Can dentists write medical notes

Neuropsychology: Links, Resources, and Discussion

2010.02.04 00:14 subtextual Neuropsychology: Links, Resources, and Discussion

Neuropsychology is both an experimental and clinical branch of psychology that aims to understand how cognitive functions (memory, attention, etc.) and behavior are related to brain structure and functioning. Although the focus is typically on how injuries or illnesses of the brain (i.e., pathological functions) affect cognition and behavior, it also includes the study normal (i.e., non-pathological) functioning, cognition, and behavior.

2013.07.10 22:21 Dvdrummer360 Medical Questions

Having a medical issue? Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods.

2011.08.28 07:24 Everything & Anything You Were Too Afraid To Ask

A place for any question you’ve ever been TooAfraidToAsk

2024.05.20 04:13 Actual_Beginning8463 Perfect For Avid Readers!

Perfect For Avid Readers!
"WEENZA™ BOOKMARKS" Perfect For Avid Readers!
🪄 #Weenza #DC 🇺🇲 #Motivation #Bookmarks Link:
submitted by Actual_Beginning8463 to u/Actual_Beginning8463 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:13 lxocall How can I improve my flow?

I make music and my main inspiration comes from BONES, $B, Bones Thugs, and 3-6. Another question I have is when it comes to write lyrics, how should I format them. I feel as if my lyrics sometimes screw my flow up. I here people talking about abac or some shit but I have no clue what that means. Also with triplet flow is it the lyrics broken into 3 parts or is it just the syllables? To anyone that can answer my questions I appreciate it.
submitted by lxocall to makinghiphop [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:13 guitar_guy3 Benzodiazepines have pulled me away from God (in a way). Please help!

Hi everyone. I'm new to the group and am seeking advice. I'm 49 yo male here. I've always been a Christian. I follow God's word, have written church choir music that's been performed, sang in my church choir, and always keep Jesus in the forefront of my mind and spirit. However, I've run into a problem. I have severe anxiety that I really can't control and my doctors prescribed me a low dose of Klonopin which is a Benzo (basically a tranquilizer). At first it was amazing. I was so calm and could do things I normally couldn't do. I stopped vomiting before having to go to work and felt good in general. However, something happens when taking this medicine. You build a tolerance and need more and if you don't get it you start to get really sick. I knew I didn't want to up my dose because I didn't want to be in that trap. However, I was left feeling like I was going crazy with heightened anxiety worse than previously on the medicine. I then wanted to come off it but learned you can have seizures and die if you don't do a LONG taper off it... like months to years of a taper. So I began to taper and got sicker and sicker with withdrawal symptoms. It was hell on Earth. When I say this I'm not kidding. I took my last minuscule piece of the Benzo April 12th. It's been a little over a month since. I shake uncontrollably, vomit a lot, can barely function, have been in the ER 3 times, have insomnia when I've never had problems sleeping, and the anxiety is amplified beyond belief. However, the scariest part, aside from the torture of this medication making me sick, is that there are no longer any emotions or passions left in me. I contemplate giving up but I'm a father of 3 children and a husband. I feel totally dead inside. Nothing in the world interests me and everything seems dreadful. I pray and pray but I feel like it's just talking to myself. In this situation it's unbelievable to me that God could just continue to be silent and let me do all the work of praying and trying to stay strong. I feel nothing spiritually due to these benzos. They've ruined me. The science behind it is that the GABA in my brain can not get through the broken receptors that provide the mind with calmness, passions, and the ability to defend against stress/anxiety. I guess I just have to wait for those receptors to heal so I can feel myself again which can take months to years. I'm not sure I'll make it that long. So that's why I'm here pouring my story out to you. Any word of advice for me from fellow Christians? Any bit of hope?
submitted by guitar_guy3 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 superboredest my 2 cents on tourniquets

First off: US doc board certified with no disclosures or conflict of interest here
Had to get on here to discuss a pet peeve of mine that I've seen come up over and over: tourniquets
I've never encountered a field medicine item with more controversy and misinformation circulating around it so maybe some of you will benefit from this.
In my humble opinion, and I say this as someone who's seen a good bit of tourniquet use in a controlled medical setting, for 99% of you these things are going to be useless tacticool garbage that's actually more likely to seriously injure or kill you.
Idk what your use case is for these, but unless you're regularly in live fire combat scenarios and can get near immediate high quality medical care, don't bother. Most bleeds don't require them, aka venous. Most wounds encountered in the field can easily be stopped with either regular or cauterizing gauze and pressure. Slapping a tourniquet on and leaving it on is just going to cost you an arm or leg. 6 hours max and that limb is dead. And unless you can get it amputated, so are you. That's assuming you even had it on right and tightened off properly, which most are probably not. In that sense, your stupidity might just save you from your own stupidity.
submitted by superboredest to tacticalgear [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 jackalopespaghetti Anxious about leaving my pet during my REU :(

I’m incredibly excited and grateful for the opportunity to participate in an REU this summer, but I can’t help feeling so sad about the fact that I have to leave my best friend (my kitty cat) for a whole summer :(
It’ll be the longest I’ve ever been away from him, and to add to the anxiety he is only just 5 months into healing from a near death medical complication…I don’t wanna leave him!!!Balancing the excitement of my program/research and the strong fear of being away from my cat is such a weird feeling. I wish I could stow him away with me and credit him as a coauthor on my research.
submitted by jackalopespaghetti to REU [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 gigi_2893 [Acne] Please help me figure out the issue with my acne-prone skin and what to do about it!

[Acne] Please help me figure out the issue with my acne-prone skin and what to do about it!
Hello! I’ve been struggling with acne since early teenage years. I’m currently 31 years old, and this is how my skin looks like.
As far as medications go, I’ve taken spironolactone for a while, which helped, but not as much, and I also took some antibiotics (I think doxycycline) which also didn’t have the best results and the acne came back. My dermatologist at the time highly recommended going on Accutane, but I wasn’t, and still am not, willing to take that route. Yet.
As far as prescribed topicals go, I was on Tretinoin for at least a couple years to no avail, and another topical antibiotic for a few months but can’t remember its name. But I haven’t been using neither of those in a few years now, though I’m considering to get back on Tretinoin!
As far as my current skincare goes, I wash my face twice a day with Benzoyl Peroxide 10%, use COSRX Snail Mucin, and moisturize with CeraVe daily moisturizing lotion, and end things with Centella sun screen. I’ve recently added Paul’s Choice 2% BHA Exfoliant, which i use a few times a week. When i wear makeup, I first remove it with micellar water, then wash with CeraVe hydrating cream to foam face wash, then wash again with Benzoyl Peroxide to end the day.
I never, ever sleep with makeup on or unwashed face. I change my bedsheets once a week, and I use a natural and non-irritating detergent. I don’t constantly touch my face, and I take care of my hair hygiene. I’ve checked my hormones by doing a blood test through my physician and an OBGYN and they said everything is normal.
At this point, I can only suspect my diet maybe? I do eat carbs and sugary things, but this seems beyond that! I’m considering to start getting professional facials, light therapy, micro-needling, and laser treatments. Any recommendations there considering what you see from my skin?
Any product recommendations and diet restrictions would be appreciated too. I’m a fan of less is more, and rather spend my money on a few treatments that would actually work and I’m willing to spend my money on them. Not a fan of having tweenty different products!
Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated! Help a girl out please!!🙏🏼
submitted by gigi_2893 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 Livid-Feeling-5586 Can using the likeness of a place in a story that includes crime and corruption get me in trouble?

I guess I need to repost this under the sensitive content flair, but I don’t honestly know what part of this post is considered sensitive. I’m just looking for some advice so please if anyone can help I’d greatly appreciate it.
I’m writing a story that’s just a reimagining or Romeo and Juliet in a modern time. I’m into books about crime and corruption as well as passion and romance. While doing some research and notes I found that there’s a town in New York called Verona that I think I want to base my story in. I don’t honestly know what kind of town it is whether it’s a quiet and calm town or a grunge run down place but the way I want to write it I’m leaning towards that latter. There’s also a casino which I’m looking to include but just call it by a different name.
My question is should I not use a real town as the main setting of my story if it includes criminal activity and corruption within government entities? My intention is not to “ruin the reputation” of a town, I just want to use the name and I think it’s more realistic to use a town that already exists.
Also if it IS ok, would having a casino named “XYZ” participating in illegal activities in Verona, NY be wrong when the real Verona,NY already has a casino that they are known for?
I haven’t gotten far enough into drafting to where it would be impossible to make changes if I should, I just want to know if what I’m doing is wrong or a bad idea. I know real world places get used in works of fiction all the time but is this situation questionable?
submitted by Livid-Feeling-5586 to writingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 Naganosupreme Crow Country- Beginning of the Game Recap and Review

Right off the bat, seeing a counter go down from 2024 to 1990 made me think there's some kind of flashback at play. Given the reverence the devs have for the past and the fact literal first second of the game is spent in 2024 (on a technicality), maybe we play across multiple characters and eras at some point? It could just be a nice visual gimmick telling the player the game takes place in 1990 but given the stellar reviews, Im expecting everything to have some kind of hidden purpose insttead of just being a gimmick.
And to follow up on that, Mara is very insistent she is Mara Forest and I better really remember that she is Mara Forest, Special Agent. Me thinks the lady dost insist too much! Given what I said before, I'm sure you know what Im already guessing about her identity.
First screen- a small, run down employee parking lot with an abandoned car covered in debris, some chain link around me and some trash bags sitting around. This screen gave me some time to figure out things, like I had no clue I could move the camera at first, thought it was like RE with tank controls and static images. A few screens later I'd look around while running down a straightaway and realize "Omg thats right, I can see this area in full 3D, it's not static. Oh cool look at the back of this thing! Oooo memos on the walls!" The notion I could look around for tons of info and puzzle? Loved it.
But Im getting ahead of myself. FIrst screen. Unlimited ammo in the trunk? You bet I started trying to shoot out car windows and objects. Nothing broke, I was sad. Welp, reload, lets go to the next screen. (There are some things to find here, so search around)
Ticket booth comment- lol.
I was asked if I want to pick stuff up and I quickly got the notion I should NOT pick up many items yet bc the ammo may be scarce, the car is loaded.
My assumption is I can keep reloading at the car early on to save ammo until the car gets compromised, then Ill be wanting all the ammo around the early areas of the park.
The moving mushrooms, staff memos and fog are all appropriately creepy as are the occasional spots of blood and an empty backpack. I skip the first area I can go into because I havent finished running all the way down this alley and I- oop, there's a guy. I had a small and a large med kit, you get the small one buddeh and you be grateful for it.
Later on I find out large med kits have antidotes and this guy also complains in my car about not feeling well. Uh oh. I think I was supposed to give him a large kit to stop him from monsterizing. I try shooting him through my window multiple times...Ok I tried shooting him in the dick when he was on the ground, too. Sue me, Im a 90s kid. BTW slight error, I hadnt aactually encountered any monsters yet but she tells the reporter she ran into a monster and it hurt her. I notice blood on her back, too. Now I DID step on a bear trap earlier so maybe having any damage triggers her to say that line? Or maybe she says it no matter what bc the devs assume I'd go forward and find trouble before heading all the way back to the car to check on this dude? Or did something happen to her before the game starts? Guess Ill find out.
I make note of the MULTITUDE of key holes, potential puzzles, codes on the floor, etc and finally encounter my first enemies in the hall. I get the distinct vibe they're reluctant to hurt me. After I go down the hall, save at the fireplace and exit, I let one attack me. It's just a push and then he sounds kind of broken up about it as I lie there dead. The fact I could still spin the camera while dead had me excited there'd be something unique that'd happen but after a minute I restarted. At this point, my veteran survival horror game instincts were like "yea, just run around these dudes, dont waste ammo"
I found a few more nice areas like the excavation site and saw something about Roots being disturbed by the excavation company. Very shady. between that, gold in a trunk and a book about the gold rush, Im expecting greed gone horribly wrong, releasing something like in Ghosts of Mars. But why are there so many humans contaminated? I get the feeling the park was closed and no one was there. It doesn't sound like there was a horrible publicized accident. Maybe they're the excavators? Doubt it. And then I find a mega skeleton man. By luck I got him stuck on a metal pipe near the crow, so I could pick easy close range headshots. Stilllll took forever, tons of wasted ammo. And he was super easy to avoid AND he dropped nothing. At that point I decided to restart, avoid grabbing most items and ammo and go from there.
Throughout, there is a great atmosphere of claustrophobic tension. Nothing revolutionary, just a great, well done vibe, excatly what it needs to be. Im dying to uncover the mystery of whats going on, why fake Mara...I mean Mara is here, why she's dying to meet Mr. Crow, what this monster outbreak is, etc.
Life gets in the way so Idk if Ill continue these write ups but I figured fans of the game might enjoy reading a breakdown and recap from the perspective of fresh eyes.
submitted by Naganosupreme to CrowCountry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 No-Nothing-9073 Relief for debilitating seasonal allergies

TL;DR— Nasacort and Singulair have changed my life for the better. Thanks to this thread for those recommendations!
I just wanted to share here (since this thread has been so helpful to me) that I’ve recently found significant relief in starting two new meds— one being Nasacort, a simple OTC spray, the other being Singulair (Montelukast), a Rx drug that I was hesitant to take for years due to its Black label warning from the FDA, but which has helped me tremendously.
Y’all shared in these threads that these medications had changed your life, and I’m so grateful because that gave me the push I needed to try them. I’ve always had pretty bad seasonal allergies, but after having COVID in 2022, my allergies went completely crazy. April through September were a nightmare. I could barely function, had terrible brain fog, debilitating symptoms, had trouble working, couldn’t go outside, began experiencing allergic asthma… the whole works. Hay fever all day every day. I had sinus infections that led to terrible bronchitis. I was living on multiple Zyrtec a day (which honestly didn’t touch my symptoms), Sudafed during the day, Benadryl at night, Flonase, Ipaproprium Bromide spray and a host of supplements (Quercetin, vitamin c, stinging nettle, I tried EVERYTHING. (And I mean everything— diet, breath work, acupuncture, Ayurvedic treatments, the lot.) The majority of “alternative” / natural remedies have helped a little, but they’re more an extra support for my symptoms… they really didn’t do a whole lot for me.
Someone on here recommended Nasacort. And while it took a few weeks to kick in, when it did, a TOTAL game changer. I am free of chronic postnasal drip for maybe the first time in years?! I cannot believe it. If you haven’t tried Nasacort yet, I highly recommend it. No negative side effects. Safe for longer term use.
Upon searching these threads for how to deal with allergic asthma, I read more about Singulair. I’d always been nervous to take it because it can have bad psychological side effects, but it was nearly my last resort. My allergist told me that some folks have bad side effects, but the majority of people tolerate it well. I’m thrilled to say it’s working SO well for me. (Full disclosure: I also take Wellbutrin, an antidepressant). Singulair makes you a little sleepy, so it’s recommended you take it at night. It can give you very vivid dreams, and in my case, that’s been true. Other than that, zero side effects. My dreams are weirdly way more fun now, lol. Singulair has eliminated my allergic asthma— I can now exercise outside now during allergy season and not have to spend the next day in bed. Hallelujah!
Anyways, as a lifelong allergy sufferer / long Covid allergy mystery, I just wanted to share that these meds have helped me tremendously and I hope everyone can get what they need this allergy season!
Extra disclosure— I am very early in this journey, so no way to tell yet how much it’s helping, but I’m doing allergy immunotherapy with my allergist. I started with shots, but started reacting with major swelling at a very low dosage of the subcutaneous injection, so he has switched me to SLIT— sublingual drops. They’re European dosing guidelines, so very high quality and a high concentration serum. I’m only one month in, so I can’t say decisively how much they’re helping yet because it’s a 5 year process, but I’m hopeful my full court press against my seasonal allergies does the trick.
submitted by No-Nothing-9073 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 Puzzled_Impress8929 a post in a sea of others

hello, i am suicidal. i have been suicidal for an awful long time but the thoughts stay dormant most of the time. i don’t find a reason in even posting this because the likelihood of anyone seeing this or even reading this far is low. but if you’d like to listen to my sob story feel free.
to start, i’m 16. and before you blame my hormones or just “growing up”, it isn’t. i’ve been on so many medications and trial and error tells me that the issue is within me somewhere. i’m a first born american from a long lineage of powerful people who have drive and verve in every aspect of life, i’ve seemed to miss that but i guess. ever since kindergarten i’ve been severely bullied for the way i presented myself; physical and social. i could never seem to get it right. once i began 2nd grade that was the first time i was ever conscious of my body and how much space my feelings took up and began bottling everything up. now as a sophomore in high school i’ve lost all drive and that bottle is about to shatter. i’m a druggie who can’t stop smoking weed every single night to cope with the fact that my pillows are wet with tears. i’m a burn out who went from a 3.8 to a 2.2. i’m a anorexic who lies to mom every night telling her i’m getting better. i’m a loser with no friends. i’m a fucking pariah who can’t keep a fucking talking stage going for more than a week. i could keep going but you get it i genuinely don’t know what i’m feeling, i feel like a fraud calling myself “suicidal” because i know i’ll never actually commit to it but i’m just wishing and praying that someday i’ll close my eyes and won’t wake up. i’m so fucking pathetic that sometimes i cross a high traffic road with my eyes closed or stand in front of the train tracks and hop off last minute. i just feel so helpless. every night i look at the lidocaine in my moms bathroom and wonder what would happen and how awful my mother would feel. the only reason i’m still breathing is for my mother. she the only light that keeps me going but i feel like soon that won’t be enough.
if you see this please help me i’m so lost
submitted by Puzzled_Impress8929 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 asneakyfatcat 1984. I've never even been to that sub and all I posted here was the price of silver.

1984. I've never even been to that sub and all I posted here was the price of silver. submitted by asneakyfatcat to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 lnfinite_jess Coolest elements added to game experience in Reload?

I've only played P5 and then started a run of P3 Portable, which I abandoned when I heard about Reload coming out. Since Portable was such a stripped down version of the game, I'm wondering how much Reload changes on the original.
People who've played the original and early P3 versions: what are the most refreshing or fun new elements added in Reload? Or least favorite changes?
It doesn't seem like they changed the story writing much, which in my opinion is the weakest part of an awesome game and story. Everything from main plot to social links are so awkwardly paced, dragged on and then rushed through a climax.
Comparing P5 to P3P I can see how Reload was stylized to feel more modern and fresh, like the interior design of Tartarus being more interesting and dynamic with some simple reskinning. I also love seeing how many callbacks to P3 there are in P5, like the Inari spirit duplicating skill cards vs artist with Inari mask who duplicates cards. Also all of Mementos being based on Tartarus, except it's going deeper and deeper underground into the subconscious underbelly of the city rather than higher and higher into the sky.
I think I liked Akihiko's original voice better, and I only played to the 3rd boss in Portable so my experience is limited but I feel like they even changed Aki's personality to be less emo and more jocky? Is that real?
Things I'm wondering if they were a thing before Reload: • Twilight Fragments? • Monad Doors? • cats in Tartarus? • Theurgy? • the "fawning girl" and brown-haired boy NPC saga where she's low-key stalking him bc she has a crush and then she kind of gets the ick and stops stalking him, then the boy misses the attention and starts stalking her instead?
submitted by lnfinite_jess to persona3reload [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 nurseyyjlat Ohio intent to sue letter (what to include) question

I am suing a previous employer due to wrongful termination, unsafe work conditions, which I reported and was ignored, resulting in the unsafe conditions affecting my own health for over a year. I can only say so much, but I have a strong case because all communications were documented and even though the employer lied, state agencies investigated their statements and found them to be not true. They lied and said that I quit when they actually fired me for voicing my concerns and reporting them to the facility DR, as a am a healthcare professional and patients had a specific disease, very contagious, which they refused to acknowledge even after I showed proof. They fired me for reporting this despite the patients being sick and needing medical treatment, and to not report this would be against the laws set forth for my specific license.
Anyways, I’m having trouble figuring out how to draft the intent to sue letter without going into great detail. I understand I need to furnish some type of proof, which I have a lot, but I keep saying too much, or not enough, and I’m going in circles at this point. I have medical records, records from state agencies, and proof in emails/messages that they recklessly sent me not thinking anyone would consider taking legal action, where they are blunt about firing me and the reasons.
I know I have a strong case, and I am unsure of how to draft my intent to sue, and also lost as to how much I should ask for. This condition caused me to be unable to work for many months and I understand I can go through workers comp but they also wrongfully fired me and I don’t feel like jumping through hoops while they mess with me as they have private insurance. I quit my job of several years to work for this company and within a month was fired for doing my job and not hiding things like they wanted me to.
What type of proof is considered being efficient at meeting the burden of proof for a civil case in Ohio? How much should I include, and should my letter detailing the situation be separate from the intent to sue letter? Should I include all of my records? I want them to understand I have a strong case because I am sure they will be found liable by a jury if it goes that way. But, I’d rather just settle quickly because I am very busy and am actually studying for my LSAT as I decided to go a different way after my experience with this employer. It cost me about $5,000 out of pocket, lost maybe $15k in wages, and myself and family are still seeing specialists due to this issue. Though it seems as if we are nearly recovered a year later.
Is it reasonable to ask for $20k? What proof should I include, and how detailed should my explanation be? Should I address this to the company by their Ohio business name or their contact information/representative off of the Ohio business name search records? Should I include specific names etc? Thanks for any information you can give me, I know I’m asking quite a bit.
submitted by nurseyyjlat to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 Billiefaye Does anyone else think that their binge eating is triggered by a chemical imbalance in their brain?

I noticed when I play around with the medication or supplements I am taking it drastically affects how much I feel like binging. When I stopped my antipsychotic and started a more natural supplement called Sam-e all my desires to binge went away. Then when i abruptly stopped the sam-e I binged for a week straight. I started Sam-e again 3 days ago. And hav not desired binging since. It feels like legal ecstasy for my mind. But I hav to take care not to take too much because then I can’t sleep
submitted by Billiefaye to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 Gloriklast Even more spoiler free reviews for NOP side stories

Round 3 baby.
You know the drill this is all my opinion.(and if you don’t know the drill see the previous lists below)
First review list:
Second review list:
Venlil foster program
-All the characters are great
-Aliens actually try to understand human habits even ones they think are dangerous
-Love to get a more ‘on the ground’ perspective on venlil prime
-Partially ruined by certain pieces of character development being undone in sequel but not as bad as HE
9/10 woulda been 10/10 were it not for its god awful sequel
Nature of omnivores
-Very fun setting
-Gives a better idea of how Cilanys broadcast impacted the entire galaxy
-Characters are generally pretty reasonable and likeable
8/10 Fun story all around and archeology is cool so bonus point for that
Arxur mini series
-Kaisals appearance in the main story was big pay off for this one in particular
-Nice to get an Arxur perspective before Chief Chad Isif came along
-Characters generally make smart decisions and the action is rock solid
10/10 Would be 8/10 but Kaisals appearance in the main story WITH HIS DEVELOPMENT LARGELY INTACT really elevates this as part of the NOP mythos
Zurulians miniseries
-All the characters are great
-Did a great job showing what happened when emergency order 56 was violated
-This is Lars first appearance shame he never got into the main story
-Romantic side plot is actually decent
-I’m pretty sure the Zurulian couple appears in the main story(I forget)
9/10 Don’t got much more to say on this one other than IT GOOD
Captain Coth chapter
-The first Arxur perspective, really gives an insight into how non-defective Arxur view humans that would be greatly expanded on Kaisals story
8/10 that’s all I can say, it’s a good one shot that gave us insight into the Arxur perspective so it could be expanded on.
Tyler chapter
-Fun wholesome moments with Tyler and Nulia
-Greatly aided in characterizing Tyler
7/10 Short but sweet
Cheln chapter
-Proves anyone who says Cheln has had largely negative interactions with humans wrong
-Does a great job of showing what happened in between first contact and the setting up of the original exchange program with the venlil
-Even compared to the one shots that would come out after it, it’s writing is very simplistic(which isn’t totally a bad thing)
8/10 This chapter didn’t need to exist but it enriches the setting just a tiny bit more by doing so and it was the first bonus chapter meaning the others wouldn’t exist without it
submitted by Gloriklast to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 Deekkuli Just binged the series in three days and wanna share my thoughts

I binged the whole series in 3 days (i work remotely and have usually nothing to do during my night shifts lmao) and Upload really got me hooked. Despite it's big flaws, it still was a fun show to watch, not sure how i didn't know about until now, the premise is something that is really up to my alley.
But yeah i thought i wanted to share some of my thoughts.
First, fuck Matteo. That guy was just such a toxic insecure ass creep.
I think the series lost some of its magic after the first season. Maybe it's just me who loves when romance is at is "edging phase". It was satisfying to see Nathan and Nora finally meeting up in real life and being a couple and acknowledging and overcoming the difficult parts that happens with long-distance partners.
I was also happy that the show did keep making fun of or showing the faults with AI and the enviroment it provides, but i still think it could've shown lot more, like the psychological aspects of it.
I loved the growth on Ingrid. It was really really slow but i think it was fitting how slow her character progression was, i'm happy that her character didn't go to full evil manipulate snob girlfriend and instead progressively got better and we saw her trying to understand herself more and through that, becoming a better person.
Loved the outgoing gag how most of the calls ended up with the other caller feeling like the call ended way too shortly for them.
I think this shows strength is in its characters, the story is fun and entertaining, but with lot of holes and weird decisions in it.
Before i get into talking or ranting about weird decisions or of the plot holes in the show (please correct me if i got something wrong or missed something), i want to say my piece about the ending when Nathan called everyone and said there's only one of him left.
I think both Nathans still exist. I know many think the backup Nathan is the one existing because when Nathan called, we could see a gray background and backup Nathan was running towards it, despite being dragged away from it in the end. I think showing Nathan with that background is just a red herring. I'd say that it was the real Nathan calling and backup Nathan is being held as a prisoner or a hostage somewhere because he might still be a valuable source of information to the big bad company.
Now, about things i'm kind of WTF about
  1. I know i said i hate Matteo but i still find it weird how after he died, dude was just forgotten. Nora still had history with him and all but no mention of his death after his death scene.
  2. Jamie being dead, or, supposedly at least. Like, they saw him the memorial stuff about Nathan and Jamie and it was just brushed off. Shouldn't that been a bigger deal? They were just like "oh, he's dead". He was Nathans best friend and Nathan with their last call did make it clear that they can still clear things between them eventually so it's weird that Nathan didn't seem to care at all.
  3. Noras dad. First season made such a big deal about him dying and how much it affects Nora and how she has already lost her mother and all. Season 2 and 3 just forgot about him and his dying ass is probably still sitting in the woods with no proper healthcare. Nora didn't even mention him and or worry about her family and all in the season 2 and 3.
  4. The cult/the bludds. In the end, it was just Nora, Matteo, and Ivan doing stuff. There were some cult goons with them at the body factory but yeah. The weird ass cultish priest was also just a plot thread that didn't lead to nowhere.
  5. Ingdrid in season 3 was broke and poor but still afforded her luxurious apartment and was able to keep pay for backup Nathan to stay in Lakeview ? Wtf lol
  6. Writers just really forgot Fran. What even was the point of her. Last we saw her, was that a car she was in drove Fran to her death and no mention after. Super weird and stupid.
  7. WHY the FUCK was real Nathan at the courthouse in the season 3 last episode ??
  8. Why didn't they tell Ingrid maybe not to mention that there is a backup Nathan and real live Nathan ??
  9. The kid from season 1 was just really forgotten after making it seem like he'll be in a big minor character role lmao. I don't really mind tho, didn't care for him but still weird.
All in all, fun lovely show, nice balance between comedy, drama and mystery. Some really bad writing there and there but the premise is interesting enough to forgive some of it.
Will be looking forward to season 4.
submitted by Deekkuli to UploadTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 simonphoenix1910 65 Sony XBR Crapped Out - Advice on a new 75 or 85'

My 65 inch Sony XBR (about 7 years old) is in a continous re-boot mode. Google OS keeps starting, crashing and starting. YES - tried the factory reset but via the on screen prompts, it dies before I can get to the command. When I try the hard reset (power + volume down on back TV buttons) nothing occurs, so I'm afraid I'm out of options. Note - she crapped out 2x before and I did a factory re-set and have been running on a FireStick so I feel this is the end, which I'm ok with as I got a solid 7-8 years.
Question - I don't want to cheap out, nor do I need a Ferrari. Can anyone recco a nice 75 or 85 inch TV and what brands I should be leaning toward or against? Was thinking Samsung, but I'm reading Sony is superior and is 60 vs 120 refresh that big of a deal? I prefer Android, having Android mobile, but that's not a deal breaking. Seeing some Samsungs 85's for $999 ish, but dont want to regret it long term. TIA.
submitted by simonphoenix1910 to 4kTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 kishmallow *Friends* take my help for granted

TLDR: title
Man, why the hell my choice off friends bad...1 toh, I have to half of job for them like answers do, notes do, then backfire on me ki why have I write it wrong. Khud likhlo. Write it on your own. You are dependent on me. And I am a human. You can't just ask for help and then expect me to be 100% right. They were litteraly forcing me to send all of the answers to u have the same google as me.
Abhi robh jhar rahhe hai ki why have I wrote it wrong. Use ur common fucking sense. I will fix it on paper. Trust me I would love to score higher than you. They don't deserve being helped. From next sem I ain't doing anything for these dumb people.
Now if u say - 'make new friends' our class strength is barely 30....its too late to join another squad.
submitted by kishmallow to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 IthadtobethisWAAGH Of Cults and Fanfiction

Of Cults and Fanfiction submitted by IthadtobethisWAAGH to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:09 SarArchie_3026 Poop situation

The show intentionally begins with the poop situation as the first main problem and I believe this is the premise of the whole show.
Hear me out - The episode with 8's entrance to the show, shows her throwing her clothes in the chute and burning them. The chute then cleans up and empties, disappointed 8 (imo speculation here) wanted to see if it would burn the place down but doesn't. I wonder why the other smokers in the show didn't try incinerating their poop bags in the chute? I can't recall such a rule was ever mentioned that they can't.
Or maybe she knew and didn't wish to share it with the rest to assert an upper hand from the start and create the class divide - with the shit situation? Our psychology is to automatically accept our 'state' as lower when we compare ourselves with the wealthier. And the lower class is psychologically tuned to work towards being upper class - most of the time in conflict with their morals and losing focus on what actually was the real goal of being there in the first place- (e.g.: #1 desperation to kill himself for insurance fraud to pay for his daughter hospital stay quickly changed to him aiming to switch to higher floors- and he ends his life knowing he was being greedy instead of thinking he had an equal chance of deserving it). I personally think #4 was astute in her behaviour (and cleverly portrayed herself as a bootlicker bimbo to #1) but she was one of the few that removed herself from the fake class divide created by the game and focused on winning money.

8 didn't just own the game but I feel she created new rules that the viewers on the other side of the camera enjoyed - poop situation being one, holding back on food as a punishment to force them to accept the poop situation and the stairs game she created on the whim and made everyone believe it to be the way to earn time. At one point I even believed she was one of the people planted by the viewers to create such situations.

Side note: Korean entertainment have a way of showcasing social class divide via the use of highs and lows, views and size of rooms and space which I always find intriguing & gripping (Other shows like platform, parasite also share such scenes that is so relatable and anguisingto middle class viewers).
submitted by SarArchie_3026 to The8Show [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:09 Fun-Brain9922 The pelican leaving with only 1 person or with no one is un-fun and un-needed

As the title implies this seems like an example of a mechanic nobody really wants (or at least i dont). Its like being killed inside the pelican, it's just no fun.
I played two missions where this happened recently and wanted to highlight them and then discuss what makes this mechanic unenjoyable for me.
I played a match last night where we were working though a tough level 9 nuke mission. By the end we had mostly cleared the map and were out of all of our reinforcements. We were all at extract and called it in. This is where it got dicey, we had two bug holes open up just before the pelican started flying in. Two bile titans spawned and proceeded to walk straight through the extract Zone. We appropriately backed up and started working our way through clearing these two bug holes before we extracted. Then we went to extract and the first person boarded and it immediately flew away. All our samples gone in the wind and a sour taste in our mouths. So i had heard about this happening before but I thought there would be some sort of call out or a visual indication (maybe i missed it in all the chaos). Just felt bad but at least i know i need to be careful next time when there is too much to going on.
Second instance: I played a match earlier today, a level 7, rescue the civilians (45 min mission) on Helmire. This was the match that made me decide to write this post. Everything was going swimmingly right up until extract, we had essentially full cleared the map. We got crowded out from the extraction by the bugs and then three fire tornadoes came in which made it impossible to get to the shuttle, i had all the samples, this time we had time to drop them and i figured it was only going to take one. I stimed and made a dash for the door through the fire (my team waiting to see i got in safely), then the shuttle simply left... Yes without me, seconds before i would have been onboard. It left the whole team behind. It must have taken too much damage and there was simply nothing we could have done to get on to the shuttle. 45 minutes wasted and all the samples disappeared. Seriously WTF.
Let me say this is an un-fun mechanic and should 100% be removed. 1. No where does it state this happens. The only way to prepare is have it happen to you and upset you. Now that not initially a problem but it is a problem when it is counter intuitive too what you learned in level 1-6 as you work your way up too level 7-9(where this could happen more likely). 2. How are you supposed to know the shuttle is going to leave with only 1 person or simply just leave??? (maybe i missed a cue?). This should be so obvious it hurts, there is alot going on most of the time and this is one cue you do not want to miss.
Listen maybe i have this all wrong and this mechanic is perfectly fine, if you believe so please let me know how this mechanic aids the gameplay or atmosphere in any way and why this was the best solution?
Also side notes things i learned today while playing: You can be killed it the pelican (could have sworn you became invincible in the shuttle? Maybe this got reverted from that patch) *SUPER IMPORTANT, if you leave the pelicans range just as its flying in you can make it hover and shoot stuff and its says its waiting for hell divers to get to the exact zone before its lands (shooting everything around it, super useful in a pinch)
Tldr: the pelican leaving with only 1 person or just leaving you all behind is un-fun, un-called for and just un needed. You can die in the pelican while waiting on that last teammate to jump in. Read the super important note above for a cool trick i learned.
This game may not be for everyone but as a lvl74 i hope this game is still for me.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Fun-Brain9922 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:09 j_blackrose BP meds and weight gain. How to talk to doc about it and get them to listen.

Short version anxiety induced hypertension. Especially white coat variety. In 2020 gained 30lbs on Metropolol on absolutely the lowest dose available and had bad orthostatic hypotension. The weight came on suddenly. Stop meds because of the uncontrollable weight gain. 2024 having massive medical issues that required surgery BP spikes again and I elect to go on meds pre surgery. Within a week on Lisinopril I put on 10lbs OH starts again. Within four months I've gain 20lbs.
I tried to talk to my PCM pointing out the sudden weight gain after being weight stable for so long. Also the OH returning. He started me on 30mg. He only was willing to drop me to 20mg. My BP is normal even a bit on the low side. My "high BPs" before meds were 150/90 range depending on how worked up I was during an appointment. Depending If I was having an active anxiety attact or not.
My PCM is not inclined to allow me to stop. He mentioned he also doesn't know what else I can try since I'm having the same issues on both Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors. Any advice on how to get a doctor to listen or any options that would be better in terms of weight gain and OH side effects.
My diet is good. My exercise seems not to be a factor. Since I was highly active in 2020 and now since I'm recovering from surgery not active for obviously reasons. The only consistent contributing factor is the meds.
submitted by j_blackrose to bloodpressure [link] [comments]