Dull sensation lower back ribs

5/5 ARM Question

2024.05.20 08:24 Jesus-is-my-Lord- 5/5 ARM Question

I bought a home in 2015 for $384,840, zero down and a Conventional 5/5 ARM starting at 5% interest due for the first 5 years, and it changes every 5 years until it's paid off in 30 years with no balloon payment. I received the first adjustment in 2020 and they lowered it to 3% for 5 years. The second adjustment is the end of 2025. The Cap is 2%/per adjustment and 10% max. So the interest rate will likely go back up to 5% due to the 2% cap in 2025 if the rates don't tank again.
My questions are:
Do they use the original mortgage amount to base the new payment off of, or do they use the current balance of the loan at the time of adjustment? Example: $384,840 was the original and I had 5% on that amount. Let's say the next adjustment in 2025 has a $300,000 balance, and they up it from 3% to 5% until 2030. Will I pay 5% on the balance amount making the payment actually go down even though the interest goes up because the balance is less or is it calculated differently?
I'm not sure how this changing ARM works with amortization and all that, to determine what kind of payment I might have. Right now 5% is still a great rate for years 2025-2030, but I'm not sure what that payment would look like based on how it's calculated, P&I only.
I hope I'm making sense to those who understand ARMs. I appreciate the help in knowing if the payment could be less due to the balance being less, or if it will go up due to using the original amount borrowed or some other calculation?
Thanks for any help!
submitted by Jesus-is-my-Lord- to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 eveacrae I think we are wrong about LingLing

Sorry I just tried to do a clickbaity title lol. I don't think anyone is wrong for not liking someone. But today I was going back and watching fancams and I think shes better than a lot of us have the perception of her being, me included.
Her dance and expressions are quite good, I think the bad boy performance really shows it. I also think her vocals aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be, the main reason I thought this was because of the signal song test but in sweet venom we get to hear her deeper voice in the right tone and she sounds quite good. She only sounds worse in the higher pitched parts, i would like to hear more of her in a lower pitch. (Tbh this is true of a lot of the girls and kpop in general..) Also signal song test had me thinking nobody was talented on the show, that song is just hard as hell
The only thing I think is that she lacks a natural draw/stage presence, she seems to fall in the background easily unlike someone like Mai. In her introduction short (which is cute btw!!) she also mentions she prefers time alone which makes me think she is shy and introverted, and just needs a bit more confidence.
A lot of people are worried she will bring down the group if she debuts but I think itll be just fine. Shes not one of my picks and it would be sad for my pick to not make it. But especially with a bit of training and the confidence of debut, I think she could end up like wonhee and seem totally different. I think every trainee deserves their fair chance and LingLing has been a bit unfairly judged, probably also influenced by the severe lack of screentime
(also while we're here how do you get a flair on mobile)
submitted by eveacrae to mnetiland2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:16 JavaJavaAndProxy The Lower Voice

Jerry dates Bella Thorne, but is disappointed to find out that her voice is lower than on Disney Channel. Elaine brings purity rings back into fashion “ironically, because nobody takes them seriously anymore”. Kramer starts working in a toystore. George can’t find change from a 100 anywhere.
submitted by JavaJavaAndProxy to RedditWritesSeinfeld [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:14 DoctorBibonic Peer Pressure

It's stuck in my mind, trapped and buried in the deepest regions, only to resurface when my mind wonders. I'll be on the brink of sleep, drifting off when the haunting memories return to me. It was to become a man they told me, but it simply made me less of a human.
Decades ago, the summer heat rained down on our small town in Texas. The only safety for the younglings was the shade of trees as our parents forced us outside til the dinner bell rang. School was out, and there was almost nothing to do. Worse of all, my parents refused to take me to the local pool, citing health concerns.
Alas, there was a saving grace. Within the roughly 50-acre plot of forest at the end of the culdesac resided a sprawling stream system. Most of it was muddy or sandy with shallow water, but a specific section sported a large rocky cliff and up to neck-high depths.
I remember the first time I saw him. Rumors and gossip were all I had known at the time. Tales that his eyes stared blankly, the way he acted like a toddler, and his limping gait. I'll admit that most were lies, but the first was most definitely true.
At a gas station, I eyed a candy bar to my right. I almost went to ask my mother for it before I felt a sensation of being watched. Turning to face the people ahead of us in the line, I caught his gaze. His brown eyes stared into mine, still and unmoving.
It was a quick encounter, his mother finalizing the purchase and leaving with him. He stared as he walked out the door, continuing til he was placed into the beaten red truck. Even though it was a short encounter, I already felt the weird feelings the others described.
Laying in my bed, I couldn't help but to think about his stare. It was almost as if there wasn't a mind behind those eyes, simply the shell of a person. The next day, I sat in the living room playing with my action figures. Suddenly a knock rang out from the front door, and I quickly made my way to open it.
Jake and Ethan stood in front of me. They were barely older, but at that age, it made all the difference. I considered myself the luckiest boy in the world to be able to play with older kids, even if the age gap was only a year.
"We're gonna go to the hole, wanna come?" Jake said enthusiastically. He was the leader of our little trio, his ideas of what to do clashing with the boredom of summer.
Enthusiastically I agreed. And quickly after that, I slid on my already tied shoes, following them as we began down the street. Just a minute after leaving the house, I already wished that I didn't. The heat was severe, made worse by the almost zero humidity. I couldn't wait to submerge myself into the refreshing waters of the creek.
Suddenly a bang erupted from the yard to my right, and my head instantly shifted in that direction. The boy was out there, a stick in his hand striking one of the large pines on their property.
Upon noticing me, his arms went limp, his eyes trailing me. Thinking back now, it was obvious that he wasn't smart. He probably had some type of learning disability, autism, or something. I'm not a doctor, but he simply wasn't like the rest of us, and that was why he was outcasted by the kids of the neighborhood.
That didn't matter though, the boy never left his yard. After we came back, our boxers drenched, I saw him attempt to follow me. A shout came from the open window, and the boy stopped, turning and beginning to make his way to the front door. I never saw his father, though, I wouldn't blame him if he packed his bags and left.
The day it happened was humid. Jake and Ethan had invited me to go play at the hole, and I gratefully accepted. As we made our way to the tree line, I noticed the boy hiding behind his tree, a large stick in his hand. Paying no attention, we continued forward, pushing through the thick undergrowth. As we walked, I began to hear what sounded like a set of footsteps behind us. Though every time I turned my head, I would see nothing.
"Do you guys hear something?" I questioned, the others stopping to examine me.
"Are you really scared of the woods?" Ethan asked, a smile on his face.
"What?! No!" I rebuttled as they laughed. Both of them began to walk forward, and after a final glance behind, I followed.
Suddenly he appeared in front of us, his stance wide as he held the stick like a baseball bat. I let out a scream as he jumped out, settling down after I realized it was just simply him.
"What does this idiot want?" Jake questioned, watching as the boy began to approach.
Suddenly and without warning, he began to charge toward us. Jake backed up a little bit, as no matter the age or size of someone, a boy wielding a stick is terrifying, especially when you don't have one yourself. Turning tail, we began to flee, hopping over logs and stones as the boy gave chase.
After a minute of running, Jake skidded to a stop. We were atop the peak of the cliff, around a twenty-foot drop. Rumors of a child jumping off into the water and surviving was prevalent at the time, but none attempted to recreate it.
He approached from behind as we turned in unison. Taking the role of our protector, Jake stepped in front, ready for a fight. The boy slowly stepped forward, his pace steady with intent, and his eyes locked onto Jake. His jaw was limp and open, an obvious stain where drool sept out.
It was quick. It was just so quick. The boy rushed forward, swinging and hitting Jake in the side. He was weak though, and Jake was strong. Grabbing hold of his shirt, he spun him around, sending him flying off the cliff. I heard three impacts, the last one being a splash of water.
Peering over the edge, I stared at his limp body at the bottom of the cliff. The water around him was tinted red, his landing pad being a thin layer of water with sharp rocks under the surface. Glancing at each other wearily, we left, abandoning the crime scene.
When his mother realized her little boy was nowhere to be seen, she called the police. The search efforts were halted by a ravenous storm. His body was carried five miles down the stream, eventually catching onto a fallen tree. By the time a hiker found him, he was barely recognizable.
Animals had feasted– NO! After all these years, I can't even tell the truth. No no no. I need to say it, I need to SAY IT! After he fell, we made our way down, approaching his mangled body. He was gasping for air whilst crying. His jaw was crooked, blood seeping out of a wound on his forehead.
He must've broken his back because he didn't move much. His eyes, oh god his eyes. They stared into mine, wide and terrified. They... They made me do it. It wasn't my choice it was... It wasn't me! I wish I could go back, I wish I could fix things. They made me do it, THEY MADE ME DO IT...
They made me pick up a rock.
submitted by DoctorBibonic to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:12 Ill-Goose79 AITA for wanting to focus on myself?

I (23f) am going through many changes in life recently and all of these things have occurred over the last month and a half. To say I’m drained is an understatement. (Sorry in advance, this post is going to be a little lengthy.)
For example, my father had two strokes at the start of this year, which destroyed me (even though my father and I are not very close), & I am currently seven months pregnant with my second child. This pregnancy has also been VERY tough compared to my first, so I’m really trying to push through as best I can. I have severe pain in my lower back and pelvis, which make it excruciating to do anything. This wasn’t something that happened during my first pregnancy either, so I’m trying to take it easy as humanly possible. On top of that, I’m still fighting postpartum depression and it’s kicking my butt. However, there are two other major life events I’ve faced on top of this that are absolutely killing me lately.
The first event is me going back to work. I will only be working until I give birth again, but it’s very taxing on my body and my mental health. It may sound silly, but I have been a stay at home mom for the last 7-8 months to my firstborn child. I absolutely adore this new role with my whole heart, it brings me so much joy. I just didn’t have the intention of going back to work any time soon, so this change caught me off guard. After not working for such a long period of time, it’s become very difficult for me to go back for a few reasons. It means having to leave my 9 month old baby during prolonged amounts of time, and I’m not used to that yet. It’s made my heart sad to do it, but we’re in a financial crunch in my household, so going back to work was the only suitable option to help take care of bills with my partner. While this change is only temporary, I’m still having a tough time trying to adjust to it. It also means getting used to my line of work again (I cook in a restaurant), the peaks of busy hours, being on my feet for hours at a time, etc. Working in such a demanding industry is hard when you’re pregnant, and that’s something I’m trying to get used to again too. For some background info, I worked through the entirety of my first pregnancy and it wasn’t easy the first time either.
The other major life change I’m dealing with is that I’ve lost my sister (27f) in a horrific car accident last month. I’m very numb to this whole situation, and I’m in shock. My mom and I are the only two people in our family who have taken charge to give her a proper funeral too. As you could imagine, it’s a TON of stress for just two people to handle. From starting a campaign to raise money to pay for the funeral costs, to writing her obituary, I’ve been working my ass off trying to make sure this goes as smoothly as possible. I love my sister dearly, and I’m honored to have such a big role in this. However, it’s becoming much harder each day. Our mom is putting a ton of pressure on me by giving me handfuls of tasks while she handles the smaller responsibilities in all of this. I’ve launched the campaign for expenses, I am writing the obituary, I’ve picked out a guest list, made a social media page for guests to RSVP to the service, collected photos, gathered a location for her celebration of life, and I’ve also gone to several meetings at the funeral home to discuss details of the service as well on top of a few other things too. I’m doing all of this while trying to be a happy mother, go to work, being pregnant, and trying to handle my own life stresses. I manage money in my household, so I budget everything. I do the shopping, cleaning, etc. Not to mention, I’ve been playing the part of a support system to my mother and my sisters father during this time. On my days off from work, I’m not relaxing or taking it easy as I should be. I’m taking care of my child while my partner is working, I’m also juggling the funeral responsibilities, and trying to figure out how to keep my household afloat. I barely have had time to take care of myself and I’m drowning.
Here’s where the issue comes into play. My mom wants me to do a handful more things for the service, as it’s approaching at the end of the month. I just don’t have the heart to tell her that I’m exhausted and would prefer her to do it. I didn’t sign up for all of these responsibilities either, it was just given to me when all of this happened. I didn’t say no originally either because it’s my sister, you know? I love her and want her to have a proper send off, I am just so overwhelmed at this point.. My mom has only handled the songs she would like to hear at the service, sending in the photos I’ve gathered, and attending meetings with the funeral home. I’ve done literally everything else. Now, she wants me to do more. My mother doesn’t work, she stays at home a majority of the time. She babysits my son for two days out of the week for two hours max while I’m at work. She has the time to do all of the extra things, whereas I do not. I just want to focus on my own mental well being and my at home life right now. My days off from work have been filled with all of life’s problems and struggles, and they don’t rest on the days that I do work either. I haven’t even really begun to process the loss of my sister. I think about her, but it hasn’t even really hit me yet.. I haven’t had a day to myself to think or even do my laundry.. I’m just so exhausted of life. AITA for wanting her to handle the last bit of responsibilities so I can take a step back and focus on myself and my home life before the funeral?😞
submitted by Ill-Goose79 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:12 Different_Week_96 Possibly dealing with claustrophobia as a trigger?

Hello all,
I went out of town on the weekend of April 27th and all was fine up until we parked in a parking garage to walk around an outdoor mall and my legs started feeling wobbly and felt like the ground was moving under me. I noticed when I sat down for a while, it eventually went away. This also happened 2 other times but we never parked in a parking garage but did go to an outdoor mall.
Since then, the only times I've noticed it happening was during these scenarios:
I first thought vertigo but my mom told me vertigo is a spinning sensation. Then we thought claustrophobia because during my traumatic event, I was trapped in a corner of a back room where my mind chose the "flight" reaction and quickly escaped through the back door of the room.
Maybe I get these sensations when my mind gets the sense of feeling trapped in a confined area? Maybe because my mind feels like I'm potentially trapped in a confined area and if something went wrong, I'd have to make that attempt to escape.
Could it just be a PTSD trigger because it's a retail type store and my incident occurred in a retail store? It has never happened at home.
I'm stumped. I never experienced this prior to my incident and it has been more noticeable with parking garages and elevators.
submitted by Different_Week_96 to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:10 Majestic-Value6674 SI joint responsible for my problems? How was the issue missed in xray and MRI?

Sorry if this is all over the place.
A little while ago I posted about experiencing some bladder dysfunction, lower back/leg nerve pain, and decreased mobility in left hip, but after a lumbar spine MRI it was discovered that my discs and spine in general are fine (also had an xray).
Now I'm trying to figure out how I should bring up some recent observations with my ortho doc who missed some stuff in our last few appointments (granted I missed these things too but I'm ignorant and never look in a full body mirror).
He told me previously that it was probably "two separate issues" - one with my back and one with my hip, but now I'm wondering if it's all SI joint related? Don't know if they look at that area in an xray or MRI, but either way this was all completely missed.
But here's what I noticed only in the last week:
•pelvis is rotated like at least 30° counterclockwise if I stand or sit with my legs completely parallel
•left knee and hip get "off track" and feel very "twisted"
•weird bruise on the inside of my thigh right up by my groin along with trailing skin discoloration all over the left side of my groin (like a large faint bruise)
•the bump where my SI joint is on the left side is far more prominent than right
•left ilium is about an inch further out from the center than the right
•left thigh and knee also appear to be rotated counterclockwise.
Any input greatly appreciated.
submitted by Majestic-Value6674 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:09 _AquarianAvacados VENT IT OUT// I really can't make this ish up. I (slipped-up) messaged my once "friend"/ex of 11 yrs new gf exposing my conartist-esque ex after I had had enough of his games. And not even 2 weeks later....every single thing I attempted to expose - he is working on covering back up far quicker.

There is SO much through those horrible 11 years. But the last 2.5 have truly been the hardest, mostly because I am just EXHAUSTED to the point....I don't even usually bother fighting against a single thing/become comfortable as the door matt.
What did me in, is he owes my grandmother $3k for HIS HALF of unpaid debt to her. They are currently (under my dumb stupid blessing) are letting him rent what is my family's home they are leaving to me when they die for a whooping $600 a month. S I X HUNDRED. 3br 1bth huge fenced back and front yard. 3 porches. Huge attached garage. $600.......
He knew it was only a 6 month agreement. And that either I would be retaking my home, or the rent would be raised to $1000, as i would be taking $600 of it monthly and planned to use it towards a rental of my own. (My family and i truly helped him willingly, so he at least had 6 months to get on his feet.) I on the other hand, was fortunate enough to have my recently divorced bff of 25 years with an open room in her home, badabingbadaboom.
Truthfully, I was basically forced out of my house before I had a say. It wasn't my first choice to leave every bit if furniture/my daughter's bedroom set/ect...THAT I ALONE have purchased throughout the years, to my floppy meatsuit of an ex manchild who's idea of "hard labor" is mowing a lawn..but it was my ONLY choice. (That's another story for another day, lol. This one's long enough)
Anyways the 6 months is up, and it had come time to go forward with what was already previously understood as to happen...I should have seen it coming, given that he suddenly started to attempt far more communication (our child being his perfect excuse to disguise what was really going on....
.....and then THIS MF-ER...MAN.... My grandmother tells me on my way out after stopping by for breakfast, that my ex had told her unless they lower the rent for him, he won't pay the 3k debt from TWO years ago now (he promised as soon as he got his tax return, he would pay it) but now he'd need it to find another rental property......this 33 year old man....telling this to My sweet and kind grandmother, who is the a matriarch to my family mind you, she has basically RAISED this 33 year old brat since his infanthood (since he was 22 years old!). ~His parents were 2.5 hours away, his dad is an attorney in some podunk hillbilly town, and his mom is all the worst parts of the gossipy church women put together. They only cared about his younger sister and her two children, lol. So.~
I was floored. I told her something along the lines of "uhhhh I'm pretty sure that's a form of extortion????"
Anyways. I slept on it, and woke up to choosing violence. By violence, I mean I messaged the only thing I knew he "CARED" about, at least for now, until there's nothing for him to gain. I just wanted to make sure he knew where i stood really, and how careful he should tread with me now after hearing that.
...this girl was the other former bff of MY bff. She HATED me for at least a decade. "Frienmies" if yiu will. I had been told SEVERAL times around 6 years ago (ish) that she told our mutual bestie how she was going to "fuck my boyfriend, and get him to leave me. That he was her dream guy" LOFL ...and had witnessed/heard her myself FLIRT with him heavy and totally disrespectfully in front of me. Up until the day they boinked in secret, this girl followed all my social accounts religiously for allll these years....
You can imagine, I had some STUFF I was dying to let out, but I will say, I refrained from being an absolute c-word. I basically in the most passive aggressive tone, EXPOSED what my exs current game was with my family home and the mistreatment of my grandparents.
I told her to ask about his stomach illness he faked so well, had me so SO sympathetic towards him that I asked if he would just instead making basically double pay for the summer months (school district employee) and not taking off....to take off, an I would just work ot graves or whatever extra I could/did...and then how the DAY BEFORE our child started 1st grade, he pulled the rug out from under by creating a literally pointless 4 hours screaming match.....and leaving me, the house, the dogs, and the bills high and dry. No tummy ache to ever come about again...
Or how he had a disguised app with nudes and texts from women he cheated on me with or had fucked when we were in a slump/split. And how she's also in it.
And to ask the father of the year what his 7 year olds doctors name was...we used her since the 2day infant visit lol.
Or to ask him who's been the provider for our child's education since 3 years of age. Her insurance. Dental. Ect. (Hint: it's not him).
I asked her to ask him why he told me that she "owned her own home and was so independent and worked so hard to be where she is now" as a means to rub salt in my wounds while he forced me out if my/OUR old home in the worst mental depression I'd ever dealt with.....when that is not true because she cheated on her husband with multiple men while he was deployed and lost her Marital home in divorce. She lives with her parents and two younger brothers.
Why he was still.texting me and sending me his unsolicited or answered selfies to me.
I wrapped it up with my point of the information being that for my exs sake, I pleaded she encouraged him to don"the right thing".
I mean....I knew he was putting on a dog and pony show for her from day 1. He's a fraud, I learned that over and over. He will lie/manipulative/step on whatever and whoever without a care in the world, all while making whoever they choose to feel as if they're to blame if any sort of conflicts or grievance against them rose.
So I knew in my exes false reality he was painting for this chick was no doubt of how amazing a father he is, and how shitty of a parent and person I am in turn....
side note: ffs he even lowered his own vocal tone forcefully when j met him 11 yrs ago to disguise his godawful nasal screach
WITHIN 10 DAYS. NOT EVEN 2 WEEKS Of me sending her all this...
First text - him asking for our childs doctor's information for the first time in 5 years. Evidently they had a sore throat in the middle of the night. (Mmmmok)
4 days later - he is asking if we could discuss getting her needed dental work finished up as we've put it off for a while (he literally never cared the first phase lol)
That same day - he is pandering sympathy and attention because he's suddenly having stomach attacks again and he's got a colonoscopy scheduled and blahblahblahhhhhh.
I mean....literally the list of the shit I exposed directly goes on and on.....and he made sure to cover up each one down the line. Like. If that isn't "master manipulation".....what is? There has got to be a word for this oh so insanely predictable behavior lol.
Certainly. I'd hope the chick truly SEES what is happening? That the dude is literally whether subconsciously/uncontrollably covering up his actions because he knows deep down, what was done was wrong all around...or just creating and perfecting his own stage right before our eyes? Lol RIGHT?!
I just have to laugh at it all now. It's just a RL sitcom of disaster at this point. 😑
submitted by _AquarianAvacados to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 Manup423 Lunin vs Courtois; Militao vs Tchouameni/Nacho???

I think last night’s match against Villarreal answered a lot of questions for us Madrid fans, and probably for Carlo and his coaching staff. Which of those players would you consider starting for the final against Dortmund? Here are my personal views and has been so for quite sometime; Courtois starts! If fully fit; as the matches he played in has shown. No way he allows that Bernardo Silvia’s free kick goal, nor Sane’s goal in the near post. He is far more trust worthy in aerial balls. Lunin is good, and has really helped us this season, but Courtois is far ahead. If fully fit, and I’m convinced he is; I’d start him without any thoughts. Militao isn’t ready. Not by a mile! ACL injuries are not easy to come back from. Recent history also tells us this. Against lower ranked teams, this wasn’t evident. But against decent teams, is became obvious. Sorloth absolutely left him in a sorry state. I would pick Tchouameni. (Sorry Nacho). I’m worried about aerial balls and set pieces. So here’s my pick; Courtois starts. Rudiger pairs with Tchouameni. Camavinga CDM. What do you think guys? Who would you pick?
submitted by Manup423 to realmadrid [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:01 fabulouslasvegasesco Meet Diamond Reserve (DMDR): Ethereum-Based Token Backed by Real Diamonds!

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Diamond Reserve (DMDR), a pioneering utility token built on the Ethereum blockchain and backed by real, 1-carat lab-grown diamonds. 💎
What Makes DMDR Special?
DMDR combines the power of Ethereum’s blockchain technology with the stability of tangible assets. Each token is backed by a real, lab-grown diamond, offering a unique blend of innovation and security.
Key Features:
Why Invest in DMDR?
submitted by fabulouslasvegasesco to Crypto_Talkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:01 SueDeiVo_ SWD Placement

For a lower back patient would you place pads on the patient in prone or patient on pad in supine and why?
submitted by SueDeiVo_ to physiotherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 Dogisyum69 Finding Who You Really Are

Currently I (24m) am in the process of quitting marijuana and have given up nicotine back in March. For the most part I have done good with staying off MJ but have had 3 very brief slipups in the last months, getting rid of whatever I had gotten an hour or two later. While I can't say I've been off of it for very long, I am definitely noticing a lot of the changes of quitting THC.
However, I have noticed that I am lacking a sense of identity. My childhood revolved around taking care of my sister with special needs and (sometimes) my mother, followed by going into the military for some time, and dealing with ADHD, schizophrenia, and bipolar once I got out. My life has always evolved around taking care of someone or in the short time that I haven't been taking care of someone, I have been lost and a complete stranger to myself, using cannabis and other dopamine boosting behaviors to cope.
This knowledge is painful but has also been very empowering as for the first time in my life, I am in control. Staying off of substances for longer periods of times is easier and while my mental health isn't great, I'm not getting locked up all the time anymore and am even looking at moving out on my own since my symptoms have stabilized.
I am ready to figure out who I really am. But am not sure how to really do it. How have or are you guys finding your true self without all the bullshit filters and fears of vulnerability? Or finding out what you really enjoy doing with your time and your life and what brings you joy? I'm doing a lot of positive activities such as working out, making more meals from home, hanging out with my new pup, and meditating. It's difficult to plan a full day of things to do when you aren't currently working and so many of the things I used to think I enjoy were actually just because of the dull effect of cannabis.
Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated and if anyone in their journey that has questions is free to reach out. Thank you!
submitted by Dogisyum69 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:58 Rimm9246 CIG, I love ya, but this some bullshit right here.

I've been doing some lower tier bounties, vlrts and lrts mostly, to try and get to grips with the new flight model. I was pretty discouraged at first, because it felt like my ship was so freakin' slow that I couldn't help but eat all of the enemies shots. But, after watching some guides, and getting more practice, I was starting to feel a lot better, and the new system was starting to grow on me. Tonight I saw an ERT pop and thought what the hell, I'll give it a shot and if I die, I was about to log off anyway, nbd.
The target was a redeemer, with a herc and connie as backup. Fortunatley, it felt like I was just fighting the redeemer for the most part, due to the other ships being slower. Unfortunately, that thing was so damn tanky that I didn't have a chance in hell of killing it in my little avenger titan. I put all 2000 rounds of my s4 revenant into it while hitting it with the s3 omniskys all the while. It took a little hull damage from the gatling but didn't even get the slightest dent it it's shields. I was fine because it didn't seem to be firing back with it's turrets for some reason, probably a bug or network issue. If it had I'm sure I would have been space dust by that point.
Which is totally fine - I would expect ERTs to be hard, and require you to bring a multicrew ship with some friends. What I couldn't believe is when I got back to the station, they wanted 47K aUEC to repair the slight bit of damage I took. That sounded completely crazy, I'm used to paying no more than a couple thousand. But I thought, maybe the economy has been rebalanced and the numbers are just higher now. That's when I decided to check that ERT mission, and realized that it would have paid... 25k. Twenty - five - k.
Circling back to the multicrew thing... how the HELL are we supposed to justify bringing friends along for missions, if they pay peanuts, AND expect us to split that between our crew, AND the repairs on a slightly damaged ship cost twice as much as the mission payout?! And a single seater at that, not even a multicrew ship!
AND on top of that, the prices of ships have increased across the board, so it was already going to be a much longer grind to get them. When CIG was talking about the changes they intended to make regarding mission rewards in this patch, I got the impression that they wanted to make most missions *more* worthwhile, not less. But what they have done here is just... insulting.
I WANT this to be a "grindy" game, eventually. I want to be able to spend years and years playing this game, slowly building up my wealth and reputation. But we are talking about an alpha here, one where any progress made is just going to get reset anyway. One where earning money often takes twice as long as you would expect anyway, because of bugs and issues getting in your way.
Now, I can already imagine what people more cynical than me are going to say: they don't want it to be reasonable to earn ships in game, because they want people to keep pledging for ships. I don't believe that, I don't think that they had any ill intentions behind these changes, I know they want the game to be good just as much as we do. But CIG, please, you owe everything to your backers, the least you can do is respect our time. Please listen to us on this one and make changes soon.
p.s. thanks for listening to my rant. Sorry for being dramatic, I'm just super passionate about this game (=
submitted by Rimm9246 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:57 Status-Friendship Using Garmin with Concept 2?

I want to achieve that Anaerobic Capacity on the Rower according to my Garmin Connect App. How should I go about it? The way to accomplish this is with sprints for up to 30 seconds to get into the top of Zone 4 or into Zone 5 with the heart rate then let the heart rate slip back down to a reasonable rate in say 2 to 3 minutes then get the Sprint on again and repeat a certain number of sets.
Would this be better accomplished with a high drag factor and a low stroke count or a lower drag factor and a higher stroke count?
Just looking for opinions on getting the heart rate high enough as quick as possible without beating myself up to much and not finishing the full workout planned.
Thinking of a 10 - 15 minute warmup followed by 6 - 10 short 20 second sprints with a 3 minutes constant row rest period between sprints then a 10 minute cool down.
Again any advice or feedback is appreciated!
submitted by Status-Friendship to concept2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:56 Qubexpro_vizag Don’t Relocate. Just Open a Virtual Office space

Virtual Offices – What are they?

Definition of Virtual Offices

Virtual offices are service offerings that allow businesses and entrepreneurs to establish a professional presence without the need for physical office space. These services typically include a business address, mail handling, phone answering services, and access to meeting rooms on an as-needed basis. For instance, a business center in Vizag can provide these comprehensive virtual office solutions to local and international businesses.

Historical Context and Evolution

The concept of virtual offices dates back to the late 20th century, coinciding with advancements in technology and the rise of remote work. Initially, virtual offices were primarily used by freelancers and small businesses. Over time, larger organizations began to recognize the benefits of flexible work environments, leading to widespread adoption. Establishing a office space in Vizag is part of this evolving trend, offering modern solutions to companies looking to expand in this region.

Key Components

Advantages of Virtual Offices

Increased Flexibility and Scalability

Adaptability to Business Needs

Virtual offices offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing businesses to scale operations up or down without the constraints of traditional leases. This adaptability is particularly beneficial for startups and seasonal businesses. A business center in Vizag can cater to varying business needs, from local startups to multinational corporations.

Remote Work Facilitation

By enabling employees to work from anywhere, virtual offices support a distributed workforce, enhancing productivity and satisfaction. A business center in Vizag provides the necessary infrastructure to support this modern work model effectively.

Cost-Effectiveness and Savings

Reduced Overhead Costs

Virtual offices eliminate the need for physical office space, significantly cutting down on expenses such as rent, utilities, and maintenance.

Lower Operational Expenses

Businesses can save on costs associated with office equipment, furniture, and supplies, reallocating resources to core activities.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Flexible Working Hours

Virtual offices empower employees to choose their work hours, promoting a healthier work-life balance and reducing burnout.

Elimination of Commutes

Remote work facilitated by virtual offices removes the need for daily commuting, saving time and reducing stress.

Professionalism and Credibility

Prestigious Business Address

A virtual office provides a reputable business address, enhancing the company's image and credibility without the cost of a physical location.
For businesses seeking office space in Vizag, a virtual office offers a cost-effective solution to establish a professional presence in a prime location.

Professional Communication Services

With call answering and mail handling services, businesses maintain a professional front, ensuring seamless communication with clients and partners.

Global Connect

International Presence

Virtual offices allow businesses to establish a presence in multiple locations globally, enabling them to tap into new markets and expand their reach.

Access to Global Talent

Businesses can hire talent globally, benefiting from diverse skills and perspectives. Utilizing office space in Vizag offers a prestigious address, enhancing flexibility and professional presence without the cost of a physical location.

Manage Documents

Efficient Document Handling

Virtual offices often include digital document management services, streamlining processes such as scanning, storage, and retrieval.

Enhanced Security

Professional virtual office providers offer secure handling of sensitive documents, ensuring privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.

Bottom Line in English

Virtual offices represent a transformative approach to business operations, offering flexibility, cost savings, and professional services without the need for physical office space. By leveraging virtual office space in Vizag, businesses can enhance their credibility, expand their global presence, and provide employees with improved work-life balance.
The scalability and adaptability of virtual offices make them an ideal choice for modern enterprises looking to optimize their operations and remain competitive in an ever-evolving market. A business center in Vizag is an excellent example of how businesses can utilize these benefits to establish and grow their presence in a strategic location.
submitted by Qubexpro_vizag to u/Qubexpro_vizag [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:56 OriginalSuitable1277 Living in the now

Recently I’ve started to feel kinda sad. I’ve realized that me being a kid is kinda over. I blinked and one second I was in 5th grade and now I’m finishing up my freshman year of high school. I feel like times flying by and I’m just letting it happen. It makes me sad because my grandma is getting old and it’s sad to see her struggle to climb up the stairs, it’s sad to think that my favorite cousin who I’ve known my whole life and who I would get so hyped to have sleepovers with will be in college after next year, my brother will be a junior in college who this upcoming year. I’ve said that I wish I could go back in time not only to when I was a kid to relive my memories because ever since Covid it’s been hard to remember the stuff before in great detail, but I’ve also said I wish I could go back to when people like my dad were a kid because it seems like they lived every moment to the fullest. Also even though I use technology a lot for school and video games, I don’t know how I feel about the future of it because now were seeing microchips put in peoples heads and while stuff like that can be useful I just feel like it will make life seem even more dull. Not to mention for me personally it feels like social media especially during after covid completely changed people my ages personalities, it feels like the only thing that matters to these kids is clout, it feels weird because I don’t care how many followers I have, I feel like everyone is slowly becoming the same person. It’s like how one second I was playing Mario Cart on the Wii and now I’ve started DriverEd. I just feel like the more and more time goes on the more different I feel because I keep thinking about the past. I would love to hear from older people or anyone and their input on this.
submitted by OriginalSuitable1277 to Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:54 HollyweirdRonnie The Crazy World of Arthur Brown (1968)

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown (1968)
Organ driven psychedelic rock. The horn section is responsible for many of the heavy riffs as well. Good drums and bass keep this thing thumping, with very little electric guitar.
Arthur’s beautifully unhinged vocals are the star here.
submitted by HollyweirdRonnie to psychedelicrock [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:53 aksthesun Noob question: what if i sell with some profits and then buy back when it goes lower. What happens then?

submitted by aksthesun to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:53 GourxvLodhx Herniated (Slip) Disc

Herniated (Slip) Disc
I am 20 yo Brown Indian male,was diagnosed with Herniated Disc in March, I have had the pain in my left leg and lower back region since January. Not exactly sure how did I got it, mostly its because of gym.All the doctors I have consulted have so far told that surgery seems like the way ahead. I have not taken any Epidural shots as of now, doctors have been saying it won't cure anything might relieve some of the pain.
Now my experience so far is that pain and numbing in my left leg has surely decreased, I feel like I have recovered quite a bit since March although that recovery has reached a Plateau. I am not on complete bed rest, as have college and internship going on. I have been doing Physiotherapy, but even that doesnt seem like it solve anything completely. The doctors do recommned going for surgery but obviously operating my spine at sucha young age is my last option.
Please share your experiences how you recovered, if anyone went for the microsurgery How was your experience?? Kindly guide me Reddit
submitted by GourxvLodhx to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:52 zariaah Confused about hood instructions

Confused about hood instructions
So I’m working on this hoodie and I’m stumped over the instructions for the hood.
HOOD With smaller needles and MC (black), cast on 117 sts. Work 5 rows in (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Back, ending with WS facing for next row.
Change to larger needles. Beg with 1st row of pat and using colour C in place of colour A, proceed in pat as given for Back until Hood from beg measures 5 1/2 ins [14 cm], ending with RS facing for next row.
*Keeping cont of pat, cast off 4 sts beg next 24 rows. Cast off rem 21 sts.
*This is the part I don’t understand.
Thankyou & I appreciate your help and advice. I’m a visual learner & very confused over written instructions.
submitted by zariaah to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:52 slugpoe Gathering my bearings in and out

But the artist’s life is tragic. Sure, it seems like she is diving headlong into creativity, but on a second glance, she falls head over heels for the chase. She kicks through the dirt of each next step. Nails the coffin shut. Splatters paint.
The artist splinters her toes and digs up graves. She sets back the alarm clock another hour. Her fingers run ragged over wormy earth. She’s lost in the ghostly stone tower. The artist grows to know more than she grows her hair. She peers at the mirror to see herself in there.
She hears a buzzing in the basement. Something dusty and yellow and warm. She knows how to bake a dish in the dish-torn kitchen, together with the ants and the porn-addicted boyfriend who drinks Gatorade. She knows how Kendrick is a better rapper. She knows the storm she made. She’d like to know you, someday. She’d like to know—
The artist knows a lot of things. Indecisive to the point of isolation, she knows solitude. Creative to the point of money-making, she breaks necks if she has to.
Ideas crack and crumble beneath her. A grumbling of ten thousand bees arrives. Alone to face the moaning of her cedar door, she purports to come alive. Quite possibly, nobody believes her storytelling. They’re laid out in the sun. The world doesn’t need her. To hell with them, anyway. To hell with anyone.
Her days scrape by irrelevant. Irregular except for war. What disaster may today appear to her? What chaos may she have in store? Thrown off rooftops and over carpeted lawns, a blanketing of the dust that lays.
Unceremonious, the heart beat sleets against her rib cage.
She can’t remember last or the next page–
https://www.reddit.com/OCPoetry/s/B9c4MixdHd https://www.reddit.com/OCPoetry/s/T50FV1hdbT
submitted by slugpoe to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:51 SettingDazzling1294 Best genuine Deep Tissue Massage for back pain (NOT A TOURIST LOOKING FOR SOMETHING MORE)

Honestly this is all bad timing, because I didn’t think this would have to be said - but then I opened the app for the first time in a week and see someone in here on a “vacation” asking for a massage from “preferably a female”, and I’m pretty sure that was just Reddit being full of weirdos (shocker), so now I just want to make myself as clear as possible.
I threw my back out playing basketball last week. FWIW I am a male in his late 20s. I am genuinely looking for the deepest or hardest tissue massage places in the Scottsdale/PV/North Phoenix area. I think I slipped a disk or something. I will probably go to an ortho, but in the meantime I am just trying to get some relief as it is incredibly tight and painful. I am basically looking for the literal hardest massage someone could possibly give me. I already use a roll stick and therapy ball for post cardio recovery - and these items are definitely the opposite of “soft” or gentile, but they don’t really work for releasing lower lumbar back stiffness.
If anyone has a person they know of who gives the most brutal or deep massages, preferably even for athletes - please let me know. I understand someone might say “just use the internet for these things”, and trust me I did - but often times I find that the best reviewed places on these types of things seem like they are just some foo-foo spa place with fancy add ons that are relaxing for retired people. I am looking for the opposite of relaxing. I would like someone to take a jackhammer into my hips and back until I am numb. From plenty of experience with back and hip problems, this is the only type of massage that helps me
Thank you for any help you can give me.
submitted by SettingDazzling1294 to Scottsdale [link] [comments]
