Hobo song great depression


2022.02.15 07:11 beaster_bunny22 letdownunderrated

Did you ever hear the song Let Down by Radiohead? I thought not. It’s not a song fake radiohead fans would tell you. It’s an Ok Computer Legend. Let down was a Genius Song of the Radioheads, so great and so moving it could use sound to influence the depression of teens to end their life… It had such a movement In the radiohead fan base that it could even keep the songs that were ignored from surfacing. This Masterpiece is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

2024.06.02 20:49 Singer771 Similar to Mariah Carey?

All I've been listening to for two years now has been Mariah Carey. All her ballad songs I just love this kind of music. I love her riffs and runs and how it feels like it's part of the melody. And I listen to Whitney Houston too, but I don't enjoy her catalogue as much. Can anybody suggest other artists or songs that have ballads with great skillful vocals.
submitted by Singer771 to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 tinyjedii09 My collection! May 2024

My collection! May 2024
Not pictured - Soccer Mommy collection
Give your opinions or some suggestions! I like lots of different music and I am always interested in acquiring more!
submitted by tinyjedii09 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:43 John90111 Sci-fi to watch

Looking for more sci-fi series to watch. I will write what i already watched and how i liked it so it will be easier to recommend similar shows:
1) Stargate SG-1 - my favourite series, Stargate Atlantis was also good, universe i didnt like
2) Battlestar Galactica - great show
3) Walking dead - great show, Fear the walking dead, not that great
4) Expanse - quite good, but incredibly short
5) Lost - good show
6) Heroes - first few episodes was good, but then started to be really boring and tedious
7) Game of thrones - to depressing and dark, didnt like it much. Interesting considering Rome 2005 is 1 of my all time favourite shows
I hope you can give me a list of shows i can binge watch on rainy days :)
submitted by John90111 to scifi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:43 WearyAd5454 Need an emergency replacement for Curcumin2k asap/is it bad to go cold turkey off this supplement?

Looking for any suggestions on an alternative to Stop Aging Now’s Curcumin2K supplement that I can have delivered in the next day or two.
I’m leaving on a two week vacation on Friday and hoping to get this sorted by then. I need some advice or any suggestions of what I can order with rapid shipping. I was doing my med divider for the next two weeks yesterday. I realized after I filled it that I only have 3 days of doses left. So I would end up running out half way through my trip.
I have severe lupus and take this supplement for inflammation and fatigue as well as to control depression.
I wondered if there were any side effects if I missed 6 days of it. The formula I’m on is tunic root extract standardized to provide 95% curcuminoids at 1000mg combined with BioPerine black pepper fruit extract at 10 mg for better absorption. I want something with this same profile.
Greatly appreciate any advice. Looking to be delivered to central Ohio. I understand this may mean ordering from Amazon and I’m ok with that this time. Thanks!
submitted by WearyAd5454 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:43 IntelligentLibrary52 Not sure if this fits this subreddit but I’ve wondered for a while and need advice. Mom troubles.

Hello, I am a 25 y/o female now. Growing up, my Mother was very emotionally disturbed and abusive. She would ice me out, be really nice to me some days when I wasn’t her person to pick on, etc. She would go into screaming rages at time and I remember being a child sobbing in the car in the driveway with my Dad when she’d be fighting with my older sister. She was actually diagnosed with Bipolar II years ago, but decided the diagnosis was wrong. She’s prone to manic episodes, depressive episodes, addictive personality, etc.
Since I’ve been an adult, I’ve been in a lot of therapy with an a great therapist and was diagnosed with OCD and Bipolar II. During my time in therapy, I spoke a lot about my mother and her relationship. We talked a lot about my Mom’s PTSD. She had a terrible childhood and was abused in every way you can think of. She grew up very poor. When I was a teenager, my Mom’s Mom died and her brother committed suicide. This lead to more PTSD and she never made the effort to get into therapy or deal with it outside of throwing herself into religion. I am a non-denominational christian, but I believe in both therapy, medicine, and my religious observations. I believe it has served me well. But onto the reason why I am posting.
For the past few years, we walked through a long season of my Dad’s cancer diagnosis and treatments. My Mom, while being his sole caretaker, complained the whole way through. She had always had a tumultuous relationship with my Dad. They divorced when I was a kid and got back together. I remember them once having an argument so bad that he called the police. Anyway, she would complain that she couldn’t go live her life, she was trapped, she’d rather be homeless than live in an environment like ours, etc. Mind you, we were very financially well off at this time. My Dad was self-employed and had a very successful business. He had been making a name for himself for years (at the time of his passing, he was in his late 70s) and had reached the point where we were good. While the cancer bills and him having to stop working made it less comfortable, we were still okay. I don’t want to air out all of her dirty laundry, but she did go through a period where to escape she’d go to the casino. This did put stress on my Dad and since his passing, we have become very not financially well off or even close, and this has become a reoccurring regret of hers but only in small moments of reality for her.
He passed away, and it seemed like our relationship was improving, probably for the sake of necessity. However, she has recently got a boyfriend, and has been traveling to see him. I think this boyfriend has truly made her regress on all fronts. Any progress I thought was being made has been undone. They fight all the time. They’ve broken up more times than I can count on one hand. At the beginning, she made me feel guilty for not wanting to meet him. My Dad just passing, my Dad who was my best friend, was not a good enough reason for her. She told me she was just going to go on and live her life whether we accept him or not. I folded and met him.
Now, my older sister is about to start treatment for cancer and just had part of her colon removed. She needs a full time caretaker. My Mom is living about an hour away at my brother and sister in law’s house and I’m living with my sister because we couldn’t afford to stay in our rental house. My Mom originally said she could be my sister’s care taker. I am about to start my last semester of college, I’ll be student teaching. I am applying for every scholarship to try and get money, selling things, etc. Meanwhile, I have some jobs lined up in July, and this month, my partner is leaving for a trip across the pond and I won’t see him for a couple weeks, so I’m trying to get as much quality time as I can. So, I watched my sister this past week, and my Mom swore she’d be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to cover me (she’s been with her boyfriend — during this time, she told us she’d “go to back to my brother and sister in law’s house and not come back” because we called her out for being insensitive because she was complaining about how long it was taking my sister to get discharged from the hospital because my Mom had to get to a date with her boyfriend, so I just ended up picking her up. This was the day after my Mom said she was breaking up with her boyfriend because he “lied” and their relationship made her feel worthless.) Since I’ve had my break this weekend, my Mom has texted me complaining about taking care of my sister several times and has all but threatened to leave again.
I am so tired. She doesn’t respect my boundaries. I feel like I can’t live my life as a young person, or that I’ve never fully been allowed to because of her. She knows I won’t abandon my sister. But I’m literally going to be out of town friday-sunday of next week and watching my partner’s animals and house for the following two weeks after that. My Mom says my sister might just have to hire home health after that. What do I even do. How do I handle my relationship with my Mom, my only “parent” now.
submitted by IntelligentLibrary52 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:41 Azure-larkspur Is it really my autism making me this way?

I really want people to genuinely like me, I do. it is when I fail to ‘pretend’ and not listen to any ‘invisible’ social rules, I just end up being annoying. I have no idea if it is related to my autism or if I’m just a very shitty and unbearable as a personso I don’t know anymore if I should stop being as repetitive and overly honest and intense as I am right now. I just wish I had the answer as to why people are so sensitive to me not trying to change. Maybe it also has to do with boundaries? I just wish I could improve and not be a dark sad blob as well. I feel like I have to compete with lots of people standing out to really feel seen. Should I try to find different ways to make friends once again instead of just waiting for things to happen? Society of today can be so complicated. Why does no one who is my age come up to talk to me in public like they used to do back when I was a child? (I already know the answer, but still, it’s painful) If I could just morph myself into a more acceptable version of myself and prove everyone wrong, that would be great. I do NOT have depression once again so I hope this post won’t get removed. For further clarity, I do not wish my autism away, I wish for myself to handle my own fears towards the not accepting my diagnosis. If someone sees this post, I am in a grieving process of something that I cannot speak of at the moment (it’s nothing too serious. Believe me) and I just needed to vent this frustration regarding that specific situation. Thanks for understanding.
submitted by Azure-larkspur to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 littlescylla [H] Book of Hours, Marvel Midnight Suns Digital+, Killer Bundle 30 games, River City Girls, Saints Row 2023, Builder Simulator, etc. [W] Monster Camp Forever Bundle, Arcadia Fallen, Humble + Fanatical bundle leftovers, offers, etc.

IGSRep Page
Book of Hours
Marvel Midnight Suns Digital+
Dust Fleet
Monster Train
Dragon's Dogma
Drug Dealer Simulator
SSI Classics Collection
Super Crazy Rhythm Castle
Strategic Mind The Pacific
Pike and Shot Campaigns
River City Girls
Mediterranea Inferno
Saints Row 2023
Builder Simulator
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Shotgun King
Conglomerate 451
Pinball FX 3 Marvel Heavy Hitters
Pinball FX3 Star Wars Original Pack
The Red Lantern
Full list on my Barter
Monster Camp: Camp Forever Bundle, Arcadia Fallen
Devil May Cry HD Collection, Fallout 4 GOTY, Hard West 2, Warstride Challenges, Mega City Force, Star Wars Collection
SiN Gold, Turok 3, Rise of the Triad Ludicrous Edition, Powerslave Exhumed (in Fully Loaded humble bundle)
Guardians of Holme, children of morta dlc/complete edition
Doomblade, Justice Sucks, Liberte, Koa and five pirates (in current Fanatical platinum bundle)
Undernauts, Astria Ascending (from current Fanatical Bento Deluxe bundle)
Tiny Tina's Wonderland Chaotic Great Edition (NA key)
Back 4 Blood (NA)
Ghost Song, Axiom Verge 1 + 2
Samurai Maiden
Bosorka, Battle Axe, GearShifters, Metal Mutation
Wall World, Shadow Kin, Good Knight, Trouble Juice, Anomalous, Orbital Bullet, Gunlocked Deluxe
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
God of Weapons
Jupiter Hell
Redout 2, Indiana Jones Pinball, House of the Dead Remake
Deep Rock Galactic
Kingdom Rush Origins, KR Vengeance, Legends of KR
Trine 1-3
Nine Parchments
submitted by littlescylla to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 littlescylla [H] Book of Hours, Marvel Midnight Suns Digital+, Killer Bundle 30 games, River City Girls, Saints Row 2023, Builder Simulator, etc. [W] Monster Camp Forever Bundle, Arcadia Fallen, Humble + Fanatical bundle leftovers, offers, etc.

IGSRep Page
Book of Hours
Marvel Midnight Suns Digital+
Dust Fleet
Monster Train
Dragon's Dogma
Drug Dealer Simulator
SSI Classics Collection
Super Crazy Rhythm Castle
Strategic Mind The Pacific
Pike and Shot Campaigns
River City Girls
Mediterranea Inferno
Saints Row 2023
Builder Simulator
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Shotgun King
Conglomerate 451
Pinball FX 3 Marvel Heavy Hitters
Pinball FX3 Star Wars Original Pack
The Red Lantern
Full list on my Barter
Monster Camp: Camp Forever Bundle, Arcadia Fallen
Devil May Cry HD Collection, Fallout 4 GOTY, Hard West 2, Warstride Challenges, Mega City Force, Star Wars Collection
SiN Gold, Turok 3, Rise of the Triad Ludicrous Edition, Powerslave Exhumed (in Fully Loaded humble bundle)
Guardians of Holme, children of morta dlc/complete edition
Doomblade, Justice Sucks, Liberte, Koa and five pirates (in current Fanatical platinum bundle)
Undernauts, Astria Ascending (from current Fanatical Bento Deluxe bundle)
Tiny Tina's Wonderland Chaotic Great Edition (NA key)
Back 4 Blood (NA)
Ghost Song, Axiom Verge 1 + 2
Samurai Maiden
Bosorka, Battle Axe, GearShifters, Metal Mutation
Wall World, Shadow Kin, Good Knight, Trouble Juice, Anomalous, Orbital Bullet, Gunlocked Deluxe
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
God of Weapons
Jupiter Hell
Redout 2, Indiana Jones Pinball, House of the Dead Remake
Deep Rock Galactic
Kingdom Rush Origins, KR Vengeance, Legends of KR
Trine 1-3
Nine Parchments
submitted by littlescylla to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 Icy-Government-8202 One thing I learned from Ye, that makes my life so much easier

SAMPLE SMOKEY ROBINSON. It's so easy to find great songs, that you can sample from him, that then require just some work with drums etc. n you have a great beat. It became my go to when I have artists block, I just go to his catalog on Youtube n search for great samples n in an hour i have made A MASTERPIECE.
Examples of TOP TIER FUCKING MASTERPIECES produced by Ye, that sample Smokey Robinson.
Jukebox Joints (top 20 beats OAT)
Devil In A new Dress (top 20 beats OAT)
Angel (Got Nowhere) (a great n underrated song)
Sample Smokey Robinson n you have free fucking masterpieces
submitted by Icy-Government-8202 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:38 Newtothisidkaname Second thoughts on my wedding

My fiancé (27/M) and I (26/F) got engaged last July, and we started to plan our wedding quickly after, we booked a venue for September 2025 and several other vendors. My mom has been the most generous and giving she can possibly be, and is paying for the entire wedding. She’s already put down thousands of dollars for this wedding.
Recently I went through some mental health issues January-March was really difficult. My fiancé has always been so supportive and helped me through my depression. I wasn’t feeling like myself, severely disinterested in anything at all, isolated myself from friends. I’ve gone to therapy, and was put on meds and within the last month I’ve felt much better. I’ve had thoughts in the back of my head that I’m not feeling as connected to my partner as I used to be- I find myself annoyed by every little thing he does. Just overwhelmed by a gut feeling that I shouldn’t get married. Meanwhile he is a great person and does a lot for me (cooks every single night, and is extremely supportive).
My fiance and I have been together for almost 4 years. The first 2 years were great , felt so in love and for sure knew we wanted a future together. We’ve had a pretty good relationship other than a couple times he’s brought up concerns to me that he wants to have more sex (we have it once a month if that). I’ve always had a much lower sex drive than him and just honestly dread having sex with him. I feel disgusted by it. Recently we went to Mexico, and I was just sad. I cried after sex. And felt annoyed by my fiancé. He is addicted to his phone, scrolling, and sports. He literally doesn’t hear me when I talk because he’s so consumed by his phone. Even my parents notice it. I’ve brought it up to him before but he just gets irritated. He’s so addicted to his phone he literally brings it in the shower with him to listen to podcasts and sports.
It was hard to tell at first if I was just feeling this way because I’m depressed and not feeling like myself in general. But now I’m slowly starting to feel like myself again with an increase in meds dose- and I still have these feelings. Idk because every doctor warns me not to make any big life decisions… I’ve only officially been on the medication (for anyone curious it’s Wellbutrin) officially for 2 months.
My fiancé and I live together, we bought a condo together in 2022 (I put down most of it- about 25k and he put down about 8k). We have pets together. My older cat I had before we started dating. The second cat we adopted together, however my name is only on the adoption papers (he’s listed as secondary also helping to care for our cat). Our lives are just so intertwined I can’t even picture what a break up would look like. I’m also scared to death.
I just feel that we’re growing apart- the worst part is I haven’t communicated any of this to him.
I’m also struggling with my sexuality, I know I’m attracted to girls but have never been with girls other than 2 drunk college make outs. If I left my current relationship I would want to explore my sexuality more. My fiancé knows i find girls sexually attractive but I don’t know if he realizes to what extent. I’ve had fantasies and dreams about being with women. As a child I had a childhood best friend and we would cuddle , show each other our bodies. And things that just friends wouldn’t do. No one ever knew. Everyone in my life other than my fiancé thinks I’m completely straight.
Our families are entangled and they are great people. No one would ever see a break up coming. I feel like a terrible person for even having these thoughts because I know he would be soo blindsided. I don’t even know the reasoning of how I would explain it to him. Scared to tell my parents I feel so bad that they put down so much money on the wedding already. I just feel horrible and scared.
It sounds so selfish to even say but I know my fiancé would make an incredible dad. And I’ve always had a strong desire to have children and I’m scared of leaving this relationship and losing that opportunity to become a mom. I know it would not be wise to have children with someone I’m not sure if I want to marry/ be with. Part of it comes from anxiety of starting over, scared of discovering I am into women , and therefore having a harder journey to have kids. Because if I broke up with my fiancé I’m not even sure if I would want to date any men once the time comes. But then again I’m not even sure because I’ve never been intimate or had a relationship with a woman. I’m just really confused. I’ve also told no one my second thoughts about the wedding. My mom and I are very close and I tell her a lot about my life and relationship but I am just scared to break the news to her- and change everything. I’m actively looking for a new therapist where I can start fresh with and share my dilemmas. My previous therapist didn’t know how I felt truly about my relationship - it was on zoom and I didn’t feel comfortable enough to share. I know I don’t sound rational but I don’t know what to do and I feel like a terrible person
Sorry for the long post, any advice is welcomed and TIA.
submitted by Newtothisidkaname to LGBTQMentalHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:37 Theoderic8586 [USA-MA] [H] Nintendo Switch Games, RPGs, JRPGs, Playstation 2–4, Super Famicom, and some other stuff [W] Venmo or Paypal

Selling my Nintendo Switch RPG collection as well as some other stuff. Shipping factored into prices but feel free send offers. Not interested in shipping under 25 dollars at the moment (low on supplies and such). Also only looking to do friends and family
Nintendo Switch:
PS4 GamesBanner Saga Trilogy (sealed) 20$Bioshock Collection 15$Borderlands Handsome Edition 12$Borderlands 3 7$Dead Island Definitive Collection 15$ Diablo 3 Eternal Collection 15$ Dying Light Anniversary Edition 15$ Exist Archive (sealed) 33$ Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force (sealed) 43$ Greed Fall 15$Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition 15$King’s Bounty 2 15$Kingdom of Amalur Re-Reckoning 15$ Nioh 2 9$Othercide 35$Pillars of Eternity Complete Edition 20$ Pillars of Eternity II Ultimate Edition 20$ Risen (sealed) 16$Sakura Wars 20$ SD Gundam G Generations Crossrays (sealed x2) 25$Skyrim Anniversary Edition 25$Spellforce III Reforced 15$Sudden Strike Complete Edition (disk only) 15$Tales of Arise 15$Uncharted the Nathan Drake Collection 14$Wasteland 2 Director’s Cut 13$ Witcher 3 Complete Edition 16$
Game Boy Advance (Manuals and cartridges only/ custom cases don’t factor in prices)Tales of Phantasia 35$
Nintendo DS JP (take them all for 55$)7th Dragon 20$A.S.H Archaic Sealed Heat 20$Blood of Bahamut 20$Tales of Innocence 20$Tales of the Tempest 20$
Super FamicomTake all three for 60$Albert Odyssey 30$Feda: The Emblem of Justice 20$Treasure Hunter G 35$
Playstation 2Legaia 2 DualSaga 25$
Playstation 3Deus Ex: Human Revolution 7$Final Fantasy XIII 15$Final Fantasy XIII-2 15$Nier 25$Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny 20$Star Ocean: The Last Hope 20$Tales of Graces F 35$Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (from special edition with internal art and thick manual) 50$Valkyria Chronicles (missing manual) 10$White Knight Chronicles 10$
A Guide to Japanese Role Playing Games book 45$
submitted by Theoderic8586 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:34 jeremyjava Which great music bands have one or two hits everyone knows… but those are their worst songs?

submitted by jeremyjava to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:33 Newtothisidkaname Second thoughts on my wedding

My fiancé (27/M) and I (26/F) got engaged last July, and we started to plan our wedding quickly after, we booked a venue for September 2025 and several other vendors. My mom has been the most generous and giving she can possibly be, and is paying for the entire wedding. She’s already put down thousands of dollars for this wedding.
Recently I went through some mental health issues January-March was really difficult. My fiancé has always been so supportive and helped me through my depression. I wasn’t feeling like myself, severely disinterested in anything at all, isolated myself from friends. I’ve gone to therapy, and was put on meds and within the last month I’ve felt much better. I’ve had thoughts in the back of my head that I’m not feeling as connected to my partner as I used to be- I find myself annoyed by every little thing he does. Just overwhelmed by a gut feeling that I shouldn’t get married. Meanwhile he is a great person and does a lot for me (cooks every single night, and is extremely supportive).
My fiance and I have been together for almost 4 years. The first 2 years were great , felt so in love and for sure knew we wanted a future together. We’ve had a pretty good relationship other than a couple times he’s brought up concerns to me that he wants to have more sex (we have it once a month if that). I’ve always had a much lower sex drive than him and just honestly dread having sex with him. I feel disgusted by it. Recently we went to Mexico, and I was just sad. I cried after sex. And felt annoyed by my fiancé. He is addicted to his phone, scrolling, and sports. He literally doesn’t hear me when I talk because he’s so consumed by his phone. Even my parents notice it. I’ve brought it up to him before but he just gets irritated. He’s so addicted to his phone he literally brings it in the shower with him to listen to podcasts and sports.
It was hard to tell at first if I was just feeling this way because I’m depressed and not feeling like myself in general. But now I’m slowly starting to feel like myself again with an increase in meds dose- and I still have these feelings. Idk because every doctor warns me not to make any big life decisions… I’ve only officially been on the medication (for anyone curious it’s Wellbutrin) officially for 2 months.
My fiancé and I live together, we bought a condo together in 2022 (I put down most of it- about 25k and he put down about 8k). We have pets together. My older cat I had before we started dating. The second cat we adopted together, however my name is only on the adoption papers (he’s listed as secondary also helping to care for our cat). Our lives are just so intertwined I can’t even picture what a break up would look like. I’m also scared to death.
I just feel that we’re growing apart- the worst part is I haven’t communicated any of this to him.
I’m also struggling with my sexuality, I know I’m attracted to girls but have never been with girls other than 2 drunk college make outs. If I left my current relationship I would want to explore my sexuality more. My fiancé knows i find girls sexually attractive but I don’t know if he realizes to what extent. I’ve had fantasies and dreams about being with women. As a child I had a childhood best friend and we would cuddle , show each other our bodies. And things that just friends wouldn’t do. No one ever knew. Everyone in my life other than my fiancé thinks I’m completely straight.
Our families are entangled and they are great people. No one would ever see a break up coming. I feel like a terrible person for even having these thoughts because I know he would be soo blindsided. I don’t even know the reasoning of how I would explain it to him. Scared to tell my parents I feel so bad that they put down so much money on the wedding already. I just feel horrible and scared.
It sounds so selfish to even say but I know my fiancé would make an incredible dad. And I’ve always had a strong desire to have children and I’m scared of leaving this relationship and losing that opportunity to become a mom. I know it would not be wise to have children with someone I’m not sure if I want to marry/ be with. Part of it comes from anxiety of starting over, scared of discovering I am into women , and therefore having a harder journey to have kids. Because if I broke up with my fiancé I’m not even sure if I would want to date any men once the time comes. But then again I’m not even sure because I’ve never been intimate or had a relationship with a woman. I’m just really confused. I’ve also told no one my second thoughts about the wedding. My mom and I are very close and I tell her a lot about my life and relationship but I am just scared to break the news to her- and change everything. I’m actively looking for a new therapist where I can start fresh with and share my dilemmas. My previous therapist didn’t know how I felt truly about my relationship - it was on zoom and I didn’t feel comfortable enough to share. I know I don’t sound rational but I don’t know what to do and I feel like a terrible person
Sorry for the long post, any advice is welcomed and TIA.
submitted by Newtothisidkaname to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:32 BrownMamba85 Songs having to do with LOTR

I am wondering if there are any songs, of any genre that include the phrase RETURN TO THE SHIRE in reference to Lord of the Rings/Hobbits. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it
submitted by BrownMamba85 to find_song [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:32 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 31

[First] [Previous] [Next]
The forbidding feeling of something approaching didn’t leave Giovanni even after an entire day. He had gone through the motions of his work, keeping guard in the Seal of Palien while, at the same time, taking care of the many needs of its populace. He was technically a mere deacon, another assistant of the many performing duties before their formal education in the Seminary of the Saints, but he had been calling the shots in Palien’s church for a while now, a little advantage of being a friend of the local family of priests for several generations.

He instructed the older priests on how to properly perform the sacraments, he oversaw the renewal and maintenance of the Seal underneath the church, and he listened to the woes and problems of the general populace with a smile and the wisdom of many lives behind his back.

It was a tiresome duty, but one that Giovanni performed with a satisfied smile on his face… except for today. Today, he couldn’t shake away the bad feelings, the unnerving sensation of something being deadly wrong in the world.

The dread would follow him even as he finished his occupations and climbed the stairs of one of the church’s towers, right up to his bedroom.

“This climb will kill me one day.” He said, shaking his head slowly. He knew the degenerating process of his body better than most, and he knew for a fact he wouldn’t be able to make that climb once he grew older. “I guess it’s best that I enjoy the view now that I can.”

He was just a pessimistic mess that day! But he was confident that this was nothing that a nice cup of sleepytime tea couldn’t fix.

Once in his bedroom at the top of the tower, Giovanni looked around the place with a smile. There was an electric kettle, an old laptop, some bookshelves, the door to his bathroom and his comfortable, cushy bed. The sight brought a smile to the young man’s face, this had always been the peaceful kind of life he had craved for so long… Why couldn’t he simply enjoy it?

He carefully sat by the laptop after filling and getting his kettle to work. Checking on the latest news, the world continued to spin in the same way he always knew. News of war in the West brought pain to his heart, especially knowing that he, as a mage, couldn’t really do a thing about it beyond donations and general sympathy. Capitalism was still rampant in most of the world, corruption was even worse, the news of the Sleeper World had always been kind of… depressing.

But maybe it was better than the absolute lack of motion in the Mage World. The Eclipse was coming soon, an event that would connect the different Layers of Reality far more intensely than ever before in some portions of the world, and that was concerning; the mages of the great Empire of Bisontia were involved in some heated conversations and the word ‘Revolution’ had been thrown out several times.

Alright, so maybe it wasn’t a ‘lack of news’ as much as a ‘lack of GOOD news’.

And then there was Mustafá.

Giovanni sighed, rubbing his temples softly while watching the recordings Blanco had sent him. Mustafá was already showing Tav some powerful magic, so he could only assume the woman was serious about training her. But why? After forsaking the magical world and the Brotherhood, why did she suddenly decide to act?

What did she know that he didn’t…?

The answer would come to him in the form of a call. Just as the young mage got ready to prepare his tea, his phone started vibrating to the tune of an old poppy, happy song. He wasn’t used to getting calls at this time of the day, but he had promised himself to always be open to help anyone, no matter the time of the day. Big was his surprise to see Mustafá’s name on the caller ID.

He tried to temper his excitement, but he couldn’t help getting a bit giddy. The old alchemist never had anything good to say to him, for the days where they could collaborate and speak to each other on friendly terms were far gone… and yet he always had a feeling of relief when hearing her voice.

Knowing that she was still out there, doing her thing, was a confidence booster to Giovanni.

Eventually he stopped dilly dallying and finally answered.

“Well hello ther—”

“Be quiet. I don’t have much time.” Mustafá immediately stopped his attempts to make conversation. “The Second Sacrifice is upon us.”

Giovanni paused. Now that was bad news… he didn’t even bother doubting the woman’s words, mostly because: a) She never made jokes, and b) She must have been real desperate to share this with him.

“...How long do we have?” He finally said. He could have complained, demanded to know for how long she had known and why hadn’t she said anything sooner. But, this wasn’t the time to bicker.

“Months. Not sure how many, but it won’t be beyond this year.” Mustafá was speaking fast. Clearly, she wanted to keep this brief.

“So this is what this feeling was about…” Giovanni closed his eyes. “Starting point? Dobrand again?”

“The North Pole.” She stated, simply.

“Why there of all places?” The young mage sighed, shaking his head slowly. “Fine, I will start investigating this at once.”

“Keep me informed. I have to go.” The alchemist didn’t give time for a retort, she immediately hung up.

With a sigh, the man of the tower looked out his window for a moment, shaking his head. He couldn’t just take a trip to the North Pole all of a sudden, the Seal would be left unguarded and insecure, and he had made a promise that he would never allow such a thing to happen again. It was what he owed the Blair Clan, after all, at least until they reached a breakthrough in their investigation.

And he knew that wouldn’t come for at least two or three more generations.

So, instead of dwelling on possibilities that may never come to fruition, Giovanni decided to do the best he could and simply start moving the pieces he did have at his disposition. He started serving himself a cup of tea, while tapping the numbers on his phone and calling Blanco again.

He knew the old vampire despised phone calls and vastly preferred messaging, but for things this important, Giovanni felt like they had to talk.

Eventually, the call connected.

“Hi G, is this about the whole ‘Second Sacrifice’ thing?” Of course, the vampire had heard everything. Giovanni smiled bitterly, thinking that this at least made explanations easier.

“Yes Blanco. I need you to divert some of the time I commissioned from you into investigating the North Pole, and any North Pole-related stories that you find.” The young priest sighed. “I am sorry I keep loading you with work.”

“It is a little boring but I can do it, no problem.” Blanco sounded upbeat about the whole thing. “So… the end is nigh?“

“We are actively trying to stop it.” Giovanni frowned.

“Well, not to be a downer, but you don’t exactly have a good record doing that.” The vampire snickered. “Should I start renewing the security in my bunker?”

“As if you weren’t going to do that regardless of the situation!” With another sigh, the priest took a sip from his tea. “Just, please inform me if anything changes… I have to go to sleep.”

“Have pleasant dreams! As long as you keep paying, I’ll keep you informed of everything!” That was the closest thing the monster had to a code of morals.

“Thanks, Blanco.”


The young man sighed, he sighed like a man several times his own age. Despite the immortality of his soul, Giovanni could feel the years accumulating on his shoulders, weighing him down no matter how young his body was. Maybe he was an old man, as Mustafá said so often.

With the arrival of the night in Palien, the young mage took a seat on his bed, finished his tea, and got ready for a full night of sleep. His speciality was magic of the soul, after all, and there is no point where our souls are more free than during sleep…

He had many questions to ask, and very little time… he could only beg that the visions would be less cryptic this time.

I take fifteen minutes or so cleaning my face, and my thoughts. The feeling of cold water on my face is refreshing and honestly really nice, even if it kind of makes the hairs sticking out more obvious. Maybe I should invest in a better razor or something.

Shaving is good!

It’s kind of useless though, no matter how much you shave, it will just pop out again.

Not a reason to not do it though!

With a sigh, still thinking about so many things at the same time, I walk back into the living room. Mustafá is not here, I assume she must be in the kitchen or something… so I just shrug and check on my backpack to pull out my meds. Even if this whole ‘trans’ business doesn’t pan out, I really should talk about my psychiatrist about the dosage.

You should talk to him about many things, like getting you in contact with a therapist…

I flinch a little there. I really don’t feel like asking another therapist for help, considering how badly my last session went, but… maybe you’re right. Maybe I should give it another whirl. I smile a little bit to myself, feeling proud of actually reaching this conclusion, when Mustafá walks out of the kitchen. Her lips are doing that thing again, the high-speed casting, as she guides a line of octarine light from the kitchen and around the living room. I stare as she walks on top of my furniture, tracing the edges of the room.

Soon enough, she walks to the hallway, leaving behind that line of light which, I assume, is a spell. I walk a little closer, squinting, just to see that indeed, the line of light is actually several runes forming a repeating phrase. I don’t see any shapes I recognize there… so I sigh. This is going to be a hard task, translating things, right?

Mustafá returns from the hallway and then, ignoring me completely, she goes back into the kitchen. I hear a strange sound, like a bell ringing… and the line of light disappears completely. I assume the spell is now in place.

“The spell is now in place.” The woman confirms, walking out of the kitchen. “Are you ready to go out? We have one final task to take care of before we can actually start your instruction."

“Are we going to the Elysium?” I tentatively ask, tilting my head as my teacher (oh how weird it feels to call her that) walks over to the door and opens it.

“No. You’re taking me to the Department of Motor Vehicles.” She says. “Take Gato’s book too, you will continue to read while we go.”

“... To the DMV.” My old arch nemesis. I still remember when I had to get my driver’s license… “Why?”

“Page 24.” She mentioned, walking off.

With another sigh, I pull the book to read it carefully after I exit and close the door behind me. I really despise having to read while I walk, but fortunately Gato’s book isn’t especially heavy or hard to understand, besides, I can just check it out while we enter the elevator!

I have to wonder though, wouldn’t it be easier to just tell me, instead of ordering me to read the information in a book? I am starting to think Mustafá is quite lazy…
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:32 animesink M19 girlfriend F18 shows no love or affection towards me, should I keep trying or leave?

Me and my girlfriend have been together for around a year and half. I don't feel any intimacy towards me in our relationship, she has not said or done anything nice to me in a long time. For example she often complains that I am not romantic enough towards her, but I buy her gifts and snacks every time I see her, I kiss her, give her massages, compliment her, cook her every meal tidy up after myself and her and I ask nothing in return. I am a student so doing this is quite expensive and time consuming but I don't mind because that's my way of showing love. Recently I told her that I don't feel very valued romantically or sexually as she does not initiate anything romantic or sexual, sometimes when I initiate I get turned down which is completely fine but its to the point we only have sex maybe around 3 times a month, she refuses to talk about anything sexual over the phone and it confuses me because our sex life used to be great but it seems like she just gave up. There have even been points where she just says she doesn't get turned on like that which makes me question if she is asexual and just with me because she is confused and for romance there is just none, no gifting towards me, no acts of service, no compliments or flirty talk. She says its because I don't come over to hers often, for context I'm very busy studying pharmacy and she lives in a very small room in her grandparents house that has no privacy. The reason I made this post is because last night we argued and I didn't sleep at all I have struggled for most of today with feelings of depression (diagnosed) etc, and all she does is emotionlessly say what do you need from me. I told her what I needed and she said she was doing it, I tried to keep talking but she told me off for talking over her. I ended up swearing at her and putting the phone down as I got frustrated, I know that's wrong its my bad and I will apologise for it but im worried because the same situation has happened before and she just talks about how I swore at her and she doesn't see how what she has done just made me upset which I quickly apologised for, she bring it up over and over and calls me horrible for it even though I apologise when I do it which tends to be every time I try to tell her how I feel and she just tells me she is doing enough. For some more context she is diagnosed with autism, we had an online relationship in the past where it ended in her ghosting me and posting about how I was "chasing her" on her story, that was a long time ago almost 4 years and we were young I had hoped she had changed but I'm not sure anymore. Please don't just say break up, I know I should lots of people have told me this but I need more than that to make a decision. Please feel free to ask more questions there is so much and I can't write it all here I just feel so alone and confused it's horrible.
submitted by animesink to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:32 kor0vka Need a book w romance that will make me feel super lonely

I’m in a reading slump and in a depressive episode (double homicide) so I need something easy without angst, deaths, pain, extreme troubles and great wars to shift the focus and get hooked up fast, but not too fluffy.
I’m also a sucker for well written romance where you believe the characters are truly in love and not just lust over each other.
Need the tension and yearning and longing to scream in my pillow and kick my legs in the air, a bit of slow burn to feel rewarded, maybe some troubles in paradise like miscommunication etc bc I need a book that is mostly abt the relationship. And I just have to scream god when is it my turn throughout reading…
Please no modern setting, alpha males, possessiveness, abusive behavior, sjm style smut and age gaps!!
It should be a finished series, and I’d appreciate if it was written after 2010s and had a demon mmc (they’re so hot I’m so in love after demonized series)
For reference, mmc I would die for: Zylas from demonized ofc, Morozko from the bear and the nightingale, Jacks from once upon a broken heart, Jacin from the lunar chronicles
My favorite author is Naomi Novik and Katherine Arden so I really need a good plot and good writing!
Is it possible to meet my needs? T.T
submitted by kor0vka to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:29 SuitableImplement845 "Songs are a moment in time"/"She writes to process her emotions"

I hear Swifties say this. Even Taylor referred to all her work pre-Folklore as "4 second feelings".
I've heard it said "Songs are a moment in time." Am I the only one who thinks this is a stupid way to think about music? I thought great music was something that stood the test of time? Something that captured a strong feeling. Take Bob Dylan's The Times They Are A-Changin'. It was written at a specific time for a specific social change, but it's a timeless anthem for all social reform.
But here's what the post is really about -- I've often heard Swifties make the argument: "Taylor deals with her emotions by writing about them. It's how she moves on."
Okay, so when is she moving on from Jake Gyllenhaal? The Manuscript, All Too Well short film, All Too Well (10 minute version). Is she still processing her 3 month relationship from 12 years ago?
How is it she "writes away" her feelings and the words she's immortalized suddenly don't relate to her?
Imagine you're in a relationship and you find your bf/gf diary. Within 5 months of getting together, you read this about an ex he/she recently dated: "I just lost the love of my life, and I will use future lovers to get him/her back". Would you just dismiss that writing as a momentary feeling? Now imagine if your bf/gf was willing to publish that diary. Even if you break up, should anyone that person dates assume they will ever get over their ex?
Are we supposed to see Taylor as a person we don't know and these obviously personal songs as just stories, or are we meant to see her work as autobiographical?
Either she's lying or she's incapable of feeling anything and is just talented at mimicking human emotion.
submitted by SuitableImplement845 to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:28 k___k___ German interview with Ding Liren (04/2024): Talking about being treated for depression

German interview with Ding Liren (04/2024): Talking about being treated for depression
Not sure it was posted here already. But there seem to be many people on the sub not aware that Ding has actually acknowledged publicly that he's being treated for depression.
From the interview (machine-translated):
Normally, a title like this boosts the ego. You feel great. It was different for you. You fell into a deep hole and were away for months.
I had a few problems, that's true. I was exhausted, but I still couldn't sleep very well. That led to depression. I was treated twice in a clinic. Fortunately, things are slowly getting better again. Chess is mentally exhausting - and if you can't sleep well, that's fatal. At least I've been able to reduce my tablets from four a day to one at the moment.
Are you the sensitive type? It was also said that you cried after winning the title.
Yes, the world championship duel lasted so long and was so exhausting. I did my best and after winning the title I thought about all the work I had done before the competition. The emotions and memories overwhelmed me. That's why I had to cry.
You are surprisingly open about your feelings. Doesn't a professional athlete have to be tough on themselves and others?
I was probably so tough before I had my mental problems. That's why I suddenly showed emotions. Now I'm trying to become more balanced again. I now also have a doctor who helps me mentally. I discuss all sorts of things with him. I don't have a mental coach like the table tennis players, who prepares you for the things that are relevant to the game.
submitted by k___k___ to chess [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:27 paranoid_beast Tools discography is a story of one individual

Hi everyone!
Since 2020, I've been quite deep into Tool, and it has been a lot of fun to dive into their incredible discography. But at some point, I came up with my own interpretation of their albums as a whole that I haven't really found on the internet. Let me introduce you...
It seems to me that the first four LPs tell one story about one person. It is a story of his life: birth and maturing (Undertow), disappointment with the world (Ænima), willingness to become a better person and healing (Lateralus), and fatal ignorance and disappointment once again (10,000 Days).
We can feel it through the music and lyrics. On the debut album, their music was rough, and the lyrics weren't well structured. We can also see that the themes are kind of... poor, I guess. The narrator tries humor (Prison Sex, Disgustipated), makes first mistakes (Undertow, Sober), can't find his place in society (Swamp Song, Crawl Away, Bottom), and has his first unpleasant experience with the world (Flood).
Their sophomore album sounds to me like the most evil album in their discography. It is full of hate, anger, and disgust. The protagonist is upset with what he has, who he is, and where he is... Betrayal (Eulogy, Pushit), self-torture because of the past (Stinkfist, Jimmy, H.), and anger because of the surroundings (Hooker with a Penis, Ænema). Third Eye, in fact, is a perfect transition to Lateralus. The song is unclear and uncertain, making us question what happened to that guy? What made him change?
Lateralus is literally an album about life — about its potentials and joy. It starts with Grudge, which makes the narrator give away the stone of the past. And right after that, the healing starts (Schism, Parabol + Parabola, Ticks & Leeches, Lateralus). The last stage is the willingness to become kind of saint (the Holy Trinity songs). He did it, and the transformation occurs in Triad. Faaip De Oiad (the voice of God) seems to clarify the mood of their fourth album. I guess he did a great job but didn't give away his ignorance and now strongly believes he can teach others how to do things.
So, 10,000 Days... Very strict and heavy... The narrator appears as a strict teacher or even a pseudo-father. He wishes a better life for others but at the same time is messed up with their way of existence (Vicarious, The Pot, Intension, Right in Two). At the same time, he recalls his pain, his wounds (Jambi, Wings for Marie, 10,000 Days). Rosetta Stoned might function as a parable to show how dumb everyone else is as well as to show another perspective: the narrator is losing his mind and may become dangerous. Viginti Tres (23) might refer to the age of death or the time passed until the story in Fear Inoculum (but here I am not really sure).
If we include their last album in the plot, then it should be understood in the most common way (the story of self-destruction because of some infection). At the start of the LP, he seems to do well, but we don't know what made him get up from his knees again. However, it is interesting that if we reverse the order of the tracks, it won't be a story of self-destruction but a story of recovery (the album starts with a curing tempest and ends with bless this immunity). So it is not determined whether he is doing well or not at the end of 10,000 Days.
Yeah... This is my interpretation, mates. I hope you enjoyed the reading :) Wish you all the best!
submitted by paranoid_beast to ToolBand [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:23 SubstantialWear5065 Suggest most dark and depressive X songs

Suggest most dark and depressive X songs
So I'm making a playlist with most depressive X songs, and here's the list so far:
Depression & Obsession Jocelyn Flores I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore let's pretend we're numb King WingRiddenAngel skin NEVER Teeth (interlude) al.one Snow XXX Tightrope UGLY Willy Wonka Was A Child Murderer leave The Fall Ghost
submitted by SubstantialWear5065 to XXXTENTACION [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:23 aloofness87 Everyone knows about the Budokai music plagiariasm issue, but I can't find the origin of "Wild Soul" if it was an example.

It's this song for reference.
I've always loved this song since I was a kid. I found out about the whole music controversy recently and I've been digging for a few days with no luck trying to find the origin of this song. If anyone happens to know what it would be, I'd be greatly appreciative.
submitted by aloofness87 to dbz [link] [comments]
