Kennewick county jail


2023.11.26 19:19 jordanmchale HarrisCountyJail

Harris County Jail in Houston, TX.

2022.06.07 22:48 Wise-Finding-5999 Prison_Stories_TN

Prison_Stories_TN is a Community about Prison Life in Tennessee Prisons. I am sharing from First hand experience. I had a front row seat to the underworld of Prison Life in Tennessee. I Hustled in Prison and ate off the Land. So, I know what it takes to make it, and what it is like to be stabbed, in fights, and in the middle of Gangs battling it out. Real life stories. "Your word, is all you have. Keep it golden"

2016.03.13 04:13 60 Days In

For the first time in “60 Days In” history, more participants struggle to survive the intense program and are forced to quit the program early, as the newly elected Sheriff takes over one of the worst facilities the series has ever seen.

2024.06.05 16:30 She_Sells_SeaShore Missing Ohio Woman, Brittany Moran (30), found dead in a trash can - arrest made

CINCINNATI (WXIX) - The 30-year-old woman who went missing out of Loveland in May was found dead in Paddock Hills on May 30, Cincinnati Police Lt. Jonathan Cunningham confirmed.
According to Lt. Jonathan Cunningham, a body was found in the 4500 block of Paddock Road, prompting a death investigation by Cincinnati’s homicide team.
The following day, the Hamilton County Coroner’s Office listed an unknown person on the coroner’s sheet with CPD’s Homicide Team as the agency in charge. Cunningham says the unknown person was identified as Brittany Moran, who went missing between May 15-16.
Dean Allen, 50, is being charged with abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence, according to an affidavit.
The document states that on or around May 30, Allen put a human corpse in a trash can and “concealed or removed evidence related to a death investigation.”
Allen is currently in jail on a $1,000 bond, according to the Hamilton County Justice Center.
Full story here
Brittany's FB:
submitted by She_Sells_SeaShore to MyDeathSpaceOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:28 mykarelocated how I went from climbing to falling..

what's up squad? new to the sub so figured I'd share my little shituation story hahah.
so.. in June of last year I was arrested and charged with PWID of Fntanyl (felony 3 in PA) even though I was innocent. for clarity, two months prior one night I gave my friend some marijuana concentrates (dabs, wax, etc) cos he was trying to get sober from Fntanyl.. unknown to me shortly after I'd left he bought F*ntanyl from a dealer and it ended up killing him the same night..
well, fast forward two weeks and I wake up to a squad of staters at my door with a search warrant for my cell phone, which I give them with no resistance. then in June, am arrested and subsequently charged with PWID of Fntanyl, Criminal Use Of A Communication Device and Possession Of Controlled Substance By Person(s) Not Regulated. and the whole entire time I'm telling them that I never gave ANYONE Fntanyl, it was just dabs in a silicone container. even the local newspaper had me in there under "local man arrested on drug charges in connection to death of.." BEFORE I was convicted or even sentenced..? are they allowed to do that..?
sooo after about 4 months of sitting in jail and asking my lawyer to have the "drugs" in my case tested by PSP, he tells me that they arrested a known local dealer for her child ingesting F*ntanyl who, SHOCKINGLY, had texts on her phone from that night my friend OD'd.. SHE WAS THE ONE THAT GAVE IT TO HIM, the texts show that 100% crystal ass clear.. so, naturally, Im thinking charges will be dropped and I get to go home, 'especially' since PSP tested the container I gave my friend with the dabs in and NO controlled substances were found in it except THC.. and due to her literally admitting to it..
NOPEEE 😂😅 my lawyer came back and pretty much told me to get bent lmao. the DA offered me 9 months w/ time served for Criminal Use Of A Communication Device, a felony 3 in Pennsylvania, even though I had literally not one single fkin thing to do with my friends death. the DA said it was due to "the family needing closure" even though they asked him for leniency for me cos they know me and know I didn't do it, but we all know it's cos their dumb asses used up all their time & resources on the wrong damn person and someoneee had to repay all that money spent lolol. can't have the local authority wearing their true colors and looking like the clowns they truly are.
so in December am convicted of said charge and given 9 months county jail time, 16 months of post-sentence parole AND Drug & Alcohol counseling even though am not a drug user.. so my question being is there anything at all I can do to have this expunged or literally anything that can be done legally..? even to the local newspaper? I figured that'd be consider slander or something being they're literally lying cos they didn't know all the facts due to them releasing the fkin article BEFORE I was even convicted and sentenced..
all of this has really put a HUGE damper on my life.. before this I had a GREAT job in automotive manufacturing making $94k/year, two trucks and a racecar project, a few toys in my garage, a beautiful home and plenty of friends. now..? now I have no vehicle, no job due to being a felon, I lost my home and now stay with my mother, and my reputation and once decent name is now completely tarnished. (thanks local news). and being that I live in a small, tight knight FaMiLy TyPe community, I'm viewed as a lying, drug-dealing murderous crook whom nobody will hire.. people won't even listen to me try to explain what really happened, even when I say that I have the paperwork to prove my innocense.
I was released on March 28th of this year and have already contemplated a few times sticking myself in the dirt, thats how bad this is. is there.. ANYTHING I can do..?
TLDR; was convicted on a nonsense charge and life ruined because of it, looking (to vent) and kindly ask for advice on how to make life just a little easier and bounce back..
submitted by mykarelocated to Felons [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:41 Whey-Men A $4.1 million appropriation was quietly tucked away in the state budget in anticipation of resolving a lawsuit alleging Oklahoma’s mental health agency is not providing timely treatment to county jail inmates.

submitted by Whey-Men to prisons [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:22 lastdaysart17 According to them god made us all equal and we all need to come together and forget the past …..but according to their Jesus we weren’t even human

submitted by lastdaysart17 to BlackHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:24 MugShots Fentanyl drug bust lands 5 suspects in jail in Hopkins County

Fentanyl drug bust lands 5 suspects in jail in Hopkins County submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:08 Pixiegirls1102 Dehart/Miller Charged with Rape of Their Child in PA

Lancaster County, PA John Dehart and Sarah Miller are charged with the rape and other sexual acts including physical abuse of their child from 2011-2013. Both are being held in Lancaster County Jail on $1 million dollar bail each.
submitted by Pixiegirls1102 to CasesWeFollow [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:15 No_Coffee_1791 Outcome - court

She previously plead guilty to felony for welfare fraud. Then June 3rd was sentencing. 2 days jail but she served 2 days already (if I’m interpreting correctly), has to pay restitution, and probation for 11 months, can’t leave state, psych evaluation, etc. sentencing is delayed until April 2025. I’m assuming if she stays on the straight and narrow that will be it. But I’m assuming she won’t be able to get this expunged and will always be a felon now.
Don’t think I can legally post photos or links but you can find it online Oakland County, Michigan court online case access search for her name.
submitted by No_Coffee_1791 to NoScrubs4U2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:13 Massive-Session-749 Education and Training for Information Services

Education and Training for Information Services

The demand for skilled professionals in the Information Services sector is skyrocketing, especially in Houston, TX. With the growing reliance on data and technology, comprehensive education and training programs are crucial. This blog post explores the various educational paths, certifications, and training opportunities available for those interested in Information Services, with a particular focus on Houston, TX.

Academic Programs

Houston, TX, boasts several top-tier universities and colleges offering specialized programs in Information Services. These institutions provide undergraduate and graduate degrees, covering essential topics like data analytics, cybersecurity, and IT management. Programs are designed to equip students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills, preparing them for careers in various industries, including those involved in Harris County Jail Inmate Search and Harris County Jail Inmate Search Houston TX.

Professional Certifications

Professional certifications are invaluable for those looking to enhance their credentials in the Information Services field. In Houston, TX, numerous organizations offer certifications such as CompTIA, CISSP, and PMP. These certifications validate a professional’s expertise and commitment to continuous learning. For instance, understanding data management and cybersecurity is crucial for professionals involved in Harris County Inmate Search, ensuring data integrity and security.

Workshops and Seminars

In addition to formal education and certifications, workshops and seminars play a significant role in professional development. Houston, TX, hosts numerous events that provide hands-on experience and networking opportunities. These workshops cover a wide range of topics, from the latest IT trends to specific applications like Harris County Jail Inmate Search. Attending these events helps professionals stay updated with industry advancements and best practices.

Online Learning Platforms

Online learning has become increasingly popular, offering flexible and accessible training options. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning provide courses in various Information Services domains. These courses are particularly beneficial for those in Houston, TX, who might be working full-time but still want to upskill. Courses on data analytics, for example, are directly applicable to tasks like Harris County Jail Inmate Search Houston TX, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Investing in education and training is essential for anyone looking to excel in Information Services. Whether you’re pursuing a degree, obtaining a certification, attending a workshop, or taking an online course, the opportunities in Houston, TX, are vast and varied. As the need for skilled professionals in areas like Harris County Inmate Search continues to grow, staying informed and educated is more important than ever.

If you’re interested in advancing your career in Information Services, don’t hesitate to call or contact us for more information on the best educational and training programs available in Houston, TX.
Harris County Inmate Search
2000 Rothwell St, Houston, TX 77020
(346) 639-5602
submitted by Massive-Session-749 to u/Massive-Session-749 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:44 wankerzoo Prison reform group seeking in person visits at Genesee County Jail as families file lawsuit

Prison reform group seeking in person visits at Genesee County Jail as families file lawsuit submitted by wankerzoo to politics2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:44 wankerzoo Prison reform group seeking in person visits at Genesee County Jail as families file lawsuit

Prison reform group seeking in person visits at Genesee County Jail as families file lawsuit submitted by wankerzoo to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:43 wankerzoo Prison reform group seeking in person visits at Genesee County Jail as families file lawsuit

Prison reform group seeking in person visits at Genesee County Jail as families file lawsuit submitted by wankerzoo to prisonreform [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:36 kittens_and_jesus The More You Work, the Less they Pay

I'm a 40ym and I've worked a lot of jobs.
Warehouses, group homes, gas stations, call centers, county jails, bars, restaurants, grocery stores, assisted living.
During my time at the assisted living place I decided to become a nurse. I became a CNA and it was worse than anything I had ever done (maybe) aside from working the line as a cook. It is disgusting, painful in every way and always invlolves some kind of abuse.
I don't regret it.
I happen to like helping people, and everyone needs to make a living somehow, but I mainly became a CNA to better understand nursing while I was in school.
Since graduating I've noticed that the best paid people do the least actual work. They are absent on weekends and hollidays. They also leave early on Fridays. I came up with a theory then that the more you work, the less you get paid.
Anyone who says otherwise was born rich or willing to suck their cock.
Several years after getting my RN I'm mostly doing paperwork. I'm salary, so sometimes I do nothing for days at a time. I think that is solid evidence for my theory that the harder you work, the less you get paid. The CNAs, housekeepers, kitchen staff etc are making starvation wages for a single person.
I also can't afford to pay my medical bills despite making more money than I ever thought I would. Before you judge, I'm a single dad living in a townhouse. I know I'm better off than so many other people, but it shouldn't be this way for ANYONE. I'm a nurse and can't afford the medical care I am qualified to give.
submitted by kittens_and_jesus to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:05 UrbExInferis Weird bar vibe

Weird bar vibe
Went into a place called Bexar County Jail. Obviously a dive bar so I expected a weird vibe but not as weird as I got. The bartender was very cliquey with people and neglected to serve our group, had to ask multiple times to be served. Everyone seemed to know something we didn’t, very weird vibes. Don’t think we’ll go back. Has anyone else had a bad experience there?
submitted by UrbExInferis to SanAntonioCircleJerks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:10 Annual-Demand-7434 Former Brockport JV coach accused of sexual contact with 15-year-old

Former Brockport JV coach accused of sexual contact with 15-year-old
A former junior varsity coach in the Brockport Central School District is accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with a then-15-year-old student athlete in 2018.
Anne L. Collins, 28, of Greece, was charged Tuesday with third-degree criminal sexual act. She was remanded to the Monroe County Jail on $5,000 bail, which she posted and was released.
According to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, a former Brockport student contacted deputies to report that, between March and August 2018, Collins, who was 22 at the time and employed by the school district, engaged in sexual contact with the student. None of the alleged contact happened on school property, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
Collins is no longer employed by the Brockport school district, but has worked as a social worker. The Sheriff’s Office’s Major Crimes Unit investigators has been interviewing her previous employers to try to identify any other alleged victims; at this time, there are none known. Anyone with further details should call 911.
Superintendent Sean Bruno confirmed that Collins was employed in the district between 2017 and 2022. Bruno sent a statement to Brockport staff and families, which read in part:
“… Although the investigation determined that none of the criminal conduct took place on school property, we will not tolerate such conduct and have worked with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office with their investigation to ensure the safety of our students both on and off campus.
“This individual was employed as an athletic coach for JV girls’ basketball and softball between 2017-2022. Although this individual has not been employed by the District since 2022, we encourage any students, former students, parents, or staff who may have concerns or information related to this matter to please call 911.
“Our counseling and support services are available to anyone who would like support during this difficult time.
“We thank our Monroe County Sheriff’s Office for their partnership, professionalism, and support as well as their dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety of our community!”
submitted by Annual-Demand-7434 to Rochester [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:57 newswall-org US Rapper Sean Kingston Extradited to Florida, Booked into County Jail

US Rapper Sean Kingston Extradited to Florida, Booked into County Jail submitted by newswall-org to newswall [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:31 Bird-Bentley My GF (F21) of 4 months cheated on me (M23) with her drug dealer, while I was stuck in jail possibly facing 10 years. Do i just blame the drug addiction and keep us together? Or do you believe she knew exactly what she was doing and didnt care?

I met this girl on tinder (we will call her G1). We talked and what not, but wasn’t anything serious. More or less just fun and games. Long story short, i got arrested and got PR bail to a rehab program. After a few days, I got kicked out of the program with some chick (we will call her G2). (We snuck out and went drinking at the bar). G2 and I lived in hotels for about 2 months until our money ran out due to drugs and alcohol. Well at by this time she was so tweaked out on drugs so badly that she would stay in the bathroom for multiple days pulling her hair out and shooting meth. G1 messaged me and asked if I could get her drugs and I said hell yea. And from that day moving forward we never left each other's side, until I got arrested, again, 4 months later.
This was the first time I was ever shown real love. She opened her home to me, gave me food,drugs,crazy sex, and just complete love and care. G1 even fought to get my stolen bags from G2, as she took them when I stayed overnight at G1s house. This girl barely even knew me, and took me at the lowest part of my life and made all the bad I was running from go away.. Well at least that's how it felt, until it all caught up and gave me the biggest reality check you could imagine…I ended up stealing G2s car for a night, ended up in county jail due to driving without a license with a $1000 bail. G2 came up with $1000 and bailed me out.( Side note this was during covid and everyone was getting crazy amounts of money for unemployment, 800 weekly wasn't uncommon) Three days later the whole squad from a different county that I had warrants in came knocking and there i was sitting in county again this time no bail and charges out of 3 different counties. At this point I was facing a minimum of 5 years on the lower side and 15 on the higher side.
Remember G2 and I have only been together for 4 months at this point… However the love and the effect she had on me emotionally was out of this world. Ive never had someone do what she did for me. Everyone in my life has either left me for someone else and or left because of my heinous addiction and the unbearable person I became while under the influence. For the 11 months I was in there, we stayed intouch, called daily (almost…), wrote eachother letters, and 1 visit due to covid.
Now, here’s where it getscomplicated…. About 3 months being in jail, I was on a phone call with my brother when he informed me G1 changed her Facebook profile picture (it was originally a photo of the both of us, then she changed it to a photo of just her). I could tell from phone calls and the lack of letters that something was off throughout the time i was in however she was in denial and it wasn't worth the argument. I needed someone there to help me mentally and she was still answering phone calls about every other day and kept telling me to keep my head up because she was there for me and was not going anywhere.. I ended up in drug court and was getting out (eventually, it took about 6 months from the time I got accepted to the time I walked out the door) instead of going upstate for a minimum of 5 years. Someone from the streets I knew ended up on my unit and he validated the info I knew just didn't want to accept until I had solid evidence. She was sleeping around with some drug dealer to support her lifestyle. Now before I got locked up I was able to move around enough to support our habits as well as relying on government money to ensure we got the drugs we needed and the rent was paid. Take the rock out of the foundation and it crumbles. That she did quicker than i thought. Now using a needle and making this dumb ass guy her bitch she was able to use drugs and waste her life the way she wanted to. Well not that she wanted to because it was the drugs making the calls at this point. I actually talked to this dude over the phone while in jail and multiple times G1 was with him however she wouldnt say a word protecting her lie she was living. As a drug addict i knew this wqas going to happen i just didnt know to what extent. I stopped calling and writing after i found out most of what was going on from the dude and she was still in denial. Shame, guilt, remorse, and feelings that would take anyone down a dark path if not treated correctly ran her to breaking down and telling me everything. At this point i actually understood why she did what she did and believed her.
This part hurts the worst.. I finally get out and it came to my attention that she was still shooting drugs and still going to see him after she dropping me of at sober living to get her daily fix. One party says its because she begged to go there because she was scared and lonely.. One party says it was just to cop and G1 was in and out no sexual exchanges at this point. ( she also claimed it was only a couple times… However, G1 couldn't explain what they did.. I honestly asked the question of what they did due to the fact that if it really only happened a couple times I feel like anyone would know exactly what they did together sexually. Especially for an exchange of drugs and money) I confronted G1 on this and she denied it. I even had pictures of her going in and out of his house from his security cameras (I know you can edit time and dates so he could have been just playing games, she explained to me many times he would try to act like me, dress like me and so on..) and he was even kind enough to tell me his version of what was still happening. I was sooo done but held on because of a super power called love and the understanding of drug addiction.
After we fought about that she made multiple attempts to go to rehab but always ended up calling me on or around day 5 and I would cave and would go to “save” the love of my life from being stranded wherever she was. No matter what if she said she was leaving she was checked out and didn't care if she had a ride or not. Honestly I think she knew I wouldn't leave her stranded. At one point it got so bad I was stabbing her with a needle to get her right because dealing with a dope sick GF while trying to remain sober and follow all requirements for drug court and the sober house was so stressful i contemplated just going on the run again and going to do my time ( I have a 7 ½-15 suspended for 5 years ) .. It was a rough point for both parties however I couldn't imagine leaving her behind after all the amazing things she did for me in the beginning when I was down at my lowest. Not only that we clicked and vibed perfectly from day 1, we were completely engulfed in each other emotionally and physically; she felt like home.
Now 3 years later we are still together. We hit a couple speed bumps along the way and even broke up for 4 months. But managed to pull ourselves together and are currently living together. I can't say our relationship is perfect however I can't complain much because she still has my back 24/7, is constantly thinking about me and what she can do for me, loves and cares for me, we still connect on every level emotionally and are able to vibe out and enjoy life. Our sex is the only thing that I feel like is affected and that has happened in the last 6 moths after we broke up for a little bit however could be due to many different factors that i will not disclose(side note we would fuck probaly 4-5 times a week while we were broken up and i actually got into a relationship with another girl. It was my way to kinda get back at her.. Kinda fucked up but atleast i broke it off)
My question to reddit is was it really the drugs and did i make the right decision by sticking by her side. Personally I believe it was solely based on addiction because I know where the dark adventures of drugs and alcohol bring you and you don't realize it until it's too late and your balls deep in shit you would never do.
submitted by Bird-Bentley to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:02 WestLAFadeaway89 Star of David tattoo in CA Prison or County jail

So my friend who is jewish is in CA county jail in SD and might be going to prison shortly. I was wondering what its like for jewish people in the CA system. He has a Star of David tattoo on him and I was wondering how much of an issue that would be. Otherwise he would easily pass as white but I dont know how he would hide the tattoo. Anyone know? Im kinda worried about him
Thank you
submitted by WestLAFadeaway89 to Prison [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:38 afraidofthedarkside back again to humbly share... ep 9 of my investigative podcast series into the halderson case

This episode focuses on (1) the forensic science and pathology behind the markings on Bart's bones / torso (2) what Cat Mellender was up to on the day Chandler was murdering and dismembering his parents.
Where Was Cat? Chapter 9
Ps — if anyone wants 2 months free to my patreon (ad-free episodes) them dm me and I'll hook you up.
Ps, ps — I was able to land an interview with Chandler's bunkmate from Dane county jail. He provided documentation that he's legit. We spoke for over 2 hours. That talk will be largely featured in the final episode...w/ a full uncut version on patreon too.)
Thanks again for letting me share with you all.
submitted by afraidofthedarkside to chandlerhalderson [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:05 McNooge87 Bub, back in County Stinky Jail

Bub, back in County Stinky Jail
You try to raise them right… (bonus pic of Hazel who must be “dried off” too despite no bath)
Name: Stinkerman, Bubert “Bub”
Sex: Boi Species: Doggo Weight: 70lbs Age: 3 Build: Medium Boi Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Projected Release Date: After bath Projected Backyard Parole Eligibility: After drying
Current Offenses:
Rolling in A Stink, Class 2
Mole Murder-1st Degree
Previous Offenses:
Rolling in A Stink, Class 1
Theft of bread-1st Degree
Theft of Salami-1st Degree
Theft of ENTIRE BBQ Sandwich from stove top 😠 - 1st Degree
List truncated
submitted by McNooge87 to lookatmydog [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:13 HearingMuch9801 I have a boyfriend who will not leave my apartment.

I’m having a hard time of getting my ex boyfriend out, he’s not on the lease , in the past I’ve called the police to get him out and he hurts himself and blames it on me every time ! and I went to jail 3 times they always believe him idont know why but the case always gets dismissed for not enough evidence , but they say he has his own rights cause he lives here ?? He barely pays his half of rent , eats all my food , he does things to make me mad and I’m constantly always leaving out my own apartment, I just need peace , it just seems like I’m a possum trapped in a cage. I don’t know what to do I just don’t want it to turn back on me. I’m in pinellas county I’m to ashamed and embarrassed to tell anyone what I’m really going through but I want to be pointed in the right direction.
submitted by HearingMuch9801 to Pinellas_County [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:11 Possible_Ad3607 "Some wild footage from the inside 🎥 this comes as king county executive Dow Constantine has pushed for an abolition of youth jails in Washington. #ufc #youthjail #detention #fights #pow #boxing #dowconstantine 📸 @fox13seattle"

submitted by Possible_Ad3607 to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:50 Some-Addition-1802 is county jail or prison worse?

like would you rather spend a week in jail or prison if you were given the choice
submitted by Some-Addition-1802 to Prison [link] [comments]