Yorkie puppies birth certificates

How to accept an abusive situation you cannot change?

2024.06.05 05:56 Least_Secret_268 How to accept an abusive situation you cannot change?

Hi. I’m trying to make this as short as possible. I’m in my late twenties and I have a full time job with good income. My parents are very controlling and overbearing to the point where they force me to dress in a certain way. My mom constantly has the Quran playing on the radio in the house loudly and I can’t tell her it’s disturbing me without her throwing a fit about me being a bad person for ‘not listening to the word of God’. I have to ask for permission before and after I leave work or else they won’t unlock the door for me. She monitors my phone and has a tracker on my car which I gave her the money to buy under the condition that she is the legal owner of the car license. (She wouldn’t let me drive otherwise).
There is so much more but I can’t write it all down without making things extremely long. Things I’ve tried:
  1. Contacting a women’s shelter: they rejected me for not having enough physical evidence of abuse.
  2. Contacting the police: just ended up causing an embarrassment for myself and my family members who are officers in the police.
  3. Trying to access my own passport and birth certificate so I can flee: they didn’t allow me to.
I know the answer is acceptance here because even if my parents pass away I will have to move in with my brother. But how do I do that?
submitted by Least_Secret_268 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:54 XPintoBeansX I’m applying for a passport in NJ but my ID has my old address on it from NY. I now Work and live in NJ and have checks made out to my current address in jersey . Will this affect my passport application in anyway?

I have all my other stuff I need to apply for my passport such as birth certificate and ssn
submitted by XPintoBeansX to ask [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:47 sneeetch Trying to Find Stillborn Half-Brother

I've been doing genealogy research on my family for a few years now but there's one person I haven't found any record of, my dad's first child who was stillborn. My grandma told me about my dad's first child and really wanted to find his birth/death day as she felt bad that she couldn't remember. I've looked on FamilySearch and Ancestry but still haven't found anything.
I know the year, 1995, and the child's first and middle name but am unsure if he would've been given my dad's last name as he wasn't married to the mom. The only info I have on the mom is her name (which seems to actually be a nickname, not her legal name).
My grandma recently passed away but I still want to find this information for her because I don't want my brother to be forgotten. The only other person that would know any other information is my dad but I don't want to press him for more information since I know that it is still a sore subject for him and I'm honestly surprised that he said anything about it to me. However, my dad did confirm to me his son's first and middle name and the year, so I know that those are correct.
Any advice for how to find record of his birth/death? Would he have been given a birth certificate at all? Would this information even be publicly available online?
Edit: I know that the birth happened in Texas although I’m not too sure what city, but probably around Houston.
submitted by sneeetch to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:27 Belgian-Baguette Here's the full story of a Fiasco of a Marriage, my Mother had to deal with for 3 Years.

Disclaimer: This story takes place over an 11-year period, I'll try to keep it as clean as possible. Also, sorry for this one being long, but this is the full story. We're starting when my Mother and then Husband first met.
(Ages refer to modern day, 2024) Me - 21M; My Mother - 50F; Husband (We'll call him Bob)- 40M.
2013- 2015
After a messy 8 year relationship, we then had a fresh new start in a new town outside of Pittsburgh, PA. My mother worked in the hotel industry at the time and after only 6 months of living by ourselves, a young Latino guy (Bob), started renovating the hotel my Mother then worked at. They started dating. The relationship was pretty smooth for the first year, then in mid 2015, we moved to Florida, and when we got there we didn't like at all. The neighborhood was trashy, full of riff-raff and the quality of life sucked. Florida is when their relationship started to go downhill. After only 6 months of living in Florida we got sick of it real quick and moved back to Pittsburgh.
2016 - 2019
While 6 months is a relatively short amount of time for a relationship, it was the first notion of their soon-to-be corrosive relationship. On Christmas Day, 2015, we finally arrived back in Pittsburgh in time for our family's annual Christmas get-together. In 2016, my Mother gave birth to my sister, Bob's daughter, Melissa. It was honestly the only good thing to come out of the relationship IMO. Since we came back from Florida, their relationship kept deteriorating. From 2016 - 2020 their lives together was mediocre at best.
2020 - 2021
2020 is when the relationship finally reach the point where you can call it bad. This is the year where he keyed my Mother's car, kept getting in screaming matches with her and the worst thing to happen that year was when he threw a shovel out of the second story balcony, accidentally hitting her. Thankfully she was alright. That year, Bob decided that he wanted to join the Military after watching a handful of videos talking about it. He tried for the Army, but he was rejected for his age.
In 2021, He then tried for the Air Force, which they actually said accepted him. But there was one thing, he either had to sign his rights away to his daughter, Melissa, or marry my Mother. (You can guess where this is going). My Mother and Bob Married on March 3rd, 2021. She actually wasn't too keen on the idea of marrying, but she did so that he didn't have to sign his rights away. Bob was trying for Special Operations, but he didn't pass the mental health test, so he was told he'd have to join the regular Air Force.
In June of 2022, we went to vacation in Raystown, Pennsylvania. We brought my Brother and Sister-In-Law with us as they never been there before. For the duration of the trip Bob couldn't stop complaining about minute details. He even made a claim that my SIL was "Taking over the vacation" (How can someone take over a vacation if they've never even been there before?) Bob also stated that he was supposed to be the leader of the vacation, as if he's god almighty- ready to send down bolts of lighting on anyone who questions his authoritah!
Other than Bob getting his panties in a twist, we actually had an awesome time. (When he wasn't around.) A few months later, Bob drove up to my brother's house to get some equipment to mow our lawn. He came back down with a goddam weedwhacker. To mow an ENTIRE yard with it. It took me an hours and a half, along with the neighbors looking at me like I'm a moron for not using an actual lawnmower. I asked Bob what happened to the lawnmower he was supposed to bring down. He said he didn't want to be the one to pay for the gas. That cheap @$$hole. I honestly had enough of his bullshit and said "Next time just please get the lawnmower." This ENRAGED him. Bob was about to chase after me to beat my @$$, but my Mother threatened to call the police.
In the summer of '22, he bought a dog, a Belgian Malinois pupy and named her Candace. Candace was a sweet puppy, but once she grew, she became a wild child. The dog was for us to keep as protection ever since our neighbors got robbed. Oh and one other thing...
Bob drove from Pittsburgh to Huntsville, Alabama for this dog. a 10 1/2 hour drive. just to save a few bucks. He still spent $700 on her.
FINALLY. On December 6th, 2022, Bob was shipped off to basic training. Bob changed his mind about Candace and decided that once he finished he'll take Candace with him to the base, he then left it to me to take care of her. My Mother and Bob established an agreement that before Melissa would start 2nd grade, they'll move to the base with him.
Fast forward a few months, Bob finished basic training and tech school, and in June of 2023, he came back to collect his belongings, and to also take Candace with him to Utah (I still miss her). Bob also told me that once he has some cash he'll pay me back. My Mother and Melissa were preparing to spend a week with him in Utah to help him unpack for his house and to get the feel for the place. After a week they came back (Bob obviously stayed in Utah) and my Mother told me how she didn't like the desert but that she'll deal with it since Bob's her husband and she loved him. Come time for August (Before Melissa Starts Second Grade), My mother bought a new car and decided text Bob about it along with how she started her weight loss journey. He said "That's cool".
After that, Bob almost NEVER texted my Mother again, except if it was to talk about financial problems or to talk to Melissa. He had affectively ghosted his own wife, BARELY acknowledging her existence. Not even saying that they can come down to Utah to move in. There were SEVERAL times I walked into the living room at 2 AM, to get a glass of water, just to see my mother crying. It was like that from October to March of 2024.
In early March Bob announced that he was coming back for my sister's birthday party in April. At the same time, my mother received a friend request from one of her old classmates from High School, We'll call him *The Knight*. My mother and the Knight texted each other on and off for the first week of April, giggling and reminiscing about old times. After a few days, Bob showed out of nowhere (like he always does) while we were all at the store. We drove back home and went to lay out the red carpet that his majesty expected. That day, Bob broke the news that he wants a divorce. The following 4 days were nothing but fight, fight, fight. My Mother had waited for this moment for 6 months. She was convinced that he was having an affair. But he kept denying it. My Mother wanted to know why he didn't want her to come down. Bob said it was because she would hate it there, and that there'd be nothing but misery. Bob accused her of being a bad mother, a hypocrite, a narcissist, an old hag and a moron. Things that he had become.
On April 8th, 2024, Bob left once again. Instantly, my Mother broke down in tears again. BUT, Do you wanna guess what happened after that?
Only 9 minutes after Bob left, Knight texted my Mother with a photo of *HIS* Corvette with the message saying "It's a great day for healing". She came to me and showed me the message all giddy and excited. I told her "Go!" and she left for his house. She came home hours later with a humungous smile on her face, genuinely in love. Something that I hadn't seen in years. They've seen each other countless times so far in the last two months, and every time she comes home she's even more happier. I absolutely LOVE this. For the last week Bob has been randomly texting her, still saying this is all her fault, calling her a narcissist, bad Mother all the same old trash. But my Mother couldn't care less. She's done arguing with him, so she ghosted him (for the most part), and she's waiting for the divorce papers to show just so she can finish this fiasco of a marriage and officially announce her love for the Knight. I don't wish to say too much yet as I don't wanna jinx anything, but to a 21 year old man, it's beautiful...
She finally found her love.
My final Note:
I genuinely think Bob needs some sort of mental help. I don't wish any harm on Bob, but just stay away. 4 Years was enough, let alone 11. If something comes up that worthy of an update, I'll certainly let you guys know!
My mother spent 11 years with a man who officially hated her after the 9th year; he then ghosts her, only for her to ghost him when she found her knight in shining armor...
submitted by Belgian-Baguette to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:06 Majestic-Gene-8744 [New York] do I not have rights?

Please bare with me as this may be long. Currently in a custody battle with my ex (never married) for our 6yr old.
I am military and have orders to Europe soon. This all started because I asked my ex to see my child before I left with my current wife and youngest child to go over seas. I gave her 6mon notice so we could plan something. The following day she calls me while at work (superiors heard her) and absolutely berates me saying I told our child I wouldn’t be able to call anymore (bold face lie).
Now this was not the first time she’s cussed me out. She is always cussing me out, making it impossible to see my child unless I drive 12hrs to the state they are in and see her under the supervision of ex. My ex is constantly saying “you won’t be taking our child alone” my wife finally had enough of this after years of being silent and sent her a lengthy but respectful message calling her out on some of her behaviors. Examples like: -when I was sending her money only to find out she wasn’t even living with our child anymore -I drove up there for our child’s birthday and she knew I was coming but hadn’t stayed the night with our kid and proceeded to call her mom and tell her mother not to let me see our child until she arrived in an hour -my parents driving 14hrs to come see our child for the week which she also knew about and then started ignoring them once they got up there until the day before they left to come back -I was still paying the car payment for her (car was in my name and that was part of our mutual “support” agreement) then her and her bf tried to claim the insurance on it when it got broken into -her and her mother ignored my FaceTime calls to our child for a month when they found out my wife was pregnant amongst NUMEROUS other things I have all kept receipts and messages to.
When I left her we had a mutual agreement that I would pay her $300 a month broken up into the $150 car payment then $150 directly to her. I have signed the birth certificate and we’ve never gone to court before. I stopped sending her money when I found out she wasn’t even living with our child. I know that was wrong but I did still send my child shoes, clothes, paid her school supplies and sent extra supplies along with toys on Christmas and her bday plus she’s been on my insurance all but 1 year of her life. She sued me for child support which I pay $500 now and she’s trying to get sole legal and physical custody stating in her petition I’ve done nothing for our child. In my petition back I’m asking for joint legal and physical with her being primary physical custodial parent. My lawyer also included some of the evidence of how she talks to me in my petition which has set her off. She had originally said she wasn’t going to fight the visitation but now after seeing my petition she went back on it and isn’t agreeing to my visitation requests which were summers and every other Christmas and every fathers days. My lawyer says I should just take whatever visitation she throws at me and the judge said I should just refile my petition when I come back from overseas because she’s not comfortable with me just getting my child like that when I come back since I’ve been “absent”. My lawyer also says my evidence doesn’t matter but I’m not seeing how? He was so sure of everything when we had our initial consult and he said I might not end up with anything if this goes to trial but I know people who are pieces of sh!t that still get to see their kids. My ex has always been toxic and has used our child as a pawn even though her mother cares for our kid. I’m a grown man that just wants to see my kid and I don’t get how my lawyer doesn’t want to fight anymore and the last few times I’ve talked with him he’s been disrespectful af and saying I have unrealistic expectations. I don’t feel like I’m asking for anything crazy.
Edit to add: My ex has also admitted to “just not liking my wife” even though she has made absolutely zero effort to get to know her. My wife has always been the one to try to have a cordial relationship with her and she all but said she started all this due to my wife calling her on her bs. I also kept the proof of my ex admitting her own mother was wrong for saying she hopes I forgot about my child after my wife and I got married. The whole family is toxic and I’m just trying to have my time with my kid who has also never met my youngest child who is 1.5. My oldest knows they have a younger sibling and is asking to see me everytime I call but my ex doesn’t gaf and I’m so so lost
submitted by Majestic-Gene-8744 to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:03 ImVeryMuchAmusedYes Don't forget about us

I live in the Southern United States. For years I have dealt with the laws being passed about HRT, driver's licenses, birth certificates, and and books related to my existence. It seems like all of this has just been forgotten with the next big news cycle.
The reality is so many trans people are suffering and these states in the in the US EVERY DAY because of these laws. Sure, we have the understaffed and underfunded ACLU and local trans organizations in some states that are constantly fighting against these laws but nothing seems to be done at a federal level or even be changing at a state level.
These laws may make headlines when they get introduced, or at the end of the year when refecting on the hundreds of new anti-trans bills put into place but after that... People. Just. Forget.
I know this may not be the right audience and I know this is more of a rant but I have noticed even in my own COMMUNITY of trans people that these laws get forgotten about or not even talked about in the first place -especially if you have the privilege of living in a blue state.
It's illegal to use different restrooms than the ones the government thinks we should use, trans people can't get puberty blockers or hrt, trans people can't change their gender marker on their birth certificates or driver's licenses, queer books are being banned, trans kids are being forced to be outed in schools, trans people are being targeted and othered more than we have in years. People are scared and angry but because "who cares about, Mississippi, Arkansas, Montana, Tennessee, etc" or any state that is small, rural, and poor no one seems to care.
So this is me saying to not forget about these laws. If you are in a blue state or dont live in the US you can still write to politicians, you can still post about it on social media, you can still sign petitions if allowed. Trans people in red states in the US are still suffering, even if the camera is off or the hashtag isn't trending.
submitted by ImVeryMuchAmusedYes to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:33 ArchbishopNico Gender marker change(texas)

sorry if this has been asked before, I’m residing in Florida, and want to see if I can get my gender marker changed as someone born in Texas. what’s the process, and has anyone from texas done this and have any issues? what’s the hurdles I need to look out for?
also a question I’m not sure if anyone can answer- i want to marry my partner who resides in the Philippines (citizen to there) and of course they do not recognize same sex marriage. If I change my birth certificate, will that ever be looked into? 🥴
submitted by ArchbishopNico to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:09 callsignninja According to her birth certificate, Izabella is 6 months old today and already wants to learn how to drive. The puppy ugly is in full bloom and her face is ever so derpy 🥲

According to her birth certificate, Izabella is 6 months old today and already wants to learn how to drive. The puppy ugly is in full bloom and her face is ever so derpy 🥲 submitted by callsignninja to Pomeranians [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:04 pr0gr355 Eligibility - 1948 case resources?

Hi, all! I'm trying to get a sense of my eligibility and finding some conflicting information.
GGM > GM > M > me
Great-grandmother was born in Italy in 1899, emigrated to the US in 1912, married my great-grandfather in 1918. Great-grandfather (also born in Italy) naturalized in 1919. My great-grandmother was considered automatically naturalized by being married to my great-grandfather; there's no record of her ever naturalizing independently. My grandmother was born to them in the US in 1923, my mother in 1951, and me in 1981.
It seems from information I've been able to find that I might have a 1948 case, based on my great-grandmother's involuntary naturalization. Is this accurate? If so, are there particular agencies/services I should contact for handling this type of case? I have all of the paperwork from the US, but need help finding the birth certificates from Italy. Thanks!
submitted by pr0gr355 to juresanguinis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:00 cometshoney Died from Exposure at 2 Days?

Died from Exposure at 2 Days?
I can only read every other word. The doctor wasn't there, then exposure.
submitted by cometshoney to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:57 cometshoney Peritonitis at 16

Peritonitis at 16
It says abortion caused the peritonitis, but she was 6.5 months along and married. Was it possibly a miscarriage?
submitted by cometshoney to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:51 Jamana1984 Temporary ID

I know this has probably been asked before but I recently moved from one city to another in Alabama. I got my new drivers license with my new address on it but it is a temporary (paper) one with my picture on it.
I did keep the old drivers license with the star ID on it.Would that be acceptable to go through security with or will I need to bring other identification (ie work id, social security card, birth certificate , bill,etc).
submitted by Jamana1984 to tsa [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:44 Deb1268 Flying domestic with grandsons

Heading to Hawaii next week with grandsons, ages 11 and 14. Just read about Minor Travel concent Form granting us permission for them to travel with us. Do we really need this? I have their birth certificates and we all share the same last name. We are flying out of LAX to OGG
submitted by Deb1268 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 No_Presentation_1395 Trying to determine what documents will be necessary in my case

Brief overview of my lineage/story
My Grandfather survived the war, as did my grandmother, both through harrowing circumstances. They reunited in Germany and settled in a small town in SW Germany called Ruppertsweiler. My mother and father were married in Ruppertsweiler, then moved to the US where i was born in 1973. My mother never naturalized as a US citizen, and she passed away in 1990 when i was a teen. My older brother who still lives down the street from me never naturalized either, and has worked under a permanent green card his whole life. I now have a 7 year old daughter, and we speak German together.
At this time the only actual documents I have related to filing for citizenship in Germany are my mothers final passport issued in 1989, and obituary. My grandfather actually didn't pass away until 2014, at which point my brother and I went to Germany and sold the house.
I'm really just trying to figure out where to start regarding documents. Since my family was all born in East Prussia, except my older brother, are those birth certificates even attainable? Are they necessary?
submitted by No_Presentation_1395 to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:29 nereidblu Can I (single mom) move abroad with my child if the father doesn't have custody and isn't on the birth certificate?

I have a child from my past relationship but the father lives in another state, doesn't have custody, and isn't on the birth certificate. We are still in contact about our daughter and I keep him updated on her.
I want to move abroad with my fiancé and my daughter but I don't know how my ex would take it, will there be any legal threat to me or any danger I would be in if I moved abroad and started a new life with my fiancé?
submitted by nereidblu to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:26 fbhfdhgr Do I need a certified translator?

applying for my child us passport under 16. us passport website https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/under-16.html said ((You must submit a document that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Examples include:
U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship) or Foreign birth certificate))
Thailand foreign birth certificate in my case
Do I need to get a certified translator or translating service to get it done or I can do it myself or a friend who is not certified?
submitted by fbhfdhgr to Passports [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:20 Strict-Individual152 Help

Hello! I am really wanting to get a golden retriever puppy, I just don’t know where good breeders are if they’re reliable. I’m looking for a puppy that has ofa certified parents, and one that is registered with the akc, and potentially vaccinated and fixed if possible. The certifications are most important to me though. I live in IN and Im willing to drive a bit for a good puppy, also not trying to get the most expensive one. Basically I just want a good healthy dog that doesn’t cost me a fortune to adopt. All help is appreciated :)
submitted by Strict-Individual152 to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:06 marco4568 Birth Certificate Amendment (add race)

I know this sounds counterintuitive but I need to add race to my birth certificate (born 2003) so that I can be recognized by my grandparents roots country to play in the domestic football all league.
On my grandparents’ us birth certificate, there’s a race column, but not for my parents and mine (maybe out of racial discrimination reason). Is it possible to apply for amendment from health department to add self-identified race to my birth certificate?
There used to be census that includes household members’ race but I think not anymore now. The requirement is anything from the us government that includes info of my race.
submitted by marco4568 to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:52 Fearless-Exchange616 Birth certificate help!!

So I(33f) found out last year that I was adopted (23 and me). My adopted mom never filled out the paperwork to change my name and did a lot of illegal things. I got in touch with bio mom but she refuses to give me my birth certificate, even though she posted it on Facebook. I tried contacting the state I was born but they have had my case for over a year and nothing has been done. My birth name is different than the name I have now. What can I do?
submitted by Fearless-Exchange616 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:51 Sure-Honeydew2925 Birth certificate?

Do anyone know how long it takes to recieve an birth certificate after filling for one? Me and my husband don't have ours and we need a marriage certificate also but we plan on getting them next week. Just worried because our cruise is on Sept 2nd and I don't know how long the process is to get them
submitted by Sure-Honeydew2925 to CarnivalCruise [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:21 mc510 How to obtain "literal birth certificate" for Law of Democratic Memory citizenship application?

The consulate's instructions say that you can obtain the Spanish ancestor's literal birth certificate from https://www.mjusticia.gob.es/es but I haven't found where on the website to actually do that. Also provides the "Annex VI" form, which I guess is an alternate method, but what do you do with it?
We actually already have an old photocopy of the birth certificate so have all the relevant information, just need to get a current literal certificate. Birth in question was in 1905 if that has any bearing on how.
Thanks anyone who can help me figure this out :)
submitted by mc510 to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:10 kellibns G1 in Ontario question

If I bring my birth certificate and my OHIP health card, is that enough to use as ID for my G1 test at a Drive Test centre in Ontario? My passport is expired, but I feel like they don’t consider OHIP cards ID anymore.
submitted by kellibns to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]
