Goal statement for nursing graduate examples

Tom Rocks Maths

2017.07.18 22:56 tomrocksmaths Tom Rocks Maths

Maths, but not as you know it... Dr Tom Crawford is a Mathematician at the University of Oxford, and occasionally appears on Numberphile talking about his favourite subject. YouTube: www.youtube.com/tomrocksmaths Twitter: www.twitter.com/tomrocksmaths Facebook: www.facebook.com/tomrocksmaths Instagram: www.instagram.com/tomrocksmaths Website: www.tomrocksmaths.com

2016.09.15 18:22 msx8 Discuss Political News

This is a sub for substantive political discussion, with an emphasis on breaking political news.

2024.06.05 15:38 Electronic_Aspect330 Help Deciding which Graduate School to Attend

I'm hoping for help in deciding which graduate school to attend. I have options to attend a higher ranked public university that is out of state or a lower ranked public university with in-state tuition. I'm a counseling major with the career goal of eventually attending a PhD program for Counselor Education to teach at the university level while also maintaining a private practice.
I'm torn between my options because I think the higher ranked university will be more beneficial, especially when I graduate and start applying to PhD programs, but also realize the benefit of going to the cheaper school to avoid more student debt. As far as my career goals, I feel like the higher ranked university is better aligned with them, but the more affordable option will provide me with what I need to become a licensed counselor I just don't know it will be perceived when applying to PhD programs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm just not sure which way I should go, and if the name recognition or if saving money is the better option.
submitted by Electronic_Aspect330 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:37 uwwrolii Full time employment

Hello everyone. I will be graduating in a month or two, with a bachelors degree in computer science engineering. During my on campus placements, a very good Canada based company came to the college for placements. 6 months of apprenticeship + performance based ppo. out of 1.8k students, through the various rounds, only 2 were selected. me and this other guy. Technical writing was something i had never heard of. It has been a very fun and interesting journey, from jan till today. my internship will end on 29/6. What hurts me is that, i am not getting my full time offer. Not because of my performance, but because of job availability. My manager really likes me, my team members (all of them are senior, lead and principal writers) love working with me and value the input and work i do here. Unfortunately, my oraganisation froze hiring 2 months ago. June is the last month, of the last quarter of this fiscal year. Obviously they will not suddenly open a new requisition. It pains me that my manager’s hands are tied and I will not be a part of this team after 3 weeks. It’s a lovely close knit, family like team, I also like the company itself. But i have no choice but to give up on my hope for the full time offer. It is heart wrenching and i find myself lost. I only have a 6 month experience, so i do not qualify the minimum requirements for almost all the jobs i’ve tried to search for, on linkedin. I really want to pursue my career in product information. I have learnt a lot from my time here at this company, and i am grateful for it. They taught me technical writing from scratch. Within 5 months i learnt how to create crisp, clear and concise content. I strictly adhere to the company style guide. I write while keeping minimalism and parallelism in mind. I know that if i do get another job i can show my skills and add value to the company, especially since i have a technical background, communicating with the engineering teams and understanding the product/features i will be documenting will be rather easier for me. But the bottleneck is my experience. How do i find a job? Where do i apply? How do i bag an interview? I know i will be able to convince the interviewer that i will be worth it, but to get to that point is the hurdle for me. Right now i am torn apart that i will have to leave this organisation, but it is okay, it hurts, but my main goal is to pursue a career in this field. I ask you, where do i go from here? what do i do now?
(sorry if this was too long, i promise i don’t document information like this:p )
submitted by uwwrolii to technicalwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:33 necromatcha Fuck it, I'm using Chrome.

"Which browser is the best browser?" is a debate that's as old as time, and, typically, there are two spectrums people tend to lean into: performance vs. privacy. For example, some people will advocate for Brave because of all of its privacy-focused features, but some people will speak against Brave, because it has a lot of "bloat". Partisan arguments can be made for all of the other large browsers, such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, because they all come with their pros and cons. In this post, I'm going to briefly talk about my experiences with Firefox and Chrome.
For about a year now, I've been an avid Firefox user. I fell down the privacy rabbit-hole and have been using the browser out of respect for its focus on privacy, namely in comparison to Chrome, which isn't known to be the most private browser, as you may already know. While Firefox is great, it has always been a bit of a pain to work with when it comes to the web applications I use for both work and my personal projects.
The truth is, most web applications are best compatible with Chrome, and that's because, due to Chrome's near-monopolization of the browser market, either most developers create apps that are better-suited for Chrome or are priority-tested to work on Chrome, or certain web features just happen to work well on Chrome, while other browsers are having to catch up to the most modern technologies.
To wrap back to my first statement, while I find that privacy is a very important cause to fight for and a very important feature developers should focus on, as I grow older, I just want things to work without me having to find some workaround, hacky solution, or just shrug my shoulders and deal with something not working. Things just work on Chrome, and that's all I'm asking for. So, I'm going back to Chrome, even though it's less private than Firefox. Because, truth be told, as anxious as I have been about privacy in the past, my explicit user experience matters more to me than my implicit user experience. It's always mattered more to me.
With all of that said, what's your browser experience been like? Was it similar to mine? Different? What browser are you daily driving right now?
submitted by necromatcha to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:29 Decent_Fruit_7804 Merit-Based Scholarship

As an International Student from India, I've been concerned about tuition fees. One of my primary goals upon completing my aerospace degree is to graduate debt-free. I have experience working in web development, which I believe will help me secure employment.
I'll be attending from the fall semester. Additionally, my parents have agreed to pay for 2 years of tuition. The estimated cost per year, including housing, tuition, and dining, is approximately $35,000. I haven't taken the SAT/ACT exams as I wasn't aware of their existence when I should have. Can I still qualify for a scholarship based on my excellent GPA during freshman year? Would it be worthwhile to take the SAT and/or ACT exams? If not, what steps can I take to minimize my tuition expenses as much as possible?
Thank You, War Eagle!!
submitted by Decent_Fruit_7804 to auburn [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:28 astrobabag Exploring the Science Behind Muslim Vashikaran Mantra

Exploring the Science Behind Muslim Vashikaran Mantra
Vashikaran is a form of bravery astrology that has been practiced in India for many years to control the mind of a person or many people. It is said to make the practitioner have a charm that can influence the focus on the desired person, to have their thoughts controlled as well as do as they are told. The Vashikaran technique known as Muslim Vashikaran Mantra is much more exclusive in nature since it is based on the principles of Islamic religious beliefs.
Muslim Vashikaran Mantra
Muslim Vashikaran Mantra is spiritual healing that is based on the principles of the Islamic religion. It has its origin from the premise that one could use boosted power of Allah in persuading other peoples mind or actions through praying and chanting some appropriate incantations. It is also thought that to gain what one wants in life whether in matters relating to love, marriage, business, and other relationships this mantra must be used.
Muslim Vashikaran Mantras: Like any other type of vashikaran, Muslim Vashikaran Mantra also requires special type of prayers and mantras to be recited so that Allah’s blessing can be sought for the desired goal. These slogans are usually inculcated in generations and trust in them as very potent regarding directing the belief frameworks of people. The practitioner must have absolute faith in such mantras and the performance of these mantras must be done with great sincerity and dedication to have effect.
Muslim Vashikaran Mantra can be used on a daily basis and people often choose the Vashikaran Mantras for love related issues. These mantras are believed to be very powerful in the sense that if chanted, one can achieve the goal of attracting the attention of a particular person and make him/her loyal and faithful. This practice is mostly common among people who may be struggling in their relationships or those who may want to meet a certain person in their lives.
Hence apart from getting your loved one back and helping in love and relationship problems, Muslim Vashikaran Mantra can also be employed in issues concerning career and accomplishments. It provides examples of how knowledge, superior intelligence, better position, promotion, and power over co-workers, bosses, and customers can be obtained by reciting those mantras in the process of professional career. This practice is thought to be extremely helpful in the way people can better grasp issues and face them to accomplish the goal.
Another requirement of practicing Muslim Vashikaran Mantras involves placing faith and confidence in Allah, the almighty. Some of the Muslim faithful also consider the fact that whenever they denounce something they seek success in all their doings by invoking the name of Allah and asking for his guidance and blessings. Chanting these mantras are most effective when done with right understanding of the tenets and teachings of Islam and where one has a definite link with the divine.
Nevertheless, this article is important to understand that Muslim Vashikaran Mantra should be practiced with reference to certain Nikah, rules or guidelines without insulting the religion and its teachings. It is not a form of deception or falsehood to control or prey on the people, but recites Surah Fateha and asks Allah for the results wanted. He or she should always remain honest and should not use such mantras for one’s self-interest or if he or she bears grudge against a particular person.
In conclusion, Muslim Vashikaran Mantra is a specific type of the ancient type of Indian astrology that has been used in order to influence people’s actions and to bring them under one’s control. It is hinged on a view that by calling on the power of Allah and chanting particular prayers or phrases, an individual can secure achievements in every field. Their practice the follower needs to have a comprehensive knowledge about the tenets and principles of the Islamic faith and be absolutely confident in the Almighty Allah. It should be done with consideration to other’s perception and religious views, focusing on the goal of seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings.
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submitted by astrobabag to u/astrobabag [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:26 uhnder [Q] Is it ever worth it to pay for a Master's degree out of pocket?

Given my circumstances, is it worth paying of a masters out of pocket? I graduated this past May with a BS in Statistics and in Economics with a 3.85 GPA. I am fortunate enough to have a job as a data analyst at a small company right after college. While I enjoy my job, my primary career goal has been to obtain a high level position such as a statistician or data scientist. I need a master’s degree to qualify for these jobs. My plan is to begin a master’s program and complete it within 2.5-3 years part-time while working full-time and building up experience.
However, my company does not offer tuition reimbursement so I would have to pay out of pocket for some of the program. People here seem to say that personally paying for a masters should almost never be an option, however, I want to see if my situation is an exception:
Based on all of the information I have shared above, is it worth it for me to begin a master’s program by paying out of pocket for it and potentially getting some of it paid off in the future (if I get a different job during the program), or should I wait to start a master’s when I am working for a company that’ll pay for most of it even though this may delay the start of the program?
submitted by uhnder to statistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:25 Working-Shift4093 GoHighLevel Review: A Comprehensive Look at the All-In-One Marketing Platform

GoHighLevel Review: A Comprehensive Look at the All-In-One Marketing Platform


In today's fast-paced digital marketing landscape, finding the right tools to streamline your operations can be a game-changer. Enter GoHighLevel
, an all-in-one marketing platform designed to simplify your marketing efforts and boost your business growth. But is it the right tool for you? This comprehensive review dives deep into GoHighLevel's features, benefits, and potential drawbacks to help you make an informed decision.
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What is GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel is a robust marketing platform that combines various marketing tools into one unified system. It’s designed for marketers, agencies, and business owners looking to automate their workflows and improve their marketing efficiency. Whether you're managing customer relationships, running email campaigns, or building sales funnels, GoHighLevel aims to be your go-to solution.

Key Features of GoHighLevel

CRM and Pipeline Management

GoHighLevel's CRM and pipeline management tools are designed to help you manage your customer relationships and sales processes efficiently. It offers a comprehensive view of your customer interactions, enabling you to track leads, manage deals, and maintain a healthy sales pipeline.

Email and SMS Marketing

With GoHighLevel, you can easily create and manage email and SMS marketing campaigns. The platform offers a variety of templates and automation tools to help you reach your audience effectively and increase engagement.

Landing Pages and Funnels

Building high-converting landing pages and sales funnels is a breeze with GoHighLevel. The platform provides a drag-and-drop editor, allowing you to design pages that capture leads and drive conversions.

Appointment Scheduling

GoHighLevel includes a built-in appointment scheduling tool that simplifies the booking process for you and your clients. It integrates seamlessly with your calendar, ensuring you never miss an appointment.

Reputation Management

Managing your online reputation is crucial, and GoHighLevel helps you do just that. It allows you to monitor and respond to reviews across various platforms, helping you maintain a positive online presence.

Reporting and Analytics

Data-driven decision-making is at the core of successful marketing, and GoHighLevel's reporting and analytics tools provide you with the insights you need. Track your campaigns' performance, monitor key metrics, and make informed adjustments to optimize your results.

CRM and Pipeline Management

GoHighLevel's CRM system is designed to streamline your customer relationship management. It offers a centralized database for all your customer interactions, making it easy to track communication history, follow up on leads, and close deals. The pipeline management tool provides a visual representation of your sales process, helping you identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement.

Email and SMS Marketing

Effective communication with your audience is key to successful marketing, and GoHighLevel's email and SMS marketing tools excel in this area. The platform provides a range of customizable templates and automation options, enabling you to send personalized messages at scale. Whether you're running a promotional campaign or sending out newsletters, GoHighLevel makes it easy to engage your audience and drive results.

Landing Pages and Funnels

Creating attractive and high-converting landing pages is effortless with GoHighLevel. The drag-and-drop editor allows you to customize templates to suit your brand and campaign goals. Additionally, the platform's funnel builder helps you design complete sales funnels that guide prospects through the buyer's journey, from initial contact to final purchase.

Appointment Scheduling

GoHighLevel's appointment scheduling feature is a valuable tool for businesses that rely on client bookings. It integrates with your existing calendar, allowing clients to book appointments directly through your website. Automated reminders and confirmations reduce no-shows and ensure a smooth scheduling process.

Reputation Management

In today's digital age, maintaining a positive online reputation is essential. GoHighLevel's reputation management tools enable you to monitor reviews across platforms like Google and Yelp. You can respond to reviews directly from the platform, showing your customers that you value their feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.

Reporting and Analytics

GoHighLevel's robust reporting and analytics tools provide detailed insights into your marketing performance. From campaign metrics to customer behavior data, the platform offers comprehensive reports that help you make data-driven decisions. These insights enable you to refine your strategies and maximize your return on investment.

Integration Capabilities

GoHighLevel integrates with a wide range of third-party tools, enhancing its functionality and flexibility. Whether you need to connect with email marketing services, CRM systems, or payment processors, GoHighLevel makes it easy to sync your tools and streamline your workflows. Examples of popular integrations include Zapier, Stripe, and Mailchimp.

User Experience

One of GoHighLevel's strengths is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to be intuitive, with a clean and organized layout that makes navigation straightforward. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you'll find it easy to set up and manage your marketing campaigns.

Pricing Plans

GoHighLevel offers several pricing plans to accommodate different business needs and budgets. The plans are structured to provide value for money, with each tier offering a range of features and capabilities. Whether you're a small business or a large agency, there's a plan that fits your requirements.

Pros and Cons



Customer Support

GoHighLevel offers a range of customer support options, including live chat, email support, and an extensive knowledge base. Users generally find the support team responsive and helpful, ensuring any issues are resolved quickly.

Real-World Use Cases

GoHighLevel has been successfully implemented in various industries, from real estate to healthcare. Businesses have reported significant improvements in their marketing efficiency and customer engagement. Success stories highlight the platform's ability to streamline operations and drive growth.

Comparison with Competitors

When compared to other marketing platforms like HubSpot and ClickFunnels, GoHighLevel stands out for its all-in-one approach. While competitors offer similar features, GoHighLevel combines them into a single, unified system, providing better integration and ease of use. Its unique selling points include a comprehensive feature set and competitive pricing.
►►►(Special Discount Offer) Hurry Up, Shop Now!! 50-70% OFF NOW◀◀◀
😍👉Exclusive Special Access Claim Now!👈❗


GoHighLevel is a powerful marketing platform that offers a wide range of tools to help businesses streamline their marketing efforts and drive growth. Its all-in-one approach, combined with a user-friendly interface and robust features, makes it an attractive option for marketers and business owners. While it may have a learning curve for some advanced features, the benefits it offers far outweigh this minor drawback.


What is GoHighLevel? GoHighLevel is an all-in-one marketing platform designed to help businesses manage their marketing campaigns, customer relationships, and sales processes in a single system.
How much does GoHighLevel cost? GoHighLevel offers several pricing plans to suit different business needs and budgets. Detailed pricing information can be found on their official website.
Can GoHighLevel integrate with other tools? Yes, GoHighLevel integrates with a variety of third-party tools, including Zapier, Stripe, and Mailchimp, to enhance its functionality and streamline workflows.
Is GoHighLevel suitable for small businesses? While GoHighLevel is a comprehensive tool that may be overkill for very small businesses, it offers significant value for those looking to streamline their marketing efforts and grow their operations.
How does GoHighLevel handle customer support? GoHighLevel provides various customer support options, including live chat, email support, and an extensive knowledge base, ensuring users can get help when needed.
submitted by Working-Shift4093 to u/Working-Shift4093 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:24 cheinyeanlim Musk diverts AI chips from Tesla to X

Musk diverts AI chips from Tesla to X
Newly-leaked internal emails to CNBC revealed that Elon Musk ordered chipmaker Nvidia to prioritize shipments of its AI processors to both X and xAI, delaying Tesla’s awaited $500M order by months.
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Musk diverts AI chips from Tesla to X
The details:
  • Internal Nvidia emails show Musk redirected 12,000 H100 GPUs in December to X.
  • The move contradicts public statements that Tesla would increase H100 purchases from 35,000 to 85,000 and spend $10B on AI infrastructure.
  • Musk clarified that Tesla had nowhere to install the chips, with the automaker still planning to spend $3-4B in 2024 on Nvidia hardware.
Why it matters: While this is likely a nothingburger in the long run, and Elon is still clearly intent on spending massively on AI across his companies, moves like this only fuel critics who remain skeptical of his startup’s entanglements — particularly as Tesla pushes to deliver on lofty self-driving goals.
submitted by cheinyeanlim to martechnewser [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:23 Consistent-Resort-39 Buddy statements for sleep apnea

Assuming a person already has a diagnosis and cpap. Are buddy statements enough to establish a nexus. I know everyone's case is different so I'll give my situation as an example. 2001-5 usmc service connected for ptsd rhinitis and tinnitus. No complaints in service. Diagnosed in 2007 or 2008 ish for sleep apnea (private ent doc) when I finally got a decent job with insurance. Always had complaints from roommates and and guys in the field while sleeping in combat and training/ squadbay type sleeping arrangements. Will have 2 buddy statements. 1 was a roommate and the other was my team leader in iraq and we slept in our hummer for about 3 weeks straight... that was fun ... anyway. I talked with both of them and they were willing to write buddy statements. And also my wife . We didn't get married until after I got out but we were together some before I got out. So any insight would be appreciated.
submitted by Consistent-Resort-39 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:21 ubi313 Games where you start at the bottom of a place (facility) and escape to the top

I love games like this, for example Half-Life 1 and Metroid Dread. You start the game at the bottom and the clear goal of the entire game is to escape. Also looking more specifically for ascension, escape games are fine but I like the symbolism of rising up higher and higher to escape. I guess Hades would be another good example :)
submitted by ubi313 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:12 tenxfest Best (least over engineered) productivity app stack for Apple eco - personal + business (solopreneur &/or agency)

I’m currently in the beginning of a new business venture and am looking for something to make/keep me as productive and efficient as possible.
Now that I’m without a team to manage … and colleagues and departments to coordinate deadlines with … I’m finding myself getting off task and/or pushing deadlines (that were arbitrarily created by me). Of course I have client deadlines, but being a new business there aren’t many of those yet.
Personal: Managing miscellaneous notes Budgeting Personal appointments Health & fitness tasks and data My personal calendar Goals Possibly a journal To-do lists, with deadlines and calendar integrations
Business Most of the above Time tracking for hourly-billed client projects Consulting and freelance client project lists, with deadlines Agency project management The project management portion will likely need to be able to integrate with employees I hire in the future - or business partners - or both. Other TBD business data and details I’m not thinking of at the moment …
My current stack is: Apple Mail iCal Apple Notes - misc to-do’s, notes, brain dump Apple Reminders - important to-do’s, time-based tasks and location-linked reminders Streaks - Habit tracking Pen/paper - notes, to-do lists
What I’m currently leaning towards:
ClickUp - mostly for business needs (project & time tracking)
Notion OR OmniFocus - Personal and Business Notes & Task Management
Structured - Task Management w/time management bonus
Others apps I’ve considered but seem less like a fit: Things3 - looks gloriously clean and fits Apple, but seems like others beat it. And expensive. TickTick - also sounds great, but being beaten out by others Trello - no Todoist - no Craft - great, but no Motion - no Superhuman - maybe Asana - no Google ecosystem- NO (except calendar when I’m forced, which I just route to iCal) ANYTHING Microsoft - Hard NO
I 100% do NOT want to over engineer a system of have a tremendous uphill. In getting it set up, implemented and functional. I’ve already been hesitant on Notion due to the setup and customization curve. Will use as many templates as possible if going with it.
What stack do you all use? I KNOW there is no one-size solution, so very interested to hear what others - especially those in a similar situation find most effective?
Really hoping for some strong opinions (with use case backup) examples and as many hacks as possible!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by tenxfest to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:11 zenpoohbear Sources for expected MSP market growth data

As part of our strategic planning, I am working on establishing a new 10 year target for our company, and a major component of that is our revenue growth goals and targets. Most of the data I can find about the managed service industry and anticipated growth shows similar expected growth of 12-13% year over year, but that includes huge players like Microsoft, IBM and Tata, which is not really relevant to what I am seeking.
Does anyone have a good source for anticipated growth for MSPs more in the SMB revenue size? For sake of example, we are doing around $5m annually now, and if we grew 10% annually we would hit about $10.6m in 10 years; if we did 15% that would be $15.8m.
For years we have set pretty lofty (20%+ growth in MRR) goals and have only hit it once, so I am looking to get a gut-check on what our industry can realistically expect as a general growth number. I know this doesn't factor in geo, luck, being good at anything or a promise of success, but I want to get an expectation of what it means to be keeping up and relevant with the market.
submitted by zenpoohbear to msp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:07 Financial_Guard8941 Give me your wisdom

Hi Sociology reddit, I'm 21 years old and I have no idea what to do with my life.
In short, I'm looking for advice and wisdom over next steps. I graduated from a top 10 university with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Health&Society with a minor and certificate that I'm sure the job market doesn't care about.
As of late I've been confused as to what I'm to do now. I initially applied for a masters of legal and Forensic Psychology at UCIrvine, and though I was able to get all 3 letters of recommendation I was severely depressed my last semester of college so I never wrote my personal statement or essays.
I've been told that a lot of Sociology graduates go into data but in truth I know that's not something I would enjoy. The thing I enjoyed about Sociology was learning about the broader forces and different systems (especially CJS).
In any case, I've told my parents that I'm taking a gap year to work and figure it all out, and am currently looking for case management jobs.
Are there any jobs that you all applied for straight out of Uni? How do I market my Sociology degree in the job market? Should I do a masters in Sociology or are there other majors that would benefit me more such as Clincial Psych, or even going to Law School? How long did it take yall to be comfortable in your field? How do I maintain contact with professors without bothering them/feeling like a nuisance for future recommendations? Should I be doing research, and if so, am I allowed if I'm not a student?
Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated, love yall sociologists 💗💗💗
submitted by Financial_Guard8941 to sociology [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:03 Glum_Forever37 Online Nursing Courses: Empowering Healthcare Professionals

Care Learning is more than just an online academy; we are a community-driven platform dedicated to the continuous professional development of nurses and healthcare workers. Our commitment is rooted in the belief that education should be accessible to all, irrespective of geographical location or financial constraints. We strive to elevate healthcare professionals by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in their careers.

The Significance of Nursing Certifications

Nursing certifications are more than just accolades; they are a testament to a nurse's dedication to excellence and competence in specialized areas of healthcare. These certifications enhance professional credibility and open doors to advanced career opportunities, positioning nurses for leadership roles and specialized positions. Certifications are crucial for staying current in the ever-evolving healthcare industry, ensuring that professionals are equipped to handle complex patient care scenarios.

Comprehensive List of Top Nursing Certifications in the UK

1. Advanced Practice Nursing (APN)

The Advanced Practice Nursing certification is designed for nurses seeking to expand their clinical skills and take on advanced roles. This certification covers areas such as clinical leadership, advanced clinical decision-making, and patient management.

2. Wound Care Management

Wound Care Management certification equips nurses with the expertise to manage and treat complex wounds. This certification is essential for those specializing in surgical, trauma, or geriatric care.

3. Pediatric Nursing

The Pediatric Nursing certification focuses on the specialized care of infants, children, and adolescents. It covers growth and development, pediatric emergencies, and family-centered care.

4. Oncology Nursing

Oncology Nursing certification is crucial for nurses involved in the care of cancer patients. It includes training in chemotherapy administration, pain management, and palliative care.

5. Mental Health Nursing

The Mental Health Nursing certification provides nurses with the skills to support patients with mental health conditions. It covers areas such as psychopharmacology, therapeutic communication, and crisis intervention.

Criteria for Selecting the Right Certification

Choosing the right certification involves considering several factors:
How Certifications Shape Your Nursing Career
Certifications pave the way for specialized roles and higher positions in nursing. They signify a nurse’s ability to handle complex healthcare scenarios, leading to career growth and job satisfaction. Certifications also provide opportunities for continuous learning and professional development, keeping nurses updated with the latest advancements in healthcare.

The Process of Obtaining Nursing Certifications

Acquiring a certification involves a series of steps:
  1. Selecting the Right Program: Research and choose a certification program that fits your career goals and interests.
  2. Completing the Coursework: Enroll in and complete the required courses, which may include both theoretical and practical components.
  3. Passing the Certification Exam: Prepare for and pass the certification exam to earn your credential.

Balancing Work and Certification Training

Juggling work and study can be challenging. Effective time management and the support of flexible online courses can make this balance achievable. Care Learning offers online nursing courses that allow you to study at your own pace, making it easier to manage both work and education.

Financial Aspects of Nursing Certifications

While certifications are an investment in your career, it’s important to consider the costs involved. Many institutions, including Care Learning, offer financial aid or scholarships, making these programs more accessible. Investing in certification can lead to higher earning potential and greater job security in the long run.

Technological Advances in Nursing Education

Technology plays a crucial role in nursing education today. Online courses and virtual simulations are part of the certification programs, making learning more interactive and accessible. These technological advances enable nurses to gain practical experience in a simulated environment, enhancing their skills and confidence.

Networking and Professional Development

Certifications offer excellent networking opportunities, connecting nurses with peers and leaders in their fields. These connections can lead to mentorship opportunities, job referrals, and collaboration on research and projects. Networking also keeps you informed about the latest trends and developments in healthcare.

Spotlight on Key Nursing Certifications for Specializations

For those interested in specialized fields, certifications in areas like Pediatric Care, Oncology Nursing, or Mental Health Nursing are invaluable. These certifications provide specialized knowledge and skills that are essential for delivering high-quality patient care in specific areas.

Post-Certification: What Next?

After achieving certification, numerous paths open up, from specialized clinical roles to positions in nursing management and education. Certified nurses often take on leadership roles, contributing to policy-making and healthcare improvements at various levels.

Continuing Education in Nursing

The journey doesn’t stop with certification. Continuous learning is crucial in the ever-changing field of nursing. Engaging in ongoing education ensures that nurses remain competent and knowledgeable about the latest practices and technologies in healthcare.

Testimonials from Certified Nurses

Hear from nurses who have transformed their careers through these certifications. Their stories are a testament to the power of professional development and the impact that certifications can have on career advancement and job satisfaction.

The Role of Certifications in Patient Care Quality

Certifications not only benefit nurses but also contribute significantly to the quality of patient care. Certified nurses are equipped with advanced skills and knowledge, ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment and outcomes.

Online vs In-Person Certification Programs

The choice between online and in-person programs depends on individual learning preferences and lifestyle. Online programs offer flexibility and convenience, while in-person programs provide hands-on experience and direct interaction with instructors and peers.
The Future of Nursing Certifications
As the healthcare sector evolves, so do the trends in nursing certifications. Staying updated with the latest certifications and continuous education is key to continuous career growth and ensuring that nurses are prepared to meet future healthcare challenges.


Nursing certifications are invaluable tools for professional development. As we move into 2024, these certifications will continue to shape the landscape of nursing, offering pathways to success and fulfillment in this noble profession.
submitted by Glum_Forever37 to u/Glum_Forever37 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:01 xPBMxRonBurgndy How do I get my 2yo to listen to us and relax a bit?

Dads, I need some help. My wife and I have an amazing (just turned) 2yo girl that we love with all of our hearts but she does not listen to us. Naturally, she is very high energy, almost never sitting still (unless we put on YouTube kids with the high stimulating shows, the low stimulating shows started to not work. We don't want her to keep watching these high stimulating shows, and also don't want her behind a screen every time she needs to sit still). When we ask something of her, it is rare that she listens to us. Our main concern with this is her safety. For example, I took her to a splash pad yesterday and she was running around, and I was following close by, but when she got a little too far from me I kept asking her to stop but she just kept running.
Also, when we are out in public at a store or anywhere else, she just does not stay still. She wants to walk around, which is fine, but when she walks around she won't listen to us and just tries to run off. She is a very curious girl and wants to explore, which I love, but it gets exhausting having to chase her everywhere and constantly ask her to not get into things that she shouldn't. This is especially exhausting for my wife as she works less than me so is with our daughter much more. My brother graduated yesterday and my wife had to be out in the hallway with her the whole ceremony because she wouldn't stay still and started whining when we tried to get her to sit still, so she missed the whole thing. She is getting very stressed with this.
I know 2 is a rough age and she should grow out of this, but what can we do now to help get her to listen to us? Talking to her doesn't seem to work. Asking her politely, raising my voice and asking sternly, telling her to sit in her room for a minute, nothing seems to work. I don't want to start spanking her but I am getting close to that point because I just don't know what else to do. I would greatly appreciate any advice!
submitted by xPBMxRonBurgndy to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:01 seraph_lina bsc anesthesia vs nurse anesthetist

what is the difference in hospital setting for the two degrees? nurse anesthetist are far more trained and have more years under their belt . they are even replacing anesthesiologists in private clinics. I'm confused as to what a bsc anesthesia graduates role is?
submitted by seraph_lina to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:59 seraph_lina bsc anesthesia vs nurse anesthetist.

what is the difference in hospital setting for the two degrees? nurse anesthetist are far more trained and have more years under their belt . they are even replacing anesthesiologists in private clinics. I'm confused as to what a bsc anesthesia graduates role is?
submitted by seraph_lina to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:59 MundaneLeague4438 Creating an operations simulation/game in Excel?

Hi everyone. I’m wanting to create a game/simulation for myself to help me better understand the concepts I’m learning in an operations/supply chain class. We played a simulation (Littlefield Labs) that was very helpful, and I’m hoping to create something like it in Excel (although I realize it won’t be as robust, and I may be pushing the limits of Excel). I think the biggest challenge - which is what I need help with - is somehow getting it to run over time.
I want to create a game that simulates a factory. Orders come in at random times, and each order has to go through a number of stations (I’m thinking just 2 or 3 stations to keep it simple), and each station has a number of machines (or workers) that process the order.
I would use the random number generator to generate values which would be the amount of minutes between order arrivals.
Each station takes a certain amount of time to process the order (and once processed, the order moves to the next station). But the more machines or workers at the station, the higher the capacity the station has for orders, and therefore the more orders that can be processed simultaneously at that station. (Part of the game would be adjusting the capacity of a station to match the workload of orders.)
If a station is currently processing an order and another order arrives, a queue will build at that station. Thus, say Station 1 takes 10 minutes to process an order - Order #1 arrives, then Order #2 arrives 7 minutes later: Order #2 is now in the queue for 3 minutes while Order #1 is being processed. Once Order #1 finishes being processed at Station 1, it moves to Station 2, and Order #2 begins being processed at Station 1, etc.
I want to be able to make adjustments to the stations by adding or subtracting machines/workers to increase (or decrease) that station’s capacity, depending on how many orders there are. For example, say a lot of orders arrive at the same time, and there’s a bottleneck at one of the stations: I can add more machines to that station to relieve the bottleneck.
The goal is to be able to work through the orders by adjusting each station’s capacity. Maybe something like: you always want your stations to be operating at about 90% capacity - if it is higher, then you risk a bottleneck which causes a backup, but if it is lower, then you’re using too many machines (you could imagine that each machine has an operating cost and so you only want to run the lowest amount possible).
I’m not interested in creating a table that has this data. Rather, I’m wanting to create a simulation that runs over time, such that I can “play” it as a game by adjusting things - this way I’m forced to react to the changes as they happen.
The time within the simulation does not have to be equivalent to actual time - in fact, it is better if it isn’t, otherwise I’d be playing the game all day. (Something like, say, 10 seconds of actual time is equivalent to 10 minutes of time in the game.)
Making it run over time like a game is what I don’t know how to do. Maybe have the worksheet automatically refresh every minute?
Can anyone tell me if this is feasible in Excel and, if so, how? Are there any resources out there that would be helpful?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by MundaneLeague4438 to OperationsResearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:58 T18Z Purpose of BRP

Hi everyone,
Just a quick question, is the purpose of BRP appointment for example on an ILR application just to take the person's fingerprints and scan their passport?
With the application process now having the ability to digitally upload documents I assume you don't need to have any other physical documents scanned like bank statements, payslips etc unless you haven't uploaded them digitally?
Just wondering what my wife should bring to her biometrics (ILR 5 year spouse) if we have everything uploaded.
submitted by T18Z to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:58 Pretend_Doughnut2400 Help with dating and preservation plan for main street building

Help with dating and preservation plan for main street building
I am taking a graduate level historic preservation class (for fun, so this isn't my major). I have been doing research on this building in northern Indiana but since I'm not in the area, it's hard to look at physical resources in the library or local museum. I have two specific questions that I would love some guidance on:
  1. What are some of the architectural features on the sepia tone photograph? For example, what is the style on the windows and the front of the building called? I'm hoping that identifying the features will help me date the building's construction.
  2. In the building's history, it has been painted blue, and when the bricks started pulling apart, part of the front was removed and blue siding added. Is it possible to remove the paint, preserve the bricks, and restore the windows and store fronts?
I have to come up with an advocacy plan for the building, so at the moment I'm interested in learning about the architecture and preservation possibilities. I understand that the actual work would cost millions of dollars, and although I do have to include fiscal incentives, I don't think the small town would be able to afford its preservation without a rich benefactor.
Any information you can provide will be much appreciated!!
submitted by Pretend_Doughnut2400 to HistoricPreservation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:57 MundaneLeague4438 Creating a factory simulation/game?

Hi everyone. I’m wanting to create a game/simulation for myself to help me better understand the concepts I’m learning in an operations/supply chain class. We played a simulation (Littlefield Labs) that was very helpful, and I’m hoping to create something like it in Excel (although I realize it won’t be as robust, and I may be pushing the limits of Excel). I think the biggest challenge - which is what I need help with - is somehow getting it to run over time.
I want to create a game that simulates a factory. Orders come in at random times, and each order has to go through a number of stations (I’m thinking just 2 or 3 stations to keep it simple), and each station has a number of machines (or workers) that process the order.
I would use the random number generator to generate values which would be the amount of minutes between order arrivals.
Each station takes a certain amount of time to process the order (and once processed, the order moves to the next station). But the more machines or workers at the station, the higher the capacity the station has for orders, and therefore the more orders that can be processed simultaneously at that station. (Part of the game would be adjusting the capacity of a station to match the workload of orders.)
If a station is currently processing an order and another order arrives, a queue will build at that station. Thus, say Station 1 takes 10 minutes to process an order - Order #1 arrives, then Order #2 arrives 7 minutes later: Order #2 is now in the queue for 3 minutes while Order #1 is being processed. Once Order #1 finishes being processed at Station 1, it moves to Station 2, and Order #2 begins being processed at Station 1, etc.
I want to be able to make adjustments to the stations by adding or subtracting machines/workers to increase (or decrease) that station’s capacity, depending on how many orders there are. For example, say a lot of orders arrive at the same time, and there’s a bottleneck at one of the stations: I can add more machines to that station to relieve the bottleneck.
The goal is to be able to work through the orders by adjusting each station’s capacity. Maybe something like: you always want your stations to be operating at about 90% capacity - if it is higher, then you risk a bottleneck which causes a backup, but if it is lower, then you’re using too many machines (you could imagine that each machine has an operating cost and so you only want to run the lowest amount possible).
I’m not interested in creating a table that has this data. Rather, I’m wanting to create a simulation that runs over time, such that I can “play” it as a game by adjusting things - this way I’m forced to react to the changes as they happen.
The time within the simulation does not have to be equivalent to actual time - in fact, it is better if it isn’t, otherwise I’d be playing the game all day. (Something like, say, 10 seconds of actual time is equivalent to 10 minutes of time in the game.)
Making it run over time like a game is what I don’t know how to do. Maybe have the worksheet automatically refresh every minute?
Can anyone tell me if this is feasible in Excel and, if so, how? Are there any resources out there that would be helpful?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by MundaneLeague4438 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:55 Alpha-Genius R-E-L-A-X

Shib will increase over time
It will dip occasionally
Keep buying
Keep burning
This is the way
The goal is to knock one zero off at a time
I'm personally in at around 5k with an average price of .000027
I have around 160 million shares
What I would make
LIKELY within 5 years .0001= $16,000 .0005= $80,000 .001= $160,000
Less LIKELY without some sort of "burn tax" .005= $800,000 .01= $1,600,000
What I mean by burn tax
2 ways we could do this
  1. The developers create a burn tax for all buy transactions. Example - Buy 1 million shares and you get taxed 100k shares which get burned automatically You net 900k shares.
  2. Or we as the SHIB ARMY use this rule as a community and anything we buy, automatically burn a percentage. It doesn't have to be a huge percentage. Just be accountable.
Lastly, regardless of any of this, Crypto can do some wild things. Don't get off the train until we reach our destination.
submitted by Alpha-Genius to Shibainucoin [link] [comments]
