Printable small millimeter rulers

What If? I tried to "fix" the Old Man Logan lore/map?

2024.06.05 18:01 BtoTheYLore What If? I tried to "fix" the Old Man Logan lore/map?

What If? I tried to
I’ll admit, I liked Old Man Logan, or at least the premise of it, the execution as many people have noted wasn’t the best. Ill-thought out and needlessly edgy.
But “The Night the Heroes Fell” still stuck with me, and after seeing some of the feedback in a recent reddit post on the OML Map, I decided to make my own, fixing some glaring issues, adding flavour and generally moving the Map/Setting towards something a little more coherent, or at least a world in which cities are (roughly) the right place!
Feedback is welcome, the map isn’t perfect, and not everything will add up perfectly but I have tried to add things that appear in the “Wasteland” canon incl. Wastelanders, OML, OMH, OMQ, DML, Avengers of the Wasteland. Some stuff was just added to flesh out the world, and I’ll point that out where necessary.
I left out Magneto, mainly because he can be better utilised in Krakoa, Asteroid M or "New"-Genosha
This is my first proper "map", feedback is welcome, both on the lore and the mapmaking itself.
Hope you enjoy!

West Coast

Capital: Silicon Valley Leader: Ultron
Ultronia, or Ultron Valley, arose after the success of the “Night the Heroes Fell”. Where else would Ultron take up residence than Silicon Valley? In order to syphon materials, human servants and more importantly tech infrastructure Ultron and his clones exerted their control down the coast to include LA and San Diego.
Capital: Sacramento Leader: Pappy Banner
Hulkland is ruled by the rowdy “Hulk Gang”, Pappy Banner has become old and is increasingly less mobile but his children, borne of his relationship with Red She-Hulk (Betty Ross). After Betty was murdered, Banner has become a withdrawn and violent figure, setting an example for his ill-disciplined children. The Hulk Gang unleash their wanton violence and lax moral standards on rural California as they collect tithes and seize goods and resources at will.
Notes: No more>! r*pe and inc*st!<, Banner is still wrathful, violent, perhaps even cannibalistic, and his kids are lawless reavers.

East Coast

Kingpin’s Turf
Capital: New York Leader: Kingpin
Kingpin, the ageing Wilson Fisk, belongs in New York and he didn’t conquer countless street-level heroes to move halfway across the nation when he finally achieved victory. He’s king of the hill, top of the heap. He made it here, and no Nazis or Sorcerers can take that away from him.
The President’s Quarter
Capital: New Babylon Leader: Red Skull
A: Creel Gang Link) B: State of Sin Link) C: Viperville Link) D: Barony von Strucker Link) E: Rushmore Reservation (Ruled by Taskmaster) Link) F: Weapon X
The Red Skull conquered his enemies, both super and mundane, he has conquered democracy and liberalism, tolerance and equality. Now, in his high castle, he looks upon the ruined White House, his grisly Hero trophies and the lands that stretch to the horizon and smiles. The Red Reich has risen.
Lizard Kingdom
Capital: Kissimmee Leader: The Lizard King
Connors? Doctor? Who? There is only The Lizard King, his throne in Kissimmee and his followers across the marshes and towns of the former Florida. He has ripped, torn and eaten his way to becoming a monarch, and through all the spilled blood there is very little of the “man” he once was.


Capital: Osborn City Leader: Norman Osborn
Norman Osborn looks remarkably good for his age, perhaps some kind of Oscorp serum is beating back the ravages of time and maintaining his classic wavy hairstyle. The land of Oscorp is a land of contrasts in which the countryside and small towns have been pillaged and crushed so the wealthy elite can live atop partly ruined skyscrapers in decrepit cities. However in the penthouses and vaults luxury is the order of the day, with high society and high science still dominating in a crumbling world.
Doom’s Lair
Capital: Neu-Doomstadt Leader: Lord Doom
A: Enchantress’ Expanse Link) B: Madame Masque’s Abode Link) C: Wrecking Crew Ward Link) D: Stane State Link) E: M.E.Z
Doctor Doom was pivotal in organising the Night the Heroes Fell, his magicks and his genius ensured the plan ended in success, and as such he asserted that he was owed territory in the former North America. However, he refused to take up any position outside his beloved Latveria, and was revolted by the idea of sharing borders and power with a Nazi. As such, a compromise was reached, he would remain in Latveria and his territories in Amerika would be ruled by his Viceroys. He could easily travel between his home and Neu-Doomstadt by magical portal and his physical distance would allow him to plan the Red Skull’s downfall…
The Mutant Exclusion Zone or MEZ is a protected area within benevolent Doom’s Realm that is set aside for Mutantkind. Its capital, Cyclopolis, is overseen by the White Queen, who is said to be the only person in Amerika to know the whereabouts of Magneto. Non-Mutants are rarely seen inside the MEZ and X-Genes are checked at the border.
Notes: A Romani man working with a Nazi? Mark Millar missed on that one.
Terra Infernum
Capital: Atom Falls Link) Leader: Mephisto
After an intense battle between Mephisto and Iron Man, a nuclear reactor was damaged, and the ensuing explosion led to the ruin and irradiation of the surrounding area. In an area that so closely resembled hell on earth, Mephisto and Doom came to an agreement, Mephisto would be allowed to rule over the irradiated wasteland (and just that area) and have permanent access to Amerika and Earth on one condition, the release of Doom’s Mother. Now Mephisto is free to rule his territory however he sees fit, with no obstacles barring him from the Mortal Realms.
Notes: Extrapolated from the mention of the battle at Sioux Falls


Capital: Electroville Leader: Electro
Nobody has seen Maxwell Dillon for a long long time, but one thing is for certain, Electroville always has access to power. Which is a benefit to local radio broadcaster “DJ Shocker” who has been broadcasting for several years, playing a mix of Adult Contemporary, Hair Metal and talk segments focusing on Wasteland gossip.
Kree Refugee Settlement
Capital: Kree Haven Leader: Ronan
With the fall of the heroes, interstellar wars suddenly became more common, with the Universal Church of Truth attacking planets across the galaxy. The small settlement of Kree Haven has provided sanctuary to a slow growing population of Kree refugees and other alien citizens seeking asylum. While the territory is ruled day-to-day by its own citizens, Ronan is known to use Kree Haven as his base of operations on Earth.
Savage Land Hunting Reserve
Capital: Hunt City Leader: Kraven Link) & Link)
Someone had the great idea of importing dinosaurs and other creatures from the Savage Land, and the Kravinoff’s saw the opportunity for “The Savage Land Hunting Reserve” in which the highest bidder can go on an exotic safari and live in relative luxury in Hunt City. However with a shortage of tourists, Sergei often hires out the services of the Kravinoff family as mercenaries and muscle.
Notes: OC extrapolation to comments about dinosaurs being imported for hunting
Titania Town
Capital: Titania Town Leader: Titania
Titania keeps a low profile, or as low a profile as you can with a town named after you. She collects taxes and trade tariffs but is rarely seen unless unsavoury characters try to disrupt the flow of cash, and the peace of course, but one is more important than the other.
Notes: location wasn’t confirmed as far as I could see, so I placed her roughly in Grand Junction.
Hobgoblin State Park
Capital: Hobgoblin State Park Leader: Hobgoblin Link)
The Hobgoblin State Park is essentially one big playground for the psychopathic Hobgoblin to do as they wish. The maniacal cackling, the whine of a glider, periodic explosions and the occasional scream echo around the rocky landscape. One to avoid…
Notes: extrapolated from the appearance of (Hob)Goblin State Park in the Wasteland
Mole Man’s Mire
Capital: Grand Canyon (all over the wasteland) Leader: Mole Man
Mole Man was a wildcard on the Night the Heroes Fell, but after sinking half of San Francisco and toppling Giant Man, he had earned the respect of his fellow villainous colleagues. He now sits atop a throne in what has been locally dubbed the “Mole Mountain” in the Grand Canyon, but his Moloids spread his influence far and wide.
Notes: Put some respect on his name!
Barony von Zemo
Capital: Zemo Lake City Link Leader: Baron Zemo
Baron Zemo was 'rewarded' by the Red Skull with a city, but unfortunately for him it was in the Wasteland. This was mainly due to its relative proximity to the Weapon X project which he was ordered to oversee alongside Avalanche.
Notes: Zemo ruled the city in the Wastelanders podcast, and after restoring Fisk to his rightful place in New York was the logical choice, although you could of course put "Spider-Bitch" Link) here.
The Hand
Capital: The Hand Castle Leader: Elektra
Elektra, who is steadily mastering more and more of The Hand’s magic, has found security and splendid isolation in the Sawtooth Mountains. Here martial arts, magic and murder can be practised in peace.
Notes: Apparently she resurrected Daredevil with Hand Magic?
Sinking Sands
Capital: The Castle Leader: Sandman
The truth is, the game was rigged from the start. The Mojave Desert is pretty inhospitable to your average man, but Flint Marko calls it home. With his powers slowly degrading his human form, his loved ones dead and no heroes to challenge, Marko has resigned himself to fading away in the desert. Who knew the Night the Heroes Fell would be the biggest mistake of his life? All the Sandman wants is to be left alone. Trespassers beware.
Notes: OC addition, too many deserts to not add Sandman.
Negative Zone Containment Area
Capital: N/A Leader: N/A
Doctor Octopus opened a portal to the Negative Zone, allowing Annihilus and his minions to spill onto the Earth, however Miles Morales was present to offer a token resistance. Miles was soon defeated and taken to Annihilus and in a last ditch effort used a venom blast to destroy Annihilus' Cosmic Control Rod, appearing to sacrifice himself in the process. However years later an unnamed Deathlok appeared, it's sole mission to contain the Annihilation Wave led by the gravely injured Annihilus. The Deathlok's guerilla war has been largely successful in containing the Annihilation Wave, making Earth a costly distraction and forcing Annihilus to focus his forces on pressing concerns in the greater cosmos.
Notes: Effort to nerf the Annihilation Wave using Miles Morales Deathlok Link) (which is a cool concept)


The Master’s Realm
Capital: Vancouver Leader: The Master of the World Link)
When Eshu stood over the lifeless forms of Canada’s finest - Alpha Flight, he knew he finally had his wish, he could become the Master of the World. Unfortunately due to civil unrest, and recurring rebellions, and the threat of an imposing Red Skull, Eshu has had to postpone his plans for world domination. The Master of the World now sits atop his throne in Vancouver, ruling with an iron fist.
Notes: Master of the World is mentioned in the comics as ruling the border regions of Canada
Kingdom of Mauvais
Capital: Yellowknife Leader: King Mauvais Link)
With nobody to foil his plans, the human-meat and occult aficionado Jean-Pierre Beaubier recruited some unwilling guides and volunteers and began his journey north to Yellowknife. Using his newly found “friends” as fodder for his ritual magics he slowly sunk his teeth into cold Canadian north. Since the Night the Heroes Fell he has since established a horrific “Kingdom” in which his followers worship him as Mauvais and his powers are used to fend off both the elements and the rising threat of organised assaults from local Indigenous Peoples who have no tolerance for diabolical magic and unwanted foreign rulers.
Notes: OC addition, to add flavour to Canada.
Hunting Grounds
A: Wendigo Link) B: Sabretooth Link)
After the Heroes fell, some villains just wanted to go back to their roots. The Hunting Grounds are the vast area in which Wendigo and Sabretooth live and hunt. Both are deeply territorial and often clash. Both also include wanderers and passers-by in their prey, making the journey from coast to coast a treacherous one in Canada.
Notes: OC addition, probably wouldn’t be the Sabretooth seen in DML.
Cult of Llan
Capital: Winnipeg Leader: Llan Link)
The Cult of Llan believe that the Night the Heroes Fell was brought about by the machinations of Llan, an ancient mystical being. Llan is only permitted to walk the Earth every 10,000 years but with no Heroes to stop them, the Cult are keen to summon him sooner… that’s if they haven’t succeeded already.
Notes: OC addition to add flavour to Canada
New Hel
Capital: Jormungandgrav Leader: Hela
When Hela rode Jormungand into battle on the Night the Heroes Fell, she couldn’t have expected the great serpent to fall in the chaos. Now, surrounding Parliament Hill, Jormungand lies still, while Hela rules her Midgard territory from within, hoping one day to resurrect the Midgard Serpent to aid her in her future conquests.
Notes: Extrapolated from the presence of what is presumably Jormungand in Ottawa
submitted by BtoTheYLore to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:33 Pakman_20 Why Al-Andalus fell. Taken from @LarMusulman

Why Al-Andalus fell. Taken from @LarMusulman submitted by Pakman_20 to pakistani [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:17 Much-Hovercraft-6760 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Non-Profit Looking for Zines!

Hey everyone! I work for a queer Youth organization in a small Canadian community that's looking to expand the amount of zines we have available for our kids. Recently, our director has seen the impact that zines and zines creation has had on our community, and we were wondering if any of the talented 2SLGBTQIA+ Zinesters on this reddit would be interested in sharing their zines with our library.
As we are a non-profit organization that focuses on helping the queer community, we realize that many creators cannot afford to digitize, send, or donate their zines, free of cost, to a rural community in what may be a completely different part of the world. That said, if you wish to contribute but cannot afford to donate your hard work, please consider sending us a link in the comments to your Etsy,, or similar zine storefront! We cannot guarantee that we will purchase from every store as we're working on a shoestring budget for this project, but we will definitely consider buying any zines that we think would be a good fit for our community. We are also willing to trade some of our digital zines as well!
Some basic criteria for those interested:
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to message me here on reddit, message The Youth Project on facebook, or email my supervisor at []( .
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, whether or not you decide to participate!
submitted by Much-Hovercraft-6760 to zines [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:13 MelecheJewelery 💍💡 Easy DIY Guide: How to Measure Your Ring Size at Home with Meleche Jewelry Shop! 💎✨

💍💡 Easy DIY Guide: How to Measure Your Ring Size at Home with Meleche Jewelry Shop! 💎✨
Hey, jewelry enthusiasts! Ever wondered how to nail down your ring size from the comfort of your own home? 🏡💍 Well, wonder no more! At Meléche Jewelry Shop, we've got you covered with a simple, foolproof method. Here's how you can do it yourself:

How To Measure Your Ring Size

There are a few different methods you can use to find out your perfect ring size. If you already own a ring in the correct size, you can physically measure it or compare it against our sizes. If not, you can measure your finger to determine your size. Discover how to measure your ring size below.
Step 1: Grab Your Materials 📏✋
All you need is a piece of string or a strip of paper, a ruler, and your favorite ring (if you have one).
a strip of paper, a ruler #Meléche

Measure your Finger 📏✋

Cut a piece of string or paper to a length of around 10 centimeters (cm).

Wrap the paper or string around your finger at the point where the ring should sit. Pull so that the string fits comfortably around your finger - not too tight and not too loose.

Use a pen to mark the point where the end of the string or paper overlaps itself.

Lay the string or paper out against a ruler or tape measure, and measure the length (mm) from its end to the point you have marked with pen, use it to find your size using our Meleche Ring Size Chart .

Step 2: Wrap and Measure 🔄📐
Wrap the string or paper snugly around the base of your finger where you'll be wearing the ring. Make sure it's comfortably tight, but not too loose. Mark where the string or paper overlaps and then measure the length in millimeters with your ruler.
Get Ring If you have

Measure a Ring 💖💍

Find a ring that fits comfortably on the finger you intend to wear your new ring on.

Measure the internal diameter of the ring, using a ruler or measuring tape. To do so, ensure you are using a ruler with millimetre (mm) measurements, then place your ring on top of the ruler and measure the inside of the circle – in other words, the part that is in contact with your finger.

Use our Ring Size Chart to convert your diameter measurement into the correct ring size.

Step 3: Find Your Size 🔍💡 Once you have your measurement, use our handy ring size chart (link here) to match it up with the corresponding size. Voila! You've found your perfect fit.
At Meléche Jewelry Shop, we believe that getting your ring size shouldn't be a hassle. That's why we've made it as easy as 1-2-3! Feel free to reach out for our collections or if you have any questions or need assistance. Happy ring sizing! 💖💍✨
#Meleche #Meléche #Meléche Jewelry
submitted by MelecheJewelery to u/MelecheJewelery [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:44 spritz_bubbles Battery Replacement Tips - IPod Classic 7th Gen

Some notes that MIGHT be helpful if you’re planning on replacing a battery yourself. If there’s any extra tips or corrections, please lmk in the comments:
• Don’t use plastic tool when attempting to ply apart iPod - a thin flat metal tool (ex: New Elite Obsolete Electronics Jimmy Metal Opening Tool Flat).
• Don’t ply the Ipod apart starting near the 30 pin outlet - instead begin on the upper right corner near where the securing clips are. Go gently downward and a switch will release the case apart quicker. Avoid the left side of the iPod and especially near the aux outlet.
• When you finally separate both sides, don’t rip the battery ribbon wire attached. Carefully and mindfully open the iPod apart like a book. Be aware of the hard drive ribbon wire still attached to the other side. You can remove it too but not necessary.
• When disconnecting ribbon wire connected to old battery, don’t use pliers to remove or snap in new battery. While wearing plastic gloves, carefully and slowly pinch the end of the ribbon wire out to remove.
• Make sure for IPod Classic 7 Gen has the thin battery - 160 gb 580mAh (not sure how many volts)
• When removing the battery, use a plastic small lever, while holding down the ribbon wires surrounding the area near and underneath. Be aware of the ribbon wire under the battery and try not to be aggressive when separating old battery from adhesive. Try starting from the top. Discard.
• Remove adhesive from new battery and gently place. Then softly apply pressure to the ribbon wire and using your gloved hand place back in the connecter at the bottom right corner.
• Make sure to adjust clips to be properly placed back in tact.
• Apply hand pressure to sides of ipod back to make it fits better.
• If both sides of iPod won’t stay together, use a special glue and let dry for 24 hours.
• When opening ipod, you can use a printable guide to show where’s what inside, like the side clips.
submitted by spritz_bubbles to IpodClassic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:17 Affectionate-Net2619 Need help finding the right size for Circul ring

Need help finding the right size for Circul ring
I'm trying to decide which size to order for the Circul ring: M or M+. When I measure with a ring ruler (shown in the product photo) I measure 7.25 US ring size. When I stretch the ring ruler out and measure it on a ruler, it measures 62 mm. I also got the same measurement when I used a piece of scotch tape around my finger.
My Oura ring is size 9, but I'm actually between sizes. I have to use a ring adjuster for a good fit.
I got an UH sizing kit and size 7 fits best but is a little big.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Affectionate-Net2619 to SmartRings [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:34 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Electrician Knife

Best Electrician Knife
Welcome to our roundup of the best Electrician Knives on the market! As every electrician knows, the right tool can make all the difference in the field. We've scoured the industry to bring you a selection of high-quality options, designed to help you handle even the toughest jobs with ease. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we're confident that our list has something to suit your needs. So sit back, relax, and let us help you find the perfect Electrician Knife for your toolbox.

The Top 19 Best Electrician Knife

  1. Stainless Steel Electrician's Folding Pocket Knife with #2 Philips Screwdriver - Experience top-notch precision and efficiency with the Sunex Tools 4 in. Electrician's Folding Pocket Knife, featuring a #2 Philips Screwdriver, ideal for tackling any electrical job.
  2. Compact, Rust-Resistant Stainless Steel Multi-Tool for Electricians - Designed for electricians and maintenance pros, the compact and sturdy Klein Tools TripSaver Multi-Tool offers 13 essential functions to tackle any job with ease.
  3. Durable Flip Button Lock Utility Knife with Seat Belt Cutter and Wire Stripper - Experience seamless convenience with the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife, combining a sharp blade, quick access, and easy blade replacement for versatile outdoor tasks.
  4. Allway Tools Safety Knife: Adjustable, Retractable, and Lightweight - Experience effortless and safe cutting with the Allway Tools Ark Self Retracting Safety Knife, featuring an adjustable cutting depth, unique EZ push button blade change, and an ultra-lightweight engineering-grade plastic body.
  5. Heavy Duty, Pakkawood Electrician's Knife with Billhook Blade and Nail Nick Opening - The Baladeo CO080 Billhook Electricians Knife is a sturdy, non-locking tool with a 7.0cm cutting edge, perfect for work or gardening, featuring a stainless steel billhook blade, Pakkawood handle, and convenient belt clip.
  6. Ergonomic Electrician Knife with Stainless Steel Blade and Robust Plastic Handle - Feel the precision with the Knipex 16 20 50 SB Folding Knife for Electricians, featuring an extremely sharp blade made in Solingen, comfortably designed handle, and a durable stainless steel blade - a perfect addition to your tethered tool collection.
  7. Stahlwille Electrician's Cable Knife: Robust and Sharp Utility Tool - Stahlwille 12320 Electrician Cable Knife - Durable, ergonomic cable cutter with an extremely sharp blade, designed for professionals and perfect for stripping and cutting cables without damaging core – made in Germany.
  8. Insulated Jameson Lineman Hack Knife with Holster - Experience maximum electrical protection with the versatile Jameson Lineman Hack Knife, featuring a sturdy straight blade, ergonomic grip, and locking holster for various utility, electrical, and telecommunication tasks.
  9. Versatile Insulated Cable Stripping Knife: 1000 Volt Rated, Durable, and Safe - Safety-oriented and reliable, insulated Wiha 15000 knife guarantees quality, meeting international standards and designed for electrician use.
  10. Eclipse Electrician Knife: Sturdy and Ergonomic Line Cutting Tool - Stay sharp with the Eclipse PD-998 Electrician's Knife, featuring a durable high-quality stainless steel blade, ergonomic handle, and convenient built-in eyelet for hanging.
  11. OLFA Self-Retracting Safety Knife for Electricians and Industrial Use - The Olfa Self-Retracting Safety Knife offers a highly protective experience with its sleek design, enhanced grip control, and a heavy-duty blade ideal for various materials.
  12. Morakniv Craftline Electrician Knife with Stainless Steel Blade and Incorporated Finger Guard - The Morakniv Craftline Electrician Trade Knife with Sandvik's unique double grinding and integrated finger guard ensures precise wire stripping and unmatched control, making it the best choice for electricians.
  13. Milwaukee Lineman's Hawkbill Knife for Cable Stripping - Stay sharp with the Milwaukee Lineman's Hawkbill Knife, equipped for easy stripping, compatibility with shotgun and hot sticks, and a durable, ergonomic design for all-day use.
  14. Durable Lineman's Underground Stripping Knife for Electricians - Streamline your underground cable stripping tasks with the ergonomic, all-day use Milwaukee 48-22-1929 Lineman's Underground Knife, featuring a durable molded blade cover for easy storage and on-board safety.
  15. Ergonomic Insulated Electrician Knife for Safe Sheathing Removal - Experience safe and efficient cable sheathing with the Jonard Tools KN-200INS Insulated Cable & Duct Sheathing Knife, featuring a curved blade for easy access and an insulated handle rated for use on live equipment up to 1000V.
  16. Insulated Lineman's Skinning Knife by Klein Tools - Klein's 1571INS Insulated Lineman's Skinning Knife: An efficient, durable, and ergonomically designed cable sheath splitting tool for electricians, featuring molded measuring marks and a VDE certified blade for enhanced performance and safety.
  17. Heavy-Duty Utility Knife with Retractable Positions for Various Materials - Cut through any challenge with the Greenlee 0652-11 Heavy Duty Utility Knife - a tough, comfortable, and convenient electrician's knife designed for precise performance.
  18. Insulated Electrician Knife for Safe Disconnecting - The Knipex 98 55 SB - Dismantling Knife is a superb electrician's tool with superior insulation, ensuring safety and efficiency in any electrical job.
  19. High-Performance Snap-Off Utility Knife with Auto-Load Feature - The Olfa PL-1 Snap-Off Utility Knife offers up to 48 cutting edges per load, making it a reliable tool for electricians tackling jobs with continuous blade requirements, such as cutting drywall, roofing, linoleum, and more.
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🔗Stainless Steel Electrician's Folding Pocket Knife with #2 Philips Screwdriver
As an electrician, I've always valued a tool that can fold and fit neatly into my pocket. The Sunex KNWIREP Wire Biter Electrician's Knife was the perfect accompaniment to my daily work routine. With its black oxide, stainless steel blade that flips open and locks securely, I was able to handle wires and strip them easily with the dual serrated edges. The flip-out driver with a #2 Phillips screwdriver at the end of the blade was also incredibly handy, as it saved me the trouble of carrying a separate driver.
One thing that stood out to me was the multi-purpose clip with wire gauge holes, which allowed me to make quick measurements in low-light situations. The high-visibility neon green ruler came in handy when measuring in dimly lit areas. Although the Sunex KNWIREP Wire Biter Electrician's Knife was a bit narrow, it compensated for it with its lightweight, anodized aluminum handle, which featured rubberized grit inserts for a slip-resistant grip. Overall, this handy little knife has become an essential part of my electrician's toolkit.

🔗Compact, Rust-Resistant Stainless Steel Multi-Tool for Electricians
When I was tasked with fixing some wiring issues at my neighbor's house, I turned to the Klein Tools TripSaver Multi-Tool. Compact, lightweight, and sturdy, this handy gadget quickly proved indispensable on the job. Made from high-carbon, rust-resistant stainless steel, I could rest assured that it would withstand the demands of regular use, without succumbing to weather or rust.
What really set this multi-tool apart, though, was its specially designed locking handle which would snap securely into place. This feature made it incredibly convenient to have all my necessary implements right at my fingertips while I worked. No more fumbling around for the right tool – everything was readily accessible, thanks to the TripSaver Multi-Tool.
However, I did face a minor issue from time to time. The power tools I worked with sometimes had all-metal designs, which meant that I needed to always turn off the power before using the multi-tool. While this might seem like a small setback, it's a safety precaution worth remembering to help prevent any unforeseen accidents.
Overall, the Klein Tools TripSaver Multi-Tool proved to be a valuable asset during my time fixing that pesky wiring issue at my neighbor's house. With its sturdiness, versatility, and unique locking mechanism, I can see how this multi-tool would become an essential part of any electrician or maintenance professional's toolkit. It's not just functional; it's a tool that's thoughtfully designed to make the job easier.

🔗Durable Flip Button Lock Utility Knife with Seat Belt Cutter and Wire Stripper
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife. As someone who relies on utility knives for various tasks, I was curious to see how it would hold up compared to the bigger name brands.
From the moment I opened the packaging, the aluminum blade and alloy steel handle felt solid and durable. The one-handed operation was really convenient, allowing me to quickly access the blade without any fuss. However, I did notice that changing the blade could be a bit tricky at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was quite simple.
One feature that I found particularly handy was the integrated wire cutter and seat belt cutter. It made it so much easier to cut through lines and cords, especially when I needed to make quick adjustments. The lock-up on the blade was also surprisingly sturdy - I appreciated that it didn't rattle or clank around when I was using it.
However, there were a couple of downsides. While the pocket clip was functional, it seemed a bit long and bulky compared to other utility knives I've used. Also, the handle could be a bit slippery at times, so I had to make sure I was holding it securely.
Overall, the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife proved to be a reliable and versatile tool in my daily life. While there were a few minor drawbacks, its durability, convenience, and competitive pricing made it a worthwhile addition to my collection.

🔗Allway Tools Safety Knife: Adjustable, Retractable, and Lightweight
The Allway Tools Ark self-retracting safety knife is my go-to tool whenever I need to cut through thick packaging or rip open boxes in my daily life. I've tried other knives before this one, but nothing comes close to the convenience and safety features it offers.
One of the first things I noticed when I started using the knife is how well it works. With just a flick of my wrist, I can easily cut through any material, from cardboard to plastic, without worrying about hurting myself or others. The blade is self-retracting, meaning it will automatically tuck away when not in use, which is a true lifesaver.
The rounded points on the blade are perfect for my needs. Unlike other box cutters with sharp edges, the rounded points make accidental cuts a thing of the past. I can now navigate through a stack of packages without fear of injury to myself or others.
Another feature I appreciate is the easy blade-change system. With just a simple push, the blade disengages and I can replace it in no time. No more fumbling around with screwdrivers – it's a quick and effortless process.
The lightweight engineering-grade plastic body also caught my attention. It's sturdy enough to handle some heavy-duty tasks, but not bulky enough to feel cumbersome in my hand. The blade storage and lockable blade features are an added bonus for added safety.
However, my experience has been mostly positive, I did face some customer service issues with my initial purchase. The seller was unresponsive and uncooperative when I tried to cancel my order. But, once I received the product, the knife lived up to my expectations, and the customer service issues didn't impact my overall experience with the product.
Overall, the Allway Tools Ark self-retracting safety knife is a great tool for anyone looking for a reliable and safe cutting solution. It's made my daily tasks a lot easier and safer, and the ease of use and convenience are unmatched in its category.

🔗Heavy Duty, Pakkawood Electrician's Knife with Billhook Blade and Nail Nick Opening
The Baladeo Billhook Electrician's Knife stood out in my daily life as a robust multi-purpose tool. The 27g weight provides a solid grip, while the billhook blade, made of stainless steel, opened with precision via a nail nick. Although it is non-locking, its 7.0cm cutting edge made it legally carrier-friendly.
The Pakkawood handle fitted my hand comfortably, and the attached bail allowed me to carry the knife on my belt or pack conveniently. A great fit for professionals, this knife is perfect for both work and garden tasks.

🔗Ergonomic Electrician Knife with Stainless Steel Blade and Robust Plastic Handle
I've had the chance to test out the Knipex 16 20 50 SB Folding Knife for Electricians and let me tell you, it's been quite the experience. After using it for a few days, I've got to say, the durability and robustness of this tool are quite impressive. It's made with top-notch materials, and the sharpness of the blade, crafted in Solingen, is truly remarkable.
One of the features that stood out to me was the ergonomic handle design. It's comfortable to hold and the grip is easy to control. This is crucial when you're working on a job that requires precision, and the Knipex knife certainly delivers on that front.
Another highlight is the stable blade. It feels like it's built to last, and it's definitely made with the rigors of everyday use in mind. I've been cutting through wires and cables, and the knife has been performing exceptionally well.
However, there was one minor issue I encountered. The knife has a tether attachment at the handle end, which allows a fastener to be attached. It's suitable for KNIPEX Tethered Tools, but I found it a bit tricky to use initially. But with some practice, I managed to get the hang of it.
Overall, I'd say the Knipex 16 20 50 SB Folding Knife for Electricians is a fantastic tool. It's durable, comfortable to use, and it does the job it's supposed to do exceptionally well. If you're in the market for a new knife, this is definitely one to consider.

🔗Stahlwille Electrician's Cable Knife: Robust and Sharp Utility Tool
As a product reviewer, I had the chance to try out the Stahlwille Electricians Cable Knife in my daily life. It's an incredibly sharp tool, perfect for cutting cables and removing sheath without harming the core.
The handle is designed with an ergonomic shape, making it easy for anyone to use it without strain on their hands. It's made from a durable shock-resistant plastic and has a comfortable grip, even when hands are greasy. The product is made in Germany, which is known for its quality craftsmanship.
Using this cable knife in my everyday work has been a pleasure, but there's always room for improvement.

🔗Insulated Jameson Lineman Hack Knife with Holster
As an electrical worker, I've been using the Jameson Lineman Hack Knife with Holster for quite some time now, and it has become a trusted companion in my daily work. The knife itself is made of heavy-duty injection molded Nylon 11, providing the necessary electrical protection while working with live or close to live parts.
One of the standout features is the fixed straight hack blade, which is perfect for the tasks I perform in utility, electrical, and telecommunication applications. Although the ergonomic grip makes the knife comfortable to hold, I sometimes find the blade to be a bit too short for certain situations.
The lockable holster is a nice addition, keeping the knife safely stowed when not in use. However, I noticed that the overall size of the holster can make it a bit bulky to carry around, especially when working in tight spaces.
Overall, I've been satisfied with the performance of the Jameson Lineman Hack Knife with Holster, and it has proven to be a reliable tool in my line of work.

🔗Versatile Insulated Cable Stripping Knife: 1000 Volt Rated, Durable, and Safe
I recently got my hands on the Wiha 15000 Insulated Cable Stripping Knife and it has made my life easier during my daily tasks. The first thing I noticed was how safe it feels to use – the blade is insulated up to 1000 volts, a feature that I appreciate when working with electrical components.
The plastic handle has a cushion grip that fits comfortably in my hand, preventing any accidents due to the knife slipping. The cover that comes with the product is a nice touch, protecting the blade when not in use.
However, one of the downsides of the knife is that it doesn't come with a built-in tether, which could have been helpful for keeping the knife secure while in use. Nonetheless, after experiencing its quality and functionality, I've grown quite fond of this German-made knife. It's earned its spot in my toolbox and definitely deserves the top-notch reviews it's received.

🔗Eclipse Electrician Knife: Sturdy and Ergonomic Line Cutting Tool
As an electrician, I've been looking for a durable and stylish knife that can handle heavy-duty line work. That's when I stumbled upon the Eclipse PD-998 Electrician's Knife. The first thing I noticed was the large curved hawk bill blade made of high-quality stainless steel. Not only does it look amazing, but it also provides a good grip for cutting through wires with ease.
The ergonomic handle made from ABS plastic is a game-changer for me. It fits comfortably in my hand, allowing me to work for long hours without any discomfort. I also appreciate the built-in eyelet which lets me hang the knife from a lanyard when it's not in use.
However, like many other products in our industry, the Eclipse PD-998 Electrician's Knife comes with a warning label. It tells us that the product can expose us to chemicals, including arsenic, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. This is definitely something to consider while using this knife.
All in all, the Eclipse PD-998 Electrician's Knife is a great addition to any electrician's toolbox. Its durability, style, and ergonomic design make it a reliable choice for heavy-duty line work. Just remember to handle it with care and follow the safety guidelines provided.

🔗OLFA Self-Retracting Safety Knife for Electricians and Industrial Use
As a reviewer, I've been using the Olfa Self-Retracting Safety Knife for a few months now, and it's become my go-to tool at work. This self-retracting safety knife is an essential add-on for any toolkit, providing an enhanced level of protection. The textured, slip-resistant handle is comfortable and increases grip, making it safer for quick tasks and prolonged use.
One of the standout features is the gently curved blade slider and the spring blade that automatically retracts when it's not in use. This makes it an excellent choice for cutting light to heavy-duty materials such as cardboard, packaging, film, trimmings, and strapping. I've found it particularly useful for cutting corrugated and packaging materials, shrink wrap, plastic, film, and more.
However, as a downside, I have noticed that if you apply constant pressure on the blade, it may not retract unless pressure is reduced. But overall, it's a minor issue compared to the product's durability and safety.
In conclusion, the Olfa Self-Retracting Safety Knife is a high-quality, reliable, and versatile tool for everyday use at work or at home. Its self-retracting feature and comfortable handle make it a safe and efficient choice for various cutting tasks.

🔗Morakniv Craftline Electrician Knife with Stainless Steel Blade and Incorporated Finger Guard
The Morakniv Craftline Electrician Trade Knife with Sandvik is a versatile tool that has been designed specifically for the intricate detail work of an electrician. Despite the fact that it has a curved blade, it's surprisingly easy to control and offers precise maneuverability.
One of the most significant features of this knife is the polymer handle, which is not only reliable and durable but also provides a firm grip. I found it particularly comfortable to use, especially when dealing with the intricate work involved in stripping wires. The rubber grip makes it even easier to handle, providing a firm, yet comfortable grip.
Another great aspect of this knife is the blade's unique double grinding, which caters to both left and right-handed users. This level of detail in the design ensures that users from all walks of life can benefit from its efficiency. It's an excellent all-in-one tool that can handle a myriad of tasks with ease.
However, the knife's weight is quite a bit more than a standard utility knife, which can be a downside for some. It's not a heavy tool in the traditional sense, but if you're used to lighter alternatives, the extra weight might feel noticeable.
As someone who works with tools on a daily basis, I can certainly appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into this knife. Its quality is evident in every aspect, from the sturdy handle to the sharp blade. The included sheath also adds to the product's overall value, making this a reliable investment for any professional in the electrical field.

🔗Milwaukee Lineman's Hawkbill Knife for Cable Stripping
I've been using this Milwaukee Hawkbill Knife as my go-to everyday tool for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's a game-changer for any electrician or cable worker out there. The stainless steel fixed blade has surprised me with its ability to stay sharp longer than any other knife I've used.
The ergonomic, oversized handle really stands out to me. It's perfect for comfortable use even when wearing gloves, which is a common scenario for many electricians or utilities workers. The knife also comes with a durable molded sheath with a convenient belt clip, making storage and transportation a breeze.
However, the knife is only suitable for one type of stripping work, and I still have to use my old skinning knife for more complex tasks sometimes. But overall, the Milwaukee Lineman's Hawkbill Knife has certainly made a noticeable difference in my work life, and I'd definitely recommend it as an electrician knife to anyone who's in need of an efficient, reliable tool.

🔗Durable Lineman's Underground Stripping Knife for Electricians
After weeks of using the Milwaukee Lineman's Underground Knife, I must say that it stands up to expectations! The ergonomic handle makes it easy to grip and use for long periods without causing any discomfort. The stainless steel blade is sharp and efficient at stripping multi-layer cables, and it stays sharp for a good amount of time.
One downside is the absence of a locking mechanism, which can be frustrating when you need a steady hand to cut through thicker cables. Additionally, the on-board blade cover storage is a bit tight, making it slightly inconvenient for storing the knife when it's not in use.
Overall, this knife is perfect for electricians and linemen, offering both functionality and ease of use. If you can overlook the minor flaws, it's a reliable tool for your toolbox!

Buyer's Guide

An electrician knife is a versatile and essential tool for electricians and DIY enthusiasts. This type of knife is designed for cutting various materials, including electrical wires or cords. When selecting an electrician knife, there are several important features to consider to ensure you get the best value for your money.

Power Source
Electrician knives come with different power sources, including rechargeable batteries, disposable batteries, or corded electricity. Consider the convenience and frequent usage of the tool when deciding on the power source. Cordless models offer more flexibility and mobility, while corded models provide uninterrupted power during use.

Type of Blade

Electrician knives come with various blade types, such as razor-edged for slicing materials and diagonal-edged for cutting through cables and wires. Make sure to choose a knife with the appropriate blade type for your intended use.

Material and Construction

The materials used in the knife's construction directly impact its durability and performance. A high-quality knife will typically have a durable metal handle and blade. Look for knives with ergonomic handles for a comfortable grip and non-slip materials to reduce the risk of accidents.

Safety Features

When working with electrical materials, safety is paramount. Electrician knives should have insulated handles to protect users from accidental shocks. Additionally, look for knives with safety guards on the rotating blades to minimize the risk of injuries or accidents.

Comfort and Ergonomics

A well-designed electrician knife should be comfortable to use for extended periods. Consider the handle's grip, thickness, and weight when making your purchase. Ergonomic handles are also beneficial in reducing hand and wrist strain during use.

Brand Reputation
When purchasing any tool, it is essential to consider the brand's reputation for quality, customer service, and warranty policies. A reputable brand with a history of producing reliable and functional electrician knives is a good investment.


What is an Electrician Knife?

An Electrician Knife, also known as a utility knife, is a type of precision cutting tool designed specifically for professionals working in the electrical industry. It features a sharp, retractable blade that can be locked into place for added safety during use.

Why should I choose an Electrician Knife over other cutting tools?

Electrician Knives offer several advantages over traditional cutting tools, such as scissors or even utility knives without an electrical component. These knives are specifically designed to provide accurate and efficient cuts while minimizing the potential for injury or damage to the material being cut. They also incorporate safety features like blade locking mechanisms to reduce the risk of accidental cuts.

What types of materials can I cut with an Electrician Knife?

Electrician Knives are designed to cut various electrical installation materials, such as wires, cables, and insulation. Some models may also be suitable for cutting other types of materials, like plastic or thin metals, but it is essential to check the manufacturer's specifications before using the knife on a specific material.

How do I maintain and clean my Electrician Knife?

  • After each use, wipe the blade clean with a damp cloth to remove any debris or residue.
  • Store the knife in its case when not in use to protect the blade from dust and other contaminants.
  • If the blade becomes dull, replace it with a new one according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Regularly inspect the knife for any signs of damage or wear, and replace it if necessary.

Do I need any special skills or training to use an Electrician Knife?

Although Electrician Knives are fairly user-friendly, it's essential to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper use. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the specific safety features of your chosen knife model to minimize the risk of accidents during use.

What are some key features to look for when purchasing an Electrician Knife?

  • Blade material: The knife's blade should be made from high-quality, durable materials like stainless steel to ensure long-lasting performance.
  • Safety features: Look for features like blade locking mechanisms and insulated handles to reduce the risk of accidents and injury.
  • Ergonomic design: A comfortable grip and lightweight design can improve handling and reduce fatigue during extended use.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:56 SCIONOFJATS Katewa dynasty Katewas also known as Makars, established a principality with its capital at Khudana in present-day Jhunjhunu district. They were ousted by the Nagar Pathan Nawabs of Narhar, who, with Mughal support, founded Bagar and ended Katewa rule in the 17th century.

Katewa dynasty Katewas also known as Makars, established a principality with its capital at Khudana in present-day Jhunjhunu district. They were ousted by the Nagar Pathan Nawabs of Narhar, who, with Mughal support, founded Bagar and ended Katewa rule in the 17th century. submitted by SCIONOFJATS to UNITEDJATFRONT [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:15 No-Information-9498 [QC] Vuja De Doma Trousers

[QC] Vuja De Doma Trousers submitted by No-Information-9498 to QualityReps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:31 Godkicker962 Path of Distant Starlight

Background: The Path of Distant Starlight was created to solve the problem that has plagued many sacred artists: a lack of natural strength. The path's techniques are almost entirely high range and movement oriented. Followers of this path are renowned for their ability to escape near any close-quarters situation and are considered quite annoying to fight.
Iron Body: Rain Drop Iron Body. With their incredible speed, the Rain Drop Iron Body is needed to ensure that the sacred artist can react quickly enough to their own movements in combat.
Jade Cycling: The Great Filter. By cycling their madra in a similar pattern to the script found on parasite rings, the sacred artist turns their own madra channels into a great filter, which burns away impurities in their madra and increases its potency. Many on this path are mistaken for higher advancement after continued use of this technique, though this requires constant dedication.
Goldsign: The Distant Starlight goldsign is a glowing ring around each of their limbs.
Techniques: Flashing Starlight-(Enforcer): The sacred artist infuses their body with madra, allowing them to move and accelerate at extremely high speeds. Visually, this technique presents itself as a glowing aura around the individual. The technique is widely considered inefficient, but can be sufficiently powered with high potency madra from the Great Filter, allowing its effectiveness in combat.
Shooting Stars-(Striker): The sacred artist conjures small, glowing orbs of madra and accelerates them to highly velocities towards their target. The result looks almost identical to that of a shooting star in the night sky. The attack is slightly more forged than normal, allowing for longer range use at the cost of build up. With their high potency madra and high speed, however, the orbs deliver a heavy blow to their targets.
Raining Starlight-(Forger): The sacred artist forges a small star of Madea over their opponent's head, able to hold it there and supply it madra until they decided to release it. The result is a spear of densely packed high power light madra that can spear through even relatively thick layers of gold steel. This technique however takes time to build to its maximum potential and is prone to being undone by others on light or pure madra paths.
The Falling Sun-(Ruler): Using a difficult method to gather large quantities of light aura, the sacred artist forms a large mass of energy above the battlefield. The technique requires soulfire to hold together and as such can only be used by peak truegolds or higher individuals. Upon impact, the light madra and aura are released freely in a chaotic explosion, decimating a wide area. This technique is less useful for fighting individuals, and is more often used in fighting larger forces or even clearing land for some other use. It is of course at its peak efficiency in direct sunlight and must be supplemented with extra madra in other situations.
Current Status: While the Path of Distant Starlight is most commonly practiced by individual sacred artists rather than any sort of Family or Clan, these individuals maintain an informal alliance with each other to ensure the path's continued existence. Each member of this alliance must take at least one disciple as per their agreement, allowing them to expand the path's reach and notoriety across Cradle. So far, their most advanced individual is an Archlord on the Rosegold continent who has recently joined the ranks of the Arelius army.
submitted by Godkicker962 to AThousandPathsToPower [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:26 Genital_Circus Help Porting a Background From 5e

I need help as a new GM to PF2e. I knew the 5e system pretty much backwards and forwards so making homebrew was easy but I have almost no experience with this system. The following is a homebrew background important to my world and a player had it in the last system so I'd like advice on porting it over or perhaps backgrounds close enough to use instead.
Background: Dreamer
Overview: The Dreamers are a rare and mystical group of individuals in Ortalon who still possess the unique ability to have dreams. These dreams, believed to be echoes from the Void or remnants of the True Gods' power, are thought to provide glimpses into potential futures, lost histories, and hidden truths. Dreamers are often sought after by scholars, mages, and rulers alike, for their possible insights into the major events of Ortalon.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Arcana / Languages: One language of your choice / Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit / Equipment: A set of common clothes, a journal for recording dreams, an herbalism kit, a small vial of psyke (a drug thought to aid in recalling dreams), and a pouch containing 10 gp.
Feature: Your prophetic dreams grant you an uncanny ability to perceive truths hidden from others. You can use this feature to gain advantage on any Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence (Investigation) check made to discern hidden details or to recall lore about places or events that have appeared in your dreams.
submitted by Genital_Circus to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:30 Weaby "people's hands are likely far more disgusting than their buttcheeks and balls" /r/Toronto discusses the ethics of a naked bike ride through the city


Toronto's annual naked bike ride is around the corner. The event is intended as a protest against oil dependency, promoting cycling and body positivity. The group (aka, anyone wishing to join in) cycles naked through the heart of the city, chanting slogans like "less gas, more ass". The news of its return this coming Saturday brings mixed reactions.

Full Thread


Remember when they used the bike share bikes? How gross was that!?
I mean honestly people's hands are likely far more disgusting in terms of germs and bacteria than their butt cheeks and balls.
North America has a weird thing about sexualizing all nudity. Seriously, who the fuck care. All y'all getting outraged at this need to seriously chill TF out.
General expectation is to not interact with nudity in public places. You can feel whatever way you want about it but western society generally does not want to see a bunch of exhibitionists riding dick out downtown and it be simply tolerated because of “inclusion” or any other BS cause they are going for
Why don’t you just mind your own business?
naked people riding past parks and schools with children playing...But yeah being upset at naked bodies near school children is a problem? Makes all the sense in the world.
I don’t see why it’s necessary, like there’s camps and beaches for being naked and away from eye. But then they allow them to do this, they might aswell just allow them to do it all year around. Like I understand why it’s fun to naked and doing things you wouldn’t normally do naked, but doing those things especially in a heart of a city I’d say is unnecessary. It goes for people in the pride parades too, people bring their kids to that don’t be naked. Like you can be prideful without having to tie a ballon around your millimeter Peter to show it. I am straight but go to pride parades a lot for my friends and family who are in the community and its just a shock to see that, especially when I was young and went to my first in Toronto when I was 12 I was wayyy too immature back then
Yeah this is absolutely disgusting. Nobody wants to see this.
Well it's been going on for 20 years.
19 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 2 days isthe amount of time when USA pulled out of Afghanistan, if the USA wasted 2 trillion and left behind billions in military equipment the nudist can most certainly stop biking in Toronto and go to actual camps for nudist
Small side drama about taking photos at nude beaches
I'm a nudist but wouldn't be naked in an uncontrolled space like a city where children are around. Hanlan beach yes. Side-note: clothed people at hanlan can fuck right off. especially those who take pictures of those naked or themselves with naked people in the background. Edit: ITT: creeps that take a whole ass BOAT and WALK 2 KILOMETERS to find one of two only tiny nude spots in the COUNTRY at the very edge of Toronto, past dozens of clothed beaches telling me they're not creeps.
submitted by Weaby to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 copperdome The Last Days of Cael Morrow - One Shot Concept

Been working on a concept for a one-shot or mini campaign that takes place in the final hours of Cael Morrow before its destruction. Set against the backdrop of the battle between Alyxian and Gruumsh, a small team of trusted members of the royal court are tasked finding a way to preserve the city. The king/queen/regent of the city is not confident in their chances against Gruumsh and, riddled with doubt, uses a mysterious ancient technology, the Paradoxicon, to alter time/fate/realtiy itself. Players take on the roles of Court mages, quartermasters, royal guards, etc. and must compelte a ritual before time runs out.
Opening scene. Players are fighting a battle against a horde of orcs in the Sanctum of the Arch Heart where they have placed the Paradoxicon, a quartz-like dodecahedron. In the course of the battle the relic is damaged and explodes in white light.
Players wake up hours earlier as the ruler of the city gives a speech to calm the crowds, telling them to put thier faith in the gods. They have a strange sense of Dejavu as they are now caught in a time loop. The group is summoned and quickly learn that the ruler does not hold the faith they espoused moments earlier. They are tasked with performing a ritual, given instructions on who to see about the Paradoxicon, and where to take it. What ensues is a race against time to comelete the ritual with various things triggering another time reset, mainly damage to the relic and the clock ticking to the final blow dealt by Gruumsh.
Over the course of the loops the players will learn a few interesting things:
That's where I'm at, I am working out the ritual requirements, etc. Any other ideas or suggestions are welcome.
submitted by copperdome to CalloftheNetherdeep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:01 Storms_Wrath The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 521: The Fort Court

First Previous Wiki
Paizma stood in front of Edu'frec and Gaia. Both of them had grim looks on their faces. She'd been briefed on what they expected of her but worried over exactly what could go wrong. The age of the object was the first problem. The second was that it had some fourth-dimensional properties, like herself.
That meant it could damage her, which she didn't want to deal with. Damage could mean collapse or death, since she might actually be attacked. Paizma pulled in some of the three dimensional matter in the area from an asteroid a few billion miles away.
The extra material fattened her tail, increasing her reserves. The extra weight didn't show in the form she presented before the two, though. Despite that, Edu'frec's brows rose. It seemed he really could monitor her partially in the fourth dimension, which meant he might be accompanying her along the way.
"So is it doable?" Gaia asked again. The young concept entity looked worried. Paizma supposed that made sense since Gaia had named themself after an old word for Earth. And with the planet threatened, they were worried.
Paizma could see it in the subtle shaking of Gaia's hands and the posture they kept, which wasn't as proud as usual. Paizma wondered where Brey was.
"She's making additional preparations for the Psychic Investment Plan," Edu'frec said.
"What?" both of them asked.
"Paizma was wondering where Brey was."
"I don't like my mind being read."
"I can't read your mind, I just predict it," Edu'frec shrugged.
"Are you really going to be like this?" asked Paizma irritably. She inflated her form, increasing its size and height to exceed that of the android. More matter poured in, which Paizma regulated. She missed John already. But keeping two avatars in this way was taxing on her reserves. Plus, he was sleeping.
"Whatever. I am going to take a short look, that is all for now. Do you have your devices ready?" Paizma asked, shimmering with psychic energy. She mustered the force in the third dimension.
She moved it to the fourth. An invisible and massive body surrounding her curled and lashed out, up, and through reality. The vibrations came with a single android in its wake. He made a small mental connection to her, the only way to talk clearly for him in this space.
Paizma took him down to the approximate location of Earth. In the mindscape, it was a nexus of incredible power in two ways. The first was a mere blip, which was the alien facility they were so concerned about. It was sending out a constant pulse of power, as well as a thinner modulated one.
The second nexus of power was the Source. While it didn't really correspond purely to Earth in the third dimension, higher locations were different. With the fourth coordinate point, the Source sat almost directly below the facility. It opened a great eye.
Psychic power smashed into Paizma, then pulled back. The massive weight of the Source pressed her down and out, without moving at all. The psychic energy swirling around it was so immense she could barely survive it. All from its eye opening to look at her. The power of its gaze would have cooked her flesh, if that was possible in this dimension. Instead, the atoms shifted and moved, growing and shrinking in the fourth dimensional equivalent of temperature changes.
And then the eye closed. The nexus of power that was the Source buried itself deeper and lower, where she could still see it. But the swirling array of psychic energy was mostly drawn downward and inward, along with glimmers of darker things Paizma knew better than to pursue. She checked that Edu'frec had survived.
So far, he had. Paizma disgorged him from her mouth, so they could look at the object in Earth. Paizma shared what she was with him. The image was massive, bloating their connection to a large degree. She could see thousands of processors work on deciphering her sight, and then the connection narrowed again.
Now he understood.
"I won't be able to see anything myself," Edu'frec admitted. "You'll have to share your sight."
"How does it feel?"
"Immense. This would definitely break a weaker and smaller mind than mine. Do you filter it, or is this the natural vision?"
"I can expand it, if you can handle it."
"I certainly can. I'd like to see all I can. Can you show me the view you have of the facility from 'above' please?"
"Yes," Paizma said. She moved him closer and around the top. The facility's walls partially stretched to block her sight, but not entirely. She drifted closer, moving in and around. Slices of Earth's crust and mantle popped up in her vision, along with an increasing whole of the facility. With her higher dimensionality, she didn't just see the inside of the facility. She saw all of it, light or not, exposed or not. She saw everything inside the walls, everything on and around the walls, and every single atom within.
Her connection with Edu'frec swelled to fifty million times its normal size. Programs filed away the data neatly into an almost infinite quantum memory. They noted a small siphon of psychic energy from the facility, which seemingly connected downward somewhere.
Paizma followed it, searching and sniffing out everything she could. Something attacked her, throwing Edu'frec out and away. The connection between them snapped.
She moved back, feeling something dig into her side. She let off a flash of psychic energy, and a thousand more of them appeared. She recognized them, too. Reavers.
She lifted herself back to the third dimension, becoming too small for them to detect properly. Her real body appeared above Earth, thrashing for a moment before she steadied herself. She shrunk back down to her normal size and met up with Edu'frec and Gaia again. The android she'd left was rubbing its head.
"What happened?" Gaia asked.
"This was a military research facility for the Sprilnav faction you seem to be from. I think they might still exist, or their guardians do."
"What would that mean?"
"An extreme danger to all of you, if you poke the facility. But the same if you leave it be, now that it is active."
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The Council Director weathered the silence in the virtual meeting, which Phoebe had called upon reestablishing contact with Penny. Penny was wearing battle armor and had a distinctly cold aura about her. Juan had felt a shiver when first witnessing her, and the hivemind, through him, analyzed her appearance.
She looked incredibly angry. Clearly, something had eaten away at her, and she'd gained even more psychic energy in the process. Her skin glimmered with it.
"I'm sorry," Blistanna said, looking at the hologram Phoebe was projecting of Penny. "Can you repeat that? I mean, it almost sounds like you started a war against the Sprilnav in the middle of a Judgment by the same species that determines whether we all live or die. Surely I misheard."
Beside her, a Skira drone turned to gaze at the Guulin with an inscrutable expression. Penny took the question in stride, her firm demeanor not lessening like it usually would when confronted by her allies.
Something's definitely changed, Juan thought.
"You did not," Penny said. "The gangs enslaves billions of innocents, and they killed my friend. So they will be wiped from the planet."
"Perhaps you aren't getting with the program," Izkrala added. The matronly Acuarfar stood in her seat, her wings flapping involuntarily. The Empress was incredibly upset, but keeping it contained. But even she couldn't keep the slightest of a buzz out of her voice. "We actually need to win this Judgment, Penny Balica."
"Elder culture works differently," Penny said. "By declaring an official war, I will be capable of garnering more respect among their people and their elite class. I will show that I can and do act within their rules, artificial or stupid they may seem to all of us. I understand I've been playing it fast and loose beyond the Alliance, but I am not your slave. None of you have any true right to order me around. I am taking steps to help the Alliance in my own way, and that may be counter to your opinions."
"Well then," Dilandekar said. "Her ideas are set. It appears ours are as well. The recourse in this situation is clear. Penny currently has an Alliance citizenship, and is still subject to our laws. While no law exists to incarcerate her, and she hasn't done anything truly worthy of that, there is still the possibility of treason charges. Or, perhaps, stripping her of Alliance citizenship."
"That is a poor idea," Juan said. "I will not stand by and allow that. She is a member of Humanity and a citizen of Luna. Before the Alliance, and after the Alliance, if there is such a thing. While your outrage is shared by me, you must recognize the situation. Penny is what links us to Kashaunta in truth. She is also the one actually going to the Judgment. Given the lawyers and legal analysts that Kashaunta has access to, do you really presume this would harm her so massively in the Judgment? We could call down Kashaunta herself to have this discussion, though I am loath to breach the security status of these meetings to do so. But the presumption that she has no plan is one that I find objectionable."
"Of course you would defend this," President Iontona said. "She is your kind."
"Yes, I would, not only because of that, but because she actually is doing exactly what we want. Getting rid of slavery is a good thing. She has an Elder in her head, too. Do you really think she's entirely out of control, merely because she doesn't wish to be controlled right now by us? To the Sprilnav, she is the weapon, not us. All we can do is look divided and weak to make them want to overlook us. And who knows. If you don't like the way we do things, you can continue your internal discussions on whether this is worth it for you."
Juan stared at the wanderer, his unhappiness clear.
"What are you referring to?" Blistanna asked.
"They plan to cut and run," Izkrala said. "If it looks like we'll lose the Judgment. That's what he's upset about. Granted, I was pissed when I heard of it, because of all the trouble we've gone through to try and help you."
"What trouble have you gone through, Izkrala? You sit on your ass and eat all day. All of us wanderers are looking at death because of your human, even more so than the painful cancer the Sprilnav already cursed us with. She's the one who garnered the anger of Yasihaut. You want to know why we want to run? It's because of their sadism. What's to say that they don't put a cancer gene in all of you, or make ours even more excruciating? I have stood at the side of thousands of hospital beds, watching my people wither away. Each ship is looking at resorting to different things. But for you to sit here and pretend you know the fear we're facing is the height of arrogance, disrespect, and rudeness. I will not stand for this. The Sprilnav are going to roll over us if they choose. Penny is nothing to them, and we are nothing to them. They don't care. They're all evil alien animals, which would gladly feast on all our bones if they happened to taste good. This ludicrous idea of provoking them that the Council Director appears to support is exactly why these conversations are happening in the Wanderer Confederacy."
"Look, I know you all want to argue," Penny said. "But really, we should try to be united on this."
"Oh? How will you help with that, then? Perhaps by abandoning another agreement to help us with our cancer? Maybe making more of them, even? I'm sure you can tell us all what unity looks like. Go ahead. Look me in the eyes, and tell me I'm wrong for wanting what's best for my people."
Penny strode over to him. "You don't know what's best for your people."
"See? She-"
"You presume that because you are the President, that you somehow are more capable of understanding the needs of your species. You are a politician more than a person. Everyone here is. Do not forget what the Sprilnav have done to you, but remember that things are different now. We do have the backing of Kashaunta. That is a boon that few nations have possessed in the past. I have power that they respect, so they respect me in turn, or respect my power. Why complain that I am not here to complete my end of the deal when I am actually fighting for the Alliance? The ideas of freedom and liberty are not things to be tossed aside when convenient. I am not trying to insult you. I am trying to understand why you are so upset with me, when this is according to the plan of a Sprilnav elite of the highest order. Kashaunta needs me for my power, so she would tell me which actions are the most beneficial to my position. The same would apply to your position, which is linked to my identity among the Sprilnav. The Progenitors are a non-issue now."
"Considering that they are the gods of all civilization, they are hardly a non-issue."
Penny smiled. "I beat the absolute tar out of Twilight a while back. So yes, they are a non-issue."
"I think it is time to continue the heart of the discussion," Fyuuleen said. "Penny, you need to actually consult us on these things before you do them. While we can't tell you off like a mother Vuureensleev, we still are the rulers of the Alliance. If you don't respect us, who can you respect?"
"The people who put their money where their mouth is. You're not here, dealing with a dead friend. You're there, dealing with passing laws, catching spies, and signing bills. While yes, that job is important, it isn't nearly as stressful as being surrounded by aliens, and only knowing few of them. I can't make friends here without them being killed. There's a war across the planet right now, and I've freed tens of millions of slaves. The Judgment is in one day, and I've been preparing for that, too. I can't really say that I haven't been doing anything right."
"I understand, Conclave Leader. Recent days have been... difficult for me. Perhaps as a war veteran, you can understand my mindset right now. I know that you all expect to serve as some sort of oversight on me. I am willing to accept that, but your advice needs to be useful. Insulting me over avenging my friend is not the path to reconciliation. Nilnacrawla is telling me to keep your interests in my mind, and I am. But I will listen, not bow. I am not a soldier. I am not a general, or a commander. I am not part of any chain of command. I will ask Elder Kashaunta to establish better contact with you all, and will have Phoebe relay reports of what is going on. I do not plan to begin any major offensives before the Judgment."
"You do not think capturing a city is a major offensive?" Izkrala asked.
"Not compared to capturing hundreds of them," Penny said. "I am the Liberator. That means that I am fighting for everyone."
"But fighting for the Sprilnav is a waste of your time, effort, and talent," Iontona said.
"They are people too," Penny said. "This mentality of us and them is what has destroyed every nation of our kind before us. We need to accept that we need Sprilnav allies to win this war. To turn their strength against them, I must help them too. Kashaunta is a brutal despot, but she is fair in her rule, as much as many of you. She has fought wars of grander scale, which necessitates larger death tolls."
"You are not here to play defense for Kashaunta. You are here because you are threatening our future with your antics."
"I know," Penny said. "But my actions will have a positive impact, not a negative one. We have a plan in place to exploit the traps Yasihaut will seek to set. We have lawyers capable of defending us. I know you do not trust me, not truly. But that is acceptable. I will not let us lose this Judgment."
"And if you do?"
"There are plans in place for that, as well. The nuclear option is not something I will talk about now, and will only discuss if things get far worse."
"Very well, Penny," Fyuuleen said. "Do what you must."
"If you don't, billions of people will die," Iontona added.
Penny nodded again. "That weighs on me every day."
She left the meeting. The rest of them followed. Juan led Blistanna aside before she exited.
"What is it? I have things to do."
"Yes, we all do. But I wish to know what suggestions you have. I can tell that you are upset, and I believe it would be better for me to present your ideas to her."
"It is not anger at her, not really. I am upset that we have to forgo freeing slaves because of the Judgment. I am angry that it might endanger our own freedom and continued survival, because of this situation that has been concocted. Most of all, I am angry because they can just do this again and again. Nothing stops them. The Sprilnav have us at our throats, without having to lift a claw. All with one court case. They can just arbitrarily decide to kill us, and there's nothing we can do."
Blistanna's tentacles shook with anger. Her skin was paled in distress, and she stared at the place Penny had left. "Truth be told, maybe she's doing it right. But the politics of all of this is just nasty. Iontona's a coward, Dilandekar's cold, and Izkrala is too angry over the principle instead of the situation. We can't have more of these sorts of National Exchanges, Juan. If we do, we'll either drive Penny away entirely or rip ourselves apart. Maybe that's what the Sprilnav want. The more we bicker and argue, the worse it all gets. This is exactly how nations crumble."
"So we need to do something about it, then," Juan said.
"What grand idea do you have for this one? I hope it's not bringing Earth into this. They'll really tear it apart."
"No. We need an outward facing front. So what we need to do is push the youth against the leaders that are problematic, or the ideas that are. We showcase this division on the national stage, plug it with Phoebe's propaganda, and those in power will be forced to look like they're working together. The resentment won't last. We can get Kashaunta on board, if possible."
"Bad idea. She only speaks to her own interests."
"Not entirely," Juan said. "Tell me, what do you know about Sprilnav Soul Blades?"
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Penny watched the massive doors of the Fort Court swing open. Hundreds of thousands of guns, lasers, and missiles fixed upon her as she gently walked forward. The facility was mostly bare bones, with high amounts of alloy and stone visible in the upper layers. But at the lower levels, there was a large amount of holograms showing various symbols and golden overlays. It reminded her of the patterns on lace.
The Court was twenty miles tall, larger than a mountain. Even the doors went up for nearly two miles. They swung using unknown means, letting a second layer of sunlight fall upon the hardened floor.
Behind Penny was her own entourage. The Refined Elders, Pundacrawla, Phoebe, Kashaunta, and a few of her retainers were followed by guards, a thick shield, and several Correctors. But not just them. In a gradually widening triangle, tens of thousands of freed slaves also followed.
Penny had explained what she planned to Kashaunta to get this to happen, and the Elder enthusiastically accepted. While they would not be let within a certain radius of the Court, and their camps were widely spaced to prevent hiding anything of interest to the security, it would help to show the support Penny had of the people.
They were already tailgating. Music played from alien boom boxes and even a band Kashaunta had hired. Guides and security drones watched from afar but had already ensured the security threat would be minimal.
There were shields in place to prevent anything serious. In the distance, smoke from the dormant volcano the Court was built atop rolled out of specialized vents. The Sprilnav apparently could control when volcanoes erupted, which wasn't surprising to Penny once she'd learned of it. The Court was gigantic, and there would need to be a lot of stability for it to exist for as long as it had.
Inside, the chamber was circular. The Court was shaped like the Coliseum, complete with some pillar designs that held up the area where the High Judges were sitting. The twenty seats had been prepared ahead of time, and featured holograms below them on the sheer wall that supported them above the columns. The holograms read out various names in both Justicar Standard Script and in English.
Penny could see the High Judges themselves, but her gaze went to the 'empty' stands. The only people inside were either Guides, Correctors, or holograms of spectators. The holograms had a distinct unrealistic orange glow, probably some security apparatus.
Two house-sized tents were in the center, separated by a black and purple painted line. Above the line was a triple layer of shields: one yellow, one purple, and another yellow. The purple shield was so strong that Penny couldn't sense anything on the other side. It also surrounded her half of the Court in a bubble that met the ground in the same painted lines, suggesting that the shield went underground. The mindscape dropped away as soon as Penny crossed the threshold behind the massive doors.
The Court quieted. Millions of eyes, real or not, were all fixed upon Penny's waist. When Penny had passed the purple barrier, the Soul Blade had appeared on her hip. Penny didn't react, continuing to move forward to reach the Defendant's Booth. She could faintly see the Challenger's Booth on the other side through the shield.
Yasihaut had entered the Court first, as was tradition. Clearly, Justicar had decided to limit the contact between them. A sound decision. Penny didn't want to have to see her anymore.
The thick shields became more transparent, revealing Yasihaut's delegation. Elders and various Sprilnav, all wearing conceptual power blocking armor, stood in front of the Challenger's booth. The eerie silence soon ended when an Elder stood. Justicar wore an incredibly elaborate armor set, with designs that looked a lot like lace.
"In the name of Justicar, this Court is brought to order. I am High Judge Justicar. I am one of the 20 presiding High Judges over this case, appointed in this role by my birthright. This is the 4th day of the 18th year of the 803rd Age of Justicar. Let the record reflect that this trial's start time is exactly midday."
Justicar's imperious expression passed over them.
"Now, with that out of the way, I shall introduce the Challenger and Defendant, along with their submitted arguments for this Judgment. In summary, Challenger Elder Yasihaut, 1st Named in the Everlasting, has opened this Judgment claiming that the Defendant and her home nation, the Sol Alliance, should be classified as Class 9 Hostile Alien Threat and Class 7 Hostile Alien Threats, respectively.
The justification she provides for this is that the Sol Alliance hosts two psychic-variant AIs, has shown a willingness and future interest in attacking the Sprilnav people, and the capacity to carry out a destructive attack against Sprilnav civilians. Additionally, she claims that the influence of the Defendant has grown to a state unmanageable by any other party, including both the Elders and the Progenitors due to the backing of Elder Kashaunta. She claims the Defendant is capable of mass-casualty terrorist attacks and has shown continued interest in killing Sprilnav, with no regard for civilian lives lost in the process.
She claims the Defendant's conceptual and psychic power represents an active and severe danger to her life and those of her friends and family, the Defendant is disrupting the current order, and is conspiring with Elder Kashaunta to assassinate her enemies by illegal means. The sentence the Challenger requests as a result of this Judgment is the execution of every current member of the Sol Alliance, as well as the execution of the Defendant immediately upon the conclusion of the case by Conceptual Suffering doses. She cites Judgment 1826 of the 9th day of the 7th year of the 803rd Age, Judgment 662 of the 336th day of the 93rd year..."
As Justicar continued talking, Penny looked at Yasihaut, who smiled smugly back.
The death penalty, Penny thought. How fitting, considering what I will do to her.
"...the 28300th year of the 730th Age. It is important to note that this Trial by Majority will not only determine the guilt or innocence of the Defendant but also the means of the sentence within the realms of law according to the severity of the possible sentence found. It is also important to note that this Judgment will be the final matter between Elder Yasihaut and Penny Balica that will be approved for 30 years. An appeal of this decision will not be allowed, as this trial is of the highest jurisdiction possible, and I am already a High Judge involved in its arbitration. No lower courts or extraplanetary courts may argue this issue again for the same 30 year period, or sanctions will be placed on the offending party with extreme prejudice."
"The Defendant is Penny Balica, a human from the Sol Alliance with the title of Liberator, Champion of Humanity, and... holder of a Pact of Blades with Elder Kashaunta, 1st Named in the Everlasting."
He allowed for the proper amount of time for people to absorb the sentence.
"The Defendant has opened a counter case, suggesting that the Challenger is misrepresenting the Sol Alliance and herself as a threat to the Sprilnav, citing her cooperation with Elder Kashaunta, the Alliance's cooperation with the Van family, and her record of following and upholding treaties with Elders. Furthermore, she has opened a counter case, suggesting that the public statements the Challenger has published fall against the Justicar Defamation Law, notably Sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 20, 46, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 154, 155, 162, 177, 192, 201, and sixty-seven others, and is requesting 2 billion credits and a 30 year censure on public statements from the Challenger and affiliated parties on the Defendant."
"Now that the stakes of this Judgement are laid out, I will instruct the parties in this case on decorum, as neither of them are Justicar natives. The Court expects that the Defendant and the Challenger will hold to the rules of decorum, as will their company. The Court also wishes to avoid unfortunate incidents, so it has hired Progenitors Filnatra and Arneladia to uphold the security of the Court."
"It is also important to note that this Court is backed by the full might of the Elders of Justicar, the Status Quo Party, the Sprilnav Freedom Party, the Justice and Security Party, Elder Lilliana, Elder Napei, Elder Mashae, Elder Aryacrawla, Elder Nulyihaut, Elder Poleia, Elder Crissi, Elder Olei'paushe'ani, Elder Taubelibelibax, Elder Somalia, Elder Aneyti, Elder Wuseniau'palacrawla se Hautni'pelshinomalia, Elder Commu nar Galvi, Elder Commu nar Jelpha, Elder Radia, Elder Hwe'iaspehaut, Elder Maggracrawla, Elder Tishaunt'pali, Elder Kashaunta, and the Progenitors. Its legitimacy is their legitimacy."
Some of those names were downright hilarious. Penny kept her face straight. Justicar said basically the exact same thing Tassidonia had said weeks back.
"I shall instruct the parties of the rules of decorum. High Judges within this room are to be referred to either as 'High Judge' or 'Elder.' No other names or titles apply, with the exception of Progenitor Indrafabar, who is allowed his aforementioned title. No parties may threaten or influence the Challenger or the Defendant and their retinues. Camera drones and other news equipment are to be kept outside the main court chamber the allotted section at all times, unless the express verbal permission of at least 6 High Judges is given to allow a specific instance.
The Challenger and Defendant are to remain on their given sides of the shield, though they may be required to exit their booths upon request. They are not to engage in any actions construed as attacks upon their counterparts under any circumstances. Challenger Yasihaut and Defendant Balica may request breaks to consume food or water within reason.
The booths are equipped with bathrooms compatible with human and Sprilnav physiology, and the Challenger and Defendant are both allowed to declare their retirement to a bathroom and enter it for a period of 1000 pulses, or 1020 human seconds, which is also 17 minutes. Challenger Yasihaut and Defendant Balica are allowed to use Justicar-provided lawyers or may utilize those they have brought here today to assist with their arguments.
These conditions will not be changed by petition from either claimant but only upon the agreement of 16 High Judges and the condition of necessity to the point of impeding the progression of the Judgment.
Devices are to remain within booths unless they are direct admissible evidence in the case. Furthermore, they are to be silenced to prevent any interruptions. Documents to be displayed will be given to the Guides or Correctors standing by both booths. These documents will be shown to the entire Court with translations in both Justicar Standard Script and Post Modern North American English."
Justicar stepped back and moved to his seat. Progenitor Indrafabar stood and moved to the podium.
"Do either of you request additional clarifications on the rules of the Court? If so, indicate it verbally."
His voice was almost hypnotic. Penny resisted the effect. "I wish to know the punishments for violating these terms so both of us have an impetus not to."
Microphones carried her voice to the ears of everyone inside the Court, as if she was right next to their ears, with remarkable quality for such a massive room. Penny wondered if shields were aiding in the sonic feedback.
"This would have been stated in the next section of this proceeding, but I shall say it now for the Court. The punishments will vary based on the severity of the infraction. For this case, under the authority of Justicar, we have decided to fully reinstate Section 4 of the Justicar Common Case Conduct Law. It states the following:
'When any contempt is committed in the immediate view and presence of the Court, the Court may punish it summarily by fine, or imprisonment, or both. If any contempt occurs outside the immediate view and presence of the Court, the Court may levy the same punishments as before after an opportunity for defense has been given. Punishment for Contempt of a Judge, High Judge, or their Court will result in a 1% fine of the violating party's assets, 10-day imprisonment, a rescheduling of the hearing, a published apology to the aggrieved party, an update of their legal record to reflect the fact, and 4 days of community service. If the alleged misconduct has caused an actual loss or injury to any person, the Court shall order the offending party to pay the aggrieved party a sufficient sum to indemnify them, in addition to the other penalties that may be imposed. The payment and acceptance of this sum is an absolute bar to any action by the aggrieved party to recover damages for the loss or injury.'
The full law section is provided below. If either party wishes to read the law, time shall be allotted within reason. Express the decision verbally. When you are finished, you may give the tablet back to your assigned Guide."
"I wish to read the law," Penny said.
"I wish to view the law," Yasihaut said.
Guides carried a tablet to both of them. The display was purplish, and it had a hologram feature available upon selection. Penny took hers, reading the top, and then the next lines one by one. An information note at the top said 'Translation Available,' so she picked it. The English became Justicar Standard Script. The word count changed from 19,283 to 8,740. Justicar Standard Script had been built from the bottom up, so it could express broader concepts in fewer words.
Though her psychic energy enabled her to read incredibly fast, Penny took the time to understand everything that was said. Pundacrawla's tablet beside her showed the same law, though it looked like he'd finished it using his implant. Penny reached the bottom of the list in 10 minutes and handed the tablet back to the Guide.
Five minutes later, Yasihaut finished also.
"Do either of you have additional requests of the Court? If so, express them verbally."
Penny didn't. The more questions she asked, the longer this would take and the less favorable it would look. In a case like this, perception was everything. She didn't even pretend it had to do with fairness under the law.
"Now. The High Judges came to an agreement for this trial. Exactly 197 full laws will be relevant to this trial. We will peruse each relevant section, and each party will confirm their understanding until they move on to the next one. While this level of guidance is not normally necessary, interested parties want to ensure that no breaches occur during this trial."
Indrafabar gave them both a pointed look.
"The reason we are doing this here despite these sections being included in the necessary reading for the trial is for the interest of transparency."
Really, it was Justicar establishing his dominance over them. By making them sit for hours and read in front of millions of people, he was attempting to show that he was above them. Or to convey another message to his backers.
She also suspected Yasihaut's side had influenced this, trying to make Penny look worse by taking longer. It would set her up as the 'slow barbarian alien' in the High Judges' brains, which would unconsciously prejudice them against her a little more.
Unfortunately for them, Nilnacrawla was carrying the definitions for every single unfamiliar legal word in his memories. If each of the laws took her ten minutes, it would require almost 34 hours of reading to finish them all. Whoever took even a few seconds longer would lose respect in the Court, adding more time to the length of the Judgment.
Penny would win even this tiny, petty battle and set the tone for the rest of the Judgment.
submitted by Storms_Wrath to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:13 LucidOasis8 Canada goose

Canada goose
Was around $110usd before ship. Just got these QC pics in, in think the yellow "Canada Goose" text on the back looks a bit crooked?
W2c in comments
submitted by LucidOasis8 to DesignerReps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:42 thecriticofinnocence Staples, Archetypes, and the mixture of Small Engine + Much Non-Engine Decks

So, the concept and discussion of Staples/Non-Engine has been around since the start of the game. Early ones like Pot of Greed, Mirror Force, Graceful Charity, to backrow like Compulsory Evacuation Device and the Forbidden set, to modern handtraps like the Ghost Girls and generic extra deck monsters like Baronne and Underworld Goddess-generic good stuff has always been there in the game.
But...around Chaos Format or GX, the meta shifted more to archetypes which, barring things like general Stun, ruled the game. I mean, a lot of the middle eras of yugioh are defined by the archetypes that were at the top-TOSS, Dragon Rulers, Tear, etc.
However, while that still....kind of holds true, I (and I think a lot of folks) have felt yet another shift in the meta-the rise of Engines and Non-Engines, a mish-mash of both eras.
Engines make use of the one-card combos and faster speed of the modern age to slim down and mash archetypes together to at best synergize to a better whole (like with Tear and Kashtira) and at worse, get that extra negate or interaction to give the main deck extra resilience (Melodious, Fiendsmith).
And with the sliming down of archetypes to Engines, there is more room for Staples/Non-Engine to make sure you survive just that one turn or break the board just once to get your own OTK/unbreakable board (embodied perfectly by Tenpai which, in essence, a svelte OTK Engine backed-up by a lot of non-engine, and Snake-Eyes replacing OTK with control through sending your cards into your backrow.)
And again, the concepts themselves are not new, but rather, I feel that the way those concepts have been implemented in the modern game has been, with decks less focused on explosively big plays and more flushing your opponent out of their plays before you then do yours-most every deck being pseudo mid-range, essentially.
(And, to lay it plain, this has been a discussion rolling in my brain for a bit, but truly sparked by the intro discussion in MBT's Lightsworn video where he postulates that Lightsworn might be one of the few decks that still fits more of the Archetype mold rather than the Engine its detriment.)
So the discussion I wanna pose this the beginning of a new era of YGO? And if this era of small Engines that do so much with a boatload of Staples/Non-Engine to stop plays a good thing, leading to quick and exciting games with lots of interaction and counterplay? Or does it show that the ever-increasing speed of the game is also speeding it to decline, with multiple hand-traps killing your turn dead or a lack of them leading to an insurmountable board?
submitted by thecriticofinnocence to yugioh [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:37 m33o44 reMarkable (2) paper Format Test (especially for DIN-A4 Format)

reMarkable (2) paper Format Test (especially for DIN-A4 Format)
The last time I tried to print a document I had written on my reMarkable, I was surprised to find that the size of my pages was quite long and not in a real format.
I had written a report and it was now a single page of a long PDF. I had initially assumed that reMarkable would somehow divide itself into pages, but it doesn't.
In the end it wasn't so bad, because the printer was able to split it up on its own. However, at one point I had a problem with a line that was poorly separated by two pages and generally minor imperfections at the top and bottom of the paper margins (in terms of space).
So I asked myself “is it possible to write pages with the reMarkable in a consistent format”.
And this is exactly the question I want to answer in this test!

Portrait Mode

In portrait mode, I first wrote a small text. I then centered it (horizontally) and moved it up a little. From this text and later also from markings, we can easily determine the format of the sheets.
The following three pictures are what it looked like directly on the screen of the reMarkable 2 in portrait mode:
Without markings in portrait mode
Markings at a distance from the edge of the screen
Markings directly on the edge of the screen
And here are the results after an export as a PDF in DIN A4 format (print view), if the image would not be scaled:
Without markings in portrait mode in the PDF Viewer
Markings at a distance from the edge of the screen in the PDF Viewer
Markings directly on the edge of the screen in the PDF Viewer
The portrait mode itself is pretty much C5 envelope size (162 x 229 mm), as can be seen in the picture here:
C5 envelope with portrait mode
And since the landscape mode is actually only rotated by 90°, we still have the same format (only rotated by 90°):
C5 envelope (90°) with landscape mode
It's not really an A4 format, so it's not what my printer uses, which is not what I'm looking for. But the landscape mode seems to be a bit more interesting to find a solution for the A4 format:
The height of the reMarkable corresponds exactly to the width of the A4 format (210 mm) and since in landscape mode the height is simply taken as the width, we are in any case much closer to the solution to create A4 format documents with the reMarkable.

Landscape Mode

As already mentioned, the width of the reMarkable in landscape mode (~210 mm) corresponds to the width of the A4 format (210 mm). However, the height of the reMarkable in landscape mode is approx. 157 mm, whereas the A4 format has a height of 297 mm.
(on reMarkable) Landscape mode zoomed out with markings at the very bottom edge
View in PDF Viewer (without scaling)
The following is a solution method with which a loss of a few millimeters (up to -14 mm (not actual millimeters when zoomed out, I mean the final document) from bottom screen when fully zoomed out is the actua) can be expected:
  1. you create a document in reMarkable (or a page)
  2. go to landscape mode and zoom out completely (i.e. to 0.5 zoom)
  3. place a small line at the bottom of the screen when you are at the top of the document as a marker so that you know that you should not overwrite this point as you have reached the end of your page.
  4. if you want to continue writing, create a new page and repeat steps 2 and 3
With this method you can also write down to the bottom line without any worries if the PDF viewer has the option of adjusting a document to the page margins (portrait mode also looks very good on A4 when it is filled in).
portrait mode adjusted to page margins

Maybe I'm making it a bit complicated

It may well be that there is another, easier, better way to adapt the documents in reMarkable to paper formats. After all, I've had my device for less than a week, so I wouldn't be surprised if I come across a few more functions. But since I didn't find a quick way and I'm getting along with my method so far, I just wanted to share this method in the form of a post.
If there is a better way, I would be very interested to know how it works. But otherwise I would also be interested in how you customize your documents so that they fit the formats.
I have not yet found a way to extend a document to the left and right, except to create new pages that I would then have to “glue” together (digitally merge, not actually glue sheets together).
submitted by m33o44 to RemarkableTablet [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:27 tooty-mctoots Tomatoes help

Tomatoes help
What is going on with my tomatoes? I have one plant that is pretty far behind in development, and showing some yellowing as well as what looks like something eating the leaves.
Second picture shows something odd that is on the leaf that I have no idea what it is. Some sort of poop/eggs?? That plant otherwise looks pretty healthy.
All of my tomatoes are on drop irrigation.
I also recently put down some more fertilizer (tomato tone) since planting around 3 weeks ago. While pulling back the straw to put down the fert, I saw super small white looking worms/larvae? Probably only a millimeter or two and super thin as a hair. These were all under the straw and in the soil.
Maybe I need to spray there tomatoes to control some of this stuff?
submitted by tooty-mctoots to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:21 xx_420weakmoves_Xx Ibis DV9 @ 2k budget over full sus?

So I'm millimeters away from closing on a very lightly used Ibis DV9 (Deore spec) for $2k which seems like extremely good value for one of the best XC/Trail hardtails that's not 5 grand. It also fits my use case as I'm returning to MTB from a 4-5 year break and I'm mostly looking for something that can pedal around town, hit pump tracks/beginner jump lines, and be fun for learning blue/green trails. As you can see my use case pretty closely fits with hardtail target demographics but with how many deals (both new and used) there are for FS in the <$2500 range right now, I thought it might be a good idea to at least get some feedback on what's out there.
Given that one of my near-term goals is just working on fundamental bike control (pump tracks, manuals, bhops, small jumps, stepups, etc), and I need a bike that's not totally tragic on pavement/for light commutes, hardtail definitely makes more sense but I guess what I don't know is how much more difficult it would be to meet these requirements on a FS in this price tier (1800-2200). Obviously the tradeoff is that a FS gives me better access in the future to more advanced trails and eventually I would like to gradually up the ante on the trails I'm able to handle, but obviously that wouldn't happen for some time. This is basically all a very long way of saying:
TL:DR - How good are modern FS (used or new) in the ~2k range compared to modern hardtails for handling beginner to intermediate trails and techniques?
submitted by xx_420weakmoves_Xx to MTB [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:30 oeb1storm Reading a old BBC article and thought you guys might appreciate the West Wing reference

Reading a old BBC article and thought you guys might appreciate the West Wing reference submitted by oeb1storm to thewestwing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:41 maraswitch Face plate screw issue - pls advise!

So I have had a Janome MemoryCraft 6500 on loan from a friend for over a year now. It belonged to her late mother so obv has sentimental value so been trying extra hard to look after it.
Today I accidentally dropped a small item into the machine (don't ask, fr) which I have not been able to fish back out. My only other idea has been to open the face plate.
One screw to loosen: every video I have seen does it in seconds......but in my case, the screw won't budge a millimeter. Tried multiple sizes of both flat and Phillips head screwdrivers, tried using an electric screwdrivedrill......still zero response. I really don't want to strip the case screws on this machine, but I also definitely need to get the interior cleared out.
I don't know what my next step shoudl be - pls help!
submitted by maraswitch to sewhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:35 newbie_1992 Girlfriend called my penis small

I always thought I was around average, until last night. My girlfriend and I were fooling around in the living room and my girlfriend saw a ruler laying on the table. She asked if she could measure me just for fun and I said sure. She measured about 4 inches and then the dreadful words came out of her mouth: ‘oh that’s a little small, more than an inch below average’. When she saw my red face, she quickly added: ‘but who wants to be average anyway, they sometimes hurt’. FML, it was so uncomfortable for the both of us and quite humiliating … Is it really small or more like close to average?
submitted by newbie_1992 to offmychest [link] [comments]