Auto floor planning

Floor Plans for all skill levels

2015.05.11 15:30 Floor Plans for all skill levels

This is a Subreddit dedicated to people sharing ideas on interior design. There will be a friendly competition every week with a theme where you can win INTERNET POINTS. Design Floor Plans Here:

2009.02.09 03:42 Personal Finance

Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. Join our community, read the PF Wiki, and get on top of your finances!

2021.04.03 13:56 skylinkfx EarnX

Yearn Classic Finance presents EarnX. $EARNX is the utility token for an unheard of version of NFTs that can retain their value lifelong and is totally driven by our community. EarnX is built on the Binance Smartchain Platform. Earnx plans to merge NFT’s and physical products, using RFID chips for proof of ownership on the blockchain. EARNX team has also launched the famous shop, where people can buy and sell products and pay using BNB & EarnX.

2024.06.04 22:17 EclosionK2 .

Please.You have to remove Jumpy from the end of the episode.”
My animation supervisor looked at me with furrowed brows. “ We can't. We've already passed that sequence over.”
“Well then un-pass it. Just tell the client there was a technical error or something. We need to remove Jumpy from the background.”
He frowned at me and drank his coffee. A few people peered into the window of the meeting room, wondering why I was having another one-on-one with my boss.
“Elizabeth, it wasyouwho wanted to add Jumpy in the first—”
“—I know! It was a terrible mistake. We should have never added him in. Please.”
He massaged his temple. “Why does it matter exactly? It's just a webcomic right?”
My hands were fidgeting, wringing each other constantly. I tried to keep my voice level.
“... If we don't remove jumpy, we are risking the well-being of countless generations of kids who watch this TV show. Lives are at stake.”
He put down the coffee cup and looked me in the eye. “Elizabeth, I know you had that elevator accident. And if you’re feeling … untethered … that’s okay.”
“I'mfeelingtotally fine. This has nothing to do with the elevator. Please just believe me when I say we need to remove that cartoon frog.”
He took a deep inhale and shook his head. “My hands are tied here Elizabeth. But if you want to talk to production, see if they are willing to communicate with the client for us to resubmit the animation sequence. Go right ahead.”
I spoke with production. I spoke with the head producer at our studio and explained how important it was to remove the frog from the background of episode six.
Everyone gave me strange looks and didn’t see the big deal, but I kept pushing.
Eventually, even the head producer said there was nothing that could be done.
The only person who had the power to make changes to episode six, was the client side boss. A wealthy studio exec who worked from home, some two hours away from my city.
His name was Paul Winslow.
I tried calling him, emailing him, messaging him via linkedin, slack and every other platform imaginable. But he was some big shot, and didn't have time to respond to anything.
I had given him three whole days. Three whole days where all I did was worry about my cousin’s nephews, and all the kids I could see going to the school across from my apartment.
This wasn't up to him anymore, It was up to me.
HR said I was required to take a ‘ leave of absence’ for 2 weeks as they ‘ reassessed’ something. This was fine with me, because It gave me the time I needed to execute my plan.
On a dark, overcast night I drove all the way to Paul Winslow's house.
It was dark, but I could still make out the black, wrought iron gates at the entrance. The intercom box on the right.
I had waited too long, the episode was going to release imminently, so I didn't have time to bother with the intercom. Instead, I flashed my high beams and pointed at the gate.
In view of my headlights, the iron gate started to shake and bend.
The middle latch snapped off.
Within seconds, the gate had been peeled apart as if it were made of putty.
I drove through.
Along the path, two large dogs came barking at my car, they looked eager to leap at my throat.
But before they could reach my bumper, there came a large, earth-shaking stomp. The dogs froze. Noses sniffed the air.
Their tails curled between their legs as they ran away.
I pulled up to the enormous front doors made of some kind of red cedar. The handles looked like they were made of polished bronze, or maybe even gold.
The expensive handles crumpled. The doors were torn from their hinges.
I walked in holding a laminated copy of my Jumpy sketch. I spoke loudly and assertively.
“Mr. Winslow. We need to talk.”
From upstairs, I could hear a panicked voice: “Who are you!? Get out of my house! I have a gun!”
Wasting no time, I pointed at the stairs. The bannister bent and splintered.
I waited at the foot of the stairs until I heard a gunshot, followed by shrieks.
“What the hell? What is happening?!”
Some banging and screaming ensued. When it turned into crying, I walked up the stairs.
Mr. Winslow was lying in a bathrobe on his hallway floor. I could make out the wet indentation of a heavy footprint on his chest. He looked up at me with watery, frightened eyes.
“Paul, believe me when I say I’m sorry I had to do this. But I had no other choice.” I said.
He whimpered as he spoke. “Is it money you want? I have gold in the attic. take as much as you want.”
“Lives are at stake. I need you to remove this character from the kids show you're making.” I held up the Jumpy sketch to his face.
“ …What?”
“You have the ultimate sign off. I need you to prevent episode six from airing.”
“You’re talking about … that singalong show?”
“YES! You have to prevent this character from ever being seen by anyone!”
“But it's already … It's already been sent to the streamers.”
“What!? What do you mean it's already been sent?”
“They’ve already released it in … Asia and Europe.”
I dropped the picture, and lowered my face to his. ‘Are you serious? Kids have already seen it!?”
Mr. Winslow's face was beginning to turn blue. “Listen. Do you have any idea how tight the turnaround is on children’s programming? I don't make the rules.”
“No no no!” I pulled at my hair.How could I be too late?
I stared at the air above the studio exec and pointed wildly. “Jumpy, is that true? Is there something you're not telling me? Have some kids seen you?”
The air slowly rippled into green, white and orange patterns, until all the colors solidified into the shape of a massive tree frog.
I looked at one of the frog’s massive red eyes. “Do you have other believers? Can you sense them already?”
Jumpy frowned, holding one hand on its stomach. “Only thing that Jumpy can sense. Is how hungry belly is.”
The frog eyed Mr. Winslow.
“No Jumpy!” I shouted. “We agreed, only as an absolute necessity.”
“Holy fuck!” Mr Winslow tried his best to wriggle out of Jumpy’s foot. “What is this thing? Is this real!?”
Jumpy lifted its foot. The man rolled out and crawled away.
“Jumpy!” I waved my arms. “What are you doing?!”
Mr. Winslow ran for the pistol lying on the floor at the end of the hall. Just as his fingers leaned down, A massive tongue whipped out and grabbed him by the head.
There was a crack and a twist.
Mr. Winslow's body lay face down on the floor. His shocked face was turned upwards, staring wide-mouthed at the ceiling.
“Now can I eat him?” Jumpy asked.
The following day I left town. Paul Winslow's sudden disappearance would eventually be traced back to me. Everyone at my work knew what I was after.
I had been obvious about it.
I had been stupid.
Terror prevented me from seeking Jumpy, but now survival has forced me to pair with the frog. It followed me wherever I drove.
Ironically, I was no longer afraid of the monster which used to keep me up at night, because I had turned into somewhat of a monster myself. A murderer on the run.
The silver lining was that when I finally got around to watching episode six of my company's kids show. You couldn't see Jumpy.
It was a sing-along show for young kids, and the baked-in lyrics on screen obscured the background characters for the whole sequence Jumpy was in. You couldn't even make out it was a frog.
And so here I am, driving from city to city. Never lingering too long.
I'm giving myself a few months to figure out what to do. I’ve mostly been staying in cheap hotels and hostels.
Every now and then I go swimming at the nearest public pool late at night. Jumpy always finds a way through the roof. We swim together.
Through Jumpy I’ve been learning more about my late twin sisters. They used the Jumpy a lot to get what they wanted.
But I don't need anything excessive. I don't want money, I don't want fame, I just want to live somewhere peacefully. Maybe teach synchronized swimming. If I can use jumpy to arrange that—it's enough for me.
As much as I hate it, I feel like I deserve to be the sole believer. To have this invisible creature haunt me, and follow me wherever I go.
I was a Whitaker sister after all.
Jumpy is my imaginary friend.
submitted by EclosionK2 to test [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:16 Difficult-Leek-6854 Trouble quoting due to difficult incumbent MSP?

Long story short, a company has asked us for a quote for services because their current provider is unresponsive and unhelpful. However, we are having trouble getting a full picture of their environment and the services they are being provided for two reasons:
  1. They cannot find a copy of their contract, and even after asking their MSP is slow to provide them a copy
  2. We have limited access/credentials and, again, the MSP is unresponsive to this client.
They have asked us for an "apples to apples" quote but I am having a hard time providing this because of the two reasons above. We could give them a quote based on one of our basic plans, but I do not want to come back and have to change price due to something we were unaware of.
Anyone have advice or experience with something like this? My general advice for them has been to continue asking for a copy of the contract and send a notice of non-renewal in case there is an auto-renew clause, but not sure how best to move forward otherwise.
submitted by Difficult-Leek-6854 to msp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:11 rimales CMV: GameStop Retail Investors Are Behaving Irrationally and the Associated Subreddits are Echo Chambers Causing Financial Harm

Note: I currently hold GameStop shares, and I am not saying the company is doomed or that trading its stock is always bad financial practice. I am looking to change this view as if I do not I plan to sell most of my stock the next time it is around $35.00, and to use some of those profits to buy back in at lower prices and repeat this trend. While I intend to hold a few stocks, I think that I have been essentially tricked into bag holding for institutions flipping stock and am only not selling the last out of FOMO. ---- Core Arguments: 1. Individual shares rising from the current price range ($20 - $50) to a price at least 1 order of magnitude higher than the upper end of that range (~$500) is unlikely to occur within a reasonable timeframe (~3 years) Supporting Points: A. If there was a reasonably likely chance to achieve returns in line with these numbers there would be more institutional investment in GameStop that could easily directly register all shares. B. Based on the claimed impact this would have to the market, if somehow random people on the internet have figured this out and spent years shouting about it without others in investment institutions realizing it is correct and also investing,the US government will not allow multiple major financial institutions to be bankrupt to appease a few people on the internet. C. There have been several events that have been falsely hyped as the beginning of a squeeze,all have petered out at around the $50 dollar mark. If these were genuine it demonstrates that hedge funds have a reliable method to prevent the expected event, and they will continue to do so. Alternatively, this demonstrates that they are inaccurate about their predictions. 2. The Reddit community around GameStop encourages individuals to hold stock well past any reasonably foreseeable price point. Supporting Points: I dont think I need to do much other than point to the SuperStonk or GME Subreddits to support this point. People regularly state their floor for a sale is 6 digit prices or higher. Discussion of selling is immediately suppressed with heavy downvotes and bans. Various "special tricks" get promoted as the last thing needed to make you rich. They constantly claim that they are being suppressed but if you look at top of the hour they are constantly flooding it. If anything remotely notable happens with the stock it is usually within the top 25 posts of the day. The subreddits have ridiculous account age and karma requirements to prevent dissenting comments. ---- What wont change my view? 1. SuperStonk or GME "DD" about this stock. I don't have the financial expertise to pick them apart but I do not trust that random Reddit users have performed better financial analysis of this stock than 100s of hedge funds and 1000s of high net worth investors, and that if these were reasonably accurate that they would be ignored by these investors. 2. Conspiracy talk. I'm not saying a conspiracy is impossible, but if one exists and has worked so effectively to suppress this institutional investment and keep the stock down it will likely continue beyond the control of these individuals. ---- Conclusion: The current discourse around GME is inaccurate and harmful to the individuals in these communities. GameStop invester Subreddits use cult like mentality and suppression of dissent. GameStop investors should abandon a holding strategy and instead buy dips to 20ish and sell around 30-40 depending on risk tolerance. Those hoping to get rich quick should divest the majority of their shares at a similar price and not reinvest.
Request for Respondents: Please limit yourself to addressing only one point and please read other top level replies before responding.
I intend to limit my replies to the highest ranked comments for each point. If you are not the top level commenter, please wait a bit for them to reply before replying to my follow up messages to them.
submitted by rimales to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:10 PatrickGSR94 Ceiling fan family showing in floor plans

I have a ceiling fan fixture with a vertical invisible line that is used to make the fan show up in floor plans, which is normal for residential floor plans. The invisible line has a yes/no visibility instance parameter that should allow it to NOT show on floor plans, if desired. I clearly recall this as being the usual method for making ceiling-hosted or other items in the RCP, also visible in the floor plan.
But now, it doesn't seem to be working properly. Even with that vertical line turned off, the fan still shows on the floor plan. Even with the view range completely below the ceiling fan (besides the vertical line), it still shows in the floor plans. If I delete the vertical line, it works as expected (not showing in floor plans). So my question is, does this invisible line method not work anymore for controlling whether a ceiling item shows up in a floor plan view? Any other ways to make this work?
submitted by PatrickGSR94 to Revit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 toffyl [xb1] H: random plans W: caps or to bundle for better stuff

[xb1] H: random plans W: caps or to bundle for better stuff submitted by toffyl to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 toffyl H: random plans W: caps or to bundle for better stuff

H: random plans W: caps or to bundle for better stuff submitted by toffyl to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:01 Sufficient-You6514 Changed auto pay removed my renewal plan

I am 2 weeks into my free trial and I had already changed my upcoming renewal on June 21st to the $72 lite plan before they increased the plan.
This morning, I was on the app and I touched manage auto pay and I switched it from Google pay to visa.
Then I noticed my upcoming $72 annual renewal disappeared and it said upcoming renewal $0/month.
As much as I would like to think I would get free service, I can't risk losing my number.
Can admin please contact me to change my upcoming renewal on June 21st back to the $72 annual lite plan. I have a screenshot showing I had that plan grandfathered before June 1st.
Thank you.
submitted by Sufficient-You6514 to USMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:55 Jman_ilovecats8 60+ 25% Off Referral Codes

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submitted by Jman_ilovecats8 to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:51 Siininha_deNiteroi I sort of quit? Advice please

So, I wasn't planning on quitting, nor did I actually quit.
The situation is that: I was living with my fiancé and my mother, she wanted extra $$ so she decided to give me 1 month to leave. I got a job at CVS a few weeks before i had to leave and at the time i had no health insurance, no car insurance and i needed to register it bc i was gonna be living in it, once me and i fiancé left we were able to rent a room and the house owner stole from us while we were at work so we left and started living in the car again, my mans new boss started going after him at work bc the floor manager kept telling the boss that my man's work (he is a painter) was actually his and then the managers poor, dirty and ugly work would be pinned on my fiancee (and who tf would believe the new guy? Nobody, ur right)
So end of story, an old boss that both of us used to work for decided to give my man another chance, but the job is in NH and we were from MA.
In the meantime i been struggling with severe thoracic scoliosis. Ive been taking 20mg cyclobenzaprine and 2 600mg ibuprofen daily just to bare sitting down and standing up. Remember how i said i had no health insurance? Yeah, i kept getting wright ups for calling out from pain for 1-2 months before i was able to fix my insurance issue and gotten to the point where Im taking these medications.
End of story is, because of everything thats happened ened and also some scary stuff that happened to me in MA (attempted kidnapping) Me and my fiancé decided to leave to NH for good. Today is is first day of work and i never quit, ive been meaning to talk to my managers about it, i only explained the situation roughly through calls and texts but im in a situation where i either eat today or I pay for gas or I have a place to sleep (hotel) and i have to pick. I was gonna ask to be transferred to NH but I think i already burnt a bridge with cvs accidentally just because I didn't even have time to go there. Ive been doing doodash and applying for other jobs bc i think nobody at my cvs wants to see my face again but I didn't mean for it to end like this. Before my mom kicked me out, before i was struggling to be able to eat, before i couldn't sleep bc every night i feel unsafe from not having a real place i can call my own I was a great worker, i git people that went to my cvs just to talk to me, i was learning quick and some costumers even suggested that my manager train me for management. Is there any way i can revert the situation? Should i go to my cvs when i have time and talk to someone or should i just forget about it and just find another job where i am now?
Help please
submitted by Siininha_deNiteroi to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:51 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Three: Headliner (MGT)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Entering 2004 with a burning desire for success, Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena is determined to ascend to the upper echelons of TNA and establish himself as a bona fide main event player. After experiencing the bitter taste of defeat with the loss of the NWA World Tag Team Championships, Cena shifts his focus towards his singles career, ready to prove his mettle on his own terms.
With a renewed sense of purpose, Cena storms into January with an unrelenting fury, determined to leave an indelible mark on the TNA landscape. Match after match, he annihilates his opponents with a combination of brute strength, technical prowess, and undeniable charisma. From high-flying maneuvers to devastating power moves, Cena showcases the full extent of his abilities, leaving audiences in awe of his talent and determination. As the weeks go by, Cena's winning streak becomes the talk of the wrestling world, with pundits and fans alike marveling at his meteoric rise to prominence. With each victory, Cena's confidence swells, and the cheers of the crowd grow louder, signaling his emergence as a true superstar in the making.
Outside the ring, Cena proves to be just as captivating as he is inside it. Teaming up with Ron Killings, he unleashes a barrage of freestyle disses and witty banter, captivating audiences and keeping them on the edge of their seats. With his quick wit and infectious charm, Cena becomes a fan favorite, winning over even his staunchest detractors with his undeniable charisma and larger-than-life personality.
Towards the end of January, Cena crosses paths with the reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett, backstage. Eager to introduce himself to the top dog of TNA and earn his respect, Cena extends a friendly greeting, only to be met with indifference and dismissal from Jarrett. Undeterred by the champion's arrogance, Cena takes the snub in stride, his resolve to succeed only strengthened by the encounter. With Jarrett's snub serving as a catalyst for change, Cena sets his sights on the main event scene, determined to prove himself as a worthy contender for the top title in TNA. Armed with a newfound sense of purpose and determination, he embarks on a relentless quest to elevate his career to new heights, ready to take on all challengers and carve out his place in the annals of wrestling history.
With the rest of 2004 waiting for him, Cena promises that no obstacle is too great to overcome for a true superstar on the rise. And as he continues to climb the ranks of TNA, the wrestling world watches with bated breath, eager to witness the next chapter in the storied career of the one and only Doctor of Thuganomics, John Cena.
As the calendar flips to February in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena continues to ride the wave of momentum that has propelled him to the forefront of the company. With each passing week, his star burns brighter, his victories more emphatic, and his popularity soaring to unprecedented heights. Every week at the Asylum, Cena's presence is felt like a seismic force, electrifying audiences with his unique blend of athleticism, charisma, and showmanship. Match after match, he dazzles fans with his in-ring prowess, dispatching opponents with ease and leaving a trail of defeated competitors in his wake. With each victory, Cena solidifies his status as a bona fide main event player, earning the respect and admiration of fans and fellow wrestlers alike.
Near the end of February, Cena finds himself facing off against none other than wrestling legend Shane Douglas in a highly anticipated showdown. The tension in the arena is palpable as the two warriors square off in the center of the ring, each determined to emerge victorious. In a match for the ages, Cena and Douglas engage in a back-and-forth battle that leaves the audience on the edge of their seats. But in the end, it is Cena who prevails, his arm raised in victory as he basks in the adulation of the crowd.
As Cena stands triumphant in the ring, a microphone in hand, he wastes no time in seizing the moment to make a bold statement. With unwavering confidence and determination, he calls out the reigning NWA World Champion, Jeff Jarrett, issuing a challenge that reverberates throughout the wrestling world. His words are met with thunderous applause from the audience, who are eager to see Cena square off against the top dog of the company. With his sights set squarely on the top prize in TNA, Cena vows to stop at nothing to achieve his goal. His determination is unwavering as he stares down the camera, a look of steely resolve in his eyes.
As TNA charges into March, the spotlight shines brightly on Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena, whose meteoric rise has propelled him into the conversation for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. With his sights set firmly on the ultimate prize, Cena continues to dominate the competition, leaving a trail of defeated opponents in his wake. Amidst speculation and anticipation, Cena's name emerges as a top contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, with fans and pundits alike recognizing his undeniable talent and potential. Undeterred by the pressure, Cena remains focused on his mission, determined to prove himself worthy of a shot at championship gold.
In a pivotal moment in his career, Cena finds himself pitted against the monstrous Abyss in a high-stakes match with an NWA World Heavyweight Championship opportunity on the line. The tension in the arena is palpable as the two behemoths square off in the ring, each determined to emerge victorious and secure their place in the main event scene. From the opening bell, Cena and Abyss engage in a brutal back-and-forth battle that pushes both men to their limits. With each thunderous blow and bone-crushing slam, the crowd is on the edge of their seats, captivated by the sheer intensity of the contest. Despite the daunting size and power of his opponent, Cena refuses to back down, drawing on every ounce of strength and determination in his arsenal.
In a moment of sheer brilliance, Cena summons his immense strength and hoists Abyss onto his shoulders, delivering his signature FU with bone-jarring impact. The crowd erupts in a deafening roar as Cena makes the cover, the referee's hand hitting the mat for the three-count. With the victory secured, Cena emerges triumphant, officially cementing his status as the #1 contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and entering main event territory for the first time in his career.
As Cena basks in the adulation of the crowd, his eyes remain fixed on the ultimate prize that awaits him. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship now within his sights, he knows that the road ahead will be fraught with challenges and obstacles. But with his unwavering determination and unyielding resolve, Cena is ready to face whatever lies ahead as he prepares to take his place among the elite of professional wrestling.
As the highly anticipated showdown between Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena and reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett approaches, tensions reach a boiling point as the two rivals engage in a war of words that ignites passions and captivates audiences around the world. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship firmly around his waist, Jeff Jarrett exudes confidence and arrogance as he dismisses Cena's challenge with contempt. Believing himself to be untouchable, Jarrett scoffs at the notion that Cena poses any real threat to his dominance, confident that he will emerge victorious and send Cena packing back to WWE where he supposedly belongs.
Unfazed by Jarrett's bravado, Cena fires back with a barrage of scathing insults and biting criticism, calling out Jarrett for clinging to past glory and refusing to acknowledge the rising stars of TNA. With each verbal jab, Cena strikes a nerve, exposing Jarrett's insecurities and rattling the champion's confidence. Week after week, Cena and Jarrett engage in heated confrontations, trading verbal barbs and insults that escalate the tension between them. Jarrett attempts to deflect Cena's attacks, but the challenger refuses to back down, determined to expose Jarrett's arrogance and prove himself worthy of championship gold.
As the match draws closer, Cena makes a bold promise to the TNA faithful, vowing to usher in a new era of rising stars and fresh talent once he dethrones Jarrett and captures the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. With unwavering determination and unyielding resolve, Cena sets his sights on not only winning the title but also transforming TNA into a platform for the next generation of superstars. As the stage is set for their epic encounter, Cena and Jarrett prepare to settle their differences once and for all in the squared circle. With the fate of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance, the wrestling world waits with bated breath to see who will emerge victorious in this clash of titans. And as the final bell rings, only one man will stand tall, his legacy forever cemented in the annals of professional wrestling history.
April 9th, 2004
The tension in the arena is palpable as Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena and reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett step into the ring, the weight of their rivalry hanging heavy in the air. With the coveted championship on the line, both men know that victory is imperative, and the stakes have never been higher.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Jarrett (c) vs John Cena
From the moment the bell rings, it's clear that Jarrett is unwilling to engage Cena in a fair fight. Instead, he employs a strategy of evasion, darting in and out of the ring and using every trick in the book to keep Cena at bay. But Cena refuses to be deterred, pursuing Jarrett relentlessly and refusing to let him escape. Determined to put an end to Jarrett's cowardly tactics, Cena catches his opponent attempting to flee once again and forcibly drags him back into the ring. With the crowd on their feet, Cena stares down Jarrett, his eyes burning with intensity as he demands that the champion face him like a man.
With Jarrett cornered, Cena unleashes a torrent of offense, raining down blows upon the champion with unrelenting force. Each strike reverberates throughout the arena, driving Jarrett to his knees as Cena asserts his dominance in the ring. But Jarrett refuses to go down without a fight, summoning every ounce of his experience to mount a defense. As the match wears on, Jarrett's desperation reaches new heights, and he resorts to underhanded tactics in a last-ditch effort to regain control. But Cena sees through his opponent's deceit, dodging Jarrett's attacks with lightning reflexes and countering with devastating precision. With each failed attempt, Jarrett's frustration grows, and Cena's resolve only strengthens.
In a moment of sheer brilliance, Cena dodges Jarrett's attempted guitar shot, leaving the champion stunned and vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Cena hoists Jarrett onto his shoulders and delivers his signature FU finisher, driving him into the canvas with bone-jarring force. The crowd erupts in a deafening roar as the referee counts the pinfall, declaring Cena the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion.
John Cena defeats Jeff Jarrett to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (16:00)
With the championship belt held high above his head, Cena basks in the adulation of the crowd, his victory a testament to his resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to excellence. As he stands tall in the center of the ring, Cena knows that his journey is far from over, and the road ahead will be filled with new challenges and obstacles. But for now, he revels in the glory of his hard-fought victory, secure in the knowledge that he has earned his place among the elite of professional wrestling.
The aftermath of losing the NWA World Heavyweight Championship weighs heavily on Jeff Jarrett's shoulders, casting a shadow of doubt and frustration over his once illustrious career. No longer the dominant force he once was, Jarrett finds himself consumed by a relentless desire to reclaim the title he believes is rightfully his. Haunted by memories of his defeat at the hands of John Cena, Jarrett's mind becomes consumed with thoughts of revenge. Sleep eludes him as he tosses and turns, tormented by visions of Cena standing tall as the new champion. Determined to change the tide, Jarrett's desperation knows no bounds as he hatches a plan to reclaim his lost glory.
A couple of weeks after their fateful encounter, Cena enters the Asylum with the building quickly welcoming him. Deafening cheers rain down upon him, and he smiles at the adulation, ready to slide into the throne as King of TNA. But before he can even walk down to the ring and address the biggest win of his career, the Champ is blindsided. Jarrett strikes with ruthless efficiency, ambushing Cena in a brutal assault that leaves the Doctor of Thuganomics face down in the aisle, shards of guitar covering and surrounding him. With the remnants of the instrument in hand, Jarrett delivers a devastating kick to Cena’s ribs, the sound echoing throughout the arena as he stands over his fallen foe, demanding a rematch whenever Cena awakens from his unconscious state.
As Cena slowly regains consciousness, a fire ignites within him, burning with a fury unlike anything he's ever experienced. Bloodied but unbowed, Cena vows vengeance against Jarrett, his rage fueling his every move as he sets his sights on reclaiming his honor by tearing his head off. With tensions reaching a boiling point, a rematch is scheduled between Cena and Jarrett, the atmosphere charged with electricity as both men prepare to do battle once again. Emotions run high as they step into the ring, each fueled by their own personal vendettas and driven to the brink of madness by their shared animosity.
Cena and Jarrett push each other to their emotional limits building up to the rematch, the intensity of their rivalry reaching new heights with each passing moment. They soon break out into a brawl, every blow is fueled by years of resentment and betrayal, the air thick with the palpable tension of two men on the brink of self-destruction. Cena and Jarrett teeter on the edge of madness as they prepare for war. In the end, only one man will emerge victorious, his triumph a testament to the unforgiving nature of professional wrestling and the depths of human emotion.
May 14th, 2004
Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena and former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett step into the ring once again, the championship gold shimmering in the spotlight above them. This rematch is not just about the title; it's about redemption, retribution, and settling the score once and for all.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Jeff Jarrett II
As the bell rings, Cena and Jarrett waste no time in launching into a fierce battle, their bodies colliding with a thunderous impact that reverberates throughout the arena. Each blow is delivered with purpose, fueled by the burning desire to emerge victorious and vanquish their opponent once and for all. In a display of sheer determination and raw athleticism, Cena begins to gain the upper hand, systematically dismantling Jarrett with a relentless barrage of strikes and power moves. With the championship within his grasp, Cena digs deep, summoning every ounce of strength and resilience as he drives himself toward victory. An FU sends Jarrett to Hell with a thunderous slam, Cena making the pin as the referee counts to three.
John Cena defeats Jeff Jarrett to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (15:49)
As the match draws to a close, Cena finds himself standing tall over a fallen Jarrett, the taste of victory tantalizingly close. But as he looks down at his defeated foe, Cena's eyes narrow with a steely determination. This isn't just about winning the title; it's about payback for Jarrett's treachery and underhanded tactics. With the crowd on their feet, Cena seizes the opportunity to deliver the ultimate act of retribution. Snatching Jarrett's own guitar from ringside, Cena raises it high above his head, the crowd roaring in anticipation. And with a primal scream of defiance, Cena brings the guitar crashing down onto Jarrett's prone body, the sound of splintering wood echoing throughout the arena.
As Jarrett lies motionless in the ring, Cena stands victorious, his status as a superstar confirmed in the eyes of the world. With the championship belt held high above his head, Cena basks in the adulation of the crowd, his triumph a testament to his resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to excellence. The rivalry may be over, but Cena's journey is far from finished. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship now firmly in his grasp, Cena sets his sights on new challenges and new opportunities, ready to continue his ascent to the pinnacle of professional wrestling. And as he walks away from the ring, the echoes of his victory reverberate throughout the wrestling world, solidifying his place among the greatest of all time.
As TNA enters a new era with John Cena reigning atop as the first TNA Triple Crown Champion and the undisputed Ace of the company, the Second Anniversary Show crawls closer than ever. A monumental main event is needed to celebrate the history of TNA, and Cena welcomes anyone to step up and make their case for a championship match. If you want some… come get some. A familiar face emerges from the shadows to challenge his supremacy. Someone John has gone to war with multiple times, with their saga being far from over. Returning to the fold with his sights set firmly on the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and the glory of being recognized as the better man, is AJ Styles.
After nearly a year away from Cena, Styles is back in his sights, more determined and focused than ever before. With his sights set on championship gold, Styles wastes no time in declaring his intentions to challenge Cena for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, setting the stage for a clash of titans that will captivate the wrestling world. Cena smiles, willingly admitting he’s never beat AJ one on one before. But that just lights more of a fire under him as he accepts the challenge, shaking AJ’s hand and staring him down as the Asylum goes bonkers in the background.
With both men at the peak of their abilities, Cena and Styles waste no time reigniting their storied rivalry, this time with the highest stakes yet. Gone are the days of personal vendettas and grudges; this feud is purely about championship glory and the honor of being crowned the best in the business. As tensions reach a fever pitch, the stage is set for a showdown of epic proportions as Cena and Styles prepare to do battle for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The anticipation is palpable as fans around the world eagerly await the clash between these two titans of the ring, each determined to emerge victorious and etch their name in the annals of wrestling history.
TNA’s Second Anniversary Show
With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line, John Cena and AJ Styles step into the ring prepared for battle. The atmosphere is electric as fans around the world witness the clash between two of the most formidable competitors in professional wrestling.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs AJ Styles III
From the opening bell, it's clear that Cena and Styles are evenly matched, each showcasing their unparalleled athleticism and in-ring prowess. The momentum shifts back and forth as the two competitors engage in a back-and-forth exchange of high-impact maneuvers and lightning-fast counters. As the match reaches its climax, Styles digs deep, drawing upon his years of experience and unparalleled skill to gain the upper hand over Cena. With the crowd on their feet, Styles delivers a breathtaking display of aerial maneuvers and technical wizardry, leaving Cena reeling and struggling to mount a comeback.
In a heart-stopping moment, Styles delivers his signature Styles Clash, flooring Cena with devastating impact. The referee's hand slaps the mat for the three-count, and the arena erupts in a deafening roar as Styles is declared the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. With tears of joy streaming down his face, Styles stands victorious in the center of the ring, the championship belt held high above his head as he basks in the adulation of the crowd.
AJ Styles defeats John Cena to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (25:19)
In a breathtaking display of athleticism and skill, AJ Styles emerges victorious over John Cena to capture the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, sending shockwaves throughout the wrestling world. With tears of joy streaming down his face, Styles celebrates his historic victory, knowing that he has etched his name in the annals of wrestling history as one of the all-time greats.
As Styles celebrates his historic victory, a new era dawns in TNA Wrestling. With the championship now in his possession, Styles sets his sights on new challenges and new adversaries, ready to defend his title against all comers and solidify his legacy as one of the greatest champions in the history of the sport. And as the dust settles, one thing is certain: AJ Styles has etched his name in the annals of wrestling history, forever remembered as the man who conquered the ring and rose to the top of the mountain.
As AJ Styles celebrates his championship triumph, John Cena is left to contemplate his defeat and regroup for the challenges that lie ahead. With their rivalry far from over, both men know that their paths will cross again in the quest for championship glory, and the wrestling world eagerly awaits the next chapter in this epic saga.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:49 milakkuma CAS oakland arena

gauging interest for CAS tickets oakland arena in section C!
hii i have 3 tickets seated next to each other in section C (floor) row 12 for CAS’ oakland arena concert, my friends and i are highkey broke rn and need money after buying gracie abrams tickets 😭
i was wondering if there is any interest in buying these tickets through ticketmaster for face value ($117.93 each)! i plan on selling all 3 on ticketmaster through their fan-to-fan face value ticket exchange, if anyone is interested in buying all 3 that would be great (main concern is having 1 ticket that doesn’t sell)
submitted by milakkuma to CigarettesAfterSex [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:44 Low-Entropy History Of Hamburg Hardcore

Hamburg is a more than 800 year old harbor town in the north of Germany. As such, it was always also a hotspot for a wide range of subcultures, cranks and crooks, rowdy sailors, prostitutes, pirates that found their place in shady pubs, back alleys and similar dark places.
I entered Hamburg in 1980 by birth, so I can’t tell you much about the 60s or 70s of Hamburg, but in the 80s, it was a place for anarchists, punks, rioters and similar people – creating the current for places of alternate music and political views to be set up. This is a bit of a back story for what happened in the 90s in Hamburg, regarding the then emerging hardcore techno scene.
Container Records was a record store in the red light zone of Hamburg – the Reeperbahn – one story above a store for alternate clothing. It was focused on techno music only and one of the largest (or the largest?) of such stores in Hamburg. They also were involved in other things, such as running a record label also named Container. And this Container Records had a sublabel called Fischkopf. The first generation of Fischkopf was a group of people around Martin, the owner of Container Records; I don’t know exactly who was directly involved in running the label, but Cybermouse, DJ Raid and Christoph De Babalon are names I heard over the years (please correct me).
Cybermouse got to Fischkopf because it was noted that he bought only the most extreme and obscure records at the store; something that made the crew think he’d fit right in, apparently. So the first Fischkopf record was released, “Surprise Attack” by Cybermouse. They were all done on an Amiga computer using tracker software and a special FX software; actually, the tracks were first released on a diskette magazine called “Neurowaver” (if you don’t know what a diskette magazine is, ask Google). Cybermouse’s debut was followed by Christoph De Babalon’s debut, the “Love Under Will” EP, named after Aleister Crowley obviously. On it we find some of the most haunting music with “jungle beats” made in this era.
After a few more EPs, the management changed, and Hardy Storz took over. He steered Fischkopf into the direction that brought worldwide acclaim to it. Releasing experimental, intellectual music that at the same time is hardcore techno. In one of the rare interviews with him, he states that he was annoyed by the turn gabber had taken at that time; becoming more dumb, simplistic, macho. And Fischkopf for sure was the opposite of that. Fischkopf had most of the major players in the more refined hardcore scene of those days on it’s rooster: Patric C as Eradicator, Lasse Steen with a variety of aliases, Nawoto Suzuki as Burning Lazy Persons, Taciturne, Amiga Shock Force and EPC, and the Michelson sisters Auto-Psy and No Name. Especially these two female fighters brought some of the most interesting music to this label; tracks that are so complex and structured and finetuned, that the word “hardcore” is almost too brutish for them.
Although the pressing for “Fisch” releases were limited to 500, they quickly got known worldwide in the more underground scenes. After a while also parties were set up by the Fisch crew, again in the red light district of Hamburg. These parties attracted a wide range of performers such as Rage Reset, DJ Entox, La Peste, and many many more. Without going too much into this, let’s just repeat Taciturne’s summary that the amount of fog issued in these nights in the dark, strobe filled rooms would’ve clouded a soccer arena. Even though opposing the “commercial” “Dutch” “gabber” scene, Fischkopf spawned one big hit in exactly that scene; Taciturne’s totem which is still sought after, after all these years. Fischkopf faltered in 1997; the exact reasons are not known, but talk is about disagreement on the direction to take Fischkopf between Hardy and Container; or that Fisch just did not generate enough “dough”. One more release appeared in 1998 (and a test pressing of a “Fisch 26” by Cybermouse), only for Fischkopf to disappear completely after that.
Interesting fact: at one point, Alec Empire and Somatic Responses were planned for a Fischkopf release too.
Listening suggestion: Taciturne – 6 Fragmente In Der Chronologie Des Wahnsinns
Cross Fade Entertainment
DJ Raid, who was also involved in Fischkopf, set up this label with Paul Snowden and Christoph De Babalon. The word “hardcore” only vaguely fits here; this is just brilliant, brilliant subcultural music. The first release was the premier release of Somatic Responses, who took the world by storm in the years (or rather, even decades) that followed. This was still a lot different to their later style: heavy, heavy distorted drums (or noises) in a 4/4 route, with experimental sounds in the vein of early synth experimental music. As fierce as fierce gets.
The second release was done by Christoph De Babalon and Paul Snowden, aptly named “We Declare War”. Paul Snowden’s site has some of the most distorted acid, and CdB brings us assault troop breakbeat tracks here, going on from his Fischkopf release. In a rare German TV interview, CdB stated CFET to him is “auteur music”, in the sense that the artist take their music in their own individualist direction, regardless of trends. And the releases give proof of that.
Later, we find some fine breakcore releases on CFET. I can’t find much info on this, but according to defunct websites, the CFET personnel was once involved in the “Repulsion Parties”, taking place inside the “Rote Flora”, the most infamous squat in Hamburg. Line ups included artists like E-De Cologne, Alec Empire and Somatic Responses. CFET left Hamburg with Jan (CdB) and Paul moving to Berlin.
Listening suggestion: Christoph De Babalon & Paul Snowden – We Declare War
No Hamburg hardcore history text is complete without Nordcore. Nordcore started as “Die Tekknokraten” organizing small techno and hardcore parties, changing the name later. As Nordcore they ran a weekly hardcore club called “The Box”, in the midst of Hamburg. I think this was one of the only regular hardcore clubs worldwide that existed in the 90s outside of Netherlands and Belgium; the Bunker in Berlin being another important location. Almost all the big names in the hardcore, gabber and speedcore scene played in the box; Speedfreak, the PCP crew including Smash? (sic), BSE DJ team, Laurent Hô, E-De Cologne… And also a lot of the Dutch DJs.
Those were speedy times, but The Box had to close in 1996; much too soon! The parties got bigger though, and Nordcore moved to the Markthalle, usually a location for rock and pop bands, with their “Operation Nordcore” parties, again attracting all the “big name” performers to play.
With some breaks in between, Nordcore continues their hardcore journey to this day.
They also ran a record label, called Nordcore Records; and, beginning with issue 5, compiled the “Terrordrome” CDs, the biggest name in hardcore CDs in the 90s, only eclipsed by Thunderdome.
Listening suggestion: Nordcore GMBH – Hartcore Will Never Die
After Hardy left Container, he set up his own record store, called Otaku Records, again with a “Hardcore” label, called Blut Records; and in many way a spiritual successor to Fischkopf Records. The rooster was similar too: Taciturne, Nawoto, Amiga Shock Force and EPC. We also find a record that was originally planned as Fischkopf 25 here, Taciturne with Ebizieme.
The sound was taken a step farther in extremism with this label, so be prepared for a noise assault on your ears; but, again, a sensible one. The record store itself was also a good destination to shop for obscure and not so obscure hardcore, speedcore and breakcore records in Hamburg, with it’s own special charme. Blut never officially ended, but there was no release after Blut 6; a shame!
Listening Suggestion: Taciturne & EPC – Vendetta Vol.1 EP
Hardcore didn’t end in the 90s in Hamburg, but that, my child, is written in another tome…
submitted by Low-Entropy to gabber [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:43 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 248

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Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 248: A Lesson In The Making
I woke up to the sight of a pillow in my face.
But this wasn’t an assassination attempt so half-hearted that dumping a fruit slime on my head would be more effective.
No, this was a carefully optimised pose.
Just as I stood as straight as a reed when inspecting the new strawberry shortcakes in the kitchens, so too did I lay with my arms splayed, face against the pillow as I assessed the improvements made upon the Winter Queen’s bed.
My verdict …
“Heheheheh …”
I was satisfied.
Silken sheets as soft as powdery snow. Pillows immersed in the scent of freshly blooming daisies. Spring and winter entwined. A song of honey bees and snow fawns.
A truly exquisite bed by every metric–the delicate laughter of a princess being the highest of them.
But the true reason I was smiling into a pillow fluffier than a meadow wasn’t because this was the finest bed I’d ever sloppily arranged myself on.
No … it was because it was only the second best.
“Heheheh … heheho … ohoho …”
Indeed … my own bed was still superior!
Meticulously improved over years of daily adjustments, I had personally and painstakingly overseen the servants tasked with carrying the various bed frames and mattresses up the steps of my tower until I was satisfied. And then once I was satisfied, I repeated the process until I was more than satisfied.
The result?
A bed that not even the magic of two seasons could hope to reach.
Ohohoho! A pity for the Spring Queen!
Why, she did not understand what luxury truly entailed! Had she merely wished to see dreams beyond the beauty of the twilight horizon, she should have sought to pilfer my own bed, not her sister’s!
For despite its snowy softness, there was one major defect which separated her bed from my own.
I was awake.
This, frankly, was a significant demerit.
Even as I burrowed my face in the pillow, I could sense the veil of night on me like a second duvet. And as fine as a bed of fae magic was, it was little good to me if I somehow woke before the kitchen staff.
Thus–I went back to sleep.
Performing the necessary ritual to imbue slumber, I pressed my face deeper into the pillow. When that failed, I hugged it and rolled to my side. When that failed, I rolled to my other side. And then I rolled again and again, back and forth as I cradled the pillow in my arms.
At last, I felt my eyelids fluttering as my body relaxed … and then failed to sleep.
Now it had gone from a significant demerit to an inexcusable blemish.
Why, there was no scenario where I’d still be conscious after performing my full array of pre-sleep manoeuvres! That was a tried-and-tested routine more effective than any alchemist’s potion or spell!
In fact … I felt wide awake!
“Morning! How’d you sleep?”
Nor was I the only one!
I opened my eyes to the world. The dark, dark, world. No blistering sunlight came through the window of this freshly requisitioned tavern. Only a starless sky doing little to help reveal where Coppelia was stretching on the floor.
“Coppelia … ?” I said, rightfully confused as I blinked away my fatigue. “Do you often perform your stretches in the middle of the night … ?”
“Nope~ I prefer sleeping.”
“I see … are you perhaps suffering from insomnia, then?”
“Not at all. I slept really well! So did you.”
I shook my head, knowing what was to come.
“A mere illusion. As a princess, I always look better than how I feel. Yet the fatigue will doubtless come. I clearly haven’t slept long enough. And neither have you. Why, the time must be …”
“It’s currently 11 o’clock in the morning, generously rounded down by 51 minutes and 14 seconds.”
I rubbed my eyes.
Still dark. And now slightly blurry. I hope that wasn’t a problem.
“Really now, I’m afraid you’ll need to propose a more likely time should you wish to properly alarm me. For one thing, I’m not so slovenly as to rise so close to midday …”
I paused.
“... On consecutive days.”
Coppelia giggled, her energy always apparent no matter how little she slept.
“Nope~ that’s definitely the time!” she said confidently. “I checked my clockwork timekeeping against the clocktower in the town. Theirs is off by a whopping 16 minutes and 54 seconds.”
Now came my confusion.
I hugged my pillow as I blinked purposefully towards the window.
“It’s … It’s really almost midday?”
“Mmh! My clockwork timekeeping is faultless. It’s definitely the same time you claim we never wake up on consecutive days to. And yet I can recount at least–”
“Shhshhshh! That’s not important! … Coppelia, why is it so dark outside?”
“Well, I have good news, bad news and really bad news relating to that. Which do you want first?”
I pursed my lips … all the while squeezing my pillow firmer.
“... What is the good news?”
“The good news is that there’s a bakery downstairs that’s doing a 70% sale on crêpes.”
My pillow fell as I clapped my hands in delight.
Why, that was wonderful!
At such worryingly suspicious prices, I could afford to purchase enough emergency provisions to ensure that both Apple and Coppelia were fed for at least an hour!
“T-Truly? … If so, we have no time to waste! If it’s so late in the day, the crêpes are certain to have almost sold out by now!”
“Ahaha, don’t worry~” Coppelia gave a dismissive wave. “Nobody’s really bothering with buying treats right now. That’s where the bad news kicks in.”
I hesitated.
Frankly, it must truly be awful if time could not be spared for important nutrition. The type famously found warmed and layered amidst whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.
“Very well … what is the bad news? Surely, it’s nothing which cannot be overridden by the sheer volume of bakery provisions we’re about to purchase.”
“Well, you know the sun which usually hangs around your sky?”
I briefly closed my eyes as I parsed Coppelia’s sentence.
“... Yes? What about the sun which always, without fail, hangs around my sky?”
“It’s gone.”
I gave a short nod.
Very well.
That was somewhat bad news.
I would acknowledge that.
“I see … are you certain?”
“Yup. Pretty certain.”
“... Very well, and what is the really bad news, then?”
“The really bad news is that instead of the sun, a super big, super ominous black hole is there instead. It’s sort of pulsing, on fire and giving off this really sinister aura.”
Coppelia stretched her toe to meet her pinky, idly continuing with her stretching routine.
A moment later, I nodded. Naturally, her words were somewhat concerning. But I was a princess. The very picture of calm and serenity.
… Which was why I was no less calm and serene as I tossed aside the pillow and duvet both, before hopping out of my bed and hurrying over to the window in a fit of morning bed hair.
I slammed my palms down against the wooden frame as I leaned out. And then I stopped being the picture of calm and serenity.
“Who … Who stole the sun from my sky … ?!”
My eyes widened to the sight.
To glance up and see the sun hiding behind the clouds wasn’t unusual. All children were taught not to stare at bright things. And there was only so many seconds the sun could look down at me before it was forced to turn its gaze.
What was unusual, however, was that the sun wasn’t even there at all.
There was an endless brush of midnight, sweeping away even the stars.
Instead of the sun shining over my fair realm and burning my irises, there was a ring of darkness silhouetted by magic so visceral even my eyes could see it. Tendrils stretched out from its circular form, dragging in shafts of sunlight which were attempting to fold around it.
That was most excellent.
Why, the sun hadn’t vanished at all! It was merely being absorbed by a giant black hole in front of it! One which pulsed like an egg seeking to hatch while an aura of sickly malice ringed its fiery form!
Indeed … that was much better!
“Coppelia … what are the chances both of us are hallucinating due to overexposure to the countryside?”
“I’d say very low. The rest of the town are already huddling in their basements and wardrobes, convinced the world is about to end.”
“I see … and is it?”
“Nah. An ominous black hole this size isn’t enough to doom the world. Just your tiny kingdom.”
I nodded, my finger tapping against the window frame.
An eclipse.
A shadow.
A hole.
It was all of those things. A blot so unnatural it did not flee from the light.
It consumed it.
And that meant a calamity greater than any plague to sweep across our fields. For this touched more than my kingdom’s wheat.
It was an omen of the end.
A signpost telling every farmer in my realm to rush to the arms of the nearest barbarian selling a fully furnished homestead to the afterlife. For what was treasonous nobility and plotting vagabonds compared to darkness itself hovering over rooftops?
Indeed, it was a sight to cause any princess to drop to her knees in fright, clinging to themselves like a castaway holding onto flotsam.
Which was why, against such a perilous sight … it was all I could do to gently lean through the window, my eyes wide upon the darkened horizon and the doom which hovered over us all.
And then–
I asked it a single question.
“... Is this all you have?”
Slowly, I raised a hand to my lips … and offered a maidenly smile to the blackened sky. A gift of sweetness to all watching from beyond it.
“Oho … ohohoh … ohhohohohohoho!!”
My beautiful laughter filled the solemn air, breaking the hold of lightlessness as horrified gazes from Hartzwiese’s streets turned in their droves to me instead.
“Oooh, are we allowed to laugh?” asked Coppelia excitedly. “I didn’t know that! I thought for sure you’d get annoyed if I laughed … but what are you laughing at? Because I don’t want to laugh if we’re actually laughing at different things.”
“That’s very unlikely, Coppelia. I’m laughing at the only thing there is.”
“... Your kingdom’s inevitable demise?”
“No, Coppelia. I’m laughing at them.”
I pointed everywhere.
The ceiling. The window. The walls.
For my adversaries were countless. And so were my audience who wished to indulge in a sight rarer than a macaron tower still symmetrical after being brought up to my bedroom tower.
Me. Juliette Contzen. 3rd Princess to the Kingdom of Tirea. Winner of the inaugural Princess of the Year competition before I was even born. Shamed. Broken. Defeated.
And were I a lesser princess, they would have their wish.
Others would look to the sky and see the darkness come to swallow their every effort whole.
… But me?
I saw only desperation.
“Someone … Someone out there wishes for me to drop to my knees in despair, Coppelia. Whether it is a tea party of fae queens eating bricks around a rocking horse or the lady of fate herself, I can feel it. This … opportunism as flagrant as shredded carrots in a cupcake!”
I tightly squeezed my fists.
“Make no mistake, that a hole in my sky should appear the moment I seek to return to my orchard is no coincidence. There are as many eyes wishing for me to fail as there are hearts to overflow with jealousy. But I will neither bend nor break. I am Juliette Conzen. And I fear the scuttling in the ceiling more than the whims of my audience!”
I stepped away from the window and twirled on the spot, arms dramatically raised in open invitation towards all four walls, before settling on the blackened horizon.
“... So I ask again–is this all you have? A black hole in my sky? Why not two black holes? Why not three? How dare you insult me with this cakewalk. What are you trying to do? Send me to sleep? Why don’t you fill my sky with a falling meteor gift wrapped from the hells? Or innumerable rifts spitting out horned demons and creatures of chaos?”
“Ooh, ooh! Why not dinosaurs? Just loads of dinosaurs raining from the sky? That’d be awesome!”
“Yes, why not a veritable shower of scaled reptilian behemoths descending from the heavens?”
“And cats! Lots of cats!”
“W-What? No, Coppelia, that’s awful … but everything other than cats, I heartily dare–no, I double dare, triple dare. Because a single black hole sucking up the sun means less to me than a caterpillar on a leaf. So please–throw every calamity at me. Throw them all at the same time. I insist. That would allow me to be more efficient. I’ll erase them all, again and again and again, only to forget them beneath the boughs of my orchard. I shall return to read my books, roll on my grass and fire my servants. And there is nothing any of you celestial tramps, abyssal horrors, hellish fiends or fae gremlins can do to stop me!”
I waited for a response.
Only silence dared answer me … and also the giggling by my loyal handmaiden, whose wish to see dinosaurs raining from the sky would need to wait until the powers that be had the courage to raise their heads and accept my challenge.
“I mean, I don’t know about celestial tramps, abyssal horrors, hellish fiends or fae gremlins, but I think a single black hole of doom is probably the limit of what any mages conspiring with them can do.”
“Excuse me?”
“What mages?”
“The ones in the shiny tower right beneath the black hole.”
I squinted into the distance.
Lacking Coppelia’s eyesight, nothing could be seen amidst the darkened horizon. But I knew every tower which sought to compete with my own. And of all that held enough boredom within its walls to see the sun being replaced by a ring of darkness, there was only one.
The Royal Institute of Mages.
I clicked my tongue at once.
Of course.
Because why not?
The home of magical learning and research in my kingdom. A lavish tower funded generations ago by my own ancestors to keep the best, the worst, and the most ambitious under a watchful eye.
Clearly, someone had fallen asleep. And they would all need awakening.
“... So the most likely culprits reveal themselves,” I said, as unimpressed as I was unsurprised. “Can mages not exist for one moment without causing calamity? … At the very least, if they were going to break the fabric of existence merely to spite me, why not do it in a rival kingdom!”
“Look on the bright side. It could be worse.”
I nodded.
“Yes … for them, it will be.”
Thus, I sucked in a deep breath.
Very well!
A black hole in my sky was a new problem … but no matter!
I can fix this! … Somehow!
Maybe not now, but tomorrow, certainly! I might not have the answers at present, but future me did! And she was the only person more ingenious than I was!
Thus, I turned from the window and headed towards the door.
“Come, Coppelia! We make for the Royal Institute of Mages! It’s plain that mages are not taxed enough to suit their lifestyles! We shall relieve them of their boredom, their crowns and all their magical artifacts they keep hoarded from official appraisal!”
Coppelia hopped to her feet, arm stretched enthusiastically into the air.
“Compensation! Restitution! Fines so personally bankrupting they’ll work all their lives just to watch the interest spiral out of control!”
I smiled in joy, pleased that my loyal handmaiden understood the intricacies of my plan.
“By the way, I just have one question~”
“Yes, what is it? … If it’s about my plan, rest assured, I … well, I will explain it in due course!”
She nodded enthusiastically, doubtless as confident in future me as I was.
“Okie~ but what about the bakery?”
“Excuse me?”
“The crêpes are 70% off. Don’t you want to take advantage of that?”
I was aghast.
“Coppelia, this is no time to be consuming crêpes! There’s a literal black hole threatening my kingdom and the official release schedule of A Court Lady’s Indiscretion, Vol. 5! I am no vampire with a network of industry insiders under my influence! … I actually need to wait. We cannot afford to delay!”
“Oh, okay. I understand. It’s just that this one does new flavours we haven’t seen before.”
“New flavours? … Such as what?”
“Caramelised pistachio. Banana trifle sorbet. Hot chocolate ice cream. Strawberry shortcake surprise.”
My mouth widened.
Not at the thought of indulging in such rare … experimental … and fabulously enticing varieties of crêpe flavours … but at the suggestion we could loiter even a moment to–
“You’re drooling.”
“Ffftp.” I wiped a mysterious raindrop that’d seeped through the ceiling. “Very well. You secure us essential provisions. I shall have Apple say farewell to his legion of admiring farmers.”
I nodded, the path ahead clear, and my loyal handmaiden’s morale secured.
Once our bakery bags were resupplied, we would make for a horizon weighed down by a curtain of darkness. Someone was responsible for casting a shadow over my kingdom. And I cared not how black their magic was.
My soles were even darker.
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submitted by kayenano to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:41 trmnrs My Xperia 1 V picture adjustments for Photo Pro & Video Pro w/samples

Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd share the camera settings that I use for shooting on Photo Pro and Video Pro. These settings give more of a "true-to-life" look (I prefer more natural or muted colours) and help me strike a balance in exposure and white balance in most point & shoot scenarios. In SDR or JPEG manual modes the changes in exposure are much more pronounced with this camera system vs one that is more computational like iPhone or Pixel, so getting a shot with accurate dynamic range is difficult under challenging light-- I still have to plan out my adjustments as I'm shooting, but it's allowed me more leeway and I find it more forgiving than the stock settings.
Tested with my display in Standard mode with no white balance adjustments. Keep in mind that Sony's stock camera apps run in the Creator mode display setting regardless of the chosen setting, so the viewfinder will look less saturated than the actual captured media. When using Google Photos, videos in the VIDEOGRAPHY_PRO folder are forced to open in Sony's video player that also uses Creator mode. I use a third-party gallery app that has its own built-in video player to see accurate sRGB colours for videos.
Photo Pro
  • P mode (JPEG)
  • EV: -0.7
  • Auto HDR
  • Metering: Center-weighted
  • Creative look: NT
  • White balance: Auto (AB: A2 / GM: G0.25)
My EV typically juggles from -1 to +0.7 depending on the scene so I find -0.7 just forgiving enough that I can restore crushed areas with a quick Lightroom edit. Or I quickly increase the EV and take the hit on potential blown out highlights to fix later. Some scenes may look too warm or too green at times, but daytime shots come out very clean 👌🏾
Video Pro
  • SDHDR: S-cinetone for mobile
  • AE level: -0.75
  • WB: Auto (ABGM: A2 / GM0)
  • Auto ISO limit (SDR): 3200
I find S-cinetone for mobile does a bit better with shadows and highlights than BT.709, and with the AE level down to -0.75 I'm in a sweet spot with balancing the dynamic range. Metering is still troublesome and the changes to exposure are stark, but just forgiving enough.
I love this camera system but it's definitely work. It took me a good couple of weeks to settle on somethig I enjoy-- you need to put a lot of intent behind your shots. Purely subjective but I'm very happy with this look. It's not perfect and it doesn't come without compromise, but it is rewarding! Curious what everyone else's settings are?
submitted by trmnrs to SonyXperia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:40 Dapper-Barnacle1825 Dropped by Progressive due to 4 accidents in 1.5 years. What affordable insurance companies can you reccomend? (First time getting my own insurance, was previously my dad's plan)

Hi there all, I am a 23Y/O male, who drives a 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage. The previous insurance plan that I was on was my father's , the thing is now that I was dropped I have to figure out my own insurance plan , so I am quite new to this pool situation and would appreciate any advice whatsoever. I have been in a total of 4 accidents throughout the past year and 1/2, so Progressive has just recently dropped me. Only 2 of the accidents were me being at fault, with only one of them causing major damage to the car (totaled my old prius because a homeless person jumped in front of me, i was pulling up to the turning lane, and this dude looks super high/out of it and walks into the turning lane where there wasn't enough time to brake, so I swerved into a pole in order to not like k*ll someone).
Anyhow, I live in Los Angeles, California, I am a student @ UCLA, and I am extremely tight on money/frugal. The thing is, I need to be able to drive as I help to take care of family who live a couple hours away. What auto insurance would you reccomend that is affordable and would take me even though progressive dropped me??
I have heard that The General auto insurance accepts people very freely whether or not they have had many accidents, do any of you know how true that might be?
I have only been at fault before two of the accidents, but regardless they still dropped me from the Progressive Insurance. What do you guys recommend?
What do you guys recommend for a college student who is trying to be as Frugal as possible? Please help
submitted by Dapper-Barnacle1825 to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:27 iatemyinvigilator I’m so tired of my floormates, I’m trying to revise for my gcses but I can’t. Help

My floormates consists of year 9s, 10s and some yr 11s. I’m studying here abroad. Year 9s and 10s already had their mocks, but the girl next to my room is especially horrid. She used to be a nice girl, she was honestly such a good kid when she’s not with her friend group, but she changed a LOT. Every single day, ever since GCSE and this term began, she would invite 4-5 people into her room and would start chatting very loudly, and not just chatting, they would SCREAM. I have audio recordings and video recordings of the sheer loudness that emanated from her room. I have noise cancelling headphones but I can still hear them. They are like a group of banshees, just screeching like Hell has exploded on Earth. It’s so annoying to hear their voices it’s like it’s burnt into my brain, I hate her annoying “Helllpppp” laughing and screaming and their brainrot tiktok singing every single day. Over the term my GCSEs, I have learnt about their holiday plans and their family life more than I want to know, simply because they won’t be quiet. Hell, I even know how many guys they’re talking to on snapchat, and honestly, they’re horrible people because they’re talking to so many guys all at once while having a boyfriend. Not even to talk about them being drunk and throwing up in the sink. Yeah, we all know it was them, no proof though. It’s honestly so tiring. I’m on a study leave, so I get to stay in my dorm all day, but they’d skip classes together and be SO LOUD during the day. As I’m writing this, they are screaming again, and I have my geography GCSE tomorrow. It’s so loud. It’s frustrating, it’s annoying. At night, they’d do the same thing. It used to be worse because they’d still be awake and screaming and laughing until 2AM. I can literally hear them make “satire cringe” tiktoks but they’d be SO LOUD about it, I can hear it all the time, it’s incredibly frustrating. Knocked on their door, was gonna tell them to be quiet, and they told me to shut up? So I told the teachers lol, but they still do it. I don’t even care if they find this psot. They have been extremely inconsiderate, i haven’t slept for nights on nights, I feel tired and stressed but I cannot focus because they keep on screaming. What should I do about this? The teachers/dorm staffs are equally frustrated because these people won’t be quiet at all despite it being during the GCSE season. They’re always up past their curfew too, got some punishments here and there but they’re still being annoying. My friend was about to cry because she had a very important exam the next day but they wouldn’t stop screaming. I don’t hate them, I just wish they’d stop. I used to be friends with some of them but I think they hate me now because I told the teachers (in my defense, I didn’t even mention their names because I considered them my friend, I only told the teacher about the girl next door. The teacher knew it was the entire group anyways and punished all of them for it).
Tldr; How do I deal with inconsiderate floormates who keep on screaming the entire time and skipping classes and being generally disruptive just because they don’t have GCSEs? It’s so frustrating. I can’t sleep or revise. I need to sleep for my GCSEs but I can’t. It’s not just me as well, everyone on my floodorm agrees that they’re the most inconsiderate people to live with. Any tips would be appreciated.
p.s. Might delete this later because I don’t want anyone from my school to find it. But if you did, congrats, now go back to revising. And if it’s THEM who’s seeing this, I’d like to tell them, that for the purposes of your parents creating you, you have failed every single aspect of which you came into being. Thank you.
submitted by iatemyinvigilator to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:27 Hero_Brave [PI] A group of wannabe ghosthunters enter a house and notice strange things. However, instead of ghosts, they are stuck in a time loop where they can leave evidence behind but forget each loop.

"Wow, this place is really creepy, haha! I can definitely see it being haunted." Pam shuffled in front of the camera. Dust pathed randomly in the beams of light that penetrated the long abandoned house's questionable infrastructure.
Dylan & Kim trailed together in close second.
Pam sat in the living room's rocking chair. Despite applying her weight, the chair refused roll back. "Dang, even the chair doesn't work. This place is really dated."
"This place is a health hazard, that's what it is." Dylan stared at the wooden board hanging from the upper floor. "If anything calls for going upstairs, count me out."
There was an outburst of laughter from Kim who stood hunched over near a cracked lamp in the living room. "Pffft, I don't know Dylan, seems pretty healthy to me!" She waved her boyfriend over, pointing at something.
Dylan chuckled, "ok, ok, yeah that's pretty funny."
A curious Pam walked over to see the cause of their laughter. "What the, is that a brussel sprout?" Pam held up the small green vegetable smiling. "Haha. Why is there a brussel sprout here."
The camera lowered.
Of the joking 3, Kim was first to notice their cameraman, Oliver, zoned out staring deadpan at the ground. His face was scrunched in a deep contemplation.
"Hey Oliver, you ok?" Kim called out. "... Oliver? Yo, Oliverrrr."
The others took notice of their stationary friend.
"Woah, earth to Oliver, you there?" Pam snapped her fingers directly in front of his face, receiving no response. "Hm. What's with him?"
"Maybe he's already possessed." Dylan joked. Dylan placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "You possessed, bud? You'd definitely tell me, your best friend right? Kill Kim first and give me a 5 second headstart?"
Dylan's comment earned him an elbow nudge from Kim. "Douche."
Oliver's trance broke while the 3 laughed. With a flushed face and fearful voice, Oliver would speak "We gotta get out of here. Now."
"Get outta here? We just got here." Pam stated.
Hesitating not a second longer, Oliver turned and left out front door. His friends looked to each other with delayed understanding of what just happened.
They caught up. "Woah hey Oliver, what the heck man. Coming here was your idea." Dylan reminded.
"Well, it was a bad idea." Oliver answered. He opened the trunk and began searching through his bag.
Kim peeked over his shoulder. "Oliver, you ok? You're being real weird right now. Sure you're not possessed?"
Oliver focused on his actions with an unnatural determination. "No, I'm not possessed." He pulled out his lunch. "But we are stuck in a time loop."
"... What?" The other 3 simultaneously asked.
Oliver opened the container and removed a brussel sprout, pausing briefly to stare at it.
"Ok, I think he's lost it. Do we like tie him up now or wait for him to go all slasher first?" Pam asked.
Oliver turned around holding the brussel sprout up. Oliver proceeded to walk to the house as the others followed him.
"When I was little, me and my mom went to my cousin's middle school band concert. We joked about the possibility of a school shooting while they played and came up with the idea to play dead in the event of theoretical shooters. We came up with a password to let the other know when it was safe to get up: Brussel Sprout. After the ceremony we took it a step further and made "brussel sprout" the code word to suspend any disbelief and believe anything the other said, no matter how ridiculous."
Oliver stopped beside the dresser and placed the fresh brussel sprout upon it.
"So y-" Oliver held up a finger to cut off any smart remark Dylan was about to make.
"I've never told anyone about that. My mom is alive and halfway across the world in the U.S. right now. I know she'd never tell any of you about that because she herself has probably forgotten about it. So unless she bought a plane ticket and knew exactly where we were headed, she couldn't have put it there. And unless one of you somehow got that story out her, snuck past me reading, rented a car or convinced a cab to drive you here last night to play this super cruel hyper specific joke, none of you could have put it there. I doubt ghosts have mind reading powers or access to the local grocery market, so if this place were haunted I doubt a ghost would go through the trouble of putting it there. LOGICALLY the only person that leaves is me and the only way I could put it there is if I had a clone ... or I were trapped in a time loop."
Pam made the coo coo gesture to Kim. Dylan reached out an unbelieving hand. "Oliver, you can't be serious right now. You're overreacting over a brussel sprout, man, come on."
Oliver looked pokerfaced to Dylan. "Dylan, if my mother wrote me a letter saying I needed to kill you or else the world would end. And that message contained 'brussel sprout'. I would do it without hesitation."
Dylan searched Oliver for any hint of a joke, after all he could read his best friend like a book. He found no hints. "... F••k bro, the hell?"
Kim raised her hands in the air. "Ok haha, Oliver, funny joke. Is this why you wanted us to come here? A funny prank?"
Oliver's gaze veered down in contemplation before looking to Kim. "Pick a spot."
"Pick a spot, Kim. We can test if I'm joking right now. Pick a spot, a really really specific spot. If I'm right, and we are trapped in a time loop, there will be a brussel sprout there because some version of me will place it before we leave. If I'm wrong, there should be nothing there, and we can stay and get our footage." Oliver reasoned. "I don't want to believe something like that either. But that'd be an easy way to test it, right? After all, I was able to leave 1 brussel sprout, why can't I leave a second?"
"Oliver, I'm not-"
"Just do it Kim." Pam pushed. She'd never actually seen Oliver this serious before.
"Ugh fine." Kim looked around before pointing at the curved base of a rocking chair. "There, behind and underneath the curved part of that rocking chair."
Oliver looked to where she pointed. Opened his lunch container to get a brussel sprout ready, holding it in his palm. "Well ... go check." He told Kim.
With a sigh Kim walked behind the chair and bent down. Kim remained frozen there for longer than necessary. "
"Kim?" Dylan asked.
Kim reached her arm down then slowly stood holding a brussel sprout. Oliver nodded to himself with a pursed lips having hope she would find nothing there. Without another word, he walked over to replace the brussel sprout Kim had removed. Then Oliver left out the front door, the keys from his pocket now dangling in his hand, their chiming and his voice "ah ah, nope, not me" growing fainter as he planned to leave with or without them.
Dylan, Kim, and Pam looked to one another. Dylan and Pam both ran out to join Oliver. Kim remained staring at the brussel sprout she held. She looked around the living room and approached the ash-filled fire place. She was slightly freaked, but still skeptical. Kim planned to truly test it herself. She dug through the ashes.
She cursed to herself upon reaching the bottom.There, she found her phone.
A horn honked outside. "Kim! Hurry Up! I don't think I can convince Oliver to wait any longer!" Dylan's voice called.
"Just a sec! I'm coming!" Kim called back. Opening her original phone, she went to her memo app and typed: 1. Then Kim paused. She retrieved the fireplace phone and unlocked it. She checked the memo app there: 41. Kim mouthed another curse word before pocketing the time looped phone.
In her original, she deleted the '1' and typed: 42 before ditching her phone in the fireplace and sprinting to join the others outside.
Original Prompt <- Placed down here because my text blinker keeps jumping to the bottom with every character entered.
submitted by Hero_Brave to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:27 NovaNanny New Home work... who do I call?

Hello! My partner and I are closing on a house in Eberwhite at the end of the month and just finished our inspection. We are first time home buyers and there are quite a few things that need to be done but we don't know where to start.
Can someone give us a few recommendations? I'm unsure if we should hire a general contractor or try and find specialists for the various things. There are some projects that need immediate attention and some that are down the line, which makes me think it might be better to hire a GC and start building that relationship.
Here are some more immediate things we need done:
-lintel / brick / mortar repair
-flash and trim repair (some is rotted, some is just sagging)
-seal up some holes in brick / ports into house
-finish 1937 wood floors
-repair fireplace refractory
-seal gaps between floors
-leak in one bathroom
-install / upgrade to GFCI outlets
-ground and reverse polarity of some outlets
-paint most rooms
Down the road we want to:
-add built ins
-replace metal railings with wood
-build a pantry out of a closet in an adjoining room (basically swap which side the door is on)
-build a three season sunroom
None of these are big projects in themselves and I've found a lot of the companies only do big projects. I like the idea of getting someone we can send our inspection report to / walk through out house with and make a repair plan... but I'm not sure if that's how it works. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by NovaNanny to AnnArbor [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:22 BaeHunDoII [Landlord - US - KY] Advice on how to move forward elderly tenant with bed bugs

I'll try to keep this as concise as possible. This tenant has been here for about 6 years. This is an apartment building on a college campus. This older (70+) resident works at the college. He has someone that comes and takes him shopping, cleans for him, takes care of his finances and pays his bills/rent, etc. The last year or so his health has gotten pretty bad and while he doesn't want to leave I've increasingly been looking into getting him out as hard as that may be as I do feel for the guy.
First the paramedics kicked his door down as he hadn't shown up for work for several days. He was laying on the floor in the family room for this time. We replaced door at our cost, he was in hospital a few weeks, and then was cleared to return home. Then about s few months ago he fell down the steps outside his apartment (he's on second floor) and hit his head on the concrete. He was taken in ambulance again and after a few weeks was cleared to go home.
Being that it's college campus we have some opening for first floor apartment coming up and I had been planning to move him to one of those however the more I've thought about it (and for several reasons not mentioned here) I've begun to think he really needs to move somewhere that can offer him more assistance. He really just isn't healthy, both physically or mentally, to live alone, and there has been several reports of other female residents feeling uncomfortable or even scared.
Now as of today he has called me and said he has bugs. I go over and sure enough there's bed bugs everywhere! I immediately contacted his care taker and she informed me that she thought i knew they had them and they had been paying terminex to spray every 2 weeks for the past 8 months! I've worked in the apartment multiple times during that period and had no idea! Apparently all of his services other than the one lady that drives him to grocery have been canceled due to this. I am highly concerned for our other residents now and I do not see any way that the older tenant can prepare his apartment to be sprayed or can continue to live here!
I am setting up treatments for all neighbors apartments asap. Otherwise What the hell would you guys recommend to do with this? I am lost and dreading contacting the neighbors!
submitted by BaeHunDoII to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:17 ETDuckQueen These are my top artists and albums of May, 2024. I am posting this late, since I was lazy. :)

These are my top artists and albums of May, 2024. I am posting this late, since I was lazy. :) submitted by ETDuckQueen to lastfm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:16 krkrkkrk Reposting a short story i wrote - Homage to a Special Tactic

The legend had proven to be true. The Grymforge existed, and through hardship and horror the party had not only found it, but arrived at it safely as well. A crucial part of information was still missing though, namely the detailed instructions on how to operate it. While it was terribly impressive and all, not producing anything worthwhile would definately put a slight damper on the achievment as a whole.
Tav, Shadowheart and, to a lesser degree, Karlach had been discussing just this problem down at the forge itself, trying to ascertain how the material, molds and levers would work together. They knew that with limited resources avaliable there was no room for trial and error.
Astarion had been listening to the coversation with the absolute minimum of attention, his thoughts instead focused on wether he had any wine left at the camp or not. Judging that it was absolutely the more pressing issue he decided to act. "Enough of this! Let me show you a trick i picked up a long time ago", he stated with confidence as he knocked and drew an arrow. "Astarion, wa-", Tav didnt get further before he let fly.
The arrow sailed across the forge and hit the control wheel on the other side. It promptly began to turn, and a rumbling noise could be heard in the distance. "Hah! See if any of those pesky goblins we dispatched could do that!", he said while donning one of his patented smug smiles. Obviously the forging was well underway, only mere details remaining. Had he not spotted a bottle of elven red in the vicinity of Gales tent just the other evening?
"Dark preserve us from stupidity!", cursed Shadowheart as she stepped up from the floor of the forge, anticipating what was to come. While the party huddled up, white-hot lava began to flow smoothly into the forge's intricate pattern. "See!", Astarion had to speak loudly over the hissing and bubbling. "All done! Now someone just need to pull the lever and... Hmm".
Like the others, he had spotted a shape emerging from the tunnel where the lava was pouring out. It quickly became apparent that 'shape' was indeed a poor description. In fact, 'a several meters high adamantium construct with claws longer than your standard elf, undead or not' is alot closer to the truth. Think Bernard, but much, much, worse and without any hugging at all. At least not the cosy kind.
Given that the terrifying newcomer did not react to their presence, the group took a moment of reflection. Karlach was the first to offer an opinion. "I feel we dont really need new equipment that badly", she said. "Those skeletons barely dented my axe. Honestly, i could probably carve up an army of bones before needing a replacement". While Tav and Shadowheart seemed swayed by her convincing words, Astarion instead became a bit frustrated. "What? All this 'adventuring' only to turn tail and flee? I've been scraping dust, lava and gods-knows-what from my boots for days to get here! I mean, look at that thing. Just like this entire place it probably stopped working centuries ago!". He took a few steps forward.
"Oups", was Astarions way of expressing regret when the ancient and defunct machine whirred to life and unerringly homed in on the elfs pale face. Apparently it did not like what it saw and consequently began to advance through the lava, each step sounding like inexorable death.
"Ready up soldiers!", commanded Karlach while moving in front and unslinging her greataxe. Astarion had retreated to the edge of the platform, not looking very ready at all. "Great! The wizard and the druid chose now to bugger off doing some bloody experiment?! Just my luck i suppose", he complained, making it sound like a personal affront.
Meanwhile Shadowheart was looking intently at the forges anvil. "If we can get it in the middle, the mechanism might crush it to splinters", she suggested, cool as ice. The ability to keep a level head in the situation might have been explained by the fact that she had a scroll of Misty Step in her pocket.
Tav started to outline the plan forming in her head. "It does seem we have a decent shot at that. Astarion, dont waste any arrows, but be ready for my call. Karlach i'll need you to...", she trailed off. Something was happening. Even the metallic monstrocity that was closing the distance slowed its step slightly.
".......oooooOOOO!!"*, came a sudden sound filled with, paradoxically, both horror and joy.
They looked up just in time to see a huge feathery shape descend upon the construct. Karlach was the first to react, turning around to shelter the others with her large frame. "CRUNCH!", resounded from the site of impact. In hindsight she needn't have bothered. Because as Tav saw, being unable to look away, the result of several hundred kilos of owlbear bearing the momentum of the heavens down on top of several hundred kilos of adamantium machinery, was to have the latter folding rather neatly into a stack of asorted beams and cogs. There was hardly even a splash of lava.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot!", a now druid-shaped Halsin exclaimed while jumping off the metallic leftovers onto one of the forge's platforms, performing a small dance trying to extinguish the flames on his remaining clothes.
For once, the rest of the party was stunned into complete silence. A couple of lava imps that had materialized chose this moment to make themselves scarce. The silence was short-lived however, as a long haired wizard came bounding down the stairs leading to the forge asking, "Did it work? Did it? Halsin? Did it..."
*Any entity able to understand owlbear-speak would have heard "HOOT HOOT MOTHERF-"
submitted by krkrkkrk to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:15 Timely-Board-5727 spc

Personal currency time standard S.p.c time bank t-money Robert Ripley - S.P.C. STANDARD PAYMENTS COMPANIES IS SEARCHING TO FOR TO FROM TO FOR INSTALL EQUATION IDENTICAL OF ANY INVESTMENTS ON STOKE AND BOOMS MARKET AMERICAN TO FOR TO FROM TO FOR ELECTRO –CASH SUPPY PROGRESSIONS TO FOR TO FROM TO FOR AT BANKS WIORLDS TIME BANK TO FOR TO FROM TO FOR PRODUCTION COMPANIES FARMS MECANICS TO LONVEVITY RESERCH ON DEFFICIENCY ON HOLD IN BODY FIRST, I WOULD TEXT [MR..GATES] ! OR [ MR. ZUCKERBURG] OR ORICAL SOFTWARE WHO IS WITH PREVIOUSLY DEMONSTRATE EFICIENCY OF SOFTWARE INFORMATION TIME MONEY SELECTIONS VOUCHERS ON ESCROW WITH OPTIONS PERSONALS OR COMPANIES BANKS TIME BANK IN 3RD PARTY BANK OF CHOISE CONFORMING TO NEEDS OF PERSONS OR COMPANIEST- MONEY NO TAXE DEBTS PAID DRAW SIMULTANIOUS AND PEDRIODIC AL PAID BANK TIME BANK DEPOSIT TOTAL OPTION AUTOMATION FACTORS PRODUCTS IS SOMEWHAT MORE EXPENSIVE QUANITIFICATIONS IN MODERIZE TRADE COPM EQUATIONS EXCGANGE PRIVATE JET IS IN DUE GOING TO NEW YORK WALL STREET Initial sign to start escrow free paid draw limit bank account level 1one starting bank account sign to start exam on authentication with business title is world level time bank payments banking money 2E+16-billion-hour consecutive payments deposits sign to start periodical working production products womans 1million hour (about 114 years) consecutive payments deposits on mathematical money automation auto-work-functions-equation exchange time bank base floor Working or products and foods infinity series levels business drive to pick up time bank cash and carry metro- civilizes storage distributions stores address _____________________ level 2two stores Company oligarchy and employments hierarchy proprietor ________________level 3three companies time standard time is money at authentication working address and hours and what bank or computer time bank time standard multi- time money different options selections opportunities different social civil order different actions of different progressions medical products sky vehicles products transportation products planetology products sciences products assembly products heat formation products body ware monitoring products houses with small products factories to compensate any use of money or mathematical magic money information money infinity working money ratio products quantification pi planet trade products time bank standard or increasing periods of production cost=mathematical money= product infinity series levels business members drive pick up payments deposits different time money escrow previously deposit payments banking address verification of banking products or pickup products address 3rd party bank verification's disk with company oligarchy and hierarchy of employments periodical production periods selections options opportunities social and civil orders body foods longevity products societal functions Quantity companies' oligarchy _______- companies quantity employments hierarchy__________ _______________________address _______________________________ days .. ____________________________________hours=unitshours Products yes or products no___________________ Working or production at farms or factories level 4four magic money Small longevity products factories Constructions assembly to for to from to for periodical highly hugely paid automation money step up production products level five 5 ratio equations distribution metro-members card copy-cash to carry member identification 3rd party keep on authentication bank address working address to for examination on money deposits computer time bank payments banking quantification body ware monitors hold building proportionality equalization equations level production rate factories order of time working money no time hours unit-hours working time money sign to start with vitrification exam of guarantee and complete verification metro=members stores of equations exchange of time money and distance with different costs hours minutes units product time money time standard increase hourly magic hourly level high multiply previously recording on quantity hours secondary production is paid magic minutes innovation renovation with paid time standing building glocky to for to from to for costs production periodical production products possible private lift plane vehicle travel is paid full PRIMARY PRODUCTION WITH O MATHEMATICAL MONEY IS O EQUAL PRODUCT INFINITY MONEY INFINITY TIME COST EQUATIONS EXCHANGE INFINITY PAID WORKING PRODUCTION COSTS EQUATIONS METRO-MEMBERS RATIO EQUATION DRIVE PICKUP FOODS OR PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION STATIONS equation time hour proprietor companies oligarchy averages times governing average time money A.T.M time bank paid employments escrow auto deposit PRODUCTS TIME MONEY PERIODICAL PRODUCTION AT LARGEST ESCROW COMPUTER TIME BANK PAYMENTS BANKING BASE FLOOR WORKING TIME MONEY AT .5 GOING INFINITY TOO 2 AVERAGES PROPORTIONATE deposits into company and employments previously deposits MONEY PAID SALE NO MARK UP EQUATIONS QUANTIFICATION LEVEL TIME MONEY IS MANY DIFFERENT TIME COSTS PAID RATE MONEY DEPOSITS WITH PERIODICAL PERIODS PRODUCTION PERSONAL INFINITY PROGRESSIONS DISTRIBUTION SIGN TO START WITH BUSINESS TITLE EFFICIENCY MONEY DEPOSITS PROGRESSIONS OF ESSENTIAL NECESSITATE EMPIRICAL OPTION MAGIC MONEY time distance CENSUS VOTES working if any product use time only distributions distance calculate time money going to address or world vicinities of money use CIVIL ALLOWANCE DURING WORKING PRODUCTION INVESTMENTS CIVIL ALLOWANCE INVESTMENTS MEDICAL INSURGENCE DIFFERENT TIME MONEY INVESTMENT GOING BEYOND PRINCIPAL CLICK DEPOSIT EQUAL PAID WORKING INTO MY MANY TIME MONEY DEPOSITS TIME BANK BANK ACCOUNTS New world stoke and booms market automate TWO WAY EQUATION COMPANIES ELECTRA MONEY CASH COPY CASH AVAILABLE TIME MONEY DISTRIBUTIONS AT COSTS ON MONEY COSTS GOLD PLATINUM SIVER green gold DIaMoNDS VALUES GOING TOO NEVER REACHING INFINITY MONEY civil allowence during working invest in time money going 1 hour beyond principle invest paid future during working medical investments insurance investments time money investments functions multi-functions is on 1 papyrus paper in plastic laminate retainers Units – q-backs your personal currency copy cash timebank time standard with different time money conform time money information time money identically cost infinity time money along with product currency emulation money insurances u.s.b. spc Business title Currency title Working address Phone time start in computer personal company time bank Phone # 3rd party bank with building addresses Working no products Working production products Yars on your currency at time bank 1/1 to infinity register personal or company or international or pi planetary infinity unit at 3rd party bank time bank Quantifications of progressions and factors Factories distributions members only product's pick-up stations timestandardtimeismoney2or4@at outlook.comAdd an overview about yourself here. This template will guide you through adding content for each section. Use as is, or easily customize with your own images, fonts, and colors. This modern and versatile format includes space for all the details you'd like to include. 1 4802556806 Money title currency title Units-q-backs STANDARD PAYMENTS COMPANIES s.p.c. Ripley prizons jails steel into sky lifting two seater private opperater land motoring gas guslares filter air pressuse compresions cartrage cilindar small longevity pills with electro internal external sensory uniform wall working conversion into light rail to for to from to for mexico farming deveopments EDUCATION ADD DEGREE HERE Add university here MM/YYYY - MM/YYYY ADD DEGREE HERE Add university here MM/YYYY - MM/YYYYEXPERIENCE ADD POSITION HERE Add company here MM/YYYY - MM/YYYY Add responsibilities, achievements, and impacts here. This template will guide you through adding content for each section. Use as is, or easily customize with your own images, fonts, and colors. This modern and versatile format includes space for all the details you' like to include. ADD POSITION HERE Add company here MM/YYYY - MM/YYYY This template will guide you through adding content for each section. Use as is, or easily customize with your own images, fonts, and colors. This modern and versatile format includes space for all the details you'd like to include.This modern and versatile format includes space for all the details you'd like to include. Simply replace this content with your own to start creating a more polished looking document. This modern and versatile format includes space for all the details you'd like to include. Simply replace this content with your own to start creating a more polished looking document. 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