Senior yearbook cover ideas

Wordle score distribution over 4,551 games (mildly interesting)

2024.06.04 21:42 AnTeallach1062 Wordle score distribution over 4,551 games (mildly interesting)

Wordle score distribution over 4,551 games (mildly interesting)
Last week my partner was at a work management training day. One of the senior managers mentioned that his average score on Wordle was 5. This seemed like a poor performance to me, but I had no stats to back it up.
Today I extracted all the posts from the family WhatsApp Wordle group and analysed the scores.
4,551 plays going back to April 2022.
Players are aged between 10 and 85 and cover three generations of my family. Approx 10 players, although some are less regular than others.
submitted by AnTeallach1062 to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:41 niconiconii89 Maybe super intelligent AGI is secretly running all of the AI services available today and that's why they all went down at once? đŸ€”

Maybe super intelligent AGI is secretly running all of the AI services available today and that's why they all went down at once? đŸ€”
Hmmmmmmmmmmm............... This is just for fun btw
submitted by niconiconii89 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:38 TheRealSteelfeathers [Mod Dev Update] Lost Grimoire 2.0 - Tons of new Alteration spells!

Lost Grimoire of Skyrim - Dev Update 3

The classic Lost Grimoire spell mod from legacy Skyrim is coming to SSE and AE! Completely remade from scratch, with some old favorite spells and some brand new ones.
Dev Update 3 Teaser Screenshots:
Sorry for the long hiatus between dev updates! Real life got in the way. But recently, I've found some time to get back to working on Lost Grimoire, so here are all the Alteration spells I've brought to life so far!
Join the Discord server to see more frequent updates for all my mods:ï»ż
Alteration Novice:
Alteration Apprentice:
Alteration Adept:
Alteration Expert:
Alteration Master:
And as a bonus, here are some additional Alteration spells ideas that I'm kicking around. I haven't decided yet whether they should be included, so let me know your thoughts!
Screenshots and videos covering material shared in previous updates:
Previous dev update screenshots:,
"Pocket Dimension" demo video:
"Polymorph: Fox" demo video:
"Conjure Dremora Sorceress" and "Conjure Will-o-Wisp" demo video:
submitted by TheRealSteelfeathers to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:37 RoamerOfRealms Promotion Without Raise: Legal Rights for Retroactive Pay and Salary Adjustment

Nederlandse tekst:
Dit is een enigszins complexe situatie, maar hier is de context: Ik werk bij een logistiek bedrijf waar sommige medewerkers onder onze eigen collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst (CAO) vallen, terwijl anderen onder de TLN-CAO vallen.
In maart werd ik informeel gepromoveerd naar een nieuwe functie onder dezelfde manager. De promotie was afhankelijk van mijn acceptatie, gebaseerd op de voorwaarden en voordelen van de nieuwe functie. Ik ben echter sinds maart al werkzaam in de nieuwe functie omdat de vorige medewerker onverwachts vertrok, wat onmiddellijke vervanging vereiste.
Aangezien de functie ongepland was, werd mij verteld dat deze goedkeuring nodig had van alle bedrijfsniveaus en een externe organisatie omdat deze onder de TLN-CAO valt.
Toen mij de functie werd aangeboden, werd mij verteld dat ik in eerste instantie geen significante salarisverhoging zou ontvangen, omdat de promotie een drietraps overgang inhoudt van een junior naar een senior functie. Desalniettemin streefde het bedrijf ernaar om mij eerlijk te compenseren. Onlangs ontdekte ik dat een mannelijke collega, een week vóór mij bevorderd tot een vergelijkbaar niveau van senioriteit en verantwoordelijkheden, een salaris heeft dat ongeveer 20% hoger is dan het mijne (zijn initiële salaris was al 16-17% hoger dan het mijne, en hij ontving een salarisverhoging van 4%). Hij verricht dezelfde taken die ik deed in mijn vorige functie, maar kreeg een "senior" positie. Hij heeft één jaar meer ervaring in ons vakgebied maar geen diploma, en we verschillen slechts één jaar in leeftijd.
In mijn nieuwe functie heb ik meer verantwoordelijkheden en een zwaardere werklast als eenpersoonsteam, in tegenstelling tot mijn vorige functie waar taken werden verdeeld onder vijf teamleden.
Bovendien is mijn oude positie ingevuld, en ik kwam erachter dat de nieuwe medewerker, met vergelijkbare ervaring en kwalificaties, minstens 10% meer verdient dan ik. Deze nieuwe medewerker is ook even oud als ik.
Ter referentie, ik heb een BBA, internationale ervaring bij een Big 4-techbedrijf en beschik over geavanceerde analytische vaardigheden.
Ondanks dat ik al drie maanden in de nieuwe functie werk, heb ik nog steeds geen officieel aanbod ontvangen. Een bedrijfsbrede e-mail kondigde mijn nieuwe functie aan in april. Hoewel ik begrijp dat papierwerk tijd kost, zou ik graag mijn rechten willen weten met betrekking tot het volgende:
  1. Retroactieve Betaling: Kan ik retroactieve betaling ontvangen voor de maanden dat ik in de nieuwe functie heb gewerkt? Hoe waarschijnlijk is dit?
  2. Nieuw Salaris: Ik wil ten minste hetzelfde bedrag verdienen als mijn senior collega, vooral omdat hij een team heeft om de werklast te delen, terwijl ik alles zelf beheer. Dit zou een ongeveer 20% hoger salaris betekenen. Is er een juridische basis voor deze claim? (Als het een verschil maakt, zijn mijn collega's met hogere verdiensten allemaal mannelijk, en ik ben een vrouw.)
  3. Aanpassing van Salarisverhoging**: Ik heb een automatische salarisverhoging ontvangen voor het voltooien van één jaar bij het bedrijf, zoals voorgeschreven door de CAO. Ik wil dat de 20% verhoging wordt toegepast vóór deze salarisverhoging, wat betekent dat het bovenop het nieuwe bedrag moet worden toegevoegd. Is dit een redelijk verzoek?
  4. CAO Zorgen: Ik vind mijn huidige CAO beperkend. Kan ik onderhandelen om overgeplaatst te worden naar de eigen CAO van het bedrijf? Ik vond een oude vacature voor mijn functie onder de eigen CAO van het bedrijf, maar toen ik informeerde, werd mij verteld dat dit niet mogelijk was zonder een duidelijke uitleg.
Ik waardeer alle hulp enorm! Ondanks mijn zorgen, geniet ik ervan om bij dit bedrijf te werken maar voel ik me benadeeld. Ik krijg vaak te horen dat ik een geweldige aanwinst ben, maar ik heb het laagste salaris ondanks dat ik de meeste verantwoordelijkheid draag. Ik streef ernaar deze situatie op een vriendelijke manier op te lossen.
English version below:
This is a somewhat complex situation, but here’s the context: I work at a logistics company where some staff are covered by the company's own collective labour agreement (CAO), while others fall under the TLN CAO.
In March, I was informally promoted to a new role under the same manager. The promotion was conditional on my acceptance, based on the terms and benefits of the new role. However, I've been performing the new role since March because the previous employee left unexpectedly, requiring immediate coverage.
Since the role was unplanned, I was informed that it needed approval from all company levels and an external organisation because it falls under the TLN CAO.
When I was offered the role, I was told I wouldn't initially receive a significant raise as the promotion involves a three-stage transition from a junior to a senior role. Nonetheless, the company aimed to compensate me fairly. Recently, I discovered that a male colleague, promoted a week before me to a similar level of seniority and responsibilities, has a salary about 20% higher than mine (his initial salary was already 16-17% higher than mine, and he received a 4% raise). He is performing the same duties I did in my previous role but was given a “senior” position. He has one more year of experience in our field but no degree, and we are only one year apart in age.
In my new role, I have more responsibilities and a heavier workload as a one-person team, unlike my previous role where tasks were shared among five team members.
Additionally, my old position has been filled, and I found out that the new hire, with similar experience and qualifications, is earning at least 10% more than I am. This new hire is also the same age as me.
For reference, I hold a BBA, have international experience at a Big 4 tech company, and possess advanced analytical skills.
Despite being in the new role for three months, I still haven’t received an official offer. A company-wide email announced my new role in April. While I understand that paperwork takes time, I would like to know my rights regarding the following:
  1. Retroactive Pay: Can I receive retroactive pay for the months I've been in the new role? How likely is this?
  2. New Salary: I want to be paid at least the same amount as my senior colleague, especially since he has a team to share the workload, whereas I manage everything on my own. This would mean a roughly 20% increase. Is there a legal basis for this claim? (If it makes a difference, my higher-earning co-workers are all male, and I am a woman.)
  3. Pay Raise Adjustment: I received an automatic pay rise for completing one year at the company, as stipulated by the CAO. I would like the 20% increase to be applied before this pay rise, meaning it should be added on top of the new amount. Is this a reasonable request?
  4. CAO Concerns: I find my current CAO limiting. Can I negotiate to be transferred to the company’s own CAO? I found an old job post for my role under the company’s own CAO, but when I inquired, I was told it wasn’t possible without a clear explanation.
I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Despite these concerns, I enjoy working at this company but feel taken advantage of. I am often told I am a great asset, yet I have the lowest salary despite bearing the most responsibility. I aim to resolve this situation amicably.
submitted by RoamerOfRealms to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 femaleathletenetwork WNBA Pride Mega Post - Links, Articles, Quotes, Tidbits, etc....

I wanted to put up a Pride post because there are so many features and articles that have been discussed through the years about the WNBA Pride Initiative, the LGBTQ+ players, stories, etc.
I am sure that I have missed a lot of links, quotes, etc..... so if you have a link, make sure to post it as well.
The league has been celebrating Pride since 2014, which has helped foster unity among players, fans, front offices, sponsors, etc.
These links, facts, quotes, tidbits, etc, will cover the good and the bad.... and in no particular order.....
Bird said she was open with teammates, coaches, family and friends early in her career, and said she didn't experience any negative reactions. However, she said other people, including media and sponsors, often just assumed she was straight. Yet Bird acknowledged it is still harder for some LGBTQ+ players to be accepted as themselves, which Griner said she has always lived with.
submitted by femaleathletenetwork to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 Most_Chicken949 I might be the other woman and it makes me sick

I, 19F met him 21M three years ago in a band. We clicked immeaditely and after a week we decided to form a band: I’m a singer and he’s a really talented guitarist. We lived in a small town with not-so-alive music scene, so the group formed naturally.
Since we were the founders of the band, it was often us who made the major decisions: Where we would perform, what songs etc. He showed me how nice he was by staying with me when I had to wait for my ride home. It was really easy to get along because he seemed to be interested in every little detail about me: from recommending me classical covers of my favourite songs to remembering that my water bottle had a tiny leak on a school field trip.
The more we played, the more I noticed how he would stare at me almost ”admiringly” when I sang. I also noticed that he would try to make me laugh so much that my abs would hurt the next morning. It’s no surprise that me and my friend started putting the pieces together and realised that he might be developing a crush on me. I want to point out that I used to be an extremely insecure person. I know that I was attracted to him, but never said anything about it, and especially seeing how things turned out, never will. Feelings fade.
In 2022 he met his current girlfriend. I was genuinely happy that he found someone important to him, but I did feel a bit of a sting. We continued playing in the band and I changed my mannerisms noticeably in order to respect his relationship. I stayed in the band because musically we were an excellent team. Not because I wanted something more, although his mannerisms towards me did not change at all: Every time I tried to lift my heavy piano, he would grab it and tell me that my back would break if I lifted it. These small but suspicious gestures continued.
The band split up in springtime of 2023 because one of the members, my childhood friend, moved to a different city. He always showed up for my solo-performances, which makes sense: our friendship was built on music after all. One time he suggested a band-meetup in the city where my friend had moved to. I thought it was a good idea, but when our other members couldn’t make it, he suggested that we should go with just the two of us.
Just before the trip he informed me that his girlfriend would be sharing a ride with us. I felt really uncomfortable and ”judged” the entire time. The girlfriend would make some strange comments about how I seemed drunk on the backseat because I couldn’t hear her questions properly. The girlfriend dropped us at the meet-up and left. Not soon after he would ask me if I wanted to start a duo. It’s not easy to find people who understand my musical visions, and having played in the same band for so long, I agreed.
We have been making music ever since. We have 5 finished songs and more to come. Working with him has been one of the best things ever. Recently, however, I met his girlfriend again. She wanted to join our practice and of course I agreed. However, I feel anxiety when I work while someone I don’t know very well is observing me, so it surely didn’t help when the girlfriend would sit right behind us. On the ride back home she seemed pissed about something and sat in silence not answering anything he asked her. Athough we had only played music - as always - I felt like an intruder.
It’s not my job to question someone’s relationship, so though I have noticed some questionable and toxic stuff, I won’t. I feel obligated to stop our music sessions. I feel so sad because I sincerely just enjoy playing the music, but I can’t get rid of the thought that the girlfriend doesn’t approve. I respect their relationship, but to be honest it sucks. I feel so annoyed that he doesn’t have the balls to tell me himself, and leaves me overanalysing and questioning everything.
submitted by Most_Chicken949 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 Dyzfunkshin Buying a new house, considering options to increase down payment

I'm in the market for a home, and this is my first time going through the mortgage application process. I've already been pre-approved by two lenders and am working on a third so I can make sure I get the best deal possible.
My down payment isn't much, and the closing costs are way more than I expected (had no idea what they looked like prior to this process, so my estimate was a complete guess). I have enough to cover that and am right on the edge of a 3% down payment.
To go over some financials...
Looking at <$400k for the loan. I'm trying to stay closer to $350k (or less if the opportunity arises...). Using $400k for the sake of "worst-case-scenario" calculations. 3% down is $12k, plus closing costs I believe they said puts me around 25k. (I don't think I've gotten an exact breakdown of the closing costs yet, so just basing that on their wording).
Now for the of the loan officers said I can borrow from a 401k (this was before he knew it was a 401(a) and I'm not sure if that affects things because honestly I don't know the difference). Every piece of financial advice I've ever received says not to touch my 401. Is this a special rule with mortgages? Or can you borrow from it whenever you want?
To be clear, I do not want to touch my 401. But if there's no penalty and it would make sense financially to have a slightly larger down payment, I may consider it. Looking for unbiased opinions on the matter, and some information on options! Thanks in advance!
submitted by Dyzfunkshin to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:31 augustya15 TP-Link Deco X60 only uses PPPOE connection in Encrypted Form ? Hence Not able to Log In ?

Hi Guys,
I am facing a strange problem, The TP-Link DECO X60 Router that I have is giving me issues while connecting via a PPPOE connection. The Deco does not connect using a PPPOE Mode. I escalated this issue with Senior Technical Support in TP-Link and even they did not have any idea on why the Deco was not connecting via a PPPOE mode when we were following all the right steps. There after this issue was escalated to their Shenzen Office which happens to be the TP-Link Head Quarters. They took a remote access of my computer asking me to first connect the ETHERNET Cable into Deco and then connect the same Ethernet Cable to the Laptop and everytime the Logs would say I am entering a wrong password which I was not. So on further investigation
Turns out the fault is my ISP uses a Password which is in an un-encrypted format and DECO uses and receives Password only in an Encrypted format. And hence it does not log me in.
Now the Possible solution they have asked me is ffirst ask your ISP if they can provide a password in Encrypted format which has straight away been denied by the ISP. Second they will make a build, a software release specially for me available only to me which accepts password in DECO in an Un-encrypted format.
The Deco works fine in Dynamic IP mode when the PPPOE connection is made in the ONU (XPON/GPON) Unit that I use for ISP fiber cable connection.
My question is am I better off using a Dynamic IP Mode then having a build which has not been tested thoroughly with a Potential to break something while ammending something ?
Are there any drawbacks of using Wifi in Dynamic IP mode versus having the PPPOE connection in the Router itself ?
Thoughts and suggestions please ?
submitted by augustya15 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:30 Technical_Weather_37 My idea for a season 9

Ever finishing Homeland last year and rewatching a lot of times, I really want to see how would a season 9 be like. So here it goes, part 1.
The first episode opens with a dawn view of Moscow. The city starts to get busy with the day and then we shift to Carrie who is out on a jog at a park but she looks worried as she feels like being watched. Then, she stops at a mailbox and puts an envelope which she took out of her jacket and heads home.
Meanwhile, we shift to Saul who is now the new Chief of Staff for President Chris Warner (Ralph Warner's son). Saul meets with the President regarding the Russians and Iranians carrying out joint military operations in Syria and Ukraine. President Warner seemed worried about Russia's plans but Saul assured him that they will have their assets (Carrie and another woman) to gather any intel regarding the operations.
Carrie then returns home and greets Yevgeny who was on his way to work. Carrie quickly gets fresh and prepares Nikolai (Carrie and Yevgeny's son who is named after Brody) for school. While preparing, she accidentally bumps into a shelf where a picture of Franny falls to the ground. Carrie picks it up and has a flashback of the time when she was able to see Franny again after her defection and promised to be able to be with her again. However, Carrie quickly gets Nikolai and drops him off at school.
(Just point something out, Carrie and Yevgeny got married at some point after the finale)
Saul on other hand has to deal with his own problems. The new National Security Advisor to President Warner, Bill Caldwell has similar personalities and views like John Zebal and constantly butts heads with Saul. Both of them jump down each other's throat the first chance they get. Bill suggests that they should start striking the Russians in Syria and a full scale invasion of Iran to which Saul objects to.
The President is against the idea and suggests that they should investigate first before jumping to any dangerous conclusions. Saul then speaks to the new CIA director about the growing problem in Syria and he is also not very comfortable with the idea. Saul then goes to his office and opens a package addressed to his cover as the Professor and sees Carrie's book.
When seeing the book another flashback scenario goes on. Saul was watching an interview that Carrie did for RT news. In it, Carrie was discussing some of the chapters in her book and her work she did for the CIA, especially with the Langley Bombing and Brody. To make herself look as a truly a traitor to her country, Carrie blamed the incompetence of the CIA to prevent the attack on Langley and how they did not clear Brody's name by not exposing the real bombers and she exposes the Suicide vest issue and how she pushed her bosses to have surveillance on Brody but was met with being fired for trying to protect her country. In some ways that interview does have some change about the public perception of Brody.
In present time, Carrie calls a mysterious number and informs them drop off has been made and the voice on the other side instructs her to look out for any clues regarding the Iranians. Saul on the other hand, takes out the intel left by Carrie and he learns that Russia is moving their troops closer to the Golan Heights and GRU officers have been seen meeting Hezbollah commanders in Beirut.
Carrie goes to pick Nikolai and on the way back, hears the news of growing tensions as Russian troops are getting closer to Kiev and NATO moving closer to the borders of Western Ukraine and she feels like someone is following her, like she was being watched in the morning and notices a hooded figure disappearing in a crowd.
However, Carrie doesn't mind and drops Nikolai at his grandmother's (Yevgeny's mom's) house. Yevgeny on the other hand has been busy and finds out another mole spying for the US government inside the Kremlin and sets out an investigation for who it is. Saul, after having read the intel, calls the president's assistant and notifies her that he has some personal issues and won't be back for a few days. He quickly calls for a private jet for Moscow.
The final moments of the episode would be Carrie entering her apartment and feels someone is in there. She pulls out a gun from a nearby cabinet and goes to check it out and finds the same hooded figure. The hooded women takes of her hoody and mask and reveals herself to be Franny (who is 20 years old). Carrie is gobsmacked and in confusion utters Franny's name.
And with that the first episode comes to end. If you have any ideas or changes you want to make. Let me know in the comments.
submitted by Technical_Weather_37 to homeland [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:28 newbieindomain Starting University in September with limited knowledge.

23 M, trying to make a long-life journey in education, technically after mastering all of the mathematics I need in order to understand and apply concepts in physics.
I've started learning basic Arithmetic procedures from scratch 10 weeks ago, I had an idea of how to compute some of the operations but I've spent most of the time identifying the gaps.
Some of the operations include: - Subtraction/Adding/Multiplying/Dividing: Decimal Numbers, Fractions;
- Percentages;
- Finding LCM, GCF;
- Write long numbers in scientific notation;
- Changing fractions to decimals and vice-versa;
- The sum of Gauss
- Proportions, Ratios, Order of Operations, etc..
Here i already knew how to compute with long numbers, to make a properly long division, or what the meaning of an absolute value is, also converting measurements.
I still lack many of the word-problem solving stuff, and concepts such as: discounts, gratuity, commission, taxes, fees, etc... I will come back to them, but for now I have to focus to survive when I'm starting university.
With some interruptions because of work I could learn everything I needed to move into Algebra, since then luckily i could identify:
Some of the concepts I already knew such as:
- Basic Equations ( Solve for the unknown )
- Exponents and their properties ( How to multiply 2 exponents with the same base )
- Lol, i thought there were more, I guess I didn't pay attention at all in class.
I quit my job 1 month ago, since then I'm studying intense mathematics and i could cover a variety of basic concepts and operations not by memorising but by understanding the concept.
Such as:
- Manipulating fractions and complex fractions perfectly with no mistakes
- Factoring by: Grouping, Finding the sum and diff of squares/cubes, etc...
- Pascal's Pyramid till the power of 6.
- Using every concept above to manipulate complex fractions and result in a nice polynomial.
- I'm still struggling with exponents and radicals as they can be tricky but i understand them, once I have a big problem it kinda makes me feel dizzy as (2x-1)^-1 it goes down under a fraction and then the power is changing sign, then i can put it back up but with a negative exponents because if i move any fraction up is changing signs as well. While I do understand the concept is very confusing when I'm handling large operations.
I didn't post this just to prove to you that it's possible but to ask some questions such as:
submitted by newbieindomain to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:25 throwaway4fem A simp to Ashley and her family [Chapter 3]

We get to meet Bobby, and our 1st chapter meeting some of the other family members. This and ch. 4 do a lot of setting up. Hopefully it is still an enjoyable read though!
I sat playing video games with my best friend, Bobby. Well, to be honest, closer to “only" friend. Outside of Ashley (and I suppose Jessica by proximity). It’s odd to think of Jessica, who clearly only liked kicking me around and getting some perks from Ashley’s "lackey orbiter", as one of my closest friends. But I saw her much more than Bobby anyway these days. In fact, these hangouts were becoming harder and harder to squeeze in.
Bobby was someone like me. A beta. We liked our little nerd things together. Video games, anime. It was nice to be on even footing with someone. A true friend. But there was 1 big difference. I had Ashley.
I immediately paused our game and jumped at my phone. “Ugh, stupid ads. Sorry, let’s play.” Bobby pressed play and we continued chatting about our favorite anime. Bobby’s favorite character was the beautiful heroine member of our favorite anime who was always scantily dressed. I agreed. Bobby wasn’t mentioning how the animators did a great job animating her breasts jiggling as she fought. It saved us both from the humiliation of admitting that’s why she was our favorite.
I paused the game again and jumped to my phone. “Ugh, my phone must have ended up on some scam list. It’s not Ashley or anything. We can keep playing.” I went to press play when Bobby stopped me.
“She’s really been, um, demanding lately.”
I was taken aback. “What!? No, not not at all. Her and Jessica were just meeting up with Ryan and the guys. It’s no big deal. She just told me to keep my phone on me incase she needed anything and she hates having to re-text me. I don’t want to be a bother to her”.
“Be a bother?”, Bobby asked skeptically. “By not immediately jumping to answer her texts? While she’s hanging out with other guys?”
I slumped my shoulders a little, feeling on the spot. “Yea, I don’t know, like maybe she needs a ride or something. It’s all good though. Let’s just play.”
“David, do you know what they call you at school? There’s all kinds of crazy rumors and I try to defend you most of the time, well, when I can. But I have even heard the teachers start calling you certain names. When we walked by Miss Twill the other day I heard her refer to you as 'a little kiss-ass' and that she heard a rumor that you-"
Bobby snatched my phone from the table.
“Bobby, wait! I need to see that!”
He held it out of reach. “I just, well, I don’t think this is healthy. Maybe we can just mute it until the end of this game at least.”
I felt my skin starting to get hot. What if that was Ashley. What if she needed me. What if she finally had enough of dealing with Ryan’s brutish antics and was looking to confess her true feelings to me. That she was ready for a quiet and sweet boy, instead of some alpha Mr. macho man. My stomach was in my throat! “Bobby please just give it to me, please. This is really important.”
“What? How important could it be!? Maybe the royal queen blew her nose and doesn’t want to walk across the room to throw her snotty tissue out. Better not make her wait! Ohhhh, or maybe she went to the bathroom and needs her lackey to wipe her butt!” Bobby said with a laugh. He wasn’t understanding the gravity of this situation.
OMG, a second text. I never saw the 1st one! Did she text twice. Is she upset with me. My heart was beating out of my chest. I started feeling physically sick. I was having a panic attack. I dropped to my knees and begged at Bobby’s feet.
“Bobby, please! I’m not kidding. Please! Just let me look quick! Just one peak and if it’s not her, we can go back to playing games. Please let me just check just please! Please!!"
I saw Bobby’s face morph into disgust. “Jesus, David. Yea, here
” he dropped my phone at his feet and I quickly crawled to it as fast as my knees could take me.
The 1st text was from my mother. “Working late again, sweetie. Vanessa called out again and I need to cover her shift. Won’t be back until late. xoxo”.
My mother was a waitress at “Hoots”. You know, the chain restaurant where the girls wear the short shorts and tight tops. (No, not that one, the other one. No affiliation). She often worked late. I quickly scrolled past and saw the 2nd text was from Liz, Ashley’s younger sister:
“practice out erly. need pickp. 20 min”
Liz needs a ride! I was already on thin ice with trying to get Liz to like me no matter how hard I tried. This would be a great chance to gain her acceptance!! School was about 20 min away from Bobby’s and she sent her message about 2 min ago. If I leave right now and step on it, I could be there in time!
“Sorry Bobby. I, uh, have to run. Maybe we can hang out again, uh, maybe next week. No! Sorry, next week I’m packing Ashley’s bags for her family trip to the beach house. We’ll meet up soon though, okay?”
“yea”, Bobby said to himself. “Go crawl off, little doormat. I’m sure there’s some boots that need wiping”.
I wanted to turn around and make things right with Bobby. But it had now been 3 min since Liz’s text. There was no time as I tripped over myself to get out the door.
I’ve never driven so fast in my life. With 2 whole minutes to spare I pulled up to the school’s practice field lots. Liz must have had a Saturday morning practice. I quickly pulled out my phone to let her know I arrived.
“Hi Liz! Just letting you know I pulled up now and am ready outside whenever you’re ready! :) I bought a gatorade early today so you can have that if you're thirsty!"
I was glued to my phone as I saw her message back after a few minutes:
Phew, I was safe. Maybe she would even report back to Ashley how thoughtful I was. I waited about 5 more minutes, before it turned into 10, which turned into 15. I was just starting to get nervous and considered texting again. I hope she was okay. Should I text again? I tried o look up at the fields. It looked like there were still some freshman girls kicking some balls around, some chatting off to the side. 15 minutes turned to 20, then 25. Maybe I should just send a quick one so she knows I’m still here. Ugh, but I don’t want to sound pushy. Luckily after a little over 40 minutes, I saw her walking over with 2 friends. They casually chatted as they walked over in their soccer cleats and haggard looking practice clothes. As her 2 friends peeled off they waved goodbye to Liz. I tried to wave at them, but they looked at each other and laughed. They must not have seen me. Liz got into the backseat of my car.
“Hi Liz! How was practice!? I can’t believe they make you practice in the heat like this on a saturday! But from what I could see down here, you guys look great!... Anyway, I’m so happy you called. Usually you catch a ride with your neighbor, right?
Liz half ignored me as she read something on her phone. “Huh? Yea, she was sick or something. Gatorade?”
Gone were the smiles and giggles she had with her girlfriends 60 sec ago. I guess I’ll get no more details at the moment. Is this going to be a regular thing now? Maybe I could ask more details later when she was in a better mode. Best not to pester her.
“Oh, of course! Sorry! Here you go! It makes more sense that you have it anyway. Um, your mom was telling me you're a star athlete on the team! She said the varsity captain is already interested in you. I can’t imagine that! Imagine, a freshman on the varsity team! It’s so impressive. Really! I, um, uh, I got the blue flavor. That’s my favorite!" I said as I handed back the sports drink and I started driving.
“Wow, my very own cheerleader”, she said rolling her eyes slightly. "Want me to sign your tits, Davey?” she said grabbing the plastic bottle and taking a big swig. I laughed harder than was probably necessary at her stupid joke. She loudly gulped half the bottle, before wiping blue from her mouth. “Get red next time”. Liz stretched as she kicked her feet up on my center console. She neglected to take her cleats off. I already saw the smears of grass and mud and whatever else was caked on under her feet. I made a mental note to make sure I scrubbed that clean before I gave Ashley any rides anywhere.
I was trying to think of my next question to ask or maybe another compliment to try to kiss up to her. The shame of that thought wasn’t lost on me, sucking up for hopes of a "good report to master”.
As I stuttered out my next pathetic attempt at sucking up, I heard her phone blaring out some random youtube video. I was relieved I made it through our social interaction without embarrassing myself well, not too much. And without her waiting even a second for pickup! Ashley would surely be impressed at how useful I was. I beamed to myself the rest of the ride to her home!
It was a few days later when I got Ashley’s text: “BIG news! come 2 my house. 5 sharp!! u need 2 finish packing for trip”.
The Smiths were getting ready for their family trip to their beach house. Most high school girls would be desperate to escape their families. But not my Ashley. She got excited for every trip. Apparently it’s a gorgeous beach house! Ashley’s shown me pics! I was heading over to finish packing her suitcase for her. It’s really fun and bonding for both of us!! She lays out all potential outfits and I iron and neatly pack whatever’s picked, while simultaneously cleaning whatever dirty plates or wrappers were left on her floor. Then she usually likes me to finish with giving her a fresh pedicure for her trip while we chat about what she’s most excited for or whatever other topic she wants to talk to me about.
I texted: “Hi Ashley, about 5 min out. Just checking if you need anything last second for your big trip! So excited for youuu”
Pingg ping pingg “mmmmmm that was SO hot seeing ur big cock between my tits. u kno ill miss that yummy dick while im away ;)”
“OMG davey wrg text!!! OMG dead lol sorryyyy! im dying wrg text obvi lol just delete”
“batteries. my dad said get batteries"
I stood staring at my phone. I felt that oh so familiar embarrassed, hot feeling. Who, who was that original text for? I had often dreamed of receiving that kind of text from Ashley.
The image I usually kept of me standing before Ashley as she wore a beautiful white dress. “It’s okay, David. I actually like boys with a smaller little penis. Please, can I kiss it? It’s totally fine if you finish early. All my friends find it so hot when guys shoot so fast for them”. The image seemed to vanish and was replaced. Now there she was. On her knees in some party room when he walks in. RYAN. “Fuck yes, stud. Give me that big hard dick! Cum on my big fat tits, you alpha king! I need to titty-fuck your amazing alpha cock. glorgh gag glurpp slurrrp”. A tear crept out of my left eye. I texted back:
“No problem :) I’ll get batteries! I’ll stop now. Tell your dad not to worry. I’ll be there asap!”
I got to Ashley’s house and found the Smiths sitting in their expansive living room. The room alone was probably about the size of mine and my parent's tiny home across town.
“Davey! Come, come, I have the best news!” Ashley exclaimed from her spot on the end of the couch. On the other end was Mr. Smith, sitting in his shorts and tank top that showed off his slightly older, but still very impressive body. He sat there with the effortlessly beautiful Mrs. Smith snuggled up to him. Liz sat on a plush freestanding chair nearby. They all sat in their loungeware. A mix of tight leggings, shorts that exposed upper thighs, sports bras and loose fitting sleeveless tops. I awkwardly stood there with a hopefully not audible GLUP as I noticed Mrs. Smith's partial side boob poking out ever so slightly as she cuddled up to her husband.
“There he is!” Mr. Smith said from his spot on the couch. Mrs. Smith smiled up at me as his arm draped over his wife. “These girlies haven’t been running you too hard, have they? I told you, you give these women an inch, they’ll take a mile!”.
Mrs. Smith playfully swatted her husband. Ashley jumped to my defense, “Tell him it’s not true, Davey! He was calling you ‘Cinderella' before you got here!"
Mrs. Smith tacked on with a playful pout toward her husband “That’s right, and I guess that would make me and the girls his evil step-sisters, then?”
"You’re damn right!” Mr. Smith joked back causing giggles from the family and a play fight to break out amongst the couch.
Ashley called out, "Tell him! Tell him Davey, you love doing my packing for me. Davey loves this domestic stuff! He would drool if I told him he could grab the vacuum right now!”
Liz let out a laugh/snort.
“No way” Mr. Smith said with confidence and a grin. “Men don’t find JOY in these little domestic errands, right Davey? That’s women work!”
Mrs. Smith let out a mock gasp, knowing her husband was just playfully poking for a fight. “Women work!? Like I’d be caught DEAD scrubbing those dirty undies you leave behind! and last I checked, I’m all women.”
“Yea dad” Ashley said, “you played yourself. Shouldn’t have raised strong, confident women. Now you have a house of feminists”. Liz jumped in now from her reclined position “yea dad, scrubbing dirty laundry and dusting isn’t women work anymore. It’s Davey work!” Everyone laughed. I felt hot and tongue-tied, but giggled along.
“Better you than me, Cinderella”, Mr. Smith said toward me with a laugh. “Honestly, it’s a great quality. The world needs people like you. Plus it’s in your blood. It’s why your mom is such a strong worker! Have you seen her down at ‘Hoots’!? She slaves over every customer all for a few measly tips!”
Mrs. Smith perked up with a sudden sense of judgement. “Honestly, the uniforms they make those poor women wear there. Davey, your mother is Miriam, right? She must be almost 50 and still forcing herself into those booty shorts and what, a glorified bra!? Just imagine having to debase yourself like that for a few spare dollars. Couch change really! It’s not right!”
“I know sweetie, it gets me upset too. That’s why it’s so important you girls make sure you keep your grades up!”
Liz and Ashley rolled their eyes in unison. “Okay,” Ashley said. “Let’s not make this an after school special. “Davey, come sit!" She pointed in front of her to a small ottoman off to the side. It was small and as I sat as directed, I noticed I was looking up at everyone from their positions on the furniture. I made brief eye contact with Liz as she smiled and slowly shook her head in disbelief as she looked down at me. I quickly focused back on the ground where I saw Ashley and Mrs. Smith’s feet in front of me. Mrs. Smith’s feet were bare, and Ashley had on a pair of white cotton socks, the bottoms turning to a shade of grey. I felt myself twitch in my bikini-cut underwear.
Ashley looked down at me on my little glorified foot rest. “Your coming!”
“Wh-what I, I, n-no, I’m not. I-I I’m uh-!?”
“To the beach house, stupid!” Liz spat.
“I cleared it with my parents, and they agreed you could come. Jess is traveling with her parents so we have extra space and I convinced them we could use the extra help at the beach house! It’s always so dusty and the sand gets everywhhereeeee. So your coming!”
I looked up excitedly. “I I get to go to the beach house. W-with you. With all of you!?”
Mrs. Smith smiled down at me warmly “Awwww, see, look how happy you made him, dear!”
Mr. Smith cut in. “We’ll still need to clear it with your parents, and I’ll need your help cleaning out some cobwebs, but if they don’t need you, we’ll take you on the trip.”
“OMG we should go ask your mother right now! Is she working!?” Ashley said.
“What a fantastic idea,” Mrs. Smith added, “I would never stand by the practices of that trashy establishment, but their chips and guacamole are delicious”. I guess Mrs. Smith had less commitment to justice if she could have tasty chips. “Do you think Liz is too young?”. Mr. Smith reassured her it was just a kitschy little spot these days.
Mr Smith rose and loudly proclaimed “Okay, everyone. Throw something decent on. We’re going out to eat.” then added with a laugh,"Well, not too nice, I guess. It is only Hoots!"
submitted by throwaway4fem to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:24 EnvironmentalRate462 Fixing Soil

Hey guys, I've got a question. We recently moved to KY zone 6. Our soil is pretty heavy in clay and thick grass. We bought a tiller, a smaller $200 one. It does the job but we haven't had enough sunny days the last two months to dry the soil for tilling. For this season we've decided to do our garden in pots since it's already June.
What I'd like help with is preparing my soil for next year. What should I do and when to get it ready next season? Are there good cover crops you'd recommend? Manure? When should I till or should I till as soon as I'm able to and then again in Fall and spring? I've gardened for years but this is a totally different location. I'd like to keep is budget friendly. I have access to free mulch, would it be a good idea to add that and some manure to compost in place over the summer?
Any recommendations are welcome. It's also my first year doing a garden in containers so any recommendations for that is welcome too. Thank you.
submitted by EnvironmentalRate462 to vegetablegardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:24 TheSkorpion "Friends" that look you in the eye, Talk about a collab, Then ghost you.

What is with it with people?
Just over a month ago I ran into my "Friend" on set. We had multiple conversations about his upcoming indie music video for him and his Band, I Offer my full support and encouragement. We talk about references, inspirations, ideas and locations. He even nods in agreement to some of my thoughts!
Weeks go by - I continue to work, Full time for few years now, Professional sets and Indie work with local businesses. This month one of my clients was a senior cm on Avatar The Last Airbender (2005 ver.). We follow each other on Insta now and we vibed over mutual hobbies. Of course the industry is rough right now, and I am definitely not "Fully Booked" like most of us prefer to be.
Nonetheless, I definitely have time for one weekend to Help my good friend on a shoot! It's a music video - If we finish quickly - Cool. If not then let's get after it! They represent Dark EDM so working into the night is no issue for me, I dig it - I'm nocturnal by nature too. All I ask is maybe a Dinner in return, Maybe a couple for transpo but pretty much free.
I was willing to work (videographer / photographer / Stunt actor) for FREE for a good "friend". I met this guy in 2020 - We worked on 7 Sets - 5 Professional, Together. Usually at wrap we would take public transport and during work have long conversations on the van & lunch too. On the day he ghosts me and has some TikTok girls do the videos instead with rented equipment.
Unfortunately this is the 4th time I've had this happen to me in 3 years with "Friends" that ghost me on their Projects. All the women (Crew & Talent) in our friend groups are always involved though of course.
I just want to say that I will remember this, And have no intention of helping them out on any of my future projects or offer my advice on my action stunts niche or skillsets. 💔
Thanks for reading and being anon.
submitted by TheSkorpion to Filmmakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:18 InsectDear3758 Twitter Data (Impressions/RT/Likes/Followers) through API VIA Notion?

Hey guys!
I managed to get this for YouTube data through Google API (, but failed to find any link/video that covers a similar idea for Twitter.
What I want to get from twitter is: Impressions/RT/Likes/ from tweets, and also Followers from a specific account
Is it something doable? If you have any how-to links, I'd appreciate :)
submitted by InsectDear3758 to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:16 ReplacementMinute154 Nannies and NPs, I need your help 😅

This is such a random situation so I'm not quite sure what to do lol. My NK was in her playroom and asked me to get out her tunnel so I did. Right after, I went to make her lunch (I was making lunch maybe 2 ft from the tunnel) and everytime I turned around to check on my NK I could see her body outline just chilling in the tunnel so I thought nothing of it. Took me maybe 2 minutes to throw together lunch and when I'm done I say "NK lunch is ready cmon!" And out she comes COMPLETELY COVERED IN DIAPER RASH CREAM 😭 Somehow this girl found a tube of it and in the 2 minutes completely covered herself and the inside of the tunnel in water proof diaper rash cream!! I cleaned her up and everything but I need advice on the tunnel. Like... WHAT DO I DO? I have no idea how I'm supposed to clean that thing because it's completely covered on the inside. When I say this girl came out head to toe white because of the cream. The life we live working with kids haha. Anyway, any advice on how to clean this thing possibly would be amazing. I figure between all the random messes kids have made for parents and nannies someone might have an idea. I'd rather not have to throw it away is possible. Thank you!
submitted by ReplacementMinute154 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:15 tiredofmyignorance tattoo cover up ideas

tattoo cover up ideas
i need to cover up this lower belly tattoo asap it’s just two small letters « lu » ideas please nothing big
submitted by tiredofmyignorance to Tattoocoverups [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:14 Current_Stop2070 [RF] The Last Day of School

My name is Greg. It's been some time since I was in school as a student and I’m now a teacher in the same school I went to more than 20 years ago. I have two small children and they’ve reached an age where summer has started to have meaning. Their excitement, and the excitement I see in my students, has filled me with a reminiscence of the summers of my youth. It makes me simultaneously a little sad but also incredibly happy. I think of my friends, my parents, and my youth and I get to smile at the joy I felt then. I see my own kids today and it makes me smile at all the possibilities that summers hold for them. This is my story of summers past. But this story is only partly reminiscence. Much of it is just a feeling. A feeling I’ve not felt since

The school bell was ringing and I was running. Teachers were trying to tell us to walk and be careful over break but we stopped listening at 3:30 pm and it was already 15 seconds past that. I grabbed my bag, my gym clothes, and my drawing pad from my locker and quickly shoved the now-irrelevant papers and notebooks in the closest garbage can. I came to regret this last action later, not because there was anything of value in those binders full of notes and paper, but because I missed out on burning them in an epically large neighborhood bonfire we had a few weeks after school ended.
The door slammed open and I breathed in the free air
Eli, Kevin and my older brother Charlie were outside waiting for me and we were off on the first adventure of the summer: The way home.
The way home was easy by modern means. We could take Old Ryan Road to a sidewalk to a gravel siding to our subdivision. But the way we took was better in every way.
“Through the marshes” we charged. We called the path “the marshes” because it regularly flooded but it was really an old nature path the city built years ago. It was overgrown and completely underutilized. It had a deep ditch on one side and was tree-lined on the other. The long grass on the path had been tamped down but it was still up to our knees. We liked to imagine monsters lurking in the depths of the ditches and the dark of the woods, and we had to watch each other's back while making regular expeditions into the woods for weapons. A good stick was the best protection and, following proper cover and advance techniques taught to us by Kevin’s neighbor the veteran, we made our way out of the path and clear of the monsters.
All except Eli, who had clearly been possessed by some kind of ghoul and was now “it”. He attacked at the opening of the marshes, where the tall grass met the road. He roared and held his stick above his head like a Tuskin Raider from Star Wars. We all ran for it! Scattered in three directions. Expecting to be hunted.
I went for the woods that ran behind the houses in our neighborhood. But I had a long way to go before I was safe at home. I saw Eli attempt to catch Charlie but Charlie was about a foot taller and, despite his complete lack of athletic ability, he was quick!
I crept through the woods, staying in the shadows as best as I could, but It was 3:45 pm in June so even the thickest canopy couldn’t really give good concealment. I was exposed. I had to make a move. Eli had been moving in the opposite direction of me a minute ago but I didn’t know where he was now. “Go!” I said and made to sprint along the tree line, always ready to dive into the woods.
Suddenly Eli was behind me! He came from the woods and was so much faster than me. He had a smaller stick now and threw it like a boomerang at my back. It hit me under my arm and I fell to the ground in a dramatic, yet heroic death.
“Rise now, servant!” Eli said. I was his second now. Doomed to serve him forever! Or until we got home. I’d done pretty good and home was only a little farther. We took up a defensive position now, protecting the house from those who would try to enter.
It took a few minutes for Charlie and Kevin to make their way to the house. I saw Charlie first and screamed as an alarm. Servants can’t talk. Plus I was still loyal to my non-Eli counterparts, but had to be fair. Eli came running and took off after Charlie but as he did I saw Kevin out of the corner of my eye make his way up behind Eli and as I opened my mouth to shout again, he raised his stick and shouted “Safe!” while stepping on the porch. Charlie had gotten away and was still fair game. Eli told me to hold and protect the porch. I did and would take out Charlie if I had to. He was my older brother so I might take just a little pleasure in throwing a stick at him.
Jokes on me, Charlie slipped past Eli and tackled me to the ground. He was bigger than me. I lost that battle, badly, and he made it to the porch. Eli, being a good comrade, berated me about getting tackled while I told him what a failure he was at catching Charlie. Twice! We smiled, laughed at each other, and went inside!
Next adventure: Convince the parents that pizza and a sleepover are the best ideas.
Me: “Dad. Pizza, movies, and Eli and Kevin sleepover? What do you think.”
Dad: “I think you think I have all the money” he looked over his glasses at me. “Ok, fine. I’m in!”
We knew Dad was an easy mark. Mom would have had conditions. They would have been completely legitimate, but who wants conditions?
The final adventure of this final day of school: The Sleepover
Pizza was the ultimate sleepover treat. No work, no waiting, and the cute girl four grades ahead of me was the delivery driver. Did I exist to this girl? No chance. Did that mean anything to me? Nope!
Dad rented three movies from Block Buster: The Hunt for Red October, Silence of the Lambs, and IT. He liked thrillers. We weren’t complaining. We were allowed to watch The Hunt for Red October because Dad thought the original Bond was someone worthy of our time. The other two were “too scary” for us kids. But we weren’t so chicken as to let a good thing pass us by. The tapes were in the house, and we wanted to watch them. When would they be back? When we were 18? Nope, we couldn’t wait that long. But how to get them?
Our domain was the basement. Obviously. What parents wanted to share the TV with kids? We were given The Hunt for Red October, which my parents had seen in theaters, and they stayed upstairs and watched IT. We could hear Mom when we ventured up to sneak a peek giving her patented scared gasp, like she did in the car when Dad drove a little too crazy in traffic. It was obvious that we needed to get a hold of that movie.
Before we could start The Hunt for Red October, which was undoubtedly good, Kevin revealed that he’d pulled off the greatest heist of our generation; he’d swiped the tape for Silence of the Lambs and left The Hunt for Red October in its place in the case. Genius!
The Silence of the Lambs was a true marvel of cinema and at some point in the night, everyone had put something over their face and pretended to be Hannibal Lecter as he skinned his guard's face off to escape. Charlie’s was the best. He’d gone upstairs and gotten a piece of pizza, stripped the cheese off of it, and cut a hole for the mouth. The sauce and rippled dough made it pretty convincing in the dark. I was the youngest, so naturally the easiest mark, and he surprised me with it first, vaulting over the back of the couch and giving me his craziest eyes. It was effective. I didn’t sleep well for a few weeks, though I’d never give him credit for it.
My parent’s movie was longer than ours so we had to wait downstairs for it to end. After the credits rolled on our movie, Kevin turned off the lights and the TV all at once and we were in complete darkness. I don’t know if you know how The Silence of the Lamb ends, but a pitch-black basement is a terrifying setting after watching that movie. Kevin laughed from one corner, then must have moved quickly to the opposite corner and said, “It puts the lotion on its skin
” in his creepiest imitation of Buffalo Bill. I nearly died when he grabbed me and pulled me to the couch. I was in the movie for a second. I was Clarese. I was in Bill’s basement. I was doomed. Fortunately for me, Eli or Charlie made some noise and Kevin headed off to catch them too.
Then I saw the light at the top of the stairs, got my bearings, and B-lined for it. Charlie must have heard the stairs and figured out how to get up and so did Eli. We got to the top, opened the door, and proceeded to lock Kevin in his own nightmare. Awesome! We laughed and high-fived as he pushed his way out after a short struggle. Plenty of quiet insults were thrown through the door on his way out.
As my parents went to bed they told us to keep it down and start to calm down for the night. We had every intention of doing so, but after they went to bed, we discovered, to our great excitement, that IT was still in the VCR. “Yes!” whispered Eli in his quietest scream of excitement. His face, wide-eyed and mouth agape, said everything that we were all thinking. Two thrillers in one night. And it was only 9 pm!
IT finished to a room of frightened looks and excited hearts. We definitely should not have watched that and Silence of the Lambs on the same night. But we did and not one of us was going to suggest that we were scared. No, instead we snuck outside. Sewer-dwelling monsters be damned!
This was a time of dusky-yellow street lights and quiet subdivisions. It was midnight and we were alone outside. Kevin had a small flashlight that he’d wisely grabbed from the cupboard, something he’d learned was necessary on a few previous forays outside at night, but the moon was enough to illuminate our way between streetlights. We passed behind Kaia’s house and she opened the back door as we were near the middle of the yard. “Hey!” she whispered. “What do you think you’re doing?” She gave us a look somewhere between mad and intrigued. “Just out for a stroll” whispered back Charlie. “Wanna come with?” I punched Charlie secretly. He knew I had a crush on Kaia. Good big brother but I was nervous to ask her out and this didn’t seem like the time. “Nope!” she said, looking at my brother, then she made quick eye contact with me and gave me a mischievous grin.
We kept walking and Eli suggested we go to the woods, to our fort. After two scary movies and a whole pile of imagination, this was the last place I wanted to go. But everyone had been razzing me about my crush on Kaia, and they hadn’t missed her little look, so I was feeling emboldened enough to take the risk.
The woods once backed up to a farmhouse with a barn and outbuildings and a small industrial plant. Our neighborhood was the old farm field. The woods, however, was left nearly as it had been and was full of old rusting junk left behind from the farm and plant. There was a car frame and several tires, a refrigerator, a stack of chicken wire, a few car hoods, and a random assortment of smaller farm and industrial parts. Safe was certainly not the way I’d describe this woods, but it was fun.
At night, however, it became entirely different. We’d formed a path through it over time, using the car hoods to go over low, wet spots, and using the larger items as landmarks. But they were harder to find at night and the wind and shadows played enough tricks to make our imaginations roil. Toward to interior of the woods, the space opened up where someone had dumped tons or gravel long ago. On one side it formed a berm, hiding the now-abandoned industrial building, and on the other was a low area where natural rocks formed a kind of flat area. The natural perimeter around it was entirely overgrown now and the trees and bushes formed the walls of our fort. We’d built nothing there but the trees and the gravel berm formed natural barriers that closed it in. The best part, the trees were covered in vines that were just strong enough to let us swing on. If you started at the high point of the berm, you could swing 30 or 40 feet with ease.
Now, in the moonlight, our fort was infinitely more ominous. It was additionally scary because Eli kept disappearing and then jumping out with his best Pennywise impression. He even tackled Kevin at one point and the two of them rolled around for a few seconds. It was a pretty fair fight but Eli eventually pinned Kevin and pretended to bite his head off.
Now in the fort, we decided ‘kick the can’ was the best bet. Charlie drew the short straw and the rest of us bolted away to sneak around and get the best positions. I was about to go as Charlie’s back was turned, but as I got up to run, someone else ran in and absolutely punted the can and bolted off. They were followed by another, smaller shadow, and the two of them disappeared into the bushes. Charlie yelled a curse and reset the can.
Movement came from my right. I whispered “Eli? Kevin? Which one of you got the can?”. No reply. Then two girls jumped out of the dark. “Ahh!” I yelled in a surprisingly high-pitched voice. Hannibal and Pennywise reeled in my brain and I was about to be eaten by them both. But no, it was Kaia and her younger sister Amber. I blushed with tremendous embarrassment as I replayed the sound I’d just made in my head. Just as I got hold of myself a little more, the two of them ran away and Charlie replaced them with a grin. He kicked me and said, “your it!”
I moved to the center of the circle and I heard the others rustling through the undergrowth. I heard a clear cough from my left and went for it. As I did, Eli let out his best Tarzan call and literally swung from a vine to the center of the clearing and kicked the can into the bushes. Kevin stood from the bushes in front of me and chuckled. The two of them had planned it out.
Each of us in turn got caught and placed in the middle to defend the can. Kaia was the quickest to get out of the center. Turns out she’s incredibly competitive. Who knew? Amber was also pretty good, but Kaia and I teamed up to do another Tarzan swing. Mostly because it looked super cool when Eli did it. I felt her eyes on me as I swung. She ‘whooped’ as I got the can and taunted her little sister.
We dropped off the girls on our way home. I was walking with Kaia at the back and she gave me a sly kiss on the cheek as we approached their house. I nearly melted. We all agreed we should definitely sneak out again this summer. No one else saw Kaia’s kiss and no one else ever knew. I liked that little bit just for me.
(Side note: I married Kaia one day. Best thing I ever did.)
We got home and settled in for bed on couches, the ground, and the beanbag chair in the corner. Kevin seemed to always call the beanbag chair. Oh well. We started another movie but no one was invested now. We slipped off to sleep, dirty and tired but with full hearts, as the movie played in the background of our dreams.
Summer day 1: complete success.

 4:03 am
“Oh my god! why the blue screen?” *clicks off TV*
submitted by Current_Stop2070 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:09 Woman_of_Magdala Should I (17F) end things with the guy (17M) I am talking to when it has become serious?

I have been in a talking stage with a classmate almost 4 months now. We have been somewhat friends before this and have things in common. He reached out to me online, asking me if I was okay because to him, I felt ''off" that day. He was trying out to be a sort of "therapist" to classmates, who are people he met in real life, since he has been one to online strangers. He chose me as the first one, as I am the most likely to go with it and he was right. I later dissuaded him from his plan, citing the reason, it's not that easy and they may feel offended or at least uncomfortable. Especially if he chose to approach it in the way he wanted.
But I was a tougher nut to crack than he was expecting, and the tables turned. I became the "therapist". He has shared with me private stuff. I eventually did the same too, although I did take a longer time, because of my trust issues (which I made him aware of).
From there, we started messaging each other over most of the summer vacation of the previous school year, he eventually confessed to me via chat on the night of our Culmination Night (basically senior prom). No expectations on his part, he says. No pressure.
I, who have also developed feelings, offered him a "casual" relationship. I laid out my terms that I can't be in a real one because of my obligations to my family. I wasn't even allowed to engage in romance. He said he understood that and agreed to it. Funny thing to add, I was also planning on confessing. He just beat me to it.
Time pass and it was awesome. I have never been more in sync with anyone. After a previous arrangement like this that ended up exploding in my face, it meant all the more to me. He gave me what I was looking for! A good companion with fun conversations, even those with substance. We went deeper and deeper into one another's psyche by discussing personal things that we were unable to talk about with others, even with our family.
Thus, things felt more serious than it should have been. We started spending more time together. He was escorting me to the jeep terminal, giving me snacks in recess, we went out for "turo-turo", we went to dates, all that.
I didn't want to lose what we had, and so I agreed to take it to the next level. Against the former plan we had, we were going to continue this past SHS graduation. We still don't have the BF/GF title, as per my request, since that is a big deal for me.
Now things have progressed this way, I am having cold feet. My guardians let me be, provided that I am not neglecting my studies. But I still have not let my father know about this because he didn't want me to engage myself in this kind of thing. His parents are aware of our thing going on, and have been supportive. Even though they are financially struggling. Like earlier, when with his father, he brought me maja blanca that his mother made. Spending money on gasoline when they could have spent that on something more important.
I am considering to end our arrangement because I also don't want him putting in so much effort in me, when I really don't deserve it. My indecisiveness and flightiness make me a terrible person. In fact, I have recently hurt him by taking a picture with a male acquaintance, causing him to leave the graduation immediately after the last class pictorial. I was unwilling to take that picture with him because I KNEW that guy wasn't a great person, having cheated on my friend. Yet I agreed to that stupid picture, because I didn't like to say no.
STILL I was OBLIVIOUS to what he felt like a dumb fricking idiot! Of course he'd feel awful. He said that to comfort himself, he thought, "Niyakap naman niya ako eh" (which I did, after the program ended). We have talked about it and he says it degrades his stability whenever he's reminded of it.
For his sake, I want to cut things off, because it will only be harder for us from here on. With my guardians and parent not exactly open to the idea of us, financial difficulties that will make things more difficult, long distance, etc.
But if I do, I will be crushed. And I know he'll feel way, way, way, worse than I do. It's all my fault I let it progress this far. I should not have allowed him to invest so much in me. I should have steeled my heart early on and nipped this in the bud. Now the flower has bloomed and I, I don't want to let him go. But I know I will not be able to put in as much effort as he does. I am so guilty. Towards him, towards his parents.
What do I do?
submitted by Woman_of_Magdala to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:08 txt2speech Need advice on pigeon!

Hello again!
Need advice on rescued pigeon!
I need some advice for the pigeon we've rescued about 3 weeks ago. When we found it, it still had it's eyes closed and I honestly thought it was dead before I inspected it a little closer; noticing it was alive and thus taking it in to take care of it.
In the start - before we managed to get proper hand rearing food - we got by following a improvised recipe on organic whole grain wheat which was ground down extremely fine, mixed with hard boiled eggs and of course water to make it edible. This it ate around 1 week before we got NutriBird A21.
After we acquired the NutriBird A21 we've fed it about 3 times a day, only recently cutting it down to 2 times a day. Here it eats around 25-30g a meal; which we check with a kitchen scale to make sure it's accurate.
Additionally, at the moment it weighs around 205~ grams. It's weight gain slowing down a bit after the 2 to 2,5 week mark.
It's also showing great signs of activity, flapping its wings when it gets the chance, chirping when hungry and seeing us etc.
We also had to get it a new cage. Buying a big transport cage used for dogs, however fitting it with training pads. However we noticed that it sometimes got stuck in the pattern of it, so we instead opted to using cardboard as the bottom, covered with paper towels here and there.
It also has a little "house" which has a heating pad underneath so it can stay warm.
Sorry about the wall of text, here comes the questions I / we have to make sure it can grow into a strong and healthy bird.
  1. When should we change the food it gets to a more solid and protein based diet such as this
  2. Is the current living accomodation for it sufficient or are changes needed?
  3. Any additional tips or ideas to make sure that it has the best chance of living a long and healthy life!
As a little other fun thing, we've sent feather samples to something called Genimal BioTech to figure out what the birds gender is, as it is still pretty hard to tell yet.
submitted by txt2speech to pigeon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:04 lagodub Aphid wasps & holes in ceiling

Started finding tons of tiny pinpoint holes in our ceiling in the last few months. Pest inspector came out last week and was unsure what the cause was- possibly termites or powderpost beetles- but no bugs found, no signs of termites in attic, and we are in the PNW. I covered all holes with blue painter’s tape, more holes appeared over the weekend, and also found a few ant-looking extremely tiny bugs crawling on the ceiling. The picture of the bug is extremely zoomed in. Captured the bugs and brought them to inspector’s office, and they believe them to be aphid wasps. They said there’s nothing they can do to treat, but they suggested I steam the ceiling. Any other ideas for treatment? Have over 60 holes all over the ceiling and walls throughout the house, so hoping to stop them from making more holes!
submitted by lagodub to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:02 SciFiTime I Remember When I Was Fighting Humans

If you want, you can support me on my YouTube channel. @ SciFiTime
The booming thunder of artillery shook the trench walls, as Togor peered through the drifting smoke, searching for targets. Another barrage crashed overhead, raining dirt and shrapnel onto the huddled soldiers.
"Incoming!" Togor yelled, bracing for impact. A shell struck close by, deafening screams mingling with the roar. When the dust settled, two soldiers lay still, their lives crushed in an instant.
Togor gripped his plasma rifle tighter, fury, and fear, fueling his resolve. The humans had been hammering their position all night.
The hardened dirt of the trench wall dug into Togor's back as another barrage of explosions rocked the ground above. He clutched his plasma rifle closer, its familiar surface the only thing steadying his nerves as the humans rained destruction down upon their position once more.
As the bombardment continued, Togor gazed down the line at his fellow soldiers. Their normally pale orange skin had taken on a sickly yellow hue in the dim light of the trench, and dark circles seemed forever etched under every set of eyes. Illness and exhaustion were taking as heavy a toll as the enemy fire ever could.
When the shelling finally ceased, Togor let out a shaky breath and chanced a look over the edge of the trench. The familiar landscape of gnarled tree stumps and craters as far as the eye could see gave no clues to justify the next target. But the humans had proven time and again they didn't need clear lines of sight to hit their marks.
"All clear, men. Stay alert for the counter-battery," Togor called down the line, earning weary nods in return. As platoon leader, he tried to bolster morale with regular communication, but even he found it growing harder each day.
A scraping sound down the trench pulled Togor's attention. He made his way over to find Belex helping another soldier, Nemsor, into a seated position against the wall of the trench. Nemsor's chest heaved with effort just to breathe, his respiratory infection undoubtedly worsening under the stress.
"How is he?" Togor asked gently.
Belex shook his head. "It's the plague, sir. I've given him everything in my medkit but it may not be enough out here."
Togor grimaced. They were all at the mercy of primitive human bioweapons, separated from proper care by kilometers of hostile terrain. "You've done well, Belex. See if you can get him stabilized until evac, then get some rest yourself."
A spluttering cough echoed up the trench then, drawing their attention further down. Two more soldiers were huddled on the trench floor, hacking violently while a third tried in vain to comfort them.
Togor's hearts sank at the sight. "All assigned to this sector have fallen ill," he muttered, more to himself than Belex. An idea formed as he watched the plague spread its insidious grip along his line.
Spinning on his heel, Togor marched back to the command post dug into the forward edge of the trench. A patched-together comm system cluttered one corner, and he squatted down to activate it. "Command, this is Lion lead. Sector Crimson is compromised, over."
Static answered for a long moment before a tinny voice responded. "Copy that Lion lead, what is the status of your position?"
Togor steeled himself before responding. "The human bioweapons have taken hold along my entire line, sir. At least two-thirds of my soldiers are incapacitated due to sickens. We cannot hold this position."
A longer stretch of static followed as high command undoubtedly mulled their dwindling options. Supply lines were overtaxed just keeping them all fed, let alone transporting the sick. But abandon this stretch of trench would leave their flank exposed to human probing attacks.
At last, the voice crackled back. "Understood Lion lead. Fall back one click and establish a new perimeter defense. We'll divert support as able to your sector for defense and medical aid. Command out."
Togor let out a long breath as he ended the transmission. The order had been the only reasonable choice, but that made pulling out of a defended position no easier. He scrambled back up the trench to begin rallying the able and organizing the infirm for evacuation.
Two hours of grueling labor followed as they dismantled what security they had built and prepared to withdraw under the ever-present threat of human detection. Working teams stripped supplies and armaments from the trench while others aided the sick in making the painful trek to the rear.
By the time the retreat began in earnest under cover of darkness, over half of Togor's platoon was unfit to fight. He fell in with the rearguard, anxiously scanning the night for enemy movement as they shuffled the bulky bioscanners used to detect biological and chemical agents thrown off by suffering soldiers. So far, all scopes remained calm.
A rustling off to the left drew Togor's attention as another round of ragged coughing erupted from the treeline. He dashed over with a couple soldiers to find a lone private collapsed in the undergrowth, shivering fiercely even as sweat poured off his brow.
"It's Liser," one of the soldiers stated grimly. Togor knelt to grasp Liser's shoulder, causing the soldier to crack open clouded eyes.
"Sir, can't go on," he croaked through chattering teeth. Togor grimaced, but there would be no saving this one out here.
"Rest easy, private. You've served with honor." Togor produced his sidearm and placed the cool muzzle against Liser's temple, holding the soldier's gaze calmly until the end. A muted cough was the last sound before stillness overtook his form.
Rising stiffly, Togor turned back to the march. They had lost too many already without delaying further. Ahead, the first edges of dawn hinted at the new lines they must struggle to maintain, though against what fresh horrors only the new day would reveal.
The newly established perimeter line snaked along the edge of a dense forest, its gnarled trunks casting deep shadows even under the harsh light of Vega. Togor oversaw the last defenses being dug as daylight faded, already dreading the nightly bombardments to come.
At least here they had cover and concealment lacking on the open frontier. But the forests also hid opportunistic enemies, as Togor well knew. He headed to brief the sentries just as the first watch reported movement in the brush.
Gripping his plasma rifle tight, Togor crept to the forest edge and dropped into a shallow trench, peering intently into the gloom. Whispers carried back to him as other soldiers took up overwatch, until a larger shadow detached itself from the trees.
A hulking Garn armored vehicle emerged, its boxy form silhouetted against the foliage. But Togor uttered a sigh of relief - it was one of their Komor class tanks, trundling forward to reinforce the new line.
As the tank ground to a halt near the perimeter, its top hatch slid open revealing the commander astride the turret. "Anything to report, Lion lead?" she asked, helmet amplifying her voice.
"All quiet so far," Togor replied. "Glad to have your firepower on our flank, but stay wary. The humans have gotten past our armor before."
She nodded grimly. "We'll be locking down at dusk. Drive safe out there, men." With that the hatch slammed shut and the tank rumbled off into position, main gun scanning vigilantly through its sights.
Night quickly enveloped the forest, cloaking any movements within an impenetrable dark. The hours dragged on uneventfully as Togor made his rounds, checking in with sentries and squinting fruitlessly into the black.
A glow off in the distance hinted at some larger inhabited area still holding out against the humans, its protective fields flickering in the night sky. Togor found small comfort in knowing they were not alone on this hostile world.
In the small hours before dawn, a sharp crackle split the air. Togor spun to see a brief muzzle flash light up the forest, answered by a succession of impacts thudding into the Komor's thick armor.
"Contact, twelve o'clock!" he bellowed, diving for cover as return fire roared from the tank. The echoes of combat now reverberated through the tree line as autoguns opened up and rockets streaked overhead, searching for targets.
Togor signaled for a SitRep as heavier booms indicated the Komor slugging it out with something substantial. "Multiple infantry spotted moving west," came the report. "They're probing our line, trying to draw our focus."
Grimacing, Togor knew they had to defend both flanks. "Second squad, flank left and push them back. The rest of you, stay sharp - they'll hit us again once that tank draws their fire."
True to his prediction, no sooner had the flanking squad faded into the trees than another barrage crashed into the forest ahead. Through spray and debris, Togor caught blurry movement - humans, sprinting between the enormous detonations occurring mere meters from their position.
He opened fire, plasma bolts stitching the ground where figures had been. A squadmate went down, clutching a leg wound, but managed to tag one attacker before collapsing. Shouts indicated the flank was engaging as well, trading shots in the darkness.
Then, through the ringing in his ears, Togor heard it - the unmistakable whine of rockets powering up. "Incoming, brace for impact!" he yelled, throwing himself into the trench barely a heartbeat before multiple explosions tore through the forest.
Bursting shrapnel whipped overhead as a concentrated volley fell directly on their position. Through the smoke, Togor saw figures darting between the remaining trees, closing fast under cover of their own bombardment.
"Stand to, return fire!" he growled, taking aim once more as figures materialized out of the haze. Exchange of fire intensified as both sides fought to gain the upper hand, flashes of plasma and primitve projectiles vying to find flesh.
A booming detonation off in the trees signalled the tank had re-engaged, pounding the edge of the forest. With its support, the humans were forced to fall back under the renewed fusillade.
Silence fell once more as the echoes faded into the distance. Too many wounded lay amid the churned earth, and Togor sent for evac even as dawn's light crept over the ruins left in the humans' wake. Another defense had held, for now, but at what further cost to his dwindling forces?
The battle-scarred remnants of Togor's platoon, dug in under the hazy dawn light, nursing wounds, both physical and mental. They had held the forest line through the night, but, at what cost? More soldiers were lost, and those remaining showed wear, beyond their cycles.
Togor did his rounds, offering what encouragement he could muster, to the exhausted troops. But, his own resolve was fading under the constant strain, and rumors of mercenary contracts, beyond the frontier lines, drew his thoughts ever more.
That evening, as the medships finally arrived to evac casualties, Togor seized his chance. He requested leave to accompany the wounded, intending to push onward from there. His second, Gelnor, stepped in to assume command with reluctance, both knew staying meant risking annihilation.
The medical station, seethed with activity, tending soldiers from across the warzone. As Togor awaited clearance to depart, his roving gaze fell upon a battered detachment, entering through the sliding bay doors. Their varied assortment of armor, instilled a dangerous air, marking them as something other than regular line troops.
Togor approached boldly. "You there - mercenaries, yes? I seek employment beyond this place. My skills could prove an asset to your outfit."
The apparent leader sized him up critically. "You'd last a tenth-cycle out there, garrison guard. We take only the willing to fight and die as need be."
Undeterred, Togor grasped at this chance for escape. "My will remains unbroken, though my current post has tested it sorely. Give me a cycle under your command, if, after that, you judge me unfit, I walk away with no dispute."
A long moment passed, as the mercenary deliberated, his hardened gaze seeing deeper than years alone. At last, he grunted and extended a gauntleted hand. "You've got spunk soldier. A cycle it is, but heed me well. Out there, the only law is kill or be killed."
Within the hour, Togor found himself leaving the station behind, amongst the mercenary columns. They moved with through the barren wilderness landscapes, answering only to contracts far beyond military oversight. An unfamiliar sense of freedom, began to take root, alongside the uncertainties of his new life.
Their headquarters sprawled within an ancient urban ruin, repurposed as a bastion, dotted with defensive emplacements and heavy weapons. Inside, Togor was ushered to the commander's office and introduced formally.
A hulking Uridian warlord presided from behind a scarred metal desk, eying the newcomer appraisingly. "So, you're the latest stray Lantor drug in from the slaughter fields. Make no mistake, this is no place for weaklings or cowards. Your trial begins at first light.
Rising dawn found Togor geared and ready, alongside a squad of mixed mercenaries, embarking into the border zones under a veteran scout's guidance. Their patrol route wound through crumbling valleys and forest fastnesses, ever probing for signs of enemy harbored within.
Midway through the cycle, as they paused to reconnoiter a likely ambush point, the scout signaled silently. Movement flickered in the treeline beyond, humans, moving stealthy. A hand signal passed the order, and the squad melted into the brush, ready to engage.
As the first shots cracked out, Togor felt strangely liberated, releasing months of pent frustrations through disciplined action once more. This new life of danger, yet freedom from military bureaucracy, was one he found he could grow into, given time. His trial had begun in earnest, amidst the perpetual storm of the frontier wars, and, for now, it was enough.
submitted by SciFiTime to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:01 SciFiTime I Remember When I Was Fighting Humans

The booming thunder of artillery shook the trench walls, as Togor peered through the drifting smoke, searching for targets. Another barrage crashed overhead, raining dirt and shrapnel onto the huddled soldiers.
"Incoming!" Togor yelled, bracing for impact. A shell struck close by, deafening screams mingling with the roar. When the dust settled, two soldiers lay still, their lives crushed in an instant.
Togor gripped his plasma rifle tighter, fury, and fear, fueling his resolve. The humans had been hammering their position all night.
The hardened dirt of the trench wall dug into Togor's back as another barrage of explosions rocked the ground above. He clutched his plasma rifle closer, its familiar surface the only thing steadying his nerves as the humans rained destruction down upon their position once more.
As the bombardment continued, Togor gazed down the line at his fellow soldiers. Their normally pale orange skin had taken on a sickly yellow hue in the dim light of the trench, and dark circles seemed forever etched under every set of eyes. Illness and exhaustion were taking as heavy a toll as the enemy fire ever could.
When the shelling finally ceased, Togor let out a shaky breath and chanced a look over the edge of the trench. The familiar landscape of gnarled tree stumps and craters as far as the eye could see gave no clues to justify the next target. But the humans had proven time and again they didn't need clear lines of sight to hit their marks.
"All clear, men. Stay alert for the counter-battery," Togor called down the line, earning weary nods in return. As platoon leader, he tried to bolster morale with regular communication, but even he found it growing harder each day.
A scraping sound down the trench pulled Togor's attention. He made his way over to find Belex helping another soldier, Nemsor, into a seated position against the wall of the trench. Nemsor's chest heaved with effort just to breathe, his respiratory infection undoubtedly worsening under the stress.
"How is he?" Togor asked gently.
Belex shook his head. "It's the plague, sir. I've given him everything in my medkit but it may not be enough out here."
Togor grimaced. They were all at the mercy of primitive human bioweapons, separated from proper care by kilometers of hostile terrain. "You've done well, Belex. See if you can get him stabilized until evac, then get some rest yourself."
A spluttering cough echoed up the trench then, drawing their attention further down. Two more soldiers were huddled on the trench floor, hacking violently while a third tried in vain to comfort them.
Togor's hearts sank at the sight. "All assigned to this sector have fallen ill," he muttered, more to himself than Belex. An idea formed as he watched the plague spread its insidious grip along his line.
Spinning on his heel, Togor marched back to the command post dug into the forward edge of the trench. A patched-together comm system cluttered one corner, and he squatted down to activate it. "Command, this is Lion lead. Sector Crimson is compromised, over."
Static answered for a long moment before a tinny voice responded. "Copy that Lion lead, what is the status of your position?"
Togor steeled himself before responding. "The human bioweapons have taken hold along my entire line, sir. At least two-thirds of my soldiers are incapacitated due to sickens. We cannot hold this position."
A longer stretch of static followed as high command undoubtedly mulled their dwindling options. Supply lines were overtaxed just keeping them all fed, let alone transporting the sick. But abandon this stretch of trench would leave their flank exposed to human probing attacks.
At last, the voice crackled back. "Understood Lion lead. Fall back one click and establish a new perimeter defense. We'll divert support as able to your sector for defense and medical aid. Command out."
Togor let out a long breath as he ended the transmission. The order had been the only reasonable choice, but that made pulling out of a defended position no easier. He scrambled back up the trench to begin rallying the able and organizing the infirm for evacuation.
Two hours of grueling labor followed as they dismantled what security they had built and prepared to withdraw under the ever-present threat of human detection. Working teams stripped supplies and armaments from the trench while others aided the sick in making the painful trek to the rear.
By the time the retreat began in earnest under cover of darkness, over half of Togor's platoon was unfit to fight. He fell in with the rearguard, anxiously scanning the night for enemy movement as they shuffled the bulky bioscanners used to detect biological and chemical agents thrown off by suffering soldiers. So far, all scopes remained calm.
A rustling off to the left drew Togor's attention as another round of ragged coughing erupted from the treeline. He dashed over with a couple soldiers to find a lone private collapsed in the undergrowth, shivering fiercely even as sweat poured off his brow.
"It's Liser," one of the soldiers stated grimly. Togor knelt to grasp Liser's shoulder, causing the soldier to crack open clouded eyes.
"Sir, can't go on," he croaked through chattering teeth. Togor grimaced, but there would be no saving this one out here.
"Rest easy, private. You've served with honor." Togor produced his sidearm and placed the cool muzzle against Liser's temple, holding the soldier's gaze calmly until the end. A muted cough was the last sound before stillness overtook his form.
Rising stiffly, Togor turned back to the march. They had lost too many already without delaying further. Ahead, the first edges of dawn hinted at the new lines they must struggle to maintain, though against what fresh horrors only the new day would reveal.
The newly established perimeter line snaked along the edge of a dense forest, its gnarled trunks casting deep shadows even under the harsh light of Vega. Togor oversaw the last defenses being dug as daylight faded, already dreading the nightly bombardments to come.
At least here they had cover and concealment lacking on the open frontier. But the forests also hid opportunistic enemies, as Togor well knew. He headed to brief the sentries just as the first watch reported movement in the brush.
Gripping his plasma rifle tight, Togor crept to the forest edge and dropped into a shallow trench, peering intently into the gloom. Whispers carried back to him as other soldiers took up overwatch, until a larger shadow detached itself from the trees.
A hulking Garn armored vehicle emerged, its boxy form silhouetted against the foliage. But Togor uttered a sigh of relief - it was one of their Komor class tanks, trundling forward to reinforce the new line.
As the tank ground to a halt near the perimeter, its top hatch slid open revealing the commander astride the turret. "Anything to report, Lion lead?" she asked, helmet amplifying her voice.
"All quiet so far," Togor replied. "Glad to have your firepower on our flank, but stay wary. The humans have gotten past our armor before."
She nodded grimly. "We'll be locking down at dusk. Drive safe out there, men." With that the hatch slammed shut and the tank rumbled off into position, main gun scanning vigilantly through its sights.
Night quickly enveloped the forest, cloaking any movements within an impenetrable dark. The hours dragged on uneventfully as Togor made his rounds, checking in with sentries and squinting fruitlessly into the black.
A glow off in the distance hinted at some larger inhabited area still holding out against the humans, its protective fields flickering in the night sky. Togor found small comfort in knowing they were not alone on this hostile world.
In the small hours before dawn, a sharp crackle split the air. Togor spun to see a brief muzzle flash light up the forest, answered by a succession of impacts thudding into the Komor's thick armor.
"Contact, twelve o'clock!" he bellowed, diving for cover as return fire roared from the tank. The echoes of combat now reverberated through the tree line as autoguns opened up and rockets streaked overhead, searching for targets.
Togor signaled for a SitRep as heavier booms indicated the Komor slugging it out with something substantial. "Multiple infantry spotted moving west," came the report. "They're probing our line, trying to draw our focus."
Grimacing, Togor knew they had to defend both flanks. "Second squad, flank left and push them back. The rest of you, stay sharp - they'll hit us again once that tank draws their fire."
True to his prediction, no sooner had the flanking squad faded into the trees than another barrage crashed into the forest ahead. Through spray and debris, Togor caught blurry movement - humans, sprinting between the enormous detonations occurring mere meters from their position.
He opened fire, plasma bolts stitching the ground where figures had been. A squadmate went down, clutching a leg wound, but managed to tag one attacker before collapsing. Shouts indicated the flank was engaging as well, trading shots in the darkness.
Then, through the ringing in his ears, Togor heard it - the unmistakable whine of rockets powering up. "Incoming, brace for impact!" he yelled, throwing himself into the trench barely a heartbeat before multiple explosions tore through the forest.
Bursting shrapnel whipped overhead as a concentrated volley fell directly on their position. Through the smoke, Togor saw figures darting between the remaining trees, closing fast under cover of their own bombardment.
"Stand to, return fire!" he growled, taking aim once more as figures materialized out of the haze. Exchange of fire intensified as both sides fought to gain the upper hand, flashes of plasma and primitve projectiles vying to find flesh.
A booming detonation off in the trees signalled the tank had re-engaged, pounding the edge of the forest. With its support, the humans were forced to fall back under the renewed fusillade.
Silence fell once more as the echoes faded into the distance. Too many wounded lay amid the churned earth, and Togor sent for evac even as dawn's light crept over the ruins left in the humans' wake. Another defense had held, for now, but at what further cost to his dwindling forces?
The battle-scarred remnants of Togor's platoon, dug in under the hazy dawn light, nursing wounds, both physical and mental. They had held the forest line through the night, but, at what cost? More soldiers were lost, and those remaining showed wear, beyond their cycles.
Togor did his rounds, offering what encouragement he could muster, to the exhausted troops. But, his own resolve was fading under the constant strain, and rumors of mercenary contracts, beyond the frontier lines, drew his thoughts ever more.
That evening, as the medships finally arrived to evac casualties, Togor seized his chance. He requested leave to accompany the wounded, intending to push onward from there. His second, Gelnor, stepped in to assume command with reluctance, both knew staying meant risking annihilation.
The medical station, seethed with activity, tending soldiers from across the warzone. As Togor awaited clearance to depart, his roving gaze fell upon a battered detachment, entering through the sliding bay doors. Their varied assortment of armor, instilled a dangerous air, marking them as something other than regular line troops.
Togor approached boldly. "You there - mercenaries, yes? I seek employment beyond this place. My skills could prove an asset to your outfit."
The apparent leader sized him up critically. "You'd last a tenth-cycle out there, garrison guard. We take only the willing to fight and die as need be."
Undeterred, Togor grasped at this chance for escape. "My will remains unbroken, though my current post has tested it sorely. Give me a cycle under your command, if, after that, you judge me unfit, I walk away with no dispute."
A long moment passed, as the mercenary deliberated, his hardened gaze seeing deeper than years alone. At last, he grunted and extended a gauntleted hand. "You've got spunk soldier. A cycle it is, but heed me well. Out there, the only law is kill or be killed."
Within the hour, Togor found himself leaving the station behind, amongst the mercenary columns. They moved with through the barren wilderness landscapes, answering only to contracts far beyond military oversight. An unfamiliar sense of freedom, began to take root, alongside the uncertainties of his new life.
Their headquarters sprawled within an ancient urban ruin, repurposed as a bastion, dotted with defensive emplacements and heavy weapons. Inside, Togor was ushered to the commander's office and introduced formally.
A hulking Uridian warlord presided from behind a scarred metal desk, eying the newcomer appraisingly. "So, you're the latest stray Lantor drug in from the slaughter fields. Make no mistake, this is no place for weaklings or cowards. Your trial begins at first light.
Rising dawn found Togor geared and ready, alongside a squad of mixed mercenaries, embarking into the border zones under a veteran scout's guidance. Their patrol route wound through crumbling valleys and forest fastnesses, ever probing for signs of enemy harbored within.
Midway through the cycle, as they paused to reconnoiter a likely ambush point, the scout signaled silently. Movement flickered in the treeline beyond, humans, moving stealthy. A hand signal passed the order, and the squad melted into the brush, ready to engage.
As the first shots cracked out, Togor felt strangely liberated, releasing months of pent frustrations through disciplined action once more. This new life of danger, yet freedom from military bureaucracy, was one he found he could grow into, given time. His trial had begun in earnest, amidst the perpetual storm of the frontier wars, and, for now, it was enough.
submitted by SciFiTime to u/SciFiTime [link] [comments]