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2024.06.04 22:02 kritonis Digital Business Concierge services

Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service
In today’s interconnected world, digital business operations and executive protection are more critical than ever. As businesses embrace digital transformation, executives face increased threats to their personal and professional lives. A Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service provides a comprehensive solution to safeguard digital assets and personal safety, ensuring executives’ business continuity and peace of mind.
Deleteme is a pioneer in the executive online search model; with our global digital footprint, we search the web and databases of companies and CEOs, and company executives and can also include key employees, presenting you all in the most reliable Report with information such as Education, work experience, checks, News, and more. deleteme.com can offer you an extensive research-focused background check on your candidate on request. Deleteme.com also provides tailor-made and comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.
What is a Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service?
A Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service offers tailored security solutions for businesses and their executives. This service combines cybersecurity measures with personal protection strategies to address the unique risks faced by high-profile individuals and their organizations. Deleteme: After we locate the pastes and web links, we can proceed to delete them.
Find out how popular you are on the dark web.
Account information exposed in data breaches can lead to identity theft. Deleteme checks if your private information appears in known data breaches. Deleteme and partners scan the dark web and can help you protect your Identity. A dark web scan discovered that your personal and financial information was for sale.
Digital Risks to Executives that deleteme can assist you
Key Components of the Service
Cybersecurity and Privacy Management Services
Threat Intelligence: Continuous monitoring of potential cyber threats targeting the business and its executives. This includes scanning for data breaches, phishing attempts, and other cyber-attacks, including emails, telephone domains, etc.
Digital Footprint Reduction: Regularly scanning and removing (on request) executives’ personal information from online sources to reduce the risk of targeted attacks. We scan emails, names, usernames, passwords, and more.
Reputation Management: Monitoring online mentions and social media activity to manage and protect the executive’s personal and professional reputation.
Identity Protection: Providing services to prevent identity theft, including monitoring for unusual activity and securing personal information. Monitoring dark web, leaks, breaches, and stealer logs
Our Deleteme Digital Concierge services include.
Digital Trail Your Business Leaves Behind on the Worldwide and Dark Web.
Comprehensive identity verification is seamlessly integrated with in-depth investigation details and insightful analysis, all conveniently presented on a single page for a holistic and efficient overview.
Data and analysis detect leaks that have been accessed by unauthorized parties, including also IP Blacklist Check, IP location if IP Is Crawler, and more.
domain dark & deep web solution that enables organizations to identify threats across the dark web. Include Leaked Logs from Infected Machines, usernames, passwords, Leaked Data Relations with employees related to the company domain, and more.
Malicious Tools that Steal Sensitive Data from Infected Computers. Single Malware Scan on Breaches, Credentials, Leaks, and Stealer Logs. Results include domains, emails, usernames, and passwords.
A Powerful Tool for Auditing Individual Data and Risk.
We are Monitoring for malicious activities targeting your organization’s business cards.
Use the Deleteme.com internet search formula to search for your name if it appears on multiple International financial centers, Sanctions, Cyprus, USA, and their courts, Doxbin, social media, and internet research. We can monitor social media, court, web news, and other sources. This search can also be customized according to the client’s needs. You can search by name or company. Note: From Cyprus, including court cases, cysec, and the official Gazette.
Ransomware is a sophisticated class of malware that blocks access to files and holds that data hostage until a ransom is paid. Cybercriminals use social engineering, malvertisement, brute force attacks, third-party apps, and other threat vectors to sneak ransomware onto a user’s system. We monitor daily the dark web.
Executive Scan and Alert your digital footprint with a range of Services of your choice.
Removing Personal and Business Info and Content from the Internet. After you locate your personal or business data, we can go ahead and delete it.
Benefits of a Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service
Are we providing API?
Yes, all services can also be provided as API upon request, depending on the specific case.
Conclusion and Why to Choose deleteme.com
In an era where digital threats and personal risks are constantly evolving, Deleteme Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service is an invaluable resource for businesses and their employees. By combining advanced cybersecurity measures with comprehensive personal protection strategies, this service ensures the safety and security of executives and their organizations. Don’t make it easy for just anyone to gain access to information about you. Learn just how vulnerable your executives are in their personal digital lives;
Personal digital lives are vulnerable. To find out how to implement such services in your organization, contact us now!
Your Deleteme Team
submitted by kritonis to justdeleteme [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:00 ranc1 Social anxiety as rollercoaster (II) - tracks

Social anxiety as rollercoaster (II) - tracks
Social anxiety is often times perceived as bunch of panic physical symptoms, being silent and shy - and that nothing else - but this is only a tip of iceberg. Beneath these innocuous emotions that appear as irrelevant small, teen issue actually lies deep trauma, called CPTSD.
If a grown man, someone who is 18 years old or older - has social apprehensions and doubts how to approach social situation - this is not romance fantasy introversion or shyness. This is serious trauma - caused and produced by mentally ill people and evil manipulative and controlling psychopaths around such person.
The purpose of my rollercoaster analogy is to bring into awareness various hidden trauma elements which current default medical response to social anxiety (CBT) do not recognize at all. This way CBT is telling us that we are choosing to be a victim and that our brain is abnormal, hence adding more of new layers of trauma and shame and guilt.
With CBT and self-help books and various social anxiety coaches we do not know where to go and how to respond to rejection - even with their advice. All we are being told is to put on a fake social mask of being confident - as if this will help us with social anxiety. Because social anxiety is perceived by CBT as a mere shyness. Then in the real world - we get various symptoms which appear to us as panic and many blocking elements which we cannot discern as toxic shame or inner critic at all - because CBT is ignoring the trauma element from the picture. Without knowing what is happening inside us and why - we won't know how to act, where to go, what decisions to make in social situations. We will be as if on autopilot, as if on invisible train tracks - where we copy paste the same mechanisms and tools and actions and decisions that we learned to do in childhood. Because we never had healthy model to form anything else. We had hysteria, criticism, nagging, complaining, discipline, scrutiny, invalidation - as model to sculpture our persona, our likes and dislikes.
"Normal" people were exposed to idiots since their early teen years and they figured out how to ignore the baiting. We didn't. We started our isolation in our teen years - usually around the age of 12 - and we never had lessons in life how to deal around the hate. All we had is isolation and imagination and rumination - and to copy paste the lessons from our life before the bullying incident happened - so our mechanisms and tools around social situations are based on childhood. Now as adults we are in arrested development - where our avoidance from the bullying incident onwards prevented us to learn how to handle social situations without panic and self torturing ourselves. Now as adults - we have only tools of fawning and pleasing others and inferiority complex - as ways how to muddle through the social life with plenty of avoidance. For example, even though I had twitter account since 2009, and I used social media as a way to communicate openly and without much of social anxiety with other people since 2000, I still copy pasted the same tools I learned in my teen years. And it is only after I learned about Fawning as trauma response and after I learned what is narcissistic abuse - that 2 years ago I actually started to use block/ignore and mute button. Before that - I didn't use this at all. I was convinced due to CBT that I must not avoid other people - even when they are abusive and anti-social. That I somehow am responsible for them being angry at my opinion and that it is my responsibility to be assertive with pathological liars and people who refuse to listen or communicate. My tools of socialization were people pleasing and never saying no to someone and keeping my opinion to myself - and agreeing with others and perceiving anyone loud and sociable as a god to follow. I was convinced before that if I block them or mute them - that they will talk behind my back and gossip about me - and I won't know from where or from whom the new danger will come from. This was my unconscious fear that I had no idea was inside me, commanding me to people please others. It is as if I was on railroad track and that was the only way to go in life - to follow this rollercoaster track that do not allow any deviations from the path, and I had no option or choice to choose different theme park.
CBT perceives social anxiety as shyness issue, like this:
Social anxiety as CBT perceives it
Therefore most of self help books and online articles and you tube videos about social anxiety - will explain the social anxiety as a shyness issue. Plus, the CBT will explain that our brain is abnormal, that our brain is pumping out cognitive distortions - and that these distortions are the cause of anxiety. Even though the social anxiety is in its name - clear about where anxiety is coming from - it is social+anxiety. Anxiety stemming from the social element, social factor as toxic people that are causing the anxiety. Not our thoughts. It is not called self anxiety.
After all - if our cognitive distortions are creating social anxiety - then these same cognitive distortions would ruin all other aspects in our life. We would be cripples - we would not be able to read, to learn, to observe. We would not be able to make any kind of contact - even with safe people. Our cognitive distortions would appear all the time even when we are in calm place. And this is not the case. Our social anxiety acts up only when we are in contact with someone toxic and intrusive and anti-social. When we were in contact and when we are about to be in contact with someone who is psychopathic and abnormal. Our social anxiety is see-saw effect - it comes , it flairs up on the surface only and only when we are experiencing attack and assault and unfair interaction with difficult people who refuse to behave in civilized manner.
With trauma - we associated triggers (toxic people) with pain. Other people also feel this mess and all uncomfortable emotions like we do - but for people without apparent social anxiety it is not distressing. For them, toxic people appear as a blimp on their awareness radar. And they move on. People without apparent social anxiety feel panic/overstimulation - but
1) it is not hyperemotional
2) they do not associate toxic people and embarrassment with the pain.
That is their secret - why other people do not exhibit social anxiety. They do feel social anxiety - but it is in small quantities - and without deep education in psychology - they would label these emotions as mysterious or as annoyance or as bad day, or as unfortunate event. They would not self pathologize themselves with psychiatric "panic" labels - because they do not see significance in their distress. They do not perceive it as distress at all. Some of them label it as anger - and they attack the toxic person and argue with someone who is pathological liar hence without achieving any resolution to problem - but there is no emotional attachment with the abusers. Any kind of conflict with difficult people won't affect them to lose their sleep or to quit their job or to contemplate suicide. The important thing here is to realize that all people experience social anxiety - they simply label it differently and they do not have operant conditioning connections with the uncomfortable emotions that would make them stop and start to ruminate and worry incessantly about other people. They do not have toxic shame (deep core belief that they are inept and worthless) and they do not have deep rooted harsh inner critic telling them that they are crap who must isolate and hide away from others. They do not have somatic, body reactions such as panic - and if they have some hormones adrenaline rush in heated argument - their brain does not associate these uncomfortable body feelings and sensations as their personal failure or catastrophe or psychiatric disorder - as CBT is explaining to us and gaslight us into believing that we are mentally ill and abnormal for feeling overstimulation.
Without CBT or self help books which would pathologize their social anxiety emotions, other people simply move on with their lives. People without apparent social anxiety are not gaslighted by CBT into toxic belief that they are worthless, and second class citizens without rights, for having social anxiety symptoms.
Even though I wrote this topic "Everyone has social anxiety" two years ago - and even though I was practically banned from the main reddit social anxiety forum for writing it - it was only the last week that I truly realized that other people do have the same pathologized emotions as any traumatized person has. Until 7 days ago, I believed that other people have "pure" scary emotions and that trauma emotions are only reserved for the traumatized ones. Nope. All people experience the very same emotions that psychiatry is pathologizing in DSM - and then make us believe that we are special in negative way for being honest about our scary emotions and difficult painful feelings. The very fact that I realized this only 7 days ago - tells us that we need constant education in trauma from trauma informed therapists and survivors of abuse who are willing to share their insight with us. There is so much to learn about trauma - and CBT is pathologizing us from all sides in mainstream media and provides us with wrong, limited and self defeating unverified information.
Since non-socially anxious people feel social anxiety but they do not associate it with the pain - it is obvious that operant conditioning lies behind social anxiety - and what we need is a process of Dishabituation and Desensitization which CBT mistakenly label as Exposure. Exposure to toxic people and to toxic people will not make us stronger or better or harder or more masculine. Instead - exposure to mobbing will drive us to explode and to develop physical illness such as cancer and allergies.
Exposure in social anxiety means exposure to pain. Not social situations. Not talking. Not being confident. Not nitpicking our brain with CBT's ABC model of eradicating so called cognitive distortions. We need to remove this link to the pain that we have associated in ACE and ACoA years. Demand avoidance in autism. Sometimes this pain is rational like bad medical service. If we live in poor country where medical personnel is dangerous in its nepotism and getting the diploma through corruption and buying the medical degrees - it is totally rational to avoid such doctors. CBT would label this avoidance as hallucination. In my personal experience - allergy to penicillin was misdiagnosed by my doctor as sickness for pregnant women. At another time, allergy to pollen was misdiagnosed as bone deformity in nose that supposedly needed surgery. Few years ago this same doctor misdiagnosed someone's appendix as a fever and the patient died - and she was never brought in media or trial, it was hushed up due to nepotism, clans and corruption. So if we develop avoidance as response to this legalized criminal activities - it is not social anxiety, it is totally rational fear of legalized murderers walking free around.
The thing is - when we remove our protective cocoon (avoidance and social anxiety) - what happens is 1) suicide idealizations (self aggression) and 2) hysteria (external aggression) - "klikusha" described in Dostoyevsky books. ("Klikushi are people prone to hysterical fits, during which they emit violent screams")
Social anxiety is cocoon that protects us from becoming anti-social hysterical psychopaths who pushed un into trauma. Instead of believing in CBT false explanation of social anxiety as abnormality to destroy, we need to reframe social anxiety as perfect response to impossible situation - like being financially trapped with psychopaths in power.
We only end up with avoiding (which CBT pathologizes as abnormality that leads to mental illness) because we can't control impossible situation in any other way but through social anxiety. We isolate ourselves because we are unable to assert ourselves, we are unable to say no to intrusive people, we keep missing opportunities and chances and not taking risks because of psychopaths in power who punish us for attempting to do anything in life.
With CBT, we will "cure" our social anxiety with white lies that we tell ourselves and other people. That we avoid people and events in life because "we are not interested in them". We will lie to ourselves in order to appease the ableist CBT and to signal other people that we are normal even though we miss social situations. That is what CBT is doing to us. It does not resolve the trauma and does not address toxic people in power. It simply push us to lie to ourselves and to rationalize away the abuse.
Our goal in life is totally ignored by CBT. The goal is to be creative, to have new ideas, to take risks, to organize events and to meet people and to enjoy social interactions. With CBT we end up being a machine that monitors his or hers panic symptoms and then prune them with lies. We won't do it - we won't become full adult with his or hers likes and dislikes, with our interest in life, with our authentic self that is not defined through the prism of confidence and being courageous - but our goals will be in the primary focus. Due to ACE and ACoA we don't have any other emotional regulation system other than social anxiety. Social anxiety is our only way to regulate ourselves. Without it - we will lose any mechanism to soothe ourselves - and CBT is pushing us to remove social anxiety. This way CBT is forcing us to develop mental illness. Even Freud died of overdose, and Marylin Monroe who was treated with CBT tools like medication and endless hamster wheel talk therapy.
Emotional regulation means being in Ventral Vagal state - where we naturally connect with other people without feeling toxic stress or danger. When we are in contact with psychopaths and sociopaths - this is impossible task. When we are forced to be in contact with narcissists and impulsive borderlines - we will suffer mentally. This is not our fault. This is not our weakness or defect as CBT portrays social anxiety. It is perfectly normal reaction to abnormal people around us.
CBT does not explain this at all. CBT explains that our brain is creating the disorder and that our task in life is to be reactive machine that must always expose to abnormal people without our choices and goals in life. CBT does not tell or explain that abnormal people are the problem. The sole problem. That there is nothing wrong with our panic reactions to abnormal sick anti-social people whom we must interact with - in our job or in family.
CBT does not perceive amnesia as problem. Amygdala hijacking. CBT will label this as our personal choice which can be cured if we somehow become macho masculine hero and when we stop being a coward. There is no self identity inside us - CBT does not mention this at all. CBT presumes that once we expose ourselves to social situation, that magically we will start to know who we are, what we like and that our GPS inner guidance system will start to work on its own. It won't. What happens in real life - is that our GPS become toxic people around us who manipulate us into coercive control to be their slave.
CBT does not tell us that we need to rebuild ourselves like in ancient Greek myth, where with each trigger, with each incident, with RSD, with blunder in social situations - our traces of self are eradicated - and we need to pick up who we are over and over again, each day. Toxic people eat away our innards while we stay strung on a rock - and with each day we are forced to rebuild our body - only to be eaten away by predators the next day. CBT does not explain this process that socially anxious people go through - because we are surrounded by toxic people who cause our social anxiety.
Each time we re-learn what makes us happy and safe. Without realizing that this is happening -we are stuck on rollercoaster autopilot, on tracks laid in front of us, and our self is actually Schizoid empty core, as Sam Vaknin said in his video: "When child has no contact with reality, no contact with other people – the child feels estranged from his own life. The child has no self, no functioning self. He has identity disturbance. He has fragmented self. Self states. Pseudo-identities.
He doesn't have central core. There is emptiness instead of core, we call this the schizoid empty core. This child feels he doesn't exist. When you don't exist, you can't have life, you can't own your life. Unable to inhabit his own life. This child become adult who retreats into familiar modes of infancy and remains fixated there. Leads to concept of inner child. Child like element inside us. IFS Model. Construct of inner child to induce healing."
CBT's easy explanation that cognitive distortions are the problem in social anxiety only adds more to the empty self problem. I end up believing that I am defective inside - and therefore I am empty inside. There is no Self inside that comes up with new ideas. Now with CBT I believe that my brain is only pumping out abnormality and distorted thoughts - where my only job in life is to list these thoughts and then fight with them in endless civil war battles with my own brain. CBT ought to be banned - it is doing such incredible psychological damage to anyone being traumatized by providing pseudoscience that didn't work even for Freud.
CBT adds distrust to our own brain, to our decisions, to our ability to trust ourselves. We end up with no goals - because now we are convinced that our ideas, innovative ideas are abnormality filled with so called distortions. And then we become codependent and people pleasers since - if we cannot trust our own judgement, we need to trust other people who are without social anxiety and who are super confident and strong and masculine and forceful - and guess who will come to our doors to lead us - narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths. Or another solution is to isolate ourselves and become avoidant with push-pull anxious- avoidant attachment style.
Rollercoaster tracks in social anxiety - as I depict it in the sketch - they are twisted into pretzel as a way to adapt ourselves to sociopaths and psychopaths and all predatory types of people who trigger us into social anxiety. We are responding to sick and abnormal people and surreal toxic ambient of narcissism build on their fantasy and their needs and agenda of exploitation of others and competition and mostly their inferiority complex masked as superiority.
Then we are forced to act in certain way in order to regulate and calm toxic people. And that's how loops of rollercoaster tracks happen. These will contribute to somatic bodily feelings like nausea, panic, overwhelm already present due to genetic and external mess. And we will be forced to repeat it, repetition compulsion. And we are not aware of this. CBT does not explain it. Other people do not explain it. CBT, self help books and other people's viewpoint of anxiety explains the social anxiety as our oversensitivity and our choice. Like with Cassandra Syndrome (The Cassandra metaphor relates to a person whose valid warnings or concerns are disbelieved by others. The term originates in Greek mythology. Cassandra was a daughter of Priam, the King of Troy.) - most people will not believe us when we tell them that the toxic person is dangerous and intrusive - mostly because abusers appear charming to non-affected people.
Ambient, people around us, our history (ACE/ACoA) shape the tracks so it is not our fault as we believe with toxic shame and inner critic that it's our choice and we can change it with logic and will.
Tracks are daily chain of decisions and actions and isolation and avoidance and choosing how to react to people.
If we avoid people, these tracks will become imaginary and more complex with paranoid twists, twisted by memory of past abuse and rancor.
If we stay with toxic people, these tracks will become also imaginary and paranoid, too – part of shared fantasy, tracks will be skewed by toxic people's observations and series of punishments.
We can attempt to reshape the tracks – but they will still depend and then be formed by the ambient (such as shame culture country and or lack of finances or external dysfunction of any sort) – due to Cooley's Looking Glass Self.
Secondary dysfunction is that repression leads to disturbance in immune system, we make ourselves sick by trying to survive in toxic ambient – and then it appears as if social anxiety is problem – CBT – our thoughts are sick – and then this belief that we are abnormal leads to more repression and more of physical illness – that creates new tracks of self sabotage and illness, due to self hatred and self rejection and self disgust – due to CBT we see ourselves as abnormal, weak, pathetic and worthless – Mathew Effect happens, black hole, hamster wheel loop of doom.
With social anxiety we suppress our anger, our wagon of masking runs these tracks being suppressed - and then we ran into the mess, external abusers who are angry and we have no idea how to handle hysterical people, other than holding on to tracks of repression and wagons of masking, as we were programmed to do in ACE and AcoA childhood where our needs and emotions were punished, mocked, ashamed and silenced away. Then any predator can easily manipulate and control and exploit us (Mate Crime).
Up next are rollercoaster Wagons of social anxiety.
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:09 Pristine-Spring-4724 The top 10 must-have features in WordPress block themes

WordPress Block Themes in Modern WordPress Design

Remember that childhood feeling of building awesome things with colourful blocks? WordPress’s Gutenberg editor brings that same magic to website creation. Instead of plastic bricks, you’re using intuitive content blocks!
The Gutenberg editor lets you add, move, and customize content sections—like text, images, buttons, and more—just like arranging ingredients on a pizza. Each block has its own purpose, and together they create a delicious (and informative) website.
Pre-designed block themes act as website blueprints. Imagine landing pages, blog posts, or contact sections ready to go—just pop them in and customize them! This saves tons of time and keeps your website looking sharp and professional.
The coolest part? Gutenberg makes web design accessible to everyone. No coding skills are needed! More creators online mean a richer and more diverse internet, which is pretty awesome. You can create reusable components, making themes and plugins more powerful and flexible.

1. Responsive Design

The web is no longer confined to bulky desktops. With smartphones and tablets dominating the world, how people experience websites has changed. Responsive design ensures your website adjusts to whatever device someone uses, from a giant computer screen to a tiny phone.
Nobody enjoys squinting at text or zooming in and out just to read something. Responsive design makes sure your website looks sharp and functions flawlessly, no matter what device people use. With more people browsing the web on phones than desktops, having a mobile-friendly layout isn’t optional anymore—it’s crucial for keeping visitors happy and engaged on your site.
Importance of Mobile-Friendly Layouts
Responsive Design Made Easy: How Block Templates Adapt Your Website

2. SEO Optimization

The web is crowded, and getting noticed can feel impossible. SEO makes your website search engine-friendly, helping search engines understand your content and rank you higher. Block themes simplify SEO with features like title tags, meta descriptions, and optimized image handling.
Higher search engine rankings mean more people find your website, attracting more potential customers or fans.
How SEO-Friendly Features Improve Website Visibility
Integration of Schema Markup, Meta Tags, and Navigational Structures

3. Accessibility Features

Everyone deserves an equal chance to experience the web. Web accessibility ensures websites are usable by everyone, regardless of ability. This includes people with vision impairments, hearing difficulties, or physical limitations.
Importance of Web Accessibility
Incorporating Accessibility Standards

4. Fast Loading Speeds

People are impatient, and there’s always another option a click away. A fast-loading website keeps visitors happy, boosts search engine rankings, and helps you convert more leads.
Techniques for Quick Loading

5. Easy Customization

In today’s crowded online world, standing out is key. Your website needs to be as unique as you are! WordPress block templates are like building blocks that let you unleash your creativity.
Need for Customizable Templates
Features for Non-Coders
Design Tips

6. E-Commerce Readiness

Ever dreamed of turning your website into a money-making machine? Block themes make it easier than ever! They can transform your simple website into a dynamic online store.
Essential for Businesses Selling Online
Integration of E-Commerce Features
Additional E-Commerce Considerations

7. Multilingual and Localization Support

The internet is a global marketplace, and your website shouldn’t be limited by language!
Catering to a Global Audience
Tools for Easy Translation and Localization
multiple currencies.

8. Pre-Designed Sections and Layouts

WordPress block themes provide a solid foundation, giving you a head start on creating a polished, professional website.
Availability of Pre-Built Sections
Importance of Diverse Layout Options
Tips for Using Pre-Designed Patterns and Layouts

9. Social Media Integration

Social media is a goldmine for businesses. Connecting your website to social media platforms can drive traffic back to your site and build a community around your brand.
Driving Traffic and Engagement
Features for Easy Sharing and Integration
Tips for Maximizing Social Media Integration

10. Regular Updates and Support

Just like your wardrobe needs a refresh every season, your website needs regular updates to stay sharp.
Necessity for Ongoing Updates
Access to Reliable Support Channels
Maximizing the Benefits of Updates and Support
Regular block template updates and reliable support keep your website secure, functional, and looking its best.

Additional Resources

FAQs: Navigating the World of WordPress Block Templates

Q1: What are WordPress block templates?
A1: WordPress block templates are pre-designed layouts that utilize the Gutenberg block editor, allowing you to add, arrange, and customize content blocks (like text, images, and buttons) with ease. These templates offer a foundational structure for web pages and posts, streamlining the design process.
Q2: How do WordPress block themes differ from traditional themes?
A2: WordPress block themes are designed to take full advantage of the Gutenberg block editor’s capabilities, offering deep integration with blocks for all aspects of website design. Unlike traditional themes, block themes allow you to use blocks for designing headers, footers, and other layout elements directly within the editor.
Q3: Can I customize WordPress block templates to fit my brand?
A3: Absolutely! WordPress block templates are built for customization, enabling you to modify layouts, colors, fonts, and other design elements to align with your branding—all without needing to write any code.
Q4: Are block-compatible WordPress themes mobile-friendly?
A4: Yes, most block-compatible WordPress themes are designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring your website’s layout looks great and functions flawlessly on various devices.
Q5: How do block-enabled WordPress themes enhance website security?
A5: Block-enabled WordPress themes contribute to website security by adhering to the latest coding standards and practices. Regular updates address new vulnerabilities and ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress version, keeping your site secure.
Q6: Where can I find the WordPress block pattern directory?
A6: The WordPress block pattern directory can be accessed directly within the Gutenberg editor under the “Patterns” tab or by visiting the official WordPress website.
Q7: How do WordPress block patterns differ from block templates?
A7: WordPress block patterns are reusable designs made up of several blocks configured in a specific arrangement, while block templates provide comprehensive page layouts. Both speed up the design process, but block patterns offer smaller, reusable elements, whereas block templates provide overall page structure.
Q8: Can I use the WordPress pattern library with any theme?
A8: The WordPress pattern library is most effective with block themes and block-compatible themes, designed to leverage the Gutenberg editor fully. Patterns can be used with traditional themes, but their flexibility and integration might be limited.
Q9: How can I contribute to the WordPress pattern templates library?
A9: To contribute to the WordPress pattern templates library, create your block patterns and submit them through the official WordPress.org website following their submission guidelines.
Q10: What are WP block templates, and how do they benefit my website?
A10: WP block templates are pre-made page or post layouts built using the block editor. They speed up content creation, ensure design consistency, and enable users of all skill levels to create professional-looking websites that stand out.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:40 Holiday-Argument-451 My Job Is Overly Involved In How I Dress, Is This Borderline Harassment?

I've gotten a lot of different opinions from people in my life on this situation so I want to ask some unbiased people.
I (24f) have been working at my job for a year and a half. I do a good job, my reviews have all been good... except for how I dress. This is my first "corporate job". I put it in quotes because it's not really your average desk job. It's a sales office, we sell credit card machines. Its a company made up of 50 people, its a very laid back office environment. I am the receptionist... and part of the marketing team... and I do tech support... and I do office upkeep... I'm including this to show that I do a lot there. I don't just sit at the front desk and smile at people and transfer calls.. We do not have customers come into the office, the only people that come in that are not part of the staff is the occasional interviewee.
The dress code is jean casual. I signed a paper saying jeans and a nice top is the dress code. When I first got the job I felt like I was over dressing. I would wear slacks and a blouse, or a dress, or a pencil skirt and a button up.. you get the point. Business wear is not my style whatsoever... I'm an alt girly. But I know a job is a job and I sucked it up and bought clothes that were professional looking. but as I continued working I noticed everyone dressing extremely casual... I'm talking ripped jeans, leggings, slides, graphic-t's, baseball caps, hoodies.
As I continued working I realized that some of my job duties were pretty physical, sometimes I have to go into the bathroom to change the soap (if you've ever had to do that, you know sometimes that means literally laying on the bathroom floor under the sink to twist the bottle on..) or do major cleaning where I would be getting dirty. Wearing a dress or a satin blouse, was not it... So I slowly started dressing slightly down. Jeans that are not ripped, a nice top (not a t-shirt) and sandals or a clean white pair of slip on vans. Even that was more put together than 90% of the staff. Plus I was much more comfortable and confident.
I am the youngest employee, I feel like I still dress appropriately and I follow the dress code that was described when I accepted the job. The executive assistant Linda (64F) has taken a liking to me and has helped me be more professional with the way I interact with the CEO and things like that. She typically wears something like tights, ballet or the pointy flats, and a blouse or sweater (but shes 64 so the blouses are well... older lady longer blouses.. you get the picture). She did my first review and said I was doing great. Later in the week she pulled me in and told me that the CEO wants me to dress better. I was still new and trying to make a good impression so I again , bought some clothing that I felt were a little nicer but decided to stick to more of my style and colors that I liked. Since everyone else seemed to dress how they wanted too with no issue I felt like I would be able to do that too while still maintaining a professional look.
Well.. I guess not. Something is always wrong with how I dress but they always beat around the bush and don't tell me what they don't like. It's always so hush hush.. I don't wear leggings, I don't wear ripped jeans, I come with my hair done, jewelry... its business casual but like I said I'm a little alt so my outfits are black or sometimes patterned, I wear silver jewelry, I have a nose ring, that they said was fine... I even asked if they wanted me to change it to a stud and they said no it was okay. My tattoos are covered up... my hair is not an unnatural color... I don't wear like heavy alt makeup.... but I'm not a preppy blonde "clean girl" like their last receptionist.
I had my one-year review. Again, they said everything was great except... "Your dress isn't quite where we want it to be yet." At this point, I was fed up because I was really trying and I told them "You guys tell me this every review, I've bought a whole new wardrobe of business casual clothing even though the described dress code is jean casual. I feel like I dress more business-like than everyone else. I don't get what I'm doing wrong." Mind you this was my one-year review and was fully expecting a raise... they've added many more job duties than what I was originally hired for... I didn't even get a $0.50 raise. I said that I have already spent a substantial amount of money on clothing to wear at this job, I can't keep on buying different clothes for this job. They do a thing around Christmas where the higher-ups have to get their subordinates a Christmas gift. My higher-ups are the executive assistant, the sales manager, the marketing manager and the IT manager... I think they all assumed the others would get me something but none of them did. I really did not care about that at all.
Two weeks ago the executive assistant brought up the Christmas gift (she realized no one got my anything). She said that as a late Christmas gift, she wanted to get me some clothes for work. I felt pressured and in a sort of uncomfortable position so I just agreed. She suggested just ordering stuff online, I told her Shein was cheap and had a lot of variety (please don't come at me for supporting shein... i know its terrible.) I was fully expecting her to explain the kinds of clothing they were looking for and then I would be able to have some say so in like the color at least... but no... she basically had me sit there... she picked out different tops... they were all very older lady looking and colors and prints that I would never ever choose for myself.... floral blouses, bright orange, bright yellow... One of the tops came in a leopard print. I said "oh I like leopard, I can wear that with the black slacks I have." But no... i had to get the white with blue flower print. She got me gold jewelry.. like I said, I wear silver, and shoes with heels, and the pointy toe flats.
I was getting frustrated so I just let it happen. The clothes came in... and I was upset. I felt like they just dont like my style. I wore one full outfit she got me and I just looked like her.. not an outfit a 24 year old would wear. I decided to mix in the stuff that she got me with some of my own stuff. Yesterday I wore a pair of boot cut jeans, a nice black long-sleeve shirt, the gold jewelry and a pair of heels that she got me. I honestly thought I looked very nice. In the middle of the day she pulled me in and said that she was getting comments about my jeans from one of the male higher-ups. The jeans had no back pockets, but they were 100% denim. I was wearing heels, so I guess that like accentuated my legs. She told me that someone was saying that I needed to wear a top that covered my butt if I was going to wear jeggings.
I was having a rough day and I finally snapped a little. I said I felt like I was getting unfairly targeted about how I dress. I told her that I follow the dress code as described, the pants I was wearing were no jeggings, I wear the things they want me to wear, but the other women I work with continue to come in wearing leggings without their butt covered, tops with cleavage, graphic t-shirts, sweat pants, tight jeans, jogger shorts. I come in dressed in business casual even though the dress code is jean casual and there is still something wrong with my outfit almost everyday. I would understand it if I was wearing clothing that was inappropriate but that's not the case. I also said I'm starting to feel uncomfortable that everyone has something to say about how I look, I am the youngest woman here and I feel like they think they can push me around about things that don't affect my job performance. I walked out because I was sick of being insulted about how I dressed and made to feel insecure.
I have a meeting with her and the CEO tomorrow about it. Now I'm nervous that I'm going to get in trouble. Is this situation weird? Am I not seeing something? Or is this unreasonable and borderline workplace harassment?
submitted by Holiday-Argument-451 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:09 Cautious-Salad The Allure and Uncertainty of Owning a Slot Machine

The Allure and Uncertainty of Owning a Slot Machine
The rise of online casinos hasn't diminished the appeal of classic arcade games and slot machines. This essay explores the options available for those seeking to bring a piece of that retro charm, or perhaps a shot at big wins, into their own home.
Owning Slot Machines
We'll delve into six different machines advertised:
  1. Sammy Pachislo Aladdin A Classic: This offering caters to nostalgia, featuring a classic pachislo slot with familiar themes.exclamation
  2. Mechanical Pinball Machine Wooden Arcade Game Machine: This isn't a slot machine, but a full-fledged pinball experience, offering a more interactive and skill-based game.
  3. Room Entertainment Arcade Machines Coin Putters Machines: This is a more generic category, potentially encompassing various coin-operated arcade games.
  4. Player Upright Arcade Pacman Machine with Coin Operated Feature: Another blast from the past, this iconic title brings the thrill of Pacman into your home.
  5. Bonanza Arcade Coin Operated Game Metal Cabinet Machine: This description is intriguing, hinting at a potentially "looser" slot with frequent bonus rounds, according to player testimonials (though the validity of such claims is questionable).
  6. Arcade 43 Inch Curved Table Machine Multigame Skill Machine: This multigame machine offers a variety of titles, potentially catering to a wider range of preferences.
Important Considerations
While owning a piece of arcade history sounds exciting, there are crucial factors to consider:
  • Legality: In some regions, owning a slot machine for personal use might be illegal. It's vital to check local laws before purchasing.expand_more
  • Cost: Prices can vary greatly depending on the type of machine, its condition, and rarity.exclamation
  • Maintenance: Maintaining these machines, especially older models, can require technical expertise and spare parts.
  • Addiction Potential: Slot machines are designed to be addictive, and having one readily available at home could pose a risk for problem gamblers.expand_more
Alternatives to Owning
For those seeking the thrill of arcade games without the commitment of ownership, consider these options:
  • Home Arcade Systems: Modern consoles offer a wide variety of classic arcade titles.
  • Online Casinos (where legal): Many online casinos offer a vast selection of slot machines and other games.expand_more
  • Arcade Bars: These establishments provide a social environment to enjoy classic arcade games.expand_more
Owning a slot machine can be a fun way to relive the nostalgia of arcades or potentially win big (though remember, the odds are stacked against you). However, legal restrictions, cost, maintenance, and addiction potential are significant factors to weigh.
Learn more: Top 6 Slot Machines For Sale: A Guide to Choosing the Best for Fun at Casinos
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submitted by Cautious-Salad to Behind_Phi [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:52 dhiskeyhoury $10 Free Casinos - Sites that give $10 free on sign up with no deposit

$10 Free Casinos - Sites that give $10 free on sign up with no deposit
Looking for casinos that give you a $10 bonus just for signing up? This page has got you covered. It lists several casinos that welcome players from countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. When you register at any of these casinos, you get a $10 bonus right off the bat.
“The $10 free bonus is one of the best ways to try out a new casino and its games – it’s better than a free spins bonus because the funds are not tied to just one game. With $10 in free casino credit, you can play lots of games, and various types, to find out what you like the best and which games you are luckiest on.
Just follow the links on this page to grab your $10 bonus. It's a smart way to play games without dipping into your own pocket. If you're into online slot games, it's a zero-risk way to have some fun.
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True Fortune $10 Free No Deposit
True Fortune Casino is currently offering a $10 no deposit bonus for new players from Australia, Germany, and the USA.
To claim this bonus, create a new casino account and then contact the casino's live chat support to request the $10 chip.
Once the bonus is credited to your account, you can use it to play any of the casino's 3-reel or video slot machines. This no deposit bonus is being promoted on the New Casino No Deposit Pateon page.
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Boho Casino $10 Free No Deposit

Grab a $10 free offer to play the Candy Crush slot game at Boho Casino, no deposit needed. Just use the bonus code CRUSH20 to claim this deal.

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F1 Casino $10 Free No Deposit
F1 Casino, an online casino with a Formula 1 racing theme, is offering a $10 no deposit bonus to new players who sign up through this patreon page.
To receive the bonus, new users need to create a player account and verify their email address. After completing these steps, the $10 bonus will be credited to the player's account, allowing them to play slot games without making a deposit.
Players can claim the $10 free chip by logging into their casino account and navigating to the 'bonuses' page, where they should click on the Gift icon.
F1 Casino accepts players who are at least 18 years old from over 50 countries, including Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.
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Ripper Casino $10 Free No Deposit
Ripper Casino is offering new players a $10 no deposit bonus, which allows them to start playing casino games without making an initial deposit. After using the no deposit bonus, players can take advantage of additional bonuses and promotions when they make their first deposit.
To claim the $10 no deposit bonus, new players need to follow a specific link to register a new account and enter the bonus code 'RC10' during the sign-up process. This will unlock the $10 in casino cash, which can be used to play various games.
Ripper Casino encourages new players to take advantage of this $10 free bonus by signing up using the special bonus code provided.
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submitted by dhiskeyhoury to 10freecasinos [link] [comments]

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2024.06.04 15:14 PetrZitskiy The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Casinos

The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Casinos
[ The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Casinos ]
Casinos, both physical and online, are a significant part of the global entertainment industry. They offer a variety of gambling activities, including slot machines, poker, blackjack, and roulette. However, the operation and participation in casino activities are regulated by a complex web of legal and ethical considerations. This article explores the legal frameworks governing casinos and the ethical issues associated with gambling.

Legal Aspects of Casinos

1. Regulation and Licensing

Casinos operate under stringent regulations to ensure fair play, prevent criminal activities, and protect consumers. Licensing is a crucial aspect, with regulatory bodies such as the Nevada Gaming Commission in the United States, the United Kingdom Gambling Commission, and the Malta Gaming Authority overseeing operations. These bodies set standards for fairness, security, and responsible gambling.

2. Jurisdictional Variations

The legality of casinos varies significantly across jurisdictions. Some countries, like the United States, have complex laws where gambling is legal in some states (e.g., Nevada, New Jersey) and illegal in others. In contrast, countries like Singapore and Macau have heavily regulated but thriving casino industries. Online gambling adds another layer of complexity, as operators must navigate laws in both their home countries and the countries where their players reside.

3. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures

Casinos are attractive targets for money laundering due to the large volumes of cash handled. Regulatory bodies enforce strict AML measures, requiring casinos to implement robust monitoring systems, conduct thorough customer due diligence, and report suspicious activities. Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, including fines and license revocation.

4. Taxation

Taxation is a significant legal aspect, with governments imposing taxes on casino revenues. The tax rates and structures vary, impacting the profitability of casino operations. In some jurisdictions, players' winnings are also subject to taxation.

Ethical Aspects of Casinos

1. Responsible Gambling

One of the primary ethical concerns is promoting responsible gambling. Casinos must balance profit-making with the responsibility to prevent gambling addiction. Ethical practices include setting betting limits, providing self-exclusion options, and offering resources for problem gambling support. Failure to address gambling addiction can lead to severe social and personal consequences.

2. Fairness and Transparency

Ensuring fairness and transparency is critical. Casinos must guarantee that their games are not rigged and that players have a fair chance of winning. This includes using certified random number generators (RNGs) for online games and adhering to strict operational standards in physical casinos. Transparency in terms and conditions, odds, and payout rates is also essential to maintain trust.

3. Marketing Practices

Ethical marketing is another significant consideration. Casinos must avoid targeting vulnerable populations, such as minors and individuals with gambling addictions. Advertising should be honest and not mislead potential customers about the chances of winning. Promotional offers and bonuses should be clear and not designed to exploit players' weaknesses.

4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Casinos have a broader responsibility to contribute positively to society. This includes engaging in CSR activities like supporting local communities, funding educational programs on responsible gambling, and contributing to public health initiatives. Ethical casinos invest in the well-being of their customers and the communities in which they operate.


The legal and ethical aspects of casinos are multifaceted and require a delicate balance between regulation, profit, and social responsibility. Strict legal frameworks ensure that casinos operate fairly and transparently while preventing criminal activities. Ethical considerations focus on promoting responsible gambling, ensuring fairness, and contributing positively to society. As the gambling industry continues to evolve, ongoing vigilance and adaptation are essential to address emerging legal and ethical challenges.
submitted by PetrZitskiy to BestCryptoCasinosUS [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:37 Beneficial_Object618 Best online casino Australia reddit recommends most? Slots, Pokies, Blackjack, & more

I've noticed that many online casinos available in regions like the USA and Canada aren't accessible from Australia, where I'm currently based. I'm not interested in using a VPN for obvious reasons. Can anyone recommend some good online casinos in Australia? I'm particularly interested in playing slots, preferably those with attractive sign-up bonuses, good graphics, and decent payout methods.
submitted by Beneficial_Object618 to CheckBitcoinCasinos [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:17 EliteEntertainGames Expand Your Business with Elite Entertainment: Your Premier Source for Gaming Credits

Are you looking to boost your business with high-quality gaming credits? Look no further than Elite Entertainment! We are your trusted partner in the wholesale distribution of credits for some of the most popular games in the industry. Whether you're running an internet cafe, an online gameroom, or a gaming center, our comprehensive selection of game credits will keep your customers coming back for more.

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Our services ensure instant loading and seamless integration, providing a hassle-free experience for your business operations.

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2024.06.04 14:00 askmac Who says the BBC doesn’t take sides?

The so-called “troubles” in Northern Ireland never go away, you know. Shelves of books continue to be published. There is a sizeable stand at WHSmith in Belfast airport dedicated to the latest crop. Film-makers are still drawn to the subject. One of the most recent, Baltimore, related (poorly) the story of the 1974 theft of priceless paintings orchestrated on behalf of the IRA by Rose Dugdale. And television programme-makers often return to the conflict. At each end of March 2024, for example, the BBC screened two very different documentaries that dealt with its earliest phase. The first was a 13-minute segment in the third part of a series, How the BBC Began. The second, The Secret Army, was a 90-minute film about a film, concerning a “disappeared” documentary about the IRA made in 1972 by an American academic.
It would have been of far greater value if the interrogation of the BBC’s role in Northern Ireland had been given a solo 90-minute slot. As for the second, well, let’s just say half an hour would have been long enough. But both, in their very different ways, reminded us that truth is always a moving target. While retelling a history we know well – or think we know well – they underlined the overwhelming importance of propaganda. In war, and let’s not haggle over that description of what took place for 30 years on the streets of Belfast and Derry, the fabrication assumes as great a role, arguably a greater one, than the reality. As three of the BBC’s former luminary staff made abundantly clear, the story they were required to tell did not come close to fulfilling the stated aim of Britain’s public service broadcaster to present impartial information to its listeners and viewers. Each of them admitted they were prevented from telling what they knew to be the truth.
For the record, here’s what they said. First up, Sir Paul Fox, controller of BBC1 for six years from 1967: “In a way, it was as difficult to film in Northern Ireland as it was to film in the Soviet Union … stuff was censored, there’s no question about it, by the hierarchy in Northern Ireland. I suppose it’s worth saying there were bloody Protestants who were running the BBC in those days and had a grip on it … everything that was filmed by Tonight and Panorama in Northern Ireland had to be seen by the head of programmes in Northern Ireland, and he would act as a censor… There were no Catholics working in the BBC in senior positions. Outrageous.”
Second, Denis Tuohy, who learned on joining BBC Belfast in 1960 that he was the first Catholic to work in the newsroom, because a local paper greeted his recruitment with the headline: “At last, an appointment from the outside.” He said: “Those who ran the BBC in Northern Ireland and the unionist government of Northern Ireland … had lots of mutual friends.” Eight years later, by now working in London, Tuohy’s editor thought him the perfect reporter to send to Belfast to cover the outbreak of riots “to help us to understand” what was happening. But the editor was overruled, explaining to Tuohy: “BBC Northern Ireland have protested at the highest level of the BBC in London to you as the reporter… They feel you would be too close to the story.” Too off-message, more like.

The man in the white suit who was “kind of impartial”

Third, Martin Bell, sent from London to report during the earliest days of the troubles: “I hardly knew the difference between Belfast and Dublin. I’ve never admitted this before, but it is true… I learned very quickly the sort of thing you had to learn… the BBC’s controller in Northern Ireland was breathing over your shoulder all the time… BBC cameras and reporters were attacked by the loyalists because we were not the voice of loyalism, because we were kind of impartial and even-handed, even then, and we were giving a voice to their republican rivals, so I got harassed quite a bit.”
Kind of impartial? Even that was too much for the then-unionist government in Stormont. But, with the greatest of respect to Mr Bell, to refer to the BBC’s coverage of the conflict that raged from 1968 until 1998 as “kind of impartial” is entirely to miss the point. Aside from suggesting that truth is some kind of spectrum, it was wholly incorrect. Not kind of impartial, but very partial indeed. Partial and, in some instances, wholly untruthful. What is now evident, and should have been evident at the time, was the willingness of the BBC, which habitually asserted its independence from the state, to do the state’s bidding. Yet this is not, any longer, a controversial viewpoint. It is mainstream. It is accepted as fact. Note the lack of any reaction by the current BBC hierarchy, by politicians, or by commentators, to those statements by Fox, Tuohy and Bell. They provoked no denials. Nothing we haven’t known for years. That was then, and this is now. Move on.
But shaking our heads and lamenting what some would like to pass off as a historical aberration is just not good enough. The BBC’s news and current affairs output failed every possible test of impartiality. The fact that its censorship has long been recognised does not negate the significance of what happened. Nor should it be allowed to pass into some kind of historical limbo. Each additional revelation of the BBC’s faults during that conflict requires examination and explanation. As Fox rightly indicated, pro-unionist prejudice was embedded within the BBC from its inception. The Belfast-based controllers, all of them drawn from a unionist background and supportive of the Stormont government, were allowed to do as they wished by the corporation’s London headquarters. None more so than Waldo Maguire, controller from 1966 to 1972, who suppressed anything he considered inflammatory, meaning, of course, anything that offered even an inkling of the truth. What he achieved and, through him, the wider BBC, was a bias against understanding.
For example, the framing of civil rights protests in 1969 as some kind of stalking horse for the IRA was a crucial deception, playing on the fears of unionists within Northern Ireland while creating among its audience in Britain a bogeyman enemy which, at the time, did not exist as a fighting force. As Bell recalled, reality was camouflaged. When Catholics were burned out of their homes, he was told: “You’re not allowed to call them Catholics. You have to call them refugees.”
These contributions to a false narrative were also charted, along with several others, in a fascinating and meticulous 2015 study by Robert Savage, The BBC’s ‘Irish troubles’: Television, conflict and Northern Ireland. As he related, matters grew infinitely worse for the BBC once British soldiers were deployed on the streets in August 1969. Their arrival engendered the founding, some four months later, of the Provisional IRA and, suddenly, the shadow enemy assumed factual existence. From this point on, the battles on the streets were echoed by battles behind the scenes for media influence.
Despite Maguire’s malign influence, some BBC reporters refused to toe the line. John Bierman, for instance, broadcast a network news item in February 1971 in which he said: “There are growing doubts about the army’s impartiality among moderate middle-class Catholics desperately anxious to hold their co-religionists back from extremism.”
This report enraged the authorities, in Stormont and in Westminster. It also prompted the British army and Britain’s secret services to get their act together. Seen in retrospect, one of the most remarkable aspects of their response was its speed and sophistication. Informed by counter-insurgency experience elsewhere in Britain’s empire, notably by that of General Sir Frank Kitson, it was understood that censorship was no longer good enough; it must be replaced by its more proactive cousin, propaganda. Far and away its greatest success was to institute what became the conflict’s most persuasive overarching media narrative, the portrayal of the army as the disinterested piggy in the middle between two warring tribes.

Maguire becomes the Godfather of news output

It was eagerly adopted by the “neutral” BBC. But there was no tribal equality. There was never any doubt that one tribe – variously described as Catholic, nationalist or republican – was the state’s main enemy. To hammer home the point, lest the BBC’s journalists stray, various pressures were applied, overt and covert, to reinforce the message. When internment was introduced in August 1971, government ministers openly warned the BBC to beware “bias”. The defence secretary, Lord Carrington, wrote to the corporation’s chairman, Lord Hill, to complain about reports “which are unfairly loaded to suggest improper behaviour by British troops”. The post and telegraphs minister, Christopher Chataway, then made a speech in which he said broadcasters need no longer strike an even balance between the unionist government and the IRA, nor between the army and the IRA. Lord Hill took the hint, writing to the home secretary, Reginald Maudling, to affirm that “as between the British Army and the gunmen the BBC is not and cannot be impartial”. These exchanges had the effect of reinforcing Maguire’s hand, cementing his power over all output relating to Northern Ireland. He forbade reporters from interviewing released internees who alleged army brutality and prevented the screening of an interview with the civil rights leader Michael Farrell on his release. He also overruled the making of an “in depth” programme about the IRA.
Although these decisions were not made public at the time, BBC journalists were aware of them. What they did not know was the army’s decision, in the wake of public hostility to internment, to engage in a covert media war through the formation of its notorious information policy unit. The single aim of this khaki public relations initiative was to disseminate misinformation (aka lies). Working closely with the secret services, notably MI5, and often with the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), it developed into an agency of deceit. Years passed before reporters realised they could not trust its briefings. Again, this is now well known, a matter of record, and it is therefore tempting to pass it off as a deviation from the norm, the result of the requirement to deal with exceptional circumstances. No need, all these years on, to rake over old coals. Nothing new can be found in those embers. Wrong, so wrong.
By December 1971, disinformation was the order of the day for the army, and one of its central themes was the denigration of the Provisional IRA. Their operatives were to be portrayed as cowards and/or psychopaths who bombed indiscriminately without a care for the local population. One of that policy’s most contentious manifestations followed the bombing that month of a Belfast pub favoured by Catholics, McGurk’s Bar. It was one of Northern Ireland’s deadliest atrocities, killing 15 Catholics, including two children, and wounding 17 more.
Immediately afterwards, British security forces briefed journalists about the bomb having exploded inside the pub. Unnamed “forensic experts” were cited as having “pinpointed” the centre of the blast with “a tell-tale crater” in the main bar area. It was further hinted that the pub was a regular meeting place for members of the Provisional IRA. These falsehoods suggested that the bomb was an IRA device, a scenario enthusiastically endorsed by none other than Kitson, the commander of 39 Infantry Brigade. He noted in his log that the RUC had “a line that the bomb” was “left in the pub to be picked up by the Provisional IRA. Bomb went off and was a mistake”.
Yet a British army technical officer had already reported to his superiors that it was the pub’s entrance that was cratered and was, therefore, “the seat of the explosion”. This dovetailed with the account of a witness, an eight-year-old boy, who told of seeing men drive up and place a package at the pub’s doorway. This statement was subsequently supported by the confession of the only man prosecuted for the crime (in 1977, loyalist Robert Campbell of the UVF was sentenced to life imprisonment, eventually serving 15 years). But it was the lie that gained media traction, especially at the BBC’s “prestigious” current affairs programme Panorama. Weeks after the event, it reported that “an IRA bomb” was responsible for the massacre.
So far, so bad. A tone had been set. In subsequent years, there was a reliance on unattributed briefings and a belief in their veracity. In the BBC’s news report in January 1972 about Bloody Sunday in Derry, in which 14 people were killed by the Paratroop Regiment, one sentence was particularly notable: “The gun battle lasted about 25 minutes.” That lie – there was no battle – was finally laid to rest 38 years later by Lord Savile’s inquiry. It was, however, just one of so many examples where the security forces’ version of events was too readily accepted.
As if the external political pressure, internal constraints and the army’s information policy unit were not enough to keep the BBC in check, it has become apparent that there was another undeclared level of contact between the corporation and the state. Pioneering research into the BBC archives by Belfast-based Ciarán MacAirt, founder of the Paper Trail charity and grandson to two McGurk’s Bar victims, has revealed a fascinating link between a secret section of the Foreign Office, the Information Research Department (IRD), and a well-placed BBC executive. The contact is clear from a letter sent by the IRD’s Josephine O’Connor Howe to John Cecil Crawley, chief assistant to the then-BBC director-general, Sir Charles Curran.

BBC discounted evidence from eyewitnesses to bombing

She offered Crawley “a background paper” on the IRA, adding that “as usual it is sent for your personal background and is not for attribution”. That letter, dated December 6, 1971, was delivered on the day the BBC in Belfast interviewed two witnesses to the McGurk’s Bar explosion, both of whom offered evidence diametrically opposed to the army’s “official version”, evidence that the BBC discounted. Crawley, in thanking O’Connor Howe for the “very interesting” paper, confirmed that he had sent it on to Desmond Taylor, editor of news and current affairs. Taylor had inherited the job weeks before from Crawley, who headed the news department for four years after spending 26 years as a BBC correspondent and editor.
MacAirt has unearthed other files that show IRD contact with BBC managers and journalists. One file of “ad hoc” BBC contacts was compiled by Norman Reddaway, whose 1970 Foreign Office title as “assistant undersecretary for information and cultural affairs” tended to conceal his real role as, to quote his obituary, “an expert in the field of intelligence and counterpropaganda”. It was also the case that the London-based IRD was closely allied to the army’s Belfast-based information policy unit. At least one of its operatives, Hugh Mooney, was a former journalist for the Irish Times and Reuters, who worked for both. The interpenetration of journalists with the secret services is hardly a new revelation, of course, but each new discovery raises important questions.
Nor must we forget that there is a human element to all this obfuscation and secrecy. MacAirt’s grandmother, Kitty Irvine, died in the McGurk’s blast, and his grandfather John, who served in an Irish regiment of the British army, was badly injured. MacAirt is one of the many bereaved who have been campaigning for a generation to expose the truth and to obtain official acknowledgement of what he calls “the casual criminalisation of our loved ones”. They are also seeking an apology from all concerned, including the BBC. The struggle has involved lengthy and expensive court actions. It has also shown up the BBC in a continuing poor light. In December 2021, the BBC failed to mark the 50th anniversary of the bombing. When reminded of the omission, an online news report was belatedly published. The painstaking research into this incident alone justifies further investigation into the relationship between the BBC and the secret services of the state. There are plenty of similar cases that demand attention too
submitted by askmac to northernireland [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:39 Cautious-Salad Top 6 Slot Machines For Sale: A Guide to Choosing the Best for Fun at Casinos

Top 6 Slot Machines For Sale: A Guide to Choosing the Best for Fun at Casinos
Slot machines have always been a staple attraction at casinos, captivating players with their bright lights, engaging sounds, and the thrill of potential winnings. While many enjoy the experience of gambling in a casino, some enthusiasts seek to bring that excitement home. This essay introduces six top slot machines for sale, discusses the unique features of each, and explores why real slot machines at casinos maintain their timeless appeal.

Top 6 Slot Machines for Sale

1. Sammy Pachislo Aladdin A Classic

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2. Mechanical Pinball Machine Wooden Arcade Game Machine (Maquina De 7 Bolas)

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The 22 Inch 2 Player Upright Arcade Pacman Machine is not just a slot machine but a multi-game arcade experience. With its retro games and coin-operated feature, it offers a blend of classic arcade action and slot machine excitement. This machine is perfect for those who love variety and want to enjoy multiple games in one cabinet.
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While home slot machines offer convenience and fun, the allure of real slot machines at casinos remains unmatched. Casino slot machines are programmed with sophisticated algorithms that enhance the gaming experience, ensuring that every spin is as exciting as the last. Unlike online gambling, which can sometimes involve scams and bots, casino gambling provides a genuine experience based on luck, understanding, and strategy.

Understanding Slot Machine Costs

The price of slot machines varies widely based on their size, capabilities, and complexity. In 2024, slot machine prices can range from as low as $160 to as high as $43,000 per piece. It's crucial to research and compare different models and features to find a machine that fits your needs and budget.

Purchasing Used Slot Machines

Casinos often sell their retired machines to wholesalers, who then resell them to overseas gaming operators or individual buyers. Some machines are used in exchange for new equipment, while others are dismantled for spare parts. This secondary market provides an opportunity for enthusiasts to purchase authentic casino slot machines for personal use. Related: The Best Slot Machines to Play in a Casino: Maximizing Your Winning Potential

Legal Considerations for Home Slot Machine Ownership

Before purchasing a slot machine for personal use, it's essential to check your state's laws regarding console ownership. Many laws require that the machine be at least 25 years old and used strictly for entertainment purposes. Ensuring compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues.
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Whether you're a casual player looking for home entertainment or a serious collector, there's a slot machine out there for you. The six machines highlighted in this essay offer a range of features and experiences to suit different tastes and preferences. While home slot machines provide convenience and fun, the unique thrill of playing real slot machines at casinos continues to draw players from around the world. Understanding the costs and legal considerations of owning a slot machine will help you make an informed decision, ensuring hours of enjoyment and excitement.
Also see: The Reality of Hacking Slot Machines with a Cell Phone: Myths and Consequences
submitted by Cautious-Salad to Digital_Solution [link] [comments]

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2024.06.04 12:57 Count-Daring243 Best DTF Printers

Best DTF Printers

Discover the best DTF (Direct-to-Film) printers available on the market today! In our roundup article, we've compiled a list of top-performing models that cater to both professional and hobbyist needs. Whether you're looking for a high-quality machine or a budget-friendly option, we've got you covered. Get ready to explore the world of DTF printing like never before!
In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the features, benefits, and capabilities of each featured printer. With our unbiased and informed reviews, you'll be able to make an educated decision when choosing the perfect DTF printer for your requirements. So dive in and unlock the limitless potential of DTF printing today!

The Top 5 Best DTF Printers

  1. Procolored DTF Printer L805 with Oven: Efficient and Versatile Heat Transfer Solution - The Procolored L805 DTF Transfer Printer with Oven offers high-speed, industrial-quality printing on various fabric types and colors, with features like ink circulation, pre-heating, and professional RIP software for efficient workflow management.
  2. Fast Printing Shipping Label Printer for Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy - 46 Thermal Printer - High-speed, commercial-grade thermal shipping label printer compatible with Windows/Mac, ideal for Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy, featuring a 127mm/s print speed, new-design print head, bi-colored status LEDs, and 108mm max print width.
  3. Mutoh RJ-900X Dye-Sublimation Printer: Variable Drop-on-Demand Piezo - The Mutoh RJ-900X Dye-Sublimation Printer, a versatile 44" wide device, accelerates production with high-quality sublimation transfer prints perfect for varied applications like apparel, banners, signage, and more.
  4. Prestige XL2 24" DTF Roll Printer - Top-Notch Performance and Efficiency - Experience top-tier garment printing with the Prestige XL2 DTF Roll Printer, offering dual printheads, a compact size, and premium print quality, perfect for mid-sized businesses and seamless DTF printing.
  5. DTF Printer 1390R with CMYKW Inks, DTF Powder, DTF Cold Peel Film and PC Software - Experience exceptional DTF printing capabilities with the Galaxy DTF 1390R Printer, offering both high-quality and high-speed performance for enhanced productivity and professional-grade results on various fabric types.
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🔗Procolored DTF Printer L805 with Oven: Efficient and Versatile Heat Transfer Solution

I've been using Procolored's L805 DTF Printer with an oven for the past few weeks and I must say, it's been a game changer for all my textile printing needs. The process of direct-to-film printing has significantly improved the quality and longevity of my designs on various Fabrics!
One aspect of this product that really stood out to me is its speed. This machine prints incredibly fast, much quicker than other A3 DTF printers I've used before. This makes my workflow a lot more efficient, allowing me to focus on other aspects of my business.
Another great feature is the white ink mixing and circulation system, which significantly extends the life of the print head. As someone who uses this machine quite frequently, knowing that I have a reliable printer that will last longer is certainly comforting.
The software included with this printer is also quite impressive. It supports importing multiple images at once on the workbench, allowing me to create various patterns with ease. Additionally, it has low ink consumption, making it cost-effective in the long run.
However, one issue I encountered was trying to print on the entire 8.5 by 11-inch paper. The printer leaves quite a bit of margin, making the print area smaller than I would like. But aside from this, my experience with this product has been incredibly positive.
In summary, the Procolored L805 DTF Printer with an oven has significantly enhanced my textile printing process. Its high-speed performance, reliable print head, and user-friendly software have made it a valuable asset to my business. If you're in the market for a DTF printer, I would highly recommend this one!

🔗Fast Printing Shipping Label Printer for Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy - 46 Thermal Printer

I recently got my hands on the Thermal Shipping Label Printer, and it has truly transformed my small business. The first thing that caught my attention was its high-speed printing capability. With a max. print speed of 127mm per second, I've been able to fly through labels for my Amazon, eBay, and Etsy shipments.
The new design print head is another feature that stands out. It's designed to prevent paper jams and stucks, making my label printing process smoother than ever. The compatibility with both Windows and Mac OS systems is a bonus, but it's important to note that it doesn't work with Chromebooks.
One drawback I encountered was a minor issue with voice broadcasting, but this was quickly resolved by adjusting the printer settings. Overall, the Thermal Shipping Label Printer has been a game-changer for my shipping process, and I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable, high-speed solution.

🔗Mutoh RJ-900X Dye-Sublimation Printer: Variable Drop-on-Demand Piezo

As a small business owner, I've been using the Mutoh RJ-900X Dye-Sublimation Printer for my custom apparel and signage needs. This is my go-to printer when I need to create sharp, high-quality designs quickly. The RJ-900X's ability to deliver continuous tones with its Tex-AJet sublimation inks has been a game-changer for my business, allowing me to take on more diverse projects.
One of the features I love about this printer is its increased print speeds. It helps me manage my workload efficiently without compromising on the final result. Additionally, the sleek black and white design adds a professional touch to my workspace.
However, on the downside, the weight of the printer can make it difficult to move around if necessary. However, its performance and overall quality more than make up for this minor inconvenience.
All in all, I am very satisfied with my purchase of the Mutoh RJ-900X Dye-Sublimation Printer. It has significantly improved my workflow and allowed me to offer a wider range of products to my clients. I would highly recommend this printer to anyone looking to enhance their sublimation printing capabilities.

🔗Prestige XL2 24" DTF Roll Printer - Top-Notch Performance and Efficiency

I've been using the Prestige Direct to Film (DTF) XL2 Roll Printer for the past few months, and it's been a game changer for my small garment printing business. The compact size has been a lifesaver, allowing me to save space while still maintaining high-quality prints. Its unique dual Epson i3200 print heads ensure premium print quality that's impressive to say the least.
One feature that has made my life easier is the Head Strike Sensor, which prevents any head strikes without interrupting the printing process. Additionally, the ability to print up to 12 meters per hour on 24" roll media is a significant boost in efficiency, reducing the time spent on printing jobs.
However, despite these impressive features, it's worth mentioning that the inks and cleaning supplies aren't included with the purchase, so be prepared to shop for those separately. Also, there's a potential processing delay, but it's only up to two weeks.
Overall, I'm highly satisfied with the Prestige XL2 DTF Roll Transfer Printer. It's an excellent investment for any business looking to upgrade their DTF printing capabilities, and it's well worth considering if you're in the market for a new printer.

🔗DTF Printer 1390R with CMYKW Inks, DTF Powder, DTF Cold Peel Film and PC Software

I recently got the chance to use the "Gallery DTF Printer 1390R" with CMYKW inks, DTF powder, DTF Cold Peel Film, and PC software. I must say, this little machine has truly revolutionized my printing game! The first thing that caught my eye was its 1440 x 1080 high-quality printing capabilities, which allow for a whopping 8 square feet per hour. It's like having an assistant who never gets tired or messy.
The best part about this product is how versatile it is. It's perfect for both mass production and personal projects. Plus, the compact size makes it easy to transport, whether you're going to your office or a trade show. The 6-color printing feature adds an extra touch of vibrancy to my designs, making them stand out from the crowd.
One feature that I really appreciated is the advanced 1390 Printhead. It ensures smoother inkjet processes with its white membrane circulation system, reducing nozzle blockages like nobody's business. Additionally, the Gallery DTF Inks are made in the USA and are designed to be clog-resistant, providing consistent high-quality results every time.
Another highlight worth mentioning is the user-friendly software that comes with the printer. It's built on CADlink v11 engine, making it accessible even if you're not a tech wizard. The pre-configured settings ensure flawless results, every single time.
In conclusion, if you're in need of a reliable, versatile, and efficient printing solution, look no further than the "Gallery DTF Printer 1390R". It's an investment that will definitely enhance your creative projects and make your life a whole lot easier!
However, one minor hitch I encountered was occasional ink smudging, but a quick cleaning fixed it right up. Overall, a great product for anyone looking to bring their designs to life with vibrant colors and clear detailing.

Buyer's Guide

When shopping for a DTF (Direct To Film) printer, there are several important features that you'll need to consider. These features will greatly influence your overall satisfaction with your DTF printer, and can also affect how well it performs when producing prints.

1. Print Quality and Resolution

One of the most important considerations when choosing a DTF printer is the quality of the prints it can produce. High-quality prints not only look professional but also provide vibrant colors and sharp detail, which can greatly enhance the overall appeal of your final print. When considering different DTF printers, be sure to pay close attention to their respective print resolutions. Higher resolutions generally result in better print quality, so it's usually worthwhile to invest in a printer capable of producing high-resolution prints.

2. Speed and Efficiency

Speed is another crucial factor to consider when shopping for a DTF printer. If you frequently need to produce large quantities of prints or have limited time to complete projects, it might be worth investing in a faster printer. However, be aware that faster printers may sacrifice some print quality to achieve their higher speeds. Moreover, consider the efficiency of a printer - how much ink does it consume per print? A more efficient printer may save you both time and money in the long run.

3. Versatility and Compatibility

If you plan on using your DTF printer for a wide variety of projects, it's a good idea to look for a model that offers varying print sizes and formats. Some printers are limited to producing only postcard size prints, while others can accommodate larger sizes, such as banners or signs. Additionally, compatibility with various file formats (such as JPEG, PNG, and TIFF) is essential to ensure seamless integration with your preferred design software.


4. User-Friendliness and Ease of Maintenance

A user-friendly DTF printer with an intuitive interface will make your life much easier when it comes to performing daily tasks like loading film, changing ink cartridges, or troubleshooting common issues. Furthermore, a well-designed printer that doesn't require frequent maintenance can save you time and money by reducing the need for frequent service calls or replacements. Look for a model with solid construction materials and user reviews that highlight its ease of use and reliability over time.
When shopping for a DTF printer, prioritize features like print quality and resolution, speed and efficiency, versatility and compatibility, and user-friendliness. By considering these factors, you'll be better equipped to find the perfect DTF printer to suit your individual needs and budget. Remember to read online reviews and research various models before making a final decision, so you can confidently invest in a high-quality printer that will serve you well for years to come.


1. What is a DTF Printer?

A DTF (Direct-to-Film) Printer is a specialized inkjet printer designed to print directly on specialty films, which are then heat transferred onto garments or other surfaces. DTF printing eliminates the need for screens, emulsions, or other traditional screen-printing tools, making it a more efficient and cost-effective option for small-scale apparel production.

2. How does DTF printing work?

DTF printing involves using a specially designed inkset that adheres to the film during printing. After the design is printed, the film is loaded onto a heat press and pressed onto the fabric, causing the ink to transfer and bond with the fibers of the fabric. This process provides a soft, flexible print that is highly durable and washable.

3. What kind of films can I use with a DTF Printer?

DTF Printers are designed to use a specific type of film called DTF Transfer Film, which is coated with a special adhesive that allows for easy transfer onto fabric. These films come in various sizes and finishes, including gloss, matte, and holographic. Ensure you use the correct film for your specific printer model.


4. What kind of inks are best for DTF printing?

For optimal results with DTF printing, it is recommended to use a high-quality, water-based inkset designed specifically for Direct-to-Film applications. These inks provide vibrant colors and excellent adhesion to the DTF transfer film.

5. Can I use a regular inkjet printer for DTF printing?

No, ordinary inkjet printers are not suitable for DTF printing. Specialized DTF printers are required due to their unique inkset and printhead configuration, which enable proper adhesion of ink to the transfer film and ensure a high-quality print transfer.

6. How do I maintain my DTF Printer?

  • Clean the printhead and wipers regularly to prevent clogging and ensure consistent ink flow.
  • Replenish ink and maintain proper ink levels in the printer.
  • Periodically clean the inside of the printer to remove any debris or dust that could interfere with proper operation.
  • Use genuine DTF transfer film and ink to maintain printer performance and extend its lifespan.

7. How do I prepare my files for DTF printing?

Ensure your design file is saved in a compatible format (such as. pdf, . psd, or. ai) and has a high enough resolution (usually a minimum of 300 DPI) for optimal print quality. Make sure to include bleed and crop marks as necessary, and follow any specific file preparation guidelines provided by your printer manufacturer.

8. What are the advantages of using a DTF Printer compared to other printing methods?

  • No need for screens, emulsions, or other traditional screen-printing tools
  • Efficient and cost-effective for small-scale apparel production
  • High-quality, vibrant prints that are soft, flexible, and durable
  • Allows for unique customization options, including the ability to print on a wide variety of fabrics and surfaces

9. How do I heat transfer the design onto the fabric after printing?

Once the design is printed onto the DTF transfer film, carefully align and place the film onto the fabric or garment, ensuring that there are no air bubbles between the film and fabric. Then, load the fabric into a heat press, and apply pressure and heat (usually between 330°F and 350°F) for approximately 30-60 seconds, depending on fabric type and printer model.

10. Are DTF Printers suitable for large-scale production?

While DTF Printers are excellent for small-scale and custom apparel production, they may not be the most cost-effective option for large-scale production. In those cases, traditional screen-printing or other mass-production printing methods might be more suitable.
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2024.06.04 12:17 GuiltlessMaple Best Dress Tape

Best Dress Tape

Welcome to our carefully curated selection of the best dress tapes in the market today. In this roundup, we've scoured the fashion world to bring you the most innovative, stylish, and reliable dress tapes that will keep your outfits in place and make sure you look and feel your best. So, whether you're preparing for a special event, planning a seamless outfit for work, or looking for a wardrobe secret weapon, our collection has got you covered. Stay tuned for our top picks, must-have features, and easy application tips that will transform your fashion experience forever!

The Top 16 Best Dress Tape

  1. Hollywood Fashion Secrets Gentle Fashion Tape - The Original Hollywood Gentle Fashion Tape empowers you to wear any style of clothing easier and more confidently with its gentle, hypoallergenic adhesive, discreet appearance, and fabric-friendly use.
  2. Fearless Double Sided Tape for Seamless Fashion Fixes - Introducing the Fearless Double-Sided Tape for Fashion: seamlessly secure your clothing with this gentle adhesive that leaves no residue and is perfect for every event, saving you from fashion nightmares.
  3. Singer Clear Hemming Tape, No Sewing Required - Singer Instant Fix Hem Tape: Effortless and clear fabric bonding for all your fashion and home decor projects, saving you time with no sewing or ironing required.
  4. Double-Sided Washaway Wonder Tape for Quilting & Crafting Projects - Dritz Quilting Washaway Wonder Tape - A high-quality, double-sided transparent tape ideal for quilters and crafters, providing easy seam alignment before stitching and disappearing after washing. Made in the USA.
  5. Hollywood Fashion Tape, Double-Sided Clothing Tape - Hollywood Fashion Tape, Size: 3 is a must-have apparel accessory that provides various solutions like closing blouse gaps, stopping slipping bra straps, and securing shoulder pads, making it the perfect fix for all fashion emergencies.
  6. Dress Tape for Confidence and Stylish Looks - Comfortably maintain a flawless appearance without compromising on style with Fashion Forms Women's Tapes to Go, a 100% polyethylene double-sided tape that helps keep your clothing in place, ensuring you breeze through the day with ease.
  7. Hollywood Fashion Tape for Secure Apparel and Body Tape - Hollywood Fashion Tape: The 3.5-inch double-stick gentle adhesive strips that effortlessly eliminate blouse gaps, hold strapless styles, and maintain seamless fabric appearance, just like the stars do it.
  8. Dritz 10-Yard Stay Tape for Reinforcing and Adding Strength - Strengthen and stabilize fabric with lightweight, versatile Dritz 791 Stay Tape, offering 10 yards of 1/2-inch width that won't fray, shrink, or add bulk to your sewing projects. Use for waistlines, necklines, seams, and more.
  9. Iron-On Hem Tape for Garments: Hemming Tape for Jeans, Skirts, Dresses - Outus 70 Yards Iron on Hem Tape: Secure, No-Sew Hemming Solution for Denim, Cotton, and Garments, Perfect for Home Sewers & Crafters.
  10. Double-Sided Dress Tape for Skin and Clothing - MIILYE Double Sided Skin Tape: Medical-grade, hypoallergenic, and easy to use, this dress tape ensures clothing stays in place for a perfect look at weddings, proms, and other special occasions.
  11. Hollywood Fashion Secrets Body Contour Tape for Light Skin Tone - Experience the magic of Hollywood with Hollywood Fashion Secrets Body Contour Tape - Light, designed to give you a flawless shape and secure fit for your backless, strapless, and plunging neckline outfits.
  12. Braza Flash Dress Tape Holds Confidence-Enhancing Fashions in Place - Braza Flash Tape - Clothing Tape for Fixing Gaps and Enhancing Deep Plunge Styles, Long-lasting, Machine Washable, Ideal for Securing and Adding Extra Support.
  13. Hollywood Fashion Tape for Securing Clothing - Hollywood Fashion Tape Strips - Discreetly secure plunging necklines and prevent wardrobe malfunctions with this gentle, hypoallergenic, and fabric-friendly adhesive.
  14. Hollywood Fashion Secrets Sticky Tape for Clothing - Discover the Hollywood Fashion Secrets Body Contour Tape - Deep for seamless and customizable support, effortlessly transforming your garments and shape while securing your look with versatility and comfort.
  15. Double Duty Dress Tape for Fashion Confidence - Magic Body Tape by Busties: The Ultimate Double-Sided Fabric Tape for Confidence in Every Outfit, Offering 100 Secure Bra Strips & 25 Stealthy Clothing Dots to Keep Your Style Game On Point!
  16. Hollywood Fashion Secrets - Fashion Tape Refill Rolls - Discreetly hold your clothing in place with Hollywood Fashion Secret's professional-grade, hypoallergenic fashion tape refills, designed for easy application and precision cutting.
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🔗Hollywood Fashion Secrets Gentle Fashion Tape

Oh dear, you know that feeling when your favorite shirt slips and shows more than you'd like? I experienced the same anxiety until I discovered the Hollywood Fashion Secrets Gentle Fashion Tape. This little lifesaver has been an indispensable part of my wardrobe ever since. The compact tin case is the perfect size to stay ready for any unexpected fashion emergency - a savior for all those plunging necklines and slippery straps.
The Fashion Tape's small size definitely punches above its weight, offering 36 tape strips in total. It's been a lifesaver when I've dealt with stubborn clothing malfunctions during important events. Plus, it's super gentle on my skin. As someone with sensitive skin, I can confirm the delicate formula is designed just for me - it's hypoallergenic and has caused no issues.
However, I did notice a few cons with this product. Firstly, the tape can sometimes be a little strong, making it difficult to remove, and secondly, the tape can be easily stuck to itself or other objects, reducing its effectiveness.
But overall, despite these small drawbacks, the Hollywood Fashion Secrets Gentle Fashion Tape has been an absolute game-changer for me, helping me navigate fashion emergencies with aplomb. It's my little secret weapon that makes me look and feel confident in any outfit.

🔗Fearless Double Sided Tape for Seamless Fashion Fixes

I must admit, I had been a little hesitant to try out the Fearless Tape Double Sided Tape for Fashion and Body. But, after using it for a couple of events, I'm glad I gave it a shot. This tape has helped me fix a couple of wardrobe malfunctions, from securing my plunging necklines to keeping my flyaways in place. The best part? It's gentle on my skin and fabric, leaving no residue behind.
The adhesive design is truly a game-changer. It makes the entire process of applying it super easy and hassle-free. Plus, the tape being clear has been such a relief since it's not easily detectable. The one downside I found was that the tape can sometimes be a bit sticky. It may require a little effort to remove from fabrics, especially if they're delicate.
Overall, I've been quite satisfied with the performance of Fearless Tape Double Sided Tape. It's a must-have for anyone who wants to look their best without worrying about wardrobe malfunctions.

🔗Singer Clear Hemming Tape, No Sewing Required

You can't always count on being near your sewing kit when you need it most. That's where Singer's Instant Fix Hem Tape comes into play. As someone who loves to alter clothes but hates the time-consuming process of sewing, I've found this tape to be a real lifesaver. It's not just for fixing hems either; its versatility makes it great for adjusting cuffs, repairing garments, or even making DIY projects.
One of the best things about the tape is its simplicity. There's no need for any sewing or ironing, you just stick it on and go. It's also nice and clear, so it blends seamlessly with whatever fabric you use it on, whether it's a dress or upholstery. However, it's not perfect. Depending on how much movement the fabric gets, the tape can sometimes lose its grip over time.
Overall, Singer's Instant Fix Hem Tape is a handy tool to have in your fashion toolkit. It may not be perfect, but for quick fixes and alterations, it's a lifesaver. Plus, the endless applications ensure that you'll always find a use for it.

🔗Double-Sided Washaway Wonder Tape for Quilting & Crafting Projects

I recently stumbled upon the Dritz Quilting Washaway Wonder Tape and it's became a staple in my sewing and crafting projects. This double-sided, transparent tape is a game-changer for anyone who's tired of pins poking through their fingers or leaving unsightly holes in their fabric. Not only does it help keep your seams in place, but it also adds a nice touch of texture and style to your projects.
The Dritz Quilting Washaway Wonder Tape is designed for easy usage and storage, making it perfect for home sewing enthusiasts and crafters alike. It's made in the USA, ensuring its quality and safety. However, due to its small parts, it's not recommended for children younger than three years old.
One of the most impressive features of this tape is its ability to withstand sewing without gumming up your needle. After washing, it disappears completely, leaving no residue behind. This makes it ideal for quilting, art projects, and repairing damaged clothing without causing any further damage.
Despite its many benefits, there are a few drawbacks to consider. Some users have reported that the Wonder Tape can be quite sticky and difficult to separate from itself when first using it. Additionally, it can sometimes lose its adhesiveness if exposed to high humidity or heat.
Overall, I've found the Dritz Quilting Washaway Wonder Tape to be an invaluable addition to my sewing and crafting toolkit. While it may have a few drawbacks, the convenience and versatility it provides far outweigh any minor inconveniences. Give it a try – your seams will thank you!

🔗Hollywood Fashion Tape, Double-Sided Clothing Tape

Imagine a night at the prom, where you've found the perfect dress but it just keeps sliding down. The last thing you want is to spend the night pulling your dress up instead of dancing the night away. That's where the Hollywood Fashion Tape comes in, like an unseen superhero that saves the day. I've relied on this tape more times than I can count, and it always lives up to its reputation.
The tape is incredibly easy to use. The strips come in a convenient storage tin, making it simple to keep a pack in your purse or bag. When you need it, simply peel the backing off one side, stick it to your skin or fabric, remove the second backing, and then you're good to go. It's a quick and easy solution to those wardrobe malfunctions that can throw off your entire day.
One of the features I love about the Hollywood Fashion Tape is how discreet it is. Unlike old-fashioned safety pins, the clear tape blends seamlessly with your skin and doesn't leave any residue on your clothing. It's kind of like wearing an invisibility cloak for your wardrobe.
However, there is one downside to this product. The tape is quite sticky, and while that's great for keeping things in place, it can be a bit difficult to remove once you're done using it. I've found that using a bit of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball can help loosen the adhesive and make it easier to remove.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Hollywood Fashion Tape to anyone in search of a wardrobe solution that's effective and easy to use. It's my go-to fix for keeping everything in place, from stray bra straps to sliding dresses. Give it a try, and you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

🔗Dress Tape for Confidence and Stylish Looks

As a fashionista who loves to experiment with different outfits, I can't tell you how many times I've dealt with wardrobe malfunctions. But ever since I discovered Fashion Forms Women's Tapes to Go, those days are long gone!
I remember one particular evening when I was attending a black-tie event. I had chosen this stunning off-the-shoulder gown that I knew would be the showstopper of the night. However, as soon as I arrived at the venue, the strap decided to slip off my shoulder. Talk about embarrassing!
That's when Fashion Forms Women's Tapes to Go came to my rescue. This double-sided tape is made of 100% polyethylene, which means it's strong enough to hold your clothing in place without causing any damage. Plus, it's imported and hand wash only, adding an extra touch of quality.
The best part? It comes in a pack of twelve pairs, all transparent. So no one can tell you're using them. Not even your fashion-forward friends who are always on the lookout for any wardrobe mishaps!
There are just two things I'd like to mention that could have been better: firstly, while the product is indeed effective, it's not waterproof. And secondly, it would have been nice if it came with a mini dispenser or applicator tool for easy usage.
Overall, I'd say Fashion Forms Women's Tapes to Go are a lifesaver. They've saved me from countless wardrobe malfunctions and helped me maintain my reputation as a fashion-forward lady. If you're looking for a reliable solution to ensure your clothes stay in place, look no further than these tapes!

🔗Hollywood Fashion Tape for Secure Apparel and Body Tape

As a fashion enthusiast, I can't say enough good things about Hollywood Fashion Tape. This little wonder has become my go-to tool for perfecting my outfit. Just the other day, it saved me from an embarrassing blouse gap moment right before a job interview.
One thing that genuinely stood out was how gentle the adhesive is on my skin. Even after hours of wearing it, my skin felt comfortable and I didn't have any redness or irritation - a common issue with other fashion tapes in the market.
But hey, no product is perfect. As much as I love Hollywood Fashion Tape, it's not very reusable. Since it's not a fabric-friendly tape, it tends to lose its stickiness after a few uses.
Overall, this fashion tape is definitely worth trying out. Just remember to keep a spare box around because you'll find yourself using it more often than you expect!

🔗Dritz 10-Yard Stay Tape for Reinforcing and Adding Strength

As a regular sewer, I've found using the Dritz Stay Tape truly invaluable. The 10-yard roll is perfect for stabilizing shoulder seams and waistlines on delicate fabrics - it adds just enough strength to keep those areas from stretching out of shape over time. Plus, the 1/2-inch width is perfect for fitting seamlessly into my designs.
The fact that it's lightweight and doesn't add bulk is a major plus, especially when working on smaller projects. It's also super easy to cut without fraying, which makes my work even faster. While the price might seem a bit steep at first glance, the quality and convenience of this product make it well worth the investment.

🔗Iron-On Hem Tape for Garments: Hemming Tape for Jeans, Skirts, Dresses

As a fashion enthusiast who loves experimenting with different outfits, the Outus Heat Hem Tape was a game-changer for my DIY clothing projects. Coming in a 20mm wide roll, this adhesive tape is perfect for securing hems without the need for sewing. I recently used it to fix the hems on a pair of denim shorts, and I could not be happier with the results.
The tape is easy to use - just place it between two pieces of fabric, press with an iron, and voila! . You've got a seamless, no-sew bond.
Plus, the tape can be applied to various fabrics like denim, cotton, and other sturdy materials. However, be cautious when using it with very smooth or sticky fabrics, as it may not stick as effectively. Overall, the Outus Heat Hem Tape has made my sewing projects not only quicker but also more polished and professional-looking.

🔗Double-Sided Dress Tape for Skin and Clothing

I've been using this MIILYE Double Sided Dress Tape for a while now, and I must say it's a game-changer. As someone who loves to wear elegant but fiddly outfits, I always had trouble keeping my clothing in place. That's where this little magic tape comes in! It's super easy to use, and it gives me the confidence to rock my most daring fashions without worrying about any wardrobe malfunctions. The tape is made of medical grade adhesive, so it's skin-friendly, hypoallergenic, and non-toxic. Plus, you can cut it to any size or shape you need, making it incredibly versatile.
One downside, however, is that it doesn't hold some thicker fabrics as well. I had a little bit of trouble with a heavy lace dress, but for most other fabrics, it worked like a charm. So, if you're looking for an affordable and convenient solution to keep your clothes in place, give the MIILYE Double Sided Dress Tape a try. You won't be disappointed!

🔗Hollywood Fashion Secrets Body Contour Tape for Light Skin Tone

As a long-time fan of Hollywood fashion secrets, I was excited to try out their Body Contour Tape for Light Skin Tone. This latex-free, cotton/spandex blend material with a skin-safe adhesive backing made my experience with this product a secure and comfortable one. The tape is easy to apply and stays in place all day, even when I'm wearing it under strapless or backless outfits.
One of the best features of this product is its ability to contour and lift my chest in a way that looks naturally supportive. Additionally, the No-Show Concealers included in the package help control any perkiness, ensuring a seamless and discreet look.
However, as with any product, there are a few cons. For instance, the adhesive can sometimes leave residue on skin, which could be an issue for some users. Additionally, while the tape is designed for light skin tones, it may not be as effective on darker skin shades. In spite of these minor drawbacks, I'm overall satisfied with the Hollywood Fashion Secrets Body Contour Tape and would definitely recommend it to others in search of a reliable and comfortable solution for contouring and lifting their chest.

🔗Braza Flash Dress Tape Holds Confidence-Enhancing Fashions in Place


I have been using Braza Flash Tape for quite some time now, and let me tell you, it's a game changer for anyone who wants to keep their clothes looking neat and polished. This double-sided tape is perfect for those deep plunging necklines or open-sided dresses that require some extra support. The 20ft roll easily lasts me a few events, and the convenient 'crack-n-peel' liner makes it super easy to apply.
One of the best things about this product is its versatility. I've used it not only to secure my clothes but also to keep my scarfs and accessories in place. The tape is made from a safe medical-grade adhesive that adheres to both skin and fabric, making it incredibly secure and reliable. And don't worry about it coming off in the washing machine; it's machine washable, so you can wear your outfits with confidence.
However, I must warn you, this isn't the best option for delicate fabrics. It's always a good idea to test a small patch of the fabric before applying the tape to ensure it won't harm your clothing. Additionally, while the tape does come on a roll, it can be slightly unpredictable when using, so make sure you give yourself enough time to prepare before an event.
All in all, Braza Flash Tape has been a staple in my wardrobe for some time now. If you're looking for a reliable and versatile solution to keep your clothes looking flawless, this is definitely worth trying out.

🔗Hollywood Fashion Tape for Securing Clothing

I recently tried out the Hollywood Fashion Tape, and I must say, it saved me from countless fashion emergencies! This seemingly simple strip of tape has proved to be a game-changer in securing hems, keeping bra straps in place, and eliminating blouse gaps. The 36 strips in this pack are enough for even the most fashion-forward wardrobe.
What I loved about the Hollywood Tape is how gentle it is on the skin. As someone with sensitive skin, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn't cause any irritation or leave any residue behind. Plus, its fabric-friendly nature ensures that it doesn't damage your clothes, making it a reliable solution for all your fashion needs.
However, one downside to this product is that sometimes, the tape can be a bit stubborn to peel off. It requires a steady hand and patience, especially when you're trying to use them in a hurry. But overall, this product has become an essential part of my wardrobe, and I can't imagine going back to life without it.

🔗Hollywood Fashion Secrets Sticky Tape for Clothing

I recently decided to give the Hollywood Fashion Secrets Body Contour Tape a try, and I must say it's been quite the game-changer when it comes to my wardrobe. As someone who loves experimenting with different styles, this versatile tape has allowed me to confidently wear strapless, asymmetrical, and plunging necklines without worrying about wardrobe malfunctions.
The sturdy-yet-soft stretch material is truly a highlight, conforming seamlessly to my body while providing reliable support throughout the day. Another aspect that impressed me was the ability to customize the tape to my desired look, whether that's a subtle lift or a dramatic cleavage. Plus, being able to control how much product I use gives me full creative control over my final appearance.
However, there have been a few cons that I've encountered during my time using this product. Firstly, the tape can sometimes be a bit difficult to apply, especially for beginners. Additionally, the adhesive can lose its grip over time, causing the tape to loosen or even fall off.
In conclusion, the Hollywood Fashion Secrets Body Contour Tape has been a valuable addition to my wardrobe, allowing me to confidently wear various neckline styles. While there are some minor drawbacks, the benefits certainly outweigh the negatives, making this a worthwhile investment for fashion enthusiasts like myself.

Buyer's Guide




What is dress tape?

Dress tape, also known as double-sided fashion tape or fabric tape, is a adhesive-backed fabric strip used to secure garments in place and prevent wardrobe malfunctions. It is a temporary, double-sided adhesive that is safe for most fabric types and can be easily removed without leaving any residue.

How does dress tape work?

Dress tape works by sticking the two surfaces of fabric together. The adhesive side is pressed onto one layer of fabric and the other side sticks to the other fabric layer. This creates a tight connection, ensuring the garment stays in place throughout the day without using pins, clips, or other unsightly tools.


Is dress tape reusable?

No, dress tape is not reusable. Once the tape is stuck to a garment, it loses its stickiness and cannot be reused. Dispose of used tape and replace it as needed.

How should I apply dress tape?

  1. Clean the surfaces of the fabric that will be attached with dress tape.
  2. Peel one side of the tape and stick it onto the fabric securely, ensuring that there are no wrinkles or bubbles.
  3. Peel the other side of the tape and gently press the attached fabric onto the fabric it is meant to secure in place.
  4. Wait for a few seconds for the adhesive's bond to strengthen before wear.

Can dress tape be used on all fabrics?

Dress tape is suitable for many fabric types, including cotton, linen, silk, and synthetic fabics. However, avoid using dress tape on delicate fabrics like chiffon or lace, as it may stretch or tear the material. Always test a small inconspicuous area of the garment before applying the tape to ensure it does not damage the fabric.

How long does dress tape last?

The longevity of dress tape depends on factors like the type of fabric, the moisture level of the skin, and humidity. Generally, dress tape can keep garments in place for several hours or throughout an entire event. If the tape loses its stickiness, simply replace it with fresh tape.

How do I remove dress tape without damaging the fabric?

To remove dress tape without damaging the fabric, gently lift one edge of the tape and slowly peel it away from the fabric. If there is any residue left on the fabric, use a fabric-safe adhesive remover or rubbing alcohol to remove it.


Can dress tape be washed?

While dress tape may be able to withstand a gentle hand wash or spot clean, it is not recommended to put garments with dress tape directly in the washing machine or dryer. To be on the safe side, remove the tape before washing and reapply a fresh piece when needed.

What sizes and shapes are available for dress tape?

Dress tape is available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and formats, such as rolls, precut strips, and tape dispensers. Common sizes include 0.5-inch, 1-inch, and 2-inch strips, allowing users to choose the right width and length for their specific garments and needs.

Who can use dress tape?

Dress tape is suitable for all individuals who want to secure their garments in place, prevent wardrobe malfunctions, and maintain a polished appearance. It can be especially helpful for people who perform onstage, on camera, or in situations where quick changes are required.

Where can I buy dress tape?

Dress tape is available at a variety of retailers, both in store and online. Some popular stores that carry dress tape include department stores, fashion boutiques, and beauty supply stores. You can also find dress tape available for purchase online through retail websites and direct from the manufacturer.

How much does dress tape cost?

The cost of dress tape varies depending on factors such as the brand, quantity, and the type of tape itself. Generally, dress tape can be purchased for $5 to $20 per roll or dispenser, with lower prices typically reflecting a single-use, disposable product.
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2024.06.04 11:26 liveyazah Best online slots in USA?

Hey everyone,
I'm kinda new to this and need some help picking the best online slots in USA.
There are so many casinos and slot games out there and I have no clue which ones to go for.
Can you guys recommend any trustworthy sites or your favorite slot games?
I'd love some tips on what to look for or hear about the slots you guys enjoy. Any advice or experiences you could share would be super helpful. Thanks a bunch!
submitted by liveyazah to OnlineCasinoLuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:07 rinsharpe Not So Berry Legacy Challenge Expanded Edition (20 Generations!)

Basic Rules:
Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. hair, makeup, clothing, house). You will most likely need to use CC for some of these colors.
The colors of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. Suggestion: use freerealestate for your first home, but no cheats afterward.
Keep the lifespan on long (normal may not be long enough for certain generations).
You must have only 1 child to keep the generations coming, but can’t play as them until the current heir dies. You must reset the age to Young Adult upon switching to the next heir and can work on some of the next heir’s requirements while they are living with the current heir, but they can’t move out until the heir dies.
You will have to have most (if not all) expansion packs and DLC to play this challenge properly.
If the offspring dies before the heir dies, or if the heir dies before having children, then it’s game over.
1 Generation One: Mint
You’re a sim in STEM and love science. You dedicate your whole life to becoming the best and most educated scientist in the world, while also stacking generational wealth in the process.
Traits: Genius, Ambitious, Materialistic Aspiration: Career Minded Career: Scientist
Rules: Master scientist career and complete Career Minded aspiration Complete University and get a Physics degree Master Logic and Robotics skills Complete elements collection Make and sell robots, have a robotic butler Have $500,000 in your bank account at time of death Have one child Live in Oasis Springs
2 Generation Two: Red
You had everything you desired as a child but you were always longing for more. As an adult, you find joy in serial romance and partying rather than starting a family of your own. Your constant roaming led you to having a child out of wedlock, who you drop everything to focus on, making ends meet with only a part-time job, as you were too busy partying to go to college.
Traits: Party Animal, Noncommittal, Romantic Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Part-Time Jobs
Rules: Live in an apartment in the Spice District of San Myshuno Have only one child from a one-night stand with Don Lothario Have 10 lovers at the same time Complete and master each part-time job and complete Serial Romantic aspiration Master Charisma, Parenting, Mixology, and Dancing skills Throw one party a week until having a child Break up and avoid all lovers after having a child You must add $500 simoleons a week from child support until the child leaves the home
3 Generation Three: Yellow
You grew up in a humble environment, but your parents tried hard to make ends meet. You grew close with your scientist grandparent and they helped you develop a love for space and aliens. Your goal is to become an astronaut and go to space, and maybe pick up some alien life forms to bring home.
Traits: Genius, Geek, Loner Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Astronaut
Rules: Your scientist grandparent left you with an inheritance of $500,000 which you received upon becoming a Young Adult Go to University and get a degree in Physics Master Astronaut career Master Logic, Handiness, and Rocket Science skills Must build a rocket ship and visit Sixam Get all Space Rocks and Aliens collectibles Live in Strangerville and complete Strangerville storyline No close friends or relationships as you prefer being alone Get abducted by aliens at least once Become pregnant with alien baby from abduction (can use MC command center if you are a female)
4 Generation Four: Purple
You always felt that you were different. While the rest of your family was busy messing around in the lab, you just wanted to be outside playing basketball. You’re very good at sports and you dream of becoming a professional athlete. You soon realize these athletic skills are from being an ALIEN! You must pursue your dreams while hiding your identity from the world.
Traits: Active, Bro, Adventurous Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast/Bodybuilder Career: Athlete
Rules: Join a sports team as a teenager in high school and college Master Fitness, Wellness, Skiing, Snowboarding, and Rock Climbing skills Master Athlete career Master Extreme Sports Enthusiast and Bodybuilder aspirations Have three failed relationships before finding spouse Hide alien identity from everyone including spouse Live in Mt. Komorebi Complete all slopes and climbing areas in Mt. Komorebi
5 Generation Five: Green
You’re a green thumb who loves plants. Gardening is your passion and calling, and you want to leave civilization to grow the most beautiful garden/farm in the world!
Traits: Vegetarian, Loves Outdoors, Loner Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Career: Botanist
Rules: Master Gardening, Flower Arranging, and Herbalism skills Complete Freelance Botanist aspiration Master Botanist career Live in Henford-on-Bagley on the large farm plot Create a large garden with every plant Have Perfect levels on all plants Become a plant sim Have max relationship with the scarecrow Win the oversized crop competition
6 Generation Six: Orange
You always lived on and inherited the family farm, but you’re more into animals than plants. You spend your life taking care of farm animals and pets, even entering them into local races and competitions. Heck, you love animals so much you almost forgot you have a family of your own.
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Rancher, Horse Lover Aspiration: Championship Rider, Country Caretaker Career: Unemployed
Rules: Stay on the heir’s farm lot in Henford-on-Bagley Replace the garden plots with animal coops Master Pet Training, Riding, and Gardening skills Complete Championship Rider and Country Caretaker aspirations Have at least one of each: horse, chicken, mini goat, mini sheep, llama, beehive, and cow Win animal competitions for livestock Win horse races Have max relationships with every animal on the lot Only make money through animal byproducts
7 Generation Seven: Brown
You had almost no relationship with your parents, since they were so focused on the animals on their farm, and this made you resent animals and farm life. You sold the family farm to go live in the big city, making it big as a culinary genius due to all the fend-for-yourself nights back home, but your clumsiness makes it hard to cook in such a fast-paced environment.
Traits: Foodie, Perfectionist, Clumsy Aspiration: City Native, Master Chef, Market Magnate Career: Fast Food Employee, Chef, Food Critic
Rules: Run a successful food stand at first, then build a 5-star restaurant Master Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Mixology, and Baking skills Complete City Native, Market Magnate, and Master Chef aspirations Complete Fast Food career as a teen, Chef career as an adult, then Food Critic career as older adult/elder Live in a nice penthouse in San Myshuno Reach max affinity to spicy foods and learn all food recipes
8 Generation Eight: Black
You always lived in the city, and loved the night life. Until one dark night, you fell victim to a toothy attack. Now, you can bask in the “night life” forever as a vampire! The man who bit you invited you to live in his dark, spooky mansion, but finds it hard to tame the fun-loving party sim within you so that you can act more like a proper vamp.
Traits: Foodie, Lazy, Goofball Aspiration: Master Vampire Career: Barista, then Unemployed
Rules: Go to nightclubs and bars every night Master Dancing, Mixology, Vampire Lore, Charisma, and Mischief skills Get bit by Vladismus Straud III and max affinity with him so you can live together Have a baby with another vampire (can be Vlad if you want) Reach max level Vampirism and get all the quirks Win vampire fights with all the vampires
9 Generation Nine: White
You were born as a vampire, but that isn’t how you want to live. You seek a cure from vampirism and instead want to help people as a doctor, even though you’re really squeamish. You want to leave the dark recluses of vampire life and head back to civilization to live as a normal human with a normal, loving family.
Traits: Squeamish, Good, Family Oriented Aspiration: Good Vampire, Super Parent Career: Doctor
Rules: Remove vampirism Master Logic, Parenting, Baking, Cooking skills Complete Doctor career and go to University for Biology Get married and have a child, with close relationships to both Donate to charity every day
10 Generation Ten: Gold
Your parents always told you to follow your dreams, and you have quite the big dream of wanting to be famous! You start out as a famous singer, then segway into acting! Your talents make you known far and wide, as well as making you rich.
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Snob, Ambitious Aspiration: Musical Genius, Master ActoActress Career: Entertainer (Musician), Acting
Rules: Live in Del Sol Valley Master the Singing, Dancing, Acting, Comedy, Charisma, Guitar, Piano, and Writing skills Master both the Musician and Acting career. Build a mansion Earn 1 million simoleons in your lifetime Become an A List celebrity
11 Generation Eleven: Silver
Because of your family’s fame, you have the opportunity to network with some of the wealthiest and most elite sims. Your desire for villainy, however, causes you to stir up drama and break up the families of these sims. You have a particular feud with Bella Goth and will do anything to take her man along with her man’s money.
Traits: Evil, Materialistic, Nosy Aspiration: Villainous Valentine Career: None unless you want one
Rules: Cause an affair and break up Mortimer and Bella Goth Become enemies with Bella Goth Marry Mortimer Goth Inherit Mortimer’s mansion and wealth Complete the Villainous Valentine aspiration Master Charisma and Mischief skills Have a child with Mortimer Goth
12 Generation Twelve: Pink
You grew up with both old and new money, but you want to make your OWN money. You hope your passion and talent for arts and crafts can get you far enough to make a name for yourself outside of your family.
Traits: Creative, Art Lover, Overachiever Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire Career: Painter, Art Critic
Rules: Master the Painting, Photography, Cross Stitch, and Knitting skills Complete the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration Complete the Painter and Art Critic careers in order Open a Plopsy and brick and mortar retail store for your arts and crafts (both need to be 5 stars) Make at last $500,000 from your art Become A List famous for your art
13 Generation Thirteen: Blue
You have the perfect life. White picket fence, loving spouse, beautiful children. But why do you still want more? You end up having a secret affair that haunts you forever. You must keep the affair both active and secret from your spouse while also focusing on your career and family. This affair can not only ruin your marriage, but your reputation as a politician too!
Traits: Noncommittal, Perfectionist, Family Oriented Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Politician
Rules: Have one child Master the photography, cooking, and parenting skills Master Politician career Must marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until you die Have a secret affair that is maintained throughout your life
14 Generation Fourteen: Light Brown
After discovering an earth-shattering family secret, you decide to run away as a teen and never look back. This Runaway Teen/Rags to Riches-esque scenario led you to lead a very dirty lifestyle and live under humble means. The sims around you refer to you as the “trash man” and you slowly descend into stinking madness!
Traits: Freegan, Slob, Erratic Aspiration: Master Crafter Career: Freelance Crafter
Rules: Make money only by crafting and trash digging Master the Fabrication and Handiness skills Enter and stay in the freelance crafter career Can’t have relationships with anyone, but somehow needs to make a child Must start in a tent and end up in a tiny shipping container home in Evergreen Harbor Use all of the “dirty” Eco Lifestyle machines and tools
15 Generation Fifteen: Turquoise
After living in chaos and squalor, your goal is to clean up the earth and maintain an eco-friendly lifestyle. You want to conserve nature and keep your city green.
Traits: Neat, Green Fiend, Vegetarian Aspiration: Eco Innovator Career: Environmental Manager, Green Technician
Rules: Maintain a Green eco status in your home world (Evergreen Harbor & Sulani) Complete both the Environmental Manager and Green Technician careers Use only green appliances and electronics in the home, along with solar panels and water collectors Have a successful garden Do beach cleanups often After retiring, live in Sulani
16 Generation Sixteen: Peach
You spent your whole life in Sulani, fascinated by the aquatic life beneath the sea. One day, after eating a strange fruit, you become a mermaid! You spend your days roaming the ocean and living up in a fishy style.
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Child of the Islands, Cheerful Aspiration: Beach Life Career: Diver, Marine Biologist
Rules: Become a mermaid Complete the Diver and Marine Biologist careers Complete the Beach Life Aspiration Master the Wellness, Mischief, Fishing, and Photography skills Collect all ocean photos and Sulani collectibles Participate in all Sulani has to offer
17 Generation Seventeen: Lime Green
The island life isn’t for you, as you’re more of a tech-savvy individual. Specifically, you love hacking and programming. Your mischievous nature allows you to make a living under the table and under the radar.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Geek, Goofball Aspiration: Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru, Freelance Programmer
Rules: Join an esports team in high school and college Hack into the hardest security levels Complete the Tech Guru career, then do freelance work Master the Logic, Mischief, Programming, Handiness, and Robotics skills Go to University for Computer Science Leave Sulani and live in a city
18 Generation Eighteen: Maroon
The mischief from your parents passed down to you, and you elevated it into straight up villainy. You want to become the most hated sim in the world, and profit from it as well.
Traits: Evil, Mean, Self Assured Aspiration: Public Enemy Career: Criminal Boss, Villain
Rules: Go to University for Villainy Have 10 enemies Complete the Public Enemy aspiration Complete both the Boss and Villain careers Master Logic, Mischief, Charisma, and Fitness skills Have the lowest reputation possible Play pranks on people
19 Generation Nineteen: Navy
The mean streak of your family ends with you! You have a strong sense of justice and wish to see it served, by your own hand, preferably. Delve into both the Detective and Law careers to deliver the swift hand of justice to any evil-doers you come across.
Traits: Self-Assured, Good, Gloomy Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante Career: Military, Detective, Secret Agent
Rules: Complete the Military, Detective, and Secret Agent careers Complete the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration Master the Fitness, Charisma, Photography, and Logic skills Have the highest/best reputation Have 10 friends with max affinity
20 Generation Twenty: Lavender
You have always had your nose buried in fashion magazines, and live for the look. Your desire for attention makes you the perfect candidate for a lifelong presence in social media and online entrepreneurship. You live for the fact that everyone is watching your every move and outfit.
Traits: High Maintenance, Jealous, Outgoing Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity Career: Simfluencer, Style Influencer
Rules: Have 500,000 followers on Simstagram Complete the Style Influencer career and be a Simfluencer in high school Post on Social Bunny often Master Charisma, Entrepreneur, Knitting, Media Production, and Photography skills Create vlogs and streams to make money Become an A List celebrity Open a 5 star boutique and sell online
21 Generation Twenty-One: Cream
For generations your family has had a negative view on animals, but that stops with you. You love to help pets and want to start your own veterinary business. You also have a few pets yourself, preferring them over kids. The legacy ends with you.
Traits: Dog Lover, Cat Lover, Hates Children Aspiration: Friend of the Animals, Cure Seeker Career: Veterinarian
Rules: Have 6 pets (3 cats, 3 dogs) with max affinity and fully trained Open a 5 star vet clinic and work there Master the Veterinarian and Pet Training skills Complete the Friend of the Animals and Cure Seeker aspirations Become a werewolf (since you love animals so much) Achieve max werewolf levels, then cure yourself Never get married or have children (unless you’re doing the bonus generations)
Bonus Generation: Rainbow (Optional)
Somehow your parents ended up having you, even though they didn’t want kids. Growing up in a sad beige world made you enjoy the entire spectrum of colors. This generation can have any rules or requirements you want and is intended to include all of the things not included in this challenge. This generational color can also go on indefinitely to include everything. You can have them explore archaeology, gem making, paranormal stuff, interior design, spellcasting, education, wedding planning, traveling, etc as I didn’t make generations for those things. The world is your oyster!
Traits: Any Aspiration: Any Career: Any
Rules: Have fun!
submitted by rinsharpe to Sims4Challenges [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:25 FancyInvestment397 Best Penny Slots at Online Casinos for June 2024

Best Penny Slots at Online Casinos for June 2024
You can spin the reels on penny slots for as little as $0.01 per payline making this the game that suits any budget. But even though the stakes are low, the prizes can still be worth thousands of dollars.
We take a look at the best penny slots online and where you can find them. We’ll even give you a few tips on turning your pennies into a massive payout.
Penny Slots

5 of the Best Penny Slots Games Online

Choosing the best penny slots to play can be a bit difficult, especially since some sites have hundreds of options. Luckily for you we’ve played more than our fair share. Here are some of our favorites and the casinos they’re available at.

A Night with Cleo

  • Developer: Rival Gaming
  • RTP: 92.5%
  • Volatility: Medium
  • Paylines: 20

This game takes you back to Ancient Egypt and can come with some large payouts. A Night with Cleo is hugely popular for its mobile-friendly controls, rewarding bonus features, and added progressive jackpots that you can win at the minimum bet. You can enter the gambling mini-game after a win for the chance to double the prize multiple times in a row.
A Night with Cleo is available at Bovada.


  • Developer: Concept Gaming
  • RTP: 95%
  • Volatility: Medium
  • Paylines: 20

When it comes to historical games, Pompeii penny casino slots are great picks. Concept Gaming has a slot machine called Pompeii that depicts the lost Roman city that was buried after a volcano erupted. An interesting aspect here is that there are nine symbols that can trigger the bonus game where you have to spin a wheel to determine the payout.
Pompeii can be hard to find, but you can play it now at Wild Casino.

Buffalo Bounty

  • Developer: Dragon Gaming
  • RTP: 96.03%
  • Volatility: Medium
  • Paylines: 10

Multiple developers have their own buffalo slots. For this list, we recommend Buffalo Bounty from Dragon Gaming. It is one of the penny slot machines with best odds, offers a high RTP of over 96%, medium volatility, and a free spins mode with extra features. You can set the coin value to $0.01 and spin the reels for just $0.10 with the 10 active paylines. The auto play feature allows for up to 1,000 rounds in a row.
Buffalo Bounty is now available at Las Atlantis.

Mr. Macau

  • Developer: Betsoft
  • RTP: 97.07%
  • Volatility: Medium
  • Paylines: 20

Modern games often have impressive visuals, especially when it comes to 3D slots. Mr. Macau from Betsoft is a great example as it brings the flash and glamor of the gambling city to the spinning reels. This game has an RTP of 97.07% and medium volatility, making it a great pick for most players. Wild symbols are sticky for two spins and landing three scatter symbols will trigger free spins. There is also a random chance for Mr. Macau to appear and award extra wilds.
Play Mr. Macau at TG.Casino.

Triple Lucky 8’s

  • Developer: BetSoft
  • RTP: 96.26%
  • Volatility: Medium
  • Paylines: 10

Lucky penny online slots come in many shapes and sizes, but Triple Lucky 8’s from Betsoft is one of the top titles in the category. This game uses those traditional fruit symbols from classic slots and combines then with lucky Chinese elements on five spinning reels. As you can guess, the lucky number 8 features heavily in this game with flaming triple 8 wild symbols triggering free re-spins for more payouts.
You can play Triple Lucky 8’s penny slot at Drake Casino.

What are Penny Slots?

Penny casino slots are games that you can play for as little as one penny. For most machines, this actually means $0.01 per active line, which can result in a slightly larger bet. You can spin the reels for around $0.10-$0.20 in most modern penny casino slots while still having a good number of lines available. Penny slots online are regarded as some of the most entertaining and affordable games since they can still come packed with features and eye-catching graphics.

How do Online Penny Slots Work?

Learning how to play penny casino slots and winning is pretty easy since the outcome is totally random. But even so, understanding the mechanics can give you a slight edge when spinning the reels and especially when choosing the right games to play.
The best real money slots from reputable providers use random number generators (RGNs) to determine which of the available symbols appear on the screen after a spin. In most games, you have to land at least three matching symbols on adjacent positions on the same line to win. With added bonus features, you can also win in other scenarios, like with the help of symbols like wilds, scatters, or through random prizes.
Where penny machines stand out is that you can set the bet very low. And yes, we’re talking as low as you can go. This way, you’ll be able to spin the reels hundreds of times for just a few dollars. And even with such small stakes, the penny slots machines with the best odds can pay out thousands of dollars in prizes.

RTP and Volatility

If you’re after the best payouts in the long term, the return-to-player rate, also known as the RTP, is very important. This tells you how much the game pays back based on the volume of bets. So, a game with an RTP of 95% will pay $95 in winnings for every $100 in bets. Keep in mind that this rate is over millions of spins and that short term results may not reflect this exact rate.
Another good indicator to keep in mind is the volatility level. This is the rate at which the game awards payouts. A low volatility level means that you win small prizes frequently, while a high volatility means large wins on rare occasions.
Some of the best online penny slots for real money come with a high RTP of over 96% and low-medium volatility. But that doesn’t mean that you should only pick those games. After all, the right penny slot machines for you depend on your playing style and bankroll.

Penny Slots Types

There are lots of different types of penny slots at online casinos but most fall under these three categories – 3-reel penny slots, 5-reel penny slots, and progressive penny slots.

3-Reel Penny Slots

The classic 3-reel penny slots are often designed to look like old-school fruit machines. They don’t have many symbols and the available bonus features are often limited to scatters and wilds. The good news is that 3-reel games have a high RTP and are very easy to learn since you just have to set the bet and spin the reels.

5-Reel Penny Slots

5-reel penny slots are the most common type of penny slot game. The standard screen here has three rows of symbols, but some games can come with four or even more rows. Modern 5-reel games have very intricate themes and stunning visuals that make the gameplay more exciting. These are also often the penny slots machines with the best odds.

Progressive Penny Slots

Another subcategory is for progressive jackpot slot games. Progressive penny slots are quite popular at the best jackpot casinos as they have large prizes that increase with every bet. The payouts are generally awarded randomly, but some games can have special bonus rounds where the player has to spin a bonus wheel to determine the prize.

Penny Casino Slots Bonus Features

Many of the best 1 cent slots to play at a casino come with different bonus features that help award large payouts.
  • Wilds – The most common one is the wild symbol, which can substitute for other symbols in the game and help create winning combos. Wilds can also come with extras, such as win multipliers or expanding positions.
  • Scatters – These are often found in the penny slot machines with the best odds. These are special symbols that don’t have to be on the same line to award a payout. Scatter symbols can also trigger other bonus features, such as free spins or a mini bonus game.
  • Free Spins – As the name suggests, free spins are extra rounds where you don’t have to spend anything. These are played at the triggering bet level and can have extras, such as multipliers, more wilds, and even expanding reels.

Bonuses at Online Penny Slots Casinos

Since we’re on the topic of bonuses, it’s worth pointing out that outside of penny slots games, casinos will also offer bonuses that can give your bankroll a boost so you can keep spinning those reels. Here are a few of the most common.

Welcome Bonuses

This is the big old welcome package that is designed to get you through the door. This is almost always the biggest and highest value bonus available at the casino and can be worth thousands of dollars. Most welcome promotion offers are deposit match deals where the casino matches your first deposit up to a maximum dollar value. So a 100% match bonus up to $100 would see you get an extra $100 in credit if you deposit $100.
The casino may even throw in a few free spins for a select slots title or games from a certain provider. Just remember that any welcome deal will have strict terms and conditions on wagering requirements or even the games you can use your bonus on.

Reload Bonuses

If your bankroll is running low and you need to top it up, you should check to see if there are any reload bonuses available. These are just like the welcome deposit match we just mentioned but for a lower value.
This is a great way to get yourself some free credit, but make sure to keep an eye on the promos page. Some casinos will run reload promotions only on specific days of the week.

Free Spins

Now, this type of bonus is not to be confused with the free spins feature on penny slot games. This type of free spins offer is usually a promotional deal that’s for a specific slots game which may not be in the penny slot games category. Even so, these offers are a great way to try out different games without spending your own cash.

Tips on How to Win at Penny Slots

Our expert winning slot tips can help you turn a few small bets into a decent bankroll. But even with these tips in your back pocket, it’s worth remembering that slots are games of chance and that there is no sure penny casino slots strategy that can guarantee wins. That said, these tips will certainly set you on the right path.
  • Stay Within Budget: While penny casino slots accept small bets, it is easy to increase the bet and gamble more than you can afford to lose. We recommend setting a clear budget and not going over it. You can set account deposit limits to help you with this.
  • Pick High-RTP Slots: Choosing the right penny slot machine is very important. You want a game with an RTP of over 95% since this will provide good odds of winning over a longer period of time. Also check the volatility and avoid high levels for short sessions.
  • Play for Jackpots: If you are looking for big wins, we recommend looking into games with progressive jackpots. Some casinos add extra jackpots to some of the best online penny slots for real money.
  • Claim Casino Bonuses: A big advantage when playing online is that you have access to various bonuses and promotions. You can take advantage of these deals even when depositing small amounts of around $20-$30. Doubling your bankroll will provide a lot of extra spins.
  • Practice for Free: From demo games to the best Chumba Casino penny casino slots for free coins, practicing is always a good idea. You can choose to play for free and not spend any money so that you can have fun and learn the games. Learn about the slots odds, the features, and even check the mobile version.

Pros and Cons of Penny Casino Slots

The simple fact is that penny slot games are pretty amazing. You get a chance to play and win cash for literal pennies, so what’s not to like? But as with all casino games, there are some minor drawbacks to go with those great benefits.
  • Affordable stakes from just $0.01 per payline
  • Access to modern games with great visuals
  • Can win big from jackpots and bonus features
  • Bonuses and promotions at the best casinos
  • Penny slot machines may not have the largest payouts
  • Can take a long time to clear bonus requirements
  • Not all slots accept penny bets

Mobile Penny Slot Apps

You can take the action with you wherever you go with mobile casinos which all of our recommendations just so happen to be. This means that you can access penny slot games any time and from anywhere. You can play real penny casino slots on Android phone and tablet devices, or check out the slots for iPhone, they all work.
The game mechanics remain the same on mobile, so you still have access to the same bonus features, jackpots, and payouts. Plus, you can even claim bonuses and use the funds on the go. Many of the modern mobile penny slot machines have dedicated controls for touchscreens, making it easier to set the bet and spin the reels on a smartphone in landscape view.

Free Penny Slots vs Real Money

A great way to check out new gaming options is by trying free penny slots with no download or cash involved. You can play in demo mode to see how the game looks and runs firsthand. Most of the same features remain available, so you can still trigger free spins, bonus rounds, and other elements for big prizes. The main difference is that since you are playing free penny slots, the payouts are just on-screen coins and nothing more.
Luckily, making the switch to penny slot machines for real money is very easy at a top casino. You just have to deposit funds in your account and you are good to go. Since the bets are very small, you don’t need a large bankroll to play for real and you can even claim a penny casino slots bonus when first signing up. The advantage is that you can win real money when betting cash or bonus funds. Moreover, you may also have access to special features, like progressive jackpots.

Penny Slot Games Software Providers

The leading software providers have the best online penny slots for real money. Not only do their games have awesome visuals, but the developers also ensure high payout rates and provide loads of fun features. They also guarantee that the results are fair through the use of certified random number generators (RNG). Some of the biggest studios include:


Betsoft is a renowned penny slot machine developer with more than 150 options available right now. This studio is regarded as the best provider of 3D slots and has new releases every month at its many Betsoft Casinos. Top titles include Rise of Triton, Safari Sam, and Greedy Goblins.

Real Time Gaming (RTG)

Also known as RTG, Real Time Gaming is one of the oldest and most popular software developers in the US. It often powers entire RTG casinos on its own, offering more than 160 games with low betting limits. Many RTG slots for real money have progressive jackpots of around $1,000 and up.

Dragon Gaming

This is one of the newer providers and stands out from the crowd with visually exciting games across a lot of themes. It now has around 50 slots, including popular titles like Screaming Chillis, Wilderness Wolves, and Play with Cleo. And yes, the Buffalo Bounty game we mentioned earlier is from this provider.

Nucleus Gaming

Established in 2015, Nucleus Gaming is one of the leading developers of modern online slots. It has more than 100 3D slots and quite a few classics, with bets starting from $0.01. Recommended options are Wins Ahoy, Grand Luxe, and Vegas Road Trip.


Another leading developer with some of the best penny slots to play online is BGaming. It has around 125 titles in its portfolio right now and releases new slots quite often. The games not only look good but also have loads of features. Some of the most popular slot machines are Dragons Gold 100, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Frog in Vegas.

Best Penny Slots Casino Online in 2024 – Wild Casino

For the best penny slots to play online, Wild Casino is your best bet. The renowned gaming site has more than 600 slots games and offers great bonuses for new and existing customers. Its banking system is very easy to use and deposits start from just $20, making it very accessible for low stakes players.
Games at Wild Casino are provided by leading software developers, including Betsoft, BGaming, Dragon Gaming, Nucleus Gaming, DGS, Rival, and more. The only downside is that you can’t play for free to learn how to win on penny casino slots. However, with bets starting from just $0.01 per line and a massive first deposit bonus, it’s not an issue at all.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to OnlineCasinoWorld [link] [comments]

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2024.06.04 06:41 enieto87 I will write now in English... few lines... I dont know maybe more...

Over here no one speaks In English.... they get very very worried, when I do... like Doggie Howser... he liked to write his crazy shit...every day.... at the end the only ones that read about where the people on the camera, pointed it at his back... to the monitor... all in blue...
Remember I arrived to school, we had some 386s, IBM, so cool...
I feel writing shit as Doggie Howser, remember on.... what a beautiful memory... amazing...
Later on attending to a church in Berlin called St. Christophorus they give supper for free... why not... I watched all and everything what was about... I observed online since Italy, they had a picture of a man, in some Mayan ruins operating a computer.... like a computer small room... years but years ago there where no internet, just your imagination, your innocence, to go on and log in, to your own computer to write crazy shit...
I didn't got mad, they gave me a speech.... I dont like because everything its so recorded... but so so so squared... on.... "Talking with the boomies gang..." so but so so robotized... all "You know more... they make it faster, and silence... all the voice of silence..." "Its so powerful that the gazing could make you dont know what the hell you are doing... and yo do it... amazing things..."
"Enrique, you can be from the winners or from the losers, its up to you... they can say... boy.... kid.... son... the worse and dangerous when they say baby...." could be like an old lady... "Oh baby..." or could be something amazing... "people crying..." a lady in black... something.... outrageous...
You respond... kind of Nash equational systems.... "People here that they heard something.... they think they will get intelligence out of a phrase you spoke..." "They are the ministers of the word... the owners of your wife... they also not are looking to how hurt your girlfriends..." "I have GFs, like anyone.... and I get so but so so mad, when I hear some crazy shit..." but so mad... I have one, that I get very mad, because I trust or trusted on, and I get mad..., "You are dealing with spivvs..." "Be careful" and she knows its a gang of people dont wants to work... and she also is mad.... this girl are 2 girls in one... its amazing, and I have to take them out of all that crap... like a bodyguard...
very few people understand whats all that and what I mean...
Only truly mental sanity can get you out of there, and without a doubt, its the believe in Jesus Christ my lord and savior... the more I dive into darkness, the more I believe on him, that is just the most beautiful memories in my life... the people that loved me... words of crazy shit my dad said... against "the others" the "significant other" its not just about pussyness... "Be ware of fat people... but very very seriously im talking to you..." "Like time goes by.... they initially are very very heavy traumatized..."
I like so much the philosophy of St. Thomas Moro... you have a lot of fun.. when you are surrounded by cool people... but its not cool... You have to at the end... go to Africa.... and its dangerous...
Once I watched a film... "I was watching the film, and hearing like two old cowboys talking in my mind..." "I swear god if its a girl... she won't have an arm..." "Very very very hard... will be...."
"When they watched me all cleaning the entrance... of a little rural property I used to had access to.... "They broke all my tools, the gasoline things..." "He needs to make them electric..." "They where impersonating Troy Reed..."
I want to murder people, when I remember this...
And I have to calm down.... really really calm down.... breathe... think in many things...
Im having a hard time...
I have nice things to think on....
I appreciate friendship of many people, that they are considered on me... as me on them... "Look girls, they have been fooling on us.... but we need to calm down... the best thing could happened to us is go to Japan...."
They already know we are not going to change...
Just to think all the years... passed... just to remember watching Erin... crossing the river... riding a gold Cavalier... doing all those things... makes me very very mad... and constrains me, its making me very sick.... I dont think so... Thats why im going to Japan....
Like an island, that we built our opinion in the time, they have available to bully on us... who they are and what they opinate, where they want to drive us... whats their strategy.... Its completely unacceptable....
Its making their actions, on what they wanted us to do... to think thats valid...
"All the money that whore from Argentina took from the church of services the Pope was giving as neural assistance and computer-man directly anatomical plasticity manipulation of sick people..." sickness or not he denominated and change the judgement upon the subject... he personally charged... and "Free them out of their problems" "Nobody this ones where not legit to the eyes of Virgin Mary...." because we are not talking with a doctor, we are talking with the head of a religion, and thats what makes me mad...
When I research all about, and arrived with the American ladies, to the st Peter basilica... OMG what a trouble we made... they sent me to go and see the back of the entrance.... they had a gate on where its a big big sculpture of Virgin Mary, covering the entrance.... with guards and all.... car entrance....
I got so but so mad... "EL CULO", when they started illustrating me things that happened in Mexico, before I killed that man... "The grandfather of the man, supposedly rolled by 2 people..." I saw even the video how they where laughing... placing them inside the trunk... of Victor's car....
"This is the suprarenal gland..." things like that... "What a different asshole..." what do you thinks... all the stupids, moving their heads, like the idiota from Pinocchio.... eheheheh eheheh yes yes yes ...
In Berlin, where very very mad people over there... "Le preguntas al puto Argentino, que de cuanto es la tarifa..."
They supposedly shut down all the program... they are just waiting for the end of that man... I dont give a fuck... because I have Apple.... Japan its amazing.... USA the same... I feel both and me, we have been played so so much... other places the same... China... OMG... how hard Xi can handle all this crap... of the supposedly entities that its fulll of shit...
"When they discovered the orange robot of Houdini... inside where a dwarf.... that fucking dwarf even imagine whats how this is going to end for him...."
Dentists shit... I dont like it... "Why dont you raise some goats!!!! FGS...."
Smart people never makes problem to progress... to keep going.... "Yes sure why not, and how can I help more..." "Where I go..." but they dont mess with 3rd parties... just.... "Sure... tell me when to go... what to do..." "How and where I pay.... etc..."
I can't fail.... that shit of killing virgin ladies... any lady... has to end... a mission.... will be a long long ride... has it been.... but at least someone has a mission on... What "J", that of "J:" its the tale they invented... the theatrical trama... "Its because its miserable... that shit..."
Thats why I have to get out of here... I dont like they have, "Buttons" for Erin, in order she make things.... and this people they use like kind of credits... they say they will last on them.... like that woman from the Hípico place... the troublemaker... "Hopefully we dont see her again, the Swedish the same..." But they dont go and fuck themselves....
Thanks god Im leaving....
If you dont fit... you are not under Enrique's grace.... period you go out of here... many girls they are amazing... "They are under my directive line...." "Not against... and thats why..." "They dong to their balls... they are delicate and carefully on..."
That shit that I have to deal like that with neighbors, and that I can't defend myself.... do nothing... "They believe firmly they have what its right and correct...." OK.... GOOD... But Im leaving now....
And that they start making aggressions into us... crazy shit... you understand.. "IM NOT GOING TO THE TOWN!!!!" PLEASE MOVE ON....
If I get my passport.... OMG... what a tale the guy that works over there.... HMFG!!!! "He is Mexican, but the machine says its a Swedish Associated to that Swedish Crown..." locally, later on comes the state... "THE DENTISTS OF THE VICTOR'S CAR...." OMFG!!! Again the same shit...
Just imagine, to place publicly that I have to pay 30 Embraer Jets.... BUT WTF.... WHY... "Because our balls wants it...."
At least I have a peaceful way to go... All the shit they ask, in order to keep with this, and to not attack or do things...
Hopefully you understand....
"And why Laurene, or Reed, they just have to go to hire very very potent contractors, and arrive in a plane... get down trucks... choppers... anything needed, and take us out of here.... even directly to Troy Reed's house.... with a Cake.... and all the amenities...."
Why you think not? "they are no good...." "starts the Moral shit... machine..."
In Japan, they stop molesting... for some reason... "I might have a home over there...." "more mine than where I live on..."
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]
