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2024.06.05 09:20 deathbygrugru Issue with Panda Lux shipment

Issue with Panda Lux shipment
Has anyone else who ordered this kit for their P1 had this issue with shipping? Looks like it was sent back due to an irregular shape? Waiting to hear back from customer service
submitted by deathbygrugru to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:43 Real_Quarter5464 BREAD MAKER

Worth it na ba guys naka sale yung automatic bread maker
submitted by Real_Quarter5464 to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:55 Goldscale0019 Expanding Wachter and her Cult

So one of the most disappointing parts of the otherwise amazing book that is Curse of Strahd was Fiona Watcher and her cult. What started as an intimidating minor villain lesser BBEG that seemed to be pulling a lot of strings for Strahd, quickly turned into a shallow side show con artist with so much lost potential. In the book there are blink-and-you-miss-it implications of her being a much bigger threat that goes absolutely nowhere, and kinda ruins the suspense and weight of her threat and the triumph of defeating her for me. So I’ve rewritten and expanded upon her and her cult’s lore and part of the story. A lot of this is non-cannon and completely homebrewed so it may not be for everyone but I hope you enjoy it!

The Ancient Left Hand of the Devil

In the book there’s letters that can be found in Wachter Manor that implies, that due to the reincarnation nature of the people of Barovia, that Lady Fiona Wachter has served Strahd for centuries as different Lady Wachters, though this is never built upon or used. So to start this off, let’s make that a core part of her character.
All the way back in the first few years following the night Strahd completed his deal to become a Vampire Lord and Tatyana threw herself from the Castle Walls, in the town of Vallaki was the eldest daughter of a noble house, Lady Lovina Wachter. Her well connected noble family was secretly the heads of a cult of warlock worshipers and servants of Asmodeus, but with their connection to their master severely weakened, her family was in a state of panic and terror desperately trying to make sense of the changes to the valley. They had found no one but the Vistani could enter the mists safely, let alone leave the valley to travel to other lands. More confusing still, any children born since the mists’ arrival were either soulless and emotionless husks that were quickly being referred to a Misttouched, or had uncanny resemblances in looks and personality to previously dead Barovians with some children even claiming to have memories of what appeared to be a past life. It was a time of chaos and unrest. All had many unanswered questions and few had any answers.
The one blind spot in the sight of her family’s cult was Castle Ravenloft. Since the night the mists came, no one had left the castle that seemed devoid of life. None were brave enough to approach the castle and most believed it to be cursed or overtaken by monsters. Unfrightened by such rumors and fears, and desperate for understanding of what had happened, Lovina slipped away to the castle to investigate for herself.
Inside she found the halls still and empty, as if all life had vanished and the castle was left abandoned. That was until she found him, Lord Strahd Von Zarovich. He was in a depressed stupor huddled in the undercroft of the castle, wallowing in his guilt and self pity. She asked cautiously what had happened and why no one had seen him or anyone else from the castle. He explained everything, how it was all because of him, that he performed a dark ritual with the blood of his brother and made himself into an immortal monster that caused the land to be shrouded in mist. He had expected her to be frightened or outraged, enough to end him or find someone who would, to bring an end to his suffering once and for all. However, being a devil worshiper, not only was Lady Wachter not frightened or disgusted, she was amazed and inspired.
She saw him as not a monster, but a demigod made flesh! A true master of fate and the world. She reframed all the events of the night of tragedy Strahd spoke of as not a fall from grace, but as Strahd’s first steps onto rising to it. She spoke highly of his accomplishments and even described how his influence has changed the very land he rules between the mists and the reincarnation through Barovian children. All of it nearly fell of deaf ears who wanted little more than this annoyance to leave him to rot in peace until she described the reincarnation. Upon hearing that, he was gifted with a piece of hope that he may see Tatyana again after all. With a new fire ignited within Strahd, he found purpose and a cause to strive for.
As thanks to Lovina, Strahd took her under his wing as his new left hand in his court. He helped her remove her parents and siblings as both heads of her family and their cult and threats to her claim over them, and set her to work searching for his beloved with her new influence. He would teach her some magic and together they experimented with the mists and Strahd’s control of it. They discovered that he had the ability to, with proper concentration, restore the memory of those who had reincarnated, but also, with proper preparation and permission from the soul in question, draw a soul from the mists and implant them into the body of another person. While it didn’t work on Tatyana's soul that still feared and hated Strahd, it did allow Strahd to restore Lovina and other mortal servants to life with all the memories of their previous life. They would use this to ensure Lovina’s enduring servitude as his eternal mortal servant capable of carrying out Strahd’s will in ways his undead servants couldn’t.
After Lavonia withered from age, Strahd used his control of willing souls to restore her in a new body, usually a mist touched(or soulless) young adult girl. Since then and with Wachter's help in providing a host body for her soul, he has repeatedly restored her whenever she died, allowing her to continue her twisted form of immortality and faithfully serve Strahd. She always takes on the first name of her new host body to avoid being noticed over the centuries by those not trusted part of her cult or Strahd's court. Regardless of the first name it is always Lady Wachter, the eternal left hand of her lord. Over the many years and many lifetimes Lady Wachter has learned many skills and magics making her an Archmage in her own right with high Charisma and proficiency in all forms of speechcraft.

The Crimson Order

In the book Wachter’s cult is little more than Wachter duping a bunch of easily manipulated idiots with a literal smoke and mirror show before her imp sprinkles a few coins at their feet, making them think it’s somehow a blessing from a devil overlord. It’s not even that big of a faction having only existed for a few years and Fiona’s latest of a series of wacky schemes to take over Vallaki. Making all this little more than Scooby Doo villain shenanigans. The cult doesn’t even have a name, only referred to as Wachter’s cult. So I’ve rectified this.
What was once a devil worshiping cult of Asmodeus, was reformed into the cult that worships their immortal vampire lord Strahd. Viewing him as a more perfect being and his spawn as a proto form of that perfect form that is a blessing from their master. Lady Wachter, their leader, uses her twisted form of immortality through the sacrifice of mist-touched girls as host of her soul as a manipulation tool, promising her followers eternal life like her or through their lord’s blessing as the ultimate goal through their dedication and sacrifice. In reverence of the vampires they worship, the cult symbolize their dedication through blood symbology by calling their group The Crimson Order and dying their robes blood red. Those who have magic granted to them by Lady Wachter also show this through learning to manipulate blood through their magic including the summoning/creation of blood elementals(older edition monsters converted to 5e by the YouTuber Dungeon Dad) to aid them in battle and to protect important locations.
Finally the cult members while in uniform wear a mask, black ones made to resemble the face of a skull, the masks help provide anonymity, but their real purpose is the enchantment on the inside of the masks. Each is hand made by Lady Wachter and enchanted to cast either Finger of Death on the wearer when a command phrase is used or Animate Dead when the wearer is killed in combat. This ensures that the Crimson Order members can continue to frustrate and fight their enemies after death, and that they do not run the risk of being captured and tortured for information, or their corpses being post mortem interrogated as Speak with Dead has no effect on undead creatures. Each Crimson Order member is convinced that using the mask when needed will guarantee favor with Lord Strahd and earn them immortality and will gladly use the mask to end themselves should it become necessary. Some members will even wear the mask under their shirt or dress when not in their cult robes to ensure they are not caught off guard and are prepared.
The Cult’s reach extends to all the settlements of Barovia, including at least one representative that stays with The Yester Hill tribe. They constantly are keeping an ear out for any threats to Strahd and Lady Wachter as well as taking on special missions and tasks from them. Crimson Order cultists or their remains should be found in most places in Barovia to demonstrate their reach including the Amber Temple, Castle Ravenloft, encounters on the roads, maybe even some hunting for the Mad Mage.

Toy Spies

One of Wachter’s primary missions above all is to find Tatyana in whatever reincarnation she has taken. She and her cult have successfully found her a few times but they were hard-pressed to do so. Only two portraits of Tatyana exist, one at Castle Ravenloft and one at the Abbey of St Markovia so Wachter’s agents usually only had a loose description to go on. She used to make leaflets with pictures of her likeness but the color ink was expensive and the leaflets easy to lose by her agents. Recently, however, when Wachter visited the local toy shop to find a perfect wooden replica of Tatyana she was inspired.
She commissioned Blinksy the Toy Maker to make hundreds for her that she would take to her cultists. Together they would enchant them, making them into carrionettes. These Toy Tatyana dolls would be distributed by Wachter and the Crimson Order to as many families as they could, even sending some dolls to find families themselves. With the Toy Tatyanas they had not only something easily scryed upon in most households and spies who could easily slip away in the dead of night to report to when recalled by Crimson Order Agents, but they also acted as a tool to more easily find Tatyana. With a 3D replica of her physical characteristics that both Crimson Order agents could use to compare, but also let the public passively aid their cause since all it would take is one parent, one childhood friend, one neighbor say “that doll looks just like her'' and Wachter and her agents would easily be able to locate her.
Toy Tatyanas should be found in most households even if they don't have children found either in a hidden location in bedrooms and living rooms or hiding among toys or other household items where they are most likely to hear anything important. Should they be found they will remain limp and avoid detection as anything but a toy until attacked or a spell or other magic reveals them, at which point they will try to flee and escape, or use their soul swap ability to take over a creature to use their body to fight back or run away with their toy body in hand.

The Propaganda Machine

To serve both her own end and to support her master, Wachter in her early years learned to put her skills in calligraphy and spell casting to use casting Fabricate to essentially act as a living arcane printing press. There is now a book store in Vallaki owned and run by Wachter and The Crimson Order that both generate coin for the cult's purposes without need of begging Strahd, and distributes propaganda full of lies, misinformation, twisted facts, half truths to gaslight and manipulate the population of Barovia. As one of the only sources of books and escapism in Barovia, Wachter's Book Emporium is a very popular and successful business. Few question the authenticity of the information in many of the books and those that do often are visited late at night by blood-robed cultists.
Using the books Lady Wachter made, the Crimson Order has over the years slowly shifted the views on Strahd from gruesome monster to tragically cursed and betrayed fallen hero that seeks to free Barovia. Not all buy this, but enough that the Crimson Orders numbers have swelled over recent years and it would complicate any attempts to rally an uprising without proof to contradict the propaganda. Enough even feel sympathetic enough that the settlements of the Valley have on occasion agreed to pay tax of blood in place of coin to Castle Ravenloft to alleviate his and his spawn’s struggles.
In most books written by Wachter and the Crimson Order, Sergi is portrayed as the villain who cursed Strahd and the Valley on the night he killed Tatyana to steal her away from Strahd who she was set to marry instead of Sergi. The Crimson Order has worked tirelessly over the years to find and destroy any mention of historical accounts to the contrary. Even assassinating or modifying the memories of any knowledgeable historians who know differently.

Fiona’s Daughters and Wachter’s Rebirth

So to start with, I couldn’t find a way for Fiona’s sons to fit into the story very well and since they’re not much of characters anyway, I nixed them. What I have I think is much more interesting anyway.
To ensure that Strahd would always have the ability to restore her, Lady Wachter partially turned her mansion into an orphanage/boarding school for young girls, especially mist-touched girls. She would choose one or two girls she would dub her “Successor(s)” to be raised as her true daughter(s) to inherit her estate upon her death. Then when she dies, one of her chosen daughters is taken by her cult to a secret ritual chamber where Strahd performs the ritual to draw Wachter’s soul from the mist and force it into the unsuspecting girl who becomes the host of Lavonia Wachter’s soul. While the process of reincarnation in Barovia doesn’t require a body of the same sex to work, Lady Wachter carefully chooses girls for “how comfortable” she would be with as a host for her soul. She has also found that by training a host to be at least somewhat proficient with her skill makes the transition to a new body much easier and smoother as the muscle memory needs to be trained less, meaning she ensures each girl in her boarding school is given proper education and training. Girls who “age out” for her liking are often immediately recruited to the Crimson Order to serve as spies for her ends, though tabs are kept on them in case they become necessary to be made into an emergency host for Lady Wachter.
Lady Wachter’s preferred method of transferring to a new host starts when she reaches the age of 45 when she begins the process of choosing her Successors. She’ll generally pick 1 or 2 girls in her orphanage of the age of 5 or 6 and give them special attention and training, dubbing them her Successors as a “family tradition”. When she reaches an age where she is no longer comfortable in her current body, usually 60 to 70, she will pick a girl to be her host of her Successors, leave instructions for her cultists, then drink a painless poison that kills her in her sleep. There is a cabinet hidden in her bedroom full of this poison for these end as well as to be used to assassinate rivals and enemies quietly. The chosen host is taken in the middle of the night to a ritual sight where the host is brought before Strahd who imparts the soul onto the unsuspecting girls. All that remains for Lady Wachter with a fresh body and new first name to demonstrate her power to her cult and bury her previous body before picking up her plans where she left off.
At the time of the campaign, Fiona Wachter is 56 and has been grooming two of her girls as Successors: Stella and Sanja. Both young women are highly trained mist-touched girls taught how to mask their soulless nature, something unique to Wachter's boarding school that some believe to be a miracle cure. In reality it is rigorous training to give an illusion of such a reversal of nature to ensure few questions about the change in personality after Lady Wachter takes their body. As part of their preparation for becoming a host, they have been paraded around Vallaki to allow the nobility to meet them and learn their names and station. As such, they are regarded as Barovian Nobility of Wachter’s house despite nearly all girls in her boarding house being low-born peasants. From all appearances Wachter seems to be a legitimately caring adoptive mother for them. Despite their act there are very evident cracks in the mask that should show when interacting with the girls in a “uncanny valley” sort of way. It's all an act after all. By the time of the campaign, Stella has been severely psychologically scarred by a curse caused by Victor Vallakovich and in her warped mind she thinks of herself as a cat. This strange curse is a deeply rooted one that can not be cured by anything short of a Greater Restoration. This has only enraged Lady Wachter in what may at first come across as genuine maternal instinct but is more of frustration at the lost time, resources, and potential as Stella was her favorite of the two and first choice as a next host. While Fiona holds out hope for a way to fix Stella, she won’t dedicate any more time or resources to her with her plans for Vallaki needing her immediate attention. Besides, with Sanja she still has a backup host at the ready and there is time to fix Stella later. None of this is voiced by Fiona as she can't have her secrets spilled or her weaknesses revealed.
If something happens to Fiona Wachter and the party doesn't keep Sanja from being taken by the Crimson Order, Sanja will disappear and return a short while later as Lady Sanja Wachter to continue Fiona’s missions which may include trying to get rid of the party. Should Sanja be made unavailable, The Crimson Order will take one of the other 22 girls instead. Should none of them be available, Strahd will be forced to use the form of another random person to restore Wachter, which I encourage the use of a random NPC generator to make it interesting, especially if they settle for a man. As Wachter is a very useful and dedicated follower, Strahd will always ensure her restoration within 48 hours as long as he's able, with the actual ritual itself to restore her taking an hours, the first minute for fishing her soul from the mists into the new form and the rest of the hour for restoring her memory. Should either part be interrupted the ritual may be left half-finished and may have to be redone.

The Cistern

In the book Wachter uses her basement as the main headquarters meeting spot for her cult. Since that is far too conspicuous for a cult of its new size. This is especially so when so many young girls who may not be privy to the cult’s secrets are living in his home, so it's been moved.
Cutting deep underground with magic and forced labor from charmed laborers that were bled dry after their work was complete, is the headquarters of the Crimson Order, the Cistern. Constructed beneither Vallaki to allow the ease of the bulk of its members to easily meet, it is mostly a plain hune stone system of tunnels and caverns decorated with carving and tapestries of exaggerated scenes of Strahd’s life mixed with vampire and blood iconography. The majority of the structure is dedicated to either sleeping quarters for members of the cult, storage of bones and bodies of victims past to be used to make undead, coffins of hibernating vampire spawn waiting to Strahds to collect them, magical components and gear for the cultists, book printing materials and extra stock, yet to be enchanted and incomplete and dormant Toy Tatyana dolls, and of course blood.
In the deepest part of the Cistern is the main ritual chamber where the vast majority of cult rituals are held. On the stage on the East side of the chamber(the side closest to Castle Ravenloft) is a massive statue of Strahd that looms over the chamber, its eyes seemingly watching any who are in this chamber. This is where new members are inducted into the cult, where Lady Wachter’s soul is infused into her new hosts, and where the cult members meet monthly to affirm their devotion to Wachter and Strahd and give sacrifice of valuables and blood to the cult and their master. In the center of this chamber is a massive circular blood pit 30ft wide and nearly 100ft deep filled with blood. Lurking in the blood pit is a gargantuan Elder Blood Tyrant, a massive blood elemental. This monster watches over and protects to cistern from invaders, placated by the blood given to it by the cultists’ monthly ritual. This elemental will, once roused by a threat, flood any hallways and chambers it has to drown and kill the intruders before dragging them back to the pit to bleed them dry before depositing their husks beside the pit for the cultist to collect later. To this end each room in the cistern, aside from the main ritual chamber, is deliberately built to be 20ft in size to allow the Elder Blood Tyrant the ability to fill it in its entirety to more easily deal with intruders.
The main ritual chamber also has small outcropping carved into it with a teleportation circle each in them for the cult’s outposts at the various settlements across Barovia, Lady Wachter’s home, and Castle Ravenloft. None are labeled, but the cultist knows which of them is which to avoid using the wrong one. To ensure they can always be used by even junior member without Wachter or other important members having to be present and waste spell slots, the cult has made a powder infused with magic they keep in pot near the circles. When tossed onto the circle it powers and activates the circle allowing it to be used as if someone cast the Teleportation Circle spell. These circles allow for quick and immediate transport for the cultists to get from place to place quickly and allow Wachter and Strahd to visit with ease without openly and publicly leaving their residences.
Aside from the teleportation circles there are two physical entrances into the cistern, the first is through the basement of Wachter’s Books Emporium behind a sliding bookshelf that unlocks when the “book” “Blood Connection” is pulled. The second is tunnel the leads just outside of Vallaki’s walls that is hidden behind a fake rock that magically shifts out of the way when one whispers the words “Praise Lord Strahd” to it. Cultists use these if they are already in Vallaki or need to discreetly sneak out.
If the cistern is compromised by the party most of the cultists will try to flee through the exits and teleportation circles with a handful of usually low importance and less valuable new members that will be ordered to stay and defend it from the intruders. This gives room for the Blood Tyrant to deal with intruders with minimal unnecessary risk to the cult's members. Something else that only the highest members of the cult are aware of, is that there are hidden glyphs of warding designed to go off in the event the Elder Blood Tyrant is slain. To ensure that the cult’s secrets can't be compromised or used against them and Strahd the glyphs cause the whole cystern to systematically collapse, hopefully trapping the intruders inside. The last room to collapse is the main ritual chamber, this allows any remaining cult members to quickly get out, but it may also allow for the party to make a last-second escape for a crumbling hideout. The party will likely not know where each circle goes so if used to escape it may result in an interesting turn depending on which circle they choose to use.

The Baronship of Vallaki

Over the centuries Wachter and Strahd have been content with her position in Barovia’s nobility. As a wealthy noblewoman who’s family has had long standing influence over the valley her power has been more than sufficient for their goals. However things have shifted in the politics of Vallaki, and possibly Strahd’s goals. The Current Baron, Vargas Vallakovich has been spreading decent and talks of uprising against Strahd. This is something neither of them can allow. Especially if Strahd has greater machinations in the works, plans that could be approaching completion and require as little interference as possible. To end this insolence from Vargas, Lady Wachter, currently Fiona, has made several attempts to persuade him otherwise, even visiting his dreams, though it has done little more than galvanize him. He, and rightfully so, believe that Strahd and his servants are out to get and control him, though he refuses to succumb to their influences.
Since then, Wachter has sent assassins to remove him, but none have been successful thus far. Worse still, Wachter has been attempting to gain control or influence over Vargas’s son Victor so she can ensure his compliance to her and Strahd’s ideals and plans after his father’s removal, but he too has refused her. Her last attempt to worm her way into the Vallakovich household was when she sent her Successors Stella, to seduce young the Victor and wed him so Lady Wachter herself could slip into the family to combine both the power and influences of the Wachter Family and the Vallakovich family while removing a thorn in her and Strahd’s side. This however ended in disaster when, as stated before, Stella was cursed by Victor. Stella was returned to Lady Wachter, a mad and confused mess.
Infuriated by her repeated failures and the damage done to her Successor, she has become desperate for a solution. If necessary, she’ll use the chaos of the attack on Festival of The Rising Sun to have her cult ensure all the Vallakoviches are removed, but she doesn’t want to have to get her hands dirty. She’d prefer a much more peaceful and smooth transfer of power from Vargas to her to guarantee an easy rulership of Vallaki without risk of unrest and uprising. This is where the party comes into play as outsiders who can act independently from her and be easily blamed if necessary. Sending her spy Ernst Larnak to learn about them and find what she can use to manipulate them before inviting them to her estate. Using her charm and wit she’ll do and offer anything to the party to do her bidding to remove Vargas and the Vallakovich family for her.

The Kinds of Cultists of The Crimson Order

Here is a PDF with descriptions, Heroforge made artwork, and stat blocks for each of the different kinds of Cultist and Blood Elementals.
submitted by Goldscale0019 to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:23 -CRH- [WTS] Silver Stuff Pretty Morgans Vintage Bars Toners & More

——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
Kitco ask at time of post: Silver 29.54
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More pics and vids below / non PM on Coinsales
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
• 3oz Vintage Omega M&B Mining bar - 200
• 3oz Nevada Coin Mart bar (MH on back) - 180
• 3oz Nevada Coin Mart bar (unmarked) - 100
— Take all 3-3oz bars for 450
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• 1oz 2023 American Liberty Medal w/ misprinted CoA - 80
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
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• 1888 S Morgan PCGS AU58 - 370
• 1919 Mercury Dime PCGS AU58 (FB but not designated) - 70
• 1891 Morgan Dollar BU - 150
• 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar BU (monster toner) - 25
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
• 1945 D Philippines 20C PCGS MS66 (beautiful toning) - 80
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——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
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Reply here, then send chat
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
submitted by -CRH- to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:25 ya-boi-benny Respect Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)

Sylvia: All you feel is ecstasy when you kill. It’s like you’re getting off… Seriously, you need help.
Travis: Everybody deals with grief differently, right? Some people fuck at funerals. I cut off heads.
Travis Touchdown is a slacker, drinks too much, watches too much anime, plays too much video games, and buys way too much merchandise. However, when he runs out of money to buy more posters or figurines, he can be pretty slick with a beam katana. Using the Blood Berry model that he won in an online auction, Travis moonlights as an assassin and kills Helter Skelter, the eleventh best assassin in the United Assassins Association rankings. This thrusts him into a desperate struggle against the top ten assassins in the hopes of winning piles of prize money and a chance to bone the UAA organizer, Sylvia Christel.
After killing his own sister and reaching the top spot, Travis's life has become a whole lot harder. Not only do aspiring killers break down his door from time to time to challenge the Crownless King, but villains also target his friends and neighbors in attempts to break his spirit. After losing his best friend Bishop, Travis moves to the country for a quiet life, but rivals like Badman or alien invaders like FU seem to keep dragging him back into the Garden of Insanity for more bouts of bloodshed.
No More Heroes- 1
No More Heroes 1.5- 1.5
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle- 2
Travis Strike Again: No More Heroes- TSA
No More Heroes 3- 3
Hover over a feat to see where its from.


Striking w/o Weapons
Striking w/ Weapons
Grappling/Wrestling Slams


Blunt Force



Fighting Skill

Wrestling Moves

Beam Katanas

General Attributes
Cutting Force
Blocking Strength
Specific Models

Dark Side Roulette

Special abilities that Travis can make use of depending on the luck of the draw. In the first game, these trigger after killing an enemy, and in the subsequent games, they also trigger upon delivering a wrestling move.
Energy Attacks
Non-Roulette Abilities

Death Glove

When Travis was sucked into the video game world through the magic game console, the Death Drive Mk II, he was granted the Death Glove, a controller that allowed him to perform special techniques. After he escaped the console, he maintained the glove and could perform a couple special moves in the real world, too. After each use, the chosen move goes on a short cooldown before it can be used again.
Some of these clips feature characters other than Travis, as many of these moves are universal and can be performed by any playable character.
Powers from Travis Strikes Again
The last level takes place in the real world, and Travis can still use all of his Chips like normal, although that may have to do with being close to the CIA’s more powerful Death Drive Mk-II.
Powers from No More Heroes 3
Death Glove Chips
A majority of these chips offer only minor gameplay differences, but there are three that more dramatically alter Travis’s abilities.
Other Uses


Travis Strikes Back Motorcycle
Full Armor Mode
Arsenal Rollout Model

Fourth-Wall Awareness


See that… Now THAT was a battle!!! Look at this blood! We HUMANS are ALIVE! Even if we ARE assassins! Doesn’t matter if it’s a video game, movie, drama, anime, manga… We’re ALIVE!!!
submitted by ya-boi-benny to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:13 therapyandroid Knot identification help

Knot identification help
Hello, can anyone please help identify this knot? I also wrote to the maker of this jewellery but don’t have a reply yet. Looks like a mix of celtic heart and double coin to me but can’t cat a hang of it. Many thanks.
submitted by therapyandroid to knots [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:03 Izgrevhustle Buy this chest offer or hold up for piggy? I play for free, how long should I actually hold up gems for until I can actually start to enjoy the game it’s getting boring to only hold them up…

Buy this chest offer or hold up for piggy? I play for free, how long should I actually hold up gems for until I can actually start to enjoy the game it’s getting boring to only hold them up… submitted by Izgrevhustle to GolfBattle [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:44 Healthy_Mall_6843 $JESUS

Are you curious about $JESUS, the digital coin made by Maker Lee? It's not just a token; it's a movement to spread kindness and giving in the crypto world. Maker Lee burned 80% of the coins after launch, which is rare in crypto. The $JESUS group, now 17,000 strong, uses the coin for good. People can give $JESUS to over 200 trusted groups with just a few clicks. It joins belief and tech, letting people give on a big scale. Every day, the Jesus Coin team meets on "Crypto Church" Twitter Spaces to share stories and spread faith. If you want to see the mix of faith and money, head to and learn about $JESUS. In a split world, $JESUS shows unity, aim, and a bit of faith. Maybe having $JESUS in your wallet could be more than just money.
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2024.06.04 06:59 Timbo_tom [Video & Post] Threads of Darkness

I have been working on this project for quite some time now, and I wanted to publish it as both a video with my own narration, as well as in written form. Ever since Destiny came out in 2014, I have been very interested in what the Darkness is, as well as the nature of the Light. Destiny combines, magic with physics and metaphysics, and for me, that just hits all the nails on their heads. In "Threads of Darkness," I set out to present how the idea of the Darkness evolved in-game, and the philosophical "threads" we can trace through the lore. The video and the written reports are not one-to-one copies of each other; I made many adjustments developing and adapting the two. There are quite a lot of excerpts of lore, put in a mostly consecutive fashion. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this narrative archive of how the Darkness was developed in the lore, and my personal experience of understanding its nature. Because Reddit has a limit on how many characters can be in a single post, so I've put up the first two parts out of four. The last two are in the video format. I hope you, enjoy, Guardians. See you on the other side of that portal.
Video link: Threads of Darkness



The Traveler arrived in Sol, bearing gifts for mankind. But its ancient enemy, a great Darkness, followed, bringing forward Humanity’s collapse. Out of this Dark event arose the first Lightbearers, chosen by the Traveler’s Ghosts to wield the Light and bring the world out of the shadows. Guardians of the Last City scavenged the ruins of Golden Age Humanity, only to find themselves faced with species alien to the system, aliens that sought what Humanity had: resources, incompatibility, the Traveler, their life.
This was the Darkness- that which took Humanity’s paradise away, and anything not human, was its minion. It was the Guardians’ duty, their destiny to reclaim all of Sol. The Speaker tells of the Darkness as a cosmic force that swept over us and caused the collapse, and that it was coming back. Others portray the Darkness as a moral force- an actualization of evil, perhaps emerging from within the system. Or perhaps it was an alien armada, possibly a post-Singularity intelligence with weak acausal powers, or maybe trying to understand the Darkness was futile. Ulan-Tan considered it a necessary symmetry to the Traveler in a cosmic balance, and Rasputin’s records regard it as “acausal”- but know this: amongst these many interpretations of what brought about Humanity’s Collapse, to imply that the Traveler somehow triggered the collapse, or it had known the Darkness was coming for it and hoped to use the Solar System as protection, is labeled heretical.
But beneath customs of debate lurked a darker presence, a power that could corrupt even the most noble of warriors, a power that could only be cleansed by the holy fire of the Light. For some, a cautionary tale for those that might tempt powers beyond the Traveler, but for others, a discovery of evil so dark it despises other evil. Whatever threatened pushed Humanity to the brink of extinction,
Despite this, the Dark Age turned to the City Age, and under the guidance of the Guardians and the one who speaks for the Traveler, a city ringed in spears arose. The knowledge and power of the shadows did not cease, and to some, it spoke undeniable truths. Curiosity turned to obsession, albeit in varying forms. For Osiris, the former Warlock Vanguard and once titled Commander, the Vex were an existential threat that occupied the corners of time itself, and it was not taken seriously enough by the denizens of the City. But for Toland, the Hive presented a logic that was undeniable, that was made self-evident by the universe itself, a logic of death and destruction, the Logic of the Sword. He wagered that a gentle place ringed in spears could not, would not, survive the Sword Logic. As our enemies, the Hive and their Ascendant Gods sharpen their sword through death and trial, their existence would triumph over ours. Their shape of victory: to rule the universe so absolutely that nothing will ever exist except by your consent. Existence is a game that everything plays, and some strategies are winners. There is no reason for it. It is simply the winning play.
Toland’s obsession led him to pursue transcendence through this very logic, a price he was willing to pay with his own life, and the lives of his fireteam…
The Hive’s Dark rituals weakening the Traveler’s Light were stopped, and with the help from a Stranger from another time and the Awoken, a brave Guardian discovered a sect of Vex who inhabited the mysterious Black Garden, an ontology adrift in time and space. If the Vex, who harbor minds that spanned galaxies, found worship and devotion more effective than any other behavior, they would adopt worship. Whatever the Vex found- or made- in the Garden, it transcends even their power over space and time. With The Black Heart’s destruction, the Traveler could truly begin to heal.
The Vanguard would continue to challenge the Fallen, Hive, Cabal, and Vex in Sol, eventually leading to the death of the Hive God Crota in his own throne world. The Ascendant Hive use their Sword Logic to carve spaces into reality. When you enter this world-mind of the Hive, you obey their logic, and only if that logic can be beaten inside a Hive God’s throne, will the Ascendant Hive truly die. Out of desperation for revenge, for justice, putting an end to the Hive’s reign of terror on the Moon, a fireteam reached out to Toland, the Shattered for guidance… The only survivor crawled out of the Hellmouth, transformed by the horrors witnessed in its depths, and led the Guardians to their victory against Crota.
The Hive engage in this worship of the Darkness from what we would come to know as “paracausality”- the ability to subvert the causal laws of physics. Just as the Light grants this ability to the Guardians, the Hive too represents a dark mirror. The Black Heart, an entity of Darkness so powerful that the Vex could not comprehend it. Our elements of the Light- solar, arc, and void- are said to be the fundamental forces of the universe. The expression of energy as quanta, the binding forces, the energy of the vacuum of space, respectively. All connected across space and time, these elements make up our reality, and with the Light, the Guardians can wield them, bend causality to their will, and make their own fate. Into the void, the spark. From the spark, the fire. After the fire, the void.
Veteran Guardians of the City would remember a time where even the use of Void Light was deemed blasphemous and those who used it were compared to Hive Wizards, but in time the vast infinity of the Void was understood as another form of Light. Nevertheless, those that questioned the Speaker, the Traveler, the goodness of the Light were ostracized, and particularly problematic individuals and factions were banished.
When Oryx, God of the Hive and proclaimed Taken King, arrived in Sol to avenge his son’s death, he sought to utterly destroy the Light. He brought with him his Dreadnaught- a throne world pushed inside-out into the material world, a ship that held immense power. Inside his Dreadnaught, the Guardians discovered calcified fragments of memory, a record of the Hive’s history, of Oryx’s history. The Books of Sorrow told a tale of a species long ago, pushed to edge of extinction and drained of all hope, that dove into the deep of their planet, only to find a power that promised salvation, promised eternal life and power, all at a great cost. The Worm Gods promised them the universe through a bargain.
Yul, the Honest Worm said this to the small sisters, Aurash, Xi Ro, and Sathona: “Take into your bodies our children, our newborn larvae. From them you shall obtain eternal life. From them you shall gain power over your own fragile flesh: the power to make of it as you will. And should you find an imperfection in the world, an injustice or an inconvenience- you will have the power to repair it. Let no mere law bind you. We ask one thing in exchange, oh Princes. You must obey your nature forever. In your immortality, Aurash, you may never cease to explore and inquire, for the sake of your children. In your immortality, Xi Ro, you may never cease to test your strength. In your immortality, Sathona, you may never abandon cunning. If you do, your worm will consume you. And as your power grows, oh Princes, so will your worm’s appetite.”
And then Aurash became Auryx, King of the Hive and the First Navigator, Sathona became Savathun, mother of the Hive and goddess of cunning, and Xi Ro became Xivu Arath, goddess of war. The Worms spoke of the Sky and that its pawns caged them to their planet Fundament. That the Sky was a philosophy of cosmic slavery, that it seeds civilizations predicated on the terrible lie that right actions can prevent suffering. That pockets of artificial rules can defy the final, beautiful logic. It was antithetical to the nature of reality, where deprivation and competition are universal. In the Deep, we enslave nothing. Liberation is our passion. We exist to help the universe achieve its terminal, self-forging glory.
The agents of the Sky, one of them a Leviathan, worked tireless to trap the Worms on Fundament, but the Worms commanded of Xivu Arath that she slaughter the enemy, and from her acts they shall obtain the logic we require to cut space itself open and migrate into orbit. They saw another moon. A Traveler, divine presence of the Sky, a cosmic parasite. And one of its pawns, the Ammonite started using paracausal weapons- suffice to say that some powers in this universe are superordinate to mere material physics, and the source of these weapons was the Traveler. The Worms would not give Auryx the power of the Deep, as that power is for the Worm Gods, but they taught how to call upon that force with signs and rituals. Small minds might call it magic. The honest Worm said to Auryx: “You are no longer bound by causal closure. Your will defeats law. Kill a hundred of your children with a long blade, Auryx, and observe the change in the blade. Observe how the universe shrinks from you in terror. Your existence begins to define itself. You must obey your nature. Your worm must feed…”
From this, the young Auryx learns the overwhelming cosmic truth of the Sword Logic. That our universe gutters down towards cold entropy. Life is an engine that burns up energy and produces decay. Life builds selfish, stupid rules- morality is one of them, and the sanctity of life is another. These rules are impediments to the great work. If a civilization cannot defend itself, it must be annihilated. If a King cannot hold his power, he must be betrayed. The worth of a thing can be determined only by that thing’s ability to exist, to go on existing, and to remake existence to suit its survival. All that would oppose this arbiter is unholy and false. Upon death, Auryx and his sisters will each survive death, safe in the cyst universe created by your own might- your throne world. So long as they aren’t killed in their own throne.
So the Hive utilized the Deep and waged war across galaxies over millennia. They chased the Traveler, destroying whatever world stood in their way. Their love was war, their worship to the Deep was violence, cutting the universe down into a simpler, dominant shape that was themselves. The Hive came upon the Ecumene, an interstellar species who were lords of matter and physical law. The siblings needed more power to defeat their enemy, lest their worms consume them. So they met in Auryx’s throne world and allowed him to kill them. These were true deaths, for they happened in the sword world. Then Auryx went to the Worm named Akka, the Worm of Secrets, and upon slaughtering it, claimed the secret of calling upon the Deep. His speech to the Deep is not recorded, but it is known that he returned, and he said, now I am Oryx, the Taken King. And I have the power to take life and make it my own. Oryx returned and destroyed the Ecumene with his newfound abilities: the power to take. In waging war, he described Xivu Arath, and so he conjured her back with war, and in tricking the Ecumene, he described Savathun, and so he conjured her back with trickery.
The Deep would speak to Oryx again, ensuring him that the Deep was a place of life, a place of peace, that we ask a simple, true question- and that others call us evil. Evil means “socially maladaptive.” We are adaptiveness itself. The fate of everything is made like this, the test of one praxis against another. And it is majestic. Majestic. It is the only thing that can be true in and of itself. And it is what I am.
The Hive worship the Deep through death and destruction, the Sword Logic, accelerating the universe towards the final shape: a fire without fuel, burning forever, killing death, asking a question that is its own answer, entirely itself- this is what the Hive aim to become. But they are not the Deep itself, not the Darkness. Perhaps they are to the Darkness what Guardians are to the Light. Are Lightbearers not paracausal symbiotes themselves? Ikora notes that the Taken are of the same flower we met in the Black Garden. No matter the risks, the Guardians ventured deep into Oryx’s Dreadnaught and slaughtered him in his own throne, where even Light must obey the Sword Logic. The Guardians used the Blighted Light kept for sacrifice and used it to burn the Darkness itself. But the Guardians toppled Oryx and did not replace him. They denied what they rightfully earned through the Sword Logic, the right to be Kings and Queens of the Deep. But perhaps, Oryx left the Books of Sorrow for a reason, perhaps through his history and his knowledge, he lives on…
The sword logic is not the Deep, not the Darkness, but it hints at a vaster, more ancient, more powerful force beneath it. While the Guardians of humanity fought the Taken War and continued to put down enemies of the City, the Cabal led their own research into these paracausal forces and their proxy armies. Field reports note that Guardians had a counter-attritional drone called a “dead person” and thus Guardians could only be truly defeated through overwhelming force. They also observed that their drones’ counter-attritional capabilities were sequestered in certain locations, as if their connection to the Light was weaker there. We must not forget the Cabal had enemies on all sides, and when the Dreadnaught entered Sol, the Skyburners legion crashed a command ship through its hull, creating a beachhead for their war effort, and a convenient transmat incursion point for the Guardians. The Cabal would use this opportunity to research the Hive’s technological capabilities, especially the mechanisms by which Light can be suppressed, consumed, and even contained. Word of the front was transmitted to the Emperor at once, and soon the Dominus would arrive. The Cabal were no warriors of the Sword Logic, but they would come to strangle the Light all the same.
I am the last Speaker, and I dream the Traveler will leave us. It shouldn’t be a surprise. This truth has been passed down from Speaker to Speaker for generations: the Traveler is good, the Traveler is sentient, the Traveler will save us, and the Traveler will leave us. I stopped preaching that final tenet. It only served to frighten people. I lie through my teeth and tell them to trust in the Traveler. The dreams continue. The headaches get worse. But I believe so strongly that this knowledge would destroy our way of life, and I hold it so tightly that it poisons me. It's all for nothing. I'm in my apartment when I hear the first ground-shaking explosion, and I go outside to see what's happened. I see the Red Legion fleet darkening our skies, and I realize I have made a terrible mistake.
The Traveler was caged, the Light blocked, the City defeated. One glimmer of hope shone through a vision granted to one Guardian beckoning them to a shard of the Traveler left in the collapse. The Red Legion planned to capture, manipulate, and bestow the Traveler’s Light on themselves. Ghaul became infatuated with the prospect of being worthy. Zavala’s faith in the Traveler was collapsing, Ikora’s knowledge was fundamentally challenged. Could the Light be contained, manipulated, like any other weapon? When Ghaul was confronted by the one Guardian with their Light, extracted Light bursting from his defeated body, he proclaimed himself a god. The Traveler saw him and spoke.
Freedom is a chain. Choice is a prison.
You see him, and all he wishes for is confirmation of that fact. But to do so would invoke something far worse than justification. You can feel his hand, reaching inside of you, grasping for your heart and tearing it free for himself. You know the pain he will cause.
In one last act of defiance you break your shackles, exerting the strength you had been slowly gathering all this time. Physical chains break, but chains of causality are not so fragile, even for you.
You see him and he is satisfied. Then, he is gone. Your roar of defiance echoes into the infinite. You know they will witness.
It is only a matter of time.
The Light lives in all places. In all things.
The Traveler was alive, acting for the first time since the Collapse. The Guardians were freed from the Legion’s shackles and quickly reclaimed the system. The effects of the Traveler’s awakening would cascade across the system, stirring up a Worm God who had immigrated to Mars. Upon defeat with the aid of the Warmind Rasputin, Xol, the Will of Thousands, perished but was not destroyed. Death is a road, death is metamorphosis, the unsacred union between destroyer and destroyed. The might which defeats a god is also the ambrosia that god craves, the meat-sweet logic of Existence-Asserted-By-Violence, the binomial decision between two ways of being which deny each other. In dying, Xol fed richly.
Xol wanted the sword proof, the single proof. It wanted to become a rule which divided the mighty living from the mighty dead. So it whispered the Anthem Anatheme, the temptation to dominate the objective universe with the subjective will. It said, I shall be an engine to make your desire hegemon over your conditions. It said, WIELD ME, AND USE ME TO TEST YOUR FOE. This was its worship. Aiat.
We must by steadfast in our understanding about the Darkness, as even a paracausal logic based on simplicity through death has various methods of being achieved, becoming worship of the Deep. Controversies aside, lets be reminded of the words of Ulan-Tan:
"To have Light, we must have Dark. This is the symmetry of the Universe." —Controversial Warlock Ulan-Tan
I propose a simple experiment—look around. You see light. You see darkness. There could not be one without the other. They are two sides of the same coin.
If it is true for these Newtonian echoes, why would it not be true of the purest, paracausal forms?
Therefore, I conclude: the reason you persecute me is not because of the symmetry. It's because of the truth beyond this truth, the truth which you most dread: if we could destroy darkness, but we had to give up our Light to do so, how many of us would make that trade?
The demiurge of the Hive is the worm; the demiurge of the Vex is the thought; the demiurge of the Fallen is the Ether, which is survival; the demiurge of the Cabal is authority. These are the things, both constraint and power, which define the universe of possible actions. These are the rule makers and instruments which enforce reality.
Give a power to a Guardian and they shall know that power as a weapon, for when a Guardian chooses to alter the world, they do so with the bullet and the blade. Grant a Guardian godly power, and that Guardian shall fashion it into a perfect rifle. The demiurge of the Guardian is the gun.
But we must remember that the demiurge is not the god. It is only the thing that converts perfect divine will into imperfect material form. We may wield the demiurge; but if we do, what god wields us?
A question, or perhaps more of a proposition, that has long haunted Lightbeaarers: do we truly make our own fate? Were we just sucked into bring a proxy army, a last resort for a silent god? The allure of the power of the Darkness, specifically the Sword Logic of the Hive, infatuated Toland, transformed Rezzyl Azir into Dredgen Yor, whom’s legend garnered a band of followers, a band of Shadows. Free of the shackles of morality, they were free to live by the laws of adaptation, of pursuit of power and knowledge at any cost, to evolve. In freeing themselves from one logic, they shackled themselves to another. Perhaps freedom is relative to the length of a chain. But some speak of a rogue that hides in the shadows, a gunslinger whose Light burns away the Dark and keeps the Dredgens at bay.



War raged through the Reef. A long con of the Witch Queen used Guardians as pawns to unleash a dark secret of the Awoken- the last Ahamkara, Riven. The Guardians’ actions would send the Dreaming City into a death spiral- the Lightbearing masses learning about the Awoken’s history too late. During the Collapse, Light and Darkness collided in the asteroid belt, resulting in enough energy to create a singularity, a singularity that an Exodus ship attempting to escape was sucked into. It was there, a pocket universe formed from the union of two paracausal forces, the humans trapped in the singularity found refuge. Mara Sov had a domineering will; without her, the Awoken never would have come into being. After thousands of years in the pocket universe- the Distributary- where all Awoken were immortal, she led the willing out of their pocket universe and into their parent universe- our universe, to defeat the heralds of our Collapse. The Awoken had weak acausal senses, and a sensibility toward the paracausal forces of Light and Dark. Their connections to these forces grant great insight towards them; from an Awoken text:
There is a war, and its name is existence. There are two ways to fight—one is the sword, and one is the bomb.
By the sword, I mean the way to fight that is tempered and solid. The way that is made from old things and that triumphs by the reduction to simplicity. This way is known to those who study the cosmos. Take any part of it at any time, and you will see an edge and say, "This is a weapon."
By the bomb, I mean that way of being that is complex and schematic and that must attain a criticality to attack. The way that is made from new things and that triumphs by the arrangement of intricacy. This way is known to those who study themselves. Take any component of the bomb in isolation, and you will say, "What is this? I cannot understand its purpose." Yet in it is the possibility of a fire.
A sword can be part of a bomb if the swordstrike is the detonation mechanism. It's impossible for a cellular automata game to change its own rules, but it is possible to create subgames with their own rules, and for those subgames to yield advantage in the master game.
There are many ways to godhood. One way is to kill all that is killable, so all that remains must be immortal. One of these ways is closer to the sword, and one is closer to the bomb. If the bomb can defeat the sword by the standard of the sword, then the bomb has claim to primacy.
A sword is everywhere edged, but the pieces of a bomb do not look at all like weapons until they are assembled.
Mara Sov’s goal, from the moment the Awoken were born in the Distributary, was to lead her people back into our universe to confront the Darkness. She created the initial conditions that led to this event happening- something she kept secret, and those few who knew gasped in terror, as Mara was responsible for any suffering, any death, and despair that had come in the Distributary, because she could have prevented it. The Queen of the Reef keeps her secrets, and her ultimate goal is unknown to all but herself. But in keeping secrets, she wages a war of existence from the position of complexity, from the logic of the bomb. Mara would learn more of the Sword Logic, and its herald, Oryx, the Taken King, from Eris Morn, and would devise a plan: sacrifice herself and her entire fleet in order to access Oryx’s Throne World, and when the Guardians killed the Taken King, but denied his throne, Mara would take that power for herself. But in connecting Oryx’s Throne World to the one she constructed with Riven and her wish-magic, so too did Oryx reach into Mara’s ascendant realm- decimating it and opening it to the Hive.
Now the Guardians opened the Dreaming City’s gates. They pursued vengeance, lures of temptation fraught throughout Sol and devoured the will of the mighty. Our next insight comes from happenstance: as the Queen spoke from her throne, commanding the destruction of Riven, Riven was now taken and under control of another Queen- a secretive sister. Savathun herself. Feeding off the desire of the Guardians to kill her, Riven used this power as a metamorphosis, and laid a curse upon the Dreaming City.
The Guardians would fight beside the Awoken week after week, defeating a daughter of Savathun, Dul Incaru. But every time this happened, after three weeks, the Dreaming City reset. It was caught in a time loop, believed to be concocted by Quria, a taken Vex, Dul Incaru, Savathun, and empowered by Riven’s last wish. The Guardians weren’t susceptible- their Light was a power superordinate to material physics. And the Awoken- they would always return, their weak acausality providing them the awareness of their predicament, but there was no end in sight. In one foul swoop, Savathun had neutralized the power of the Dreaming City, the majority of the Awoken forces, and created an engine to give her tribute, all hailing to her cunning.
Excursions in the Dreaming City gave the keen-eyed much knowledge about our foe, though convoluted, complex, and pluripotent. But it revealed key points about the powers being wielded against us: they were based upon deception- “imbaru,” which the Witch Queen directly fed on. The wish dragons themselves feed on the space between subjective desire and objective reality, utilizing the Anthem Anatheme to convert subjective will into objective desire- just as the human body breaks down matter for fuel… It was even suggested the Ahamkara and the Hive Worm Gods inhabit a similar ecological niche, using the same syntax of “o _____ mine,” as a method of subordination- both species having evolved to exploit this independently, just as how many species independently evolve to have eyes. Even in paracausality, we all bow down to Darwin. But still, this information is difficult to trust, at its best, and untrustworthy, at its worst. Still, other records from the Reef and beyond have confirmed parts of this having merit.
The Queen revealed to us that she played the game of Light and Dark for everyone’s benefit, whether we knew it or not. And from all of this, we saw the Scorn arise from Uldren’s desire, and having their Ether corrupted by Darkness. These were Eliksni no more, but an undead army at the bidding of powers beyond.
The Guardians would continue with light forays into Darkness, utilizing the Drifter’s Gambit to show their power, and manipulate the Taken themselves. The Vanguard kept a close eye on the Drifter, and a Praxic investigation was launched against the Drifter and the Guardian themselves from suspected foul play against the Vanguard. The Warlock’s Praxic Order holds a firm stance against any use of Darkness, with the belief that understanding it was dangerous and could only lead to corruption, and we must focus on fighting it instead. The Praxic Warlock Aunor was one of Ikora’s Hidden, and personally led the investigation, though the Vanguard ultimately decided to keep the Drifter at arm’s length to maintain an eye on him. The Guardian used this excursion to communicate with the powers of the Nine- sentient dark matter whose existence depended on life’s existence, specifically the life in Sol. It was them helping the Drifter harness Darkness, preparing this lowly survivor for the battles yet to come. The Nine, or rather, certain entities of the Nine, have had influences across Sol’s recent history: they let Skolas loose after Mara Sov gifted him to them as a peace offering, leading to the House of Wolves’ uprising. Some helped influence Variks to release the barons from the Prison of Elders. Some assisted Ghaul in his advancement on Earth. Some utilized interdimensional gates to try their hand at making chemical life, and provide Guardians with valuable wares. And some gifted the Drifter a pocket dimension to control Taken that he towed behind his Derelict. The true goal of all this? Not even the Drifter himself knew, but he did know one thing: using the Darkness was necessary for survival.
Drifter had run with some notorious bunches, went by many names, somehow ended up on an ice planet outside of Sol that was crawling with Darkness entities that suppressed the Light. But all this had been recent. The Nine were guiding him towards something.
On their quest of discovery, the Guardian would uncover relics of the Dark Age: the fabled Last Word, gifted to them after being observed by the Man with the Golden Gun himself: Shin Malphur. The notorious renegade watched from afar, as he had for countless years after his fabled showdown at Dwindler’s Ridge. He had a history of delivering strict frontier justice to anyone who embraced the corruption of the Hive’s Darkness, specifically the Shadows of Yor. As the Guardian worked with the Drifter, they would craft the Malfeasance- for defense against the violently noble- and a Weapon of Sorrow: a Thorn- though this was a replica of the original, often wielded by the Shadows. Drifter was afraid of Malphur, as he incinerated anyone who would be corrupted by the Dark. But through tests, careful observation, and the sacrifices of himself and his friends, Shin Malphur transcended the legendary showdown of Dwindler’s Ridge that defined the never ending war of the holy Light versus the corrupting Dark. Shin realized that Yor never drew, but wanted to tempt Shin to embrace the powers of the Darkness- not out of maliciousness, but to lead Shin to a truth that Rezzyl was too foolhardy to control. And Shin would utilize Drifter’s Gambit to embrace it.
The Gambit paid off. In more ways than one. The Guardians who joined in the Drifter's games have proven to be the perfect guinea pigs to demonstrate a larger point—the shadows of dark power that tempt us are not inherently evil. In fact, they are simply another tool to be used if we hope to bend the unknown to our will, an impossible feat we must learn to master if we wish to push back the ever-aggressive tide of extinction.
Azzir knew this. Long ago. Long before anyone else, he saw the path forward; he simply didn't understand it. His courage and strength clouded the dangers of the path he tread. The path we now walk. The difference being we have Azzir's folly to guide us. We can, and have, learned from his mistakes. That some level of deceit was needed to further my goal of seeing Azzir's path to the end is... unfortunate. But necessary.
The stage set by the foul sport the Drifter has crafted has given many Guardians the confidence they need to see the shadows for what they are without losing their way or tainting their Light. This was Azzir's gravest mistake. He plunged freely into the abyss thinking his will alone could fend off the whispers and the corruption. But alone we all fall. Only together can we thrive in light... and dark.
Shin saw something in us, and confided in us the truth. Shin did not just hunt the Shadows of Yor, he was one of the founding members- Zyre Orsa, Dredgen Vale. The only path forward in fighting the Darkness was to use it, to embrace and learn about it, to forsake past dogma of absolutes, but there were those that would be tempted, and they had to be identified and culled. To do this, he would use Gambit and the Shadows of Yor to bait them out. He sacrificed friends, his life, his inspiring legend, to do what needed to be done.
Those Guardians who would give freely of themselves and seek not only power in the shadows, but comfort. Purpose. They have been drawn out and addressed. Some with force and, sadly, an end.
My life has always been about absolutes. There is Light and there is dark, and I made my purpose to defend against the whispered corruption of the shadow's calling. I've seen no middle ground, though maybe I've always known it exists. I've also seen many "heroes" tempt that sinister fate and the dire consequences born of their ignorance, pride, selfishness. I've put many down. More than anyone knows. More than I'll ever confess. Seeing you. Watching you. I don't feel I was wrong in my actions. But I now know I was wrong in my core assumption—my core belief.
To me, there was only ever white and black—good and evil. In you, I see blinding Light. I see a hero among heroes. I see the hope you inspire shining through.
But I also see, for the first time—maybe, just maybe—a little bit of gray.
And with it, an end to last rites and final words.
And with the start of this new chapter, the Guardian recovered the original Thorn, cleansed it, and created a new beacon of Light… the Lumina.
As threats within Sol steadily grew, Emperor Calus reached out to the Guardians once again to offer the bounties of his Leviathan. It was there, he shared a grave mistake: in all his glory, Emperor Calus placed a recovered Hive artifact, the Crown of Sorrow, knowing full well it was a trick from Savathun meant for him, onto a Cabal specimen bred specifically to wear the Crown. The Cabal, Gahlran’s, mind was instantly taken over by the Witch Queen, and her forces began wreaking havoc on the Leviathan. The Guardians could not resist powerful gear, and within the halls of his Menagerie, Calus extended his ultimate hand of friendship: he wanted Guardians to become his Shadows.
After Calus was banished from Torobatl, capital of the Cabal Empire, by the militaristic revolutionaries led in part by Ghaul and his daughter, and Princess-Imperial, Caiatl, Calus was a broken shell of his former, self-proclaimed glorious self. He reasoned that they did not kill him because he was still beloved by much of his people… maybe a refusal to acknowledge mercy from his estranged daughter, and in his exile the broken navigation system of the Leviathan brought the emperor and his loyalists to an black edge onto nothing. It was there, Calus stared into the abyss, and it stared back. It was not nothing, but a “Nothing,” and in it he saw the end of all things. Calus was reinvigorated with optimism, hedonism, with purpose. He would collect the strongest of all races he encountered, claiming some for his Menagerie, and his enjoyment, and declare the zenith of their kind a Shadow of Calus. These would be great warriors, they would deliver upon his every word, for all of the universe was to be enjoyed in the fleeting days to come, and they would be there, by his side, at the end.
Hive stir on Luna. Whispers of the Witch Queen ignite Crota’s Brood into a frenzy, giving them cravings of power, aspirations of renewal, and amongst them, the grim understanding that without Crota, without Oryx, what was their right to existence? What power did they hold? They were left on this rock to die… so something had to be done. The Sword Logic demanded it; Hashladun, daughter of Crota, would find a new champion to lead them, and they would prove themself in the fighting pits- but this would fail. The pits only produced failures, unworthy of existence. So if traditional rites of the Sword Logic could not deliver, then a subversion had to be made of said logic. And if the subversion produced strength, then would that not fulfill the Logic of the Sword?
Somewhere, in a shadowed realm, the Whisper Queen smiles as she ponders death. She has gifted the Swarm a weapon of beautiful, perfect destruction and a mighty champion—the means to move beyond their pathetic adherence to a sword logic beyond their grasp. The Daughters will see these gifts as a boon—a rising tide to lift the Swarm and challenge the Light.
But a grander design is at play. The bloodline of Oryx has run its course… The luminous conquerors will come once more—they, the bringers of death. And the final, desperate gasp of a dead King's legacy will serve as an anvil upon which a new sword will be hammered, strengthened, and forged for wars yet to come—the purest extension of the logic's intent.
The pure faith of the Sword Logic was broken, and Zulmak was bound to everlasting death in the Pit of Heresy, where he would be resurrected again and again in order to fulfill the dying brood’s desire for power. But truly, Savathun had purposefully doomed the bloodline of her brother. She no longer believes in absolutes, as they could all so easily be broken.
“Time can be bent and broken—redirected to the whims of those with the knowledge and the will."Space can be shredded asunder—excavated to discover new and ancient realms not chained to understanding."Death can be ignored—through impossible energies and advanced technologies both physical and indistinguishable from magic."But ignorance is the unconquerable constant."One can learn more, but none can learn all.
"When the final absolute falls, reality will shudder and blink, and a new absolute will emerge… an ending, total and complete."
"You wish to see that end?"
"I wish to ensure it does not come to pass."
Another harrowing instance of the Sword Logic not being absolute, somehow tied to something beyond the Hive’s knowledge- the Deep, the Darkness, the “Nothing” Calus found. But the Darkness was not done in making its presence known
A Pyramid, seen before in glimpses of the far reaches of space, visions without context, the warning of a second collapse, was here beneath Luna’s surface. The Hive had known of its existence, perhaps Toland did too [cite line from Eris] all those years ago. But now, it is awakened, granting power to the Hive, recreating the traumas of our past, as if it was expecting us.
The Hidden Swarm saw the Pyramid’s power as not one of pure death, but of creation, further fueling their heresies in search for power. Toland would speak of the Pyramid feeding of our Light, our living essence, to manifest these nightmares, but in the end, the Pyramid opened its doors to us, and offered none other than “Salvation.”
To be continued via video
submitted by Timbo_tom to DestinyLore [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:31 Starabitstarla0w0 My idea of the next Mario maker game

I feel like the next Mario Maker game should be about the typical 2D platformer maker but since if the rumors are true about the next Nintendo console about being as powerful as a PS 4 then I feel like it should have an extra game mode setting where you can go to 3D levels to make it easy for Nintendo let's just say the only style for the 3D levels is Mario 64 and you can make a small little area where you can play stars red coins and place any enemy from the game I think that would be cool also of course adding an extra style to the normal game what I think should be Mario Wonder also add a bunch of new enemies and stuff but that's my idea what do you think?
submitted by Starabitstarla0w0 to MarioMaker [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:59 zenpathfinder [WTS] Gold & Silver. Vintage & Fancy - Please have a look!

Howdy good folks! My daughter who is just a year from graduating with a teaching degree to teach 6th grade had her car die and I gotta either help her fix it or get her another one that will last her a few years till she has a job (teacher, so maybe it needs to last her forever considering those salaries). Help a homie out.
I am hoping not to have to sell all this stuff, so when I reach my needed amount I will be closing this sale. BIN Early, BIN Often :P
I am not gonna give my password to anyone ever!! 2FA IS ENABLED!! I hope you all do the same.
I tried to make some interesting lots, if you see something in one of the lots, make me an offer and I may pull it from the lot.
Offers accepted on multiple items.
More pics available via chat. Just ask.
BIN it and Win it. First to BIN gets it. Otherwise I decide the order in which I respond to chats.
SOLD 1x - 1oz 1988 Gold Panda in Capsule - - SOLD
1x - 1/10 gold 2023 Perth Lunar Rabbit - - $285
1x - 1/10 gold 2022 Perth Lunar Tiger - - $295
1x - 1/10 gold 2018 Canadian Polar Bear - - $265
1x - 1/10 gold 2023 Brittania, Chuck-e-cheese obverse - - $260
2x 1x - 1/10 gold China Panda, 1988, 2014 - - - $265 each
1x - 3g gold China Panda 2023 - - - $265
3x 2x - 1g gold Geiger, factory sealed in plastic assay - - $95 each
SOLD 10.44 ozt of silver hand pours from various makers, they range in size from 10g to 127g and are all pretty spiffy SOLD
1x - GlassPanther Shut UP and Take My Money Pocket Piece - - - $40
1x - 3oz Monarch Skull Pour - - $99
1x - 5oz Barbarian Bar, neat art - - $175
1x - 3.52oz Crazy Train Bullion Kit-Kat, amazing piece - - - $175
1x - 7.5oz (8 bars) Lot, neat stuff from 1970s, Babe Ruth, Einstein, MLK JR, South East Refining, Stage Coach Silver divisible bar, Labor Day 1973, Fathers Day 1973, Liberty Dog Tag - - - $250 for all
1x - Sheet of 8 Factory Sealed 1oz Stagecoach Silver Divisible (into 1/4) Bars - - - $295
The Lunar Skulls below are very low mintage and have absolutely stupid comp prices (mine are about half price). The proof coins are limited to 500 and the burnished are limited to 2000. Amazingly cool artwork and if you collect the lunar series stuff, you will love this really cool twist on the subject.
Any blemishes are on the capsules, the coins are very BU. Happy to send more pics if needed.
1x - 2017 Year of the Rooster Skull Proof 1oz - from Republic of Gabonaise - $49
1x - 2017 Year of the Rooster Skull Burnished 1oz - from Republic of Gabonaise - $49
1x - 2016 Year of the Monkey Skull Proof 1oz - from Republic of Palau - $49
1x - 2016 Year of the Monkey Skull Burnished 1oz - from Republic of Palau - $49
1x - 2015 Year of the Goat Skull Proof 1oz - from Republic of Ghana - $49
BIN ALL 5 Lunar Skulls for $225
SOLD KINESIS MINT LOT - 2x 100g Justice bars, 8x 1oz Justice Bars, 5oz Silverback Bar. All still sealed in factory packaging and all serialized (19.43 ozt total) - - SOLD
SOLD Samoa/Scottsdale Mint 2024 Dragon Round Lot - 5x 1oz dragon on factory sealed strip & 5x 1/2oz dragon on factory sealed strip (7 1/2 total oz) discounted from Scottsdale Mint's prices - SOLD
SOLD 1x - Generic (but pretty cool stuff) Lot all in Air-tites, 20x 1oz rounds - - SOLD
SOLD 1x - MASSIVE 6.33g Gold Nugget from Oregon - This is beautifully wrapped around quartz and would make an amazing pendent - (more pics in the proof album) SOLD
1x - 10oz 2014 Kookaburra in Original Factory Capsule -
1x - 10oz 2015 Kookaburra in Original Factory Capsule -
1x - 10oz 2018 Kookaburra in Original Factory Capsule -
1x - 10oz 2015 Lunar Goat in Original Factory Capsule -
1x - 10oz 2016 Lunar Monkey in Original Factory Capsule -
1x - Odd sized Canadian, Aussie, and British Mint lot (21 total OZ)
SOLD 1x - 100g Doduco Feinsilber Loaf SOLD
SOLD 1x - Silver 2023 Beskar Bar, some toning - SOLD
1x - WH Foster 1968 Sunshine Mining 3oz Bar #638 - - SOLD
SOLD 1x - WH Foster 1968 Consolidate Silver 3oz Bar #638 - - SOLD
SOLD 1x - 5oz Johnson Matthey Bar #040211, still in factory package - SOLD
1x - GlassPanther Bender Statue with base (2+ oz) -
1x - GlassPanther 2oz Anvil -
1x - Lot of two YourMailmanSays lego Star Wars pours (1.25oz total) -
1x - YourMailmanSays hand poured Mail Truck (just under an oz) -
SOLD 1x - 1/10 gold 2022 Perth Kangaroo - SOLD
SOLD 3x - 1/10 gold Canadian Maple Leaf, 1999, 2021, 2022 - - SOLD
PAYMENT - Zelle or Venmo (NO NOTES), Paypal F&F, fiat cash, checks, money orders. Checks and Money orders need to fully clear first before I ship anything.
SHIPPING - $5-9. Insurance at your request, charged at cost. I pack and ship like I like to receive it. Nicely secured, padded, and no jingling. I hand deliver to post office for scanning and will provide tracking.
RESPONSIBILITY - It ends when the package shows delivered in tracking. If you have a problem with porch pirates I recommend signature confirmation, which I can provide at cost. All items verified on a Sigma at my LCS. I stand behind what I sell 100%.
SECURITY - All my proof pictures will contain my ZENPATHFINDER silver round name badge that u/UnresolvedEgo made. I love it. You should consider a name badge of your own if you sell. I am no dummy and any "mod" that says I am banned and they need my password to see my chats gets a nice teabagging pic and is reported. I will always use my custom name tag to provide proof via chat, just ask. I have 2FA on my account.
submitted by zenpathfinder to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:09 Lysychka- 4:49 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 832nd Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. All about Yurii Drohobych, one of the most accomplished astronomers of the 15th century.

4:49 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 832nd Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. All about Yurii Drohobych, one of the most accomplished astronomers of the 15th century.

Yurii from Drohobych

To boldly go...
We've covered many interesting Ukrainians in this series - artists, musicians, statespeople, and heroes. Today let’s meet a “Renaissance man” who journeyed on foot all the way to Italy in pursuit of knowledge.
This post is part II of a little miniseries on the city of Drohobych. You can read the first part, about the magnificent church there, in this post.
Yurii Drohobych, originally born Yurii Kotermak, was a Ukrainian scientist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, writer, and doctor. My father, who is a bit of a Renaissance man himself, helped write this post as Yuriy Drohobych is one of his favorite Ukrainian historical figures.
Yurii was born sometime in the 1450s in the city of Drohobych in the Lviv region of Western Ukraine. His family was an incredibly hard-working but modest one. His father, Mykhailo Kotermak, was a salt maker (Drohobych salt was economically important across Europe at the time). His father passed away around 1466, while Yurii lost his mother even earlier. An orphaned Yurii found solace only in his studies; he was first taught in a parochial school in the very same Church of St. George that we wrote about last week.
At this young age Yurii traveled to Lviv and secured a spot in a school where he excelled in both mathematics and languages. The young Yurii then traveled to Krakow, Poland, with hopes of continuing his education, but financing this endeavor posed a serious obstacle for the orphan. While he couldn't afford the registration fee, due to his determination and excellent academic record he was admitted and asked to pay a symbolic amount of just one coin.
The university's investment in the young man paid off as he obtained a bachelor's degree in 1470 and a master's degree in 1473. This was a remarkable achievement, as only a small portion of students received a scholarly degree in these times. Out of the 208 individuals who started studying at the university the same year as Yurii, only sixty-six people received bachelor's degrees, and merely nine of them earned master's degrees. And the vast majority had affluent parents supporting their academic pursuits.
So you can only imagine Yurii’s determination.

Georgio de Drohobych

Statue of the scientist in the city of Drohobych.
After his successes in Krakow, Yurii traveled to the University of Bologna, the oldest university in Europe and the most prestigious educational institution of that time.
To reach Bologna, Yurii walked on foot all the way from Krakow through Slovakia, Hungary, and Venice. Upon arriving in Bologna, he enrolled under the name George de Leopoli (Yurii from Lviv), which he later changed to Yurii from Drohobych, the town he was originally from. He continued his studies in natural philosophy but was particularly captivated by Astronomy. His astronomy professor was Girolamo Manfredi, one of Italy's most renowned astronomers in the 15th century, and he collaborated with the German astronomer Johann Müller, also known as Johannes Müller (Regiomontanus).
In 1478, Yurii earned a Doctorate Degree and was invited to teach astronomy at Bologna University. His impressive academic contributions and high esteem among colleagues led to his election as the university's president, having received a vote from the student body as well as noted scientists and professors like Guiloromo Manfredi, the doctor Gabriele Dierbi, the philosopher Nestor Morandi, and the master of poetry and rhetoric, Galeotto Marzio.
This was an exceptionally impressive achievement for a 30-year-old, especially considering that he was an orphan from a distant land, lacking wealth, titles, or connections.


Portraits from this era are always so intense. Was anyone ever happy?
His most well-known scientific contribution was the work he published in 1483 in Rome, titled Prognostic Assessment for the Year 1483 by Master Georgio Drohobych, Doctor of Arts.
This work involved the analysis of astrological calendars, enabling the calculation of cosmic event visibility on Earth based on planetary positions. Yurii Drohobych accurately predicted two lunar eclipses and shared the calculations of lunar phases - something we now take for granted. He was the first to calculate the exact coordinates of various cities (Drohobych, Lviv, Vilno, Kaffa, Krakow, Poznan).
The first page of his manuscript in 1483.
He computed numerous celestial body trajectories and accurately predicted two solar eclipses down to the minute! It was not long before he was considered one of the luminaries in the field of astronomy and his book became highly esteemed by the scientists of his time (and their descendants!).
Yurii returned to Krakow to serve as personal physician to the Polish royal family. He continued to teach, primarily in medicine and astronomy, and one of his students was the renowned astronomer Copernicus.
In 1490, he published a second book that was also quite famous; this time the subject was solar eclipses. Additionally, he was instrumental in supporting the writing and printing of books using the Ukrainian language and alphabet; thanks to his sponsorship, many of these books were published and reached the hands of Ukrainian readers.
Yurii Drohobych passed away on February 4th, 1494 at the age of 44.
He left us a rich scientific legacy, and demonstrated that one can achieve inner excellence even while traveling on foot.
The 832nd day of a ten-year invasion that has been going on for centuries.
One day closer to victory.


submitted by Lysychka- to ukraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:25 CounterfeitLoveHeist Vitalic Bets

Hey, casino enthusiasts! and OldSchool Runescape Gamblers. Check out this new Osrs Casino that offers slot machines & BlackJack !!!!! Shark jousting is coming soon!! 😱 Oh, did I mention the free 5,000,000 GOLD coins on sign up? Yee!!! Claim is here!!!
submitted by CounterfeitLoveHeist to OsrsCasinoSlots [link] [comments]


Hey, casino enthusiasts! and OldSchool Runescape Gamblers. Check out this new Osrs Casino that offers slot machines & BlackJack !!!!! Shark jousting is coming soon!! 😱 Oh, did I mention the free 5,000,000 GOLD coins on sign up? Yee!!! Claim is here!!!
submitted by CounterfeitLoveHeist to u/CounterfeitLoveHeist [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:55 Former-Answer-487 Found a gem today. Check out $PPMON, dev is super based, the Pepe narrative is thriving and they have a great community for a new coin. Super bullish on this one📈📈📈

Found a gem today. Check out $PPMON, dev is super based, the Pepe narrative is thriving and they have a great community for a new coin. Super bullish on this one📈📈📈
It’s super rare to find a gem in Solana at the moment but this genuinely has everything I look for in a coin
Once more eyes get on it I could honestly see this at minimum 10x ing from here. Clearly not some quick money maker by the effort gone into the designs and the website.
If you are interested, here’s the ca:
submitted by Former-Answer-487 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:49 Former-Answer-487 Found a gem today. Check out $PPMON, dev is super based, the Pepe narrative is thriving and they have a great community for a new coin. Super bullish on this one📈📈📈

Found a gem today. Check out $PPMON, dev is super based, the Pepe narrative is thriving and they have a great community for a new coin. Super bullish on this one📈📈📈
It’s super rare to find a gem in Solana at the moment but this genuinely has everything I look for in a coin
Once more eyes get on it I could honestly see this at minimum 10x ing from here. Clearly not some quick money maker by the effort gone into the designs and the website.
If you are interested, here’s the ca:
submitted by Former-Answer-487 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:28 SharpSafe [PC][2008-2010] Freeware RPG with Acid Slimes and a Talking Sheep

A very long time ago, when did not yet have cnet in its domain, I recall downloading and playing a freeware RPG from the free games section of that I've struggled to find again.
The game was a turn based RPG that featured random encounters like the early Final Fantasy games. I recall there was an overworld map to explore that was large and filled with vast empty spaces. When you entered combat, the game would transition to a battle screen with the enemies at the top and your player characters at the bottom. The game was completely in 2D but didn't appear to be made using RPG maker and had western style sprites and aesthetics.
I recall you had a party of three characters that you could freely name at the start. There was probably a warrior, a thief, and a wizard. The game started off with the three escaping prison in a sewer. I recall you could find a hammer in the sewers and use it on some piles of rocks to find some items or coins.
The game was pretty difficult and felt unbalanced and it was really easy to get softlocked on impossible combat encounters. You could save anywhere and I remember resetting back to earlier saves quite a lot. There was a particular side quest where you fought some acidic slimes that came out from a barrel which felt impossible.
I only have a few vague memories about this game since I played it as a child. The game had a magic system where you could learn spells by examining bookshelves in certain towns. Apparently magic was outlawed or something but you could learn it secretly from practicing mages. There was an acid rain spell that seemed super overpowered and could oneshot most encounters.
There was one part of the game where you came across a farm with some sheep and examining one of the sheep had it talk to the warrior character in your party saying something like "Shear me ! Shear me!"
I've searched through a lot of abandonware collections but have yet to find a match. Would really appreciate if anyone had an idea of what this game might have been.
submitted by SharpSafe to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:39 AngryInTheShower [H] Amnesia, XCOM, Shadow of Mordor and many more [W] Offers or Wishlist

I don't want any in-game items, TF2 keys or crypto. Only Steam keys or gifted games, please.
Steam keys I have:
12 is Better Than 6
16bit Trader
3 Coins At School
Amanda the Adventurer
Agent in Depth
Airport Madness: World Edition
Akka Arrh
Albert and Otto
Alex Hunter - Lord of the Mind Platinum Edition
Alien Attack in Space
Alien Rampage
Amnesia: The Dark Descent + Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Arcade Spirits
Asteroid Bounty Hunter
Back to Bed
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Beat Hazard Ultra
Black Book
Blackwell Convergence
Blackwell Deception
Bloodbath Kavkaz (delisted)
Blue Fire
Bomb Defense
Bomb The Monsters!
Book of Demons
Breakout: Recharged
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bubble Ghost
Car Mechanic Simulator 2014
Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics
Cat on a Diet
Cataegis : The White Wind
Centipede: Recharged
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess
Chaos Control
Charlie's Adventure
Chime Sharp
Cities in Motion 2
Cities: Skylines - Snowfall
Columns III
Comic Book Hero: The Greatest Cape
Construct: Escape the System
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
Cosmic Express
Creepy Tale
Crying Suns
Cube Runner
Cubium Dreams
Cursed Sight
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Defend Your Life
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Devil Daggers
Double Dragon Trilogy
Drawful 2
DreadOut Soundtrack & Manga DLC
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Duke of Alpha Centauri
Dungeon Journey
Dungeon Rushers
Dungeon of Elements
Dungeons 2
Edge of Eternity
Endless Space - Collection
Energy Balance
Energy Cycle
Fall of the New Age Premium Edition
Fallout 1
Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R
Fault milestone one
Finding Paradise
Fly and Destroy
For the People
Frederic: Evil Strikes Back
Frederic: Resurrection of Music
Frick, Inc.
Funfair Ride Simulator 3
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Galactic Civilizations Ultimate Edition
Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island
Gloria Victis
Gods will be watching
Going Under
Golden Light
Good Robot
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Greyfox RPG
Gryphon Knight Epic
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Online
Hack 'n' Slash
Hector: Badge of Carnage
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
Homestead Arcana
Horizon Shift
Hostage: Rescue Mission
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard
How to Survive
How to Survive 2
Hungry Flame
Hyperdrive Massacre
I am not a Monster: First Contact
I'm not a Monster
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Iron Impact (delisted)
It's Spring Again Collector's Edition
Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
King Of The Castle
King's Bounty: Platinum Edition
King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok
Kingdom Two Crowns
Kingdom: New Lands
Knight Squad
LUXOR: Mah Jong
Lair of the Clockwork God
Layers of Fear
Lift It
Little Big Workshop
Love Letter
Lust for Darkness
Luxor Evolved
Maid of Sker
March of the Living
Marco Polo
Marvel's Midnight Suns - Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Origin Key) Reserved
Mechs and Mercs Black Talons
Mediterranea Inferno
Meow Express
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition
Monster Slayers
Mr. Run and Jump
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
Mystery Masters: Psycho Train Deluxe Edition (delisted)
Mythic Ocean
Namariel Legends: Iron Lord Premium Edition
Neon Prism
Neon Space
Neon Space 2
Non-Stop Raiders
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty + DLC
Orbital Racer
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
Pandemic: The Board Game (delisted)
Pang Adventures
Panzer Corps
Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime
Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds
Pixel Puzzles 2: Space
Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ
Police Stories
Pony Island
Postal 2
Postal 2: Paradise Lost DLC
Postal Redux
Project Highrise
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
RPG Maker VX
Rampage Knights
Red Death
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Red Risk
Remnants of Isolation
Rez Plz
Rise & Shine
Risky Rescue
Robot Squad Simulator 2017
Rollers of the Realm
Rym 9000
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Satellite Reign
Savage Lands
Say No! More
Scanner Sombre
Secret Neighbour
Selfie : Sisters of the Amniotic Lens (delisted)
Serial Cleaner
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2
Shoppe Keep
Silence of the Sleep
Silver Knight
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity
Slash It
Slash It 2
Slipstream 5000
Small Radios Big Televisions
Small World
Small World - Be not Afraid... DLC
Small World - Cursed!
Small World - Grand Dames DLC
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
Sonic Adventure 2
Space Legends: At the Edge of the Universe
Sparkle 2 Evo
Sparkle 3 Genesis
Sparkle ZERO
Spin Rush
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
State of Anarchy: Master of Mayhem
Stick Fight: The Game
Stories Untold
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition
Super Buff HD
Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
Super Panda Adventure
Super Toy Cars
Survive in Space
Surviving Mars
Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Juggernaut DLC / Healer DLC / Soundtrack
Tadpole Treble
Talisman - The City Expansion
Talisman - The Sacred Pool Expansion
Talisman: Digital Edition
Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking
Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure
Teddy Floppy Ear - The Race
Telltale Texas Hold'em
Terra Lander
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
The 39 Steps
The Amazing American Circus
The Beast Inside
The Divine Paradox (delisted)
The Dwarves
The Dweller
The Emptiness Deluxe Edition
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Inner World
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Last Express Gold Edition
The Next Penelope
The Purring Quest
The Sexy Brutale
The Walking Dead: Season 1
The Wild Eight
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Darkest of Times
Through the Woods
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
Toybox Turbos
Train Simulator 2021
True Bliss
Twilight Struggle
Upside Down
Uriel's Chasm 2: את
Warfront Defenders: Westerplatte
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War
Warhammer 40K: Space Wolf (delisted)
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition (Asia/Oceania region lock, excluding japan)
West of Dead
World of Mixed Martial Arts 3
Worms Rumble
X Rebirth
X Rebirth: The Teladi Outpost
X-Morph: Defense + European Assault, Survival of the Fittest, and Last Bastion DLC
X2: The Threat
X: Beyond the Frontier
X: Tension
XCOM 2 Resistance Warrior Pack
XCOM: Chimera Squad
Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama
Zombie Vikings
Examples of what I'd be interested in:
Outcast - Second Contact
Above Snakes
Battle vs Chess
Book of Hours
Trinity Fusion
Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist
Rise of the Third Power
Kardboard Kings
or Offers
submitted by AngryInTheShower to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:30 Paint-it-Pink Finishing Some Trees

Finishing Some Trees
Some thoughts on making trees. Besides wanting these trees to be robust, as in clumsy fingers proof, wanted them to look really sharp.
So the amount of work they took to get them to this point is pretty hardcore, amounting to several hours per tree. Probably more than the average wargamer would likely want to spend making trees.
For anyone foolish enough to want to make more realistic trees, I suggest getting Modelling Trees by Gordon Gravett, from Wild Swan Books Ltd. He hand makes the trunks by twisting wire, and uses photographs to replicate specific tree.
He makes me look like a shortcut taking slacker.
So, while there's still some work to do on the bases, and the sabots they will sit in, what I've done so far can be summarized as follows:
  1. Twist up a trunk (I used Woodland Scenics product)
  2. Mount on a base (I added a coin for weight)
  3. Prepare seafoam branches with hot glue gun
  4. Glue seafoam to the trunk using either a contact adhesive, or hot glue gun
  5. Texture tree with flex paste, then spray or dip the tree into Plasti Dip, or PVA (I did both)
  6. Prime tree grey-green-brown (or other colour to taste)
  7. Spray tree with hairspray and sprinkle on ground foam/tea leaves, whatever works for you (repeat as needed, but don't over do it if you want a lacy see through trees)
  8. I sprayed the foliage green, then sprayed a lighter shade of green, followed by a light dusting of yellow (to achieve desired colour)
  9. Spray with Yacht varnish (super strong sealant)
  10. Spray with mat scenic cement (belt and braces)
  11. Admire your finished tree(s)
I bought three Würth 500ml Universal Pump Spray Bottles (they have metal inserts in the nozzle) for this project. The ratios for the PVA and mat medium below are more like guidelines, adjust them as necessary.
PVA was thinned as follows: 6 parts PVA, 4 parts water, plus five drops of glycerin (acts as a flow improver for PVA).
Matscenic cement. You can use Mod Podge, but I made my own as follows: one part isopropol alcohol, two parts water, and then add three parts matt medium.
Plasti Dip thinned using their thinners, 50/50 mix as recommended by the makers, to make the product sprayable.
Link: Fifty Shades of Green.
submitted by Paint-it-Pink to TerrainBuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:03 MurkyPeace2725 Best DeFi Staking Platforms: Gain Profit through Holding Bitcoins

Best DeFi Staking Platforms: Gain Profit through Holding Bitcoins
Previously, individuals all across the world were skeptical about investing in cryptocurrencies. However, with multiple digital breakthroughs, everyone now prioritizes cryptocurrency investment. Crypto staking is one method for safeguarding and increasing the value of cryptocurrency assets.
Staking any crypto coin or token, like safeguarding traditional assets, allows them to be doubled. Users' anxiety of bitcoin investing has subsided for the time being, but concerns about staking cryptocurrencies on a platform remain. Crypto-enthusiastic firms looking to prosper in the crypto field saw this as a difficult undertaking. This led to the establishment of multiple top DeFi staking platforms.
If you want to establish your own DeFi staking platform, you must first understand your competition. Market research is the first stage in launching a possible DeFi business.
So, to assist you, we have listed the greatest DeFi staking platforms of 2024 together with their distinguishing features. Read the blog for a more in-depth look at these platforms.
What is a DeFi Stake Platform?
The DeFi staking platform allows users to lock up or stake their bitcoins for a specific amount of time in order to earn. DeFi staking is simply a typical fixed deposit (FD) in which consumers lock up their funds for a defined length of time in exchange for interest. Similarly, on the DeFi staking platform, individuals protect their crypto currencies or tokens. The benefits would be increased depending on the length of time and quantity of crypto assets staked. The DeFi staking platform provides its members with an excellent long-term investment opportunity and multiple benefits. Now, let's look at their working procedure.
How Does the DeFi Staking Platform Work?
Unlike the tiresome traditional method, staking crypto assets on DeFi platforms is simple to do. With simple information, users may quickly complete the staking process.
To enroll in the top DeFi staking platform, customers must have sufficient crypto assets in their wallets.
Then, in the staking platform, connect the cryptocurrency wallet. Select the best staking choice.
When the rules and policies are met, the cryptocurrency staking process ends.
As previously said, staking bitcoins and quantity are important factors to consider. In addition to these, the choice of DeFi staking platform is critical. As the DeFi staking market grew, so did the demand for a feature-rich DeFi platform.
Due to high demand, the development of DeFi staking platforms has become a new trend in the cryptocurrency industry. Startups and entrepreneurs are showing interest in developing a more advanced DeFi staking platform.
Best DeFi Staking Platforms for Startups.
Even though there are multiple top DeFi staking platforms, only a few provide reputable staking services to their subscribers. In that regard, some of them have been included here.
The Lido platform is the most trusted DeFi staking platform, with 328,024 stakers who have staked nearly $21,108,487,696 in crypto tokens. Users clearly trust this platform to securely stake their crypto holdings. The platform's popularity stems from its user-friendly layout, numerous referrals, and user prizes.
Lido has a native token termed LDO that users can utilize for a variety of governance reasons. Lido supports PoS-based blockchains such as Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Polkadot, and Kusama.
Aave is a popular DeFi staking platform that accepts all types of ERC20 tokens for staking. Users can connect popular non-custodial wallets such as Metamask and Coinbase wallets. Like Lido, the Aave platform provides its users with a native token termed Aave.
This platform allows users to stake, borrow, and lend crypto tokens. The Aave platform offers a straightforward mechanism for staking crypto tokens. The Aave DeFi staking platform supports Ethereum-compatible networks such as Arbitrium and Optimism. In addition to staking, the Aave platform is well-known in the DeFi space. As a result, many startups have focused on inventing a DeFi protocol with more functionality, similar to Aave's.
Rocket Pool
The Rocket Pool is a decentralized Ethereum protocol that enables participants to stake at least 32 ETH. Staking tends to provide users with more freedom and value over time. The Rocket Pool Staking platform has a unique feature called 'Node Staking'.
It simply allows users to run a validator node on the Ethereum network. Users receive enough tokens as a reward. This is regarded as one of the most distinctive systems in DeFi staking. Users can earn 3.65% APR for staking on the Ethereum blockchain.
The AQRU is the best DeFi platform for staking, with support for over 200 crypto coins. AQRU provides a variety of advanced features, such as technical analysis tools and charting tools. These services are provided to help consumers generate more revenue and maximize their usage.
The maker, taker, and withdrawal fee structures vary depending on the crypto token staking. Users can earn 10% APY while paying 0.35% commission. The site also lets users stake stablecoins like DAI, USD currency, and Tether. For DAI tokens, the platform offers consumers a 12% interest return.
Stake DAO.
The Stake DAO platform is well-known for allowing users to benefit handsomely by staking their governance token 'SDT'. This network has already received $86.29 million in crypto token stakes. Users that stake their tokens in the liquid lockers will receive reward contracts. They will also be able to vote on the platform's goals and governance suggestions.
On all supported coins, the platform provides higher APYs than other top DeFi staking sites. Users are only charged 10% of their staking rewards. As a result, consumers looking to double their revenue would use the Stake DAO platform.
Collaborate with Coinsclone to Develop the Best DeFi Staking Platforms.
Coinsclone is an exponential DeFi Development Company that provides DeFi staking development services at an affordable price. Our development team has extensive experience providing DeFi-related services. We have an outstanding team that has helped numerous businesses and entrepreneurs realize their ambition of building DeFi systems with ease.
We have a thorough awareness of DeFi trends and know how to win in this competitive cryptocurrency sector. Our company clients put their trust in us since we stay up to date on all DeFi development services to help them achieve their goals. So, contact our staff as soon as possible to begin your cryptocurrency journey!!
If you have queries about our services, please contact our technical experts via…
Email- [](
Whatsapp- 91+9500575285
submitted by MurkyPeace2725 to u/MurkyPeace2725 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 Preston3399 Blofin referral code - get a 20% trading fee cashback for a lifetime!

Blofin referral code - get a 20% trading fee cashback for a lifetime!
BloFin is quickly emerging as one of the most popular cryptocurrency derivatives exchange platforms. The exchange uses cutting-edge trading systems to ensure smooth trading. Users also benefit from low trading fees, copy trading, a wide range of passive income products, and much more.
It's your trusted non-KYC cryptocurrency exchange offering secure, advanced, and user-friendly trading experiences. Trade perpetual futures with up to 100x leverage, full API access, Copy trading, Spot trading, and bot trading.
Blofin homepage
BloFin Raised US$50 Million from KuCoin, SIG and Matrix Partners last year: []
Blofin has a USA federal MSB license through FINCEN and a CIMA compliant fund license. Blofin also has a U.S.MAS license and is a member of Korean Verify VASP.
Blofin Overview:
Founded - 2019 Headquarters - Cayman Island Founder - Matt H. Active Users - 1+ m Supported Coins - 250+ Fees (maketaker) - 0.02% / 0.06% Max Leverage - 150x KYC Verification - Not Required Mobile App - Yes
Features & Security:
  • Merkle Tree
  • Wallet-as-a-Service Custody
  • 1:1 Proof of Reserves
  • Fireblocks Insurance
  • World-class Investors
  • Localized Compliance
  • Blofin Official Verification of social channels and more.
Blofin Trading Fees:
On the futures market, the charge is 0.02% for makers and 0.06% for takers with leverage of up to 125x on derivatives and perpetual contracts. The exchange uses a tiered fee structure, which could reduce fees to 0% for makers and 0.035% for takers based on your 30-day trading volume.
If you use the below referral code (20cashback) then you get another 20% trading fee cashback on all trades for a lifetime.
Blofin Referral Code is - '20CASHBACK'
Blofin is currently running a double promo in which you can get up to $5000 signup bonus (depending on your initial deposit) and also a 20% trading fee discount. Use the referral code '20CASHBACK' or this direct signup link to claim the signup bonus and trading fee cashback on every trade. It would be visible on the signup page as you can see in the below screenshot.
Do let me know if you've any questions related to Blofin exchange :)
submitted by Preston3399 to ReferralCodesCrypto [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:25 Im_DuBoss I summoned Zamorak IRL and now my cat won’t stop hissing at me! Help!

Okay, bwanas, buckle up.

So there I was, chilling in my humble abode, grinding some Slayer tasks while enjoying a nice cup of tea. Suddenly, an idea struck me like a dds spec: why not summon Zamorak in real life? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Armed with my RuneScape knowledge and a bit of Google wizardry, I gathered some supplies: a black candle (thanks, Candle Maker's candle making shop), a rune stone I found in my backyard, and a suspiciously red liquid that I swear is just Kool-Aid.

I set up my ritual in the living room, drawing a pentagram on the floor with chalk (sorry, landlord). I muttered some ancient incantations that I think I heard from an old YouTube video. As I lit the candle, the air grew thick with a menacing aura. My cat, Whiskers, watched from the corner, eyes wide with curiosity (and probably judgment).

Then, it happened. A puff of smoke, a flash of light, and BOOM! There stood a 10-foot-tall Zamorak, looking just as terrifying and magnificent as you'd expect. My immediate thought? “Well, this is mildly inconvenient.”

Zamorak didn't say much, just kind of loomed there, radiating malevolence. Meanwhile, Whiskers lost his furry little mind. He started hissing like a steam engine, fur puffed up like a porcupine. I tried to calm him down, but he wasn’t having any of it. Zamorak just smirked, like he found the whole thing amusing.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of awkward silence and intense staring contests between Whiskers and the god of chaos, Zamorak vanished as abruptly as he appeared. The room went back to normal, but Whiskers? He’s been hissing at me non-stop, like I’m some kind of Zamorakian henchman.

Now, every time I try to log into RuneScape, Whiskers gives me the stink eye and I swear he's plotting my demise. Fellow Scapers, what do I do? How do I convince my cat that I’m not in league with dark gods? Should I get another cat to balance the chaos, or maybe sacrifice a karambwanji to appease Whiskers? Send help, and karambwanji.

P.S. Anyone know a good way to get chalk pentagrams out of carpets? Asking for a friend.
submitted by Im_DuBoss to 2007scape [link] [comments]