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COVID-19 Stack: Research and discussion on supplements and medications relating to COVID-19

2020.03.17 22:39 Alex3917 COVID-19 Stack: Research and discussion on supplements and medications relating to COVID-19

Research and discussion on over-the-counter drugs, supplements, plant-based-medicine, and non-pharmaceutical interventions for Coronavirus / COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2.

2024.05.18 13:02 Federal_Purple5116 Round 2 feedback

Just finished round 2 and it was MUCH easier than round 1 (end of March). Very little actual hunger, just some cravings for sugary things. Day 5 AM was the toughest this time vs day 2 last time. Really wanted to abandon ship by the last meal not because I was hungry but because I was tired of the food. Day 2 had a headache but it went away quickly with some salt and Advil. Weirdly this round completely emptied me out day 3 even though I wasn’t eating a lot.
Started the FMD because I’m 44 & have bad some health issues (high cholesterol, corneal scarring in one eye from shingles) and was overweight.
What I think helped me this time was outside the fast I’m eating mostly plant based—limited dairy, refined carbs and meat—so I don’t think it was as much of a shock to the system. During the fast what helped me was an AM black coffee, delaying the breakfast bar til 10 am (or breaking it into pieces and eating some a bit earlier if I really needed it), strong herbs in every soup, eating slowly, reading others’ experiences, and breaking up the crackers into pieces.
Planning to do a 3rd round in a month as recommended and then just do it annually / when I feel like I need a reset.
Benefits so far of this + my diet change over the past few months: - improvement in health (inc my eye Dr who in Feb told me my vision got so bad there was no hope of recovering vision now saying he was surprised to see significant improvement in the scarring and I now have options to I mprove my vision!!) - weight loss (3 lbs this round)
submitted by Federal_Purple5116 to FMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:49 ogland11 What lifestyle change is most important?

44M, 6’, 265lbs, hypertension controlled by medication. Uses a CPAP but not consistently. In the US
My husband was admitted to the hospital last night for appendicitis. He’s currently having surgery but I noticed several concerns in the blood work and ct scan he had.
His ct impressions: 1. Acute uncomplicated appendicitis. 2. Moderate-to-severe diffuse hepatic steatosis.
Flagged blood work: His CBC was obviously largely flagged. His eGFR was 83. His Cholesterol flagged at 201 as well as his LDL at 135 mg/dL.
My husband drinks heavily (6-8 alcoholic drinks a day and they’re not 1.5 oz each) and takes a lot of Advil for hangover pain (probably averages 600-800mg daily). He also eats terribly. We also have young kids so our sleep is crap and he works a high stress long hour job.
I am very concerned with these results. Should I be?
If I should be, what lifestyle changes should we be making and in what order? I’m not going to get anywhere if I go scorched earth style. How long do I have to help him implement changes before this gets really bad?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I made an appointment with his PCP for him but I know they are also limited on time. Any tests we should ask for quickly?
Thank you!
submitted by ogland11 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:55 vesicant89 Extreme fatigue and constant headache for 5 years

Male, 35, 190lb athletic build.
Hey guys. I’ve had extreme fatigue and a never ending headache since 2018. I literally mean that my headache has never ended. All CT scans, MRIs, X-Rays show normal. I had a lumbar puncture laying on my stomach and had an opening pressure of 21. I’ve tried gabapentin, diamox, many BP meds, Qulipta, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, trigger point injections.
I have well managed type 1 diabetes. I have treated sleep apnea.
The only two things that helps my head ache are betaine (TMG) and Advil. All the prescriptions have been a joke.
The only things that help my extreme fatigue are citrulline, arginine and caffeine.
I’ve tried a low histamine diet, Mediterranean diet and fasting. The fasting helps energy levels but not headache.
I’ve tried hormone replacement therapy for the fatigue.
The headache is directly above both eyes and feels like I need to take a drill and bore out a hole so pressure can leak out.
My GP gave up years ago. My neurologist wants to circle back to topamax but I’m so tired I can barely function as-is.
All my bloodwork looks OK but Epstein Barr, the number to indicate a previous infection was high.
The 5 year headache started after taking a dose of preworkout. Did I have a stroke? Why won’t it show up on imaging?
Who do I go see? What do I do?
Edit to add symptoms: face tingles, visual disturbances like floating hairs. I’m also sick A LOT. Usually get a head cold once a month for a week, and about twice a year it turns into a sinus infection.
submitted by vesicant89 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:26 MelInRed Is a 2nd opinion warranted, or just wait for the urine culture and take the antibiotics?

RE: 21F daughter (who has given me permission to post this)
only notable medical history: 15ish years ago she had tick borne relapsing fever (from soft ticks) and after 8 fever episodes was treated w/doxycycline and had a J-Herx reaction. I remember at the time the discussion of how these spirochetes are not the same, but similar to those that cause Lyme, and how they can also stay in the brain for decades. I will fully admit that I was a bit panicked and mentioned this during this ED visit and although everyone thought I was insane, they spoke w/ID who agreed to run a smear even if it is very rare (I mean, it was super rare when she had it 15 years ago too!)
Since then, only Dx has been acne and she took Accutane (last dose more than 5 years ago). She is a professional athlete. She drinks alcohol rarely and uses pot on occasion. Not sexually active (identifies Ace/Aro)
Current issue: She has had a fever ranging from 100-103 since Sunday. Originally with no other symptoms. No headache, no respiratory issues, no tummy issues, no pain anywhere. Just fever and some occasional chills related to the fever. Tylenol and Advil worked to keep it from going higher, but it still stayed right around 99-100, not less than 99.5 on the thermometer at home. Tuesday she had a virtual urgent care visit where they said she needed to be seen at in-person urgent care the next day.
Tuesday night she vomited 3x. Wednesday morning she called a nurse line before having me take her to urgent care just to be sure that was still the right place to go (last thing anyone wants is to go to UC just to be sent to ED). They said she just needed UC, but soon (within 4 hrs of the call). So we went to an UC. Then they sent us to the ED (ha!) because they wanted her someplace where labs come back faster.
At the ED she was given zofran and was able to start drinking again (yay!). A nasal swab came back neg for like 10 respiratory viruses. Her blood work came back w/elevated WBC, high neutrophils and high monocytes. They also ran her urine and it came back w/high white blood cells, some bacteria, and leukocyte esterase, neg for nitrite, and some protein and ketones (I assume those last 2 were because she was dehydrated). They told us this is a clear UTI that has gone /is going to her kidneys, gave her an Rx for cefpodoxime and zofran, instructed to continue the Tylenol and Advil and sent us home.
The thing is, she has had NO UTI symptoms. Her only symptoms were the fever and then the vomiting Tuesday night. Today, she is still running right around 100F. She asked the nurse during discharge how she could have recognized this was a UTI because it sure would be nice to NOT have anything get out of hand like this again if that is what is going on. The nurse replied something about how they are still waiting on the smear and urine culture and this might not be a UTI or kidney infection after all.
SO! Tomorrow being Friday, would it make sense to seek a 2nd opinion right away, or just continue wait for the labs /cultures and go the PCP follow up next week?
With the Zofran, she is eating and drinking well today, and she is tolerating the antibiotic fine. Still using Tylenol and Advil every 4-6 hours.
submitted by MelInRed to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:21 Lol_u_ded My femur is tearing my acetabular labrum. Two questions within...

I saw a sports med/ortho surgeon yesterday. The office had an X-ray machine, and there are radiologists all over the floor, and the office I used is highly reputable. After the nurse and PA obtained my history, the doctor analyzed my gait did some motion testing. Flexion was uncomfortable, and adduction produced pain and a click. The doctor then went through the X-ray. My femoral head does not fit into the acetabular joint, and there is a convexity in my femur that is destroying the cartilage in my labrum with flexion. MRI-NC showed significant perforation to it. I’ll be getting arthroscopic surgery and my femur will be shaved down. It will be a while until then because I have OSCE on the day I would’ve originally gotten an appointment. I have a couple of questions. Firstly, what modified activity can I do at the gym without further damaging my hip? I’ve ruled out squats, Romanian deadlifts, hamstring curls, and abdominal crunch machine, with the last two exercises being taken off the list today. Secondly, about how long would the recovery be after surgery, and what would the recovery timeline look like? I have a sense of what it is like for a labral tear repair in isolation, but with femoral involvement, I imagine it will take at least 6 months for full recovery. Going to share some relevant medical history below.
HPI: 25M c/o R hip stiffness, pain on flexion and adduction, antalgic gait, and instability. Onset 8 w ago after doing intense Taekwondo after 6 months off. Started as extreme soreness but has progressed since. Tried RICE and Advil w/o improvement. Certain motions aggravate hip. - radiation. Pain a 3/10 on F, 6/10 with added adduction.
PMH: GERD, ADHD, MDD (resolved in 2019)
Allergies: NKA
Surgeries: Rhinoplasty in 2018 (non-cosmetic), foot surgery in 2015 (osteophyte removal)
Meds: 10 mg Adderall XR 1x am QD, 20 mg Pepcid Super Strength 1x am QD, 1 multivitamin am QD
HMH: Sees PCP yearly. Last physical in March. Unremarkable results.
Social History: Lifts 4x weekly for 60-90 m each session. Thought of not working out causes distress. 10 years of competitive Taekwondo and 17 years of training, now discontinued. Eats a high-protein diet. No Hx of tobacco, recreational substances, or substance abuse. Drinks 2 units of alcohol socially upon occasion, last drink in February. Does not consume caffeine.
submitted by Lol_u_ded to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:34 Throwaway-12280 Just a lifetime of depression, but things will work out.

Just want to point out the flairs for this also include violence and sexual assault, but couldn't figure out how to have more than the one Content Warning flair.
I'm a late-ish millennial, and I knew from about the age of 4 that something was off about me. I just didn't seem to define myself the same as other boys, or didn't like how other people defined me. It wasn't until I was about 8 or 9 that I nailed down what it was: something I learned in a Jerry Springer episode of all things - I was transgender. Technically transexual; transgender wasn't a common term back in the mid-90's. And it wasn't until I was 12 years old that I became brave enough to come out to my mother - with whom I had a much better relationship compared to my dad.
But allow me to back up and say that, without getting into too much detail, that I had a really rough childhood. When I was 6½, an older teenager boy that lived down the street from me fixated and basically molested me for about a year and a half. Any kink he wanted to try, and the list was extensive, he tried on me. I didn't tell anyone until I was about 24, but not because he threatened me or anything.. he just made me promise not to and for some stupid reason I didn't. I'll always wonder if I became transgender through this traumatic experience and I just created memories of times before that happened thinking I felt wrong in my body, or if those memories were authentic.
In any case, my plan to come out to my mom: we were the type of family to go camping a couple of times a year, and whenever we did my parents would get absolutely shitfaced, trashed, blackout drunk. My plan was to wait for my parents to get wasted, pull my mom aside, and come out to her so that I could gauge what her reaction would be sans filter, and then hope she didn't remember anything the next morning so that I could do so while she and my dad were sober.. and hopefully at least she would be on my side about it.
The plan worked perfectly - in a way. Her reaction was belligerent and violent. I told her "I don't feel like I should have been a boy. I'm a girl." and she at first dismissed it. When I pressed the issue, she smacked me rather hard and before I could get away she punched me in the chest which knocked us both over. That memory, at least, will forever be crystal clear to me; and by "the plan worked perfectly", she didn't remember anything about it the next morning, and I knew enough to not bring it up.
I feel like that's really when the gender dysphoria really spiraled my depression and anxiety out of control. I attempted suicide twice that year. I learned it's difficult to OD on ibuprofen, and when that didn't work I tried Advil, but my body rejected it and I puked it all up into a toilet. I'm pretty sure I fucked up my liver enough though because I can't drink alcohol.
After that I guess I just buried everything as deep inside of me as I could and just.. forgot about it. I grew up as just a normal boy, albeit depressed behind a facade of suave confidence. I was my high school's mascot until I graduated, joined the military, got out of the military, got engaged to a wonderful woman with the full intentions of starting a family. All of this is apparently very common for transwomen before their eggs crack - like we're so deep in denial that we do the things that society would expect us to do as men to continue the facade.
I attempted suicide again at 17: I tried cutting my wrists, but I'm a pansy when it comes to pain and didn't cut deep enough.. I took to wearing wristbands to cover the scar. And again when I was 22: I tried hanging myself in my closet and broken my clothes rack. Let me just say.. having a low enough self-esteem to completely override one's most basic instinct of self-preservation, and then FAIL at that as well, is the lowest.. like you hit rock bottom and still manage to dig deeper. And I was in denial during this time so I didn't know why I was depressed, but really, does anybody when they are? It's just a dark empty pit of apathy.
When I hit 23 years old, I met the woman that would become my wife. Things were going pretty good for a couple years - we had a healthy sex life, we genuinely enjoyed each other's company, we rarely if ever fought, and when we did we knew that communication was the key. We were swingers and enjoyed being young adults. Then sometime when I was 25.. everything started unburying itself. For such a stupid event, too. We had neglected laundry at some point and I didn't have any clean underwear, so as a joke she said to just wear some of hers.. so I did.
Something about putting on a pair of panties just.. felt right. Something so mundane, so seemingly meaningless to everyday life, struck me like a bolt of lightning and the trauma that was my childhood started coming back to the surface. I came out to my wife and.. well she wasn't thrilled. It almost ended the relationship, but honestly I was just excited she didn't automatically leave me that I was full steam ahead on researching all I could about transitioning. I was apparently going too fast for her, because she came up with a plan.. to offer me as much sex as she could to try and remind me just how awesome being a guy was. Turns out.. when you have a lot of sex without birth control.. you end up getting pregnant! Who'd have thought?! Well, she freaked out, but I sort of settled down with the transitioning thing and we communicated.
While she was pregnant with our first child, before she started showing, we got married. She was an only child, which she hated, and I have an older sibling, which sort of turned out okay, so after about a year or so we tried for a second child and it stuck. I didn't want to start HRT and my transition while she was pregnant with our second - the additional stress aside, but what if something also happened to the pregnancy? So I waited until our second child was born.
It didn't seem enough that I now knew why I was depressed, because regardless of that knowledge, I was still depressed. I tried another attempt when I was 27: I didn't want to fail again, and shooting yourself in the head seemed pretty final and fast, but my wife came in before I could go through with it, and she made an appointment with a psychologist that day.
My psychologist was a pretty cool person. I had heard horror stories of being made to wait like 6 months up to a year or more before being given a referral to an endocrinologist to start HRT, but after relating pretty much this whole story to her, she seemed pretty convinced that the sooner the better. I mean I was in my late 20's, and she could tell I wasn't talking to her just on a whim.
I started hormones early 2017 and have been on them ever since. My wife and I are doing well. Despite being on testosterone blockers murdering my sex drive at first, it's come back by now and we're doing kind of spectacular. My eldest child is almost a preteen and .. things are actually going really really good in my life. My parents and sibling are kinda weirded out about it, but I beat my sibling in giving them grandkids, so as messed up as that seems I think that's why they really tolerate(more than accept) me in their lives. And as far as I know, they're not aware of any of the suicide attempts.
Anyway.. figured I'd get that off my chest.
submitted by Throwaway-12280 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:48 JRuck504 My Startup Journal for Anyone Interested

I will make daily updates in here. It's been quite a journey for me. Will post my history prior to effexor below.. So far am on day 3.
Day 1 - 5/13/2024
Took at 10:00
Anxiety was sky high when I took but settled some 45 minutes after taking.
12:00 feeling jittery and kinda spaced out?
14:00 extreme anxiety
17:00 nausea / dry heave
18:00 headache
Stomach rumbling at night which was kinda funny listening too tbh.
Day 2 - 5/14/2024
Took at 10:10
Really bad anxiety after taking.
Felt really weird before noon
At noon stated reading a book called Hope and Hell for your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weeks.
From 12:30 - 13:45 I felt an overwhelming calmness that freaked me out kinda. I felt at peace, really strange.
16:00 nausea when I yawn
Increased jitters and burning chest (anxiety) at night while settling down for bed.
My story and history :
since December I have been suffering with anxiety which has progressively gotten worse to the point where it has made me depressed as well. As of this post I am at an all time low and am in desperate need of relief. If you make it to the end I will explain what I am going through.
I am a male in my late 30s and have had two bouts of anxiety / depression in my life both of which lasted 3 months (2015 and 2020), and were cured with therapy. This time seems different..
I have a very stressful job which requires me to work 7 days a week with the only break being when I take vacation or slow times in the industry. It pays really well and helps me provide my wife and two young kids a good life so I put up with it in the hopes I can manage the stress better in time. I mention the above because I truly believe it has alot to do with the state I am in now.
I have always been caring, outgoing, light natured, and humerous throughout my life and also pretty sensative. I really want to go back to that and hope treatment will help.
I also realize I am my own worst enemy in getting treatment as you will see in the paragraphs below.
When I was a teenager into my early twenties I was carefree and would try most drugs to fit in. Extacy, lsd, mushrooms, pills, etc.. Never touched the extremely hard stuff. Marijuana was my best friend and I smoked a ton of it. Hello panic attack! I remember the first time I got one after smoking Marijuana in my early twenties. It was horrible! I couldn't smoke Marijuana anymore afterwards because it would induce a panic attack. I told myself it was God's sign telling me to stop so I did. I haven't smoke Marijuana since.
Fast forward a few years from then I was introduced to a medical condition called gout. It is very painful and the first time I was treated for it I was given narcotic pain medication and an anti inflammatory. I took both when I got home and it provided relief. Being this was my first experience, I wanted to research gout a little more and I did just that on the internet. Here comes the part where my life changed for the worse..
For some reason, I also asked google if you could overdose on the pain medication I was currently taking. No clue why I wanted to know but as soon as I read you could, I instantly had the worst panic attack I ever experienced.
Ever since that point in my life I have refused to take medication in fear of another panic attack. From that point forward, my mind associated taking medication with panic. For the years afterwards I always had a panic attack when I tried to take anything including something as simple as advil.
Anytime I would be prescribed something I would obsessively research it, watch videos on it, read reviews, etc.. I would psych myself out and not take it.
Fast forward to 2015 when I finally moved out of my parents house. I won't go too much into it but I had my first bout of extreme anxiety and depression from it. It was a big change for me and it took a few months to pull myself out of it with the help of a therapist.
Life was absolutely WONDERFUL after that. I was on my own, found the love of my life, got married in 2018, and was the happiest I had ever been.
2020 was my second episode of anxiety and depression. In a matter of 6 months I lost my grandmother, godmother, my one year old boxer puppy, and my father in law. I also had my first child. Not to mention it was covid time...After everything settled down from the chaos it hit me like a ton of bricks. Bam!..anxiety and depression. It was awful and I knew I needed help. I started therapy and it helped tremendously. It was suggested that I also see a pyschiatrist. I did and he prescribed me prozac to take along with therapy. I was not going to take it. We all know how I am with my phobia of medication.
One day I said screw it and out of nowhere threw it in my mouth and swallowed. I expected the worse. Nothing happened...I continued to take it for 4 days and didn't notice anything bad happening to me. I was happy about that.
The 5th day I had a panic attack because I started to feel really strange. I don't remember exactly how I felt but I remember calling my sister and telling her I feel really weird. She assured me it is normal and to keep on which I did.
The 6th day I took my pill in the AM and all was well. I was tired so I stayed in bed. Out of nowhere I felt a rush of bad bad bad energy take over my body. It is hard to explain. It was like a rush of anxiety but with it was a sense of hopelessness and dread. I had experienced in my first bout back in 2015 but not this severe. I was scared and called my psychiatrist and left a message. I immediately went to my mother's and cried cried cried. The feeling subsided. My psychiatrist called me back very quickly and when I explained what I felt he told me to stop taking it and to take the ativan he prescribed if needed.
I stopped the medication and never took an ativan. I got better over the next couple months through therapy and all was well.
I did have a tiny breakthrough and convinced myself to take a medication to stop my reoccurring gout attacks. It is called allopurinol and is regarded as one of the safest medications out there. It took alot of courage and of coarse I read every review there is on it but I eventually just threw it in my mouth and fell asleep. Have been taking it daily for two years now.
Fast forward to December of last year 2023. The stress from work and medical issues throughout 2023 must have built up and I had a breakdown. I started to get anxiety and small feelings of the hopelessness I mentioned above. December into January into February I dealt with it and kept telling myself it will pass like the other times. It didn't and kept getting worse. I finally sought help from a psychologist in late February / early March. After the first few sessions I would immediately get a high from the previous hours talk. It was fantastic but eventually wore off a few hours later.
The anxiety I was experiencing / am experiencing is absolutely horrible. Non stop jaw clenching, chest pains, tension, blurred vision, lack of good sleep, extremely heightened senses, etc. I am good at telling myself it is anxiety and will go away. I don't freak out over it into full blown panic but I feel like I am always borderline panic while also being exhausted. It's very uncomfortable. I have had multiple health checkups and all is fine.
I decided to call my old psychiatrist because it had been 3 months with minimal relief. I was told he was retiring and he referred me to someone else who I am now seeing.
He prescribed me Paxil and klonopin in marxh and of coarse my phobia stopped me from taking it. We did a gene test to see which medicine would work for me and paxil was a good fit. I just couldn't do it. For the next few weeks I seemed to be getting better by getting out and doing things. I even started fishing again which was a huge passion of mine. Things were looking up!
Anxiety was going from an all day thing to maybe a couple hours type of thing! I was hopeful...
Let me introduce you to my buddy kidney stones...
Middle of April I woke up to EXCRUCIATING pain. I eventually went to the ER that day after hours of suffering and they told me I had 2 kidney stones. They sent me home with the same narcotic pain medication that started my panic attack journey when I was younger and also some other medication. From that Tuesday to Thursday I was in crippling pain and refused the pain medication. It got to a point where I almost blacked out from the pain so I had no choice but to take it. I popped it and finally got some sleep. I think I didn't freak out after taking it because my body was in shock from the pain. I woke up 30 minutes later to the excruciating pain again and said enough was enough. I went back to the ER and they did an emergency surgery and put a Stent in me to stop the pain. It worked and was a huge relief.
After catching up on sleep and recovering, I started to get my anxiety back. The next two weeks while waiting on my second surgery my anxiety, which was on the right path prior to this stone, came back to it's previous 10/10 levels. Jaw clenching, blurred vision, etc..
I toughened it out AND not to mention, completed a full 14 day coarse of a strong antibiotic due to a kidney infection! I was so proud of myself. With my newfound proudness, I called my Pyschiatrist and set up an appointment for the following week after my second surgery to discuss some things.
I had my second surgery last Friday the 3rd and they removed both stones. I went home Friday night with another stent in me which I was told to remove from home on Monday by pulling a string that was hanging out of my penis head (sorry for TMI) which in turn pulls the stent from my kidney down and out through my penis. I did that on Monday and it wasn't bad at all.
The Saturday after my surgery went fine. I'm sure I felt good because I was still coming off anesthesia but boy o boy that Sunday I woke up after sleeping 12 hours to a horrible panic attack. Imagine waking up from a dead sleep to the biggest adrenaline dump you could imagine. It was awful and lasted ALL day! I experienced derealization and every symptom you can think off. I should have taken a klonopin but my phobia told me it would make it worse so I didn't. It settled down into the evening and I was absolutely exhausted.
Monday I woke up to another panic attack but not as severe and Tuesday another panic attach which was even less severe. Wednesday the same and this morning has been the first morning I haven't woken up to an adrenalin dump. With that being said, this whole week has been absolutely horrible with 10/10 anxiety. I rarely get breaks from it. At night it calms down and I feel normal. Because of that, I chase that normal feeling and stay up way too late lol.
Anyway, leading up to my psychiatry appointment today, the last few weeks I have been obsessively looking up the 2 ssris and 1 snri my gene test said I was compatible with. Prozac (go figure), paxil, and effexor. I was also compatible with welbutrin.
Paxil I am terrified of because it is supposedly the dirtiest and worst for weight gain (I am a 240lb male).
Prozac I tried previously and I think I didn't give it enough time. I am not 100% sure that dread / hopeless feeling was suicide ideation but the feeling is in a class of its own compared to my normal anxiety.
Effexor I am scared of because of the withdrawel and alot of YouTube reviewers said it made them feel high and wired for the beginning. The horror stories of coming off it scares me too.
Welbutrin I hear great things about but heard it is bad for anxiety which is my main concern.
My overall fear is that any of these will make me lose control and make me not myself. I am also scared that I don't remember what normal feels like and feeling normal will scare me. Crazy to say that. Ultimately he prescribed me Effexor 37.5 for 2 weeks and then upping it to 75mg. He said to take the klonopin if I need it starting up. I have 15 of them.
I know I need to do something because I can't live like this. My wife, my 4 yr old, and my 2 yr old need their father and husband back. It's not fair to them. I'm tired of staying in bed all day. I'm tired of not caring if I wake up. I'm tired of not being the best employee I can be, I'm tired of not being in contact with my friends anymore, I'm tired of not caring about my hobbies, Im tired of being tired, and most importantly I'm tired of feeling like this.
I will start the effexor and update this thread with my progress.
submitted by JRuck504 to EffexorSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:40 justice4mariecurie Root canal didn't work

Hello, this is going to be a long post but I desperately need advice on what to do.
Quick background I'm 28 and went to the dentist for the first time in February of 2024 since before COVID (yes I know this was very stupid on my part but trust me I've learned my lesson). I should mention I had absolutely no pain in any of my teeth before this journey. As expected I had quite a few cavities. They started with my lower left quadrant filling cavities on tooth 19 and 20. I had a bad reaction to the epinephrine, and they gave me multiple injections, and I still felt the whole thing. I was in a lot of pain even a week after. I couldn't even bite down without shooting pain. They filed the filling down, which helped a little bit, but was still in a lot of pain. They finally took another X-ray and said I had "high pulp horns" and that I'd probably need a root canal on tooth 19 bc the filling was so close to the nerve (even though it was a shallow filling). Also I'm sorry I don't have access to these X-rays to post.
Ok so I finally get in to an endodontist (at this point it's been 1.5 months since the initial filling and being in pain). He tells me that because I'm so young he doesn't want to have to do a root canal, but agrees with the "high pulp horns" diagnosis. He suggest taking Advil for a week and seeing if that helps. (I wish I was joking)
I say ok and obviously taking Advil did not help so I have to make another appointment for the root canal. This root canal took place April 24. I was pretty terrified of the whole experience based on my past of the reaction to epinephrine and also the numbing not working. Essentially this doctor gave me so much numbing (including epinephrine despite my past reactions because he said it would make it more effective). Well, it didn't and the numbing didn't work. Like half my face was completely numb but the one tooth would not get numb at all. He eventually said he was going to have to drill into my tooth and numb it from the inside. I cannot express how painful this was. The worst pain I've ever experienced in my entire life. But I just kept thinking to myself, just get through this, and it's over. Once he numbed my teeth from the inside, that helped a lot (I still felt pain at some points, but compared to what I had been though it felt like nothing)
As to be expected I was in a good amount of pain for a few days after that. Let's fast forward to May 9th (about 2 weeks after my root canal). Overall things were mostly good except for flossing between tooth 19 and 20. These teeth are very close together which makes it really difficult and when I pull the floss back up I feel that same tooth nerve pain. It is not the gums. I'm sure my gums are a bit inflamed there, but I can tell the difference between nerve pain and gum pain. I also have cold sensitive in the exact same spot where it hurts to floss. I called the endodontist and he says to come in again for evaluation.
I had that this morning may 15th. I explained this all to him and he said it sounds like gum pain. When I told him about the cold sensitivity he said that was not possible because they removed all the nerves. He did the cold test on the affected tooth, and sure enough I felt it. He wanted more X-rays. Finally he comes back in saying he doesn't see anything wrong on the X-rays and nothing wrong when examining my tooth. He says the only thing he can do is give me ANOTHER root canal on the SAME tooth. I am clearly very distraught about this fact after what I've been through with the numbing no working for me. He goes "well it's up to you what you want to do. You don't have to get the retreatment if you don't want. But you said you're in pain and I do root canals. So I can do a root canal for you. Up to you"
As you can imagine this did not I still confidence in me. I have no clue what to do. He seemed very perplexed that I could still feel cold. If he told me that getting another root canal on the same tooth would completely fix my pain then I would suck it up and go through it again. But it seems like he has no idea if that will even help? Are there any dentists out there that have heard of anything like this happening. What do you suggest? I have been dealing with this for 3 months and I am at the end of my rope. I am not a doctor or a dentist, but to me pain means something is wrong. So the fact that he said I can just do nothing about the pain seems very odd to me. Like surely that will just make things worse in the long run? But I'd rather not have to get a root canal again just based on a guess. Please please help. I am desperate. Any advice you have is so appreciated.
If you made it to the end of this mad respect.
submitted by justice4mariecurie to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 Relative-Original169 Having a hard time accepting i'm disable because of a tbi that took place 28 years ago.

I'm really grateful that i found this subreddit. I feel for the first time i can relate to people who go through the same what I'm going through.
I had an accident and fractured my skull when i was 8 i'm 36 now, i was paralyzed and was out for 3 weeks.
Having a tbi at that age i don't remember how i was before and for my family in their eyes i just got a bit quieter but nothing was alarming. the Dr said i was fine based on scans.
I've been struggling and suffering fitting it as i never thought it has anything to do with tbi and having it at that age i just grew with it and became my reality.. I had troubles with friendships even up until now i don't hang out with friends that often and when i do i keep it short because i have extreme light sensitivity and sensory overload and the more i hang out the more my brain shuts down.. looking back at times where i hung out in bright indoors places and my brain was shut, i couldn't talk, think or walk the i beat my self up when someone see me in that state.. i beat my self up everyday and asking what the fuck is wrong with me ..I kept pushing till i got my bachelors degree in engineering 2.4 gpa but no complaints lol. Then tried to work with my degree but anywhere i worked it would be bright factories and i just froze, i gave it a year then i got fired.. Didn't have the gut to tell my mom at that point as she was pushing me to work as my father just passed away, i couldn't take it i needed a fresh start i came to the USA 10 years ago. I got MBA then married then opend a buisness then had a daughter. I knew no one would hire me and i worked day and night not to let the opportunity go away as it was all what i got. Business grew buti couldn't scale it as i should as i struggled to communicate with employees and it never went past me and my wife.
During high school till 2020 i'f take bunch of different things, when i was young i took a lot of weed and alcohol which did help but later in my 20's my body couldn't take it as i became borderline alcoholic and got terrible hang over from both weed and alcohol. Took ton of caffeine, aspirin, advil and Tylenol till got ulcer then my body couldn't take it anymore.
2020 i finally started to come around that i have to go to to see a neurologist. immediately i was told i was diagnosed disabled. . got prescribed 4 medicines in the course of a year and left me like a crack head. till at the end gave me botox and i found mushroom micro dose to get me off the medicine and both helped a lot. i still take Botox 4 times a year up until now.
2022 had my first mushroom trip and i finally got out of this delusional denial self hate pattern and finally with conviction admitted that have something wrong me me and i'm not normal compared to others, i cried for couple of hours during the trip.
Took 4 trips in the course of last 2 years, i really helped me to adapt with my condition and find way to better my life for me and my family but still wasn't sure if it was the tbi 100% up until i found this group and i started relating. While the trip was so insightful i still having a hard times after all of those years to accept myself, still beat my self up over a hang out where people see me acting different from them. I'm going through therapy but i feel they don't get it and was hoping for tips from you guys.
Thank you for you time and sorry for the long post:)
submitted by Relative-Original169 to TBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:42 Agitated_girl_6638 Lifelong dental issues - anyone experience this?

I put this behind a spoiler because I'm embarrassed.
I was not diagnosed with autism or severe anxiety as a child. I've had anxiety since age 3. For whatever reason, I disliked brushing my teeth and rarely ever did. I was a child of the '80s when toothpaste burned (at least to me). Children's toothpaste wasn't really a thing and it was more like candy than toothpaste. Mouthwashed always BURNED. Ugh!
I knew if I didn't brush I could end up with dentures like some of my older relatives. I think my father and/or my grandma had dentures before age 18.
Brushing was awful. The taste, the burning, the gagging, the suffocating because I couldn't breathe. The sensory issues - icky. But it wasn't just that. It was like some boring, horrible chore. I hated it. I have no way to describe it. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Even in high school when my classmates made fun of my bad breath in front of everyone, it still didn't persuade me to brush. By that time depression had set in and probably had some affect on brushing. My personal hygiene was not great either because I was clueless.
Things are bad now and I have no dental insurance or income. I've had horrible tooth pain before that lasted for 24 hrs. I've taken 6-8 Advil with no affect. I've taken Xanax, Benadryl and booze to ease the pain in the past. But something is really wrong now. I don't know if it's gingivitis or worse. It was one thing when only my back teeth were affected, but now it's my front - top two. It's not pain exactly, it's something else I can't describe. If they fall out, that's bad. That's embarrassing and just bad. I clench the heck out of my teeth and that doesn't help either and may be part of what is going on now. My bite shifted and I'm clenching the front teeth instead of the back and I can't stop.
I've started lightly brushing with just my finger with sensitive toothpaste. I started a few months ago. But the damage is done. I've found that being scared is a tremendous motivator for me, but not always.
Has anyone else experienced issues like this - with not brushing? I just don't understand why I never did it. Am I lazy? Was there a legitimate reason why I didn't as it relates to autism and/or anxiety? Is it my fault completely? I was just a child when I started this bad habit. I didn't really know any better. Certainly my mom was aware. I wish she had made me. Maybe if she would've made me do it twice a day while she watched, it would've created a good routine - a good habit for me. It's so frustrating because I wanted to, but it's like something prevented me. It's my fault, but yet I feel like it's not. I hate myself.
submitted by Agitated_girl_6638 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:22 DesignerTough5224 Slurred speech and claw hands normal with blinding pain??

Hey I just had to get wheeled out of my high school earlier today from how bad my cramps were. I had such bad cramps that I was sweating and turning white, my teeth were chattering and I couldn’t take it anymore so I raised my hand and blurted if anyone had any Advil I needed it right now because I was in so much pain I couldn’t see and was about to pass out. My teacher calmly called the nurse and no one had any Advil, so I called my mom in a panic because she needed to come pick me up right away, I was in so much pain at this point that I couldn’t feel my arms and legs and it was hard to talk, like physically I was slurring my speech. My friend had to help me drink water because my hands started locking from pain, I started to not be able to feel them like pins and needles and then they curled into a claw form and locked, couldn’t feel or move them. I couldn’t move my hands or use them and I couldn’t feel my legs and I COULDNT FUCKING TALK. So they took me out in a wheelchair to the nurse to wait for my mom and they were so rude at the nurses office btw, and then I got wheeled out and sent home. We almost had to go to the hospital bc we thought I was having a weird seizure or something bc I still couldn’t move my hands or wrists and I was slurring my speech. But i have had this happen before without the hands and speech issues? The pain was blinding but that’s the “normal” part, zofran helped the nausea too, but Jesus Christ this scared the shit outta me. I want to know if you guys have similar experiences. Thanks
submitted by DesignerTough5224 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:48 morefresher Rook piercing after 1 month

Rook piercing after 1 month
I wanted this for a long time, finally got it done! I have a high pain tolerance so the piercing itself felt pretty normal, it hurt a bit and there was a lot of pressure. Not bad 6.5/10
However, about 3 days after my entire ear was throbbing. It hurt to even think about it. I took advil/ibuprofen daily for next week which did the trick. It does hurt to clean it, but I spray it the best I can.
Now after a few weeks, it doesn't hurt as bad. It's in a tough spot to heal, but it doesn't bother me at all. Neilmed is your friend! If you want this piercing do it, if you just got it and it hurts, it will be fine.
submitted by morefresher to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:25 oooooooooof I suspect I have gout in my knee... how the actual F do you folks manage this extreme pain?

I'll start by saying that I'm no stranger to knee pain. I was born with a bone deformity that makes it so that my kneecaps dislocate very easily and very frequently. I've had about 100 knee dislocations in my lifetime, and two of them were violent enough that they chipped bone and required reconstructive surgery.
Recently I started having these "episodes", what I now strongly suspect are flare ups of gout. I'll be fine, and then suddenly—without a dislocation, or without any other kind of sprain, strain, or tweak—I have unbearable pain in my right knee joint. It swells up, I can't straighten it, and can't bend it much without extreme pain. Sometimes I can't put weight on it at all.
At first I thought it was maybe just regular arthritis, which I'm probably prone to developing due to so many knee dislocations over the years.
The last two episodes started in the middle of the night. Went to bed fine, woke up around 2am with unbelievably intolerable pain. The pain was so intense it woke me up from sleep. I tried taking a T3 that I had leftover from an appendectomy—and which I'd never needed to take—out of desperation, but it did nothing. I'm not overexaggerating when I say in that moment I wanted to amputate the knee. I didn't know pain like that was possible.
I don't have a formal diagnosis yet, I'm going to talk to my doctor ASAP, but I suspect it's gout because:
If it is indeed gout, how do you folks manage the pain?
submitted by oooooooooof to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:56 HoneyBearHigh Possible RSI??

Finding this community has been the closest thing to my current symptoms. However, I'm having a hard time understanding the cause of an RSI. Just like myself, most people on here mentioned repetitive use was the cause of their injury, (mixed with other things) but if that's the case, wouldn't this injury be way more common? We have so many office workers, blue collar, and gamers, wouldn't there be some kind of epidemic going on about this?
My journey:
January 2024, I started having both of my arms fall asleep when sleeping on my sides at night. And when I tried to shake it off, it would take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to feel normal. I knew something was wrong.
Early February, I told my doctor about this after it happened it a few more times. I tried sleeping on my back, but then it started happening even on my back. My doctor wasn't too concerned, told me to rest my arms and we did generic bloodwork. She mentioned we could do an MRI for my spine or nerve testing but wanted me to rest to see if it improved first. So I rested as much as possible.
In March, I was off work for other reasons entirely (mental health + trauma) which I had a computer job where I was typing and using the mouse a lot for seven hours a day, for two years. I also play games on consoles. As well I'm an artist and a crafter. I assumed with being off work, and not using the computer this would be plenty of rest. So I continued gaming here and there. I noticed pain in my right hand mostly, and forearm. I honestly thought this was from wearing my Apple Watch while gaming, so I removed it, and felt relief for a couple of days. I wanted to test this theory so I put the watch on my left hand, noticed the pain in my left wrist and forearm started after a week. So at this point I was blaming my watch, and removed it entirely.
April, my hand pain was getting worse with less use. I would game for an hour, and noticed pain pretty bad. I would stop, it would get better for a few days, went back to gaming and it got worse. Rinse and repeat. I didn't understand, I was using my arms less and less, and they were not able to tolerate minimal usage.
April 29th, shit hit the fan. It was the first day of my period, and naturally I tend to swell. I woke up with both of my arms in debilitating pain, all throughout the wrists and forearms. I was in shock. For three days I iced my arms, and took Advil. After my period, with less inflammation my arms better but there was still a baseline of pain. I could only manage to do basic tasks, brushing teeth, showering, etc and breaking in between to manage the pain. I started a system, Little bit of activity and then icing and rest. I stopped gaming, I couldn't even if I wanted to, and can't use my phone or type on the computer. I get pain within seconds of trying to do these activities. I started using speech to text and voice control on my phone.
May 9th, what's the soonest I was able to see my doctor. But before then I was feeling anxious for answers, so I went to a walk-in. He looked at my bloodwork from February and immediately said that I had low B12. He also moved around my arms and asked where I felt pain. A minute of this and he said that this was classic overuse. They were strongly urging I take B12 supplements to increase levels and take muscle relaxant when I feel pain. Right away I knew he wasn't really listening and A muscle relaxant was just going to be a Band-Aid solution so I didn't even fill the prescription. I did get B12 supplements, because what would be the harm. Looking at my levels, I was 236 in August 2023, and then went down to 185 in February 2024. The labs online say I’m borderline deficient, based on their guides.
May 9th. I explained what was going on to my doctor and she didn't seem very concerned. When I asked about MRI and nerve testing, she said she wanted to do bloodwork for inflammation first. Even though she mentioned this way back earlier, now she says the bloodwork is more important than the MRI. Because if there's inflammation hello then an MRI is useless - her words. She also said she was gonna give me some anti-inflammatories, but I have yet to see the prescription be filled, I don't believe she put in the order. I also asked about my B12 and she said it looks normal…
It's now May 13, and I still have a baseline amount of pain my pain is improved with icing constantly and rest. I'm also attempting to eat an anti-inflammatory diet and I believe it's helping manage the pain. Some of the lab work came back, a lot of the testing she did for inflammation is coming back as normal, negative diagnosis for RA. One thing looks high, but I don't know what it means and I refuse to look it up due to my health anxiety issues. My next doctors appointment isn't until May 21, in the progression of this recovery is far too slow, I also don't know what type of exercises I can do because I don't know the root issue yet. I do have bad posture, and since have changed my bedframe and gotten a new desk chair. Most of my pain lingers in my forearm in the inner forearm and the outer forearm by my elbow. But I have full pain throughout my entire hand wrist and upper arms, on and off, these past weeks. At night it gets worse, and I only feel relief if I'm standing and walking or sitting with my arms propped up on pillows and ice. Sitting at a table or in the car, after about 5 to 10 minutes I feel pain even just in a neutral position. They need to be propped for no or minimal pain.
Reading stories I understand it can take months. But I want medical professionals reviewing me as soon as possible, and my doctor is not taking it seriously. Living in Canada, pretty much have to get a doctors approval/referral for any kind of specialist. Most places you cant just walk in and request to see a specialist or PT. The elephant in the room is at the doctors tell you to rest, but you need to use your hands for everything, let alone most peoples jobs. I don't understand how this is a valid treatment option. It hasn’t been long since April 29, but I know most generic injuries would have shown better signs of recovery by now… so I'm worried for my road ahead.
Any suggestions for my next steps???
submitted by HoneyBearHigh to RSI [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:07 Main-War4860 I had laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery 2 weeks ago..

Hey guys, this is my first post in here so hello. I am 24 female in NYC and had laparoscopic surgery exactly two weeks ago for a left inguinal hernia. Here is my full report by day:
Surgery day: Everything went great, worst thing is just having an afternoon surgery and not being able to eat or drink anything. I went into the surgery around 2:30 and woke up at 4:40. I wasn't in any pain, just extremely nauseous and dehydrated. I was discharged from the hospital probably an hour later. Don't remember much or how I got home I was put on a soft diet for 24 hours so the only thing I ate that day was frozen yogurt.
Day 2: I slept from about 8 pm to 8 am and woke up once in the night to go pee. The worst pain I had by far was in the belly button area. My mom had to help me get up to pee and help me stand up from the toilet. It felt like I was legit pregnant and had been punched in the stomach 500 times by Mike Tyson. That day was probably the worst just because getting up was so difficult and it felt like my stomach was going to pop.
Day 3-5 A little less pain except was still in a lot of pain in the belly button area. The worst pains were laughs, coughs, sneezes and getting up. I became a little more mobile but not really anything crazy. I didn't do much walking and basically laid in bed for 4 days. I also pooped on day 4. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought but I highly recommend taking stool softeners and Miralax and eating fiber one brownies.
Day 6: Started to feel so much better and could finally walk around and laugh without feeling like I was going to die. Was taking some Advil very periodically but no pain killers or extra strength Tylenol.
Day 7: Walked to the park and probably walked a mile or 2. was so nice to get outside and do some walking. My lower back was in serious pain from all the laying and I felt like a hunchback from not standing upright. I still had a little belly button pain but nothing crazy, just sore. Had a follow up with my surgeon and everything looked good.
Day 8 - 11: Belly button pain is completely gone. More walking probably 2-3 miles very slowly. No pain but moving slowly.
11-14: No pain and continuing to walk 2-3 miles a day at a 20 min pace.
That's my surgery story! Overall a pretty easy experience. I will also note I had basically zero appetite the first week of surgery and still have a very limited one. I assume it was from all the Tylenol and Advil but the thought of most food disgusted me and I was basically eating just crackers, rice, and bread.
Let me know if you have any questions and I'll answer :)
submitted by Main-War4860 to Hernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:38 recycle37216 Friendly Pharmacist Insight here 👩🏽‍⚕️😄: Pain meds

You’ve all likely taken a pain medication at some point, so I thought I might offer a little more info about some of the different types.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is great for pain and fever, but it is not an anti-inflammatory medicine. Acetaminophen is known to cause liver damage when taken in large quantities, and this medication is included in many different OTC formulations such as cough and cold medicines. Patients should always check ingredients to ensure they are not double dosing unintentionally, and limit use when possible.
The term Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) encompasses a wide range of medications that help with pain, fever, gout, blood clots, and inflammation. Because these medications work differently from acetaminophen, it is generally safe to use both if your primary issue is pain and/or fever; however, you should never use two types of NSAIDs together due to their adverse drug effect (ADE) risks.
All NSAIDs are known to cause kidney damage, but liver damage is possible in high doses. In addition, some NSAIDs can increase the risk of bleeding, cause heartburn and stomach ulcers, increase blood pressure, cause heart problems or stroke, and may cause allergic reactions. Frequent/long term use is not recommended without oversight by a physician. NSAIDs are best taken with food and possibly a H2RA/PPI (see previous reflux post for more info on these meds) to help prevent GI bleeding.
Some common NSAIDs include: Aspirin (Bufferin, Ecotrin-low dose used often for blood clot prevention) Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn-12h dosing) Diclofenac (Voltaren-topical options available; higher risk for liver and heart ADEs) Indomethacin (Indocin) Meloxicam (Mobic-24h dosing) Ketorolac (Toradol-high risk for ADEs; use should be limited to 40mg max daily and 5 days use) Celecoxib (Celebrex-less risk of GI ulcers but increases risk of heart problems)
Also note that children with viral infections should NOT take aspirin due to the risk of Reye’s Syndrome
Corticosteroids (different from anabolic steroids) are synthetic versions of cortisol that are also used for inflammation by affecting the body’s immune response. They are commonly used for allergies, asthma, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases, yet they can have a wider variety of ADEs especially when used systemically, such as weight gain/water retention, mood changes, increased body hair growth, increased risk of infection/difficulty fighting infections, easy bruising, GI bleed risk, increased blood pressure and sugar, etc. Some examples are cortisone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, prednisolone, prednisone, triamcinolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone, and fludricortisone. (NSAIDs and steroids should not be taken together.)
Lidocaine and/or menthol is also a great option for pain that is available in many different dosage forms. Some antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), or tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and some anticonvulsants can be used for certain chronic pain conditions. Muscle relaxers are useful for muscle tension and spasms.
When necessary opioid pain medications may be prescribed. These should only be used as directed because they carry high risks for ADEs, such as respiratory depression and dependence. Opioids cause intestinal movement to slow resulting in constipation so it’s important to also take senna, which directly stimulates the intestines to move, otherwise you get “all mush, no push” if you only use other constipation meds! 🤪
P.S. Physical therapy and dry needling can also be a great way to relieve pain!! I get needling regularly for my myofascial pain syndrome so I can attest that it helps tremendously!🤩
This website has some great additional info if you want to check it out!
submitted by recycle37216 to PharmacyTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:10 ComManDerBG When should I go to the hospital for a headache? With a twist.

Age 28
Sex Male
Height 6
Weight 165 lbs
Race Caucasian
Duration of complaint 12 hours to several weeks
Location Head
Any existing relevant medical issues Lots
Current medications Lyrica, Oxycodone
When should I go to the hospital for a headache?
Ive had a headache for about 12 hours straight now and its literally the worst I've ever had in my life. I know that gets said a lot, but its genuinely true in this case.
The thing is for the last few weeks I've been getting headaches here and there, each one maybe slightly worst thet the last. Me and my dr both assumed its been some kind of sinus issue but the pain is moving away from my sinus, and for this one my sinuses dont hurt at all plus my nose is clear, my ears aren't clogged, there is no pressure on the usual areas for sinus pain even up high behind the eyes or nose.
Each headache has been worse then the last and even when there isn't a headache I also have this persistent slight pressure/pain going on as well.
This one in particular just exploded out of no where, nothing to max pain and its just stayed.
Ive been vomiting to for a bit, but thats stopped for a while though,
Ive taken Advil, Tylenol, Aleve, Lyrica, Ocycodone and none have helped (even the last one, and I took a larger dose).
The parts that hurt are visibly slightly redder if that means anything.
There is a complicating issue, otherwise I would have just gone by now. I have some kind of long standing mystery illness, I know that sounds like hypochondriacatic bullshit but its legit. I get these "flare ups" that are accompanied by various symptoms that will, without fail, get me admitted to the hospital, fever, low blood pressure, high heart rate, my while body goes a deep crimson red, and I experience just the worst burning pain imaginable all over in my skin, its horrible. Ive been dealing with those plus a bunch of other things for about 10 years now and have be very sick I nthe past, including numerous ICU admissions and codes etc.
I knows this might come off as some kind of illnessfaker fan fiction, but please just stick with me.
The issue is thanks to the "mystery" nature of this illness and the pain combination ive been frequently accused of drug seeking, usually right before I pass out because my BP is around the 50s. It's gotten so bad that one ER has just straight up blacklisted me after an incident where they accidentally gave me a medication I was allergic to by IV that caused an explosive amount of pain, for which they mistook as a tantrum to get more drugs. The drug allergy is very well documented but unfortunately its also the first go to for a situation (its Gravol).
Anyways, there a bunch if hospitals that are still fine with me, as the issue is documented and known enough that even though they are weary they still treat is as an actual issue. Honestlyits usually just the hospitalists and internalists that have issues since they only ever see the early stages, not the later stages. I'll start with pain, then other symptoms will filter though, after about a day I go from "he just wants dilaudid" to "better call a code".
But still, i have this "on thin ice" feeling. So now I absolutely do not want to go unless its absolutely for a tangible reason. If I just show up with untraceable head pain that isn't anything else they'll just take it as evidence that km seeking narcotics or something.
So when I say its the worst I've ever had i mean it. And im clutching and groaning all that (typing this out was actually hell), but im worried that instead dog being seen as a sign of actual pain it'll just be seen as histrionics or something. I genuinely feel like I'm om a rock and a hard place. Specifically the rock and hard place of slamming against my skull.
I really hate this.
submitted by ComManDerBG to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:06 Desperate-Fold6926 Severe red eyes, itching, swollen, and dry

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting so I'm sorry if its messy.
TLDR - I have been suffering with severe red eye, irritation, and itchiness for majority of my life. Likewise, my optometrist says that my eyes are not dry but they said signs are pointing towards allergic conjunctivitis.
I am a severe red eye sufferer and at first I always thought that I would give myself ocular abrasions by scratching my eyes and I would previously take steroid (Prednisolone & Maxitrol) prescribed by my previous optometrist to help heal my eyes from the abrasions.
This actually worked for me every time i would use it, but in a couple of months or so the abrasions would come back and I would have to use the steroids again. I did this routine on and off for about 15 years.
Fast forward I am now (29) and I am visiting a new optometrist at Kaiser (I know its not a specialist but its what I can do for now), my optometrist let me know when she was measuring my eye pressure that I was at a 40 and it was likely caused by my intense use of steroids for relief. I came off of the steroids (using glaucoma medication) and my eye pressure is back to normal now, but I am left with almost no way for relief. My girlfriend and I spoke about the many different causes for my red eyes because what I was doing was no longer working and it made me think if my diagnosis was wrong this whole time.
Now here is the part for the rabbit hole, I first started with the idea that maybe I wasn't experiencing abrasions and instead my eyes were dry and could not produce the correct oils to keep them lubricated through the day/night. This lead me to trying out an abundance of tactics to solve my issues. First I tried cleaning my eyes regularly with tea tree oil, I also was using several different eye drops (Manuka honey eye drops, Ivizia, Thera tears, Lumify, pretty much any over the counter that wouldn't hurt my eyes i.e. Visine). An important thing to note as well is that I tried to do hot compress, but it would just make my eyes even more irritated and cold compress had little to no affect. I also invested in many different eye masks so that when I slept I could keep my eyes moist. Contrary to my initial idea, my current optometrist had stated to me that I do not suffer from dry eyes and my eyes are coated well enough to support my eye health.
This lead me to try and look into other answers, my girlfriend was being super adamant that it could be allergy related so I went to go get tested (since we have a cat). It came back that I was not allergic to our cat but I was allergic to dust at a level 3/5. Ive invested in two air purifiers for our very tiny apartment and a dehumidifier to really minimize the chances of dust growth. Likewise, I was put on immunotherapy (Tablets by mouth daily), I also use Sequa twice a day, manuka honey eye drops as needed, MSM supplements, omega 3, and vitamin C. Its also important to note that during days where my eyes were very red, I would work out and really exert myself, and my eyes would become clearer, but still be a little red.
So far this hasn't been the solution for me just yet so I also began to look into high histamine foods. I realized through some quick searches that many of the foods I really love are extremely high in histamine. So now to help, I have cut out majority of foods that are really high up on the list (salami and beef jerky are some examples) I have also stopped ingesting caffeine and dairy. Now I mostly take my supplements, eat very carefully, and work out moderately because I feel as though after a work out my eyes get better but then a day later they would rebound pretty badly.
I think it is also important to mention my girlfriend has told my that my eyes are slightly open when I sleep at night. I also work a 9-5 in an IT job where majority of my day is behind a screen (I make sure to reset my eye focus as well as doing blinking exercises)
Final update on my eye situations as of today 5/12/24: My eyes have been extremely red for about 2 weeks now, and last night was an extremely hard night, my left eye was in severe pain to the point that I could not sleep. I noticed the white part of my eyes (Sclera) is starting to swell around my iris and create a small film around the edges of my iris.
I am genuinely at a loss of what steps to take next and would like some guidance or suggestions. However, I have tried an abundance of things and I am sure I have missed some things on my lists below but this is what I can remember for now.
List of Medicines/eye drops I have tried:
Cromolyn sodium eye drops
Manuka Honey eye drops
Thera Tears
Tea Tree oil cleansing wash
Artificial Tears (various brands)
List of Methods I have tried:
Hot Compress
Cold Compress
Wearing several types of masks at night/goggles
expressing my eye glands
Low Histimine Diet
Working Out
No Alcohol
Cleaning my eyes with tea tree oil
submitted by Desperate-Fold6926 to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:56 pdubpooter AIO that my wife got in a car accident and isn't sure what happened?

So a bit of context and apologies for what will be a long post: We've been married 5 years now, been together 7. Ever since we had our first baby (will be 3 in a few months) she has had trouble with sleep (falling asleep and staying asleep). She used to have no problem taking naps and sleeping before the baby.
First few years I chalked it up to us being really nervous first time parents and also we have a baby cam that she watched and kept the app on non-stop on her phone during the course of the night. She would even have the sound on so she'd hear if he started crying during the night. We got him sleep trained, he's in his own room and he self-soothes. Eventually I convinced her to 1) turn off the sound and then later 2) turn off the app at night as it was facing her and even in the darkest light setting, that's probably not helping...
Nowadays, she also has an iPad on her nightstand that faces her that she watches while laying in bed (we don't have a TV in our bedroom). I suspect this may be contributing to her issues but according to her it helps her fall asleep. Nowadays she doesn't ever get a full nights sleep and says she's very stressed from work. I convinced her a while back to see a doctor for anxiety or sleep disorder and she got prescribed some anxiety meds that are supposed to help her sleep but afaik they haven't really worked that well. We also tried ZZZquil and seems like a tossup whether it works for her on any given night. As a last ditch effort we even tried some edibles branded for sleep/relaxation (it's legal where we are) but all that did was give her munchies in bed.
Fast forward to today, we decide to get some lunch together with the kiddo. My wife always prefers to be the driver and says it gives her a headache when others drive (I think she gets carsick and being the driver negates that). Never really bothered me before so I let her drive (less work for me and more time trolling reddit posts? win/win?)
We're on a freeway and I'm in the backseat w/ our toddler who's in his carseat and we're playing with some toys together (him in a carseat, me w/ my seatbelt but not paying attention to the road - my wife has always been a safe driver afaik). All of a sudden my wife brakes hard and I initially think nothing of it. Maybe the car in front braked hard, trying to avoid something or whatever, but the braking is longer than I expected so I glance up and I see us going really fast exiting an offramp that curves/turns right and she's have a really hard turning the car at high speed while braking hard. I am scared she'll flip us since we drive a SUV.
She ends up hitting some kind of fence/post mid-turn on the side of the offramp (good thing there wasn't some dropoff or ditch) that ends up stopping us. I immediately ask if she's ok and she's kind of in shock and I have to tell her to get us off the road (our back half is still sticking out onto the road). Luckily there were no other cars around us (ahead or behind) and myself/baby are fine.
I ask her what happened and at first she says the brakes weren't working. I am not sure what she meant since our brakes were working fine (I drove the car myself yesterday) and they worked fine to get us off the offramp and into a nearby parking lot. I also remember the hard braking that initially got my attention in the first place.
I didn't want to push her too hard since she seemed like she was still in shock so I drove us to the restaurant the rest of the way (brakes worked fine btw). While we were eating I asked again whether she just missed the exit or if she was looking at her phone (I had to scold her about this in the past when she would text/drive). She claims she wasn't looking at the phone and didn't miss her exit. This made me even more worried because at least that could be explained w/ bad decision making. Later on during the meal, she wondered if she just "blacked out"? This got me really worried. Coupled with her being extremely tired and sleep deprived, while nothing new it has never put her or us in real danger like this before. Keep in mind she commutes to work by car and we share daycare pickup/dropoff duties. I convinced her to set up another dr appt tomorrow to followup w/ her anxiety and just get a general checkup since she got slightly banged up from accident too.
When we got back from lunch, I told her to take some pain meds and try to nap while I watched the baby for rest of day. I had to get something from bedroom a couple of times and she was on her phone in bed. Normally I'd just roll my eyes but this time I'm feeling kind of upset given what just happened. She didn't end up napping again, and after dinner, she goes back to bed while I put the kiddo to bed, I went to use our bedroom bathroom and she was STILL watching something on the iPad! Ok now I'm getting really irritated and told her we both have a very early start tomorrow morning (she has her dr appt/daycare dropoff and I have to bring car in to get checked out since the alignment and wheel got messed up in accident). At least when I came out of bathroom her iPad and phone was finally off. I am really considering either enforcing a night-time for her w/ screens off (hesitant to do this since I feel like I'd be treating her like a child) or straight banning the iPad from the bedroom. Part of me thinks that would make me just an AH overbearing / controlling husband - but I am genuinely afraid if something like this happens again if it is indeed related to her sleep issues?
TLDR; wife always has phone/ipad screens on in bed, has trouble falling/staying asleep, gets in car accident - doesn't remember what happened/thinks she blacked out, husband considers banned screens or enforcing screen off time in bedroom.
EDIT: making this edit to clarify that when we got back the day of accident I suggested she take some Advil for her sore arm/elbow. She’s not taking or is addicted to painkillers and have no idea why everyone is assuming that SMH
submitted by pdubpooter to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:02 itsthenugget Surgeon's assistant said "That has nothing to do with us", so idk what this is or how to fix it

I had wrist surgery about a month ago and my stomach hasn't been right ever since, alternating between having high anxiety/diarrhea/painful gas for a day and then constipation for 3 days. Can just stress/anxiety cause this? I do have an anxiety disorder and the surgery was stressful for me. The surgeon's assistant I was told to call just said "it has nothing to do with us" when I asked about my symptoms. Post-op doc didn't know when asked if surgery can affect mental and digestive health either. A nurse said a bug was going around but it's been 3 weeks now.
About me:
27F (definitely not pregnant)
207 pounds
Diagnosed with anxiety
Surgeon team administered anesthesia and an antibiotic during ganglion surgery, as well as something for nausea in my IV afterwards. I only took Advil and Tylenol for pain for a few days after that. I am normally vitamin D deficient and was instructed to stop my supplement for a week before surgery but have been back on it since. Also drinking probiotics to see if that helps.
submitted by itsthenugget to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:05 ShoddyWinter6511 Pain killers

Awaiting surgery date Any advice on painkillers for bone on bone pain??
Tried perc5 and NOTHING just high....
Tylenol and Advil didn't really do much either
submitted by ShoddyWinter6511 to spinalfusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:44 Plant_lady206 3 unexpected things, nursing pillow for the win!

I'm approching 2 weeks PO. Did lots of prep in the little time I had. Used this sub for lots of it, so thank you for thise who have posted to inform!
I was even a bit over prepared in a few things, like pooping. Started eating lots of lean proteins, lots of fiber, and taking Miralax. After surgery I ate only hospital food and had my first bowel movement 2 days in!
Although three unexpected things happened. I had a 4hr total laparoscopic hysterectomy, due to fibroid. Kept ovaries.
1st thing, unexpected, uncontrollable, unexplainable top right groin area PAIN! Drs and nurses were running around trying to figure it out. No narcotic was helping. Then they gave me Tordal! Which they explained is "basically IV ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug". It was GOD SENT! Hours of pain instantly stopped! I went home allowed to take up to 2 pills of Advil every 6 hours, along with Narco. Honestly I feel like ibuprofen was all the pain relief I needed after the 3rd day.
2nd thing, left thigh numbness. Sometimes it feels like a burning sensation. Its the outer top area. Feels like it is asleep. Its annoying more then anything. I find myself slapping my thigh to 'wake it up'. Google says its because of the position and restaints during surgery. Definitely going to bring it up to my Dr. Just a random weird symptom I didn't read about before hand because it is not common.
3rd thing, NURSING PILLOW!! TRY ONE. Wish I had used it on the drive from the hospital home! I had taken a regular pillow to sit on, was still painful. I have a 2yo who I breastfed for 1 year. So her nursing pillow had been laying. When I sit, I feel lots of pressure in my center area. It gets painful sometimes. So when I saw the nursing pillow a light bulb idea! Sure enough the pillow offers xtra cushion on my butt area for support, but does not press against my inner area where I just had surgery! I even used it to ride passenger in the car and the RELEIF is phenomenal! I carry this thing around everywhere now. Love it, highly recommend for sitting!
submitted by Plant_lady206 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]
