
Bolehland: You tak suka you keluar

2014.05.20 06:34 randomkloud Bolehland: You tak suka you keluar


2020.03.10 03:40 oplotr93 Ajar_Malaysia

Selamat datang ke Subreddit AJAR! Di sini kita kumpulkan komuniti peminat - peminat AJAR dan PEAH, serta juga adalah tempat untuk kita belajar, bertanya soalan. berkongsi ilmu (dan meme pelajaran) serta berkomunikasi sesama kita!

2008.01.26 21:23 Malaysia

A subreddit about Malaysia and all things Malaysian.

2024.05.19 09:45 Lemonietea I need help fr malay😭😭

Guys, with mother tougue being almost a week away, i rlly rlly need help w my papers. I have like so many qns and i rlly rlly hope some seniors can help me outt
1) how many peribahasas is too much? Is 1 for every para okay or does it look weird?
2) is it true if i use peribahasa frm higher malay syllabus, the ppl marking wld give me more marks?
3) for section a in paper 1, how do i start it? My cikgu say its probably a reply to a blog (so not rasmi?) but idk how to startt. Also right how to sign off properly? Idt if i wanna say "yours sincerely" its "yang ikhlas" (or maybe it is and im just dumb)
4) kefahaman. Ok dudes i have a problem where i know the answer but idk whento stop writing. Sometimes i write too much and sometimes i write too little. Like example they ask "why is the writer upset" i see the passage it say hes sad cause he failed his exam. But the ans actually say "he sad cause he fail his exam that he worked hard for and that his parents are gonna kill him" but when i write long ans, the ans actually very short πŸ’€πŸ’€ so idk mans
5) this is abit of a me problem, but how do yall not get bored reading the mcq kefahaman? I swear i read one para my mind is alr somewhere else😭😭
Thanks u guys smm.
submitted by Lemonietea to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:47 whusler Uniform Sekolah : Murid ❌ Cikgu βœ…

Uniform Sekolah : Murid ❌ Cikgu βœ… submitted by whusler to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:32 Naruku_Senpai3861 Cikgu math be like:

Cikgu math be like: submitted by Naruku_Senpai3861 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:49 gtrrazif Creating Individual Graph

Creating Individual Graph
Hi and Good Day to everyone. my sample app is here.
My intention is if i clicked the individual graph, it will show the graph for the achievement on the right side red box in bar graph. So it will be easier to interpret the pupils' achievement rather than looking at the number like that. Any help is very welcome.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by gtrrazif to AppSheet [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:31 whusler Hari Guru

Hari Guru submitted by whusler to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:55 KraToast0000 Luahan Cuaca Panas

8 years experience with sales assist 5 years technician computer and laptop Can do sales door 2 door muka tebal asal rezeki bersih Tapi gila geng susah plak cari kerja ya mcm exp saya nie ndak di pakai sudah kah? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Asal interview Soalan lazim yang kena -speak chinese? -ada lesen? -ada pengalaman in excel or word? -ada pengalaman inventory management?
Damm bro~ no i dont speak chinese sorry bro dissappoint u. Lesen motor L jak Word excel canvas ms paint benda ni boleh belajar within 1 week saya ada pc walaupun jarang buka word boleh belajar no hal. Huh? Inventory manage? Susun stok boleh bah kira stok pun saya pandai ni hari keluar berapa in berapa pun saya boleh buat excel update also can. But not very cunlah~
Sometime i wonder all this stuffkan basic bah kan we all can learn and takkan masuk kerja kena buang mcm tu jak pandai2 buat kan?
Yang funnynya on 7th may saya interview kerja So everything was ok n great tgk resume semua ok tanya umur oklah 29 and then she ask me got spm i say yes well i admit my spm result are not that really great...then she boleh2 say Alah~ bos kamu punya BM is ' D ' Yes yes yes bm i D dont ask please. And then i was like huh..yeah bm saya D then she like tidak dapat nie kami mahu ' A ' and then i was ouh okay~~~ uh itu saja kah? Then she like ya itu saja maybe u can retake ur exam this year so for the next time can apply i was like ok ciau~ trus....
And then earlier this morning i got another interview I apply for clerk saya nak ubah career path why not apa salahkan? And then the bro say to me in kindly tone he said ' bro mcm nie susah u tidak ada pengalaman kerani tidak dpt nie bro ' And i say ' ok bah no hal tq bro ' then i continue to have small talk with him ask this n that why not kan maybe can buat kawan2 kan.
So now at home i wonder
First im 29 Maybe cause im old? Tak dapat ambil masuk kerja? Maybe lah kan...
2nd yes lesen motor L because saya baru ambil sebab susah cari kerja jadi nak ambil lesen kira2 nak buat food delivery. Before this naik bas. But still i prefer job that give me exp instead doing delivery please dont bash me im not saying good or bad ya.
3rd i try to change career path kan i notice that nobody mahu ambil orang yang 0 exp like mcm mana nak gain exp if company also dont give a chance?
4th already ask for resume takkan u guys cannot read or maybe thru phone text, call, or video call ask for confirmation about this n that panggil datang interview less then 2 minute talk still no job kadang2 saya tgk org yang tidak ada kenderaan susah bhai~ manatahu datang jauh2 interview last2 tak dapat.
5th got high education also no use If got 0 exp Got exp but spm D C D C also no use like bruh~ spm maybe~~~ matter but still ask for excel n word?? last time take spm 2012 cikgu tak ajar word, excel, photoshop, canvas benda nie saya sendiri discover di utube google sometime wonder eh mcm mana diarong buat nie pakai software apa....
Maybe karma too many pirate game i install kat pc even windows is pirate hahaha~
Frustrated~~ but still ok lah saya masih sihat ada rumah juga cukup makan minyak motor pun masih mampu beli lepak kedai makan roti canai still boleh teda hal hope the best for the next day lah~
Lastly gila cuaca panas geng pagi mandi habis interview pulang rumah mandi lagi wuah mahu 3 kali mandi. Thank you for reading hope u guys have a great day di dalam keadaan cuaca yang panas nie.
submitted by KraToast0000 to Sabah [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 16:20 naafeeeesaa Terima kasih.

Terima kasih kepada yang mendengar, membaca.
Jadi cikgu bukan senang... Aku assistant teacher pun tercungap dah sekarang ni.
Too much things has been going on.
When there's moon, there's also have light
Have faith.


submitted by naafeeeesaa to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:44 Assyraf99 Cikgu: *Apabila pelajar menghadapi masalah*

Cikgu: *Apabila pelajar menghadapi masalah* submitted by Assyraf99 to OkeyRakanMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:19 Physical-Trick-1542 Are my past cikgu evil?

5 year ago my parent decided to give tution on this teacher let's just called him cikgu Anne cause due to privacy reasons. The teacher tell me why can't you even learn and don't care cause I say I'm sucked it. The teacher say you so lazy and dreaming day by day. So she once kick me out of his house saying you don't had to learn right. And I was thinking what did I do like why don't the teacher like kick out most of her student but me? I feel upset like I didn't do anything wrong I just sucks at it. The teacher don't even care me anymore cause she claim I don't want to learn. Even I forgot to bring book she say get out of here then you don't even had to learn even tho I've forgot. So during pandemic I've quit cause the teacher was too evil. Which make my education worst now 5 year later I've had no time anymore in the next few year I'll be having spm. All thanks to that teacher I become sucks at education but I'm still not giving up cause I've had new tuition teacher that care my education rather than hate me but I already become too lazy at some point. But for now I'll still had chance to catch up my goal at some point.
submitted by Physical-Trick-1542 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:08 Relevant_Inflation54 Assalamualaikum, tumpang Tanya..

Ada yang tahu tak "hair pulling" (Trichotillomania) tu apa? Kalau tak tahu tak apa sini nak jelaskan.. Hair pulling ialah satu kondisi dimana seseorang akan mencabut rambut dlm jumlah yg menakutkan akibat stress. Sy berumur 12 tahun Dan sy telah 2 Kali dipanggil ke bilik kaunseling sbb sy ada hair pulling ni. Cikgu sy kata is melibatkan emosi Dan jika dibiarkan akan jadi lebih teruk boleh mengakibatkan seseorang itu depressed Dan bnh diri saya risau tapi bila sy cerita kat kawan semua tak percaya siap ckp Sy tipu lagi cikgu kaunseling sy ckp Cuba stop Dan kawal emosi Sy jenis cepat panas baran..bila stress mula lah cabut rambut Sy ada hair pulling sejak darjah 3 Sy tak tahu kalau ada masalah nak share ke siapa maklumlah ada sorang je kawan kat sekolah tu pun Sy selalu dilupakan siapa ada tips utk stop dri stress? Mohon share, Sy akan baca. Maaf membazir masa utk awk baca post ni. Sekian.
submitted by Relevant_Inflation54 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:55 3ezyk NUS vs NIE j1 mentoring

hi guys this is a very niche subject and would probably not get much response but this qn generally targeted to the MLEP kids in jc who went for the uni mentorship in j1
my cikgu is giving me some time to decide but i'm legitimately full on dilemma about this. it sucks more bc i didn't attend the briefing on this mentorship bc i had other things 😭😭
basically i was told briefly that the nie mentorship is more focused and in depth to the what and hows of teaching and that the workload is a bit heavier than the nus mentorship. and that the nus mentorship is more malay focused ie the sociology, history, literature bla bla bla of the malay community. i'm in quite the dilemma bc i still dk what i wna do after jc. but i can say that my backup IS teaching which is why i considered nie but apparently my senior says i can still do teaching with nus and nus is just generally "on a higher level" than nie? 😭😭😭
submitted by 3ezyk to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 08:37 kdjsfragment JPJ test

Had my on the road test today and passed my litar, but once I’m done with on the road test, my JPJ didn’t tell me whether i passed or failed? Is it normal? Didn’t let me to keep the paper either. Also, I’m very sure I didn’t do any kesalahan mandatori. Asked my cikgu and he told me if he didnt say anything, meant i failed but he told others that if the JPJ didn’t say anything, meant they passed.
Your thoughts?
Update: I passed! Turned out my cikgu didn’t actually know what the outcome was since hes outside so he checked once he returned to the office.
submitted by kdjsfragment to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 12:56 Rs_2_0 Ape beza binatang dengan haiwan???

Ape beza binatang dengan haiwan???
Cikgu aku suruh tanye aku jawapan dan aku pun tak tahu, otak aku kecil
submitted by Rs_2_0 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 10:01 Ancient-Molasses-897 Budak berlesen nak belajar

Salam abang2 riders, saya baru dpt lesen motor umur 18. Sebelum ni xpenah bawak motor. Waktu belajar cikgu kata pakai gear 2 je jd bile saya dh on the road sbb bwk gi keje dekat ngan rumah ni, saya gear 2 je memanjang. Kadang2 tu tau la kalau highway ke apa bawak gear 3. Tapi sebenae-benarnya cam mana nak tukar gear and bila nak tukar gear?
Edit: tq abang2 saya dh pandai skit
submitted by Ancient-Molasses-897 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 16:33 whusler Dulu cikgu cakap Gunung Kinabalu tertinggi di Asia Tenggara. Penipu scammer betul.

Dulu cikgu cakap Gunung Kinabalu tertinggi di Asia Tenggara. Penipu scammer betul. submitted by whusler to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 07:38 Key-Wedding-3640 NGL I don't like ujian segak back then and all I want on PJ are chill kicking ball(pause) football.

NGL I don't like ujian segak back then and all I want on PJ are chill kicking ball(pause) football. submitted by Key-Wedding-3640 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 03:52 Particular-House8338 Nak Tahu Macam Mana Nak Jadi Pro Marketer Dari Background Creative Multimedia

Hey wassap guys, saya baru belajar jadi marketer tahun ni. Tahun lepas memang fully buat graphic design/video edit. Early involvement dalam marketing is FB Ads, saya belajar basic untuk post engagement + traffic. Next saya buat homepage + salespage, boss tengok hasil kerja dan dia pun puas hati sebab website menjadi.
Tapi itu semua berubah selepas Fire Nation serang
The problem starts when I try to sell on FB Ads, few leads coming in but our salesperson (baru) can't close, no sales conversion from website. Company ada bayar sifu FB Ads datang coaching, tapi sayang bukan nak mengajar sangat nak upsell lagi service dia sampai mintak no boss. Input dia sikit sangat, nasib baik bayar 500 je
Tolong guys, saya dah buntu nak buat apa. Banyak je jumpa cikgu/sifu2 luar sana tapi risau sekadar jual air liur dan saya pun tak nak habiskan duit boss. Sebab boss saya memang sporting dan tak kedekut.
Setakat ni dah amek course e-commerce dari Ubaidullah Jaafar dan dari Udemy - Complete Digital Marketing Course
Terima kasih sudi baca, harap boleh tolong :' (
submitted by Particular-House8338 to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 14:28 mintoooooooooooo My future.

Hi saya umur 17(malaysia). Tahun ni ambik spm and honestly saya bukan takut about spm but more to what will i study in the future. Right now subject yang I ambik is account and perniagaan. Cikgu ada tanya, nak study apa or cita-cita apa in the future? Saya cakap saya tak tahu. And cikgu tu cakap saya tak boleh cakap tak tahu cause saya dah nak spm. Saya student average. My form4 results was okay, i got 3A3B2C and 1E. I'm not interested in account and business bolehlah but not really. And when I asked my friends semua dah ada university or kolej dorang nak masuk but I takde 1 pun yang terlintas dalam otak. Because I tak tahu nak study apa in the future...many people convince me yang there will be a lot of aliran in u and college later but I jenis yang takut buat something without basic knowledge. Like learning something new, even though I study account and business. What I want to ask there any good college or university in Malaysia that is recommended? And not too expensive...? And any aliran yang best or enjoyable? All I want is to be financially stable in the future.
submitted by mintoooooooooooo to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 12:49 Acceptable-List-4691 Fuyyoh. Best mat jadi cikgu. πŸ‘πŸ‘

Fuyyoh. Best mat jadi cikgu. πŸ‘πŸ‘ submitted by Acceptable-List-4691 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 05:45 Fluffy-Discussion166 Pedo teacher in local high school. Please spread the word to help the victim.

Pedo teacher in local high school. Please spread the word to help the victim.
Hope mods.don't take this down because this is a serious issue.
submitted by Fluffy-Discussion166 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 04:54 LifeReveal5841 Abang mengamuk adik lelaki 16 tahun dating dengan cikgu add math.

Abang mengamuk adik lelaki 16 tahun dating dengan cikgu add math. submitted by LifeReveal5841 to u/LifeReveal5841 [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 00:35 whusler Abang mengamuk adik lelaki 16 tahun dating dengan cikgu add math.

Abang mengamuk adik lelaki 16 tahun dating dengan cikgu add math. submitted by whusler to Bolehland [link] [comments]