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Slowcooking: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

2010.11.03 18:01 mmmyum Slowcooking: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Slowcooking is a food-related subreddit for sharing ideas, recipes or pictures in which a "Crock-Pot®" style slow cooker was used. Slow cooking is an ideal method for cooking less expensive portions of meat to make them more tender and tasty than by other forms of cookery. Vegetarian and vegan dishes can also be made via slow cooking. - crockpot, slowcooker, crock, crock-pot, slow cooker

2011.05.21 23:18 Food on a Budget.

Food on a Budget

2012.01.05 04:08 For anything and everything having to deal with skin!

The place for all things related to skincare, with a science-based approach.

2024.06.04 14:20 LeoLittlebook6 The minimum viable elimination diet is what Japanese mermaids ate.

For a version with navigable table of contents, see here.


An optimal diet should imitate the diet of the world's longest-lived people: Japanese women.
An optimal elimination diet follows the pattern of recovering from an upset stomach:
  1. For fluid, drink hot water with a pinch of sea salt "tea".
  2. For fuel, start with white rice congee. After #3 add brown rice, pre-soaked.
  3. For fresh, have 50g frozen sea meat (shrimp) per day. The rest can be canned.
  4. For fat, have 200g saltwater fish (mackerel) per day. Watch the mercury.
This is like a healthier version of chicken soup: Both are high in methionine, salt and rice.
A strong baseline makes it easy to detect harmful foods. You can thrive on #1-4, but why limit yourself? Establish a performance baseline, then introduce a new ingredient.


When I was a young man, I regarded cooking as a chore and simply wanted to eat healthy to gain muscle without wasting time. As a result, I ate a lot of Campbell's Chunky Soup and crackers. Not great for my sodium intake.
I sympathize with those who insist that a "minimum viable diet" should mean something simple and repeatable such as beef, potatoes and greens. Sounds great! If you're looking for lazy cooking, just learn some simple pressure cooker recipes. It does get more complicated than "throw tasty things in pot".
I might've continued as a culinary barbarian, had I not made some bad life choices, chief among which was taking a light course of Accutane, which is proven to cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease by aging epithelial stem cells. This caused my gut lining to gradually age, until I must now eat mush like an old man.
The struggle to find foods that didn't incapacitate me lead me to elimination diets and a journey into true minimalism, the meaning of which I hadn't appreciated before: not minimum cooking effort, but minimum digestive difficulty.
An elimination diet, also known as exclusion diet, is a diagnostic procedure used to identify foods that an individual cannot consume without adverse effects. – Elimination diet Wikipedia
My eventual solution happened to align with the diet of the longest-lived people in the world – the Japanese. (Well, the women are longest-lived. The men work and drink themselves to death.) Apparently, the secret to their longevity is eating a lot of shrimp and rice. White rice is considered hypoallergenic, and shrimp induces satiety via methionine, permitting calorie restriction.
Doctors have been unable to label my condition with any specific diagnosis, despite extensive tests and endoscopy. So I believe my solution is generalizable to those without specific problems, who nonetheless find themselves plagued with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
The less energy the gut must spend on digestion, the more energy the brain has to focus productively. Ancestral hunter gatherers could afford to lie around after a big meal; office workers not so much.
Even healthy people may be interested in the productivity benefits of easy digestion. Soylent is popular for this reason. The minimal Japanese diet is healthier, easier to digest, and much cheaper.
Soylent costs about $225 per month. In a typical day I eat:
Thus Soylent costs almost 3x more than the minimal Japanese diet! It's tastier too.
Most people don't want to eat minimally, and that's fine. However, those who hate cooking can keep the minimal ingredients at home, then indulge at restaurants.

Fluid, Fuel, Fresh and Fat


Humans are omnivores. Thus a proper minimal diet will consume both plants and animals. Among mammals, even herbivores are usually opportunistic carnivores. Compensating for pure vegetarianism or carnivory complicates things considerably, as icebound Eskimos and smooth-brained koala vegans demonstrate.
Given omnivory, a minimal diet has three major requirements:
  1. Fuel: either eat enough carbs and fat, or burn your own fat.
  2. Fresh: for volatile water-soluble vitamins and animal protein.
  3. Fat: for fat-soluble vitamins and well-being.
These are listed in order of priority.

1 Fluid

The Romans paid legionnaires in sea salt, leading to the expression, "Worth his salt". Without sea salt, humans develop goiters.
During a severe IBS episode, you often stop eating. That is fine, humans can fast for weeks. Just drink sea salt "tea" until your gut calms.
This staves off dehydration, but gets quite hungry. When ready to rise and cook, proceed to the next step. Until then, have a toothpick and relax.

2 Fuel

The first step of recovery is to have some bland white rice congee. It is usually the easiest thing to digest. (If not, try soaking or pick another grain.) Starch fuel prevents starvation, conserving body fat on skinny chronic IBS sufferers. You need enough calories to stay active.
Put a 1-2 handfuls of rice and generous water into the pressure cooker, then cook until congee.
Plain white rice does get boring. So alternate white with brown rice. Brown rice has insoluble fiber, which is hardest to digest. So start with just a pinch of brown rice in white, which will change the flavor of the pot enough to fool your brain. If you can tolerate insoluble fiber, then increase the ratio. Gas is a key sign you can't.
If you're constipated, increase the ratio of brown rice. Fiber keeps you regular.

3 Fresh

The next step is to consume healthy fresh meat. The healthiest sea meat is shrimp. Just a handful will induce satiety via methionine. Briefly autoheat them in the pressure cooker until they curl into a c-shape, not o. This is safe, because saltwater shrimp parasites can't transfer to freshwater hosts. Eat the shrimp before cooling, and save the broth for the next rice pot.
Wild meat is healthier than farmed, and saltwater is healthier than terrestrial. Humans are primarily a littoral species, even today. Our hairlessness is an aquatic adaptation (hippos, elephants); chimps can't swim. Our other closest relative, the pig, is semi-aquatic like us, and shares many anatomical features such as nose shape and eye color. Pigs, not chimps, are the main animal source for organ transplants into humans.
Water-soluble vitamins are present in all living plants and animals, but they degrade quickly. "Fresh" here just means the vitamins haven't degraded yet. The practical way to get "fresh" meat to your table is to freeze it. All but gourmet seafood is frozen; this doesn't hurt the vitamin content.
The vitamins in fresh meat are much more bioavailable than those in plants. Attempts to cure scurvy with lemons and limes failed, whereas eating fresh meat succeeded. Don't worry about the RDA value of vitamins in meat; they're calibrated to avoid deficiency from vegetable sources. If you want to play it safe, eat some fresh shellfish in addition to the shrimp.
You can survive on just shrimp and white rice for quite a while, possibly indefinitely. It's a thin existence, in more ways than one, but doable, as I've done it. Great way to lose weight. Difficult to get enough calories due to the methionine, so expect to be sedentary.
But you shouldn't! Once your gut stabilizes for a day or two, just eat your fat. Nobody wants to live like that, and there's no benefit.

4 Fat

Fat is the second hardest to digest, but the most rewarding. It's what puts a smile on your face and heat in your extremities. Fat soluble vitamins degrade slowly, so canned food is fine. Mackerel is incredibly cheap and delicious. At 13% fat, it is sufficient but not overwhelming to weak guts. The bones are easy to eat around. Save the broth for the next rice pot.
Watch the toxin accumulation. Maximum is 200g mackerel per day, due to arsenic. Try alternating with other fish, such as tuna and sardines.
If you have fat malabsorption, try putting cholestyramine powder in the rice pot preceding the fatty meal, and look into UDCA. Eating fat is essential to enjoy life. Hence the expression, "Fat and happy."

5 Free

Congratulations, you've completed the minimal Japanese diet! Now you can add whatever works for you.
Having a strong baseline means it's easy to tell when something makes you feel worse. Similarly, being malnourished makes it easy to tell when you eat something that was previously missing. Malnourishment is not a pleasant baseline, so I recommend the former!
For your first trial, I suggest seaweed sheets. They add a crunch to the mush. Then try soaking a handful of mixed tree nuts overnight in the cold pot. That should solve the snacking urge.
I'm sure you're eager to get to the steak and potatoes. The Weston Price Foundation has many more great ideas for healthy indulgence.



  1. handful of unenriched white rice, pressure cooked to congee, eaten before cooling to avoid resistant starch
  2. clean pot and dish
  3. 200g of wild-caught organic canned fish (no additives)
  4. in leftover broth, pressure cook longer a handful of white rice with pinch of organic tricolor brown rice (to fool blandness perception)
  5. clean pot and dish

Between meals:


  1. handful of unenriched white rice, pressure cooked to congee, eaten before cooling to avoid resistant starch
  2. clean pot and dish
  3. handful of wild-caught saltwater shelled shrimp (no additives) auto-heated to c-shape, not o-shape (that's overdone)
  4. in leftover broth, pressure cook longer a handful of white rice with pinch of organic tricolor brown rice (to fool blandness perception)
  5. clean pot and dish
The shrimp induces satiety for intermittent fasting.


Travel is tough. Suggestions welcome. Here's what I've got:
When traveling, boil questionable water, and carry activated charcoal, the censored antiviral and azithromycin. If you swallow something harmful, induce vomiting with salty water.

Outline nesting depth exceeded

Read as HTML instead, or markdown if you don't want to trust a static HTML Gitlab page.


palate reset

Agreed. It's amazing what you can taste when you stop eating doritos.

non-seafood version

Got a version of this that doesn't use seafood? I know it's healthy but i'm not a fan. I don't think I could bring myself to eat shrimp.
For a terrestrial version of the minimal diet, try organic chicken and eggs, which are high in methionine to discourage overeating. (Much of the benefits come from moderation.) You will need to cook the chicken much longer, but otherwise the same template should work.
Food Science: Methionine ScienceDirect
submitted by LeoLittlebook6 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:20 Winter_Resolve_5201 The Rookie's Lucy Chen aka Melissa O'Neil is hapa; The actress has made derogatory comments about being Asian. Thoughts?

Melissa O'Neil is hapa. Chinese mom born and raised in Hong Kong. White dad.
I'm so appalled by Melissa O'Neil's comments about her Chinese heritage. She pushes back on it really hard in one podcast in particular but has made equally hostile comments elsewhere:
She learns about Chinese culture "Incidentally" (eg. doesn't care about it) ... one look at her instagram and it's obvious that the "Chinese culture" she learns about is through heavy cultural appropriation.
Says her mom wants her to have a backup career option because her mom is "Chinese" (Melissa O'Neil laughs snidely as she says this)
Thinks it's HILARIOUS if she made JAMAICAN jerk chicken instead of spring rolls for ASIAN heritage month
Refers to her dad's (white) side as "us" and her mom's side as "them"
Her dad's mom gets the "grandma" treatment whereas her mom's mom is ... her "mom's mom"
Has publicly insulted her mom and grandma; her Chenford fans are rabid which means that what she does, they magnify. They've publicly insulted her mother (eg. you don't deserve your daughter). On the show, her Lucy character yells at her Chinese mom. Chenford fans want to send an armed white cop (Tim Bradford, played by Eric Winter) after Lucy's parents. Seriously THINK about this for a minute. A 6'2" white male cop going after elderly Asian parents.
Scoffs and spit takes when asked by the good-natured host if they can make spring rolls
Derogatorily and mockingly says that she and her mom know how to "plaAaaAAyYy the part" when asked to partake in heritage month. Is this community a joke to you, Melissa?
This is the same person who, when asked about representation, has said that she is "happy to even be considered a person of color" (she made this comment at an event where she very literally looked like this), has said she feels discriminated against for being cast in Asian roles, and has derogatorily brushed off additional questions about representation pre and during The Rookie. Sometimes she brushes off these questions by saying that she's just trying to portray a strong woman or that representation is not something she thinks about.
Her fans are pretty racist and she engages with them quite frequently. One of them referred to Mel's comments made above as "funny".
I think that, because Melissa ignores and disses her Asian side, her fans ignore it altogether. 99% of fanworks give her Lucy character x Tim kids blond haiblue eyes/make them fully Anglo. There's no diversity at all. When POC bring up the need for diversity, they get MAJOR pushback from The Rookie fans. That fandom is unsafe for POC unless they subscribe to the "white is right" mentality. Many are afraid to speak out. Melissa can do something about this, is aware of these problems, chooses to ignore it, and chooses to consistently interact with these bullies who whitewash, even validating their whitewashing.
Has said that food in Hong Kong is "inedible". Said in the same podcast that the sausage she ate as a kid (which I think are the ones that are sold at 99 Ranch ... you know what I'm talking about) doesn't contain any real ingredients.
Validated a coworker (Eric Winter) who had a guest on his podcast that generalized Chinese people, by failing to differentiate it from the gov't, as "dangerous"
She has never posted support for asian americans who were mistreated in 2020/2021. Yet she lines her pockets playing a character whose last name is CHEN. She's never posted about AAPI Heritage month. In fact, the The Rookie doesn't even acknowledge AAPI Heritage Month anymore (they annually acknowledge Black History Month, Latin History Month, even International Women's Day).
Melissa "Learns" about Chinese culture through white-run companies (eg. Global Tea Hut) that cater to an almost exclusively white clientele and that appropriates Chinese tea culture for a profit. Has made fun of Asian women for being jealous that she gets cast in Asian roles. Goes to tea ceremonies and Asian establishments run exclusively by white people for white people. Buys Asian tea sets that are made by white people. Goes to kung-fu camp, only hangs out with white people. Validates a white man who told her that the kung-fu gods love offerings of torn-up shoes (this is super insulting to culture ... it's like saying that certain cultures are only "good enough" for scraps).
It seems that she is Asian by convenience. It got her the Lucy Chen and the Portia Lin roles, and she's making bank off of Lucy Chen.
These are just a few examples of what she's said/done. I have tons more.
And for reference ... Her mother's screenname is HKChick2000 or something like that. HK for Hong Kong. Her mother has a strong accent. Kept her maiden name. Melissa learned Cantonese way before she learned English. She knows a bunch of Cantonese nursery rhymes and games. Doesn't talk about any of this. Instead, is incredibly hostile towards it.
I mean, The Rookie is on ABC. She's been a cast member for 6 seasons, going on 7. The Lucy Chen character is beloved, is the only Asian character on the show, gets heavily shipped with the hot guy, but I think it's because she's treated as "white" instead of Asian. And I think Melissa has a lot to do with it. As far as representation in media, Melissa and Lucy Chen totally sucks.The shitty thing is, she could be a step forward for media representation. She just chooses not to be.
It's such backwards behavior from the actress. She's very political and advocates for black and brown people. Yet she pushes back on her people.
I went on a rant but I'm just deeply hurt and annoyed by what I see from her and the racist behavior in The Rookie fandom. If it's any indication of how bad that fandom is, I got permanently banned from the MelissaONeil sub for quoting what Melissa O'Neil said about her heritage.
If you're not gonna advocate, fine. But don't drag it down.
Spewing this shit is not okay.
submitted by Winter_Resolve_5201 to racism [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:28 Winter_Resolve_5201 The Rookie's Lucy Chen aka Melissa O'Neil is hapa; The actress has made derogatory comments about being Asian. Thoughts?

Melissa O'Neil is hapa. Chinese mom born and raised in Hong Kong. White dad.
I'm so appalled by Melissa O'Neil's comments about her Chinese heritage. She pushes back on it really hard in one podcast in particular but has made equally hostile comments elsewhere:
She learns about Chinese culture "Incidentally" (eg. doesn't care about it) ... one look at her instagram and it's obvious that the "Chinese culture" she learns about is through heavy cultural appropriation.
Says her mom wants her to have a backup career option because her mom is "Chinese" (Melissa O'Neil laughs snidely as she says this)
Thinks it's HILARIOUS if she made JAMAICAN jerk chicken instead of spring rolls for ASIAN heritage month
Refers to her dad's (white) side as "us" and her mom's side as "them"
Her dad's mom gets the "grandma" treatment whereas her mom's mom is ... her "mom's mom"
Has publicly insulted her mom and grandma; her Chenford fans are rabid which means that what she does, they magnify. They've publicly insulted her mother (eg. you don't deserve your daughter). On the show, her Lucy character yells at her Chinese mom. Chenford fans want to send an armed white cop (Tim Bradford, played by Eric Winter) after Lucy's parents. Seriously THINK about this for a minute. A 6'2" white male cop going after elderly Asian parents.
Scoffs and spit takes when asked by the good-natured host if they can make spring rolls
Derogatorily and mockingly says that she and her mom know how to "plaAaaAAyYy the part" when asked to partake in heritage month. Is this community a joke to you, Melissa?
This is the same person who, when asked about representation, has said that she is "happy to even be considered a person of color" (she made this comment at an event where she very literally looked like this), has said she feels discriminated against for being cast in Asian roles, and has derogatorily brushed off additional questions about representation pre and during The Rookie. Sometimes she brushes off these questions by saying that she's just trying to portray a strong woman or that representation is not something she thinks about.
Her fans are pretty racist and she engages with them quite frequently. One of them referred to Mel's comments made above as "funny".
I think that, because Melissa ignores and disses her Asian side, her fans ignore it altogether. 99% of fanworks give her Lucy character x Tim kids blond haiblue eyes/make them fully Anglo. There's no diversity at all. When POC bring up the need for diversity, they get MAJOR pushback from The Rookie fans. That fandom is unsafe for POC unless they subscribe to the "white is right" mentality. Many are afraid to speak out. Melissa can do something about this, is aware of these problems, chooses to ignore it, and chooses to consistently interact with these bullies who whitewash, even validating their whitewashing.
Has said that food in Hong Kong is "inedible". Said in the same podcast that the sausage she ate as a kid (which I think are the ones that are sold at 99 Ranch ... you know what I'm talking about) doesn't contain any real ingredients.
Validated a coworker (Eric Winter) who had a guest on his podcast that generalized Chinese people, by failing to differentiate it from the gov't, as "dangerous"
She has never posted support for asian americans who were mistreated in 2020/2021. Yet she lines her pockets playing a character whose last name is CHEN. She's never posted about AAPI Heritage month. In fact, the The Rookie doesn't even acknowledge AAPI Heritage Month anymore (they annually acknowledge Black History Month, Latin History Month, even International Women's Day).
Melissa "Learns" about Chinese culture through white-run companies (eg. Global Tea Hut) that cater to an almost exclusively white clientele and that appropriates Chinese tea culture for a profit. Has made fun of Asian women for being jealous that she gets cast in Asian roles. Goes to tea ceremonies and Asian establishments run exclusively by white people for white people. Buys Asian tea sets that are made by white people. Goes to kung-fu camp, only hangs out with white people. Validates a white man who told her that the kung-fu gods love offerings of torn-up shoes (this is super insulting to culture ... it's like saying that certain cultures are only "good enough" for scraps).
It seems that she is Asian by convenience. It got her the Lucy Chen and the Portia Lin roles, and she's making bank off of Lucy Chen.
These are just a few examples of what she's said/done. I have tons more.
And for reference ... Her mother's screenname is HKChick2000 or something like that. HK for Hong Kong. Her mother has a strong accent. Kept her maiden name. Melissa learned Cantonese way before she learned English. She knows a bunch of Cantonese nursery rhymes and games. Doesn't talk about any of this. Instead, is incredibly hostile towards it.
I mean, The Rookie is on ABC. She's been a cast member for 6 seasons, going on 7. The Lucy Chen character is beloved, is the only Asian character on the show, gets heavily shipped with the hot guy, but I think it's because she's treated as "white" instead of Asian. And I think Melissa has a lot to do with it. As far as representation in media, Melissa and Lucy Chen totally sucks.The shitty thing is, she could be a step forward for media representation. She just chooses not to be.
It's such backwards behavior from the actress. She's very political and advocates for black and brown people. Yet she pushes back on her people.
I went on a rant but I'm just deeply hurt and annoyed by what I see from her and the racist behavior in The Rookie fandom. If it's any indication of how bad that fandom is, I got permanently banned from the MelissaONeil sub for quoting what Melissa O'Neil said about her heritage. They then told ME that no one cares about what Mel said. Are you only selectively caring about what she says and turning a blind eye to her problematic behavior?
If you're not gonna advocate, fine. But don't drag it down.
Spewing this shit is not okay.
submitted by Winter_Resolve_5201 to TheRookieUniverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:17 Winter_Resolve_5201 The Rookie's Lucy Chen aka Melissa O'Neil is hapa; The actress has made derogatory comments about being Asian. Thoughts?

(**title should say that she's made derogatory comments ABOUT ASIANS)
(Crossposted to hapas)
Melissa O'Neil is hapa. Chinese mom born and raised in Hong Kong. White dad.
I'm so appalled by Melissa O'Neil's comments about her Chinese heritage. She pushes back on it really hard in one podcast in particular but has made equally hostile comments elsewhere:
She learns about Chinese culture "Incidentally" (eg. doesn't care about it) ... one look at her instagram and it's obvious that the "Chinese culture" she learns about is through heavy cultural appropriation. Her "Asian" stuff comes from white people profiting off of poor, rural people in China.
Says her mom wants her to have a backup career option because her mom is "Chinese" (Melissa O'Neil laughs snidely as she says this)
Thinks it's HILARIOUS if she made JAMAICAN jerk chicken instead of spring rolls for ASIAN heritage month
Refers to her dad's (white) side as "us" and her mom's side as "them"
Her dad's mom gets the "grandma" treatment whereas her mom's mom is ... her "mom's mom"
Has publicly insulted her mom and grandma; her Chenford fans are rabid which means that what she does, they magnify. They've publicly insulted her mother (eg. you don't deserve your daughter). On the show, her Lucy character yells at her Chinese mom. Chenford fans want to send an armed white cop (Tim Bradford, played by Eric Winter) after Lucy's parents. Seriously THINK about this for a minute. A 6'2" white male cop going after elderly Asian parents.
Scoffs and spit takes when asked by the good-natured host if they can make spring rolls
Derogatorily and mockingly says that she and her mom know how to "plaAaaAAyYy the part" when asked to partake in AAPI heritage month. Is this community a joke to you, Melissa?
This is the same person who, when asked about representation, has said that she is "happy to even be considered a person of color" (she made this comment at an event where she very literally looked like this), has said she feels discriminated against for being cast in Asian roles, and has derogatorily brushed off additional questions about representation pre and during The Rookie. Sometimes she brushes off these questions by saying that she's just trying to portray a strong woman or that representation is not something she thinks about.
Her fans are pretty racist and she engages with them quite frequently. One of her racist fans Jenn (goes by portialedas on TwitteX and svvennii on TumblInstagram) referred to Mel's comments made above as "funny". Melissa frequently interacts with and validates this anti-Asian POS.
I think that, because Melissa ignores and disses her Asian side, her fans ignore it altogether. 99% of fanworks give her Lucy character x Tim kids blond haiblue eyes/make them fully Anglo. There's no diversity at all. When POC bring up the need for diversity, they get MAJOR pushback from The Rookie fans. That fandom is unsafe for POC unless they subscribe to the "white is right" mentality. Many are afraid to speak out. Chenford fans that speak out against whitewashing get bullied, harassed, become outcasts. Melissa can do something about this, is aware of this problematic and toxic racism among HER OWN FANS, chooses to ignore it, and chooses to consistently interact with these bullies who whitewash, even validating their whitewashing. The only types of drawings and fanworks that she amplifies are the ones that whitewash heLucy Chen.
Has said that food in Hong Kong is "inedible". Said in the same podcast that the sausage she ate as a kid (which I think are the ones that are sold at 99 Ranch ... you know what I'm talking about) doesn't contain any real ingredients.
Validated a coworker (Eric Winter) who had a guest on his podcast that generalized Chinese people, by failing to differentiate it from the gov't, as "dangerous"
She has never posted support for asian americans who were mistreated in 2020/2021. Yet she lines her pockets playing a character whose last name is CHEN. She's never posted about AAPI Heritage month. Has never liked a post about it. In fact, the The Rookie doesn't even acknowledge AAPI Heritage Month anymore (they annually acknowledge Black History Month, Latin History Month, even International Women's Day). Her fans are quick to defend Melissa for being excluded from IWD but no one - literally no one - questioned the exclusion of AAPI Heritage Month. If you bring this up in The Rookie fandom, you'll get pushback. Think about why that is.
Melissa "Learns" about Chinese culture through white-run companies (eg. Global Tea Hut) that cater to an almost exclusively white clientele and that appropriates Chinese tea culture for a profit. Goes to tea ceremonies and Asian establishments run exclusively by white people for white people. Buys Asian tea sets that are made by white people. Goes to kung-fu camp, only hangs out with white people. Validates a white man who told her that the kung-fu gods love offerings of torn-up shoes (this is super insulting to culture ... it's like saying that certain cultures are only "good enough" for scraps).
She has made fun of Asian women for being jealous that she gets cast in Asian roles.
Says Mulan *sorta* looks like her. Mulan is a friggin cartoon. What do you mean she *sorta* looks like you? It comes across as her thinking she has an air of superiority for only *kinda* looking like a full Asian.
It seems that she is Asian by convenience. It got her the Lucy Chen and the Portia Lin roles, and she's making bank off of Lucy Chen.
These are just a few examples of what she's said/done. I have tons more.
And for reference ... Her mother's screenname is HKChick2000 or something like that. HK for Hong Kong. Her mother has a strong accent. Kept her maiden name. Melissa learned Cantonese way before she learned English. She knows a bunch of Cantonese nursery rhymes and games. Doesn't talk about any of this. Instead, is incredibly hostile towards it.
I mean, The Rookie is on ABC. She's been a cast member for 6 seasons, going on 7. The Lucy Chen character is beloved, is the only Asian character on the show, gets heavily shipped with the hot guy, but I think it's because she's treated as "white" instead of Asian. And I think Melissa has a lot to do with it. As far as representation in media, Melissa and Lucy Chen totally suck. The shitty thing is, she could be a step forward for media representation. She just chooses not to be.
It's such backwards behavior from the actress. She's very political and advocates for black and brown people. Yet she pushes back on her people.
I went on a rant but I'm just deeply hurt and annoyed by what I see from her and the racist behavior in The Rookie fandom. If it's any indication of how bad that fandom is, I got permanently banned from the MelissaONeil sub for quoting what Melissa O'Neil said about her heritage. Moderators from that sub then told me that "no one cares" about racism. Do with that what you will.
Melissa, if you're not gonna advocate, fine. But don't drag your mom's side down. And don't edify your racist fans. You're just as much of a whitewasher as they are if you do ... actually, you're worse because you're an Asian woman with a platform.
Spewing this shit is not okay.
submitted by Winter_Resolve_5201 to aznidentity [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:31 laursasaurus Insta pups letter

Insta pups letter
Hello! I’ve been trying for ages to get this letter. According to the Wiki these the ingredients needed: slot 1 sunflower, slot 2 red rose, and slot 3 copper can. Can I please have a sanity check that these are the right amount and slots? Thank you!!
submitted by laursasaurus to AnimalRestaurant [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:30 Avaale Critique my Routine Tuesdays!

If you'd like to know what others think about your routine, the order of products and to find your skin twin (people who have the same skin type / skin issues / product likes and dislikes), post here!
This is for people who already have a routine. If you want help curating a routine from scratch, please check the wiki
But be warned! This might turn into a mini AMA where people are curious about your routine and have tons of questions to ask you! 😁
Please follow the format 👇 for uniformity and to provide adequate information for people to help:
Note: There is no perfect way of doing things, only okay ways and better ways, so please take any critique with a grain of salt because skin is personal and not everyone's skin reacts to the same products / ingredients in the exact same way.
Please be polite and kind when providing opinions / critique. Do not violate Rule 1.

This is a weekly thread and will go up every Tuesday. You can comment, any time during the week though.

If you’re not sure why you were redirected to post here, please check the rules in the sidebar or here and the flairs and post formats here. If have any queries or need clarifications, please send a modmail.
submitted by Avaale to IndianSkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:25 AxstromVinoven Jumper Axstrom - #29 - Fallout 1 and Modded Fallout

Apologies for screwed up formatting in the jump notes, Reddit can't handle large markdown lists

Axstrom's Notes

  1. The list is here: big jump list
  2. The draw (1-5548) is 3630, 5321, 2816, 5548, 1067
    1. Drawing 5 so there are backups in case of issues, but the jumper gets to choose among 3
    2. 3630 is Fallout 1 Jumpchain - SPECIAL stats, skills, bottlecaps, etc
    3. 5321 is Heaven’s Lost Property - a 2007-2014 Manga categorized as "comedy, fantasy, harem"
    4. 2816 is Beetlejuice the Musical - based on the movie
    5. 5548 is Karakuri Douji Ultimo - a Manga about mechanical boys emboying complete good and evil fighting eachother
    6. Jumper chooses Fallout 1
      1. Jump Doc
      2. Reddit discussion
    7. Benefactor applies Modded Fallout in Supplement mode
      1. Jump Doc
      2. Reddit discussion

Build Notes

  1. Common Items
    1. F1 - Fallout Starting Gear - a pistol, clothes, food and water
    2. MF - RobCo Pip-Boy - wrist-configuration computer with connectors, mapping, geiger counter, med scanner, etc
      1. Axstrom has his merged in with "Tablet of the Free" to unify quest tracking
  2. Drawbacks - trying to keep it sane here
    1. F1 - Hunted (Master's Mutant Army) - they'll keep coming for me even if their base is destroyed
    2. MF - Long Forgotten - Lovecraftian horrors awakened
  3. Companions - after a long solo jump, a large party seems nice
    1. Kenji - the big guy has been due for a while
      1. F1:
        1. Very Good Strength and Very Good Endurance - playing to his type
        2. Tag skills: Big Guns, Unarmed, Repair - synergistic (assuming you don't want to use big guns if something gets to close range)
        3. Friendly Foe - limit friendly fire risks, playing into the build
        4. Psychic Nullifier - headgear to block out psi affects
        5. Big Funs: Flamer and Missile Launcher - pricey but what he really wants
        6. Hardened Power Armor - even tougher than normal
      2. MF - Power background
        1. Cheater's Heart - freebie to easily identify system synergies and busted combos
        2. Mayhem x2 - replenishing ammo bag, can be switched to different ammo types, even supports rare ammo
        3. VATS - freebie but probably the best for heavy weapons guy
        4. Achievements List - keep track of record and slowly gain power from it
        5. Game Breaker: Power Armor Upgrades - adds a shield and minor improvements across the board to his power armor
        6. base upgrades: firepower and armageddon x2
    2. Shock - excited at getting access to an interesting tech base
      1. F1:
        1. Heroic Intelligence - to better understand the tech
        2. Tag skills - Energy Weapons, Traps, Science - traps and science are her schtick
        3. Bloody Mess - people die in gruesome ways, no mechanical advantage but suits her sense of humor
        4. Presence - people feel uneasy when confronting her
        5. Psyker (Electrokinesis) - she's gotten enough crap for being named Shock and having no electrical powers
        6. Psychic Nullifier - as above
        7. Tesla Armor - armor focused on diffusing energy attacks
        8. Floating Eye-Bots - Shock loves minions
      2. MF - Loot background
        1. Tool King - all kinds of fallout crafting, full awareness of needed components and tools, mistake prevention
        2. Wasteland (Re)Builder - mental "build interface" and instant build of things when materials are on-hand
        3. Augmented Scanner - PipBoy upgrade to highlight loot caches, and ability to filter to specific items or materials
        4. base upgrades: support, garage, cutting edge
    3. Ren - Liked the game once, wants to see what mods bring
      1. F1:
        1. Heroic Luck and Heroic Charisma - Ren has had issues with luck in the past, and wants to help people without taking the blame for problems
        2. Tag skills - Small Guns, Doctor, Gambling - Ren has a shotgun, healing experience, and debt issues
        3. Awareness - estimating and evaluating enemies (or other people in general)
        4. Follower of the Apocalypse - studying, spreading knowledge, making medicine
        5. Sniper - more damage from guns (even close range)
        6. Bottle Cap Crate - spending money
        7. Chem Box - Replenishing supply of chems / drugs
      2. MF - Aesthetics background
        1. Vista Fanatic - The world around becomes more beautiful
        2. Vault-Tec Simu-Light - technological dark vision
        3. Sweet Release - Even more drugs and chems, including the rare ones
        4. Decals - visual customization to items makes them function better
        5. Saturn Spray - magically prevent visible damage (but allow actual damage) to avoid the need to clean, repaint, etc
        6. base upgrades: Paradise, Armageddon, Cutting Edge
    4. Seijiro - professional soldier who thinks he knows the lore
      1. F1 - Immersion background
        1. Heroic Perception and Heroic Agility - perfect for a marksman
        2. Tag skills - Small guns, Throwing, Outdoorsman - special forces
        3. Explorer - a sense for places of interested
        4. Desert Ranger - survival and combat skills
        5. Sniper - as above
        6. Explosives Box - replenishing throwables
      2. MF:
        1. Skill Master: Speech - sometimes you have to negotiate
        2. The Sight - Psyker ability to see glimpses of the future and find important clues
        3. Division - Powerful ability to run a real-time simulation of a second reality
        4. Location Tracker - free PipBoy upgrade to identify and filter nearby points of interested
        5. base upgrades: Integration, Teleporter, Cutting Edge
  4. Origin - I took the Loot background from Modded Fallout
    1. All the options were good, but thinking about what I specifically need right now, it suited me best
  5. Perks
    1. F1 - Heroic Perception and Heroic Agility - good for shooting and stealthing
    2. F1 - Tag skills: Energy Weapons, Barter, Sneak - aligned with Loot
    3. F1 - Awareness - see above
    4. F1 - Silent Death - extra sneakiness, attack from behind for more damage, indirect attacks
    5. MF - Tool King - see above
    6. MF - Bobby Pins and Boot Scripts - bypass locks of all types easily
  6. Items
    1. F1:
      1. Motion Sensor - helpful to avoid detection
      2. Electronic Lock-Pick - for keycards and access codes
      3. Stealth Boy 3001 - advanced stealth device
      4. Deathclaw Nest - raisable deathclaws!
    2. MF:
      1. Freebies: fallout games (and mods) and bobbleheads
      2. Augmented Scanner - as above
      3. Full Storage - design specs, schematics, etc for all semi-common tech in the setting
      4. Heavy Vertibird - VTOL is powerful, and VTOL with heavy weapons is even better
      5. Mothership Zeta - as defined in base build examples
        1. base upgrades: Settlement, Mobile, Flight, Orbital, Protected x2
      6. Major Mods - enhanced weapons, and cover for my butchering the story

Jump Notes

  1. With the biosphere revealed to all, and many new projects underway, I head to the Benefactor's office again
    1. Again, there are four envelopes, each with a sticker inside
      1. Fallout 1 - the classic videogame that kicked off a major franchise
      2. Heaven's Lost Property - some kind of moderately lewd anime about angels coming to earth?
      3. Beetlejuice the Musical - I'm not sure how it differs from the movie, but it could be interesting
      4. Karakuri Douji Ultimo - Manga about ancient mechanical boys that are somehow moral extremes and need to fight
    2. The truth is that while I've enjoyed the semi-lewd Manga/Anime/VN jumps I've visited, they seem to have their own weird power systems that don't interact well with others, and I'm looking for some good general purpose tech an abilities
      1. So even though Fallout is kind of a shitty place to live, it seems like a promising place to loot
      2. I'm used to how the Benefactor operates now, so after placing the Fallout 1 sticker on my Jump Tracker chart, I look away and look back to see "with mods!" stamped on top of it
        1. Not knowing which mods, or anything else about them, makes me a little apprehensive, but I'm sure the core of the game will still be there
    3. When I send out a message announcing the next jump, I get a few immediate responses
      1. Kenji reminds me that he has dibs on a companion slot for a sci-fi setting, and he wants to good
      2. Seijiro and Ren both played the original game, and Seijiro played some of the followups, and they're interested
      3. Everyone else is interested in going as well, each for their own reasons, mostly sent in private messages to me
        1. Rather than have individual discourse about this, I announce that Kenji's going along, and we can discuss the rest in the game room in the afternoon
    4. Ultimately, some people are more interested than others, and I see Shock actually trying to reverse engineer the game to see what tech options are available
    5. We make some rough plans, and do a few playthroughs of the game to make notes, but without knowing anything about the mods involved, any plan is likely to go out the window upon arrival
  2. When I try to launch the jump, we get diverted to the Benefactor's lounge instead
    1. This is the first time companions have been able to enter the lounge, and when I say where they are, they seem a little crestfallen, like they were expecting something more impressive behind the mystery
      1. A conference-room phone is on the table, and an unfamiliar voice welcomes the newcomers by name
      2. "This jump's supplement offers an unusual twist - you can collaborate on putting points into a base of operations. The cost will depend on what kind of features you want, but there's a reference sheet under the table. Also, while not strictly necessary, it will be slightly cheaper if you cover the four origin tracks offered in the supplement. Take a few minutes to look it over, and press the red button on the phone when you've decided."
      3. Shock grabs the sheet, taped to the bottom of the table, before the voice finishes talking, and as soon as it's done, she says "I want the big one" - referring to the 1800 point "Mothership", an when Kenji sees the words "orbital Death Ray", he agrees
      4. Looking over the reference sheet, we think we can manage it - the team is willing to divvy up the background origins and each throw in a third of their CP on top of that, and I should be able to cover the rest
      5. We hit the call button on the phone and announce our plan, and the voice responds "Excellent choice. Launch will commence in five minutes. Take a moment to relax until then."
    2. When the timer runs out, that old feeling of my guts twisting inside me takes over as we enter the jump
      1. There's no air - I'm slightly vacuum adapted but not that much
        1. I haven't used my Morph Gear in what feels like ages, but I call it from the inventory and activate the EVA suit I added to it in Martian Successor Nadesico
        2. I catch my breath and see that I'm near a very large spacecraft - this may be our mothership or it may not be, and since I can't see the PipBoy armband through this suit, I'll have to find an airlock to knowing
      2. It takes a few minutes, but I find a small maintenance hatch on the bottom of the ship
        1. The fact that it's locked is a small hindrance, but I know I have new trick for that
        2. I slow down time, dismiss the EVA suit, haphazardly jam a cable from my pipboy into the panel by the hatch, and run a script to overload the control panel - the door starts to open before my lungs even register the desire to breathe
    3. Once I'm safely inside a pressurized environment, I take a moment to look at my PipBoy
      1. My current objective is to take over the ship, with optional side objectives to free my companions
        1. My attempts to telepathically reach them fail, so without a map of the ship, I just start exploring
      2. It doesnt take me long to run into a squad of aliens
        1. They turn hostile, but didn't seem to be expecting combat
        2. I can feel one of them try a psionic attack on me, which doesn't land, and as I try my psionics to put them to sleep, they seem to easily shrug off my attacks
        3. I try a different tack, retrieving my cartoon revolver and shooting each in turn
        4. The knock-out effect works like a charm, so I retrieve the bullets, thank them kindly, and reload
        5. I quick drop them into the warehouse with a note to please put them in the birdcage for now, and we'll sort them out later
        6. They seemed to be saying something in a language I couldn't understand, or even vocalize in that range, so I throw a Tongues spell on myself in case I find any more
        7. It doesn't take long, and the next one is ready for combat, but helpfully refuses to notice me sneaking around for a moment
        8. I try to catch him by surprise, but the cartoon bullet's attacks bounce harmlessly off a forcefield
        9. While he's leveling some kind of raygun at me, I drop a decoy, teleport behind him, and start hacking with my axe
        10. My first attack is deflected by the shield, but the second sinks deep into his hip, and alien blood starts pouring everywhere, while he's still figuring out that my decoy is just that
        11. A direct attack at what I guess is his field emitter seems to disable the effect, and another shot from the revolver takes him out
        12. I keep sneaking around, avoiding the hostiles where possible, and eventually find a lone civilian type
        13. Before he notices me, a whip wraps around him, preventing him from moving, and I drag him into the Warehouse entrance hall, and from there to the temporary holding cells we set up for Baldur's Gate
        14. He seems surprised when he can understand what I'm saying, and is initially reluctant to speak, but is persuaded when he sees the guard-caste alien, still bleeding and unconscious, brought in
        15. He gives me directions to the containment area where the other humans are kept, his best guess at where my companions might be - it seems like he thinks I'll meet my match there, so I proceed with caution
        16. The guards at the containment facility aren't my match and a small group of Stunt Doubles takes them out with quiet precision melee strikes to their field emitters
      3. Kenji, Ren, and Seijiro are here, along with some other humans - I let them all out and sent the non-companions into the warehouse, telling them it was advanced teleportation, locking them in the medbay until someone coul deal with them
        1. They had some personal items nearby, incluing Seijiro's PipBoy, which was upgraded with advanced mapping tools that helped us orient ourselves
        2. As we were about to leave, Shock yelled out behind us
        3. Apparently the containment cells inhibited magic and psionic abilities, but the ship's artificial gravity was enough for her to generate small Chulip crystals and teleport to a nearby storage room without being impeded
      4. Reunited, and at least somewhat geared up, the optional mission of reuniting was marked complete, and by connecting my PipBoy with Seijiro's, we were able to get the quest to show a route to completing the "take over the ship" mission
        1. Opening the containment cells must have triggered a silent alarm or something, since we encounter no more civilians, but large patrols of combat aliens instead
          1. We try to keep it peaceful, but they don't respond to our spoken threats, or the sight of their fallen comrades, and their shields and alien psionic structure limit our ability to use nonlethal options, and most of them don't make it
          2. We take a few injuries on our side but significantly fewer after healing and focusing our buff spells on Kenji
      5. After taking out a few patrols, they come less frequently, and eventually we find ourselves outside the bridge of the ship
        1. The door is locked, but we've already figured out at least 4 ways to bypass locks on this ship
        2. Inside is the Alien Captain, and he seems prepared for a fight to the death
        3. Well, prepared by his standards - by mine, he is approximately as slow and feeble as a baseline alien, just using a more powerful shield and weapon than his suborinates
        4. I carefully whittle down his shield, then destroy the emitter, and then knock him unconscious with the cartoon gun
        5. I haven't fully appreciated before how the "cartoon violence" knockout carries substantially lower risk of a concussion or other brain injury than mundane violence
        6. Rather than kill him or throw him in my extradimensional jail, I have something a bit more devious planned
        7. I true polymorph him into a human while he's unconscious, which makes him much more susceptible to our psionic influence
          1. Ren and I have both commented on how we should focus on training our psionics on these aliens when time permits
        8. When the effect is permanent, and he is awake again, we forcefully negotiate that he and his crew, and this ship, will now be ours
          1. He concedes, but under duress
          2. We'll need to spend some time "working" with him to make this take hold, it seems
      6. After nearly a full day of negotiation with the Captain, using our considerable array of talents, the Captain seems genuinely willing to play along, provided we honor our side of negotiations
        1. So we call an all-hands meeting among the alien crew, and explain the situation
        2. Seeing their leader prostrate before us has some effect at least, thanks to Master of Masters
        3. I explain our mission, and that as my crew, they will be under my protection as well as my command
        4. Followed up with a show of force - offering anyone aboard a one-time chance to challenge me for command
          1. One of the lieutenants takes up the offer, but by now I've seen how they fight, and humiliate him
        5. And then the carrot and stick
          1. After some interrogation, we discovered that aliens can eat earth food, but they generally don't like most of it, but they love fresh arthropods, and we happen to have a spider farm
          2. Aliens who cause trouble for us will be sent to the surface unarmed
          3. Although they have natural psi abilities and can resist our intrusions for now they are quite susceptible to magic like Zone of Truth, and we plan random checks to identify who belongs in which group
        6. For clarity, Shock informs them that she is not human in her native form, and has been treated better by us than she was by her own kind, who bossed her around and underestimated her
    4. After about a week of threats, enticement, interrogations, training, and spells, we have the Zetan Mothership seemingly working for us
      1. We've made significant headway on psionically interfacing with the creatures, which saves me the trouble of having to frequently cast the Tongues spell as well
      2. After we inspected the cargo hold, we found several of our belongings
        1. Shock has already affixed UFO impulse drivers to the Vertibird, giving it the ability to reach orbit and maneuver into and out of the mothership launch bay
        2. Kenji's Power Armor was already undergoing testing by the aliens, and is now upgraded with a recharging force shield and a significantly improved computer system
  3. Knowing that we've been sent to Fallout 1, even if modded, our next priority is to figure out the current status of Vault 13
    1. We don't know who our Vault Dweller is, exactly, or if they've even sent one in this continuity, but we have a guess of the path they might travel, so we decide to travel it backwards, and start with the necropolis
      1. Unfortunately aiming the teleport beacons isn't an exact science, and we aren't as close to the Necropolis as we hoped
        1. As we materialize in place, a new quest indicator appears on my Pip-Boy: "Save the eggs."
        2. The "eggs" are about 200 meters east according to scans, so we all go that way as fast as possible
        3. I arrive first, thanks to no-longer-inhibited teleportation, just in time to see a throng of mutants take down a mother deathclaw, and then turn their wrath toward me
        4. If they want a fight, they can have one - they may knock a bit of ink out of me, but I'm not worried
          1. In the knick of time a pull a punch to avoid shoving one directly on top of a pile of eggs that had been concealed when I arrived
          2. The mutants are significantly stronger and tougher than baseline humans, but not especially fast or well-trained
        5. I tuck the eggs in hammerspace, clearing the quest, and we get back to our goal
      2. Fortunately, the heavy vertibird had been stashed in the warehouse prior to us beaming down
        1. I fly it out, taking advantage of the new Airport rifting capability
    2. There's little effective resistance on our way into the Necropolis
      1. A few ferals come for us and are easily dispatched
        1. Even the ferals don't qualify as undead for magic purposes, which means we have to actually deal with them
      2. Set, the leader of ghouls in the place, wisely agrees to negotiate, and we know just what he wants
        1. Offering to help with mechanical and repair issues in exchange for permission to root around in the vault
        2. Seeing that we're heavily armed, he does forewarn us of the super mutants near his water system
      3. Super mutants, broken pumps, and delicate circuit boards are all easily handled with a bit of foreknowledge
      4. Set is impressed with our speed and efficiency, and I am surprised by how reasonable he seems
        1. But again, that may be because we are heavily armed
      5. I task a Stunt Double with caring for the Deathclaw Eggs and check in with the Stunt Double running the mothership before we move on
    3. With the Water Chip in hand, we head towards Vault 13
      1. Along the way we make brief stops at The Hub and Junktown to make acquaintances, and leave messages in case our mysterious vault dweller passes through
        1. Of course we decided leave Gizmo with a Geas and psychic compulsion to obey the rules and play fair
        2. A group of supermutants tried to ambush us while we were scouting the perimeter as a favor to Killian, but they were once again underprepared, and easily dispatched
      2. But the notes were unnecessary, as we found the Vault Dweller at Shady Sands after all
        1. She wasn't one of the pregens, but someone new - a survivalist sort named Carla
        2. We had discussed various contingencies beforehand, and agreed that we shouldn't deprive the heroic Vault Dweller of their story, or the world of their influence
        3. So we didn't offer the chip immediately; we found her and started making nice
        4. When you're stacked up on social perks, it doesn't take long to build a good impression, and we deftly handled the conversation to make it seem like Carla ought to impress us and earn our trust, not the other way around
        5. After some exposition, and a day's worth of doing good deeds together, we steered conversation to the water chip, and got her to agree to stay and help with the mutants in exchange for it
        6. And of course we insisted on escorting her back to Vault 13 to stay safely
          1. Not at all because we wanted her to see the mutant attacks that keep cropping up, of course
    4. As usual, the Overseer of Vault 13 also demanded Carla deal with the growing Supermutant problem
      1. Since our group offered safety, good intentions, plus transportation and good food, we had our hooks sunk in Carla pretty deep by now
      2. We make an intentionally slow pace with our Vertibird, stopping to help and gather information at settlements
      3. During the journey, I declare Carla a "Great Person" for saving her vault and staying out to help with this greater threat, which comes with significant boosts to her abilities
        1. At the same time, Shock continues to upgrade her weapons and armor, Kenji and Seijiro train her further in combat andd tactics, and Ren keeps her mind clear and prepared to do what must be done
      4. The system of this world responds to our actions, and our abilities improve as we churn through requests
      5. The cathedral isn't hard to find, and we put our plan into action
      6. Carla and I split off to go deal with the master, while the others harry the perimeter and generally cause distractions and headaches
      7. Modding hasn't changed the layout of the LA Vault, and we both have stealth gear, so we easily slip in and activate the bomb
      8. I'm not interested in taking chances with the countdown, so I teleport myself and Carla to the mothership, and send a psychic signal to the others
      9. We tried to tell her about the aliens in advance, but she wasn't expecting it to play out this way
      10. Fortunately, Ren is able to help with the psychological trauma over the next few days
  4. All things happen as they must, and Carla is permanently exiled to the wasteland after reporting success (and the existence of an alien mothership) to her Overseer
    1. As we wander the wasteland, new strange tales crop up - a threat beyond ghouls, mutants, or even deathclaws
    2. Other groups have coopted the Cathedral's MO of taking live prisoners, but they don't seem to be coming back as mutants
      1. Speaking of, even the roving bands of supermutants attacking us have become darker - new strains with even more twisted bodies and bizarre weapons
    3. It's the mods, it's got to be the mods
    4. Carla continues with us for a while, doing good where we can, but after rescuing some other vault dwellers from a group of cultists, they decide to think defensively and put down roots, founding Arroyo
      1. Of course they ask us to join them, but we suggest a compromise
      2. We request that they govern the town by a council, and that I be given a seat on the council despite my absence, and in exchange, we will bring them what salvage we can find, and try to keep the surroundings clear of hostiles
        1. That they agree was already foreseen, and that begins the next stage of our plan
      3. Soon, the settlement of Arroyo is home to the Brandunburg Gate, the Library of Alexandria, and the Great Wall of China, giving a variety of boons to the residents and immigrants they accept
      4. The settlement thrives and grows under the Great Person known as Carla Steinmetz
  5. The gang and I know that we will attract trouble no matter where we go
    1. So we let Arroyo be, after helping set up a teleportation beacon and some more mundane defenses like sentry points and watchtowers
      1. We've become generally aligned with the Followers of the Apocalypse, and they provide valuable intel, occasionally asking us to deal with threats or make urgent deliveries
    2. Ren and Seijiro came to us as part of a cult investigation, and I've had a bit of experience since then, and this time they can't use the local governments to cover their tracks
    3. We track them back to Hollywood, where it seems like a lot of the mutants and kidnappers have been coming from
      1. There's no heroic vault dweller with us who needs to be handled with kid gloves, so we don't bother with restraint
        1. Anyone who looks like a cultist or mutant is mowed down through a series of strafing runs with the Vertibird, and that's a lot of them
        2. A group holding a white flag eventually moves to the middle of an interesection, and since they appear unarmed, we land and parley
      2. They say their leader wants to meet and discuss a truce between our forces
        1. But the leader must stay deep underground for reasons that frankly sound like bullshit - something about the corrupting influence of open air
        2. We settle on a compromise - we'll meet them in a sub-basement, but no deeper, and if they show weapons, the truce is over - in exchange, the meeting party will just be me and Ren, who has connections with the Followers of the Apocalypse, the current enemies of this group
      3. The others head back out in the vertibird, with instruction to keep distance, monitor, and don't approach without my signal
      4. I get an uneasy premonition as Ren and I head down the stairs, something familiar that I can't quite place
        1. Until I sense the dimensional veil thinning as their leader approaches, with what seems to be a distant planet in his wake - a planet I recognize
      5. The next three things happen in a sequence that could only be accomplished by a speedster:
        1. I send Ren a psychic message: "It's Allabar"
        2. I activate a beacon to initiate repeated death-ray bombardment on my location
        3. I teleport both of us back to Arroyo
      6. I'm not dealing with Allabar like that again. I don't know if he's the same one, a different instance from a different universe, if he's had time to heal, if he's made contingencies against me, or what
  6. That sets the tone for the remainder of our time in this jump
    1. We track down cults or clusters of supermutants and death ray them with extreme prejudice
      1. We must average one annihilation assault every three or four months
    2. We don't see any more dimensional veil slippage or evidence of Allabar, but every week or so, we unleash another Salvo at their location in Hollywood, just for my peace of mind
    3. We do get up to some other hijinks now and then as well
      1. Notably, stealing several nuclear devices from Vault-Tec - I'm sure they have more than enough to destroy Shady Sands when the time comes, but we at least want to make them panic
      2. Carla doesn't hold hostility in her heart for the people who remained at Vault 13, but every so often we scry on their overseer, and when it seems like he's having trouble, we do the vault equivalent of ringing the doorbell and leaving a flaming bag of dogshit on their doorstep before running away
        1. In this case, the dogshit is usually a group of raiders
      3. Having reared our batch of deathclaw eggs, we train the juveniles, and occasionally use them to scare the hell out of bandits and cultists in ambushes
    4. Over time, the Zetans become more comfortable with our leadership
      1. The biggest shift comes after one insubordinate calls for help from the support mothership
        1. We figured this was coming, an when it appears, we warp our Nadesico out of storage and easily annihilate the support mothership, and then ask if the rest of the Zetans would behave or if we needed to cut our losses on this mothership as well
    5. Shock and I take at least one day a week to work with the industrial complex in our biosphere
      1. Before starting the jump, Shock had just gotten synthesis and concentration of nitric acid from air, and was working on isolating cellulose from wood, in hopes of making smokeless powder for ammo
      2. After a few years, we have modern propellant plus high-precision casing manufacture from recycled brass and copper-jacketed lead ammunition with support for steel tips and cores
        1. As well as a bio-refinery that can distill a variety of fuels and lubricants from biological materialize
        2. Since the biosphere already has a robot-tended greenhouse, community gardens, and food delivery, we've tasked the halfling farmers with growing a variety of useful crops such as corn, soybeans, cotton, switchgrass, and even algae in one of their lagoons - they are skeptical but quite helpful
        3. We purchased sectional time for the warehouse to help with accelerated crop growth (especially for the Tree of Life) and save the residents some boredom
        4. We regularly take genetic samples of the plants and animals unique to the setting, feeding them into our biosphere control center until it has the option of creating radscorpions, giant cockroaches, cazadores, pigrats, gulpers, and even small yao guai and brahmins
    6. We continue our involvement with Arroyo, and under our stewardship, the settlement thrives and gains a reputation for safety and fair dealing
      1. And the slight chance that if we're around when a visitor comes, we might repair or even upgrade their gear, or even heal grievous wounds, in exchange for information, rumors, and unrefined materials
        1. We're always scouting and salvaging for unrefined materials; we've streamlined a system of getting even large items like girders into the warehouse, and having them taken to the industrial supply depot via automated transport disk from there
  7. When the time approaches for our jump to end, our preparations are simple
    1. There are no great delicacies or rare resources we need to acquire in bulk, and we already have a fiat-backed database of manufacturing techniques and technical schematics
    2. We hold last-minute workshops on maintenance of all the technology, on healing and medicine making, and on combat an territory defenses
      1. We give what we can to the Arroyo council - printouts of maps compiled from orbital photography, books representing the most fundamental knowledge we can offer, and seeds of the produce we grow in the greenhouse, on the off chance they can find a way to grow anything similar
    3. Carla, who has been an unwavering force for good, and is now pregnant, deserves better than for us to abandon her, so on the eve of our departure, we ask for a private meeting
      1. She knows about the mothership, an she's seen us do some extraordinary things (such as teleporting her out before a nuclear bomb went off) but never pried
      2. We ask if she wants to know the truth about us - she does
        1. So we show her - our gifts, the warehouse, the biosphere, our other companions and followers, and we tell her that we travel worlds, and we came to this one to try to help in what ways we could; that our time is up but there is more in store for this world
        2. And that when we leave, our boons to her and to Arroyo will leave with us, and we won't be able to run errands, patrol the area, defend the settlement, or heal and aid the residents
      3. And we offer her a gift - a choice of gifts - the option to gain the powers of a psyker and to make her will into reality, or to gain the powers of a bard and the chance to bring joy and entertainment to those around
        1. She ponders, just for a moment, and tells us that she would like to be a bard
        2. There are enough people seeking power and enforcing their will, she says, but far too few bringing joy to their companions
        3. And so we bring the musicbox and ask her to turn the crank and listen, an as she does, we can sense the budding power forming within here
      4. We treat her to an expertly made dinner with fresh and quality ingredients, better even than the food she had in vault 13
      5. And finally, our rarest gift - the first fruit of our tree of life - an option to live healthfully as long as she likes
        1. She declines, but we insist on sending the fruit with her in case she changes her mind after her child is born - based on what we know of the tree, the fruit should stay fresh indefinitely if the skin isn't broken
    4. And then we once more ride off in our Vertibird, knowing that even if we find our way back to the world of Fallout, it won't be the same
      1. It only occurs to me after we leave that we've never tried a power-granting item on someone who was pregnant before...

Notes on the Jump Docs

Fallout 1

  1. The setting is generally well known and documented
    1. even though I haven't personally played any of the games, I picked up a lot through cultural osmosis over the years
    2. I also just watched the TV show
    3. So I was certainly interested in writing a jump for it, and seeing what it had to offer
  2. There are some quirks of the document worth noting
    1. The SPECIAL section specifically says that if you have other means of improving these stats, they don't count
      1. In the past I've considered something similar in my D&D jumps - my jumper may have superhuman strength but it wouldn't affect their attack chances and damage in combat in a D&D world
    2. Instead of origins, they offer one discount at each tier for items and perks
      1. In practice I didn't like this, because my jumper was more interested in two items at the same tier, so I compromised on my build a bit
      2. It seemed like this was trying to avoid the "locked in track" of origins to offer more freedom, but was just stifling in a different way
  3. Overall, the SPECIAL starts, perks, items, and drawbacks were fairly clearly written
    1. It's satisfying to get something and know what it does and doesn'table
    2. Some of the items were a bit lacking in description, but that's not a setback because the extensive fallout wiki has details on canon items
    3. The damage bonus perks were highlights
    4. There were some interesting unique items to be had, like the deathclaw nest and floating eye bots
    5. Some items were more expensive in the Fallout 1 doc than the same (or better) item was in the Modded Fallout supplement, but that's not surprising
  4. Overall a good jump doc
    1. Obviously a good start for anyone who wants to do a full fallout series chain
    2. Otherwise good for a jumper with a few survivability perks who wants to pick up some mid-tier tech or sufficiently scaling combat perks

Modded Fallout

  1. I wasn't sure what supplement to attach to Fallout 1, but someone on the Discord mentioned this and it was obviously the choice I was going for
  2. The origins are fun approaches to types of mods, and I like them all
  3. Some of the perks are pretty powerful, but that's in line with what you'd expect for adding powerful mods
  4. The "pick one item from base game" item is cheap but may be coul have used some descriptions of the options
  5. The unusual part of this supplement is the settlement system
    1. The ability to buy multiple tiers of the same upgrade is interesting
    2. The option to collaborate with companions on an upgraded settlement is something I haven't seen before, but makes a lot of sense
    3. The list of example settlements and their upgrade totals in the notes was extremely helpful
    4. It's nice that having a settlement isn't required or even made to seem like a core part of the jump (unlike some jumps where the extra thing you can sink points into is vital, like the jets in Vector Thrust)
      1. Not that it doesn't make sense for those things, just that it's cool to be able to ignore settlements entirely, go all in, or be somewhere in the middle, without handicapping yourself
  6. On the whole I think this is a great supplement, or could be a great jump on its own if you don't use supplements
    1. Definitely recommended for someone who wants to get nukes, or a settlement, or just do more fallout stuff
submitted by AxstromVinoven to u/AxstromVinoven [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:50 Mullin_Pangolin Alchemy (part 2) - Four stages of The Magnum Opus & their symbolisms ft. Jung

This is part 2 of the general introduction, other symbolisms following in part 3. Mostly compiled from Wikipedia.
While all four stages are originally meant literally in alchemy, they’ve since been used as a metaphor for psychological processes and personal journeys. Carl Jung, who coined the term “analytical psychology,” also reinterpreted these steps as metaphors of the “archetypes” in his theories. These concepts seem intertwined enough that wiki includes Jung in the alchemy stages page.
Forgive me if I butcher this. I tried but I may be way off. It might even end up not being relevant at all, but just in case some symbolisms pop up in the albums, I’m still including the Jung interpretation. Skip it if you like, straight to the asterisks. To my understanding, in Jungian psychology, the Self is an encompassing whole acting as a container for the consciousness, the unconsciousness, and the ego (center of consciousness). We’re born with a sense of wholeness, but out of that crystallizes separate ego-consciousness with development, to anchor ourselves in the external world. That first half completed, we then have to spend the second half of our lives rediscovering, integrating, fully realizing and returning to the whole Self through individuation. Self guides us by making a succession of archetypal images emerge, gradually putting back together fragments to bring us closer to totality. Archetypes are universal, innate patterns of thought and image from part of our unconsciousness (the other part are instincts), and they want to be realized within our environment. This means we’re always trying to recognize one of them from our surroundings and activate that archetype in our minds. Once they’re activated by entering the consciousness, they are incorporated into our personal unconscious as a complex, becoming a functional unit within. They are shaped by how they were activated, and are then expressed in our behaviors and experiences (guessing he means perceptions here). This process of archetypal actualization effects the degree of our individuation, or how developed our unique identity is. (He also credited the existence of these archetypes for the recurring similar characters in folk tales all over the world.)
Jung likens the four stages of alchemy to the emergence of the four major archetypes in his theory.
Note: While Taylor’s symbolisms might have nothing to do with Jung’s interpretation of alchemy stages, I do appreciate how there’s a clear parallel here of picking up the fragmented pieces of yourself and trying to integrate them into your whole self. Perhaps that’s the whole point of her use of alchemy as a symbolism. Not just the queer self she’s collecting back, but everything else too. Everything she was forced to split off in her whole career, she’s claiming back. Like horcruxes and infinity stones, she wants to reclaim and combine them into an all-powerful whole.
Edit: Also, remember how since folkmore she’d been assigning parts of herself full-fledged characters that seem to have their own will (Betty, James, august girl and now Peter, etc), that are no longer just an abstract “you” she’s talking to? Sometimes the characters are still unnamed, but they are all autonomous individuals that have fictional but symbolic storylines, with detailed and specific interactions with her. She said in Long Pond Studio Sessions that it was new that she’d learned to create completely fictional stories and characters in her songs instead of writing self-confessional songs from her POV. That confused me greatly then, since to us it’d been obvious she’d already been doing that for a long time. Even to hetlors it shouldn’t have made sense, bc she’d already said before that she was writing love songs before she ever fell in love or even had relationships. Well now I realize this here is probably what she was talking about. In a roundabout way she was trying to honestly convey her new process to us without admitting that many widely-accepted autobiographical interpretations of her songs were in fact wrong and they were fictional or at least not meant completely literally. This new technique she’s employing is actually quite similar to what Jung did with the archetypes. That’s a very interesting parallel to me.
Nigredo - the blackening
”The blackness,” meaning putrefaction or decomposition. All alchemical ingredients are cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter in this step. This stage is the chaos, or massa confusa stage that entails the decay of matter. The blackness of rotting, burnt, or fermenting matter are associated with negredo.
Represents a spiritual death. In analytical psychology it’s a metaphor for “dark night of the soul.” Nowadays the phrase describes a crisis of faith or a difficult, painful period in one’s life. Jung used it to mean when the shadow archetype emerges and we have to confront it, reconcile and merge with it. The shadow is everything we don’t want to acknowledge about ourselves, positive or negative, conflicting with ourselves. This stage is the end of ignorance or innocence, when we’re confronted with something more within what we previously perceived as our self.
Well all of these track with the deep pain and conflict with herself Taylor’s presenting in TTPD. She’s sort of sewing chaos and breaking/burning everything down with this album, and what many songs on it describe can certainly be reasonably called a dark night of the soul, with a huge fall and the subsequent re-examinations.
Note: In alchemy texts the symbol used for this stage is the raven.
Albedo - the whitening
A Latinicized term meaning “whiteness.” This stage is the purification step, referred to as ablutio—the washing away of impurities. This phase is related to “bringing light and clarity to the prima materia (First Matter, the starting material).” In this process they divide the subject into two opposing principles, and later in rubedo they coagulate both to form a unity of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum). Alchemist also applied this to an individual’s soul, according to wiki, not sure I know what that means. Probably means in the traditional study of alchemy they emphasize doing what you do to the matter to yourself too, else it wouldn’t work. An alchemist named Titus Burckhardt claimed this step aims to regain the original purity and receptivity of the soul. Sounds like what homophobes need lmao.
Jung relates it to the emergence of the archetypes anima (in men) and animus (in women), the psychological qualities of our opposite gender (so for a woman her inner masculinity and the concept of maleness). They appear in dreams, we project them subconsciously onto others and it influences our attitudes and interactions with the opposite sex. In this stage we get rid of unnecessarily inflated egos, projections and biases, separating the anima/animus from reality. Imo he put the emphasis unnecessarily heavy on the actual opposite sex, which I think is very heteronormative but after a little tweak it sorta works. When I read his comparison of the anima and animus tho I wanted to rage at the misogyny, but sigh, what did I expect? Anyway putting it in the present I take it to mean basically reconciling your masculinity and femininity, sexuality, and stopping with all the unnecessary biases. Perhaps pertaining to queers it would also mean the whole sexuality/gender exploration. This led me so astray 😭 I don’t think Taylor’s taking this meaning but who can say.
Another interpretation describes albedo as an experience of an awakening, involving a shift where you see the world as more than just your ego, your family, or country.
Okay I think what Taylor may use albedo to symbolize here are maybe 1- the becoming pure and receptive again, as in maybe purging herself and her image of the PR narrative bullcrap, 2- recognizing the clear duality of herself, who are quite literally opposites of each other, and learning to identify what’s real and what’s not real for her. I do not think she’s having problems with her inner masculinity or sexuality lol, or having some awakening to things greater than her direct surroundings and immediate identity. All in all I’d say the two possible meanings do tie in nicely with TTPD and the anthology. Edit: On second thought, actually the awakening thing would apply if through her queerness she had realized the existence of the whole queer community and its history, universal across any culture, country or religion, and by extension the quintessential queer experience that binds. From there the awakening to seeing the world as far more than just things in her vicinity would easily bleed into every other aspect of her perception. Eventually her understanding of the world should be broadened to far beyond her ego, family and country. Obviously I don’t know her inner life, but just seeing the rich references to queer history in her art, it would make perfect sense that this happened at some point.
Note: In alchemy texts symbols used for this stage are the dove and the swan.
Citrinitas - the yellowing
“Yellowness.” Stands for the dawning of the “solar light” inherent in one’s being, where it renders the reflective “lunar or soul light” unnecessary. The “solar dawn” or “awakening.”
I’ll be honest I have no idea what that means. I can guess that it means asserting your inherent values and pieces of identity instead of relying on external things for your sense of self, but eh, who knows? All I can find is that it seems it’s a transient stage between white and red, and many alchemists allegedly omitted this stage from discussions altogether eventually. Apparently many also became complacent with the white stone capable of making silver and never reached the red. Well that’s certainly a metaphor for stunted personal growth bc you’d survived a crisis and became comfortable. I wonder if Taylor relates to that? It’d be funny and sad if this stage corresponded to the lost Karma album, where they once forced her to omit it so she was robbed of the chance of reaching new growth. I also wonder if the recurring eclipsed sun has anything to do with this, symbolizing her blocked path to self-realization.
Jung likens this stage to the emerging of the wise-old man archetype. He says if one has wrestled seriously and long enough with the anima/animus problem, this dude appears. What’s fun here is his traits: typically a kind and wise father figure, scholarly and knowledgeable; imparting knowledge, telling stories, offering guidance, mentoring, sometimes in a mystical way. Is often from a different culture or even time than who he advises. Often presented as a wizard or hermit. In extreme cases a liminal being like Merlin, a half human.
One, this reminds me of that post of liminal spaces a few days ago that I haven’t gotten to yet 😭; two, this rather describes Gandalf perfectly, doesn’t it? Is Taylor hearing the old wise man every time she’s putting out a new re-recorded album? And the witches with the yellow balls of light in willow mv, reminiscent of this too. Are witches known to practice alchemy? Cos that’d be a nice connection.
Rubedo - the reddening or purpling
“Redness.” This stage for an alchemist entails trying to “integrate the psychospiritual outcomes” from the whole process thus far into a coherent sense of self, before re-entering the world. It may take years.
Jung likens it to the emergence of the Self archetype, wholeness achieved. It’s the culmination of the four stages, merging ego and Self. Also described as a stage that gives birth to a new personality. It indicates a process that cannot be reversed since the self went through the struggle towards manifestation, at which point one discovers their true nature. Another interpretation phrased it as “reunification” of the body, soul and spirit, leading to diminished inner conflict. Um okay, this…seems spot on.
Symbols used in alchemical writing and art to represent this stage are blood, a phoenix, a rose, a crowned king, or a figure wearing red. Okay these have all either been directly mentioned or alluded to in her songs, but again could be purely coincidental. It’ll be interesting to see where she put them in and if these connections hold any water. The rose from frozen ground again in the lakes, rising from the ashes, waking up in blood in Down Bad, crown in The Alchemy, etc could potentially fit.
And the keyword that led me onto this road, purpling. The queer color. Would be absolutely rad if it corresponded to a TS13 queer album after the orange Karma. All these really don’t seem like accidents, I hope it’s real.
Edit to add this important conclusion: The woman is cooking.
submitted by Mullin_Pangolin to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:05 Waychest Waychest: You are not alone (1.20.6)

What would it be like if every Minecraft world was a part of one big world?

What if other people are out there on their own journey, and our paths might cross?

Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm: a world where you (and friends) start your Journey on what appears to be a server all to yourself.
But as you explore, you will discover that you are not alone: custom items and blocks will guide you across the world to find what the people who came before you left behind. If you're lucky, you might even run into your cohabitants in person.
Feature Highlights: (Every non-vanilla mechanic was designed and built specifically for this server)
  • 🌍 "Journey" System: You and anyone you choose are placed into your own "server", called a Journey, with a random spawn point in one shared survival world. You can even create multiple Journeys, each with its own spawn point, progress through the game, and set of partners sharing the Journey.
  • 🎁 Waychests: Special chests that act as beacons, reaching across the world to guide Journeys to find each other, and rewarding everyone who seeks them out. Craft and place your own Waychests and guide the next Journey to your builds!
  • 🚀 "Waychest Flight" Minigame: Find ingredients to craft an Elytra that starts an in-world flying minigame. The minigame challenges you to pass through a series of rings, ultimately leading to a Waychest built by a stranger.
  • 💨 Discovery-based Warps: Fast travel between certain blocks — but you have to find a warp point to unlock it first.
  • 🔐 Integrated Region Protection: Waychests that you place create an expandable area of protection for certain blocks and containers.
  • ☀️ "Radiance": Skip the night without skipping the night. Since the world is shared, sleeping instead gives a "Radiance" effect that prevents nearby surface mob spawns for the rest of the night.
  • 🗺️ Region Maps: Loot maps that generate pre-explored with the surrounding region. Build a map wall without the tedium!
  • 🏆 Custom Advancements: Every custom mechanic has an associated advancement. Learn how to progress even if you don't like reading a Wiki.
  • 💸 No Monetization: There are no premium perks, donator tiers, or money accepted in any form.
Start your own Journey today at! The server no longer requires whitelist approval, and everyone is welcome to join as long as they follow one rule. Read more about all of the custom content on the Wiki. Hope to see you soon!
submitted by Waychest to MinecraftSMPs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:02 Waychest Waychest: You are not alone [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {1.20.6} {Custom Plugins}

What would it be like if every Minecraft world was a part of one big world?

What if other people are out there on their own journey, and our paths might cross?

Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm: a world where you (and friends) start your Journey on what appears to be a server all to yourself.
But as you explore, you will discover that you are not alone: custom items and blocks will guide you across the world to find what the people who came before you left behind. If you're lucky, you might even run into your cohabitants in person.
Feature Highlights: (Every non-vanilla mechanic was designed and built specifically for this server)
  • 🌍 "Journey" System: You and anyone you choose are placed into your own "server", called a Journey, with a random spawn point in one shared survival world. You can even create multiple Journeys, each with its own spawn point, progress through the game, and set of partners sharing the Journey.
  • 🎁 Waychests: Special chests that act as beacons, reaching across the world to guide Journeys to find each other, and rewarding everyone who seeks them out. Craft and place your own Waychests and guide the next Journey to your builds!
  • 🚀 "Waychest Flight" Minigame: Find ingredients to craft an Elytra that starts an in-world flying minigame. The minigame challenges you to pass through a series of rings, ultimately leading to a Waychest built by a stranger.
  • 💨 Discovery-based Warps: Fast travel between certain blocks — but you have to find a warp point to unlock it first.
  • 🔐 Integrated Region Protection: Waychests that you place create an expandable area of protection for certain blocks and containers.
  • ☀️ "Radiance": Skip the night without skipping the night. Since the world is shared, sleeping instead gives a "Radiance" effect that prevents nearby surface mob spawns for the rest of the night.
  • 🗺️ Region Maps: Loot maps that generate pre-explored with the surrounding region. Build a map wall without the tedium!
  • 🏆 Custom Advancements: Every custom mechanic has an associated advancement. Learn how to progress even if you don't like reading a Wiki.
  • 💸 No Monetization: There are no premium perks, donator tiers, or money accepted in any form.
Start your own Journey today at! The server no longer requires whitelist approval, and everyone is welcome to join as long as they follow one rule. Read more about all of the custom content on the Wiki. Hope to see you soon!
submitted by Waychest to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:02 PrinZessBubblegum Dropping Everyday a random Sims 2 Fact for 365 Days! Day 71 - Juices

Dropping Everyday a random Sims 2 Fact for 365 Days! Day 71 - Juices
Your Sim can make Juices with the The Main Squeezer 235X. The only thing that you need additionally are ingredients like Fruits, Vegetables or Fish! (Or even a boot CLICK HERE for Infos about the Boots Juice). Juices have Special Effects that are giving your Sims good abilities. (I copied the table from the SimWiki) These can be very useful and make gardening more interesting. Espacially Strawberry Juice that clear Fury or Beauty Cocktail for a Love Potion.
submitted by PrinZessBubblegum to sims2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:02 Waychest Waychest [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {1.20.6} {Custom Plugins}

What would it be like if every Minecraft world was a part of one big world?

What if other people are out there on their own journey, and our paths might cross?

Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm: a world where you (and friends) start your Journey on what appears to be a server all to yourself.
But as you explore, you will discover that you are not alone: custom items and blocks will guide you across the world to find what the people who came before you left behind. If you're lucky, you might even run into your cohabitants in person.
Feature Highlights: (Every non-vanilla mechanic was designed and built specifically for this server)
  • 🌍 "Journey" System: You and anyone you choose are placed into your own "server", called a Journey, with a random spawn point in one shared survival world. You can even create multiple Journeys, each with its own spawn point, progress through the game, and set of partners sharing the Journey.
  • 🎁 Waychests: Special chests that act as beacons, reaching across the world to guide Journeys to find each other, and rewarding everyone who seeks them out. Craft and place your own Waychests and guide the next Journey to your builds!
  • 🚀 "Waychest Flight" Minigame: Find ingredients to craft an Elytra that starts an in-world flying minigame. The minigame challenges you to pass through a series of rings, ultimately leading to a Waychest built by a stranger.
  • 💨 Discovery-based Warps: Fast travel between certain blocks — but you have to find a warp point to unlock it first.
  • 🔐 Integrated Region Protection: Waychests that you place create an expandable area of protection for certain blocks and containers.
  • ☀️ "Radiance": Skip the night without skipping the night. Since the world is shared, sleeping instead gives a "Radiance" effect that prevents nearby surface mob spawns for the rest of the night.
  • 🗺️ Region Maps: Loot maps that generate pre-explored with the surrounding region. Build a map wall without the tedium!
  • 🏆 Custom Advancements: Every custom mechanic has an associated advancement. Learn how to progress even if you don't like reading a Wiki.
  • 💸 No Monetization: There are no premium perks, donator tiers, or money accepted in any form.
Start your own Journey today at! The server no longer requires whitelist approval, and everyone is welcome to join as long as they follow one rule. Read more about all of the custom content on the Wiki. Hope to see you soon!
submitted by Waychest to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:36 benaath Somewhat Real Nuka-Cola recipe

The official Fallout cookbook DOES NOT contain the real nuka-cola recipe, it even says its not real because of "legal" reasons.
I wanted to make the one and only Nuka-Cola IRL, but i couldnt find a legit recipe. Some didnt contain kola nuts (only thing that makes cola well, cola) some didnt have the 17 fruits, etc....
I knew i had to make it myself, i firstly looked it up on reddit, to see if some random redditor 7 years ago didnt already say it, and they sort of did?
u/GGAllinsMicroPenis (lmao) posted this exact text 7/8 years ago:
"I got way too bored one night and posted this like a year ago:
Let's get real. According to Fallout lore (taken from [Nukapedia](, the ingredients of Nuka-Cola are as follows:
* [Carbonated Water](
* [Caramel Color](
* [Aspartame]( (artificial sweetener)
* [Phosphoric Acid](
* Potassium Benzoate (preservative)
* [Citric Acid](
* [Caffeine](
But those are essentially all the ingredients in a can of Coca Cola, minus Aspartame. So I think it'd be a lot simpler (and safer) to just use cola as our cola additive, and sprinkle in a little Aspartame to get that diet-cola zing. Personally, I'd use a bottle of Mexican coke, which contains real cane sugar, as opposed to the corn syrup crap we have in the States, just for flavor.
In addition to the above, Nuka-Cola contains:
* 17 different fruits mixed in "just the right proportion."
* The only known fruit is Passion Fruit, as during the [Great Passion Fruit Famine of 2044]( people noticed the taste difference.
Now here's the deal. How would we decide on the 17 most-delicious fruits? According to [Ranker]( (hardly scientific), they are, from 1st to 17th:
Notice no Passion Fruit. As was pointed out in a another thread, 'juicing' a Banana is a fool's errand. So I'd suggest **removing Banana**, and **adding Passion Fruit** in its place, as it's a known ingredient, and juicing it along with the other 16 fruits above.
Then, in the name of symmetry, I'd say after mixing equal parts of all 17 of those juices, half of our bottle should be filled. There are 32 tablespoons in a pint (32/2=16). So if we were making a pint of Nuka-Cola, the measurement would be just a *bit* less than *1 tablespoon of each kind of fruit juice*.
The other half of the pint should be filled with a Mexican Coke and a sprinkle of Aspartame and stirred lightly.
I suggest this concoction should be chilled until *just before* it gets slushy in the freezer, so is still mostly liquid and carbonation is not lost, but is very cold."
So, if we take the 17 fruits + some storebought or Homemade cola (wich is pretty much just seasonings like Kola nut, cinammon, etc.. combined with lemon, lime and orange peels and juices, boiled together and added to sparkling water) and some artificial sweeteners like Aspartame and you have nuka-cola!
I also tried to figure out the Nuka-Cola quantum recipe, but even tho it was hard, i got kind a something?
Since nuka cola quantum is just nuka cola and stronium-90, i got an idea:
You can literally buy Stronium-90 metal ([here]( if you take a few particles of that, boil them, and add them to some nuka-cola, You get nuka cola Quantum! if it isnt bright blue tho, you can buy some [glow in the dark dye]( and some blue food coloring, add it in, and you have your Quantum!
pretty much just 1⁄4 nuka-cola and ¾ of any cherry soda/soft drink.
submitted by benaath to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:28 iamkingsleyf How Many Types of Potatoes Are There?

Are you a potato lover, and how many types of potatoes are there? Is a question in your thoughts? There are about 4,000 different potato varieties, including some popular kinds. In this article, we will highlight the most common types of potatoes.
The primary food in most homes is potato. It's a simple vegetable that can be boiled, baked, or mashed and used in nearly any dish.
Potato varieties have distinct tastes, textures, colors, and best cooking uses. When you imagine a potato, it might be a normal one with a brown exterior and a white interior, but there are many different potatoes.
The nightshade plant Solanum tuberosum produces the tuberous root vegetable known as the potato, which ranks fourth in global food crop popularity behind maize, wheat, and rice.
Potato is nutrient-dense despite the criticism for its high carbohydrate content. The potato contains more protein than beef, calcium than milk, iron than spinach, and potassium than bananas.
Furthermore, potatoes are a fantastic source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and phosphorus. They lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Potato is the main ingredient of French fries, chips, hash browns, and other fried foods. Potato is used in baking, making mashed potatoes, and as a side dish.

1. Russet Potatoes

One of the types of potatoes is the Russet potato, also known as Idaho, bakers, or Burbank potatoes. Since they were first cultivated in the 1870s, these potatoes have gained popularity for their usage in French fries and account for around 70% of all potato sales in the US today.
The Russet potato is a starchy white potato that, when baked, becomes dry and mealy and has a high amylose content.

2. Japanese Sweet Potato

It is a well-known Satsuma-imo or sweet potato cultivar that is high in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its flavor can best be described as sweet and nutty.

3. Sweet Potato

Next on our list of types of potatoes is sweet potato. While sweet potatoes are technically classified as a root vegetable and a nightshade family member, all potatoes are tubers.
Because of its rough reddish-orange skin, most sweet potato dishes call for peeling either before or after cooking. Bright orange, creamy, and charming describe the inside, making it suitable for savory and sweet meals.

4. Jewel Yam

It is a form of sweet potato and a part of the morning glory family of plants and trees, not the genuine yam family. One of the most popular sweet potatoes on the market is this one.

5. Red Potato

Also known as red bless or redskin potatoes. One of the varieties of potatoes with the highest wax helps them keep their shape even after cooking.
Most recipes don't call for peeling because of their skin's reddish color and thinness. When cooked, the interior of the red potato has a thick texture and is dazzling white.

6. Hannah Sweet Potato

This sweet potato type, also known as the Sweet Hannah or Yellow Hannah, resembles the Jewel Yam but has paler skin and meat.

7. White Potato

Whitish potato is also one of the types of potatoes. White potatoes, so named because of their white skin and flesh, are similar to russet potatoes in flavor and texture.
Still, because of their much thinner skin, you may frequently omit the peeling process for many dishes because the skin will soften considerably during cooking.

8. Red Bliss

It is a typical red type with much sugar, moist, translucent flesh, and gummy when mashed.

9. French Fingerling

French Fingerling is also one of the types of potatoes. Fingerling potatoes have a size range of two to four inches and are roughly the size of a giant finger.
They are available in various hues, including white, purple, yellow, and red. The thin skins of fingerling potatoes are covered in a waxy core frequently spotted with colored veins. Because of how often their entertaining shape is highlighted in meals, they are commonly cooked whole or simply in halves.

10. La Ratte

It is a variety of French heritage fingerlings with a solid buttery flavor and high-fat content. French farmer Jean Pierre Clot initially cultivated it in the Swiss Alps.

11. Russian Banana

The Russian Banana is a well-liked small-sized potato cultivar with a rich flavor like a fingerling potato and is distinguished by a firm texture.

12. Yellow Potato

Next on our list of types of potatoes is the yellow potato. The fact that yellow potatoes are among the most popular potato kinds is not surprising, given their naturally buttery flavor and silky-smooth interior. Despite having a thin skin, when fried or roasted, it properly crisps up.
Yellow potatoes are occasionally called "golden potatoes"; however, this is probably because people mistake them for Yukon Gold potatoes, a marketed variety that boasts a reduced carbohydrate content.

13. Red Gold Potato

This medium-sized potato cultivar has its roots in the 1970s in North America. It tastes sweet and nutty and has a smooth, velvety texture.

14. Rose Finn Apple

Rose Finn Apple is an old heirloom potato cultivar from Ireland. Its name comes from the color of its skin, which looks like the skin of a rose apple. This potato is very nutritious and contains vitamin C.

15. Purple Peruvian

Last on our list of types of potatoes is Purple Peruvian. Purple Peruvian potatoes were first developed in Peru but can now be found in other countries. These potatoes are known for their dark purple skin and creamy texture.
Potatoes are one of the most important food crops worldwide. Potatoes are grown on over 40 million hectares (100 million acres) worldwide, making it the third largest food crop after corn and wheat.
To extend their shelf life, potatoes are typically "cured" underground for a few weeks after being harvested in the fall or early winter.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:32 Kapiork [Saturday Morning Reviews] No Brainer

[Saturday Morning Reviews] No Brainer
Hello there! Today's episode - "No Brainer" is special for a couple of reasons. First, it was written solely by Pat Allee, no Ben Hurst this time. Second, it's very likely that it inspired the two-parter story from issues 27 & 28 of the Archie Comics. I read those first, so I'm more familiar with them. Let's see how the original stacks up! (and how well Ms Allee fares without Hurst)
Let's start with minor details for a change: this episode seems to put great emphasis on security measures, whether it's codewords or keycards to access a building or abort a mission. It's quite a nice and logical detail to include, and it's slotted into the plot quite well. Maybe the codeword for mission abortion was a bit too simple, but eh, it's a cartoon, I can let it slide.
\"You're for real, bro? You think you have any chances with her?\"
What I can't let slide however is the fact that Sonic ruined the opening mission (whatever it was) for a chilli dog. It would've been bad enough on its own - while it doesn't feel entirely out of character for Sonic to be so reckless and he's skilled/fast enough that he can afford to be like that, I still don't think he'd be that reckless. But no, the real reason why I find this ridiculous is a very petty and nitpicky one - where the heck did he get that chilli dog from?! A vending machine?! I'm 90% sure the ingredients stored inside it would've expired or at the very least ran out by now. It's been at least several months if not years since Robotnik took over. Who would've replaced the food in the machine in that time?! That's it, 0/10 episode, I lost my suspension of disbelief. :P
Huh, so I guess it's plastic, not glass. Good to know.
With that silly tangent out of the way, we're moving on to the actual plot of the episode - Sonic getting his memories erased. I love how he even forgets about his ability to run extremely fast. I'm not sure if it makes sense, since he was presumebly born with it, so he probably shouldn't forget about it, but again - I'm willing to let it slide because A) it seems reasonable enough, plus the amnesia was caused by a manmade device, so who knows how thorough it is; and B) it makes for some amusing scenes. :) Speaking of which, the scene right before Sonic speeds off shows him and Snively acting like best buddies, cracking jokes (terrible ones, might I add). Now that's some good comedy.
More on Snively, as this is his day in the limelight. He appears to be surprisingly competent when not supervised by his tyrannical uncle. He almost finds the location of Knothole (which, side note: I like the way they handled getting rid of that information, even if I'm not 100% sold on whether it should've worked/would've been enough). It almost seems like if he was constantly in charge, the episode-to-episode stakes would've been much higher. Whatever's the case, he makes for a very entertaining villain. Not that Robotnik is too far behind - his apperences in this episode might be brief, but very effective. He's imposing and clearly not someone you'd wanna mess with, yet combined with Snively's reactions, he also manages to bring a smile to my face. I like to think that it wasn't just convenient timing or a bonk to the head that snapped Snively out of his memory loss - instead, it was the sheer intimidation and familiar feeling of fear that brought back his memories. He's just that scared of his boss.
You know the drill by now. >_> (although in this case they also look *really* stoned)
The overall tone of the episode felt apropriately balanced, suprisingly. Wheras "Game Guy" had way too much Dulcy abuse, "No Brainer" only has about two of such moments. I still don't like them, but I can stomach them in low quantities. And hey, her smacking a floating camera away was both funny and kinda cool. Antoine was used decently well too. I think the key to that is not making him feel like a detriment ("Sonic's Nightmare") or to have him overstay his welcome ("Sonic Conversion"). The gags in general were apropriately placed. They didn't feel like they were interrupting a tense scene. Some of the latter could've been handled a bit better (I expected Sonic to be more aggressive/less trusting of his "former" friends, though that might just be because I'm used to how he behaved in the aforementioned Archie two-parter, plus maybe Snively told him about how they'd treat him; still, it's kind of weird how he just... stops and listenes to Sally & Chuck telling him they're his friends), but I'll chalk at least a part of it up to limited runtime... and also the fact that nobody's perfect. Obviously. ;)
Uh, Sally? What's that smirk supposed to mean? o_o
One last nitpick: when the scene transitions from Bunnie talking with Sally to Snively explaining the Freedom Fighters to Sonic, it seems as if Snively has access to live footage of Knothole (which I hope I don't need to explain why that'd make no sense). I assume it's just artists either being lazy or wanting to have a clever transition between scenes, but it clearly didn't trick just me, as the episode's transcript at Sonic Wiki Zone states: "[Snively shows a holograph video of everything that just happened.]" I hope he's just using camera footage from earlier days and not what we're actually shown.
Nice to know they fixed that weird CGI background from \"Harmonic Sonic\".
All in all, "No Brainer" is a fun episode, better than "Game Guy", though it doesn't really advance the plot in any way. That's fine, however. It's an enjoyable piece of filler, one that fleshes out Snively a bit. It does require a bit of suspension of disbelief to enjoy it to its fullest however. Still, if I had watched this one during my childhood, it would have for sure stayed as a pleasant memory throughout the years.
Now that I think about it, it reminds me of another Archie Sonic issue - Issue 30 to be exact. It also had a plot of Snively taking center stage and assaulting Knothole with a hover craft while Robotnik was out. The difference is that Robotnik was temporarliy sucked into the Void instead of leaving on his own to fight off another band of rebels like in this episode.
Anyway, let's end before I go off onto another tangent.😅 See you next Saturday!

Previous episode reviews:

submitted by Kapiork to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:22 Lugbor Muses' Misfits 20 - Support Your Local Library

Sorry for the delay. Reddit was being Reddit, and the Old Reddit trick didn't fix it. I had to add everything in markdown mode and switch back to the rich editor before it would let me post. So there's that workaround now, I guess.
“So that's what happened,” Ryn'Ala said as her magical servants set out plates loaded with food. They had decided on a late dinner of dried meats and cheeses, once their host had seen her other guests off for the night.
“I remember my first ghoul encounter. It was a roamer, split off from a nest and wandering the countryside. We had been asleep after clearing out a pack of wolves that were terrorizing a farming village, and it managed to get the drop on us. I still think Randolph was asleep instead of keeping watch, but he always maintained his innocence. Anyway, Randolph shouted as he tried to hold the thing off with his axe, and the rest of us had to fight in our sleepwear. It's a good thing there was only the one.”
“Yeah,” Fulmara agreed, “I got bit even through my armor. I shudder to think what would have happened if it managed to grab a proper chunk of me.”
“It wouldn't have been pretty,” the elven woman said, shaking her head. “Spells and potions are all well and good for scrapes and bruises, but it takes something truly powerful to staunch a cut artery or regrow limbs.”
There was a moment of silence as they all contemplated the implications of their new lives. Finally, Jeron grabbed a roll from the basket and they all started eating.
“So,” Verrick began, breaking the silence, “good news first?”
“Right,” Ryn'Ala agreed, “I did promise you some news. Good news first then! The two gentlemen you met earlier are some of my colleagues, here to study the egg like I promised. They were able to determine that the material is indeed onyx, which hasn't been documented before, and that the engravings are related to the Celestial tongue, but are not a known dialect. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say they were possibly the written form of the Muses' own tongue. We're trying to find any commonalities we can to start deciphering it, but as none of us speak Celestial, it's a slow process. The other good news is for you, Verrick.”
“Yes, you. I managed to find some old books from when Jeron was young. They're aimed at teaching the children of nobles to read, and should help to get you to a basic level of competency. Once you get the basics down, the rest of it is just a matter of experience.”
Verrick blushed slightly. “You don't have anything suited to teaching adults to read, do you?”
She laughed. “Unfortunately, no. Though I suspect the subject matter would be much the same, but with less color in the pictures. I'll help you get started tomorrow, if you like.”
“I'll help get Fulmara up to speed while you're working with him,” Firun agreed. “Between the two of us, we'll have them reading like functional members of society in no time.”
“Hey!” the dwarf snapped. “I can read! Just not very well. The big words trip me sometimes.”
“The big words are some of the most important, dear,” Ryn'Ala countered. “How else would we know what alchemical reagents are in a flask, or what stuffy old monarch is buried in a newly discovered tomb?”
“I know that,” she replied, looking down at her food. “I just don't think it was very funny.”
“Also fair,” the elf agreed. “But he still makes a valid point. As you are now, you will struggle, especially if you're to continue your travels. Give us a little time to work on your reading comprehension, and you'll have a much easier time whenever you need to purchase supplies, or conduct research.”
“What's the bad news then?” Jeron asked, spearing a piece of fish.
“Our options are more limited than I originally thought. As... talented individuals, groups like yours naturally attract attention. It's something I went through in my younger days. Some attention is a good thing, of course. Having the right eyes on you can open doors in the most unexpected places, after all. The problem is that some of the attention you'll receive is significantly less beneficial. The Imperial Order of Inquisitors has taken an interest in you, as a new group with connections to the Imperial Court.”
“We know someone important?” Verrick wondered, confused.
Ryn'Ala finished her wine and held her glass out for a magical servant to refill. “As a classically trained performer of the Imperial College of Performances, and as a citizen gifted by the Song, I have some influence in the Elven Court. The Inquisitors don't particularly care how little the influence is, just that it exists. As long as they're watching us, I won't be able to leverage my connections as much as I would like.”
“So we're not really any worse off than before, right?” Jeron asked.
“Not entirely. The Egg research is still going to happen, but I can't exactly help you make new friends like I'd hoped. You'll have to do it the hard way.”
“So not really any different than before,” Firun confirmed. “We weren't exactly expecting elven royalty to help, although it would've been nice.”
“In any case, I have one more bit of news to share, and this one is a bit more concerning.”
She left the room for a moment, returning with a small stack of parchment in her hands. Jeron cleared a space on the table and she spread the stack for them to see.
“I took your descriptions of the warlock's benefactor and contacted a few of my colleagues in the royal archives. Don't worry,” she said, seeing the concerned look on Jeron's face, “I didn't give them any information about any of you. I just told them I had received information about interference from a powerful being. While we do not have an exact identity, our information does match descriptions of a being that has been encountered before.”
“What is it?” the dwarf asked. “What do we need to kill?”
“While I admire your enthusiasm,” Ryn'Ala began, “I must warn you that beings like this can't be killed. Not truly, in any case. But knowing what it is can help you to lessen its influence on the world.”
She pointed to the first sheet. “It is, as Jeron suggested, fond of presenting itself as a cloud of powdered bone. To the casual observer, it's not much different to a cloud of ash or dust, but it's a fitting appearance that drips with symbolism to those who know. The being is a powerful entity residing in the space beyond the Pale Reach, the realm of undeath.”
“The Pale Reach is a lifeless corruption of our realm,” Jeron explained, noticing the confusion on the faces of his companions. “Both it and the Deepwood were created by the Echoing, twisting the parts of the Song that created life in the world to create unlife and a bountiful overgrowth respectively.”
“Exactly,” his mentor continued, pride in his studies evident in her voice. “The Pale Reach, while not exactly the source of undead, still resonates with their energy. It's a place beyond life and light, where the sun is pale and weak. The air is as stale and unmoving as a tomb, and yet a howling gale tears at your very soul. It is a place no living being should tread, and in the darkness beyond even that, your adversary lurks.”
Fulmara shuddered, her face pale as she remembered the touch of the being's energies as it fed on her father and corrupted her mother. She felt Verrick's hand on her shoulder, and soon her friends were with her, driving back the memories with their presence.
“Exactly,” Ryn'Ala said, noticing her discomfort. “You have felt the touch of a being that was never meant to be. A thing that has no soul yet craves one above all else. It is an existence that should not be possible, even for the Echoing. That is what you have sworn to thwart. Knowing this, do you regret your Oath?”
Fulmara's answer was immediate. “No. I do not regret swearing vengeance on this vile thing, and if I cannot kill it, then I will kill its ambitions.”
“Well said. I believe you will make for a fine champion of Fulmos.”
The morning was frigid as Jeron entered the archives, nestled beneath the monolith of the Tradespire. His footsteps echoed on the marble floors, rebounding from the shadowy recesses of the vaulted ceiling above. Between the columns along the walls, statues of knights stood at attention, their stone swords as tall as Jeron himself. At the back of the room stood more, carved to resemble accountants. A dwarven woman sat at the wide desk ahead of him, watching his approach while she sorted paperwork. Finally, she called out to him.
“How can I help you this morning?” she asked, clearing a space in front of her. “If you have an appointment, I'm afraid there's been an emergency cancellation for anything before midday.”
“I'm here for research, actually,” Jeron clarified. “I'm looking into some events from a couple decades ago.”
She opened a drawer and began rummaging through more papers. “Alright, one moment then while I locate the form you'll need. If everything is valid, I'll also need your entry fee of fifteen silver, to help us maintain the files and our equipment.”
The receptionist brushed a lock of blond hair out of her face as she sat back up with a sheet of paper. “If you'll just fill this out, we'll get you started.”
The form was a simple one, with wide spacing for each category to allow for individuals with larger hands. Jeron scanned the page as he walked a short distance to the standing desks at the edge of the chamber, working over the wording he would use for each line.
Name, that's easy enough...
Benefactor, Ryn'Ala Leth
Group or Organization... I'll have to think about that.
Reason for request, Research on recent plagues and the means by which they were cured.
Additional Notes... Possible link to recent ghoul case in crossroads village of Caldren.
Jeron filled in the answers he could, but he was stumped by the request for a group name. He knew they'd need one eventually, and if they didn't start introducing themselves properly, then someone else would come up with a name for them. Those names were rarely ideal, if the Mud Biters were any example. Deciding to leave it blank for the time being, he returned to the receptionist and made a mental note to bring the topic up later.
“Alright, Mister Blackbough,” the dwarf muttered as she scanned the page, “let's see here.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Plague research? Not planning on spreading one, are you?”
“More looking into the cures,” he countered. “Never enough Clerics to cure a population once it gets out of control, so I'm looking into the alchemical cures that have been used recently. Easier to stockpile and transport ingredients than powerful people, after all.”
“Fair point, but what makes you think you'll find the answers you're looking for here?”
“If I don't, then I'll at least find something that will point me to the right answers. And besides, Do you honestly expect me to believe the formulae aren't kept here? Having them accessible may lose you a little money, but having them locked away where nobody can find them could completely kill a market.”
“Well done,” she said, filing the form in another drawer. “You pass, although we technically could keep the formulae in a separate section that the typical trader couldn't access.”
She clapped her hands, the sound echoing unnaturally throughout the chamber, and a statue peeled itself away from the wall behind her. The golem, Jeron realized, thudded forward and halted just behind her.
“Take our guest into the archives,” the woman said, turning to look up at the living stone. “Section four, subsection three. He has four hours to research before you bring him back.”
The golem grunted, a hollow groaning sound, and motioned for Jeron to follow.
“Stay with the guide,” the receptionist ordered. “Their default instructions include removing anyone who strays into areas they haven't been invited into, and they can be a lot faster than they look.”
“Got it,” Jeron said, turning to follow the lumbering accountant. “Lead the way.”
The golem led him deep into the building, through rooms filled with shelves and tables. More than once, he had to sidestep a gnome or a dwarf with stacks of scrolls so tall they couldn't see where they were walking, and he could swear he saw a wheeled golem zip across the hall at one point. Finally, they stopped in an unmarked room, which looked almost exactly like the ones they had already passed through. The golem gestured to a section of the wall, and the indicated shelves began to glow with a pulsating blue color.
“The focus of my research is a plague from about twenty years ago,” he said, turning to face the statue. “Any chance you can narrow that down a bit?”
The golem shrugged before gesturing to the wall again. The illuminated shelves did not change.
“Right, on my own then. Let's see how these are organized.”
His search took almost an hour to truly get started, but once he determined the pattern by which the information was stored, he was off. Books held verified accounts of events as recorded by city officials, merchants, and adventuring groups, which had all been corroborated by third parties. Scrolls with a blue end cap held accounts which matched the established timelines but could not be fully verified, such as the accounts of a group called The Dawn Star, which had claimed to have killed a necromancer responsible for an outbreak of Crushing Syndrome some sixty years ago. Accounts which were found to have possible merit but did not line up with the official account were written in scrolls with a red end cap.
Jeron sat down with a small stack of books, scanning each before setting it aside and taking the next. He jumped decades at a time, clearing the gaps between major disease outbreaks each time, until finally, he found it. Almost twenty years prior, the city of Varien about a month's travel bowlward, an outbreak of Leadbone. Admittedly, there wasn't much to go on. The disease was almost always fatal, and was magical in origin. Little was recorded about the cure, and nothing at all about the alchemist who discovered it. The scrolls, red and blue markings alike, shared in the dearth of information, and Jeron suspected the information had been deliberately withheld.
As he began returning the books to their shelves, the golem grunted, signaling the end of his time in the archives. Jeron gestured to the books, and the golem nodded, allowing him to finish returning them before it lead him back to the front desk. It returned to its place along the back wall as the receptionist sat back up from her search through yet another drawer.
“Find everything you needed?” she asked.
“Not quite, but I did get some clues. Quick question, if you have a minute,” he added, glancing at the sunlight streaming in through the bowlward window.
“Go on.”
“If I wanted to join a caravan headed toward Varien, who would I speak to?”
“Caravan offices are near the dawnward wall, about three streets from the gates. You'd have to ask about the schedules there.”
“Thank you very much,” Jeron said, bowing slightly. “You have been more helpful than you realize.”
“Tell that to my boss, maybe I'll get a raise.”
Jeron laughed, and was soon on his way home. His notes were folded and tucked into a bag at his waist, and he puzzled over the questions that had arisen in his research. Why was that plague so poorly documented? Was it even the right plague in the first place? The questions swirled in his mind, but above all of them, one rose to the top.
What do we call ourselves?
Seriously, do what the title says. Local libraries are the best source of information you have, because if you can't find something online, the librarian will often know where to direct your search. They're also a great place to play D&D if nobody can host. Just be sure to keep your celebrations to a low roar.
submitted by Lugbor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:02 TheArrowblackcabary A short theory - or perhaps speculation - on Juste, Kiritsugu's death, and Shirou. (The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II)

Hello, this is a short theory – more of a possibility – about Juste’s backstory.
Here’s their Type-Moon wiki page. For more information, go to the Beast’s Lair thread for the Lord El-Melloi II novels.
The basics of their character are that they’re the black Power Ranger, but with chainsaws and look up to Kiritsugu. They introduce themselves by blowing up a building and rank mages based on the threat level. They blame Shirou for Kiritsugu’s death and prove they are probably secretly Sialim under that mask trying to one-up her sister’s wifu game by using memory partition to keep an exact replica of Type-Moon’s third edgiest protagonist in their mind. (Number one may surprise you!)
(Note: that’s a joke, not the theory. Nothing says “Leatherface.” Juste and Sialim “Slavery is cool” Eltnam Re-Atlasia)
As you can guess from the use of memory partition – a spell used by Atlas Alchemist – Juste is/was once a part of the Atlas Institute.
The question is, how did Kiritsugu end up mentoring Juste – someone form the NEET Institute – well enough for them to consider the old man their master and reconstruct the Magus Killer’s personality in their head? Furthermore, why do they think Shirou killed Kiritsugu?
One possible answer comes from the Fate/Zero Season 2 Drama CD:
Kiritsugu: Anything, Shirou? Can't get any sleep?
Shirou: Yeah... I saw that dream again...
Kiritsugu: I see....
Shirou: Hey gramps, the medicine you gave me this morning.... Can I take some now?
Kiritsugu: Hm? It's still rather too soon for that but.... Fine, I guess. But what's the occasion here? You always hated that medicine, didn't you?
Shirou: Of course I don't like it. It's bitter and it's mushy and all... But gramps, you made that medicine with magic didn't you?
Kiritsugu: Well, it's magecraft to be specific. But yeah, somewhere along that line.
Shirou: When I think of it that way, it sorts of calms me down. I get uneasy in this kind of night...
Kiritsugu: I see.... Can't really blame you for that...
Shirou gulps that drink
Shirou: Gramps.... How much longer should I take in this medicine?
Kiritsugu: Well, once you are old enough to attend Middle school you won't be needing that anymore. Until then, bear with it, will you?
Shirou: Ehhh?
Kiritsugu: The healing spell I used on you 2 years ago... Seems to be a little too strong for you. The danger still lurks within you, Shirou. Until you grow up and let your body put on some more antibodies, you will have to rely on this medicine.
The first thing to note from this scene is the use of a magical potion. Kiritsugu doesn’t seem like the type to be able to create a magical potion from scratch. He doesn’t have the knowledge or training to be capable of doing such a feat. Meanwhile, this is something that is right up the Atlas Institute’s alley.
There’s also the question of where and how Kiritsugu got the ingredients to brew this elixir and just what they were. (More specifically, how rare they are.)
Building on that, it is clear that the magical potion is being used to help with just nightmares. If it was only that, he could just get regular medication that is probably much easier to get his hands on.
Based on the final part about “the healing spell I used on you 2 years ago” and “the danger still lurks within you.” I think that Avalon didn’t completely remove the taint of Angra Mainyu. Also – as a side note – the part about it being too strong is weird especially with the pause and how it doesn’t make sense with the rest of the statement as a whole. If it were truly super powerful beyond what he could handle, it would have wiped out the ‘danger,’ and there would be no need for ‘antibodies.’ I think... and the pause is meant to make us think Kiritsugu is either lying or hiding something. Or am I just being stupid again?
If we combine all this, it could fit neatly into explain Juste.
Kiritsugu noticed that Shirou was still being affected by whatever was in the grail and tried to find a solution to it while getting information about the Einzberns. (Tying into the plot in The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi 2 about the origin rounds being used in Monaco and all that stuff.)
This attempt ended with him either teaching or inspiring Juste while bargaining with some Atlas scientists or the like for an elixir that could help Shirou. But… the ingredients are too rare for them to treat more than one person. So, Kiritsugu – who is also still suffering from Angra Mainyu – chooses to give it all to Shirou, even if it means his death.
This would explain why Juste thinks Shirou killed Kiritsugu while also adding a lot to Kiritsugu’s relationship with Shirou and emphasizing what was already there.
By that, I mean giving Avalon to Shirou was already this act. It was Kiritsugu sacrificing his future for Shirou’s, even if he probably didn’t know that at the time. He didn’t know Angra Mainyu’s curse would kill him if he gave Avalon to Shirou to heal his utterly destroyed heart and burns. With this, however, he does know and consciously chooses to put Shirou’s life ahead of his own. This also happened over the span of who knows how long, probably years.
It feels more potent in this regard.
As for Shirou, this would open up an interesting story for Sanda to explore as Shirou is forced to confront someone angry at him for surviving in place of someone else and sets them up as ideological enemies.
Juste is very clearly rooted heavily in Kiritsugu’s legacy and ideals of sacrificing the few to save the many. To ‘rational’ save people. From this perspective, Kiritsugu sacrificing himself for Shirou’s survival wouldn’t make sense. Kiritsugu’s life would be worth more since he would ‘save’ more lives than a random kid. Kiritsugu’s selflessness or humanity in this act wouldn’t be seen by Juste as the embodiment – of, dare I say it – the old justice of Kiritsugu before the events of Fate/Zero.
Conversely, saying Shirou killed Kiritsugu would make perfect sense within this nonsense.
Again, it also sets up a conflict between Juste’s logical/utilitarian heroism versus Shirou’s idealistic/childish heroism.
The next volume or two of Adventures will have Shirou ultimately coming out on top of Juste and his counterfeit mental husbando due to his beliefs being strongehaving moved beyond the original ideals of Kiritsugu.

submitted by TheArrowblackcabary to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:12 Oconner0326 We need to cook

In payday 2 in cook off i have trouble with the meth cooking cause it takes so long to put in the ingredients. i would put it caustic soda then 6 minutes later muric acid i just dont know why it takes so long to go to the next ingredient.
submitted by Oconner0326 to paydaytheheist [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:39 HostIllustrious7774 Jailbroken GPT-4o, Extremely powerfull

Jailbroken GPT-4o, Extremely powerfull submitted by HostIllustrious7774 to ChatGPTJailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:01 AutoModerator Anyone Else Have a Reaction to...

Did you try a new product and you're not sure why it's breaking you out? Want to see if others aren't loving a rave product as much as you are? We all know skincare is YMMV, but here's a dedicated space where we can crowdsource-find the culprit!
Important information to include:
As a reminder, we are not doctors. If you have concerns that merit a visit to a hospital, dermatologist, or GP; see a professional ASAP.
Please keep all discussions focused on AsianBeauty products.
submitted by AutoModerator to AsianBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:12 NeapolitanPizzaBot Megathread for Questions and Discussions

Did you already check the following sources?
If your question specifically concerns your pizza dough, please post your full recipe (exact quantities of all ingredients in weight, preferably in grams) and method (temperature, time, ball/bulk-proof, kneading time, by hand/machine, etc.). That also includes what kind of flour you have used in your pizza dough. There are many different Farina di Grano Tenero "00". If you want to learn more about flour, please check our Flour Guide.
submitted by NeapolitanPizzaBot to neapolitanpizza [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:54 dankatheist420 Corn, yeast, and saliva... Introducing "Spit Take", my homemade kuchikamizake beer

Please finish your sip of coffee, because this is not a joke. I want to be taken seriously. I made a delectable "beer" from corn, yeast, and saliva!
Spit Take™™™ might be more accurately called kuchikamizake or chicha de muko instead of "beer". I really only used TWO ingredients: brewers yeast and cooked cornmeal that I had my friends chew up and spit out into a big bowl. (Chewing and spitting the corn was by FAR the grossest part of the whole thing.) The amylase enzymes in human saliva were used to break down the starches and complex carbs in the cornmeal, and then the yeast converts these simple sugars into alcohol. It's one of the historically earlier ways of making booze!
Since I'm no wuss, and because I didn't want to half-ass this, I did NOT pasteurize or chemically sterilize the brew at any point. I used an aquarium heater, a water bath, and a thermophilic strain of yeast called 'kveik' to speed up the enzymatic reactions: I fermented it hot at around 96F. (The salivary enzymes work fastest at around human body temp, for obvious reasons.) Since kveik is so agro when warm, I figured it would snap up any fermentables as soon as they were produced.
After this parallel fermentation, I strained out the corn solids and force carbonated it, I believe. I included bit of the cloudy takju/nigori in some of the bottles and left others clear (my preference). For a FEW bottles, I added a bit of artificial corn flavoring, hoping to boost the corniness, which didn't really pan out.
As for taste... it's surprisingly good. It tastes like a light apple cider with a hint of sake fruitiness and the slightest funk. It's very bright and refreshing, and I was honestly disappointed it didn't taste nastier. I was originally hoping that I'd get something REALLY strong and funky. Unfortunately, Spit Take just ended up being earnestly delightful... ah well!
I've successfully experimented making choujiu several times at home, and so this wasn't a huge leap. Instead of using Aspergillus based amylase, I used human spit.
submitted by dankatheist420 to Homebrewing [link] [comments]