneth Hanson (article public links ):
The ‘PERFECT’ PARTNER: UNDERSTANDING THE LIVED EXPERIENCES OF MEN WHO OWN SEX DOLLS ( link to pdf download) 2023 Craig Harper Nottingham trent :
A Methodological Reckoning for the Empirical Study of Sex Doll and Sex Robot Issues - Kenneth Hanson 2023
--------------------------------------------------- Child doll specific: ------------------------------------------
Criminalization of Childlike Sex Dolls under International and EU Law - December 2023 - European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice:
Exploring the Ownership of Child-Like Sex Dolls :
UK stance on child dolls : - crown prosecution service
Australia"PAC%2F19950012%2FSch-273A.1" - Australia gov site
Craig harper doing a video on research conducted : Why Men Buy Sex Dolls (
Bo Ruberg studied sex doll true history : Exploring histories of sexual technologies with Dr. Bo Ruberg - YouTube
Debate kathleen richardson ( campaign against sex dolls / bots) Watch lecture Sex, Robots and Artificial Intimacy Dr. Kate Devlin, prof. dr. Kathleen Richardson - YouTube
submitted by dolltron69 to psychologyofsex [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:55 planetofthegrapes Help with autistic communication traits (compulsion to precision)

Hi, fellow Reddit autistics, I am here asking for free resources for a loving, neurospicy couple where one spouse is ADHD/AuDHD and one spouse is autistic.
They are looking for books/articles/subreddits/groups on how to better cope with some autistic communication traits. Both spouses are aware of the issues, and want things to change, communication to improve, but are unsure how.
The main issue reported to me is that spouse A corrects or dismisses everything spouse B says. Spouse A’s autistic compulsion to be precise comes into play in every conversation, and spouse B is at their wits’ end. Sometimes, it is simply derailing/exhausting, but once in a while, it has been medically dangerous.
Spouse B: Look at that right angle. Spouse A: Well, that's not a right angle, it's actually 89.97843 degrees.
(The result was a conversation that totally missed the greater point and became derailed.)
Spouse B: Google maps says turn left here. Spouse A: Really? Did Google maps really say that? I like turning right much better here.
(Spouse B’s feelings were hurt by this question, as if Spouse A was calling them a liar.)
Spouse B: I am experiencing these specific symptoms of a medical emergency and need you to take me to the hospital. Spouse A: Are you really experiencing that, is it as significant as you’re reporting?
(Eventually, spouse A took spouse B to the hospital because it was easier for them to do that than to deal with their anxiety of talking on the phone to the medical provider spouse A called, who said they should go to the hospital. Note: now that A knows these symptoms can be serious issues, A wouldn't argue it again. But it's exhausting for B to do this with every little thing that A hasn't personally verified.)
Spouse B says they need this dynamic to change. B reports that they need A to be able to start trusting B to know their own answers. B said, “I need A to realize that when I say something is rainbow-colored, being told it is missing a color isn't the point - the point is that it’s colorful.” B needs A to pause, take a beat, and ask themself, hey, am I sure B is wrong, or am I sure I know the point? Spouse A will sometimes apologize after the fact, but B says this is inadequate.
So far, it’s been difficult for them to find resources on how to change this, because all the sources are like, “that’s abusive and they are trying to control you.” This does not appear to be the case, and spouse A really seems to be motivated in large part by autistic communication traits. Like avoidance of anxiety situations like speaking to authority, needing to be precise, and maybe oppositional traits.
Thank you very much for reading, or for any help you can provide.
submitted by planetofthegrapes to AskAutism [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:54 Equal-Raisin-1990 Looking for a book

This is something I've read long ago. Forgot the name.
Female protagonist. Medieval Fiction. Have factions. The plot: a group of people (ethnic or so) in a kingdom, being slaughtered by bad guys/invaders, but they told the King of the nation basically this: Look, we are only killing these people. We won't touch you or your beloved subjects. Cool? Cool!
I think The king was pretty much on his...neutral ground? Some political stuffs from the nobles.
The protagonist hated that and rode out help.
There was an order of black knights or so (most of them belonged to that ethnic group) decided to join her. There was one character, a Captain or Commander of the knights order. Pretty cool guy. But killed in battle (sad...)
That's i can remember from that Book 1, has good writing on setting, politic, factions. Part of series.
No magic. I believe. Just swords and arrows.
Remember vaguely a line near the end of the book is: "You are worthless than dung. At least dung can help with planting." - or something like that.
Any help is appreciate. Thank you!
submitted by Equal-Raisin-1990 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:53 Silly-Goose9124 Mini theory (that may have gotten out of hand)

I have a mini theory that may satisfy some of you who like FNAF angst and Micheal specifically(aka me)(please excuse my inconsistent grammar and spelling mistakes)
I have this personal headcanons/mini theory that in the days after Micheal got scooped he had a form of sickness that he couldn’t Identify in himself, maybe because he couldn’t remember that he was scooped at first(gutted is a more realistic term for it I believe.)
I’ll try to describe it from the outside looking in, telling it literally, while throwing in a few in detail moments and notes of how he felt in attempt to make my point. Feel free to ask clarifying questions in the comments and I’ll edit if there are frequently occurring ones.
I suggest watching Dual-Processing Theory’s FNAF video. I saw the first episode of the GTLive reaction (the only one as of me writing this) and watched the whole thing myself and it’s actually amazing in my opinion. And it’s a video and theory I take into my personal headcanons and it probably makes the writing of this a lot easier to understand. This is the closest I’ve been to writing a story of my own that wasn’t an assignment and I had full reign over. So their video likely made a huge impact on how I wrote this.
But I’m not going to say it’s required. Nor do I have the patience to argue for it. I thinks it’s good, It may make this theory make more sense, you decide.
It’s my other headcanon that Micheal was a living experiment for Afton to see was putting remnant in a living subject. I’ll write that out if this gets popular. And I’ll paste this in the story to reiterate that. To me it shows HOW Micheal possesses his own corpse with the lack of remnant that it seemed the story pushes is needed for possession to occur.
Trigger warning here for descriptions of depression, suicidal thoughts, feelings of intense physical illness, self-soothing in ways that may remind readers of their own experiences, and a general warning for those who may be sensitive to graphic material
My theory is that Micheal wakes up in bed, whether he dragged himself home in the dead of night after his scooping or ennard did, changes in my mind depending on how I’m feeling and you can decide for yourself which one you prefer
I see him waking up in a cold sweat, it’s the kind of cold fire across your body when you’re sick. Soon enough the cold part disappeared and now he was left hot and sweating like he’d never sweat again(which wouldn’t held his decomposing body but he didn’t know that). He panics initially from the sensory experience of it. He quickly realizes he’s safe though and chalks up the feeling to a fever or maybe the flu. It doesn’t matter to him. He either feels a strong urge to go to work or he just wants to go because he needs the money, to me it never mattered so I never decided but you can chose whichever.
He puts on his uniform and walks to work, this is the first day, of the 8-bit cutscene in sister location(you know the one.) He makes his usual greetings occasionally stopping for small talk with his neighbors as he’d always made time because he enjoyed the interactions and his neighbors always made him smile, even if nothing else could. Sometimes his body couldn’t force even a fraction of the ‘normalcy’ that he felt when conversing with his neighbors.
He goes to work like normal and comes home like normal.
The second he steps in his house he felt the same illness he did this morning hit him like a semi-truck. He had always suppressed his sickness unconsciously and no matter what he could never stop suppressing it. It always bothered him. But that was a topic for whenever he could afford a therapist. He hated the idea of missing his TV show, The Immortal and The Restless. So he turned up the AC and closed most of the windows spare for two on opposite ends of the house to ensure the illness, that he’d convinced himself was a common cold or something of the sort, wouldn’t just circulate like some kind of bacteria terrarium.
He changed into something breezy and easy (I’m sorry I had to). He made popcorn and watched his show with a small smile, talking at the tv every once in a while to remark how cliche the plot was or how stupid the characters were, though he loved it and would defend the show with his dying breath(pun intended).
After his shows run time ended, he discarded the bowl and felt an all-consuming thirst, in a haze, he’d walk to his fridge, walking like a fucking corpse because of how exhausted and tired he felt. He drank three bottles to quench the thirst and then grabbed two extra and hauled his weak frame to his bedroom and put the bottles on his bed for easy access. He crawled into the Queen sized bed and laid there restlessly, so tired but unable to sleep, he lost time. Getting one maybe two hours of real sleep, but he didn’t feel tired. He felt neutral in the most basic sense and yet in every way.
The rest of his week was like that.
Second day, he felt a strange sensation in his stomach. Like something was rotting there, though he didn’t know how literal that was. He didn’t know why he didn’t look at his stomach, he didn’t check to make sure. He was so convinced it was in his head. He’d been through a lot. He was bound to be fucked in the head.
Third day, the rotting feeling intensified but he still didn’t check. A more distinct purple tint, initially he also chalked the second days skin change to his messed up brain hallucinating.
Fourth day was when he stopped watching his show and eating popcorn. The thirst remained. He hadn’t used the restrooms though, little to his knowledge he’d been sweating the water out or puking back up the excess.
Why he didn’t notice the pile was because his bedroom was already a bit messy due to his undiagnosed depression. He didn’t think he had a mental illness. He was born 1969(also a personal headcanon, his age, birthdate or any of the sort are known to be confirmed to me or any theorists I’ve seen) and his father was born much earlier. So his father had raised him without ‘mental illness’ as a true concept and he’d never thought to question it.
The rest of the days were the same, only changes were the thirst getting stronger, the rotting sensation getting stronger and spreading and obviously the purple-ifying.
Then he pukes ennard up.
As he dies in that moment everything finally hits him.
He died down there. His father sent him to died just so he could get Elizabeth back. His father. His father killed kids and now those souls killed him, through no fault of their own, because they thought Micheal was his father.
His father
His fucking father.
He’s consumed with rage and forces himself to possess his own corpse.
It’s my other headcanon that Micheal was a living experiment for Afton(his father) to see remnant in a living subject. Afton assumes it doesn’t matter because the experiments didn’t change Micheal or alter his behavior so after five injections and weeks, possibly months of watching the boy, Afton stops injecting Micheal with it. It’s a waste of remnant to him to be clear. He’s not being merciful to Micheal. He stopped caring about his comfort when CC died.
That’s how he possessed his own corpse.
He’s got a mission to hunt down his father and cause his death.
The rest of this theory just flows into the theory Dual-Processing Theory has on Micheal, him being the real vengeful spirit in the end(yeah they convinced me of that shit 100% go watch it it’s a good video.).
I have other theories. Micheal being experimented on was the only one that needed mention here.
Another theory I have is that Micheal in the games knows Vanessa and his corpse survived the fire. It’s not necessarily one I think is real game thing but it’s a fun thing I like to entertain myself with. It’s mostly caring stuff and Micheal helping Vanessa overcome her personality thing she has going on (idk if it’s a real disorder so I don’t feel comfortable addressing it as such) and helping her move on from Afton because he’s had to do a similar thing. I can write about it if you want aswell. There are other theories aswell that if you desire more I shall comply.
TLDR; Micheal rotted in bed while he was home in that 8bit cutscene that takes place after the scooping. I have other theories.
Comment any criticism, add things to this, start convos. Idc just lmk what you think or if you wanted more.
submitted by Silly-Goose9124 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:53 Boyley92 D-Day

Looking for some of your best suggestions of WW2 books about D-Day or at least feature a great description of D-Day in some part of the book. Either personal memoirs or just fiction books about it
submitted by Boyley92 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:52 Chiphaha PVE Kappa obtained

PVE Kappa obtained submitted by Chiphaha to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:51 zbtffo Maldives Has A Really Skewed Vision of Ancient Egypt

And it's all because of that one dubbed tv show called Muhammed Rassolu Allah (which ironically was made in Egypt) that we all grew up watching. Though I recall even some Islamic scholars have said the show isn't fully accurate to Islamic history but we all watch it and let our children watch it like a cultural tradition. I remember the story about the Pharoh's wife (the woman who adopted and raised Moses) was different in my school text book than what was depicted on the show.
The title 'Pharoh' was incorporated into the dhivehi language as 'Firaoun'. Although it is a title and the dubbing also treats it as a title, a lot of people act as if it's a name. And the 'Firaoun' in Prophet Moses story is often used as an example of a villain in many cautionary tale by many religious scholars in Maldives.
Having dived into Egyptian history a few years back and I guess having grown up watching NatGeo I always had an interest in Egyptian history and, I have found much of it fascinating. Just the basics: there were approximately 170 pharohs during ancient egypt. Egyptian history stretches from now all the way back to 5000 years. Egypt was ancient to the ancient even to the ancient greeks and romans who first visited them. The oldest Maldivian text is the Isdhoo copper plates which are 1400 years old. Egyptian gene pool is incredibly diverse with many able to trace their ancestery all the way back to ancient times. Ancient egyptians is very well researched and recorded and many egyptian historians/scholars whom I've seen in take great pride in their history. They even held a huge parade when moving their mummies to their new museum. Which is wild to me since as a Maldivian I am used to finding our history opaque and people treating parts of it with a sense of shame and the lack of care taken in recording history.
The number of years between Cleopetra reign and first commercial flight is much shorter than the time between the building of the Pyramid of Giza. Thus even during the ancient egyptian time there were ancient archaeologists; basically ancient Egyptian archaeologists of ancient egypt which are now studied by ancient egypt archeologists of the modern day.
submitted by zbtffo to maldives [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:50 Aromatic_Slice2146 Feels like my body is failing me

Hey I'm 22 male 5ft 10 very active and non smoker
In the last few days I broke out in itchiness all over and a full body rash, the rash is almost gone but I feel so unwell my skin appears blotchy I have full body aches as in all my muscles and joints to the point it's hard to stand and I'm incredibly low energy it's been a few more days of this now and no sign of getting better even though the rash is gone now.
Iv been doctors and they are sending me for blood tests but the earliest is almost 2 weeks ago so I was wondering if anyone here could give advice on what it is or advise if I'll be okay waiting that long or if I should try something more urgent?
I also have a slight headach and have had trouble sleeping, and sometimes it feels like both my forearms arent getting blood like that tyoe of pain yet my veins appear full. please also note I have a lot of difficulty with mental house and am after stressed and anxious but I don't think this would be caused by that.
Is it possible someone else has had this and that it's just a severe anxious burn out? As I have been extremely anxious and stressed on the run up to this and part of me thinks I'm actually dying and another things maybe I'm just so burned out that my body can't hold on
submitted by Aromatic_Slice2146 to anxiety_support [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:49 EncryptoGamer Looking for solar ship with these parts, in red and orange (preferably dark) and with orange sails, like the sails in the 2nd image, but red and orange body. Tried NMSGE site, didn't have it.

Looking for solar ship with these parts, in red and orange (preferably dark) and with orange sails, like the sails in the 2nd image, but red and orange body. Tried NMSGE site, didn't have it. submitted by EncryptoGamer to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]