Casserole dishes with carrier

Just An FYI To All Boost Infinite Customers

2024.06.04 18:15 un-smashed Just An FYI To All Boost Infinite Customers

Although Boost Infinite has many issues, everyone has to understand that the DISH network is a brand new network. The FCC required there be a fourth carrier when Sprint shut down and acquired by T- Mobile and DISH to keep prices competitive. Sprint was a CDMA network. CDMA is different than the GSM networks At&t, Verizon and T-Mobile operate.
CDMA is not compatible with GSM. There is no magic switch to flip. All of the old Sprint CDMA towers are obsolete. DISH is building an entire GSM network across the country from scratch. This is why they are also an MVNO using At&t and T-Mobile towers in the meantime.
The process of building a new GSM network is going to take many years!! If Boost Infinite service doesn't work well, everyone has or had the option to return the phone. A lot of people on here chose not to utilize that option and complain they are stuck with a "useless phone". That is not in any way DISH' fault.
submitted by un-smashed to boostinfinite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:44 No_Ninja9073 Healthy Haven: Orgo All-Natural's Pure & Natural Products

In an age where wellness and sustainability are becoming central to our lifestyles, Orgo All-Natural stands out as a beacon of purity and health. Offering a wide range of organic products, this brand is dedicated to delivering the best that nature has to offer. From bamboo products to organic ghee, Orgo All-Natural is your go-to source for eco-friendly, high-quality goods that support a healthy lifestyle. Let’s dive into the diverse array of offerings from Orgo All-Natural and discover how these products can enhance your wellbeing and contribute to a greener planet.

Embracing Organic Products: The Heart of Orgo All-Natural

The term "organic" signifies products that are free from synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Orgo All-Natural's commitment to organic products ensures that every item they offer is not only good for your health but also for the environment. This dedication to purity begins with their food products, such as organic honey and millets, and extends to personal care items like the bamboo toothbrush.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Organic Ghee

One of the standout products from Orgo All-Natural is their organic ghee. Ghee, a type of clarified butter, has been a staple in traditional Indian cuisine and Ayurveda for centuries. It is known for its rich flavor, high smoke point, and numerous health benefits. Organic ghee from Orgo All-Natural is made from the milk of grass-fed cows, ensuring it is packed with nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, butyrate, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Incorporating organic ghee into your diet can support digestion, boost immunity, and provide a steady source of energy. Whether you use it for cooking, baking, or as a topping for your favorite dishes, Orgo All-Natural’s organic ghee is a versatile and healthful addition to your kitchen.

Sweetening Life Naturally: Organic Honey

Honey has been used as a natural sweetener and medicinal remedy for millennia. Orgo All-Natural’s organic honey is harvested from bees that forage in pristine, pesticide-free environments, ensuring that you get the purest product possible. Unlike commercial honey, which can be adulterated with sugar or corn syrup, organic honey from Orgo All-Natural is raw and unprocessed, retaining all its beneficial enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients.
Organic honey is not only delicious but also offers numerous health benefits. It can soothe a sore throat, act as a natural cough suppressant, and even aid in wound healing due to its antibacterial properties. Use it to sweeten your tea, spread it on toast, or enjoy it straight from the jar as a wholesome treat.

Eco-Friendly Living: Bamboo and Wooden Products

Orgo All-Natural is not just about what you consume but also how you live. Their range of bamboo and wooden products is designed to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact. These eco-friendly products are made from renewable resources and are biodegradable, making them an excellent choice for the environmentally conscious consumer.

A Sustainable Smile: Bamboo Toothbrush

Traditional plastic toothbrushes are a significant source of pollution, often ending up in landfills and oceans where they can take hundreds of years to decompose. In contrast, Orgo All-Natural’s bamboo toothbrushes are made from sustainably sourced bamboo, a fast-growing plant that requires no pesticides or fertilizers.
Bamboo toothbrushes are just as effective as their plastic counterparts in maintaining oral hygiene but without the environmental guilt. The biodegradable handle and recyclable bristles make them an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their plastic footprint. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush and enjoy a cleaner mouth and a cleaner planet.

Elegant and Eco-Friendly: Wooden Products

Wooden products from Orgo All-Natural include a range of kitchen utensils, cutting boards, and home décor items. These products are crafted from sustainably harvested wood, ensuring that you get durable, high-quality items that are also kind to the environment. Wooden kitchen utensils are not only aesthetically pleasing but also gentler on your cookware compared to metal utensils.
Investing in wooden products means choosing items that will last for years, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste. Whether you’re stirring a pot of soup with a wooden spoon or serving cheese on a wooden platter, these eco-friendly products add a touch of natural elegance to your home.

Superfoods for Super Health: Millets and Makhana

Orgo All-Natural’s commitment to health and wellness extends to their selection of superfoods. Millets and makhana (foxnut) are two such products that offer a plethora of health benefits and are perfect for those looking to enhance their diet with nutrient-dense foods.

The Ancient Grain: Millets

Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses that have been cultivated for thousands of years. They are highly nutritious, gluten-free, and rich in fiber, making them an excellent alternative to more common grains like wheat and rice. Orgo All-Natural offers a variety of millets, including pearl millet, finger millet, and foxtail millet, each with its unique nutritional profile.
Incorporating millets into your diet can help regulate blood sugar levels, support digestive health, and provide a steady source of energy. They can be used in a variety of dishes, from porridge and salads to baked goods and casseroles. With their versatility and health benefits, millets are a valuable addition to any diet.

The Nutritious Snack: Makhana (Foxnut)

Makhana, also known as foxnut or lotus seed, is a popular snack in many parts of Asia. These seeds are harvested from the lotus plant and are prized for their nutritional value and unique texture. Orgo All-Natural’s makhana is organically grown and free from artificial additives, ensuring you get a pure and healthy snack.
Makhana is low in calories, high in protein, and packed with essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. It is also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body against oxidative stress. Enjoy makhana as a crunchy snack, add it to your salads, or use it as a garnish for soups and curries. It’s a delicious and nutritious way to support your health.

Conclusion: A Commitment to Purity and Sustainability

Orgo All-Natural is more than just a brand; it’s a commitment to living a healthier and more sustainable life. By offering a wide range of organic and eco-friendly products, from organic ghee and honey to bamboo toothbrushes and wooden kitchenware, Orgo All-Natural helps you make choices that benefit both your wellbeing and the planet.
Their selection of superfoods, such as millets and makhana, provides nutrient-dense options that can enhance your diet and support your health. By choosing Orgo All-Natural, you’re not only investing in high-quality products but also contributing to a more sustainable future.
Embrace the purity of organic products, the sustainability of bamboo and wooden items, and the health benefits of superfoods with Orgo All-Natural. Make your home a healthy haven with products that are as good for you as they are for the environment.
stands out as a beacon of purity and health. Offering a wide range of organic products, this brand is dedicated to delivering the best that nature has to offer. From bamboo products to organic ghee, Orgo All-Natural is your go-to source for eco-friendly, high-quality goods that support a healthy lifestyle. Let’s dive into the diverse array of offerings from Orgo All-Natural and discover how these products can enhance your wellbeing and contribute to a greener planet.

Embracing Organic Products: The Heart of Orgo All-Natural

The term "organic" signifies products that are free from synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Orgo All-Natural's commitment to organic products ensures that every item they offer is not only good for your health but also for the environment. This dedication to purity begins with their food products, such as organic honey and millets, and extends to personal care items like the bamboo toothbrush.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Organic Ghee

One of the standout products from Orgo All-Natural is their organic ghee. Ghee, a type of clarified butter, has been a staple in traditional Indian cuisine and Ayurveda for centuries. It is known for its rich flavor, high smoke point, and numerous health benefits. Organic ghee from Orgo All-Natural is made from the milk of grass-fed cows, ensuring it is packed with nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, butyrate, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Incorporating organic ghee into your diet can support digestion, boost immunity, and provide a steady source of energy. Whether you use it for cooking, baking, or as a topping for your favorite dishes, Orgo All-Natural’s organic ghee is a versatile and healthful addition to your kitchen.

Sweetening Life Naturally: Organic Honey

Honey has been used as a natural sweetener and medicinal remedy for millennia. Orgo All-Natural’s organic honey is harvested from bees that forage in pristine, pesticide-free environments, ensuring that you get the purest product possible. Unlike commercial honey, which can be adulterated with sugar or corn syrup, organic honey from Orgo All-Natural is raw and unprocessed, retaining all its beneficial enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients.
Organic honey is not only delicious but also offers numerous health benefits. It can soothe a sore throat, act as a natural cough suppressant, and even aid in wound healing due to its antibacterial properties. Use it to sweeten your tea, spread it on toast, or enjoy it straight from the jar as a wholesome treat.

Eco-Friendly Living: Bamboo and Wooden Products

Orgo All-Natural is not just about what you consume but also how you live. Their range of bamboo and wooden products is designed to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact. These eco-friendly products are made from renewable resources and are biodegradable, making them an excellent choice for the environmentally conscious consumer.

A Sustainable Smile: Bamboo Toothbrush

Traditional plastic toothbrushes are a significant source of pollution, often ending up in landfills and oceans where they can take hundreds of years to decompose. In contrast, Orgo All-Natural’s bamboo toothbrushes are made from sustainably sourced bamboo, a fast-growing plant that requires no pesticides or fertilizers.
Bamboo toothbrushes are just as effective as their plastic counterparts in maintaining oral hygiene but without the environmental guilt. The biodegradable handle and recyclable bristles make them an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their plastic footprint. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush and enjoy a cleaner mouth and a cleaner planet.

Elegant and Eco-Friendly: Wooden Products

Wooden products from Orgo All-Natural include a range of kitchen utensils, cutting boards, and home décor items. These products are crafted from sustainably harvested wood, ensuring that you get durable, high-quality items that are also kind to the environment. Wooden kitchen utensils are not only aesthetically pleasing but also gentler on your cookware compared to metal utensils.
Investing in wooden products means choosing items that will last for years, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste. Whether you’re stirring a pot of soup with a wooden spoon or serving cheese on a wooden platter, these eco-friendly products add a touch of natural elegance to your home.

Superfoods for Super Health: Millets and Makhana

Orgo All-Natural’s commitment to health and wellness extends to their selection of superfoods. Millets and makhana (foxnut) are two such products that offer a plethora of health benefits and are perfect for those looking to enhance their diet with nutrient-dense foods.

The Ancient Grain: Millets

Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses that have been cultivated for thousands of years. They are highly nutritious, gluten-free, and rich in fiber, making them an excellent alternative to more common grains like wheat and rice. Orgo All-Natural offers a variety of millets, including pearl millet, finger millet, and foxtail millet, each with its unique nutritional profile.
Incorporating millets into your diet can help regulate blood sugar levels, support digestive health, and provide a steady source of energy. They can be used in a variety of dishes, from porridge and salads to baked goods and casseroles. With their versatility and health benefits, millets are a valuable addition to any diet.

The Nutritious Snack: Makhana (Foxnut)

Makhana, also known as foxnut or lotus seed, is a popular snack in many parts of Asia. These seeds are harvested from the lotus plant and are prized for their nutritional value and unique texture. Orgo All-Natural’s makhana is organically grown and free from artificial additives, ensuring you get a pure and healthy snack.
Makhana is low in calories, high in protein, and packed with essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. It is also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body against oxidative stress. Enjoy makhana as a crunchy snack, add it to your salads, or use it as a garnish for soups and curries. It’s a delicious and nutritious way to support your health.

Conclusion: A Commitment to Purity and Sustainability

Orgo All-Natural is more than just a brand; it’s a commitment to living a healthier and more sustainable life. By offering a wide range of organic and eco-friendly products, from organic ghee and honey to bamboo toothbrushes and wooden kitchenware, Orgo All-Natural helps you make choices that benefit both your wellbeing and the planet.
Their selection of superfoods, such as millets and makhana, provides nutrient-dense options that can enhance your diet and support your health. By choosing Orgo All-Natural, you’re not only investing in high-quality products but also contributing to a more sustainable future.
Embrace the purity of organic products, the sustainability of bamboo and wooden items, and the health benefits of superfoods with Orgo All-Natural. Make your home a healthy haven with products that are as good for you as they are for the environment.
submitted by No_Ninja9073 to u/No_Ninja9073 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:35 mollz26 What should I get next?

I am headed to the FTT sale on Thursday and I am SO EXCITED. This is my first one!
I already have a DO, an enameled cast iron skillet, and the rice pot, and I am struggling to figure out what I should get at this sale. I enjoy cooking much more than baking, and I would prefer to get cookware than bakeware or casserole dishes (since I plan to get a mystery box, which I assume with have some of these types of items). What LC items can you not live without? I am leaning towards the saucepan but I am open to other suggestions!
Also welcome any FTT sale tips!
TLDR; besides a DO, cast iron skillet, and a rice pot, which LC items can you not live without?
submitted by mollz26 to LeCreuset [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:35 Pack-Fragrant Looking for a recipe - probably tiep yapp?

Hello everyone!
My boyfriend is half Senegalese (dad)/half Italian (mom), grew up here in Italy. Yesterday we were talking about our childhood and he mentioned me a dish his father used to prepare on Sundays, it was this kind of casserole with rice, tomato, meat (sometimes fish but more often meat, I think beef) and a whole chili pepper, he remembers that his dad prepared it early in the morning and let it simmer for hours. He told me he tried to make this dish but never reached the flavour of the one his dad made.
I want to try and cook this for him as an expression of love. I searched the internet and I think it could be thiebou djeune/yapp (meat/fish) but I wanted to be sure.
Would you help me find the best recipe?
Thank you in advance!!!!!
submitted by Pack-Fragrant to Senegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:24 ButterflyPumpkinSoup I asked my wife, "what did you do today?"

Whoops. I came home from a nice relaxing afternoon of fishing to two kids on screens, toys scattered about, and wife breastfeeding our baby while sipping wine. I was in a great mood from my easy day and from the looks of things, everybody else had a casual day full of fun, too. Expecting a happy wife, I asked "what did you do today?"
Her response (paraphrasing): Well, I started loading the dishwasher but then the baby started crying so I changed, fed and burped her then made sure the other 2 had food. Go back to the dishwasher but before I even get another dish loaded, Son starts screaming because Daughter stole his food. Separate them, monitor for a bit, then Son had to go poo so I helped him wipe his bum and clean up. When we get out of the bathroom, Daughter has spilled her food all over the floor and is doing an art project with Son's food. Separate them, get Son a new plate. Clean up the mess. Find Daughter now doing an art project all over the walls. Fine, at least she's occupied because the baby just had a blowout. Clean that up, clean the other 2. Kids were driving me nuts so we walked to the park and Son kept throwing dirt on Daughter and wouldn't listen when I said not to do that so we had to leave early. Get home, half ass clean the kids so they can have their lunch. Now Daughter has applesauce in her hair. Whatever, it's her nap time. Put the TV on for Son and fed the baby while singing Daughter to sleep. Let the dog out. Came back to load a few more dishes but then Son said he's still hungry so helped him to a snack and sat with him awhile, that was nice. But then the baby started crying again I think maybe she's a fever but I totally forgot to temp her and honey don't do it now she's sleeping. So okay I had to basically just hold the baby all afternoon and then Daughter woke up cranky so I cuddled her a bit too but had to keep her from smothering the baby then I got them another snack and put on the baby carrier thinking I could finish loading the dishwasher that way but once I got it on I smelled poo so had to change Daughter's diaper then as I'm in the middle of putting another dish away I hear more screaming, now they're fighting over toys so I put the crying baby down, gave the kids screens, poured myself a glass of wine, quickly finished putting the last few dishes in the dishwasher then ran to pick up the still crying baby and here I sit. So what did I do today babe? I loaded the fucking dishwasher.
I felt so guilty for asking after my own day went so well. She got a foot rub and I cleaned up the day's messes and we talked about her much deserved next day "off." A reminder for all the fellas that maybe come home to a tired wife, dirty home and kids on screens: things aren't always as they seem! Treat your women well - if they're anywhere near as amazing as mine, they deserve the world. Kids are bloody hard!
submitted by ButterflyPumpkinSoup to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:29 Suki_Hallows Search for the Campbell's cookbook

SOLVED!! The edition was "Campbell's Casseroles And One-Dish Meals" from 2005. Thanks y'all do much!
I am looking for a Campbell's soup brand cookbook. It was given to me by my mother when I first moved out of her house but was destroyed or disposed of at some point by my abusive ex. In a couple of years I am going to be immigrating out of the United States and thought bringing this book with me could be a really nice taste of home to share with my new family. Unfortunately I don't know exactly what year it was printed, but I do have a few very specific memories of what it looked like.
It was a very thin book with a spiral binding. The top was red with the Campbell's logo and the bottom was white with the subtitle of the addition but I no longer can remember which one it was. I moved out in 2013 and the book had been in the household for a decent amount of time before that, I would say no later than 2010. I am under the assumption that it was probably printed somewhere between 2003 and 2006 but that's based on nothing more than my own gut feeling. I have already checked the 1985 version of this cookbook which had some resemblance to it, but have been told that it is not the one I'm looking for.
I'll know it is the book I'm looking for based off of two recipes that I used quite a lot. Both of them have a splash pages next to the recipe with a photo of what the meal is supposed to look like. One of them is a cornbread chicken pot pie, the other one is some sort of Mexican skillet bake (possibly taco) with the photos showing a ground beef meal in what looks to be a cast iron skillet with globs of what appeared to be queso cheese spread out in the meal. There may have also been a white chicken enchilada recipe, but I can't 100% say for sure that that recipe is from the same book.
Edit: a comment below linked a website full of Campbell's recipes. The Mexican dish was the "beef taco skillet".
Help me out Reddit, I want to show my British in-laws a true taste of down home Americana from my childhood. (Also sorry for being on mobile and using speech to text)
submitted by Suki_Hallows to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:52 JupiterSkyFalls *Y'ALL* 👀 (PSA)

*Y'ALL* 👀 (PSA)
Run, do not walk to your local store to look for this! This German brand cookware company Aldi owns called Crofton makes this non stick casserole dish complete with lid for storage. They were only $6.99 at my store and oh my goodness! I'm going back to buy at least one more. I found it in mine on their" special" aisle.
Forgive the poor lighting in the photos, but this is what it looks like. I didn't know when I bought it I was going to love it so much, so I didn't get a better 'before' photo. The last picture is what the dish looked like after my husband ate the last bit of a saucy, cheesy pan of enchiladas we made, then refrigerated the leftovers from. That would usually result in a bunch of crusted edges and stuck on corner goop I'd have to soak and then scrub to get rid of in my glass dishes.
The lid also snaps on very tightly and securely. You don't have to wrestle it to get it off but you definitely have to apply some pressure which I think is a good thing, especially if you have clumsy spouses or you're traveling with it to bring to someone a meal.
Only con I can see so far is it says hand wash not dishwasher, but by the time I get done scrubbing out my glass dishes they're pretty much hand washed at that point anyways lol. So that it isn't a deterrent for me. I don't know about durability in the long run, as I just bought it, but I have a good amount of faith in Aldi products. I'm choosing to hope for a good outcome there. However, due to the very affordable, low price and the ease with which it cleans it's well worth it to me if it only lasts a few months to a year. Seriously, I'll take it! And, well, I guess I did. 😁
🌞 Happy Sunday, everyone! 🌞
submitted by JupiterSkyFalls to aldi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:47 SweetT2003 Easy Hamburger Casserole

submitted by SweetT2003 to easyrecipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:22 Adventurous-Map-9400 Growing Up Alien Chapter 33

A homeless teenager reaches out to the Shil’vati on first day of the invasion of Earth.
Credit to: who has beta read just about every chapter, and the only reason it's readable half the time
for writing the original SSB story.
Pizzaulostin who has been beta reading since the beginning.
Credit to for getting me started with this!
This story is based in the SSB universe.
Chapter 33:


It was the darkest part of the night, and yet I could hear the energetic commotion of Ruhal blearily heating up food for a famished human along with the clinks of dishes and silverware.
“One more day.” I felt glued to the bench as I stared back into the silver mask I hadn’t worn for almost [twenty-five years] prior, and had hoped never to put on again. I cursed my old girlish wishes when I first joined up, wanting to be a war hero, and then a mother afterwards. To grow old and see my own child in uniform. I had even wanted a son since I was already demanding the impossible.
I never believed in the gods, but now I’m sure that I’ve tempted Niosa to grant my wishes, but only after I made my peace with them that they would never come true.
Klein bounced around the suite’s kitchen, eating enough for two Shil women and already wearing his armor’s underlayment. The chair creaked a bit as he sat, his own horror-show mask on the dining table next to him staring back at him unblinking.
And It was a horror show.
He’d wake up cheerful and happy, and I’d watch over the day as every bit of his energy was drained out of him. The daily exercise routine of a morning run and gym day in a month being performed in a few short hours. Every time Klein finished a trail faster, or performed a more grueling task, the trainers would make him do even more as his contract offers rose another level.
I didn’t blame the instructors, it was their job to challenge each applicant, but Klein blew through all their expectations, so they just kept piling more onto him. Many of those same instructors had asked me if they were pushing him too far, but all I could do was shrug. Even I didn't even know where his potential ended.
I blinked and looked up. He was in his full armor now, with only the mask off.
“Ready to go?”
I nodded and stood up, quickly heading over to Ruhal, who in turn looked at me with sleep deprived eyes. Worn out as I was, he was worse, playing subject matter expert on all things human around a bunch of high ranking officers desperate for information not tainted by censorship.
“Stay safe out there,” he politely ordered as he kissed me.
I kissed him back and held his hand. “You too.”
Sighing,I left to let him rest, popped my back, and donned my own mask.
As Klein paced the door, I begged for safety. “One more day, please let everything be okay after today.”
I shouldn’t have tempted Niosa again.


I quietly padded out of the children’s den to a chorus of snoring from my siblings. The well carpeted securely fastened to wooden floors muffled my footsteps. I opened the large storm shutters and then pulled open the sliding glass door to the patio. I couldn’t sleep anymore, excitedly bouncing from one foot to another.
Klein and Au'tes were coming home tonight! Au'tes had sent me her contract offers that came from a dozen different Imperial departments and bureaus. Dad already agreed years ago she could move in with us, a pack sister was always welcome. Now she wouldn’t feel like a burden if she had to.
And Klein… Well, I wouldn’t be bothered by a few love-marks.
“I see that smile. Excited?” I heard my father’s deep voice like distant thunder. I turned around to his massive form only a few steps away. We both had learned to walk silently when my siblings were just pups and the discovery that they were light sleepers had been made.
I felt my ears droop just a little to see his melancholic face. He had gone out of his way the last few weeks to spend more time with just me now that I had a pack of my own. There was always a soft smile on his face, but the way his tail hung low to the floor was a dead giveaway on his mood.
I tried to cheer him up. “I am. It’s been weeks since I got to speak to Au’tes, and Klein…” I trailed off, the insinuation clear. He smirked. He had met Klein in passing, but I wasn’t bringing him home yet. Hario on the other hand had made one or two bawdy jokes at the dinner table after a second glass of her favorite liquor.
First time Klein spends the night, you might want to check up on Itaro, make sure she didn’t keel over from exhaustion.
“At this rate I’m going to have to teach you sword fighting to beat back other male suitors from poaching you for their own packs!” My father joked. Stepping off the patio landing, he hit the ground noiselessly, bending his legs to absorb the shock.

After letting out a quiet grunt indicative of an age he tried to keep hidden, he turned around and looked back up at me. “Want to come with me for a walk?”
I jumped down and followed him into our little patch of forest my mother’s terraforming job paid for. The early morning was already warm without a cooling vest, but not intolerable. The chirping of birds and the soft whistle of wind tinged with just a hint of salt made everything feel fresh.
It was like when I came home from school and my father would stop construction for the day. We’d explore the forest, play on the beach, go into town for groceries.
Except now my father didn’t run and have me chase him. He carefully inspected the trees for pests, and our conversation was far more practical than whimsical. “Your mother’s coming home next month. Can you write her a message before she meets Klein, just so she has a better idea of your pack?”
I nodded. “Of course. How long is she going to be home this time?”.
Her terraforming jobs always lasted months, if not years. I never faulted her for the huntress life, but it made connecting with her difficult. She was more a guest of honor than a mother to the household, always bringing a fatted Sou’ta carcass home as a present, but rarely cleaned dishes, or the house.
Or really any chore…
He shrugged before crouching next to a felled tree, trimming away small branches for kindling with a tiny hatchet he hand pulled from his tool pouch. “Might be a good long while this time. The last message I got said her department only had small projects and a few hazard jobs on the periphery. Besides, we might need an extra set of hands more than the money now.”
I scoffed. “Her, a house mother!? No offense, but mom is a terrible cook, and a worse caretaker. Remember the time she nearly burned down our kitchen boiling water?”
He laughed with me as he pocketed the hatchet. Standing up with two sticks, and then threw me one. I caught it as he swung his own stick in my general area. “Defend yourself! I did say I needed to teach you sword fighting. How else are you going to fight off possessive men when they realize what a catch you are?”
He didn’t teach anything but how to rough house on a lazy Shel morning.
We played and swung the flimsy branches until I accidentally hit him square in the chest. The branch, already crumbly and dry, disintegrated on impact. It didn’t stop him from dramatically acting out a death scene. Falling to his knees in an overly theatrical fashion. “Oh, woe is me! Cut down by my own daughter in cold blood!”
I let him pretend to be on stage for a few moments longer before standing over him to offer a hand. He took it, and then yanked me down to the grassy patch, holding me for a long, quiet minute. “I’m going to miss you.”
For the first time I noticed the stray white hairs around his muzzle, I knew what he meant, but I tried to play it off. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He just held me for a silent heartbeat longer, then let go and stood up.
He proclaimed cheerfully to mask his wet eyes. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up. You can’t look like a pup out of a mud bath for your victorious pack! I even scheduled a visit at Tulo’s for a haircut. Ruhal’s treat.”
My mind played with potential futures as we headed home. Between the three of us, we could write our own life together. Maybe I could even stay close to home.
I looked up to the rising light.
“One more day!”

Klein :

The mountains of gear and equipment around us were illuminated by harsh flood lights. We stood in formation with each person, regardless of species, showing physical signs of exhaustion. Drooping shoulders and bent knees, unfocused and slow eye movement.
Instructor Li’kele was wearing full battle rattle today, complete with a compact lasrifle holstered to her leg.
“Good morning applicants! It’s the last day of selection! Your assignment will be to support your sisters in the combat section in the wargames! You see all this critical equipment? Our first assignment will be to load all of it on auto-turoxes and hover-wagons. Unfortunately we don’t have enough capacity , some of you will need to carry gear on your person as we make the [ten mile] trek into the forest. Applicants 849, 734, 236 and 953 step up after we finish loading! You are our extra carriers.”
I knew I was going to be picked. It was easy to not let it bother me though. Reqellia had explained that the instructors were just trying to push us to our limits, and every extra duty and handicap meant a better contract with a brighter future.
Still, after hefting thousands of [pounds/kilos] of stuff onto the squat legged drone’s cargo cages and the little platforms that would float once powered, dread formed in the pit of my stomach as an entire counter-battery system was cinched onto my person. I trudged as we formed up for our road march.
The combat selection team rolled in as we took positions, already covered in mud from what I could guess was their own morning fun, their las-rifles at the low ready. Their own instructor, a severe looking Hyena-like Kortika woman with fur that trimmed short and smooth. She yelled out orders to the gaggle of applicants under her command. “Form on either side of the supply train and defend them at all costs! If they get shot because you weren’t doing your job, then it’s your ass that will be carrying the extra gear!”
We marched out of the base, clinking and clunking as we traveled uphill. The weight wasn’t too bad now that it was evenly distributed on my body, but it would be hell taking it off and putting it back on anytime we stopped.
“Isn’t that the new shock trooper ? What’s he doing with the non-combat selection?” I heard one of the combat applicants say idly. It was easy to pick up conversation in the nearly silent dawn as we marched on a dirt path extending across an expanse of grassland in the reddening sky. It was really pretty, watching the light play on the green forested hills in the distance.
Their Instructor sidled up to the commenting girl silently, ears swiveled back in anger. She grabbed her shoulder, growling low. “Cut the chatter, girl.
Silence followed for the next hour in the pre-dawn light.
We got the first taste of the wargames when red beams bolted over our heads and dropped one of our auto-turoxes. “Everyone get down!” yelled one of our instructors, and I threw myself on the path.
With all the weight on me, the impact on the ground hurt . I looked up and saw red beams blink in and out over me. Their flashes brought back memories.
The red glow through convenience store windows . An alien invasion.
I blinked furiously and turned my head to see what was going on with the combat teams on the sides of the road. They had already taken out two of the ‘raiders’ who stood up, hands in the air as they walked away. Another minute clicked by before a squad decided to double check the tall grass and found a third raider hiding. All had the insignia of the instruction cadre commandos.
“Everyone, up !” Instructor Lik’ele belted out in a two-word shout, and I had to push up off the ground, creaking under the weight. My arms burned as I got to my knees, then raised a hand and called out, “assistance!” One of the unnumbered girls gave me a hand to steady myself, and I rocked a bit trying to stand.
“Thank you,” I said, but between the voice distorter and my mask, the girl backed away as soon as I was up, fear registered in her eyes.
[At the bus stop, a classmate backed away from me. scared of me for some reason mumbling ‘you're bleeding’. Warmth on my upper lip, a coppery taste.]

I shook my head, trying to banish the weird memory surfacing, I hadn’t had a nosebleed since I left Earth. I looked back up, but the girl had already gotten back in formation and we started moving again.
It wasn’t quite noon when we stopped for lunch. I got help removing my kit, and stretched to work out the kinks. Reqellia stood next to me as I sat down on the hard packed surface. I took off my gloves, and jammed them under my chest holster.
I was technically ‘armed’ right now. We had gotten the thirty-minute las-pistol training yesterday on how to safely handle them, and then ran through a quick range. They were nothing more than glorified laser pointers though. They could lock up a suit set to respond to the laser signal, but they wouldn’t so much as redden skin otherwise.
Reqellia had let me in on their real purpose, to see if we could be trusted with a dangerous object and not play with it.
Eating was a pain, I had to lift my mask halfway up and eat blind. The meal pack was cold, but eh, it was food. Goddess, I was hungry.
“How are you holding up?” Reqellia asked, the silver mask obscuring any expression, and the voice distorter deadening any intonation, but by the angle of the head tilt, I could guess the question was more concern than curiosity.
“It’s not too heavy, but it’s awkward trying to move around,” I admitted as I put my mask back in place and pulled out my omni-pad. I tried not to boggle at the contract offers I was getting. It was a straight up bidding war, including furnished houses, years of leave after an initial stint, even minor titles.
Ruhal had helped me, even filled out the forms himself with less than a day for submission. He had also messaged me about the fine print of many of these absurd offers. The watch word was ‘Relocation’.
“They will send you back to Earth. Right now, you are the only human any department can recruit who might know an obscure piece of human signage or culture that got skipped during their culture crash courses, has the physical ability to keep up during an operation, and they can implicitly trust it is loyal to the Imperium.”
I scrolled past the too-good-to-be true proposals and to the ones without relocation, not ridiculously overpaying, but still plenty. Maybe I would follow Ka’tel into ICAD, or…
“We need to get moving!” Li’kele barked and I signaled for help again. This time Au’tes was ordered to help me with my gear. Now seeing her up close, she was definitely worse for wear. She smiled, but it was the kind of tired smile that had almost no energy in it. Her usual well controlled movements were slurred by exhaustion, and she leaned on me after buckling the packs on my shoulders, her own extra gear was a large backpack of energy cells.
“Damn, girl runs away in fear from combat selection after spending years in the militia and now plays valet. Bet whatever is underneath that suit is more would eat her alive if unmuzzled,” I overheard one of the combat applicants snicker. Au’tes winced, just a bit, at the barb from her former youth militia group.
“Lift your visor.” I said. It was dumb, it was really dumb, but I wanted to give her at least a reminder of what she had that they didn’t. Au’tes had a flicker of confusion, but flipped up the visor on her suit’s helmet.
I lifted my mask just enough to kiss her. It was honestly a gross kiss and wished I could have brushed my teeth beforehand. But when I dropped my mask down there was the manic Au’tes again, full of energy and gusto. I looked past her to the shocked combat applicants. I put my finger to roughly where my mouth was and whispered in my distorted voice, “No one will believe you.”
Au’tes brought her visor down and squeezed my hand for a second longer before leaning in close “Thank you for letting me know you still exist under there.


The dirt trail up the hill was easy enough for my legs. I stayed in the same general area as Klein, but with my augments I already had his pinpoint location and medical data, I could even access his helmet camera. I didn’t want to get in his way while the instructors gave him snap secondary tasks to complete on our journey up to the outpost location.
I kept myself entertained by listening in on the comms chatter that I could pick up on the wargames going on about us at large. I had enjoyed playing the no-holds-barred opposing force when I was a commando on rotation here.
Right now there was a particularly fun little drama going on up north of our location. A mechanized assault unit tasked with taking out an anti-orbital battery got one of their exos stuck in mud because of a poor assessment of the ground composition. The armored crane they had first ordered to pull it out was now also stuck.
The Lieutenant was trying to get an exception to the wargame rules to bring a drop ship in to pull them both out, but the higher-ups told her to figure it out. The whole point of these wargames was to discover how things could go wrong. The Lieutenant tried to pull title to overrule them, only to get a nasty conversation from her commander.
A small beep from my monitoring systems told me Klein’s heart rate had slowed and I looked up to see the front of the supply train had been ordered to halt. Up ahead was the “fort,” a clearing on top of the hill with nothing but some half buried holes.
The Kortika woman got to the front of the formation and gave her orders. “Listen up! Combat selection is going to set up a perimeter while the Auxiliary builds us a structure safe enough to hold during an assault. All weapons are going ‘live’, but for those in the non-combat teams I will again warn you to only use them in self-defense. If you wanted to shoot people for a living you should have signed up for it.”
I tried not to flinch as I watched Klein and his compatriots start to offload all the gear they had packed this morning and attempt their best effort at setting it up with basic instructions from Li’kele and the manuals that came with the equipment. Just another test to see how the applicants would handle the technical situation.
At this point they were at their limit, physically and mentally exhausted as they tried to bolt frames together, wrestle antennas, install expandable barriers, and put together the foundations of a forward operating base.
Klein had all but given up on the counter battery system he schlepped here and handed that responsibility off to a Senthe Boy while speaking a rough northern dialect of Satenthia. The boy was more than happy to talk to someone who knew even a few words of his native tongue.
I opened a small window on my HUD and watched with amusement as the early contract offers rose and fell. Klein’s offer from naval engineering, already paltry compared to other, more suitable jobs, dropped to barely above standard. Intelligence and Law branches, however, rocketed upwards again.
I could almost hear the recruiter’s comments as the numbers and terms changed. Does not have familiarity with Shil military equipment. Comfortable with speaking multiple languages. Works well with multiple species.
I watched them work. Klein, in usual Klein fashion, pushed himself. After getting the counter battery laser hooked up, he volunteered for other physically demanding tasks. Pile driving in the foundations that hold the columns of the structure. The rhythmic thump gave me ghost aches when I had done the same thing out in the periphery while getting pot shotted by roaches.
I shook my head. It was going to be another rough night for him by the way he was bunching up his shoulders as he braced the handheld pile driver. Thankfully, tomorrow he’d be home and with an appointment with Cee who might force him on bed rest for the next month.
I started to chuckle at the thought of how protective Itaro was going to get after taking one look at Klein. I came back from deployment once missing three fingers from a plasma grenade and Bahtet waited on me and foot, wouldn’t so much as let me handle a kitchen knife until they were replaced later that month.
A few stray red beams were thrown our way, even a flash bang or two from the commandos tasked with harassing us came and went. As the ramparts of the temporary base were finished, I took up station on the second level to oversee the whole complex. Klien was working with a combat team, helping them put a second defense line in. They had driven stakes into the ground to support parallel knee-high thermocast plates with an arms-length gap between them, which Klein was filling in with dirt to act as a wall and platform for the heavy, crew served lasgun.
I was thankful there would be a shuttle to pick us up soon. I played the opposing force for Selection a few times, and I still remembered the script. Right now we were in a lull that would last until dusk, then at least three full commando teams would assault the base. The battle would be made as realistic and demanding as possible with creeping dark to add to the complexity.
The Selection team would always be wiped out, but it was how they performed against overwhelming odds that would shift the contract offers that last bit before everything was locked in place.
I heard the whirr of a counter battery system swiveling around, and then the crackle of it firing. I turned to see what it was aiming for but all I saw was a cloud of smoke . Then a fast moving object came through the cloud before I heard the crackle again and another exploded .
Blanketing everything in a tar-black fog .
My stomach dropped. This wasn’t the cadre commando team, and they were attacking too soon. I got on the comms with Li’kele “HALT, HALT, HALT! We need to stop the exercise!”
I got a crackle on the comms. Then Li’kele’s voice came in that terrifyingly calm voice used to keep control of a combat operation. “I can’t get a signal out, I need a report on the situation.”
Instead of trying to explain I sent her my video feed as I jumped down from the ramparts and started to sprint for Klein. I needed to get him out of here , but I hadn’t had time to prime my augments. I started the cold power cycle as I cursed myself for letting my guard down.
I was already too late . I watched as our own counter-battery laser weapons were used against us, acting as the triggers for each smoke grenade engulfing Klein’s team right in front of me, their signal dropping right out. I got a response from Li’kele that alleviated at least some of my terror. “Dammit! It’s the 171 st Raiders from the wargames, they mus-”
And then I was enveloped in darkness and static. The smoke was so thick I could only see a few paces away in all spectrums. I tried my internal radio and….
Nothing. I was alone and with nothing to guide me, and then I saw to the right of me a few weak beams of red, and then a ball of light of a simulated explosion. I let my gnawing panic subside and walked their way with a observers flag in my hand. I was practically on top of them before I saw the combat selection team that had been ‘killed’, their frowning faces and hands up as they sat there grumbling.
The Raiders appeared soon after. A four woman squad. Two Helkam, a Rakiri, and a Shil’vati hefting a large antiquated grenade launcher. I called out “Do you have a way to call a emergency stop to the battle?”
The squad leader responded. “Did someone get seriously injured? I can fire off a flare and our medic teams will be here to extract them.”
“No! This is Selection, we aren’t supposed to be part of the Wargames.” I argued, but she waved me off.
“We got orders to assault the base up here. Trust me, our commander is mighty pissed at getting tasked with a frontal assault on the youngest and toughest the Imperium has to offer, with adding insult to injury if we lose to kids. That’s why we broke out the smoke screen.”
“One of the Selection members is the first of their species. Higher ups want them monitored at all times,” I partly lied.
The gears whirred and the team lead brought her weapon up again, eyes a little wider. “ Blue Eyes is here? Shit, girls ready up and head on a swivel!”
The team reformed in a circle facing outwards, a tactic specifically meant for ambushes and roach suicide drones. I stood there, confused. “Blue eyes?”
The team lead started to move into the smoke again, but explained, her eyes darting around. “Yeah, the freaky creature in the mask, toyed with an unmanned Exo before annihilating it with a shipcutter! A close quarters combat specialist with heavy armor and a real mean streak . You’re telling me they’re loose in a forest with enough concealment to sneak up on us and tear us to shreds? Ma’am the only ones in immediate danger are us.

submitted by Adventurous-Map-9400 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:16 Defiantclient The Case for Imminent Funding and Approval from FCC

As per today's news releases, linked below, the FCC's Affordable Connectivity Program has ended due to lack of Congressional support and funding.
Gomez and Starks also put out statements. All headlines are available here:
This has huge impact on low-income families across the country, as noted by Chairwoman Rosenworcel.
This is perfect timing for some of the $9B 5G Rural Fund, announced on March 20, 2024, to be distributed to AST.
Based on the unwanted termination of the FCC's ACP program, and the availability of $9B in their 5G Rural Fund, it seems very obvious to me that the FCC should support the approval as well as funding of AST's mission.
Also recall that SpaceX and T-Mobile had been pushing back against the FCC's concerns about radio interference, while AT&T and Verizon (our big 2 supporters of AST) agreed with the FCC to maintain the radio frequency limits. AST is the perfect outlet for FCC's support. Source:
SpaceX and its partner T-Mobile —the first US carrier to adopt the cellular Starlink tech— previously told the FCC that the radio frequency limit is too constrictive. But in March, the FCC noted that rivals, including AT&T, Verizon, and Dish Network, lobbied the Commission to maintain the restriction, citing the need to protect against potential radio interference.
Excuse my poor formatting of this post, as I do not normally write Reddit posts.
submitted by Defiantclient to ASTSpaceMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Traverse City Mi

Best Brunch in Traverse City Mi
Best Brunch in Traverse City Mi Looking for the best brunch in Traverse City, MI? Well, look no further because we've got you covered! We've taken the time to explore the city and handpick the top brunch spots that are sure to satisfy your cravings.From vibrant bistros to cozy cafes, there's something for everyone. Get ready to indulge in mouthwatering dishes like Filet Mignon & Eggs at Reflect Bistro or Short Rib Benedict at The Towne Plaza.Trust us, these brunch spots will leave you wanting more!Key TakeawaysReflect Bistro at Cambria Hotel offers a vibrant and eclectic dining experience with a menu featuring premium-quality steaks, seafood-based dishes, and customizable omelets. Their Filet Mignon & Eggs and Breakfast Tacos are recommended dishes to try.The Towne Plaza is a contemporary American restaurant known for its meat-centric menu, including charcuterie boards and homemade soups. Their Short Rib Benedict and Pork Belly are must-try dishes.Grand Traverse Pie Company is a charming eatery that offers specialty sandwiches, sweet and savory pies, and assorted baked goods. Their GT Chicken Salad and Mountain Berry Crumb are recommended dishes.The Cottage is a delightful down-home restaurant that serves hearty American comfort food and create-your-own wraps. Their Hash Brown Casserole and The Mighty are recommended dishes to try.Reflect BistroWe should definitely try out the Reflect Bistro, a vibrant restaurant at Cambria Hotel in Traverse City, known for its impressive menu with premium-quality steaks, seafood-based dishes, and customizable omelets.The bistro offers a delightful brunch experience that's sure to satisfy any brunch lover in Traverse City. The interior of the restaurant is vibrant, with carpeted floors and colossal windows that allow natural light to fill the space.The menu at Reflect Bistro is diverse and offers a range of options to cater to different preferences. For those who enjoy a hearty brunch, the filet mignon and eggs dish comes highly recommended. The tender filet mignon paired with perfectly cooked eggs is a match made in brunch heaven.Another must-try dish is the breakfast tacos, filled with flavorful ingredients that will surely tantalize your taste buds. The Reflect Bistro truly lives up to its reputation as one of the best brunch spots in Traverse City, offering a satisfying and memorable dining experience for brunch enthusiasts.The Towne PlazaLet's definitely check out The Towne Plaza, a contemporary American restaurant that opened in May 2012, known for its meat-centric menu and cozy interior.The Towne Plaza offers a unique dining experience with its focus on meat dishes and charcuterie boards. The menu features a variety of options, including homemade soups and delectable cuts of meat.The interior of the restaurant has a warm and inviting atmosphere, with touches of greenery that add a touch of natural beauty. The cozy seating arrangements and dim lighting create a cozy ambiance that's perfect for a relaxing meal.The recommended dish at The Towne Plaza is the Short Rib Benedict, which combines tender short ribs with a perfectly poached egg and hollandaise sauce. Another must-try dish is the Pork Belly, which is cooked to perfection and served with a delicious glaze.Overall, The Towne Plaza offers a delightful dining experience with its meat-centric menu and cozy interior.Grand Traverse Pie CompanyThe Grand Traverse Pie Company is known for its specialty sandwiches, sweet and savory pies, and assorted baked goods. Located in Traverse City, Michigan, this charming eatery offers a delightful culinary experience. As you step inside, you're greeted by the aroma of freshly baked pies and a warm, welcoming ambiance. The interior is cozy and inviting, with rustic décor and a shaded patio for outdoor dining.The menu at the Grand Traverse Pie Company is impressive, featuring a wide variety of options to satisfy all taste buds. From their specialty sandwiches, like the GT Chicken Salad, to their delectable sweet and savory pies, such as the Mountain Berry Crumb, there's something for everyone. The quality of their ingredients is evident in every bite, and each dish is expertly prepared.One must-try item on the menu is the Filet Mignon & Eggs. This flavorful dish combines tender filet mignon with perfectly cooked eggs, creating a breakfast experience like no other. Another recommended dish is the Breakfast Tacos, which are filled with a delicious combination of ingredients that will leave you craving more.Whether you're in the mood for a savory sandwich or a sweet treat, the Grand Traverse Pie Company is the perfect destination. With its charming ambiance and mouthwatering menu, this eatery is a must-visit for locals and tourists alike.The CottageThe Cottage is a delightful restaurant along Munson Avenue that offers a cozy atmosphere and charming decor. With its wooden furniture and old-school surroundings, it creates a comfortable space for diners to enjoy their meal.The menu at The Cottage is sizable and features hearty American comfort food as well as the option to create-your-own wraps, making it a great choice for those seeking a satisfying and customizable dining experience.Cozy Atmosphere and DecorWe absolutely love the warm and inviting atmosphere at The Cottage, with its cozy wooden furniture and nostalgic surroundings. The ambiance instantly makes you feel right at home.Here are a few things that contribute to the cozy atmosphere and decor at The Cottage:Soft lighting: The lighting inside The Cottage is just right, creating a warm and intimate setting that's perfect for a leisurely brunch.Rustic details: The wooden furniture and vintage decorations add a rustic charm to the space, making it feel like a quaint cottage in the countryside.Comfortable seating: The plush cushions and comfortable chairs make you want to sink in and stay awhile, adding to the overall cozy feel.Nostalgic touches: From the retro artwork on the walls to the old-school jukebox in the corner, The Cottage embraces nostalgia, transporting you to a simpler time.With its inviting atmosphere and delightful decor, The Cottage is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a delicious brunch.Hearty Comfort FoodWe can't resist the mouthwatering aroma of the hearty comfort food at The Cottage, especially their famous Hash Brown Casserole.The moment you step into this delightful, down-home restaurant along Munson Avenue, you're greeted with the comforting scent of home-cooked goodness. The Cottage's wooden furniture and old-school surroundings create a comfortable space to enjoy a satisfying meal.Their sizable menu offers a variety of hearty American comfort food, from juicy burgers to savory wraps. But it's their Hash Brown Casserole that steals the show.This delectable dish is a creamy blend of shredded potatoes, cheese, and savory seasonings, baked to golden perfection. With each bite, you're transported to a place of warmth and comfort.The Cottage truly delivers on their promise of hearty comfort food that satisfies both the stomach and the soul.Create-Your-Own WrapsWhile enjoying our meal at The Cottage, we can't wait to create our own delicious wraps filled with our favorite ingredients. The Cottage offers a wide variety of options to choose from, allowing us to customize our wraps to our liking. Here are four reasons why we love creating our own wraps at The Cottage:Endless possibilities: With a range of proteins, veggies, and condiments to choose from, we can mix and match our favorite ingredients to create the perfect wrap.Healthy and fresh: The Cottage uses fresh, high-quality ingredients, ensuring that our wraps aren't only tasty but also nutritious.Customization: We've the freedom to choose the type of wrap, whether it's a tortilla, lettuce wrap, or even a gluten-free option, catering to our dietary preferences.Personal touch: Creating our own wraps allows us to experiment with different flavor combinations and create a unique culinary experience.After indulging in our customized wraps, we're excited to explore the offerings at Bubbas, where we can enjoy their fun atmosphere and savor their grilled burritos and juicy hamburgers.BubbasBubbas is an American dining establishment and bar that opened in 2000, known for its fun atmosphere and delicious grilled burritos and juicy hamburgers.When you step into Bubbas, you're immediately greeted by the lively ambiance. The walls are adorned with sports memorabilia, giving the place a casual and relaxed feel. The scent of sizzling meat wafts through the air, enticing your taste buds.Bubbas is famous for their grilled burritos, which are packed with flavorful fillings like tender grilled chicken, savory beef, or zesty vegetables. Each burrito is expertly grilled to perfection, giving it a smoky and charred exterior.The juicy hamburgers at Bubbas are a must-try as well. Made with high-quality beef, these burgers are cooked to your desired level of doneness and topped with an array of mouthwatering ingredients. From melted cheese to crispy bacon and tangy pickles, each bite is a burst of flavor.Bubbas also offers a variety of boozy shakes, signature bloody marys, and creative alcoholic concoctions to complement your meal.Whether you're looking for a satisfying lunch or a hearty dinner, Bubbas is the place to go for a fun-filled dining experience.Red Spire Brunch HouseRed Spire Brunch House, located in the Village at Grand Traverse Commons, offers a relaxed setting with both indoor and outdoor dining areas.The menu features classic American entrees, with highlights including the indulgent Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast and the flavorful House Omelet.Whether you choose to dine inside or enjoy the fresh air on the outdoor patio, Red Spire Brunch House promises a delightful and satisfying brunch experience.Menu Highlights and VarietyWe love the variety at Red Spire Brunch House, from their classic American entrees to their must-try Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast.The menu offers a wide range of options to satisfy any brunch craving.Their classic American entrees are perfect for those looking for familiar flavors and comforting dishes.The Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast is a true standout, combining the sweetness of Nutella with the deliciousness of banana bread.They also have a selection of fresh salads and sandwiches for those seeking a lighter brunch option.The variety at Red Spire Brunch House ensures that there's something for everyone, making it a great place to gather with friends or family.Now, let's explore another aspect of the restaurant: the seating options.Indoor Vs. Outdoor SeatingLet's compare the benefits of indoor seating and outdoor seating at Red Spire Brunch House so we can make an informed decision.Indoor SeatingOutdoor Seating- Comfortable and climate-controlled environment- Enjoy the fresh air and natural surroundings- Sheltered from weather conditions- Bask in the warmth of the sun- Cozy ambiance with soft lighting and stylish decor- Relaxed atmosphere with outdoor seating options- Ideal for intimate gatherings and private conversations- Perfect for enjoying brunch while people-watching- Provides a quieter and more secluded dining experience- Offers a lively and vibrant settingIndoor seating at Red Spire Brunch House offers a comfortable and climate-controlled environment, perfect for those who prefer a sheltered dining experience. The cozy ambiance with soft lighting and stylish decor creates a pleasant atmosphere for intimate gatherings and private conversations. On the other hand, outdoor seating allows guests to enjoy the fresh air, natural surroundings, and the warmth of the sun. It provides a more relaxed and lively setting, making it ideal for brunch while people-watching. Whether you prefer a quieter and secluded experience or a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, Red Spire Brunch House has both options to cater to your preferences.Now, let's delve into the overall dining experience at Red Spire Brunch House.Overall Dining ExperienceThe service at Red Spire Brunch House was outstanding, and the menu offered a wide variety of delectable options to choose from.The staff was attentive and friendly, ensuring that our needs were met throughout the meal.The atmosphere was pleasant and relaxed, with both indoor and outdoor seating options available.The food was cooked to perfection, with each dish bursting with flavor and presented beautifully.The menu had something for everyone, from classic breakfast favorites like pancakes and omelets to unique dishes like Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread French Toast.Overall, our dining experience at Red Spire Brunch House was exceptional. We left feeling satisfied and impressed with the quality of both the food and service.Now, let's move on to discussing another popular breakfast spot in Traverse City, The Omelette Shoppe.The Omelette ShoppeOne of our favorite dishes at The Omelette Shoppe is their Beef Barbacoa omelet. This delectable creation is a perfect blend of flavors and textures.The omelet itself is light and fluffy, cooked to perfection. Inside, you'll find tender, juicy beef barbacoa that's full of rich, savory goodness. The beef is seasoned to perfection, with just the right amount of spices to give it a nice kick without overpowering the dish.The omelet is then topped with melted cheese, adding a creamy and gooey element to each bite. To accompany this mouthwatering dish, The Omelette Shoppe also offers a side of crispy hash browns and a choice of toast or a buttermilk biscuit.The combination of flavors and textures in this dish is truly a delight for the taste buds. Whether you're a meat lover or just looking for a hearty and satisfying breakfast option, the Beef Barbacoa omelet at The Omelette Shoppe is a must-try.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Operating Hours of Each of These Brunch Spots?Operating hours for each of these brunch spots vary.Reflect Bistro at Cambria Hotel offers brunch from 7 am to 2 pm.The Towne Plaza serves brunch from 10 am to 2 pm.Grand Traverse Pie Company operates from 7 am to 8 pm.The Cottage opens at 7 am and closes at 3 pm.Bubbas has brunch hours from 9 am to 2 pm.Red Spire Brunch House serves brunch from 8 am to 2 pm.The Omelette Shoppe opens at 6:30 am and closes at 2 pm.Are Reservations Required or Recommended for Brunch at Any of These Restaurants?Reservations can be crucial for a hassle-free brunch experience at some of these Traverse City restaurants.Our team highly recommends making reservations at popular spots like Reflect Bistro, The Towne Plaza, and Red Spire Brunch House.While not all establishments require reservations, it's always a good idea to call ahead, especially on weekends or during peak hours.Do Any of These Brunch Spots Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Options?Some of the brunch spots in Traverse City offer vegetarian or vegan options. These options cater to those who follow special diets or have dietary restrictions. It's great to see that these restaurants are accommodating a variety of preferences and lifestyles.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options Available at These Brunch Spots?Are there any gluten-free options available at these brunch spots?Yes, several of the brunch spots in Traverse City offer gluten-free options.Reflect Bistro at Cambria Hotel has customizable omelets that can be made gluten-free, and The Towne Plaza has homemade soups that are gluten-free.Grand Traverse Pie Company offers gluten-free sandwiches and baked goods, while The Cottage has a sizable menu of hearty American comfort food, some of which can be made gluten-free.Are These Restaurants Family-Friendly and Do They Offer a Kids' Menu?Yes, these restaurants are family-friendly and offer a kids' menu. They understand the importance of catering to the needs of families and provide options that children will enjoy.From casual diners to upscale establishments, you can find a variety of family-friendly brunch spots in Traverse City. Whether it's pancakes, chicken tenders, or mac and cheese, these restaurants have options that will satisfy the taste buds of even the pickiest eaters.ConclusionIn conclusion, Traverse City, MI offers a diverse range of brunch options that are sure to satisfy any palate. Whether you're in the mood for a luxurious Filet Mignon & Eggs dish at Reflect Bistro, a meat-centric delight at The Towne Plaza, or a sweet and savory pie at Grand Traverse Pie Company, you'll find something to tantalize your taste buds.So, why wait? Explore these hidden gems and embark on a culinary journey that will leave you craving for more.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:07 Trevor_Osborne Help with sourdough!

Help with sourdough!
Hey guys, I'm hoping you could help me diagnose. I've been making sourdough now for about three and a half years. I get fairly decent results, I normally get a good ear and all that, but I've never really been able to get a lot of height in my loaves.
I don't have a Dutch oven so what I use is a steel casserole dish with a lid. I've also tried using my baking stone and inverting the casserole dish to cover during the first 20 minutes of the bake.
I made sourdough yesterday using the recipe below.
Below are the results. Any idea why I'm not seeing a lot of height? I've included an example picture below of a guy I follow who makes sourdough and it just looks like a much taller loaf, especially on the outer edges. The cross-section almost looks closer to a circle than mine does.
Any other comments on crumb etc. would also be appreciated!
Thanks! ☺️
200g Active, doubled Starter @ 100% hydration (100g strong white flou100g water) 900g strong white flour 620 water 18g salt
~ Mix all ingredients together at the start until fully incorporated. I skip the autolyse step based on the results of the Foodgeek's video. ( Leave for 30mins.
~ Perform three sets of stretch and folds 30 minutes apart. Then check for dough strength. Window pane test successful.
~ Leave dough in container until I get a rise of 30%. I was waiting for a 50% to 70% rise until recently but I found that the dough flattened out in the bannaton overnight in the fridge.
~ After I achieve a 30% rise in the door I divide pre-shape and rest for 30 minutes then do a final shape and into the bannaton for an overnight rest in the fridge of about 14 hours.
(The dough is at approximately 24 degrees Celsius during bulk fermentation.)
I bake at 240 degrees Celsius in a pre-heated (including my casserole dish) fan oven with the lid on for 20 minutes, then I drop the temperature to 210 degrees Celsius and remove the lid for another 20 minutes and remove to cool on a wire rack.
submitted by Trevor_Osborne to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:06 NoResident4402 Phytochemicals in Achyranthes Aspera Whole Plant Powder

Phenolic compounds
Steep the whole plant powder in hot water and drink as an herbal infusion.
Topical Application:
Mix the powder with a carrier oil (like coconut oil) to make a paste and apply it to the affected area for anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Boil 1-2 teaspoons of the powder in water until the volume reduces by half. Strain and consume for diuretic and anti-diabetic effects.
Incorporation in Food:
Add to soups, stews, or curries to benefit from its medicinal properties while enhancing the flavor of the dish.

AchyranthesAspera #Phytochemicals #HerbalRemedies

submitted by NoResident4402 to Edibleleaves [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:11 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Island Airport Name

Maldives Island Airport Name
Maldives Island Airport Name As we step foot onto the tropical paradise of the Maldives, we are greeted by the bustling Velana International Airport. Its name, like a beacon, symbolizes the gateway to this idyllic island nation.However, in recent years, there have been discussions about potentially changing the airport's name. This has sparked an intriguing debate, inviting us to explore the importance of airport names, the historical background of this particular airport, and the potential implications of such a change.So, let us embark on a journey of discovery, as we delve into the captivating world of the Maldives Island Airport Name.Potential Name ChangeThe potential for a name change at Velana International Airport has sparked discussions and generated curiosity among locals and travelers alike. Formerly known as Malé International Airport and Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, the airport underwent a name change on January 1, 2017, to become Velana International Airport. This renaming was part of a strategic plan aligned with the economic vision of the Yameen administration.Velana International Airport, located in the Maldives, is the main gateway to this picturesque island nation. It serves as the capital's primary airport and is responsible for handling both international and domestic flights. The airport is operated by the Maldives Airports Company Limited, which took over after previous attempts at privatization fell through.One notable development at Velana International Airport is the completion of a new runway in 2018. This expansion project aims to accommodate larger aircraft and increase the airport's capacity. Additionally, there are plans underway for the construction of a new passenger terminal, expected to be completed by 2025. This modern terminal will enhance the airport's facilities and improve the overall travel experience for passengers.With its strategic location and ongoing expansion efforts, Velana International Airport is set to continue playing a vital role in connecting the Maldives to the rest of the world. As discussions surrounding a potential name change unfold, it will be interesting to see how the airport's identity evolves while maintaining its status as a key transportation hub for this idyllic island nation.Importance of Airport NamesAfter exploring the potential for a name change at Velana International Airport, it's important to understand the significance and role that airport names play in the world of aviation and travel. Airport names aren't just arbitrary labels; they serve a crucial purpose in facilitating efficient travel and creating a sense of identity and connection for the region they represent.Here are five reasons why airport names hold such importance:Navigation and Identification: Airport names are essential for clear communication and easy location identification, ensuring smooth navigation for travelers and aviation personnel.Cultural and Historical Reflection: The names of airports often reflect the local culture, history, or geography, creating a sense of identity and pride for the region they serve.Promoting Tourism and Travel: Well-known airport names can serve as landmarks and contribute to the promotion of tourism, enhancing the visibility and recognition of a region.Sense of Community and Heritage: Airport names can be a source of pride and historical significance for the local community, as they often reflect the region's heritage, notable figures, or significant events.Efficient Travel Planning: Clear and distinctive airport names help in avoiding confusion and facilitate efficient travel planning and logistics for airlines, passengers, and airport authorities.Historical Background of the AirportLet's take a look at the historical background of Velana International Airport, formerly known as Ibrahim Nasir International Airport.The airport first opened its doors in 1960 with a small steel sheet runway.Over the years, it underwent several name changes, including becoming Malé International Airport in 1981, Ibrahim Nasir International Airport in 2011, and eventually Velana International Airport in 2017.With a rich history of development and expansion, the airport has become the largest and busiest in the Maldives, catering to both international and domestic flights as well as seaplane operations.Airport OriginsDuring the early years of aviation in the Maldives, the establishment of airports played a crucial role in connecting the remote islands of this archipelago nation. Here are some interesting facts about the origins of the Maldives airports:Male International Airport, also known as Velana International Airport, is the main gateway to the Maldives. It's located in the capital city and serves as the main international airport.Gan International Airport has a unique history. It was initially a military airbase during World War II and now operates as a smaller airport with limited flight operations.Maafaru International Airport, located in the Noonu Atoll region, is a relatively new addition. Its construction started in 2017 and it now serves the region with a spacious runway.The Maldives is home to a total of 18 airports, including 5 international and 13 domestic airports. Each airport has its own unique airport code for identification.All airports in the Maldives offer various facilities such as eateries, Wi-Fi, lounges, and shuttle services to ensure a convenient travel experience for passengers.Development Over TimeThe historical background of Velana International Airport, formerly known as Hulhulé Airport, traces back to its humble beginnings with a small steel sheet runway in 1960. Over the years, the airport underwent several name changes, from Malé International Airport to Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, before finally being renamed Velana International Airport in 2017.The development of the airport has been significant, with the construction of a new runway in 2018, enabling it to accommodate larger aircraft. Currently, a new passenger terminal is under construction and expected to be completed by 2025.Velana International Airport is the largest airport in the Maldives and is managed by Island Aviation Services. It serves as a gateway for both domestic and international flights, connecting various destinations such as Raa Atoll and Noonu. Airlines like Trans Maldivian Airways and Sri Lankan Airlines operate from this airport, ensuring convenient travel for passengers.Additionally, the Hanimaadhoo International Airport serves as the domestic airport in the Maldives.Privatization of the AirportPrivatization of the airport in the Maldives signaled a significant shift in operational control and management, resulting in increased efficiency, improved service quality, and enhanced infrastructure development. This move aimed to transform the Maldives island airport, located on Hulhule island, into a world-class facility that could efficiently handle the growing number of international flights and cater to the needs of domestic airports.The privatization process involved key players such as the International Finance Corporation (IFC), GMR Group, and Malaysia Airports. However, this process faced challenges and controversies, leading to the termination of the concession agreement and the return of operational control to the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL).Despite these setbacks, the expansion and development of Velana International Airport have been significant outcomes of the privatization and subsequent management by MACL. As the main gateway to the Maldives, the airport has witnessed a remarkable increase in passenger traffic, now serving millions of passengers per year.Additionally, the privatization of the airport has paved the way for the development of other airports in the Maldives. For instance, the Maafaru International Airport, owned by Coastline Hotels, has emerged as a vital hub for luxury travel, catering to high-end tourists seeking a seamless and exclusive experience.Airport Facilities and ServicesWhen it comes to airport facilities and services in the Maldives, passengers can expect a range of amenities to enhance their travel experience.From comfortable lounges to enjoy a moment of relaxation, to eateries offering delicious meals, there's something for everyone.Additionally, efficient baggage handling and transportation options such as shuttle services ensure seamless navigation within the airport premises.Terminal AmenitiesPassengers traveling through the Maldives Island Airport can enjoy a wide range of terminal amenities, providing them with a comfortable and convenient travel experience.Here are some of the amenities available at the airport:Eateries offering local and international cuisine, providing a range of dining options for passengers.Wi-Fi facilities, allowing passengers to stay connected and access the internet during their travel.Lounges equipped with comfortable seating, workspaces, and other facilities for a more comfortable and private environment.Shuttle services that provide convenient transportation between terminals, parking areas, and nearby hotels, enhancing the overall travel experience.Duty-free shops, currency exchange services, and ATMs, offering convenience for travelers to fulfill their shopping and financial needs.These amenities cater to both international and domestic flights, ensuring that passengers have a pleasant time at the Maldives Island Airport.Baggage HandlingUpon arrival at the Maldives Island Airport, travelers can expect efficient and secure baggage handling services that ensure the smooth movement of their belongings throughout their journey. The airport takes pride in its state-of-the-art baggage handling system, designed to provide a seamless experience for passengers. The system includes check-in counters where travelers can drop off their luggage, which is then transported to the aircraft via conveyor belts and baggage carts. At the destination, the bags are carefully unloaded and made available for retrieval at the baggage claim area. In case of any mishandled or damaged luggage, the airport has dedicated facilities and procedures to address the issue promptly. The Maldives Island Airport prioritizes the safe and reliable transport of baggage, allowing travelers to focus on enjoying their time in the beautiful resort islands of the Maldives.Baggage Handling ServicesCheck-in countersConveyor beltsBaggage cartsBaggage claim areaLost and found facilitiesMishandled luggage proceduresThe Maldives Island Airport - your gateway to the stunning islands of the Indian Ocean.Transportation OptionsTravelers arriving at the Maldives Island Airport can enjoy a variety of transportation options and convenient airport facilities and services.The airport serves as a hub for domestic flights, offering easy access to other destinations within the Maldives. Passengers can choose to travel by ferry, speedboat, or seaplanes for a seamless island hopping experience. The airport also provides shuttle services to nearby Island Resorts, ensuring a hassle-free journey for tourists.Inside the single terminal, travelers can find a range of amenities such as eateries, Wi-Fi, and lounges, allowing them to relax and refresh before their next adventure.Flyme and Maldivian are two major airlines operating at the airport, providing reliable and efficient services to passengers.With its excellent transportation options and well-equipped facilities, the Maldives Island Airport ensures a pleasant travel experience for all.Impact on Tourism IndustryThe impact of Maldives' well-connected airports on the tourism industry is undeniable. With a network of airports strategically located throughout the archipelago, the Maldives has ensured convenient access for tourists, both domestic and international, to its stunning coral islands. Let's take a closer look at how the airports have shaped the tourism industry in the Maldives.Domestic FlightsInternational FlightsAirportGan International AirportVelana International AirportLocationAddu City, MaldivesHulhulé Island, MaldivesFacilitiesNew runway, new terminalModern infrastructure, duty-free shops, loungesServicesScheduled flights, daily flightsExtensive network, numerous airlinesGan International Airport, located in Addu City, serves as a vital domestic airport, connecting the southernmost part of the Maldives to other islands. With its new runway and terminal, it ensures smooth operations and increased capacity for domestic flights, facilitating travel for tourists exploring the region.Velana International Airport, situated in Hulhulé Island, is the main gateway to the Maldives. This bustling airport handles both domestic and international flights, playing a crucial role in attracting tourists from around the world. Equipped with modern infrastructure, duty-free shops, and lounges, it offers a comfortable experience for travelers.The extensive network and numerous airlines operating at Velana International Airport provide tourists with a wide range of options for reaching the Maldives. With scheduled flights and daily connections, it is easier than ever for visitors to embark on their tropical getaway.Top International Airports in the MaldivesWith its extensive network of airports strategically located throughout the archipelago, the Maldives has established itself as a premier destination for travelers. Now, let's explore the top international airports in the Maldives that play a crucial role in welcoming visitors from around the world.Velana International Airport (Male International Airport): Located on the island of Hulhule, Male International Airport is the main gateway to the Maldives. It serves as the primary hub for both domestic and international flights, connecting the country to various destinations worldwide.Gan International Airport: Situated in the southernmost atoll of Addu, Gan International Airport offers convenient access to the beautiful islands in the southern region of the Maldives. It's a popular choice for travelers seeking a direct flight to this part of the country.Hanimaadhoo International Airport: Located in the Haa Dhaalu Atoll, Hanimaadhoo International Airport serves as a vital transportation hub for visitors to the northern islands of the Maldives. It provides easy access to popular tourist destinations in the region.Villa International Airport: Situated on the island of Maamigili in the Alif Dhaal Atoll, Villa International Airport is a domestic airport that also caters to international flights. It offers a convenient alternative for travelers seeking direct access to nearby resorts.Dharavandhoo Airport: This airport, operated by the Government through the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company, is located on the island of Dharavandhoo in the Baa Atoll. It provides a gateway to the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Baa Atoll and is a popular choice for tourists visiting this pristine area.These top international airports in the Maldives ensure seamless connectivity and facilitate the influx of travelers to this breathtaking island nation.Domestic Airports in the MaldivesNestled among the picturesque islands of the Maldives, a network of 13 domestic airports provides essential connectivity to the remote corners of this tropical paradise. These airports play a crucial role in connecting various regions within the Maldives and ensuring that travelers can easily explore all that this stunning archipelago has to offer.One of the significant domestic airports is the Kooddoo Airport, located in the Gaafu Alifu Atoll. This airport, operated by Villa Air, serves as a hub for domestic sectors and offers regular flights to and from the capital city, Male. It provides convenient access to the luxurious resorts located in the southern part of the Maldives.The Addu International Airport, also known as Gan International Airport, situated in the Addu Atoll, is another important domestic airport. This airport has a fascinating history, as it was originally a military airbase during World War II. Today, it serves as a gateway to the southernmost atolls and offers flights to the capital city and other domestic destinations.Additionally, the Dhaalu Atoll is served by the Maamigili Island-based Villa International Airport. This airport caters to the needs of tourists visiting the Baa Atoll and offers excellent connectivity to other domestic and international flights.In the Thaa Atoll, the Thimarafushi Airport plays a vital role in connecting the region with the rest of the Maldives. Opened for public use in 2013, this airport has enhanced accessibility and convenience for both locals and tourists.These domestic airports are essential for ensuring seamless travel experiences and enabling visitors to explore the breathtaking beauty of the Maldives.Transfers and ConnectivityWhen it comes to transfers and connectivity in the Maldives, there are multiple options available to ensure seamless travel between the islands.The airports in the Maldives provide a range of transportation options, including ferries, speedboats, and seaplanes, allowing travelers to easily navigate between different destinations.These island connectivity options not only enhance accessibility but also provide a unique and scenic way to explore the beautiful Maldivian archipelago.Airport Transportation OptionsVelana International Airport, the main gateway into the Maldives, offers a range of transportation options that ensure seamless connectivity to various islands. Whether you're heading to a luxurious resort or a remote guesthouse, the airport has you covered. Here are the airport transportation options available:Domestic Flights: Velana International Airport includes a well-equipped runway and passenger terminal for domestic flights. This allows travelers to easily hop on a plane and reach their desired island destination within the Maldives.Ferry: For those looking for a more budget-friendly option, the airport offers ferries that provide a scenic and leisurely way to reach different islands.Speedboat: If you're in a hurry or prefer a more private mode of transportation, speedboats are available for hire. They offer a quick and convenient way to reach your island destination.Seaplanes: For a truly unique experience, seaplanes are available for transportation to resorts located on remote islands. Enjoy stunning aerial views as you glide over the turquoise waters of the Maldives.Taxis: Once you arrive at Velana International Airport, taxis are readily available for transportation to nearby areas. This is a convenient option for those looking to explore the capital city of Male or nearby attractions.Island Connectivity OptionsAfter exploring the various airport transportation options at Velana International Airport, let's now delve into the island connectivity choices available in the Maldives.With a total of 18 airports in the country, including 5 international and 13 domestic airports, the islands of the Maldives are well connected.For those seeking a luxurious experience, the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island Resort and Spa offers a VIP lounge at Velana International Airport, providing a seamless transition from the airport to the resort.Domestic airlines like Flyme and Maldivian operate flights to various islands, ensuring convenient transfers.Additionally, ferries and speedboats are popular options for island transfers, while seaplanes are a unique and thrilling way to reach remote atolls.Gan Island, with its single runway, serves as a hub for inter-island connectivity, making it easier to explore the stunning beauty of the Maldives.Statistics and Growth of the AirportThe statistics and growth of the airport reveal the significant role air travel plays in connecting the Maldives' coral islands, with a total of 18 airports, including 5 international and 13 domestic airports.Here are some key points about the statistics and growth of the airport:The main airport in the Maldives is Velana International Airport, also known as Male International Airport. It serves as the largest and busiest airport in the country, acting as the main gateway for travelers.SriLankan Airlines is the largest foreign carrier into the Maldives, operating over 21 flights a week. This highlights the strong international connectivity that the Maldives' airports provide.In terms of domestic flights, there are 13 airports spread over roughly 200 islands. The Transport and Contracting Company operates flights between these domestic airports, ensuring convenient travel options for locals and tourists.The growth of the airport is evident in its infrastructure development. The completion of a new runway capable of accommodating larger aircraft is a testament to the continuous efforts to enhance the airport's capacity and meet the growing demands of air travel.Velana International Airport is also equipped with modern facilities, such as eateries, Wi-Fi, lounges, and shuttle services, ensuring a seamless travel experience for passengers.Future Plans and UpgradesIn our discussion of future plans and upgrades, let's explore the exciting developments that lie ahead for the Maldives' island airports. The Maldives, known for its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters, is a popular tourist destination attracting visitors from all over the world. To accommodate the increasing number of travelers, the Airports of Maldives have ambitious plans to enhance their facilities and services.Velana International Airport, the largest and busiest airport in the Maldives, is set to undergo significant upgrades. A new passenger terminal is in the works, expected to be completed by 2025. This expansion project includes the construction of a cargo terminal and a fuel farm, ensuring that the airport is well-equipped to handle the growing demand for flights to the Maldives. The aim is to increase the airport's capacity to serve 7.3 million passengers annually.Gan International Airport, although smaller in size, is not left behind. It is currently undergoing upgrades to improve its facilities and transportation options, such as taxis and speedboats. These enhancements will provide visitors with convenient and efficient ways to travel to and from the airport.Additionally, the Maldives Airports Company Limited is working on the development and expansion of Hanimaadhoo International Airport. This initiative aims to further improve the airport's facilities and services, specifically catering to the Haa Dhaalu Atoll.To summarize the future plans and upgrades of the Maldives' island airports, let's take a look at the table below:AirportUpgrades and DevelopmentsVelana InternationalNew passenger terminal, cargo terminal, fuel farm, increased capacity to serve 7.3 million passengersGan InternationalFacility improvements, enhanced transportation optionsHanimaadhoo InternationalExpansion and development to better serve the Haa Dhaalu AtollWith these ambitious plans, the Airports of Maldives are determined to ensure that visitors have a seamless and enjoyable experience from the moment they arrive. The upgrades and expansions will not only benefit tourists but also contribute to the growth and development of the Maldivian economy.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is Maldives Airport Called?We call the main airport in the Maldives Velana International Airport, also known as Male International Airport. It's a key airport in the country with top-notch facilities and connectivity.The Maldives has a total of 18 airports, including international and domestic ones. When you visit, you'll find convenient transportation options, comfortable hotels, and customs services.Don't forget to check out the lounges, airlines, and shopping opportunities available at the airport.What Airport Do You Fly Into Maldives?When flying to the Maldives, our go-to airport is Velana International Airport. It's the gateway to this tropical paradise, with 18 airports connecting the islands.From the airport, you can easily access top luxury resorts, indulge in popular activities like snorkeling and diving, and savor must-try local dishes.Whether you're on a budget or seeking a honeymoon destination, the Maldives offers a unique experience.What Are the 4 New Airports in the Maldives?There are four new airports in the Maldives that have recently been developed. These airports have had a significant impact on tourism in the country, as they provide increased airport infrastructure and improved airport connectivity.The development of these airports has also brought about economic benefits, such as job opportunities and improved transportation options for both domestic and international travelers.However, there are also concerns about the environmental impact of these new airports and their potential effects on the delicate ecosystem of the Maldives.How Far Is the Maldives Airport From the Island?Getting from the Maldives airport to the island is an adventure in itself. With various transportation options like ferries, speedboats, and seaplanes, the journey is both exciting and convenient. The distance between the airport and the nearest island can vary, but with quick transfers, you'll be enjoying your island paradise in no time.The average travel time and cost of airport transfers in the Maldives depend on your chosen mode of transportation. Whether you prefer a thrilling speedboat ride or a scenic seaplane journey, there's a perfect way to reach your dream island from the airport.Plus, there are popular resorts near the Maldives airport, offering luxury and comfort just a stone's throw away.ConclusionAs the sun sets on the turquoise waters of the Maldives, Velana International Airport stands as a gateway to paradise. With its potential name change and historical significance, this airport embodies the spirit of a nation eager to embrace the future.Privatization, top-notch facilities, and seamless connectivity ensure that every traveler's journey is a smooth one.As we soar towards the future, the sky is the limit for the growth and upgrades that await this island airport.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:40 iamkingsleyf 18 Substitutes for Quinoa

Quinoa is a versatile superfood with many health benefits and uses, but it can get boring to eat every day.
Luckily, plenty of other foods can be used as quinoa substitutes for quinoa to add some variety to your diet!
This list of 18 tasty quinoa substitutes will introduce you to new ingredients and flavor combinations.
So you can keep eating this excellent grain without getting bored. Just be sure to eat these substitutes for quinoa in moderation.
This is because quinoa's higher calorie count means that overeating can cause weight gain if you're not careful!

1. Brown Rice

Like quinoa, brown rice is a whole grain that contains fiber and nutrients. But brown rice is way more affordable and easy to find than quinoa.
Plus, it has a milder flavor that can be a nice blank slate for whatever you're cooking up.

2. Barley

Barley is a chewy, nutty grain that is among the great substitutes for quinoa in recipes. It has a similar texture and can be used in many of the same dishes.
Barley is also a good source of fiber and protein, making it a nutritious option. To cook barley, simmer it in water or broth for about 30 minutes.

3. Roast Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a great stand-in for quinoa because it has a similar texture when cooked. Plus, it's super versatile- you can roast it, sauté it, or even turn it into rice.
Here's how to do it:
  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Cut your cauliflower into small florets.
  3. Spread the florets on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil.
  4. Season with salt and pepper, then roast for 25 minutes.
  5. Once the cauliflower is roasted, let it cool slightly before transferring it to a food processor or blender.
  6. Pulse until the cauliflower resembles rice or quinoa in texture.

4. Nuts

Quinoa is excellent if you want a hearty grain to add to your meals. But sometimes, you might be in the mood for something a little different.
That's where nuts come in! Nuts are versatile food used as substitutes for quinoa in many recipes. Plus, they're a great source of protein and healthy fats.
Here are some of our favorite nuts to use as substitutes for quinoa Nuts are an excellent substitute for quinoa because they are full of healthy fats, proteins, and fiber.
They can be used in various dishes, including salads, stir-fries, and desserts. They're a great energy source and can help you stay fuller longer.

5. Oats

Oats are great substitutes for quinoa because they have a similar texture and can be used in various dishes.
Plus, they're loaded with nutrients like fiber and protein. To substitute oats for quinoa, use a 1:1 ratio. So if you're recipe calls for 1 cup of quinoa, use 1 cup of oats instead.

6. Corn

Are you looking for substitutes for quinoa that are just as nutritious? Say hello to corn. This versatile grain is packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Plus, it has a similar texture to quinoa, making it a great choice for dishes like salads and pilafs. Give it a try the next time you're in the mood for something new.

7. Millet

Millet is a small, round grain popular in birdseed, but it also makes great human food. It's gluten-free and has a mild, nutty flavor that goes well with just about anything. Plus, it contains nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.

8. Zucchini

Zucchini is a versatile vegetable used as a substitute for quinoa in many recipes. It has a similar texture to quinoa and can absorb flavor when cooked. To use zucchini as a quinoa substitute, cook it in the same way you would cook quinoa.
Zucchini can be enjoyed in salads, stir-fries, soups, and more. Give it a try the next time you're looking for healthy and delicious substitutes for quinoa.

9. Couscous

If you desire quinoa but don't have any on hand, don't fret. There are plenty of other grains that make excellent substitutes for quinoa. Couscous is a great option because it has a similar texture and cooks quickly. Plus, it's incredibly versatile and can be used in sweet or savory dishes.

10. Eggplant

Move over quinoa. There's a new grain in town! Well, eggplant isn't technically a grain. They can be used in many recipes as delicious and healthy substitutes for quinoa.
Eggplant has a similar texture to quinoa and can absorb flavors well, making it the perfect ingredient to add to your favorite dishes.
Plus, eggplant contains nutrients like fiber and vitamins A and C. If you're looking for a tasty way to switch up your routine, try using eggplant as a substitute for quinoa in one of these recipes.

11. Polenta

If you need quick and easy substitutes for quinoa, look no further than polenta. This cornmeal dish is just as versatile as quinoa and can be used in sweet or savory dishes. Plus, it's a great source of complex carbs and fiber.
To make polenta, simmer cornmeal in water or broth until it thickens. Then, add your favorite toppings and enjoy!

12. Lentils

Red, green, black, brown, yellow, French, and beluga lentils make great quinoa substitutes. They cook up similarly (red lentils will be the quickest, while black and beluga will take the longest) and can be used in all the same dishes.
You'll find the most significant difference in taste and texture - lentils are earthier and more robust than delicate quinoa. So if you're looking for something with a little more heft, go with lentils.

13. Teff

Teff is an excellent grain to use as a quinoa substitute. It has a similar texture and taste but is also gluten-free and high in fiber. Plus, it's a great source of iron and calcium. Teff is an excellent option if you're looking for a healthy and delicious grain to add to your diet.

14. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are great substitutes for quinoa because they have a similar texture and can be used in various dishes. Plus, they're packed with protein and fiber, making them a nutritious option.
To substitute chickpeas for quinoa, simply cook them the same way you would cook quinoa. You can also add them to salads and soups or use them as a replacement for rice.

15. Kamut

Kamut is an ancient grain that is part of the wheat family. Its nutty and earthy flavor makes it a great substitute for quinoa.
It is also high in protein and fiber, making it a filling and satisfying option. Here are some tips for cooking with Kamut:

16. Grits

Grits are a southern staple made from ground corn. They can be served savory or sweet, making them versatile enough to be a quinoa substitute in most recipes. They cook up quickly and have a similar texture. This makes them perfect stand-in as substitutes for quinoa.

17. Sorghum

Sorghum is a delicious and healthy grain that can be used as a substitute for quinoa. It is high in fiber and protein and has a nutty flavor that goes well with many dishes.
Sorghum is also gluten-free, making it an excellent option for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. To cook sorghum, rinse the grain and simmer in water or broth for about 45 minutes.

18. Farro

Farro is an ancient grain that's nutty and chewy--a perfect stand-in for quinoa recipes. Plus, it's packed with fiber and protein, making it a filling and satisfying option.
To cook farro, simmer it in water or broth until tender. Then, use it in place of quinoa in salads, grain bowls, or even stuffing.
Whether you're looking to reduce your carb intake, add more variety to your diet. Do you not have quinoa on hand? These substitutes for quinoa offer a delicious and nutritious alternative. Give them a try the next time you're in the mood for something new!
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:16 miranda4jpg A month in to this loss

We lost our girl a month ago. She was only 2 years old. Athena was dearly loved, but never a fully healthy cat. I caught her from a feral colony, and she had FIV and lifelong gut issues. We knew she might not love as long as we hoped, but she had such a large personality, she was so small but made the apartment feel full. She was so full of joy, and loved to play. She never stopped being a kitten.
Pancreatitis is a horrible thing, and she couldn't fight anymore. The emergency vet said we did everything we could have. This was her second time with it in 3 months and she wouldn't eat. We made her eat as much as we could. Our building started construction at the start of this year, and her health dipped each time. We took her on a vacation once she got better, and construction seemed to have stopped. She was eating, playing, and loved Niagra Falls so much. She seemd genuinely healthy, and was playing in the hotel, watching the river in the window and cartoons on the tv. She was back to eating fully on her own. Then we came home. And the building decided to renovate the unit beside us. She got sick again the next day.
I cry every day. And I try not to at work, but it happens. I only told my manager and 1 other person at work. Our friends and family know, but to alot of people she was "just a cat". But she was family.
I feel so guilty. She was my baby girl. I took her to the vet as soon as I could every time something came up. We never gave up on her, my boyfriend and I took turns getting her to drink, eat and give her meds.
She would come to the door to great us when we got home. She let me know when my heart was being weird, or if a migraine was about to hit. She loved car rides, going for the rare walk in the park (on leash). She liked her stays in hotels, when she could people watch in the windows. She liked to talk with you, and had just discovered a whole new set of meows! She would run up to you, get in a certain pose and you knew exactly what she wanted you to do, from play chase, to grabing the wand toy, remote control mouse, or following her to the thing that needed your attention (watch me scratch this post! Watch me eat, don't forget to say I'm so good at these things! Look at this mess, my box is dirty again! Time to clean it). If you had somehow insulted her, she had her ways to let you know she hadn't forgiven or forgotten like making a yaking noise in your face, or for real insults? Like she ran under your feet while you were walking with food and got bumped? Well then she would give you a fart. She had her special seats, she knew when she could get you to put on her shows. All these rituals we would do every day. Nose boops to pay her "rent", cuddle time where she had to sit between us, or 12pm chase/zoomies. Waiting for you outside the bathroom standing guard, waiting at the door when one of us left to get groceries or visit someone.
The prettiest calico, she always surprised the vets and vet techs, never fighting them, never biting or scratching. Just giving nose boops or looking for me when they did blood work. They always said, she is the SWEETIEST calico. And she was rarely ever alone for long. She went to a cottage 2 - 3 times a year with us, and if we had to go somewhere without her she had a pet sitter. She had goat milk, wet food every diner and kibble (cereal) for evry breakfast (with a smaller serving of wet food with supliments). I researched everything she ever ate. She had a fountain because we learned early on she wouldn't drunk still water. And she broke the first one by washing her paws in it. Dip dip and shake, inspect the paw and repeat until satisfied.
We weren't ready to say goodbye, but she was in so much pain. I just wasn't able to do better for her. She died on the way to the emergency vet one last time. I was going to ask them to take her pain away. She got her one last car ride. We buried her on my parents farm beside a pond. There are turtles, toads and birds, porcupines and the remaining cat colony, they all walk through there all the time. She is not alone. We can visit her.
I can't control when I cry. I found more of her toys yesterday, and put them in her carier. We already donated her food and treats to a local shelter. I'm keeping her toys, dishes, fountain and carrier. We won't get another cat for a while, but I like to think she would want them played with. I'm gathering the will to throw out her tower and scratching post. She loved them so much though it's hard. But keeping them just points out that she isn't here anymore.
I'm not sleeping much, because she used to sleep on my chest. I found a whisker a few days after everything, and its on my desk. She will forever be my baby girl. And I feel like I deserve to feel bad. She was hurting, and I didn't make the pain stop. I didn't make her better like I had every time before. I feel like I broke all my promises to her. She was only 2.
submitted by miranda4jpg to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:19 Independent_Film2029 Best way to go about switching

My parents and I are currently on a TMobile legacy plan and my dad wants to switch to a cheaper carrier with their latest round of price increases.
I saw Boost Infinite and thought it seemed like a decent deal. We live in Sioux Falls, which I saw was a Dish 5G Market. I would assume however that we wouldn't get rainbow sims if we got the $25 a month unlimited plan. My parents don't need the latest and greatest phones so would getting two $25 a month lines, and then a $60 line (iPhone on us) for me be the best option?
My parents currently have Samsung Galaxy A51 5Gs
submitted by Independent_Film2029 to boostinfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:34 Acrobatic-Archer9218 18 Days in Japan with 2 toddlers

Family trip to Osaka 5N, Kyoto 4N, Legoland 2N and Tokyo 6N. Sharing some highlights that were special and / or useful in our views. These worked for us, may or may not work for you depends on your family travel preference, kids’ personalities, plan and other circumstances.
I had been to Japan for pleasure and business for 5 times in total before kids. Husband’s second trip. Kids age 1, girl who is very active and age 3, boy who is shy and sensitive. Son is a great eater, he loves sushi, beef, fish and any snack. Girl doesn’t adore Japanese food as much but she is still breastfed and ate a lot of snacks.
When I copied over, the formatting is gone! Sorry for the report to be so messy!
Pre Trip: Things we found them useful
Generally we ate 1 sit down meal in a day. Out of 4 hotels we stay, Osaka and Legoland provided breakfast however in Osaka we missed a few days of breakfast. We had a fair bit of days where we ate picnic lunch or just random snacks from Konbini. My boy loves Japanese food and requested for sushi most days. He is a good eater. My girl ate whatever her brother fancies however she is impartial to Japanese food.
All the places we reserved were children friendly i.e. accepting kids with some with private room and some provided kids meal. Our kids ordered from adult menu sometime.
We also ordered a few Uber Eats, mostly ramen or yakitori. Not every shop provided English info on Uber Eats. I just looked at pictures. We did many konbini breakfast or lunch picnic, coffee breaks that I did not include below.
Osaka - [ ] Matsusaka Yakiniku M Hanare Branch at Namba dinner. Reserved online a month ago for private room. May be a danger if your toddler is extremely active with hot barbeque in the middle of table within their reach. Got to be vigilant at all time which made it a bit stressful. My boy enjoyed beef a lot. - [ ] Zauo Fishing Namba dinner for our kids to experience fish for their food. Seated at boat area (tatami). Reserved online two weeks back and changed timing on the day itself with no problem. I assume no need to reserve in advance then, seems easy to get table. Kids meal available. Fun time, they love it! - [ ] Kura Sushi dinner (60 mins wait). Actually some @ss took our number and by the time I got there, they just asked me to wait and wait then issued my husband a new number later on so we kind of re-queued. Anyway we can reserve Kura Sushi online in Tokyo (maybe other cities too?)! - [ ] Coco at Tempozan. Very kids oriented. - [ ] A few restaurants selling Japanese dishes. Walk in with no wait. They were called “izakaya” in google. One of them is Osaka-oden Yakiton Kyu at Grand Front Osaka (Tatami seat). Another place we went at some basement of a shopping centre in Umeda didn’t have high chair and while they didn’t seem happy, they provided kids’ cutleries.
Kyoto - [ ] Ayuchaya Hironaya lunch, reserved 2 weeks in advance by hotel concierge. Delicious yudofu set meal. Our kids loved the tofu. Private room in beautiful traditional setting with stream outside. Tatami seat. Sets for adults only - kids shared. - [ ] Kikyo Sushi dinner, reserved 2 weeks in advance online. Table seat. English speaking waiter. Food was alright. Have high chair. - [ ] Gion Maruyama Kaiseki lunch. Reserved via Pocket Concierge. 2 adults set + 2 children set. Private room. Tatami seat. My boy enjoyed the food especially from my set. My girl did not and was asleep on the floor for an hour or so. - [ ] Soba Takahasi Kawaramachi. Walk in. Delicious! Seems like an one man show. We were seated upstair and we were only table. All customers were downstairs. Perfect. Our kids can whack havoc. Tatami seat. - [ ] Udon and Salad at Omokage Arashiyama. I love its udon and garden. No high chair. - [ ] Takoyaki from random shop at Gion for dinner
Legoland - [ ] Excellent dinner at Gyukatsu Kyoto at Maker’s pier. Kids menu available. My boy ended up eating all my beef!! - [ ] Lunch inside the park. Lazy to walk out. - [ ] Dinner at Gottie’s Beef at Maker’s Pier. Kids menu available. Service and food are unmemorable/ - [ ] Bread from Patissiere at Maker’s Pier for lunch - [ ] Pizza from Marino Pizzeria at Maker’s Pier.
Some notes: 1. Almost all shops were closed on Monday so we made do. 2. Some restaurants closed at 6-7pm such as Marino Pizzeria.
Tokyo - [ ] Ginza Kyubey for Sushi lunch. Reserved 2 weeks in advance via hotel concierge. Set menu. Ala carte cooked food or maki is available for kids. Private room. - [ ] Ishibashi Sukiyaki for Sukiyaki dinner. Reserved via JPNEAZY 2 weeks in advance. Private room. - [ ] Kura Sushi (my boy loves it!). Can reserve online. - [ ] Tsukiji sushiko wa nagomi. - [ ] Torasuzu Asakusa. - [ ] Din Tai Fung. - [ ] Barbacoa. - [ ] Gonpachi Nori Temaki Takeaway for picnic at Yoyogi. - [ ] Thai Food take away from basemant of our hotel.
Intercity - [ ] SmartEx prebooked Shinkansen Kyoto - Nagoya & Nagoya - Tokyo. Designate each ticket to IC card. - [ ] Osaka - Kyoto. JR no prebook. Regular train. - [ ] Osaka - Nara. Limited express sightseeing train. Not worth the trouble with kids I feel. Perhaps just catch regular train.
Within City - [ ] Midosuji line from Namba to Umeda. - [ ] Nara to Osaka Aquarium - [ ] The rest of times we 1) used GO or Uber App or hail taxi from street 2) walk. This is by far, the best choice. Saved time and energy. To note, our daily activities were usually within 1 to 2 areas maximum so we averaged 2 taxi rides + walk.
Other Toddler Stuffs
Activities Our Toddlers Love
Osaka - [ ] Aquarium - it was a cold rainy day! - [ ] Kids Plaza Osaka - [ ] Dotombori lights
Kyoto - [ ] Kyoto Railway Museum - [ ] Temples: Otagi and Adashino - [ ] Kyoto Zoo - [ ] Walk by the river - [ ] Arashiyama rickshaw and boat ride
Tokyo - [ ] Mother’s Farm at Futtsu, Chiba - [ ] Picnic at Yoyogi Park on Sunday - [ ] Tokyo Toy Museum - [ ] Asakusa Sensoji Temple (we went at 5pm, not crowded) - [ ] Asakusa Rickshaw ride - [ ] Tokyo Station Character Street - [ ] Shibuya Disney Store
Ultimately Legoland took the prize. Small enough to walk around and yet sufficient to entertain kids below 6 I guess. Lovely 3D2N there!
Hope this is of any help. Please let me know if you have any question. Lastly, I made an itinerary pre trip that each day had 1 must see and rest are optional. We dropped some stuffs, added some and switched the days around but I think we managed to accomplish 80% of what we wanted.
Couldn’t ask for a better holiday ❤️
submitted by Acrobatic-Archer9218 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:56 Spring_Banner How do you prepare your Dragon Tongue beans?

How do you prepare your Dragon Tongue beans?
Is there a particular dish that’s specific for Dragon Tongues? How do you like to eat it? In a salad, soup, casserole?
Guessing the splotches get deeper purple with her light?
Zone 8a. Southeast US (closest big city is Charlotte). Crazy how quickly and prolifically these plants produced!! I was only away for about 2 weeks and came back to a huge raised garden bed full of these beans, peas, etc. Wasn’t expecting that at all.
Wax Bush Bean: Phaseolus vulgaris 'Dragon Tongue'
submitted by Spring_Banner to vegetablegardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:02 ReflectionOther2147 I'm wondering how I can start to teach my pigeon to take baths

She doesn't seem to be interested in baths even avoids it and dislikes being put in a casserole dish with even just a bit of water. How can I get her used to taking baths on her own?
submitted by ReflectionOther2147 to PetPigeons [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:16 SparklesOfYum Sweet Creamed Corn Casserole is buttery, cheesy, Cornbread goodness that’s easy to make and hard to stop eating! It is so good and with such simple ingredients, everyone loves this dish.

Sweet Creamed Corn Casserole is buttery, cheesy, Cornbread goodness that’s easy to make and hard to stop eating! It is so good and with such simple ingredients, everyone loves this dish. submitted by SparklesOfYum to RecipeSharingHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:35 iamkingsleyf 22 Thanksgiving Foods That Start With S

What's your favorite Thanksgiving food? For many people, it's the turkey, and that's understandable. But if you're looking to mix things up and try something new.
So, consider some of these options of Thanksgiving foods that start with S. They might be your new favorites.


True to its German heritage, Sauerkraut is salty and tangy (or sour, if you prefer). It has a pleasant crunch that makes it an excellent addition to any meal.
However, Try adding some sauerkraut to your turkey sandwich or tossing it into your favorite chicken soup recipe. Making your Sauerkraut for Thanksgiving foods that start with S is simple and inexpensive.
So, clean a head of cabbage, chop it finely and place it in an airtight container with salt. Add additional salt over time, and you'll have delicious homemade Sauerkraut within two weeks.


The only thing better than roasted turkey on Thanksgiving is sausage. While burning a turkey, whip up some Italian-style links and stuff them with your favorite cheeses. Stuffing is critical to delicious thanksgiving food that starts with s.
In addition, cheese, chestnuts, and sage are a winning combination. Suppose you prefer your stuffing sweeter than savory.
Mix apples and dried cranberries into your bread dough, then bake into one side of a dinner roll. The apples are an addition because they add some natural sweetness to balance out any spiciness in your sausage.


Spinach is one of those holiday foods that no one ever seems to get sick of. In addition to being easy on your wallet, it's also easy on your time. Unlike most leafy greens, spinach only takes 10 minutes to cook.
In addition, throw it in with some lemon juice and olive oil, and you're good to go. Spinach is a great side dish for any meal, especially on a turkey day.
However, it goes well with potatoes (especially mashed) and cranberry sauce. This part of Thanksgiving, foods that start with S tastes excellent when combined with foods like; cheese or eggs.
However, if you want to make a tasty breakfast casserole, try mixing eggs and bacon. Whatever way you choose to eat it, there's no denying that spinach tastes delicious.


The herb sage has an earthy and woodsy flavor that pairs well with many Thanksgiving dishes. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and cranberry sauce all taste better with some sage added in.
It's easy to forget about herbs when planning your holiday "thanksgiving foods that start with s" menu. But, never let them slip by remembering to add some sage to your table. Sage is also great with poultry, pork, and chicken dishes.

Scalloped Potatoes

Scalloped potatoes are delicious Thanksgiving foods that start with S and can be used as a meal. However, some families like to make scalloped potatoes more of a main dish and incorporate ham and cheese.
Scalloped potatoes taste great in any form but are careful with your portion because they can get very fattening quickly.
Furthermore, one good thing about scalloped potatoes is that they are easy to make. So, you don't have to worry about spending hours slaving over a hot stove for your family holiday meal.
There are many ways to incorporate other ingredients into scalloped potatoes, such as onions, peppers, or bacon bits.


If you're craving something sweet but without all of that sugar, there's a good chance your taste buds will appreciate squash. It tastes similar to pumpkin pie but without that sentimental feeling.
Moreover, there are different types of squash, including acorn and spaghetti squash. We can't dislike pumpkin pie, and it might be time to opt for its more straightforward to eat cousin: acorn squash. It is simple to cook (just cut in half and roast it).
However, squash is part of Thanksgiving foods that start with S. It has a sweeter flavor with less of that earthy pumpkin flavor many people don't like.


Look no further than strawberries if you're looking for delicious, antioxidant-rich fruits to kick off your family dinner. Strawberries are a delightful addition to any holiday menu, loaded with vitamin C and fiber.
Opt for fresh berries if you can—they taste better than frozen or dried options. So, enjoy them with a dash of sugar on top and whipped cream as a side dish alongside ham/ turkey.
Moreover, if guests prefer tart cranberries over sweet desserts, consider serving these berries as part of an appetizer spread with other seasonal favorites like cantaloupe and honeydew melon balls. In either case, they'll be your guests' first pick at dessert time of Thanksgiving foods that start with S.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes should be your first stop if you're looking for a healthy side dish that tastes great too. They are packed with fiber and nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, manganese, and B vitamins.


There's nothing better than a perfectly cooked scallion. Add to rice, use it as a garnish for soups and stews, or sauté it for use in fried rice.
However, scallions are flavorful and delicious with just about any meal. Make sure not to overcook them; they become tough and not as lovely as thanksgiving foods that start with S.
So, cooking them over medium heat with a splash of oil is all needed for perfect results. When serving scallions on an appetizer platter, slice them into circles rather than rings (they look fancier that way).

Stuffed Peppers

The delicious Thanksgiving food dish that starts with S has been around for a long time. There are several varieties of stuffed peppers, and most people prefer to use green bell peppers.
Moreover, this is what we're going to focus on here. These peppers are stuffed with ground beef mixed with chopped onions, cheese, bread crumbs, and parsley.
The mixture is poured into peppers that have been sliced in half lengthwise and baked until tender. You can add some chopped carrots or potatoes to make it more interesting. Don't forget dessert; sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and served over ice cream are always a treat.


If you're looking for a great Thanksgiving side dish, try stuffing. Stuffing recipes can range from sweet to savory, depending on your tastes.
Although, in general, they're loaded with savory ingredients like herbs and veggies that add tons of flavor to your meal. Plus, stuffing has been part of thanksgiving foods that start with S classic for ages.
So, starting with one of these recipes is a good idea. Each is unique and delicious—we guarantee your family will love them all!


There's nothing quite like succotash and getting it for thanksgiving foods that start with S for the guest—often made with limas, butter beans, corn, and other veggies.
Moreso, it combines a variety of textures and tastes. It also provides colors—to create an eye-pleasing medley of flavors that won't disappoint.
It's guaranteed that everyone at your dinner table will love it (if they don't, they won't hate it). Make sure you have enough, though. No one wants to go into Thanksgiving day starving!


To get a tasty/ healthy meal of thanksgiving foods that start with S and are low in calories, try 'salmon.' This fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps your body burn fat more efficiently.
A study from Harvard University found that by increasing your omega-3 intake. You can lose two pounds every three months without changing how much you eat or your exercise habits. On top of being delicious, there are plenty of ways to cook salmon so that it won't be boring.
However, try grilling as an alternative to frying if you like to use oil when cooking. Baking or broiling with herbs also allows for different flavor profiles depending on what spices you add.


Everyone knows that eating vegetables is a good idea, and no one understands it better than vegans. Salads are easy to throw together, especially in vegan form, with staples like lettuce and tomatoes.
Salads are one of the thanksgiving foods that start with S and can be made of almost anything. Don't just look at salad ingredients like leafy greens; try some savory items to spice things up.
However, don't overdo it—all that healthy stuff doesn't mean you can eat as much as you'd like. Excess calories on top of an already nutritious meal can add up. Make sure you stick with healthy portions and don't overeat.


Suppose you're looking for a great complement to turkey and stuffing or want to try something new. Sake is a safe bet among the Thanksgiving foods that start with S. It's made from fermented rice, and sake has a slightly sweet flavor and can be served either hot or cold.
However, If you're going to have alcohol on Turkey Day, stick with wine or champagne. Liquor will give you less satiety and will cause your blood sugar levels to spike dramatically.


There's a reason saffron is one of the most expensive spices. A little goes a long way, but it adds an incredible depth of flavor to dishes like rice and paella. It also tastes great with turkey, either used as part of a spice rub or sprinkled on your stuffing.
Also, saffron loses its flavor as the best thanksgiving foods that start with S when cooked for too long. However, add to dishes at least 10 minutes before serving time for best results.
However, store saffron in airtight containers away from heat and light. If possible, use new threads rather than powdered saffron or saffron that's been sitting around for years.


Spices, stuffing, and sweet potatoes are all common Thanksgiving foods that start with S. One seafood option that's equally as traditional is sardines. This tasty little fish is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, lowering blood pressure and reducing heart disease risk.
However, If you're still not convinced to give sardines a try, then we have another motivation, they taste delicious. (They're also convenient to keep on hand because they can last up to two years).
To make sure you make them appropriately for your holiday feast, follow these simple instructions for sardine preparation.


Once you've got a festive, fall-flavored sandwich on your plate, top it off with a dessert that will make any sweet tooth smile. Satisfy those cravings for something sweet and pumpkin-y with these mouthwatering recipes.
However, whether you have them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, select from three categories of tasty Thanksgiving foods that start with S: salads, sides, and desserts.


This one is delicious, but if you want to make it easy during preparation, always get an instant pot. There's something about enjoying chicken immediately out of the oven (or crockpot) that makes it taste much better.
Although maybe it's all in my head, it tastes better for Thanksgiving foods that start with S anyway. If you choose traditional cooking methods, here's how to spatchcock a turkey or any other bird.
Moreso, After removing all giblets and neck from inside the cavity. Use poultry shears or sharp kitchen scissors to cut along both sides of the backbone; discard the backbone. Flatten breastbone with a meat mallet or rolling pin; trim away rib cage and extra skin.


If you're looking for tasty Thanksgiving foods that start with S. An economical dish to make for the next family get-together, look no further than schnitzel.
Moreover, schnitzel is a traditional meat dish that is often breaded and pan-fried. Serve it with fresh veggies or potatoes and gravy on the side.
Another benefit of schnitzel is that It can be prepared in advance. You can make a big batch ahead of time and freeze some to have on hand when you need them. Furthermore, leftovers can be reheated in a skillet or oven before serving time.


Delicious Thanksgiving foods that start with s include shallots. Shallots are one of my favorite ingredients to work with if you are not familiar with shallots.
Although they can be a bit tricky to find, once you do, they're a great addition to many dishes. They add tons of flavor and nutrition and are delicious in practically anything savory. My favorite recipe: Pan-Roasted Chicken Breast Stuffed with Shallots and Fontina Cheese.


Even though it's technically a starter, soup is delicious and filling enough to be the main course. Try starting your Thanksgiving foods that begin with S dinner, with creamy potato soup or tomato bisque.
Perhaps split between two different kinds of soup. Just don't forget to make room for all those other delicious Thanksgiving foods that start with S.
The 22 best Thanksgiving foods that start with S are merely a holiday starter list. However, It might be time for the new best Thanksgiving food.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]